ZetaXifeb2013 Newsletter

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The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International Alpha State, Texas Area XIV Volume 20 Texas Midland, Issue

1 #158

zZeta Xi News

Vision Statement: Leading women educators impacting education worldwide

President, Lois Hagins Editor, Patti February, 2013 Groce pgroce@midland.e du

Mission Statement: The Delta Kappa Gamma society International promotes professional and personal growth of women educators and excellence in education.

March Zeta Xi Meeting

Date: Monday, March 4, 2013 Program: MedicareFact and Fiction Speaker: Erik Wilkinson, Unit Associate Director of the Texas Tech University Health Science Center Time: 6:30 p.m. Place: 1800 Castleford Rd. Polo Park Clubhouse Directions: Polo Park is located north of Loop 250 on Garfield. Drive north on Garfield under the Loop 250 overpass. Make a right on Castleford at the Polo Park Retirement Center. Castleford is the street directly behind the Colonnade Shopping Center. The Polo Park Clubhouse is on the corner of Polo Park and Castleford. Hostesses: Heather Bostic, Kerry Kay Cook, Patti Groce, Marsha Boykin, and Jann Pullig

The mission of the TTUHSC Libraries is to meet the curricular, research and patient care information needs of TTUHSC students, faculty and staff - and by extension, the biomedical information needs of West Texas communities and residents. The library system has collections in excess of 319,000 bound volumes, and electronic subscriptions of over 50,000 eBooks and 25,000 e-Journals.

New Year Is Fast and Furious


It is hard to believe that it has been three months since our wonderful Storybook Christmas Brunch. The food was delicious, as always, and everyone had a great time preparing the books for distribution to every 1st grader in Midland County. Thanks to Joy Cunningham for providing the DeZevala Elementary Library to conduct this much beloved meeting of the year. Also thank you to all the members for your contributions of money and time. A special thank you goes to Ann Andrews, Joy Cunningham and Pat Adams for keeping the community involved and giving money to this project. January was our special Girls Night Out at Johnny Carinos Restaurant. All who attended were sharing their holiday experiences and plans for the new year. Program plans were changed in February since the new Midland County Centennial Library was not ready for tours without hardhats. Members met at the Midland College Fasken Learning Resource Center with Director John Deats as the tour guide. Mr. Deats shared with the chapter how the Midland College collection could be accessed through home computers and the other services available for community patrons. Many were interested in enrolling in Mr. Deats movie class offered through the College Classics Program. This has been a busy first three months for Zeta Xi members. We also held our Scholarship Untea thanks to Susan Harmon our untea tea master and chapter treasurer. If you have not made your contribution, Susan is still accepting donations for scholarships supported by our chapter through the Untea.

Save These Dates

June 20-22, 2013for the 84th Texas State Convention at the Renaissance Hotel in Austin, Texas. July 17-20, 2013for the Southwest Regional Conference held at the Branson Hilton in Branson, Missouri. August 3, 2013-- for the ASTEF Alaska Cruise. Sail from Vancouver, British Columbia and visit Ketchikan, Juneau, Skagway and Anchorage. July 28-Aug 1, 2014for the International Convention held at the Indianapolis Marriott in Indianapolis, Indiana.

Remember to wear your membership pin and enter your name in the drawing for a door prize. Remember to wear red to show our society color.
The personal growth committee asks that we bring canned goods to the March meeting for the food pantry at Memorial Christian Church in support of the Delta Kappa Gamma Week of Caring.

Please bring your magazines for Casa de Amigos and toiletries for Safe Place. Remember to bring birthday pennies for any recent birthday you may have celebrated. Remember that April will be a special initiation ceremony with Epsilon Eta at Manor Park. If you have someone you are recommending for membership, please do so by the March meeting. Dont forget to mark May 4 on your calendars for our Founders Day Luncheon and Style Show. Dont forget you can read this newsletter and view more member pictures online at www.zeta-xi.org.

Happy Birthday to Members

Happy Birthday to all celebrating birthdays in January and February. January
8-Peggy Osborne 13-Ann Andrews 14-Carol Hartman 17-Heather Bostic 22-Virginia Conner

15-Dorothy Thompson

Zeta Xi Member News

Have you heard?
Nancy Doss has been asked to serve on the steering committee for the 2014 DKG convention in Lubbock. Susan Harmon attended a DKG leadership class in Dallas the weekend of February 8, 9, and 10. Susan must have impressed, because she was then asked to serve on the committee for the next leadership class of 2015. Natalie Eustace has been nominated to serve as the recording secretary for the state DKG. The area DKG presidents met to discuss plans for the Founders Day Meeting in May. Dolly Benson (our 50 year DKG member last year) has a new address. Her phone number remains the same 214-793-9727. Mrs. Dolly Benson The Wellington at Arapaho 600 West Arapaho Apt. 1022 Richardson, TX 75080 Sue Wright, Theta Mu and Delta Kappa Gamma sister from Odessa, passed away in December from an aneurism. Jackie Hamilton, Zeta Xi member, passed away on February 1. Wednesday, February 27, 2013 is Legislator Lobby Day in Austin at the State Capitol in the Capitol Grille Dining Room. If you plan to attend, contact Tim Lee, with TRTA, or Ann Finckel, with TCTA. They have questions for you to ask of your senator and representative. Sandy Hammontree is planning to attend her high school reunion (Keyes, Oklahoma) in May. Pat Adams is a fan of the television show Glee. Some say the show is addictive. Patti Groces husband is home after 24 days in the hospital. He is slowly recovering from radiation treatments with the help of Hospice Midland.

