Notice Inviting Tender: P I P D I C

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Tender for the work of : Construction of compound wall to the campus of PIPDIC Sheds Cs-60 to Cs-69 and As-3 at Mettupalayam Industrial Estate, Puducherry-9. Rs. 20,69,870/Rs. 41,397/18.07.2012 50 Pages 3 (Three) months including monsoon Period

Approximate cost put to Tender Earnest Money Deposit Date of Tender This tender contains Time allowed for the work

: : : : :

GENERAL MANAGER (Dev.) PIPDIC Ltd. 1. Name of the contractor 2. Class of contractor 3. Date of application for tender 4. Date of receipt of application 5. Date of issue of tender 6. Receipt of EMD remitted 7. Receipt of tender cost : : : : : : : Manager (Works), PIPDIC Ltd.

PWD Form 6

NOTICE INVITING TENDER 1. Item rate tenders are invited on behalf of the Pondicherry Industrial Promotion

Development and Investment Corporation Limited, Puducherry from approved and eligible contractors/firms of C.P.W.D. / P.W.D. and those of appropriate list of P & T, M.E.S. and Puducherry State P.W.D., for the work of Construction of compound wall to the campus of PIPDIC Sheds Cs-60 to Cs-69 and As-3 at Mettupalayam Industrial Estate, Puducherry-9. The enlistment of the contractors should be valid on the last date of sale of tenders. 1.1 a rough guide. 1.2 Tender will be issued to eligible contractor registered in PWD Puducherry and Non-PWD The work is estimated to cost Rs.20,69,870/- This estimate, however, is given merely as

contractors who produce definite proof from the appropriate authority, which shall be to the satisfaction of the competent authority, of having satisfactorily completed similar works of magnitude specified below: Three similar completed works costing not less than the amount equal to Rs. 8.28 lakhs (OR) Two similar completed works each costing not less than Rs. 12.42 lakhs (OR) One similar completed work costing not less than Rs. 16.56 lakhs For the purpose of this clause Similar works means the works of Building Works 2. Agreement shall be drawn with the successful tenderer on prescribed Form No. 7/8

which is available with PIPDIC Ltd., Puducherry. Tenderer shall quote his rates as per various terms and conditions of the said form, which will form part of the agreement. 3. The time allowed for carrying out the work will be 3 (Three) Months including monsoon

period from the tenth day after the date of written orders to commence the work or from the first date of handing over of the site, whichever is later, in accordance with the phasing, if any, indicated in the tender documents. 4. The site for the work is available. OR The site for the work shall be made available in parts as specified below: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Contractors can down load and submit the tenders in two envelopes sealed in a

single cover. The contractors shall not approach the Office of the General Manager (Dev.), PIPDIC Ltd., for receiving the tender schedule. The Tender schedule will not be sold in the Office of the General Manager (Dev.), PIPDIC Ltd. 6. i) Tenders shall be accompanied with Earnest money of Rs. 41,397/- in cash (upto

Rs.10,000/-) /Deposit at Call receipt of a Nationalized bank/fixed deposit receipt of a Nationlized bank/demand draft of a Nationalized bank issued in favour of M/s PIPDIC Ltd., Puducherry, 50% of earnest money or Rs.20 lakhs, whichever is less, will have to be deposited in the shape prescribed above and balance amount of earnest money can be accepted in the form of Bank guarantee issued by a Nationalized bank having validity for 6 months or more from the last date of receipt of tenders. ii) The Contractors who had downloaded the NIT from the Website shall submit the tender schedule in two envelopes sealed in a single cover. The first envelope shall be placed with required amount of cost of Tender Schedule of Rs.500/- (Rupees five hundred only) plus VAT @ 4.00% in the form of D.D. drawn in favour of M/s.PIPDIC Ltd., payable at Puducherry, EMD in the prescribed format drawn on or before the scheduled date of receipt of tenders and proof of

documents on their eligibility as per the conditions of Press Notice and the list of works on hand and the envelope shall be superscribed as EMD/Cost of schedule and the other envelope shall be superscribed as TENDER SCHEDULE whereinthe duly filled NIT shall be placed and sealed. (iii) In cases where earnest money in cash is acceptable, the same shall be deposited with the cashier of PIPDIC Ltd. and the receipt placed in the envelope meant for earnest money. Both the envelopes shall be submitted together in another sealed envelope with the name of work and due date of opening written on envelope, which will be received by the General Manager (Dev.), PIPDIC Ltd., Puducherry. upto 3.30 P.M. on 18.07.2012 and will be opened by him or his authorized representative in his office on the same day at 4.00 P.M. On the scheduled date of opening, the

tender schedules of the Contractor who had downloaded the schedules, the cover superscribing EMD / Cost of Schedule shall be opened first and on fulfillment of furinishing the details of cost of tender schedule/payment of EMD/ eligibilities / list of works on hand as mentioned above, only the other envelope superscribing as Tender Schedule will be opened. The Contractors Envelope Tender Schedule who do not satisfy the Press Notice conditions will be returned unopened. (iv) The Contractor should produced original documentary evidence for having /leasing / hiring the following machineries at their command. Bitumen boiler, Cental hot mix plant, Hydrostatic paver finisher, power roller 8 10T, 3 wheeled steel roller 8-10T, Vibratory and tandem roller, F.E., loader and sufficient machineries, Water tanker and tipper/Dumper 6T. BM and SDBC should be carried out using Hydrostatic paver finisher. earth moving


