Cache-Assignment Handout 12

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Computer Architecture

November 9, 2012

Assignment 3: Data Caches 1 Objective

The objective of this assignment is to investigate the impact of data prefetchers on cache performance. All work on this assignment is to be done individually. This assignment involves a competition aspect; you are encouraged to start early! Due Date: Dec 3, 2012 The rest of the handout is organized as follows. Section 2 outlines the questions that students should answer in this assignment. Section 3 describes how to get the simulator, how to compile it, and how to run the benchmarks. Section 4 describes the two prefetchers that students are required to implement. Section 5 provides some hints to help with coding in the sim-cache simulator. Section 6 emphasizes several requirements that students should pay attention to while implementing their code. Section 7 explains what the report should contain and, nally, Section 8 concludes with the due date and the grade weight of the assignment.

Problem Statement

In this assignment, students will use the SimpleScalar cache simulator (sim-cache) to investigate the performance of cache data prefetchers. Students are required to prepare a report that includes the answers to the following questions.


L1 Data Cache Prefetchers

Compare the performance of the next-line prefetcher, the stride prefetcher, and a open-ended prefetcher described in Section 4 when applied to the L1 data cache with a baseline with no prefetching. You are required to implement the three prefetchers inside sim-cache, run several benchmarks and answer the questions below: Question 1: Provide a micro-benchmark and a conguration le that you use to verify that your implementation of the next line prefetcher is correct. Explain your choice. Question 2: Provide a micro-benchmark and a conguration le that you use to verify that your implementation of the stride prefetcher is correct. Explain your choice. Question 3: Using the conguration les provided with the simulator and statistics collected from the simulator, estimate the average memory access time for data accesses for benchmark compress for the congurations with no prefetcher, L1 data next line prefetcher and L1 stride prefetcher. In your calculations, assume the following hit times: TaccessL1Data = 1, TaccessL2 = 10, ThitM emory = 100. Include a table with the following heading: Cong L1 Miss Rate L2 Miss Rate Average access time

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Computer Architecture

November 9, 2012

The table above will have three rows, each row for a dierent value of the column Cong (i.e., baseline, next-line, stride). Fill in the rows with the values you collect with sim-cache and the conguration les provided with the simulator. For each conguration, compute the value in the last column using the formula for average memory access time. Question 4: For benchmark compress, study the performance of the stride prefetcher when varying the number of entries in the RPT. Use the conguration les provided, changing only the number of entries in the RPT. Provide a graph that plots on the x axis the number of entries in the RPT and on the y axis a metric of your choice that measures the performance of the prefetcher. Explain your graph and your conclusions. Question 5: If you were asked to include more statistics in the sim-cache simulator to study the performance of prefetchers in general, which statistics you would consider adding? (No implementation necessary, only an explanation is sucient.) Question 6: Provide a micro-benchmark and a conguration le that you use to demonstrate the performance of your open-ended prefetcher. Explain your choice.


In this section, we briey describe how to install and compile the sim-cache simulator, and how to run the benchmarks. a) You can obtain the simulator source code and set it up in your ug account using the following Unix commands (assumming you have a working directory called ece552).This sequence of commands extracts the simulator les into your working directory. Do not leave the Unix permissions open to your code. cd ~/ece552 # or some other working directory cp /cad2/ece552f/simplesim-3.0d-assig3.tgz ./ tar -zxf simplesim-3.0d-assig3.tgz cd simplesim-3.0d-assig3 b) You can build the sim-cache simulator using the provided Makele by typing: make sim-cache You may safely ignore any warning messages that you see during compilation. c) You can run the benchmarks as follows (all four rows in one line): ./sim-cache -config cache-config/cache-lru-stride.cfg /cad2/ece552f/benchmarks/compress.eio ./sim-cache -config cache-config/cache-lru-stride.cfg /cad2/ece552f/benchmarks/gcc.eio ./sim-cache -config cache-config/cache-lru-stride.cfg /cad2/ece552f/benchmarks/go.eio 2 of 9


