Power Systems Operation and Planning - EEE 577
Power Systems Operation and Planning - EEE 577
Power Systems Operation and Planning - EEE 577
Notes #1
Introduction to the course Class policies, grades, homework, prerequisites, and other details Power generation Overview of the power industry in the US today Fuels, heat rates Generation types Wind generation
Course objectives
To provide to the students the basics of electric power system generation, operation, and control. The emphasis is on system operation and operating tools. The main points of the course are economic dispatch / optimal power flow studies (OPF), unit commitment, automatic generation control (AGC), and applications of dynamic programming (DP) and linear programming (LP). The role of voltage stability and stability limits in power exchange will be discussed. The various time frames in which these power systems infrastructural elements shall be discussed. Lagrangian relaxation and Mixed Integer Programming shall be described in the context of unit commitment software development. To describe the basic elements of renewable generation and their controls: wind, solar thermal, and solar photovoltaic. To include a few basic elements of power system planning: capacity outage tables, loss of load probability.
Course objectives
The course contains an introduction to state estimation applications in power engineering. Because of the importance of the deregulation of the electric power industry in the United States, a section of the course is devoted to the topics of restructuring, auctions, and elements of the new deregulated power industry. The term deregulation means that competition has been augmented into power marketing, allowing generation companies and transmission companies to compete in a free market for business. The role of independent system operators, regional transmission organizations, and other newly formed sectors of deregulated power infrastructure shall be described. The role of power markets in power engineering shall be described. To provide an opportunity in technical writing practice.
Course objectives
Economic dispatch / OPF Unit commitment Control / AGC State estimation
Planning / reliability
Power System Operation and Control Textbook B. Wollenberg, A. Wood, Power Generation Operation and Control, J. Wiley and Sons, New York, second edition, 1996. Reference texts G. Heydt, Computer Applications for Power Systems, Stars in a Circle Publications, Scottsdale, AZ, 1996. R. Billinton, R. Ringlee, Power System Reliability Calculations, MIT Press, Boston, 1973. G. Shebl, Computational Auction Mechanisms for Restructured Power Industry Operation, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1999. P. Kundur, Power System Stability and Control, McGraw Hill, 1994.
To contact Prof. Heydt: Email at heydt@asu.edu Telephone at 480 965 8307 Fax at 480 965 0745
Office hours
Office hours will be posted. Dr. Heydt checks his email quite a bit (heydt@asu.edu please put EEE577 in subject line). Dr. Heydts office telephone is 480 9658307. Fax 480 965 0745. Ms. Nina Millmyn (nina.millmyn@asu.edu) in ERC 509 keeps his calendar. How to turn in homework In class on due date As an email attachment to heydt@asu.edu (put EEE 577 in subject line) By fax 480 965 0745 In my mailbox in ERC 507 Cyber students Please send your homework by fax or attachment directly to Prof. Heydt do not send this to CPD.
1 8/18-23
2 8/25-30
3 9/01*-06
Text chapter 2
Text chapter 3, the appendix for chapter 6 Text chapter 4
4 9/08-13 5 9/15-20
Text chapter 5
6 9/22-27
7 9/2910/04
8 10/06-11
Limited energy supply and hydroelectric energy Text chapter 6 sources, alarm processing, renewable resources.
Hydrothermal coordination, production costing, introduction to generation control. Midterm exam this week 10/13/11.
Generation control, PSSs, AGC, wind energy Text chapter 9 Interchange of power, deregulation Deregulation, power marketing, LMPs, Etags, energy storage Security, capacity outage tables, LOLP, OPF. Project assignment due 11/10/11. Capacity outage tables, combination with load duration curves State estimation. Text chapter 10 Text chapter 10, papers on deregulation Text chapter 11 Text chapter 11 Text chapter 12
State estimation, term review (the last day of Text chapter 12 12/01-06 classes at ASU is 12/06/11). Final exam Tuesday 12/13/11 at 12:10 2:00 pm
*November 11, 2011 is observed as a holiday in AZ: Veterans Day **November 24, 25, 2011 are national holidays: Thanksgiving
Final exam
The final exam is scheduled by the university, and all ASU final exam schedules appear at: http://students.asu.edu/final-exam-schedule#fall Our final is scheduled for Tuesday 12/13/11 at 12:10 2:00 pm.
Course grade
Element Project assignment (due 11/10/11) Homeworks (about 7) Midterm examination (10/13/11) Final examination (12/13/11, 12:10 2:00 pm) Total
Environmentally sensitive
TEMPE Demand
Course prerequisites
Basic AC circuits (phasors, impedance, three phase circuits, P, Q, power factor) Complex numbers and their manipulation Basic differential equations Laplace transforms Basic algebraic manipulation Basic concepts of optimization The per unit system Vectors, matrices Some sophistication in engineering mathematics Basic terminology of power engineering including units, energy vs. power, components, and a concept of the magnitudes involved in power systems
If you are unfamiliar with basic AC calculations, the per unit system, and basic three-phase circuits, it is advised that you take a more basic course than EEE 577 before attempting this course.
6. 7.