Tender, documents consisting of plans, specifications, the schedule of quantities of the

various classes of work to be done and the set of terms and conditions of contract to be complied with by the contractor whose tender may be accepted and other necessary documents can be seen in the Office of the General Manager(Dev.) , PIPDIC Ltd., Puducherry between 11:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. from 29.06.2012 to 17.07.2012 every day except on Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays. 8. The description of the work is as follows :-

Construction of compound wall to the campus of PIPDIC Sheds Cs-60 to Cs-69 and As-3 at Mettupalayam Industrial Estate, Puducherry-9.
Copies of other drawings and documents pertaining to the works will be open for inspection by the tenderers at the office of the above mentioned officer. Tenderers are advised to inspect and examine the site and its surroundings and satisfy themselves before submitting their tenders as to the nature of the ground and sub-soil (so far as is practicable), the form and nature of the site, the means of access to the site, the accommodation they may require and in general shall themselves obtain all necessary information as to risks, contingencies and other circumstances which may influence or affect their tender. A tenderer shall be deemed to have full knowledge of the site whether he inspects it or not and no extra charges consequent on any misunderstanding or otherwise shall be allowed. The tenderer shall be responsible for arranging and maintaining at his own cost all materials, tools and plants, water, electricity access, facilities for workers and all other services required for executing the work unless otherwise specifically provided for in the contract documents. Submission of a tender by a tenderer implies that he has read this notice and all other contract documents and has made himself aware of the scope and specifications of the work to be done and of conditions and rates at which stores, tools and plant, etc., will be issued to him by the PIPDIC Ltd. and local conditions and other factors having a bearing on the execution of the work. 9. The competent authority on behalf of the PIPDIC Ltd. does not bind himself to accept the

lowest or any other tender and reserves to itself the authority to reject any or all the tenders received without the assignment of a reason. All tenders, in which any of the prescribed conditions are not fulfilled or any condition including that of conditional rebate is put forth by the tenderer, shall be summarily rejected. 10. Canvassing whether directly or indirectly, in connection with tenders is strictly prohibited

and the tenders submitted by the contractors who resort to canvassing will be liable to rejection. 11. The competent authority on behalf of the PIPDIC Ltd. reserves to himself the right of

accepting the whole or any part of the tender and the tenderer shall be bound to perform the same at the rate quoted.


The contractor shall not be permitted to tender for works in the PIPDIC Ltd., Puducherry,

(responsible for award and execution of contracts) in which his near relative is posted as Manager (Accounts) or as an officer in any capacity, between the grades of Managing Director and Manager (Works) (both inclusive). He shall, also intimate the names of persons who are working with him in any capacity or are subsequently employed by him and who are near relatives to any gazetted officer in the PIPDIC Ltd., Puducherry. Any breach of this condition by the contractor would render him liable to be removed from the approved list of contractors of PWD, Puducherry. 13. No Engineer of gazetted rank or other gazetted officer employed in Engineering or

Administrative duties in an Engineering Department of the Government of Puducherry is allowed to work as a contractor for a period of two years after his retirement from Government service, without the previous permission of the Government of Puducherry in writing. This contract is liable to be cancelled if either the contractor or any of his employees is found any time to be such a person who had not obtained the permission of the Government of Puducherry as aforesaid before submission of the tender or engagement in the contractors service. 14. The tender for the works shall remain open for acceptance for a period of ninety days

from the date of opening of tenders. If any tenderer withdraws his tender before the said period or issue of letter of acceptance whichever is earlier or make any modifications in the terms and conditions of the tender which are not acceptable to the PIPDIC Ltd., then the PIPDIC Ltd. without prejudice to any other right or remedy, be at liberty to forfeit 50% of the said earnest money as aforesaid. 15. This notice inviting tender shall form a part of the contract document. The successful

tenderer / contractor, on acceptance of his tender by the Accepting Authority, shall within 10 days from the stipulated date of start of the work sign the contract, consisting of --(a) The notice inviting tender, all the documents including additional conditions, specifications and drawings, if any, forming the tender as issued at the time of invitation of tender and acceptance thereof together with any correspondence leading thereto. (b) Standard Form 7/8

Signature of General Manager (Dev.) PIPDIC Ltd.

. For and on behalf of Managing Director, PIPDIC Ltd.

