A Kalinga Story

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B y L eon L in d e m a n s , C .I.C .M .

D A D U LLF Y A W K A N K IW A 5 A DU LLIYA W D A N D K IW A D A 1 . Ummd'j pun si Ikaivd'jan j nanlarm / nansono j sa dakkoJ d, d I m bokla3 I si da lan un ajona. 1 As (once) Ikawayan went / to get chewing-leaves, / a big python blocked I the path on which she walked. 2. Paitaang pun si Ikawa[yan, / adipm Boklat itadng. n As Ikawayan made (him, i.e. the python) give way (for her to pass), / Python (Boklat is henceforth used as a name) then did not give way. 3. ltaa,ngak, Boklat, / t itda sikd si Im va^ng/ kandn Ikawayan. e k Give way for me, Python, / for I shall give thee a water buffalo / says Ikawayan. 4. < Srmma iluwangak un bokla^t? j Gangdom ta kano^k sikd , kandn c Bokldt un bummd'lwat. What do I3 a python, care for a water buffalo ? / Come here quickly that I (may) eat thee/5 says Python answering. 5. AdPnak kano / t itda sikd si buldwan 3 / kandn bo Ikawa'jan. n e k s Do not eat me for I shall give thee a gcud ornament says again / / Ikawayan. 6. Srmma mangwd'ak si hula"wan A.diy / akpun manlu,baj imbalwat / Boklat. 1 What shall I do with a gold ornament? / I do not indeed wear ear rings j anwered Python. 7.' A ja 'k ala sa osdn luwa^ng / ta sija" kano n m kana^n bos 1 a"jan. aw I shall go to get one (a) water buffalo / that thou mayest eat it says again Ikawayan. 8. A.dPk pm makdn sa luwdng^ / t pumcCkad sa sagguy si olo'okko. / e dna A.dPk pun sikd>kano / n man-asa'wata / kana^n Boklat. n o I do not eat a water buffalo, / for it horns are too widely extending s for my throat. / 1 shall not eat thee / if we (thou and I) marry says Python. / 9. Simma mangasdwa si hoklat ? k a n a n pm Ikawayan. Why marry a python? says then Ikawayan. 10. Nantakang si BoklaJ / un o - Q d a kand'n. t g O t 'n Python opened it mouth / doing as if he were going to eat (her). s
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1 1 . Adinak kano'n / ta m asa^w ; / muntm-u / ta e anata dta tan hulo,j kana^n Ikawa^jan. c Do not eat me / that we may marry; / le us go the one after the other < t I that we may go to the house says Ikawayan. 12. Nantun-u^dda / o inPlan pun Angnga un amdna / nangam?gam s t mj i

They walked the one after the other / and when Angnganay her father saw (it) j he snatched for his headaxe. 13. 'Ltummdjug un niabiit o gumm'fnga si Boklat: / No patoyd'nak^ j t Angnga^nay, / maangka^gan nan kigdd hoklaj sin tattalu / had amino dikayu" t n n kano^n He jumped out to encounter (the python), / and then Python said: / If thou k me ill Angnganay, / a the pythons will be informed / m the ll forest, j and (they) will eat you all . 14. Nan-ona7 gay si Angnga'naj, / o mahrpos un manguWn, t t Angnganay just stopped, / and then disappointed he returned. 15. Summakdy pun si Boklat si bulo'jda, j impadakpu7s lkawa\yan ummawPd. When Python had entered their house, / Ikawayan stealthily ran away. 16. Nanga^nus si Kiwa / o siy " n gig da t d an a^tto j un mamakpakdn kan m Bokla7 ^ Kiwada (seemingly the sister of Ikawayan) was patient / and she was brave j feeding Python. / un m ma si Angnga'nay, an When it was morning / Angnganay set out to his sweet potato field; / Python followed with his eyes / Angnganay clearing a sweet potato field. 18. Dummato> kad si Angnganay si bu ng btdo , / nipasa s Boklay / j ni i t um o^y nangu'ma si u m mam* When Angnganay had arrived at the houses, / Python took (his; turn / to go to make the clearing in his (Angn^anayJ sweet potato field. s) 19. Dummatong kad si masdo,m j anna,n nama^la si sim o ^t un kay p so o When he arrived at night / he (Tvthon) was bringing a bundle of wood (firewood). 20. Daano'na itako^d / si sim poso un kdyo si Bokla,t, j kad asi ummo'y t n lu - 'g d lo m / pagpaguyu"dona sa kaJo / un nitako s tyusna. an n o a ^ ^ j d i p , Beforehand had tied / Python a bundle of wood (to his tail)/ when then he went entering inside (the house), / he made dragged the wood / which was tied to his tail. 2 1 . 'Dummatd> kad, / impakadm kan Angnga sa kyo. ng nay When he arrived, / he made Angnganay remove the wood. 22. Nasda'aw da Angnganay / n sPmma in- n di nangkaka^jona. o im The Angnganays were surprised / how his manner of getting wood.


