Full Thrust FB2
Full Thrust FB2
Full Thrust FB2
"Still tracking the Kraks inbound towards the station, Sir, we have confirmed ID on one Kickback, one Kingpin, two Kylies plus five Kerfs in escort pattern - looks like a carrier strikegroup backed up by an SDN.... what the f....er, hold one please...... more jump exit signatures, Captain! Probable Sa'vasku waveforms...." "Identification, Scan One?" "Coming up, Sir...... scan patterns processing....... got them! Confirm Spikeys, two capital units and at least six smaller. OK, by mass readings we've got 90% probability on one Sandcrab and one Smudger, the other stuff may take a while to firm up but they're looking like a pair of Spankers and a number of escorts...." "Thank you, Scan One - keep on them and give me any more data as you have it. Guns, I want a cold track on the Spikeys, but no going active until they make a move - we don't know whose side they'll be on this time, and I sure as hell don't want to push them...." [Excerpt from bridge recorder transcript, RNS Lancaster, leading 43rd Operational Squadron in defence of Research Station Kantauris Delta 3, 2191.]
Introduction Basic Ship Design Game Balance Combining Technologies Vector Movement Amendments Fighter Rules Core Systems Turn Sequence Summary Ship Data Panels Ship Record Charts Counters Xeno File 1: The Kra'Vak Kra'Vak Ship Design System Kra'Vak Systems Summary 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 5 6 6 6 7 9 11 Kra'Vak Ship Designs Kra'vak Ship Record Chart Xeno File 2: The Sa'Vasku Sa'Vasku Ship Design System Sa'Vasku Systems Summary Sa'Vasku Ship Designs Sa'Vasku Ship Record Chart Xeno File 3: The Phalons Phalon Ship Design System Phalon Ship Designs Phalon Systems Summary Phalon Ship Record Chart Background Timeline Full Thrust Starship Miniatures List 12 20 21 21 25 26 33 34 35 38 45 46 47 48
CREDITS: Written by: Jon Tuffley Ship Art by: Tim Osborne Graphics, typesetting and layout: Simon Parnell, Tim Parnell and Sin Oxford at Brackenbury. Printed by: Brackenbury, Ipswich. Tel: 01473 287017 All rules and text in this publication are Copyright 2000 J. M. Tuffley and Ground Zero Games.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication maybe reproduced in any form or by any means without prior permission from the publishers. This publication is sold subject to the following conditions:
1: It shall not by way of trade or otherwise be lent, resold, hired out or otherwise circulated without the publishers prior permission in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser.
2: No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in any retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning or otherwise without the prior permission of the publishers. Published March 2000 by Ground Zero Games.
Purchasers of this book are hereby granted permission to photocopy any required Ship Systems Status Displays and record sheets for personal use only.
When we published Fleet Book Volume 1 in 1998, we promised there would be a second book to cover the alien races in the Full Thrust universe; well, after two years, here it is! This book contains full rules, design systems and pre-designed ship stats for three different alien races - the Kra'Vak, the Sa'Vasku and the Phalons. Those of you who have a copy of MORE THRUST, the first supplement for Full Thrust that we produced, will recall that early versions of the rules and backgrounds for the Kra'Vak and the Sa'Vasku were originally published in that supplement. At the time, the "MT" version Kra'Vak were actually very over-powered for their points value, which led to unbalanced games, and the MT Sa'Vasku rules were only ever intended as some experimental suggestions for players to try out. For Fleet Book 2, we have revised and rewritten both the Kra'Vak and the Sa'Vasku rules, and have added the Phalons (who never appeared in MT) as a third protagonist. The Kra'Vak rules in this volume are not unlike the original MT version; players of the old rules will note some cosmetic changes, such as renaming the original K'V "railguns" as "K-guns" (mainly so that we can possibly introduce a "railgun" system as another Human weapon in due course...), but the overall feel of the Kra'Vak ships and tactics will be very similar to the originals. This time, however, we think we've got the points system right so games will be more balanced! For the Sa'Vasku, the rewrite has been much more extensive. They are still probably the most complex race to actually play in the game, but we have removed some of the more time-consuming aspects of the MT versions (particularly the original random power generation ability, which although it added a lot to the unpredictability of the race both to its player and opponent - was very lengthy to use) and streamlined the S'V rules while adding a lot more twists and options to their ships. The Phalons are altogether new to the FT system, and appear for the first time in this volume. We wanted to add a race that looked totally alien, but acted in a way that humanity could relate to; the Phalons' weapons and systems are different from the humans' in many ways, but alike in others, and of the three alien races they are probably the most easily understood by mankind. Phalon ships are very powerful in play, a fact balanced by their high points values, and their willingness to fight (or indeed ally with) anyone if it is in their own interest should lead to many fascinating game permutations. This volume is not necessarily the end of the alien races for Full Thrust; even while writing it, ideas have been bubbling to the surface for races, systems and ships that we could not include here, and there is almost endless scope for more material, human and alien. Now you've got this book, you can start pestering us for Volume 3..... Jon Tuffley, GZG, March 2000. if you are playing on a small tabletop (or if you want a game with very high speeds and lots of manoeuvring room on your normal size of table). If you have a huge area available to play on, then feel free to use any other conversion rate you like - 1 mu = 100mm, or 6 inches, or even more!
This affects ALL ship designs, human and alien; it is actually not really a change, so much as the lifting of an artificial restriction, and as such does not affect or invalidate any of the designs published in Fleet Book 1. The change is simply to remove the fixed percentage limits on HULL INTEGRITY; instead of having to be bought in 10% increments, ship designs may now have as many or as few Hull boxes as the designer wishes, subject only to a lower limit of a minimum of 10% of the total ship mass. The actual number of hull boxes chosen does not have to exactly equal any given percentage of the ship's total mass. Each Hull Integrity box still takes 1 MASS, and costs 2 points. The terms used to describe the hull types in FB1 (Fragile, Weak, Average etc.) may still be used to roughly describe the kind of structure a ship has, but they no longer refer to fixed percentage figures - they now indicate a range of possible hull strengths (chosen so that the FB1 designs fall about halfway into each range), so that a Fragile hull would be from the minimum 10% to about 14% of total mass, a Weak hull from approximately 15% to 24%, Average from 25% to 34%, Strong from 35% to 44% and a Super hull would be anything above 45%. These classifications are approximate, are for descriptive convenience only, and have no bearing on game play whatsoever. FIDDLING ABOUT TILL IT ALL FITS..... Under the design system given in Fleet Book 1, with hull integrity strictly in 10% increments, if you couldn't squeeze all the systems you wanted into the MASS you had available then you were faced with recalculating the ship from scratch, and maybe even changing its overall mass to accommodate things. However, with the revised rule explained above, it is now a lot easier: if you decide that you REALLY need another fire control system, or another weapon battery or whatever, and do not have enough MASS left over to fit it in, then the new ability of being able to buy hull boxes in any quantity becomes very useful - you can go back to stage 2 of the design process and simply drop a couple of hull boxes to free up the extra mass you need, without affecting any of the rest of the ship design. Similarly, if you get to the end of the systems fitting-out stage and find you've got a few spare mass left over, you have the choice of putting in another system or else going back and adding an extra hull box or two. Of course, you have to remember to alter the layout of the damage track and change the points value spent on hull integrity, but unlike the old design system you don't have to start recalculating the whole design from scratch. with the same ships and the same weapons using different names. If you start to mixand-match the technologies in a search for the ubership (which, if we've done the balancing right, you SHOULDN'T be able to find - not that that will stop you looking....) then all the fleets will start to look the same and a lot of the flavour of the game will be lost. The simplest way round this is to just say "sorry, you can't do it" and back this up with some PSB about the radical differences between the various races' approach to their technologies making them totally incompatible. Rather than do this, however, we accept that it'll happen and thus need to lay down a few guidelines for those people who just can't resist it. We have one VERY strong recommendation: NO MIXED-TECHNOLOGY SHIPS SHOULD BE USED IN ANY KIND OF COMPETITIVE OR TOURNAMENT GAME. We would also suggest that mixed-tech designs should not be used when playing with people new to the game, or who are not part of your regular gaming group. If you wish to discourage use of mixed tech without actually forbidding it, you may wish to consider a house-rule of applying a penalty increase to mass and/or points cost for any system or technology copied from another race. If after all this your group of players wish (and agree) to try using mixed-tech in their designs, then by all means give it a go - you've paid us the money, and it's your game now! [As far as our published "canon" universe background is concerned, mixed-tech ships do not appear in any forces within the time period of the First Xeno War; though each of the protagonists (except the Sa'Vasku, who consider themselves above all this innovation stuff...) will undoubtedly be devoting a good deal of time and resources to investigating the other races' technology from salvaged debris and captured or disabled ships, the problems of duplicating it with a completely different technological base are too great to be surmounted during the war years - we're not talking here about, for instance, the FSE stealing plans for something from the NSL and building a copy, we're talking about trying to integrate two or more totally alien forms of technology and materials. All the protagonists feel that it is much better to spend the shipbuilding resources they have on a dozen more warships of their own proven designs than to waste the same amount on one weird and experimental hybrid that may or may not work at all, and if it does may not be a lot better than what they've already got.]
Throughout the design process of the rules for the three alien powers in this book, great emphasis has been placed on trying to get the points values as balanced as possible between the different fleets, so that 1000 points of (say) Kra'Vak ships will theoretically be a fair match against 1000 points of Phalons, Sa'vasku or indeed any of the human fleets from Fleet Book 1. Now, as they say, all things are relative (and all relatives are things....), and there will be cases in which the points system won't give a perfect balance, but it should be close enough for all normal game purposes. If you really want to spend hours and hours with spreadsheets and simulations, trying to find that little loophole that will give you that extra 0.5% edge over your opponents, then be our guest - it'll keep you out of the way of the people who just want to get on and play the game to have fun.... One thing that should be pointed out is that while the points values are as accurate as we could make them, the size classes of the ships are very approximate and can be misleading if taken in isolation. Some of the alien ships (the Phalons, in particular) are actually much more powerful on a ship-for-ship basis than the human designs, but to balance this their points cost is proportionally higher - this should be taken into account when setting up games and designing scenarios. To take an example, in a small human (NSL) vs. Phalon battle, the players may choose forces up to approximately 750 points. The NSL player might have two Waldburg Destroyers, a Radetzky Escort Cruiser and a Richthofen Battlecruiser (all designs from Fleet Book 1), for a total of 746 points. The Phalon player might choose a Ptath Battleship, two Phuun Frigates and a Vlath Battle Scout for a total of 751 points. The NSL player might look (from the class descriptions) to have a far superior force, but the combat potential of the two fleets should actually be very similar.