PIPDIC Ltd. (A Govt. of Puducherry Undertaking)

PERCENTAGE RATE TENDER / ITEM RATE TENDER AND CONTRACT FOR WORKS (A) Tender for the work of Construction of compound wall to the campus of PIPDIC Sheds

Cs-60 to Cs-69 and As-3 at Mettupalayam Industrial Estate, Puducherry-9.

To be submitted by 3:30 p.m. on 18.07.2012 to the General Manager (Dev.), PIPDIC Ltd., Puducherry. (i) To be opened in presence of tenderers who may be present at 4:00 p.m. on 18.07.2012 in the Office of the General Manager (Dev.), PIPDIC Ltd., Puducherry.

Issued to.. (Contractor) Signature of Officer issuing the documents


Date of issue..

TENDER I/We have read and examined the notice inviting tender, Schedules A, B, C, D, E and F. Specifications applicable, drawings and designs, general rules and directions, conditions of contract, clauses of contract, special conditions, schedule of rates and other documents and rules referred to in the conditions of contract and all other contents in the tender document for the work. I/We hereby tender for the execution of the work specified for the PIPDIC Ltd. within the time specified in Schedule F, viz., schedule of quantities and in accordance in all respects with the specifications, designs, drawings, and instructions in writing referred to in Rule 1 General Rules and Directions and in Clause 11 of the Conditions of Contract and with such materials as are provided for, by, and in respects in accordance with, such conditions so far as applicable. We agree to keep the tender open for Ninety (90) days from the due date of opening of tenders thereof and not make any modifications in its terms and conditions. A sum of Rs. 41,397/- has been deposited in Cash (upto Rs. 10,000/-) / Deposit at call Receipt of a Nationalized Bank as earnest money. If I / We fail to furnish the prescribed Performance guarantee, I/We agree that the said General Manager (Dev.), PIPDIC Ltd., Puducherry or his successors in the office shall without prejudice to any other right or remedy, be at liberty to forfeit the said earnest money absolutely otherwise the said earnest money shall be retained by him towards security deposit to execute all the works referred to in the tender documents upon the terms and conditions contained or referred to therein and to carry out such deviations as may be ordered, up to maximum of the percentage mentioned in Schedule F and those in excess of that limit at the rates to be determined in accordance with the provision contained in Clauses 12.2 and 12.3 of the tender form. I/We hereby declare that I/We shall treat the tender documents, drawings and other records connected with the work as secret/confidential documents and shall not communicate information/ derived there from to any person other than a person to whom I/We am/are authorized to communicate the same or use the information in any manner prejudicial to be safety of the State. I/We agree that should I/We fail to commence that work specified in the above memorandum, and amount equal to the amount of the earnest money mentioned in the form of invitation of tender and the performance guarantee shall be absolutely forfeited to the PIPDIC Ltd. or his successors in office and the same may at the option of competent authority on behalf of the PIPDIC Ltd. be recovered without prejudice to any other right or remedy available in law out of the deposit in so far as the same may extend in terms of the said bond and in the event of deficiency, out of any other money due to me/us under this contract or otherwise. Dated. Signature of Contractor Postal address :

Witness : Address : Occupation :


I/we hereby tender for the execution for the PIPDIC Ltd. of the work specified in the underwritten memorandum within the time specified in such memorandum at an amount of Rs.(Rupees.)i.e..percent. below/Above the rates entered in the schedule A and in accordance in all respects with the specifications, design, drawings and instructions in writing referred to in Rule 1 hereof and in clause 11 of the conditions of the contract and with such materials as are provided for, and in all other respects in accordance with such conditions as far as applicable. I/We hereby agree to the accordance with such conditions as for as applicable. I/we hereby agree to the percentage mentioned above being deducted from/added to the gross amount of the bills for work done.

Date: Signature of contractor Postal address:

The above tender (as modified by you as provided in the letters mentioned hereunder) is accepted by me for and on behalf of the PIPDIC Ltd. for a sum of Rs (Rupees .) The letters referred to below shall form part of this contract agreement:(a) (b) (c) For and on behalf of PIPDIC Ltd. Signature. Dated Designation..


GENERAL RULES AND DIRECTIONS 1. All works proposed for execution by contract will be notified in a form of invitation to tender pasted in public places and signed by the officer inviting tender or by publication in newspapers as the case may be. This form will state the work to be carried out, as well as the date for submitting and opening tenders and the time allowed for carrying out the work, also the amount of earnest money to be deposited with the tender and the amount of the security deposit to be deposited by the successful tenderer and the percentage, if any, to be deducted from the bills. Copies of the specification, designs and drawings and any other documents required in connection with the work signed for the purpose of identification by the officer inviting tender shall also be open for inspection by the contractor at the office of officer inviting tender during office hours. 2. In the event of the tender being submitted by a firm, it must be signed separately by each

