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How much you’ll
really have to pay—
and how to get
the money
n Develop a winning investment plan
n Qualify for more financial aid
n Make the most of state savings plans
n Locate valuable scholarships & other awards
n Find the lowest-rate loans

Senior Associate Editor, Kiplinger’s Personal Finance magazine
Kiplinger’s Practical Guide to Your Money
Kiplinger’s Practical Guide to Investing
But Which Mutual Funds?
Making Money in Real Estate
Buying & Selling a Home
Retire Worry-Free
Retire & Thrive
Dollars & Sense for Kids
Next Step: The Real World
Taming the Paper Tiger at Home
The Consumer’s Guide to Experts
Know Your Legal Rights


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Customer Once, Client Forever
Raising Capital
Taming the Paper Tiger at Work
Cash Rules
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You Can’t Fire Me, I’m Your Father
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How much you’ll
really have to pay—
and how to get
the money

Senior Associate Editor
Kiplinger’s Personal Finance magazine

Washington, DC
Published by
The Kiplinger Washington Editors, Inc.
1729 H Street, N.W.
Washington, DC 20006

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Davis, Kristin
Financing college / by Kristin Davis.--3rd ed.
p. cm.
At head of title: Kiplinger’s.
Includes index.
ISBN 0-938721-89-5 (pbk.)
1. Student aid--United States. 2. College costs--United States. 3. College
choice--United States. 4. Parents--United States--Finance, Personal. I. Title: Kiplinger’s
financing college. II. Title.

LB2337.4 .D394 2001


© 2001 by The Kiplinger Washington Editors, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this book may
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This publication is intended to provide guidance in regard to the subject matter covered. It is
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legal, accounting, tax or other professional services. If such services are required, professional
assistance should be sought.

Third edition. Printed in the United States of America.


Cover design by Heather Waugh

y education in college finance began

M with my own college years, when I

pulled together financial aid, scholar-
ships, loans and part-time work to
cover the expense. It wasn’t a breeze,
but it was a lot easier to get through on my own then
than it is for students today. No longer can a 19-year-
old easily qualify as an independent student (which
meant more financial aid) just by moving away from
home. And college costs have risen twice as fast as
inflation—in the 18 years since my freshman year, the
tuition alone at the private university I attended has
risen from $7,000 to more than $22,000. To meet
today’s high college costs, parents and students alike
are chipping into the pot, from earnings, savings and
future income (loans).
Even so, most of the things I did almost two
decades ago to get through college are still core strate-
gies today. More than ever, it pays to apply to schools
with an eye on financial aid. It wasn’t a deliberate strat-
egy, but the colleges I applied to included one where
my grades and test scores put me toward the top of the
class, statistically speaking, and I qualified for a gener-
ous aid package there that included a merit award. Be-
cause colleges strive to build a diverse freshman class, it
probably also didn’t hurt that I was a Southerner apply-
ing to a college that draws most of its student body from
the Northeast. In my junior year, I lobbied for, and re-
ceived, a bigger aid package for a semester of study in
London, to cover the airfare and other extra expenses.
Then, as now, a little effort can turn up some
scholarship money. In high school and college I ap-


plied for several scholarships, and earned a total of

$12,000 in awards, from a high school service club, my
father’s employer, and a college journalism society I
participated in.
And of course, loans and part-time employment
are usually a given. To meet the gap between my aid
package and scholarships and my total expenses, I
took out loans and worked two days a week at various
jobs during most of my college career. One of those
jobs was a $4.50-an-hour internship at what was then
Changing Times magazine. Now it’s called Kiplinger’s Per-
sonal Finance magazine, and I never imagined I’d be
one of its writers, or spend 15 years here.
As a journalist at Kiplinger’s, I’ve covered college
issues for 12 years. But this book wouldn’t be possible
without the valuable contributions of many other peo-
ple, chiefly the dozens of financial-aid officers, financial
planners, college administrators and public-informa-
tion officers, admissions counselors, parents of college
students and employees of the College Board, who re-
sponded generously to requests for interviews and in-
formation. Working on the staff of a top-flight
personal-finance magazine also lets me tap the exper-
tise of a group of dedicated writers and editors, who
are always generous with their time and their help and
whose knowledge is reflected in these pages. To all of
them, a sincere thank-you.
I’m also grateful for the keen eyes and persistence
of Kim Walker Klarman, Adrienne Langley, Maureen
McHugh, and Jenny Cliff O’Donnell, who fact-checked
the original manuscript, and for Cindy Greene’s valu-
able help in updating this edition. Rosemary Neff, the
first edition’s copy editor, gracefully smoothed out the
original manuscript’s rough edges. Allison Leopold
copyedited and proofread this edition, and Heather
Waugh designed it. Thanks also to David Harrison,
Kiplinger’s director of books, for getting this project
off the ground.
I’ve known Patricia Mertz Esswein since I was a
college junior, when she hired me as an intern at
Kiplinger’s. As this book’s editor, she’s been a superla-


tive brainstorming partner, sounding board and

coach, and this book is far better for her probing ques-
tions and alertness to detail. I also couldn’t ask for a
better friend.
I owe a huge debt of gratitude to my husband,
Michael, for his extraordinary patience and support.
I dedicate this book to the memory of my father,
John M. Willenbrink, who always inspired me to take on
challenges and supplied unwavering encouragement.

Washington, D.C.

Affording the Gold-Plated Diploma 1
Smelling Salts for Sticker Shock • Consider the Averages •
The College-Cost Spiral Is Slowing • Financial Aid Will Cut
Your Cost • Tax Credits Will Help, Too • No Need to
Save It All in Advance • A College Planning Timeline •
The Bottom Line • A College-Cost Sampler

The $64,000 Question: How Much to Save? 23
Setting Realistic Savings Goals • Another Way to Set Your
Goal • How Much You Need to Save: The Short Range,
The Long Range • How Much Can You Spare? • Tightening
Your Belt • A Budget-Cutting Worksheet • Smart Saving
Tricks • Where Should You Save? • Saving for College
or Retirement?

Where to Keep Your College Money 47
Using the Time You Have • The Safest Safe Havens •
A Small Step Up the Risk Ladder • Long-Term Investments •
Putting It All Together: A Shortcut • A Portfolio of Mutual
Funds • State-Sponsored College-Savings Plans • College
Savings Plans and Prepaid Tuition Plans by State • How
to Choose an Adviser

Winning the College Aid Game 99
Cost Equals Your Contribution • What the Variables Are •
How They Decide What You Can Afford • Timing Taxes
and Aid Forms • The Financial-Aid Years • Estimate Your

Expected Family Contribution Early • Uncle Sam’s Math:

The Federal Methodology • If You’ll Have Two Kids in
College at Once • For Divorced Parents • Figuring Your
Expected Family Contribution • Let Your Computer Help

How the Schools Build Your Aid Package 127
The Usual Process • How and Why Schools Adjust the
Federal Formula • Preferential Packaging • Mind the Gap •
No Need-Based Aid? Target a “Discount” • If You Can’t
Negotiate, Appeal

Increasing Your Eligibility for Aid 155
Accelerate or Defer Income • Should You Shift Assets? •
How About Reducing Assets? • What About Giving Money to
Your Parents? • Most Debt Doesn’t Count • Can You Save
Too Much? • What About a Parent in School? • Completing
the Free Application for Federal Student Aid • Preparing
the PROFILE • After Freshman Year • Hire a College-Aid
Helper? Study First

The Financial Side of Choosing a College 187
Step One: Complete a Need Analysis • Step Two: A Financial
Checkup • Weighing the Options • Public Versus Private •
Honors Colleges • Good Values in Specific Fields • Go
International? • Select a School With Aid in Mind • College
Resources on the Internet • The Cost of Getting Into College

The Great Scholarship Quest 209
The Scholarship Mirage • Who Should Seek Scholarships? •
Where to Look? • Tips for Scholarship Seekers • Scholarships
of Broad Interest • After High School

Borrowing Power 231
College Debt Gets Cheaper • How Much Debt Is Too
Much for Your Child? • How Much Debt Is Too Much for
Yourself? • When You’re Ready to Apply: The Loans •

Stafford Student Loans • Perkins Loans • PLUS Loans •

Private Loans • Are You Creditworthy? • The High Cost of
Stretching Out Your Payments • Borrowing From Yourself •
Student Loan “Relief”

Other Ways and Means 267
Cost-Conscious Ways to Get a Degree • Innovative Ways
to Pay the Bill for College • Student Jobs

Collegiate Cash Flow 285
Find a Student-Friendly Bank • Go Easy on Credit • Get
Used to “Smart” Cards • Is a Computer a Must? • Outfitting
the Dorm Room • Send the Car? • Don’t Overlook Property
Insurance • Bargain Airfares for Students • Calling Home •
The E-Mail Alternative • “Help, I’m Broke!” • Questions for
Sophomores and Up
ust a generation ago, college education was still

J a somewhat elitist experience, an optional path

to success enjoyed by a small minority of Ameri-
cans. Scholarship money and loans were nar-
rowly available. Many of America’s top colleges
weren’t even open to women, female enrollment in
professional post-graduate programs was small, and
racial minorities constituted a tiny fraction of enroll-
ment in all of higher education.
Of course, a generation or two ago, millions of
Americans did just fine without going to college. Young
men and women with only a high school diploma—
which back then typically symbolized true mastery of
fundamental skills like literacy and basic math—walked
into good-paying factory, clerical and sales jobs, and
they advanced just fine through diligence and on-the-
job learning.
My, how times have changed. Today the high
school diploma, once a badge of honor for many
Americans, doesn’t open many doors. Due to declining
academic standards and “courtesy promotions” of fail-
ing, over-aged students, the high school diploma has
been debased to a point of near uselessness as an indi-
cator of job-related academic skills. That’s why acade-
mic testing of job applicants is booming, as is remedial
education for college freshmen. Now there are heart-
ening signs that public secondary education is on the
mend, but it still has a long way to go.
At the same time, the job skills required by the new
world economy are constantly increasing. Computer
literacy is a must for all workers. Today’s farmers, and
factory and office workers, must be able to operate


computer-controlled devices with sophisticated gauges,

monitors, and print-outs. That’s why we’re beginning
to find college-educated men and women on assembly
lines, behind the wheels of tractors and combines in
the field, and repairing cars and trucks with all the lat-
est computer technology.
These skills can be obtained today without going
to college, as America begins to get serious about
transforming secondary vocational education into
high-tech programs of learning and apprenticeships
for manufacturing.
But more and more, we are turning to our colleges
to prepare America’s youth for success in a rapidly
changing global economy. And colleges are respond-
ing, by overhauling their curricula, expanding enroll-
ment, opening adult-learning branches, offering
online-degree programs, and better matching their
programs to the needs of local employers. This trend is
especially evident among the nation’s community col-
leges, which have become a bridge between the less-
valuable high school diploma and the stiffening skill
demands of the workplace.
For most young Americans today, college is no
longer a luxury, an option that might help them get a
better job. It is vital path to career success. Sure, we all
know a young French lit or sociology major who can’t
find a decent-paying job, but the lifetime earnings ad-
vantage for college graduates over high school grads is
still dramatically wide and growing. A college degree is
the currency of the realm in the job market, the basic
credential that employers want to see. And it’s fast be-
coming so basic a commodity that employers are now
looking for post-graduate study to set one applicant
apart from the others. But you probably know most of
this already, which is why you’re looking at this book
for some help on how to afford this basic but valuable
commodity called “college.”
My colleague Krisin Davis has done a wonderful
job of explaining the ins-and-outs of the Great College
Finance Game, and I will leave the mechanics to her.
This latest edition of her best-selling guide includes all


the new wrinkles in college finance, including tax-free

529 plans (state-sponsored college-savings plans) and
changes made by the 2001 tax law, including improve-
ments in Education IRAs, expanded tax deductions
for college and improved deductions for student-
loan interest.
Before you get into the meat of the subject, how-
ever, I’d like to offer a few thoughts on the college-
selection process. As you enter the fray, please keep in
mind the following points.

Good schools, and good values, abound. Excellence

in higher education is much more broadly distributed
in America than many people realize. There are vastly
more fine colleges than can fit on the “most-selective”
lists in popular guidebooks. Arguably, how your child
takes advantage of good teaching and good campus re-
sources is more important than where he or she goes
to college.
Some of the academically solid but little-known col-
leges, public and private, are a better financial value
than the expensive, high-prestige institutions. In a new
trend towards chic thriftiness, it’s not unusual to see an
applicant turn down an acceptance from a famous col-
lege to attend a less-known one that will cost them-
selves and their parents a lot less money.

Schools are working to attract the best. Competi-

tion among colleges to lure the very top students is cre-
ating some excellent scholarship opportunities for
relatively affluent parents who would typically qualify
for little or no financial aid. “Merit” scholarships, as
well as low-tuition honors programs, are proliferating
at colleges seeking to strengthen their student bodies
academically. Even very prestigious colleges quietly vie
for the best students by trying to match or top another
college’s financial-aid offer (a practice most colleges
will deny ever doing).

Look for a college's excellence in your child’s chosen

field of study. Even high-prestige colleges are not out-


standing in all fields. Likewise, some obscure colleges

have superb departments in unusual fields of study,
and if your child wants to pursue a career in one of
those fields, this should matter more than the overall
reputation of the college.

Majors do determine job prospects. There is a

strong connection between what youths study in col-
lege and the career choices they will have when they
graduate. It’s fine to major in political science, anthro-
pology, journalism or music history, so long as they
don’t expect to find a lot of job opportunities in those
fields when they graduate. But job offers will be plenti-
ful and high-paying in science, engineering and other
technical fields.

Demographics play a big role in the college selection

and financing game. Beginning in the early 1980s and
extending into the early ’90s, America experienced a
great surge in births, as the women of the enormous
post-war baby boom cohort (1946–1964) finally got
around to having the babies many of them had put off
in their early career days. On top of that, America ex-
perienced in the ’80s a wave of immigration unparal-
leled since the turn of the century.
As this “baby boom echo” generation and young
immigrants finished high school and applied to college
in the late ’90s, colleges felt a surge of applicants. The
best-known colleges saw the greatest increases in appli-
cations. And the admissions pressure hasn’t abated yet.
This makes it all the more important that parents help
their children identify colleges that will be a good fit—
in atmosphere, size, location, and especially field of
study—regardless of the prestige of the institution.

The straight path isn’t the only one. If your child de-
cides not to go to college right after high school or
doesn’t finish a four-year program going straight
through, don’t despair. Many successful adults didn’t
follow the normal path, and millions of adults are re-
turning to college to finish a degree or start a whole


new course of study. In tomorrow’s world, education

will be continuous, not something one does for just
four or six years of college between the ages of 18 and
the mid 20s. Adult classes and online “distance learn-
ing” programs will continue to boom.
At the Kiplinger organization, we’ve been writing
about the college-finance process since the founding of
our personal-finance magazine in 1947, because it’s vi-
tally important to American families. When we sur-
veyed the field of recent books on this subject, we
found a group of books that focus on long-range plan-
ning for college expenses — basically, investment
guides—and another group of books that took aim at
short-run tasks, such as applying for loans, scholar-
ships, college jobs, and so on.
Kristin Davis’s book is unusual in combining both
focuses in one comprehensive guide. It’s written with
unusual clarity and occasional dashes of wit to lighten a
very serious subject. We hope that you find it a useful
ally in the daunting challenge ahead of you. Our best
wishes to you and your college-bound youngsters.

Editor in Chief
Kiplinger’s Personal Finance

Chapter 1
the Gold-Plated

hat are two of the scariest words you

W can pronounce to the parents of a

teenager? College tuition. With the
same $140,000-plus that some par-
ents will pay to put a student through
one of the country’s most selective private colleges, you
could buy a 50-foot sailboat, a pair of Mercedes-Benzes,
or a vacation house at the shore. As one college-aid
adviser quips: “Think of paying for college as buying an
intellectual home for your child.”
The purpose of this book isn’t to scare you. It is
true that by the time children reach their teen years,
most parents have only a token amount saved toward
the college bills. But it’s also true that parents who
want to finance their kids’ college education—even at
the country’s priciest schools—usually find a way. And
you can, too. Even if your kids are in high school and
you don’t yet have the first dollar saved, this book will
show you how to marshal your resources—making the
most of your own cash flow and assets, getting as much
as you can in financial aid, scholarships and low-cost
loans, and taking advantage of cost-cutting tips that
will hold down the amount you have to finance.
You’re far better off, of course, if you’re starting
while your kids are in elementary school or even
younger. The sacrifices you make now to put away a lit-
tle each month toward college bills will pay off in more
options, less debt and less worry as the college years
approach. This book will help you figure out how
much to save, whose name to save it in and where to
invest it—now and as the tuition bills get closer.


Smelling Salts for Sticker Shock

irst, let’s get a grip on costs. They’re growing more
slowly than in the past, which is good news. And,
more important, most parents don’t drop six fig-
ures per diploma.

Consider the Averages

The news media like to emphasize the dramatic.
That’s why, in stories about college costs, you’ll usually
read about the cost of sending a child to Harvard,
Yale, Princeton, Stanford and other elite schools. In
2001, the full sticker price at those schools topped
$36,000 a year. But the average tab at a four-year pri-
vate school was just under $25,000 in the 2000–01
academic year, according to the annual survey of col-
leges conducted by the College Board, a nonprofit as-
sociation of colleges, universities and educational
organizations. (Average costs for the 2001–02 academ-
ic year weren’t yet available when this book went to
press.) That figure includes not just tuition and fees
but also room and board, books, travel costs for two or
three trips home, and personal expenses—toothpaste,
laundry soap and the like, and undoubtedly some
late-night pizza. (Often in discussions of college costs
you’ll see just the tuition—or tuition plus room and
board— quoted, but it’s the total bill you have to fi-


These average costs of public and private actual expenses for books and supplies,
four-year schools nationwide reflect a survey transportation, and personal expenses will
of 1,666 institutions by the College Board. vary, of course, but these are the amounts
The room-and-board figures assume the stu- college financial-aid officers, when compiling
dent lives on campus; costs for students who financial-aid packages, assume students on
live at home are normally less. A student’s their campuses will spend.
Tuition Books Room Transpor- Personal Total
Type of school and fees and supplies and board tation expenses expenses

4-year private $16,332 $730 $6,209 $573 $1,102 $24,946

4-year public 3,510 704 4,960 643 1,521 11,338


nance. Fortunately, when figuring your need for assis-

tance, most financial-aid officers include those less-
obvious costs, as we discuss in Chapter 4.)
At four-year public colleges, the total cost for in-
state students was less than half as much—$11,500 on
average. That’s just a shade over $48,000 in total for a
Class of 2004 graduate, assuming the cost goes up a bit
each year. And some of those public schools are among
the nation’s finest, as shown in the box below.

The College-Cost Spiral Is Slowing

You can probably count on college costs rising at a less-
torrid pace in the early 2000s. Through the early
1990s, college costs soared, rising far faster than infla-
tion. You can blame the baby-bust generation, at least
in part. As the smaller-than-normal cohort of Ameri-
cans born between 1965 and 1977 began to move
through their college years, empty seats in the class-
room meant fewer revenues for colleges, which still
had to maintain libraries, equip computer labs and pay
tenured faculty. Now, that demographic trend has


The schools that follow were named the top ten “best values” by Kiplinger’s Personal Finance
magazine in 2000 (cost is for the 2000–01 academic year).
Cost for Cost for
in-state out-of-state
Schools (in order of best value) students students

1. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill $10,895 $19,153

2. University of Virginia 11,202 23,162
3. College of William and Mary 9,453 19,285
4. New College of the University of South Florida 7,016 15,822
5. State University of New York–Binghamton 11,235 15,072
6. University of Wisconsin at Madison 11,808 21,708
7. University of Michigan at Ann Arbor 14,937 28,562
8. University of California at Berkeley 14,567 24,741
9. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 13,326 19,746
10.University of California at San Diego 7,463 18,077


shifted. The “echo boom” generation, children of post-

war baby-boom parents, are overfilling classrooms and
lecture halls. It doesn’t cost the colleges much more to
fill those additional seats, so the extra revenue should
help keep tuition costs in check. The 1990s stock mar-
ket boom has also swelled college endowments (more-
recent market dips notwithstanding), which eases the
pressure for big tuition hikes.
At the same time, the damage has been done. Par-
ents are blanching at the $36,000-a-year price tag at
many private schools. Colleges have responded with
pledges to hold tuition increases to the rate of inflation,
which has hovered around 3% in recent years, or to
“inflation plus two” percentage points, compared with
an average of about five points over inflation during
most of the 1980s and early 1990s. “Every college pres-


This graph shows the average annual increase in tuition and fees at four-year colleges, public
and private, since the 1987–88 academic year, compared with the consumer price index rate
of inflation. (Inflation rates are for the calendar year ending during the given academic year.)

12% CPI*
10% Public





1987-88 1988-89 1989-90 1990 -91 1991-92 1992-93 1993-94 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01

* Reflects inflation rates for years ended December 31st. Sources: The College Board; U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics


ident I know is working hard to pull annual tuition in- So what rate
creases below the rate of increase in the consumer of increase
price index” to respond to parents’ and students’
growing resistance to soaring prices, says David War- should you
ren, president of the National Association of Indepen- use for
dent Colleges and Universities. Some examples:
■ Rice University, in Houston, guarantees that tuition purposes?
hikes after freshman year will be no higher than the
national consumer price index (CPI) rate of inflation. If you’re
■ The University of Rochester, a private school in facing college
Rochester, N.Y., gives state residents a $5,000 discount
on tuition. bills within
■ Queens College, in Charlotte, N.C., cut its tuition price the next
from $12,980 to $9,410 for the 1998–99 academic year.
■ Bennington College, in Vermont, increased tuition by
six or seven
only 2.3% altogether over the five years ended in years, try 5%.
■ Wells College, in Aurora, N.Y., cut tuition and fees by
30% in 1999–2000, from $17,540 to $12,300.
■ Williams College, in Williamstown, Mass., froze tuition
and fees for 2000–01.
■ Lebanon Valley College, in Pennsylvania, offers
grants of up to 50% of tuition costs to incoming
freshmen who graduated in the top 30% of their
high school class.

You won’t find breaks like that at high-demand

schools like Harvard or Yale, but a number of lesser-
known schools have made attention-grabbing price cuts
or special offers to compete for students.
So what rate of increase should you use for plan-
ning purposes? If you’re facing college bills within the
next six or seven years, try 5%, rather than the 6% or
7% that some financial planners and mutual fund
worksheets suggest when calculating how much you
need to save toward college bills. The worksheets
tend to look backward, at historical rates of increase
and those rates aren’t likely to hold up in the next
decade or so. The table below shows what a year of
college at today’s costs will look like in the future


using a 5% college-cost inflation rate.

Financial Aid Will Cut Your Cost

Even at slower rates of growth than in the past, the
numbers are likely to be unsettling. But remember
that the figures cited earlier in this chapter reflect to-
morrow’s inflated dollars (which your income will also
likely reflect), as well as the full sticker price, including
living expenses, as we mentioned earlier. The wel-
come news is that most parents don’t pay the full tab.
More than half receive a financial-aid package that is,
in effect, a tuition discount based on their ability to
pay. How much help might that bring? At the Massa-
chusetts Institute of Technology, for example, the av-
erage need-based financial-aid package in 2001–02


This table will help you figure out the total tion, the $11,000 starting point for in-state
cost of college, given projected increases costs at public schools, and the $25,000
of 5% annually during the college years. starting point if you’re not sure.
If your child begins school in two years, If you’re starting early, bear in mind
for instance, add the annual cost of years that the further out you go, the tougher
two through five to get an estimate of the it is to predict how quickly college costs
four-year cost. If she is an infant, add years will rise. As the years pass, you’ll want
18 through 21. to look into how much college costs
Use the $36,000 starting point if you are really rising and adjust your planning
have your eye on an elite private institu- accordingly.
Today 1 Year 2 Years 3 Years 4 Years 5 Years 6 Years 7 Years
$36,000 $37,800 $39,690 $41,675 $43,759 $45,947 $48,244 $50,656
25,000 26,250 27,563 28,941 30,388 31,907 33,502 35,177
11,000 11,550 12,128 12,734 13,371 14,040 14,742 15,479
Today 8 Years 9 Years 10 Years 11 Years 12 Years 13 Years 14 Years
36,000 53,189 55,848 58,640 61,572 64,651 67,884 71,278
25,000 36,936 38,783 40,722 42,758 44,896 47,141 49,498
11,000 16,253 17,066 17,919 18,815 19,756 20,744 21,781
Today 15 Years 16 Years 17 Years 18 Years 19 Years 20 Years 21 Years
36,000 74,841 78,583 82,512 86,638 90,970 95,518 100,294
25,000 51,973 54,572 57,301 60,166 63,174 66,333 69,650
11,000 22,870 24,014 25,215 26,476 27,800 29,190 30,650


was $24,600, of which $19,000 was a need-based grant

(that is, free money).
The amount of aid you receive will depend pre-
dominantly on your family’s income. A typical family of
four with one child in college and $50,000 in income
would almost certainly qualify for a fat aid package to
offset a $36,000-plus college tab—
even with significant assets, like COLLEGE EDUCATION PAYS
$150,000 in home equity and $50,000
in stocks or mutual funds. Even a Sure, some students who graduate with a
family earning $125,000 in income six-figure diploma still wind up pouring
might qualify for some aid, and al- coffee at Starbucks for $7 an hour—at least
most certainly would if two or more for a while. But on average, a college educa-
family members attended expensive tion pays for itself in higher earnings over a
colleges at the same time. In fact, be- lifetime. According to the Bureau of Labor
cause some pricey schools have plen- Statistics, the average high school graduate
ty of aid money to give out, families earned around $26,676 in 2001, compared
applying to them sometimes qualify with about $44,564 for the average worker
for generous aid packages that bring with a bachelor’s degree. Add an advanced
the real cost below what they’d pay at degree and the average is $55,016.
a public university.
Chapter 4 will help you pinpoint how much
schools will expect you to contribute to college costs be-
fore qualifying for any aid—your expected family con-
tribution. That’s the best indicator of how much
college will really cost—no matter what the official
sticker price at the school your child attends.

Tax Credits Will Help, Too

Thanks to tax legislation passed in 1997 and 2001,
many families will also get a boost from tax credits and
tax deductions for higher-education expenses.


years of college, parents (or students, if they’re pay-
ing the bills themselves) can qualify for a “Hope
Scholarship,” which is an annual tax credit equal to
100% of the first $1,000 you pay in tuition and fees
and 50% of the second $1,000—for a total credit of
up to $1,500 per student each calendar year. You’re
fully eligible for the credit if you’re a married couple



You can use this timeline to identify where Elementary School

you should be in the process of preparing Although you may need to aim for a higher
to send your child to college. Each section monthly savings contribution than a parent
identifies the appropriate steps by season who started sooner, you’re still in good
and the chapters of this book that will help shape. See Chapters 2 and 3 for guidance on
you take them. how much to save and where to invest it.
If you’re starting late, remember that the
timeline is an ideal to shoot for. So don’t Junior High
be too discouraged if most of it has already With about five years before you’ll write
passed you by. If it’s the beginning of senior your first tuition check, you should take
year, for instance, and you’re just starting less risk with money you save from now
to look at colleges, just recognize that you on. See Chapter 3.
have a lot of work to cram into the next few
months. You may have missed the chance to High School
arrange your finances for maximum eligibility Freshman year
for financial aid, but getting the aid applica- Complete a “need analysis” to get a rough
tion forms in on time (usually in January to idea of whether you’re likely to qualify for
March of the senior year) is far more impor- financial aid. See Chapter 4.
tant. Similarly, if you haven’t managed to If you’ve accumulated savings, begin
set aside money in a college fund, remember shifting your money from riskier invest-
that every little bit helps no matter how ments, like stocks and stock mutual funds,
late you start—and be aware that you will to safer investments, like bonds and
probably need to rely more heavily on your money-market accounts. See Chapter 3.
current income and loans to meet the bills. Encourage your child to take challeng-
ing courses in high school so he or she
Preschool will be a more attractive college applicant,
Start a savings plan for college. If you set which not only helps a student get into
aside even a small sum each month, the school but may also lead to more financial
amounts you accumulate over the years aid. See Chapter 6.
will go a long way toward meeting the Likewise, encourage your child to
college bills. For help deciding how much engage in extracurricular activities, which
to save and whether to keep the money will help with admissions and may lead
in your own name or your child’s, see to scholarships. See Chapter 8.
Chapter 2. Because you have years before
you need the money, you can take some Sophomore year
risk and shoot for high returns in stocks Repeat the need analysis in Chapter 4.
and stock mutual funds; see Chapter 3. If your income has changed, you’ll see


how it’s likely to affect your eligibility for degree. They might even save you money
financial aid. by shortening his or her time on campus.
Consider using some of the aid-boosting See Chapter 10.
strategies in Chapter 6 to increase your
eligibility. Junior year—Spring
Encourage your child to begin browsing Make a preliminary list of prospective col-
college-selection books to get an idea of leges by consulting guidebooks and talking
what schools he or she might want to apply to teachers and counselors. See Chapter 7.
to. See Chapter 7 on selecting a college. Begin working campus visits into your
Take a practice round of the PSAT family travel plans. You can visit in the sum-
(a shorter version of the College Board’s mer, too, but a visit while a regular semes-
SAT) or PLAN (a shorter version of the ter is in session will probably be more
ACT, another national exam for college informative and revealing. See Chapter 7.
entrance). Begin browsing scholarship guides at
the library or scholarship databases on
Junior year—Fall the Internet or in the high school guidance
When colleges evaluate your income and office. See Chapter 8.
assets to determine whether you’re eligible Take the SAT or ACT.
for financial aid, the first year they examine
is the one starting halfway through your Summer after the junior year
child’s junior year. So you have until the Narrow the list of prospective colleges and
end of that calendar year to make adjust- request applications, catalogs and financial-
ments to your finances that might boost aid information. Ask about special intern-
your eligibility for aid. See Chapter 6. ship or co-op programs, innovative tuition-
Advise your child to talk with a high payment plans, advanced-placement credits
school guidance counselor about colleges and other alternatives that might influence
that might be a good fit. See Chapter 7. your choice of school. See Chapter 10.
Take the PSAT or PLAN. This time it
counts. Students with very high PSAT Senior year—Fall
scores can qualify for National Merit Continue campus visits.
Scholarships. Register to receive the application mate-
Strong students should consider taking rials for the PROFILE financial-aid form. See
advanced placement courses, which are Chapter 4.
usually offered beginning in the junior year. Apply for scholarships now and in the
These help students’ admissions chances spring. See Chapter 8.
at selective schools and may also earn your Begin working on college applications
child credits toward his or her college and essays.

continued on page 10


Retake the SAT or ACT if you want a Summer after graduation

shot at improving your scores. Apply for student loans. See Chapter 9.
Prepare your child to handle his or her
Senior Year—Spring own finances. See Chapter 11.
College applications are typically due in
January, and financial-aid forms are due in And beyond
February or March (although the earlier The process of planning for and paying
you file them after January 1, the better). the college bills doesn’t end with the start
Then you’ll endure the wait for accep- of freshman year. You’ll need to reapply
tances and financial-aid offers. each year for financial aid, and also for
Compare the aid packages you receive loans and scholarships. And chances are
to determine how much each school will your child will need some friendly guidance
actually cost you out of pocket. If you about money manage-ment or finding a job
want to appeal your aid package or try or internship, so you’ll have plenty of occa-
to get one school to match the offer from sions to revisit these chapters to refresh
another, now is the time. See Chapter 5. your memory.

filing jointly and earn up to $80,000 in adjusted gross

income or if you’re single and earn up to $40,000.
The credit begins shrinking at higher income levels,
and disappears completely at $100,000 for couples
and $50,000 for singles.
Unlike a tax deduction, which reduces your taxable
income, a tax credit reduces your actual tax bill dollar
for dollar. So a $1,500 tax credit means you’ll have an
extra $1,500 you can send to your child’s college rather
than to Uncle Sam. Another plus: A family with two or
more students in the first two years of college at the
same time can take advantage of multiple Hope Schol-
arships. So if you have twins, for instance, you could
receive tax credits worth $3,000 in their freshman year
and another $3,000 in their sophomore year.


college and beyond, students or their parents can take a
“Lifetime Learning” tax credit that is currently worth
up to $1,000 for each year of postsecondary study—
which includes graduate or professional school or even


“adult education” classes to brush up on job skills. Your The total

credit equals 20% of the first $5,000 in tuition and fees amount of
paid in a calendar year; after 2002, the credit increases
to 20% of the first $10,000 a year (a credit of $2,000). tax credits
The Lifetime Learning credit is subject to the same in- a typical
come restrictions as the Hope Scholarship, so if you earn
more than $80,000 to $100,000 as a couple or more student can
than $40,000 to $50,000 singly, the credit will be phased earn is more
out. While a family paying two or more tuition bills at
once can take multiple Hope Scholarships, you’re limit- than you may
ed to one Lifetime Learning credit per taxpayer per think because
year, no matter how many family members are in school.
However, you can take a Lifetime Learning credit in the four academic
same year you claim one or more Hope Scholarships. years spans
TAX CREDIT EXAMPLES. The total amount of tax credits
five calendar
a typical student can earn is more than you may think years.
because four academic years spans five calendar years.
For example, a student who began freshman year
in 1998 (the first year Hope Scholarships were avail-
able) and who will graduate in 2002 will, over the span
of her undergraduate career, have been eligible for up
to $6,000 in tax credits from Uncle Sam, as shown here:

Freshman fall, 1998 $1,500 Hope Scholarship

Freshman spring–sophomore fall, 1999 $1,500 Hope Scholarship
Sophomore spring–junior fall, 2000 $1,000 Lifetime Learning credit
Junior spring–senior fall, 2001 $1,000 Lifetime Learning credit
Senior spring, 2002 $1,000 Lifetime Learning credit
Total $6,000 in tax credits

The government’s subsidy gets even more gener-

ous for students beginning college in the fall of 2001
and beyond. Those students will be eligible for a Life-
time Learning credit of up to $2,000 in each of the last
three calendar years of their undergraduate career (or
more, if it takes longer to graduate), which brings the
potential tax credits up to $9,000 for students in the
class of 2005 and beyond who earn a degree in four
years. Here’s how it works:


Freshman fall, 2001 $1,500 Hope Scholarship

Freshman spring–sophomore fall, 2002 $1,500 Hope Scholarship
Sophomore spring–junior fall, 2003 $2,000 Lifetime Learning credit
Junior spring–senior fall, 2004 $2,000 Lifetime Learning credit
Senior spring, 2005 $2,000 Lifetime Learning credit
Total $9,000 in tax credits

If you’ll have two students going through college si-

multaneously, you won’t receive twice the amount of tax
credits, because only one student in a taxpaying house-
hold can take the Lifetime Learning credit each year:

Freshman fall, 2001 $3,000 (2 Hope Scholarships)

Freshman spring–sophomore fall, 2002 $3,000 (2 Hope Scholarships)
Sophomore spring–junior fall, 2003 $2,000 (1 Lifetime Learning credit)
Junior spring–senior fall, 2004 $2,000 (1 Lifetime Learning credit)
Senior spring, 2005 $2,000 (1 Lifetime Learning credit)
Total $12,000 in tax credits

But with two children going through college three

or more years apart, a family will be able to take up to
$9,000 in tax credits for each child entering college in
2001 and beyond (not that you can do much about the
timing now!):
Freshman fall for student #1, 2001 $1,500 Hope Scholarship
Freshman spring–sophomore fall #1, 2002 $1,500 Hope Scholarship
Sophomore spring–junior fall #1, 2003 $2,000 Lifetime Learning credit
Junior spring–senior fall #1 and freshman $3,500 (1 Lifetime credit + 1 Hope)
fall for student #2, 2004
Senior spring #1 and freshman spring– $3,500 (1 Lifetime credit + 1 Hope)
sophomore fall #2, 2005
Sophomore spring–junior fall #2, 2006 $2,000 Lifetime Learning credit
Junior spring–senior fall #2, 2007 $2,000 Lifetime Learning credit
Senior spring #2, 2008 $2,000 Lifetime Learning credit
Total $18,000 in tax credits


MORE RULES. All of the above examples assume you Beginning in

meet the income requirements and that you’re spend- 2002, parents
ing enough on tuition and fees to earn the maximum
credit each year. can take a
tax deduction
To earn the full Hope Scholarship, you need to spend
$2,000 on tuition and fees, after any grants or scholar- for up to
ships are taken into account. Room and board and $3,000 of
other related expenses don’t count toward the credit.
college costs,
To receive the full $1,000 Lifetime Learning credit, regardless
will have to spend $5,000 or more in tuition and fees
through 2002. Beginning in 2003 and beyond, you will of whether
earn the full $2,000 Lifetime credit if you spend they itemize.
$10,000 or more on tuition and fees.

Beginning in 2002, the amount of the Hope

Scholarship (but not the Lifetime Learning credit)
will be indexed for inflation, along with the income
limits for eligibility for both credits, so the figures
shown in the above examples may change. To be eli-
gible for the Hope credit, a student must be enrolled
at least half time. This is true of the Lifetime Learn-
ing credit, too, unless you are taking a course to im-
prove job skills.


Tax legislation that passed in 2001 created an added,
but temporary, tax break for college expenses that will
benefit some parents. Beginning in 2002, parents can
take a tax deduction for up to $3,000 of college costs,
regardless of whether they itemize. The top write-off
rises to $4,000 in 2004 and 2005, and then disappears.
To qualify for the top write-off, your adjusted gross in-
come must be below $65,000 on a single return or
$130,000 on a joint return. In 2004 and 2005, taxpay-
ers with higher incomes—but still below $80,000 on
single returns and $160,000 on joint ones—can qualify
for a $2,000 write-off.
You can’t claim a Hope or Lifetime Learning tax
credit in the same year and for the same student for


Even with whom you claim this deduction. And, in most cases,
just a year those tax credits will be more valuable than a tax de-
duction. But since the income limits for the credits are
or two to lower than for the deduction, some taxpayers who are
go until the locked out of the credits will get this write-off.

first tuition No Need to Save It All in Advance

bill, there’s What you’re left to pay still won’t be chicken feed—
even if your true cost is less than you imagined. Un-
time to less your child wins a free ride or a generous
accumulate grandparent comes to the rescue, the college bills will
still be substantial. But you don’t have to save the full
some cash amount in advance. Financial-aid officers like to say
to soften that a family’s contribution to college costs gets paid
in the past, present and future—meaning from your
the blow. savings, your income during the college years, and
loans you pay off later. Just as you probably wouldn’t
try to save the entire cost of a home or a car before
you buy it, you needn’t be ready to write a check for
four years of educational expenses as your child be-
gins freshman year.

SAVINGS. Whether you’re doing it or not, you probably

know that the best course is to save early and often.
The bigger the “down payment” you save ahead of
time, the less painful the payments will be during and
after the college years. But even with just a year or two
to go until the first tuition bill, there’s time to accumu-
late some cash to soften the blow. Find a way to put
$200 a month into a savings or money-market account
earning 5% during your child’s junior and senior high
school years, for instance, and you’ll have made a
$5,000 dent in the challenge ahead.
See Chapter 2 to get a handle on how much you
need to save and in whose name to keep it, as well as
how to squeeze a little more college money out of the
family budget. Chapter 3 will help you choose an ap-
propriate investment haven for your college savings.
Also remember that a good portion of a financial-
aid package is likely to consist of loans rather than
grants or scholarships. So each dollar that you save


now is probably one you or your child won’t have to Some of the
borrow—and pay interest on—later. board and
Saving doesn’t make you a chump, by the way.
Some parents have the frustrating suspicion that while personal
they’re pinching pennies to save toward the equivalent costs that
of two Mercedes in the driveway, the neighbors who
save nothing and actually drive a Mercedes are getting are rolled
away with something—because with less savings they’ll into the
qualify for more financial aid. Don’t worry. If you’re
saving now, you’re going to be far better off than your college bills
profligate neighbors. are expenses
If the savings you put away now reduce your
financial-aid package at all, it will be by a small you’re already
amount. The calculations that determine how much carrying.
you can afford to contribute to college costs don’t even
consider a portion of your savings and other assets (up
to $75,100, depending on your age and marital sta-
tus), and even resources above that amount are
tapped at no more than 5.6% per year. So, you are
hardly penalized at all for being a good saver.
And because you saved ahead of time, you’ll wind
up borrowing less than your neighbors to meet the
portion of college costs that isn’t covered by financial
aid. They’ll be envying you when they’re still paying
off college bills years and years after graduation day.

CASH FLOW. This is the painful, belt-tightening part. As

a parent, you already know all about sacrifice. Maybe
you will drive the old car a couple of extra years, skip a
vacation, or strike shrimp and steak off the family gro-
cery list for a while.
While your child is away at school, there will be
one less mouth to feed at home, and you can probably
count on fewer outlays for such expenses as sports
equipment or flute lessons. Put another way, some of
the board and personal costs that are rolled into the
college bills are expenses you’re already carrying. So it
should be possible to squeeze some additional money
out of the family budget to put toward college costs.
In Chapter 11, you’ll find tips for keeping those “inci-
dental” costs down, from trimming the phone bill to


Your kids finding a student-friendly bank account.

are another If you save regularly for retirement, perhaps via
payroll deductions to your 401(k) plan, you might
resource. choose to put that on hold for a few years and divert
It’s not cash to college bills. (Balancing the two goals, of
course, can make for some tough decisions. See Chap-
unreasonable ter 2 for some guidance.)
to expect The other alternative is to find ways to boost your
income. Some parents even pick up a second job—or
them to chip turn a hobby into an income-producing sideline busi-
in toward ness. Karen and Ross Kleinman of Potomac, Md., for
instance, turned a dog-breeding hobby into an active
their own business to generate extra cash toward the college costs
college bills. of their three children. One Minnesota family took a
job cleaning their church to help put their son through
business school.
Your kids are another resource. It’s not unreason-
able to expect them to chip in toward their own col-
lege bills. A student working full-time during the
summer and semester break and/or part-time during
the school year can earn perhaps $6,000 in a year. Yes,
a lot of that will probably get spent on day-to-day liv-
ing costs, but it’s that much less sneaker and sweatshirt
money you will have to come up with. (Chapter 2 dis-
cusses how your child’s income will be figured into the
financial-aid formula; see pages 36–39.)

LOANS. Most students also pick up some of the tab in

the form of student loans, which they pay off after
graduation. A typical student can borrow as much as
$17,125 over four years, sometimes with no interest on
the loan during the college years. When that’s not
enough, you can usually get a so-called “parent loan”
to cover the balance. Federal loan programs now let
you borrow up to the full cost of college, at rates that
are reasonable if you don’t succumb to the temptation
to stretch payments out over decades. It may be even
cheaper to borrow against your own assets, such as a
retirement account, home equity or cash value in a life
insurance policy. (Chapter 9 will help you sort out the
choices and keep a lid on interest costs.)
continued on page 22


This sampler isn’t meant to be all-inclusive, that aren’t—contact the school directly
but it will give you an idea of how college or consult a guidebook such as the College
costs vary at schools in every state. For Costs & Financial Aid Handbook ($21.95),
the most current information about the the source for the figures below, which is
schools that are listed here—and those published annually by the College Board.

Tuition and Total costs

State and fees (in state/ Room & Transpor- Books & Personal (in state/
school out of state) board tation supplies expenses out of state)

Auburn U.
(Auburn) $3,154/$9,150 $4,640 $744 $900 $1,516 $ 10,954/$16,950
U. of Alabama 3,014/8,162 4,200 634 700 1,690 10,238/15,386

Alaska Pacific U. $10,480 $5,090 $350 $1,000 $1,500 $18,420
U. of Alaska
(Fairbanks) 3,420/7,380 4,610 324 650 260 9,264/13,224

Arizona State U. $2,344/$9,728 $4,880 NA $700 $2,575 $10,499/$17,883
U. of Arizona 2,348/9,728 5,548 500 700 1,870 10,966/18,346

Lyon College $10,955 $4,930 $500 $500 $1,000 $17,885
U. of Arkansas
(Fayetteville) 3,872/8,850 4,358 1,100 800 1,100 11,230/16,208

Stanford U. $24,441 $8,030 NA $1,044 $1,584 $35,099
U. of California
(Berkeley) 4,047/14,221 7,788 442 854 1,436 14,567/24,741

Colorado College $22,800 $5,808 $492 $680 $1,048 $30,828
U. of Colorado
(Boulder) 3,223/15,832 5,538 1,215 720 1,935 12,631/25,240

U. of Connecticut $5,596/$13,056 $6,062 $725 $725 $1,700 $14,808/$22,268
Yale U. 25,220 7,660 500 720 1,570 35,670

Delaware State U. $3,470/$7,400 $5,710 NA NA NA $9,180/$13,110
U. of Delaware 5,004/13,260 5,312 NA 800 1,500 12,616/20,872

continued on page 18

COLLEGE-COST SAMPLER, 2000–2001 continued

Tuition and Total costs

State and fees (in state/ Room & Transpor- Books & Personal (in state/
school out of state) board tation supplies expenses out of state)

District of Columbia
Georgetown U. $24,168 $9,123 $410 $870 $970 $35,541
U. of the District
of Columbia 2,070/4,440 NA NA 800 NA 2,870/5,240

Stetson U. $18,385 $6,070 $660 $600 $960 $26,675
U. of Florida 2,256/8,542 5,440 310 700 2,370 11,076/17,362

Emory U. $24,532 $7,868 $600 $700 $700 $34,400
U. of Georgia 3,276/10,024 5,080 NA 610 1,682 10,648/17,396

Hawaii Pacific U. $8,920 $7,950 $1,000 $1,000 $500 $19,370
U. of Hawaii
(Manoa) 3,157/9,504 5,297 225 925 1,120 10,724/17,071

Boise State U. $2,451/$8,451 $3,690 $1,000 $700 $1,960 $9,801/$15,801
U. of Idaho 2,476/8,476 4,238 936 1,024 1,890 10,564/16,564

Northwestern U. $24,648 $7,471 $510 $1,128 $1,380 $35,137
U. of Illinois (Urbana-
Champaign) 4,752/11,172 5,844 430 700 1,600 13,326/19,746

Indiana U.
(Bloomington) $4,362/$12,958 $6,399 $410 $600 $1,528 $13,299/$21,895
U. of Notre Dame 23,357 5,920 500 800 900 31,477

Grinnell College $20,500 $5,820 $500 $400 $400 $27,620
Iowa State U. 3,204/10,668 4,432 400 684 2,200 10,920/18,384

Kansas State U. $2,781/$9,035 $4,090 NA $650 $900 $8,421/$14,675
U. of Kansas
(Lawrence) 2,725/9,035 4,114 1,151 750 1,793 10,533/16,843


Tuition and Total costs

State and fees (in state/ Room & Transpor- Books & Personal (in state/
school out of state) board tation supplies expenses out of state)

U. of Kentucky $3,446/9,330 $3,782 $530 $450 $980 $9,188/15,072
U. of Louisville 3,448/9,448 3,500 1,176 684 2,004 10,812/16,812

Louisiana State U.
and A&M $3,395/$7,851 $4,270 $487 $702 1,852 $10,706/$15,162
Tulane U. 25,480 6,908 NA 1,000 800 34,188

Bowdoin College $25,890 $6,760 NA $800 $1,100 $34,550
U. of Maine
(Orono) 4,829/11,520 5,360 500 700 1,100 12,489/19,180

Johns Hopkins U. $25,430 $8,185 $600 $800 $800 $35,815
U. of Maryland
(College Park) 5,136/11,704 6,076 599 702 1,768 14,281/20,849

Harvard and
Radcliffe Colleges $25,128 $7,982 NA $800 $2,290 $36,200
U. of Massachusetts
(Amherst) 5,212/13,465 4,895 400 500 1,000 12,007/20,260

Michigan State U. $5,210/$12,233 $4,692 $296 $716 $1,184 $12,098/$19,121
U. of Michigan
(Ann Arbor) 6,513/20,138 5,780 NA 700 1,944 14,937/28,562

Carleton College $24,390 $4,950 $325 $600 $600 $30,865
U. of Minnesota
(Twin Cities) 4,879/12,988 4,914 NA 729 1,443 11,965/20,074

U. of Mississippi $3,153/7,106 $3,930 $650 $700 $1,500 $9,933/13,886
U. of Southern
Mississippi 2,970/6,898 3,770 380 700 1,740 9,560/13,488

U. of Missouri
(Columbia) $4,726/$12,273 $4,585 NA $810 $2,320 $12,441/$19,988
Washington U. 24,745 7,724 NA 860 1,741 35,070

continued on page 20

COLLEGE-COST SAMPLER, 2000–2001 continued

Tuition and Total costs

State and fees (in state/ Room & Transpor- Books & Personal (in state/
school out of state) board tation supplies expenses out of state)

Montana State U. $3,052/$7,301 $4,000 NA $800 $2,200 $10,052/$14,301
U. of Montana
(Missoula) 2,600/5,256 4,680 NA 624 2,500 10,404/13,060

Creighton U. $14,910 $5,782 $550 $850 $1,375 $23,467
U. of Nebraska
(Lincoln) 3,450/7,515 4,310 576 660 1,744 10,740/14,805

Sierra Nevada College $11,400 $7,150 $1,000 NA $1,200 $20,750
U. of Nevada
(Las Vegas) 2,386/9,200 5,694 380 700 1,230 10,390/17,204

New Hampshire
Dartmouth College $25,763 $7,557 NA $810 $1,191 $35,321
U. of New
Hampshire 7,395/14,840 5,154 275 800 2,000 15,624/23,069

New Jersey
Princeton U. $25,430 $7,206 $450 $790 $1,719 $35,595
Rutgers at New
Brunswick 5,220/10,178 NA NA 700 NA 5,920/10,878

New Mexico
New Mexico State $2,790/$9,162 $3,700 $1,168 $634 $3,180 $11,472/$17,844
U. of New Mexico 2,795/10,012 4,870 NA 624 NA 8,289/15,506

New York
Columbia U. $25,922 $7,966 NA $800 $1,060 $35,748
State U. of New York
(Binghamton) 4,463/8,300 5,772 250 750 NA 11,235/15,072

North Carolina
Duke U. $25,630 $7,387 $600 $740 $1,320 $35,677
U. of North Carolina
(Chapel Hill) 2,768/11,026 5,770 500 700 1,157 10,895/19,153

North Dakota
No. Dakota State $3,010/$6,953 $3,542 $270 $600 $2,230 $9,652/$13,595
U. of North Dakota 3,088/6,953 3,614 750 600 1,850 9,902/13,767


Tuition and Total costs

State and fees (in state/ Room & Transpor- Books & Personal (in state/
school out of state) board tation supplies expenses out of state)

Oberlin College $25,355 $6,364 NA $575 $525 $32,819
Ohio State U.
(Columbus) 4,383/12,732 5,807 $180 696 232 11,298/19,647

U. of Oklahoma $2,491/5,910 $4,610 $873 $846 $2,688 $11,508/14,927
U. of Tulsa 13,810 4,810 1,000 1,200 1,360 22,180

Linfield College $18,600 $5,470 $200 $600 $1,100 $25,970
U. of Oregon
(Eugene) 3,819/12,714 5,715 NA 675 1,975 12,184/21,079

Penn State
(University Park) $6,756/$14,088 $5,380 $378 $656 $2,016 $15,186/$22,518
U. of Pennsylvania 25,170 7,826 NA NA NA 32,996

Rhode Island
Brown U. $26,374 $7,346 NA $888 $1,192 $35,800
U. of Rhode Island 5,154/11,906 6,646 NA 600 1,594 13,994/20,746

South Carolina
Clemson U. $3,590/$9,584 $4,548 $2,040 $712 $1,518 $12,408/$18,402
U. of South Carolina
(Columbia) 3,918/10,054 4,167 994 544 2,514 12,137/18,273

South Dakota
Augustana College $14,754 $4,260 $200 $600 $800 $20,614
South Dakota State U. 3,365/5,765 3,155 NA 600 NA 7,120/9,520

U. of Tennessee
(Knoxville) $3,362/$9,366 $4,190 $2,494 $998 $2002 $13,046/$19,050
Vanderbilt U. 24,700 8,328 NA NA 1,040 34,068

Rice U. $16,445 $6,850 $300 $600 $1,550 $25,745
Texas A&M
(College Station) 3,374/8,850 5,164 522 788 1,494 11,342/16,818

continued on page 22


COLLEGE-COST SAMPLER, 2000–2001 continued

Tuition and Total costs
State and fees (in state/ Room & Transpor- Books & Personal (in state/
school out of state) board tation supplies expenses out of state)

Brigham Young U. $2,830 $4,454 $1,300 $1,050 $1,470 $11,104
U. of Utah 2,897/8,302 4,890 756 1,086 3,051 12,680/18,085

Middlebury College $32,765 NA NA $550 $1,000 $34,315
U. of Vermont 8,268/19,236 6,038 NA 628 997 15,931/26,899

U. of Virginia $4,335/16,295 $4,767 NA $800 $1,300 $11,202/23,162
Washington & Lee U. 17,965 5,690 NA 900 1,345 25,900

U. of Puget Sound $21,425 $5,510 $500 $750 $1,300 $29,485
Washington State U.3,790/10,544 5,086 1,165 678 1,879 12,598/19,352

West Virginia
West Virginia U.
(Morgantown) $2,836/8,362 $5,152 $1,175 $630 $900 $10,693/16,219
West Virginia
Wesleyan College 18,050 4,350 750 600 1,500 25,250

Lawrence U. $21,855 $4,791 $300 $450 $900 $28,296
U. of Wisconsin
(Madison) 3,788/13,688 5,470 340 660 1,550 11,808/21,708

U. of Wyoming $2,575/$7,284 $4,568 $587 $680 $1,650 $10,060/$14,769

The Bottom Line

es, a college education costs a lot of money today.
But don’t be cowed by the six-figure amounts
you see in the headlines. Let them spur you to
action—using the time you have left between now and
freshman orientation, whether one year or 18, to fig-
ure out how much college will really cost and map out
a plan for reaching your goals for your child’s college
education. (Chapter 7 will help you get a handle on
what those goals really are.)

Chapter 2
The $64,000
Question: How
Much to Save?

ow much money do you need to shovel
into the college fund? A lot, but not as
much as mutual fund companies and
brokerages would have you believe. The
worksheets they give customers to help
them compute how much to invest tend to employ the
big scare, which goes like this: Take today’s sticker price
at one of the country’s costliest universities, inflate it at
7% per year (the rate of tuition inflation several years
ago), and conclude that parents of a newborn must save
more than $500,000—or about $900 a month—over
18 years to pay four years’ college costs out of their own
pockets the day the child sets foot on campus. For par-
ents of junior-high students the prognosis is even
worse—on the order of $2,400 a month to come up
with a cash-on-the-barrelhead payment to the bursar at
Ivy League U.
“Avoid those dumb charts,” says Philip Johnson, a
Clifton Park, N.Y., financial planner who specializes
in college planning. As explained in Chapter 1, col-
lege costs aren’t going to rise as fast in the next
decade as they did in the early 1990s. As we’ve also
explained, most parents won’t pay the full sticker
price, and you don’t need to save in advance every
penny of what you will spend. In this chapter, we’ll
help you get a handle on how much you really need
to be saving toward college costs. We’ll also provide
some guidance on how to squeeze more cash out of
your budget to put into savings and how to decide
whether to keep those savings in your own name or
in your child’s name.


Changing your Setting Realistic Savings Goals

assumptions here’s no right answer to the how much to save
question. “It’s a personal goal that you need to
can transform set—and no one is going to hold you to it,” says
the ridiculous Johnson. Still, it can be a useful exercise to crunch
some numbers. Working backward from the “dumb
into a worksheet” approach, we’ll start with assumptions that
manageable produce impossibly huge numbers and then show you
how changing the assumptions can transform the
goal. ridiculous into a manageable goal.


FRONT. Imagine that your sixth-grader will attend one
of the most expensive universities in the country and
that you’ll foot the whole bill. In that case, the goal
would be $218,000 (roughly what four years at Harvard
will cost for the class of 2012, who begin their freshman
year in 2008, assuming 5% annual inflation of tuition).
If you’re starting from scratch and earn a 7% return on
your investments, you’d need to put away a gasp-induc-
ing $1,787 per month.
But as you know, you wouldn’t need to hand over
the whole $218,000 the day your scholar reports for
freshman orientation. By assuming you’ll keep up the
contributions during your child’s undergraduate
years, you’d cut the tab to $1,095 per month. If you
already have a $10,000 head start, the savings goal
would be reduced to $986 a month.


SCHOOL’S STICKER PRICE. That’s still an impossibility
for most family budgets. But remember, you’re proba-
bly not going to have to pay the entire tab yourself.
After all, financial aid, student loans, a summer job, a
scholarship or grant, and/or a grandparent’s largesse
will probably trim the final bill.
■ Aiming to amass 75% of the total expense from scratch
requires an $821 monthly savings contribution, or
$712 if you already have $10,000 put away.
■ Aiming to foot half the bill brings those numbers
down to $547 and $439, respectively.


■ Saving even a quarter of the total could be enough if

it seems likely that you’ll get significant financial aid.
That’s $273 a month from scratch, or $165 with
$10,000 already in the bank.


HARVARD. Let’s assume instead that your goal is an
average-priced private college, which will probably cost
closer to $152,000 than $218,000 by the time your
sixth-grader is ready to go.
■ Shooting for 75% of that cost means you would need
to save $572 a month from scratch, or $464 with a
$10,000 head start.
■ To save 50% of the cost, your monthly savings goal
would be $381, or $273 with $10,000 already saved.
■ And to save 25%, your goal is $190 a month, or $82 a
month with $10,000 in the kitty.


LIC COLLEGE. How about saving for a public college,
where the total bill will probably be about $67,000 over
four years?
■ If you aim to save the whole amount, your goal is $336
from scratch, or $228 with $10,000 already saved.
■ Aim for 75%, and you’d want to save $252 a month
from scratch, or $144 a month with $10,000 saved.
■ Shoot for 50%, and the numbers are $168 and $60,

The point is that you can juggle the numbers and

rescale your goal until you reach a number that doesn’t
make you want to quit before you start. Also remember
that these numbers are much higher than they’d be if
you were saving for a newborn or a toddler. Using a
10% return (because you can aim for higher returns
when you have a longer time horizon, as discussed in
Chapter 3), saving ahead for the full four years at Har-
vard would require $435 per month for today’s new-
born — rather than the $1,787 cited above for a
sixth-grader—and saving to cover 50% of public-col-
lege costs would require just $28 a month.


You need to Another Way to Set Your Goal

decide how n even more precise approach is to start the
number crunching with your “expected family
much you contribution” (Chapter 4 will show you how)
can afford or rather than with any school’s sticker price. Your ex-
pected contribution is the amount of money colleges
are willing to will expect you to come up with out-of-pocket before
save toward qualifying for any financial aid, so using that number
as a starting savings goal is more realistic than looking
college, versus at the full sticker price. If you determine from the
competing worksheet in Chapter 4 that you would be expected to
contribute $7,000 a year to college costs today, for ex-
goals such ample, then use that figure as your starting point and
as saving for multiply it by four to represent the cost of four years of
school. Even if you can’t quite match the savings goal
retirement. that emerges from the calculations in this chapter,
you’ll have a handle on the amount that you’ll proba-
bly be expected to pay and just how far your efforts
will take you toward it.
The worksheets on the following pages will help
you determine what you should save monthly. Use the
“short-form” version if college is five or fewer years
away, and the “long-form” version if college is more
than five years off.

How Much Can You Spare?

o matter how much you estimate your contri-
bution to college costs should be, you need to
decide how much you can afford or are willing
to save toward college, versus competing goals such as
saving for retirement. And you probably already have
a feel for how much you can squeeze out of your pay-
check each month or each week to funnel into a college
fund. Jim Stoever, a computer programmer who lives
in Brick, N.J., says his savings plan for his son’s college
education started with, “Okay, I think we can do $100 a
month, and if that’s too much we’ll knock it back.”
Then it became just another bill to pay, “and we just
did it.” Later, he bumped up his monthly mutual fund
contribution by $50 when he got a raise. That’s the
continued on page 30


This worksheet is for families with a child years represent a contribution from cash
in the eighth grade or older. The first two flow toward college costs, rather than actual
columns show the monthly savings necessary savings.)
over nine years to pay full price at an average This worksheet assumes that the return
private or public college; the third column you earn on your investments will just about
shows the amount needed to come up with match the rate of increase in college costs.
an expected family contribution of $7,000, an In other words, the 5% or so that college
example of the minimum out-of-pocket a costs will go up each year will about match
school might expect. The last column lets the 5% or so you can earn in a money-market
you figure out what you should save monthly mutual fund or certificate of deposit. That’s a
in the years left until your child graduates reasonable assumption for parents with five
from college. (The payments in the last four years or fewer until the first tuition bill.

Example: Example: Example: Your

Private Public Expected Family’s
College College Contribution Numbers

A. Cost of college OR
Expected Family Contribution
The average annual cost for tuition,
room and board, and other costs at
public schools in 2000–01 is about $25,000 $11,000 $7,000 $ ________________
$11,000; at private schools, it’s $25,000. x 4 x 4 x 4 x ________________
B. Total cost 100,000 44,000 28,000 ____________
Multiply the result in Step A by 4.
C. Savings goal
Multiply the result in Step B by the x 60% x 60% x 60% x ________%
percentage of the cost you wish to save 60,000 26,400 16,800 _________
(for example, 60%).
D. Existing savings – 3,000 – 3,000 –3,000 – _________
Subtract the amount of your existing sav- 57,000 23,400 13,800 _________
ings for college from the result in Step C.
E. What you should save annually ÷ 9 ÷ 9 ÷ 9 ÷ _________
Divide the result in Step D by the num- 6,333 2,600 1,533 _________
ber of years until college graduation.
F. What you should save monthly ÷ 12 ÷ 12 ÷ 12 ÷ _________
Divide the result in Step E by 12. $528 $217 $128 $ _________



When you have more than five years to go college-cost inflation. That means you can
until college (and more than nine years until make a smaller contribution each month
graduation), you have time on your side in than the parent who starts later, or perhaps
two ways. You can stretch your savings out aim to save a higher percentage of the total
over a longer period of time, and you can bill up front. This worksheet allows you to
afford to put your money in investments take higher returns into account as you
that earn a rate of return likely to outpace figure what you should save monthly.

