VHDL Code For Half Adder by Data Flow Modelling

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The document describes various digital logic circuits like half adder, full adder, multiplexer, decoder, converter circuits and their VHDL code implementations using different modeling techniques.

Circuits like half adder, full adder, half subtractor, full subtractor, decoder, converter circuits between binary, gray, excess-3 codes are described.

Techniques like data flow modeling, behavioral modeling using if-else, case statements, for loops are used. Variables are used to store intermediate values.


VHDL Code For Half Adder By Data Flow Modelling

library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity half_adder is port(a,b: in bit;s,c: out bit); end half_adder; architecture half_adder of half_adder is begin s<=(a xor b); c<=(a and b); end half_adder;

2. VHDL Code For Full Adder By Data Flow Modelling

library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity full_adder is port(a,b,c: in bit;sum,carry: out bit); end full_adder; architecture full_adder of full_adder is begin sum<=((a xor b) xor c); carry<=((a and b) or (b and c) or (c and a)); end full_adder;

3. (a) VHDL Code For Half Subtractor By Data Flow Modelling

library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity half_subtractor is port(a,b: in bit; difference,borrow: out bit); end half_subtrator; architecture half_subtractor_dfm of subtractor is begin difference<=(a xor b); borrow<=((not a) and b); end half_subtractor_dfm;

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3. (b) VHDL Code For Full Subtractor By Data Flow Modelling

library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity full_subtractor is port(a,b,previous_borrow: in bit; difference,next_borrow: out bit); end full_subtractor; architecture full_subtractor_dfm of full_subtractor is begin difference<=((a xor b) or (b xor previous_borrow) or (a xor previous_borrow)); next_borrow<=(((not a) and (b or previous_borrow)) or (b and previous_borrow)); end full_subtractor_dfm;

4. VHDL Code For BCD To Decimal Decoder By Data Flow Modelling

library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity bcd_to_decimal is port(a,b,c,d: in bit; e: out bit_vector(0 to 9)); end bcd_to_decimal; architecture bcd_to_decimal_dfm of bcd_to_decimal is begin e(0)<=((((not a) and (not b)) and (not c)) and (not d)); e(1)<=((((not a) and (not b)) and (not c)) and d); e(2)<=(((not b) and c) and (not d)); e(3)<=(((not b) and c) and d); e(4)<=((b and (not c)) and (not d)); e(5)<=((b and (not c)) and d); e(6)<=((b and c) and (not d)); e(7)<=((b and c) and d); e(8)<=(a and (not d)); e(9)<=(a and d); end bcd_to_decimal_dfm;

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5. VHDL Code For Binary to Gray Code Converter By Data Flow Modelling
library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity binary_to_gray is port(b0,b1,b2,b3: in bit;g0,g1,g2,g3: out bit); end binary_to_gray; architecture b_t_g of binary_to_gray is begin g3<=b3; g2<=b3 xor b2; g1<=b2 xor b1; g0<=b1 xor b0; end b_t_g;

6. VHDL Code For Gray to Binary Code Converter By Data Flow Modelling
library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity gray_to_binary is port(g0,g1,g2,g3: in bit;b0,b1,b2,b3: out bit); end gray_to_binary; architecture g_t_b of gray_to_binary is begin b3<=g3; b2<=g3 xor g2; b1<=(g3 xor (g2 xor g1)); b0<=(g3 xor (g2 xor (g1 xor g0))); end;

7. VHDL Code For BCD To Excess3 Code Converter By Data Flow Modelling
library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity bcd_to_excess_3 is port(b0,b1,b2,b3: in bit; e0,e1,e2,e3: out bit); end bcd_to_excess_3; architecture bcd_to_excess_3_dfm of bcd_to_excess_3 is begin e3<=((b3 or (b2 and b0)) or (b2 and b1)); e2<=(((not b2) and b0) or ((not b0) and (b1 xor b2))); e1<=(b1 xnor b0); e0<=(not b0); end bcd_to_excess_3_dfm;
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8. (a) VHDL Code For 41 Multiplexer Using IF-ELSE Statements

library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity mux_4_1 is port(s: in bit_vector(0 to 1); d: in bit_vector(0 to 3); y: out bit); end mux_4_1; architecture mux_4_1_behavioural_if_else of mux_4_1 is begin process(s,d) begin if s="00" then y<=d(0); elsif s="01" then y<=d(1); elsif s="10" then y<=d(2); else y<=d(3); end if; end process; end mux_4_1_behavioural_if_else;

