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Sub code : CS2402 UNIT I Part A (2 Marks) 1. List the three different categories of services of GSM. 2. List out the disadvantages of cellular systems. 3. How much of the original GSM network does GPRS need? 4. Why do hidden and exposed terminal problem arise? 5. What is known as mobile originated call? 6. How MACA can avoid hidden terminal problem? 7. List few types of handover methods in GSM. 8. What is known as cell splitting? 9. Write short note on handoff. 10. List any three functions of mobile computing. 11. Explain adjacent channel interference. 12. Which element of network performs data transfer? 13. How adjacent channel interference can be removed? 14. How does near/far effect influence TDMA systems? 15. What is the difference between wireless and wired networks? 16. Name some applications of wireless networks. 17. What are the types of mobility? 18. What are third generation systems? 19. Mention the types of fading. 20. Define hard handoff. Part B (16 Marks) 1. Discuss briefly about the cellular systems. 2. List the differences between S/T/F/CDMA. 3. Discuss the protocol architecture of GSM telecommunication system. 4. Discuss briefly the GPRS system. 5. How does the near/far effect influence TDMA systems? What happens in CDMA Systems? What are countermeasures in TDMA systems? 6. Compare TDMA, FDMA and CDMA systems. 7. How is synchronization achieved in GSM and why is it important? How system security is maintained in GSM? 8. Represent diagrammatically the protocol machines for multiple access with collision avoidance. 9. Describe mobility management in detail 1 Year/Sem: IV/VII Branch: CSE

10. Explain in detail different routing mechanisms. UNIT II Part A (2 Marks) 1. What are the two different basic transmission technologies used to set up WLANs? 2. List the different user scenarios for wireless piconets. 3. Why the PHY layer of IEEE802.11 is subdivided? What about HIPERLAN2 and Bluetooth? 4. What is the functionality of L2CAP? List the different types of logical channels it provides. 5. What are the various versions of a physical layer defined in IEEE802.11 standard? 6. Mention the types of wireless networks. 7. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of WLAN. 8. Mention the logical channels of Bluetooth. 9. What are the advantages of Bluetooth over wires? 10. Mention the logical channels of Bluetooth. 11. Draw the infrastructure based IEEE802.11. 12. In what parameters the WLAN and WPAN gets differed? 13. Define Bluetooth. 14. Define L2CAP. 15. Define WLAN. 16. What is the difference between infrastructure and ad-hoc networks? 17. Mention the features of HIPERLAN1? 18. Mention the elements of Bluetooth core protocols? 19. What is the purpose of sniff state? 20. What is the use of hold state? Part B (16 Marks) 1. Discuss in detail about the channel access control sub layer of HIPERLAN technique. 2. Discuss in detail about the medium access control layer of IEEE802.11. 3. Explain the handover scenarios of HIPERLAN2 in detail. 4. Discuss the functionalities and support provided by L2CAP. 5. Explain the basic structure of an IEEE802.11 MAC data frame. 6. Explain the schematic of Bluetooth protocol architecture. 7. Explain the concept of Bluetooth architecture. 8. Explain in detail about Adhoc networks. 9. Discuss about Wi-Fi. 10. Explain in detail about WiMax.