A. Projected cost of college

Estimate college costs for all four years, using the table on page 6
in Chapter 1. This far out, don’t aim for precision, but rather a rough
idea of what your costs will be. (You may also want to complete
the financial-aid worksheet in Chapter 4 to get an idea of what your
expected family contribution would be today. If you would qualify
for a lot of aid, you may want to lower your cost estimates. But
remember that your financial position could change a lot over the
years—and so could the financial-aid rules.) $ ______________________________

B. Savings goal
Multiply the result in Step A by the percentage of the cost you wish x ______________________________
to save—say, 80%. $ ______________________________

C. Estimate the return on your investments

Estimate how much you can earn on your money—10% is a fair
before-tax estimate if you invest in stocks or stock mutual funds
(which you’ll read more about in Chapter 3). If you’ll pay income
taxes directly from your investment earnings, then use an after-tax
return. If you’re earning 10% and you’re in the 27% federal bracket
your return after federal taxes is 7.3%. (It’s actually a bit less after
taking state taxes into account.) To figure your after-tax return,
subtract your federal tax bracket from 1 and multiply the result
by your estimated before-tax return. For example,
1 – 0.27 = 0.73
0.73 x 10% = 7.3%
Those figures represent your after-tax return, no matter where
you get the money to pay tax on your earnings. But if you can handle
the tax bill from current income, your funds set aside for college keep
growing at the before-tax rate, which can be a relatively painless


savings trick. The tax bill in the early years will be small; and in the
later years your income may have risen enough to easily handle the
tax bill on larger gains. If you plan to pay the taxes out of current
income (or if you’re saving in a tax-free account), use your expected
before-tax return (for example, 10%) in the table below.
D. Figure your monthly contribution
Say you have a 3-year-old, who will finish college 19 years from now.
In the table below, find where 19 years intersects with the estimated
after-tax rate of return on your savings, say, 7%. The result, $21, is
the approximate amount you need to save monthly to accumulate
$10,000 by your deadline. If your savings goal is $100,000, you need
to save ten times this amount, or $210, each month.
Your goal (the result in Step B) divided by $10,000
Multiplied by monthly contribution per $10,000 (from table) ______________________________
Equals monthly contribution to meet your goal ______________________________
$ ______________________________

What you need to save per month for each $10,000 of college expenses

Years 3% 4% 5% 6% 7% 8% 9% 10% 11% 12%

1 $820 $815 $811 $807 $802 $798 $794 $789 $785 $781
2 404 400 395 391 387 383 379 375 371 367
3 265 261 257 253 249 245 241 237 234 230
4 196 192 188 184 180 176 173 169 165 162
5 154 150 146 143 139 135 132 128 125 121
6 127 123 119 115 112 108 104 101 98 95
7 107 103 99 96 92 89 85 82 79 76
8 92 88 85 81 78 74 71 68 65 62
9 81 77 73 70 66 63 60 57 54 51
10 71 68 64 61 57 54 51 48 46 43
11 64 60 57 53 50 47 44 42 39 36
12 58 54 51 47 44 41 39 36 33 31
13 52 49 45 42 39 36 34 31 29 27
14 48 44 41 38 35 32 30 27 25 23
15 44 41 37 34 31 29 26 24 22 20
16 41 37 34 31 28 26 23 21 19 17
17 38 34 31 28 25 23 21 19 17 15
18 35 32 29 26 23 21 19 17 15 13
19 33 29 26 24 21 19 17 15 13 11
20 30 27 24 22 19 17 15 13 12 10
21 29 25 22 20 17 15 13 12 10 8


Every $25 a quickest way (and for many people, the best way) to
week you take the plunge.
But if you really want to feed the college fund as
can trim from much as possible in years ahead—or you want to come
your spending as close as possible to the goal you’ve set—it will un-
doubtedly pay off to get a handle on how much flab
means a there is in your everyday spending. That requires a
potential candid look at your income and outgo.
If you already keep track via a checking and bud-
$16,300 geting software program, such as Quicken or Microsoft
you could Money, the data-gathering job is easy—just print out an
income-and-expense statement for the past few
accumulate months. Otherwise, you can start by gathering your
by the time checkbook, ATM receipts and credit card statements
and filling out the budget worksheet on pages 32–33.
today’s eighth- You’ll sharpen the picture if you spend a month or two
grader finishes also tracking where your cash goes, using a notebook
to write down each day’s expenses. Lots of potential
college. college money can slip through your fingers for coffee
on the way to work, lunch at the deli, drinks after
work, video rentals and other incidentals.

Tightening Your Belt

nce you have an accurate picture of what’s
coming in and how you’re spending it, the
next step is to look for the least painful places
to cut back. Big overspending, perhaps on clothes or
gifts or dinners out, will probably leap out at you once
you see the numbers on paper. But seemingly small
economies add up, too. Every $25 a week you can trim
from your spending—by brown-bagging lunch, mow-
ing your own lawn, eating dinner out less often, or
whatever strikes you as dispensable—means a poten-
tial $16,300 you could accumulate by the time today’s
eighth-grader finishes college in nine years (assuming
you invested the savings and earned a 7% return on
your money). Here are other possibilities:
■ Dropping a $140-a-month membership at the gym you
use only sporadically contributes nearly $21,000 over
the nine years.


■ How about the $40 monthly cable TV or cellular More

phone bill? Another $6,000.
■ Keeping your car long enough to have two years free
of $300-a-month loan payments can put $7,750 into than where
the college fund after two years. you put
■ Taking one $1,500 vacation a year instead of two frees
up a potential $19,225. your money
■ Trimming the Christmas-gift budget by $300 each is making
year nets another $3,845.
sure it gets
Of course, you don’t want a budget so rigid that put away
there’s no room for fun or an occasional indulgence.
The idea isn’t to live like monks. If a gym membership somewhere.
has helped you stick to your workout schedule, the fee
is a defensible investment in your health. If having
someone else clean the house or take care of the lawn
is the expense that keeps your life sane or your mar-
riage harmonious, maybe you shouldn’t give it up. The
point is to take an honest look at your spending, pin-
point expenditures that aren’t essential, and put that
money to better use.

Smart Saving Tricks

he next chapter will help you find the best places
to stash your monthly savings, but more impor-
tant than where you put it is making sure it gets
put away somewhere. That probably won’t happen if
you wait until the end of the month, after all the bills
are paid and pocket-money spent, to find that extra
$100 or $200 or $300. Instead, make it a top-priority
fixed expense.

Call It Your “College Payment”

Think of it like your mortgage or car payment. If you
think it will help, make yourself a coupon book and
keep it with your bills.

Make It Automatic
Better still, eliminate the need for willpower by setting
up an automatic transfer from your bank account to a



Use the first column to record your actual expenses. In the second column, set a spending
goal in areas where you feel you can cut back. Add up your monthly savings in the third

Month _______________________________________________________________

Your monthly income

Take-home pay $ _______________________
Other (specify) _______________________
Total $ _______________________

Your monthly expenses Actual Spending goal Savings

(For irregular expenses you pay out of current income, such as insurance premiums, divide the annual cost by 12.)

Mortgage or rent $____________________ $ ___________________ $____________________

Taxes not withheld from pay ____________________ ___________________ ____________________
Installment loans/ ____________________ ___________________ ____________________
Credit card payments ____________________ ___________________ ____________________
____________________ ___________________ ____________________
Insurance premiums
Life ____________________ ___________________ ____________________
Auto ____________________ ___________________ ____________________
Home ____________________ ___________________ ____________________
Health ____________________ ___________________ ____________________
Disability ____________________ ___________________ ____________________
Food and beverages
Groceries ____________________ ___________________ ____________________
Meals out ____________________ ___________________ ____________________
Fuel and utilities
Gas or oil ____________________ ___________________ ____________________
Electricity ____________________ ___________________ ____________________
Telephone ____________________ ___________________ ____________________
Water and sewer ____________________ ___________________ ____________________
Subtotal $ ____________________ $ ___________________ $____________________


Your monthly expenses Actual Spending goal Savings

Household maintenance $____________________ $_____________________ $ ____________________

Home furnishings ____________________ ___________________ ____________________
Gas and oil ____________________ ___________________ ____________________
Repairs ____________________ ___________________ ____________________
Other transportation ____________________ ___________________ ____________________
Public transportation ____________________ ___________________ ____________________
Mom ____________________ ___________________ ____________________
Dad ____________________ ___________________ ____________________
Kids ____________________ ___________________ ____________________
Pocket money
Mom ____________________ ___________________ ____________________
Dad ____________________ ___________________ ____________________
Kids ____________________ ___________________ ____________________
Personal care
(haircuts, cosmetics, and so on) ____________________ ___________________ ____________________
Recreation and entertainment ____________________ ___________________ ____________________
Medical and dental ____________________ ___________________ ____________________
Charity ____________________ ___________________ ____________________
Vacations ____________________ ___________________ ____________________
Special expenses
(tuition, alimony, and so on) ____________________ ___________________ ____________________
Miscellaneous other ____________________ ___________________ ____________________
Savings ____________________ ___________________ ____________________
Emergency fund ____________________ ___________________ ____________________
Retirement or 401(k) ____________________ ___________________ ____________________
Subtotal, previous page $ ____________________ $ ___________________ $ ____________________
Total $ ____________________ $ ___________________ $ ____________________


mutual fund each month (the fund company will be

happy to send you forms) or an automatic payroll de-
duction into a savings account or U.S. savings bond
(talk to your company’s personnel department). Most
large no-load mutual fund families, such as American
Century, Dreyfus, Fidelity, Invesco, Janus, T. Rowe
Price and Vanguard, can even arrange automatic con-
tributions straight from your paycheck.

Stash Your Raise

An increase in salary is one of the best opportunities


It was Benjamin Franklin who said, “Beware debt payments to college savings.
of little expenses; a small leak will sink a
great ship.” In the spirit of Ben, here are 2.Will your electric utility pay to
some Franklin-like ways to plug holes in make your home energy-efficient?
your budget and enrich your college fund. Central Vermont Public Service Corp. foot-
ed half of Becky and Len Kotler’s $1,196
1. Reduce the cost of your debt. bill for caulking and insulating their house
One way is to switch to a credit card in Manchester Center, Vt. Their electric
that charges less interest. Transferring bills fell by 25%. Many utility companies
a $2,000 balance from an 18% card to an will perform a free or low-cost “energy
8.25% card will save you $730 if you pay audit” of your home, and some will help
off your balance at the rate of $50 per foot the bill for energy-saving fix-ups.
Another good choice is a no-fee, no- 3. Shop term life insurance rates.
points home-equity line of credit, which The easiest way is to let a shopping service,
you’d use to pay off higher-cost debt. such as SelectQuote (800–343–1985;
An average balance of $3,000 on a 20% www.selectquote.com), MasterQuote
credit card costs $600 per year in interest; (800–337–5433; www.masterquote.com)
with a 9.5% home-equity loan, the carrying or Quotesmith (800–431–1147; www
cost is $285. That’s tax-deductible, so .quotesmith.com), scout prices for you.
Uncle Sam pays $77 of it if you’re in the
27% tax bracket. 4. Shop around for car and home-
Better still, get your credit card and owners insurance, too. Premium rates
loan balances down to zero to avoid inter- can vary by more than 25%. Once you get
est charges entirely. Then divert your the best deal, knock another 10% or so


you have to “find” money to save. Tell yourself you got

no raise at all and shuttle the monthly increase in your
paycheck straight to a savings or mutual fund account.
Or treat yourself to a reward with the first month’s
extra take-home pay, and then start squirreling the
extra away.
That may sound Spartan, but it’s far easier than cut-
ting back on expenses you’ve grown used to. Ohio fi-
nancial planner Michael Chasnoff tells of clients who
readily agree they can cut back on vacations or lawn-
care expenses in order to boost college savings. “But

off the premium by raising your collision- from Great West Life and Annuity Insur-
and-comprehensive deductible to $500. ance Company. That’s a typical reduction.

5. Cancel your private mortgage 8. Don’t buy a brand-new car. Buy

insurance. If you have at least 20% equity nearly new. You can save big on the cost
in your home, ask your lender to cancel of the car and financing, and keep payments
your private mortgage insurance. That will low. Let someone else take the big hit on
trim your mortgage payment each month. depreciation; cars lose their value the
fastest in the first couple of years on the
6. Exploit a set-aside plan. The idea is road. You’ll also save on the cost of car
to set aside part of your salary to pay med- insurance.
ical expenses with pretax dollars. Money
channeled through a set-aside plan escapes 9. Reconsider the value of your tax
federal income and social security taxes preparer. If your taxes are complicated, a
and, in almost all states, state income taxes, tax pro is probably well worth the fee. But,
too. Using the program to pay $1,000 if not, doing it yourself can save a pretty
worth of bills can save $400 or more. penny. For most returns, tax-preparation
software does the job for less than $40.
7. Stop smoking. Aside from being bad
for your health, the habit costs about $700 10. Visit your public library. If you
a year for a pack-a-day smoker. A year haven’t been to the library in a while, you
after you quit, you can apply for cheaper might be surprised at the opportunities
life insurance rates. Quitting would knock to save on books, compact discs, Internet
the premium from $770 to $355 a year for access, videotapes, investment research
a 40-year-old male with a $250,000 policy and other services.


Now that 529 when we review the next year we see their Visa and
plans and the MasterCard balances are out of whack whereas they
paid them off before,” he says. “Sometimes it takes a few
education IRA tries.” Saving seems much less like self-deprivation
allow you to when you’ve never had your hands on the extra money.

enjoy tax-free Save Bonuses and Gifts

earnings, If saving the entire raise is impractical—perhaps this is
the year you need to replace the nine-year-old clunker
there’s little in the garage—at least try to squirrel away some of it.
reason to use Bonuses and other windfalls, like tax refunds and holi-
day gifts, are other golden opportunities to save money
a custodial you’re unlikely to miss.
Divert the Cost of Day Care
once a college- If you have young children and have made room in
savings staple. your budget to pay for the cost of day care, one of
those golden opportunities comes when day care ex-
penses end and your child heads off for elementary
school (assuming you opt for a public school). Suzanne
and Steve O’Brien of Haddam, Conn., spend $250 a
week on day care for their two young children, Megan
and Colin. When day care expenses end, they plan to
redirect that money into a college fund. If each child’s
share—$125 per week—grows at a modest 8% between
ages 5 and 18, each will have roughly $150,000 to put
toward college bills.

Where Should You Save?

nce you’ve begun saving for your child’s col-
lege education, you’ll have to decide what
kind of savings vehicle in which to put the
money. Your primary choices: A custodial account, an
education IRA or a state-sponsored college savings
plan. For most people, a college savings plan, also
known as a 529 plan, is likely to be the best choice, with
the education IRA a close second. Now that those two
options allow you to enjoy tax-free earnings, there’s lit-
tle reason to use a custodial account, which used to be
a college savings staple.


Why Custodial Accounts Are Custodial

Just About Obsolete accounts
The big draw to saving for college in a child’s name,
using a custodial account—also called an UTMA (Uni- have other
form Transfers to Minors Act) or UGMA (Uniform Gifts disadvantages.
to Minors Act) account—has been to reduce the family
tax bill. In 2001, the first $750 of annual investment in- Money you
come earned in the child’s name is tax-free, and the put in your
next $750 is taxed at the child’s rate, presumably 10%.
So, for example, the tax bill on the first $1,500 of inter- kids’ names is
est or dividends would be $75, compared with $405 if an irrevocable
that income were yours and taxed at the 27% rate.
That’s certainly a benefit, but it doesn’t compare gift. It belongs
with a potential tax bill of $0, available with an educa- to the child,
tion IRA or 529 plan. Plus, custodial accounts have
other disadvantages. Money you put in your kids’
and you can’t
names (even in an account where you’re the custodi- take it back.
an) is an irrevocable gift. It belongs to the child, and
you generally can’t take it back. That means you lose
the ability to use the money for other purposes
should the need arise. As the account’s custodian, you
can use the money for the child’s benefit, such as for
private high school or braces, but not for a “family”
emergency, such as a parent’s medical bills or for
household bills in the event that a parent becomes
unemployed. Practically speaking, your state won’t
send the “custodial account police” after you for
using your child’s college fund to pay the mortgage
or take a vacation, but a child would have the legal
right to fight your decision, if so inclined. (Granted,
that seldom happens, but it is the law.)
Your children are entitled to spend the money
however they wish once they reach the age at which
the custodial arrangement ends in your state—typical-
ly either age 18 or 21. If you live in a state where cus-
todial accounts end at age 18, you’ll have to trust your
child to use the money to pay for college tuition and
books, not a red Porsche or a year bumming around
Europe. You have less to worry about if custodial ac-
counts in your state end at age 21, because normally at
least three-quarters of the college bills are paid before


a student’s 21st birthday. (In a few states, such as Cali-

fornia, the age is 18 by default, but it can be higher—
in some cases, up to age 25—if you choose to specify
an age in the account documents. See the box below
for state-by-state rules.)
The other disadvantage to saving in your child’s
name is that the financial-aid formulas consider 25% to


If you save for college in your child’s name rent as of January 2001. Many states have
using a custodial account under the Uni- changed their laws in recent years, and
form Transfers to Minors Act or Uniform if you opened a custodial account before
Gifts to Minors Act, state law dictates a change in the law, the old law applies
when you must turn the money over to to that account. The financial institution
your child. In most states it’s age 18 or 21, where you opened the account can verify
but in a handful of states you choose an age the age at which you no longer control
between 18 and 21 or between 18 and 25. the money. (The following information
(If you don’t specify an age, the account is adapted with permission from Plan Your
ends at age 18 in Alaska, California, Maine, Estate, by attorneys Denis Clifford and
Nevada and Virginia, and at 21 in Arkansas, Cora Jordan. Copyright 2000. Published
New Jersey and North Carolina.) by Nolo Press, Berkeley, Cal. Available in
Note that the ages listed below are cur- bookstores or by calling 800–992–6656.)

State Age State Age State Age

Alabama 21 Kentucky 18 North Dakota 21
Alaska 18 to 25 Louisiana 21 Ohio 21
Arizona 21 Maine 18 to 21 Oklahoma 18
Arkansas 18 to 21 Maryland 21 Oregon 21
California 18 to 25 Massachusetts 21 Pennsylvania 21
Colorado 21 Michigan 18 to 21 Rhode Island 18
Connecticut 21 Minnesota 21 South Carolina 18
Delaware 21 Mississippi 21 South Dakota 18
District of Columbia 18 Missouri 21 Tennessee 21
Florida 21 Montana 21 Texas 21
Georgia 21 Nebraska 21 Utah 21
Hawaii 21 Nevada 18 to 25 Vermont 18
Idaho 21 New Hampshire 21 Virginia 18 to 21
Illinois 21 New Jersey 18 to 21 Washington 21
Indiana 21 New Mexico 21 West Virginia 21
Iowa 21 New York 21 Wisconsin 21
Kansas 21 North Carolina 18 to 21 Wyoming 21


35% of a student’s savings to be available for paying You can use

college bills each year, while parents are expected to a 529 plan to
contribute only 5.6% of theirs, at most. That makes
sense because parents have numerous other financial save for your
responsibilities. But if you look at all the funds—yours child’s college
and your child’s—as “family” money, putting college
money in your child’s name could cost you financial education
aid. (For more about how schools determine your aid, regardless of
see Chapter 5.)
Custodial accounts may still be useful for some your family
parents and grandparents who are seeking a tax- income, and
advantaged way to save money for children for other
reasons, but for college savings, education IRAs and anyone can
529 plans offer superior tax benefits, better financial- open and fund
aid results, and more control for the parent or other
owner of the account.
the account.

The Benefits of 529 Plans

State-sponsored college savings plans, or 529 plans,
vault to the top of the list of choices for college sav-
ings, now that withdrawals from the accounts will be
tax-free beginning in 2002. You can use a 529 plan to
save for your child’s college education regardless of
your family income, and anyone can open and fund
the account—a parent, grandparent, aunt, uncle or
friend. (You could even use a 529 plan to save for your
own higher-education expenses.) The owner of a 529
plan account (usually the person who opens it) is the
person who controls the money until it’s actually used
for college expenses—regardless of the age of the
beneficiary—so you don’t have to worry about the
Porsche scenario.
In fact, you can change the beneficiary of the ac-
count at any time, so if the child for whom it was origi-
nally intended doesn’t go to college, you could transfer
the money to a sibling or other family member (even a
cousin, under the new tax law). The money does, how-
ever, need to be used for higher education expenses
when it’s withdrawn. If it’s used for some other pur-
pose, the earnings are taxable to the account owner,
who also pays a penalty tax equal to 10% of the earn-


The states’ ings. The money can be used at any accredited college
529 plans also in the U.S. (and at some foreign schools) regardless of
the state sponsoring the plan.
fare better Unlike education IRAs, which limit your contribu-
than custodial tions to $2,000 a year per beneficiary, 529 plans allow
you to make large contributions all at once and to accu-
accounts mulate significant sums toward college expenses. The
under federal actual maximum depends on the state that sponsors
the plan, but $100,000 or more is typical, and some
and private states have maximums that exceed $200,000.
financial-aid The states’ 529 plans also fare better than custodial
accounts under federal and private financial-aid for-
formulas. mulas. Generally, money in a 529 plan is considered a
parental asset, which means the family is expected to
use no more than 5.6% per year toward college costs
before qualifying for financial aid. (The exception is
the “prepaid tuition plan” version of the 529 plan. Pre-
paid plans—which are described in greater detail in
Chapter 3—are considered a “resource” under cur-
rent aid formulas, which means they can reduce your
aid eligibility dollar for dollar.)
There are two drawbacks to 529 plans, however:


count or an education IRA (described in the following
section) allows you to invest your money in just about
anything you like, in a 529 plan you’re restricted to the
investment choices offered by the state plan you use.
You may have just one choice, or you may have four or
five. Once you’ve chosen an investment, you can’t
switch to another selection in that state’s plan later on,
but you can roll your money to another state’s plan
and change your investment choices that way. General-
ly, the investment plans the states offer are good ones,
tailored specifically to college savings. (Chapter 3 pro-
vides more detail on the investment aspects of 529
plans.) But if having unlimited investment control is
important to you, then an education IRA may be a bet-
ter choice for at least some of your college savings.



drawback is the prospect (remote, in our opinion) that The main

the plans could cease to be tax-free after 2010. In the reason to use
legislation that grants 529 plans tax-free status begin-
ning in 2002, Congress chose to “sunset” all provisions an education
of the new law in 2011. That means, unless the tax-free IRA rather
provisions are extended or made permanent, 529 plans
would then go back to the way they were before the leg- than a 529
islation was passed: Earnings in the plans would return plan is to
to being tax-deferred, and then taxable to the student
in his or her tax bracket when withdrawn. (That’s not a retain complete
bad deal, either, but it isn’t as generous as the new control over
rules.) We think that tax-free 529 plans will be popular
and that Congress will respond to the inevitable call to the investments
retain a tax break aimed at families saving for college. in the account.
But parents who are saving for younger children
should be aware of the possibility for reversal.

Who Should Use Education IRAs?

In the same legislation that made 529 plans tax-free,
Congress vastly improved the education IRA, making
it a viable choice for college savers. The most impor-
tant change was raising the annual contribution limit
from $500 per year per beneficiary to $2,000 per
year—perhaps not enough to cover college costs en-
tirely, but enough to make a dent. If you made a
$2,000 contribution each year for 18 years and it
earned 10% per year, your savings would grow to just
over $100,000. Plus, you’d owe no taxes on withdrawal
because education IRA earnings are tax-free when
used for educational expenses. Education IRAs get the
same favorable financial-aid treatment as 529 savings
plans; the money is considered a parental asset.
The main reason to use an education IRA rather
than a 529 plan is to retain complete control over the
investments in the account. If you would want to pur-
chase individual stocks or bonds in your child’s college
account, or would want to select your own mix of mu-
tual funds, the education IRA is for you. Another ad-
vantage is that, under the new law, you can now
withdraw education IRA money tax-free to pay for
private elementary school or secondary school ex-


Education IRAs penses. If you anticipate sending your child to private

aren’t practical school, you might want to take advantage of that flexi-
bility—perhaps using the education IRA for primary
for those who school or high school expenses and a 529 plan for col-
can set aside a lege expenses. The law formerly prevented you from
contributing to both kinds of plans in the same year,
large lump sum but that restriction has been lifted.
for college, There are other restrictions, however:
■ You can contribute to an education IRA only if your
because of the income falls beneath certain limits. Eligibility phases
annual limit out between $95,000 and $110,000 for single taxpay-
ers and between $190,000 and $220,000 for married
of $2,000 on taxpayers filing jointly. So high earners will need to
contributions. look elsewhere.
■ You must use the money for educational expenses in
order for the earnings to be tax-free, just as with edu-
cation IRAs. Withdrawals for any other purpose are
subject to tax and to a penalty of 10% of the earnings.
■ Also, you must use funds in an education IRA by the
time the beneficiary is 30 years of age (except for in-
dividuals with special needs) or transfer the funds to
another family member who is under the age of 30.
■ Finally, the accounts are not practical for those who
can set aside a large lump sum for college all at once
(from an inheritance, for instance), because of the an-
nual limit of $2,000 on contributions.

How Grandparents Can Help

State-sponsored 529 plans also shine as a way for
grandparents to help save for their grandchildren’s
college expenses. As the owner of a 529 plan account—
with the grandchild as beneficiary—a grandparent re-
tains complete control over the money until it’s used
for college expenses. That means you could transfer
the money to other grandchildren if the intended ben-
eficiary decided not to go to college, or you could even
take the money back, subject to taxes and a 10%-of-
earnings penalty.
An education IRA offers similar flexibility, and
more control over choosing the investments within
the account, but you’re subject to the income restric-


tions and contribution limits discussed above. An even better

If it’s likely that your grandchild will qualify for fi- strategy for
nancial aid, the biggest no-no is to put savings in your
grandchildren’s names via custodial, or UTMA, ac- grandparents:
counts. Students are expected to pony up pretty much Hang on to the
all their own savings over the course of an undergrad-
uate career; thus savings in a student’s name can signif- savings a little
icantly reduce his or her eligibility for aid. Again, 529 longer and
plans or education IRAs are a better choice if aid is a
concern because the savings in those accounts will be help pay off
considered a parental asset, with much less impact on student loans
aid eligibility.
When college bills are imminent, you may be after your
thinking of giving your children money to pay your grandchild
grandchildren’s tuition bills, or paying the bills direct-
ly. If your children’s household income is modest,
and thus financial aid is a concern, it may be better
for you to hold the savings in your own name and
time your gift to coincide with college bills. (Don’t
give a large gift at Christmastime, as it will inflate
your children’s bank account at precisely the time
they must report such things on college financial-aid
forms.) Even better: Hang on to the savings a little
longer and help pay off student loans after your
grandchild graduates. By then, a new grad trying to
make ends meet on an entry-level salary is likely to
really appreciate the help.
If your net worth is high enough to cause estate-tax
headaches (in 2001 the tax kicks in when a taxable es-
tate exceeds $675,000), there are two good ways to
boost the amount of money you can give away and
thus reduce estate taxes at your death:
■ For college-age grandkids, you can pay tuition directly
to the school, and that gift will not count against the
$10,000 per year that you can give an individual be-
fore having to worry about federal gift taxes.
■ For younger children, 529 plans shine once again:
You can contribute $10,000 per year without gift-tax
implications, even though the beneficiary can’t use
the money right away. You can even make up to five
years’ worth of gifts—$50,000—at once.


Your age Saving for College or

is probably Retirement?
the most
ollege and retirement are the twin financial
important towers for many families. Ideally you’d try to
build both at the same time, but usually families
variable to find themselves forced to concentrate on just one or
consider the other. Which one should take priority?
Your own convictions may lead to a natural choice,
when deciding but if you’re torn, your age is probably the most im-
whether portant variable to consider. The older you are, the
more sense it makes to weight your savings toward re-
to focus on tirement accounts because you’ll have less time to build
saving for your retirement savings after your kids are through
with college. If you’ll be 591/2 or older while your child
retirement is in college, you may want to put the bulk of your sav-
or college. ings into retirement accounts, such as IRAs or Keogh
plans. That will let you take advantage of the tax-
deferred growth in those accounts, but because you’ll
be old enough to make penalty-free withdrawals by
that time, you’ll have the flexibility to tap the money
for college costs if you choose to.
Maximizing contributions to a 401(k) plan with
your employer also makes sense, but unless you leave
your employer, you’ll have to tap the money through a
loan rather than an outright withdrawal.
■ If you leave your employer after age 55, you can then
withdraw the money without penalty.
■ If you leave before age 55, you can roll the money
over into an IRA, then withdraw it penalty-free after
age 591/2 (or earlier if it is part of a series of roughly
equal payments, determined by your life expectancy,
that lasts for at least five consecutive years and until
you’re 591/2).

Another plus for retirement accounts is that, at

most schools, they’re not taken into consideration
when determining your financial-aid eligibility.
If you’re relatively young, you might choose to save
more heavily toward college first, then concentrate on
retirement after your kids graduate from college. But


don’t ignore retirement savings entirely. If you have a

401(k) plan at work, for instance, contribute at least
enough to take full advantage of any employer match.
That free money is too good an offer to pass up. You
may even want to contribute up to the maximum, to
take advantage of the tax break that lets your account
grow tax-deferred, bearing in mind that you can bor-
row the money later for college expenses.
In Keoghs, SEP–IRAs and some IRAs, your contri-
bution is tax-deductible, but you can’t borrow from
these plans, and there’s a 10% penalty for withdrawing
money before you reach age 591/2 (with the one excep-
tion described above). So contribute to these only after
you’ve met your college savings goals.

Chapter 3
Where to Keep
Your College

nce you have started putting money
aside for college, your next decision is
where to save or invest it. CDs? Savings
bonds? Mutual funds? A state-sponsored
college-savings plan? The answer de-
pends primarily on the amount of time you have left
before you’ll start writing tuition checks. In this chap-
ter, we’ll describe the best choices for your long-term
investments—funds you don’t need to touch for five
years or more—and short-term savings. But, because
it’s fairly common for parents to get a late start at sav-
ing, we’ll work backward, starting with the safest choic-
es for short-term money, including money-market
mutual funds, certificates of deposit and government
bonds, and progressing to investments that provide
better returns but involve a little more risk, such as
growth-and-income, long-term-growth and aggressive-
growth mutual funds. All of those investments are
among your choices for college savings that you keep
in an education IRA, Roth IRA, custodial account or
ordinary taxable account in your own name.
If you’re willing to give up some investment discre-
tion, turn to pages 79–86, where you’ll find a thorough
discussion of the newest—and, in our opinion, best—
college-savings vehicle: state-sponsored college-savings
plans, which give you many of the same investment
choices in a convenient—and tax-free—package. And,
if you really don’t want to formulate a saving and in-
vesting plan yourself, you’ll learn how to find a finan-
cial planner who can help you.
Before we begin discussing specific types of invest-


Short-term ments, let’s consider why and how your strategy

or long-term, should change with the time you have left before col-
lege. In this instance, it makes most sense to begin with
there’s a way a look at the long-term.
to invest your
college savings Using the Time You Have

for growth f the first tuition payment will be due more than five
years in the future, you can put the pedal to the
balanced metal—that is, go for the highest possible returns by
with safety. investing most of your college savings (or as much as
your tolerance for risk will allow) in stocks or stock
mutual funds. The stock market invariably rises in
some years and falls in others, but when you average
out the ups and downs, stocks historically have earned
more than any other investment. This data from Ib-
botson Associates, for investment returns from 1925
through 2000, makes that clear. One dollar in 1926,
compounded at the rate of inflation, equaled $9.71 at
the end of 2000.
■ Invested in Treasury bills it would be worth $16.56;
■ In long-term government bonds, $48.86;
■ In large-company stocks, $2,586.52; and
■ In small-company stocks, $6,402.23!

You won’t be saving for college over 75 years, of

course, but the point is that over the long haul, noth-
ing else will keep you as far ahead of inflation as stocks.
A long time horizon mitigates the risk of the market’s
going down in any given year—you can simply wait for
a better time to cash out. (It’s interesting to note that
the results above include the impact of the 1929 mar-
ket crash.)
How does the last decade compare? According to
data compiled by Ibbotson Associates, one dollar at the
beginning of 1991 was worth $1.30 at the end of 2000,
after inflation.
■ Invested in Treasury bills it would be worth $1.59;
■ In long-term government bonds, $2.66;
■ In large-company stocks, $5.00; and
■ In small-company stocks, $5.01.


With fewer than five years until your child heads off By the time
to college, you don’t need to avoid stocks entirely, but you’re writing
you want to reduce your risk by keeping some of your
money in less-volatile investments, such as bonds, cer- tuition checks,
tificates of deposit or money-market accounts. By in fact, you
pulling your chips off the stock-market table gradually
(or if you’re starting late, by putting only a modest stake probably want
into the market in the first place), you avoid the poten- your college
tial for disaster—say, having to tap a stock mutual fund
to pay tuition just after a 1,000-point drop in the mar- fund to be
ket. By the time you’re writing tuition checks, in fact, entirely or
you probably want your college fund to be entirely or
almost entirely out of the stock market. almost entirely
Here’s a rough guideline to follow for allocating out of the
your savings among stocks or stock mutual funds (equi-
ties) and bonds, money-market accounts or CDs (fixed-
stock market.
income investments).
■ Elementary school years: up to 100% equities
■ Junior high school years: 75% equities, 25% fixed-
income investments
■ Freshman and sophomore high school years: 50%
fixed income, 50% equities
■ Junior and senior high school years: 75% fixed income,
25% equities
■ College freshman year: 100% fixed income.

This isn’t a rigid schedule. The point is to give your-

self roughly five years to get out of equities so that you
won’t be forced to sell in a lousy market when you need
the money. You don’t need to bring your investment
mix down to 50% stocks and 50% bonds the very day
your son starts his freshman year of high school—and
you shouldn’t if the market has just suffered a big drop.
But that’s the right time to begin looking for a good op-
portunity to sell some stocks and buy bonds or CDs.

The Safest Safe Havens

f you have a short time horizon, you want to concen-
trate primarily on safety, which means keeping the
bulk of your money in interest-bearing accounts or


Because these investments, including CDs, bonds and bond funds.

investments Among the short-term selections, your best choice
often boils down to the instrument that’s paying the
are designed best yield when you’re ready to buy, for the length of
for safety, time you can lock up your money. Since interest rates
change rapidly, the discussions below include informa-
there’s no tion on how to check rates for yourself.
need to avoid Because these investments are designed for safety,
there’s no need to avoid putting your eggs in one bas-
putting your ket. You will want to choose your investments so that
eggs in one you can get your money when you need it for tuition,
perhaps using a money-market fund for money need-
basket. ed in the next year and CDs or bond funds for money
needed a little further out. You could reach for a little
extra yield by putting some money in an intermediate-
term bond fund and the rest in a short-term fund or
money-market fund. But using more than two places is
probably overdoing it.

Certificates of Deposit
SUMMARY: Government-insured up to $100,000 for maxi-
mum safety. Modest returns, but can sometimes beat Treasury
bills or notes when interest rates are falling. Penalty for early
withdrawal. Shop nationwide for the best rates.
A saver’s staple, certificates of deposit pay a high-
er-than-passbook rate of interest in return for your
commitment to leave the money on deposit with a
bank, savings and loan, or credit union for a fixed
length of time, usually from one month to five years.
The longer you commit your money, and in some
cases the more money you deposit, the higher the in-
terest rate you earn. Minimum denominations are
normally $500 to $1,000.
The only catch to CDs is that if you need the
money before the CD matures, you’ll pay a penalty
that could be as much as six month’s interest. On a
two-year, $5,000 CD paying 5.5%, for instance, you
might forfeit $138 in interest to cash in early. So you
need to time the maturities of your CDs to correspond
with tuition-bill due dates. One strategy for shifting
gradually out of more-aggressive investments is to buy


a two-year CD with one-fourth of your savings as your If you’re

child begins his or her junior year of high school (so it buying CDs
will mature just before the college tuition bill for fresh-
man year), buy another two-year CD with the next in large
fourth before senior year (to be redeemed for sopho- denominations,
more-year tuition), and so on.
consider an
SHOPPING FOR THE BEST RATE. If you’re buying CDs in out-of-town
large denominations, consider an out-of-town bank.
While there’s little point in chasing an extra tenth of a bank.
percentage point on $1,000, you can often beat what’s
available from local banks in your area by a full percent-
age point or more by choosing from the top-yielding
certificates of deposit that are listed in newspapers, such
as the Wall Street Journal and Barron’s, and magazines,
including the “Managing” section each month in
Kiplinger’s Personal Finance magazine. Web sites such as
Bank Rate Monitor (www.bankrate.com) also list top-
yielding CDs nationwide. In mid 2001, a top-yielding,
one-year CD paid just over 5%. Banks tend to adjust
CD rates more slowly than interest rates change in the
general economy. That means CDs will often be a good
bet when interest rates are falling (because you lock in a
higher-than-market rate) but will often lag other choic-
es, such as money-market mutual funds or Treasury
bills, when interest rates are rising (because then you
lock in a below-market rate).

RISK. The banks that issue the highest-yielding CDs

may not be in your home state. But there’s no reason
to avoid keeping your money in a faraway institution.
At home or out of state, the Federal Deposit Insurance
Corp. (FDIC) covers your losses if the bank goes out of
business—as long as your deposits in any one bank, in-
cluding accrued interest, don’t exceed $100,000.

The College CD
SUMMARY: A good idea in principle, but unattractive be-
cause of low returns.
The College Savings Bank, in Princeton, N.J., sells
certificates of deposit specifically geared to college


savers, with a variable return that’s based on the rate of

college-cost inflation at 500 schools in the U.S. De-
posits in the bank’s CollegeSure CD are FDIC-insured,
as explained above, and are guaranteed to earn no less
than 4%. The CollegeSure CD is more flexible than or-
dinary bank CDs: After a $500 minimum initial deposit
you can make regular automatic contributions of $250
or more through a draft from your bank account or
$50 a month or more via payroll deduction. But as
with bank CDs, there’s a substantial penalty if you
withdraw your money early—10% of the withdrawal if
you tap the money within the first three years and less
in later years.
Unfortunately, returns on the CD haven’t been
great in the past. You earn a rate of return equal to the
rate of increase in the College Board’s Independent
College 500 Index, an index of 500 widely attended
private schools. Between 1996 and 2000, returns have
ranged from 4.24% to 5.32%.

Money-Market Mutual Funds

SUMMARY: Best place to keep money you’ll need to pay tuition
bills within a year. Shop for the highest-yielding fund with good
check-writing privileges.
A money-market fund is a mutual fund that invests
in short-term corporate and government bonds and
passes the interest payments on to shareholders. Un-
like other mutual funds, a money-market fund’s share
price stays the same ($1 a share), so your principal
doesn’t gain or lose value. (See “Risk,” below.) Most
money-market funds allow you to write checks from
your account at any time, so your money can earn in-
terest up to the day it’s needed for college bills.
If you strive for maximum simplicity, the easiest
move is to keep all your short-term savings in a money-
market mutual fund that offers check-writing privi-
leges. Then you can simply write checks from the
account as needed. Be sure to find out, however,
whether the fund restricts the number of checks you
can write per month, imposes a minimum for each
check—such as $500—or charges any fees for checks.


If the check-writing fee is significant or the policies are Money-market

too restrictive, look for another fund. mutual funds
If you want to reach for a bit more yield, put money
you’ll need for the coming year in a money-market are not
fund, and keep the rest in CDs or bonds that mature FDIC-insured,
before each succeeding year’s annual tuition bill.
making them
SHOPPING FOR THE BEST YIELD. As long as the check- a hair less
writing features meet your needs, you can shop for a
fund by looking for the best current yield. The return safe than a
on money-market funds fluctuates with market interest CD or bank
rates, and you’ll find the top-yielding funds listed in the
same financial publications that list CD rates (see page money-market
51). Kiplinger’s Personal Finance magazine lists top- account.
yielding money-market funds monthly in its “Manag-
ing” section. In 2001, a top-yielding money-market fund
paid around 4.4%, compared with a national average of
3.7%, according to the iMoneyNet (formerly IBC) publi-
cation Money Fund Report, another source for yields
(check iMoneyNet’s Web site at www.ibcdata.com).

RISK. Unlike bank deposits, money-market mutual

funds are not FDIC-insured, making them a hair less
safe than a CD or bank money-market account. Still,
because they buy bonds with very short maturities (see
the discussion of maturities and safety on page 59),
they’re among the safest uninsured investments
around. In a few rare instances, money-market funds
have lost money, but in all but one instance the invest-
ment companies sponsoring the funds have voluntarily
kicked in extra cash to maintain the price at the stan-
dard $1 per share (the exception was a fund open only
to institutional investors).

U.S. Savings Bonds

SUMMARY: A good buy if you’ll qualify for tax-free earn-
ings, available to some parents when the bonds are used to
pay college tuition. Also good to hold if you have older bonds
earning at least 6%.
Most people don’t think of savings bonds as short-
term savings vehicles. In fact, they’re a popular gift for


newborns and young children, and most parents have

at least a few tucked away somewhere. If you anticipate
qualifying for the tax break available to parents who
use savings-bond proceeds to pay for their children’s
college tuition (see the following page), the bonds are
an attractive short-term haven for
YIELDS: TAXABLE, TAX-EXEMPT your college kitty. But if your in-
come will be too high to qualify for
To figure out how a tax-exempt yield compares the tax break, you’ll probably find
with a taxable yield, taking only federal taxes better returns elsewhere.
into account, use the following formula:
tax-free rate ÷ (1 – federal tax bracket) = bonds would be fairly simple sav-
taxable-equivalent rate ings vehicles—if only the federal
government would stop changing
For savings bonds paying 4.5%, here’s the the rules for them every couple of
taxable-equivalent yield for someone in the years. Currently, rates are set using
27% federal tax bracket: a formula that is 90% of the aver-
age yield on five-year Treasury se-
4.5% ÷ 0.73 = 6.16% curities. (The bonds yielded 4.5%
in mid 2001.) Earlier bonds (pur-
If the investment is free of state taxes, too, your chased between May 1993 and
taxable-equivalent yield will be even higher. May 1995) earned a flat 4% during
their first five years and are guar-
anteed to earn no less than 4%
overall. Before that, many bonds were guaranteed to
earn 6%. So what your bonds pay depends on when
you purchased them.
The latest rules revive an old rule of thumb that
you should hold U.S. savings bonds for at least five
years. If you cash in a bond earlier, you’ll pay a penalty
equal to three months of interest. That’s not as stiff a
penalty as previously, so if you’re eligible for the tax
break, you may still come out ahead using savings
bonds for a short-term time horizon. On a $1,000 bond
that pays 4.5%, three months’ worth of interest comes
to about $11.25.
Because your earnings from savings bonds are free
from state and local taxes, the 4.5% short-term return
is equal to a higher after-tax return—about 4.8% if
your combined state and local tax rate is 7%. And your


return is tax-deferred (unless you choose to pay yearly;

few people do), which means you can wait until you
cash the bonds to pay taxes on your earnings.


really begin looking attractive when the returns are
completely tax-free:
■ A break from federal tax in the 27% bracket would
boost the taxable-equivalent return to 6.2%. (Add the
effect of avoiding state taxes at a rate of 7%, and your
return is a not-so-shabby 6.8%.)
■ If you’re in the 15% bracket, the equivalent return is
5.3% (or 5.8% if the returns are also exempt from
state taxes of 7%).
■ If you’re in the 30% bracket or higher, you won’t qual-
ify for the tax break.

Here’s how you qualify for the full tax break (avail-
able only on bonds issued after 1989):

The bonds must be held in a parent’s name. And the par-

ent must be at least 24 years old on the first day of the
month in which the bond is issued. This requirement
can be a bit awkward if family members like to give
your child savings bonds as a birthday or holiday gift.
If you think you’ll be eligible for the tax break, you’ll
have to convince your relatives (and your child) of the
benefits of having the bonds in your name—or forgo
the break on those bonds.

The proceeds must be used to pay college tuition and fees

only. You can’t use them to pay for room and board,
textbooks or other expenses. As a practical matter, that
means the value of the bonds you redeem tax-free
can’t exceed the amount of tuition you pay in a given
year. If your tuition bill is $5,000 in the freshman year,
for instance, you can avoid the tax by cashing in no
more than $5,000 in bonds that year.

Your adjusted gross income must not exceed certain

thresholds. Your adjusted gross income when the


bonds are redeemed must not exceed $83,650 on a

joint tax return or $55,750 on a single return. (Those
figures are for 2001 and will increase annually to keep
pace with inflation.) The thresholds are for the full tax
break, which disappears gradually as income increases.
You get a partial break if your income is between
$83,650 and $113,650 on a joint return and between
$55,750 and $70,750 on a single return. The take-back
is in direct proportion to the amount your income ex-
ceeds the end of the low range. (See the table below.) A
couple making, say, $98,000 is about halfway between
the low and high ends and thus could escape taxes on
about half the interest.
If your income is close to the thresholds, you’ll
have to make an educated guess as to where it will be
in the future. Using a 3% rate of inflation as your
benchmark, do you think your income will lag, keep
up with or outpace inflation? If you would qualify for
only a partial break now and expect your income to
grow faster than inflation, for instance, the tax break
probably isn’t an attraction for you.
Bear in mind, also, that your income in the year
you redeem the bonds will include the savings-bond
earnings you’ve built up over the years you’ve held the
bonds. So if you initially bought the bonds for $5,000
and they’re worth $10,000 when you redeem them (at
5%, a doubling in value would take about 14 years), the
$5,000 in earnings would be considered income in the
year you redeem the bonds.
If you don’t expect to qualify for all or part of the


Adjusted gross income

Single Joint Tax status

less than $55,750 less than $83,650 fully tax-free

$55,750 to $70,750 $83,650 to $113,650 partially tax-free
more than $70,750 more than $113,650 not tax-free


savings-bond tax break, you’re probably better off

shopping among U.S. Treasuries, certificates of de-
posit and money-market mutual funds for the best su-
persafe yields.

WHERE TO BUY. You can buy (and redeem) U.S. series

EE savings bonds at most banks, and you may also be
able to buy them via payroll deduction through your
employer. For current rates, which change every May
1 and November 1, call 800– 487–2663 (or visit www


Which bonds should you redeem first, and On most bonds purchased before May
which should you keep or redeem last, if 1997, interest is credited to you only every
you own a stack of bonds dating back a six months. So you must take care to re-
number of years? deem your bonds shortly after a six-month
The bonds to keep are the ones that anniversary of the issue date to avoid losing
have a guaranteed minimum interest rate of as much as six months’ worth of interest.
6%, and thus are paying higher-than-market The issue date, printed on the face of the
returns. They are: bond, is always the first day of the month
■ Bonds purchased between July 1989 during which you bought the bond. So, for
and February 1993. The 6% guarantee example, a bond you bought on July 15 will
on these bonds has already begun to ex- have an issue date of July 1 and will have
pire, however. The guarantee ended on interest credited each January 1 and July 1.
the earliest ones beginning in July 2001 You squeeze out the maximum interest if
(12 years after purchase) and will end on you buy a bond at the end of the month
the last ones in February 2005. and redeem it the day after the six-month
■ Bonds purchased between Novem- anniversary. If the interest-crediting date
ber 1982 and February 1983. The falls in July but tuition bills don’t come due
guarantee on these bonds will begin to until September 1, switch the money into
expire in November 2002 and will be a money-market mutual fund to capture
completely gone by February 2003. that last two months’ interest.
Try to hold bonds purchased after April
Other bonds have a 4% minimum guar- 1997 for at least five years to avoid the
antee or no minimum guarantee. Thus, penalty (three months’ interest) for early
they're the bonds to redeem first. redemption.


If you’re U.S. Treasury Bills and Notes

18 months SUMMARY: A good way to get supersafe returns—free from
state and local taxes—if you are confident you’ll hold the bill
from the or note until maturity.
first tuition Treasury bills and notes are another bedrock stor-
age vault for money you’ll need soon. You lend Uncle
bill, a bank Sam $1,000 or more for a specified period of time; he
or broker pays you interest and returns your principal when the
bill or note matures. The yield will nearly always out-
should be pace that of savings bonds. At press time, six-month
able to find Treasury bills (T-bills have maturities of less than one
year) were yielding about 3.5% and five-year Treasury
a Treasury notes (T-notes have maturities of two to ten years)
that matures about 4.6%. (Note: Treasury bonds, which have matu-
rities longer than ten years, aren’t really appropriate
right at for college savers. If you have that long, you should be
the wire. in an investment earning more than Treasuries.)
Because your earnings are free from state and local
taxes, your real return is somewhat better than the stat-
ed yield. A 4.6% yield, for instance, is worth about 4.9%
to someone paying 7% income tax to his or her state.

WHERE TO BUY. You can buy T-bills and T-notes from a

bank or a broker for a modest fee, usually about $50,
and there’s one good reason to consider doing so.
Banks and brokers are selling already-issued notes and
bills from their own inventory, which is likely to contain
a variety of maturities. New bills mature in three or six
months, and new notes in two, three, five or ten years.
But if you’re 18 months from the first tuition bill, a
bank or broker should be able to find a Treasury that
matures right at the wire.
The minimum investment is $1,000, whether
you’re buying T-bills or Treasury notes, which mature
in two to ten years.
Treasury Direct, a service of the Bureau of the
Public Debt, makes it easier than in the past to pur-
chase new bonds directly. It has also simplified the pa-
perwork involved in purchasing bonds. You can
establish a Pay Direct account that allows you to re-
quest an automatic withdrawal from your bank ac-


count when you submit your tender form. Your assets

will remain in your account earning interest until the
day the security is issued. Treasury Direct also allows
you to order tender forms (on which you specify what
bonds you’d like to buy), check your account balance
over the phone or reinvest bond assets that have ma-
tured. Information regarding the Treasury Direct
program is available online at www.publicdebt.treas
.gov or by phone at 800–722–2678.

WHERE TO CHECK RATES. Most newspapers list current

Treasury yields in the business section. The Wall Street
Journal publishes an extensive list of Treasury bonds,


Before you purchase a bond or bond fund, bond becomes less valuable because in-
make sure you understand how bonds vestors won’t pay as much for it as they
work and how they react to changes in will for a bond paying 9% interest. (The
interest rates. price would fall to around $889, the
When you buy a bond, you’re basically amount on which a 9% interest rate pro-
lending money to a company or government duces the same $80 a year in income.)
entity, which pays you interest—usually ■ If interest rates fall to 7%, an 8%
every six months—at a set rate. When the bond becomes more valuable to investors.
term of the “loan” ends (that is, the bond (It would be worth around $1,143, the
matures), you get your principal back. Say amount at which a 7% interest rate pro-
you bought a ten-year, $1,000 bond that duces $80 a year.)
pays you 8% interest. Hold it to maturity
and you’ll get $80 of interest each year, plus A bond’s price and yield are also affected
you’ll get the $1,000 face value back at the by the length of time left until the bond ma-
end of ten years. tures. The further away a bond’s maturity,
Between the time a bond is issued and the more volatile its price tends to be (the
the time it matures, the value of the bond it- more likely it is to go up or down) and the
self can rise or fall. As interest rates rise, higher your yield is likely to be. That’s be-
bond prices fall; as interest rates fall, bond cause there’s less risk that a bond will default
prices rise. So if you sell the bond before or will lose value because of huge swings in
maturity, you’ll probably get back more or interest rates when there are only three
less than the $1,000 face value. Here’s an months until maturity rather than ten years.
example: Investors in longer-term bonds are compen-
■ If interest rates rise to 9%, an 8% sated for the extra risk with a higher yield.


In exchange notes and bills of varying maturities, with their current

for taking yields, in section C each weekday.

a smidgen RISK. Treasury bills and notes (and bonds, too) are
of risk, backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. govern-
ment. As long as you don’t sell your T-bill or T-note be-
you’ll achieve fore maturity, you’re guaranteed the return of your
a better principal. Sell early and your bond may be worth
less—or more—than you paid for it. (See the box on
return, more the previous page for an explanation of why bond
convenience, prices change in relation to maturity.)
or some THE DOWNSIDE. The drawback to Treasuries is that the
combination government pays you your interest semiannually, auto-
matically depositing it in a bank account you designate.
of the two. There’s no easy way to automatically reinvest the earn-
ings—you have to have the discipline to stash them
away (or, preferably, the foresight to have them de-
posited in a money-market account) rather than allow-
ing them to be dumped into your checking account
and spent.

A Small Step Up the Risk Ladder

he investment options in this section are nearly
as safe—and under some specific circumstances
we’ll describe, just as safe—as the choices above.
But in exchange for taking a smidgen of risk, you’ll
achieve a better return, more convenience, or some
combination of the two. All are appropriate for money
you’ll need to use in the next few years.

Treasury Funds
SUMMARY: Buying Treasury bills and notes directly is your
best bet if you can hold them to maturity. Otherwise, consider
funds, which allow you to regularly invest smaller amounts
and automatically reinvest your dividends. You can lose some
principal if interest rates rise.
Instead of investing directly in Treasury bills and
notes, you can put your money into a mutual fund that
buys Treasuries (and, often, other government securi-


ties). One advantage is that you can automatically rein-

vest the dividends in more shares of the fund, so you
don’t have to find someplace else to put your earnings
every six months, as you do with Treasuries you hold
yourself. In addition, you can withdraw your money at
any time. Minimum investments are as low as $1,000.

THE DOWNSIDE. But there are a couple of disadvan-

tages to bond funds, too.

Management fees. First, assuming you were able to buy

a portfolio of Treasury bonds that matched the hold-
ings of a Treasury bond fund, you’d earn a bit less in
the fund because, as with all mutual funds, the fund
company automatically deducts a management fee
each year. The American Century Long-Term Treasury
fund, for instance, has a 0.51% expense ratio, which
means that for every $1,000 you have invested in the
fund, you pay $5.10 each year in management fees.
The Vanguard Long-Term Treasury fund’s expense
ratio is just 0.29%. (When you buy the bonds them-
selves, there’s no commission if you buy them directly
from the U.S. Treasury and only a small one-time com-
mission if you buy them from a broker.)

The possibility of taxes. Second, while income from

U.S. Treasuries held in a mutual fund is generally free
from state and local income taxes, just as if you held


All the funds listed here are no-load funds, which means they charge no up-front sales fees.

Fund purchase 800 # Web site

American Century
Long-Term Treasury Fund $2,500 345-2021 www.americancentury.com
Vanguard Long-Term
U.S. Treasury Fund $3,000 635-1511 www.vanguard.com


Zero-coupon the bonds directly, your returns may not be 100% free
bonds are from those taxes if the fund also holds other govern-
ment securities, such as Ginnie Maes (government-
ideal if you backed mortgage issues).
know exactly
RETURNS. The returns on Treasury bond funds will be
when you’re similar to the returns on Treasury bonds and will fluc-
going to need tuate with market interest rates. Over the past decade
the average government-securities fund has earned
your money. about 6.8% per year. (The yield on a bond fund is the
average rate of interest the bonds in the portfolio pay,
independent of any fluctuations in value of the bonds.
A bond fund’s total return will include the impact of
changes in the price of bonds themselves.)

RISK. By holding a Treasury bill or note to maturity,

you’re assured of getting all your principal back. But
bond funds never “mature,” so there’s always a small
risk that if interest rates rise dramatically, your invest-
ment will lose money (see the box on page 59). Trea-
sury-fund managers try to keep this risk to a minimum
by buying a diversified mix of bonds and, in some
cases, by sticking with bonds that have relatively short

Zero-Coupon Bonds
SUMMARY: Just as safe as ordinary Treasuries if you hold the
bonds to maturity. Interest is paid at maturity, so you needn’t
worry about reinvesting earnings. But you may have to pay
taxes on “phantom” earnings each year instead of waiting
until you redeem the bond.
Zero-coupon bonds are an ideal investment if you
know e xactly when you’re going to need your
money—as you ordinarily do when you’re counting
down to the day your first tuition bill is due. While or-
dinary bonds usually pay interest every three or six
months, zero-coupon bonds don’t pay any interest at
all until they mature, at which time you get all the ac-
cumulated interest at once. You can think of it as a
bond that automatically reinvests your interest pay-
ments at a set interest rate, so you don’t have to worry


about putting the income to work elsewhere. You may want

Zero-coupon bonds come in denominations as low to check with
as $1,000 and are sold at discounts from face value, de-
pending on how long you have to wait until maturity. more than
The longer to maturity, the less you pay. A $1,000 Trea- one broker
sury zero yielding 5% and maturing in five years, for
example, would cost around $784. A $1,000 Treasury to compare
zero yielding 5.5% and maturing in ten years would yields and find
cost around $585.
You’ll need to use a broker to buy zeros. You may zero-coupon
want to check with more than one, in fact, to compare bonds that
yields and find bonds that fit your time frame.
If your child will be a freshman in 2006 and you fit your
have $15,000 already saved toward college expenses, time frame.
you could buy four zero-coupon bonds, each with a
face value of $5,000, one maturing in 2006, the second
in 2007, the third in 2008 and the last in 2009. In mid
2001, Treasury zeros with those maturities would have
cost about $3,935, $3,670, $3,485 and $3,290 (for a
total of $14,380, not including commissions). Each
bond would be worth $5,000 when redeemed, reflect-
ing yields to maturity of 4.7% to 5.2%.
The most popular zeros are Treasury zeros, or
Treasury strips, so called because brokerages “strip”
the interest coupons from the bond and sell you just
the discounted bond. They almost always pay more
than savings bonds. The brokerage redeems the
coupons to collect the bond’s interest income (or it
might sell the coupons separately to an investor who
will redeem them). If you buy the “stripped” bonds,
you don’t get any interest from the bond. But you pay
a discounted price for the bond, as illustrated above,
and get the full face value at maturity.
Treasury strips are popular—and are a good
choice for short-term savers—because there’s no risk
that the government will default on its obligations.
You can also buy municipal zeros and corporate zeros,
described beginning on page 67, which pay you a
higher rate of interest to compensate for the addition-
al risk that a company or municipality may fail to
repay its bondholders.


You might THE TAX CATCH. The catch to zeros is that while you
be willing might be willing to postpone receiving interest until
your zeros mature, the IRS isn’t so patient. Taxes on
to postpone the interest are due year by year as it accrues, just as
receiving though you had received it. You’ll get a notice each
year from the issuer or your broker showing how
interest until much interest to report to the IRS. Treasury zeros are
your zeros free from state and local tax, but you’ll still pay federal
tax on the “phantom” income.
mature, but The prospect of reporting and paying tax on phan-
the IRS isn’t tom interest is one reason taxable zeros are often
found in tax-deferred vehicles, like IRAs. But an IRA
so patient. isn’t practical for college savings unless the parent
Taxes on holding the account will be at least 591/2 when the ac-
count needs to be tapped for college bills.
the interest But don’t let the tax consequences scare you away
are due year from zeros. You can get around paying a lot of the
phantom income tax if you put the bonds in your
by year. child’s name so that the income will be taxable to the
child. (The first $750 of investment income a child re-
ports each year is tax-free, and the next $750 is taxed
in the child’s tax bracket. After the child turns 14, all
the income over the first $750 is taxed in the child’s
bracket.) Or you can avoid the phantom tax entirely by
accumulating money in an education IRA and eventu-
ally buying the bonds in that account, where the earn-
ings will be tax-free.

RETURN. When shopping for zeros, ask your broker

for the yield to maturity. That’s the return you’re guar-
anteed to earn if you hold the bond until it matures.
Treasury strips are not callable, but some other
zero-coupon bonds can be “called” early, meaning that
the corporation or municipality can pay off the princi-
pal ahead of time. Usually this is done when interest
rates have fallen, which prompts companies to pay off
their existing debts (bonds) and refinance them by is-
suing lower-rate bonds. If your zero is callable, also ask
your broker for the yield to call. That’s the rate of re-
turn you’d earn if the bond was called at the earliest
possible date.


RISK. Zero-coupon Treasuries, or Treasury strips, are

just as safe as ordinary Treasury notes or bills if you
hold them to maturity. Like any Treasury, the value of
a zero fluctuates with interest rates in the meantime.
But because investors wait until the bond matures to
get their money and get no interest in the meantime,
zeros are more volatile. If interest rates rise, for in-
stance, a five-year zero-coupon bond will fall further in
value than an ordinary five-year Treasury. That’s be-
cause the “yield” you’re getting doesn’t include any in-
terest payments; it’s all built into the discounted price
of the bond. So the discount shrinks or swells with
greater magnitude in response to interest-rate changes
than it does on a bond with the buffer—so to speak—
of a steady income stream. Treasury strips are a bit
riskier than Treasuries in the sense that if you must
cash out early, the penalty for doing so may be higher.

Zero-Coupon Bond Funds

SUMMARY: Here’s a good way to buy zeros with small monthly
Individual zero-coupon bonds primarily make
sense for money you’ve already accumulated toward
college bills. They generally aren’t practical for ongoing
contributions of, say, $100 a month. The smallest zero
you’re likely to find is $1,000, and $5,000 is more typi-
cal. In mid 2001, to buy a $1,000 bond that matures in
five years you would have needed to invest about $785.
You could save $100 a month and buy one $1,000 bond
every eight months or so, but a more practical solution
is to invest in a zero-coupon bond mutual fund, such as
American Century’s Target Maturities Trust (800–345-
2021), part of the largest family of such funds. American
Century’s no-load zero-coupon bond funds hold Trea-
sury strips, and each fund is scheduled to “mature”
when the bonds in the fund mature. So the fund called
American Century Target Maturities 2005 holds Trea-
sury strips that mature in (or very close to) 2005, and
American Century Target Maturities 2010 holds Trea-
sury strips that mature around 2010. There are also
funds that mature in 2015, 2020, 2025 and 2030.


You can hang on to the fund until maturity, at

which time you’re paid 100% of your principal plus in-
terest, or you can cash in your shares at any time prior
to maturity. There’s no up-front sales fee to buy shares.
The minimum initial investment is $2,500, and you
can add to the fund with as little as $50 if you con-
tribute via monthly bank draft.
If your child will begin college in 2007, you’d prob-
ably want to buy the fund that matures in 2010. That
way you could withdraw some money in 2007, some in
2008, some in 2009 and the last of it to pay for your
child’s senior year when the fund matures in 2010. A
more conservative approach would be to buy the fund
that matures in 2005, take your principal and interest
all at once, then move the money to a money-market
fund. The discussion of risk, below, explains why.

TAXES. The tax treatment of phantom income is the

same as for Treasury strips themselves—you must pay
tax on the interest as it accrues, instead of when you
redeem your shares.

RETURN. In 2001, you could expect to earn an annual

return of about 5.2% if you bought American Century
Target Maturities 2005 and held your shares to maturi-
ty. In American Century Target 2010, you could expect
to earn a return of about 5.6%.

RISK. There’s little risk in buying a zero-coupon bond

fund if you plan to hold it to maturity. But the value of
the bonds can rise and fall dramatically in the mean-
time, so you could lose money if you had to sell shares
early. As we’ve explained previously, the further away
the fund’s final maturity, the greater your risk of a loss
should interest rates rise. As the fund gets within a few
years of maturity, the bonds (at that point, short-term
bonds) are less volatile, meaning that interest-rate
swings will have less impact on your return. So, if
you’re not going to wait until the fund matures, the
next best thing is to wait to cash out within those last
few years when the fund is close to maturity.


MORE RISK, BETTER RETURNS. Some parents with five Since you
years or less until the college bills come due will want need $50,000
to stick entirely with the low-risk choices we’ve dis-
cussed so far, even if it means they’ll have to settle for a or more to
return on their money that may just keep pace with build a well-
college-cost inflation. If you have low tolerance for
risk—in other words, you would lose sleep if your in- diversified
vestments dropped in value even temporarily—that’s portfolio of
probably the best course for you.
But if you’re willing to tolerate a modest amount of individual
risk in order to reach for better returns on your bonds, most
money, consider putting some of your college savings
in higher-yielding bond funds or in conservative stock investors are
mutual funds. These choices, particularly the conserva- better off
tive stock funds, are also appropriate for parents who
have a longer time to save but who don’t care for the
using bond
ups and downs that more-aggressive funds (discussed mutual funds.
later) are susceptible to.

Corporate-Bond Mutual Funds

SUMMARY: You can reach for a bit more return than you’ll get
with Treasuries by buying shares in a short-term or intermediate-
term high-quality corporate bond fund. In exchange for the
higher income, you risk that your shares may lose some value if
interest rates rise or if some bonds in the portfolio default.
Although not as secure as Treasuries, corporate
bonds and municipal bonds are another option for
short-term savings. Usually, those bonds pay a higher
rate of interest to compensate for the extra risk. But
since you need $50,000 or more to build a well-diversi-
fied portfolio of individual bonds, most investors are
better off using bond mutual funds. Bond funds invest
in a pool of bonds with varying interest rates and matu-
rities and pass the interest payments on to you. Apart
from the income, the shares you buy may fluctuate in
price due to interest-rate changes in the economy. High-
quality funds invest in bonds issued by top-rated compa-
nies with the best prospects for paying interest and
principal on time. You can invest in a corporate-bond
fund with only $1,000 and add contributions, usually of
$100 or more, at any time. You can also automatically


reinvest the income from the fund in additional shares,

and you can redeem your shares at any time.

RETURN. Corporate bonds—and corporate-bond

funds—typically earn a bit more than Treasury bonds
or funds, to compensate for the additional risk. Over
the past decade, the average high-quality corporate
bond fund earned 7.2% per year.

