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In BSO, we have concept of dense and sparse and we have the concept of blocks.

IN ASO, We don't have any such concept. In BSO, The data is stored in .Pag IN ASO, The data is stored in .DAT In BSO, Under one application, we can create any number of Databases. In ASO, Under one application, We can create only one database. In BSO, WE have calculation Scripts. In ASO, We do not have any calculation scripts. In BSO, we can load the data at any Level IN ASO, WE have to load the data only at Level '0' IF we have idenfitied the dimensions less then 11 its ideal to choose BSO IF we have identified the dimensions more then 11 we ideally choose ASO Rule of thumb - Banking and finance projects, We choose BSO Retail and operational kind of projects, we choose ASO In ASO, There are 3 Types of Hiearchies. 1) Stored Hiearchy 2) Dynamic Hiearchy 3) hiearchy Enabled. 1) Stored Hiearchy: 1) The only consolidation property that you can use is + 2) When you tag any dimension has stored hiearchy, Essbase stores the data at pa rent level and hence the performance will imporve. 3) When you tag any dimension has stored hiearchy, we can use the member only on ce. Which means we cannot has shared member under stored hiearchy. 2) Dynamic Hiearachy 1) When you tag any dimension as dynamic hiearchy, we get all the consolidation properties. 2) We can have member formulas. 3) When you say accounts as accounts dimension, it is automatically changed to d ynamic hiearchy 4) In dynamic hiearchy the parent level data is never stored, howerver it is dyn amcially calculated. 3) We can have shared member under dynamic hiearchy. Hiearchies enabled

Time (Hiearchies Enabled) Qtr1 Jan Feb Mar Qtr2 Apr May Jun Qtr3 Jul Aug Sep Qtr4 Oct Nov Dec Q-T-D (jan) Jan(Shared Member) Q-T-D(Feb) Jan (Shared Member) Feb (Shared Member) Q-T-D(Mar) JAn (Shared Member) Feb (Shared Member) Mar (Shared Member Q-T-D(Apr) Apr(Shared Member) Q-T-D(May) Apr (Shared Member) May (Shared Member)

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