Computer Architecture

November 9, 2012

In the commands above, the simulator is run with a conguration le that species the parameters for the simulation. In the cache-config directory, you can nd the following conguration les: cache-lru-nextline.cfg - conguration to be used for the runs with a next-line prefetcher at the L1 data cache level cache-lru-stride.cfg - conguration to be used for the runs with a stride-prefetcher at the L1 data cache level cache-lru-open.cfg - conguration to be used for the runs with the open-ended prefetcher that you design These conguration les specify the geometry of the caches, the replacement policies and the prefetcher conguration. All these conguration les specify a two-level hierarchy with a separate L1 instruction and L1 data cache and a unied L2 cache. The size and the geometry of the caches are the same for all conguration les; the prefetcher congurations vary for the L1 data cache. Do not change the geometry or size of the caches when reporting results for the benchmarks. You are free to use other congurations for your microbenchmarks. d) CAUTION! When you are redirecting the output of the simulator, use the -redir:prog ag of sim-safe. Do NOT redirect the output using the pipe character | or the redirect character > as this may cause variation in the simulated instruction count. e) Please see the Pre-Assignment handout if you need further instructions about how to create a microbenhmark.


Conguration Files

The cache-config directory contains the conguration les used for this assignment. The conguration les specify a cache hierarchy with a 16KB L1 instruction cache, 16KB L1 data cache and a 256KB unied (data and instructions) L2 cache. Note that the conguration les specify a maximum number of instructions to be simulated. It is important to use these conguration les when you report your statistics since dierent congurations produce dierent results. The cache cong parameter has the following format: <name>:<nsets>:<bsize>:<assoc>:<repl>:<pref> <name> <nsets> <bsize> <assoc> <repl> <pref> name of the cache being defined number of sets in the cache block size of the cache associativity of the cache block replacement strategy, l-LRU, f-FIFO, r-random prefetcher type, 0 - no prefetcher, 1 - next line prefetcher, 2 open-ended prefetcher, any other number num - stride prefetcher with num entries in the RPT

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Computer Architecture

November 9, 2012

Data Cache Prefetchers

Hardware prefetchers predict memory accesses based on past history and bring the corresponding data/instructions into the caches before the processor demands it. In this assignment, you will implement three dierent data prefetchers: 1) a next line prefetcher, 2) a stride prefetcher and 3) an open-ended prefetcher. The next sections explain how the rst two prefetchers work.


Next Line Prefetcher

Next line prefetching (NLP) tries to take advantage of the spatial locality in applications. NLP is one of the simplest forms of prefetching: upon a memory access to address ADDR, a prefetch request to memory address ADDR + cache line size is generated if the cache line is not already present. This will bring into the cache the block subsequent in memory to the cache line currently being accessed, hence the name of the prefetcher. For this assignment, you are required to implement a next line prefetcher for the L1 data cache. Thus, any L1 data cache access is a candidate for generating a prefetch.


Stride Prefetcher

The stride prefetcher described in this section is a simplied version of the basic stride prefetcher described in Eective Hardware-Based Data Prefetching for High-Performance Processors by Chen and Baer. Several commercial processors (e.g., IBM Power 4) implement some version of this prefetcher. If you are interested in reading more, the paper is posted on CoursePeer. Stride prefetchers try to predict future references based on the past history for the same memory instructions (i.e., loads/stores) that exhibit a constant stride in their memory addresses. The core hardware structure employed by a stride prefetcher is a reference prediction table (RPT) that keeps track of data access patterns in the form of eective address and stride for memory operations (i.e., loads and stores). 4.2.1 Reference Predictor Table (RPT)

Figure 1a) shows the design of the RPT. The RPT keeps track of previous addresses and associated strides for memory instructions. Prefetches are generated based on how stable the observed stride pattern is for a particular memory instruction. The RPT is organized as a direct-mapped cache structure. The RPT entry, indexed by the instruction address (i.e., PC), includes the address of the last data access, the stride information, and the regularity status for the instruction (i.e., an indication of how stable the stride pattern is). Each entry has the following format (see Figure 1a)) tag the tag corresponding to the address of the memory instruction (i.e., PC) prev-addr the last address referenced by the corresponding instruction stride the dierence between the last two addresses that were generated by the corresponding PC (can be negative) state a two-bit encoding (four states) of the past history The four states and the transitions between them are depicted in Figure 1b). The four states are: 4 of 9


Computer Architecture

November 9, 2012


prefetching address same stride init different stride different stride (update stride) same stride transient

same stride

steady same stride no-pred different stride (update stride) different stride (update stride)





Figure 1: a) Reference prediction table (RPT). b) RPT state transition 1. initial: set at rst entry in the RPT or after the entry experienced a dierent stride from the steady state one. 2. transient: corresponds to the case when the system is not sure whether the current stride is stable 3. steady: indicates that the prediction should be stable for a while. 4. no-prediction: disables the prefetching for this entry for the time being. 4.2.2 The RPT Mechanism