RISK. As mentioned above, the shares in a bond fund

can fluctuate in price—they go down when interest
rates rise and go up when interest rates fall. Usually
those swings are modest, especially when the fund buys
short-term and intermediate-term bonds—that is,
bonds with maturities of less than about seven years.
Funds that restrict themselves to short-term bonds,
with maturities of three years or less, are even less
volatile, but they pay correspondingly lower returns. A
short-term bond fund, in fact, is only a small step up in
risk from a money-market mutual fund.
The other risk in bonds is that the company issuing
a bond will default (fail to pay interest or principal on
time). Owning a fund minimizes that risk because even
if one bond defaults, there are many others in the port-
folio. You can also minimize your risk by buying high-
quality bond funds (those that invest in top-rated
companies) rather than high-yield, or junk, bond
funds (which reach for extra yield by investing in
lower-rated companies). A fund’s prospectus should
tell you what kind of bonds it’s investing in, but its
name may tip you off first; junk-bond fund names
often include the words “high-yield.”


All the funds listed here are no-load funds, which means they charge no up-front sales fees.

Fund Minimum purchase 800 # Web site

Harbor Bond $1,000 422-1050 www.harborfund.com
Loomis Sayles Bond $5,000 633-3330 www.loomissayles.com


Municipal-Bond Funds
SUMMARY: A good choice among bond funds for investors in
the highest federal tax brackets.
If you’re in the 30% bracket or higher, you may
want to take a look at municipal-bond funds, which
pay lower yields but are free from federal (and some-
times state and local) taxes. A municipal-bond fund
that’s yielding 5% is the equivalent of a taxable fund
yielding 7.14%, if you’re in the 30% tax bracket. (In the
35% bracket, the taxable-equivalent yield jumps to
7.7%, and in the 38.6% bracket it’s 8.1%.) These funds
buy pools of tax-free bonds issued by state and local
governments and their agencies. The funds listed
below buy a broad range of issues from around the
country. But if you live in a state with a high income
tax (such as California, Maryland or New York), you
can do even better buying single-state municipal-bond
funds, with income that is free from both federal and
state taxes, and perhaps even local taxes, too.

RETURN. Over the past ten years, the annualized total

return on high-quality municipal bond funds (includ-
ing yield and appreciation in the price of the shares)
was 6.2% tax-free.

RISK. Your shares could lose some value if interest rates

rise. As with corporate-bond funds, investors with
short time horizons should stick with funds that invest
in high-quality bonds. In an ideal world, you would


All the funds listed here are no-load funds, which means they charge no up-front sales fees.
Fund Minimum purchase 800 # Web site

Vanguard High Yield Tax Exempt $3,000 635-1511 www.vanguard.com

Vanguard Intermediate Term
Tax Exempt $3,000
Vanguard Limited Term
Tax Exempt $3,000


also stick with funds that buy bonds with short-term or

intermediate-term maturities, which also reduces risk.
But good short-term muni-bond funds are relatively
rare. (One short-term fund is Vanguard Municipal
Bond Limited Term, which earned about 5.2% annual-
ly over the past ten years.) So you may have to accept a
bit more interest-rate risk in a muni-bond fund than
you would in a corporate-bond fund bought for the
same purpose.

Conservative Stock Mutual Funds

SUMMARY: Growth-and-income funds are a good bet for in-
vestors seeking steady returns. These funds won’t soar in the
best markets, but won’t crash in the worst, either.
Stock mutual funds, which buy a pool of stocks and
then issue shares in the pool to investors, come in every
stripe, though they fall between these two extremes:
■ Low-risk growth-and-income funds concentrate their
portfolios on steadily growing blue-chip stocks that
pay good dividends.
■ High-flying aggressive-growth funds look for promis-
ing small companies that could soar in value—but
could also take a nose dive.

Investors with a short time horizon—or a low tol-

erance for risk—want to stick with the growth-and-in-
come variety, which aim to provide long-term growth
without much fluctuation in share price, even in de-
clining markets. They may not have the potential for
sizzling returns, but they also won’t fall as hard when
the market is down. (If you have a longer time hori-


All the funds listed here are no-load funds, which means they charge no up-front sales fees.
Fund Minimum purchase 800 # Web site
Selected American Shares $1,000 243-1575 www.selectedfunds.com
SSgA S&P 500 Index Fund $1,000 647-7327 www.ssgafunds.com
Vanguard 500 Index $3,000 662-2739 www.vanguard.com


zon, see the next section, which discusses the more ag-
gressive possibilities.)

RETURNS. Over the past ten years, the average growth-

and-income fund returned 13.2% per year. That’s well
above the historical average for the
stock market—about 11% per year MUTUAL FUND RESOURCES
going back to 1926.
Want to update the mutual funds recom-
RISK. As in any stock fund, you can mended in this chapter? Each year, Kiplinger’s
lose money in any given year. But Personal Finance magazine updates its recom-
because they invest in large, well- mended mutual fund portfolios for investors
established companies that pay with short-term, medium-term and long-term
good dividends, growth-and-in- investment goals. You'll find our latest
come funds have had few losing suggested portfolios on our Web site
years in the past decade. In the (www.kiplinger.com) under “Investing.”
down market of 2000, the average
growth-and-income fund lost just
1%. Before that you have to go back to 1990 to find an
average loss (–4.7%) in this category of funds.

Long-Term Investments

f you’re reading this book while your kids are still
in diapers, bravo. A long time horizon allows you to
pursue the higher returns you can earn by invest-
ing in growth stocks or growth-stock mutual funds.
In any given year, stocks can lose money—the S&P
500 index tends to fall in one year out of every four.
But historically the index has returned an average of
11% per year, compounded. A long-term investment
horizon lets you ride out the fluctuations of the mar-
ket so you can take advantage of those double-digit
How much of a difference does a couple of per-
centage points make?
■ A hundred dollars invested every month at 8% pro-
duces $48,329 at the end of 18 years.
■ At 10%, the same contributions grow to $60,557.
■ At 12%, they reach $76,544.
■ At 14%, the total comes to $97,542.


Such above-average returns are possible with a

long time horizon and growth-oriented mutual funds.

Long-Term-Growth Funds
SUMMARY: These funds are appropriate as core choices for a
long-term stock portfolio. Returns will be similar to the stock
market as a whole.
Growth mutual funds seek long-range capital gains
(gains in the value of the shares themselves) by invest-
ing mostly in medium-size and large, well-established
companies, regardless of whether they pay big divi-
dends. They’ll produce returns that should keep pace
with or exceed the large-company stock indexes, such
as the Dow Jones industrial average. They’re good
choices primarily for long-term savers, but even par-
ents of high schoolers may want to keep up to half of
their money in growth funds to give their savings a
chance to beat college-cost inflation.

RETURN. The average long-term-growth fund has

earned 13.3% annually over the past ten years.

RISK. Growth funds are considered a bit more risky

than growth-and-income funds because they don’t seek
the extra cushion of high dividends (which companies
don’t guarantee but usually pay regardless of whether
the market goes up or down). When the stock market
drops, you can expect a growth fund to drop by at
least a similar percentage.


All the funds listed here are no-load funds, which means they charge no up-front sales fees.
Fund Minimum purchase 800 # Web site

Credit Suisse Warburg $2,500 222-8977 www.warburg.com

Pincus Capital Appreciation
Harbor Capital Appreciation $1,000 422-1050 www.harborfunds.com
Legg Mason Opportunity $1,000 368-2558 www.leggmason.com
Oakmark Fund $1,000 625-6275 www.oarkmark.com


Aggressive-Growth Funds
SUMMARY: These funds will soar in good markets and sink in
bad ones. But average out the ups and downs and they outper-
form other funds over the long haul. Appropriate for a portion
of a long-term investor’s portfolio.
Aggressive-growth funds typically specialize in
stocks of small- to medium-size, fast-growing compa-
nies and will usually outperform the averages during
boom markets and get flattened during poor ones.
You don’t want to build your entire investment plan
around such funds, but having one-fourth to one-
third of a long-term portfolio in aggressive funds gives
your investments the chance to outperform the aver-
ages. Over the long haul, stocks of small companies
have returned about two percentage points more a
year than stocks of larger companies, albeit with
greater volatility.

RETURN. The average aggressive stock fund returned

13.4% per year over the past ten years.

RISK. In down years, double-digit losses are not unusu-

al in aggressive-growth funds.

International Funds
SUMMARY: Risk-averse investors might want to limit inter-
national-stock funds to 10% or less of a long-term, college-
saving portfolio. But if you have lots of time and are aiming
for maximum returns, consider putting as much as 20% of
your money in international funds.
The theory goes that in today’s global economy, a


All the funds listed here are no-load funds, which means they charge no up-front sales fees.
Fund Minimum purchase 800 # Web site

Meridian Value $1,000 446-6662 www.meridianfundsbvi.com

Skyline Special Equities $1,000 828-2759
Wasatch Small Cap Growth $2,000 551-1700 www.wasatchfunds.com


well-diversified stock portfolio includes some exposure

to international stocks. But over the past decade, inter-
national funds have disappointed investors with consis-
tently low returns. Some pros feel that investing in
large U.S. corporations with overseas operations (the
kinds of companies you’d find in a growth-and-income
or long-term-growth fund) provides enough interna-
tional exposure. Others believe that after a decade of
weak performance for international funds, the pendu-
lum is sure to swing the other way.
Investors who want the extra diversification of in-
ternational stocks should stick with broad-based inter-
national funds—that is, funds that spread their money
in markets around the world. Funds that invest in just
one country or region, such as Latin American funds
or Pacific Rim funds, may top the charts with eye-pop-
ping returns one year but suffer dismal losses the next
because of a single political or economic event.

RETURN. The average international-stock fund re-

turned an annualized 7.2% over the past ten years.
Over the past five years, returns have been a disap-
pointing 2.4% per year.

RISK. International funds that specialize in a given re-

gion tend to have the same kind of up-one-year, down-
the-next volatility as domestic aggressive-growth funds.
But broadly diversified funds that spread their invest-
ments into Europe, Asia and developing markets tend
to be more stable. Nonetheless, the average interna-
tional-stock fund lost about 19% in 2000.


All the funds listed here are no-load funds, which means they charge no up-front sales fees.

Fund Minimum purchase 800 # Web site

Artisan International Fund $1,000 344-1770 www.artisanfunds.com

Tweedy Browne Global Value $2,500 432-4789 www.tweedy.com


Putting It All Together: Since most

A Shortcut stock funds
e’ll give you an easy way out first. The
prospect of choosing from among thou- outperform
sands of mutual funds (or even the few
dozen listed here) can be overwhelming, even paralyz- the S&P 500,
ing, to new investors. If your instinct is to flee for the an index
safety and simplicity of CDs or money-market funds,
consider instead buying shares in an index fund that fund should
replicates the S&P 500-stock index. By simply buying put your
the 500 widely held stocks in the index, these funds
aim to match rather than beat the market. That may returns well
sound uninspiring, but since most stock funds don’t above average.
outperform the S&P 500, an index fund should put
your returns well above average—which isn’t bad at all
for any investor.
Because the S&P 500 index funds all buy the same
stocks, there isn’t much difference between them ex-
cept in the annual expenses that you pay for fund
■ SSgA S&P 500 Index lets you open an account with
just $1,000, making it a good get-your-feet-wet choice
for parents just getting started. Expenses are 0.27%,
meaning that your total return is shaved by only
$2.70 annually for each $1,000 invested.
■ Vanguard Index 500 holds expenses to about 0.18%
but requires $3,000 to open an account.

The track records of these two funds are almost in-

distinguishable—both returned about 15% over the
past ten years. Both are listed in the table of growth-
and-income funds on page 70.

A Portfolio of Mutual Funds

he downside to investing in a single fund is
that the market is fickle. Some years the pen-
dulum swings toward stocks of large companies
(like those in an S&P 500 index fund). Other times
small companies are in favor. Growth stocks are “in”


Want some years and “out” others. You’ll be “in” all the
something time if you own a diversified portfolio of mutual
funds that own stocks of different-size companies and
that’s well- that reflect different investing styles. Below are three
rounded, but suggested fund portfolios that illustrate how to put
together a broadly diversified mix of funds appropri-
a little easier ate to the amount of time you have left until college.
to manage? The sample portfolios reflect recommendations made
in Kiplinger’s Personal Finance magazine in 2001; in fu-
By combining ture years you can find updated recommendations at
two or three www.kiplinger.com, under “Investing.” All the funds
selected for these sample portfolios are listed in the
index funds, tables on the preceding pages, which provide the
you can funds’ minimum investments, telephone numbers
and Web site addresses.
diversify your
portfolio. A Middle Path
Want something that’s well-rounded, but a little easier
to manage? By combining two or three index funds,
you can diversify your portfolio to include bonds,
large and small domestic stocks and international
stocks. And by keeping the funds all in the same fund
family, you’ll get a single statement each month, in-
stead of having to hassle with many. For each time
horizon, we show two or three index funds that, in
combination, are a good, no-fuss alternative to an ide-
ally diversified portfolio of actively managed funds.
We’ve chosen Vanguard funds because the Vanguard
Group has by far the most index funds, as well as the
lowest expense ratios. The only downside is that Van-
guard is not friendly to very small investors. Each
fund has a $3,000 minimum, and there’s a $10 annual
fee for each fund account with less than $10,000. For
prospectuses, call 800–635–1511 or visit the compa-
ny’s Web site at www.vanguard.com.

With Five Years to Go

Parents of junior high school students can afford to
keep roughly half of their money invested in stocks.
The portfolio below is invested 50% in bond funds,
with the other 50% spread among four stock funds—


one growth-and-income fund, one long-term-growth

fund, one aggressive-growth fund and one internation-
al fund. Because minimum initial investments range
from $1,000 to $5,000 (for one of the bond funds),
you’d need $25,000 to replicate this portfolio all at
once. If you’re starting with less, buy one of the domes-
tic-stock funds first, then add the others later. As col-
lege gets closer, you would look for a good opportunity
to redeem your shares in the aggressive-growth and
long-term-growth funds first, shifting that money to
bonds or CDs.

Fund % of portfolio category

Skyline Special Equities 10% aggressive-growth

Credit Suisse Warburg 10% long-term-growth

Pincus Capital Appreciation

Selected American Shares 20% growth-and-income

Tweedy Browne Global Value 10% international

Harbor Bond (or Vanguard 30% corporate bond

Intermediate-Term Tax Exempt) (muni bond)

Loomis Sayles Bond (or Vanguard 20% corporate bond

High-Yield Tax Exempt) (muni bond)


Fund % of portfolio Invests in

Vanguard Total Stock 50% large and small

Market Index domestic stocks

Vanguard Total Bond 50% short- and

Market Index intermediate-term

With Six to Ten Years to Go

Parents of elementary schoolers who want to go for
maximum growth can afford to be fully invested in
stock mutual funds, including international funds. But


this portfolio includes a small investment in bonds, to

reduce volatility and to give you a convenient place to
begin shifting your money to as the college bills get
closer. You’d need $25,000 to buy this mix of funds
outright, but if you’re starting with less, buy shares first
in the U.S. stock funds, then add some international
exposure and bonds.

Fund % of portfolio category

Wasatch Small Cap Growth 10% aggressive growth

Oakmark Fund 25% long-term-growth

Harbor Capital 25% long-term-growth


Artisan International 10% international

Tweedy Browne 10% international

Global Value

Loomis Sayles Bond 20% corporate bond


Fund % of portfolio Invests in

Vanguard Total 60% large and small

Stock Market Index domestic stocks

Vanguard Total 20% short- and

Bond Market Index intermediate-
term bonds

Vanguard Total 20% European, Asian and

InternationalStock Index emerging-market stocks

With 11 or More Years to Go

Parents of newborns and toddlers can afford to go for
maximum growth, so this portfolio includes two ag-
gressive-growth funds, two long-term-growth funds
and two international funds. You’d need $25,000 to
buy this group of funds all at once. If you’re starting
with less, buy any of the U.S. stock funds first, then
add the others as you’re able.


Investment 529 plans

Fund % of portfolio category

Meridian Value 15% aggressive-growth

should be the
Wasatch Small Cap Growth 10% aggressive-growth
savings vehicle
of choice for
Legg Mason Opportunity Trust 30% long-term-growth
most parents,
Harbor Capital Appreciation 20% long-term-growth
thanks to a
Artisan International 15% international
flurry of new
Tweedy Browne Global Value 10% international
and improved
Fund % of portfolio Invests in
with changes
Vanguard Total Stock 80% large and small
in the tax law.
Market Index domestic stocks

Vanguard Total 20% European, Asian and

International Stock Index emerging-market stocks

College-Savings Plans

s recently as five years ago, state-sponsored col-
lege-savings plans—also known as 529 plans
after the section of the tax code that governs
them—offered little to get excited about. But now they
should be the savings vehicle of choice for most par-
ents—thanks to a flurry of new and improved plans
from the states, along with changes in the tax law that
take effect in 2002 and that will make earnings in the
plans tax-free. In mid 2001, all but five states had some
kind of 529 plan to offer, and the remaining five states
(Georgia, Hawaii, Minnesota, North Dakota and South
Dakota) had plans in development.
Tax-free earnings give your college savings a po-
tent kick. To appreciate the power of the new federal
tax break, consider what could happen to a single
$1,000 investment over 18 years, assuming a 10% an-


Using a state- nual return. In a taxable account, with the IRS claim-
sponsored ing 27% of the earnings each year, the account would
grow to $3,555. In a tax-free college-savings plan, it
plan does not would grow to $5,560. That gives you 56% more
restrict you money to pay college bills. Even better, some states
allow residents to deduct their contributions on their
to using the state-tax returns. (See the state-by-state details on
money at a pages 87–95.)
There are two types of 529 plans to choose from: a
college in the savings plan, which invests your money in mutual
sponsoring funds or similar accounts, or a prepaid-tuition plan,
which promises that your payments today will cover
state. tuition tomorrow no matter how much costs rise.
If you’re saving over the long haul, savings plans
let you reach for stock-market returns, which are likely
to outpace tuition inflation. There’s a risk, of course,
that you’ll lose money in a prolonged bear market, the
same risk you’d take investing in stocks and bonds out-
side a savings plan. But most plans offer investment
options that tilt toward stocks when your children are
younger and gradually ease you into bonds as they get
older, which matches our overall prescription for long-
term college savings.
Prepaid plans are more conservative. You’re not
likely to lose money in a prepaid plan (although only
about half the states that offer them back their “guar-
antee” to provide for tomorrow’s tuition with the full
faith and credit of the state). But in exchange for less
risk, you can expect lower returns.
You can participate in either kind of 529 plan no
matter what your household income and can take ad-
vantage of low minimum contributions. And because
the account owner—usually a parent—controls the
money until it is used for college, there’s no way Junior
could empty the account at the nearest car dealership.
Using a state-sponsored plan does not restrict you to
using the money at a college in the sponsoring state—
you may use the proceeds at any accredited college in
the U.S. and at some foreign institutions. The main
catch is that you’ll pay a penalty (usually 10% of earn-
ings, although often higher in prepaid plans) if you


don’t use your 529 plan account for college. If the ben- In a savings-
eficiary never goes to college, you can dodge that haz- style plan, you
ard by transferring the account to a sibling or other
family member. can typically
choose from
Savings-Style Plans
The majority of state-sponsored 529 plans are sav- three or more
ings-style plans—the best choice for most parents. investment
Maximum investments (whether defined as total con-
tributions or total balance, including earnings) are “tracks,” and
high — usually exceeding $100,000 and, in some one of them
cases, more than $200,000. Typically, you can choose
from three or more investment “tracks,” and one of is usually an
them is usually an “age-based” portfolio that may be “age-based”
80% or more in stocks when a child is in his or her
preschool years and shifts gradually into bonds as the
child ages. The good news is that such a choice puts
your college savings on autopilot, so you don’t have
to bother with rebalancing your investments (or
worry about forgetting to adjust them) over time. The
bad news is that once you’ve chosen your investment
track, you must stick with it—you can’t later shift
from the age-based portfolio to another track your
state offers or to an investment mix of your choice.
Under the new tax law, you can, however, roll your
529 plan from one state to another as frequently as
once a year, giving you a roundabout way to make new
investment choices if you’re unhappy with the perfor-
mance of your plan or if your investment philosophy
changes. Still, because each state has only a few choices,
a savings plan does not give you as much investment
discretion as you would have in a taxable account or an
education IRA, where you have complete control. This
is the chief disadvantage of 529 savings plans—but we
think the overall merits of the plans outweigh the in-
vestment limitations.
In 2001, 30 states offered savings plans that are
open to any U.S. resident, so you’re not restricted to
the plan offered by your home state. However, if your
state offers a generous tax deduction for contributions
(as about 20 states do, for example), you have an


Prepaid- added incentive to use your state’s plan. (Prior to the

tuition plans 2001 tax-law changes, some states exempted 529-plan
earnings from state taxes and others did not. Now, it’s
let you buy expected the states will follow the federal practice and
up to four not tax 529-plan earnings.)
Aside from any tax benefits, consider whether the
years’ worth investment choices reflect your own philosophy, and
of tuition at take a look at fees, which eat into your return. If you
don’t like your own state’s offerings, consider the plans
current prices, we designate as “recommended” in the listing on pages
either in 87–95. Those are the plans whose investment choices
come closest to the strategies we lay out in this chapter,
installments and whose underlying expenses and program restric-
or as a tions we consider reasonable.
lump sum. Prepaid-Tuition Plans
The older sibling of 529 savings plans, prepaid-tuition
plans are based on the idea of paying for tomorrow’s
college education at today’s prices. Prepaid-tuition
plans let you buy up to four years’ worth of tuition at
current prices, either in installments or as a lump
sum. The appeal is the guarantee that when your
child is ready for freshman year, your account will
cover tuition, no matter how much it has risen. By
paying costs in full now or in installments over several
years, you lock in current prices and guarantee that
your investment will appreciate at the same rate that
college costs rise.
There are two kinds of prepaid plans:

“Contract” type plans. In “contract” type plans, you

commit in advance to buying a certain amount of fu-
ture tuition—such as a year’s worth, or a full four
years’ worth. In Florida’s plan, for instance, the par-
ents of an eighth-grader could put up a lump sum of
$7,286 to prepay four years of tuition at any public uni-
versity in the state. Or they could pay in 55 monthly in-
stallments of $154, for a total of $8,470. Tuition at
Florida’s ten, four-year universities is about $2,300 a
year, so if costs rose 6% annually, today’s eighth-grader
would expect to pay about $13,500 in the future in tu-


ition for a four-year education. For short-

One major disadvantage to contract-type plans is term college
that you commit to a long-term schedule of pay-
ments—not unlike a car loan. The only way to stop savings,
paying is to discontinue the plan, withdraw your prin- prepaid plans
cipal and incur a penalty. Because they’re pegged to
the cost of lower-priced public colleges, a prepaid con- are a good
tract plan will also make only a minor dent in the tab if alternative
it’s transferred to an expensive private school. Many
of them also cover only tuition and fees, not room, to low-paying
board, books and personal expenses. Savings plans, savings bonds
on the other hand, can be used to cover all those costs.
or CDs,
Tuition units. In prepaid plans that offer “tuition particularly
units,” you can be more flexible with your investment.
In Ohio, for instance, tuition units sold for $42 to $51
apiece in 2000–01; you can buy as many or as few as their now-
you like, as regularly or erratically as you want. If your
goal is to cover four years of tuition at an average-
improved tax
priced institution in Ohio, you would aim to amass advantages.
400 units. That would leave you with a small refund if
your child attended Ohio State University (which costs
90 units a year) or leave you a bit short at Kent State
University (112 units a year). You could aim to save
even more than 400 units if your goal is to save for a
private college.

RETURN. In either kind of prepaid plan, your return is

roughly equivalent to the rate of tuition inflation at
public colleges and universities in your state—which
made the plans extremely attractive when tuitions
were rising at 10% and more a year. Today, with the av-
erage rate of tuition inflation closer to 5%, prepaid
plans are no match for investing in the stock market
when you have many years before you’ll need the
money. But prepaid plans are a good alternative to
low-paying savings bonds or CDs for short-term col-
lege savings. With five years or so to build a college
kitty, parents should invest most of it for safety, as de-
scribed earlier, perhaps in zero-coupon bonds, bond
funds, certificates of deposit—or prepaid-tuition plans.



Should you use cash-value life insurance an insurance policy if you can get similar
(whole life, universal life or variable univer- tax benefits elsewhere.
sal life) to save for college? There are gen- ■ You can afford to “fully fund”
erous tax advantages, to be sure. Money the policy, which means you can afford
you “invest” in a cash-value policy grows to pay the “target” or “recommended”
tax-deferred, and you may be able to avoid premium—even though the policy will
tax on your earnings entirely by withdraw- probably permit you to put in less. Fully
ing your original investment after a long funding the policy lets you take maximum
period of time and then borrowing against advantage of tax-deferred growth, and
the policy. But for most middle-income ensures that your policy won’t lapse once
families, the answer is no, since you have you begin withdrawing money to cover
to be able to commit a substantial amount college costs. (Since you wouldn’t want a
of money to a policy—and stick with it for life insurance policy to be your only form
at least ten years—to make life insurance of savings, you should really have enough
worthwhile as an investment. cash flow to pay the premium and invest
Don’t consider buying life insurance as a elsewhere.)
savings vehicle unless the following are true: If you do buy life insurance as a long-
■ You have a long-term need for life term savings vehicle, your best bet is
insurance—at least ten years and probably variable universal life. VUL poli-
preferably longer. Because up-front com- cies, as they’re known, allow you to invest
missions are high, it seldom makes sense the “savings” portion of your premium in
to buy a cash-value policy unless you plan a variety of mutual fund accounts, including
to keep it at least a decade, during which stock funds. With a long-term time hori-
the benefit of tax-deferred earnings can zon, that’s where you want your money.
overtake the drag of up-front costs. Other forms of cash-value insurance—
■ You have maxed out on other whole life and universal life—essentially
forms of tax-deferred saving, such invest your money in bonds and similar
as IRAs, Keoghs or 401(k) plans. There’s investments, so there’s not the same
no point in paying the extra expenses of potential for high returns.

Compared with fixed-income investments, prepaid

plans’ returns have been competitive, particularly con-
sidering their now-improved tax advantages.

TRANSFER. As with 529 savings plans, you can transfer

the value of a prepaid plan to any accredited private or
out-of-state public school in the U.S. In most cases,
using the funds at a school outside the plan won’t affect


your return because the state will transfer the full value Prepaid plans
of your account to any school. But a few states limit are a bad
your return if the beneficiary doesn’t attend an in-state
public college. Florida, for instance, caps your return idea for
at 5% if the account is used out of state, and Massachu- families that
setts pays just the rate of inflation if the account isn’t
used at one of 80-plus participating schools (among expect to be
them, prestigious private institutions such as Smith eligible for
and Amherst—but not Harvard or MIT).
AFFECT ON FINANCIAL AID. Prepaid plans are a bad need-based
idea for families that expect to be eligible for substan-
tial need-based financial aid because prepaid tuition is financial aid.
considered a resource that reduces your financial need
dollar for dollar. College-savings plans reduce your fi-
nancial need, too, but to a lesser degree. They’re in-
cluded among the parents’ assets, which reduces your
financial need by up to 5.6% of the balance in the ac-
count each year. There’s a chance that Congress will
eventually grant prepaid-tuition plans more favorable
treatment in financial-aid formulas, but for now sav-
ings plans have the edge.

THE APPEAL OF A SURE THING. Financial advisers have

been lukewarm to prepaid plans because of their re-
strictions and below-market returns. But many parents
have enthusiastically signed up for them anyway be-
cause prepaid plans deliver what savings plans and the
stock market don’t—a sure thing. Whether college costs
rise by 2% or 10% annually, prepaid-plan participants
know that their contributions will cover all or a prede-
termined portion of the tuition bill at a public college—
or even a private one in a few states. If that reassurance
is a sufficient return for you, then a prepaid plan may
be your preference. But you may need to save separate-
ly for room and board (only a few plans include it) or
for the cost of a private college over a public one. Sav-
ings plans, on the other hand, seldom guarantee re-
turns and can even lose money, depending on how the
plan invests. The prospectus or annual report should
specify what kinds of investments the plan may make


If you have and whether you can expect a minimum return. (Ken-
doubts that tucky, for instance, guarantees at least 4%.)

your child PENALTIES AND ALTERNATIVES. If you have doubts

will attend that your child will attend college at all, a prepaid plan
is not for you. In many cases you pay a significant
college at penalty (higher than the 10% of earnings that’s stan-
all, a prepaid dard on 529 savings plans) if you withdraw entirely,
either because your child doesn’t attend college or be-
plan is not cause you can’t keep up the payments in a state where
for you. monthly payments are required. Alabama extracts the
stiffest penalty: You get your principal back with no in-
terest, minus a cancellation fee of up to $150. However,
in most states the beneficiary can wait up to ten years
after graduating from high school to use the account.
Or you can avoid the penalty by transferring the ac-
count to another family member, such as a sibling. In
addition, penalties are usually waived if the beneficiary
dies, becomes disabled or earns a scholarship that
makes the state savings account unnecessary.

How to Choose an Adviser

ould you rather have help setting up a sav-
ings plan, choosing investments and keep-
ing track of when it’s time to shift from
stocks to bonds? Helping parents build a college fund
is bread-and-butter work for financial planners. Some
charge $150 or so an hour for advice on an ad-hoc
basis, some will manage your investments for an annu-
al fee of 0.5% to 1.5% of your portfolio, and still others
charge no up-front fee but earn a commission on the
investment products you buy. Whichever approach
you prefer, it’s essential to do some legwork to choose a
competent planner who suits your investment style
and tolerance for risk.

Consider Credentials
Anyone can hang out a “financial planning” shingle,
but certain credentials show that the planner has for-
mal training in the mechanics of investing, insurance
continued on page 96


This listing provides details on the savings will suffer if you make a nonqualified
plans and prepaid plans offered by 45 states. withdrawal—that is, a withdrawal not used
(The five remaining states—Georgia, Hawaii, for higher-education expenses. Penalties
Minnesota, North Dakota and South are usually waived if you make a nonquali-
Dakota—had plans in development in 2001.) fied withdrawal because the beneficiary
States have been tinkering with their plans dies, becomes disabled or earns a full
frequently, so request further information scholarship.
directly using the phone numbers or Internet ■ All savings and prepaid plans are trans-
addresses listed here. We’ll also update ferable to out-of-state and private
our listing periodically at www.kiplinger institutions (although a few prepaid plans
.com, under the section labelled “College.” may make lower payouts to those schools).
Some notes on the listings: ■ Our “recommended” choices (marked
■ Most savings plans allow you to enroll with an asterisk) are open to nonresidents,
at any time, while many prepaid plans have reasonable fees and expenses, and
limit enrollment to just a few months have multiple investment choices, at least
during the year. one of which approximates the graduated
■ Now that 529 plans are federal- investment allocations suggested in this
tax-free, most states are expected to chapter. Consider your home state’s offer-
follow suit. Thus, we designate which states ings first—especially if your contributions
offer a state-tax deduction for contribu- would be state-tax deductible. If they’re not
tions, but not which plans exempted suitable, then look for alternatives among
earnings from state taxes prior to 2002 our recommendations, which include plans
■ “Refund provisions” explains what kind offered by the states of Kansas, Massachu-
of penalty or reduced return you setts, Nebraska, New York and Utah.

Alabama Prepaid Affordable College University of Alaska / T. Rowe Price

Tuition (PACT) Program College Savings Plan
Type: Prepaid (contract) Type: Savings (with prepaid option)
Phone: 800–252–7228 Phone: 800–369–3641 or 866–277–1005
Web link: www.treasury.state.al.us in Alaska
State-tax deduction for residents: Web link: www.uacollegesavings.com
No deduction State-tax deduction for residents:
Open to nonresidents: No Alaska does not have an income tax
Refund provisions: You get back Open to nonresidents: Yes
contributions plus a passbook interest Refund provisions: Penalty of 10% of
rate, less a $25 fee earnings
Other: Beneficiary must be in the 9th Other: Plan also includes prepaid tuition
grade or younger to enroll units pegged to costs at the U. of Alaska

continued on page 88


Arizona Family College Savings Refund provisions: Penalty of 10% of

Program earnings
Type: Savings
Phone: 800–888–2723 (College Savings Colorado CollegeInvest
Bank); 888–667–3239 (Securities Type: Savings (with prepaid option)
Management and Research) Phone: 888–572–4652, 800–478–5651 in
Web link: www.acpe.asu.edu Colorado
State-tax deduction for residents: Web link: www.collegeinvest.org
No deduction State-tax deduction for residents: Full
Open to nonresidents: Yes contribution is deductible
Refund provisions: Penalty of 10% of Open to nonresidents: Yes
earnings (with additional penalties for early Refund provisions: Penalty of 10% of
withdrawal from CollegeSure CD) earnings (plus fees in the prepaid option)
Other: Contributions can be invested in
an FDIC-insured CD that grows at the same Connecticut Higher Education Trust
rate as a nationwide index of college costs, (CHET)
or in a selection of mutual funds Type: Savings
Phone: 888–799–2438
Arkansas Tax-Deferred Tuition Web link: www.aboutchet.com
Savings Program (GIFT College State-tax deduction for residents:
Investing Plan) No deduction
Type: Savings Open to nonresidents: Yes
Phone: 887–442–6553 Refund provisions: Penalty of 10% of
Web link: www.thegiftplan.com earnings
State-tax deduction for residents:
No deduction Delaware College Investment Plan
Open to nonresidents: Yes Type: Savings
Refund provisions: Penalty of 10% of Phone: 800–544–1655
earnings Web link: www.fidelity.com/delaware
State-tax deduction for residents:
California Golden State ScholarShare No deduction
College Savings Trust Open to nonresidents: Yes
Type: Savings Refund provisions: Penalty of 10% of
Phone: 887–728–4338 earnings
Web link: www.scholarshare.com
State-tax deduction for residents: No Florida Prepaid College Program
deduction Type: Prepaid (contract)
Open to nonresidents: Yes Phone: 800–552–4723


Web link: www.floridaprepaidcollege.com Open to nonresidents: Yes

State-tax deduction for residents: Refund provisions: Penalty of 10% of
No deduction earnings
Open to nonresidents: No
Refund provisions: If contract is Indiana Family College Savings Plan
cancelled, contributions are returned Type: Savings
without interest Phone: 888–814–6800
Web link: www.incollegesave.com
Idaho College Savings Program (IDeal) State-tax deduction for residents:
Type: Savings No deduction
Phone: 866–433–2533 Open to nonresidents: Yes
Web link: www.idsaves.org Refund provisions: Penalty of 10% of
State-tax deduction for residents: earnings, plus $25 cancellation fee
Contributions deductible up to $4,000
per year College Savings Iowa
Open to nonresidents: Yes Type: Savings
Refund provisions: Penalty of 10% of Phone: 888–672–9116
earnings, plus 100% of principal and 200% of Web link: www.collegesavingsiowa.com
earnings are taxed to Idaho residents State-tax deduction for residents:
Deduction for contributions up to $2,112
College Illinois per beneficiary each year
Type: Prepaid (contract) Open to nonresidents: Yes
Phone: 877–877–3724 Refund provisions: Penalty of 10% of
Web link: www.collegeillinois.com earnings
State-tax deduction for residents:
No deduction *Kansas Learning Quest Education
Open to nonresidents: No Savings Program
Refund provisions: Contributions with Type: Savings
no interest in first three years. Then contri- Phone: 800–579–2203
butions plus 2% interest, less a $100 fee Web link: www.learningquestsavings
Bright Start College Savings Program State-tax deduction for residents:
(Illinois) Deduction for contributions up to $2,000
Type: Savings per beneficiary per year ($4,000 if married
Phone: 877–432–7444 filing jointly)
Web link: www.brightstartsavings.com Open to nonresidents: Yes
State-tax deduction for residents: Refund provisions: Penalty of 10% of
No deduction earnings

continued on page 90


Kentucky Education Savings Plan Trust State-tax deduction for residents:

Type: Savings Deduction for up to $2,500 per year
Phone: 877–598–7878 per contract
Web link: www.kentuckytrust.org Refund provisions: Contributions with
State-tax deduction for residents: no interest in first three years. Then penalty
No deduction of 50% of program’s investment return
Open to nonresidents: No
Refund provisions: Penalty of 10% of Massachusetts U. Plan
earnings Type: Prepaid
Phone: 800–449–6332
Louisiana Student Tuition Assistance Web link: www.mefa.org
and Revenue Trust Program (START) State-tax deduction for residents:
Type: Savings No deduction
Phone: 800–259–5625 Open to nonresidents: Yes
Web link: www.osfa.state.la.us/START.htm Refund provisions: Tuition certificates
State-tax deduction for residents: may not be redeemed before their maturity
Deduction for contributions up to $2,400 date. Afterward, you get back your
per beneficiary contributions plus the rate of inflation
Open to nonresidents: No Other: Must be used at one of 80-plus
Refund provisions: Penalty of 10% of participating institutions
Other: Matching grant of 2% to 14% of *Massachusetts U. Fund College
contributions, depending on family income Investing Plan
Type: Savings
Maine NextGen College Investing Plan Phone: 800–544–2776
Type: Savings Web link: www.fidelity.com/ufund
Phone: 877–463–9843 State-tax deduction for residents:
Web link: www.nextgenplan.com No deduction
State-tax deduction for residents: No Open to nonresidents: Yes
deduction Refund provisions: Penalty of 10% of
Open to nonresidents: Yes earnings
Refund provisions: Penalty of 10% of
earnings Michigan Education Trust
Type: Prepaid (contract)
Maryland Prepaid College Trust Phone: 800–638–4543
Type: Prepaid (contract) Web link: www.treasury.state.mi
Phone: 800–463–4723 .us/MET/metindex.htm
Web link: www.collegesavingsmd.org State-tax deduction for residents:


Contributions are fully deductible Phone: 800–987–4450

Open to nonresidents: No Web link: www.treasury.state.ms.us
Refund provisions: No refunds until State-tax deduction for residents:
beneficiary is age 18, then refunds paid in Deduction for full amount of contribution
four annual installment, equal to tuition Open to nonresidents: No
at lowest–cost Michigan college, less a Refund provisions: You get back
$100 fee contributions plus savings-account rate
of interest, less $150 fee
Michigan Education Savings Program
Type: Savings Missouri Saving for Tuition Program
Phone: 877–861-6377 Type: Savings
Web link: www.misaves.com Phone: 888–414–6678
State-tax deduction for residents: Web link: www.missourimost.org
Deduction for contributions up to $5,000 State-tax deduction for residents:
per year ($10,000 for married couples Deduction for contributions up to $8,000
filing jointly) per year ($16,000 for couples)
Open to nonresidents: Yes Open to nonresidents: Yes
Refund provisions: Penalty of 10% of Refund provisions: Penalty of 10% of
withdrawal (contribution and earnings) earnings
Other: Matching grants up to $200 for
Michigan residents with children age 6 Montana Family Education Savings
or younger and household income of Program
$80,000 or less Type: Savings
Phone: 800–888–2723
Mississippi Affordable College Savings Web link: montana.collegsavings.com
Type: Savings State-tax deduction for residents:
Phone: 800–486–3670 Deductions for contributions up to $3,000
Web link: www.collegesavingsms.com per year ($6,000 for couples)
State-tax deduction for residents: Open to nonresidents: Yes
Deductions for contributions up to $10,000 Refund provisions: Penalty of 10% of
per year ($20,000 for joint filers) earnings on non-qualified withdrawals,
Open to nonresidents: Yes plus $100 for accounts less than three
Refund provisions: Penalty of 10% of years old. Additional “early withdrawal”
earnings penalties for nonresidents
Other: Contributions are invested in
Mississippi Prepaid Affordable College an FDIC-insured CD that grows at the
Tuition Program (MPACT) same rate as a nationwide index of
Type: Prepaid (contract) college costs

continued on page 92


*College Savings Plan of Nebraska index.asp

Type: Savings State-tax deduction for residents:
Phone: 888–993–3746 No deduction
Web link: www.PlanForCollegeNow.com Open to nonresidents: No
State-tax deduction for residents: Refund provisions: Penalty of 10% of
Deduction for contributions up to $1,000 earnings
per year
Open to nonresidents: Yes New Mexico Education Plan’s College
Refund provisions: Penalty of 10% of Savings Program
earnings Type: Savings
Phone: 877–337–5268
Nevada Prepaid Tuition Program Web link: www.theeducationplan.com
Type: Prepaid (contract) State-tax deduction for residents:
Phone: 888–477–2667 Deduction for all contributions
Web link: www.prepaid-tuition.state.nv.us Open to nonresidents: Yes
State-tax deduction for residents: Refund provisions: Penalty of 10% of
Nevada has no state income tax earnings
Open to nonresidents: No
Refund provisions: You get back contribu- *New York’s College Savings Program
tions plus a rate of interest determined by Type: Savings
the state, less a $150 fee Phone: 877–697–2837
Web link: www.nysaves.com
New Hampshire UNIQUE College State-tax deduction for residents:
Investing Plan Deduction for contributions up to $5,000
Type: Savings per year ($10,000 for couples)
Phone: 800–544–1722 Open to nonresidents: Yes
Web link: www.fidelity.com/unique Refund provisions: Penalty of 10% of
State-tax deduction for residents: earnings. No withdrawals in first 36 months
No state income tax
Open to nonresidents: Yes North Carolina College Vision Fund
Refund provisions: Penalty of 10% of Type: Savings
earnings Phone: 800–600–3453
Web link: www.collegevisionfund.org
New Jersey Better Education Savings State-tax deduction for residents:
Trust (NJBEST) No deduction
Type: Savings Open to nonresidents: No
Phone: 877–465–2378 Refund provisions: Penalty of 15% of
Web link: http://www.hesaa.org/njbest/ earnings


Ohio CollegeAdvantage Savings Plan Web link: www.patap.org

Type: Savings (with prepaid option) State-tax deduction for residents:
Phone: 800–233–6734, 800–225–1581 No deduction
(out-of-state) Open to nonresidents: No
Web link: www.collegeadvantage.com Refund provisions: Penalty of 10% of
State-tax deduction for residents: earnings plus $10 fee
Deductions for contributions up to $2,000
per year, per beneficiary Rhode Island CollegeBound Fund
Open to nonresidents: Yes Type: Savings
Refund provisions: Penalty of 10% of Phone: 888–324–5057
earnings Web link: www.collegeboundfund.com
Other: For residents only, a prepaid State-tax deduction for residents:
(tuition units) option is also available No deduction
Open to nonresidents: Yes
Oklahoma College Savings Plan Refund provisions: Penalty of 100% of
Type: Savings earnings in first two years; 10% of earnings
Phone: 877–654–7284 plus $50 fee thereafter
Web link: www.ok4saving.org
State-tax deduction for residents: South Carolina Tuition Prepayment
No deduction Program
Open to nonresidents: Yes Type: Prepaid (contract)
Refund provisions: Penalty of 10% of Phone: 888–772–4723
earnings Web link: www.state.sc.us/tpp
State-tax deduction for residents: None
Oregon College Savings Plan Open to nonresidents: No
Type: Savings Refund provisions: Penalty of 100% of
Phone: 866–772–8464 earnings in first year, then 20% of earnings
Web link: www.oregoncollegesavings.com plus $75 fee.
State-tax deduction for residents: Other: Beneficiary must be in 10th grade or
$2000-per-year deduction younger to enroll
Open to nonresidents: No
Refund provisions: Penalty of 10% of Tennessee’s BEST Prepaid Tuition Plan
earnings Type: Prepaid (tuition units)
Phone: 888–486–2378
Pennsylvania Tuition Account Web link: www.treasury.state.tn.us/best.htm
Program State-tax deduction for residents:
Type: Prepaid (tuition units) No deduction
Phone: 800–440–4000 Open to nonresidents: No

continued on page 94


Refund provisions: No refund until the Vermont Higher Education Savings Plan
beneficiary is age 18, then penalty of 10% Type: Savings
of earnings, less a $25 fee Phone: 800–637–5860
Web link: www.vsac.org
Tennessee’s BEST Savings Plan State-tax deduction for residents: No
Type: Savings deduction
Phone: 888–486–2378 Open to nonresidents: No
Web link: www.tnbest.com Refund provisions: Penalty of 10% of
State-tax deduction for residents: earnings. No withdrawals in first 12 months
No deduction
Open to nonresidents: Yes Virginia Prepaid Education Program
Refund provisions: Penalty of 10% of Type: Prepaid (contract)
earnings Phone: 888–567–0540
Web link: www.vpep.state.va.us
Texas Tomorrow Fund State-tax deduction for residents: De-
Type: Prepaid (contract) duction of up to $2,000 per contract per
Phone: 800–445–4723 year (no cap for donors over age 70)
Web link: www.texastomorrowfund.org Open to nonresidents: No
State-tax deduction for residents: Refund provisions: You get back
Texas does not have an income tax contributions with no interest in first three
Open to nonresidents: No years. Then contributions plus “reasonable”
Refund provisions: You get back contri- rate of return (5%), less 10%-of-earnings
butions with no interest, less termination penalty
fees, until the beneficiary is at least 18. Other: Beneficiary must be in the ninth
Afterward, penalty of 10% of earnings, grade or younger when account is opened
plus termination fees
Virginia College Savings Plan
*Utah Educational Savings Plan Trust Type: Savings
Type: Savings Phone: 888–567–0540
Phone: 800–418–2551 Web link: www.virginiacollegesavingsplan
Web link: www.uesp.org .com
State-tax deduction for residents: De- State-tax deduction for residents: De-
duction of up to $1,365 per year ($2,730 for duction of up to $2,000 per contract per
married couple) year (no cap for donors over age 70)
Open to nonresidents: Yes Open to nonresidents: Yes
Refund provisions: Penalty of 100% of Refund provisions: No withdrawals
earnings in first two years, then 10% of in first 12 months. Penalty of 10% of
earnings earnings thereafter


Washington Guaranteed Education State-tax deduction for residents:

Tuition State-tax deduction up to $3,000 per
Type: Prepaid (tuition units) child per year
Phone: 877–438–8848 Open to nonresidents: Yes
Web link: www.get.wa.gov Refund provisions: Penalty of 10% of
State-tax deduction for residents: earnings
Washington does not have personal Other: Similar program, called
income tax Tomorrow’s Scholar, offered through
Open to nonresidents: No American Express advisers
Refund provisions: No refunds in first
two years. Then penalty of 10% of earnings. Wyoming College Achievement Plan
Only one year’s worth of tuition can be Type: Savings
refunded at one time Phone: 877–529–2655
Web link: www.collegeachievementplan
West Virginia .com
Type: Prepaid (contract) State-tax deduction: Wyoming has no
Phone: 800–307–4701 state income tax
Web link: www.wvtreasury.com/ Open to nonresidents: Yes
prepaid.htm Refund provisions: Penalty of 10% of
State-tax deduction for residents: earnings
Deduction for full amount of contribution
Open to nonresidents: No
Refund provisions: Until four years
after expected college entrance date,
you get back contributions only with no
earnings, less a $150 administration fee.
After that, you get current tuition value,
less 10% of earnings
Other: Beneficiary must be in the 9th
grade or younger to enroll

Wisconsin Edvest College Savings

Type: Savings, with prepaid (tuition units)
Phone: 888–338–3789
Web link: www.estrong.com/strongweb/


You’re relying and financial planning. The Certified Financial Plan-

on this person ner (CFP) designation from the College for Financial
Planning, in Denver, is the best known. To earn it,
to advise you planners must pass a ten-hour comprehensive exam,
on decisions usually after completing roughly two years’ worth of
home-study courses from the college, or classroom
that can make courses offered at some 30 colleges and universities.
the difference Designations that reflect similar training are the Char-
tered Financial Consultant (ChFC) from the American
between College in Bryn Mawr, Pa., and the Accredited Person-
meeting your al Financial Specialist (APFS) awarded to certified pub-
lic accountants by the American Institute of CPAs.
goals and
falling short. Start the Search
The best way to find a planner is to ask for recommen-
dations from people whose business acumen you
trust—perhaps your tax preparer or lawyer, a busi-
ness associate or a friend. But absent a personal rec-
ommendation, you can get lists of credentialed
planners in your area by writing to the following pro-
fessional associations:
■ The Financial Planning Association (800–282–7526;
■ The American Institute of CPAs ( 800–862–4272; www
■ The National Association of Personal Financial Advisors
(fee-only planners; 800–366–2732 or 888–333–6659;

Don’t simply take your business to the most conve-

nient planner. Take the time necessary to choose care-
fully, because you’re not only paying a lot for a
planner’s services—either via a direct fee or a commis-
sion deducted from your investment—but you’re also
relying on this person to advise you on decisions that
can make the difference between meeting your goals
and falling short.
Start by interviewing at least three planners. Use
the initial interview (for which there is usually no
charge) to get a feel for whether the planner listens to
you, answers your questions, addresses your concerns


and is willing to explain financial strategy in terms that Look for

make sense to you. Above all, make sure the planner is someone
someone you’re comfortable with and can communi-
cate with. Also use the initial interview to get answers with at least
to these questions: a few years
HOW ARE YOU COMPENSATED? Knowing up front how of experience
much you’ll pay and how fees are calculated will help in financial
you evaluate the advice you’re getting.
■ Fee-only planners may charge by the hour or charge
planning and,
an annual fee, but their compensation doesn’t de- even better,
pend on what products you buy. When they help you
select a mutual fund, they’ll ordinarily suggest no- a specialist
load funds. Using a fee-only planner eliminates the in college
worry that you’ll be sold a product you don’t need or
one that has a high commission when one with a
lower commission is just as good.
■ Commission-based planners appear to cost less be-
cause they don’t charge an up-front fee, but when
they recommend mutual funds, they’ll choose funds
with a load (around 5%), which is deducted from
your investment.
■ Planners who switch-hit, taking a commission when
one is available and charging a fee when one is not,
are sometimes called fee-based planners.


cial planner has first-year clients, but you don’t have to
be one of them. And someone who’s spent most of his
or her career selling insurance or preparing tax re-
turns may not be so sharp on the twists and turns of
the financial-aid process. Look for someone with at
least a few years of experience in financial planning
and, even better, a specialist in college planning.


may want to turn all the details over to a planner, or
you may simply want a once-a-year review of a savings
plan you manage yourself. Either way, make sure you
clarify your expectations up front, and ensure that
the planner is willing to carry out your wishes. Some


planners insist on implementing as well as creating a

financial plan, having observed that a carefully crafted
road map is useless if it isn’t used correctly—or used
at all. Others are happy to draw the map and let you
do the driving.


names of clients whose financial position is similar to
yours—if you’re a business owner, for instance, you
don’t want a planner who’s never dealt with how busi-
ness assets affect financial-aid formulas. And check the
references. You can gain a lot of insight by asking cur-
rent clients what they like and don’t like about the
planner, whether they’ve ever considered switching,
how their investments have done, and how you might
work with the planner most effectively.

Chapter 4
Winning the
College Aid

alfway through high school is the two-
minute warning for parents with
college-bound kids who hope to receive
financial aid. The forms you fill out to
apply for aid—the “Free Application
for Federal Student Aid,” and others discussed later—
ask about your finances for the calendar year starting
in January of a typical student’s junior year in high
school. Some strategic planning at that point (and ear-
lier if you want to exercise certain strategies discussed
in Chapter 6) can help you get all the aid for which
you’re eligible.
Even if your income is above average, don’t assume
you won’t qualify for financial aid. Families with house-
hold income of $75,000 or more can qualify for sub-
stantial aid, especially when a student attends an
expensive college or when two or more students are in
college at the same time.
Financial advisers and financial-aid officers almost
unanimously stress the same point. “It’s a myth that
families earning more than $50,000 won’t qualify for
aid,” says Charles Lord, who owns a financial-aid coun-
seling and college-search service in Lexington, Ky.,
called College Solutions. “Families with incomes even
into the six figures can qualify for aid at the right [read
‘expensive’] schools,” says Lord.
John Parker, who directs the financial-aid program
at Drake University, in Des Moines, agrees with Lord.
“Many parents think they’re not eligible because their
neighbor didn’t get any aid. It might look like they
make the same thing, but after the needs analysis it


Subtract could be very different,” says Parker.

your expected To help you get started on this often critical com-
ponent of financing college, this chapter will lay out
family the aid process, step by step. It will help you project
contribution the amount almost any school will expect your family
to contribute toward your child’s education—that’s the
from the real cost of college—and how much aid you will qualify
sticker price, for. And if the aid picture doesn’t look promising,
you’ll at least have time to put together a plan for mak-
and the ing the most of what you’ve saved and figuring out the
balance is best way to finance any gaps (topics covered in Chap-
ters 7 and 9).
the amount Of course, you never know for sure what you’ll get
of financial until you receive a college’s financial-aid offer, which
typically arrives shortly after the congratulatory letter
aid you’re of admission. At that point, the more you know about
eligible for. the process, the better the odds you can negotiate a
better package—using the tips for negotiation outlined
in the next chapter.

Cost Equals Your Contribution

f you take away a single message from this chapter, it
should be this: Don’t rule out any college—even
Harvard or Yale, where tuition, room, board and ex-
penses topped $36,000 for the 2001–02 academic
year—because of the expense. The sticker price is the
maximum price, and parents who can afford that
amount are expected to cough it up. But otherwise,
your cost is not the sticker price. Your cost is the “ex-
pected family contribution.” That’s the amount the
federal government and the schools themselves deem
you can afford to pay out of pocket, based on federal
and private “need analysis” formulas. Subtract your
family contribution from the sticker price, and the bal-
ance is the amount of financial aid you’re eligible for.
In theory, at least, it’s a simple equation:

total cost of college – expected family contribution (EFC)

= financial-aid eligibility


Here’s how this formula would apply to a family You could

whose expected contribution is $10,000 as they consid- pay less at
er various colleges:
an expensive
$10,000 $10,000 no aid
15,000 10,000 $5,000 school than
25,000 10,000 15,000 at a less-
35,000 10,000 25,000
At a public school where the bill is $10,000 or less, public
the family would receive no aid. But the family would
be eligible for $5,000 of aid at a school where the cost is institution
$15,000, $15,000 in aid where the total cost is $25,000, if the private
and a whopping $25,000 in aid at a school with a total
cost of $35,000.
school’s aid
Many parents don’t fully appreciate the message in package
that equation: Assuming you qualify for financial aid,
sending your child to an expensive private school, gen-
is more
erally speaking, should cost no more than sending him generous.
or her to a less-expensive public school. In fact, some
families wind up paying less at expensive private
schools than at less-expensive public institutions be-
cause the financial-aid package at the private school
was more generous.

What the Variables Are

s you’ll see in more detail later in this chapter,
the financial-aid equation can become some-
what more complicated—because there’s a lot
of play in all three parts of the equation.

Total cost may mean different things at different

schools. For instance, some schools include travel ex-
penses in that figure and others don’t.

Expected family contribution can vary depending on

how you fill out the financial-aid forms, as you’ll find
out in this chapter. In addition, the expected contribu-


Don’t skip tion may be different at a private school than it is at a

applying to public school because while all colleges must stick with
the federal formulas when giving out federal money
a desirable (and state money, in many cases), they can adjust the
school you expected family contribution using their own criteria
when deciding how much of their own financial-aid
think is out money you’ll be awarded.
of reach
Financial aidisn’t always “free money.” Some colleges
financially. will make up the difference between their cost and
Wait until your expected family contribution with an aid pack-
age mostly filled with loans that you or your child will
you see what have to pay back with interest, while others may award
comes in the you a package rich with grants or scholarships that
cost you nothing.
package. All the same, the lesson here still applies: Don’t skip
applying to a desirable school you think is out of reach
financially. Wait until the financial-aid package arrives
before you decide whether you can manage the
amount you’re expected to pay.

How They Decide

What You Can Afford

round January of your son’s or daughter’s se-
nior year in high school, you’ll be subjected to
the rigors of filling out at least one, and per-
haps several, financial-aid forms, which ask for infor-
mation about income and assets—yours and your
child’s. Using the numbers you report on these
forms, the federal government and the schools your
child applies to will determine your expected family

The Free Application for

Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
Every school will ask you to complete this form, which
determines your eligibility for federal aid at all schools
and your eligibility for other aid at most public schools



It’s critical not to miss a school’s deadline Also be sure to review your forms
for completing financial-aid forms. Many carefully before dropping them in the mail
schools are able to fully meet your financial because a mistake can put you at the end
need only if you file on time—and February of the line for financial aid. Form processors
1 or February 15 deadlines are typical. say they return forms that are photocopied,
The first day you can mail the FAFSA illegible or missing a signature. Other errors,
form for the 2002–2003 academic year such as supplying a range of numbers instead
is January 1, 2002. And the sooner after of the specific dollar amount requested,
January 1 you file, the better, since some won’t cause your form to bounce, but they
schools give out aid on a first-come, may delay the process at your school’s
first-served basis. financial-aid office.

and some private schools. It’s available from high

school guidance counselors and college financial-aid
offices. FAFSA forms are now also available on the Web
(at www.fafsa.ed.gov; see the box on page 107) or over
the phone (800–433–3243 or 319–337–5665).
Regional processors, which handle financial-aid
forms for the federal government, crunch the numbers
you enter on the FAFSA through a formula called the
federal methodology. Several weeks after mailing the
form (or ten to 14 days after submitting it electronical-
ly), you’ll receive a document called a Student Aid Re-
port (SAR), which shows your e xpected family
contribution. The all-important number appears in the
upper right of the report, under the date, and looks
something like this: EFC:8500. That means your ex-
pected family contribution is $8,500. This EFC deter-
mines your eligibility for federal financial aid.
Copies of the report are also sent to the schools
you designate. Until you receive the school’s financial-
aid offer in the mail, you won’t know what it has de-
cided you can afford, and that amount may differ
from the EFC.

The PROFILE Aid Form

When giving out their own aid (as opposed to federal
or most state-funded aid), colleges are free to calculate


your EFC using formulas that differ from—and may

be less generous than—the federal methodology. The
schools use this supplementary form to ask for data
that the FAFSA excludes—such as how much equity
you have in your home and whether
your child has received any scholar-
ships or assistance from relatives
Men ages 18 to 25 must register with the (for more on why those items are
Selective Service to qualify for federal finan- excluded or included in a need
cial aid. If they’re not registered and can’t analysis, see page 129).
explain why they’re exempt, Uncle Sam will If a school your child is apply-
deny them any aid. ing to requires the PROFILE, you’ll
need to get a registration form,
send it to the College Scholarship
Service—which administers the forms—and complete
the packet of forms you receive from the CSS. You can
obtain a registration form from your child’s high
school guidance office, college financial-aid office, or
from the CSS directly by calling 800–778–6888. Even
easier, you can visit the CSS’s Web site at www.college-
board.com to register and complete the PROFILE
form online. You’ll pay a flat $6 registration fee, plus
$16 to have the information forwarded to each school
that requires it.

Institutional Forms
Some schools, particularly the most selective private
schools, want even more information than the stan-
dardized forms provide because when giving out
their own aid, they consider such things as the funds
you have in a 401(k), IRA, or other retirement plan,
which the other forms don’t ask about. Usually, they
will ask for that additional information in Section Q
of the PROFILE form. But some schools will ask you
to complete the school’s own form, available from its
financial-aid office, in addition to or in lieu of the oth-
ers. Sometimes you’ll also be asked to supply copies of
your income-tax returns. (You may be asked for this
even if a school requires only the FAFSA or the


State Forms The best

To be eligible for aid from your home state, you may route is to
need to send financial information to an educational
agency in your state. Ask a high school guidance coun- prepare your
selor or college financial-aid officer for details. tax return
early. That
Timing Taxes and Aid Forms allows you to

ou may wonder whether you can file the
financial-aid forms before completing your in- use numbers
come-tax returns. You can, and unless you’re an you know are
early bird with your tax return, you probably should.
The financial-aid forms ask for figures from the tax re- accurate on
turn most taxpayers file April 15. But most aid dead- financial-aid
lines are in February or March, so if you wait until the
April 15 tax deadline to apply, you may be too late.
The best route is to prepare your return early,
even if you don’t mail it to the IRS until April 15. That
allows you to use numbers you know are accurate on
the financial-aid forms. But if you don’t have all the
information you need to complete your tax return, or
you can’t get it done ahead of time, go ahead and file
the financial-aid forms with your best estimates. On
federal and institutional forms, you’ll have an oppor-
tunity later to make corrections if your estimates turn
out to be off by more than a small margin.
Note that if you do use estimates, the expected
family contribution shown on the Student Aid Report
you and the colleges receive will be annotated with an
asterisk. That alerts financial-aid officers that you used
estimates on the aid forms. You’ll have a chance to
amend those estimates when you get the SAR. At many
schools, you will also be asked to supply a copy of your
tax forms when they’re completed.

The Financial-Aid Years

t’s a mistake to wait until you must fill out the forms
to think about how you’ll fill them out. Planning
ahead is critical, because the snapshot that financial-
aid officers take of your finances begins about 20


months ahead of your child’s first hour in a lecture

hall. How so?
■ You complete financial-aid forms typically in January
or February for the school year your child starts the
following September.
■ For the family income you report, those forms ask you
to look backward, to the prior calendar year.
■ But you report your assets as of the day you sign and
date the financial-aid form.

So for the 2001–02 academic year, for example,

what we’ll call the “financial-aid year” actually started


Applying for financial aid isn’t a one-time assets shifts slightly after the first year
chore; you will have to reapply each aca- because aid forms for upperclassmen
demic year, and your family’s income and are usually due a bit later than those for
assets will be reconsidered each time. This freshmen.) This calendar is for someone
table shows the corresponding periods beginning college in the fall of 2002, but
of time from which those figures will be you can easily adapt it to your child’s
drawn. (The time frame for reporting schedule.
Academic year Income and assets considered

Freshman (2002–03) Income: Earned January to December 2001 (mid junior to mid
senior year in high school)
Assets: As of the day you sign and date the financial-aid forms
early in 2002 (senior year in high school)

Sophomore (2003–04 ) Income: Earned January to December 2002 (senior year in high
school to freshman year in college)
Assets: As of early to mid 2003 (freshman year in college)

Junior (2004-05 ) Income: Earned January to December 2003 (freshman to

sophomore year in college)
Assets: As of early to mid 2004 (sophomore year in college)

Senior (2005-06 ) Income: Earned January to December 2004 (sophomore to

junior year in college)
Assets: As of early to mid 2005 (junior year in college)


in January 2000 and ended sometime in the first two

months of 2001. If your son or daughter will go to
college beginning with the 2002–03 academic year,
your financial-aid years will work out as shown in the
table on the previous page.
Keep this timetable in mind as you read about how
the financial-aid number-crunchers arrive at a figure
representing your “ability to pay” the college bills. As
you’ll see, to take advantage of many of the aid-boosting
strategies discussed in Chapter 6, you need to begin
planning before your child is roughly halfway through
high school.
If your child is headed off to college soon and
you’ve already entered the first financial-aid year,
you’ve missed some of the aid-boosting opportunities
in Chapter 6, but not all of them. The most important
thing, of course, is to get the aid forms in on time.


In the fall of your child’s senior year As soon as possible after January 1
■ Pick up a FAFSA from a high school ■ Send the completed FAFSA to the
guidance counselor or college financial- processor using the envelope that is
aid officer or register online to receive supplied with the form, or complete
a copy (see page 103). the form online.
■ If any of the schools you’re applying ■ If PROFILE is required, send it by the
to requires the PROFILE aid form, also earliest deadline (each college can set
pick up a PROFILE registration form its own deadline) to the College Scholar-
and mail it to the College Scholarship ship Service, which processes the forms.
Service to request the PROFILE applica-
tion materials, or register online. In What you’ll receive
response to your application, the College The FAFSA processor and the College
Scholarship Service will send you either Scholarship Service will send your informa-
the standard PROFILE form or a cus- tion to the schools you name on the forms.
tomized version as required by the FAFSA processors will also send you
school(s) to which you’re applying. notification of your expected family contri-
bution, on a form called the Student Aid
Report (see page 103).