Balance of power
Production by the generators must be scheduled or "dispatched" to meet constantly changing demands Typically on an hourly basis, and then fine-tuned throughout the hour. Automatic generation controls used to continuously match generation to actual demand. Demand is somewhat predictable (daily demand curve), highest during the afternoon and evening and lowest in the middle of the night, and 24 higher on weekdays when most businesses are open.
Deregulation What does it mean? What is still regulated? Vertically integrated companies Horizontally integrated companies
Genco Transco Disco Independent system operator (ISO) Regional transmission operator (RTO) Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)
Dollar figures $55.3B spent in the USA for transmission expansion in 2001-10 (about $5.5B/year) Expected to invest $61.2B for transmission expansion in the US 2010 2021, about $5.1B per year About $18B spent for distribution system expansion annually, US ~$85B spent for all expansion in 2008, industry wide, US Installed generation capacity The U.S. electric power industry total installed generating capacity was 1,122 GW (1000 MW = 1 GW) as of December, 2009 which is about 13.8 GW increase per year compared to 2004. The installed US capacity in 2010 is ~1,021 GW. In 2009, there were about 17876 generating units in the US The projected growth in installed generation (MW, US) over years 2006 2030 is about +0.9%/y. U.S. shareholder-owned installed generating capacity accounts for approximately 37 percent of total electric power industry installed capacity.
Useful source of statistical information: www.eia.gov (US DoE)
In 2005, the average number of ultimate customers served by electric utilities totaled 138,367,159 which is a 1.7 percent increase from 2004. In 2007, the number of customers in the US rose to 142,121,652. The growth in number of customers is about 2.6% per year. The average annual electricity use per customer was 26 MWh In 2008, the total electric utility revenues from sales to ultimate customers equaled $365.4B which is a 6.3 percent increase from 2007 The average AZ revenue (2009) received cents/kWh sold was 9.51 (residential); 8.41 (commercial); 5.82 (industrial).
Some numbers
1/6 barrel of oil = 1 million BTU 1 BTU = 0.293071 watt hours 1 kWh = 3413 BTU Oil costs ~67 $/bbl in August 2005; ~72 $/bbl in June 2007; 68 $/bbl in July 2009; all time historic high of 124 $/bbl in May 2008. On August 24 2010 oil was at ~74 $/bbl Average heat content as measured by actual use in 2009: COAL 20.1 Mbtu/ton; OIL 6.1 Mbtu/bbl; NATURAL GAS 1.03 Mbtu/1000 ft3
Some numbers
Combustion of coal: 10,000 Btu energy in coal gives 1 kWh electrical energy Cost of coal = about 41$ per short ton for 11,700 Btu coal, 1.2% SO2 (in 2011) Btu content of coal (typical) 14,500 Btu/lb = 31,900 Btu/kg Mega = 106 Giga = 109 1 short ton = 2000 lb 1 long ton = 2200 lb Tera = 1012 1 metric ton = 1000 kg = 2204.6 lb 1 US billion = 109
30 There is another (now archaic) billion used in British English meaning 1012
Who produces electric power? 2009 data 58.8% Central station, genco or electric utilities 41.2% IPPs
Rolling year 03/09 4064 TWh Approximate US growth 2008 4170 TWh rate in energy production: +0.3 %/y 2007 - 08 2007 4157 TWh 2006 4064 TWh 2005 4055 TWh The net generation (MWh) in the United States 2004 3970 TWh dropped by +4.3 percent from March 2008 to March 2003 3883 TWh 2009. This was the eighth consecutive month that
net generation was down compared to the same calendar month in the prior year.
Generation (MWh) mix in the US (2005 vs. 2009) Coal = 49.7 (44.6) % Petroleum = 3.0 (1.0) % Petroleum coke = 0.2 (0.4) % Natural gas = 18.7 (23.3) % Other gas = 0.4 (0.3) % Nuclear 19.3 (20.2) % Hydro = 6.5 (6.9) % Non-hydro renewables = 2.3 (3.9) % Pumped storage = -0.2 (-0.1) % Other = 0.1 (0.3)%
Ranked energy generation (MWh) sources top five in the USA in 2005 and 2009
Very close
Fastest growing
Average US retail price of electricity (cents/kWh) to ultimate customers by end-use sector, year-to-date through March 20082009
Source: Energy Information Administration / Annual Energy Outlook 2009
Residential cost in Phoenix metro area: about 7 cents / kWh off peak, 12 cents / kWh on peak This is near the US national average The US cost of electric energy is in the lower (cheaper) quartile of the nations of the world Example: If the total production in the US is 4064 terawatthours annually, what is the fuel cost annually using coal at 41 $ per metric ton? (4064 TWh/y) (1 kWh/103 Wh) (104 Btu of coal/ kWh) (1 kg coal /31900 Btu) (1 metric ton/103 kg) (41 $/metric ton) = 4.08 * 1010 $/year = about 52.5 billion US dollars per year
As a general guide, the residential, commercial, and industrial sectors share 1/3 of the electric energy market
In 2009, US electric energy (MWh) generation was 70% fossil fuels, 20% nuclear, and 10% renewable
2009 Total net generation: 3,953 billion kWh
Other gases 0.3% Nuclear 20.2% Natural gas 23.3%
Wind: 1.8%
Solar thermal and PV: <0.1% Wood and woodderived fuels: 0.9% Geothermal: 0.4%
Petroleum 1.0%
Coal 44.6%
Source: EIA Electric Power Monthly, October 2010
Wind resources
Capacity factor = (energy obtained) / (Energy that would have been obtained if run continuously at rating)
A frequently quoted phenomenon: wind generation is often available at night, and at a low level in the day. This is exactly opposite to the availability of solar 41 generation.