RPT records the address of the memory instruction, computes the stride for that access, and sets a state controlling the prefetching by comparing the previously recorded stride with the one just computed. The stride information is obtained by taking the dierence between the addresses of the two most recent accesses for the same instruction. When a load/store instruction is encountered for the rst time, the instruction is entered in the RPT in the initial state. When the stride is obtained for the rst time, i.e., at the second access, the state is set to transient since it is not known yet whether the pattern will be regular or irregular. When a further stride is computed and, if it is equal to the one previously recorded, i.e., if the same stride has occurred twice in a row, then the entry will be set to the steady state. It will remain in the steady state until a dierent stride is detected. At that point, the state is reset to initial. If a dierent stride is computed while in the transient state, the entry is set to the no-prediction state since the pattern is not regular and erroneous prefetching should be prevented. In the presence of irregular patterns, the state of the entry will either stay in the no-prediction state or oscillate between the transient and no-prediction states until a regular stride is detected.

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Computer Architecture

November 9, 2012

The RPT is updated for an instruction that accesses a memory location at address addr as follows: Scenario 1. There is no corresponding entry in the RPT. The instruction is entered in the RPT, the prev-addr eld is set to addr, the stride to 0, and the state to initial. This may involve replacing an existing entry (with a dierent tag) that maps to the same RPT entry. Scenario 2. There is a corresponding entry. The new stride is computed as addr - prev-addr. Depending on the current state of the entry and whether the new stride is equal to the stride in the RPT the transitions depicted in Figure 1b) are performed. The following table further explains what happens in each transition. In the table, by stride condition false we mean the new stride is dierent than the stride recorded in the RPT, and by true we mean the same stride is observed. Once the transition to the new state is performed, the prev-addr is set to addr. STATE initial initial transient transient steady steady no-prediction no-prediction STRIDE CONDITION true false true false true false true false NEW STATE steady transient steady no-prediction steady initial transient no-prediction NEW STRIDE no change update no change update no change no change no change update

Following the update, a prefetch is generated depending on the state of the entry. If the entry is in one of the states init, transient or steady, a prefetch for the next address in the stride pattern is generated, provided the cache line/block is not already present in the cache (i.e., a prefetch for address addr + stride). NOTE: Assume that on initialization, all tags in the RPT are zero to indicate that the entries in the RPT are empty. The executable to be simulated starts at higher addresses, so this assumption is safe. When indexing in the RPT, make sure you discard the lower bits in the PC that are always zero.


Open-Ended Prefetcher

In addition to the next-line and stride-prefetchers, you need to implement a prefetcher of your own design (the design can be taken from research or can be your own creation). Signicant research exists in the area of data prefetchers and can be used to get you started. You can search for data prefetcher using for relevant articles. In addition to considering prefetch schemes, you are also free to consider modications to the replacement policy. There are no constraints on the hardware overhead used to implement your prefetcher. However, you should justify the feasibility of your design in your report. To receive marks on the open-ended prefetcher, your prefetcher must achieve an average L1 data cache miss rate less than 2.1% across the three provided benchmarks. In addition, up to two bonus points will be available for students with the top ranking prefetchers.

Coding Hints

In this assignment, you will use the sim-cache simulator. sim-cache is a functional simulator for the cache hierarchy and data/instruction TLBs. For the purpose of this assignment, we do not 6 of 9