The formulas Estimate Your Expected

used are Family Contribution Early
often called
eventh grade—and even earlier—isn’t too soon to
the federal test-run the financial-aid formulas to get a rough
idea of what your expected family contribution
methodology, will be. Says Lexington, Ky., financial-aid consultant
and they Charles Lord: “My advice to parents of children of any
age is, ‘Know your EFC.’ Track it as your children
figure your grow up. With each raise in salary, the accompanying
expected rise in the EFC will wake you up as to how tough pay-
ing for college is going to be, and therefore how crucial
family it is that you don’t spend all your income now.”
contribution Tracking your EFC when you begin saving for col-
lege can help you know approximately how much you
from four should save. Even if you’re only a few years away from
sources. college bills, knowing your EFC can help you make the
most of the time you’ve got. You can put yourself in the
best position possible to qualify for aid or, if the num-
bers show you won’t qualify for much aid, spend your
energies elsewhere, such as applying for scholarships.

Uncle Sam’s Math:

The Federal Methodology

he financial-aid forms are about as nosy, and as
tedious, as an income-tax return. And the math-
ematical gymnastics that convert the data you
supply on your aid application into an expected family
contribution are equally likely to remind you of the in-
structions that come with your tax forms. The formulas
used are often called the federal methodology, and
they figure your expected family contribution from
four sources: your income, your assets, your child’s in-
come and your child’s assets. You won’t see the calcula-
tions on the federal aid form you fill out; you supply
the data, and the number-crunching takes place be-
hind the scenes. The best way to understand how the
federal methodology determines your ability to con-
tribute to college costs from those four sources is to


take a look at the examples on the pages that follow.

They show how three fictitious families—the Joneses,
the MacDonalds, and the Browns—would fare under
the federal methodology, using the federal aid formu-
las for the 2001–02 academic year. In the Joneses’ case,
we devised an accompanying work-
sheet that will walk you through
some sample calculations. (You can
come up with an estimate of your Want more information about financial
own contribution using the work- aid and how it works? Here is an especially
sheet, with the necessary instruc- good resource: Don’t Miss Out: The Ambitious
tions and tables, provided on pages Student’s Guide to Financial Aid, published by
120–125. You could also use one of Octameron Associates ($10 plus shipping;
the online calculators designed for P.O. Box 2748, Alexandria, VA 22301;
this purpose, such as the one at 703–836–5480; www.octameron.com)
cbweb9p.collegeboard.org/EFC/ or dissects the financial-aid process and is
at media.kiplinger.com/servlets chock-full of financial-aid tips.
You might be tempted to just fill
out the form and ignore the lengthy instructions and
examples available to you. Don’t. You might overlook
a deduction that would lower your EFC by hundreds
or even thousands of dollars. For more tips on filling
out the forms to your best advantage, see pages
173–183 in Chapter 6.

Home Equity—an Important Exception

About $7,800 a year for a college education, as the Jone-
ses will be expected to pay, may sound manageable—or
at least not impossible—to a family earning $60,000 a
year. But that “official” EFC can be misleading if you’re
planning to apply to private colleges. The reason?
While private colleges use the federal methodology to
determine what federal aid you qualify for, they use a
modified formula—called the institutional methodolo-
gy—to determine how much aid they’ll offer you from
their own coffers.
The chief difference is that the federal methodology
excludes the equity in your home from assets, but many
private colleges add it back in when giving out their
own aid. (Public colleges generally follow the federal



The Joneses are a family of four with two the formulas add back their contributions
children, one in college, the other age 15. to retirement accounts, including IRAs
Mr. Jones, age 47, is the older parent. and 401(k)s.
They live in California. From their income they can subtract
their taxes, an income-protection allowance
Parents’ income: $60,000 of $19,639 (the amount for a family of four
Both Mr. and Mrs. Jones work, and jointly with one child in college) and an employ-
they earned $56,000 last year, plus $4,000 ment-expense allowance of $2,900.
in interest income (see line 1). They each After the subtractions, the Joneses’
contributed $2,000 to a 401(k) plan, “available income” for aid purposes is
which was tax-deductible. $23,080 (line 8). Think of your available
Taxes: $14,390 income on financial-aid forms in the same
Their tax allowances, including federal, terms as your taxable income on income-
state and social security taxes, total tax forms. In this case, the Joneses’ contri-
$14,390 (see lines 2–4). bution comes to about 27% of their
Parents’ assets: $77,000 available income. Because they have just
(line 9 plus equity in home) reached the top assessment “bracket,”
The Joneses have $2,000 in checking however, 47% of each additional dollar
and savings accounts. In addition to their of available income would be added to
401(k)s, they have $25,000 in taxable their EFC (see Table E on page 125).
mutual fund accounts (see line 9). They From assets: $0. Because home equity
also own a $150,000 home, on which is excluded from the federal aid formulas,
the mortgage balance is $100,000. the Joneses’ net worth for aid purposes
Student’s income: $4,000 is $27,000 (line 9). But they get an asset-
Jane Jones earned $4,000 working during protection allowance of $44,600, the
the summer and school holidays and allowance for a two-parent family in which
paid $506 in taxes (see lines 16–19). the older parent is age 47 (line 10), so they
Student’s assets: $2,500 don’t have to contribute anything from
Jane has $2,500 in savings bonds in her their assets (line 12; unless Jane attends
own name (see line 24). a private college that adds home equity to
its calculations, as discussed on page 109).
UNDER THE FEDERAL From the student’s income: $622
METHODOLOGY From her $4,000 in earnings, Jane can
The parents’ contribution: $6,258 subtract the $506 she paid in taxes and a
From income: $6,258. For tax pur- $2,250 income-protection allowance. The
poses, the Joneses’ adjusted gross income remainder, $1,244, is her available income.
was $56,000. But for financial-aid purposes, Her contribution from income is 50% of
the Joneses income was $60,000, because that amount, or $622 (see line 23).


From the student’s assets: $875 Annual out-of-pocket expense:

Students must contribute a flat 35% of their $7,755
assets to the college bills each year. That’s The Joneses’ total expected family contribu-
$875 of the $2,500 Jane has in savings bonds tion: $7,755 (see line 26).
(see line 25).


Section 1: Parents’ income Section 4: Student’s income

1. Parents’ income $60,000 16. Student’s income $4,000
2. Federal taxes 5,600 17. Federal taxes 0
3. State taxes 4,200 18. State taxes 200
4. Social security taxes 4,590 19. Social security taxes 306
5. Income-protection allowance 19,630 20. Income-protection allowance 2,250
6. Employment-expense allowance 2,900 21. Add lines 17 through 20 2,756
7. Add lines 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 36,920 22. Student’s available income
8. Parents’ available income (Subtract line 21 from line 16) 1,244
(Subtract line 7 from line 1) 23,080 23. Student’s contribution
from income
Section 2: Parents’ assets (Multiply line 22 by 0.5) 622
9. Total assets $27,000
10. Asset-protection allowance 44,600 Section 5: Student’s assets
11. Parents’ available assets 24. Assets in student’s name $2,500
(Subtract line 10 from line 9) –17,600 25. Student contribution from assets
12. Multiply line 11 by 0.12 (Multiply line 24 by 0.35) 875
(If result is negative, enter zero) 0
Section 6: Expected family contribution
Section 3: Parents’ contribution 26. If one child is in college
from income and assets (Add lines 14, 23 and 25) $7,755
13. Adjusted available income and assets 27. If two or more children NA
(Add lines 8 and 12) $23,080 (Add lines 15, 23, and 25
14. Parents’ contribution for each student)
(Table E, page 125) 6,258
15. More than one child NA
(Divide line 14 by the number
of children you have in college)


methodology even when awarding their own money.)

That can lead to a big disappointment for the family
that, based on the Student Aid Report, is expecting
$17,000 in aid at a $25,000 school and gets far less—
because in the eyes of aid officers at private schools, the
home’s value significantly boosts their ability to pay.
If you have significant assets, including home equi-
ty, prepare yourself ahead of time for the shock by run-
ning through the worksheet on pages 120–121 twice,
once excluding home equity and the second time in-
cluding it among your assets. The second result will
give you a ballpark picture of what you can expect
from a typical private college.

Other Differences
There are other differences, too, between the federal


Anne MacDonald is a 41-year-old single UNDER THE FEDERAL METHODOLOGY
mother. Her son, George, will begin The parent’s contribution: $1,638
college in the fall. They live in Ohio. From income: $1,638. Anne can subtract
her taxes, a $12,760 income-protection
Income: $30,000 allowance (the amount for a family of two
Anne earned $30,000 in wages last year with one child in college), and a $2,900
and had no other income. employment-expense allowance from her
Taxes: $6,895 income (allowed for single-parent families
Her total tax bill, including federal, state and for two-parent families in which both
and social security taxes, was $6,895. parents work). She’s expected to contri-
Assets: $12,500 total bute about 22% of the remainder.
She has $500 in a checking account, From assets: $0. The asset-protection
$2,000 in a certificate of deposit, and allowance for a 41-year-old single parent is
$10,000 in home equity. $22,300. Because her assets are below that
Student’s income: $3,000 amount, Anne would have no contribution
George earned $3,000 last year at a from assets.
summer job. He paid $380 in state and (Note that families with less than $50,000
social security taxes. in income who are eligible to file a 1040A
Student’s assets: $500 or 1040EZ federal tax form can completely
George has $500 in a savings account. exclude the parents’ and student’s assets
from the calculations. To file the 1040A


and institutional methodologies, although none are

likely to have as large an impact on your EFC as
home equity:
■ The institutional methodology, for instance, looks at
assets you have accumulated in a student’s siblings’
names. If those are significant, at many private col-
leges your EFC could go up accordingly.
■ Income- and asset-protection allowances are some-
what different (and there’s an education-savings al-
lowance for siblings that can offset some of the impact
of having saved money in younger siblings’ names).
■ Losses from a business or investments do not reduce
your income as they can under the federal
■ And, on the plus side, students are expected to con-
tribute 25% of their assets to college costs each year

or 1040EZ, you must take the standard The primary difference is a larger contribu-
deduction on your tax return—rather than tion from George’s income, because the
itemizing deductions—and cannot have institutional formula does not shelter the
any capital gains or alimony to report.) first $2,250 in earnings.
From the student’s income: $185
After subtracting his taxes and a $2,250 THE AID FOR WHICH THEY’LL QUALIFY
income-protection allowance, George’s Here’s how much aid the MacDonalds might
contribution from income is 50% of the qualify for at public and private institutions.
remainder. At a high-priced private college:
From the student’s assets: $175 $36,000 total cost – $2,847 EFC =
George contributes a flat 35% of his assets. $33,153 financial aid
Annual out-of-pocket expense: $1,998 At an average-priced private school:
The MacDonalds’ total expected family $25,000 total cost –- $2,847 EFC =
contribution: $1,998. $22,153 financial aid
At an average-priced public college:
UNDER THE INSTITUTIONAL $11,500 total cost – $1,998 EFC =
METHODOLOGY $9,502 financial aid
The MacDonalds are expected to contribute
a bit more overall under the institutional
methodology. Anne’s contribution is $1,374,
and George’s is $1,473, for a total of $2,847.


under the institutional methodology, rather than

35% under the federal methodology. Parents con-
tribute 3% of the first $25,000 in assets (after al-
lowances), 4% of the next $25,000, and 5% of
available income over $50,000.

The worksheets in this chapter compute your EFC

under the federal methodology. If you want a projec-
tion of your EFC under the institutional methodology
that takes into account more of the nuances described
above, the online calculators mentioned on page 109
are the best place to go.

How It Would Work for the Jones Family

For example, let’s take another look at the Jones fami-
ly’s situation:
Under the federal methodology, the Jones’s fami-
ly contribution is $7,755—that is, $6,258 from the
parents and $1,497 from the student. Because the
federal methodology excludes home equity, the
Jones’s assets are less than their asset-protection al-
lowance, and thus the contribution from assets under
that formula is zero.


Q. Years ago, I qualified as an independent unusual circumstances,” a financial-aid

student because I moved out of my officer can declare a student independent,
parents’ home and they stopped claiming but generally speaking, your child must
me as a dependent on their income-tax meet one of the following criteria:
return. As a result, I qualified for lots
of financial aid. Why not encourage my ■ Is age 24 or older by December 31,
children to do the same? 2001 (for the 2001–02 academic year);
A. The government has since changed ■ Is a veteran of the U.S. armed forces;
the criteria for independent students, ■ Is married;
on the notion that too many parents were ■ Is a graduate student;
exploiting the more-liberal rules to duck ■ Has a legal dependent, other than a
their responsibility to help with the college spouse; or
bills. Now it’s much tougher to qualify as ■ Is (or has been) a ward of the
independent student. In “documented court.


Under the institutional methodology, their total Two sets

contribution comes to $9,092—$6,630 from the par- of tuition
ents and $2,462 from the student. The institutional
methodology expects the parents to contribute less bills at once
from their income, $5,403 (versus the full $6,258 from can actually
income under the federal methodology). But it adds a
contribution from their assets, an additional $1,227, by qualify you
including $50,000 in home equity among their assets. for lots more
The student’s contribution is higher because the feder-
al formulas exclude the first $2,250 of student income, aid than if
while there is no such income-protection allowance your children
under the institutional formula.
Using the institutional methodology at private in- attend college
stitutions (but not at the public college), the following sequentially.
shows how much aid the Joneses might qualify for at
various colleges:

At a high-priced private college: $36,000 total cost – $9,092

EFC = $26,908 financial aid

At an average-priced private school: $25,000 total cost –

$9,092 EFC = $15,908 financial aid

At an average-priced public college: $11,500 total cost –

$7,755 EFC = $3,745 financial aid

What if the Joneses had twice as much home equi-

ty? Using the institutional methodology, adding
$100,000 to their assets, instead of $50,000, boosts the
expected family contribution from $9,092 to $11,461, a
$2,369 increase.

If You’ll Have Two Kids in

College at Once

aving two family members in college at the same
time sounds like the ultimate budget-buster. But
two sets of tuition bills at once can actually quali-
fy you for lots more aid than if your children attend
college sequentially. That’s because, under the federal


need analysis, the parents’ expected contribution is the

same no matter how many family members are in
school. If two are in college, the parents’ contribution
is divided in half for each student. If there are three
sets of tuition bills, the parent contribution is split into
thirds. Each student, of course, is responsible for his or
her own contribution from income and assets.
In the Brown family example, shown in the box
below, the parents’ contribution from income and as-
sets is $22,623 under the federal formulas. If both
Janet and her brother Charles attend college at the
same time, the parent contribution is half that, or


Mr. and Mrs. Brown are both 51 and both UNDER THE FEDERAL METHODOLOGY
work. They have three kids, two in college, Parents’ Contribution: $22,623
and the other age 14. They live in Texas. From income: $21,016. From their in-
come, the Browns subtract their taxes, a
Parents’ income: $100,000 $20,970 income-protection allowance (the
The Browns’ combined income is $100,000. amount for a family of five with two chil-
Taxes: $21,650 dren in college), and a $2,900 employment-
Their federal, state and social security taxes expense allowance. They’re expected to
total $21,650. contribute about 39% of the remainder.
Parents’ assets: $128,000 Because they have two kids in college,
The Browns have $3,000 in checking and the Browns can divide their contribution
savings accounts, $75,000 in mutual funds in two—that’s $10,508 from income for
and stocks, and a $150,000 home, on each student.
which the mortgage balance is $100,000. From assets: $1,607. From their $78,000
Students’ income: $4,000 and $2,500 in assets (excluding home equity) the
Janet Brown earned $4,000 last year and Browns get a $49,500 asset-protection
paid $306 in taxes. Charles Brown earned allowance (the amount for a two-parent
$2,500 and paid $191 in taxes. family in which the older parent is age 51).
Students’ assets: $2,500 each They’re expected to contribute 5.64% of
Janet and Charles each have $2,500 in a the remainder. (The formula first multiplies
money-market mutual fund. available assets by 0.12, then in the tables,
the result is multiplied by 0.47 in the top
bracket: 0.12 x 0.47 = .056, or 5.6%.) The
total contribution from assets, $1,607,


$11,312 for each child. The total contribution for Janet,

including her $722 from income and $875 from assets,
is $12,909. For Charles, who has lower earnings and
the same assets, the family contribution is $12,217.
Together the family still contributes more than
$25,000 a year to college costs. But the aid packages
Janet and Charles get are potentially much bigger than
if they attended school at different times because they
report an expected family contribution of $12,217 or
$12,909—instead of nearly double that amount—to
the schools they attend.
The institutional methodology asks parents to con-

is divided by two, which equals $803.50 figure a total family contribution of $13,545
from assets for each student. for Janet (including $1,847 from Janet’s
From the students’ income: income and $625 from Janet’s assets). The
$722 and $30 total contribution for Charles is $12,853
After taxes and a $2,250 income-protection (including $1,155 from Charles’s income
allowance, Janet contributes $722 from in- and $625 from his assets).
come, and Charles, $30 from income.
From the students’ assets: $875 each
Each contributes 35% of assets, or $875.
Annual out-of-pocket expense:
At a high-priced private college:
$12,909 and $12,217
$36,000 total cost – $13,545 EFC = $22,455
The Browns’ total expected family
financial aid
contribution for Janet: $12,909. Their total
At an average-priced private school:
contribution for Charles: $12,217.
$25,000 total cost – $13,545 EFC = $11,455
financial aid
At an average-priced public college:
$11,500 total cost – $12,909 EFC =
The Browns’ expected parent contribution
no financial aid
for each student is $11,073, which breaks
down into $9,940 each from income and Note that if Janet were the family’s only
$1,133 each from assets. However, the total student in college, she’d qualify for much
EFC is higher because Janet and Charles are less aid at most private colleges, with a total
expected to use a larger portion of their family contribution, under the institutional
earnings toward college costs. The formulas methodology, of $20,927.


Most colleges tribute 60% of their EFC for each student in college at
follow the the same time, rather than dividing the EFC equally
between the students. While that’s less generous, for
federal the Browns the parent contribution is not much differ-
methodology, ent than under the federal methodology, because other
portions of the institutional formula are more gener-
including a ous. (Their contribution from income is slightly smaller
stepparent’s and they get a large asset-protection allowance that
shelters education savings for their 15-year-old child.)
resources and The institutional methodology expects the Browns to
excluding the contribute $11,073 for each child. Janet is expected to
add $2,472, for a total of $13,545. And Charles is ex-
resources of a pected to add $1,780, for a total of $12,853.
noncustodial There are exceptions. You can’t divide the contri-
bution by two (or by 0.6) if one of your two students:
natural parent. ■ Attends a service academy, such as West Point, where
there are no fees for tuition, room and board.
■ Is in graduate school. Graduate students are consid-
ered independent, even if you’re footing the bills.
But their independent status means your income and
assets are excluded from their financial-aid forms.

For Divorced Parents

f you’re divorced, you report the income and assets
of the custodial parent (the parent the child lives with
more than half the time) on the FAFSA. And if the
custodial parent is remarried, the income and assets of
the stepparent count, too. The federal need analysis
does not include the financial resources of the noncus-
todial parent.
Whether you think it’s fair or not, most colleges
follow the federal methodology, including a steppar-
ent’s resources and excluding the resources of a non-
custodial natural parent. Those requirements ignore
any agreements you may have made in a divorce de-
cree or privately with an ex-spouse. But just because
the noncustodial parent’s income and assets aren’t in-
cluded when calculating the family’s expected contri-
bution doesn’t mean that parent can’t actually help


meet your child’s college costs. Be sure to

Divorced parents should know that many schools ask about
that deviate from the federal formulas often ask about
a noncustodial parent’s income and assets on its own a school’s
aid forms, and consider the resources of both natural policies as
parents—as well as the custodial parent’s spouse. (If
the noncustodial parent is remarried, that person’s in- you visit
come and assets probably would not be considered.) If campuses
that happens and you feel the aid package you’re
awarded is unfair, you can appeal to a financial-aid of- so that you’ll
ficer. You’d probably be able to make a good case for a have an idea
lower expected family contribution if the stepparent is
also contributing to the college costs of his or her nat- ahead of
ural children, or if the noncustodial parent has no con- time what
tact with your child or has consistently failed to make
child-support payments (something you’d probably
you may be
need to document with a statement from a social work- up against.
er or member of the clergy).
Be sure to ask about a school’s policies as you visit
campuses. Even if you can’t do anything about it when
filling out the forms, you’ll have an idea ahead of time
what you may be up against. If, for instance, the non-
custodial parent has a high income, you’re likely to
qualify for much less aid at a school that includes that
parent’s resources—unless you can make a convincing
case for why it should be excluded.
While unusual, a few schools depart from the fed-
eral methodology and completely recalculate the fam-
ily contribution, using the income and assets of both
natural parents and excluding stepparents, when giv-
ing out their own aid. Amherst is one such school.
“We believe the responsibility lies with the two [natur-
al] parents,” says financial-aid dean Joe Paul Case. “If
it’s a fairly recent remarriage, especially, we think it’s
unfair to ignore the recentness of that occurrence.”
This doesn’t seem to be a hard-and-fast policy, howev-
er. Case says if it’s a long-standing remarriage or the
stepparent has adopted the child, he’ll follow the fed-
eral methodology, including the stepparent and ex-
cluding the noncustodial natural parent.
What if a stepparent refuses to provide the infor-



Use this worksheet and accompanying out their own financial aid. These calcula-
tables to figure your expected family contri- tions are designed for families with depen-
bution, the amount your family will be ex- dent students; the federal government
pected to pay toward college costs before has separate calculations for independent
receiving aid. The worksheet reflects students, which aren’t included here. Inde-
the federal need-analysis formula for the pendent students can obtain appropriate
2001–02 academic year—private schools information from their guidance counselor
may deviate from this formula when giving or financial-aid officer.
1. Parents’ income $_________________
(From your 2000 tax return for the 2001–2002 academic year,
for example. Include: wages, including payments made this year
to IRA, Keogh and 401(k) plans; social security benefits; interest
and investment income; tax-exempt interest income; child support
received; unemployment compensation; and housing or other
living allowances.)
2. Federal taxes (paid in 2000) ________________
3. State taxes (see Table A on page 122) ________________
4. Combined social security taxes (see Table B on page 123) ________________
5. Education tax credits claimed on your 2000 return,
and child support that you paid ________________
6. Income-protection allowance (see Table C on page 123) ________________
7. Employment-expense allowance ________________
(For two-income families, 35% of the smaller income, or $2,900,
whichever is less. For one-parent families, 35% of earned income,
or $2,900, whichever is less. For two-parent families with only
one parent who earns an income, $0.)
8. Add lines 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 _________________
9. Parents’ available income $_________________
(Subtract line 8 from line 1.)


10. Total assets $_________________
(If your adjusted gross income was less than $50,000 and you
qualified to file a 1040A or 1040EZ last year, you can skip to
Section 3. Your child must also have filed a 1040A or 1040EZ
or must not have been required to file a return at all. Your
contribution from assets is zero.
Otherwise, include: cash, bank accounts, stocks, bonds, real
estate other than your primary residence, trust funds, 529 savings
plans, commodities and precious metals. Exclude equity in your
home, retirement accounts such as IRAs, Keoghs or 401(k) plans,
prepaid tuition plans and any cash value in life insurance policies.


Business and farm assets are included at a discounted rate; use

Table F on page 125 to calculate how much to include.)
11. Asset-protection allowance (from Table D on page 124) ________________
12. Parents’ available assets ________________
(Subtract line 11 from line 10.)
13. Multiply line 12 by 0.12 $ ________________
(If result is negative, enter zero.)


14. Adjusted available income and assets $ ________________
(Add lines 9 and 13.)
15. Parents’ contribution ________________
(Using figure on line 14, see Table E on page 125.)
16. If you have more than one child in college $ ________________
(Divide line 15 by the number of children you have in college.
The result is the contribution for each student.)


17. Student’s income $ ________________
(Include wages, interest and investment income. Exclude any
student aid that you had to report on last year’s tax return.)
18. Federal taxes ________________
19. State taxes (see Table A) ________________
20. Social security taxes (see Table B) ________________
21. Income-protection allowance $2,250
22. Add lines 18 through 21 ________________
23. Student’s available income ________________
(Subtract line 22 from line 17.)
24. Student’s contribution from income $ ________________
(Multiply line 23 by 0.5.)


25. Assets in student’s name $ ________________
(Cash, savings, trusts, investments, and so on)
26. Student’s contribution from assets $ ________________
(Multiply line 25 by 0.35.)


27. If one child is in college $ ________________
(Add lines 15, 24 and 26.)
28. If two or more children are in college $ ________________
(Add lines 16, 24 and 26 for each student.)



Parents only Parents only
$0 to $15,000 Student $0 to $15,000 Student
State $14,999 or more only State $14,999 or more only
Alabama 5% 4% 3% Missouri 6% 5% 3%
Alaska 3 2 0 Montana 8 7 5
Arizona 6 5 3 Nebraska 8 7 4
Arkansas 6 5 4 Nevada 3 2 0
California 8 7 5 New Hampshire 7 6 1
Colorado 7 6 4 New Jersey 8 7 3
Connecticut 6 5 2 New Mexico 6 5 4
Delaware 8 7 5 New York 11 10 7
District of North Carolina 8 7 5
Columbia 10 9 7 North Dakota 6 5 2
Florida 4 3 1 Ohio 8 7 5
Georgia 7 6 4 Oklahoma 6 5 4
Hawaii 8 7 6 Oregon 10 9 6
Idaho 7 6 5 Pennsylvania 7 6 3
Illinois 6 5 2 Rhode Island 9 8 4
Indiana 6 5 4 South Carolina 8 7 5
Iowa 8 7 5 South Dakota 4 3 0
Kansas 7 6 4 Tennessee 3 2 0
Kentucky 7 6 5 Texas 3 2 0
Louisiana 4 3 2 Utah 8 7 5
Maine 9 8 5 Vermont 8 7 4
Maryland 9 8 6 Virginia 8 7 4
Massachusetts 9 8 5 Washington 4 3 0
Michigan 9 8 4 West Virginia 6 5 4
Minnesota 9 8 6 Wisconsin 10 9 5
Mississippi 5 4 3 Wyoming 3 2 0
Note: State tax allowances for American Samoa, Canada, Federated States of Micronesia, Guam, Marshall Islands, Mexico,
Northern Mariana Islands, Palau, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands are 4%, 3% and 2% respectively in the above categories.

mation necessary to complete the forms, much less any

financial help? Aid officers say they encounter a few
such objections every year, and in most cases stick to
their guns on requiring the information and including
the stepparent’s resources. (They can deny you aid en-
tirely if you don’t supply the information.) But occa-



Calculate separately the social security tax of each parent and the student.

Income earned from work* Social security tax

$0 to $76,200 7.65% of income

$76,201 or greater $5,829.30 + 1.45% of amount over $76,200
*For the 2000 tax year (the 2001–02 financial-aid year)


For each additional family member, add $3,060. For each additional college student,
subtract $2,170.

Number of persons in
parents’ household Number of college students in household
including student 1 2 3 4 5

2 $12,760 $10,580
3 15,890 13,720 $11,540
4 19,630 17,440 15,270 $13,090
5 23,160 20,970 18,800 16,620 $14,450
6 27,090 24,900 22,730 20,550 18,380

sionally an exception is made. If you can make a per-

suasive case for why a stepparent’s resources should be
excluded, or perhaps replaced by those of the other
natural parent, an appeal might be worth a try.

Calculate Your Contribution

ou can calculate your own expected family con-
tribution using the worksheet, with accompany-
ing tables, on pages 120–125.
Keep in mind that, like the tax brackets on a tax
return, the allowances and other numbers in the for-
mulas tend to go up each year with inflation, so if your
income is just keeping up with inflation, your EFC is



Older If two If only Older If two If only
parent’s age parents one parent parent’s age parents one parent
35 $24,900 $14,600 51 $49,500 $27,900
36 27,400 16,100 52 50,800 28,600
37 29,900 17,500 53 52,300 29,400
38 32,400 19,000 54 53,600 30,100
39 34,900 20,400 55 55,300 30,800
40 37,400 21,900 56 56,900 31,500
41 38,400 22,300 57 58,700 32,400
42 39,300 22,800 58 60,400 33,200
43 40,300 23,300 59 62,200 34,200
44 41,400 23,800 60 64,100 35,000
45 42,400 24,400 61 66,000 36,000
46 43,500 24,900 62 68,300 37,000
47 44,600 25,500 63 70,600 38,000
48 45,700 26,100 64 72,700 39,100
49 46,800 26,700 65 or older 75,100 40,400
50 48,300 27,200

likely to stay relatively level. But if it grows faster or

slower than inflation, you’d expect less or more aid
After you complete the worksheet on pages 120–121
with your actual income and assets (or estimates), work
through the calculations again with slightly more in-
come and then with slightly higher assets. That will give
you a feel for what will happen if your income rises
faster than inflation and as you add to your savings.
You can also rerun the calculations with a bit less in-
come and assets to estimate the impact of some of the
financial-aid strategies suggested in Chapter 6.
You’ll find that relatively small increases in income
in a given year—perhaps from a bonus or from cash-
ing in some investments—can make a big difference.
Changes in assets, however, don’t make that much of a



Available funds Parent contribution
– $3,410or less –$750
– $3,409 to $11,400 22% of available funds
$11,401 to $14,300 $2,508 plus 25% of funds over $11,400
$14,301 to $17,200 $3,233 plus 29% of funds over $14,300
$17,201 to $20,100 $4,074 plus 34% of funds over $17,200
$20,101 to $23,000 $5,060 plus 40% of funds over $20,100
$23,001 or more $6,220 plus 47% of funds over $23,000


If the net worth of a business or farm is Then the adjusted net worth is
Less than $1 $0
$1 to $90,000 40% of net worth of business and farm
$90, 001 to $275,000 $36,000 + 50% of excess over $90,000
$275,001 to $455,000 $128,500 + 60% of excess over $275,000
$455,001 or more $236,500 + 100% of excess over $455,000

Let Your Computer Help

f you would rather let a machine crunch the num-
bers, get online and use one of the several Web sites
that allow you to come up with a rough estimate of
your expected family contribution. To calculate your
EFC online, try the College Board’s Web site at
cbweb9p.collegeboard.org/EFC/ or the calculator on
the Kiplinger’s Web site at media.kiplinger.com
/servlets/FinancialAid2001. Another calculator is avail-
able at a site called FinAid, at www.finaid.org
/calculators/finaidestimate.phtml. There is no charge to
use these interactive Web sites. Web site addresses
change from time to time, so if these don’t work, try
the home page of the main site (www.collegeboard
.com, www.kiplinger.com or www.finaid.org) and navi-
gate through the menus from there.

Chapter 5
How the
Schools Build
Your Aid

he previous chapter explained how the
federal government determines your ex-
pected contribution to college costs from
income and assets. But that’s only half the
picture. Once college financial-aid officers
receive your data, they often combine your “official”
expected family contribution with the additional infor-
mation you supply, on the PROFILE or institutional
aid form, to come up with the package of aid you’re of-
fered in an award letter sometime in the spring. It may
seem like hocus pocus until you understand the
method they use.

The Usual Process

ere’s the process that a financial-aid officer
would typically use to put together a financial-
aid package.

The Cost Comes First

As discussed in Chapter 1, tuition, room and board are
just the beginning—and colleges recognize that. At
most schools, the total cost also includes books, an allot-
ment for living expenses, and sometimes travel costs. As
shocking as the total may seem, the higher these esti-
mates, the better, because high numbers create a bigger
gap between your expected contribution and the total
tab—and thus make you eligible for more aid.
Some schools are more generous on this point
than others. Amherst (in Massachusetts), for instance,
adds up to $1,300 in travel expenses for students who


The financial- come from the West Coast—about the cost of two
aid officer round-trip airline tickets home, says Joe Paul Case,
Amherst’s dean of financial aid. But at the University
uses that of California at Berkeley, the standard travel al-
“need” lowance is about $450, enough to “get back and forth
to Los Angeles twice,” says Berkeley’s financial-aid di-
number to rector Richard Black, which isn’t much help for a stu-
parcel out dent from the Midwest or the East Coast. Wake
Forest, which provides every freshman with a laptop
the first layer computer and color printer, includes that cost in tu-
of the aid ition, making students eligible for more financial aid
to cover the expense.
package— Other schools use ridiculously low estimates for
federal and everyday living expenses—or omit them entirely.
That’s a sneaky form of “gapping,” or not meeting a
state grants, family’s entire need (for more on gapping, see page
loans and 141). No matter how frugal your child is, he’s got to
buy toothpaste, laundry soap, paper and pens.
jobs. Followed by the EFC
Next, the financial-aid officer looks at your “official”
expected family contribution, as calculated by the fed-
eral methodology, and subtracts that figure from the
total cost.
For instance, if Jane Jones (from the example on
pages 110–111) attended an average-priced private
$25,000 total costs – $7,755 EFC = $17,245 “need”

The First Layer of Aid

The financial-aid officer uses that “need” number to
parcel out the first layer of the aid package—federal
and state grants, loans and work-study jobs.
■ If your EFC were $3,550 or less for the 2001-02 acade-
mic year, you would probably qualify for a Pell Grant
ranging from $400 to $3,300. (Most Pell Grant recipi-
ents have family incomes of $40,000 or less.) Other-
wise the first piece of aid in the package is likely to be
a federal loan—either a very-low-interest Perkins
loan for low-income students who qualify or, more
commonly, a subsidized Stafford loan of $2,625 for a


freshman. (Upperclass students are eligible for larger After federal

Stafford loans.) and state aid,
■ Next, the aid officer might parcel out state grants, if
any are available. (See the box on pages 134–136.) the school,
■ A work-study job might also be added to the pack-
age. Federal work-study awards are usually in the
neighborhood of $1,500. public or
■ If you have an outside scholarship, the financial-aid private,
officer may include it in your aid package, perhaps
using it to replace loans or a work-study award. (See awards its
page 211 in Chapter 8.) own money.
The School’s Own Resources
After federal and state aid, the school, whether public
or private, awards its own money.
Let’s assume Jane Jones gets a $2,625 Stafford
loan, a $1,000 state grant and a work-study job worth
$1,500. That still leaves $12,120 of need, right?
Not always. Colleges must use the federal need-
analysis figures when giving out federal (and usually
state) aid. But the next layer of the package consists of
grants, scholarships and loans made from the school’s
own funds. And while public schools will generally con-
tinue to use the federal methodology to calculate need
when doling out their own money, private schools
often recalculate your need using their own formulas
for this purpose.

How and Why Schools Adjust

the Federal Formula

ere’s where all that additional data on the PRO-
FILE or institutional form comes into play. (If
you’re asked for those additional forms, you can
generally assume the school makes adjustments to the
federal need analysis.) By taking into account your
home equity, for instance, or a greater portion of stu-
dent earnings, the school can come up with a much
higher expected contribution at this point, making you
eligible for far less institutional aid than you might



Almost as important as how much aid you loans, they’re called Federal Family Educa-
will receive is what kind of aid you will tion Loans and the federal government
receive. Clearly grants and scholarships, “guarantees” the loans, meaning that Uncle
which neither you nor your child will have Sam is on the hook for the loan if the stu-
to repay, are more desirable than loans or dent defaults. In 1992 the federal govern-
work-study jobs. Most aid packages are a ment began making some Stafford loans
mixture of all three. This section gives an directly; those are called Federal Direct
overview of the most common forms of Student Loans. Whether you get a govern-
financial aid. (Chapter 9 will discuss the ment-guaranteed bank loan or a direct
various types of loans in more detail.) government loan depends on the school.
More important than the issuer is whether
Pell Grants the Stafford loan is subsidized or not.
These federal grants, named after Senator ■ If you qualify based on need, the
Claiborne Pell, their creator, ranged from federal government pays the interest on
$400 to $3,300 in the 2001–02 academic the loan while your child is in school and
year. Pell grants go to the neediest stu- for six months after graduation.
dents—generally families whose expected ■ If you don’t qualify for a subsidized
family contributions are $3,550 or less. Stafford, your child can still borrow
under the program, but interest begins
Stafford Loans accruing immediately. If your child choos-
These are low-interest loans to students. es not to pay the interest while in school,
Freshmen can borrow up to $2,625, sopho- it’s added to the loan balance to be repaid
mores up to $3,500 and upperclassmen up after graduation. (The long-term cost of
to $5,500 a year. When banks make the this option is discussed in Chapter 9.)

have expected. Some schools offset that factor by re-

quiring a smaller contribution from parents’ earnings,
while others also take into account additional expenses
that the federal formulas don’t, such as unusual med-
ical costs or tuition that you’re paying for a younger
child at a private high school. So your EFC can go up
or down at this point.
It’s important to realize that each school will have
different policies on recalculating the expected family
contribution before giving out institutional aid. Most
public colleges and universities and some private ones
won’t deviate from the federal formulas at all. Others
will follow the College Board’s institutional methodolo-


Either way, you get a relatively low rate: Supplemental Educational

2.3 percentage points above the 91-day Opportunity Grants
Treasury bill rate, but no more than 8.25%. These are grants of up to $4,000 a year
(For the 2001–2002 academic year, the in federal money. As with Pell grants, they
rate is 6%.) primarily go to the lowest-income students.
Schools receive a pool of grant money from
Perkins Loans the federal government and award these
These are federal loans doled out by the grants until the funds run out.
individual schools. The “pool” for making
these loans comes mostly from previous State grants
students’ loan repayments, so schools Most states have grant, loan and scholarship
with low default rates will have the most programs for residents who attend in-state
to lend. The maximum loan for most under- schools, whether public or private. To find
graduates is $4,000 a year. The interest out what types of aid your state offers, con-
rate is 5%, and interest does not accrue sult the listing of state aid agencies beginning
while the student is in school. on page 134.

Federal and state work-study Institutional aid

Work-study is usually an on-campus job that This is money the college or university has
pays minimum wage, or something close to available to award to students, in the form
it. At a typical school, the work-study com- of grants, scholarships or loans, based on
ponent of a financial-aid package is around need or merit. Schools can apply their own
$1,500. That’s about eight hours a week at a criteria to evaluate need when giving out
$6-an-hour job for two 16-week semesters. their own need-based awards.

gy, discussed in the previous chapter. And still others

will make substantial adjustments of their own that
may reflect the school’s recruiting priorities, but most
likely reflect what the school thinks is a fair way to dis-
tribute the funds; many aid officers think there are in-
equities in the formulas, and they take the opportunity
to correct for those when they are allowed to do so.
As a general rule, the most prestigious schools do
the most tinkering with the aid formulas. Amherst’s aid
policies, for instance, are typical of other elite northeast-
ern schools, such as Harvard, Yale and MIT, and we’ll
cite them by way of example throughout this discus-
sion. To some extent, the fact that the private schools



Princeton University won headlines in Most private colleges don’t have the
2001 when it announced that it would wherewithal to match Princeton’s gen-
substitute outright grants for student loans erosity. But many other top-tier schools
in its financial-aid packages, saving a typical are heading down the same road. Duke
family about $4,000 a year. But that’s only University, for instance, also taps student
the latest in a series of changes that assets at the lower parental rate and gen-
Princeton has made to make more money erally caps the family’s expected contribu-
available, especially to families whose tion at 20% of household income. Yale
income is in the range of $60,000 to exempts the first $150,000 in family
$120,000. The university’s financial-aid assets from its aid calculations. Dart-
formulas now completely ignore home mouth, Duke, Stanford and others
equity when considering how much a don’t count home equity that exceeds
family can afford to pay, plus the school three times family income.
doesn’t ask a family to contribute more And most top private schools now
when assets are held in a student’s name. allow students who win outside scholar-
(Normally, students must cough up 35% ships to use that money to replace loans
of any savings in their names each year, rather than offsetting grants in the
while parents contribute about 5% of financial-aid package. Such policies gen-
their assets.) erally benefit middle- and upper-middle-
The bottom line is that a student income families—those most likely to
whose parents earn $100,000 and have have accumulated significant savings in
$50,000 in nonretirement savings, a child’s name or significant wealth in
$100,000 in home equity and $10,000 the family home.
saved in the student’s name might receive Many schools have also made
$17,000 to $18,000 in grants (plus a changes that benefit lower-income
campus job worth $2,250). That’s enough families. Princeton, for instance, reduced
(or nearly enough) to offset half of the its summer-earnings requirement, and
school’s $36,000 sticker price for it covers student health insurance for
2001–02. And it’s $12,000 or $13,000 families that earn less than $66,500.
more in grants than the same family would Princeton’s latest moves will put
have received under Princeton’s aid for- even more pressure on other schools to
mulas five years ago, says financial-aid ante up. Harvard and the Massachusetts
director Don Betterton. Even a family Institute of Technology, for instance,
earning $150,000 a year might get a small have already announced that they will
grant. (You can assess your own chances give students who qualify for aid an addi-
by visiting Princeton’s Web site at tional $2,000 in grants, to replace loans
www.princeton.edu/pr/aid/html/est.html.) or work-study earnings.


(especially the prestigious ones) have more institutional Adding home

money to give out offsets the fact that their aid policies equity to
are less generous than the federal formulas to, say, peo-
ple with lots of equity in their homes. And, in fact, some your assets
of the wealthiest schools have made their policies even is the most
more generous in recent years. (See the box at left.)
Here are some of the adjustments that the schools common
typically make. adjustment
Adjusting for Home Equity made by
Adding home equity to your assets is the most common private schools.
adjustment. Until 1992 the federal formulas also in-
cluded home equity as an asset. When that changed,
colleges were suddenly confronted with “needier” fam-
ilies based on the federal need analysis, but no addi-
tional federal aid money to fill the gap. Most private
schools’ response was to simply add home equity back
to the equation when doling out institutional money.
Others chose to follow the federal formula and exclude
home equity but to no longer meet 100% of need for
every family.
A few schools put a twist on the home-equity fig-
ure. Dartmouth, Duke, Stanford and Amherst, for in-
stance, add home equity but cap the value at three
times your income. Catholic University includes the
asset only when it exceeds $100,000 or so.

Student Income
One big difference between the federal and institu-
tional aid formulas is that the institutional formulas
(and thus many private colleges) do not shelter the
first $2,250 of a student’s income from being rolled
into the family contribution. Because students are ex-
pected to contribute 50% of their income, that means
a student who earns at least $2,250 is asked to come
up with $1,125 more from earnings under the institu-
tional formulas.

Asset Protection Allowances

Under recent changes to the College Board’s institu-
tional methodology, the asset-protection allowances



These agencies can provide information on grants, scholarships and other financial aid offered
by the states.

Alabama Connecticut Illinois

Commission on Higher Department of Higher State Assistance Commission
Education Education 847–948–8500
334–242–1998 860–947–1800 www.isac-online.org
www.ache.state.al.us www.ctdhe.org
Alaska Delaware State Student Assistance
Commission on Higher Education Commission Commission
Postsecondary Education 302–577–3240 317–232–2350
907–465–2962 www.doe.state.de.us/high-ed www.in.gov/ssaci
www.state.ak.us/acpe/ District of Columbia Iowa
Contact individual schools College Student Aid
Arizona directly. Commission
Commission for 515–281–3501
Postsecondary Education Florida www.state.ia.us/collegeaid
602–229–2591 Contact individual schools
www.acpe.asu.edu directly. Kansas
Board of Regents
Arkansas Georgia 785–296–3421
Dept. of Higher Education Student Finance Commission www.kansasregents.org
501–371–2000 770–724–9000
www.arkansashighered.com www.gsfc.org Kentucky
Higher Education Assistance
California Hawaii Authority
Student Aid Commission State Postsecondary 502–696–7200
916–526–7590 Education Commission www.kheaa.com
www.csac.ca.gov 808–956–8213
www.hern.hawaii.edu/hern Louisiana
Colorado Office of Student Financial
Commission on Higher Idaho Assistance
Education State Board of Education 225–922–1012
303–866–2723 208–334–2270 www.osfa.state.la.us
www.state.co.us/cche_dir www.sde.state.id.us/osbe
/hecche.html /board.htm


Maine Missouri New Mexico

Education Assistance Department of Higher Commission on Higher
Division Education Education
207–623–3263 573–751–2361 505–827–7383
www.famemaine.com www.cbhe.state.mo.us www.nmche.org
Maryland New York
Higher Education Montana Higher Education Services
Commission Office of Guaranteed Corp.
410–260–4500 Student Loan Program 518–473–7087
www.mhec.state.md.us 406–444–6570 www.hesc.com
Massachusetts /wwwoche North Carolina
Board of Higher Education State Education Assistance
617–994–6950 Nebraska Authority
www.mass.edu Coordinating Commission 919–549–8614
for Postsecondary
Michigan Education North Dakota
Higher Education 402–471–2847 University System
Assistance Authority www.ccpe.state.ne.us 701–328–4114
517–373–3394 /PublicDoc/CCPE/Default.asp www.nodak.edu
Nevada Ohio
Minnesota Contact individual schools Board of Regents
Higher Education Services directly. 614–466–7420
Office www.regents.state.oh.us/sgs
651–642–0533 New Hampshire
www.mheso.state.mn.us Postsecondary Education Oklahoma
Commission State Regents for Higher
Mississippi 603–271–2555 Education
Postsecondary Education www.state.nh.us 405–524–9120
Financial Assistance Board /postsecondary www.okhighered.org
www.ihl.state.ms.us New Jersey
Higher Education Student
Assistance Authority



Oregon Tennessee Washington

State Student Assistance Higher Education State Higher Education
Commission Commission Coordinating Board
541–687–7400 615–741–3605 360–753–7800
www.osac.state.or.us www.state.tn.us www.hecb.wa.gov
Pennsylvania Higher Education West Virginia
Higher Education Assistance Coordinating Board Higher Education Policy
Agency 512–427–6101 Commission
717–720–2800 www.thecb.state.tx.us 304–558–2101
www.pheaa.org www.hepc.wvnet.edu
Rhode Island State Board of Regents Wisconsin
Higher Education Assistance 801–321–7100 Higher Education Aids Board
Authority www.utahsbr.edu 608–267–2206
401–736–1100 www.heab.state.wi.us
www.riheaa.org Vermont
Student Assistance Corp. Wyoming
South Carolina 802–655–9602 Community College
Commission on Higher www.vsac.org Commission
Education 307–777–7763
803–737–2260 Virginia commission.wcc.edu
www.che400.state.sc.us State Counsel of Higher
Education for Virginia
South Dakota 804–225–2600
Board of Regents www.schev.edu

for families now differ significantly from those under

the federal methodology. The new allowances are
maddeningly complicated to calculate, but here’s an
example: A family of four earning $60,000 a year
with a college student and a 15-year-old would get an
emergency-reserve allowance of $18,140, plus an edu-
cation- savings allowance of $23,900 for the 15-year-
old’s college education, resulting in a total
asset-protection allowance of $42,080. That’s similar



Q. My daughter is planning to spend a semester abroad

next year, which means extra expenses for us. Will that
affect our financial-aid package?
A. It should. The cost of airfare and any additional living
costs should increase the total cost of college for financial-
aid purposes. Subtracting your expected contribution
from that increased cost should mean you’re eligible for
additional aid.

to the asset-protection allowance provided under the

federal formulas for a family with two parents (but
any number of children and any income level) in
which the older parent is age 45. The big difference is
that a family with no younger children at home gets
only the emergency-reserve allowance and no educa-
tion-savings allowance—and thus a much smaller
asset-protection allowance overall than they do under
the federal formula. Thus, such a family will qualify
for less aid at a private college than they might have a
few years ago.

Sibling Assets
Another difference is that the institutional methodolo-
gy now includes a sibling’s assets, such as savings in a
custodial account or a prepaid college-savings plan,
among the parents’ assets. The education-savings al-
lowance discussed above is meant to offset that some-
what, but if you have large sums set aside in younger
siblings’ names, that may boost your family contribu-
tion from assets.

Student Assets
Here, the institutional formulas are now more gener-
ous than the federal. While the feds expect students to
contribute 35% of their assets each year, private col-
leges that use the institutional methodology ask stu-
dents to contribute 25% of assets per year.


The Contributions From Income

institutional The institutional formulas are significantly more gen-
erous than the federal formulas in the amount that
formulas are parents are expected to contribute from their income.
significantly As you can see in Table E on page 125 of Chapter 4,
once the family’s available income (that is, income after
more generous taxes and allowances) reaches $23,000, you’re expect-
than the ed to pony up 47% of any additional income. Under
the institutional formulas you don’t “top out” until
federal available income reaches $34,381—and then the maxi-
formulas in mum rate is 46% rather than 47%. So a family with
$30,000 in available income (which might correspond
the amount with $75,000 or so in adjusted gross income), would be
that parents expected to contribute $9,510 from income under the
federal formulas but only $8,358 from income under
are expected the institutional formulas.
to contribute
Private School Tuitions for
from their Younger Siblings
income. Some schools will ask about this and automatically ad-
just your contribution from income downward to ac-
count for it. Others won’t ask up front, but will make
an after-the-fact adjustment to your aid package if you
bring it up in an appeal. Often there’s a cap on the
private-school expenses the financial-aid office will rec-
ognize. At Catholic University, for instance, the cap is
around $3,000.

Unusually High Medical Expenses

As with private-school tuition, sometimes you will
be asked up front about medical expenses, and some-
times you will have to bring them to the attention of
the aid officer. Be prepared to document your un-
reimbursed expenses.

Extraordinary Debt
This is unusual, but some schools will lower your con-
tribution from income to account for high loan pay-
ments. “This is not simply for a run-up of credit cards,”
says Amherst’s Case, “but for long-term debt because
of a past business failure, a past period of unemploy-


ment or a significant medical episode.” “Prize”

How It Would Work for the Jones Family
Continuing with the example that begins on page definitely
128, let’s say the school uses the institutional method- have leverage,
ology and recalculates the Jones family’s expected
family contribution to $9,092, reducing their need to especially
$15,908. After the $5,125 in federal and state aid, at so-called
their need from the school’s standpoint is $10,783
(the $25,000 total cost, minus $9,092 out of the Jone- second-tier
ses’ pocket and $5,125 in federal and state aid). In the schools.
best case, the school would meet the entire $10,783
with a grant or scholarship. Less desirable is a mix-
ture of grant money and loan money, or a package
that doesn’t meet their full need.

Preferential Packaging

he generosity of the institutional portion of the
aid package may depend on how desirable your
child is to the school. Many schools practice
“preferential” or “targeted” packaging, which means
that students at the top of the class academically and
students with special talents (say, in sports or music)
will receive a better aid package than those students
who were lucky to be admitted. “Prize” students defi-
nitely have leverage, especially at so-called second-tier
schools that want to attract students who would other-
wise go to, say, Princeton or Duke. One student might
be offered an enhanced financial-aid package—based
on merit or need—because the school needs a hockey
goalie, a trombone player or more engineering majors;
because home is 2,000 miles from campus; or even be-
cause he replied to a mailing rather than initiating con-
tact with the school. Another applicant with similar
credentials and need might be offered less because she
lives nearby or wants a popular major—or because the
college wants to boost its ratio of men to women. Even
top schools, like Yale, MIT and Princeton, are sweeten-
ing offers to attract more middle-income families.
Colleges have even turned to sophisticated soft-


Try applying ware programs to help focus resources on the most de-
to a few sirable students with the minimal outlay of institutional
grants and scholarships. These software programs will
colleges far zero in on just how much financial aid is enough to win
from home you away from a competing school.
Here are some examples of preferential packaging:
or where
you are likely Tulane awards merit scholarships to recruit students
who will boost its academic profile and uses preferen-
to stand tial packages to meet other goals for the class, such as
out, either regional diversity. One prospect might receive a pack-
age that meets need with 60% grants and 40% loans,
academically while a more desirable applicant might get 80% grants
or in some and 20% loans.
other way. At Drake University, in Des Moines, high-ranking stu-
dents get a better ratio of grants to loans. One student
with $10,000 in need might get a $6,000 grant and a
$4,000 loan from the school. A higher-ranking student
might get a $6,500 grant and a $3,500 loan.

At Berkeley, the first $6,100 of most aid packages for

in-state students is composed of loans and student
work. But for 200 exceptionally strong students, as de-
termined by the faculty after an invitation-only inter-
view, the school meets the family’s entire need with a

How do you become one of these sought-after stu-

dents? Try applying to a few colleges far from home or
where you are likely to stand out, either academically
or in some other way.
Ask the admissions or financial-aid officer to esti-
mate the need- or merit-based aid your child might
qualify for. If he or she is an obvious candidate for a
preferential package, that may enter into the esti-
mate, even if you’re not told why. Finally, scatter ap-
plications to a wide variety of schools. You might
harvest a fat scholarship or financial-aid package or
be offered one that you can use as a bargaining chip
at another school.


Mind the Gap Many schools,

he other practice that affects the institutional public and
side of the package is “gapping,” which means
the school doesn’t meet 100% of your need but private, meet
instead leaves a gap. Schools generally set a standard only 80% or
gap, and some guidebooks even publish a figure for
the percentage of need met. Gapping became increas- 90% of your
ingly common in the 1990s as changes in federal for- need—and
mulas enabled more students to qualify for limited
federal funds. Many schools, public and private, meet leave you
only 80% or 90% of your need—and leave you to to your own
your own devices to make up the difference. In effect,
the gap increases your expected family contribution. devices to
Often, colleges will suggest a federal PLUS loan make up the
(which is taken out by parents and is made or guaran-
teed by the federal government) or another loan to
help you make up the gap—and to fund any part of
your expected contribution you can’t pay from in-
come or assets.

How a Less Expensive School

Can Cost You More
Because of gapping, you can wind up paying less to at-
tend a $25,000 college than you’d pay to go to a
$12,000 one. How so? Say your expected family contri-
bution is $7,000. You need another $5,000 to attend
the public university, which gives you a $2,625 Stafford
loan and that’s all. So you have to come up with the
$7,000 contribution plus something to bridge the
$2,375 gap, a total of $9,375. At the $25,000 college,
your expected contribution is maybe $8,000, but the
school covers every nickel of the rest. Result: You pay
$1,375 less to go to the more expensive school—with
the same loans at both schools.

What the Jones Family Gets—Best Case

In a best-case scenario the school meets 100% of the
Joneses’ need with a scholarship, after accounting for
other resources and the family’s expected family con-
tribution. The $25,000 gets paid as follows:


Total cost of college: $25,000

Minus grant from the state ($1,000), work-study
job ($1,500), and Stafford loan, which Jane will
begin repaying after graduation ($2,625) – $5,125
Minus expected family contribution – $9,092
Equals remaining need: = $10,783
Minus scholarship from the college
(100% of remaining need): – $10,783
Equals gap: = 0
Plus expected family contribution: + $9,092
Equals total cost from the
family’s resources: = $9,092

What the Jones Family Gets—Worst Case

In a less-favorable scenario, the school meets only 80%
of the Jones family’s remaining need. The $25,000 gets
paid as follows:

Total cost of college: $ 25,000

Minus grant from the state ($1,000), work-study
job ($1,500), and Stafford loan, which Jane will
begin repaying after graduation ($2,625) – $5,125
Minus expected family contribution: – $9,092
Equals remaining need: = $10,783
Minus scholarship from the college
(80% of remaining need): – $8,626
Equals gap: = $2,157
Plus expected family contribution: + $9,092
Equals total cost from the family’s resources: = $11,249

Aid That Isn’t—and How to Recognize It

Of course, if the Joneses are typical, they’ll wind up
borrowing a good portion of that $9,092 or $11,249.
And there are a number of sources for parent loans,
which are discussed in Chapter 9. But any school that
claims to meet your “need” with an unsubsidized
Stafford loan, a PLUS loan or other parent loan is
playing games. Those loans aren’t financial aid—
they’re ways to help you meet your family contribu-
tion, and you or your student will pay the full cost. If
this is what you’re offered, you might confront the


school, but don’t hold your breath; it simply may not Except at
have any more money to give. You’ll have to determine super-elite
how much your child wants to go there and whether
you’re willing to spend the extra money. colleges,
from the
No Need-Based Aid?
sticker price—
Target a “Discount”
in the form
eed-based financial aid can seem like a cruel
joke to families in the netherworld between of merit
being needy enough to get a hefty aid package
and wealthy enough not to care. Though it might be scholarships
clear to you that you need help, what really matters is and other
how you fare under the federal and college financial-
aid formulas. If your expected family contribution
based on the formulas comes close to or exceeds total awards—are
costs at the school, you’ll receive no aid—or perhaps
just a loan.
There is another route. Except at super-elite col-
leges, discounts from the sticker price—in the form of
merit scholarships and other non-need-based
awards—are widespread. A study by the National As-
sociation of College and University Business Officers,
in 2000, found that, on average, 79% of undergradu-
ates were receiving some form of institutional grant
that reduced college tuition by an average of 37%.
Many of those grants were non-need awards targeting
students who might not otherwise enroll.
Those students are not all superstars, and your
child doesn’t have to be, either. At some schools, stu-
dents in the top half of the entering class academically
receive non-need scholarships. Most colleges also ante
up for good musicians, thespians, writers, athletes and
others with special accomplishments. Many reserve
awards for minority students (although in California,
Louisiana, Mississippi and Texas, recent court rulings
or legislation put the kibosh on affirmative action at
most universities).
As you would expect, merit discounts don’t exist at
colleges so flooded with applicants that they can afford


to turn away straight-A students who score 1400 on

their SAT exams (see the box below). If your child gets
into one of those prestigious schools, you might de-
cide that a $140,000 diploma is worth every gold
brick. But you and your child might decide that two-
thirds that amount—or less—also buys a fine educa-
tion. Applying to a few lesser-known schools may at
least give you a choice.

The Physics of Discounting

A 4.0 grade point average and a score of 31 on the
ACT college-entrance e xam was enough to get
Kathryn Stone into the highly selective University of
Notre Dame. But at the South Bend, Ind., school, even
stellar students pay full freight—$30,850 for tuition,
room and board in 2001–02—unless they show finan-


These colleges have enough students who an off-the-top discount from sticker price.
are willing to pay in full for annual tuition, (The annual costs given here include tuition,
fees, room and board that they don’t have room and board, fees and books for the
to offer merit scholarships, which represent 2000–01 school year.)

Annual cost Annual cost

Amherst College (Mass.) $35,080 Middlebury College (Vt.) 34,315
Barnard College (N.Y.) 34,694 Mount Holyoke College (Mass.) 34,270
Bates College (Me.) 34,700 Pomona College (Cal.) 34,790
Bowdoin College (Me.) 34,550 Princeton University (N.J.) 35,595
Brown University (R.I.) 35,800 Reed College (Ore.) 33,490
Bryn Mawr College (Pa.) 34,030 St. John’s College (Md.) 32,726
Bucknell University (Pa.) 32,300 Sarah Lawrence College (N.Y.) 36,408
Colgate University (N.Y.) 33,550 Thomas Aquinas College (Cal.) 22,194
Columbia University (N.Y.) 35,748 Union College (N.Y.) 33,129
Connecticut College 33,485 University of Pennsylvania 32,996
Cornell University (N.Y.) 34,693 Vassar College (N.Y.) 33,520
Dartmouth College (N.H.) 35,321 Wellesley College (Mass.) 34,634
Harvard University (Mass.) 36,200 Wesleyan University (Conn.) 34,965
Haverford College (Pa.) 35,160 Williams College (Mass.) 32,970
MIT (Mass.) 36,100 Yale University (Conn.) 35,670


cial need. “That would have been kind of expensive,” Most colleges
says Stone, who chose Rhodes College, in Memphis, don’t
over the home of the Fighting Irish. Even though the
standards for admission—and the costs—are nearly as broadcast
high at Rhodes, her credentials earned the business the fact
and computer-science major an $8,600 scholarship, re-
newable for four years. Because she would not have that they
qualified for need-based aid, the award saved her fami- will sweeten
ly $34,400.
Balancing Merit and Need packages
What if you have both merit and need? Usually the col-
lege selects students for non-need awards before con- for students
sidering them for need-based aid. So some or all of an they want.
award could preempt a need-based grant the student
would otherwise receive. But many schools use a merit
award to replace “self-help” aid—loans and work-
study jobs—with money the student doesn’t have to
earn or repay.
And if a student has need that exceeds the amount
of a merit award, he or she will receive financial aid to
fill the gap—occasionally an enhanced aid package. At
Wake Forest, for instance, a student who received an
$8,000 merit award would have any remaining need
met with grants, even though the average aid package
at that school contains two-thirds grants and one-third
loans or work-study.

If You Can’t Negotiate, Appeal

he aid package you receive on paper still may
not be the final word. You may be able to do
some old-fashioned bargaining. Most colleges
don’t broadcast the fact that they will sweeten financial-
aid packages for students they want. In some cases, ex-
perts say, marketing a four-year college education
resembles marketing airline tickets: Schools charge full
price to those students who can afford to pay, then
offer discounted “fares” to everyone else to fill their
classrooms. The discounts appear as extra financial aid
from the school.


Many schools—including the California Institute of

Technology, Harvard and Johns Hopkins—flatly deny
that they negotiate financial-aid packages. Others justi-
fy increased awards by saying that they underestimated
a family’s financial need. Whatever the reason, the fact
remains that schools are increasingly willing to beef up
their offers. “Different schools and financial characteris-
tics call for different strategies, but if colleges say they


Once you’ve received financial-aid offers loan—especially a subsidized Stafford loan

from the schools you’re considering, use on which the government pays the interest
this worksheet to compare costs after during the college years—also eases the
taking financial aid into account. Your real burden. The amount on Line 13 allows
cost is Line 11, the cost after financial aid you to compare what you have to come
you don’t have to repay (grants, scholar- up with out of pocket for a year to afford
ships and work-study). But a low-cost each of the colleges.
School A School B School C School D
1. Tuition _____________ _____________ _____________ ____________
2. Room and board _____________ _____________ _____________ ____________
3. Books _____________ _____________ _____________ ____________
4. Transportation _____________ _____________ _____________ ____________
5. Personal expenses _____________ _____________ _____________ ____________
6. Total cost
(add lines 1 through 5) _____________ _____________ _____________ ____________

7. Grants _____________ _____________ _____________ ____________
8. Scholarships _____________ _____________ _____________ ____________
9. Work-study job _____________ _____________ _____________ ____________
10. Total direct aid
(add lines 7, 8, and 9) _____________ _____________ _____________ ____________
11. Your cost after direct aid
(line 6 minus line 10) _____________ _____________ _____________ ____________
12. Loans _____________ _____________ _____________ ____________
13. Your cost after direct aid
and loans (line 11 minus line 12) _____________ _____________ _____________ ____________


aren’t willing to negotiate, their noses are growing,” Making

says Philip Johnson, a financial planner in Clifton Park, your child
N.Y., and a former college administrator.
Bargaining Chips to a school
When you receive a financial-aid offer, don’t assume
that the numbers are written in stone. Carnegie-Mel- may mean
lon University tells students in their acceptance letters choosing a
that the school “will be more than happy to compare
financial-aid awards,” says Bill Elliott, vice-president of good school
enrollment. “We’ll make up the difference so our that’s shy
award will be as high as a competing school’s.”
Of course, if you’re going to bargain, it helps to of Ivy League
have a few chips. If your child is an A student, class status, where
president, and a tennis star or violin virtuoso, she will
probably have her pick of schools and a leg up in nego-
your student
tiating an aid package. Likewise, you’ll be in a stronger has a better
position if you have a competing offer from a school
with a comparable academic reputation.
chance of
But your child doesn’t have to be a potential super- standing out.
star for you to successfully negotiate a better financial-
aid offer. Part of the art of bargaining is making your
child attractive to a school. That may mean choosing a
good school that’s shy of Ivy League status, where your
student has a better chance of standing out.
Johnson tells of a client whose son was accepted
both to Dartmouth College, in New Hampshire, and to
St. Lawrence University, in New York. Both schools re-
ceived the same financial-aid forms from the student,
but St. Lawrence offered him $7,000 more in assis-
tance. “Dartmouth would have been happy to have
him, but he didn’t stand out among its applicants,” says
Johnson. “St. Lawrence really wanted this kid.” And
that’s where he decided to go.
Many schools are actively recruiting good students.
Here are just a few examples:

Albertus Magnus College, in New Haven, Conn., gives a

four-year full-tuition scholarship to all students who
were a high-school valedictorian or salutatorian.