partner thereof or, in the event of the absence of any partner, it must be signed on his behalf by a person holding a power-of-attorney authorizing him to do so, such power - of - attorney to be produced with the tender, and it must disclose that the firm is duly registered under the Indian Partnership Act, 1952. 3. Receipts for payment made on account of work, when executed by a firm, must also be signed by all the partners, except where the contractors are described in their tender as a firm, in which case the receipts must be signed in the name of the firm by one of the partners, or by some other person having authority to give effectual receipts for the firm. 4. Any person who submits a tender shall fill up the usual printed form, stating at what rate he is willing to undertake each item of the work. Tenders, which propose any alteration in the work specified in the said form of invitation to tender, or in the time allowed for carrying out the work, or which contain any other conditions of any sort, will be liable to rejection. No single tender shall include more then one work but contractors who wish to tender for two or more works shall submit separate tender for each. Tenders shall have the name and number of the work to which they refer, written on the envelopes. The rate(s) must be quoted in decimal coinage. Amounts must be quoted in full rupees by ignoring fifty paise and less and considering more than fifty paise as rupee one. 4A. In case of Percentage Rate tenders, tender shall fill up the usual printed form, stating at what percentage below / above (in figure as well as in words) the total estimated cost given in Schedule of Quantities at Schedule A, he will be willing to execute the work. Tenders, which propose any alteration in the work specified in the said form of invitation to tender, or in the time allowed for carrying out the work, or which contain any other conditions of any sort, will be liable to rejection. No single tender shall include more than one work, but contractors who wish to tender for two or more works shall


submit separate tender for each. Tender shall have the name and number of the works to which they refer, written on the envelopes. 5. The officer inviting tender or of his duly authorized Assistant will open tenders in the

presence of any intending contractors who may be present at the time, and will enter the amount of the several tenders in a comparative statement in a suitable form. In the event of a tender being accepted, a receipt for the earnest money forwarded therewith shall their upon be given to the contractor who shall thereupon for the purpose of identification sign copies of the specifications and other documents mentioned in Rule 1. In the vent of a tender being rejected, the earnest money forwarded with such unaccepted tenderers shall thereupon be returned to the contractor remitting the same, without any interest. 6. The officer inviting tenders shall have the right of rejecting all or any of the tenders and will not be bound to accept the lowest or any other tender. 7. The receipt of an Accountant or Clerk for any money paid by the contractor will not be considered as any acknowledgment or payment to the officer inviting tender and the contractor shall be responsible for seeing that he procures a receipt signed by the officer inviting tender or a duly authorized cashier. 8. The memorandum of work tendered for and the schedule of materials to be supplied by PIPDIC Ltd. and their issue rates shall be filled and completed in the office of the officer inviting tender before the tender form is issued. If a form is issued to an intending tenderer without having been so filled in and incomplete, he shall request the office to have this done before he completes and delivers his tender. 9. The tenderers shall sign a declaration under the Officials Secret Act, 1923 for maintaining secrecy of the tender documents, drawings or other records connected with the work given to them. The unsuccessful tenderers shall return all the drawings given to them. 10. In the case of item rate tenders, only rates quoted shall be considered. Any tender

containing percentage below/above the rates quoted is liable to be rejected. Rates quoted by the contractor in item rate tender in figures and words shall be accurately filed in so that there is no discrepancy in the rates written in figures and words. However, if a discrepancy is found, the rates which correspond with the amount worked out by the contractor shall unless otherwise proved be taken as correct. If the amount of an item is not worked out by the contractor or it does not correspond with the rates written either in figures or in words then the rates quoted by the contractor in words shall be taken as correct. Where the rates quoted by the contractor in figures and in words tally but the amount is not worked out correctly, the rates quoted by the contractor will unless otherwise proved be taken as correct and not the amount. 10A. In case of Percentage Rates Tenders only percentage quoted be considered. Any tender containing item rates is liable to be rejected. Percentage quoted by the contractor in Percentage Rate Tender shall be accurately filled in figures and words, so that there is no discrepancy. However, if the