Zeta Xi Chapter Chapter Meeting Minutes

The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International

Alpha State Texas November 5, 2012

Nancy Doss home was the site of the November meeting and World Fellowship Auction. Prior to the meeting, attendees sampled international fare representative of the 18 countries with Delta Kappa Gamma Chapters and contributed by members. President, Lois Hagins, called the meeting to order at 7:40. Former Midlander and Delta Kappa Gamma member, Cherry Whigham was introduced. and welcomed as a transfer into Zeta Xi chapter. Guests, Margie Ulmo and Donna Vaden, and Kylie Millican were introduced. Dorothy Blair, Membership Chair, conducted roll call. Members responded by naming countries visited, more specially, any of the 18 countries with DKG affiliation. First Vice-president, Patti Groce thanked everyone for the success of the International Feast. Minutes were approved as reported in the newsletter and will be filed. Treasurer, Susan Harmon, reported 4 out-of-towners have responded with dues. The resignations of Maggie Artley, Peggy Osborn, and Maridel Watkins were reported and accepted. World Fellowship Chair, Kathy Landrum, thanked members for the items brought to the silent auction, stating the scholarship monies raised are love offerings to needy and deserving foreign recipients. Kathy will again match $80.00 of the monies raised Storybook Christmas Co-Chair, Ann Andrews reported additional books will be purchased to match increased student enrollments. Co-chair, Pat Adams, encouraged members to recommend persons in Greenwood as potential donors and to watch for Stewart Doreens feature article about Storybook Christmas. Members were reminded that the December first meeting will be a Christmas brunch at DeZevala School library; books will be ready for the Storybook Christmas label and distribution to schools. Anita Patton offered members the opportunity to participate in another Zeta Xi fund raiser; 20032012 Texas State Capital Ornaments may be ordered. The price is still $20.00. The initiation of Kylie Millican was conducted by Ceremony Chair, Anita Patton and President, Lois Hagins. Kathy Landrum reminded attendees to check their silent auction bids and to pay Susan Harmon. The meeting was adjourned with congratulations to Kylie Millican our newest member. Respectfully submitted, ________________________ Jan Perkins, Secretary _____________________ Lois Hagins, President

Zeta Xi Chapter Chapter Meeting Minutes The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International

Alpha State Texas February 4, 2013

The February meeting was held at the Midland College Library. After light refreshments, Library Director John Deats conducted a tour of the facility and explained materials and computer services available to the Midland public. President Lois Hagins called the meeting to order at 8:00 p.m., welcoming members and returning guest, Dawn Lodge. Roll call was conducted by Marsha Boykin. Lois explained Patti Groces absence and delayed newsletter was due to family health issues. The previous minutes will be reported in the March newsletter. Treasurer, Susan Harmon distributed the 2/12/13 Financial Statement and explained the expenditures and resulting balance. Lois complimented Susan on her invitation to the State Leadership Workshop in Dallas. Personal Growth Chair, Heather Bostic, announced the state suggests the implementation of Caring for the Community in March. Members will be asked to bring canned goods for the food pantry at Memorial Christian Church. In Dorothy Blairs absence, Marsha Boykin reminded members to fill out a profile sheet if they have not done so. Lois thanked hostesses Pat Adams, Jean Alvey, Sandra Hammontree, Kylie Millican, and Jan Perkins for this evenings refreshments. Under new business, Lois informed attendees of Natalie Eustaces nomination for the state office of Secretary. The March meeting will be at the Polo Park Clubhouse. Erik Wilkinson, Unit Associate Director at the Texas Tech University Health Center will present, Medicare Fact or Fiction. Nancy Doss reminded members of the spring Area Wide Founders Day Luncheon. Nancy is seeking a location for the luncheon/style show. Lois Templeton and Pat Adams won door prizes for wearing red and the DKG pin, respectively. There being no further new business, the meeting was adjourned. ____________________________________
Jan Perkins, Recording Secretary

Lois Hagins, President

Letter from Lois

Ladies, Thank you to Patti Groce for arranging our February program at the Midland College Library after it was determined the Centennial Library was still a hard hat area. John Deats presented an informative program about the resources available to the public through Midland College. I could not be more proud to be a part of a Delta Kappa Gamma chapter that has so many talented and dedicated members who are willing to give back to our organization. As many of you may already know, Natalie Eustace has been nominated to serve as Recording Secretary for the next biennium at the state level. Also, Susan Harmon was asked to serve on the committee for Leadership for the class of 2015 after just returning from Leadership in Dallas herself. Of course, we are fortunate to have our own Nancy Doss as our Area Coordinator. Evidently those on the state level realize what a treasure of talent we have in Zeta Xi. Speaking of Nancy, she is preparing to lead our area in celebrating our Founders in May. You will want to put May 4 on your calendars for our Founders Day Luncheon and Style Show. Be looking for more information as it becomes available. Now is the time to recommend ladies who you think would enjoy being a part of our chapter. We will be having a joint meeting in April with Epsilon Eta and having an initiation of new members. I look forward to seeing each of you at our March meeting at the Polo Park Clubhouse. Our program will be Medicare "Fact and Fiction" presented by Erik Wilkinson, Unit Associate Director of the Texas Tech University Health Science Center. You are the best, Lois Hagins

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