UNIT III Part A (2 Marks) 1. What are the problems related to the use of DHCP? 2. Define triangular routing. 3. Specify the DHCP state transition diagram for acquiring the IP address. 4. Specify the fields of minimal encapsulation method in mobile network layer. 5. Differentiate Broadcast from multicast. 6. What are the two kinds of entities in mobile IP? 7. Define generic routing encapsulation. 8. How does registration on layer 3 of a mobile node work? 9. Define tunneling and encapsulation. 10. Mention the problems with reverse tunneling. 11. Why is routing in multi hop ad hoc networks complicated? 12. Mention the drawbacks of DSR. 13. Define COA. 14. Define Agent Advertisement 15. Define Registration. 16. What is Home Agent (HA)? 17. Define Foreign Agent (FA). 18. Applications of Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. 19. What are the requirements of mobile IP? 20. What do you mean by mobility binding? Part B (16 Marks) 1. 2. 3. 4. Discuss in detail about the IP in IP encapsulation techniques. Discuss how optimization is achieved in mobile IP. Discuss in detail about the DSR routing protocol used in ad-hoc networks. Specify the inefficiencies of mobile IP regarding data forwarding from a correspondent node to a mobile node. 5. With a suitable example compare the behavior of DSDV and DSR algorithm with their routing table or cache contents. 6. Discuss and detail the differences in topology reorganization in DSDV and DSR routing protocols. 7. What are the general problems of mobile IP regarding security and support of quality of service? 8. Explain the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. 9. Explain about Traditional routing algorithms in detail. 10. iscuss about Adhoc-networks.

UNIT IV Part A (2 Marks) 1. Why the TCP protocols used in wired ntwks cannot be as such used in wireless ntwks? 2. Can the problems using TCP for mobile communication be solved by replacing TCP with snooping TCP ? Justify your answer. 3. How and why does I-TCP isolate problems on the wireless link? 4. What are the key elements of the WAP specification? 5. What are the goals of WTLS layer? 6. What is the need for I-TCP? 7. Mention the drawbacks of I-TCP which is overcomed by snooping-TCP. 8. What are the advantages of M-TCP? 9. Mention the features of WML script. 10. Define WSP. 11. What are the two functions of the transport layer in the internet? 12. What is fast retransmit? 13. What is fast recovery? 14. Describe time out freezing. 15. What is WAP? 16. What is WML Browser? 17. Distinguish between Traditional TCP and wireless TCP? 18. What is WTP? What are its classes? 19. List out the network elements of WAP. 20. What are the configuration parameters to adapt TCP to wireless environments? Part B (16 Marks) 1. 2. 3. 4. Discuss in detail about the classical indirect TCP and the snooping TCP. Discuss in detail about the components and interface of the WAP architecture. Compare snooping TCP with mobile TCP with example network scenarios. How and why does I TCP isolate problems on the wireless link? What are the main drawbacks of this solution? 5. What are the major difference between WAP 2.0 and WAP 1.x? What influenced the WAP 2.0 development? 6. Explain the WAE logical model. 7. Which WTP class reflects the typical web access best? How is unnecessary overhead avoided when using WSP on top of this class for web browsing? 8. What are the enhancements of WAE to the classic client/server model of the web? What are the functions of this enhancement? 9. Explain the following: Freezing and transaction oriented TCP. 10. Explain about WML and WML script with the help of an example.

UNIT V Part A (2 Marks) 1. What is Pervasive Computing? 2. What is the aim of ubiquitous computing? 3. What is the principle of Pervasive Computing? 4. What are the other terms of Pervasive Computing? 5. What is ubiquitous computing? 6. What is sentient computing? 7. Define context adaptive System? 8. What are the applications of Wearable Computers? 9. What are the features of Wearable Computers? 10. Define aware systems? 11. What is AML? 12. What are the key challenges of urban computing? 13. Describe Biometrics? 14. State the features of palm OS? 15. What is meant by PDA? 16. What are the problems associated with Pervasive computing architecture addresses? 17. Describe Secure Servlet. 18. Describe Secure JSP. 19. What are the various challenges in Device management? 20. What is JINI? Part B (16 Marks) 1. Explain the requirement of computational infrastructures. 2. Explain the pervasive computing technology. Compare with ubiquitous computing. 3. Explain in detail about the relationship between pervasive and mobile computing. 4. List and explain the application of pervasive Computing. 5. What are the most important characteristics of Pervasive environments? 6. What are the features of distributed Computing? 7. What are the design and implementation problems in pervasive computing? 8. Explain in detail about the pervasive web application architecture. 9. Discuss the approaches on how the users connect to the internet via PDA. 10. Discuss the algorithms and protocols to address security issue in Device connectivity.

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