Nabigay tgay / nasiptit si A.ngngdnay si u^mana ; / sinikusiku Bok/a7 tan ^



23. Sisiimo,nda o si Bokldt: n Since then they spied secretly Python. 24. Sa sinalgawdn / kisda bo si Boklat. / InFlada pun / un nai si bu ^j, s d lo I um o^y Kiwa^da singiy m t. One day / Python set out again. / When they saw / that he was not in the house Kiwada went to track (him). / 25. Dummatd*ng pun si u'ma^ / nai sa nabalbald* un laldki / un m n lana alasay si u'ma. / Kisa^n si Kiwdda si sP ay j pun indasdna / sa lokhu un ng g ^ sna Bokla,t . When she arrived at the sweet potato field she saw a handsome boy, / / who removed (what was burned) in the field. / Kiwada set out to the hut (hut made in the sweet potato field to serve as shelter for those who work) / where she found / the skin of him Python. 26. Indiana o ito g si apu[y. / Bummokna^g s lala,ki, / o ajdgana si t n ona i t m anga^n. She took (it: the skin) and burned (it) in the fire. / The boy reappeared (she caught sight of him), / then she called (him) for eating. 27. Nan-ofa^p pm sa lalctki un' DullPjaw sa ngay / dana anna siKiwada / si s g y i\ a . ' When the boy looked up / whose name is Dulliyaw, / Kiwada was in the hut. 28. Kumma^tarn kan sija\ / o ipapdngogna pun ila^n j sa lokbu un t sna bokla't, I nai c L He went towards her and when he tried his best to see / the skin of / him Python, / there was none. 29. Immu"sona pun / imhaga Kma^da / un it n o a si a u y n o g ^n p\. When he asked / Kiwada said / that she burned (it) in the fire. 30. Nangkipuki'"pul gay si DullPjaw Was feeling scratchy and scratchy then Dulliyaw. 3 1 . Nantm-u ummqyo'n / o m asa> dda t an~ wada o . n They* walked the one after the other going away / and they married, just that. 32. InPlan pun Ikawayan / sa nabalbald>un asawan Kiwa^da^ i maapo,s. / Nandadauy si kingkingwa^na, / Asa^wana o y ^ / n adi li t an o ummawPd. When Ikawayan saw / the handsome husband of Kiwada, / she was jealous, j She felt sorry for what she had done. / Would have been her husband / if she had not run away. 33. Naa^wm pm annaummabi,ng si Kiwdda. / Nasi sa iaabrngna^ / / n gab o naaja t gan s Ikawa\yan. i Some time later, / Kiwada was to give birth. / Was difficulther delivery, I and Ikawayan was called. 34. Dinaga^sna sa o o di kuy j si ddlan / o agpipFtona, k ^n sa t