8. (b) VHDL Code For 41 Multiplexer Using CASE Statements

library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity mux_4_1 is port(s: in bit_vector(0 to 1); d: in bit_vector(0 to 3); y: out bit); end mux_4_1; architecture mux_4_1_behavioural_case of mux_4_1 is begin process(s,d) begin case s is when "00" => y<=d(0); when "01" => y<=d(1); when "10" => y<=d(2); when others => y<=d(3); end case; end process; end mux_4_1_behavioural_case;

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9. VHDL Code For 24 Decoder By Data Flow Modelling

library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity decoder_2_4 is port(a,b,e: in bit; d0,d1,d2,d3: out bit); end decoder_2_4; architecture decoder_2_4_dfm of decoder_2_4 is begin d0<= (((not a) and (not b)) and e); d1<= (((not a) and b) and e); d2<= ((a and (not b)) and e); d3<= ((a and b) and e); end decoder_2_4_dfm;


VHDL Code For 2 Bit Multiplier By Data Flow Modelling

library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity multiplier_2_bit is port(a: in bit_vector(1 downto 0);b: in bit_vector(1 downto 0); d: out bit_vector(3 downto 0)); end multiplier_2_bit; architecture multiplier_2_bit_dfm of multiplier_2_bit is signal c: bit; begin d(0)<=(a(0) and b(0)); d(1)<=((a(1) and b(0)) xor (a(0) and b(1))); c<=((a(1) and b(0)) and (a(0) and b(1))); d(2)<=((a(1) and b(1)) xor c); d(3)<=((a(1) and b(1)) and c); end multiplier_2_bit_dfm;


VHDL Code For 2 Bit Comparator By Data Flow Modelling

library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity comparator_2_bit is port(a,b: in bit_vector(1 downto 0); y: out bit_vector(2 downto 0)); end comparator_2_bit; architecture comparator_2_bit_dfm of comparator_2_bit is begin y(0)<= (((a(1) and (not b(1))) or (a(1) and a(0) and (not b(0)))) or ((not b(1)) and a(0) and (not b(0)))); y(1)<= ((((not a(1)) and b(1)) or ((not a(1)) and (not a(0)) and b(0))) or (b(1) and (not a(0)) and a(0))); y(2)<= ((a(1) xnor b(1)) and (a(0) xnor b(0))); end comparator_2_bit_dfm;
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VHDL Code For Half Adder by Structural Modelling

library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity half_adder is port(a,b: in bit; sum,carry: out bit); end half_adder; architecture half_adder_struct of half_adder is component xor1 is port(p,q: in bit; r: out bit); end component; component and1 is port(u,v: in bit; w: out bit); end component; begin x1:xor1 port map(a,b,sum); x2:and1 port map(a,b,carry); end half_adder_struct; entity xor1 is port(p,q: in bit; r: out bit); end xor1; architecture xor_1_dfm of xor1 is begin r<=p xor q; end xor_1; entity and1 is port(u,v: in bit; w: out bit); end and1; architecture and_1_dfm of and1 is begin w<=u and v; end and_1;

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VHDL Code For 4-bit Parallel Adder by Structural Modelling

library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity full_adder_4_bit is port(a,b: in bit_vector(3 downto 0); carry_in: in bit; sum: out bit_vector(3 downto 0); carry_out: out bit); end; architecture structural_4_bit_full_adder of full_adder_4_bit is component full_adder port(x,y,zin: in bit; s,c: out bit); end component; signal carry: bit_vector(4 downto 0); begin carry(0)<=carry_in; GK:for i in 3 downto 0 generate FA:full_adder port map(a(i),b(i),carry(i),sum(i),carry(i+1)); end generate GK; carry_out<=carry(4); end; entity full_adder is port(p,q,r:in bit; u,v:out bit); end; architecture data_flow_full_adder of full_adder is begin u<=((p xor q) xor r); v<=((p and q) or (q and r) or (r and p)); end;