contractor has worked out the amount of the tender and if any discrepancy is found in the percentage quoted in words and figures, the percentage which corresponds with the amount worked out by the contractor shall, unless otherwise proved be taken as correct. If the amount of the tender is not worked out by the contractor or it does not correspond with the percentage written either in figures or in words, then the percentage quoted by the contractor in words shall be taken as correct. Where the percentage quoted by the contractor in figures and in words tally but the amount is not worked out correctly, the percentage quoted by the contractor will, unless otherwise proved, be taken as correct and not the amount. 11. In the case of any tender where unit rate of any item/items appear unrealistic, such tender will be considered as unbalanced and in case the tender is unable to provide satisfactory explanation such a tender is liable to be disqualified and rejected. 12. All rates shall be quoted on the tender form. The amount for each item should be worked out and requisite totals given. Special care should be taken to write the rates in figures as well as in words and the amount in figures only, in such a way that interpolation is not possible, The total amount should be written both in figures and in words. In case of figures, the word Rs. Should be written before the figure of rupees and word P after the decimal figures, e.g. Rs. 2.15 P and in case of works, the word, Rupees should precede and the work Paise should be written at the end. Unless the rates is in whole rupees and followed by the word only it should invariably be up to two decimal places. While quoting the rate in schedule of quantities, the word only should be written closely following the amount and it should not be written in the next line. 12A. In Percentage Rate Tender, the tenderer shall quote percentage below/above (in figures as well as in words) at which he will be wiling to execute the work. He shall also work out the total amount of his offer and the same should be written in figures as well as in words in such a way that no interpolation is possible. In case of figures, the word Rs. should be written before the figure of rupees and word P after the decimal figures. E.g. Rs. 2.15 P and in case of words, the word Rupees should precede and the word Paise should be written at the end. 13. The contractor shall be required to deposit an amount equal to 5% of the tendered value of the work as performance guarantee in the form of an irrevocable Bank Guarantee bond of any Scheduled Bank or State Bank of India in accordance with the form prescribed or in cash or in the form of Government security fixed deposit receipt etc., as in the case of recovery of security deposit within 15 days of the issue of letter of intent but before award of work. This period can be further extended by the Engineer-in-Charge up to a maximum period of 7 days on written request of the contractor. 13A. A sum @ 10% of the gross amount of the bill shall be deducted from each running bill of the contractor till the sum along with sum already deposited as earnest money will amount to security deposit of 5% of the tendered value of the work (bank Guarantee is not to be accepted as security deposit).


14. On acceptance of the tender, the name of the accredited representative(s) of the contractor who would be responsible for taking instructions from the Engineer-in- Charge shall be communicated in writing to the Engineer-in-Charge. 15. Sales tax, Purchase tax, Turnover tax or any other tax on material in respect of this contract shall be payable by the contractor and PIPDIC Ltd. will not entertain any claim whatsoever in respect of the same. This work is covered under the Section 78 of Puducherry Value Added Tax Ordinance, 2007 and hence the contractor is liable to pay a VAT @ 2.80% of work done. 16. The contractor shall give a list of both Gazetted and Non-Gazetted PIPDIC Ltd. employees related to him. 17. The tender for the work shall not be witnessed by a contractor or contractors who himself/themselves has/have tendered or who; may and has/have tendered for the same work. Failure to observe this condition would render, tenders of the contractors tendering, as well as witnessing the tender, liable to be summarily rejected. 18. The tender for composite work includes in addition to building work, all other works such as sanitary and water supply installations drainage installation, electrical work horticulture work, roads and paths etc. The tenderer must associate himself with agencies of tender for sanitary and water supply drainage, electrical and horticulture works, if any, in the composite tender. 19. The contractor shall submit list of works, which are in hand (progress) in the following form:

Name of Work (1)

Name and particulars of Division where is being executed (2)

Value of work (3)

Position of works in progress (4)

Remarks (5)


20. The contractor shall comply with the provisions of the Apprentices Act, 1961, and the rules and orders issued there under from time to time. If he fails to do so, his failure will be breach of

the contract and the Executive Engineer may in his discretion without prejudice to any other right or remedy available in law cancel the contract. The contractor shall also be liable for any pecuniary liability arising on account of any violation by him of the provisions of the said Act.


SCHEDULE A SCHEDULE OF QUANTITIES Name of Work : Construction of compound wall to the campus of PIPDIC Sheds Cs-60 to Cs-69 and As-3 at Mettupalayam Industrial Estate, Puducherry-9. Item No.
Code No.2.8.1

Description Earth Work in excavation by mechanical means (Hydraulic excavator) / manual means in foundation trenches or drains (not exceeding 1.5 m in width or 10 sqm. on plan) including dressing of sides and ramming of bottoms, lift upto 1.5 m., including getting out the excavated soil and disposal of surplus excavated soil as directed, within a lead of 50 m All kinds of soil.


Rate in Figures

Rate in Words

Unit 1 cum (one cubic metre)


137.00 Cum

2. Code No.2.27 Supplying and filling in plinth with sand under floors including, watering, ramming consolidating and dressing complete.

7.00 Cum

1 Cum (One cubic metre)

Code No.4.1.10 3. Providing and laying in position cement concrete of


Item No.

Description specified grade excluding the cost of centering and shuttering All work upto plilnth level: 1 : 5 :10 (1 cement 5 coarse sand : 10 graded stone aggregate 40 mm nominal size) Code No.5.1.2 Providing and laying in position specified grade of reinforced cement concrete excluding the cost of centering, shuttering, finishing and reinforcement All work upto plilnth level: 1 : 1.5 : 3 (1 cement 1.5 coarse sand : 3 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size). Code No.5.2.2. Reinforced cement concrete work in walls (any thickness), including attached pilasters, buttresses, plinth and string courses, fillets, columns, pillars, piers, abutments, posts and struts etc. upto floor five level excluding cost of centering, shuttering, finishing and reinforcement: 1 : 1.5 : 3 (1 cement 1.5 coarse sand 3 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size). Code No.5.3.1 Reinforced cement concrete work in beams, suspended floors, roofs having slope upto 15 degree landings, balconies, shelves, chajjas, llintels, bands, plain window sills, staircases and spiral stair cases upto floor five level


Rate in Figures

Rate in Words

Unit 1 Cum (One cubic metre


19.00 Cum.


45.00 Cum

1 Cum (One cubic metre 1 Cum (One Cubic metre)


10.00 Cum.


9..00 Cum

1 Cum (One Cubic metre)


Item No.