The Fighters depicted in FT 2nd edition are assumed to be "multirole" fighters: good average, basic types moderately fast, with reasonable anti-ship and anti-fighter capabilities; an all-round "multi-mission" type of craft; standard multirole fighters cost 18 points per group of 6 (3 points per fighter). The rules that follow give some ideas for modifying your fighters into rather more specialised or improved types: [Note: these rules originally appeared in the "MORE THRUST" supplement book, in slightly different form. Some of the rules have been amended and the points values changed to bring them in line with the Fleet Book 1 system.] FAST FIGHTERS While normal fighters have a movement allowance of 24 mu per turn, "Fast" fighters have more powerful drives giving them a movement of 36 mu per turn; they still have a limit of 12 mu for secondary moves. A group of 6 Fast fighters costs a total of 24 points (4 points each). HEAVY FIGHTERS "Heavy" fighters have the same offensive and drive capabilities as normal fighters, but are better protected against attack by armoured hulls, heavier structural components etc. When Heavy fighters are attacked by beam-type (eg: Human, Phalon or Sa'Vasku) point-defence weapons or other fighters, rolls of "4" have no effect (ie: kills are only scored with rolls of 5 or 6). When fired on by Kra'Vak scatterguns, halve the number of kills scored. A group of 6 Heavy fighters costs 30 points (5 points each). INTERCEPTORS The Interceptor is a specialised type of fighter with no effective anti-ship capability, but optimised for anti-fighter performance. Interceptors may not fire on any vessels except other fighter groups (using the Dogfighting rules from FULL THRUST), but when they make such an attack they may add 1 to all die roll results thus they kill one fighter on a roll of 3 or 4, and TWO on rolls of 5 or 6. When themselves attacked (either by fighters or anti-fighter fire) they take casualties normally. An interceptor group costs the same as a standard multirole group, as they are tradingoff their anti-ship capability for their enhanced dogfighting. ATTACK FIGHTERS Specialised "Attack" fighters are really the opposite of Interceptors they have very little ability to engage other fighters, but carry increased weaponry loads for anti-ship missions. When in a dogfight situation with an enemy fighter group, Attack fighters only hit and kill opposing fighters with rolls of 6 (which destroy one fighter only per successful roll). When engaging other ships, however, the Attack fighters add 1 to all their die rolls ie: if firing on an un-screened target ship they would inflict 1 Damage Point with rolls of 3 or 4, and 2 DP with 5 or 6. Because anti-ship capabilities are usually of more importance in the game than dogfighting, an Attack fighter group costs 24 points (4 per Fighter). LONG-RANGE FIGHTERS This is an option to be used IF you are also using the "fighter endurance" rules. While normal fighters have six Combat Endurance Factors, a Long-Range group has NINE CEFs due to its additional fuel tankage, life-support etc. A Long-Range fighter group costs 24 points (4 per Fighter). TORPEDO FIGHTERS These are a further specialisation of the Attack fighter, carrying a heavy single-shot anti-ship weapon on each fighter. When the group attacks an enemy ship, roll once per fighter to see how many hits are scored each fighter needs a roll of 4 or more to score a hit with its "torpedo"; those shots that hit inflict damage equal to the number rolled (ie: roll of 1-3 is a miss, but 4 scores 4 DP, 5 = 5 DP and 6 = 6 DP. No rerolls are made). Damage is applied half to armour (if any), half to hull. The group may only attack ONCE in this manner, and for simplicity it is assumed that all the fighters in the group will attack the same target at the same time it is not permitted to fire just some of the group and "save" the others for a later attack (unless of course you wish to agree this between yourselves, and work out the necessary record-keeping). Once the group has expended its torpedoes, it may then only fight in the same limited anti-fighter mode as for Attack fighters (ie: needing rolls of 6 for kills) and may not make any further attacks against enemy ships. The Torpedo Fighter group is thus very much a one-shot weapon, but a (potentially) extremely powerful one for this reason a torpedo group costs 36 points (6 per Fighter). When using specialised fighter groups, use the normal fighter symbol for the ship record diagram, but replace the "spot" in the symbol with the appropriate letter for the fighter type: for example, an "H" for Heavy Fighters, "T" for Torpedo Fighters, etc. Note that all fighter groups, regardless of type, have the same MASS and hangar space requirement in the carrier or mothership, and operate under all the normal rules for launching, recovery and turn sequence.
COMMAND BRIDGE HIT If the Command Bridge takes a hit, then a further D6 roll is made immediately - if the roll is 1 to 5, then the ship is "out of control" for that number of turns, until command can be restored through backup links and secondary command systems. If the roll is a 6, then the ship is PERMANENTLY out of control for the duration of the game. While a ship is "out of control", it will continue on its present course and velocity, and may not fire weapons, launch fighters or take any other offensive action. Passive defences (screens) are still operational, though active defences (PDS etc.) are not. Once control is regained (after the number of turns indicated by the die roll), all undamaged systems come back on line. Damage Control parties may be used at any turn to try and restore control earlier, using the normal damage control rules. POWER CORE HIT If the Power Core takes a hit, it is damaged and may "go critical" and explode, destroying the ship. It continues to supply power for the ship, but the safety systems that control it are damaged or destroyed, and each subsequent turn the player must roll a die at the start of the turn - on a 5 or 6, the core explodes. Damage Control parties may be used as normal to try and stabilise the power core - such attempts are made before the roll for explosion for that turn, and success will bring the core back under control and negate any further effects (unless the core is then damaged again on a subsequent threshold, when the process will repeat). Each turn, BEFORE rolling the die, the player may make a choice - he may abandon ship, or he may "dump" the core - this avoids the risk of explosion, but leaves the ship without power for anything but emergency life-support (from backup batteries) - the ship is intact, but unable to do anything further in this battle except continue to drift on its present vector. If the player chooses to abandon ship, the ship continues to drift while still rolling each turn to see if the core explodes - in this case, however, the needed number for an explosion drops by 1 each turn, as the core is running out of control with no-one to damp it down; thus it WILL explode eventually and the ship will be lost. A ship that dumps its core will be no further use for that battle, but may be salvaged afterwards and its power restored. LIFE SUPPORT HIT If the Life Support Systems take a hit, then a further D6 roll is made immediately - the number rolled indicates that the life support will fail after that number of turns. Damage control parties may be allocated to try and repair the LSS as for any other system. If the LSS fails before being repaired, then the crew must immediately abandon ship or be lost. A ship without LSS become a drifting hulk, though it may of course be recovered and repaired after the game if it survives. NOTE: The Core Systems rules given above are entirely optional; if you do not wish to use them, simply ignore the systems within the core box on the Kra'Vak and Phalon ship diagrams for all game purposes.
This is a summary of the full game turn sequence that should be followed when using the various aliens and fleets listed in this volume and in Fleet book 1. 1) WRITE ORDERS FOR ALL SHIPS Sa'Vasku players will also decide and note down their power allocation for the turn at this point, and Phalon players will need to note if any ships are deploying their Vapour Shrouds. 2) ROLL FOR INITIATIVE Both/all players roll a D6 each - highest roll has initiative for this turn. 3) MOVE FIGHTER GROUPS Both players alternate in moving one fighter group each until all fighter groups in play have been moved (if desired); player who LOST initiative roll moves first. Fighter groups being launched this turn must be moved before those already in flight. Any fighter groups currently allocated to screening ships are NOT moved in this phase . 4) LAUNCH ORDNANCE (SALVO MISSILES*, PLASMA BOLTS etc.) Both players alternate in announcing and firing missile salvoes from any missile-armed ships, plasma bolts from any Phalon ships, and any other launched ordnance that uses a placed marker; play alternates BY SHIP, not by single salvo. The player who LOST the initiative roll launches first. A marker is placed at the point of aim of each salvo, bolt etc. 5) MOVE SHIPS Both players simultaneously move their ships, strictly in accordance with orders written in phase 1. Fighter groups currently acting as fighter screens are moved at the same time as the ship they are screening, and must remain within the screening distance of the ship. 6) ALLOCATE ORDNANCE AND FIGHTER ATTACKS All Missile Salvoes and Fighter Groups that are within the specified attack ranges of suitable targets (and wish to attack, in the case of fighters) have their targets determined and announced (missile and fighter counters/models should be turned in place to face their intended target model, and the desired target announced to the opponent so it is clear exactly what they are attacking, but should NOT be physically moved*). Phalon Plasma Bolt markers, which have an area effect and can damage all ships within their blast radius, do not need to announce targets. Fighter groups may, if desired, make a secondary move in this phase by expending a Combat Endurance factor.
* This is a change from the previously-published versions of the rules, and is stated because this book introduces weapon systems capable of point defence fire which do not necessarily have all-arc coverage (ie: the Phalon pulser batteries) - it thus may be necessary to know which arc of the target a fighter or missile attack is originating from. Of course, fighter groups may make a secondary move to try and get out of the defensive arcs, but this will burn a CE factor as usual. The markers/models MAY be moved up to contact with the target AFTER all PD fire has been resolved in phase 7. 7) POINT DEFENCE FIRE Any ship under missile, plasma bolt and/or fighter attack allocates its defences against attacking elements, then rolls for effects. Fighter vs. fighter actions ("dogfights"), attempted fighter missile/bolt interceptions and screening actions by fighters are resolved BEFORE actual Point Defence fire is allocated to surviving targets. Note that ships equipped with Area-Defence Firecon systems may use their point-defence batteries to help defend other nearby ships in this phase, but each PDS may only be used ONCE in the turn - if it is used in support of another vessel, it is NOT available to defend the ship carrying it as well. If the FIGHTER MORALE rules are being used, then fighter groups should make their rolls after any PD fire against them is resolved; the chance of failing the roll is thus increased by any members lost this turn as the fighters try to press home the attack through a barrage of PDS fire. 8) MISSILE, PLASMA BOLT AND FIGHTER ATTACKS All missile salvoes, plasma bolts and fighter groups that survive the defensive fire from phase 7 now have their attacks resolved; damage resulting from these attacks is applied immediately, including threshold damage resolution if applicable. Should it be necessary to determine exactly what order things happen in (eg: if a missile salvo is within the burst radius of a plasma bolt), then plasma bolts explode first, followed by missile resolution, and finally fighter attacks. 9) SHIPS FIRE Starting with the player who WON the initiative roll in phase 2, each player alternates in firing any/all weapon systems on ONE ship at one or more targets subject to available fire control. Damage caused is applied immediately, and threshold damage checks are made where applicable as soon as all weapons fired by one ship at that one target have been used. 10) TURN END Players confirm that all actions for the turn have been completed as necessary. Any untargetted missile or plasma bolt markers are removed from play. Next turn may now commence. (* For rules on Salvo Missiles and their effects, refer to Fleet Book 1; these weapons are not used by the races detailed in this volume.)
