Subject and Object Pronoun

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a) Subject pronoun
The subject of a sentence tells who is doing the action (the subject is the person or
thing doing the action). Subject pronouns function as the subject of a sentence:
Ana canta. Ana: subject. Ana sings. Ana = subject.
• Subject pronouns replace people’s names to ssay who is doing an action:
Ella canta. Tú bailas. She sings. You dance. She and You: subjects.

b) Object pronouns
They are the object of a verb. The object is the person or thing receiving the action:
Give me the book. We saw her.

Exercise 1. Fill in the correct OBJECT pronouns.

1. My sister Jane loves books. This novel is for ___her_(she)

2. My children like Disney films. The video is for (they) .
3. My brother Matt collects picture postcards. These postcards are for ____(he)
4. My parents like Latin music. The CD is for (they) .
5. I like watches. This nice watch is for (I) .
6. My wife and I love sweets. These sweets are for (we) .
7. My nephew likes cars. The toy truck is for (he) .
8. My neighbour wants to go to California next year. The guide book is for __(she)
9. Here is another souvenir. I don't know what to do with (it) .
10. You know what? - It's for (you) .

Exercise 2. Type the correct word in the boxes below. Choose one of the
two possibilities.

1. I see (they, them) every day .

2. He sits near (I, me) in class.
3. She goes with (we, us) to the movies a lot.
4. I like (she, her) very much.
5. I know (he, him) and his brother.
6. I often go with (they, them) to the city.
7. He often helps (I, me) with my lessons.
8. She writes many letters to (he, him).
9. Mr Adams teaches (we, us) English.
10. He gives many presents to (she, her).

Exercise 3: Write the correct pronouns (OBJECT OR THE SUBJECT PRONOUNS) for
these sentences.
1 __She___ telephoned yesterday, (she)
2 We watched ___him___ for hours, (he)
3 Hasn't _____ arrived yet? (she)
4 _____ don't understand. (I)
5 Are you talking to _____? (I)
6 Don't ask ______ . ________doesn't know, (she/she)
7 This is Julia: ____ have known _____for years, (we/she)
8 Nobody told ______ the bus was leaving, (they)
10 Don't ask __________. Ask ________(I/he)
12 _____ asked _____to invite ______(they/he/we)
Exercise 4: Choose the correct answer.
1.This is Sam. I go to school with _____. (HE/ HIM)

2._____ are going into town. (US/WE)

3.Why are you looking at _____? (ME/I)
4._____ goes to bed at nine o'clock. (HER/SHE)
5.This is Tom's trumpet. _____ plays it every day. (HE/HIM)
6.These are my hamsters. Do you like _____? (THEY/THEM)

Exercise 5. Complete with the object pronoun (me,you, him, her, it, us, you,
Where is Monica? I can't find anywhere.
There are Jill and Jack. Let's ask __________about the homework.
She asked her children, "Harry and Michael, where have ________been?"
Have you seen my pen? I can't find__________anywhere.
There is a policeman. We can ask ________the way to the station.
Where's your classroom? - __________is on the first floor.
Is Kate keen on karate? – Yes, ____loves ____
Tom and I are keen on tennis.____ play ____ at school.
Where's Christopher? - __________is at home.
Has he got green eyes? - Oh no, __________ are gray.
Where is my bag? - _________ is over there.
Whenever the pupils have got a break, _________ are not in the classroom.

Exercise 6: Escriba la oración cambiando el objeto de la oración (la palabra

escrita en cursiva) a un pronombre objeto.
0. I call Susan. I call her
1. I write letters to Mario. _________________________________

2. I have a birthday present for the children. _____________________________

3. Call Rita and me tomorrow. _________________________________

4. I send my parents a letter every week. ______________________________

5. He drives the car. _________________________________

6. I talk to Maria__________________________________________

7. I visit Mr. and Mrs. Anderson _________________________________________

8. I have the books. _________________________________________

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