Then take the derivative of P with respect to (v2/v1) and set the derivative to zero to find the maximum P. When this is done, find v2/v1 = 1/3 and
Cp = 16/27 = 0.593
Betz law
Example Assuming that wind speed increases linearly with altitude above ground level (AGL) as v = 15 +0.9a meters/s (a = AGL distance in m), compare the heights of a wind turbine to obtain a 10% increase in maximum power output. Assume for this example that the original turbine is 20 m AGL.
Let a = 20 and solve for a = 1.181 m, therefore a + a = 21.181 m. In this case, a 1.181/20 = 5.9% increase in tower height gives an increase of 10% in max power of the wind turbine.
Example The maximum power generated by a wind farm is forecast utilizing wind forecasts. For every one percent error in wind forecasts, what is the percent error in maximum power generated?
Gather the constant coefficients ahead of v3, and note that (v(1+0.01))3 v3 +3v3 (0.01). Therefore expect 3% deviation in Pmax for every 1% deviation in forecast wind speed.
Based on an induction generator connected with a fixed-speed wind turbine, this design needs a soft-starter to decrease current transients during startup phase and a capacitor back to compensate for reactive power. The generator can work closely to a zero value generation or consumption of reactive power. This type of compensation does not allow flexible reactive power control
Introduced by Vestas, generator is designed to work with limited variable speed wind turbine. With the variable resistor in the rotor, it is possible to control power output. The 47 capacitor bank and soft-starter role is analogous to type 1.
This design uses two AC/DC converters with a capacitor between them to control the WECS. These converters are rated at 25% of total generator power. The wound rotor induction generator configuration is also known as a doubly fed induction generator (DFIG). The term doubly comes from the fact that the rotor winding is not short circuited (as in classical singly-fed induction machine), but a voltage is induced from the rotor-side converter. Depending on the operating scheme, a DFIG can keep a constant value of reactive power or keep the terminal voltage constant. The most widespread WECS.
The type D design uses a full-scale frequency converter with different types of generators. The most common one is the permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG). This design allows full control over active and reactive power production and has a high wind energy extraction value. Full power control improves power and frequency stability in the grid and reduces the short circuit power. Most type 4 designs do not need a gearbox, which is a great advantage
Point concentrator
The models used are basically thermal and fluid models. These have long time constants. The thermal energy is used via a heat exchanger and a steam turbine-generator. A standard synchronous machine model applies.
Heat exchanger
Salts may be used in the oil loop to store energy (as molten salt). These are usually NaNO3 or KNO3 Thermal oils used: Caloria, Therminol
I PV cell
Rs V
k = Boltzmanns gas constant Io = saturation current (temperature dependent) e= charge on one electron N=factor for this PV cell Tc=cell temperature oK
The fuel depletion curves Bell shaped, use per year vs. year As use rises, price rises, remaining resource falls, then use per year falls The integral of the curve is the amount of fuel used
Annual energy consumption in joules / year
Oil peaks at 2015 at 250 1018 joules / year 2015 2075 2200
The term sustainable has been promoted in power engineering but what does this mean?
The twentieth century saw a rapid twenty-fold increase in the use of fossil fuels. Between 1980 and 2004, the worldwide annual growth rate was 2%. According to the US Energy Information Administration's 2006 estimate, the estimated 15 TW total power consumption of 2004 was divided as follows: fossil fuels supplying 86% of the world's energy. Note: 1 zettajoule = 1021 J; 1 TW = 1012 W
Oil Gas Coal Hydroelectric Nuclear Geothermal, wind, solar, wood Total
Some other countries the top three generating sources: 2009 USA 44.1% COAL; 21.6% NUCLEAR; 22.0% NATURAL GAS CANADA 58% HYDRO; 28% COAL; 13% NUCLEAR INDIA 60% COAL; 22% NATURAL GAS; 15% HYDRO CHINA 78% COAL; 19% HYDRO; 2% NATURAL GAS FRANCE 77% NUCLEAR; 14% HYDRO; 6% COAL RUSSIA 45% COAL; 22% NATURAL GAS; 17% HYDRO 56 GUATEMALA 52% COAL; 35% HYDRO; 13% RENEWABLES
Peak (MW)
Introduction: Optimal power flow studies Optimal power flow study What is the objective? Minimum fuel cost But that is zero shut everything down Constrained optimum find minimum fuel cost subject to serving the load
Description of this subject is postponed to after a presentation of optimization methods