The following pages contain Ship Data Panels for the warships of the three alien races detailed in this volume. Most of the information contained in each panel should be self-explanatory, but a few notes may help. SYSTEMS STATUS DISPLAY This box, which is also referred to as the "Ship Diagram", is a graphic display of all the systems fitted to the ship. The icons used are explained in the relevant rules sections for each race. This panel should be photocopied to make up your own ship record charts for your games. THE TMF/NPV BOX There is a small box in each ship's Data Panel that gives "TMF" and "NPV" for the ship. These stand for (respectively): TOTAL MASS FACTOR and NOMINAL POINTS VALUE. The TMF is the MASS of the ship design, and the NPV is the Points Cost of the ship (excluding fighters and/or small craft costs in the case of ships with hangar facilities). THE BACKGROUND INFORMATION BOX This is a panel of notes and information on the ship class, including the year (human calendar) in which the class was first identified by human forces. Most of this is of background interest only, but may be useful in generating scenarios. THE TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS BOX This panel contains a written description of the systems fit of the ship class, listing all the items found on the Ship Diagram. Note that the "weapons" section only lists the number and class of each weapon, and not the arcs through which it may fire - that is indicated by the icons on the Ship Diagram. The Displacement figure is the total tonnage of the ship, which under the "official" background we take as 100 tonnes per MASS factor. THE SHIP ILLUSTRATION The line drawing of each ship is an illustration of the relevant miniature in the Full Thrust model starship range; the drawings are, of course, not to scale with each other! Note that we do occasionally redesign or modify items in the miniature ranges, and in a few cases the illustration may not be an exact representation of the model currently in production. UNDIA CODENAMES The United Nations Defence Intelligence Agency (UNDIA) is primarily responsible for collating and coordinating all the input from the military intel units of the different human forces involved in the War, through its Xeno Intelligence Division (XID). UNDIA issues standardised military codenames for all types of alien ship encountered by human forces, and most navies use these codenames to refer to those ship types. In the cases of the Kra'Vak and the Phalons, direct communications and intercepted signal traffic mean that human forces also know each race's "native" names for their ship types, but the codenames are still used widely in both official and unofficial terms. The UNDIA codenaming scheme works by assigning a simple and easily-recognised word or common name to each ship type; most are in English (being the standard language of official UN business) though some common non-English names and words are used on occasions. A simple convention of designating all Kra'Vak ships with "K" names, all Sa'Vasku with "S" and all Phalons with "P" helps instant recognition when different forces are reported in the heat of battle. Three different SHIP RECORD CHARTS are provided in this book, one for each of the three races; each has Ship Diagram blanks to suit the relevant race's design system. Feel free to copy this chart and cut-and-paste the diagrams around to suit your own forces. To prepare a ship record chart for any of the fleets listed in this volume we recommend photocopying the Ship Diagrams (System Status Displays) from the Data Panels of the ships you want to use, and arranging them suitably on a sheet of paper along with the "order panel" from the bottom of the record chart blank, then recopying the result. Sorry we couldn't provide ready-made sheets for each different fleet, but for one thing they would almost never match any one person's miniature force and for another they would take up half the book! You will note that the Sa'vasku ship record chart is somewhat more complicated than the Kra'Vak and Phalon ones, and has space for only six ships rather than the ten of the other races; this is because the Sa'Vasku require more planning and record-keeping than the others, in the form of allocating and recording their power distribution each turn, and their order-writing sections are organised to allow this. The Sa'Vasku chart also has a large empty "notes" box on it, which may be used to jot down anything that needs to be recorded about the ships during play that will not easily fit into the order boxes. A NOTE ON SCANNING AND COMPUTER REPRODUCTION OF SHIP DATA PANELS, SSDs AND SHIP RECORD CHARTS These days, a great many of you will have access to scanners and computer equipment that will enable you to reproduce parts of the ship data panels for the purpose of making up your own record charts for the game. This is perfectly acceptable provided it is for your own personal use, and not for any kind of commercial gain or payment. We also have a number of enquiries from time to time about the posting of SSDs etc. on web-sites; our policy on this is that you may web-publish your OWN designs freely for non-profit purposes, including using the standard SSD format and icons, but we would ask you NOT to post any of the actual ship designs given in this volume or any of our other publications to any website; if people want to use them, they can buy a copy of the book! We would also ask that, for both legal reasons and out of courtesy, any website devoted to or containing material connected to Full Thrust or any of the supplements contains a clear statement of our copyrights plus details of how to contact us for further information (these can be found at the back of this book). Each of the ships detailed in this book has its UNDIA codename given in the data panel for that ship, along with the human class type that the ship most resembles (in terms of both mass and intended operational role).
While on the subject of copy-and-cut-out bits, we have also provided a few counter masters for plasma bolts, vapour shrouds, leech pods, fighter /drone groups (for all three races) and fighter CEF markers, and some "rolled ship" markers that we should have included in Fleet Book 1 but didn't! Feel free to copy as many of these counters as you like (for personal use only please) we recommend copying them onto coloured card if possible.
1 1 2 2 3 4
1 1 2 2 3 4
1 1 2 2 3 4
5 5 5 5 5 5
4 4 4 4 4 4
3 3 3 3 3 3
2 2 2 2 2 2
1 1 1 1 1 1
outposts which are usually settled by members of single Clans. It is not unusual for settlers on a colony world to found their own "new" Clan as a breakaway from their origins on the homeworld, while others maintain close ties to Zha'Vak. The Star Force of the Dominion (the Kra'Vaka'Kia'Kon - literally, Spear of War Host of the People of the Sorrow Killer), which comprises the space naval assets of the Kra'Vak armed forces, is theoretically a homogenous single entity made up from the fleets of the various Clans under a unified command structure. In practice, the individual fleets and units are still primarily loyal to their own Clans and internal dissent (and even outright combat) is not unknown; mixing units from different clans is generally a bad idea and is avoided wherever possible except in the largest operations.
advanced grav-drives that give them much greater manoeuvrability than Human ships of the same basic thrust level. KraVak warships do not carry energy screens or large amounts of hull armour. Instead, their ship hulls are built with a much higher degree of internal structural integrity than most Human designs, to withstand and absorb internal damage caused by penetrating weapon hits (which has an additional bonus of being better able to take the massive stresses imposed by the enhanced manoeuvring capabilities of their advanced grav drives). The standard Kra'Vak point defence weapon is a one-shot system known as the "scattergun", which fires a large cloud of relatively small kinetic projectiles at very high velocities over a wide area. It is a very effective system against fighters, missiles and other similar threats, and can also do a small amount of damage to a close-range ship target. Reloading a scattergun with a new charge of projectiles is a lengthy operation that can only be done when the ship is not in combat, so each scattergun is only able to fire once in a battle - for this reason, larger Kra'Vak ships carry a fairly large number of individual scattergun launchers, which has the additional advantage that they can salvo-fire a number of them (or even all of them) in one go if under heavy attack. Scatterguns are all-arc weapons, able to fire at any target around the ship. Human military forces generally refer to Kra'Vak ships by their UNDIA-assigned codenames (KEG, KERF etc.), though the actual Kra'vak names for most of the classes are known from translations of intercepted signal traffic. Human crews and troops tend to use their own slang terms for the Kra'Vak in general, the most common being "Kravs" or "Kraks", though there are many less printable variants in use.
The Kra'Vak are especially adept at gravitic manipulation technology, having developed it to a much higher degree than Humanity has. All their major weapon systems are grav-based, and rely heavily on kinetic projectile weapons rather than energy or particle beam technologies. The drive systems of Kra'Vak ships seem to be very effective for their size, and make full use of the Kra'Vak mastery of Grav technology to permit rates of manoeuvre far in excess of those possible to human ships. Their FTL (jump) drives appear to function in much the same way as human systems, using very similar principles. The warships of the KraVak Dominion are equipped with gravitic-accelerator kinetic projectile guns, known as K-guns, which fire solid penetrators at incredibly high velocities. These kinetic penetrators cause massive damage when they impact their target; screens are of no use against them, and even heavy armour is of little effect while armour will stop the smallest K-gun rounds from doing too much internal damage, the larger classes of K-gun will simply slice through the armour and rip into the ship's internals. The accuracy of the K-guns is limited by their fire-control computer predictions of exactly where the target ship will be when the projectiles arrive, hence their accuracy degrades with range and the consequent increase in time lag on receiving target positioning data. The different classes of K-gun battery on KraVak ships vary mainly in the mass of the projectiles fired, thus the damage caused by a successful hit increases with battery size. All K-gun classes are assumed to have similar firing velocities and targetting systems, however, so range and hit probabilities remain constant regardless of battery class. The long accelerator "barrels" of the K-guns mean that the majority of them are only able to bear through one single fire arc, and Kra'Vak ships are generally designed with all their major weapon mounts in the frontal arc - the main exception to this being the smallest K-gun, the K-1, which is compact enough to be mounted in a traversable mount and is thus capable of all-arc fire. Normal Kra'Vak design practice is to mount a small number of the largest class of forward-mounted K-guns that the ship can carry, backed up by a one or more K-1 systems as secondary weapons. This makes tactical manoeuvring and ship facing of primary importance to the KraVak, and to this end all their ships are equipped with
7) TOTAL POINTS VALUES EXAMPLE: The points costing of our example ship is:
MULTIPLE KINETIC PENETRATOR (MKP) PACKS One-shot system, range 12 mu. 1 die rolled: 1-3 = no hits, 4 or 5 = 1 hit, 6 = 2 hits (no rerolls). Each hit does 4 damage points, one to armour (if any) and remainder on hull. ICON: SCATTERGUNS One shot system, all-arc fire. May fire in point-defence, area-defence or antiship mode. 1 die is rolled in all cases: Against standard fighters or salvo missiles, the shot kills 1D6 elements from the group/salvo (ie: 1-6 fighters/missiles). Against HEAVY fighters, halve the number of kills (round up). No rerolls. Against plasma bolts, 4 or 5 reduces the bolt strength by 1, 6 reduces it by 2. No rerolls. Against ship targets, 4 or 5 = 1 DP, 6 = 2 DP (two separate hits, so both are taken on armour if applicable). No rerolls. In area defence mode, roll of 1 = 1 DP against ship under attack. ICON:
Class 3 K-guns (1 arc fire) MKP Pack firing F only
Hangar bay
Damage Track Crew Factor Marker Command Bridge Icon Life Support Icon FTL Drive Advanced Main Drive (Thrust 4A)
TMF: 11 NPV: 44
Human Class Scoutship Equivalent: Displacement: 1100 tonnes (MASS factor 11) Hull Integrity: 3 11 [Crew Factor: 1] Crew: 1 x Class-1 K-gun, 1 x Armament: MKP packs (one-shot) None Defences: Sensor Suite: Standard sensors, 1 Fire control system Drive Systems: Main Drive Rating 6A, FTL (jump) drive
First encountered: 2185. The Lu'Dak is a small ship (though heavier than most human scouts) that packs an extremely large punch for its mass. Intended as a fast strike ship for killing small enemy vessels or soft targets (eg: merchantmen), it carries a single-shot MKP pack that allows it to cause severe damage to ships much larger than itself, plus a K-1 battery that permits it to snipe at long range if required.
TMF: 20 NPV: 79
Human Class Equivalent: Striker/Corvette Displacement: 2000 tonnes (MASS factor 20) Hull Integrity: 6 Crew: 20 [Crew Factor: 1] Armament: 1 x Class-1 K-gun, 2 x MKP packs (one-shot) Defences: 1 x one-shot "scattergun" kinetic killer Sensor Suite: Standard sensors, 1 Fire control system Drive Systems: Main Drive Rating 6A, FTL (jump) drive
First encountered: 2185. Like the Lu'dak scout, the Ka'Tak is a very powerful one-pass shipkiller with the ability to gut even a medium-size ship with its two MKP packs; it is quite large and expensive for a Corvette, however, with a mass and cost equivalent to many human frigate classes. Ka'Taks are commonly used as commerce raiders and to provide an independant fast strike force for fleet operations.
Human Class Heavy Frigate Equivalent: Displacement: 3000 tonnes (MASS factor 30) Hull Integrity: 9 30 [Crew Factor: 2] Crew: 2 x Class-2 K-guns Armament: 2 x one-shot Defences: "scattergun" kinetic killers Sensor Suite: Standard sensors, 1 Fire control system Drive Systems: Main Drive Rating 6A, FTL (jump) drive
First encountered: 2184. The Da'Kak is the most commonly encountered Kra'Vak light escort, and is normally classed as a frigate although (in common with most of their smaller ships) its actual mass is very high for this classification, and is more like that of a human destroyer. It is a capable and effective ship, if slightly hampered by the lack of an all-arc K-gun system to back up the significant main armament of two forward-firing K-2 guns.
Human Class Equivalent: Heavy Destroyer Displacement: 4000 tonnes (MASS factor 40) Hull Integrity: 12 Crew: 40 [Crew Factor: 2] Armament: 2 x Class-2 K-guns, 1 x Class-1 K-gun Defences: 3 x one-shot "scattergun" kinetic killers Sensor Suite: Standard sensors, 1 Fire control system Drive Systems: Main Drive Rating 6A, FTL (jump) drive
First encountered: 2183. The Di'Tok was the first Kra'Vak ship class to be encountered by human forces, when one killed the PAU battlecruiser Kinshasa off New Lusaka in 2183. Since that opening shot, Di'Toks have been present at almost every battle between human and Kra'Vak fleets. Mounting the same main guns as a Da'Kak frigate, the Di'Tok supplements these with an all-arc K-1 and a better loadout of defensive scatterguns.