Description excluding the cost of centering, shuttering, finishing and reinforcement with 1 : 1.5 : 3 (1 cement 1.5 coarse sand 3 graded stone aggregate 20 mm nominal size). Code No.5.9.1 Centering and shuttering including strutting, propping etc. and removal of form for: Foundations, footings, bases of columns, etc. for mass concrete - Using steel sheet with M.S. frames.


Rate in Figures

Rate in Words




81.0. Sqm

1 Sqm (One Square metre) 1 Sqm (One Square metre)


Code No.5.9.6 Centering and shuttering including strutting, propping etc. and removal of form for : columns, pillars, piers, abutments, posts and struts Using steel sheet with M.S. frames. Code No.5.9.2. Centering and shuttering including strutting, propping etc. and removal of form for : Walls (any thickness) including attached pilasters, buttresses, plinth and string courses etc.- Using steel sheet with M.S. frames. Code No.5.22.7 Reinforcement for R.C.C. work including stralightening, cutting, bending, placing in position and binding all complete Thermo Mechanically treated bars (ISI

227.0 Sqm


207.0 Sqm

1 Sqm (One Square metre)


9,000.00 Kg

1 Kg (One Kilogra


Item No.

Description BRAND OF APPROVED MAKE) including placing the M 30 grade Athees make cover block @ 60 cm centre to centre).


Rate in Figures

Rate in Words

Unit m)



Code No.6.1.2 Brick work with FPS bricks of class designation 35 in foundation and plinth in cement mortar 1 : 6 (1 cement : 6 coarse sand). Code No.6.4.2

35.0 Cum

1 Cum (One cubie metre)

12. Brick work with FPS bricks of class designation 35 in superstructure above plinth level upto floor V level in all shapes and sizes in cement mortar 1 : 6 (1 cement : 6 coarse sand). Code No. 13.1.2 13. 12mm cement plaster of mix : Cement mortar cement : 6 fine sand ) 1: 6 (1

72.5 Cum

1 Cum (One cubie metre)

540.0 Sqm


Code No.13.2.2: 15 mm cement plaster on the rough side of single or half brick wall of mix: Cement mortar 1 : 6 (1 cement : 6 fine sand).

586.0 Sqm

1 Sqm (One Square metre) 1 Sqm (One Square metre)


Item No. Code No.13.16.1 15.



Rate in Figures

Rate in Words

Unit 1 Sqm (One Square metre) 1 Units (one units) 1 Sqm (One Square metre)


6 mm cement plaster of mix1: 3 (1 cement : 3 fine sand)

141.0 Sqm

Code No.13.28.3 16. 12 m thick plain cement mortar bands in cement mortar 1 : 4 (1 cement 4 fine sand)- Raised Band. (Cost for 1 metre long and 1 cm wide band.) Code No.13.44.1 Finishing walls with water proofing cement paint of required shade New work (Two or more coats applied @ 3.84 kg. / 10 sqm). 2,510 units


1,267.0 Sqm


SCHEDULE B Schedule of materials to be issued to the contractor.

Sl. No. (1) Description of Item (2) Rates in figures and words at which the materials will be charged to the contractor (4)


Place of issue



--------Contractors own arrangements-----------

SCHEDULE C Tools and plants to be hired to the contractor. Sl. No. (1) Description (2) Hire charges per day (3) Place of Issue (4)



SCHEDULE D Extra schedule for specific requirements / documents for the work, if any. SCHEDULE E Schedule of component of materials, labour, etc. for escalation. SCHEDULE F Reference to General conditions of contract. Name of work: Construction of compound wall to the campus of PIPDIC Sheds Cs-60 to Cs-69 and As-3 at Mettupalayam Industrial Estate, Puducherry-9. Estimated Cost of Work Earnest Money Performance Guarantee Security Deposit : : : : Rs.20,69,870/Rs. 41,397/5% of the tendered value 5% of the tendered value



Officer Inviting Tender: The Managing Director PIPDIC Ltd., Puducherry. Maximum percentage for quantity of items of work to be executed beyond which rates are to be determined in accordance with Clauses 12.2 &12.3

.. % (See below)

Definitions : 2(v) Engineer-in-Charge The General Manager (Dev.), PIPDIC Ltd., Puducherry. Managing Director

2(viii) 2(x)

Accepting Authority Percentage on cost of materials and labour to cover all


overheads and profits. 2(xi) Standard Schedule of Rates Puducherry Schedule of Rates for the year 2011-12 applicable to Puducherry Region. PIPDIC Ltd., Form 7/8 as modified and Form corrected upto date.