Computer Architecture

November 9, 2012

simulate the TLBs (the conguration les used declare the data and instruction TLBs as none), so no need to worry about it. The les that you are most likely to work with are sim-cache.c, cache.c, cache.h. Please note that the code in the cache.[ch] les is also used in the timing simulator part of the SimpleScalar infrastructure. Since this assignment involves only the functional cache simulator, you can safely ignore any timing/latency parameters in these les. sim-cache works similarly to the way sim-safe works in that it executes the program instruction by instruction. The main dierence between the two is that sim-cache models the behavior of the cache hierarchy as the program executes. This is done by modeling cache accesses when instructions are fetched for execution and when executing memory instructions (e.g., load, stores). To achieve this, a cache access is simulated in the main loop of the simulator (in sim main) starting at the L1 instruction cache. In addition, all macros used for accessing memory (such as READ BYTE or READ WORD) involve cache accesses as well. The sim check options function parses the conguration parameters and creates the data structures corresponding to the specied memory hierarchy. To understand how caches work in the simulator, you may want to take a look at the data structures in the cache.h le and understand the code in the cache create function. The same code is used to create the dierent levels in the cache hierarchy. Note that, as part of the initialization, a function pointer is passed as argument to the cache create function. This function is used whenever an access to the lower cache level is needed (e.g., upon a cache miss or a write back). Once you understand the data structures used for simulating the caches, you may want to read the code inside the cache access function. This is the core function of the cache simulation. For implementing the data prefetchers, the skeleton of the code is provided. You need to ll in the two prefetch methods to actually generate the prefetch address and perform the prefetch operation. A prefetch can be simulated by a call to the cache access function with the prefetch address and the corresponding cache structure. You shouldnt need to modify the sim-cache.c le for this assignment. The simulator already has code to account for cache hits/misses, miss rates and prefetch statistics. Your code should be implemented only in the cache.c and cache.h les. You need to run the simulator with the benchmarks and conguration les provided and report on your ndings.


An automarker will be used to compile and run your implementation and verify the statistics generated. Therefore, your implementation is required to follow some strict rules. To begin with, use the simulator package specically provided for this assignment as described in Section 3. Things to watch for: run the benchmarks as specied in the handout with the conguration les provided initialize properly all the data structures as specied in the handout (e.g., elds in the RPT) pay attention to the generation of prefetches; a prefetch is generated if and only if the calculated prefetch address is not already in the local cache for the stride prefetcher, the stride can be negative do not change the existing stats; you can add more stats, if you are interested in studying something in particular, but do not modify the existing ones 7 of 9


Computer Architecture

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the only les to modify are cache.c and cache.h do not add additional les, they will not be taken into account; your simulator should compile with the provided Makefile by typing make sim-cache same automatic comparison of your submissions will be done to check for copied code; changing variable names and formatting will not defeat the checker.

Assignment Report Specication

Write a brief report, maximum 4 pages single-spaced with 12-point font size, that contains the following sections: (1) an Introduction section that describes the objectives and motivations of this assignment; (2) a Design section that describes the open-ended prefetcher that you implemented (3) a Methodology section that describes how you collected statistics with the simulator; (4) a Results section that answers the questions in the problem statement and (5) a Conclusions section that describes any conclusions you may draw from the statistics and answers. Make sure to include brief explanations for the mathematical derivations used to arrive at the answers. In cache.c and cache.h, identify all modications with the comments

/* ECE552 Assignment 3 - BEGIN CODE*/ ... your code in here... /* ECE552 Assignment 3 - END CODE*/ The micro-benchmarks must include comments that explain how they verify your implementations. Failure to include appropriate explanation in the micro-benchmarks and in the report will result in a grade of 0 for the micro-benchmark portion of the assignment. Submit the cache.c and cache.h les and your report using the submitece552f command. The report must be a pdf le named report.pdf. Make sure that your report can be viewed on the ug machines through xpdf, or acroread. Non-readable reports on the ug machine will not be marked. The submit command should be similar to the following: submitece552f 3 cache.c cache.h report.pdf mbq1.c mbq2.c mbq6.c q1.cfg q2.cfg q6.cfg You can view the les that you have submitted via the command submitece552f -l 3 Micro-benchmarks for Question x should be named mbqx.c and the conguration le should be named qx.cfg, where you replace x with the corresponding number for the question. Do not leave the Unix permissions open to your code, micro-benchmarks or conguration les. You can submit your code early to determine how your open-ended prefetcher ranks compared to your classmates.

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Computer Architecture

November 9, 2012

Due Date and Marking Scheme

This assignment is due on Monday December 3, 2012 at 11:59:59PM sharp. It is worth 10% of the total course mark. To receive marks on the open-ended prefetcher, your prefetcher must achieve an average L1 data cache miss rate less than 2.1% across the three provided benchmarks. Up to 2 bonus points will be awarded to the top performing open-ended prefetchers. During the week prior to the due date, you can submit your code each day; each night the TA will run the open-ended prefetcher and post a ranking of the results on CoursePeer. You can continue to update and resubmit your code until the deadline. Please plan ahead and start early!


Please post clarication questions on CoursePeer. Do not post solution code or microbenchmark code. This constitutes cheating and will not be tolerated.

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