Human Class Light Cruiser Equivalent: Displacement: 6000 tonnes (MASS factor 60) Hull Integrity: 18 60 [Crew Factor: 3] Crew: 2 x Class-3 K-guns, Armament: 1 x Class-1 K-gun 4 x one-shot Defences: "scattergun" kinetic killers Sensor Suite: Standard sensors, 2 Fire control systems Drive Systems: Main Drive Rating 6A, FTL (jump) drive
First encountered: 2184. The Vo'Bok is the smallest commonly-encountered Kra'Vak cruiser, and is found supporting most task force groups; they are also used as flagships for small raiding parties of Da'Kak FFs and Di'Tok DHs, and several have been reported on solo operations deep within human space. Main armament of the Vo'Bok is good, though it has only a single K-1 system for all-arc backup.
Human Class Equivalent: Patrol or Escort Cruiser Displacement: 7000 tonnes (MASS factor 70) Hull Integrity: 21 Crew: 70 [Crew Factor: 4] Armament: 2 x Class-3 K-guns, 2 x Class-1 K-guns Defences: 5 x one-shot "scattergun" kinetic killers Sensor Suite: Standard sensors, 2 Fire control systems Drive Systems: Main Drive Rating 6A, FTL (jump) drive
First encountered: 2185. The Si'Tek is a typical medium sized escort cruiser, normally found supporting the Kra'Vak battleline in major operations. It has a powerful antiship armament, plus enough scattergun charges to be useful in the area-defence role to protect other ships from fighter and missile attack.
Human Class Strike Cruiser Equivalent: Displacement: 7000 tonnes (MASS factor 70) Hull Integrity: 21 70 [Crew Factor: 4] Crew: 3 x Class-3 K-guns, Armament: 1 x Class-1 K-gun 2 x one-shot Defences: "scattergun" kinetic killers Sensor Suite: Standard sensors, 2 Fire control systems Drive Systems: Main Drive Rating 6A, FTL (jump) drive
First encountered: 2187. The Ko'Tek is an odd departure from "normal" Kra'Vak ship designs doctrine, in that it mounts an odd number of large primary K-guns; one of the latest types of Kra'vak warship to be identified, the Ko'Tek appears to be a modified version of a Si'Tek hull with the addition of a third K-3 system, the other defensive systems being downrated to make room for it. Whether this is a full production class or a field-expedient conversion is unclear at this time, but since its appearance a number of Ko'Teks have been seen in action.
Human Class Equivalent: Heavy Cruiser Displacement: 8400 tonnes (MASS factor 84) Hull Integrity: 27 Crew: 84 [Crew Factor: 5] Armament: 2 x Class-4 K-guns, 1 x Class-1 K-gun Defences: 4 x one-shot "scattergun" kinetic killers Sensor Suite: Standard sensors, 2 Fire control systems Drive Systems: Main Drive Rating 6A, FTL (jump) drive
First encountered: 2184. The Va'Dok is a typical Kra'vak heavy cruiser design, with good thrust (affording excellent manoeuvrability with its advanced grav drives), a strongly-built hull and a deadly fore-arc armament of twin K-4 guns. With only limited secondary weaponry (as single K-1 battery) and a relatively small number of scattergun charges for defence, the Va'Dok is very much a strike ship designed to kill its prey as quickly as possible.
5 1
5 1
Human Class Battlecruiser Equivalent: Displacement: 10000 tonnes (MASS factor 100) Hull Integrity: 36 100 [Crew Factor: 5] Crew: 2 x Class-5 K-guns, Armament: 2 x Class-1 K-guns 5 x one-shot Defences: "scattergun" kinetic killers Sensor Suite: Standard sensors, 3 Fire control systems Drive Systems: Main Drive Rating 4A, FTL (jump) drive
First encountered: 2185. The smallest Kra'Vak design to mount the immensely powerful K-5 guns, the Ti'Dak is built around a slightly smaller version of the Ko'Vol battleship design, and is commonly found as a heavy unit in cruiser task forces, often serving as a flagship for such formations.
Human Class Equivalent: Battleship Displacement: 12100 tonnes (MASS factor 121) Hull Integrity: 48 Crew: 121 [Crew Factor: 7] Armament: 2 x Class-5 K-guns, 3 x Class-1 K-guns Defences: 6 x one-shot "scattergun" kinetic killers Sensor Suite: Standard sensors, 3 Fire control systems Drive Systems: Main Drive Rating 4A, FTL (jump) drive
First encountered: 2184. The Ko'Vol has a similar weapons fit to its smaller cousin, the Ti'Dak BC, but slightly better defensive and secondary systems and a much larger and stronger hull structure. The Ko'Vol is used as a major battleline unit, and is also commonly encountered as a long-range independant patrol craft or heavy raider.
First encountered: 2184. The Lo'Vok is the standard Kra'vak light dreadnought or heavy battleship class, with an extremely powerful main weapons suite comprising twin K-5 guns and a pair of lighter (but still deadly) K-3 types. Like most human battledreadnoughts, the Lo'Vok has a limited fighter handling capability, with a single hangar bay to carry one group of supporting fighters.
First encountered: 2185. As the human translation of its Kra'Vak name suggests, the Yu'Kas is often used as a command flagship in major war fleets, and it is a massive ship with devastating firepower. The awesome power of the four huge class-6 kinetic guns, backed up by a large array of lighter K-gun batteries, make the Yu'Kas able to cripple many a large warship with a single well-aimed salvo. As with all Kra'vak ships, its advanced grav drive allows it amazing manoeuvrability for a vessel of its size, and it also has the capacity to carry a single embarked fighter group.
Human Class Equivalent: Superdreadnought Displacement: 22000 tonnes (MASS factor 220) Hull Integrity: 72 Crew: 220 + fighter crews. [Crew Factor: 11] Armament: 4 x Class-6 K-guns, 5 x Class-1 K-guns
13 x one-shot "scattergun" kinetic killers Sensor Suite: Standard sensors, 5 Fire control systems Drive Systems: Main Drive Rating 3A, FTL (jump) drive Hangar Bays: 1 bay holding 6 fighters (fighter cost not included)
Human Class Tactical Carrier Equivalent: Displacement: 18000 tonnes (MASS factor 180) Hull Integrity: 54 180 + fighter crews. Crew: [Crew Factor: 9] 4 x Class-3 K-guns, Armament: 3 x Class-1 K-gun
7 x one-shot "scattergun" kinetic killers Sensor Suite: Standard sensors, 3 Fire control systems Drive Systems: Main Drive Rating 4A, FTL (jump) drive Hangar Bays: 4 bays each holding 6 fighters (fighter cost not included) Defences:
Human Class Equivalent: Heavy Carrier Displacement: 24000 tonnes (MASS factor 240) Hull Integrity: 72 Crew: 240 + fighter crews. [Crew Factor: 12] Armament: 4 x Class-3 K-guns, 4 x Class-1 K-guns
11 x one-shot "scattergun" kinetic killers Sensor Suite: Standard sensors, 3 Fire control systems Drive Systems: Main Drive Rating 4A, FTL (jump) drive Hangar Bays: 6 bays each holding 6 fighters (fighter cost not included) Defences:
3 3 1 1
H 5
H 5
H 4
H 4
TMF: 40 NPV: 97
First encountered: 2186. The Sha'Ken is a small supply ship often found accompanying Kra'Vak war fleets, carrying stocks of disposable munitions (Kgun ammunition, scattergun reloads and the like) and other consumables. Sha'Ken class ships have also been known to be used as small assult carriers to transport ground troops and equipment for attacks on minor human outposts where only limited resistance is expected.
First encountered: 2186. The To'Rok is a reconnaissance ship used by the Kra'Vak to scout out enemy-held systems prior to attack; it also carries considerable laboratory facilities and a pair of small interface landers, and is used to insert covert teams onto enemy occupied worlds to obtain captives for study and analysis. The ship is well enough armed to protect itself if necessary, but it is not intended to be a warship.
Human Class Equivalent: Explorer/Recon Ship Displacement: 6000 tonnes (MASS factor 60) Hull Integrity: 18 Crew: 60 [Crew Factor: 3] Armament: 1 x Class-2 K-gun, 1 x Class-1 K-gun Defences: 2 x one-shot "scattergun" kinetic killers Sensor Suite: Standard sensors, 1 Fire control system Drive Systems: Main Drive Rating 4A, FTL (jump) drive Lab or Hold Space: 10 mass [1000 tonnes] Shuttle Bay: 6 mass, holding 2 x mass 2 interface shuttles (4 points each, cost not included in NPV)
H 3
H 3
H 2
H 2
Ship ID
Turn 1
Turn 2
Turn 3
Turn 4
Turn 5
Turn 6
Turn 7
Turn 8
Turn 9
Turn 10
EXAMPLE: The points costing of our example ship is: BASIC HULL: MASS x 1 100 points BIOMASS (MASS 30) 8/8/7/7 MASS x 2 60 points CARAPACE (MASS 10) MASS x 2 20 points POWER GENERATORS (MASS 22) MASS x 2 44 points MAIN DRIVE NODE (MASS 10) MASS x 2 20 points FTL DRIVE (MASS 10) MASS x 2 20 points 3 x Stinger Nodes (MASS 6) MASS x 3 18 points 1 x Pod Launcher Node (MASS 3) MASS x 3 9 points 2 x Spicules (MASS 2) MASS x 3 6 points 2 x Cortex Nodes (MASS 2) MASS x 4 8 points 1 x Screen Node (MASS 5) MASS x 3 15 points Total cost (NPV - Nominal Points Value) 10) CREATE THRUST TABLE Because of the way that Sa'vasku drives function, it will be a huge help to the gameplay if you calculate beforehand how many Power Points are required to produce a certain thrust factor for a given size of ship; that way, when writing orders you can easily see the amount of power that has to be allocated to the M (movement) pool in order to achieve the desired thrust level for that turn. 342 points
T 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Cortex Nodes (2) Pod Launcher Node Carapace PD Spicule Drone Womb
2 2
Damage Track
3 3
T 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
removed. Leech Pods must be removed by damage control rolls in same way as system repairs. INTERCEPTOR PODS Range is 12 mu; any fighter group, missile salvo or plasma bolt within 12 mu of the firing ship may be targetted - it does NOT have to fall within the fire arc of the Pod Launcher. Against fighters and missiles an Interceptor Pod kills 1 D6 members of the target group/salvo; against plasma bolts, 4-5 reduces bolt strength by 1, 6 by 2. No rerolls. ICON: Pod Launcher Node (Fore arc)
SCREEN NODE Each screen node requires power points from "D" pool to operate; effect is as for 1 level of standard screens per operating screen node. Power requirement indicated by number in icon. ICON (example): Mass 5 Screen Node 5
SPICULES Point-defence system that require 1 power point from "A" pool for one shot. May fire once per turn, all-arc. Shot is resolved exactly as for standard PDS fire. ICON:
CORTEX NODES Act as Fire Control systems, using standard rules. No power points required. ICON:
TMF: 10 NPV: 34
1 1
T 3 6 7 12 P 1/1 1/2 1/2/-
First encountered: 2188. The Sa'An'Tha is a small Sa'Vasku scoutship with a reasonable power output for its mass, and a good amount of hull biomass to absorb damage; it does not, however, have any protective carapace and so is quite a "soft target".
T 3 5 6 7 11 15
1 2
Human Class Equivalent: Scoutship Displacement: 1100 tonnes (MASS factor 11) Hull Biomass: 2 Carapace Integrity: 1 Power Gen: 3 Armament: 1 x Stinger node Defences: None Sensor Suite: Standard sensors, 1 x Cortex node Drive Systems: Main Drive node, FTL (jump) node
TMF: 11 NPV: 37
First encountered: 2189. The Sa'Kess'Tha has a lower amount of hull biomass than the slightly smaller Sa'An'Tha, but it does possess some protective carapace and enough power generation capacity to deal out an effective amount of beam fire at close ranges, or to accelerate very rapidly when it needs to.
