Subject and Object Pronoun
Subject and Object Pronoun
Subject and Object Pronoun
a) Subject pronoun
The subject of a sentence tells who is doing the action (the subject is the person or
thing doing the action). Subject pronouns function as the subject of a sentence:
Ana canta. Ana: subject. Ana sings. Ana = subject.
• Subject pronouns replace people’s names to ssay who is doing an action:
Ella canta. Tú bailas. She sings. You dance. She and You: subjects.
b) Object pronouns
They are the object of a verb. The object is the person or thing receiving the action:
Give me the book. We saw her.
Exercise 2. Type the correct word in the boxes below. Choose one of the
two possibilities.
Exercise 3: Write the correct pronouns (OBJECT OR THE SUBJECT PRONOUNS) for
these sentences.
1 __She___ telephoned yesterday, (she)
2 We watched ___him___ for hours, (he)
3 Hasn't _____ arrived yet? (she)
4 _____ don't understand. (I)
5 Are you talking to _____? (I)
6 Don't ask ______ . ________doesn't know, (she/she)
7 This is Julia: ____ have known _____for years, (we/she)
8 Nobody told ______ the bus was leaving, (they)
10 Don't ask __________. Ask ________(I/he)
12 _____ asked _____to invite ______(they/he/we)
Exercise 4: Choose the correct answer.
1.This is Sam. I go to school with _____. (HE/ HIM)
Exercise 5. Complete with the object pronoun (me,you, him, her, it, us, you,
Where is Monica? I can't find anywhere.
There are Jill and Jack. Let's ask __________about the homework.
She asked her children, "Harry and Michael, where have ________been?"
Have you seen my pen? I can't find__________anywhere.
There is a policeman. We can ask ________the way to the station.
Where's your classroom? - __________is on the first floor.
Is Kate keen on karate? – Yes, ____loves ____
Tom and I are keen on tennis.____ play ____ at school.
Where's Christopher? - __________is at home.
Has he got green eyes? - Oh no, __________ are gray.
Where is my bag? - _________ is over there.
Whenever the pupils have got a break, _________ are not in the classroom.
6. I talk to Maria__________________________________________