An Introduction To Constitutional Remedy
An Introduction To Constitutional Remedy
An Introduction To Constitutional Remedy
by Zeke Layman
If Americans wish to be free of judicial tyranny, they must at least develop basic knowledge of the judicial role in our republican government. e present state of aairs is a direct result of our collective ignorance. Ron Paul
Power Politics
Welcome to Power Politics! This short e-book is designed to introduce you to an alternative legal perspective that places you, the individual, at the center of the power structure and provides an alternative means to conducting ones self in the legal arena whether it be in a court room, dealing with a police ocer, or any other scenario that holds legal implications. I call this perspective Power Politics. Its a nonpartisan activity that can only be done by the individual. It is the revelation that the individual has more power than the group when it comes to exercising political power. Political power is here dened as paramount control of the Constitution and its frame of government. This is also known as sovereignty. This concept is a way of thinking and you as the individual are encouraged to learn the basic theory and understand the fundamentals well enough to go into the proper arena to eect a remedy that you can accept as a reasonable and fair conclusion. My name is Zeke and Ive been studying law and remedy for nearly 30 years. Throughout this book Ill make an eort to speak in a manner thats less rigid than most legal conversations or law books. I understand that you may be coming from any number of places when reading this material and Im going to do my best to convey the necessary information so anyone can grasp the concepts and move comfortably towards a satisfying remedy.
Its a strange world we live in. I learned in the eighth grade that the Constitution was the supreme law of the land and that it is divided into three separate and equal parts. By the time I was out of high school, I began hearing that the Constitution was an old document and that the police dont follow it as much anymore. By the time I was out of college it seemed that the legal profession had totally abandoned all Constitutional and Common Law principals in favor of Federal and Roman style statutory law. Is it true that the Supreme Law of the Land has been unocially reduced to third world status and the Federalies have taken over and Congress has been instituted as the group with the voting power to make laws that are enforced on EVERYONE? Who does make the laws for people and who makes the laws for corporations? What makes a judges opinion or a cops opinion something that should be enforced on the people? Who talks and thinks about this stu anymore? Do lawyers and professors of law really understand how the Constitution was designed to work or have they been taught that since it was written over 200 years ago that it could not possibly have an application in todays complex society? Is Congress really just another religion thrust upon the American People to distract us from the true freedom that we all inherited along with the Constitution? Instead of looking at government agents as servants to the people, lets look at them as servants to the corporations. Lets also consider them to be equal in the light that the laws they enforce are only for corporations and that each individual has the power to become a corporation and be regulated by congress... or not. Now lets assume that all government agents ASSUME that each individual IS a corporation and they now have jurisdiction over EVERYONE. Fortunately, the process of the government agents, under the Constitution, requires the agents to give INDIVIDUALS, (not corporations) due process. The burden now rests upon the individual to expose, declare, object, and establish that he or she is not a corporation and is one who is entitled to due process. Since corporations are unable to speak, they are unable to establish the right to due process. But its not only talking that will establish due process rights, it is the talking in Court with the proper terminology that establishes the due process or remedy which each individual must do for himself.
Ive had to divide up the people into separate groups in order to keep our thoughts on track. First there are the voters. These are the people who are out to make change by getting someone else, like Congress, to do it for them. They are invested in what Congress does. They talk about how it ought to be, discuss bills and resolutions, and vote. These people think they are legislators. Secondly, there are the truthers and end the fedsters. These are the people who are into pushing the information through the media. They get all the facts together, advertise and tell everyone what is wrong as if that is all they need to do and then wait for the hollywood ending. These people think they are executives. Then there are the legal guys. They are ghting the battle personally in the courts, but have no clue about the language or process, so they get chewed up and spit out before they can grasp an understanding of how the lawyers and judges stole their power and used it against them. These people think they are sovereigns... but since they dont know how the Constitution works, they think like lawyers, and wrongfully think the judicial power is corrupt... I have discovered how the Constitution works and how to work it. Most people do not have enough information about the Constitution and legal procedures to even ask a question... thus, they dont know where to start. When I tell them to learn the language and process, many act as if this is too dicult. They would rather cut and paste emails and spread the word. I think Thomas Jeerson meant that studying the Constitution, the frame of government and how it is administered, is being vigilant... not just reading the newspaper (which they called the lie sheet back in his day). The courts are like a game of chess. Make the right moves and you win! The only way you win is by getting out of their courts. Yes there are dierent courts with dierent jurisdictions and remedies. So what Im saying is that you may want to focus your information a little more by using the rie approach as opposed to the shotgun approach. Pick a specic subject and proceed step by step. Also, I have found that most of the information that is being passed around is the same propaganda I learned in the early 1980s. The conspiracy to take away all our rights and put us in FEMA camps and generally make us all human
resources for the New World Order hasnt changed except now we have computers... and the kids continue to be dumbed down by the public fool system. How are people going to be free if they dont know what to do? If only people would learn that the Constitution is not self-activating and that it only works in court... Yeah.... ONLY WORKS IN COURT! What is a court?