VHDL Code For 4-Bit Parallel Subtractor by Structural Modelling

library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity full_subtractor_4_bit is port(a,b: in bit_vector(3 downto 0); borrow_in: in bit; difference: out bit_vector(3 downto 0); borrow_out: out bit); end full_subtractor_4_bit; architecture full_subtractor_4_bit_struct of full_subtractor_4_bit is component full_subtractor is port(x,y,zin: in bit; diff,zout: out bit); end component; signal borrow: bit_vector(4 downto 0); begin borrow(0)<=borrow_in; GK: for i in 3 downto 0 generate FS: full_subtractor port map(a(i),b(i),borrow(i),difference(i),borrow(i+1));
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end generate GK; borrow_out<=borrow(4); end full_subtractor_4_bit_struct; entity full_subtractor is port(r,s,t: in bit; u,v: out bit); end full_subtractor; architecture full_subtractor_dfm of full_subtractor is begin u<=((r xor s) xor t); v<=(((not r) and t) or ((s and t) or ((not r) and s))); end full_subtractor_dfm;


VHDL Code For 41 Multiplier By Data Flow Modelling

library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity mux_4_1 is port(s: in bit_vector(1 downto 0);d: in bit_vector(3 downto 0); y: out bit); end; architecture mux_4_1_dfm of mux_4_1 is begin y<=d(0) when s="00" else d(1) when s="01" else d(2) when s="10" else d(3); end;


VHDL Code For 24 Decoder By Behavioral Modelling

library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity decoder_2_4 is port(a: in bit_vector(0 to 1); d: out bit_vector(0 to 3)); end decoder_2_4; architecture decoder_2_4_behavioural of decoder_2_4 is begin process(a) begin if a="00" then d<="0001"; elsif a="01" then d<="0010"; elsif a="10" then
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d<="0100"; else d<="1000"; end if; end process; end decoder_2_4_behavioural;

17. (a)VHDL Code For JK Flip Flop(Asynchronous) By Behavioral Modelling

library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity J_K_flip_flop is port(J,K,reset,clock: in bit; q: inout bit; qbar: out bit); end J_K_flip_flop; architecture asynchronous_reset_J_K_flip_flop_behavioural of J_K_flip_flop is begin process(clock,reset) begin if reset='1' then q<='0'; elsif clock='1' and clock'event then q<=((J and (not q)) or ((not K) and q)); end if; end process; end asynchronous_reset_J_K_flip_flop_behavioural;

17. (b) VHDL Code For JK Flip Flop(Synchronous) By Behavioral Modelling

library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity J_K_flip_flop is port(J,K,clock,reset: in bit; q: inout bit; qbar: out bit); end J_K_flip_flop; architecture synchronous_reset_J_K_flip_flop_behavioural of J_K_flip_flop is begin process(clock) begin if clock='0' and clock'event then if reset='1' then q<='0'; else q<=(((J and (not q)) or ((not K) and q)); end if; end if; end process; qbar<=(not q); end synchronous_reset_J_K_flip_flop_behavioural;
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18. (a)VHDL Code For D Flip Flop(Asynchronous) By Behavioral Modelling

library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity D_flip_flop is port(d,clock,reset: in bit; q: inout bit; qbar: out bit); end D_flip_flop; architecture asynchronous_reset_D_flip_flop_behavioural of D_flip_flop is begin process(clock,reset) begin if reset='1' then q<='0'; elsif clock='0' and clock'event then q<=d; end if; end process; qbar<=(not q); end asynchronous_reset_D_flip_flop_behavioural;

18.(b)VHDL Code For D Flip Flop(Synchronous) By Behavioral Modelling

library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity D_flip_flop is port(d,clock,reset: in bit; q: inout bit; qbar: out bit); end D_flip_flop; architecture synchronous_reset_D_flip_flop_behavioural of D_flip_flop is begin process(clock) begin if clock='0' and clock'event then if reset='1' then q<='0'; else q<=d; end if; end if; end process; qbar<=(not q); end synchronous_reset_D_flip_flop_behavioural;