She got the kitten of a cat / on the way / and stuck it under her armpit. 35. D^immato'ng pm, / sijd n analinana^k kan Kiwada. When she arrived, / she acted as midwife for Kiwada. 36. Bummokndg pm sa abPng, / impasdnina sa okd'n di ku / o agpipi sa t tom sa dolo . t When the child appeared, / she exchanged it with the kitten of the cat j and she stuck the baby under her armpit. 37. iJmmoyo^n ot ummo^yna J ihallosi bajakgdng. She left and she went / to throw (it) away in a far away place. 38. Nai MagsalPpa sa dot / un imballo'na. / Ummo na indla o !an lo j t ta zb ^n . g io a The baby was seen by Magsalipa / which she (Ikawayan) had thrown. / She (Magsalipa) took (it) and took care of it. 39. Osa'n ummaWng bos sa Kiwdday/ of kdtna bos m siyaydi / sakingwdn Ikawa^jan. Once gave birth again Kiwada, / and again like that / the action of Ikawayan. 40. Namitlu>un kamdk di sa nakwa\ / Tulu abi MagsalFpa, / tulu, da ng pay da ku Kiwada. san Three times like that things happened. / Three were the children of Magsalipa, / three also the cats of Kiwada. 41 Dummadakko'>pm / da tulu3un ahi / nangaydwda. j Pa da nabiti I ng, at I j si nanulina^nda. / Indasay nan u^nas un naadiy / Nansatsa'tda si tako / nda lL d, o manga si uso d t lada ^n a. When became ta / the three children, / they went headhunting. / They ll were very hungry / when they returned. / They came upon sugarcane which was tied to supports, (i.e. sticks planted near the canes). / They cut the ties, / and they get (sugarcanes) for their sucking. 42. Mangana'jonda o umo'j mangus; / nanasiwdlay sa u n nas 'DuWjaw. Henceforth they always go to suck; / the sugarcanes of Dulliyaw were lying down scattered. 43. Ummo'j pun si DullPjaiP / mambilPng si u^nasy/ nanasiwa,laj. j Mangana]yon o un ummd'jna do dom akan / da ummo^j mangu"s. n m ~ When Dulliyaw went / to inspect the sugarcane, / (he saw that the stalks) were lying scattered. Henceforth he always went to catch / those who went to suck. 44. Namingsa'n un alga3 / nadom-akdna dida un mangkotdd / si tako w / d di adrii* One day / he caught those / who cut / the ties of the supports. 45. Napaliset pm, / ummadukaljdsda un ummawPd. / NabiIo d duan ga dadakko / sa b n og / misakasakdba gay si da / un umibffbiL I; a- lan When he shouted, / they in a directions ran away.. / The two bigger ll



were swift; / the small / just plodded along the path / crying and crying. 46. Manakba^w pun si Magsalipa, / andP si Dulli7aw / un mibuMn si j When looks down Magsalipa, / is there Dulliyaw / who pursues the boy. ~Nampokay un kandna: / S'fmma koom sida9 aWng? / Siyd>n n w agiballo wanjo kan dida, / sa-mat'd sumpmaj sida imu^lam? She shouted saying: / Why art thou doing (that) to the boys? / That is the reason of your throwing away them / so that no one would have a share in what thou plantest? 48. Na^aa7 s Dulirjaw / o im g i t usona / n si7 o mma kapaoya7 di inu'gudna. n Dulliyaw was surprised / and he asked (her) / "what was the meaning of what she had saia. 49. Imbaga'n MagsalFpa / sa nakwadn da abi j o nanatald*k si DullVngday t jaw, Magsalipa told (him) / what happened to the boys, / and Dulliyaw *w as delighted.
Intaldjna da abt7 si bulo^jda^ j ot nabobowaa'nda da tulu ku,sa. ng un
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He took the boys to their house, / and the three .c t were distributed as among them. 5 1 . Naapo^s bos si Ikawa^jan^ / t da ku,sa / ajha]yam da tu " un abi e lu ng, Ikawayan was jealous again, / for the cats / *w the pets of the three ere boys.

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