Asking Lebanon Valley College, in Pennsylvania, offers a 50%

one school discount on its $15,360 tuition to any student who
graduates in the top 10% of his or her class.
to match
another’s Washington College, in Chestertown, Md., offers auto-
matic scholarship awards of up to $40,000 over four
aid package years to students who were members of their high
works best school’s National Honor Society. (More than 50% of
the college’s student body qualifies.)
when the
two schools The Art of the Deal
Don’t begin your negotiations by barging into a
are almost financial-aid office with both guns blazing, demanding
equally more aid because you can’t pay for your only child’s
education on a salary of $100,000 a year. You’re more
matched in likely to get better results by adopting a diplomatic ap-
reputation proach, such as one of the following two strategies:
and admission CAN YOU TOP THIS? Ask financial-aid officers whether
standards. they’ll match another school’s offer and most will tell
you “no.” Ask financial planners who specialize in col-
lege aid and most will tell you about clients who have
succeeded with this strategy. Philip Johnson says one of
his clients, whose first-choice school was Carnegie Mel-
lon, received an aid offer from Cornell that was $2,500
richer. The father explained to a Carnegie Mellon
financial-aid officer that the better aid package might
tip the decision to Cornell. Carnegie Mellon reviewed
its offer and improved it by $2,500. Another client per-
suaded Brandeis to add $4,000 to a financial-aid pack-
age to match one offered by Amherst.
This kind of negotiating works best when the two
schools are almost equally matched in reputation and
admission standards. You’re not going to get Carleton
College or Northwestern University to match an aid
offer from the University of Sioux Falls.
You also have more pull when your child is high in
the applicant pool or has a special talent that makes
him or her attractive to the school. (Compare your
child’s SAT score and class rank with the average of
students attending the school you’re looking at, figures



Q. Are scholarships and fellowships taxable?

A. First, the good news: For students who are taking
courses toward a degree, the value of grants for tuition
and course-related expenses for books, supplies and equip-
ment is tax-free. Now, the bad news: Any part of a grant
that goes for room, board or incidental expenses is taxable
income for the student. And, nondegree students (those
who are taking courses but aren’t pursuing a degree) are
taxed on the full value of any scholarship, including the
amount that covers tuition.
Also taxable are amounts received for teaching, research
or other services, whether the student is paid in cash or
via a tuition-reduction program. If tuition is discounted in
exchange for a graduate student’s work as a teaching assis-
tant, for example, the amount that’s shaved off tuition
counts as taxable income.

that are available from the school or a guidebook.)

If you’re going to try the “top this” route, you
should negotiate before you’ve accepted an offer of ad-
mission—you have little leverage once you’ve commit-
ted to a school.
If the idea of negotiating with a school causes you
discomfort or appears a little unseemly, take heart. “It’s
common for students to let one school know what the
other has offered,” says Patricia Betjemann, a guidance
counselor at Columbia High School in East Green-
bush, N.Y. “It’s not blackmail or muscling. The student
is just looking for the best opportunity.”

WILL YOU RECONSIDER? Even those aid officers who say

emphatically that they won’t play “let’s make a deal”
do say they’ll reconsider an aid package if the family
believes something has been overlooked. While the
methodology for calculating federal aid tends to be cut
and dried, financial-aid officers have a lot more lee-
way in doling out money and other assistance that
comes directly from the school. An appeal is your


chance to bring to the aid officer’s attention any un-

usual circumstances that affect your ability to pay the
college bills. Are you paying nursing-home expenses
for an elderly relative, graduate-school tuition for an
older child or debts from uninsured medical expens-
es? Those costs might be used to reduce your available
income. Will it cost your child more than other stu-
dents to attend a particular school because you live far
away, need special equipment or have to accommo-
date a disability? Those are persuasive reasons for a
school to increase the student’s budgeted cost of atten-
dance. Some other examples:

Medical expenses and private-school expenses. Until a

few years ago, the federal formulas reduced your con-
tribution if you had high medical bills or if you sent
younger children to private elementary or secondary
schools. Some colleges, on their own forms, ask about
these two expenses and take them into account auto-
matically. But others adjust your contribution for
them only if you bring them up on appeal, so don’t
neglect to ask.

Graduate school for another child. The federal formulas

don’t consider a graduate student a dependent, and
therefore don’t make adjustments for graduate school
bills you’re paying for another child. But you may be
able to persuade an aid officer to take them into ac-
count, and perhaps even to split your parent contribu-
tion between the two children.

An unusually high-income year. Maybe you received an

unusually large bonus last year, sold some stock and
reinvested the proceeds, or had to declare large
capital-gains distributions from your mutual funds on
your tax return, even though you didn’t sell any
shares. (This could have happened, for example, dur-
ing the soaring stock market of the mid ’90s, when
many funds made large capital-gains distributions that
wound up boosting the adjusted gross income of
many taxpayers. That, in turn, would have boosted



Q. We got an attractive aid offer from my son’s second-

choice college, which wants a $500 deposit within ten days.
But we haven’t yet heard from his first-choice school.
What should we do?
A. Write back and ask the school to extend the admissions
deadline but go ahead and accept the aid package. Most
schools will extend the deadline to May 1, by which time
most schools have notified students of their aid awards.
This is routine—you won’t lose your aid package by delay-
ing the admissions decision to May 1. The deposit is to
hold the student’s place in the class, and the extension
accomplishes the same thing. If the answer is no, then $500
is the price of keeping your options open. You’ll have to
decide whether you’re willing to forfeit the deposit if the
first-choice comes through with an acceptable aid package.

the contribution from income for a parent applying

for financial aid.)
You won’t be able to do anything about the higher
“official” expected family contribution that will result
from the extra income. But once you start receiving
aid offers from colleges, take the opportunity to ex-
plain that this year—and typically—your income is
lower, and be prepared to prove it with your past
years’ tax returns.
Depending on the circumstances, some aid officers
might lower your expected contribution. And even if
it’s not lowered, you may put yourself in a better posi-
tion to qualify for aid next year. That’s because
some—but not all—schools give out all the “continu-
ing” aid money first and then meet the need of “new”
upperclassmen. If the aid officer is aware ahead of
time that you’ll need money next year, you won’t auto-
matically be placed at the back of the line with the new

High levels of debt. Not all aid officers will be sympa-

thetic, but if large debt payments take a big bite out of


Financial-aid your income, let the financial-aid office know in an ap-

officers are peal. Particularly if the debt is the result of a recent pe-
riod of financial hardship, an aid officer might see fit to
generally adjust your family contribution. Be prepared to docu-
prepared ment your case, perhaps with tax returns showing a re-
duced level of income if you’ve been laid off, with
to make medical bills if that’s the source of the debt, or with
adjustments documentation of the loan.

for hardship A financial downturn. Several months may elapse be-

circumstances. tween the time you complete the aid forms and the
time you receive an aid offer from the college. You
shouldn’t be too proud to ask for a break if:
■ you’re laid off in the meantime,
■ your business takes an ugly turn,
■ you suddenly face a long illness,
■ there’s a death in the family that affects your finances,
■ there’s any other bad news.

Financial-aid officers are generally prepared to

make adjustments for hardship circumstances. “Hard-
ship cases are what colleges really listen to,” says high
school guidance counselor Betjemann. “I’ve called col-
leges twice to inform them of family tragedies, and
both times they yielded.” What breaks through is evi-
dence of genuine need, not a parent with a beat-the-
system or let’s-make-a-deal attitude. Financial-aid
officers are put off when families that don’t really need
the help manipulate the system to get it, which leaves
less money for the families that are truly in need.
“We try to work with families when they have
downturns,” says Ellen Frishberg, financial-aid director
at Johns Hopkins University. “Unfortunately, no one
tells us when they have an upturn,” she adds.

Back Up Your Appeal

Besides a good argument, you also need good docu-
mentation. Aid officers have a lot of discretion, but
they also have to justify their decisions to federal audi-
tors. “You want to have written documentation they
can put in their files, so they don’t have to write up a


justification,” says Rick Darvis, a Plentywood, Mont.,

accountant who specializes in financial-aid issues. “You
have to make it easy for them to say yes.”
Bear in mind, too, that by asking for a review of
your aid package, you’re asking for additional scrutiny.
At Drake University, one of the rare private colleges
that doesn’t deviate from the federal aid formula,
financial-aid director John Parker says he will look
more closely at the finances of a family that has asked
for special consideration. At that point, for instance,
he’d ask how much equity the parents have in their
home, even though he doesn’t consider that resource
otherwise. Also, be aware that you may not get a lot of
sympathy if a closer examination of your finances re-
veals that you’ve aggressively shifted income or assets
to qualify for more aid (see Chapter 6).

Chapter 6
Your Eligibility
for Aid

rmed with an understanding of the
financial-aid process, you can take
steps to boost your eligibility for aid.
In some circles this is controversial
stuff. There are those who argue that
arranging their finances to maximize their eligibility
for aid is akin to tax planning, where it’s perfectly ac-
ceptable to take advantage of legal maneuvers that re-
duce your tax. Others argue that parents who file
their forms with an eye on boosting their eligibility for
aid are cheating less savvy—and possibly needier—
families out of limited aid dollars. “Manipulating the
need-analysis system may be legal, but it’s of question-
able ethics,” says John Parker, financial-aid director at
Drake University. “The fact that some people have
found ways to disguise their ability to pay drains re-
sources from others,” he says.
We don’t advocate cheating or turning your
finances inside out to look “needy” on the financial-
aid forms. But consider this example: When you in-
clude a younger child’s investment income on your
tax return, it boosts your adjusted gross income,
which in turn increases your expected contribution
from income for your prospective college student. But
if you file a separate tax return for the younger child,
the income is excluded from your AGI for financial-
aid purposes. Why shoot yourself in the foot by in-
cluding it on your return?
Another caution: Don’t put the financial-aid cart
before the smart-money-management horse. Locking
up every spare cent in an annuity you can’t touch until


Parents’ you’re age 591/2 to exclude that money from your assets
income usually for aid purposes, for instance, doesn’t make sense if it
will leave you cash-poor and force you to borrow more
has the largest than necessary to pay the tuition bills. As you peruse
impact on the following discussion of aid-boosting strategies, con-
sider only those moves that are also beneficial to you fi-
the family’s nancially or, at worst, are financially neutral.
contribution. Accelerate or Defer Income

s the calculations in Chapter 4 show, parents’
income usually has the largest impact on the
family’s expected contribution. Any income you
can accelerate into the year before the first financial-
aid year (the calendar year spanning the junior and se-
nior years of high school) or defer until after the last
financial-aid year (the calendar year spanning the
sophomore and junior years of college) will reduce
your expected contribution at least in the first and last
years of college. If you’re an employee, you probably
don’t have much control over when you receive your
salary or even a bonus. (It can’t hurt to ask if a January
bonus could be paid the last day of December or vice
versa, but you may find that the company wants to
time the bonus to minimize its own taxes.) But there
are several other income-shifting opportunities, espe-
cially for investors and self-employed people.

Stocks and Mutual Funds

If you are planning to use the proceeds from mutual
funds or stocks to pay the college bills, consider selling
all the shares you plan to use for college expenses be-
fore January of your child’s junior year in high school,
especially if the sale will produce a large profit, which is
likely if you’ve held the shares for many years. That
maneuver will keep the gain out of your income for all
of the financial-aid years. And it won’t boost your assets
because you’re simply shifting the money from an in-
vestment asset to cash, both of which are included in
financial-aid calculations. Selling the shares is normally
a wise investment move as well, since money you need


in the short term for tuition and other college-related

expenses should be protected from the fluctuations of
the stock market. For more on this, see Chapter 3.
If you must take investment gains, take a good look
at your portfolio to see whether there are investment
losses you can take to offset those gains. (If you sold a
stock with a $2,000 loss, for instance, you’d wipe out
$2,000 in gains on a stock you sold at a profit.) You can
offset all your gains, plus up to $3,000 of ordinary in-
come, such as wages, with investment losses. Don’t sell
just for tax reasons, but if you have a loser you’ve lost
faith in, why not pull the plug now, when it will save
you taxes and possibly gain you more financial aid?

Savings Bonds
The same logic holds for U.S. savings bonds you or
your child has held for many years. Unless you elected
otherwise when you bought the bonds, all the interest
will be paid to you on redemption, which will boost
the income you report on your tax return and thus
the financial-aid forms. Cash the bonds in early or
hold them until after the financial-aid years, so the


Q. My daughter, a high school senior, working once she hits the $2,250 mark.
works part-time during the school year For one thing, some colleges, when
and full-time during the summer. Should awarding their own, institutional money
she cut back on her hours to qualify for (as opposed to federal funds), will expect
more financial aid? her to contribute a minimum of around
A. Under the federal aid formulas, students $1,000 to $2,000 from a summer job,
get a $2,250 income-protection allowance, even if she earned less.
which means that the first $2,250 they earn The most important thing is that she
doesn’t affect how much financial aid you save some of her earnings to go toward
will receive. After that, under the federal college bills instead of spending it all on
need analysis, your daughter will be expect- clothes she doesn’t need or movies. Other-
ed to contribute 50% of her income to wise, not only does her income increase
college costs. your family contribution, but the extra
That doesn’t mean that she should stop money winds up coming out of your pocket.


To the extent lump-sum interest payment won’t boost your contri-

that it’s bution from income. (See page 57 in Chapter 3 for de-
tails on cashing in savings bonds.)
practical, Don’t redeem your bonds early if you qualify to re-
take full ceive the interest tax-free to pay college bills. Generally
the interest is tax-free if your income is $83,650 or less
advantage of on a joint return, or $55,750 or less on a single return.
any set-aside (See page 55 for the complete requirements.) In that
case, you’d want to wait until the year your child is ac-
accounts tually in college to cash in the bonds, because to receive
available the interest tax-free, you must have tuition bills in the
same calendar year in which you redeem the bonds.
to you.
Business Income and Expenses
If you’re self-employed, you probably have much
more control than an employee over when you re-
ceive income. In the year before the first financial-aid
year, for instance, think about ways to accelerate in-
come you might otherwise receive during the first
financial-aid year:
■ Can you bill customers a little earlier to pull some in-
come into the earlier year?
■ Can you schedule a project to end in November or
December, instead of January?
■ Can you offer customers a small discount to stock up
on supplies late in the year?

Take Advantage of Set-aside Accounts

Many employers allow their employees to contribute to
so-called “flexible spending” or “set-aside” accounts
that allow you to use before-tax income to pay for med-
ical and dependent-care expenses. For financial-aid ap-
plicants, these accounts have a double benefit. Not only
do you avoid paying tax on the earnings you allocate to
a set-aside account, but because the income never finds
its way to your tax return, it also doesn’t count toward
your contribution from income on the FAFSA.
To the extent that it’s practical, take full advantage
of any set-aside accounts available to you. In other
words, if you have dependent-care or medical expens-
es and can use these accounts to cover your expenses,



Q. How do the financial-aid formulas treat contributions to

retirement accounts?
A. Remember that while contributing to retirement
accounts, such as a SEP–IRA, Keogh or 401(k) plan (and for
most people, an IRA), reduces your adjusted gross income
for tax purposes, it does not reduce your income for financial-
aid purposes. The federal aid formulas don’t count as
an asset funds you’ve accumulated in retirement accounts
in prior years, but they do add back to your income any
retirement-plan contributions made in the financial-aid years.
The reasoning, whether you agree or not, is that during the
college years, income you don’t need for everyday living
expenses should go toward college bills, not retirement.

fund them to the full amount of the expenses you ex-

pect to incur (or to the maximum allowed—typically
$5,000—if your expenses will be higher). That saves
you money even if it doesn’t help you qualify for more
financial aid. But be careful not to overfund a set-aside
account: You forfeit any money left in the account at
the end of the year.
Unfortunately, PROFILE forms, used by many pri-
vate colleges when giving out their own aid, take these
accounts into consideration.

Postpone IRA Distributions

If you’re over age 591/2 while your child is in college,
you can tap your IRA or other retirement accounts
without incurring the 10% early-withdrawal penalty to
pay college bills. That’s not a bad way to meet the bills,
but bear in mind that the distributions add to your ad-
justed gross income. (If you took a tax deduction for
the original contribution, the entire distribution is in-
cluded as income and is taxed. If you made nonde-
ductible contributions, only the portion that represents
earnings on your original contribution counts as in-
come.) If you have other assets you can tap, such as in-
vestments in nonretirement accounts, consider using


If you’re those resources first so you don’t boost your income

self-employed, unnecessarily in a financial-aid year.

consider Hire Your Kids in the Family Business

putting your If you’re self-employed, either full-time or part-time,
consider putting your children on the payroll if there’s
children on work they can do for you in the evenings and on week-
the payroll. ends during the school year or summer. The move
brings you several tax and financial-aid advantages.
First and most important, any wages you pay your
child are a deductible business expense to you. That
reduces your income, saving you taxes and possibly
gaining you extra financial aid. In addition, assuming
you operate your business as a sole proprietorship
rather than a corporation and your child is under age
18, your child is not subject to the 7.65% social security
tax on the earnings.
To deduct the wages as a business expense, they
must be reasonable and for real work your child per-
forms for your business. Claiming a deduction for pay-
ing your 8-year-old $100 an hour to clean your office
on Saturday mornings would be asking for IRS scruti-
ny. But it’s legitimate to pay a reasonable wage for per-
forming such necessary services as:
■ cleaning,
■ taking phone messages,
■ filing documents,
■ making deliveries, or
■ acting as your resident computer whiz.

To protect the deduction, keep careful records of

the work done, the hours worked and the hourly
wage paid, and pay with a check drawn on your
business account. At the end of the year, you will
need to file a form W-2 to report your child’s earn-
ings to the IRS.
Won’t the earnings increase your college student’s
contribution from income? Yes, but assuming your
child would work anyway, you may as well take ad-
vantage of the opportunity to deduct the wages from
your income. And remember that wages you pay a


younger sibling reduce your income, too. You could

Purchase Business Equipment You Need
If you own your own business and need to buy busi- the purchase
ness equipment, a computer or office furniture, can of business
you postpone the expense until the first financial-aid
year, which would reduce your business income for equipment
that year? You can take up to $24,000 (in 2001; the until the first
amount will rise in future years) as a deduction in the
year you buy the equipment, instead of depreciating it financial-aid
over several years. By “expensing” up to the limit, year, which
you’ll not only reduce your income for financial-aid
purposes but you’ll also enjoy the total tax benefit now would reduce
instead of spreading it out over time. your business
Pay Your Taxes Early income for
If you expect to owe the IRS money with your tax re- that year.
turn in April, normally you’d want to wait until the
last minute to pay—to earn interest on that money as
long as you can. But the reverse may make sense for
financial-aid purposes. Sending in your return with a
check before you send off your financial-aid form will
reduce the balance in your checking or savings ac-
count, which you report on the financial-aid form.

Avoid Big State and Local Tax Refunds

Some people treat their income taxes as a form of
forced saving—they allow a little too much to be with-
held from each paycheck and look forward to big re-
funds from Uncle Sam and their state treasury each
spring. Applicants for financial aid should break that
habit. Withholding too much and getting a refund is
basically a wash from a tax standpoint (except that
you give up the opportunity to earn a bit of interest
by letting the government hold your money for you).
But if you must report last year’s state or local in-
come-tax refund as income on this year’s federal tax
return, it can make a difference in your eligibility for
financial aid. (You never have to report your federal
refund as income.)
Say you receive a refund check from your state in


Explain that 2001, reimbursing you for having too much withheld
last year’s from your paychecks in 2000. If you itemized deduc-
tions on your 2000 return—and therefore took a tax
income was deduction for the state taxes you paid, including the
not typical, overpayment—you’ll have to report part or all of the
refund you receive in 2001 as income on your 2001 re-
and that you turn. How much you report depends on the extent to
don’t expect which you got a tax benefit for it in the previous year:
■ If your itemized deductions minus the standard de-
to have the duction for your filing status ($7,600 for married cou-
same income ples filing jointly; $4,550 for singles) exceeds the
amount of the refund, you must report all of it.
next year— ■ If your deductions minus the standard deduction is

or in future less than your refund, you report only the difference
between your itemized deductions and the standard
years. deduction.

Either way, you’ll have increased your all-impor-

tant contribution from income.
If you got a fat refund from your state last spring,
chances are you’re well on your way to another big
check next year. To get off the pay-too-much-and-get-
a-refund carousel, file a revised W-4 form with your
employer. You can get the form and instructions for
filling it out from your payroll office, or from the IRS
at 800–829–3676 or www.irs.gov.

If You Can’t Reasonably Avoid

Out-of-the-Ordinary Income
You certainly wouldn’t want to turn down a big bonus
from your employer just because it falls during a
financial-aid year. Or, suppose the future doesn’t look
so rosy for a stock you’ve held through many good
years: It wouldn’t be wise to keep the shares just to
avoid a big capital gain. But are there ways to minimize
the impact of that one-time income boost on your
financial-aid package? Sometimes, yes.
You’ll have to include the income on your financial-
aid forms, of course, and the resulting expected family
contribution figure will be higher than it would have
been otherwise. But don’t pass up the chance to explain


to the financial-aid officer that last year’s income was It almost

not typical, and that you don’t expect to have the same never makes
income next year—or in future years. As proof, you
might even send or bring copies of prior years’ income- sense to
tax returns. put more
Some aid officers will only reassure you that, based
on a lower income, next year’s aid package will be money into
more generous. But others will consider an adjustment protected
for the extra income in the current financial-aid year.
John Parker of Drake University, a private college in investments
Des Moines, says his response to such appeals “runs a than you
continuum all the way from not taking the extra in-
come out at all to removing it entirely,” depending on would
the circumstances. If, for instance, gains from the sale otherwise,
of stock were used to make a down payment on vaca-
tion property, Parker says he’d continue to include the
simply to
income. But if the money went to pay for something qualify for
like medical expenses not covered by insurance, he
says he’d probably exclude it. (For more about negoti-
more aid.
ating with financial-aid officers, see Chapter 5).

Should You Shift Assets?

e’ve already mentioned that the federal aid
formulas exclude your home (or family
farm) equity and the money you’ve accumu-
lated in tax-deferred retirement accounts. Also protect-
ed in the calculations is any cash value you have built
up in a life insurance policy. (Standard whole life, uni-
versal life and variable life are all forms of cash-value
insurance.) Money you hold inside a fixed annuity or
variable annuity is excluded, too. So should you shift
money into retirement accounts, annuities or insur-
ance to qualify for more aid? You should certainly take
advantage of those vehicles if they make sense for your
retirement savings or insurance needs—and enjoy the
fact that those assets are protected. But it almost never
makes sense to put more money into those protected
investments than you would otherwise, simply to quali-
fy for more aid.
The reasons are threefold.


It’s Hardly Worth It

First, notice in the Jones example (Chapter 4, pages
110–111) how little of the family contribution comes
from assets even after home equity is taken into ac-
count. Because of the federal financial-aid formula’s
asset-protection allowance, and on top of that the rela-
tively low levy of up to 5.6% on assets that exceed the
allowance, most families wind up being asked to put
only a very small portion of their assets toward the ex-
pected family contribution. Only when assets reach
into six figures do they have much impact at all on the
expected family contribution, and then it’s still relative-
ly modest (see pages 116–117 for an example of this).
In fact, the federal formula excludes your assets entire-
ly if your family’s adjusted gross income is less than
$50,000 and you’re eligible to file a 1040A or 1040EZ
tax form. So for most families, asset-shifting strategies
have a very humble payoff—if any.

You’ll Lose Penalty-free Access

to Your Funds
Second, when you put money into tax-deferred invest-
ments like retirement accounts or annuities, you gen-
erally can’t touch the money before age 591/2 without
paying a penalty. Unless you’ll reach that age while
your child is in college, investing more than you would
otherwise in such accounts could leave you retirement-
account rich but with no cash to help with the family
contribution—or other family needs. (Even though the
formulas derive much of the contribution from in-
come, most parents find themselves using assets or
loans to actually pay the bills.) Put money into an an-
nuity or other tax-deferred account only if you’re con-
fident you won’t need it until age 591/2.

You’ll Pay to Borrow Your Own Money

What about life insurance? If you’ve had a cash-value
life policy for many years, it has probably accumulated
some equity and is a resource you can borrow against if
necessary. But dumping extra money into the policy to
shelter it from financial aid could, once again, leave you


without the cash you need to pay college bills or meet Sometimes
other family needs. Yes, you can borrow the money it can make
back to pay college costs, but why pay interest to the in-
surance company to tap that money—especially when sense to
the financial-aid benefit is likely to be so small? And reduce assets,
buying a new policy solely to shelter assets makes no
sense because first-year commissions are usually very especially
high, and it can take as long as ten years to build up sig- your child’s
nificant cash value.
The bottom line on asset-shifting: Make such assets, which
moves only if they make financial sense regardless of are assessed
whether you’ll get more aid.
much more
heavily in the
How About Reducing Assets?

ometimes it can make sense to reduce assets, espe-
cially your child’s assets, which are assessed much formulas.
more heavily in the financial-aid formulas.

Spring for Big-Ticket Purchases

Spending down some of your savings for a big-ticket
item, such as a computer or a car, before you sign and
date your financial-aid application can make sense as-
suming it’s a purchase you were going to make any-
way. But don’t get carried away because, as with
asset-shifting, the impact probably won’t be very large.
Besides, if your child has some savings tucked away
and the purchase is for him or her (such as a comput-
er or a car to take to college), you’re better off spend-
ing down your child’s savings, which are assessed
more heavily in the financial-aid formulas.

What to Do With Kids’ Assets

Money held in a child’s name, whether in a bank or
investment account, savings bond or trust, is depleted
by 35% a year under the federal aid formulas (25%
per year under the institutional aid formulas). So if a
student has $10,000 as a high school senior, he’ll be
expected to use $3,500 toward the freshman-year
bills; $2,275 (35% of the remaining $6,500) toward
the sophomore-year bills; $1,479 toward the junior-


year bills; and $961 toward the senior-year bills—

leaving $1,785 from the original $10,000. (This as-
sumes for simplicity’s sake that the $10,000 does not
continue to grow.)
When the same $10,000 is held in the parents’
name, it is reduced by no more than 5.6% a year (5%
under the institutional formulas). In the worst case
(which assumes the $10,000 is not
PROVE IT sheltered by the allowance that ex-
cludes assets ranging up to $75,100
Don’t be tempted to “forget” about an asset from the aid formulas), the parents
when you’re filling out the aid forms. Most would be expected to tap $2,059 of
schools randomly validate a certain percent- that $10,000 over the four college
age of their financial-aid applications, asking years, leaving $7,941.
you to supply tax returns and other back-up So, if you consider all the money
documentation. (And some schools ask for to be coming from one family pot, it’s
1040s from every family, as a matter of far better for financial-aid purposes
course.) If your 1040 shows interest or to have the money in your name
dividends, for instance, financial-aid officers than in your child’s. If you expect to
know to look for corresponding assets. qualify for aid, you should certainly
You’ll be asked to explain discrepancies. put any additional college savings in
If your aid application is selected for your own name.
verification, you may also be asked for other But what about money that’s al-
documentation, such as proof of marriage, ready been saved in the child’s
birth certificates, divorce records or proof name? You can’t simply take it back.
that a sibling is enrolled at another college. Money that’s placed in a custodial ac-
count for a child is an irrevocable gift
and it legally belongs to the child. Once the child reach-
es a certain age (usually 18 or 21) adult supervision
ends and the child may do anything he or she wants
with the money. In the meantime, however, the custodi-
an of the account (often the parent) may use the money
to pay for things that are exclusively for the child’s ben-
efit. The mortgage payment or heating bill doesn’t
count. But things like tuition at a private high school or
fees for summer camp do. So would a computer or car
your child would take to college. In the years leading
up to the financial-aid years, it may make sense to look
for opportunities to spend down the child’s savings on
expenses you would incur anyway for him or her.
There’s no custodial-account police force that’s


going to monitor your expenditures. But raiding a Giving your

child’s custodial account is the kind of thing that occa- parents a
sionally leads to intra-family legal disputes later on—
for example, if the child believes his or her money was “gift” of
ill-spent. It doesn’t happen often, but it happens. If money is
you’re cautious, you’ll document that you’re spending
the money for the child’s benefit. the kind of
And, of course, during the college years the asset-hiding
money can be spent on the college bills. Using all the
student’s savings toward tuition and other expenses that sends
in the freshman year will in most cases increase the financial-aid
family’s eligibility for aid in the subsequent years. But
not always. A few schools have gotten hard-nosed officers into
about this and now factor the student’s assets into the orbit—and
financial-aid equation as though they’re drawn down
over the four years—even if the money is actually
probably does
spent in the first year. step over the
ethical line.
What About Giving Money
to Your Parents?

es, it’s legal. You can give any individual up to
$10,000 a year without having to worry about
gift-tax consequences. So, for example, you and
your spouse could give each of your parents as much
as $20,000 a year on the presumption that they will
later help pay the college bills with the money or hold
it for you until after the financial-aid years. But that’s
the kind of asset-hiding that sends financial-aid officers
into orbit—and probably does step over the ethical
line. Plus, there’s a practical caveat to this strategy: The
money is a gift, and there’s no guarantee the recipient
will spend it or keep it as you intend.
But there’s nothing wrong with reversing this strat-
egy: If your parents want to help with the college bills,
thank your lucky stars—then ask them if they’d mind
keeping the “college money” they’d otherwise give to
your kids over the years in an account in their own
name. When financial aid eligibility is no longer an
issue, they can hand the money over then to help pay


At schools the last year’s bills or help pay off student and parent
that include debt. (While it’s not likely anyone would know if they
gave you the money during the college years, the
home equity FAFSA and PROFILE do ask you to disclose contribu-
in the tions of family members to college costs, and such a
disclosure would reduce your aid eligibility.)
financial-aid If your parents don’t agree—they may not want
calculations to pay the taxes on the interest or dividends that
money produces over the years, for instance—the
(most public next best idea is probably for them to give the money
colleges don’t), to you, rather than to your kids, because your assets
are assessed much more gently than your kids’ in the
home-equity need analysis.
debt will
reduce Most Debt Doesn’t Count
that asset.
ou may already have noticed that the financial-
aid worksheet asks very little about your debt.
That’s because most debt has no impact on your
eligibility for aid. Generally speaking, a family with a
$50,000 income, a $900 mortgage payment and a $300
car-loan payment each month will make the same con-
tribution from income as a family that has no mortgage
and no car loan. And, under the federal methodology,
the car loan doesn’t reduce your assets, either. Credit
card debt also has no bearing on aid.
There are exceptions:

Home-Equity Debt
At schools that include home equity in the financial-aid
calculations (most public colleges don’t), home-equity
debt will reduce that asset. And since it’s most families’
largest asset, the numbers can be large enough to have
a significant impact. In the case discussed in the follow-
ing section, adding $130,000 of free-and-clear home
equity to the Lassiter family’s assets added about
$6,500 to their expected family contribution. Were
they to borrow $20,000 on a home-equity line of credit
to buy a car, that would reduce their contribution from
assets by around $1,000.


A Margin Loan Another

Another form of debt that will reduce your assets is a way to make
margin-account loan secured by your investments.
That’s because the federal aid formulas subtract invest- debt count,
ment debt from the value of your investments. For that so to speak,
reason, it may make sense to use a margin loan for a big-
ticket purchase—or to pay the college bills, which would is to use
reduce your assets in subsequent financial-aid years. savings or
Margin loans make sense when:
■ You have significant investment assets against which investments
to borrow. As discussed in Chapter 9, you generally to pay it
want to keep your borrowing in a margin account to
no more than 25% of the value of your investments. off, thereby
That protects you from a “margin call” if your invest- decreasing
ments drop in value.
■ You need to borrow anyway. In that case, why not
your assets.
choose a loan that reduces your assets rather than
one that doesn’t? Another plus: Because margin
loans are secured by your investments, the rate you
pay is relatively low—around 8.5%.

Get Rid of It
Another way to make debt count, so to speak, is to use
savings or investments to pay it off, thereby decreasing
your assets and your expected family contribution.
That’s not a bad idea, anyway, especially if that debt is on
a high-interest-rate credit card. You’ll save the interest
and eliminate a payment from your monthly burdens.

Can You Save Too Much?

s there such a thing as saving too much for college?
Mary Ann and Bob Lassiter, supersavers by anyone’s
standard, wondered.
The Lassiters, both in their forties, have always
been savers. Their first goal was to pay off the $40,000
mortgage on their home in Sandwich, Mass., which
they accomplished in six years. Then they began redi-
recting the $350 mortgage payment into mutual
funds, and added even more whenever Bob’s video-
production business had a flush month. The result: a


Even though $170,000 nest egg, about half sheltered inside Bob’s
income weighs SEP–IRA (a retirement account for self-employed tax-
payers), ordinary IRAs and Mary Ann’s 401(k) tax-
far more deferred retirement plan.
heavily than Their prodigious saving gives them “a great sense of
accomplishment and pride and security,” says Bob. But
assets in they worry that their thrift will mean they’ll have to pay
determining college bills for their older daughter, Katie, and younger
son, Andrew, without the benefit of financial aid—a
eligibility process that could decimate their retirement nest egg.
for aid, “It’s frustrating that the guy down the street has two
Mercedes in the driveway, and he’ll get more aid than I
assets in the will because he doesn’t have any assets,” Bob says.
six figures Those fears aren’t totally unfounded. Even though
income weighs far more heavily than assets in the for-
do trigger mulas that determine how much aid families are eligible
a higher for, assets in the six figures do trigger a higher expected
family contribution—the amount parents must cough
expected up each year before they’re eligible for any aid.
family Public schools generally stick to the federal aid for-
contribution. mulas, which exclude home equity. But many private
schools would expect the Lassiters to tap the $130,000 of
equity they have in the home they own free and clear.
That might boost their contribution by $6,500 a year.
Already in their favor for financial-aid purposes is
that all of their savings is in Bob’s or Mary Ann’s name.
Colleges would generally expect the family to con-
tribute 25% to 35% of any assets in Katie’s or Andrew’s
name each year, but only up to 5.6% of parents’ assets
go into the pot.
Charles Lord, who owns College Solutions, in Lex-
ington, Ky., and Philip Johnson, a Clifton Park, N.Y.,
financial planner who specializes in college-aid issues,
suggest a few other moves the Lassiters could make be-
tween now and Katie’s junior year of high school to
keep down the family’s expected contribution:

Buy an Annuity
Since they’re already contributing as much as possible
to retirement accounts (which are excluded from most
financial-aid calculations), in the future they might put


some of their nonretirement savings into an annuity,

which also would be excluded. However, since they
can’t tap an annuity until after age 591/2, they’d need to
be confident they wouldn’t need the money until then.
Also, they’d have to be sure they wouldn’t incur a sur-
render penalty, which many annuities charge for with-
drawals during the first five or seven years.

Buy More Business Equipment

Bob could hold down family income in the years that
count for financial aid (beginning halfway through
Katie’s junior year of high school) by waiting until then
to purchase business equipment he might otherwise
buy a year or two sooner, or by accelerating such pur-
chases toward the end of Katie’s college career so
they’ll be included in the last financial-aid year (which
ends halfway though a student’s junior year).

Buy Your Child’s Computer

If the Lassiters have big-ticket expenses they’re going
to incur during the college years, such as a computer
for Katie, they might as well spend the money toward
the end of her high school years, which would reduce
family assets for aid purposes.

Take Out a Home-Equity Loan

If they need to borrow to buy a car, a home-equity loan
would reduce their available assets at schools that in-
clude home equity in their aid calculations.

Move Up?
One question on Bob’s mind: Would moving up to a
bigger house—with a bigger mortgage—help the fam-
ily qualify for more aid? Probably not. For financial-aid
purposes, having $130,000 of equity in a home you
own free and clear is the same as having $130,000 of
equity in a $200,000 house with a $70,000 mortgage.
Only if they spent down some of the equity—say, to
cover closing costs or to remodel—would the Lassiters
have fewer assets to report, and then only at schools
that count home equity in their calculations. “To do it


strictly to get more aid seems kind of silly,” Bob con-

cludes. We agree.

Encourage More A’s

Another strategy the Lassiters can pursue, regardless
of their savings, is to aim for merit-based aid by apply-
ing to colleges where Katie, an A student so far, would
be in the top 20% of her class. “Give me a 3.5 GPA stu-
dent with 1200 SATs and I’ll get a super merit-based
award at a pretty good college,” says Lord. Johnson’s
advice: “Tell Katie to keep getting A’s.”

Don’t Bother Trying to Beat the System

Johnson generally cautions against spending a lot of
time trying to “feint and jab and beat the system.” He
figures that if the Lassiters keep saving at the same rate,
they’ll have $150,000 to $200,000 outside of retirement
accounts by Katie’s freshman year. At that time, they
could set up an automatic distribution from their mutu-
al funds to pay them the earnings each month, generat-
ing perhaps $11,000 to $15,000 a year toward college
bills. If they also diverted the $10,000 to $15,000 they’re
saving annually, “they’d have it in hand,” says Johnson.
Their nest egg wouldn’t grow during their kids’ college
years, but it would still be intact.
Johnson also points out that while the neighbors
who prefer a Mercedes to mutual funds may get more
aid, a good chunk of that aid is likely to be in the form
of loans that somebody has to pay back. “They’ll have a
significant loan burden when they want to be saving
for retirement,” says Johnson. Or their kids will gradu-
ate laden with debt.

What About a Parent in School?

ntil recently, when a parent went back to school
(half-time or more) at the same time as his or
her child, the family’s expected contribution
was split in two, one-half for each student, allowing the
family to qualify for more financial aid. But the rules
have changed, and parents in school no longer count


toward the two-in-school bonus. So, no longer do you These line-

come out ahead by timing your continuing education by-line tips
to coincide with your child’s.
for the FAFSA
Completing the FAFSA will help
you avoid
hether or not you’ve planned ahead to
maximize your eligibility for financial aid, mistakes
it’s essential to carefully complete the Free
Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), required that could
by most colleges (and the PROFILE, required by many cost you
private schools, which is discussed in the next section).
These line-by-line tips for the FAFSA will help you financial aid.
avoid mistakes that could cost you financial aid. Plus,
while most aid-boosting strategies require long-range
planning, we’ve flagged a few last-minute opportuni-
ties to maximize your eligibility.
Step 1 (page 174) asks for personal information
and enrollment plans and is generally self-explanatory.
Because your EFC will be based predominantly on
your income, Steps 2 and 4 (pages 175 and 176) are
the heart of the FAFSA. You’ll be asked for your stu-
dent’s and your own adjusted gross income (AGI)—ba-
sically, income before subtracting exemptions and
deductions—and other data from your tax returns.
Not all families need to supply information about
their assets. If you and your student each have AGIs of
less than $50,000 and are eligible to file a 1040A or
1040EZ (even if you actually file a 1040), assets are ex-
cluded from the aid formulas.

Lines 33-34
On lines 33-34, be sure to indicate that you want to be
considered for work-study and student loans. Marking
“no” won’t increase the grants you are offered, and you
can always turn down a loan or work-study job if you
decide that a home-equity loan or other employment is
a better choice.

Line 39 and 73
On line 39 you report the student’s AGI (if any) and on
continued on page 178







Taxes reduce line 73, your own AGI, which will be used to determine
the amount your family contribution from income. If you are no
longer living with your spouse due to death, divorce or
of income separation but will file a joint return, you should show
considered only your portion of the joint AGI— ditto for taxes
paid and untaxed income, discussed below.
for college Lines 40 and 74
Lines 40 and 74 ask for federal income tax paid. Be
expenses, so sure to report your total federal tax liability for the
underreporting year, not just what was withheld from your pay or the
balance due in April. Taxes reduce the amount of in-
could come considered available for college expenses, so un-
shortchange derreporting could shortchange you of aid.
you of aid. Lines 42-43 and 76-77
Income earned from work (lines 42-43 and 76-77) is
used to compute your social security tax (which also re-
duces available income) as well as an extra allowance
for two-income couples. Don’t overlook income that
isn’t part of your AGI but on which you pay social secu-
rity taxes, such as earnings you divert to a 401(k) plan.

Lines 44-46 and 78-80

(Worksheets A, B and C)
Lines 44- 46 and 78-80 refer to three worksheets
(shown on page 177) that ask about tax credits, un-
taxed income and benefits, and other more-obscure
items that may impact your aid eligibility. For most
families, Worksheet B, on which you report untaxed
income and benefits, is the most significant. These are
considered additional resources even if you can’t really
tap the money for tuition and other college costs. Con-
tributions you made for last year to a tax-deductible
IRA, 401(k) or other tax-deferred pension plan, for in-
stance, are added back to your AGI and assessed as in-
come, even though you’ve locked the money away for
retirement. (Contributions you made in prior years are
considered assets and sheltered from the aid formulas.)

LAST-MINUTE STRATEGY: One item not included in un-


taxed income is money set aside in an employer-spon-

sored flexible spending account for child care or med-
ical expenses. If you have access to such a plan at work,
take maximum advantage of it for the year ahead.


to income include any social security benefits or pen-
sion income not tallied in your AGI, child support
(only what you actually received), tax-exempt interest,
foreign income, veterans’ benefits, and living al-
lowances for military or clergy. You’re also asked to re-
port “cash or any money paid on your behalf,” which is
where you’d disclose that Grandpa chipped in $10,000
toward educational expenses last year. However, if he
gave your child a car or computer, rather than cash,
you don’t have to include its value.

Lines 49 and 83
On lines 49 and 83 you report cash, savings and
checking-account balances, excluding any student aid
that’s been deposited.

LAST-MINUTE STRATEGY: These accounts are fluid,

and you must report their value on the day you sign
and date the form. Before you do, pay any outstanding
bills—maybe even next month’s bills—to reduce your
account balances.

Lines 47 and 81
Lines 47 and 81 address your real estate and invest-
ments. Your primary home or family farm is excluded,
as are cash value in a life insurance policy and assets in
your retirement plans. But you must include the value
of a vacation home or investment property, along with
money-market funds, mutual funds, stocks, bonds and
CDs outside retirement accounts. In the student’s col-
umn, include custodial or trust accounts even if the
student can’t touch the money yet (unless a trust fund
is set up exclusively for noneducational expenses, such
as an accident settlement). You can omit an asset if its
ownership is contested, as in a divorce.


Consider Lines 47 and 81 should reflect the net worth of

drawing down these assets—their current value less any outstanding
debt. You should account for, say, the mortgage on an
cash to pay investment property or a margin-account loan with
off a debt your broker. You can’t include the mortgage on your
primary home, loans from your retirement plan, or
that won’t consumer debt (such as an auto loan or credit card bal-
count against ances) in order to reduce the value of your assets.

assets, or pay LAST-MINUTE STRATEGY: Consider drawing down cash

off consumer to pay off a debt that won’t count against assets, or pay
off consumer debt with a margin loan.
debt with a
margin loan. Lines 48 and 82
On lines 48 and 82, you report the net worth of any
business you own (value minus debt). Include hard as-
sets like inventory, but not intangibles like goodwill. If
you’re a part owner of the business, show only your
share of net worth.

Lines 73 and 76–77

Lines 73 and 76–77, where you report your family in-
come, are a bone of contention for many parents who
have divorced and remarried. If you are the parent with
whom the child lived for most of the year, you’ll be the
one completing the form. And you must include your
new spouse’s income and assets, even if he or she isn’t
helping with college expenses. The aid formulas do not
recognize legal agreements that absolve the stepparent
from college expenses or make the noncustodial parent
responsible. Sometimes you can persuade a financial-aid
officer to make adjustments later. But for now you have
to report the joint data—and cross your fingers.

Line 64
On line 64, the more household members you include,
the higher your income-protection allowance, which
shelters a modest portion of your income from the aid
formulas. You can include any children that get more
than half their support from you, even if they’re living
on their own or with your former spouse. The instruc-


tions don’t say so explicitly, but you can also include a If your
child who will be born during the coming academic household
year. The number of household members reported
here does not have to match the number of exemp- will have
tions you’ll take on your tax return. But if they differ, more than
you’ll probably be asked to explain.
one college
Line 65 student, your
If you indicate on line 65 that your household will
have more than one college student, your expected expected
family contribution will be divided among them, boost- family
ing aid eligibility for each. To be included, a member of
your household (excluding a parent) must be enrolled contribution
at least half-time and working toward a degree at an will be divided
institution that’s eligible for federal aid.
among them,
Line 69 boosting aid
Line 69 asks for the age of the older parent, which is
used to determine the parents’ asset-protection
allowance. for each.
LAST-MINUTE STRATEGY: It won’t make a huge differ-
ence, but if the older parent will have a birthday in
January or early February, waiting until after the
birthday to complete the form can shield an extra
$1,000 to $2,000.

Preparing the PROFILE

f you must also complete the PROFILE, here’s some
“nitty gritty” assistance with the areas where this
form differs from the FAFSA.

Your Home Equity

When you add home equity to the equation, as most
private colleges do, your EFC can jump significantly.
Value your home at what you think you could net if
you sold it now, after transaction costs. The figure
plugged into the aid formula is your home’s value,
minus the balance on your mortgage and other loans
secured by the home.


The FAFSA LAST-MINUTE STRATEGY: Convert consumer debt,

asks nothing such as a credit card balance, to home-equity debt to
reduce total equity.
about how
much you The Family Farm
If your farm qualifies for this special designation, only
expect to roughly half of the first $455,000 of equity is added to
earn in the your assets, and no more than 5% of that is considered
available each year. You qualify if the farm is your prin-
coming year, cipal residence and you participate in its operation.
but the
Other Assets
PROFILE Parents must report savings in the names of the stu-
wants details. dent’s siblings. This is meant to deter parents from
hiding assets by shifting them among children. Stu-
dents must report the value of any retirement accounts
they have, such as an IRA set up with summer earn-
ings. Some students get a break on trust funds, howev-
er. Rather than including them with other assets, the
PROFILE asks you to report them separately and indi-
cate whether any principal or income is currently avail-
able. If not, some schools may assess trust funds at the
parents’ 5% rate or exclude them completely.

Income and Benefits

In contrast to the FAFSA, parents must report how
much they contribute to flexible spending accounts for
child care and medical costs. Parents must also report
their previous year’s income and tax data, which may
raise questions if they are significantly higher than the
current year’s.

Expected Income and Resources

The FAFSA asks nothing about how much you expect
to earn in the coming year, but the PROFILE wants
details. Students must also divulge outside scholarships
they expect, employer-provided tuition benefits and
relatives’ contributions—which may reduce your aid
package dollar for dollar.

LAST-MINUTE STRATEGY: Ask relatives to hold off on


gifts to help you pay for college. Gifts given after col- Most of the
lege can help pay off student loans. probing
Unusual Expenses questions on
Most of the probing questions on the PROFILE might the PROFILE
increase your tab, but the “Special Circumstances” sec-
tion gives you a chance to reduce it. Students and par- might increase
ents should report child support paid and your tab, but
unreimbursed medical and dental expenses. Parents
can report their own student-loan payments and pri- the “Special
vate-school tuition for younger siblings. Some schools Circumstances”
automatically adjust your available income for such ex-
penses; others use their discretion. section gives
you a chance
Divorced and Separated Parents
The PROFILE asks how much the noncustodial parent
to reduce it.
plans to contribute to the student’s education. Most
colleges, however, ask separately for the noncustodial
parent’s income, assets and expenses—plus data from
that parent’s spouse. Policies differ, so ask ahead of
time whose income and assets will count.

Business Owners
Many private colleges require yet another form from
business owners asking for detailed financials for the
previous two years, plus projections for the coming
year. Business assets are assessed lightly, using the same
formula as for family farms. But aid officers may disal-
low business losses or depreciation expenses—some-
thing you can dispute on appeal.

After Freshman Year

nfortunately, you will go through the process of
applying for financial aid not once, but four
times for each child. Even if you didn’t qualify
for aid in your child’s freshman year, you should reap-
ply in subsequent years. You never know when the fed-
eral government, or a school, may change its policies.
Gird yourself, however, for a less-generous ratio of
grants to loans in the sophomore, junior and senior


As with taxes, years, because grants tend to shrink as the lending

it comes down limits for Stafford loans rise. A freshman is eligible for
a $2,625 loan. But a sophomore can borrow up to
to whether $3,500 under the Stafford loan program, and juniors
you want to and seniors can borrow up to $5,500. At schools that
put Stafford loans into the aid package before institu-
learn the tional aid (which is fairly typical), a bigger loan can re-
ropes and duce the “remaining need” that is filled with
institutional money. If the institutional award you re-
wrestle with ceived last year was a grant or scholarship, the bigger
the forms or Stafford loan winds up shrinking the grant or scholar-
ship in the upper-class years.
spend the Your best defense?
money to ■ Each financial-aid year, review this chapter and look
for reasonable ways to trim your adjusted gross in-
have someone come or your assets.
else take on ■ Consider using up some of your child’s savings first,
since they’re assessed more heavily than your assets,
the task. even though the college bills will probably diminish
some of your assets anyway.
■ Consider accelerating the purchase of needed items,
such as a car, major appliance or computer, if you
think it may boost your eligibility for aid.
■ And if your financial situation changes—because of a
job change, a layoff, a divorce or a death in the fami-
ly—be sure to let a financial-aid officer know. If
you’re fortunate, you’ll get an immediate change in
your aid package. If not, the school will be aware that
it needs to carve out additional aid for you next year.

Hire a College-Aid Helper?

Study First

ollege financial-aid forms are a lot like income-
tax returns: They’re time-consuming and
detail-intensive, and a little planning and strat-
egy can save you hundreds or even thousands of dol-
lars. While you can hire an accountant to file your
taxes, parents have traditionally been on their own to
tackle aid forms. But now you can hire a private


financial-aid consultant to do the job for you.

For a flat fee of $250 to $700, aid consultants typi-
cally help parents fill out the Free Application for Fed-
eral Student Aid (FAFSA) and other aid forms, conduct
scholarship searches, negotiate financial-aid awards
with colleges, and advise the family on strategies to
lower the expected family contribution.
But guidance counselors and financial-aid adminis-
trators caution that some consultants promise more
than they can deliver.
And it’s important to recognize that there’s no spe-
cific training or certification to become an aid coun-
selor, as there is for accountants. Some financial-aid
counselors are certified financial planners (CFPs),
while others are former guidance counselors, teachers
or just entrepreneurs. A CFP won’t necessarily be
trained in financial-aid matters, but that credential at
least makes it easier to check on a counselor’s back-
ground (ask for the planner’s ADV disclosure form,
which details his or her education, business practices
and ethical conduct).
Even if you do find good help, you won’t learn
anything you couldn’t find out on your own, with
guides such as this book. As with taxes, it comes down
to whether you want to learn the ropes and wrestle
with the forms or spend the money to have someone
else take on the task.

Chapter 7
The Financial
Side of Choosing
a College

There are about as many reasons to choose a particular

college as there are students.

My dad went there.

I love the football team.
It has a soccer team I’d like to play for.
It has a great theater company.
It has a great campus newspaper.
It has a great academic reputation.
It has a fine liberal-arts program—or great
technical or professional programs.
There are a lot of students of my own religion.
It’s close to home—or far from home.
It’s in a warm climate—or in ski country.
It’s in a small town—or a big city.
It has a Greek system—or it doesn’t.
It’s conservative—or countercultural.
It’s small and intimate—or big and bustling.

Those are all reasonable criteria to consider. But

once your child has narrowed the list from the uni-
verse of more than 3,000 schools—in the U.S., that
is—to perhaps a half dozen that might be a good fit,
the final selection often comes down to family finances.
Are you willing to foot the bill for your child’s school of
choice, whatever the cost? Or will the final decision bal-
ance all those other fine points against the expense?
There are probably as many answers to that question
as there are parents:


Are you willing Financial planner Victoria Felton-Collins and her hus-
to foot the band, David, were willing to foot the bill for under-
graduate education at their children’s school of choice,
bill for your but that’s where they drew the line. Graduate or pro-
child’s school fessional school was the kids’ responsibility.

of choice, When family psychologist John Rosemond and his wife,

whatever Willie, were mapping out college plans for their two
children, they decided all they were willing to pay for
the cost? was a public university. If the kids wanted to go to a
Or will the private school, they’d have to get a scholarship or find
some other way to finance it.
final decision
balance the Pat and Jenny Nugent allowed their three daughters to
choose any Jesuit college in the Midwest or East except
fine points pricey Boston College or Georgetown. They provided
against the tuition, room and board, and $100 a month in spend-
ing money, but the girls were expected to earn at least
expense? $1,500 over the summer to pay for books, clothes and
transportation home over the holidays.

In a similar vein, some parents decide they’ll pay

for tuition—at whatever college their child chooses—
and expect their kids to cover room, board and living
expenses with part-time and summer job earnings and
student loans.
Maybe your answer to who’ll pay for what will be
more free-form: You expect that you and your child
will contribute as much as possible, share in the bor-
rowing and somehow patch together the resources to
afford the best college your child can get into. That’s a
common approach, but don’t leave the patchwork to
the last minute or you’ll end up in a mad scramble to
decide what’s possible in the few weeks in which you
have to accept an offer of admission. A financial check-
up before you’ve begun applying to colleges can help
you select a school that’s a good financial fit for the
family as well as a good educational fit for your child.
(And, even if you’re starting late, you can still take ad-
vantage of many of the suggestions and resources pro-
vided in this chapter.)


Step One: Complete a Ninth grade

Need Analysis isn’t too
early to walk
bout 72% of students at four-year colleges re-
ceive some financial aid toward college costs. through the
That means 72% don’t pay the full sticker
price. If you haven’t done so already, use the work- exercise of
sheet on pages 120–121 of Chapter 4 to get a rough estimating
idea of how much you’ll be counted on to ante up
wherever your child goes. Whatever the resulting fig- what you’ll
ure is, consider it an estimate of what you’ll have to be expected
pay, whether your child attends State U. or prestigious
Private U. If the sticker price is higher than your ex- to pay out
pected contribution, you’ll be eligible for financial aid of pocket
to make up the difference.
As Chapter 4 shows, your official expected family
and to assess
contribution only approximates what you’ll have to pay where the
out of pocket. Many private colleges use their own
need-analysis formulas, which may boost what you’re
cash is going
expected to pay, when awarding aid from their own to come
coffers. And some schools won’t meet all your need. from.
Nonetheless, your official EFC is a good place to start
when you’re sizing up what college will cost and where
the money will come from.
Ninth grade isn’t too early to walk through this ex-
ercise. “It’s better to have three or four years to know
that you’re not going to get much aid, than to find out
with three months to go,” says Jeanette Spires, an inde-
pendent admissions counselor in Lake Forest, Ill. If you
wait too long you won’t have time to bolster your sav-
ings or to apply to more schools where the financial-aid
picture might be brighter. Instead, you will have just
two choices: pick the less-expensive school, or borrow
to afford the more-expensive school.

Step Two: A Financial Checkup

nce you know approximately how much you
will have to contribute, it’s a good idea to take
stock of your cash flow and assets, and deter-
mine what’s available for college and what’s off limits.


You can take inventory at any time in the years leading

up to college and will probably want to take stock again
just before you have to make a final choice.
For starters, how much of your monthly income
will you be able to allocate toward saving for or paying
for college bills?
■ Perhaps you’ll be finished paying for a car next year
and can redirect car payments toward college bills.


Use this worksheet to calculate your current assets, liabilities and net worth. Once you have
good picture of your resources, you can decide what you’re willing or able to tap for college
expenses—or perhaps you’ll have fresh motivation to boost your savings.

Assets Other investments ___________

Cash in savings accounts $ ___________ Collectibles ___________
Cash in checking accounts ___________ Precious metals ___________
Cash on hand ___________ Estimated market value of:
Certificates of deposit ___________ Household furnishings ___________
Money-market funds ___________ Automobiles and trucks ___________
U.S. savings bonds ___________ Boats, recreational vehicles ___________
Market value of home ___________ Furs and jewelry ___________
Market value of other real Loans owed to you ___________
estate ___________ Other assets ___________
Cash value of life insurance ___________ Total assets (A) $ ___________
Surrender value of annuities ___________
Vested equity in pension plans ___________ Liabilities
Vested equity in profit sharing ___________ Balance owed on mortgages $ ___________
401(k) or 403(b) plans ___________ Auto loans ___________
Individual retirement accounts ___________ Student loans ___________
Keogh plans ___________ Home-equity credit line ___________
Stocks (individually owned) ___________ Other credit lines ___________
Bonds (individually owned) ___________ Credit card bills ___________
Mutual funds ___________ Other bills ___________
State-sponsored college- Total liabilities (B) $ ___________
savings plans ___________ Current Net Worth
Real estate investment trusts ___________ (A minus B) $ ___________


■ Maybe you can temporarily suspend retirement-plan Tough as

contributions to boost cash flow. it may be
■ If you’re divorced,will you be able to count on a con-
tribution from your ex-spouse? to trim
You’ll find budget-trimming suggestions in Chap-
ter 2. The point here is to assess how much of your many families
monthly income you can devote to paying college bills find that an
when the time comes. Now’s the time to find out.
extra dollar
Extra Income May Not Help saved is more
Some parents also look for ways to bolster income dur-
ing the college years. A stay-at-home mom might de- valuable
cide to go back to work. Or maybe it’s a good time to than an extra
launch a sideline business or try to get a few articles
published in a trade magazine in your field. Before
dollar earned.
you do, though, rerun the needs analysis, factoring in
the extra income. If you will be a candidate for signifi-
cant financial aid, you may find that the extra income
will reduce the amount you’re eligible for and boost
the amount you will be expected to contribute—
leaving you not much further ahead toward covering
the college bills. Tough as it may be to trim expenses,
many families find that an extra dollar saved is more
valuable than an extra dollar earned.

What Assets Will Be Available?

■ Are you willing to tap retirement accounts, such as a
401(k) plan? The answer may depend on your age
and ability to replenish those assets. (See page 44 in
Chapter 2 for more on this issue.)
■ How much equity do you have in your house, and are
you willing to borrow against it?
■ Do you have cash-value life insurance that you can
borrow against?
■ Any stocks, bonds or mutual funds you can cash in?
■ How about a small cache of savings bonds your child
has received as gifts over the years?
■ Are grandparents or other relatives willing to help
out? If Grandma or Uncle Jim has hinted that there’s
some college money tucked away for your youngster,


A clear goal now’s the time to find out (as delicately as you can) if
to work it’s really there and how much this generous help
may amount to.
toward will
probably What Will Your Son or Daughter
Be Able to Contribute?
be more About a third of all teenagers work regularly —
motivating collectively earning billions of dollars a year, most of it
discretionary income. With a little prodding, your
for your son child may be able to save a percentage of his or her
or daughter earnings from a summer job or part-time work to chip
in toward the bills. But if you don’t set that expectation
than a now, all the money is likely to get spent on blue jeans
vague appeal and fast food. Many schools require their students to
contribute a certain amount annually to their educa-
to “save tion, such as $1,500 or $2,000.
something One way to encourage your child to save is to es-
tablish ahead of time how much you’ll expect your
for college.” child to contribute to college costs, whether it’s a flat
dollar amount per year of college or a percentage of
his or her earnings during high school. A clear goal to
work toward will probably be more motivating than a
vague appeal to “save something for college.”

How Much Are You Willing to

Let Your Child Borrow?
The ideal is that any family should be able to afford the
best school their child can get into. Unfortunately, the
ideal often boils down to how much debt that family is
willing to bear. Why? Because the amount of money the
federal need analysis determines you can afford is usual-
ly impossible to squeeze out of your monthly cash flow.
The formulas consider only your income and, to a lesser
extent, your assets; they don’t take into account your
fixed expenses—say, how big your mortgage payment
is, or whether you’re making car payments or other loan
payments. So most parents wind up depleting assets or
borrowing just to meet the expected family contribu-
tion. You’ll find some specific guidelines for parent and
student borrowing in Chapter 9, but ultimately you have
to decide for yourself how much debt is reasonable.


Weighing the Options While there’s

he point of a financial checkup isn’t to lock you absolutely
into—or out of—any choices beforehand. Re-
member, unless your child chooses a school that nothing
costs less than your expected family contribution, you wrong with
must come up with that sum regardless of where he or
she winds up. But knowing where you stand ahead of a public-
time will help you shop intelligently and ask the right university
questions as you begin choosing from among the possi-
bilities. Fortunately, the possibilities might be greater education,
than you had imagined. Here are some of them. the idea that
Public Versus Private: it’s the best
An Outcome You Might Not Expect value isn’t
Some parents emerge from a “where do we stand?” ex-
ercise relieved. They have a much better picture of
always true.
how they’ll manage to bring numerous resources to-
gether to finance what previously seemed like an im-
possibly large sum of money. Others emerge frustrated
and make up their minds that “a public college is all we
can afford.” Not so fast. While there’s absolutely noth-
ing wrong with a public-university education, the idea
that it’s the best value isn’t always true.


ONLY SLIGHTLY MORE. In the ultimate college-cost
irony, affluent families may find that public colleges
provide the best value, but the neediest students may
get the most for their money at private schools. A fami-
ly with a $3,000 expected family contribution, for in-
stance, might qualify for as much as $32,000 in
financial aid at a private college that costs $35,000 a
year. But a family earning $100,000 a year and qualify-
ing for little or no aid will probably nonetheless find it
difficult, after taxes, to swing that $35,000 a year at the
same pricey private school.
If you’re somewhere in between—say, with an es-
timated family contribution of around $13,000 —
you’ll probably pay the full cost at a public college but
might qualify for a sizable financial-aid package at a
private school. Say the public school costs $11,000 a


If getting that year. You might decide that sending your child to the
sheepskin private college she prefers is well worth an extra
$2,000 a year out of pocket, the difference after fi-
takes extra nancial aid is factored in.
time, the
additional to consider in the public-private debate: Less than half
costs may of college graduates finish their degree in four years,
according to the Center for Education Statistics. It can
well eat up be especially difficult to finish in four years at a large
the savings public university, where required classes fill up quickly.
If getting that sheepskin takes an extra semester, or an
from having extra year, the additional tuition, room and board, and
chosen a other costs may well eat up the savings from having
chosen a public college over a private one.
public college
PLENTY. When you’re paying all or most of the tab, the
private one. public university in your state may well be a good
value. But an out-of-state public school often is no bar-
gain at all. Besides slapping out-of-staters with huge
additional tuition charges, many state universities also
make far less financial aid available to those students.
At the University of California at Berkeley, for instance,
out-of-state students pay a tuition surcharge of $10,520
(in 2000–01). For the most part (excluding athletic
scholarships), the only financial aid available to cover
the surcharge is a loan or a student job. “We’re not a
particularly good deal for needy out-of-state students,”
concedes Richard Black, Berkeley’s director of finan-
cial aid. Other state universities have similar policies.

Honors Colleges
As with all generalizations, there are exceptions. An
honors program at a top-notch, out-of-state (or in-
state) public college—like Berkeley, Indiana Universi-
ty, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and
the University of Virginia, to name a few—might offer
the stellar student, who’d otherwise be accepted at the
most competitive private colleges, a quality education
at a cut-rate price.


The most selective private colleges, such as Har- An honors

vard, Amherst and Northwestern, don’t give merit program at
scholarships because, they say, everyone who’s good
enough to get in is good enough to deserve a merit a top-notch,
award. Students without financial need applying to the out-of-state
schools listed on page 144 should plan on paying the
full sticker price. But those same students typically do (or in-state)
qualify for merit awards—sometimes substantial ones— public college
at other private and public universities. Merit-award
winners typically also have the opportunity to enroll in might offer
the college’s honors program, which puts them in class- the stellar
es with the school’s best professors, as well as other con-
scientious students. In some cases, these programs also student a
let them enroll in courses ahead of other students, quality
which helps honors students avoid the “five-year plan.”
One client of David Stoffer, a Brecksville, Ohio, ad-
missions counselor, took this route after being admitted at a cut-rate
to Harvard, Duke, Stanford and Northwestern. The
family’s expected family contribution was $8,000, and
the student was offered no merit scholarships at those
four schools. But she was also accepted to the Honors
College at Ohio State, which offered a merit scholarship
that brought the family’s total costs to $2,000 a year. “I
know she got a good education,” says Stoffer.
Of course, top students are also good candidates
for merit awards from less-prestigious — but still
good—private colleges. Many private schools also have
honors programs.
Public or private, weigh any financial benefit against
the likelihood that your child will be challenged and
that the school is strong in the departments in which
your child hopes to concentrate his or her studies.

