WarpWar Variants
WarpWar Variants
WarpWar Variants
1. Cannons
2. Shells
3. ECM
4. Holds
5. Armor
6. Repair Bays
7. Split Drive, Energy
8. Marines
* 1. MP = 1/2 PD
2. WG cost 3 BP + max. MP
3. WG produce (3 + TL) MP
4 Tactical speed is goverened by a thrust/weight ratio
5. Space travel requires (distance^2) MP
* 1. Star Ownership
* 2. Scrapping
* 3. BP Collection
* 4. Bases
* 5. Build event sequence
6. Colonies
7. 1/2 cost repairs
* 1. TL increases 1 level every 6th turn.
2. TL must be bought
3. Screens subtract TL from each hit
4. TL increases 1 level per type every 2nd turn
* 1. Systemship loss after failed attack
* 2. Systemship drop in combat
* CANNONS (C) are used by a ship to launch Shells. Each Cannon may
fire either one, two or three Shells per combat round. 1 PD is required
to power a Cannon for one combat round. Each Cannon costs 1 BP to
build. Cannons may not be used by a ship on the same combat round with
Beams or Screens. May be used with Missiles.
* SHELLS (SH) are fired by Cannons. Each Shell does a basic 1 point of
damage if it strikes. Hit +1 and +2 and TL extra damage is added per
burst of Shells, not per individual Shell. 1 BP builds 6 shells.
Shells do not have a drive setting; they are unguided and act like Beams
in that they hit according to the ship's Drive and combat tactic. In
other respects Shells are treated as Missiles - ship may be built to
carry any number (though they may never exceed the capacity they were
built with), and they may not be transferred between ships. Shells are
not affected by ECM.
EXAMPLE: S1 is TL:1 PD:5 C:2 SH:6.
orders are as follows:
SPLIT DRIVE AND POWER PLANT (D,P) Replace the Power/Drive with:
Drive (D) Denotes maximum speed of ship.
Power Plant (P) Produces energy used for Drive and weapons
Each point of Drive or Energy costs 1 BP.
MARINES (MA) come in a self-contained shuttlecraft that is launched
from a Tube like a Missile and has its own Drive setting. If it hits,
the platoon takes over the ship, unless there are Marines present on
board. If this is the case, both platoons are eliminated. If the
Marine craft misses, it must wait till combat ends to be picked up by a
friendly ship. If friendlies lose, the craft is destroyed. Marine
shuttles ignore Screens. Ships captured by Marines are wholly owned by
the capturing player. Captured ships may not participate in the combat
during which they were captured. Cost 1 BP.
"Movement Points" in this section are non-combat 'strategic' movement
points and do not alter normal combat rules.
*1. Movement points of Warpships equal one-half of PD rating, round up.
2. Warp generators cost 3 BP + maximum movement point value, e.g. to
build a warpship with 4 movement points, 7 BP must be spent
on the warp generator.
3. Warp generators produce (3 + Tech Level) Movement Points for noncombat movement only. Warpships may have more than one warp generator.
4 Tactical speed is goverened by a thrust/weight ratio: In combat,
tactical speed is determined by the following formula:
THRUST=(6+Tech Level) x (D allocation)
- (3 +0 +0)
- (3 +2 +2)
- (3 +5 +5)
= 1
= 1
= 1
firing vs tech 4
+ (2+5)) - (3 +4
firing vs tech 5
+ (2+4)) - (3 +5
firing vs tech 0
+ (2+1)) - (3 + 0 +
firing vs tech 1
+ (2+0)) - (3 + 1 +
= -1 (no damage)
0) = 3
1) = -1 (no damage)
4. Tech increases one level per tech type (as above) every second turn.
Like so:
2: Energy TL +1
4: Guided TL +1
6: Kinetic TL +1
8: Energy TL +2
10: Guided TL +2
12: Kinetic TL +2
and so on.
* 1. After 3 rounds of no combat, attacking Systemships are destroyed if
they cannot be picked up by retreating Warpships.
* 2. Warpships may pick up or drop as many Systemships per combat round
as they have Systemship Racks. Each SR may EITHER pick up OR drop one
Systemship per combat round.
WarpChess, or, Archon in Space
WarpWar is sort of like Archon, with simple strategic movement but
bloody tactical fighting. So here is the variant to play WarpWar like
First: Make a decent sized map. One way to do this is to xerox (tm) the
original map twice and attach the two copies together side by side with
the ends facing opposite directions.
Next: Take a large number of BPs, say 200, and design a "set" of ships
to use. Both players will use identical forces. No systemships.
Set up the fleets in a uniform manner. Flip a coin and go to it. Each
player can only move 3 ships per turn. Systemships, economics, tech
levels, and repair and resupply rules are not used. Missiles and Shells
are automatically resupplied at the end of every player turn. Game ends
when one side is destroyed; alternatively, both sides can designate a
"king" piece, the destruction of which ends the game.