You're Invited To A:: Story Book Christmas Brunch

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zZeta Xi

The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International Alpha State, Texas Area XIV Midland, Texas #158 President, Lois Hagins Editor, Patti Groce 2012 Volume 19 Issue 7 November, pgroce@midland.e Vision Statement: Leading women educators impacting education worldwide du
Mission Statement: The Delta Kappa Gamma society International promotes professional and personal growth of women educators and excellence in education.


Youre Invited to a: Story Book Christmas Brunch

Date: Saturday, December 1, 2012 Program: Traditional Storybook Christmas Brunch Bring your favorite breakfast delight to share and help prepare childrens books for distribution. Time: 9:30 Place: Joy Cunninghams DeZavala Elementary Library Extraordinaire 705 N. Lee Street Directions: DeZavala is located off Lamesa Road. (Lamesa Road is not the road to Lamesa. To go to Lamesa the town, take Big Spring Street. You will not be going to Lamesa December 1, you will be going to DeZevala Elementary) The Lamesa Road where DeZevala is located is east of Big Spring Street and Main Street. If you follow Cuthbert until you reach Lamesa Road, then make a right on to Lamesa Road, drive north for 5 or 6 blocks. Look left, you can see the back of DeZavala Elementary from Lamesa Road.

International Potluck and World Fellowship Auction A Success

Everyone enjoyed the International flavor of our potluck dinner at Nancy Dosss home for the November 5 meeting. It was fun finding out which of the eighteen Delta Kappa Gamma member countries were visited by our Zeta Xi members. Also hearing the reason that certain recipes from those member countries were chosen was very interesting. Members had a chance to research their chosen country on the internet or in recipe books to find a recipe, call a friend or relative originally from one of the countries, or recall and replicate a recipe experienced from one of the Delta Kappa Gamma member countries. How wonderful to have conversations with some of our international Delta Kappa Gamma sisters. The International Potluck ranged from Swedish Meatballs to Teriyaki Chicken to German Potato Salad to Apple Cake from Norway. All the food was delicious. Thank you to all the talented cooks in our chapter. The World Fellowship Auction held the same night had some wonderful auction items. Zeta Xi members have wonderful taste and great shopping skills. Thank you to Kathy Landrum for her hard work in organizing the event and for matching our donations. We raised $254.50 to donate to the World Fellowship Fund which furthers education in impoverished countries.

Save These Dates

January 7, 2013Girls Night Out at Johnny Carinos at 6:30. June 20-22, 2013-- 84th Texas State Convention at the Austin Renaissance Hotel July 17-20, 2013-- Southwest Regional Conference at the Branson Hilton in Branson, Missouri. July 28-Aug 1, 2014--International Convention held at the J. W. Marriott in Indianapolis, Indiana.

Remember to wear your membership pin and wear red to enter your name in the drawing for a door prize. Red is the color of Christmas (lucky for us). Remember to bring your favorite breakfast or brunch delight for the Storybook Christmas Brunch. Please bring a copy of your recipe to share. Remember to bring your magazines for Casa de Amigos and toiletries for Safe Place. Remember to bring birthday pennies for your December and January birthday. Dont forget you can read this newsletter and view more member pictures online at thanks to our wonderful webmaster Susan Harmon. If you have pictures you want included on our website, e-mail those to Susan. Susan has also included links to State and International websites on our website. Just hover over the web address and click twice to access the website.

Happy Birthday to Members

Happy Birthday to ladies born in December.

December Birthdays

12-Patsy Ward 17-Linda Brown 19-Kerry Kay Cook

Zeta Xi Member News

Have you heard?
Susan Harmon visited her daughter Dara in Chile over Thanksgiving. Dara finishes her volunteer program teaching English in La Serena, Chile, soon and will be home for Christmas. Speaking of Susan Harmon, Susan has been selected as a participant for the 2013 Texas State Organization Leadership Seminar, which will be held February 8-10, 2013 at the Hyatt Regency North Dallas/Richardson. The curriculum of the seminar is based on the book Strengths Based Leadership by Tom Rath and Barry Conchie. Much of the seminar will be focusing on ideas presented in this book. Congratulations, Susan for being recommended and selected for this wonderful leadership training. Jann Pullig has been in the hospital again but, is now home. Please keep Jann in your prayers. Kerry Kay Cook sent a nice note that she enjoyed seeing Cirque Holidaze with the tickets she won at the last Zeta Xi meeting. Tickets were donated by Susan Harmon since she was traveling to Chile. Joy Cunningham spent Thanksgiving in Dallas with her children and grandchildren. Kathy Anderson has been volunteering at First Baptist Church teaching ESL classes. Lois Hagins was seen with her daughter enjoying the hilarious production of 39 Steps at the Midland Community Theatre. Patti Groce volunteered at the Midland Community Theatre as usher at the hilarious production of 39 Steps. (We get member news anyway we can). Lois Templeton and Sandy Hammontree enjoyed the PBS Ken Burns documentary about the Dust Bowl. Natalie Eustace wrote a wonderful article for the Lone Star News Winter 2012 edition. The article is on page 10 which you can read if you follow the link provided on the Zeta Xi website