Although a court is dened as The person and suit of the sovereign, lets take the general perspective that the courts deal with the law and issues that are related to law. Furthermore, there is the perspective that the courts deal in equity (or justice), fairness and the proper administration of the law, or issues related to rights. So the law is one perspective and equity is another. Under the law side there is no compromising. It is strict and unyielding. On the other hand, equity is very exible and allows for fairness and righteousness, but be careful, equity also allows for evil to be seen as good. This would be what I call bad equity. Now as it turns out, the Article III of the Constitution IS the One Supreme Court, and has jurisdiction over all cases Law and Equity. So when we talk specically about the One Supreme Court, the Article III of the Constitution, we are talking about each individual being a specic attorney conducting his/her own court under the Constitution.... wherever they go! If a person does not specically operate their own court, called the One Supreme Court, they will automatically default to the Attorney Generals Oce (Department of Justice) called the Supreme Court (and all inferior courts created under the department of justice) and the case becomes general. The individuals are treated as if they only have the rights that Congress gives them generally, and they give up their individual power to enforce their personal rights specically.
Condence is necessary to proceed; it is necessary to choose a perspective; it is necessary to own the appropriate outcome. Condence is gained through studying, learning, experimenting, and succeeding.
When we learn about the Constitution and how it works, we gain condence. When we learn what our role in government is, we gain condence. When we learn how to play our role in government, we gain condence. Knowing the meaning of words is a major contributor to condence. By reading the Law Dictionary, we nd that many times the meaning of a word is dierent or completely opposite of what we thought it meant. Condence demands respect, it makes all the dierence. Eventually your condence will lead to the exercise of sovereignty! When you reach this plateau, you will have paramount control of the Constitution and frame of government, which will in turn boost your condence and ability to express your sovereignty through the court process.
The Constitution is a document that is basically a protection for individual freedom and liberty. Since it is for individual protection, the Executive agents, cops, lawyers, judges and bankers are in opposition to this by the nature of their positions in government. Even people who have tried to get constitutional remedies and have failed, will tell you the constitution was written by rich white men and therefore just another attempt to take away the individuals power. The Legislative and Executive branches are limited to democratic principals. They attempt to attach group decisions to the individual. The Judicial Branch is the Court and it allows the individual to separate from the group and protect their individual rights. This is done through a court order which is specic to the individual and separate from the congress. However, the Constitution also allows for the creation of inferior courts at Article III, and somehow these courts have become superior through the deception of the agents and lawyers that have kept the true process of law hidden from the people and themselves to the point that no one now knows how to get justice from the courts. We must understand that the Article III branch of government, which is the Court, is separate and distinct from all other courts, as all other courts are created by Congress, are inferior and exert NO Judicial Power!
Conspiracy Theory
One of the greatest conspiracies ever pulled o was the Constitution for the United States of America. The founders took the single power of government and turned it into three! By dividing the government this way, they created a system with checks and balances which allow the individuals to exercise specic powers through the Judicial Branch. This system gave each individual top governmental powers which the judges, lawyers and representative didnt like at all. They proceeded immediately to control the knowledge of this power through the media and propaganda so that people would not be smart enough to exercise it and would turn to an attorney or representative to do it for them. Although these power hungry individuals have been somewhat successful in misinforming people, the courts have always left the door open for each of us to use the position called In Propria Persona or In Pro Per. When one proceeds in this manner, they are properly positioned to challenge the jurisdiction or authority of an unconstitutional statute, ordinance, or court. So the secret here, and it is a big one, is that we all have the necessary tools to obtain the proper remedies through judicial power, but the elite and the media have convinced the people that they need lawyers, representatives and experts to move the court properly. The court system is a very simple game if one understands the words and processes that are being used. If we are going to exercise our power, we must use and understand words. We must get up to date on forms and procedures and this will catch us up with the lawyers and give us an advantage that will allow us to sustain our liberty and freedom. The revolution is not going to be won by forwarding emails of the conspiracy. Although it is important to be aware of the true facts happening around the world, each one of us must take on the burden of learning for ourselves what the words mean and how to eect the proper administration of the law.
When it comes to government, people get confused. The confusion turns to control when the people refuse to govern themselves. In other words, if the people dont take care of their own business, the government will do it for them, and eventually control them! So taking a broad overview, there appears to be two separate governments that are available for controlling the protection of ones Rights or Privileges. The rst being the they government that relies heavily on the Federal system which is founded upon the concept of voting and grants privileges to corporations. The second is the we government that is based on rights being protected by the Constitutional system or the One Supreme Court, and can only be enacted by individuals without representatives, lawyers or attorneys. Due to the challenges presented under the constitutional system which requires self government, the individual must have a working knowledge of his or her government in order to successfully protect ones rights and liberties, constitutionally.
