MS - 01 - 2012
MS - 01 - 2012
MS - 01 - 2012
Management Programme
ASSIGNMENT Course Code Course Title Assignment Code Coverage : : : : MS - 01 Management of Human Behaviour MS-01 /TMA/SEM - II /2012 All Blocks
Note: Answer all the questions and send them to the Coordinator of the Study Centre you are attached with. 1) Describe the process of conflict. Critically evaluate the impact of conflict on performance/productivity of an organization. Relate the situation of organization you are working in or familiar with as to how conflict affects the functioning of an organization. Briefly describe the organisation and situation, you are referring to. What are various channels of communication used in an organisational set up? Why does grapevine assumes so much importance in the formal organisationalsituations? Which channel of communication you think is more effective and why?Explain with examples from the organisation you are working in or familiar with. Describe the organisation and the situations you are referring to. What are the ways and means adopted by the organisation to deal effectively with managerial obsolescence? Does leadership matters in the process? Explain with reference to the organisation you are working in or familiar with. Briefly describe the situation and the organisation you are referring to. How does MIS affect the efficiency and effectiveness of an organisation? Explain and discuss with the help of MIS of an organisation known to you. Briefly describe the organisation you are referring to, along with basic components of the MIS and reporting relationship system currently existing in the organisation. What are the essential preceding prerequisites for effective delegation of authority in an organisation and why? What are the significant key considerations in effecting delegation of authority in an organisational set up? Critically evaluate with examples known to you by way of working in an organisation or having acquaintance with. Briefly explain the situation and the organisation being referred by you.