Wishes to everyone for a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

DKG Week of Caring Set

The Personal Growth and Services Committee has set the DKG Week of Caring for March 3-9, 2013. The purpose for the week of caring is for each chapter to select a project or projects to help in their communities. Projects suggested include: Volunteering to read to a classroom, taking muffins to a schools workroom, sending notes to the new teachers, visiting an assisted living community where a retired member lives, or taking items to a local shelter. Of course, each project varies and is tailored to each chapters community. If you have an idea about a project that you would like Zeta Xi to participate in the week of caring, please contact Lois Hagins. After the project is completed, we will share the results of our project with the State Personal Growth and Services Committee Chairman Lynda Anderson.

Sharing is Caring

Annie Webb Blanton Exhibit

A special exhibit at the Bob Bullock Texas History Museum in Austin called Women Shaping Texas contains the stories of women and womens groups who have influenced the state of Texas. Included in this exhibit is Delta Kappa Gammas founder Annie Webb Blanton for her contribution to and influence of education. The exhibit will run from December 8, 2012 to May 19, 2013. Delta Kappa Gamma Society Headquarters loaned several of the artifacts to the museum for the exhibit including a gavel presented to Blanton in 1930, her mortarboard, and a postcard with Blanton and her car Prudence pictured. If you are in Austin during the exhibit, please take the time to view all of the womens stories featured in this exhibit and especially Delta Kappa Gammas own Annie Webb Blanton.

Zeta Xi Chapter The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International Chapter Meeting Minutes

Alpha State Texas November 5, 2012

Nancy Doss home was the site of the November meeting and World Fellowship Auction. Prior to the meeting, attendees sampled international fare contributed by members. The food was representative of the 18 countries with Delta Kappa Gamma Chapters. President, Lois Hagins, called the meeting to order at 7:40. Former Midlander and Delta Kappa Gamma member, Cherry Whigham was introduced. and welcomed as a transfer into Zeta Xi chapter. Guests, Margorie Ulmo and Donna Vaden, were introduced. Kylie Millican was introduced as the evenings initiate. Dorothy Blair, Membership Chair, conducted roll call. Members responded by naming which countries of the 18 countries with DKG affiliation they had visited. Also members told the story about the recipe and the country they had chosen. First Vice-president, Patti Groce thanked everyone for the success of the International Potluck Dinner. Minutes were approved as reported in the newsletter and will be filed. Treasurer, Susan Harmon, reported 4 out-of-towners have responded with dues. The resignations of Maggie Artley, Peggy Osborn, and Maridel Watkins were reported and accepted. World Fellowship Chair, Kathy Landrum, thanked members for the items brought to the silent auction, stating the scholarship monies raised are love offerings to needy and deserving foreign recipients. Kathy will again match $80.00 of the monies raised Storybook Christmas Co-Chair, Ann Andrews reported additional books will be purchased to match increased local enrollments. Co-chair, Pat Adams, encouraged members to recommend persons in Greenwood as potential donors and to watch for Stewart Doreens feature article about Storybook Christmas. Members were reminded the December first meeting will be the Christmas brunch at DeZavala School library; books will be ready for the Storybook Christmas label and distribution to schools. Anita Patton offered members the opportunity to participate in another Zeta Xi fund raiser; 2003-2012 Texas State Capital Ornaments may be ordered. The price is still $20.00. The initiation of Kylie Millican was conducted by Ceremony Chair, Anita Patton and President, Lois Hagins. Kathy Landrum reminded attendees to check their silent auction bids and to pay Susan Harmon. The meeting was adjourned with congratulations to Kylie Millican.

Respectfully submitted, ________________________ Jan Perkins, Secretary _____________________ Lois Hagins, President

Letter from Lois

Ladies, What a delightful meeting we had this month. I really enjoyed hearing all the stories about the way we each came about our recipes for each country. The food was delicious and the fellowship great. Welcome to our two new members Cherry Whigham as a transfer and our newest initiate Kylee Millican. We are delighted to have you as members of our chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma. You ladies are so generous. As of the last count, we had $250+ to donate to World Fellowship. Thanks to all of you and especially Kathy Landrum for all she does to keep this project going. I trust you had a great Thanksgiving with family and friends. Now we need to prepare our books for Storybook Christmas for the children of Midland County. I am so proud of our chapter for continuing to give to the children of our community in such a meaningful way. As educators we know the value of being able to read. Thank you for all the work you do to promote reading beginning with our first graders through Storybook Christmas. Remember we will meet at DeZavala Elementary Library on Saturday, December 1, at 9:30 to put nameplates in the books for distribution. We will not have a regular meeting in January but, Patti Groce has made arrangements for a "girls night out" at Carino's on Monday, January 7. I hope that each of you slows down and savors the joys of the Christmas season. Grace and peace,

Lois Hagins

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