seizures, shall not be violated..." But what if these rights are violated? What then? What recourse does anyone have against a violation of their rights? These rights were meant to be protected by the use of Judicial power. In other words the Court, the One Supreme Court, which upon further investigation reveals it extends to all Cases, in Law and Equity, and is the power of government that was set up as a Court to protect the rights of the people. The key here is that the Judicial power is vested in the Court. The Court is where issues are settled and rights are protected. The three powers of the Constitution, are the same positions that appear in the Court when a case between government agents and an individual arises. For example, if one is charged by a government agent for a violation of a statute, code, or ordinance, the government agent, the prosecutor, is representing the Legislative power because he or she is asserting the statutes (legislative law). Each person has a right to defend themselves against the charge and sits at the position of representing the Judicial Power and can interpose judicial remedies to obtain justice. This can be attempted by going through the court procedures and either proving themselves innocent, or preventing the charges from reaching him by procedural moves that preclude (prevent) the court form conducting a trial because the court is not proper to proceed. An attorney usually waives any objection to the properness of the court. The judge or magistrate represents the Executive Power and is basically a referee that will impose the law of the Legislature (Article I) or the order of the Court (Article III).
This line of Writs is what allows the individual to control his own court and squeeze justice from government agents who overstep their jurisdiction or authority. Due to modern changes, the Order to Show Cause is now used in place of a Writ in many courts, although the Writs are still a viable remedy.
Rights mean free action. This means that each of us has rights and those rights are unalienable or unstoppable. They cant be stopped unless they are interfering with someone elses rights, and even then they can only be stopped with an equitable remedy. As it turns out, the government agents under the guise of protecting ones rights, usually attack those rights and put the individual in the position of defending those rights and thus we have the classic violation of Constitutional Rights under the color of law.
I urge each of you to study the judicial power of the Article III court, and learn what a cause of action is and what "due process" means.
The history of law and money will expose the fact that the elite have a plan to take over the world through the money, economic, and education systems of all countries and not necessarily to use guns or armies. The founders of our country carried the Bible and Blackstones Commentaries as their weapons of choice but they did however end up in a violent revolution. We dont have to. Many people claim they are ready to ght, take action, work, or do something that will lead toward freedom, liberty, and justice. They want to help and do something for the country and/or Constitution. Many will spread the word through videos, websites, articles etc., regarding the issues surrounding the money, constitution, taxes, health, drivers license, 9/11, and so on. This is great knowledge, but what do we do? When it comes to the Constitution, I see two distinct directions or jurisdictions that the people can proceed with.
We can proceed with the Legislative or the democratic side of the Constitution which is a separate but equal power to the other branches, however in this jurisdiction the only real power an individual has is to vote. Ron Paul is one of the few congressmen who represents his constituents, but he has only one vote. Lets take a look at the Judicial power of the Constitution or what I call the republican form.... in this instant meaning the alternative. It is the alternative to the Legislative power and this power is vested in One Supreme Court, which exposes the fact that the rights enumerated in the Bill of Rights are personal! To protect Constitutional rights, one must enter the court to exercise judicial power, personally! Here is what Ron Paul said about the Judicial power, "The public also plays a role in the erosion of our judiciary. Since many citizens lack basic knowledge of our Constitution and federalist system, they are easily manipulated by media and academic elite who tell them that judges are the absolute and nal arbiters of US law... If Americans wish to be free of judicial tyranny, they must at least develop basic knowledge of the judicial role in our republican government. The present state of aairs is a direct result of our collective ignorance." Ron Paul Did you get that? If Americans wish to be free of judicial tyranny, they must at least develop basic knowledge of the judicial role in our republican government. To do this, each individual must learn and understand the words, forms, procedures, rules, and how the Judicial Power of the Constitution is exercised. Yes, this is the work. This is what each of us needs to do. This is what vigilance is all about! It's the price of freedom! Learn how the system works. You will know more than the judges, lawyers and cops after about 2 months study. No one else can do it for you! I have found it necessary for each individual to learn how judicial power works for themselves because recently I have discovered exactly what statutes (their rules) we can use to eect the necessary process that will nally Restrain any person who violates your constitutional rights, regardless of their color of law excuses or their claims of authority or jurisdiction! In my next e-book I plan to expose these statutes and show how we can take control of our country (government agents) one individual at a time by playing our proper role in government and exercising equitable remedies available within the judicial power.
Please go to our webpage to keep up with the progress of our process to properly enforce our Constitutional Rights and be ready to obtain your copy of the next PDF, The Equitable Remedy Coming soon!
Further Reading:
Power Politics Website Blacks Law Dictionary Find Law Nexus Lexus California Court Info - Forms California Law - Codes
"The Constitution is a written instrument. As such its meaning does not alter. That which it meant when adopted, it means now." United States Supreme Court in South Carolina vs. United States (1905) "Let it [the Constitution, etc.] be taught in schools, seminaries and in colleges; let it be written in primers, in spelling books and in almanacs; let it be preached from the pulpit, proclaimed in legislative halls, enforced in courts of justice. In short, let it become the political religion of the nation." President Abraham Lincoln "I do not believe there are more than a very limited number of persons, perhaps a hundred who really know what is in the Constitution of the United States." Dr. John J. Tigert, United States Commissioner of Education, October, 1924.