Good Values in Specific Fields

A prestigious school that’s renowned for its physics and
chemistry programs is probably just the right pick for
the future scientist. But a lesser-known school with an
excellent music program is probably a better choice for
an aspiring violinist—regardless of the school’s price
tag or name recognition. In other words, spending
$36,000 for your child to study at a prestigious univer-


Ask sity is no bargain if she concentrates her studies in one

professionals of the school’s weaker departments.
If your child already has a well-developed interest
in the field in a specific field, how do you find out which schools
what colleges are strong in your child’s area of interest?

they look GUIDEBOOKS ARE A START. Guidance counselors rec-

to for new ommend these two books, and may even have them on
hand for reference:
hires, or what ■ Rugg’s Recommendations on the Colleges ($21.95), which

schools have is organized by college major, lists schools that are

strong in each field.
produced ■ Orchard House’s 4 Year College Admissions Index of Majors

the most and Sports ($35)

successful TALK TO EMPLOYERS. But admissions counselors warn
hires where that no one should take the guidebooks as gospel. A
better way, suggests counselor David Stoffer, is to ask
they work. professionals in the field what colleges they look to for
new hires, or what schools have produced the most
successful hires where they work. Stoffer recently put
that question to a client who works in hotel and restau-
rant management. The client quickly named four
schools he thinks produce the best-qualified graduates
in the field: Michigan State, Cornell, Penn State and
the University of Nevada at Las Vegas.

NO CLUE. Of course, when your child’s intended major

is “undecided” (which is common), or if you simply
want your child to get a first-class liberal-arts education,
your best bet is to concentrate on the school’s overall
academic reputation. That way, your child will have
plenty of strong options, even if he or she changes ma-
jors during college, as many students are prone to do.

Go International?
Many college students look for a college with a good
study-abroad program so they can spend a semester
or a year learning the language, culture and history of
another country. But how about spending all four
years abroad?


Jeanette Spires’s two children, Scott and Laura,

both attended The University of St. Andrews in St. An-
drews, Scotland. Her son, now graduated, chose St.
Andrews because he was impressed with a representa-
tive of the college who visited his high school. Her
daughter followed because she wanted to study lan-
guages, one of the college’s strong suits. “She got a
$25,000 education for $12,000,” plus the benefit of
studying abroad to prepare her for today’s internation-
al world, says Spires. Of course, an American student
overseas won’t be eligible for financial aid, and he or
she will have to be pretty independent, given the im-


The general guides Making a good match

On bookstore shelves, you’ll find numerous Aside from guides to the schools them-
fat college guides, packed with comprehen- selves, these resources can help students
sive facts and statistics about virtually every and parents evaluate what kind of school
college in the U.S. You need only one such might be the best fit:
guide to find out about application deadlines,
average SAT scores, size of the student ■ College Match (Octameron Associates, $8).
body, and so forth—and using one at the Through a series of worksheets and
library or a guidance counselor’s office is questionnaires, the first half of this work-
probably sufficient. Two such guides are: book helps students determine what
■ College Board’s College Handbook kind of college may be suitable—big or
■ Peterson’s Four-Year Colleges small, competitive or laid-back, and so on.
The second half provides tips on campus
But what’s it really like? visits, interviews and essays.
It’s also helpful to read some subjective eval-
uations. One good resource: ■ ExPAN. This online search tool, available
■ The Fiske Guide to Colleges (Times Books, in high school guidance offices, suggests
$21). A former education writer for the appropriate schools based on a student’s
New York Times, Edward Fiske provides responses to a series of questions. You
a thorough, subjective description of the can perform a similar search on the
300 “best and most interesting colleges College Board’s World Wide Web site
in America,” with essays on each school’s (www.collegeboard.com) under the head-
academics, social life and overall “quality ing “College Search”. (For more on the
of life.” Web site, see the box on page 200.)


probability of the occasional weekend trip home.

Select a School With Aid in Mind

It should be apparent by now that the school your
child chooses can have a big impact on how much fi-
nancial aid you will receive. Few families give financial
aid much thought while they’re helping their child fig-
ure out which schools to apply to. But unless the aid
package will make no difference at all in the decision,
take the time to find out about a school’s financial-aid
policies as well as its reputation, special academic pro-
grams and social life. Here are some specific items to
inquire about.

THE SCHOOL’S ENDOWMENT. Colleges with large en-

dowments (money from donations, much of which tra-
ditionally funds student financial aid) naturally have
the most money to award to students with financial
need. Generally speaking, they’re also the schools that
don’t “gap” (give you less than the full amount of fi-
nancial aid you’re eligible for; see page 141) and that
have more-generous financial-aid policies. Harvard,
Yale, the University of Texas, Stanford and Princeton
are among the richest, with more than $8 billion each
in endowments (see the boxes this page and next).


In billions In billions
Harvard University $18.8 Washington University (Mo.) $4.2
Yale University 10.0 Texas A&M University system 4.2
University of Texas system 10.0 University of Chicago 3.8
Stanford University 8.6 University of Michigan 3.5
Princeton University 8.4 Cornell University 3.4
Massachusetts Institute of Technology 6.5 Rice University 3.4
University of California 5.6 Northwestern University 3.4
Emory University 5.0 University of Pennsylvania 3.2
Columbia University 4.3 University of Notre Dame 3.1
Source: National Association of College and University Business Officers



OF ADMITTED STUDENTS. Consider applying to at least
a couple of schools where your child ranks in the top
20% or 25% of the student body. That will improve
your chances of getting a more generous aid package
at a school that factors both need and merit into the
financial-aid process (see the discussion of “preferen-
tial packaging” in Chapter 5, on page 139). You can
get these average scores and class rankings from the
school, or consult any of numerous college guide-
books, such as America’s Best Colleges, a special guide
published annually by U.S. News & World Report, or
The College Handbook, published by the College Board.

THE SCHOOL’S “COMPETITORS.” You may or may not

be able to “negotiate” over your financial-aid package,
asking an aid officer to improve his or her school’s
package to match another school’s offer. (For more on
negotiating an aid offer, see page 145 of Chapter 5.)
But when you can negotiate, your odds are best when
the schools you’re playing against one another are
close in admissions standards and reputation. You will


Per student Per student

Princeton University $1,321,911 Swarthmore College $658,249
Webb Institute of Naval Stanford University 651,659
Architecture 1,106,556 Grinnell College 630,012
Harvard University 1,049,415 Berea College 568,517
Yale University 915,394 Wellesley College 551,909
California Institute of Amherst College 545,693
Technology 812,971 Emory University 484,145
Rice University 805,844 Claremont McKenna College 483,734
Academy of the New Church 737,093 Dartmouth College 473,096
Pomona College 720,396 Agnes Scott College 469,667
Williams College 685,305 Washington University 406,977
Massachusetts Institute of
Source: National Association of College and University
Technology 660,968 Business Officers


have no chance of getting Duke to match a package

from West Georgia College, but you might get it to
match one from Cornell University. (The Fiske Guide to
Colleges includes a listing of close “competitors” for
each college; see page 197.) If you want to be sure you
have a bargaining chip when the time comes, pair off
schools by academic reputation as you apply. In other
words, apply to:
■ two so-called reach schools, those your child may or
may not get into;
■ two schools where admission is probable; and
■ two so-called safety schools, where you’re virtually


With a little computer know-how, you to college students and their parents—
can tap into some of the best and most with links to college financial-aid offices,
up-to-date resources on college financial state aid agencies, instructions for filling
aid. Here are some excellent starting points. out financial-aid forms, and much more.
(The “site map” there is the best way to
The College Board Web Site find all the resources available to you.)
This is a rich Web site, with lots of helpful The Sallie Mae Web site
advice on financial aid and student loans. (www.salliemae.com)
Especially handy are the online calculators If you have a student loan, there’s about a
for figuring out your expected family contri- one-in-three chance you’ll eventually be
bution and the monthly payment on a making your payments to Sallie Mae, the
student loan. largest buyer of student loans on the sec-
ondary market, where banks sell their loans
The Financial Aid Information Page to investors. Here you’ll find a list of lenders
(www.finaid.org) who sell their loans to Sallie Mae (making
This site was originally founded by Mark borrowers eligible for discounts when they
Kantrowitz, a computer-science graduate pay on time; see page 243) plus information
student at Carnegie Mellon University. Now on student loans and several financial-aid
sponsored by the National Association and loan calculators. You can project future
of Student Financial Aid Administrators college costs and figure out, for example,
(NASFAA), the site provides lots of infor- how much you need to save and borrow,
mation about financial aid, student loans, and how much it will cost you to defer loan
scholarships and other topics of interest payments while your child is in school.


certain your child will get in. Don’t skip

the financial-
Applying to six schools will run you several hun-
dred dollars in application fees. (These days, many stu- aid office
dents apply to ten or more schools.) If that seems when you’re
excessive, at least try to come up with a close match for
your “safety” school. That’s where your child is most touring college
likely to be an attractive candidate to the school, and campuses.
therefore where you’d have the most leverage in nego-
tiating a better aid package. You can ask
financial-aid office when you’re touring college cam- there that
puses. Be sure to ask which forms you’ll have to fill out, the school’s
and get a copy of the school’s institutional financial-aid
form, if it has one. The questions there will give you
some insight into the school’s aid policies, such as may not
whether its formulas take home equity or retirement
assets into account (if so, that policy is likely to increase
what the school thinks you can afford to contribute).
And if the school’s literature doesn’t address the fol-
lowing questions, ask someone in the financial-aid of-
fice to answer them:

Do you meet 100% of financial need? Schools that do will

offer better aid packages than schools that leave a gap.

Some schools
What’s included in the cost of attendance?
include books, commuting and transportation ex-
penses, and spending money in the total cost, and
they increase the aid package accordingly. Stanford
University, for instance, includes about $1,450 for
personal expenses in their annual estimate of total
cost. Schools that exclude these expenses, or use
stingy estimates, are gapping—even if they claim to
meet 100% of need—because your actual college costs
will exceed the total that’s used for purposes of allo-
cating financial aid.

What’s your expected student contribution from earn-

ings? Regardless of the federal needs analysis, which al-


lows students a $2,250 income protection allowance,

some schools expect students to contribute a minimum
sum toward costs, which you’ll pay if your child can’t.

How do you treat outside scholarships? Some schools

use them to reduce, dollar for dollar, grants they
would otherwise have offered. Others allow you to use
them to reduce the required family contribution, at
least in part. (For more on this, see Chapter 8.)

Do you include as financial aidunsubsidized Stafford

loans (student loans on which the students pays inter-
est while in college) and PLUS loans (parent loans for
undergraduate students)? The answer should be no.
Those loans are meant to help you finance your ex-
pected family contribution, and colleges that award
them to meet your financial need are practicing anoth-
er sneaky form of gapping.

For divorced parents: Whose finances do you consider

when awarding aid? Do you include the income and


■ What’s the school’s endowment? loan or a grant I would otherwise receive

The endowment per student? from the school?
■ What is the average SAT score and ■ Do you include unsubsidized Stafford
class rank? loans or PLUS loans in financial-aid
■ Do you meet 100% of financial need, packages?
or do you leave a gap? ■ For divorced parents: Whose income
■ What expenses are included in the and assets are included in financial-aid
cost of attendance? What are the al- calculations?
lowances for transportation, books and ■ Do you help students find paid in-
personal expenses? ternships or co-op jobs?
■ Do you expect students to con- ■ Can my child finish early if he or she
tribute a certain amount of earnings has enough advanced-placement credits?
toward college costs? ■ Do you have an accelerated-degree
■ If my child is receiving financial aid, program?
will an outside scholarship replace a ■ Can I pay tuition in installments?


assets of both natural parents? The custodial parent Colleges have

and any stepparent? Or some other combination? begun to
You shouldn’t necessarily eliminate a school based stray from
on its answers to these questions, but if you learn that the once-
its aid policies will likely be unfavorable to your cir-
cumstances, you can choose a more favorable backup. cherished
That will give you an alternative if you decide you real- ideal of
ly can’t afford your first choice once you know exactly
what it will cost you. (For more on these issues, see “need-blind”
Chapters 4 and 5.) admissions.
begun to stray from the once-cherished ideal of “need-
blind” admissions—the policy of considering all stu-
dents on their academic merits, regardless of their
ability to pay. Instead, many private institutions have
begun to look at a family’s need for financial aid—and
in certain cases to give the edge to those students who
need the least.
Under a “need-sensitive” or “need-conscious” ad-
missions policy, a typical college might rank candi-
dates on a scale of 1 to 10, based on their academic
credentials. All students rated, say, 1 to 5 would be ad-
mitted regardless of financial need. Students ranked
lower might be chosen to fill out the remaining 5% to
15% of the class, but for them, ability to pay would be
a consideration.
Colleges blame the shift in policy on swelling
financial-aid demands in the wake of cutbacks in state
and federal grants. So far, the practice has primarily
been limited to the most selective and expensive pri-
vate schools, including Bryn Mawr, in Pennsylvania,
and Carleton College, in Minnesota, which have more
applicants than openings. About 200 colleges in the
country fall into that category.
Many schools are reluctant to disclose a need-
sensitive admissions policy ahead of time. So, what
should your approach be? Students with financial need
who apply to need-sensitive schools should apply to at
least one backup school that they can afford without


Parents of much financial aid. Don’t refrain from applying for fi-
high school nancial aid in the hope that you will have an edge over
students who do apply. Many colleges estimate a stu-
seniors are dent’s ability to pay without ever seeing a financial-aid
often shocked form, simply by looking at the family’s address and the
parents’ occupations. And if a student does get in, he
by the number or she faces a choice between borrowing heavily to
and size of cover costs or having to reject the school anyway.
A better strategy for families with financial need is
the fees and to apply to a couple of schools where the student’s
expenses grades and test scores are above average. Strong stu-
dents tend to have their pick of colleges, and they often
they must pay get a richer aid package than marginal students as an
just to earn inducement to enroll.
the right to
write tuition The Cost of Getting Into College

arents of high school seniors are often shocked by
checks. the number and size of the fees and expenses they
must pay just to earn the right to write tuition
checks. John Ardizzone of Avenel, N.J., shelled out
more than $3,200 to help his daughter, Laura, get into
college—and that doesn’t include the week he took off
from work to visit campuses. The tally:

prep course
for the Scholastic Achievement Test (SAT) $265
the SAT $21.50
food and lodging
during a week-long tour of East Coast campuses $2,000
several trips
to nearby campuses $100 to $150 each
to eight colleges at $50 each $400
on paying for college and applying for financial aid about $100

In the end, Laura decided to study nursing at the

University of Pennsylvania, at $29,200 a year.
The parents of most college-bound students spend
a lot less than Ardizzone. Even so, the costs are often


unexpectedly high and come at the worst possible Once a

time—in a year when the family budget will also be student zeros
nickel-and-dimed to death for such senior-year extras
as the class ring, cap and gown, a fancy dress or tux for in on a
the prom, and the senior trip. But choosing a college particular
needn’t drain your savings. All too often parents be-
lieve they must buy a small library of books or sign up school, at
for special courses when all the assistance they need is least one
available free or at a reasonable cost, says Joyce Smith,
associate executive director of the National Association on-site visit
of College Admission Counselors, in Alexandria, Va. is desirable—
SAT Preparation and often that
A growing number of high schools offer weekend or is the most
after-school SAT preparation courses and provide stu-
dents with computer programs designed to improve
SAT scores. Jeremy Ellison, a graduate of Concord part of the
High School, in Concord, N.H., says he used his
school’s free software and boosted his SAT scores by
170 points over the first time he took the test. process.
If your child can’t borrow test-prep software or
books through the school library, you can purchase
them on your own.
■ Inside the S.A.T. (Princeton Review, $39.95), one of the
most popular.
■ One-on-One With the S.A.T ($29.95), the program of
the College Board, the nonprofit association that
sponsors the SAT.
■ Cracking the SAT (Princeton Review, $29.95 for book
and CD ROM)
■ Kaplan’s SAT Classic (Bantam, $29.95 for book and

Campus Visits
Once a student zeros in on a particular school, at least
one on-site visit is desirable—and often that is the most
expensive part of the selection process. When Jeremy
Ellison and his father visited his first-choice school,
Oberlin College, in Ohio, the trip cost more than
$1,000, including round-trip airfare to Cleveland, a
rental car and a hotel for Dad. (Jeremy stayed in the



College officials are the best people to ■ What’s the campus housing like?
address questions about admissions and Do most students stay on campus in
financial aid. But the campus tour, usually their junior and senior years?
conducted by a student, is your chance ■ How’s the food?
to get the inside skinny on what campus
life is really like. You might want to ask: While you’re on campus, also get a
■ Is the campus secure? Is there an copy of the current course catalog if you
escort system? Do you walk alone don’t have one already. That will give
at night? you a vivid picture of what your child’s
■ How big are classes—freshman year selection of courses will be like.
and later on? A book that may be helpful as you
■ What do students do on weekends? prepare to embark on college tours is
Does the school’s social life revolve Visiting College Campuses (Princeton Review,
around fraternities and sororities? Can $20). This guidebook tells you how to get
you comfortably be an independent? to 250 U.S. campuses by plane, train or
■ Who are the best professors? automobile and lists local hotels, regularly
■ What are the most popular classes? scheduled tour dates and times, and
■ Who’s teaching introductory classes, local attractions—in case you have some
professors or graduate students? spare time.

dorm.) A lot of families would find ways to make the

trip for less, but Arthur Ellison takes a sanguine view of
all the money he has spent getting his son into college.
“Money is always an issue, but if you’re talking about
spending four years at a place and shelling out close to
$100,000 to do it, it’s worth investing some money up
front to make sure you make a good decision.”
If you can’t make the trip, many colleges and uni-
versities provide videotape programs about their
schools to prospective students who ask for them. But
another, less biased choice for armchair “screening”
tours is Collegiate Choice Walking Tours, videotaped
at both U.S. and international college campuses (Col-
legiate Choice, 41 Surrey Lane, Tenafly, NJ 07670;
www.collegiatechoice.com; $15 each plus $7 shipping
per order). These aren’t as slick as the free promo-
tional tapes schools provide. Instead, the camera


records a student-led tour of the campus, including

questions from members of the tour group. “You’ll
see what you’d see if you went on the tour yourself,”
including the blemishes, says Cliff Kramon, who tapes
most of the tours.

Chapter 8
The Great

our kid is a science whiz, a gifted writer,
or a future Chopin or Matisse. So you
skipped straight to this chapter to find
the organizations that will reward his or
her talents with big-bucks scholarships.
Wishful thinking.
First, go back to Chapters 4 and 5 and spend most
of your time there, getting to know how financial aid
works. The fact is that 98% of college assistance is in
the form of financial aid from federal and state govern-
ments and need- and merit-based aid from the schools
themselves, and only about 2% is in private scholar-
ships from organizations other than the schools.
There’s money out there, to be sure, and someone
has to win it. But finding and winning scholarships is
an extra-credit project—with the emphasis on project.
Filling out applications, getting recommendations,
writing essays and otherwise competing for scholarship
money is time-consuming work for the applicant. And
it’s not always as rewarding as you might hope.
Most scholarships fall into one of three categories:

1. The incredibly narrow. Know anyone who would

qualify for a scholarship for left-handed Lithuanians
studying horticulture? Okay, that’s a slight exaggera-
tion, but consider some real awards:
■ From the American Pomological Society, $300 for the
best research or historical paper on fruit breeding.
■ From the Harness Horse Youth Foundation, $1,500 to
$3,500 scholarships to students interested in pursu-
ing horse-related careers.


The ■ From the Rocky Mountain Coal Mining Institute, 15

competition $1,000 scholarships for students from Western states
interested in a career in mining or geology.
itself can
be a great Most of the time, the glass slipper just doesn’t fit.

experience for 2. The supercompetitive. Some scholarship competi-

young people. tions could make you want to head for the lottery win-
dow, instead.
Just be aware ■ As many as 20,000 high school seniors have applied

that lots of for the ESPN Scholastic Sports America Scholarship,

worth $2,500. Only six young men and six young
super-bright, women win.
super-talented ■ More than 1,800 science prodigies compete in the
Intel Science Talent Search for 40 awards of $5,000
kids don’t win. to $100,000.
■ Another 7,000 dependents of public-school employ-
ees apply for 31 awards of $1,000 to $20,000 in the
Horace Mann Scholarship competition.

Admittedly, many of the scholarships listed on pages

220–228 fall into this category. We’ve included them be-
cause they’re some of the best-known and most presti-
gious awards. There’s nothing wrong with competing
for them—the competition itself can be a great experi-
ence for young people. Just be aware that lots of super-
bright, super-talented kids don’t win. (Although people
may scoff at Miss America, Miss Teenage America and
Junior Miss pageants as scholarship competitions, they
are just as competitive as many of the more “serious”
competitions—and they award a lot more money.)

3. The drop in the bucket. A huge number of scholar-

ships you’ll find listed in aid directories, available at
your public library (see page 213) are for $500 or less,
which maybe buys a semester’s books. Yes, money is
money. And the award itself adds an extra spark to the
college application. But your kid might have an easier
time earning $500 than meeting the entry require-
ments for a half-dozen scholarship competitions that
might yield a $500 prize.


The Scholarship Mirage When giving

espite all the hurdles, say that your college- out financial
bound student wins a fantastic private scholar-
ship. It’s a proud moment. But be prepared for aid, some
a rude surprise: The financial award might not help colleges
you as much as you might think with the college bills.
Why not? When giving out financial aid, some colleges subtract
subtract the value of an outside scholarship from need- the value of
based grants they would have awarded, freeing up the
funds for other students. Their view: You now have ad- an outside
ditional resources to cover the bills, so you need that scholarship
much less help from the school. The result: Your out-
of-pocket contribution to college costs remains as great from need-
as before the scholarship. based grants
There is good news on this front, however. Many
of the more-prestigious private colleges have softened
they would
their policy on outside scholarships, so that such have awarded.
awards replace student loans and work-study first.
Then, if there’s still scholarship money remaining, it
replaces need-based grants. If, for instance, your child
won a $10,000 outside scholarship, the first $4,000 or
so might replace a $2,600 student loan and $1,400 in
work study. But the remaining $6,000 would replace
an equivalent amount in grants from the college (if
you were awarded that much). Thus the money may
not be available to help you meet your expected par-
ent contribution.
What if the school is one of an increasing number
of schools that “gap,” or leave families with a certain
amount of unmet need (see the discussion in Chapter
5)? Most colleges that gap will allow an outside scholar-
ship to cover that unmet need, which is only fair. Let’s
say, for instance, that you have $10,000 of need at a
$20,000 college that meets just 90% of your need with
a $9,000 aid package. Such a school would allow the
first $1,000 of any outside scholarship to go toward
meeting the gap, before using any additional scholar-
ship money to replace grants, work-study or loans in
your aid package.
How will schools know that your child has received
the scholarship? Most scholarship sponsors make the


Scholarship check out to both your child and the school. When the
seekers who bursar’s office receives such a check from a company
or foundation, they typically flag it as scholarship
stand to money and notify the financial-aid office.
benefit most Before your son or daughter scouts out and ap-
plies for scholarships, ask a financial-aid officer at each
are those who college you’re considering how the school treats out-
don’t expect side awards.
■ If the school uses scholarships only to replace its own
to qualify for aid, it probably doesn’t make much sense to spend a
any financial lot of effort applying for scholarships.
■ If the college lets some or all of the scholarship go to
aid or whose replace loans rather than grants (or, even better, to
aid packages reduce your own contribution), then finding outside
money is worth the effort.
will consist
mostly of
loans. Who Should Seek Scholarships?

ow that we’ve knocked the idea of scrambling
after scholarship money, we’re going to spend
the rest of this chapter telling you how to do
just that. Why? Because not everyone qualifies for fi-
nancial aid. And some students (and parents) don’t
mind expending the time and effort to seek scholar-
ships even if the gain might be small.
Here’s who stands to benefit the most:
■ Families who don’t expect to qualify for any financial
aid or whose aid packages will consist mostly of loans.
■ Families who do expect aid but are applying to schools
that gap, leaving students with unmet financial need.
■ Families who expect aid but are applying to colleges
that have favorable policies toward scholarships—for
example, they use outside scholarships to replace
loans and work-study in your financial-aid package,
which your child would otherwise have to earn or
repay, rather than using them to replace their own
institutional grants.
■ Students who enjoy the thrill of competing and the
prestige of winning, even if the award doesn’t reduce
college costs.


Where to Look To find local

he listing on pages 220–228 provides a sampling awards that
of big-dollar national scholarships and competi-
tions. They’re worth a look, and an entry if you are probably
think your child has a shot. Wherever possible, we’ve less of a long
included an indication of the odds of winning.
To find local awards that are probably less of a long shot, prepare
shot, prepare to do some detective work. Here’s a list to do some
of leads to get you started.
Your High School Guidance Counselor work.
Most guidance counselors maintain a bulletin board or
keep a folder of scholarship opportunities. That’s an
excellent place to find out about local groups sponsor-
ing scholarships. Many national organizations, such as
those listed at the end of the chapter, also distribute
scholarship applications through high school guidance
counselors, which saves you the trouble and wait of
sending away for materials.

College Financial-Aid Officers

Drop in at the financial-aid office as you’re touring col-
lege campuses, or pick up the phone and call if you’re
unable to make the trip. Ask whether the schools offer
merit-based scholarships, and what grades, SAT scores
or other criteria would make your child eligible. The
University of Massachusetts at Amherst, for instance,
awards full scholarships to Massachusetts residents
who have earned a 3.75 or better grade-point average
and a score of 1,400 or better on the SAT, and $8,000
per year to students who rank first or second in their
high-school class.
Find out whether you must apply and submit rec-
ommendations for such awards or whether the school
awards them automatically based on information
you’ve supplied on your child’s application for admis-
sion. Also ask about departmental scholarships in your
child’s intended major.

Scholarship Directories
A rainy Saturday afternoon is a perfect time to hit the


Computerized library and page through a couple of scholarship

services guides. There are dozens, each with page after page of
scholarships—the small and obscure along with the big
that you see and prestigious. One good choice is the Chronicle Finan-
advertised cial Aid Guide (check the reference section of your li-
brary or contact Chronicle Guidance Publications,
in newspapers www.chronicleguidance.com, 800–622–7284; $24.98).
or online are
Search Services Versus Free Databases
sometimes Should you use a computerized service to help you
poor values— find scholarships? Those you see advertised in newspa-
pers or online are sometimes poor values—and some-
and sometimes times outright rip-offs. The $40 to $200 or more you
outright spend may turn up awards with narrow eligibility or
ones your child has only a remote chance of winning.
rip-offs. Sometimes the search companies even claim that their
services are “guaranteed” and offer a refund or a $200
savings bond to students who don’t receive any schol-
arship money. But the Council of Better Business Bu-
reaus has warned that such refunds are “difficult, if not
impossible, to obtain,” requiring, for instance, that you
prove you applied for every scholarship on the list and
were turned down. Besides, you don’t need to pay a lot
of money for someone else to do a computerized schol-
arship search when you can do it just as well or better
yourself with the following resources.

FUND FINDER. You can probably tap into one of the best
searches around right in your high school guidance
counselor’s office—at no charge. One thousand high
schools subscribe to the College Board’s ExPAN, a data-
base of thousands of private grants and scholarships.

THE COLLEGE BOARD’S WEB SITE. If your high school

doesn’t have Fund Finder, you can search the database
at the College Board’s Web site (http://cbweb10p

OTHER FREE SEARCHES. Other free search programs

can be accessed on the Web, including fastWeb
(www.fastweb.com) and Mach25 (www.collegenet.com


/mach25/). To use fastWeb, for example, students com- Hundreds

plete a questionnaire that asks about their major sub- of large
ject, grade-point average, special interests and ethnic
origin, among other things. Within 15 minutes the pro- employers
gram searches its database of financial-aid resources have generous
and returns via e-mail a customized listing of scholar-
ships, grants and loans your child may be eligible for, grants and
along with addresses, deadlines and form letters that scholarships
you can print out and mail to scholarship sponsors to
request details. As new financial-aid listings are added available to
to the database, fastWeb will alert students by e-mail to children of
any that fit their profile.
High School Clubs
If your child belongs to the Latin club, Thespian club,
National Honor Society or other high school club, or a
national scouting organization, he might be eligible for
a scholarship or learn of scholarship competitions. En-
courage him to ask the club adviser to watch for
awards he might want to apply or compete for. If the
adviser or teacher chooses the nominees, your child’s
expression of interest might tip the scale in his favor.

Your Employer
General Motors awards $1.9 million in scholarships
each year to about 900 college students who are GM
employees or spouses or children of GM employees.
Similarly, hundreds of other large employers have gen-
erous grants and scholarships available to children of
employees. Usually the programs are well-publicized,
and your company’s personnel office will have details.

Professional Associations
Your child wants to study engineering? Nursing?
Journalism? There’s probably an association—like the
National Society of Professional Engineers, National
Student Nurses Association or National Press Club—
that wants to support the education of a potential
member. The Gale Directory of Associations, available
in libraries, can help you pinpoint possibilities. Also
check with any associations to which you belong; some


Every award scholarships to children of members.

state has
scholarships, Scores of unions award scholarships to the college-
grants or bound children of members—from the American
Postal Workers Union (five $1,000 awards, renewable
loans available for four years) to the Utility Workers Union of America
only to its (two $2,000 awards, renewable for four years). If your
local chapter can’t provide information, write to the
residents. union’s national headquarters (often in Washington,
D.C.) for an application.

Local Community and Civic Groups

Elks, Jaycees, Kiwanis, Lions, Rotarians and similar
civic groups often have funds earmarked for local col-
lege-bound students. The Elks, for instance, award
more than $3 million annually nationwide. Call
around to groups in your area to see what’s available
and how to apply.

State Agencies
Every state has scholarships, grants or loans available
only to its residents. In one of the more generous state
programs, any Georgia high school student with a 3.0
GPA or better receives a full waiver of tuition at any
public college, university or technical institute in the
state or $3,000 to help offset tuition costs at any private
school in the state. The program, called HOPE (Help-
ing Outstanding Pupils Educationally), is funded by a
state lottery. Many states provide grants to students
willing to spend a few years in teaching or law enforce-
ment after graduation (see page 245 of Chapter 9 for
information about similar loan programs).
To find out what’s available in your state, contact
one of the state grant agencies listed on pages 134–136.

Advocacy Organizations for Ethnic Groups

There is an especially large group of scholarship
programs for:
■ African-American students (from numerous groups,
including the NAACP, www.naacp.org; the National


Urban League, www.nul.org; and others), A little

■ Hispanic students (from, among others, the National
Hispanic Scholarship Fund, www.hsf.net; the Nation-
al Association of Hispanic Journalists, www.nahj.org; turns up
and the National Association of Hispanic Nurses, scholarships
■ Native American students (from the Bureau of Indi- for many
an Affairs, www.doi.gov/bureau-indian-affairs.html; other ethnic
the Native American Scholarship Fund; and the Indi-
an Health Service, www.ihs.gov); and groups.
■ Italian Americans (primarily from the National Italian
American Foundation, www.niaf.org).

But a little digging turns up scholarships for many

other ethnic groups, including students of Albanian,
Armenian, Asian, Chinese, Danish, Greek, Haitian,
Japanese, Mexican, Nicaraguan, Norwegian, Polish,
Portuguese, Swiss and Welsh extraction.
These guidebooks (published by the Reference
Service Press, 5000 Windplay Dr., Suite 4, El Dorado
Hills, CA 95762; 916–939–9620; www.rspfunding.com;
also in libraries) are a good place to start looking, al-
though for most ethnic groups that aren’t traditionally
considered underprivileged, general scholarship direc-
tories are probably a better bet:
■ Directory of Financial Aids for African Americans ($37.50)
■ Directory of Financial Aids for Asian Americans ($35)
■ Directory of Financial Aids for Hispanic Americans
■ Directory of Financial Aids for Native Americans ($37.50)

Advocacy Groups for Disabled People

The National Federation of the Blind and the Alexan-
der Graham Bell Association for the Deaf and Hard
of Hearing are among the organizations that offer
scholarships for disabled students. Here’s a directory
to try: Financial Aid for the Disabled and Their Families
($40; the Reference Service Press; see above).

Religious Groups
The Presbyterian Church in the USA, United Methodist


Church, Aid Association for Lutherans, Lutheran Broth-

erhood and Knights of Columbus are among the reli-
gious organizations with nationally
organized scholarship programs.
Lutheran Brotherhood, an insur-
Current and former Boy Scouts may want to ance association, for instance, awards
send for a free copy of Scholarship Information 800 scholarships of up to $2,000 to
for Scouts and Explorers from the Boy Scouts Lutheran Brotherhood members
of America (1325 W. Walnut Hill Lane, Bin and another 500 scholarships of
Item #99-052, Irving, TX 75015). $800 or $1,500 to Lutheran students,
regardless of membership, who at-
tend Lutheran colleges. For more in-
formation, visit the Lutheran Brotherhood’s Web site at

Military Groups
Dozens of scholarship programs target children of mili-
tary personnel whose parents may be active members
of the armed forces, war veterans, deceased or disabled
service personnel, MIAs and former POWs, retired of-
ficers, and members of specific branches or divisions of
the military.
One guide to consult is: Need a Lift? ($3.95; Ameri-
can Legion, Attn: National Emblem Sales, “Need a
Lift?”, P.O. Box 1055, Indianapolis, IN 46206;

Hobby or Other Connections

A little creative thinking about your child’s recre-
ational interests or hobbies might lead you to an off-
beat scholarship. For instance, Columbia 300 Inc., a
marketer of bowling balls, gives the $500 John Jowdy
scholarship each year to a high school senior active in
bowling. The National Scholastic Surfing Association
awards scholarships in varying amounts to high
school members who are surfing competitors and
have good grades.

Special Advice for Athletes

If your child is the next Michael Jordan or Mia Hamm,
colleges will come courting. But otherwise, students


who are good athletes or excel in a more-obscure sport Junior year

will need to put some effort into pursuing a scholar- isn’t too
ship or preferential aid package—and realize that the
competition will probably be stiff. early to begin
Students who don’t earn an athletic scholarship hitting the
sometimes receive financial assistance in the form of an
enhanced financial-aid package. These tips can help guidebooks.
your child be in the running for either kind of help.
■ Write letters to the coaches at colleges to which you
plan to apply. Include a résumé of your athletic ac-
complishments, a letter of recommendation from
your high school coach, and a video of up to five
minutes showing off your skills.
■ Send your letter in advance of your final season in the
sport you play, in case a recruiter wants to catch a
game. You may also want to include a schedule.
■ When you visit colleges, make an appointment to meet
with the coach in your sport to reinforce the message
that you’re interested. Don’t be shy about mentioning
that you need financial aid, because coaches often
have influence over admissions and financial-aid de-
cisions for athletes.

For more detailed advice, consult any of the follow-

ing books:
■ The Winning Edge: The Student Athlete’s Guide to College
Sports, by Frances and James Killpatrick (Octameron
Associates, $6; 703–836–5480; www.octameron.com)
■ NCAA Guide for the College-Bound Student-Athlete (avail-
able on the Internet at www.ncaa.org/eligibility/cbsa)

Tips for Scholarship Seekers

housands of bright students compete each year
for scholarships. How can you improve your
chances of coming away with a coveted prize?

Start Your Search Early

Junior year isn’t too early to begin hitting the guide-
books. Some competition deadlines fall early in the se-
nior year, which doesn’t leave much time to send away
continued on page 229


From the thousands of available awards, we chose a representative sampling that reflects
the range of talents and interests that might qualify a student for a scholarship. While many
of these competitions are very competitive, we strove to include as many as possible with
high-dollar prizes or a large number of winners.


Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation Inc. Contact: Local Elks Club will provide state
Awards: 50 $20,000 awards; 200 $4,000 association address; or www.elks.org/
awards LocalLodges.cfm
Number of applicants: 107,000
Criteria: Character, personal merit, leader- National Alliance for Excellence
ship in school and community, academic Merit Competition for High School
achievement and College Students
Deadline: October 31 Awards: Approximately 150 awards from
Contact: High school counselor or $1,000 to $5,000.
email scholars@na.ko.com Number of applicants: 10,000
Criteria: Competitions are held in four
Educational Communications areas: academics, visual arts, performing
Scholarship Foundation arts and technological innovation. Based
Awards: 250 $1,000 scholarships on talent and ability.
Number of applicants: 2,000 Deadline: No deadlines, awards granted
Criteria: Grades and SAT/ACT test year round
scores of high school students who are U.S. Contact: To receive application, send
citizens; college students must be listed in SASE to National Alliance for Excellence,
Who’s Who or National Dean’s List 63 Riverside Ave., Red Bank, NJ 07701
Deadline: May 15 (732–747–0028; www.excellence.org)
Contact: Educational Communications
Scholarship Foundation, 721 N. McKinley National Association of Secondary
Rd., Lake Forest, IL 60045, or high school School Principals (NASSP) Principal’s
counselor Leadership Award
Awards: 150 $1,000 scholarships
Elks National Foundation Most Number of applicants: 7,500
Valuable Student Award Criteria: Principals choose one student
Awards: 500 four-year scholarships, from leader from the senior class to enter.
$1,000 to $15,000 per year Winners chosen by a national committee.
Number of applicants: NA Deadline: Early December
Criteria: Scholarship, leadership and Contact: High school principal or guidance
financial need. Must be U.S. citizen. counselor; www.principals.org


National Honor Society Scholarship William Randolph Hearst Foundation

Program for National Honor United States Senate Youth Program
Society Members Awards: 104 $2,000 college scholarships
Awards: 200 $1,000 scholarships for high school juniors and seniors who
Number of applicants: 9,000 hold elected student office and who pledge
Criteria: Scholarship, character, service, to study government or a related field.
leadership. For high school seniors who Winners participate in an all-expenses-paid
are National Honor Society members; trip to the Senate Youth Program’s
each school that is a member of NHS Washington Week.
may nominate two students. Number of applicants: NA
Deadline: Late January Criteria: Must hold an elected office
Contact: National Honor Society adviser during current school year. Candidates
chosen by each state’s Department of
National Merit Scholarship program Education.
Awards: 2,500 $2,500 scholarships, as Deadline: Varies by state; usually early fall
well as corporate- and college-sponsored Contact: Guidance counselor or United
scholarships States Senate Youth Program, William
Number of applicants: NA Randolph Hearst Foundation, 90 New
Criteria: Top scorers on PSAT/NMSQT Montgomery St., #1212, San Francisco, CA
admission exams 94105 (800–841–7048; www.ussenatey-
Deadline: October of junior year outh.org)
Contact: High school counselor or
Sam Walton Community Scholarship Annual Glenn Miller Scholarship
Awards: 2,300 scholarships; $1,000 Competition
scholarship in each community with a Awards: Four $750 to $2,000 awards for
participating Wal-Mart store instrumentalists and vocalists who “intend
Number of applicants: High schools to make music a central part of their future
make nominations. life.” Winners perform at the Glenn Miller
Criteria: High school records, SAT or Festival Stage show
ACT scores, interviews, financial need, Number of applicants: NA
and volunteer work or paid employment Criteria: Applicants send a screening tape
Deadline: February 1 and statement of musical intention. Finalists
Contact: High school counselor; audition live. $25 refundable fee.
www.walmartfoundation.org/scholarships Deadline: March 15
Contact: Glenn Miller Scholarship Com-
mittee, 107 E. Main St., Clarinda, IA 51632



Print and Graphic Scholarship Number of applicants: More than 8,000

Foundation Criteria: Students submit samples of their
Awards: 250 $500 to $1,500 scholarships, work on videotape, audiotape or slides
renewable, for students interested in or in writing. Those accepted compete in
careers in graphic communications; dance, music, theater, visual arts, writing,
ten fellowships of $3,000 to $4,000 photography and voice.
Number of applicants: 2,000 Deadline: Early deadline is June 1; regular
Criteria: Scores from PSAT, SAT and deadline is October 1.
ACT college entrance exams, transcript Contact: Arts Recognition & Talent
and recommendations Search, NFAA, 800 Brickell Ave., Suite 500,
Deadline: High school deadline, March 1; Miami, FL 33131 (800–970–2787;
college deadline, April 1; deadline for www.nfaa.org)
fellowships, February 15.
Contact: Print and Graphic Scholarship Scholastic Visual Arts Awards
Foundation, 200 Deer Run Rd., Sewickley, Awards: One $20,000 award and five
PA 15143-2600 (www.gatf.org) $5,000 scholarships (four in art, one in
photography), plus scholarships at more
National Federation of Music Clubs than 50 schools (ranging from $1,000 to
Competitions and Awards full tuition) for students with outstanding
Awards: More than 100 contests, ability in visual arts
scholarships and awards. Awards of Number of applicants: 200,000
up to $10,000 for students interested Criteria: Outstanding ability based on
in professional music careers portfolios
Number of applicants: NA Deadline: Varies
Criteria: Selected based on auditions Contact: Request a portfolio entry form
Deadline: Varies by competition from Scholastic Visual Awards, Portfolio
Contact: Request a copy of the Entry Form, 555 Broadway, New York, NY
Scholarships and Awards chart from 10012. Enclose an SASE.
the National Federation of Music Clubs, (www.scholastic.com/artandwriting)
1336 N. Delaware St., Indianapolis, IN
46202. Enclose $1.25 and an SASE VFW National Auxiliary Young
(www.nfmc-music.org) American Creative Patriotic
Art Awards
National Foundation for Advancement Awards: Five prizes, from $1,000 to
in the Arts Arts Recognition and $3,500, to further winners’ education
Talent Search Number of applicants: 51 finalists
Awards: Hundreds of cash grants, from (one from each state and the District
$100 to $3,000 of Columbia)


Criteria: Students compete at local and Women’s Western Golf Foundation

state level to be eligible for national awards. Awards: 18 to 21 $2,000 annual scholar-
Deadline: Changes each year ships, renewable for four years, for high
Contact: Local VFW Auxiliary; or school senior girls with involvement in
Administrator of Programs, Ladies golf (skill isn’t a criterion)
Auxiliary, VFW, 406 W. 34th St., Number of applicants: 400
Kansas City, MO 64111 (816–561–8655) Criteria: High academic achievement,
financial need and excellence of character.
ATHLETICS Deadline: April 5; preliminary application
ESPN “Sports Figures” Scholarship form due March 1.
Awards: 12 $2,500 grants Contact: Send SASE to Mrs. Richard Willis,
Number of applicants: NA Director of Scholarships, 393 Ramsay Rd.,
Criteria: Academic achievement, Deerfield, IL 60015 (847-945-0451;
leadership in interscholastic sports, www.wwga.org)
service to school and community
Deadline: March
Contact: High school guidance counselor BUSINESS
or www.sportsfigures.espn.com Distributive Education Clubs of
America (DECA) Scholarship
Western Golf Association/Evans Awards: More than 60 scholarships of
Scholars Foundation Chick Evans $500 to $1,500 for students planning to
Caddy Scholarship major in management, marketing, marketing
Awards: 200 full tuition-and-housing education or merchandising. Eleven addi-
scholarships, renewable for four years, tional scholarships are awarded by corpo-
for students who have caddied for at rate sponsors.
least two years at a Western Golf Number of applicants: NA
Association member club and who are Criteria: Must be an active member of
in top 25% of their class. DECA and rank in top one-third of class.
Number of applicants: NA Selection based on merit, club participation
Criteria: Outstanding character, and accomplishments, leadership, responsi-
integrity, leadership, financial need, bility and character.
academics and caddy record Deadline: Second Monday of March, but
Deadline: September 30 of senior year must first meet state deadline, usually
Contact: Sponsoring golf club; or January or February
Scholarship Committee, Western Golf Contact: DECA, 1908 Association Dr.,
Association/Evans Scholars Foundation, Reston, VA 20191 (703–860–5000;
1 Briar Rd., Golf, IL 60029 (847–724–4600; www.deca.org)



Karla Scherer Foundation United Negro College Fund

Scholarship Program Awards: More than 400 awards ranging
Awards: Varying number of scholarship from $500 to full tuition at 39 member
awards and amounts, depending on colleges and universities, mostly historically
available funds and number of applicants, black schools. $20 million in scholarships
for women studying finance or economics awarded each year.
Number of applicants: NA Number of applicants: NA
Criteria: Applicant must send a state- Criteria: Students are considered
ment that includes the name of the school without regard to race, creed, color or
she will attend, the courses she plans to ethnic origin. Must take SAT and file for
take and how she intends to use her financial aid.
education in her chosen career. Judged Deadline: Varies
on grades, focus and need. Contact: Send SASE to Program Services,
Deadline: March 1. SASE required 8260 Willow Oaks Corp. Dr., P.O. Box
Contact: Karla Scherer Foundation, 10444, Fairfax, VA 22031–8044
737 N. Michigan Ave., Suite 2330, Chicago, (www.uncf.org)
IL 60611 (www.comnet.org/kschererf)

ETHNICITY Washington Crossing Foundation
National Italian American Foundation National and Regional Awards
Awards: Varying number of scholarships, Awards: One $10,000 first-place national
from $2,500 to $5,000, for Italian American award, one $7,500 second-place award,
students or students of any ethnic back- one $5,000 third-place award, plus two
ground who are majoring or minoring in national awards from $1,500 to $2,500,
Italian language or Italian studies. for students planning a career in govern-
Number of applicants: 2,000 ment service
Criteria: Need, academics and community Number of applicants: NA
service. Applications are available online Criteria: Purpose in career choice,
and must be submitted electronically at understanding of career requirements,
www.niaf.org/scholarships. leadership qualities, sincerity, historical
Deadline: April 30 perspective
Contact: send email to Deadline: January 15
scholarships@niaf.org or write to the Contact: For application, send SASE to
National Italian American Foundation, Washington Crossing Foundation, P.O.
1860 19th St., N.W., Washington, DC Box 503, Levittown, PA 19058-0503
20009 (www.gwcf.org)



National History Day American Legion Auxiliary National
Awards: Three winners ($250 to $1,000) President’s Scholarship
in each of 17 categories Awards: Five $2,500, five $2,000 and five
Number of applicants: NA $1,000 scholarships for children of veterans
Criteria: Students submit research who served in U.S. armed forces in WWI,
papers, projects, live performances and WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Grenada, Lebanon,
media presentations. Local and state Panama or Persian Gulf conflicts
winners compete at a national competition. Number of applicants: NA
Work judged on historical quality, quality Criteria: Character, leadership, scholar-
of presentation, adherence to theme ship, need, plus 50 hours of community
and rules. service
Deadline: Fall Deadline: March 10
Contact: State history day coordinators; Contact: Local American Legion Auxiliary
or National History Day Inc., 0119 Cecil unit or state headquarters
Hall, University of Maryland, College Park, (www.legion-aux.org)
MD 20742 (www.nationalhistoryday.org)
AMVETS National Scholarships
National Society of the Daughters Awards: Undetermined number of $4,000
of the American Revolution NSDAR awards ($1,000 per year) to high school
American History Scholarships seniors and veterans. Seniors who are
Awards: One $8,000 first-place award members of the Junior ROTC are also
($2,000 per year), several second-place eligible for one $1,000 scholarship.
awards of $4,000 ($1,000 per year) Number of applicants: NA
given as funds are available. Criteria: Membership in AMVETS, or
Number of applicants: NA have one parent or grandparent who is a
Criteria: Seniors planning to major in member (or deceased parent or grand-
history. Commitment to study of history, parent who would have been eligible).
financial need, academic excellence, and Academic achievement and financial need.
a letter of sponsorship from a local Deadline: April 15
DAR chapter. Contact: Send an SASE to AMVETS
Deadline: February 1 National Headquarters, 4647 Forbes Blvd.,
Contact: Local DAR chapter or Lanham, MD 20706 (www.amvets.org)
Daughters of the Cincinnati Scholarship
Awards: Varying number of scholarships
and amounts, up to $3,000.
Number of applicants: NA



Criteria: High school senior and daughter the states participate.

of a career officer commissioned in the Deadline: Contest held in June. Preliminary
regular Army, Air Force, Navy, Coast state competitions held March/April.
Guard or Marine Corps Contact: National Society of the Sons
Deadline: Postmarked March 15 of the American Revolution, Joseph S.
Contact: Daughters of the Cincinnati, Rumbaugh Oration Contest, 1000 S. 4th St.,
122 E. 58th St., New York, NY 10022 Louisville, KY 40203


American Legion National High American Physical Society
School Oratorical Contest Corporate-Sponsored Scholarship
Awards: Three national winners ($14,000 for Minority Undergraduate Students
to $18,000); 50 state and four foreign Who Major in Physics
division winners ($1,500 each), and six Awards: Ten to 15 $2,000 awards, ten
national semifinalists ($1,500 each). $3,000 awards, renewable after first year
Number of applicants: 10,000 Number of applicants: about 90
Criteria: Excellence in addressing topic Criteria: High school seniors, college
on U.S. constitution; contest open to all freshmen or sophomores. Must be a U.S.
high school students citizen (or permanent resident) of African
Deadline: State deadlines January 1 American, Hispanic or Native American
Contact: Local American Legion post descent, majoring in physics.
(www.legion.org) or high school guidance Deadline: Early February
counselor Contact: Arlene Modeste-Knowles,
Program Coordinator, American Physical
The National Society of the Sons Society, 1 Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD
of the American Revolution 20740-3844 (301–209–3232;
Joseph S. Rumbaugh Oration Contest www.aps.org/educ)
Awards: One $3,000 (first place), one
$2,000 (second place), and one $1,000 Intel Science Talent Search
(third place) prize Awards: Ten awards of $20,000 to
Number of applicants: 20 $100,000, 30 awards of $5,000
Criteria: Five- to six-minute oration Number of applicants: 1,600
about an event, document or personality Criteria: Research report, teacher
showing the influence of the Revolutionary recommendations, high school records,
War on America today. Will be judged on SAT scores
composition, delivery, logic, significance, Deadline: Late November/early December
general excellence and time limit. Not all of (call for date)


Contact: Science Service Inc., 1719 N St., grants, for high school seniors planning
N.W., Washington, DC 20036 to pursue careers as teachers
(202–785–2255; www.sciserv.org) Number of applicants: 6,000
Criteria: Open to high school seniors
General Electric Corp./Society of who rank in top third of class, recommen-
Women Engineers dations, written expression, school and
Awards: Three $1,000 scholarships for community activities
freshman women entering engineering Deadline: January 31
Number of applicants: NA Contact: Phi Delta Kappa local chapters;
Criteria: High school record (minimum or send SASE to Phi Delta Kappa
3.5 GPA), teacher recommendation, International, 408 N. Union St., P.O.
character reference, essay on why applicant Box 789, Bloomington, IN 47402-0789
would like to be an engineer. Must be a (www.pdkintl.org)
U.S. citizen.
Deadline: May 15
Contact: Society of Women Engineers, WRITING/JOURNALISM
230 E. Ohio St., Suite 400, Chicago, IL Edward J. Nell Memorial Scholarship
60611-3265 (312-596-5223; www.swe.org) Program
Awards: One $1,000 award, eight or
nine $500 awards for intended majors in
TEACHING journalism
Horace Mann Scholarships Number of applicants: NA
Awards: One $20,000 scholarship, ten Criteria: Students first compete in
$4,000 scholarships and 20 $1,000 scholar- national writing/photography or yearbook
ships for high school seniors who are excellence contests. Top entrants qualify
dependents of public school employees to compete for Nell scholarships. Judged
Number of applicants: 8,000 on academic achievement, potential for
Criteria: Academics, written essay, journalism career, leadership qualities,
activities, letters of recommendation, communication skills.
test scores Deadline: November 1 for Yearbook
Deadline: February 12 Excellence Contest. February 5 for
Contact: P.O. Box 20490, Springfield, IL National Writing/Photography Contest
62708 (www.horacemann.com) Contact: Quill and Scroll Society, School
of Journalism and Mass Communication,
Phi Delta Kappa Scholarship Grants University of Iowa, 312 W. Seashore, Iowa
for Prospective Educators City, IA 52242 (www.uiowa.edu/~quill-sc)
Awards: One $5,000 grant, one $4,000
grant, one $2,000 grant and 30 $1,000



Ayn Rand Institute Fountainhead The Scholastic Writing Awards,

Essay Competition 555 Broadway, New York, NY 10012
Awards: One $10,000 first prize, five (www.scholastic.com/artandwriting)
$2,000 awards, ten $1,000 awards
Number of applicants: 4,000 Veterans of Foreign Wars of the
Criteria: For high school juniors and United States Annual Voice of
seniors. Essay on the philosophical and Democracy Contest
psychological meaning of Ayn Rand’s Awards: More than 50 awards totaling
novel The Fountainhead. more than $100,000
Deadline: April 15 Number of applicants: 85,000
Contact: High school English teacher or Criteria: Contestants write and tape-
counselor. Also, www.aynrand.org record essays on a patriotic theme.
Essays are judged in local, state and
Guideposts Youth Writing Contest national competitions.
Awards: Top ten entrants are awarded Deadline: November 1
scholarships of $1,000 to $10,000 Contact: High school principals or
Number of applicants: 5,000 to 7,000 teachers can get official entry forms from
Criteria: Entrants write a first-person local VFW posts (www.vfw.org)
story about an inspirational experience,
preferably spiritual in nature.
Deadline: First Monday following UNION AFFILIATION
Thanksgiving. National Alliance of Postal and
Contact: Young Writer’s Contest, Federal Employees Ashby B. Carter
Guideposts magazine, 16 E. 34th St., Memorial Scholarship Fund
New York, NY 10016 (212–251–8100; Awards: Six awards of $1,900 to $5,000
www.guideposts.com) for dependents of NAPFE union members
Number of applicants: NA
Scholastic Writing Awards Criteria: For Founders Award, community
Awards: One $10,000 award and five involvement and leadership ability. For
$5,000 scholarships for college-bound Scholastic Achievement Award, superior
seniors who show outstanding creative- scholastic achievement, field of interest
writing ability and participation in school activities.
Number of applicants: 10,000 Must take SAT before March 1.
Criteria: Outstanding creative-writing Deadline: April 1
ability based on portfolio of students’ Contact: Ms. Melissa Jeffries, NAPFE,
work 1628 11th St., N.W., Washington, DC
Deadline: Varies 20001 (202–939–6325)
Contact: Send a postcard to



Here’s a scholarship that turns tradition on its head. At

Broward Community College, in Florida, about 250 students
a year benefit from scholarships that have been designated for
students with C averages. The late Edward W. Seese, a Fort
Lauderdale businessman, left the college $4.5 million in 1995,
stipulating that the money be used to fund scholarships for C
students. He stated in his will that students who earn average
grades would be “capable of greater accomplishments” if they
did not have to work to finance their education.

for applications, prepare essays or science projects and

get recommendations from teachers. A top-notch
paper or project that stands a chance in competitive
contests isn’t one that’s slapped together the night be-
fore the deadline.
Thinking ahead—say, by sophomore year—also
gives your child time to join organizations that offer
scholarships, like a 4-H Club or scouting group.

Carefully Read Instructions

and Eligibility Criteria
Scholarship sponsors complain that they get many in-
quiries and applications from students who don’t meet
the eligibility criteria that’s plainly set out in their liter-
ature. Encourage your child to read every word to
avoid wasting time on applications that are trashed on
receipt by the sponsor or disqualified for a small error,
such as exceeding a word count for an essay or omit-
ting a required transcript or recommendation.

Ask for Samples of Winning Entries

Most scholarship sponsors will tell you in broad terms
what criteria are used to select winners, but reading a
winning essay, article, speech, history paper or science-
project proposal can give you real insight into what
judges are looking for. Often, they’re available for the
asking. How to Go to College Almost for Free: The Secrets of
Winning Scholarship Money (Waggle Dancer Books; $22)


includes sample winning essays and applications along

with many helpful tips.

After High School

or those who are inclined, scholarship-seeking
isn’t just for high schoolers. There are just as
many awards for college sophomores, juniors and
seniors, even though we’ve excluded them here. The
same search tactics—and caveats—apply:
■ Spend some library time with the guidebooks.
■ Try a computerized search if it’s free or very low-cost.
■ Touch base with clubs and organizations, faculty and
your financial-aid officer on campus.
■ Think creatively about outside groups that might
have a philanthropic interest in a kid like yours.
■ And don’t let the scholarship hunt for relatively few
dollars eclipse the more-important task of applying
intelligently for financial aid.

Chapter 9

o one wants to borrow their way
through the college years. But the real-
ity is that most families can’t cover the
full expense from cash flow, savings
and financial aid. Even when a college
meets 100% of your demonstrated financial need, a
portion of the aid package will probably be loans
rather than grants. In addition, many families wind up
taking out loans to cover a portion of their expected
family contribution, because they can’t come up with
the prescribed amount from cash flow and assets.
Low-rate loans to help foot the bills are plentiful,
and most families have no difficulty finding education-
al loans to fill the gap, or even qualifying for them. The
challenge, then, is deciding whether you’re willing to
take on as much debt as necessary to send your child to
whatever school he or she chooses, or whether the
level of debt you must assume will play a role in which
college you choose. The worksheet on page 237 will
help you either way.
Although you probably won’t apply for loans until
after your child graduates from high school, you should
give them some thought as you’re making the final
choice of a school, in the spring of your child’s senior
year. By then, you will have received financial-aid offers
from the schools and will be able to determine how
much you would have to borrow at each one. This chap-
ter will help you evaluate how much debt you can carry
comfortably—and how much debt your child may be
able to manage after graduation. Once you’ve selected a
school and are ready to begin applying for loans, this


Also, chapter will help you understand the terms of the vari-
beginning ous student loans, select a lender, and decide over how
much time you want to stretch out the payments.
in 2002,
parents and College Debt Gets Cheaper
students with
ut, first, some welcome good news for tuition-
even higher paying families: For several reasons, education
debt is cheaper than it was five years ago. First, as
incomes part of the Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997, students and
qualify for their parents gained the right to claim a tax deduction
for the interest paid on student loans. Then, midyear
the write-off in 1998, Congress revised the interest-rate formula for
on student- student loans, which has reduced the rates on Stafford
loans. Finally, market interest rates have dropped sub-
loan interest, stantially in 2001, causing student-loan rates to fall
thanks to even further. For the 2001–02 academic year, the rate
on loans in repayment is 6%.
the 2001 tax
legislation. Student-Loan Interest Deduction
You can now deduct the interest you pay on college
loans, even if you don’t itemize deductions. The loans
must have been used to pay the costs of attendance—
including tuition, fees, room, board, books and per-
sonal expenses — for a student enrolled at least
half-time in a program leading to degree, certificate
or other recognized credential. But either the student
or the parent can have taken out the loan, and just
about any kind of loan qualifies (except a home-
equity loan, because the interest is already tax-
Beginning in 2001, you can deduct up to $2,500
per year—if your adjusted gross income is less than
$60,000 for joint filers and $40,000 for individuals.
That covers roughly a year’s worth of interest on as
much as $40,000 in student-loan debt. If you have that
much debt, you could save as much as $375 a year if
you’re in the 15% tax bracket and up to $675 a year in
the 27% tax bracket.
Also, beginning in 2002, parents and students with
even higher incomes qualify for this write-off, thanks to


the 2001 tax legislation. For single taxpayers, the full Who qualifies?
deduction will be available if you earn $50,000 or less; To take the
and a partial deduction will be available if you earn up
to $65,000. For married couples filing jointly, you can deduction,
claim the full deduction with household income up to a borrower
$100,000 and a partial deduction with income up to
$130,000. Those income limits will rise with inflation must be
after 2002. legally liable
Who qualifies? To take the deduction, a borrower
must be legally liable for repaying the loan and cannot for repaying
be claimed as a dependent on someone else’s tax re- the loan and
turn. That means there’s no deduction if Mom and
Dad are repaying a loan for which their child is re- cannot be
sponsible. So if you want to help with the debt, give claimed as
your son or daughter the cash to make the loan pay-
ment. That way the child gets the deduction, assuming
a dependent
you’re not claiming him or her as a dependent. Par- on someone
ents, of course, can take the deduction for loans they’ve
taken out to cover a child’s college expenses.
else’s tax
Can the family double dip if parents are repaying return.
a PLUS (parent) loan and their child is paying back a
Stafford student loan? Absolutely. Assuming you meet
the other requirements, you can each write off up to
$2,500 in interest.
Through 2001, you are allowed to write off only
the interest you pay in the first 60 months of repay-
ment. Beginning in 2002, interest is deductible for the
full term of the loan.

The Interest-Rate Formula

For recently issued Stafford loans (those taken out
since July 1998), the rate on loans in repayment is set
annually at the rate of the 91-day T-bill plus 2.3 per-
centage points, with an 8.25% cap (currently 5.4%). An
even lower rate applies while the student is in school
and for six months afterward—that rate is set at that of
the 91-day T-bill plus 1.7 percentage points, with an
8.25% cap (currently 5.4%). Before Congress changed
the formulas in 1998, the rates were set at 3.1 points
and 2.5 points, respectively, over T-bill rates, and those
formulas still apply to earlier loans.


Generally How Much Debt Is Too Much

speaking, for Your Child?
payments of
f your child is a dependent, the amount of money he
much more or she can borrow under the federal government’s
Stafford student loan program will be limited to
than 10% of $17,125 over four years ($2,625 in the freshman year,
gross monthly $3,500 in the sophomore year and $5,500 in the ju-
nior and senior year). That’s probably a reasonable
pay will be borrowing limit for the typical undergraduate. Assum-
a strain for ing a 6% interest rate, a student would be expected to
make payments of about $189 a month over ten years
a new grad. after graduation to retire that debt. That’s about 12%
of the gross monthly pay of a new grad earning
$25,000 a year, and it should become a smaller per-
centage of pay as income rises over time. Generally
speaking, payments of much more than 10% of gross
monthly pay will be a strain. Even $200 or so a month
on a $25,000 annual salary—or about $1,650 a month
in take-home pay—will pinch. If payments are truly
unmanageable, a student can stretch repayment out
over a longer period of time to reduce the monthly
payments. But, as discussed below, that option increas-
es your child’s interest costs significantly and should
be avoided if possible.

How Much Debt Is Too Much

for Yourself?

o get a good ballpark estimate of what your total
debt might be at the end of four years, simply
multiply the amount you figure you need to
borrow for freshman year by four. Your aid package
can change from year to year, and your child will prob-
ably be expected to borrow more after the freshman
year. But it’s hard to predict whether that bigger loan
will replace some of your debt or cut into other finan-
cial aid, such as a grant from the school. Once you’ve
estimated your total debt, use the table on page 236 to
estimate what your payments will be.


Say, for instance, you need to borrow $4,000 to at-

tend School X and $8,000 to attend School Y. Over
four years, your debt at the first school is likely to be
around $16,000, while debt at the second school could
approach $32,000.
■ Assuming you borrow at 7% over ten years, you’d
have to be able to swing $186 (16 x 11.61) a month in
loan payments over ten years to pay for School X,
and $372 a month (32 x 11.61) for ten years to pay
for School Y.
■ If you want to repay the debt in five years, your pay-
ments would be $317 a month (16 x 19.80) at School
X and $634 a month (32 x 19.80) at School Y.

This is a simplified example, and it doesn’t take

into account the fact that you won’t borrow the entire
amount at once, and that you may have the option to
defer paying principal, or principal and interest, until
after your child graduates, which would ease the bur-
den while you’re using your income to pay college bills
but increase your expenses over the long term. Still,
the exercise helps you get a handle on whether the
debt you plan to incur will be manageable when it
comes time to repay.


Parents are borrowing far more than able to students regardless of need—
they ever did to cover the cost of college. although only needy students qualify to
Why? Rapidly rising college costs are an have their interest subsidized while they’re
obvious culprit. But in addition, in the early in school.
1990s Congress raised the borrowing At the same time, Congress altered
limits on federal loans to students and the federal financial-aid formulas so that
removed borrowing caps entirely from they don’t count a family’s home equity
federal PLUS loans, so that parents can as an asset available to cover college bills.
now borrow as much as they need to Excluding that resource, which is often
cover college costs, sometimes regardless a family’s largest asset, has made many
of their ability to repay. more families eligible for subsidized
The rules also made Stafford loans avail- student loans.