TMF: 18 NPV: 59
1 1 1 1
Human Class Corvette Equivalent: Displacement: 1800 tonnes (MASS factor 18) Hull Biomass: 5 Carapace 1 Integrity: 4 Power Gen: 1 x Stinger node Armament: 1 x PD Spicule Defences: Sensor Suite: Standard sensors, 1 x Cortex node Drive Systems: Main Drive node, FTL (jump) node T 2 3 4 6 9 12 P 1/1 1/2 1/3 2/4 3/4/-
First encountered: 2188. The Fo'Kiir'Tha attack ship is the smallest class of true warship in the Sa'Vasku space forces. Though of limited mass, it has sufficient power generation capacity to be a dangerous opponent to other small craft or merchant shipping, and enough biomass and carapace to survive a moderate amount of incoming fire.
T 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 11 13 P 1/1 1/2 1/3 2/4 2/5 3/6 3/4/5/6/-
1 2 2
Human Class Equivalent: Frigate Displacement: 2400 tonnes (MASS factor 24) Hull Biomass: 8 Carapace Integrity: 2 Power Gen: 6 Armament: 1 x Stinger node Defences: 1 x PD Spicule Sensor Suite: Standard sensors, 1 x Cortex node Drive Systems: Main Drive node, FTL (jump) node
TMF: 24 NPV: 77
First encountered: 2189. The Fo'Sath'Aan class attack ship is a larger version of the Fo'Kiir'Tha "corvette", with a stronger hull biomass and a tougher carapace. It is usually found in a close escort role, supporting the major fleet units.
T 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 P 1/2 2/3 2/5 3/6 4/8 5/6/7/8/9/-
2 2 3
First encountered: 2188. The Fo'Vur'Ath class is the largest common attack ship, and the smallest regularly-seen Sa'Vasku construct to carry a pod launcher node which gives it the ability to fire torpedo-type weapons. The Fo'Vur'Ath has a realatively weak protective carapace, but a good level of hull biomass (which it needs to provide raw material to feed the pod launcher).
Human Class Equivalent: Light Cruiser Displacement: 5200 tonnes (MASS factor 52) Hull Biomass: 16 Carapace Integrity: 3 Power Gen: 12 Armament: 2 x Stinger nodes, 1 x Pod Launcher node Defences: 2 x PD Spicules Sensor Suite: Standard sensors, 2 x Cortex nodes Drive Systems: Main Drive node, FTL (jump) node
T 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
3 3 3 3
First encountered: 2188. The Var'Arr'Sha class strike ship is equivalent to a light cruiser in human terms, and fulfils much the same roles of both independant raider and battleline escort. Well equipped with both offensive and defensive nodes and with a good power generation ability, the Var'Arr'Sha is a versatile ship and one of the most commonly-encountered Sa'Vasku constructs.
4 4 4 4
Human Class Cruiser Equivalent: Displacement: 6400 tonnes (MASS factor 64) Hull Biomass: 18 Carapace 4 Integrity: 16 Power Gen: 3 x Stinger nodes, Armament: 1 x Pod Launcher node 3 x PD Spicules Defences: Sensor Suite: Standard sensors, 2 x Cortex nodes Drive Systems: Main Drive node, FTL (jump) node
First encountered: 2189. The Var'Kiir'Sha class strike ship is a larger version of the Var'Arr'Sha, with a tougher carapace, a little more usable biomass and a significantly greater power generation capacity. It is most commonly found as a major unit in small raiding squadrons.
Human Class Equivalent: Cruiser Displacement: 7000 tonnes (MASS factor 70) Hull Biomass: 20 Carapace Integrity: 6 Power Gen: 16 Armament: 3 x Stinger nodes, 1 x Pod Launcher node Defences: 3 x PD Spicules Sensor Suite: Standard sensors, 2 x Cortex nodes Drive Systems: Main Drive node, FTL (jump) node
T 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
4 4 4 4
First encountered: 2189. With a slightly higher overall mass than the similar Var'Kiir'Sha, the Var'Thee'Sha class devotes most of this extra to biomass and carapace strength, making it a more survivable ship but with similar offensive capabilities. The Var'Thee'Sha is often encountered as a solo raider or patrol ship.
T 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 P 2/4 4/8 6/11 8/15 9/11/13/15/-
4 4 4
Human Class Escort Carrier Equivalent: Displacement: 9400 tonnes (MASS factor 94) Hull Biomass: 36 Carapace 6 Integrity: 16 Power Gen: 1 x Stinger node Armament: 1 x Screen node, Defences: 3 x PD Spicules Sensor Suite: Standard sensors, 2 x Cortex nodes Drive Systems: Main Drive node, FTL (jump) node Drone 2 x Drone Wombs Capability:
First encountered: 2189. The Thy'Sa'Teth is the smallest class of Broodship (drone mothership) yet encountered. Used to provide drone support for small task froces, the Thy'Sa'Teth devotes most of its capacity to the raw biomass and power generation needed to produce and launch its drone groups, and is usually found escorted by a number of smaller ships to protect it from attack.
Human Class Equivalent: Battlecruiser Displacement: 10000 tonnes (MASS factor 100) Hull Biomass: 25 Carapace Integrity: 8 Power Gen: 24 Armament: 3 x Stinger nodes, 2 x Pod Launcher nodes Defences: 1 x Screen node, 3 x PD Spicules Sensor Suite: Standard sensors, 3 x Cortex nodes Drive Systems: Main Drive node, FTL (jump) node
6 6 6 6
First encountered: 2188. The Shyy'Tha'Var is a much larger version of the Var'Thee'Sha and similar strike ships, and has a large power generation capacity that makes it a very powerful ship. Its tough carapace and a screen generator node allow it to absorb a lot of punishment, and a good biomass level permits steady and deadly fire from its pair of pod launcher nodes.
T P 1 2/5 2 5/10 3 7/14 4 10/19 5 12/24 6 14/29 7 17/8 19/9 22/10 24/11 26/12 29/-
7 7 8 8
First encountered: 2189. One of the smaller of the so-called "Leader Ships" (the Sa'Vasku term for its capital ship classes) the Ann'Var'Teth is a main battleline unit that can deal out a huge amount of firepower thanks to its extensive generator capacity, and it is well protected by a screen system and a reasonably strong carapace. Human Class Battleship Equivalent: Displacement: 12000 tonnes (MASS factor 120) Hull Biomass: 30 Carapace 9 Integrity: 30 Power Gen:
4 x Stinger nodes, 2 x Pod Launcher nodes 1 x Screen node, Defences: 4 x PD Spicules Sensor Suite: Standard sensors, 3 x Cortex nodes Drive Systems: Main Drive node, FTL (jump) node
8 8 8 8
First encountered: 2190. The Sla'Tha'Rosh is a powerful battle construct, and the smallest regular warship (ie: nonBroodship) type to carry a drone womb in addition to its other offensive and defensive systems. Its hull biomass level is particularly high to allow sufficient spare biomass to generate the necessary drone groups.
Human Class Equivalent: Battledreadnought/Heavy Battleship Displacement: 16000 tonnes (MASS factor 160) Hull Biomass: 40 Carapace Integrity: 12 Power Gen: 32 Armament: 6 x Stinger nodes, 2 x Pod Launcher nodes Defences: 2 x Screen nodes, 4 x PD Spicules Sensor Suite: Standard sensors, 3 x Cortex nodes Drive Systems: Main Drive node, FTL (jump) node Drone Capability: 1 x Drone Womb
T 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 10 10 10
First encountered: 2188. The Vas'Sa'Rosh is a massive construct that fulfils the role of dreadnought and fleet flagship within the Sa'Vasku space combat forces. Its huge power generation ability allows it to produce a focussed energy beam of phenomenal range, or to unleash a horrific amount of lower-level firepower at closer targets, and its thick carapace and screen nodes will shrug off a large amount of incoming fire. On the very rare occasions that an actual Sa'Vasku leaves one of the homeworlds, a Vas'Sa'Rosh is usually its means of transport. Human Class Superdreadnought Equivalent: Displacement: 22000 tonnes (MASS factor 220) Hull Biomass: 60 Carapace 16 Integrity: 40 Power Gen:
8 x Stinger nodes, 3 x Pod Launcher nodes 2 x Screen nodes, Defences: 6 x PD Spicules Sensor Suite: Standard sensors, 4 x Cortex nodes Drive Systems: Main Drive node, FTL (jump) node Drone 1 x Drone Womb Capability: Armament:
T 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
11 11 11 11
First encountered: 2190. The huge Vas'Sa'Teth is a variant of the Vas'Sa'Rosh dreadnought, but optimised as a drone producer and mothership (known to the Sa'Vasku as a Broodship). Four separate drone wombs allow the Vas'Sa'Teth to create and hold up to four drone groups ready for launch at one time, and it has enough biomass to produce two or even three full waves of four groups. The Broodship is well armed and defended, though it is usually accompanied by a flotilla of escorting ships to protect it during the times that it spends most of its energy on drone creation. Human Class Equivalent: Heavy Fighter Carrier Displacement: 24000 tonnes (MASS factor 240) Hull Biomass: 80 Carapace Integrity: 12 Power Gen: 44
4 x Stinger nodes, 1 x Pod Launcher node Defences: 2 x Screen nodes, 6 x PD Spicules Sensor Suite: Standard sensors, 3 x Cortex nodes Drive Systems: Main Drive node, FTL (jump) node Drone Capability: 4 x Drone Wombs
Any mix of pulser configurations may be chosen by the Phalon player for each of his ships before the game, and the relevant letters (L, M or C) written into the blank pulser icons on the ship SSD. Under no circumstances may the configuration be altered DURING a game. [For an added twist, if Phalon ships are attacked unexpectedly (eg: an ambush scenario) and do not have time to adjust the tuning of their pulsers to suit the coming battle, players may agree to choose the settings at random - roll a D6 for each pulser battery: on 1 or 2, it is currently configured as a pulser-L, on 3 or 4 as a pulser-M, and on 5 or 6 a pulser-C.] Pulser fire dice are read as for standard beam weapon fire, ie: 1-3 = no effect, 4-5 = 1 Damage Point, 6 = 2DP plus a reroll. Screens ARE effective against pulser fire as per standard rules, as are the Phalons' own vapour shrouds (see below). Pulser fire is non-penetrating (ie: damage is taken on armour first) with the exception of damage inflicted by rerolls. All Pulsers, regardless of current configuration, can function as PDS instead of anti-ship fire in any given turn, using the normal PDS rules, ranges and effects - see point defence rules below. POINT-DEFENCE AND AREA-DEFENCE Phalon ships do not have separate point-defence system (PDS); instead, they may elect to use any of their pulser batteries as PDS during the point-defence phase, firing at any one fighter group, missile salvo or plasma bolt that is attacking the firing ship. A pulser used in this mode fires exactly as for a standard PDS shot, with the same die rolls and effects. Any pulser used in the PDS mode rolls only ONE die, regardless of how the pulser is currently configured. Unlike standard point-defence systems, pulsers can have limited arcs of fire - in this case, a pulser in PDS mode may ONLY engage a target (fighter group, missile salvo, plasma bolt etc.) that is actually within that pulser's normal fire arc(s). It is thus an acceptable tactic for fighters engaging a Phalon ship to try to manoeuvre so as to be out of the pulsers' defensive fire arcs, but this will often entail them making a secondary move and thus burning up a valuable combat endurance factor. Phalon ships may carry ADFC (Area-Defence Fire Controls), advanced firecontrol systems that allow them to use their pulsers' point-defence capability to support any other ship that is within 6mu of the firing ship; they operate exactly as standard human ADFC systems*, and have the same mass and cost requirements - 2 MASS and a cost of 8 points per ADFC. Any pulser that fires in either the point or area defence mode may NOT also fire in antiship mode in the same turn. As per the standard rules for PDS fire, the Phalons do NOT need a functioning fire control system in order to fire in the point-defence mode. [*Note that the ADFC system was introduced in Fleet Book 1 to replace the ADS used in FT 2nd edition; unlike the original ADS, the ADFC is not a weapon system in its own right - it is a specialised fire control director that allows the ship's PDS to function in the area-defence mode.]
