Complaint of Consumer Forum

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Before the Hon'ble District Consumer Disputes Redressal Forum at 1.

. Particulars of complainant: Full Name: Complete Address: Village, Tehsil, City and State:

2. Particulars of the Opposite party: Opposite party No. 1 Full Name of dealer/shop/Firm/manufacture: Complete Address: Village, Tehsil, City and State:

3. Particulars relating to goods/services complained of: (a) Details of goods/service: Item of goods with quantum/nature of service: Date when goods purchased/service obtained: Amount paid as consideration: (Attach photocopies of bill/voucher/receipt etc.) (b) Whether the complaint relates to: Loss or damage as a result of unfair trade practice adopted by the trader: One or more defects in goods: Deficiency in services: Excess price charged by trader (above the price fixed by or under any law for the time being in force of displayed on goods or package containing such goods): (c) If the complaint relates to (b)(1) above. Please indicate the nature of unfair trade practice adopted by the trader, such as - Statement as to the quality etc. of foods sold/service made: - Sponsorship of goods/dealers: - Warranty/guarantee with period promised (attach photocopy of warranty/guarantee card, if any): - Disparaging of goods of other traders: (d) If the complaint relates to (b)(ii), nature and extent of defects in goods: (e) If the complaint relates to (b)(ii), nature and extend of deficiencies in

service: (f) If the complaint relates to (b)(iv), details of price fixed and price charged: (g) Any other details connect with the complaint (Such as, when defect in goods or deficiency in service was first noticed): 4. Details of attempts made to get the matter complained of settled and result thereof: Personal negotiations: Written communication with trader/opposite party: (attach copies of correspondence) Application made to other authorities such as M.R.T.P. Commission.

5. Whether any other law/rules/regulations/procedure applicable: 6. Details of documents/witnesses relied upon to substantiate the complaint. 7. Relief claimed: To get defects in the goods removed and/or To replace the goods with new goods and/or To return the price/charges paid Compensation claimed for financial loss/injury/interest suffered due to the negligence of the opposite party/parties. (Justify with reasons the extent of compensation claimed for the loss or injury)

8. the Forum/State Commission has jurisdiction to entertain the complaint in view of(a) Section 11(i)/Sec 17 of the Consumer Protection Act (b) The extent of amount involved being Rs: The cause of action having accrued at: PRAYER It is, therefore most respectfully prayed that (here give details of prayer)-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Through -------------------------------------------------- Authorized. Representative/Advocate/Voluntary Consumer Association (give here names and addresses) Place -------------Date -------------- COMPLAINANT

VERIFICATION I, -------------------------------------- S/o -----------------------------------resident of ------------------------------------------------ do solemnly declare and state that the particulars stated above are true to the best of my knowledge and belief and no part thereof is false and nothing material has been concealed therefrom. The annexures are exact copies/translation of their originals. I undertake to pay any sum required for the conducting of test in the laboratory as per the provisions of Sec. 13(1)(d) of the Consumer Protection Act, 1986. Verified at --------------- this ------------ day of -------------- two thousand and ------------------

DEPONENT Enclosure (Mark enclosures as Annexure I, II, III etc.) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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