HPCN Questions
HPCN Questions
HPCN Questions
(Common to Communication Systems and Applied Electronics) 250102 HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTER NETWORKS (Regulation 2010)
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
What is multiplexing?
Differentiate between circuit switching and packet switching. State how the user Datagram Protocol sends the media stream. What is jitter?
What is multiprotocol label switching? Define an overlay network. State Littles theorem.
9. 10.
What is the need for network traffic monitoring? What is cipher text? Give example. What is a management information base?
53 15
Answer ALL questions. PART A (10 2 = 20 marks)
53 15
Maximum : 100 marks
Diagrammatically illustrate and discuss the functions performed by each layer of the TCP / IP architecture. (16) Or
(i) (ii)
Discuss how SONET transfers multiple digital bit streams over optical fiber. (6) (4)
List and discuss the steps involved in video streaming. Also discuss the protocol commonly used in video streaming applications. (16) Or
What is a VPN? Highlight the features of Remote Access VPN and Site to Site VPN. (16) Or
53 15
Or Or 2
Which layer protocol is Resource Reservation Protocol? Discuss the working of the same with an example. (16)
With mathematical models discuss how traffic modeling is done using Poisson modeling. (16)
List and discuss the measures that are used for network performance evaluation. (16) (i) (ii) Diagrammatically illustrate and discuss the different security threats. (8) Diagrammatically illustrate and discuss the model of conventional cryptosystem. (8)
53 15
(6) (16) (16)