2 x Pulser (1 arc) @ 2 MASS 1 x Pulser (3 arc) @ 3 MASS 2 x Pulser (6 arc) @ 4 MASS 1 x Plasma Bolt Launcher (class 3) 3 x Fire Controls @ 1 MASS 1 x Vapour Shroud gland @ 5% of overall ship MASS Total MASS used for systems = 38 8) TOTAL POINTS VALUES
= = = = =
= MASS 5
EXAMPLE: The points costing of our example ship is: BASIC HULL (MASS 100) HULL INTEGRITY (MASS 20) SHELL (MASS 12) MAIN DRIVE (MASS 20) FTL DRIVE (MASS 10) 2 x Pulser (1 arc) (MASS 4) 1 x Pulser (3 arc) (MASS 3) 2 x Pulser (6 arc) (MASS 8) 1 x PBL (class 3) (MASS15 ) 3 x Fire Controls (MASS 3) 1 x Vapour Shroud (MASS 5) MASS x 1 MASS x 2 (8x2) + (4x4) MASS x 2 MASS x 2 MASS x 5 MASS x 5 MASS x 5 MASS x 3 MASS x 4 MASS x 3 100 points 40 points 32 points 40 points 20 points 20 points 15 points 40 points 45 points 12 points 15 points
379 points
Vapour shroud gland
Hangar bay Fire Control Systems (2) Shell layer 3 Shell layer 2 Shell layer 1 Damage Track Crew Factor Marker FTL Drive Main Drive (Thrust 4) Command Bridge Icon Life Support Icon Area Defence Firecon
TMF: 10 NPV: 39
Human Class Recon Scout Equivalent: Displacement: 1000 tonnes (MASS factor 10) Hull Integrity: 1 Shell Strength: Layer 1: 1 10 [Crew Factor: 1] Crew: 1 x Pulser battery Armament: Vapour shroud gland Defences: Sensor Suite: Standard sensors, 1 Fire control system Drive Systems: Main Drive Rating 6, FTL (jump) drive
First encountered: 2191. The tiny Phyaa recon scout is never meant to enter close combat; as its designation implies, it is primarily a reconnaissance and intelligence gathering ship. Its single one-arc pulser battery is almost always configured in L mode, to give it the ability to snipe from long range where the enemy cannot effectively respond. If caught at closer ranges, the Phyaa will try to withdraw under the protection of its vapour shroud.
Human Class Equivalent: Battle Scout Displacement: 1200 tonnes (MASS factor 12) Hull Integrity: 2 Shell Strength: Layer 1: 1 Crew: 12 [Crew Factor: 1] Armament: 1 x Pulser battery Defences: Vapour shroud gland Sensor Suite: Standard sensors, 1 Fire control system Drive Systems: Main Drive Rating 4, FTL (jump) drive
TMF: 12 NPV: 51
First encountered: 2192. Classed as a "Battle Scout", the little Vlath is a fragile ship with a big punch - its single all-arc pulser is most often encountered in C mode for maximum fire output at short range, and squadrons of Vlaths have been known to "swarm" a larger enemy ship and pound it rapidly to death from all sides before it can kill all the tiny attackers.
TMF: 16 NPV: 60
Human Class Corvette Equivalent: Displacement: 1600 tonnes (MASS factor 16) Hull Integrity: 2 Shell Strength: Layer 1: 2 16 [Crew Factor: 1] Crew: 1 x Pulser battery Armament: Vapour shroud gland Defences: Sensor Suite: Standard sensors, 1 Fire control system Drive Systems: Main Drive Rating 6, FTL (jump) drive
First encountered: 2191. The Dorrth class fills the "corvette" role in Phalon naval forces, being a small Protector ship designed to escort convoys and act as outriders to combat task groups. The single limited-arc pulser battery is most often configured as either a long-range sniping weapon or a close-range shipkiller, depending on the role that the ship is assigned to at that time.
TMF: 21 NPV: 84
Human Class Equivalent: Frigate Displacement: 2100 tonnes (MASS factor 21) Hull Integrity: 3 Shell Strength: Layer 1: 2 Crew: 21 [Crew Factor: 2] Armament: 2 x Pulser batteries Defences: Vapour shroud gland Sensor Suite: Standard sensors, 1 Fire control system Drive Systems: Main Drive Rating 6, FTL (jump) drive
First encountered: 2192. The Tyaph class is slightly smaller than its Phuun class sister ship, and lacks the latter's plasma bolt system, but makes up for this with twin pulser batteries. As a close escort for major fleet units, the Tyaph is most often encountered with both pulsers tuned for C mode to give a very large fire output against any enemy ships that venture too close to the Phalon fleet.
TMF: 24 NPV: 89
Human Class Frigate Equivalent: Displacement: 2400 tonnes (MASS factor 24) Hull Integrity: 3 Shell Strength: Layer 1: 2 24 [Crew Factor: 2] Crew: 1 x Pulser battery, Armament: 1 x Class-1 Plasma Bolt launcher Vapour shroud gland Defences: Sensor Suite: Standard sensors, 1 Fire control system Drive Systems: Main Drive Rating 6, FTL (jump) drive
First encountered: 2192. The Phuun is the smallest Phalon ship class in regular use to mount a plasma bolt launcher system, and the mass of this weapon leaves little room for other armament; a single pulser battery bears only through the three frontal arcs of the ship, leaving the Phuun very vulnerable to attacks from its aft arcs. Phuun class ships have been encountered with all configurations of their pulser battery, but the most commonly it is tuned to M mode.
Human Class Equivalent: Heavy Destroyer Displacement: 4100 tonnes (MASS factor 41) Hull Integrity: 7 Shell Strength: Layer 1: 4 Crew: 41 [Crew Factor: 3] Armament: 2 x Pulser batteries, 1 x Class-1 Plasma Bolt launcher Defences: Vapour shroud gland Sensor Suite: Standard sensors, 1 Fire control system Drive Systems: Main Drive Rating 6, FTL (jump) drive
First encountered: 2192. The largest of the Protector group of escort classes, the Dinth is equivalent to a heavy destroyer in human naval terms. It is most commonly found accompanying major task forces as a heavy fleet escort, but has also been encountered as a solo commerce raider. The Dinth has a high thrust rating and is protected by a single layer shell of reasonable strength. The most common configuration for its pulser suite is the single-arc battery in M mode, and the all-arc in C mode.
Human Class Light Cruiser Equivalent: Displacement: 5800 tonnes (MASS factor 58) Hull Integrity: 10 Shell Strength: Layer 1: 3, Layer 2: 2 58 [Crew Factor: 3] Crew: 3 x Pulser batteries, Armament: 1 x Class-2 Plasma Bolt launcher Vapour shroud gland Defences: Sensor Suite: Standard sensors, 2 Fire control systems Drive Systems: Main Drive Rating 4, FTL (jump) drive
First encountered: 2191. The Tsaara CL was the first Phalon ship to be encountered by human forces, in mid 2191. The Tsaara class ship "Tojhaa" was attacked by a small FSE task group while engaged in reconnaissance near the outpost station at Rhone III. The Tojhaa began to withdraw under the cover of its vapour shroud after a hectic exchange of fire with the FSE group, but was caught by a final missile barrage from a Trieste DDH and destroyed with no survivors. Only upon examination of the debris did the FSE forces realise that this was a new, third race of alien beings hitherto unknown to humanity.
Human Class Equivalent: Medium Cruiser Displacement: 7000 tonnes (MASS factor 70) Hull Integrity: 12 Shell Strength: Layer 1: 4, Layer 2: 3 Crew: 70 [Crew Factor: 4] Armament: 4 x Pulser batteries, 1 x Class-2 Plasma Bolt launcher Defences: Vapour shroud gland Sensor Suite: Standard sensors, 2 Fire control systems Drive Systems: Main Drive Rating 4, FTL (jump) drive
First encountered: 2191. The Huulth is a good all-round warrior (cruiser) design, found in most Phalon battlefleets and independant squadrons. There is a specialised anti-fighter escort version of the Huulth that loses the Plasma Bolt launcher and replaces it with two additional all-arc pulser batteries plus an ADFC (Area Defence Fire Control) system; its mass is the same as the standard Huulth, but its NPV rises to 294. This variant is known to the Phalons as a Klashh-Huulth, and to humans as the PACKER-E.
Human Class Equivalent: Battlecruiser Displacement: 10400 tonnes (MASS factor 104) Hull Integrity: 20 Shell Strength: Layer 1: 8, Layer 2: 4 Crew: 104 [Crew Factor: 6] Armament: 5 x Pulser batteries, 1 x Class-3 Plasma Bolt launcher Defences: Vapour shroud gland Sensor Suite: Standard sensors, 3 Fire control systems, 1 ADFC Drive Systems: Main Drive Rating 4, FTL (jump) drive
First encountered: 2192. The Keraph is the only Phalon warship class to mount an ADFC (Area-Defence Fire Control) system as a standard fitment; other classes do carry ADFCs, but only as special variants, while all Keraph class ships encountered have been so equipped. As such, the Keraph is most commonly found as a dedicated anti-fighter ship to protect larger fleet units, though it is also used as part of some independant warrior (cruiser) squadrons.
Human Class Battleship Equivalent: Displacement: 13200 tonnes (MASS factor 132) Hull Integrity: 24 Shell Strength: Layer 1: 8, Layer 2: 4, Layer 3: 4 132 [Crew Factor: 7] Crew: 7 x Pulser batteries, Armament: 1 x Class-4 Plasma Bolt launcher Vapour shroud gland Defences: Sensor Suite: Standard sensors, 3 Fire control systems Drive Systems: Main Drive Rating 4, FTL (jump) drive
Human Class Equivalent: Battledreadnought Displacement: 17000 tonnes (MASS factor 170) Hull Integrity: 30 Shell Strength: Layer 1: 9, Layer 2: 5, Layer 3: 4 Crew: 170 [Crew Factor: 9] Armament: 7 x Pulser batteries, 1 x Class-5 Plasma Bolt launcher, 1 x Class-2 Plasma Bolt launcher Defences: Vapour shroud gland Sensor Suite: Standard sensors, 3 Fire control systems Drive Systems: Main Drive Rating 4, FTL (jump) drive
First encountered: 2193. The Saath differs from its smaller counterparts in that it mounts two Plasma Bolt launchers - a large class-5 in the usual spinal mount, plus a smaller class-2 in a dorsal weapons pod. Because of the amount of mass used by these systems, its pulser fit is no more extensive than that of the much smaller Ptath BB, but is still enough to make the Saath a very capable ship, good for both independant and fleet operations.
First encountered: 2192. The Voth class (along with their fighter-mothership counterparts, the Draath class) are the largest Phalon warships in common use. Protected by a massive four-layered shell, a Voth can withstand multiple hits from the most powerful of weapons before it takes damage to its soft inner hull. An array of no less than three plasma bolt launchers (a huge spinal class-6 and two smaller class-3s mounted in dorsal weapons pods) and an array of eleven pulser batteries allow the Voth to put out a phenomenal amount of firepower; normally the pulser systems are configured as a mix of C, M and L versions to give optimum coverage at all combat ranges, but Voths have been encountered with almost all their pulsers tuned for close-range combat only in this mode they can launch a volley that can shred a dreadnought in one pass. Several variants of the Voth have been noted, including one (PACHYDERM-E) that carries two ADFC systems in place of one of its all-arc pulser batteries.
First encountered: 2193. The Taanis is based on the same main structure as the Saath battledreadnought, with a fighter hangar/launch pod replacing the dorsal weapons pod of the Saath. It is the smallest Phalon carrier in regular service, and is usually found as a fighter support ship in small and medium sized task force groups. The Taanis retains the standard plasma bolt and pulser armament mix of almost all Phalon ships, but this is significantly downrated from the fit carried by the Saath in order to allow for the mass of the fighter bays.