2(xii) 9 (ii)

Department Standard P.W.D. Contract Form


Clause 1 (i) Time allowed for submission of Performance Guarantee from the date of issue of letter of acceptance, in days 15 days



Maximum allowable extension beyond the period as provided in (i) above in days.

7 days

The contractor whose tender is accepted, will be required to furnish performance guarantee of 5% (five percent) of the tendered amount within the period specified in Schedule F. this guarantee shall be in the form of cash (in case guarantee amount is less than Rs.10,000/-) or Deposit at call receipt of any Nationalized bank/Bankers Cheque of any Nationalized bank/Demand Draft of any Nationalized bank/Pay order of any Nationalized bank (in case guarantee amount is less than Rs.1,00,000/-) or Govt. Securities or Fixed Deposit Receipts or Guarantee Bonds of any Nationalized Bank or the State Bank of India in accordance with the prescribed form. In case the contractor fails to deposit the said performance guarantee within the period as indicated in Schedule F including the extended period if any, the Earnest Money deposited by the contractor shall be forfeited automatically without any notice to the contractor. Clause 1A Clause 2 Recovery of Security Deposit as amended Authority for fixing The Managing Director, compensation under Clause 2 PIPDIC Ltd., Puducherry.

Clause 2A Clause 3 Clause 3A Clause 3B Clause 5 Para (i) Para (ii)

Whether Clause 2A shall be applicable Modified Modified Deleted


Time allowed for execution of 3(Three) Months including monsoon period work Authority to give fair and The Managing Director, PIPDIC Ltd., Puducherry.

reasonable extension of time for completion of work


As per table given below


TABLE FOR MILESTONE(S) Amount to be withheld in case of non-achievement of milestone

Sl. No.

Description of Milestone (Physical)

Time allowed in days (from date of start)




Sl. No.

Financial Progress

Time allowed in days (from date of start)

Amount to be withheld in case of non-achievement of milestone

1. 2.

1/8th (of the whole work) 3/8th (of the whole work) 3/4th (of the whole work)

1/4th (of the whole work) (of the whole work)


3/4th (of the whole work)

In the event of not achieving the necessary progress as assessed from the running payments 1% of the tendered value of work will be withheld for failure of each milestone.




Clause 7

Gross work to be done together with net payment / adjustment of advances for material collected, if any, since the last such payment for being eligible to

Rs. 5,00,000/-.


interim payment.

Clause 10B (ii)

Mobilisation advance modified to the max of 10% of tendered value with 10% simple interest Plant, Machinery and Shuttering Material Advance as amended As amended

Clause 10B (iii) Clause 10C

Clause 10CA Clause 10CC

Applicable Not Applicable

Clause 11

Specifications to be followed for C.P.W.D. specifications execution of works 1996, Vol-I to VI & 2002, MOSRTH, IRC & CPHEEO specifications and manuals (with correction slips and subsequent publications)

Clause 12

Clause 12.1.2 deleted and renumbered as 12.1

12.2 & 12.3

Deviation limit beyond which Clauses 12.2 & 12.3 shall apply for DIS / SIS



Works related to foundation


Deviation limit beyond which clause 12.2 & 12.3 shall apply for. (i) For maintenance work 50 %

Building work of time bound urgent nature. (ii) For foundation work Clause 16 Competent Authority & emergency

100 % for The Managing Director, PIPDIC Ltd., Puducherry

deciding reduced rates.

Clause 17

Enhancement of maintenance period

( 12 months+ 12 months)

Clause 21

Subletting permitted




Clause 36

Modified Clause 36 as per No.DGW/CON/203 dt 6.1.05 is applicable.

Requirement of Technical Representative (s) and Recovery Rate Rate at which recovery shall be made from the contractor in the event of not fulfilling provision of Clause 36(i) Figures Words

Sl.N o.

Minimum Qualification of Technical Representati ve

Discipli ne

Designation (Principal Technical/ Technical Representati ve)

Minimum Experien ce

Numb er



Graduate Engineer

Civil Technical Representati ve 5 years

Rs.15,0 Rupees 00 p.m Fifteen thousa nd only

Assistant Engineers retired from Government services that are holding Diploma will be treated at par with Graduate Engineers.

Clause 42


(a) Schedule / Statement for determining

theoretical quantity of cement and bitumen on the basis of Delhi Schedule 1993 C.P.W.D. (ii) Variations permissible on theoretical quantities. (a) Cement for works with 3% plus / minus of printed Rates by

estimated cost put to tender not more than Rs. 5 lakhs. For works with estimated 2% plus / minus cost put to tender more than Rs. 5 lakhs (b) Bitumen all works 2.5% plus only and nil on minus side. and 2 % plus / minus.




structural steel sections for each diameter, section and category.


(d) All other materials.