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19. (a) VHDL Code For T Flip Flop(Asynchronous) By Behavioral Modelling

library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity T_flip_flop is port(T,reset,clock: in bit; q: inout bit; qbar: out bit); end T_flip_flop; architecture asynchronous_reset_T_flip_flop_behavioural of T_flip_flop is begin process(clock,reset) begin if reset='1' then q<='0'; elsif clock='1' and clock'event then q<=((T and (not q)) or ((not T) and q)); end if; end process; end asynchronous_reset_T_flip_flop_behavioural;

19.(b) VHDL Code For T Flip Flop(Synchronous) By Behavioral Modelling

library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity T_flip_flop is port(T,clock,reset: in bit; q: inout bit; qbar: out bit); end T_flip_flop; architecture synchronous_reset_T_flip_flop_behavioural of T_flip_flop is begin process(clock) begin if clock='0' and clock'event then if reset='1' then q<='0'; else q<=(((T and (not q)) or ((not T) and q))); end if; end if; end process; qbar<=(not q); end synchronous_reset_T_flip_flop_behavioural;

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20. VHDL Code For 3 Bit Counter By Behavioral Modeling

library ieee; use ieee.numeric_std.all; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all; entity counter_3_bit is port(clock,reset: in bit; z: out unsigned(0 to 2)); end counter_3_bit; architecture counter_3_bit_behavioural of counter_3_bit is begin process(clock,reset) variable temp: unsigned(0 to 2):=(others=>'0'); begin if reset='1' then temp:=(others=>'0'); elsif clock='0' and clock'event then temp:=temp+1; end if; z<=temp; end process; end counter_3_bit_behavioural;

21. VHDL Code For Shift Register By Behavioral Modelling

library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity shift_register is port(clock,serial_input: in bit; serial_output: out bit); end shift_register; architecture shift_right_register_8_bit_behavioural of shift_register is signal temp: bit_vector(7 downto 0); begin process(clock) begin if clock='1' and clock'event then serial_output<=temp(0); for i in 7 downto 1 loop temp(i-1)<=temp(i); end loop; temp(7)<=serial_input; end if; serial_output<=temp(7); end process; end shift_right_register_8_bit_behavioural;

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22. (a) VHDL Code For State Machine Modeling (Mealey) By Behavioral Modeling.
library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity mealy_fsm is port(a,clock: in bit; z: out std_logic); end mealy_fsm; architecture mealy_fsm_behavioural of mealy_fsm is type mealy_type is(st0,st1,st2,st3); signal p_state,n_state: mealy_type; begin seq_part: process(clock) begin if clock='0' then p_state<=n_state; end if; end process seq_part; comb_part:process(p_state,a) begin case p_state is when st0 => if a='1' then z<='1'; n_state<=st3; else z<='0'; end if; when st1 => if a='1' then z<='0'; n_state<=st0; else z<='1'; end if; when st2 => if a='0' then z<='0'; else z<='1'; n_state<=st1; end if; when st3 => z<='0'; if a='0' then n_state<=st2; else n_state<=st1;
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end if; end case; end process comb_part; end mealy_fsm_behavioural;

23. (b) VHDL Code For State Machine Modeling (Moorey) By Behavioral Modeling.
library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity moore_fsm is port(a,clock: in bit; z: out std_logic); end moore_fsm; architecture moore_fsm_behavioural of moore_fsm is type state_type is(st0,st1,st2,st3); signal moore_state: state_type; begin process(clock) begin if clock='0' then case moore_state is when st0 => z<='1'; if a='1' then moore_state<=st2; end if; when st1 => z<='0'; if a='1' then moore_state<=st3; end if; when st2 => z<='0'; if a='0' then moore_state<=st1; else moore_state<=st3; end if; when st3 => z<='1'; if a='1' then moore_state<=st0; end if; end case; end if; end process; end moore_fsm_behavioural;

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