You probably will have a gut feeling for how much

is too much. But most private lenders will cut you off
when the monthly payments on your debts, including
a mortgage, exceed 35% to 40% of your gross monthly
income. If you’re borrowing directly from the federal
government, there may be no such income test, but
you should probably limit your borrowing to those
levels anyway. Committing any more of your income
to debt can leave you strapped to pay for food, cloth-
ing, transportation and other essentials. And if you
still have a younger child to put through school, you’ll
probably want to commit yourself to even less debt
now, to leave a cushion for a second round of college
expenses later.

When You’re Ready to Apply:

The Loans

f your financial-aid package includes a loan from the
school itself, you’ll probably receive that money auto-
matically—or will simply see the amount of the loan
deducted from your tuition bill. But for most other
loans, you’ll need to find a lender (except for certain
federal loans where Uncle Sam is the lender), complete
an application and wait for approval.


Find where the loan’s repayment term loan payment. To figure out the total
and interest rate intersect. Multiply the cost of the loan, multiply the monthly
result there by the number of thousands payment by the number of months in the
you’re borrowing, such as 10 for a loan term; for example, 120 months for
$10,000 loan. The result is your monthly a ten-year loan.

Loan term 5% 6% 7% 8% 9% 10% 11%

5 years 18.87 19.34 19.80 20.28 20.75 21.25 21.74
10 years 10.61 11.11 11.61 12.13 12.67 13.22 13.78
15 years 7.91 8.44 8.99 9.56 10.14 10.75 11.37
20 years 6.60 7.17 7.75 8.36 9.00 9.65 10.32



Even if you’re determined to borrow determine how much it will cost, over
“whatever it takes” to send your child to time, to repay the debt. If your choice of
his or her first-choice college, the work- a school depends on whether you can
sheet that follows will help you size up just manage the resulting debt, these exercises
how much “whatever it takes” will be. The will help you pinpoint how much borrowing
table provided on page 236 will help you you can comfortably afford.

Estimate what you will actually spend, which may be different
from the allowances for books, transportation and personal
expenses in your financial-aid package.
Tuition $ _________________________________
Room and board _________________________________
Books _________________________________
Transportation _________________________________
Personal expenses _________________________________
Other _________________________________
Total costs $ _________________________________

Estimate what you can actually contribute, whether it’s
more or less than your expected family contribution.

The amount you can contribute from:

Monthly income __________________ x 12 $ _________________________________
Savings and investments _________________________________

Your student’s contribution from:

Income (including a work-study job and summer earnings) _________________________________
Savings _________________________________
Scholarships and grants _________________________________
Other resources (such as gifts) _________________________________

Total resources $ _________________________________

Minus student loans provided in the aid package _________________________________
Minus parent loans provided in the aid package _________________________________

ADDITIONAL BORROWING NEEDED $ _________________________________


Subsidized In most cases, choosing a loan is fairly cut-and-

Stafford loans dried. You could choose to decline a federal loan of-
fered in a financial-aid package in favor of, say, a
are a very private loan such as those described in the next sec-
good deal tion, but in most cases you wouldn’t want to. Subsi-
dized Stafford loans are a very good deal for students,
for students, since Uncle Sam pays the interest while your child is in
since Uncle school. And it’s tough to do any better than a Perkins
loan (a federally funded loan that’s administered by
Sam pays the schools and has a 5% interest rate). Even unsubsidized
interest while Stafford loans are a pretty good deal, given the low
rate (6% in 2001–02) and flexible repayment terms.
your child is On other loans, you’ll want to select the lowest-cost
in school. alternative, based on the loan’s interest rate, fees and
repayment terms.
The following sections describe your options
among federal and private loans.

Stafford Student Loans

Parents will probably remember these low-interest
loans from their college days as Guaranteed Student
Loans. These loans, made directly to students as part
of their financial-aid package, have been renamed and
split into two mirror-image loan programs.
■ If the loan is a Federal Family Education Loan (FFEL),
your child borrows from a bank, savings and loan or
credit union, but the government acts as guarantor—
meaning that the government winds up reimbursing
the bank if your son or daughter defaults.
■ If the loan is a Federal Direct Student Loan (FDSL),
your child borrows directly from the federal govern-
ment (through the Department of Education).

You don’t get to choose which loan program to

borrow from—if your child’s school is one of the 1,300
or so participating in the Federal Direct Student Loan
program, you get a government loan; if it’s not, you
get a government-guaranteed loan from a lender of
your choice. You can’t borrow through both loan pro-
grams in any one semester, but you could wind up with
both kinds of loans if your child switches schools, or if


the school enters or leaves the direct-loan program

during your child’s college years.

THE TERMS. In any event, the loan terms, interest rates

and fees for FFEL and direct loans are identical.

The interest rate. The interest rate you pay on these

variable-rate loans is adjusted every July 1. The rate
calculation for loans disbursed after June 30, 2001,
equals the rate on the 91-day Treasury bill plus 2.3 per-
centage points, with a cap of 8.25%. Through June 30,
2002, the rate is 6%.
Most Stafford loans disbursed prior to July 1, 1998,
are calculated at the rate of the 91-day Treasury bill
plus 3.1 percentage points (currently 6.8%). The rate
on all Stafford loans cannot currently exceed 8.25%,
regardless of when the loan was made.

Loan fees. In addition to interest, you pay up-front

fees that total 4% of the amount of your loan. A 3%
origination fee goes to the lender, and a 1% insurance
fee goes into the guaranty fund that reimburses
lenders for loans in default. Normally these fees are
deducted from your loan balance, so from a $2,625
student loan, you really get a check for $2,520, leav-
ing a small difference that has to come from some
other resource.


undergraduates are considered dependent students
(see page 115) and can take out Stafford loans up to
the following maximum limits:
■ Freshmen: $2,625
■ Sophomores: $3,500
■ Juniors and seniors: $5,500

However, you can never borrow more than your

school’s cost of attendance minus any other financial
aid you receive, so you may be eligible for less than
the maximum. Over all of his or her undergraduate
years, a dependent student can borrow no more than


a total of $23,000 (which includes a fifth year or more,

if necessary).


The maximum amounts an independent student can
borrow in Stafford loans each year (including subsi-
dized and unsubsidized loans, which are explained
below) are:
■ Freshmen: $6,625
■ Sophomores: $7,500
■ Juniors and seniors: $10,500

An independent student can borrow up to $46,000

during all his or her undergraduate years. Graduate
students can borrow up to $18,500 a year, up to a max-


Loan rates (in parentheses) are as of 2001–02. They are effective on loans disbursed after
July 1, 1998. *The ten to 30-year repayment term reflects the extended payment options
discussed in this chapter, but ten years is the standard term.


Federal loans
Stafford student 91-day T-bill + 2.3 points 4% 10–30 years*

Perkins Loan student 5% none 10 years

PLUS Loan parent 52-week T-bill + 3.1 points 4% 10–30 years*

Private loans
Nellie Mae EXCEL parent prime plus 0.75 to 2 points 2% to 6% 4–20 years
(7.5% to 8.75%)

Sallie Mae Signature student prime plus 0 to 2 points 0% to 6% up to 20 years

Loan (6.75% to 8.75%)

TERI Alternative parent or prime rate minus 0.5 points 5% up to 25 years

Loan student (6.25%) to 6.5%


imum of $138,500, including their undergraduate

Stafford loans.


rect student loans may be subsidized, meaning that
the federal government pays the interest while the
student is in school, during the six months after grad-
uation, and during any period dur-
ing which the student can defer
payments (such as during graduate
school). Four years of interest-free Have a question about federal student
borrowing is the best deal going in loans, including rates and repayment? Call
student loans, so if you qualify for a the Federal Student Aid Information Center
Stafford loan based on financial at 800–433–3243 between 8 A.M. and 8 P.M.
need, don’t pass it up. The aid eastern time, Monday through Friday.
packages you receive from the Operators at the information center can
schools will tell you whether you also answer questions about completing
qualify for a subsidized loan. the FAFSA financial-aid form.
If not, you’ll be offered an un-
subsidized Stafford loan, which
means that the interest clock begins ticking as soon as
your child takes out the loan, even though he or she
can defer making payments until after graduation.
(For more on the pros and cons of deferment, see page
250.) Unsubsidized loans are available to students re-
gardless of need.
If you have financial need that’s less than the annu-
al loan limit, you might be offered a small subsidized
loan and an unsubsidized loan. A college junior with
just $2,000 of need, for instance, might be offered a
$2,000 subsidized Stafford loan as well as a $3,500 un-
subsidized Stafford to help cover the family’s expected
contribution to college costs. (The overall Stafford-loan
borrowing limit for college juniors who are dependent
students is $5,500.)
Unless you’ve had a sudden windfall that’s going to
cover the bills (wouldn’t that be nice?), you should al-
ways accept the subsidized loan. Before you accept an
unsubsidized Stafford, however, compare the costs
against other sources of borrowing. If you can borrow
at something less than 6%, using a home-equity loan,


for instance, you might want to pass up the unsubsi-

dized Stafford. Bear in mind, though, that usually the
student takes out and repays a Stafford loan, while a
home-equity loan would be your responsibility—even
if you worked out an arrangement for your child to re-
imburse you later.
Incidentally, if you would prefer that the debt be
yours rather than your kid’s, you still shouldn’t pass up
a subsidized Stafford student loan. Let Uncle Sam sub-
sidize the interest for four years; then help your child
with the payments if you want to relieve him or her of
the debt burden.


child should apply for a Stafford loan in the late
spring or early summer before heading off to college
because processing the loan can take four to six weeks.
When the school participates in the Federal Direct
Student Loan Program, you don’t have to scout
around for a lender—the school’s financial-aid office
will tell you how to apply.
If you have an FFEL Stafford loan, you can choose
your own lender. The interest rate and loan terms will
be the same just about anywhere you go, although it’s
possible to find a lender offering slightly lower fees to


Q. I’m thinking about taking out a variable- fewer monthly payments, and if they rise
rate student loan on which the rate changes it will take a bit longer to retire the loan.
monthly. Does that mean my payment (On Stafford and PLUS loans, however, the
would be different every month? payment can change each year when the
interest rate is adjusted in the summer.)
A. No, the payment doesn’t fluctuate (un- Variable-rate loans are pretty common,
less you’re making interest-only payments). and they may be the only choice available
Your payments are based on the rate in from private lenders. They’re a good
effect when you take out the loan. Changes choice if you think rates will fall, but a less
in the rate are reflected in the length of the desirable one if you think interest rates
repayment term: If rates fall you’ll make are heading up.



Q. My daughter plans to go on to graduate school. How

long can she defer payments on her Stafford loan?
A. Your daughter can defer loan payments as long as she’s
a graduate student at least half time. In addition, she may
be able to get a deferment if she can’t find full-time employ-
ment or can otherwise show economic hardship. If her
Stafford loans are subsidized, the government will pay the
interest on her loan while it’s in deferment. If they’re unsub-
sidized, the interest will be added to her loan balance. Your
daughter can apply to her student-loan lender (the federal
government’s Direct Loan Servicing center, if it’s a federal
direct loan) for deferment (see page 250 for a discussion
of the pros and cons of deferment).

attract more student-loan business. The differences

aren’t huge, so it doesn’t pay to spend a lot of time
shopping for a lender, but checking with a few might
save you a little money down the road.

With whom does your lender work? If you want to trim

your child’s costs in repayment, look for a lender that
sells its student loans to Sallie Mae. The Student Loan
Marketing Association, aka Sallie Mae, is the largest
buyer of student loans on the secondary market
(where banks sell their loans to raise additional
money to lend). Sallie Mae owns about one-third of
all student loans. In order to make its packages of stu-
dent loans most appealing to investors, Sallie Mae of-
fers incentives for student borrowers to repay on
time, including:
■ A one-fourth-percentage-point break for setting up
automatic loan payments from a bank account, and
■ A two-percentage-point break in the interest rate
after you make four years of on-time payments,
which is effortless with automatic debits.

The total savings on a $17,125 balance (the most a

graduate who finishes in four years can borrow) over


Lots of banks, the standard ten-year term could be more than $1,700.
savings and To find a bank in your state that sells its loans to Sallie
Mae, call 800–891– 4595 for the free brochure “Bor-
loans, and rowing for College.” Or visit Sallie Mae’s Web site at
credit unions www.salliemae.com.

make student How often is loan interest capitalized? If you’re really

loans, so if ambitious about keeping interest to a minimum, and
you’re taking out an unsubsidized Stafford loan on
you like the which you’re deferring both interest and principal pay-
service where ments, ask the loan officer how often the bank “capital-
izes” the interest on the loan—in other words, how
you bank, often the interest you’re deferring is added to the prin-
that’s a cipal balance. The best possible answer is “once, when
the loan goes into repayment.” If instead the lender
good place capitalizes the interest, say, monthly, the interest is
to start. added to your loan balance each month—and you
wind up paying interest on interest.

USE A BANK YOU LIKE. Lots of banks, savings and loans,

and credit unions make student loans, so if you like the
service where you bank, that’s a good place to start. You
can also ask a financial-aid officer to steer you to a
lender—he or she is likely to know who has a good rep-
utation for processing loans promptly and avoiding er-
rors or delays.
Another alternative is for you to contact your state’s
guaranty agency for a list of convenient lenders. (Many
of the state education agencies listed on pages 134–136
also serve as their state’s guaranty agency.) Others will
be able to direct you.)

STAY WITH IT. Whatever lender your child chooses, it’s

best to stick with that institution for loans throughout
the four years of college, if possible. Keeping your
loans all in one place will make repayment infinitely
simpler: Your child won’t have multiple loan payments
to make and won’t have to notify multiple lenders each
time he or she moves, which recent graduates tend to
do frequently.


Perkins Loans Students with

Students with high financial need may qualify for a high financial
federal Perkins loan, with a superlow interest rate of
5%. The financial-aid offers you receive from schools need may
will tell you if you’re eligible. The schools themselves qualify for a
make Perkins loans, but each institution’s loan pool is
funded with federal money—and with repayments federal Perkins
from graduates. The maximum annual loan for under- loan, with
graduates at many schools is $4,000.
a superlow
REPAYMENT. No payments are due on a Perkins loan interest rate
until nine months after your child graduates or drops
below half-time as a student. Typically, the repayment of 5%.
term is ten years or less. On $5,000 of Perkins-loan
debt, the monthly payment is $53 over ten years.


PLUS loans, Perkins loans can be discharged (canceled)
in full or in part when you are employed at certain
kinds of work, including these jobs:
■ Full-time teacher, when your school serves a low-in-
come area, you teach special-education students, or
you teach math, science or other subjects with a
shortage of teachers;
■ Full-time nurse or medical technician;
■ Full-time law enforcement or corrections officer;
■ Full-time employee of a child- or family-service agency
in a low-income community; or
■ Full-time Peace Corps volunteer.

PLUS Loans (for Parents)

Unlike Stafford loans, federal PLUS loans are made to
parents and aren’t part of the family’s financial-aid
package. (PLUS stands for Parent Loans for Under-
graduate Students). Under this federal program, par-
ents can borrow up to the full cost of attendance at a
college, minus any other financial aid the family is eli-
gible for. A family that qualifies for $5,000 in aid at a
$20,000 college, for instance, could use a PLUS loan to
finance all or part of its $15,000 expected family contri-
bution. Parents are eligible based on their creditwor-


thiness, not financial need, however, and you need not

have applied for aid to get a PLUS loan.
As with Stafford loans, there are two parallel PLUS-
loan programs. Depending on the school your child at-
tends, you may be borrowing from the federal
government under the Federal Direct PLUS-loan pro-
gram or from a private lender under the Family Feder-
al Education Loan program. Either way, the interest
rate is equal to the 91-day Treasury-bill rate plus 3.1
percentage points, but can be no more than 9%. The
rate is adjusted every July 1. The rate (through June
30, 2002) is 6.8% There’s an up-front fee of up to 4%
to cover origination and insurance.

LENDERS. If your school participates in the Federal Di-

rect Student Loan Program, you can get a PLUS loan
from the federal government by filling out a Direct
PLUS Loan Application and Promissory Note, avail-
able from the school’s financial-aid office. If approved
(you must have a clean credit history, or have a co-sign-
er), the U.S. Department of Education will send the
money directly to your school.
If the loan amount exceeds what you owe the
school directly for tuition, room and board, and other
fees, you’ll get a check for the balance, to be used to-
ward books, transportation and other out-of-pocket
educational expenses.
If your school doesn’t participate in the Federal Di-
rect program, you can apply for your loan directly with
a bank or other lender. As with Stafford loans, you can
use your favorite local bank or credit union, or ask the
financial-aid office or your state’s higher education
agency (see pages 134–136) to direct you to lenders
that make PLUS loans. In addition to checking your
credit, most private lenders will assess your ability to
repay, and can turn you down if you already have sig-
nificant debt (see pages 249–250). Once you’re ap-
proved for a loan, the money is usually disbursed
directly to the school.

REPAYMENT. You begin repaying a PLUS loan 60


days after the lender pays the school, and you can If you’re
choose to make full payments from the start or inter- creditworthy,
est-only payments during the college years. The loan
term depends on how much you borrow, but ten you qualify
years is typical. You may be able to extend the loan for a Nellie
term to as long as 30 years under the Extended Re-
payment Plan or Graduated Repayment Plan dis- Mae loan—
cussed beginning on page 264. But as we’ll show later regardless of
in this chapter, those options will cost you a bundle in
additional interest. your financial
Private Loans
The federal loan programs, particularly the PLUS-loan
program, will probably provide you with all the bor-
rowing power you need. But if you’re looking for addi-
tional funds—or would prefer a private lender to the
federal government—several not-for-profit organiza-
tions make education loans to students and parents at
rates that in most cases are slightly higher than those
on PLUS and Stafford loans. Loans for undergraduate
education are described below. All three organizations
also have loan programs for graduate students.

NELLIE MAE. Besides making Stafford and PLUS loans,

Nellie Mae (Braintree, Mass.; 800–367–8848; www
.nelliemae.com) offers parents EXCEL education
loans at variable rates that are calculated monthly or
annually. The annual rate is prime plus 2 percentage
points, calculated August 1, and the monthly rate is
prime plus 0.75 percentage point, adjusted if neces-
sary at the beginning of each month. (The prime rate
at press time was 6.75%.) You can borrow up to the
full cost of college annually, minus any financial aid
you receive.
If you’re creditworthy, you qualify—regardless of
your financial need. You must have a clean credit his-
tory (with no major delinquencies) for at least two
years, and your debt payments, including a mortgage
and the EXCEL loan, cannot exceed 40% of your gross
monthly income.
You pay an up-front guarantee fee of 6% (2% with


a co-borrower), which goes into an insurance fund that

covers loan defaults.

SALLIE MAE. In addition to buying Stafford student

loans (as described above), Sallie Mae makes its own
supplemental student loans, called Signature Loans,
for up to the full cost of college, less other financial aid.
The interest rate is variable. (It equals the prime rate
plus zero to two percentage points, depending on the
creditworthiness of the borrower and whether or not
there is a co-borrower.) At press time it was 6.75% to
8.75%. A fee of 0% to 6% (depending on the same vari-
ables) is subtracted from the loan proceeds.
One nice thing about these loans is that your child
can take them out at the same time as a Stafford loan at
lenders that participate in the Signature Loan pro-
gram. That means all of his or her loans will be serviced
as one account. And borrowers are eligible for the on-
time repayment discounts described on page 243.


(800–255–8374; www.teri.org) makes its Alternative
Loans for up to the annual cost of college, minus finan-
cial aid, to parents or to students, although most stu-
dents need a parent as a co-borrower. Loan approval is
based on creditworthiness, with criteria similar to those
for Nellie Mae’s EXCEL loans.
TERI offers the loans through several lenders who
can serve Alternative Loan borrowers nationwide.
They include Bank of America, Bank One, First Union
and PNC Bank. The rate is prime minus 0.5 points
(6.25% at press time). TERI charges a 5% to 6.5% origi-
nation fee, which is determined by the repayment
schedule. The fee can be added to your loan balance.

Are You Creditworthy?

tudents who take out Stafford loans generally
don’t have to pass any credit tests. After all, points
out an executive with the National Council of
Higher Education Resources Programs, student-loan


programs were created to make funds available to peo- The worst

ple who otherwise wouldn’t be able to borrow. But for time to find
parents, it’s a different matter. At the very least—for
Federal Direct PLUS loans, for instance—you must out you’ve got
have a clean credit history. And if you borrow from a a damaging
private lender, you’ll probably also have to meet cer-
tain financial tests. The Education Resources Institute error on your
(TERI), for instance, requires a minimum gross in- credit report
come of approximately $1,500 a month. In addition:
■ If the monthly payments on all your debts, including
is after you’ve
a mortgage, exceed 40% of your monthly gross pay, applied for
TERI will turn you down as a borrower.
■ For bank credit cards, such as Visa or MasterCard ac-
a loan.
counts, TERI assumes your monthly payment is 3% of
the credit limit, regardless of your actual balance. For
store credit cards, it assumes a monthly payment of
4% of the credit line. If you have a lot of credit cards
or lines of credit that you don’t use, you should close
them so the available credit won’t count against you.
■ The payment on the student loan itself is included in
the 40% debt-to-income calculation.
■ You must also have a good credit record: no bank-
ruptcies (personal or business-related, if you are sole
owner) in the past ten years, no charged-off loans
(loans that lenders wrote off their books because you
didn’t repay them) in the past five years, and no fore-
closure, repossession, open judgment or suit, unpaid
tax lien, or prior education-loan default in the past
seven years. TERI will, however, consider your ex-
planation of any credit difficulties.

Double-Check Your Credit Report

What if you’re creditworthy but your credit report says
otherwise? The worst time to find out you’ve got a
damaging error on your credit report is after you’ve
applied for a loan. Instead of taking that risk, do a pre-
emptive checkup by ordering a copy of your report
from each of the three major credit bureaus:
■ Equifax: 800–685–1111
■ Trans Union: 800–916–8800
■ Experian: 888–397–3742


Though residents of a few states qualify for lower

fees, most people can expect to pay $8.50 for a credit
report, unless they’ve been turned down for credit in
the past 60 days, in which case the report is free. It’s
best to check your credit a couple of months before
you expect to begin applying for loans, so you’ll have
time to correct errors if necessary.
If you find inaccuracies in your credit file, such as
entries for late payment or nonpayment, or inclusion
of accounts that don’t belong to you, complete the dis-
pute form that accompanies the report. Don’t worry
about minor mistakes, such as an out-of-date reference
for your employer or a current balance that’s off by a
bit—those things won’t affect your ability to get credit.
In response to a dispute, the credit bureau “investi-
gates” by asking the creditor whether the information
you’re challenging is true. Often this takes care of the
error. But an affirmative response from the creditor
fulfills the credit bureau’s obligation. You’ll know the
outcome because you’ll receive a response to your dis-
pute within 60 days. If the original notation stands,
you’ve got to work on the creditor to fix what it’s re-
porting to the credit bureau. Make your case in writ-
ing, with copies of any documentation, and ask that a
correction be sent to all the credit bureaus to whom the
the creditor reports.
If the creditor won’t concede an error, you can add
a 100-word statement to your credit file indicating that
you dispute the entry. If you must resort to this, be
prepared to explain the dispute when you apply for
your parent loan.

The High Cost of Stretching

Out Your Payments

hen you have a subsidized Stafford loan,
Uncle Sam pays the interest while your
child is a full-time student, and repayment
of principal doesn’t start until after graduation. But on
unsubsidized Stafford loans, PLUS loans and some pri-


vate loans, you must choose whether to: Resist the

■ Make full payments of principal and interest while temptation
your child is in college;
■ Make interest-only payments during that time, to put off
deferring the repayment of principal for four years; making
or even
■ Defer payments of principal and interest entirely for payments
up to three years. against
When the student is the borrower, deferring pay- principal.
ments is often the only choice, given his or her lack of The long-term
income. And sometimes the same is true for parents,
given that you’re using your income to pay the college costs are
bills. But whenever possible, parent-borrowers should dramatically
resist the temptation to put off making payments
against principal. The long-term costs are dramatically
higher, and interest-only payments don’t do much to
help boost your cash flow, anyway.
On a $20,000 TERI loan at an initial rate of
6.25%, for example, making interest-only payments
while your child is in school adds four years to the 20-
year repayment term—and more than $5,000 to the
total cost of the loan. And the “big” break on your
payment is only $44 a month. The full monthly pay-
ment is $154, while the interest-only payment is $110.
How can that be? As with any loan, payments in the
early years cover mostly interest and just a little princi-
pal while payments toward the end of the loan cover
more principal than interest. Most parents who check
the “interest-only” box on their loan application forget
that, and are unpleasantly surprised at the higher-
than-expected installment that results.
Also contributing to high total loan costs are the
super-long loan terms that student lenders offer. These
may make the monthly payment affordable, but at
what a cost in the long run! You’d never take ten or 20
years to pay off a $20,000 car loan, but education-loan
lenders routinely write loans over one to two decades
or more. On the 6.25%, $20,000 TERI loan above, the
total cost of the 20-year loan with interest-only pay-
ments for the first four years is $42,193. With full pay-



Your monthly payment on a five-year education loan

Loan amount 5% 6% 7% 8% 9% 10% 11%
$2,500 $50.00* $ 50.00* $ 50.00* $ 50.69 $ 51.90 $ 53.12 $ 54.36
5,000 94.36 96.66 99.01 101.38 103.79 106.24 108.71
7,500 141.53 145.00 148.51 152.07 155.69 159.35 163.07
10,000 188.71 193.33 198.01 202.76 207.58 212.47 217.42
12,500 235.89 241.66 247.51 253.45 259.48 265.59 271.78
15,000 283.07 289.99 297.02 304.15 311.38 318.71 326.14
17,500 330.25 338.32 346.52 354.84 363.27 371.82 380.49
20,000 377.42 386.66 396.02 405.53 415.17 424.94 434.85
*The minimum payment on Stafford loans is $50 a month.

On a ten-year education loan

Loan amount 5% 6% 7% 8% 9% 10% 11%
$10,000 $106.07 $111.02 $116.11 $121.33 $126.68 $132.15 $137.75
12,500 132.58 138.78 145.14 151.66 158.34 165.19 172.19
15,000 159.10 166.53 174.16 182.00 190.01 198.23 206.63
17,500 185.61 194.29 203.19 212.32 221.68 231.26 241.06
20,000 212.13 222.04 232.22 242.66 253.35 264.30 275.50
25,000 265.16 277.55 290.27 303.32 316.69 330.38 344.38
30,000 318.20 333.06 348.33 363.98 380.03 396.45 413.25

On a 15-year education loan

Loan amount 5% 6% 7% 8% 9% 10% 11%
$15,000 $118.62 $126.58 $134.82 $143.35 $152.14 $161.19 $170.49
20,000 158.16 168.77 179.77 191.13 202.85 214.92 227.32
25,000 197.70 210.96 224.71 238.91 253.57 268.65 284.15
30,000 237.24 253.16 269.65 286.70 304.28 322.38 340.98
35,000 276.78 295.35 314.59 334.48 355.00 376.11 397.81
40,000 316.32 337.54 359.53 382.26 405.71 429.84 454.64

On a 20-year education loan

Loan amount 5% 6% 7% 8% 9% 10% 11%
$25,000 $164.99 $179.11 $193.82 $209.11 $224.93 $241.26 $258.05
30,000 197.99 214.93 232.59 250.93 269.92 289.51 309.66
35,000 230.98 250.75 271.35 292.75 314.90 337.76 361.27
40,000 263.98 286.57 310.12 334.58 359.89 386.01 412.88
45,000 296.98 322.39 348.88 376.40 404.88 434.26 464.48
50,000 329.98 358.22 387.65 418.22 449.86 482.51 516.09


ments from the start, the total cost is still a whopping You may be
$36,931. But cut the loan term in half, to ten years able to do
(which increases the monthly payment from $154 to
$236), and the total cost to repay the loan is $28,366— better by
about $8,600 less. “borrowing
There are two ways to go about shortening the
term of your loan. One is to ask the lender for a short- from yourself,”
er repayment term up front. But if the lender says no which really
(perhaps because it doesn’t offer a lesser term or be-
cause you don’t qualify for a higher payment based on means
your level of income), or if you’d rather not lock your- borrowing
self into a higher schedule of payments, you can also
accept the longer term and then make prepayments to from or
shorten the loan term on your own. You could, for in- against your
stance, boost your payment a bit each year as your in-
come increases, or make a big extra payment on the
own assets.
loan from a bonus or tax refund. In the example
above, adding $82 to the $154 loan payment each
month would achieve the same effect as having the
loan written up with a ten-year repayment term.
Lenders of student loans, whether federal or private,
are prohibited by law from charging prepayment
penalties. (See also the discussion of student repay-
ment options beginning on page 264.)

Borrowing From Yourself

tafford loans, PLUS loans and even some of the
private education loans are the cheapest and most
flexible unsecured loans (loans requiring no collat-
eral) you’ll find. But you may be able to do better by
“borrowing from yourself,” which really means bor-
rowing from or against your own assets. In some cases,
these secured loans cost even less than a government-
subsidized student loan.

Home-Equity Loans
If you’ve been a homeowner long enough, the equity in
your home is another cheap borrowing resource. Not
only are interest rates low—typically just above the


The interest prime rate (6.75% at press time)—but the interest you
on a home- pay will probably be tax-deductible, which makes the
loan or line of credit that much cheaper after taxes.
equity loan Homeowners can deduct interest on up to $100,000 in
is tax- home-equity debt, except when using the money to buy
tax-exempt bonds or single-premium life insurance (or,
deductible in some cases, when a taxpayer is subject to the alterna-
only if you tive minimum tax, which generally affects only high-
income taxpayers with many tax deductions).
itemize If you’re in the 27% tax bracket (with taxable in-
deductions come between $27,050 and $65,550 if you file a single
return and between $45,200 and $109,250 if you’re
on your married filing jointly), paying 7% on a home-equity
income-tax loan with tax-deductible interest is the equivalent of
paying about 5% on an ordinary loan. (To arrive at this
return. equivalent rate, subtract your tax bracket from 1 and
multiply the loan rate by that result. In this example,
7% x 0.73—that is, 1 – 0.27—equals 5.11%.) The inter-
est is also usually deductible at the state level, so the
equivalent rate can be even a bit lower after taking
state taxes into account. An even lower “teaser” rate of
interest (typically 4% to 7%) during the first six months
or year often makes the loan even less costly. Loans
don’t get much cheaper—unless maybe you’re bor-
rowing from the Bank of Mom & Pop.


caveat that’s not often mentioned when bankers and
others tout the low after-tax cost of a home-equity
loan: The interest is tax-deductible only if you itemize
deductions on your income-tax return. If you instead
take the standard deduction, because your total deduc-
tions are less than $4,550 on a single return or $7,600
on a joint return, you don’t get to take advantage of
the tax benefit of a home-equity loan. Granted, most
homeowners do itemize deductions because their
mortgage interest, along with other deductions, adds
up to more than the standard deduction. But if you’re
not among the itemizers—perhaps because you’ve
paid off your mortgage or because your mortgage-
interest payments are relatively low—you should com-


pare the full home-equity-loan interest rate, not the A home-

after-tax rate, against other borrowing options. equity credit
LOAN OR LINE OF CREDIT? There are two ways that you line is
can borrow against your home equity: ordinarily
■ a home-equity loan, which is essentially a second
mortgage for a fixed amount, with a fixed interest the better
rate, or choice for
■ a home-equity line of credit, which usually has a vari-
able interest rate. college
A home-equity credit line is ordinarily the better
choice for college borrowers because of its flexibility— because of
as with a credit card, you can tap the credit line (using a its flexibility.
checkbook or sometimes even a credit card) to borrow
the amount you need when you need it—say, $5,000
each semester for tuition, plus a few hundred here or
there when you come up short for books or that plane
ticket home for spring break. By contrast, with a home-
equity loan, you’d have to estimate your total four-year
borrowing needs in advance and pay interest on the en-
tire loan balance from the day you take out the loan.

HOW MUCH CAN YOU BORROW? Traditionally, banks

have allowed lines of credit of up to 80% of the equity
in your home. But competition, along with the low de-
fault record on home-equity loans, has encouraged
lenders to approve loans that bring the owner’s overall
debt to 90% or even 100% of home equity. If you own a
home that’s worth $120,000 and the balance on your
mortgage is $80,000, the equity in your home is
$40,000. Banks that let you borrow up to 80% of your
equity (known in banking lingo as an 80% loan-to-
value ratio) would approve a line of credit of up to
$32,000 (80% of your $40,000 in equity). To get a cred-
it line with a 90% or 100% loan-to-value ratio, you’d
probably have to accept an interest rate that’s a bit
higher than the going rate. The higher charge reflects
the risk to the bank that if the value of the home drops,
its collateral will be less than the value of the loan.
Even if you have plenty of home equity, resist the


The rate you temptation to open a credit line for far more than you
really want think you’ll need just because there’s no additional
cost. A giant home-equity credit line can limit your
to compare ability to borrow elsewhere to meet other needs be-
is the “fully cause other lenders often consider the full amount of
the credit line as existing debt when evaluating your
indexed” rate ability to repay, even if you haven’t borrowed anything
that goes into close to the limit.

effect after FINDING THE BEST RATES. A couple of hours on the

the teaser phone shopping for a low-cost home-equity credit line
will save you hundreds, and possibly thousands, of dol-
rate expires. lars in interest costs over the years you repay the debt.
The difference a couple of points can make? On a
$15,000, ten-year loan, for instance, you’ll repay a total
of $21,839 if the interest rate is 8%, versus $19,984 if
the interest rate is 6%. That’s a difference of $1,855.
You can also check the advertisements in your local
newspaper’s business section, but be aware that the
rates banks advertise are usually their “teaser” rates,
very low rates that apply only during the first three
months to a year that you have the credit line.
Assuming you’ll be borrowing and repaying over at
least four years, and possibly many more, the rate you
really want to compare is the “fully indexed” rate that
goes into effect after the teaser rate expires. Let’s say
Friendly Bank & Trust advertises a 4% line of credit
that adjusts to prime plus two points (8.75%) after the
first year. Across the street, Good Neighbor S&L offers
a credit line at 6% the first year and the prime rate
(6.75%) after that. If you’re going to take any longer
than about two years to repay, you’re better off with
the less-attractive teaser rate and the lower full rate.
You might take the opposite approach if you’re the
type of borrower who would take the trouble to “surf ”
teaser rates—jumping from one lender to another pe-
riodically to take advantage of a below-market intro-
ductory rate. If the new bank is willing to pay all the
closing costs and fees (you may try to negotiate this),
that could trim your interest expense by hundreds of
dollars in the first year, even if the new loan’s fully in-


dexed rate is the same as the one on the old loan. The You’ll save if
problem with this strategy is that most home-equity you set up a
loans involve a blizzard of paperwork, not unlike what
you endure when you get your first mortgage. Not repayment
everyone is willing to go through that every year or schedule for
two to save a few bucks.
yourself, as
you shop around, also ask about annual fees and clos-
ing costs—typically for an appraisal of your home and were taking
for document handling. Many markets are so competi- out a car
tive that banks waive most or all of those closing costs,
which otherwise run $200 to $300. In that case, howev- loan, to repay
er, watch the fine print. Sometimes you’re obligated to within four
pay those costs if you close the line of credit within a
year without selling your home.
or five years
Also bear in mind that if you face a trade-off be- of your child’s
tween a higher interest rate with no closing costs and
a lower rate with closing costs, you’re probably better
off paying the extra cash up front and taking the
lower rate, assuming you plan to use the line heavily
to cover college bills. The opposite is true if you’re
setting up a credit line just in case you may need to
use it later.

REPAYMENT. Home-equity credit lines offer credit

card–like convenience, but also the credit card–like
danger that you’ll pile up huge interest charges by
dragging out payments over years and years. Most
credit lines permit interest-only payments during, say,
a ten-year borrowing period. After that you must stop
borrowing and repay the balance over the next 15
years or so. But if you do stretch payments out that
long, you’ll repay a small fortune in interest. Borrow
$20,000 against your home at 7% and stretch pay-
ments (of $180) over 15 years and you’ll repay the bank
$32,358, of which $12,358 is interest. Repay in five
years (at $396 a month) and the total cost is $23,761, or
$3,761 in interest.
You’ll save if you set up a repayment schedule for
yourself, as though you were taking out a car loan, to


repay within four or five years of your child’s gradua-

tion. Use the loan-repayment table on page 236 to get a
rough idea what the payments would be on a five-year
loan. For a more precise calculation, use a financial (or
loan) calculator, such as you’ll find on Kiplinger.com; in
financial software, such as Quicken; or on the Web sites
listed on page 200 in Chapter 7. Such a program will
allow you to estimate the payment required to retire the
loan over varying periods of time so you can settle on a
payment that’s manageable for you—and stick to it as
best you can.

A FINAL CAUTION. The final word on home-equity

loans: Even if you could borrow 100% of the equity in
your home, never, never borrow more of it than you’re
confident you can repay. Your home is the collateral,
and should you fail to repay the loan, the bank can and
will foreclose on your house. At the bare minimum,
you should comfortably be able to manage the pay-
ment that would be needed to repay the loan in the 15
years required. Five years is far better.

Your Retirement Plan

Many employees have built up considerable sums in
company retirement plans, including 401(k) plans,
403(b) plans and company profit-sharing plans.
Should you tap that retirement kitty to pay for your
kids’ college education?
Maybe. But even if your plan has an attractive-
sounding interest rate, and even though the interest
you pay winds up in your own account, a home-equity
loan is almost certain to be cheaper, if you can get one.
And depending on what the investments in your re-
tirement plan are earning, a PLUS loan or one of the
education loans on pages 247–248 may also be a less-
costly choice. The discussion in the next section will
show why. But first, bear in mind that not all retire-
ment plans permit loans:
■ Defined-benefit plans—those that guarantee set pay-
ments based on your salary and years of service—
almost never allow loans.


■ But most of the defined-contribution variety,includ- In retirement

ing 401(k), 403(b) and company profit-sharing plans, plans that
allow participants to borrow from them.
The law doesn’t allow you to borrow from your borrowing,
IRA, or from SEP-IRAs or Keogh accounts, which are
retirement plans for the self-employed. federal limits
In plans that do permit borrowing, there are feder- define how
al limits (under the Employee Retirement Income Se-
curity Act) on how much of your account you can tap. much of your
You can borrow only up to 50% of your vested balance account you
(which is the amount that’s yours to roll over if you
quit your job), but no more than $50,000. can tap.


terest rate is the prime rate plus one percentage
point—and, yes, you pay yourself the interest. But that
doesn’t make it the free loan it may sound like. In most
cases, when you borrow from your retirement plan
you in effect realign the investments inside your ac-
count. Rather than having the amount of the loan—
say, $15,000—in your 401(k)’s stock mutual fund, for
example, you have it invested in a college loan. If the
interest rate on the loan is 8%, that’s what that portion
of your retirement money earns while the loan is out-
standing. When investments inside the plan are grow-
ing at a higher rate than interest charged on the loan,
the “bargain loan” rate is deceptive.
Here’s why: Say that your 401(k) investments are
growing at 11% a year. Borrowing from the plan at
8% means not only paying the 8% out of your pocket
but also forfeiting the 3% difference between that rate
and the 11% the money would otherwise earn. So
11%, not 8%, is the rate to compare with the cost of
borrowing elsewhere.
A retirement-plan loan is a good choice if your
401(k) money is earning less than the going rate on
plan loans. In that case, you get a convenient, below-
market-cost loan, plus you boost the return on your re-
tirement investments. If you’ve got your money in a
guaranteed investment contract (GIC) that’s paying


Now for the 4%, for example, and you pay off your loan at 8%, tak-
big downer on ing the loan actually improves what you’re earning on
your money. (Unless you’re very close to retirement,
retirement- you shouldn’t have your retirement money in GICs,
plan loans: If but that’s another book.) If your retirement stash is
spread among various investments, such as GICs,
you’re fired or bonds and stocks, see if you can borrow first from the
you quit your portion earning the lowest return. That keeps the cost
of the loan as low as possible.
job, the loan
will be due IT’S EASY. If a plan loan makes sense for you, it can be
wonderfully convenient. Many employers will arrange
immediately. the loans with a single phone call; there’s no credit
check (you’re borrowing from yourself, after all) and
payments are typically deducted from your paycheck.
Another plus is that when the money is used for any-
thing other than buying a home, you must repay the
loan within five years. You can’t even be tempted into
stretching the payments over a decade or more and ac-
cruing mountains of interest.

BUT THERE ARE STRINGS. Now for the big downer on

retirement-plan loans: If you’re fired or you quit your
job, the loan will be due immediately. If you can’t repay
it, Uncle Sam considers the loan balance to be a distrib-
ution to you. You’ll pay income tax on the money and,
if you’re under age 55, you’ll owe a 10% penalty on it,
too. Don’t borrow from your retirement plan if you
fear your job isn’t secure or if you think you might
change employers soon.

Your Life Insurance Policy

If you have cash-value life insurance (whole life, uni-
versal life or variable universal life), undoubtedly one
of the selling points that sounded attractive when you
bought it was the ability to borrow against the cash
value. You can usually borrow nearly all the cash value
in your policy, but unless you started off with a large
one-time premium payment, there’s typically not
much cash accumulated in the first several years of a
policy’s life. Once you do have some value you can bor-


row against, the trick—as with retirement-plan bor-

rowing—is to figure out the true cost of taking a loan.

THE TRUE COST. Current rates are around 6% to 8%.

(You may have a choice between a fixed rate and a
variable rate. As mentioned previously, you’d want to
go for the fixed rate if you thought interest rates were
going to rise and the variable rate if you thought inter-
est rates were going to fall.) But your real cost may be
higher. On a universal-life policy, for instance, many
companies pay a lower interest rate on the portion of
the cash value you’ve borrowed. So, as with retirement
accounts, you have to add the lost return to the interest
rate on the loan to get the true borrowing cost.
Don’t buy the insurance agent’s classic argument
that if you’re borrowing at 7% and getting 5% on your
money, the net cost of the loan is a bargain 2%. That’s
hogwash. If the interest rate your cash value earns is
ordinarily 8%, the 5% you’re getting on the portion
you’ve borrowed against is a three-percentage-point
reduction in your investment return. You must add
that to the interest you’re paying (and you’re paying
it, even if it’s being painlessly subtracted from your
premium or from the cash value each month) to get
the true cost of the loan. In this case, the true cost is


Q. How does borrowing against my assets assets under the federal aid formulas.
affect financial-aid formulas? ■ Because the federal formulas don’t
A. Because parents’ assets are such a count home equity, a home-equity loan
small percentage of the family contribution, won’t improve your official expected fam-
you’re better off choosing a loan based ily contribution. But it may reduce your
on its cost, not its financial-aid impact. assets in the formulas that private schools
But since you asked: use to award their institutional grants.
■ Investment debt (such as a margin ■ Very few schools look at retirement
loan, discussed on page 263) is the accounts or cash-value life insurance,
most favorable from a financial-aid so borrowing against those assets is
standpoint—it directly reduces your unlikely to have any impact.


While your 10%—the 7% interest rate plus the 3-point drop in

loan is your rate of return.
The same principle applies to whole-life policies (on
outstanding, which your dividend may be reduced) and for variable
your life universal-life policies (on which the cash value you bor-
row against may be switched from a stock or bond fund
insurance to a money-market fund paying a lower fixed interest
policy’s death rate). So in order to compare the cost of a policy loan
with other choices, you have to ask about not only the
benefit is interest rate but also the impact of the loan on the divi-
reduced by dend, interest or investment return on your cash value.
There are some policy-loan bargains. Many whole-
the amount life policies purchased in the mid 1970s offer loan rates
of the loan. of 5% to 6% with no reduction in the dividend. If you
have been holding on to one of those old policies,
That could you’ve got yourself a truly cheap borrowing source.
leave you
REPAYMENT. If you think the repayment terms on a
underinsured. home-equity loan or credit card are lenient, life insur-
ers are even more easygoing: You can repay the loan
however and whenever you like—or never pay it back
at all. The trouble is that interest continues accruing as
long as the loan is outstanding, and if you don’t keep
paying enough into the policy to cover at least the in-
terest, you can eventually chew through the remaining
cash value and cause the policy to lapse. If that hap-
pened, you’d owe taxes on a portion of the amount
you borrowed. In effect, you would have cashed out
the policy, and while you wouldn’t be taxed on the por-
tion that represents your investment in the policy, you
would be taxed on the earnings. You might also be
leaving your family without insurance protection it
needs. You can avoid that by not borrowing the maxi-
mum amount allowed or by asking your agent to help
you set up a repayment schedule that ensures your
policy won’t waste away.
Another point to remember is that while your loan
is outstanding, your policy’s death benefit — the
amount your family would receive if you died—is re-
duced by the amount of the loan. That could leave you


Margin Loans Borrowing

Borrowing “on margin,” or against the value of a stock from your
or bond portfolio, may sound like risky stuff for high-
finance types. That can be true when the loan is used broker to
to buy speculative investments, the value of which can pay college
rise or fall suddenly. But borrowing from your broker
to pay college bills isn’t necessarily risky, and it can bills isn’t
even be a pretty good deal. necessarily
Rates, which are pegged to the “broker call rate”
(what brokerages pay to borrow) are sometimes lower risky, and it
than home-equity loan rates. Rates in 2001 were can even be
around 8.5%. But if you’re using the money to pay col-
lege bills, the interest isn’t tax-deductible, so the after- a pretty
tax rate is higher. good deal.
At most brokerages, you can borrow up to 50% of
the value of the stocks or stock mutual funds in your ac-
count, and a higher percentage—often up to 85%—of
the value of lower-risk investments, like Treasury bonds
or municipal bonds. But it’s best not to borrow up to
the limit, so you can avoid the one big risk in borrowing
on margin—the dreaded margin call. If the market
value of your stock falls, so does the value of the collat-
eral backing up your loan. If the value dips below a cer-
tain point, the brokerage can demand that you pay
back part of the loan or deposit extra cash or securities
as collateral. If you don’t have the cash, you could be
forced to sell your stocks, bonds or mutual funds just
after they’ve plummeted in value. But if you limit your
borrowing to 20% or 25% of your account value, the
risk of facing a margin call is virtually nil. That’s be-
cause the value of your securities would have to drop to
almost nothing before you’d face a margin call.
Why not just cash in a bond or sell some of the
stocks in your portfolio to cover tuition bills? For a cou-
ple of reasons:
■It might make sense to hang on to a good investment
rather than sell right away to cover the bills.
■ You might want to put off paying taxes on a capital
gains, which, by boosting your taxable income in a
given year, could also cost you financial aid (see
page 156).


While recent There’s also the chance that you’ll be more disci-
grads will plined about paying back a margin loan than about
saving to replace your investments. But as with other
welcome “borrowing from yourself ” choices, it’s up to you to set
payment up, and stick to, your own repayment schedule (see the
box on page 252).
relief in the
short run,
Student Loan “Relief”
they should
t’s probably hard right now to imagine you and your
pay attention child on the other side of four years of college, but
here’s some food for future thought: Most students
to the long- face their first student-loan payments six months after
term cost of a graduation. For those whose entry-level salaries won’t
cover the payments on big debts, the federal govern-
more lenient ment’s direct-loan program can bring relief—but that
repayment relief can be very costly in the long run.
Under the program, graduates choose either the
schedule. standard ten-year repayment schedule or one of these
flexible repayment options:
■ Extended repayment lets the borrower stretch his or
her payments over a longer term, ranging from 12
years for debts between $7,500 and $10,000 to 30
years for debts over $60,000.
■ Graduated repayment allows extension of the loan up
to 30 years, with lower payments in the early years of
the loan and higher payments later when, presum-
ably, your child will be better able to afford it.
■ Income-contingent repayment allows payments to
fluctuate each year based on the borrower’s income
and level of debt. A graduate with $40,000 in stu-
dent-loan debt and a $25,000 income would initially
owe $200 per month. That compares with $444
under the standard ten-year repayment plan and
$258 under a 25-year extended repayment schedule.
(These calculations used an interest rate of 6%.)

These repayment plans are automatically available

to students with direct federal loans, and many private
lenders offer similar options, including an “income-
sensitive” repayment schedule. (Extended and gradu-


ated payment are also available to parent borrowers.)

While recent grads will welcome payment relief in
the short run, they should pay attention to the long-
term cost of a more lenient repayment schedule. In the
example above, the borrower who stretches payments
over 25 years pays back nearly $24,026 more in inter-
est than the borrower who manages the ten-year re-
payment schedule. The total expense may be even
greater for graduates in the income-contingent plan
because those loans allow what’s called “negative amor-
tization.” That means that when payments don’t cover
all the interest due, the unpaid interest is added to the
principal balance, on which additional interest com-
pounds. Even though you’re making payments, your
loan balance is growing, not shrinking.
Graduates can prepay their debt or switch back to a
standard plan any time—and they’d be wise to raise
payments as soon as they can afford to. Lenders tell
students they’re making their loans more affordable,
which they are in the short run. But by spreading the
cost over a longer period of time, they’re making the
debt more costly in the long run—and increasing the
risk that they’ll still be paying off student loans when
their own kids are ready for college.

Chapter 10
Other Ways
and Means

inancial aid, loans, savings and sometimes
scholarships are at the core of most parents’
pay-for-college plan. But when those don’t
stretch quite far enough, a student job, an
accelerated-degree program or installment
payment plan can help close the gap. In this chapter
you’ll find a grab bag of ideas for supplementing your
financial resources—or making them go further.

Cost-Conscious Ways to
Get a Degree

here’s a lot to be said for the traditional four-year
path to a college degree that allows a student a
healthy mix of social and academic development.
But at a time when college costs are soaring, saving a se-
mester’s or even a year’s expenses by accelerating the
usual 15-credits-a-semester pace has become an increas-
ingly popular alternative for students who can handle
the load. The fast track certainly isn’t for everyone, but
it can save a family thousands of dollars. If you have this
route in mind, you need to plan ahead, because the
courses your child takes in high school and the college
he or she chooses can make a difference between being
able to graduate early or not.
Another “alternative” route—going to community
college for two years before pursuing a bachelor’s de-
gree elsewhere— doesn’t take advance planning while
your child is in high school. It does require some at-
tention to course selection during those community-
college years, so that the maximum number of credits


will transfer to a four-year school. Careful course se-

lection in order to meet major or program require-
ments is also important to students who follow the
traditional path and want to avoid the expense of an
unanticipated extra semester or extra year.

Advanced Placement
One way for your child to get through in fewer than
four years is to start taking college-level courses in high
school. About 13,000 of the nation’s 22,000 high
schools administer Advanced Placement exams to ju-
niors and seniors, usually after they’ve completed an
AP class in, say, English literature, U.S. history, calculus
or biology. (For a list of the exams, see the box below.)
If the student scores a 3 or better on the exam—on a
scale of 1 to 5—he or she usually earns AP credit, al-
though some colleges or universities will require a 4.
Each exam, prepared and scored by the College
Board, costs $77.
The majority of colleges let students use advanced
placement credits to reduce the number of courses
needed to complete a degree. A student who passed


Art History and Studio Art German Language

Biology Human Geography
Calculus (AB and BC) International English Language
Chemistry Latin (Vergil and Literature)
Comparative Government and Politics Music Theory
Computer Science (A and AB) Physics (B and C)
Economics (Macroeconomics and Psychology
Microeconomics) Spanish Language
English Language Spanish Literature
English Literature Statistics
Environmental Science U.S. Government and Politics
European History U.S. History
French Language World History
French Literature Source: The College Board


three AP exams, for instance, might have to take—and With good

pay for—three fewer courses during his or her college grades at a
career. Some extremely ambitious students exempt
themselves from an entire year’s worth of classes. community
But not all schools are so generous. Instead of giv- college, your
ing college credit, some simply let students who’ve
passed AP exams take more-advanced courses as fresh- child can
men, but still expect them to take four years’ worth of transfer to
classes. In that case, students get the benefit of skip-
ping introductory courses, but there’s no savings on tu- a “brand
ition. Other schools limit the number of credits they name” school
give for AP exams. Selective schools may not give col-
lege credit for AP courses at all but may view them as a and earn the
plus in the admissions process. If your child is pursu- same diploma
ing AP classes, be sure to ask prospective colleges about
their policies. Someone with an eye on graduating
as students
early will want to give extra weight to a school that will who paid
offer full credit for AP work.
nearly twice
Choose Community College as much.
There may still be people who think of community col-
lege as a backwater refuge for students who aren’t
quite, well, smart enough for a “real” college. But
you’d better not suggest that to astronaut Robert
“Hoot” Gibson, Black & Decker CEO Nolan Archibald,
former EPA administrator Carol Browner, Maryland
governor Parris Glendening or former Seattle mayor
Norman Rice—community-college alumni all. With an
average annual tuition of around $1,500, community
college is an affordable stepping stone to a four-year
degree. In fact, with the help of the Hope Scholarship
tax credit (discussed in Chapter 1), many students can
complete their first two years of study at virtually no
cost. By earning good grades at a community college,
your child can transfer to a “brand name” college or
university and earn the same sheepskin as students
who paid nearly twice as much.

THE WELCOME MAT. When a community-college stu-

dent is ready to transfer, will the school of her choice be
ready for her? Increasingly, the answer is yes. Many


Many four-year schools go out of their way to encourage com-

community munity-college transfers and smooth the transition.
In a program called Exploring Transfer, Vassar Col-
colleges lege, in Poughkeepsie, N.Y., selects about 50 communi-
also have ty-college students each year to spend five weeks taking
summer courses, with their tuition funded by a grant.
guaranteed- Smith College, in Northampton, Mass., maintains
transfer “articulation agreements” with Miami-Dade (Fla.) and
Santa Monica (Cal.) community colleges, which means
arrangements that Smith regularly reviews the schools’ course offer-
with a ings and spells out which of their courses will be accept-
ed for how much credit. More commonly, four-year
number of schools have articulation agreements with a handful of
area colleges, nearby community colleges.
Many community colleges also have guaranteed-
public and transfer arrangements with a number of area colleges,
private. public and private. Students who earn a minimum
grade point average at De Anza Community College, in
Cupertino, Cal., for example, can automatically transfer
as juniors to one of 11 public and private schools.
Even in the absence of a formal agreement, four-
year colleges will readily help students select commu-
nity-college courses for which they’ll receive transfer
credit. Many also set aside scholarship money for
community-college students.

GOING PUBLIC. Public universities, because of their

lower tuition costs, tend to be the most popular choice
for community-college students. The University of Vir-
ginia and the University of North Carolina at Chapel
Hill, for instance, accept a large percentage of their
transfer students from community colleges.
In California, all public universities must give first
preference to students applying for transfer from
California community colleges. Florida has a similar
program. A few other states, including Colorado,
Massachusetts and Wisconsin, guarantee admission to
their public colleges and universities for in-state com-
munity-college students who have an associate’s de-
gree, provided they meet state standards such as a
minimum GPA.


MAKING THE GRADE. At both public and private Success at a

schools, admissions officers say that grades are far community
more important than the reputation of the school from
which the applicant is transferring. college can
Success at a community college can even offer a even offer a
second chance at a school that turned you down. At
four of Cornell University’s seven colleges, strong ap- second chance
plicants who miss the cut straight out of high school re- at a school
ceive a consolation offer: Study for a year or two at any
accredited college, including two-year colleges, and that turned
take courses that will transfer to Cornell. If you com- you down.
plete specified coursework and maintain a certain
GPA, you’re guaranteed admission.
Four colleges at the University of California–Berke-
ley make similar offers. The College of Letters and Sci-
ence, for instance, guarantees junior-year admission to
students turned down as high school seniors who sub-
sequently earn a specified GPA at one of about three
dozen California community colleges.

FINISHING THE DEGREE. Besides hard work, the other

key to admission to a four-year school (and to finishing
in four years) is to choose your lower-division courses
carefully. A student with a particular school in mind—
or better still, a specific program—will encounter the
fewest obstacles. He or she will know which account-
ing, math and computer-science courses are required
to get into the business school at U. Va., for instance, or
that a speech class won’t transfer to Smith because no
equivalent is offered there.
Do community-college students show up at four-
year colleges prepared for more-demanding course-
work? It’s typical for community-college transfers to
struggle through an “adjustment semester,” admissions
officers say, but by graduation most rank on par with,
or even a bit better than, four-year students. “There
are people who believe that four years in one place is
very important,” says B. Ann Wright, chief public af-
fairs officer at Smith College. “But given the high cost
of college, the excellent preparation at many commu-
nity colleges is a bargain.”


Earning a Three-Year Degree Programs

bachelor’s Earning a bachelor’s degree in three years instead of
four can shave thousands off the cost of a diploma. But
degree in even for motivated, ambitious students, it’s no walk in
three years the park. Getting through in three years usually means
taking a heavier-than-normal course load during the
is no walk in academic year and taking classes in the summer, when
the park, even everyone else gets a break. It doesn’t leave a lot of time
for the “camaraderie of college, for learning free from
for motivated, other pressures and for making the transition to adult-
ambitious hood leisurely,” wrote Amy Wu, a 1996 New York Uni-
versity graduate in an essay for the New York Times. Nor
students. does it leave much time for extracurricular activities.
But a growing number of students are choosing the ac-
celerated route, anyway, to reduce their costs and get
out into the “real” world—or on to graduate school—
as soon as possible.
Here are some examples of schools with formal
three-year degree programs:
■ At Southern New Hampshire University, in Manches-
ter, N.H., you can earn a degree in business adminis-
tration in three years, with a standard course load
and no summer sessions required. You’d save a full
year’s costs—about $24,000.
■ At Upper Iowa University, in Fayette, Iowa, students
who follow a focused program and carry a heavy
course load can graduate in three years and still have
summers off. They save the cost of the fourth year,
currently about $16,500, including tuition, room and
board, fees and books.
■ At Valparaiso University, in Valparaiso, Ind., students
can take 16 to 17 credit hours each semester and 28
credit hours (at $265 per credit hour) over three
summers, saving about $18,000.

If you’re receiving financial aid, your savings is

the amount you would be expected to contribute to-
ward costs in the fourth year minus the cost of sum-
mer classes, not the full cost of tuition. Your savings
could be reduced by extra room-and-board expenses,
assuming your child stays on campus during a sum-


mer term instead of living at home. A five-year,

Even at schools without a formal path to a three- joint-degree
year degree, students can often create a schedule that
enables them to finish a semester or a year early. That’s program in
what Amy Wu did at NYU. Using a combination of ad- your child’s
vanced-placement credit and extra courses, she com-
pleted her degree in history in three years. intended
major saves
Two Degrees in Five Years
Is your child contemplating graduate school, too? That you or your
ordinarily adds two years to a student’s college career, child a year
unless you seek out a college that offers a five-year,
joint-degree program in your child’s intended major. of graduate-
Such programs allow students to earn a bachelor’s de- school tuition
gree and a master’s degree in five years, which saves
you or your child a year of graduate-school tuition and
and living
living expenses. Typically, a student has to decide to expenses.
enroll in the program by his or her junior year—and
then begins working graduate-level courses into his or
her schedule in place of electives.
At least two colleges throw in the icing on the
cake—at Clark University, in Worcester, Mass., and
Lehigh University, in Bethlehem, Pa., the fifth year is
tuition-free. Clark, which grants master of arts (MA),
master of business administration (MBA), master of
health administration (MHA) and master of science in
professional communications (MS) degrees in five
years, boasts that its program saves students close to
$47,000. That’s $25,000 in tuition and room and
board for the sixth year they won’t need, plus $22,400
in tuition that the university waives the fifth year. Of
course, your savings is less when some of that cost
would have been covered by financial aid. At Clark,
the most popular combination is an undergraduate
degree in economics or psychology and an MBA, and
at Lehigh, it’s liberal arts and an MBA or engineering
and an MS in materials.

Graduation Guarantees
Figuring out how to pay for four years of college is
daunting enough without having to foot an extra year


or more because your child can’t get into the courses

needed to graduate on time. To erase that worry, a
small but growing number of schools are offering
graduation guarantees.
“If a student is unable to complete classes in four
years because of something the university does, we
will waive tuition fees for the needed classes,” says
Larry Anderson, director of public relations at De-
Pauw University, in Indiana. Other schools that have
similar guarantees:
■ Dominican College, in San Rafael, Cal.
■ Muskingham College, in New Concord, Ohio
■ the Milwaukee School of Engineering
■ University of the Pacific, in Stockton, Cal.
■ Augustana College, in Rock Island, Ill.
■ Regis University, in Denver

Students still have to get passing grades, so that

they don’t need to repeat any required classes, and
refrain from changing majors late in their college ca-
reers, when it could be harder to cram in a new slate
of required classes. But if a school overenrolls or fails
to offer a needed class, students get to take the course


Some schools go so far as to guarantee a job for which a college degree is a quali-
students a job after graduation. fication” within six months of graduation
■ At Manchester College, in North receive $400 a month until they find
Manchester, Ind., students who don’t appropriate work, up to a total of $5,000.
land a job that requires a college degree
within six months of graduation can At both schools students must partici-
take additional undergraduate courses pate in extracurricular activities and an
for one year at no cost. The extra internship or on-campus job, and must
coursework gives the student an take advantage of career counseling. The
opportunity to develop practical skills. idea: Students who take those steps, with
■ St. John Fisher College, in Rochester, the school’s encouragement, will be so
N.Y., backs its guarantee with cash: well qualified that they probably won’t
Students who are not employed “at need to collect on the guarantee.


for free. Books and room and board are not covered Most colleges
by the guarantee. Of course, schools don’t want to be now let
forced to give classes away, so expect to see stepped-
up student counseling. Students at Indiana Universi- parents
ty, for instance, take part in “mapping” sessions with enroll in an
academic advisers, designed to blueprint which class-
es to take and when. interest-free
Even at colleges without a guarantee, advise your installment
child to seek out such counseling, to avoid a senior-
year surprise that will prevent him or her from grad- plan that
uating on time. It might also help to remind your stretches
child gently that the earlier he or she settles on a
major, the easier it will be to complete all the required the cost over
courses in four years. ten or twelve
Innovative Ways to Pay
the Bill for College

hen it comes time to actually begin sending
checks to the bursar’s office, there are ways
to trim your costs—or at least ease the bur-
den of a big tuition bill.

Pay Tuition in Installments

Recognizing that it’s tough for most parents to cover
a $10,000 tuition bill all at once, most colleges now let
parents enroll in an interest-free installment plan that
stretches the cost over ten or twelve months. These
plans are usually administered by a third-party com-
pany, such as Academic Management Services
(www.amsweb.com) at about 1,500 schools and Key
Education Resources (www.key.com/educate) at al-
most 400 schools. Both Web sites offer financial work-
sheets to determine what payments will be under
various scenarios. You may have to specifically ask a
financial-aid officer whether such a program is avail-
able through the school.
While you pay no interest, there’s typically an en-
rollment fee of about $50, and you must begin making
payments in June, July or August instead of Septem-


ber. (If you don’t enroll until September of the fresh-

man year, you must make up any back payments all at
once.) Still, the plans are a good deal, especially for
parents who are paying all or part of the college bills
from current income and would otherwise have to
borrow—or borrow more—to pay the bill on time.
Say, for instance, that you could squeeze $500 a
month out of the family budget to cover the college
bills, but you face a $10,000 bill all at once on Septem-
ber 1. Instead of taking out a $10,000 loan at the begin-
ning of the academic year, you could take out a $5,000
loan (or open a home-equity credit line) and pay in ten
$1,000 installments—$500 from cash flow each month
and $500 from the proceeds of the loan or from the
credit line. The installment plan eases the sticker
shock—and saves you some interest. (In the example
above, what you save is equal to the interest on a ten-
month, $5,000 loan, which would be about $300, as-
suming a 7% interest rate.)