Human Class Equivalent: Light Carrier Displacement: 17000 tonnes (MASS factor 170) Hull Integrity: 30 Shell Strength: Layer 1: 8, Layer 2: 4, Layer 3: 4 Crew: 170 [Crew Factor: 9] + fighter crews Armament: 5 x Pulser batteries, 1 x Class-2 Plasma Bolt launcher Defences: Vapour shroud gland Sensor Suite: Standard sensors, 2 Fire control systems Drive Systems: Main Drive Rating 4, FTL (jump) drive Hangar bays: 4 bays each holding 6 fighters. (fighter cost not included)
Human Class Heavy Carrier Equivalent: Displacement: 25000 tonnes (MASS factor 250) Hull Integrity: 40 Shell Strength: Layer 1: 12, Layer 2: 8, Layer 3: 6, Layer 4: 4 250 [Crew Factor: 13] Crew: + fighter crews 8 x Pulser batteries, Armament: 1 x Class-3 Plasma Bolt launcher Vapour shroud gland Defences: Sensor Suite: Standard sensors, 2 Fire control systems Drive Systems: Main Drive Rating 2, FTL (jump) drive Hangar bays: 8 bays each holding 6 fighters. (fighter cost not included)
ADFC (AREA-DEFENCE FIRE CONTROL) Allows ship to use its pulsers in area-defence mode to protect any other ships within 6 mu. An ADFC is only an enhanced point-defence fire director - it is not a weapon in its own right and cannot function as a regular fire control. ICON: PLASMA BOLT LAUNCHERS Plasma Bolt Launchers (PBLs) are available in sizes from class-1 to class-6 or larger. Launcher is a 3-arc (180 degree) system. Target point marker is placed during ordnance fire phase. All plasma bolt launchers may only fire once every other turn. Bolt strength is equal to launcher class; maximum range is 30 mu. Point-defence fire against plasma bolts reduces strength of bolt - refer to rules for effects of different types of PD fire. Burst radius of all plasma bolts is normally 6 mu. Each ship in radius takes 1 D6 damage per strength of bolt. ICONS (examples) Class-2 plasma bolt launcher
MEDIUM range mode (pulser-M): range 0-24mu CLOSE range mode (pulser-C): range 0-12mu
Pulser fire dice are read as 1-3 = no effect, 4-5 = 1 Damage Point, 6 = 2DP plus a reroll. Level-1 screens negate rolls of 4; level-2 screens and vapour shrouds negate rolls of 4 or 5. Pulser fire is non-penetrating with the exception of damage inflicted by rerolls. All Pulsers can function as PDS instead of anti-ship fire in any given turn, using the normal PDS rules, ranges and effects (limited-arc pulsers may only fire at targets within their valid fire arcs). ICONS (examples): One-arc pulser configured in M mode
2 5
VAPOUR SHROUDS Use must be noted in orders for that turn; blocks all outgoing fire, and acts as a level-2 screen against incoming fire (no effect against weapons that normally ignore screens). ICON:
Ship ID
Turn 1
Turn 2
Turn 3
Turn 4
Turn 5
Turn 6
Turn 7
Turn 8
Turn 9
Turn 10
TIMELINE CONTINUATION The main timeline in Full Thrust 2nd Edition brought the "official" background history up to 2183, just before the first contact with the Kra'Vak. This continuation shows how things develop from there...... 2183: The UNSC Survey Cruisers McCaffrey and Niven are attacked by unknown forces off Lagos IV on the Pan African Rim; the Niven is completely destroyed, and the McCaffrey disappears without trace. Later in the year, The PAU Battlecruiser Kinshasa is engaged and destroyed by an unidentified hostile in the New Lusaka system. 2184: Unexplained attacks and incidents increase in frequency, affecting not only PAU space but other nations as well; with the ongoing state of war between the NAC and ESU, much blame is placed by each power on the other. Both blocs, however, begin to realise that something far more important is happening. Late in 2184, NAC Fleet Intelligence recovers the first identifiable alien debris following an encounter near Angel II in which a Confederation squadron managed to destroy two ships from an attacking alien group. For the first time, Humanity has positive proof that the the attackers are another sentient life-form. 2185: The first co-operative action between the ESU and NAC against the Kra'Vak occurs at the Battle of Sulaxar. Although tensions still run high (especially in diplomatic circles), the militaries of all the major powers plus several smaller nations - are coming inexorably together in the face of a much greater threat. On 28.07.85, the UN Assembly declares that a state of war now officially exists between all the nations of Humanity and the race known as the Kra'Vak; the First InterSentient War (rapidly christened the Xeno War by the popular media) has truly begun. 2186: Early in the year, the advances towards joint ESU/NAC response to the Kra'Vak aggression falter when a Eurasian naval unit fails to assist a Confederation squadron under attack by alien forces off Caleb. Finally escaping with barely 25% of his force and men, Commodore Farris accuses the ESU of standing off from the action in order to gain control of the Caleb system. The diplomatic repercussions gradually settle, but illustrate the deep distrust that still exists between the major powers. The Kra'Vak offensive gathers momentum, and very late in the year reports begin to come in of the first surface assaults by Kra'Vak forces. 2187: The first major success against Kra'Vak ground forces is reported on the NSL outworld of Rheinhold, where a combined force of NSL and NAC Marines supporting local Militia units manage to beat off an attempted planetary landing by the alien invaders. Rheinhold then survives five months of protracted siege and repeated landing attempts before the Kra'Vak are driven outsystem by the arrival of a large joint task force of NAC, NSL, Dutch and Free Cal-Tex ships. Elsewhere, humanity does not fare so well, and the aliens continue to make inroads toward the core systems. Virtually no information is released to the public concerning what is happening on worlds taken by the Kra'Vak, which causes widespread panic as rumours of massacre and genocide spread. Public opinion on Earth, Centaurus and Barnard swings in favour of pulling all forces back from the outworlds to defend the core. Such a defensive concept does not find favour with the Military, nor (naturally) with the colonial population. 2188: Contact is made with a second Xenosentient species; the Sa'Vasku send a message to humanity by returning a survivor of the crew of the UNS McCaffrey, arranging a rendezvous that is attended by a joint NAC/ESU task force accompanied by a UN ambassador and xenospecialist team. After a very strange and inconclusive (to the humans) meeting between the UN delegation and the Sa'Vasku contact constructs, mankind is still not sure if it has found new friends, or new enemies. Over the following years of the war, Sa'Vasku ships and fleets turn up apparently at random throughout human space, sometimes hostile, sometimes friendly and sometimes just observing; contact with them proves impossible unless they wish to initiate it, and mankind is still no nearer understanding their motives or agenda. 2189: The KraVak push towards the core continues unabated, with mankind scoring only minor successes in space and planetside against the onslaught. Late in the year, a rapid thrust by KraVak forces deep into Human space is only narrowly defeated when they attack Centaurus, a battle which causes heavy losses to the allied human fleets and great damage to the orbital colonies of the Centaurus system. The appearance of such a large enemy fleet deep within the core pushes all the human nations into closer co-operation in the fight to defeat the Kra'Vak. 2190: A brief lull occurs in the fighting while the Kra'Vak, presumably hurting from the defeat at Centaurus, consolidate their gains in human space and regroup for their next push. Towards the start of 2191 the offensive resumes, but with a steadier and more co-ordinated strategy than the piecemeal strikes of the earlier years. The human forces give ground slowly as the Kra'Vak waves strike at system after system. 2191: First contact between Humanity and the Phalon race, when a Phalon ship is fired on and destroyed by an FSE force in the Rhone system. Other encounters with the Phalons follow, including several retaliatory attacks, until proper communication is finally established and the two races begin to understand something of the other. In the event, diplomatic relations with the Phalons appear almost as unpredictable as with the Sa'Vasku, with different factions within the Conglomerate siding with either Humanity or the Kra'Vak seemingly at a whim. 2192: The Kra'Vak continue their pressure on the Hu'man. In July 2192 a small Kra'Vak deep penetration force actually slips through Sol's system defences and reaches as far as Mars orbit, hitting several orbital facilities before the defending fleets can intercept and destroy the invaders. Civilian panic on Earth rises. 2193: It becomes obvious that a major Kra'Vak push into the core, and probably to Sol itself, is very near. In desperation, the UNSC (co-ordinating the defence of the core systems) orders all human forces to withdraw their ships from the colonies to interdict the core worlds. While many units comply, others refuse to abandon their colonial home-systems which are still under attack from KraVak forces. As the New Year approaches, the remnants of the UNSC/allied fleets begin to gather for a last-ditch defence of the core. 2194: While other battles still rage in many of the colonial systems, the Kra'Vak main force arrives at the core. Barnard and the already badly hurt Centaurus are attacked repeatedly by powerful Kra'Vak fleets. In May 2193 the first of the Kra'Vak attacks on the Earth's outer defences begin. The Siege of Sol has started.......
CONTACT INFORMATION FOR GROUND ZERO GAMES For sales in the UK, Europe and the rest of the world (excepting North and South America and Australasia), please contact GZG at the UK address given below for ordering and latest release information. Customers from USA, Canada or South America should contact Geo-Hex (address below) who produce the range under licence for the American market; customers in Australasia should contact Eureka Miniatures, who are our licensee for that region. The FULL THRUST Starship Miniatures line now includes over 160 different fine cast pewter miniatures and encompasses ships from many different nationalities and races. The models range in size from tiny fighters up to huge dreadnoughts
and carriers. All the ships detailed in this book are available in the line. A full list of the models in production is given overleaf, correct as of March 2000. CONTACT ADDRESSES (details correct at time of printing): UK/Europe etc: GROUND ZERO GAMES, PO BOX 337, NEEDHAM MARKET, SUFFOLK IP6 8LN, UK. Tel/Fax: 01449 722322. Email: jon@gzg.com USA/Canada/S.America: GEO-HEX, 2126 NORTH LEWIS, PORTLAND, OREGON 97227, USA. Tel: +503-288-4805. Email: geohex@teleport.com Australasia: EUREKA MINIATURES, 10 WOORAYL STREET, CARNEGIE, VICTORIA 3136, AUSTRALIA. Tel: +3-9568-4085. Email: nicr@eurekamin.com.au
The following list gives details and prices for UK availability of the FT miniature range, correct at time of going to press (March 2000). Prices/pack sizes etc. of miniatures from overseas licensees will differ - please contact them directly for prices and information. For UK orders, postage and packing rate is 10%, minimum 1, maximum 10. Credit card orders (Visa, Delta or Mastercard only) can be accepted by post, phone, fax or email. Please note that all UK miniatures (EXCEPT fighter packs) include PLASTIC STANDS for the ships; the US-produced examples from Geo-Hex include either plastic or metal stands. NEW ANGLIAN CONFEDERATION (NAC) ROYAL NAVY FT 101A Firestorm II class FIGHTERS (pack of 6) FT 121 Phantom class HEAVY FIGHTERS (pack of 6) FT 102A Harrison class SCOUTSHIPS (pack of 3) FT 103 Arapaho class CORVETTES (pack of 3) FT 104 Minerva class FRIGATES (pack of 2) FT 124 Tacoma class HEAVY FRIGATES (pack of 2) FT 105 Ticonderoga class DESTROYERS (pack of 2) FT 106 Huron class LIGHT CRUISER FT 107 Furious class ESCORT CRUISER FT 108 Vandenburg class HEAVY CRUISER FT 109 Majestic class BATTLECRUISER FT 110 Victoria class BATTLESHIP FT 111B Excalibur class BATTLEDREADNOUGHT FT 112 Valley Forge class SUPERDREADNOUGHT FT 113 Inflexible class LIGHT FLEET CARRIER FT 114 Ark Royal class FLEET SUPERCARRIER EURASIAN SOLAR UNION (ESU) VOYENNO-KOSMICHESKIY FLOT FT 201A Kilo class FIGHTERS (pack of 6) FT 201B Katya class FIGHTERS (pack of 6) FT 221 Kisha class HEAVY FIGHTERS (pack of 6) FT 202 Lenov class SCOUTSHIPS (pack of 3) FT 203 Nanuchka II class CORVETTES (pack of 3) FT 204 Novgorod class FRIGATES (pack of 2) FT 205 Warsaw class DESTROYERS (pack of 2) FT 205A Volga class SUPER DESTROYERS (pack of 2) FT 206 Tibet class LIGHT CRUISER FT 207 Beijing/B class ESCORT CRUISER FT 208 Gorshkov class HEAVY CRUISER FT 208A Voroshilev class HEAVY CRUISER FT 209 Manchuria class BATTLECRUISER FT 210 Petrograd class BATTLESHIP FT 211 Rostov class BATTLEDREADNOUGHT FT 212 Komarov class SUPERDREADNOUGHT FT 213 Konstantin class ATTACK CARRIER FT 214 Tsiolkovsky class LIGHT CARRIER NEU SWABIAN LEAGUE (NSL) KRIEGSRAUMFLOTTE FT 501 Adler class FIGHTERS (pack of 6) FT 501A Wulf class INTERCEPTORS (pack of 6) FT 521 Wespe class HEAVY FIGHTERS (pack of 6) FT 502 Falke class SCOUTSHIPS (pack of 3) FT 503 Stroschen class CORVETTES (pack of 3) FT 504 Ehrenhold class FRIGATES (pack of 2) FT 505 Waldburg class DESTROYERS (pack of 2) FT 505A Waldburg/M class MISSILE DESTROYERS (pack of 2) FT 506 Kronprinz Wilhelm class LIGHT CRUISER FT 507 Radetzky class ESCORT CRUISER FT 508 Markgraf class HEAVY CRUISER FT 509 Maximilian class BATTLECRUISER FT 509A Richthofen class BATTLECRUISER FT 510 Maria Von Burgund class BATTLESHIP FT 511 Szent Istvan class BATTLEDREADNOUGHT FT 512 Von Tegetthoff class SUPERDREADNOUGHT FT 513 Der Theuerdank class FIGHTER CARRIER (Modified Tegetthoff SDN) FT 514 Kaiser Friedrich class LIGHT CARRIER FEDERAL STATS EUROPA (FSE) ASTROMARINE FT 601 Mirage IX class FIGHTERS (pack of 6) FT 621 Camerone class HEAVY FIGHTERS (pack of 6) FT 602 Mistral class SCOUTSHIPS (pack of 3) FT 603 Athena class CORVETTES (pack of 3) FT 604 Ibiza class FRIGATES (pack of 2) FT 605 San Miguel II (modified) class DESTROYERS (pack of 2) FT 605A Trieste class SUPER DESTROYER (pack of 2) FT 606 Suffren class LIGHT CRUISER FT 607 Milan class ESCORT CRUISER FT 608 Jerez class HEAVY CRUISER FT 609 Ypres class BATTLECRUISER FT 610 Roma class BATTLESHIP FT 611 Bonaparte class BATTLEDREADNOUGHT FT 612 Foch class SUPERDREADNOUGHT FT 613 Bologna class LIGHT CARRIER FT 614 Jeanne DArc class FLEET CARRIER KRA'VAK DOMINION STAR FORCES FT 401 RaSan class FIGHTERS (pack of 6) FT 421 Va'San class HEAVY FIGHTERS (pack of 6) FT 402 LuDak class SCOUTSHIPS(pack of 3) FT 403 KaTak class STRIKERS (pack of 3) FT 404 DaKak class FRIGATES (pack of 2) FT 405 DiTok class DESTROYERS (pack of 2) FT 406 VoBok class LIGHT CRUISER FT 407 SiTek class PATROL CRUISER FT 407A KoTek class STRIKE CRUISER FT 408 VaDok class HEAVY CRUISER FT 409 TiDak class BATTLECRUISER FT 410 KoVol class BATTLESHIP FT 411 LoVok class BATTLEDREADNOUGHT FT 412 YuKas class SUPERDREADNOUGHT FT 413 KoSan class STRIKE CARRIER FT 414 DoSan class TACTICAL CARRIER FT 415 ShaKen class LIGHT TRANSPORT (pack of 2) FT 416 ToRok class SURVEY/EXPLORER SHIP 0.95 0.95 1.25 1.95 1.95 1.95 2.25 1.95 2.25 2.75 3.95 4.25 4.95 7.95 5.95 7.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 1.25 1.95 1.95 2.25 2.65 1.95 2.25 2.75 2.95 3.95 4.25 4.95 7.95 7.95 6.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 1.25 1.95 1.95 2.25 2.25 1.95 2.25 2.75 3.95 3.95 4.25 4.95 7.95 7.95 5.95 0.95 0.95 1.25 1.95 1.95 2.25 2.65 1.95 2.25 2.75 3.95 4.25 5.50 7.95 5.95 8.95 0.95 0.95 1.25 1.95 1.95 2.25 1.95 2.25 2.25 2.75 3.95 4.25 4.95 7.95 7.95 5.95 2.25 1.95 SA'VASKU SPACE COMBAT CONSTRUCTS FT 701 Ku'Tho'Ra class DRONE FIGHTERS (pack of 6) FT 702A Sa'An'Tha class SCOUT SHIPS (pack of 3) FT 702B Sa'Kess'Tha class SCOUT SHIPS (pack of 3) FT 703 Fo'Kiir'Tha class YOUNGER ATTACK SHIP (Corvette) (pack of 3) FT 704 Fo'Sath'Aan class ATTACK SHIP (Frigate) (pack of 2) FT 705 Fo'Vur'Ath class ELDER ATTACK SHIP (Destroyer) (pack of 2) FT 706 Var'Arr'Sha class YOUNGER STRIKE SHIP (Light cruiser) FT 707A Var'Kiir'Sha class STRIKE SHIP ((Cruiser) FT 707B Var'Thee'Sha class STRIKE SHIP (Cruiser) FT 708 Thy'Sa'Teth class YOUNGER BROODSHIP (Escort carrier) FT 709 Shyy'Tha'Var class ELDER STRIKE SHIP (Battlecruiser) FT 710 Ann'Var'Teth class YOUNGER LEADER SHIP (Battleship) FT 711 Sla'Tha'Rosh class LEADER SHIP (Heavy battleship) FT 712 Vas'Sa'Rosh class ELDER LEADER SHIP (Dreadnought) FT 713 Vas'Sa'Teth class ELDER BROODSHIP (Heavy carrier) PHALON CONGLOMERATE GRAND FLEET FT 801A Nith class FIGHTERS (pack of 6) FT 801B Tuus class HEAVY FIGHTERS (pack of 6) FT 801C Vaan class INTERCEPTORS (pack of 6) FT 802A Phyaa class RECON SCOUTS (pack of 3) FT 802B Vlath class BATTLE SCOUTS (pack of 3) FT 803 Dorrth class CORVETTES (pack of 3) FT 804A Tyaph class FRIGATES (pack of 2) FT 804B Phuun class FRIGATES (pack of 2) FT 805 Dinth class DESTROYERS (pack of 2) FT 806 Tsaara class LIGHT CRUISER FT 807 Huulth class MEDIUM CRUISER FT 808 Tuuloth class HEAVY CRUISER FT 809 Keraph class BATTLECRUISER FT 810 Ptath class BATTLESHIP FT 811 Saath class LIGHT DREADNOUGHT FT 812 Voth class SUPERDREADNOUGHT FT 813 Taanis class FIGHTER MOTHERSHIP (LIGHT) FT 814 Draath class FIGHTER MOTHERSHIP (HEAVY) OCEANIC UNION DEFENCE FLEET FT 901 OUDF FIGHTERS (pack of 6) FT 904 OUDF FRIGATE (pack of 2) FT 905 OUDF DESTROYER (pack of 2) FT 906 OUDF LIGHT CRUISER FT 908 OUDF HEAVY CRUISER ISLAMIC FEDERATION STAR NAVY FT 1001 Djinn class LIGHT FIGHTERS (pack of 6) FT 1021 Ghazi class HEAVY FIGHTERS (pack of 6) FT 1022 Al Shaulah class STRIKESHIPS (pack of 3) FT 1003 Khabar class CORVETTES (pack of 3) FT 1004 Al Hawar class FRIGATES (pack of 2) FT 1005 Saladin class DESTROYERS (pack of 2) FT 1010 Sword of Islam class BATTLESHIP UNITED NATIONS SPACE COMMAND FT 1101 Dauntless class FIGHTERS (pack of 6) FT 1121 Defender class HEAVY FIGHTERS (pack of 6) FT 1102 Hermes class DIPLOMATIC COURIER (pack of 3) FT 1103 Warrior class BATTLE CORVETTE (pack of 2 ) FT 1104 Hunter class FRIGATE (pack of 2) FT 1104A Lawkeeper class PATROL CUTTER (pack of 2) FT 1105 Lake class DESTROYERS (pack of 6) FT 1106 Mountain class LIGHT CRUISER FT 1107 Bay class ESCORT CRUISER FT 1108 River class HEAVY CRUISER FT 1109 Point class BATTLECRUISER FT 1110 Luna class BATTLESHIP FT 1111 Sea class BATTLEDREADNOUGHT FT 1112 Gaia class SUPERDREADNOUGHT FT 1112A Sol class EXTENDED-RANGE SUPERDREADNOUGHT FT 1113 Star class LIGHT CARRIER FT 1114 Constellation class HEAVY CARRIER FT 1115 Visionary class DEEPRANGE EXPLORER FT 1116 FLEET REPLENISHMENT TENDER MERCHANT, SUPPORT and CIVILIAN SHIPS FT 302 Clarke class EXPLORATION/SURVEY CRUISER FT 305 Hamburg class HEAVY MODULAR FREIGHTER FT 306 Bustler class DEEP SPACE TUG FT 307 Antares class INNER-SYSTEM SHUTTLE (interface capable) FT 308 MEDIUM FREIGHTER FT 309 MEDIUM FREIGHTER TYPE B FT 311 Bremen class FREIGHTER FT 314 Schwarzwald HEAVY FREIGHTER FT 309A MEDIUM FREIGHTER (redesigned version of 309) FT 316 SHORT-HAUL LIGHT FREIGHTER FT 317 LIGHT TANKER SHIP FT 318A MEDIUM FREIGHTER with cargo module (Type A bridge unit) FT 318B MEDIUM FREIGHTER with cargo module (Type B bridge unit) FT 319 HEAVY MODULAR FREIGHTER (revised version of FT305) FT 320 LIGHT PERSONNEL SHUTTLES (pack of 6) 0.95 1.25 1.25 1.95 1.95 2.25 1.95 2.25 2.25 2.75 3.95 4.95 5.95 7.95 7.95 0.95 0.95 0.95 1.25 1.25 1.95 1.95 1.95 2.25 1.95 2.25 2.75 3.95 4.25 5.95 7.95 5.95 7.95 0.95 1.95 2.25 1.95 2.75 0.95 0.95 1.25 1.95 1.95 2.25 4.25 0.95 0.95 1.25 1.95 1.95 1.95 2.25 1.95 2.25 2.75 3.95 4.25 5.95 7.95 9.95 6.95 9.95 4.95 4.95 4.95 5.95 2.45 1.95 2.95 2.95 2.95 3.95 2.95 1.65 1.95 2.95 2.95 5.95 0.95
FT FIGHTER GROUP STANDS (metal) FT 001 Fighter Group Base - metal hexagonal stand with holes for up to 6 wire-mounted FT fighters (mounting wire not supplied), plus space to carry record-keeping die or counter on stand base. 0.75