Prepay to Lock In or Reduce Costs

At the other end of the spectrum are parents who can
afford to pay the bill up front, perhaps from savings.
Those parents may be tempted to consider locking in
today’s costs by paying four years’ worth of bills up
front. But if tuition increases are slowing, on average,
prepayment may not save you much money, if any.
You’ll come out ahead only if tuition and other
costs rise faster than the 5% or so you otherwise could
earn by holding the money in a money-market ac-
count until you were ready to pay each year’s cost. If
the school your child attends has tied its tuition in-
creases to the consumer price index (the measure of
inflation that has hovered around 3% in recent years),
prepayment will probably cost you money. There’s no
way to be certain of how much tuition will go up in
future years, but an admissions- or financial-aid
officer might be able to tell you what’s anticipated for
the next year or two. You can also ask what the rate of
increase has been in recent years and use that figure
as a guide.


Student Jobs To land some

ost students can wait until they arrive on cam- cooperative
pus to begin looking for a job to help pay the
college bills. But to land some cooperative edu- education
cation and military opportunities, students must take and military
steps even as they’re selecting a college.
A paycheck is a paycheck, and if they’re willing to opportunities,
work for $6 to $7 an hour, most students don’t have students
much difficulty finding jobs waiting tables, ringing up
retail-store purchases or pushing paper in a corporate must take
office. But the plum jobs are those that allow a student steps even
to marry an academic or career interest with a job that
helps cover tuition or living expenses. Most campuses as they’re
have a career center or job-placement office that can selecting a
help students find the kind of job they want—whether
the top priority is a chance to help a faculty member
with research, freedom to study during slow periods
(possible for, say, a library check-out clerk)—or the
highest possible pay. Sometimes each academic depart-
ment keeps its own listing of research jobs and other
positions related to its area of study.

An Extracurricular Activity That Pays

At many colleges, residence-hall advisers not only get
something nice to put on a résumé, they often also get
free room and board and in some cases remission of tu-
ition. Usually, these positions are for upperclassmen.
But if your child is interested, he or she should pave the
way early on in the freshman or sophomore year by
learning how resident advisers are selected. Other stu-
dent leaders, such as student-body president and news-
paper editors, sometimes get some compensation, too.

Cooperative Education
One way students can make a hefty contribution to
their own college costs and get a leg up on a good job
after graduation is to enroll in a cooperative education
program, available at hundreds of U.S. schools. Co-op
students get a paying job related to their academic
major and either work half-time or alternate semesters
of work and study. The only catch is that, in some pro-


grams, it can take five years to graduate. The extra

time may be worth it depending on what the co-op
pays and to what extent the co-op improves the stu-
dent’s chances of getting a job after graduation.

THE COST AND BENEFITS. At Northeastern University,

in Boston, where 90% of the students participate in the
co-op program, the average earnings for roughly six
months of work, with alternate quarters of work and
study, are about $11,700 which can go a long way to-
ward the annual tuition of $19,395. Earnings are typi-
cally much higher than that for students in
engineering, computer science, business and health oc-
cupations, but can be significantly lower for students in
the social sciences and humanities. Students in the lib-
eral arts who wind up in lower-paid positions may not
always come out ahead financially after the cost of the
fifth year is taken into account. But even for those stu-
dents, the work experience and the contacts they make
in their professional field offer an advantage when
they look for a job after graduation.


What kinds of jobs do co-op students get? ■ physical therapist, Brigham & Women’s
Here’s a sampling. Hospital
■ software engineer, Data General Corp.
At American University ■ town reporter, the Patriot Ledger
■ finance assistant, Merrill Lynch
■ press assistant, White House press At the University of Cincinnati
office ■ assistant to corporate director of real
■ promotions intern, C-Span estate, Federated Department Stores
■ public-affairs assistant, the Smithsonian ■ design assistant, Gensler and Associates
Institution Architects
■ project assistant, Wilmer, Cutler and
At Northeastern University Pickering (law firm)
■ assistant staff accountant, KPMG ■ fashion-design assistant, Ralph Lauren Polo
■ legislative assistant, Commonwealth ■ safety-design engineering assistant,
of Massachusetts Delta Airlines


Many co-op students at Northeastern University

are offered positions with former co-op employers.
Employers include the university itself, the U.S. gov-
ernment, the state of Massachusetts, many Boston-area
hospitals, the Boston Globe newspaper, and corporations
including Fidelity Investments, General Electric,
Gillette, John Hancock Insurance, Polaroid, Price Wa-
terhouse Coopers, Raytheon, State Street Bank, Sun
Microsystems and Walgreens. In all, about 1,500 com-
panies have former Northeastern co-op students on
their payrolls.

THE OTHER PLAYERS. Among the 300 to 400 other col-

leges with large co-op programs are:
■ American University, in Washington, D.C.
■ Drexel University, in Philadelphia
■ Georgia Institute of Technology, in Atlanta
■ University of Cincinnati
■ Rochester Institute of Technology (N.Y.)
■ University of Louisville (Ky.)
■ University of Michigan–Dearborn

At many of the schools, including American, stu-

dents get academic credit for their co-op jobs, which
enables them to finish in four years instead of five. But
they spend less time on the job, and earn correspond-
ingly less pay than at other schools.


co-op job? Tobie van der Vorm, former executive di-
rector of American University’s career center, likes to
answer the question with the story of a student who
mentioned to her that he had enjoyed participating in
his high school’s thespian society but was majoring in
computer science because “Dad says that’s where the
jobs are.” She found him a position at the Folger
Shakespeare Theater, where he designed a computer-
ized reservations system—and also assisted with lights
and sound during productions.



If you’re already knows what he or she wants to study and is in-

trying to fill terested in a cooperative-education program that will
alternate work and study, take time to explore co-op
a gap in college programs—and the kinds of co-op jobs they offer—
financing, while selecting a school. (A few schools even require
co-op participation for students in certain depart-
you’ll have ments, such as the engineering and architecture de-
to decide partments at the University of Cincinnati.) An early
commitment is necessary at such schools, because stu-
whether the dents must begin participating in co-op by the end of
long-term their freshman year.
At schools such as American University where co-
benefits of ops are integrated into a student’s academic schedule
an unpaid (think of it as a class for which the student gets credit
and pay), students can sign up in their sophomore
internship year or later.
outweigh the Either way, a stop at the cooperative-education of-
fice during a campus visit can give you an opportunity
short-term to look at current job listings and to talk with a coun-
lack of income. selor about what kind of earnings your child can expect
in his or her chosen field. You can learn more about co-
op programs at the Web site of the National Commis-
sion for Cooperative Education (www.co-op.edu).

What’s the difference between a co-op and an intern-
ship? At schools like Northeastern, cooperative educa-
tion is a formal program you stick with over the entire
college career, while an internship is usually a job that
lasts just a semester or a summer or that requires a
smaller commitment of time per week. At schools like
American University, there’s less difference in duration
between the two opportunities, but students automati-
cally earn course credit for co-op jobs, while they must
make special arrangements with faculty to get credit
for an internship. And almost all co-ops pay, while
some internships pay well, some meagerly, and some
not at all. Even when there’s no paycheck, internships
can be a valuable source of job experience—and some-
times lead to a job after graduation. But if you’re try-
ing to fill a gap in college financing, you’ll have to


decide whether the long-term benefits of an unpaid in-

ternship outweigh the short-term lack of income.
As with ordinary jobs, the best place to look for an
internship is at your college’s career center or job-
placement office. Also check with faculty in individual
academic departments for information about intern-
ships that are listed directly with the department or
contacts the faculty may have elsewhere.

Military Service
There are numerous routes to financing a college edu-
cation with a stint in the military. Here are four:


Naval, Air Force, Merchant Marine and Coast Guard
academies, students earn a bachelor of science degree
on Uncle Sam, who pays for tuition, room and board,
and medical care, and provides a stipend for uni-
forms, books and incidental expenses. Graduates
repay the government with six years of active-duty
military service.
Admission to the academies is competitive. Appli-
cants should have good grades and SAT scores, have
participated in athletics and extracurricular activities,
and be in excellent health. Candidates for the U.S. Mil-
itary, Naval and Air Force academies must also have a
nomination, most commonly from the student’s con-
gressional representative or senator. Students should
apply for a nomination in the spring of their junior
year. For more information, visit the academies’ Web
sites (listed in the box on the following page).


Air Force award Reserve Officer Training Corps schol-
arships that cover up to full tuition for four years, and
pay a small monthly allowance. Students who earn the
scholarships, based on grades, SAT scores and ex-
tracurricular activities, must attend one of the 470
public or private colleges with an ROTC program (or
with a cross-enrollment agreement with a school that
has one) and spend two to five hours a week, plus time



U.S. Air Force Academy: www.usafa.af.mil

U.S. Coast Guard Academy: www.cga.edu
U.S. Merchant Marine Academy: Usmma.edu
U.S. Military Academy: www.usma.edu
U.S. Naval Academy: www.nadn.navy.mil
Army ROTC: www.armyrotc.com
Navy Recruiting Command:
Air Force ROTC: www.afoats.af.mil/rotc.htm

during the summer, in military training. After gradua-

tion, there’s an eight-year service commitment, much
of which can be fulfilled with service in the Reserves or
National Guard.
Students hoping for four-year scholarships should
apply no later than the fall of their senior year in high
school. For information, visit a recruiting office or visit
the Web sites listed in the box above.


FITS. Aside from scholarship programs, any member of
the military can qualify for educational benefits. Active-
duty members of the Army, Navy and Air Force, for in-
stance, can take off-duty classes toward a bachelor’s (or
graduate) degree, with the service paying 75% of the
cost, up to a total of $3,500 per year.
Soldiers can also participate in the Montgomery GI
Bill. Those who serve on active duty for three years or
more and agree to have their military pay reduced by
$100 a month during the first 12 months of service can
receive $650 a month toward educational expenses for
36 months after leaving the service.
Combining the two programs, a student could
spend three years on active duty, taking as many off-
duty classes as possible, then complete his or her de-
gree with the help of up to $23,400 in GI Bill funds.
(Additional GI Bill money — up to an additional
$12,600—can be earned by enrolling in certain spe-


cialties.) Contact a military recruiting office for fur-

ther details.

JOIN THE RESERVES. Members of the military reserves,

as well as members of the National Guard, can also re-
ceive GI Bill benefits. With a six-year commitment
(typically involving one weekend a month and two
weeks each summer), reservists can receive about
$9,400 toward educational expenses (more if you enlist
in certain specialties), plus $22,000 in pay. Members of
the Army Reserves and National Guard can also quali-
fy to have up to $10,000 in student loans forgiven,
which doubles to $20,000 for those who enlist in cer-
tain military specialties.

Chapter 11
Cash Flow

n top of Introductory Economics or
History 101, every freshman, like it or
not, takes a real-life course in managing
money. You will probably be all too
aware of the tuition bills, but the hidden
costs of college—like pizzas, textbooks and travel—can
easily add up to $3,000 per year per student—or
more. And in most cases, it’s up to your kid to keep
those costs under control, with you as ad hoc and often
long-distance financial adviser. You can consider this
chapter your instructor’s manual for Freshman Fi-
nances 101. On the syllabus: guidance on banking,
credit cards and smart cards; how to keep phone bills
in check; whether to send your child to school with a
car or computer; help with the dorm-versus-apartment
and meal-plan versus student-cooking decision; and
some tried-and-true money-management tips.

Find a Student-Friendly Bank

ollege students have special banking needs.
They’re likely to keep a low or steadily declining
balance, have few if any monthly bills to pay by
check and rely mostly on automated teller machines to
get cash. So a conventional checking account that
charges $5 to $10 a month for unlimited transactions or
that requires a substantial minimum balance to avoid
fees usually isn’t the best way to meet those needs.
Enter the “basic banking” account, a no-frills, low-cost
account that’s ideal for students with uncomplicated fi-
nancial lives. In a typical basic-banking account, there’s


no monthly fee, no minimum balance and no fees for

using the bank’s own ATM machines. The catch to such
accounts is that you get a limited number of free trans-
actions each month—when you make more than six or
eight or ten transactions in a month, there’s typically a
fee. So, before signing up, students should be fairly con-
fident that they won’t exceed the limits. Also, some basic
accounts are geared to ATM and electronic access only,
and charge fees for transactions with live tellers.
Fees for using an ATM that doesn’t belong to the
bank can also be steep—$1 to $2 per transaction. Your
first choice should be a bank that has its own ATMs—
not just those in the same network, such as MOST or
Cirrus—on or near campus. A bank with a branch or
ATM on campus may cater to students by offering low-
cost accounts.
If you’re providing the spending money, how
should you fund the account? You might be able to
direct-deposit part of your payroll check or make an
automatic transfer at little cost through a bank’s direct-
payment program. If you send regular checks, though,
it gives the student experience with making deposits, as
well as withdrawals, and reinforces the point that you’re
providing the money, not the electronic tooth fairy.
Then, of course, there’s the matter of making sure
your kid knows better than the “I can’t be overdrawn,
the ATM gave me cash” routine. Has your child ever
reconciled his bank-account statement? Have you been


Here’s what it costs to pay off a credit card balance one minimum payment at a time,
assuming the interest rate is 18% and the minimum payment is 2.5%, but no less than $10—
which is a typical formula.

Item Cost Time to repay Interest Total cost

Clothes $100 11 months $9.16 $109.16
Books 500 7 years 365.42 865.42
Computer 1,500 16+ years 1,865.40 3,365.40
Miscellany 2,500 20+ years 3,365.51 5,865.51


pitching in as your kid’s bookkeeper? Now’s the time There’s

to give him the tools to do it himself. If your child so much
hasn’t had a bank account, then it’s time to open a
small one close to home. Either way, balancing the competition
checkbook should be old hat by the time freshman among credit
year rolls around.
cards to be
Go Easy on Credit the first one
in a young
ollege students enjoy privileged status as credit
card customers—they can qualify for a $500 or adult’s wallet
$1,000 unsecured credit line without any em-
ployment, income or credit history, even as a fresh- that it’s not
man. Young adults will never again find it as easy to unusual for
get credit as they will during their college years. Un-
derwriting is lenient mainly because college students
students to
tend to be loyal customers—three in four keep their get several
first credit card for 15 years or more.
But it’s a Jekyll-and-Hyde opportunity. Ideally, stu-
dents save the card for emergencies, pay their bills on
time, and graduate with a jump on building a good
credit history. But it’s easy for the ideal scenario to turn
nightmarish: There’s so much competition among
credit cards to be the first one in a young adult’s wallet
that it’s not unusual for students to get several cards.
And after six months to a year, card issuers may in-
crease the borrowing limit. The result: big debts at
high rates of interest—and the inevitable phone call
home from a son or daughter pleading for a bailout
because he or she can’t meet the minimum payment—
or perhaps has missed payments and is hearing from
collectors. If parents can’t or won’t come to the rescue,
graduates start their careers with excessive debt and a
blemished credit history.
The best way to avoid either unhappy outcome is
to send your student to school with some counsel on
how to handle credit. Students are often ill-informed
about interest rates, grace periods (an opportunity to
pay the bill in full before any interest is charged) and,
in particular, the minimum-payment trap: If you make
just the minimum payment (say, 2.5% of the outstand-


ing balance) each month, it takes seven years and costs

$865 to pay off a $500 purchase at 18%. Make sure
your child also knows that credit costs the least when
you pay in full by the due date, and that failing to pay
at least the minimum payment will wreak havoc with
his or her ability to get credit in the future.

Pick the Best Card

Students aren’t likely to qualify for a low interest rate,
but the table below lists no-annual-fee cards marketed
to students by some of the nation’s largest issuers. Ex-
cept for USAA’s card, which you or another creditwor-
thy adult must co-sign, rates don’t vary much, so
compare other factors that can add to the cost: late-
payment and over-limit fees (which banks have become
more aggressive about charging), lack of a grace peri-
od, and two-cycle billing, which requires at least two
back-to-back, no-balance months to avoid interest
charges. Also be aware of “teaser,” or introductory,
rates. These don’t last long, so it’s better to compare
cards at their full rate.


Card Interest Annual Grace Late/over-

(and phone) rate fee period limit fees

American Express Optima 18.4% none 30 days $20/$20

(800–467–8462) (variable)

Associates National Bank 17.99% none 25 days $25/$25

Master Card (variable)

USAA Savings Bank 12.4% none 25 days $20/$20

Master Card/Visa (fixed)

Wachovia Bank Visa 18.4% none 20 days $25/$25

(800–842–3262) (fixed)


Build a Good Credit Record

A strong credit history can mean lower rates on loans
and brownie points with employers, landlords and in-
surance companies. The best way to build good credit
is to use the card, ideally making several small transac-
tions each month and then paying the bill on time or
even early. A good rule of thumb you can give your
kids to help them stay on track: Use cash if the pur-
chase will be used up by the time
they get the bill or if they’re not
sure they can pay the bill in full
right away. Want someone else to deliver the perils-
of-credit lecture? “Smart Credit Strategies
Should You Co-sign? for College Students,” an audiotape recorded
Sometimes parents co-sign their by Gerri Detweiler, a consumer advocate
children’s credit applications, as- and former director of Bankcard Holders of
suming they’ll be able to spot America, is aimed at teens and teaches all
problems before they get out of the essentials (Good Advice Press, $15.95;
hand. Not necessarily. Eugene 800–255–0899; www.goodadvicepress.com).
Seach of Warren, Ohio, co-signed
a Signet Bank credit card applica-
tion for his daughter Sheila while she was a high school
senior. Several months later, maxed out at the $500
limit, she was unable to manage even the minimum
payment. Eight months passed, and $272 in late and
over-the-limit fees had piled on to the balance before
Signet called her father to request payment. “They
could send you a postcard to let you know the pay-
ments aren’t being made,” he protests.
But card issuers and other creditors have no oblig-
ation to notify co-signers when the primary borrower
isn’t making payments. “We would hope that a parent
who is co-signing would be actively interested in how
the student is managing the loan,” says a spokeswoman
for Signet. That’s nice in theory, but if your child is
away at school, you may have nothing except his or her
word that the card is under control.
Another warning to parents: Creditors usually
record an account’s payment history on the primary
borrower’s and the co-signer’s credit reports, so your
credit history could be tarnished if your child doesn’t


pay on time. Plus, the open credit line counts as part of

your overall credit burden when you apply for a loan
yourself. If you think co-owning the credit card is a
good idea, you might as well be the primary borrower
and let the child be the co-signer or co-borrower, advis-
es Detweiler. “You’ll get the bills, so you’ll know
whether they’re getting paid or not,” she says.
Another possibility is to simply give your child a
card on your account. It won’t help him or her build a
credit history immediately, but it will provide a chance
to learn to use credit wisely before the consequences
are long-term.

Get Used to “Smart” Cards

hey’re the wave of the future for the rest of us,
but “smart” cards aren’t new to most college stu-
dents. They’ve been among the guinea pigs
used in the banking industry’s effort to replace loose
change with plastic. At many campuses, students (or
their parents) can load money onto a smart card that
can be used at pizza joints and other fast food restau-
rants on campus, the campus bookstore and other re-
tail venues, and for getting a soda at a vending
machine, doing a load of laundry or making photo-
copies at the library. Meal-plan credits may also be
loaded onto the card, which may also serve as a library
card, dorm security key, or electronic ID. Students
load their cards with cash at “cash chip machines” or
kiosks on campus. They can feed dollars into the ma-
chine or transfer money from a bank account using an
ATM card. At the point of sale, students run the card
through a reader to see the cost of the transaction and
the balance left on the card.
What wisdom can students and faculty where smart
cards are used pass along to future smart-card users?

Guard the Card Like Cash

On some campuses, smart cards require a personal
identification number for certain transactions, and the
card can be deactivated if it’s lost or stolen. But at oth-


ers, students whose cards go missing may as well have

thrown the money away, because the cards lack a PIN
to keep others from using them and can’t be deactivat-
ed, because they’re not linked to a central account. The
card itself stores information about recent transactions.

Count the “Change”

What if the card is debited $5 instead of 50 cents for a
soda out of a machine? The card-bearer will find out
when the card comes up short in a reader. On some
campuses, students can take their case to an on-campus
service center, which can look up recent transactions on
a card and correct errors. Elsewhere, vending machines
are often programmed so that they can debit only as
much as the most expensive item in the machine.

Stick with Credit for Big Purchases

In a dispute with a merchant, smart-card users have
no more leverage than if they had paid with cash. If
you use a credit card, you can withhold payment and
dispute a charge when a product or service isn’t deliv-
ered as agreed.

Don’t Rush Technology

Students warn that ripping a card out of a card reader
or cash machine too quickly can cause the entire bal-
ance to disappear—which means a trip to the service
center to reinstate the value.

Is a Computer a Must?

ou may have felt fortunate to take a typewriter
to school, but today’s students increasingly find
a computer a necessary piece of baggage. In
fact, some schools are beginning to require students to
have computers. Every student at Wake Forest Uni-
versity is equipped with an IBM ThinkPad and color
printer—and gets an upgraded machine after two
years. The university includes the expense in its tu-
ition. Requiring all the students to have the same
equipment and software makes it easier for everyone


It’s probably on campus—students, faculty and administrators—to

best to wait communicate via e-mail, says a spokeswoman for the
university, and enables professors to make assign-
until you’ve ments using current software, such as requiring every-
chosen a one in a statistics class to manipulate data using a
certain spreadsheet program.
college to Dartmouth College takes a different approach. It
decide on requires a computer and recommends which machines
and features will meet most students needs and sets
a computer minimum standards, but leaves it up to you what to
to ensure buy. Liberal-arts students can probably get by with the
minimum, but computer-science students usually want
compatibility to have all the bells and whistles.
with the It’s probably best to wait until you’ve chosen a col-
lege to decide on a computer because at some schools
school’s IBM-compatible machines are predominant and at
preferred others Macintoshes are the computers of choice. Your
child will have a much easier time using the campus
system. network—for sending e-mail to professors, for in-
stance—if he or she has a computer that’s compatible
with everyone else’s.
Once you know what your child needs, a family
hand-me-down or a secondhand machine, perhaps
purchased from a graduating senior, might turn out to
be sufficient. Most schools buy computers in large
quantities and therefore can offer them to students at
substantial discounts, through either a computer cen-
ter or the campus store. It always pays to comparison-
shop, but often the discounted price for students at the
campus store is less than a comparable computer
would cost at a local discount computer store.
One bright note: You may not need to buy your
child a printer. Most colleges have a “printer center” or
publicly accessible printers in dormitories and libraries
that students can use to print out term papers.

Outfitting the Dorm Room

he first semester of college brings with it the
extra expense of equipping the dorm room with
sheets, towels and basic furnishings, such as a


clock-radio, lamp or stereo. First, find out what the If you send
school provides; some may, for example, provide your child to
weekly linen service as part of the room-and-board
package. Also, ask what, if anything, it may prohibit a college more
from dorm rooms because of fire codes or the like. A than 150 miles
little coordination with your child’s new roommate can
also help trim those costs. When Jake Slattery, a stu- from home
dent at the University of Kentucky, got his roommate and persuade
assignment as a freshman, his mom advised him to call
his new roommate ahead of time to find out what he him or her to
was bringing, so that neither would buy anything un- leave the car
necessary. “Jake thought that was queer, but he did it
and it worked out well,” says his mom, Kathy Slattery. behind, your
Jake brought a used mini-refrigerator and microwave, insurance
and his roommate brought a TV.
will fall.
Send the Car?

t many schools, undergraduate students aren’t
allowed to have cars on campus. But even if
they are allowed, can your child get by without
one? Many a student will do just as well or better
without the expense of gas, parking and maintenance
for a car. But more significant, keeping the car in
your own driveway will probably save you a bundle
on insurance premiums.
As most parents already know, just listing your teen
driver as an “occasional user” of a family car can add
hundreds of dollars to the family’s auto-insurance pre-
mium. Coverage can cost even more when a teen is
considered the primary driver—especially if he or she
is driving an expensive car. But here’s one good piece
of news about the cost of college: If you send your
child to a college more than 150 miles from home and
persuade him or her to leave the car behind, your in-
surance premium will fall—perhaps back to the com-
paratively painless premium you enjoyed before your
child got a driver’s license.
Anticipating wails of protest? Your son or daughter
may have a case if the car is headed for a sleepy college
town. Cornell student Christina Feile, for instance,


Most found that it was far cheaper to drive her car in Ithaca,
companies N.Y., than back home in Long Island. The cost of in-
suring her 1991 Chevy Corsica was 45% less than the
consider cost when the car was based at her parents’ home.
students But stick to your guns if your child is headed for a
big-city campus. Insurance can cost as much as 300%
living off- more in urban areas than in suburban or rural locales.
campus to be Plus, if your child is rated as an occasional driver on
your current policy, taking the car to school for nine
independent months automatically pushes the student into the high-
and therefore er-priced category of principal driver.
for property Don’t Overlook Property
coverage Insurance
under their
tudents sometimes learn the hard way that valu-
ables can walk off from dormitories, fraternity and
parents’ sorority houses, and multi-roommate apartments
insurance. or group houses. Their parents’ homeowners insur-
ance often covers the damage, but not always. A few
companies cover students’ possessions up to the par-
ents’ full personal-property limit. Most cap coverage of
a student’s property stored away from home at 10% of
the parents’ personal-property coverage. If, for in-
stance, your house is insured for $100,000 and person-
al property for $50,000, your child gets $5,000 worth
of protection. Parents’ property insurance usually also
covers the value of a child’s property in transit between
home and school.
Students step into a gray area when they move
from a dormitory into an off-campus apartment. Ac-
cording to the Insurance Information Institute, in
New York City, most companies consider students liv-
ing off-campus to be independent and therefore ineli-
gible for coverage under their parents’ insurance. But
some may still cover a student who lives off-campus
during the school year but lives at home during the
summer. A call to your agent should nail down what
your own homeowners policy covers.
A student without coverage should get a renter’s


insurance policy, which for about $125 a year will

cover up to $10,000 to $15,000 of furniture and other

Bargain Airfares for Students

or many years airlines offered special youth fares
that helped families get college students to cam-
pus on the cheap. But those fares have been dis-
continued. If college is too far away to make the trip by
car, your best bet for finding a cheap airfare is to check
the low-fare airlines (such as Southwest, Air Tran,
Frontier or Sun Country) or keep an eye out for fare
wars on the major airlines—and book tickets at least 21
days in advance.
But one long-standing American Express promo-
tion might save you money if your child is flying a long
way to school, or if either your home or the school is
served by an airport where fares are high because
there’s not a lot of airline competition. Students who
carry an Amex card ($55 annual fee) get four airfare
coupons (plus two companion coupons) from Conti-
nental Airlines: Each one is good for a round-trip do-
mestic flight ranging in price from $119 for a weekday
trip of up to 1,000 miles to $279 for weekend travel to
and from a destination more than 4,000 miles away.
The specific offers on the coupons student cardholders
receive change each year, but Amex has been giving
out airline coupons since the late 1980s and they’re
usually a good deal.
There are a couple of catches:
■ You can make reservations no more than 21 days in
advance and seats are limited, so you could have
trouble using the tickets during peak travel times.
■ There are blackout dates, particularly around the
year-end holidays.
■ An American Express card must be used to pay for
the tickets.

Still, if you managed to use just one certificate, you

could recoup the $55 annual charge card fee. And


Prepaid phone what better card for promoting fiscal responsibility to

cards come new cardholders? American Express demands that
charges be paid in full each month. (The coupons are
preloaded also available to student holders of the Optima card,
with a limited which has no annual fee but on which balances—and
interest—can accrue.)
amount of
calling time, Calling Home
say, 60 or
hat’s the cheapest way to phone home? If
120 minutes, your student lives in a dorm room without
an individual phone line, the main choices
which keeps are to call collect, or to use a calling card or prepaid
students on phone card.
A collect call is almost always the most expensive,
a budget. even when using MCI’s 1–800–COLLECT or ATT’s
1–800–CALL–ATT, which have been heavily adver-
tised as a money-saving way to call collect. Using those
numbers is cheaper than dialing the operator to place
a collect call. But there are better alternatives.
Unfortunately, an ordinary calling card on your
long-distance service at home may not be one of them.
Unless you sign up for a special calling-card plan,
AT&T, MCI Worldcom and Sprint now charge ridicu-
lous rates on calling-card calls: as much as 89 cents a
minute, plus a surcharge of $1 to $1.25 per call. That
adds up to nearly $20 for a 20-minute phone call.
You’ll fare somewhat better if you sign up for spe-
cial calling-card plans offered by the Big Three. Once
you enroll in AT&T’s One Rate Calling Card plan, for
instance, you pay $1 a month, plus 25 cents a minute
with no per-call surcharge.
Calling cards from no-name providers are much
cheaper. AccuLinQ (800–909–7995), for instance,
charges 8.9 cents per minute with no per-call sur-
charge. You’re charged a $1 or $2 billing fee only for
those months in which you use the card. You can scout
for similar deals at ABTolls.com, a Web site that tracks
long-distance and calling-card plans.
Another option is to buy your child prepaid phone
cards or suggest that he or she buy them. These cards


come preloaded with a limited amount of calling time, Ask your

say, 60 or 120 minutes, which keeps students on a bud- child to draw
get. One low-cost card from GE (www.GEPrepaid.com)
costs ten cents a minute with no per-call surcharge. up a budget
If your child does have an individual phone line, for the school
look into low-cost long-distance plans, such as the
Sprint or MCI Worldcom plans that charge 5 cents or year. Social
7 cents a minute anytime. ABTolls.com is the best activities may
place to review what the long-distance carriers are
currently offering. be harder to
estimate than
The E-Mail Alternative expenses for
textbooks or
n even bigger cost-saver: If you’ve sprung for a
computer, take advantage of the fact that in
most circumstances e-mail is free. Most of the
travel home.
time, students pay nothing to have a university e-mail
address or to use the Internet. E-mail is especially eco-
nomical for students who spend a semester abroad and
want to avoid expensive international calls.

“Help, I’m Broke!”

desperate “Send money!” phone call from your
student halfway through the first semester may
be inevitable. But you can try to start your
youngster out on the right foot with some sound ad-
vice on managing money.

Broach the B Word

Ask your child to draw up a budget for the school year.
It shouldn’t be too difficult to figure out how much
textbooks or travel home will cost, but a budget for so-
cial activities may be harder to estimate accurately. If
the first semester’s estimate turns out to be way off, ask
your child to track his or her expenses for a month or
two to pinpoint where the money is going and arrive at
a better target number. Estimating costs by the month
rather than by the semester will help. Don’t forget inci-
dentals; shampoo, toothpaste and other toiletries, for
instance, can add up.


One financial Suggest an Expense Log

planner The best way to know where the money goes is to keep
track for a few months. A review of the log at the end
suggests of the first semester can pinpoint whether your child is
sending money broke because of too many late-night pizzas or because
a bigger book budget is in order.
monthly or
biweekly, Set the Ground Rules
Let your child know ahead of time exactly what you’re
“the way paying for and what expenses are his or her responsi-
they’ll get bility. If you’re providing spending money, make clear
how much will be provided and when. That improves
money the chances that your child will reserve some part-
the rest of time-job earnings to pay the phone bill, instead of
spending it all on a Saturday-night date.
their lives.”
Send Money in Small Doses—
at Least at First
Some parents think college-age kids should be able to
handle a lump sum for the semester or the full college
year. But Harold Evensky, a certified financial planner
in Coral Gables, Fla., suggests sending money monthly
or biweekly, “the way they’ll get money the rest of their
lives.” Or you might load your child’s smart card with
meal-plan credits and money for books at the begin-
ning of each semester, then add some spending money
to the card each month.

Questions for Sophomores & Up

iving arrangements are usually pretty straightfor-
ward in the freshman year, as most freshman
choose or are required to live on campus. By the
sophomore year, your student may be free to consider
other options:

Dorm or Apartment?
Can your child save money by sharing an apartment
with roommates rather than living in the dorms? A lot
of students go this route after freshman year (when


many schools require students to live on campus). De- Be sure to

pending on the rental market near campus, one-quar- leave some
ter of the rent on a two-bedroom apartment may well
be cheaper than the amount you’re paying each month room for
for dorm housing. But before you send your child surprise
packing, be sure to weigh the extra costs and responsi-
bilities of apartment living. costs when
You may have to co-sign your child’s rental agree- you make the
ment, and he and his roommates will have to decide
whether they want a month-to-month or year-long dorm-versus-
lease, in which case they may want a provision that al- apartment
lows them to sublet the property during the summer.
You’ll probably have to put up an amount equal to a decision.
month’s rent as a security deposit, and depending on
how your child and his roommates live, that amount
may or may not be refunded.
■ There’s furniture to buy, such as a bed, desk, kitchen
table and chairs.
■ The little stuff adds up, too, like trash cans, cleaning
supplies, dishes, utensils and so forth.
■ And monthly phone bills and utility bills are another
added expense.

Of course, many an apartment-dwelling student

stores books in milk crates, sets up the TV on a board
supported by cinder blocks, and lounges on the 15-year-
old sofa that formerly resided in the family basement.
Even so, be sure to leave some room for surprise costs
when you make the dorm-versus-apartment decision.

Meal Plan or Chef Boyardee?

Is three square meals for $10 a day a good deal? That’s
about what you spend for a full college meal plan,
where students can usually choose to eat in the dining
hall or get carryout food from, say, a deli or fast-food
restaurant. After freshman year, many students decide
they can eat better on the same amount of money—or
eat for less than $70 a week. Residence halls often have
communal kitchens that make it possible for students
to cook their own meals.
Of course, a lot depends on how convenient the


grocery store is—and whether the student likes to

cook. If your child’s answer to the meal plan is the
pizzeria or campus tavern every night, you won’t save
money and you may be concerned for his or her
health. But a pair of roommates with a little ability in
the kitchen can probably make even $60 worth of gro-
ceries go a long way. (Remember Ramen noodles?) If
they’re pooling resources, that saves them each about
$40 a week—or $720 a semester.

A Assets ten ways to keep more cash,
ABTolls.com, 297 asset-protection allowances, 124, 34–35
Academic Management 133, 136–137 Business/farm net worth
Services, 275 children’s, 113, 165–167, adjustment table, 125
Academics and leadership 201–202 Business scholarships, 223–224
scholarships, 220–221 parents’ contribution from assets
Accredited Personal Financial and income, 125
Specialists (APFSs), 96 reducing, 165–167 C
ACT exam, 199 shifting, 163–1654 Calling cards, 296
“Adjustment semester” for sibling assets, 137 Calling home
community college students, student assets, 137, 201–202 calling cards, 296
271 what assets are available for collect calls, 296
Adult education classes, 10 –14 college, 190, 191–192 e-mail alternative, 297
Advanced Placement Athletic scholarships, 143, prepaid phone cards, 296–297
areas of study, 268 218–219, 223 Campus visits, 202, 205–207
credits for, 268–269 Average students, scholarships Car insurance, 293–294
Affordability. See Costs for, 229 Cars, students’ need for,
African-American students, 293–294
scholarships for, 216–217 Cash management. See Money
Aggressive-growth funds, 73 B management for students
Air Force ROTC Web site, Banking needs for students CDs. See Certificates of deposit
282 ATM fees, 286 Center for Education
Airfares for students basic banking account, 285–286 Statistics, 194
American Express promotion, direct-deposit of funds, 286 Certificates of deposit, 50–52
295–296 teaching your child how to use Certified financial planners
youth fares, 295 an account, 286–287 (CFPs), 96, 185
American Century funds Blind students, scholarships for, Chartered Financial
Long-Term Treasury Fund, 61 217 Consultants (ChFCs), 96
Target Maturities Trust, 65 Bonds Children
Target Maturities, 66 primer for, 59 amount a child may borrow, 16,
American Express zero-coupon bond funds, 65–67 192
student airfare promotion, zero-coupon bonds, 62–65 assets, 165–167
295–296 Bonuses child’s income effect on
American Institute of CPAs, financial-aid eligibility and, financial-aid eligibility, 157
96 162–163 contribution of assets to college
Annuities, 170–171 putting into savings, 36 costs, 113, 201–202
Apartments Bowling scholarships, 218 contributions to college costs,
co-signing rental agreements, Boy Scouts, scholarships for, 16, 192
299 218 hiring in the family business,
dorm rooms versus apartments, Brown family example of 160–161
298–299 financial-aid calculation, as independent students, 115
property or renters insurance 116–117 savings in the child’s name,
for, 294–295 Budgeting for college 37–43
Army Reserves, 283 belt-tightening measures, 15–16, with special talents, 139–140,
Artisan funds 30–31 148–149
International Fund, 74, 78, 79 budget-cutting worksheet, 32–33 two kids in college at once,
Arts scholarships, 221–223 student budgeting, 297–298 116–118, 181


Choosing a college Collegiate Choice Walking Financial aid; Money manage-

amount parents are willing to Tours, 206 ment for students; Tuition
pay, 187–188 Commission-based financial amount parents are willing to
assets available for college, 190, planners, 97 pay, 187–188
191–192 Community colleges average annual increase in tuition
average class rank and, 199 “adjustment semester,” 271 and fees graph, 4
book resources, 196, 197 choosing lower-division courses, average costs for the 2000-01
campus visits, 202, 205–207 271 academic year, 2
competition among schools, importance of grades, 271 belt-tightening measures, 15–16,
199–201 public colleges and, 270 30–31
cost of getting into college, transferring credits from, borrowing from retirement
204–207 269–270 plans, 259–260
extra income and, 191 Computers. See also Software; children’s contributions, 16, 192
with financial aid in mind, 198 Web sites college-cost sampler, 2000-2001,
financial-aid policies, 201–203 buying your child’s computer, 17–22
financial checkup, 189–192 171 college pledges to hold increases
finishing in four years, 194 printer centers on campus, 292 to the rate of inflation or
foreign institutions, 196–198 students’ need for, 291–292 “inflation plus two” percentage
good values in specific fields, Conservative stock mutual points, 4
195–196 funds, 70–71 cost of getting into college,
honors colleges, 194–195 Continental Airlines, student 204–207
need-analysis formulas, 189 airfares, 295–296 grandparents’ help with, 42–43,
need-sensitive admissions Cooperative education 191–192
policies, 203–204 compared with internships, higher earnings after college, 7
public versus private schools, 280–281 innovative ways to pay for
193–194 costs and benefits, 278–279 college, 275–276
questions and resources for disadvantages, 277–278 outfitting a dorm room,
campus tours, 202 finding the right program, 292–293
reach schools, 200 279–280 parents’ second jobs, 16
safety schools, 201 ideal jobs, 279 planning timeline, 8–10
SAT or ACT scores and, 199 kinds of jobs, 278 private school average cost, 2–3
school’s endowment and, 198 Corporate bond mutual public school average cost, 3
schools where admission is funds, 67–69 rate of increase, 5–6, 23
probable, 200 Cost-conscious ways to get real cost of college worksheet,
“undecided” major, 196 a degree. See also Costs; 146
Co-signing for a student’s credit Financial aid slowdown in rise of, 3–6
card, 288, 289–290 Advanced Placement, 268–269 students’ contribution of assets
Collect phone calls, 296 community colleges, 267–268, to, 113
College Board 269–271 ten “best values” in public
institutional methodology for cal- graduation guarantees, 273–275 colleges, 3
culating financial aid, 130–131 schools that guarantee students total costs, 127–128
private school average cost, 2 a job after graduation, 274 travel costs, 127–128
Web site, 125, 200 three-year degree programs, turning a hobby into a sideline
College-savings plans, listing 272–273 business, 16
of, 87-95 two degrees in five years, 273 what minimum payments on
College Scholarship Service, Costs. See also Cost-conscious credit cards cost, 286,
104 ways to get a degree; 287–288
CollegeSure CDs, 51–52 Expected family contribution; Credit bureaus, 249–250


Credit cards. See also “Smart” dorm rooms versus apartments, tracking when you begin saving
cards 298–299 for college, 108
audiotape lecture on, 289 Draft registration, 104 Web sites for estimating,
co-signing for, 288, 289–290 125–126
credit record and, 289 E
minimum payments, 286, E-mail, alternative to calling F
287–288 home, 297 FAFSA. See Free Application for
no-annual-fee cards, 288 “Echo boom” generation Federal Student Aid
unsecured credit lines, 287 influence on costs, 3–4 Farms
Credit reports, 249–250 Education IRAs net worth adjustment table, 125
Credit Suisse Warburg description, 41–42 PROFILE form and, 181–182
Pincus funds grandparents’ contributions, fastWeb, 214
Capital Appreciation, 72, 77 42–43 Federal loans
Custodial accounts The Education Resources amount a child may borrow, 16
disadvantages, 37–39 Institute loans, 240, 248, 249, amount a parent may borrow, 16
financial-aid eligibility and, 251, 253 Federal Student Aid Information
166–167 Eligibility for financial aid. See Center, 241
state laws on when your child Financial-aid eligibility forms, 99, 102–105
can have the money, 38 Employers, scholarships from, Perkins loans, 131, 238, 240, 245
215 PLUS loans, 141, 142, 202, 240,
Employment 245–247
D cooperative education, 277–281 repayment relief, 264–265
Day care, diverting the cost of internships, 280–281 Stafford loans, 129–131, 142,
to savings, 36 military service, 281–283 184, 202, 238–244
Deaf students, scholarships for, residence-hall advisors, 277 Federal methodology for cal-
217 schools that guarantee students culating financial aid, 102–105,
Debt. See also Loans a job after graduation, 274 108–118, 119, 133–139
decrease in cost of, 232–234 student jobs, 277–283 Fee-only financial planners, 97
extraordinary debt, 138–139, work-study programs, 129, 131, Fellowships. See Scholarships
151–152 173 FinAid Web site, 126
loan payments per $1,000 of Endowments of colleges, Financial aid. See also Scholar-
debt, 236 198–199 ships
reasons for increase in amount Engineering scholarships, above-average income and, 99
of borrowing, 235 226–227 asset-protection allowances
safe amount of debt for your Ethnic groups, scholarships for, table, 124
child, 234 216–217, 224 average need-based financial-aid
safe amount of debt for yourself, EXCEL loans, 240, 247–248 package, 6–7
234–236 Expected family contribution Brown family example, 116–117
using savings or investments to calculating, 120–121, 124–125 business/farm net worth adjust-
pay off, 169 deferring income and, 156–163 ment table, 125
Disabled students, scholarships estimating, 105, 108 business or investment losses,
for, 217 federal forms and, 102–105 113
Divorced parents financial aid and, 100–105 calendar for, 106
choosing a college and, 191 financial-aid package and, 128 choosing a college and, 201–203
financial aid and, 118–119, loans to cover, 231 deadline for completing forms,
122–123, 202–203 private versus public schools, 103
Dorm rooms 101–102 divorced couples and, 118–119,
decor for, 292–293 as savings goal, 26 122–123, 202–203


draft registration and, 104 Web sites for estimating Financial-aid packages
effect of loans on, 261 expected family contribution, aid that isn’t, 142–143
expected family contribution, 125–126 appealing, 145–153
100–105, 105, 108, 120–121, Financial-aid eligibility asking a school to reconsider its
124–125, 156 accelerating or deferring income, offer, 149–152
family income and, 7, 150 156–163 asset-protection allowances, 133,
federal methodology for after freshman year, 183–184 136–137
calculating, 102–105, 108–118, annuities and, 170–171 bargaining chips, 147–148
119, 133–139 avoiding big tax refunds, colleges that don’t discount
“financial-aid years,” 105–108, 161–162 tuition, 144
156 beating the system, 172 contributions from income, 138
first layer of aid, 128–129 bonuses and, 162–163 documentation, 152–153
forms, 99, 102–105 business income and expenses expected family contribution,
“free money” concept, 102 and, 158 128
income-protection allowances child’s income and, 157 extending deadlines for response
table, 123 debt accountability, 168–169 to offers, 151
independent students, 115 documentation, 166 extraordinary debt and,
institutional methodology for FAFSA completion steps, 138–139, 151–152
calculating, 112–118, 133–139 173–181 federal formula adjustments,
Jones family example, 109–111, flexible spending or set aside 133–139
114–115, 139, 141–142, accounts, 158–159, 182 financial downturn and, 152
164 giving money to your parents, first layer of aid, 128–129
MacDonald family example, 167–168 gapping, 128, 141–143, 201, 211
112–113 hiring a consultant to help fill out graduate school for another
merit-based, 145, 172, 195, forms, 184–185 child and, 150
209 hiring your kids in the family hardship circumstances and, 152
“need analysis” formulas, business and, 160–161 high medical expenses and, 138,
100–101 home equity and, 163, 170 150, 183
need-sensitive admissions investment losses, 157 home equity and, 129, 133
policies, 203–204 moving to a bigger house and, institutional methodology,
paper trail, 107 171–172 133–139
parents’ contribution from assets parent in school and, 172–173 low estimates for everyday living
and income table, 125 paying taxes early, 161 expenses, 128
planning ahead for, 105–108 PROFILE preparation, 181–184 matching another school’s offer,
prepaid tuition plans and, 85 purchasing business equipment 148–149
private colleges and, 104, you need, 161 merit and need balancing, 145
193–194 reducing assets, 165–167 negotiation strategies, 148–152
resource books, 109 retirement accounts and, outside scholarships, 129, 202
retirement accounts and, 44 159–160 PLUS loans and, 245
savings effect on, 15 saving too much, 169–172 preferential packaging, 139–140
social security tax table, 123 selling stocks and mutual funds, private school tuitions for
state eligibility, 104–105 156–157 younger siblings, 138, 150
state tax allowances table, 122 shifting assets, 163–1654 real cost of college worksheet,
three-year degree programs and, smart money management and, 146
272–273 155–156 school’s own resources, 129
two kids in college at once, U.S. savings bonds and, 157–158 semester abroad and, 137
116–118, 181 Financial Aid Information sibling assets and, 137
variables, 101–102 Page Web site, 200 state grants, 129


student assets and, 137 flexible spending or set aside History scholarships, 225
student income and, 133 accounts and, 158–159 Hobby or interest groups,
students with special talents, giving money to your parents scholarships from, 218
139–140, 148–149 and, 168 Home equity
total cost consideration, hiring a consultant to help fillfinancial-aid eligibility and, 163,
127–128 out, 185 170
travel costs, 127–128 sample form, 174–177 financial-aid packages and, 129,
tuition “discounting,” 143–145 Student Aid Report, 103, 105 133
type of aid you may be offered, PROFILE form and, 181–182
130–131 G Home-equity loans
typical package, 127–139 Gale Directory of Associa- amount you can borrow,
unusually high income for one tions, 215 255–256
year and, 150–151 Gapping, 128, 141–143, 201, 211 annual fees and closing costs,
work-study, 129, 131 GI Bill, 282–283 257
Financial checkup before Gifts borrowing only what you can
choosing a college, giving money to your parents, repay, 258
189–192 167–168 financial aid and, 163, 168, 171
Financial planners, 86, 95–98, from grandparents, 42–43, interest rates, 254, 256–257
184–185 191–192 loans versus lines of credit, 255
Financial Planning from parents, 37–39 repayment, 257–258
Association, 96 putting into savings, 36 tax issues, 254–255
529 plans Golf scholarships, 223 using to pay for college, 191,
benefits, 39–40 Government studies scholar- 253–258
drawbacks, 40–41 ships, 224–225 Honors colleges, 194–195
grandparents’ contributions, 42 Graduate school, 10–14 Hope scholarship tax credit,
prepaid tuition plans, 80, 82–86 Graduation guarantees, 7, 10–14, 216, 269
savings plans, 39–41, 80–82 273–275
tax issues, 40–41, 79–81 Grandparents, help with college I
types, 80 costs, 42–43, 191–192 Income-protection al-
Flexible spending or set aside Grants lowances table, 123
accounts, 158–159, 182 Pell Grants, 129, 130 Independent students, 115
Foreign institutions, 196–198 state grants, 129, 131 Individual retirement
403(b) plans Supplemental Educational Op- accounts. See also Education
borrowing from, 258–259 portunity Grants, 131 IRAs; Roth IRAs; SEP-IRAs
401(k) plans Growth-and-income funds, 71 borrowing from, 259
borrowing from, 258–259 Guaranteed Student Loans. postponing distributions,
financial-aid eligibility and, 159 See Stafford loans 159–160
maximizing contributions to, 44 tax issues, 45
taking advantage of employer H withdrawal penalty, 45
match, 45 Harbor funds Inflation
Free Application for Federal Bond, 68, 77 college pledges to hold increases
Student Aid Capital Appreciation, 72, 79 to the rate of inflation or
availability, 102–103 Hearing impaired students, “inflation plus two” percentage
completion steps, 173–181 scholarships for, 217 points, 4
expected family contribution Higher education agencies Information resources
and, 103 listing by state, 134–136 Advanced Placement exams, 268
federal methodology formula Hispanic students, scholarships bond primer, 59
and, 103 for, 217 calculating tax-exempt yields, 54


choosing a college, 196, 197 eleven or more years to go, cial-aid calculation, 109–111,
college savings and prepaid 78–79 114–115, 139, 141–142, 164
tuition plans, 87–95 FAFSA and, 179–180 Journalism scholarships,
colleges that don’t discount financial planner choice, 86, 227–228
tuition, 144 95–98
cooperative education, 278 five years to go, 47, 77 K
credit cards, 289 growth-and-income funds, 71 Keogh accounts
Federal Student Aid Information historical record of stock borrowing from, 259
Center, 241 earnings, 48, 71 financial-aid eligibility and, 159
financial aid and how it works, index funds, 75 tax issues, 45
109 international funds, 74–75 withdrawal penalty, 45
financial-aid resources on the long-term, 47, 71–75 Key Education Resources, 275
Internet, 200 long-term-growth funds, 72–73 Kiplinger’s Web site, 125–126
military academies, 282 losses in, 157
mutual funds, 70 margin loans, 169, 263–264 L
pros and cons of saving via life money-market mutual funds, Legg Mason funds
insurance, 84 52–53 Opportunity Trust, 79
questions and resources for municipal bond funds, 69–70 Life insurance
campus tours, 206 riskier choices, 67–71 borrowing from, 260–263
scholarships, 213–214, 215, 217, safest choices, 47, 49–60 cashing in to pay for college, 191
218, 219, 229 sample portfolios of mutual financial-aid eligibility and, 163,
schools that guarantee students funds, 76–79 164–165
a job after graduation, 274 selling stocks and mutual funds, pros and cons of saving via, 84
Installment payment of 156–157 “Lifetime Learning” tax
tuition, 275–276 short-term, 47 credit, 10–14
Institutional methodology for six to ten years to go, 78 Loans. See also Debt; Financial
calculating financial aid, state-sponsored college-savings aid; Home-equity loans;
112–118, 133–139 plans, 79–86 specific loans
Intel Science Talent Search, taxable versus tax-exempt yield, amount a child may borrow, 16,
210 54 192, 234
International funds, 74–75 time schedule, 48–49 amount a parent may borrow, 16
Internet Treasury funds, 60–62 borrowing from yourself,
financial-aid resources, 200 Treasury strips, 63–65 253–264
scholarship data bases, 214–215 U.S. savings bonds, 53–57 to cover expected family
Internships, 280–281 U.S. Treasury bills and notes, contribution, 231
Investments. See also Savings; 58–60 creditworthiness, 248–250
specific funds using to pay off loans, 169 deciding how much you should
aggressive-growth funds, 73 zero-coupon bond funds, 65–67 borrow worksheet, 237
allocating savings among stocks zero-coupon bonds, 62–65 deferring payments, 243
or stock mutual funds, 49 IRAs. See Individual retirement effect on financial aid, 261
better-returning choices, 47, accounts federal, 16, 99, 102–105, 131,
60–67 Italian American students, 238–247, 264–265
cashing in to pay for college, 191 scholarships for, 217 interest-rate formula, 233–234
certificates of deposit, 50–52 life insurance and, 260–263
conservative stock mutual funds, loan payments per $1,000 of
70–71 J debt, 236
corporate bond mutual funds, Joint degree programs, 273 margin loans, 169, 263–264
67–69 Jones family example of finan- military reserves and, 283


monthly payment table, 252 ROTC scholarships, 281–282 Need-sensitive admissions

parent loans, 16, 141, 142, taking off-duty classes towards policies, 203–204
234–238, 245–265 a degree, 282 Nellie Mae loans, 240, 247–248
private, 247–248 Minority students, 143
reasons for increase in amount scholarships for, 216–217 O
of borrowing, 235 Money management for Oakmark Fund, 72, 78
retirement plans and, 258–260 students Online help. See Web sites
safe amount of debt for your airfares, 295–296
child, 234 banking needs, 285–287 P
safe amount of debt for yourself, budgeting for school year, 297 Parent Loans for Under-
234–236 calling home, 296–297 graduate Students. See
stretching out your payments, cars on campus, 293–294 PLUS loans
250–253 computer needs, 291–292 Pell Grants, 129, 130
student loan interest deduction, credit cards, 287–290 Perkins loans, 131, 238
232–233 dorm room outfitting, 292–293 employment at certain kinds
student loans, 16, 242–245, dorm rooms versus apartments, of work and, 245
247–248, 250–251, 264–265 298–299 overview, 240
student loans at a glance, 240 keeping an expense log, 298 repayment, 245
Taxpayer Relief Act and, 232 meal plans versus eating on your PLUS loans, 141, 142, 202
variable-rate loans, 242 own, 299–300 creditworthiness and, 250
Long-term-growth funds, property insurance, 294–295 financial-aid packages and, 245
72–73 renters insurance, 294–295 lenders for, 246
Loomis Sayles funds sending money in small amounts, overview, 240
Bond, 68, 77, 78 298 repayment, 246–247, 250–251
setting ground rules for sending student loan interest deduction,
M money, 298 233
MacDonald family example “Smart” cards, 290–291 types, 246
of financial-aid calculation, Money-market mutual funds, Preferential packaging of
112–113 52–53 financial aid, 139–140
Mach25, 214–215 Montgomery GI Bill, 282–283 Prepaid phone cards, 296–297
Margin loans, 169, 263–264 Municipal bond funds, 69–70 Prepaid tuition plans
Meal plans appeal of, 85–86
eating on your own and, N basis for, 82
299–300 National Association of contract type, 82–83
“Smart” cards and, 290 College and University financial aid and, 85
Medical expenses, 138, 150, Business Officers, 143 listing, 87–95
183 National Association of penalties and alternatives, 86
Meridian funds Personal Financial return on, 83–84
Value, 73, 79 Advisors, 96 transferring, 85
Merit-based financial aid, 145, National Guard, 283 tuition unit type, 83
172, 195, 209 National Honor Society Prepaying tuition, 276
Military academies, 281, 282 members, 148 Private schools
Military groups, scholarships, Native American students, average cost, 2
218, 225–226 scholarships for, 217 efforts to hold down tuition
Military service Navy Recruiting Command increases, 5
military academies, 281, 282 Web site, 282 expected family contribution
Montgomery GI Bill, 282–283 “Need analysis” formulas and, 109, 112
Reserves, 283 for financial aid, 100–101 financial-aid forms, 104


financial-aid packages, 131–139 borrowing from, 258–260 saving for college, 108
home equity and, 170 ROTC scholarships, 281–282 tricks for, 31, 34–36
institutional methodology for using to pay off loans, 169
calculating financial aid, S vehicles for, 36–44
112–118, 133–139 Safety schools, 201 Scholarships
need-analysis formulas, 189 Sallie Mae for $500 or less, 210
outside scholarships and, Signature loans, 240, 248 for academics and leadership,
211–212 Web site, 200, 244 220–221
private school tuitions for SAT test after high school, 230
younger siblings, 138, 150 choosing a college and, 199 for the arts, 221–223
private schools with the largest prep courses, 205 athletic scholarships, 143,
endowments, 199 Savings. See also Banking needs; 218–219, 223
public versus private schools, Investments available from employers, 215
193–194 allocating among stocks or stock for average students, 229
savings and, 25 mutual funds, 49 for Boy Scouts, 218
PROFILE financial-aid form amount to save, 23–45 for business studies, 223–224
data included, 103–104 amount you can afford to save, categories, 209–210
financial-aid eligibility and, 26, 30 college financial-aid officers and,
103–104 automatic deductions for, 31, 34 213
giving money to your parents belt-tightening measures, 15–16, data bases for, 214–215
and, 168 30–31 directories of, 213–214
preparing, 181–184 in the child’s name, 37–43 for disabled students, 217
Property insurance, 294–295 custodial accounts, 37–39, for ethnic groups, 216–217, 224
Public colleges 166–167 government studies, 224–225
average cost, 3 diverting the cost of day care to, guidebooks, 217, 218, 219, 229
community colleges and, 270 36 high school clubs and, 215
home equity and, 170 education IRAs, 41–42 high school guidance counselor
public versus private schools, effect on financial aid, 15 and, 213
193–194 expected family contribution as for history studies, 225
savings and, 25 goal, 26 hobby or interest groups and,
ten “best values,” 3 529 plans, 39–41, 79–86 218
Public speaking scholarships, grandparents’ contributions, Hope scholarship tax credit, 7,
226 42–43 10–14, 216, 269
life insurance and, 84 local community and civic groups
Q long-range worksheet, 28–29 and, 216
Quicken, 30, 258 money tracking, 30 merit-based, 145, 172, 195, 209
private versus public colleges, 25 military affiliation, 225–226
R raises and, 34–36 for military groups, 218
Raises, putting into savings, realistic goals for, 24–25 outside scholarships effect on
34–36 retirement and, 44–45 financial-aid packages, 129,
Reach schools, 200 saving ahead of time, 14, 23, 202, 211–212
Religious groups, scholarships 24–25 professional associations and,
and, 217–218 saving too much, 169–172 215–216
Renters insurance, 294–295 short-range worksheet, 27 public speaking, 226
Reserves, 283 ten ways to keep more cash, reading instructions and eligibility
Residence-hall advisors, 277 34–35 criteria, 229
Retirement plans. See also tracking your expected family religious groups and, 217–218
specific plans contribution when you begin ROTC scholarships, 281–282


for science and engineering, Stafford loans, 129–131, 142, average college costs for the
226–227 184, 202 2000-01 academic year, 2
search services, 214 borrowing limits for dependent business/farm net worth
seeking early, 219, 229 students, 239–240 adjustment, 125
state agencies and, 216 borrowing limits for independent college-cost sampler, 2000-2001,
tax issues, 149 students, 240–241 17–22
for teaching, 227 choosing a lender, 242–244 colleges that don’t discount
tips for seeking, 219, 229–230 deferring payments, 243 tuition, 144
unions and, 216, 228 interest-rate formula, 233–234 financial-aid calendar, 106
where to look for, 213–219 overview, 240 financial-aid paper trail, 107
who benefits the most, 212 repayment, 250–251 growth-and-income funds, 71
winning entries samples, student loan interest deduction, high-quality corporate bond
229–230 233 funds, 68
for writing and journalism, subsidized versus unsubsidized, income-protection allowances,
227–228 241–242 123
Science scholarships, 226–227 terms, 239 international funds, 74
Selected American Shares, types, 238 loan payments per $1,000 of
71, 77 State-sponsored college- debt, 236
Selecting a college. See savings plans. See 529 long-term-growth mutual funds,
Choosing a college savings plans 72
Self-employed persons States monthly payment on loans, 252
business income and expenses, college-cost sampler, 2000-2001, municipal bond funds, 69
158 17–22 no-fee credit cards for students,
buying more business equipment, financial-aid eligibility, 104–105 288
171 529 savings plans, 39–41, 79–86 parents’ contribution from assets
hiring your kids in the family grants, 129, 131 and income, 125
business, 160–161 higher education agencies listing, private schools with the largest
moving to a bigger house, 134–136 endowments, 199
171–172 listing of college savings and savings bond interest, 56
PROFILE form and, 183 prepaid tuition plans, 87–95 schools with endowments over
purchasing business equipment state laws on when your child $1 billion, 198
you need, 161 can have the money from social security tax calculation,
Semester abroad, 137 custodial accounts, 38 123
SEP-IRAs tax allowances table, 122 state laws on when your child
borrowing from, 259 Stepparents, financial aid and, can have the money from
financial-aid eligibility and, 159 123 custodial accounts, 38
tax issues, 45 Student jobs. See Employment state tax allowances, 122
withdrawal penalty, 45 Student Loan Marketing student loans at a glance, 240
Skyline funds Association. See Sallie Mae U.S. Government bond funds, 61
Special Equities, 73, 77 Supplemental Educational what minimum payments on
“Smart” cards Opportunity Grants, 131 credit cards cost, 286
compared with credit cards, 291 Surfing scholarships, 218 Targeted packaging of financial
PIN for, 290–291 aid, 139–140
Software T Tax issues
Microsoft Money, 30 Tables avoiding big refunds, 161–162
Quicken, 30, 258 Advanced Placement exams, 268 deductions for higher education
SSgA S&P 500 Index Fund, aggressive-growth funds, 73 expenses, 13–14
71, 75 asset-protection allowances, 124 estate taxes, 43


FAFSA and, 178 efforts to hold down tuition Total International Stock Index,
529 savings plans, 40–41, 79–81 increases, 5 78, 79
401(k) plans, 45 paying in installments, 275–276 Total Stock Market Index, 77,
giving money to your parents, prepaying, 276 78, 79
167 tuition “discounting,” 143–145 Variable-rate loans, 242
hiring your kids in the family Tweedy Browne funds Vassar College
business, 160 Global Value, 74, 77, 78, 79 Exploring Transfer program, 270
home-equity loans, 254–255 Two degrees in five years, 273 Veterans. See Military groups
Hope scholarship tax credit, 7,
10–14, 269 U W
Keogh plans, 45 UGMA. See Uniform Gifts to Wasatch funds
“Lifetime Learning” credit, 10–14 Minors Act Small Cap Growth, 73, 78, 79
municipal bond funds, 69–70 Uniform Gifts to Minors Act, Web sites
paying taxes early, 161 37 ABTolls.com, 297
purchasing business equipment Uniform Transfers to Minors Academic Management Services,
you need, 161 Act, 37, 43 275
scholarships and fellowships, 149 Unions, scholarships from, 216, Air Force ROTC, 282
SEP-IRAs, 45 228 College Board, 125, 200
social security tax table, 123 U.S. Air Force Academy, 281, estimating expected family
state tax allowances table, 122 282 contribution, 125–126
student loan interest deduction, U.S. Coast Guard Academy, fastWeb, 214–215
232–233 281, 282 financial-aid resources, 200
tax credit examples, 11–14 U.S. Merchant Marine Key Education Resources, 275
taxable versus tax-exempt yield, Academy, 281, 282 Kiplinger’s, 125–126
54 U.S. Naval Academy, 281, 282 Mach25, 214–215
U.S. savings bonds, 54, 55–57, U.S. savings bonds military academies, 282
157 buying, 57 Navy Recruiting Command, 282
zero-coupon bond funds, 66 financial-aid eligibility and, Sallie Mae, 200, 244
zero-coupon bonds, 64 157–158 Work-study, 129, 131, 173
Taxpayer Relief Act, 232 penalty for cashing in early, 54 Worksheets
Teaching scholarships, 227 redeeming, 57, 157, 191 budget cutting, 32–33
Telephone calls. See Calling rules for, 54–55 deciding how much you should
home tax issues, 54, 55–57, 157 borrow, 237
TERI loans. See The Education U.S. Treasury bills and notes, expected family contribution
Resources Institute loans 58–60 calculation, 120–121
Three-year degree programs, UTMA. See Uniform Transfers long-range savings, 28–29
272–273 to Minors Act real cost of college, 146
Timeline for college planning, short-range savings, 27
8–10 V what assets are available for
Travel expenses, 127–128, Vanguard funds college, 190
295–296 High Yield Tax Exempt, 69 Writing scholarships, 227–228
Treasury strips, 63–65 Index 500, 71, 75
Tuition. See also Prepaid tuition Intermediate Term Tax Exempt, Z
plans 69 Zero-coupon bond funds,
average annual increase in tuition Limited Term Tax Exempt, 69 65–67
and fees graph, 4 Long-Term U.S. Treasury Fund, Zero-coupon bonds, 62–65
colleges that don’t discount 61
tuition, 144 Total Bond Market Index, 77, 78


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