RECOVERY RATES FOR QUANTITIES BEYOND PERMISSIBLE VARIATION Rates in figures and words at which recovery shall be made from the contractor, Rate in Schedule B plus 10% in case materials issued by Sl.No. Description of items department Excess beyond permissible variation 1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Cement Steel Reinforcement Structural sections Bitumen issued free Bitumen issued at stipulated fixed price. 2 3 Less use beyond the permissible variation 4



During the course of contract period, deduction of CESS to provide social security and various welfare benefits through the Puducherry Buildings and other construction workers Welfare Board under Section 18 of the Building and Other Construction Workers Cess collection (RECS) Act, 1996, shall be made at the rate of 1% (One Percent) of the gross amount of each bill or as per the advice of the Government of Puducherry.



The work shall in general be carried out in accordance with CPWD

specifications for works in Delhi 1996 Volume I to VI and 2002 with correction slips and issued from time to time. Revised CPWD Specification 2002 for cement mortar, cement concrete & RCC.


However if the said specifications differ from those given in the

description of any particular item in the schedule of quantities and specifications stipulated herein, the latter shall prevail.


If the detailed description of any particular item in the schedule of

quantities and specifications finally accepted by the department differs from the particular specifications given hereunder, the former shall prevail to the extent applicable. (4) If the particular specification given hereunder differs from I.S. code

provisions, in any respect, the former shall prevail. (5) Wherever any reference to any Indian standard specification occurs in the

documents relating to this contract the same should be inclusive of all amendments issued thereto or revision thereof if any, upto the date of receipt of tenders.



Conditions involving any financial implications other than those covered in

the schedule of quantities will not be entertained and such tenders are also liable to be rejected. (7) When working near existing structures, care shall be taken to avoid any

damage to such structures, any such damage caused intentionally or unintentionally shall be restored to original and or acceptable condition and to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-charge. (8) The contractor shall given to the Municipality, Police and other authorities

all notices etc., that may be required to be given as per law and obtain all requisite licenses for temporary obstructions, enclosures and pay all fees, taxes and charges which may be leviable on account of the operations during the execution of the contract. No extra claim of the contractor will be entertained by the department on this account. (9) Other agencies doing works related to this project may also

simultaneously execute the works and the contractor shall co-ordinate and co-operate with them as found to be necessary at no extra cost. (10) Any cement slurry or lime mortar or any combination thereof or water

proofing material required for continuation from old work is demand to have been in built in the relevant items themselves and nothing extra shall be paid for the same. (11) Unless otherwise specified in the schedule of quantities the rate for all

items of the work shall be considered as inclusive of pumping out or bailing out water if required for which no extra payment will be made. This will include water encountered from any source as rains, flood, and subsoil water table being high due to any other cause whatsoever.


CONDITIONS FOR ISSUE OF MATERIALS The materials shall be issued to the contractor at the place of delivery as mentioned in schedule B. If these are delivered at any other site, the difference due to cartage will be adjusted accordingly. The contractor shall have to cart at his cost the materials to the site of work as soon as these are issued. The materials shall be issued between the working hours and as per rules prevails in the stockyard of the materials as framed from time to time. The contractor shall bear all incidental charges for cartage, storage and safe custody of materials. department. The contractor shall construct suitable godown at the site of work for storing the materials safe against damage of sun, rain, dampness, fire, theft etc. he shall also employ necessary watch and ward establishment for the purpose. Cement bags shall be stored in separate godown with pucca floor weatherproof roofs and walls. Each godown shall be provided with a single door with two locks. The keys of one lock shall remain with the PIPDIC Ltd. Junior Engineer-in-charge of the work and that of the other lock with authorized agent of the contractor at the site of work so that the cement is removed from the godown accordingly to the daily requirements with the knowledge of both the parties. The cement shall be stacked on proper floors consisting of two layers of dry bricks laid on well-consolidated earth at a level of at least 0.3 meters above ground level. These stocks shall be in row of 2 and 10 high with a minimum of 0.6 meter clear space around. The bags would be placed horizontally continuous in each line as shown in the sketch at page 398 of C.P.W.D. specification 96 Vol I. The day today receipts and issue accounts of cement shall be maintained by the Junior Engineer-in-charge and signed daily by the contractor or his authorized agent. MATERIALS OBTAINED FROM DISMANTLEMENT I. The contractors, in course of their work, should understand that all materials (e.g. stone and the other materials) obtained in the work of dismantling, excavation etc. No reimbursement of the expenses will be made by the


will be considered PIPDIC Ltd. property and issued to the contractor (if they require the same for their own use) at rates approved by PIPDIC Ltd. If these materials are not required by them, they will be disposed off to the best advantage of PIPDIC Ltd. DELAY IN OBTAINING MATERIALS BY THE DEPARTMENT II. Owing to difficulty in obtaining certain materials in the open market, the

PIPDIC Ltd. have undertaken to supply materials specified in schedule B of the tender forms at rates stated therein. There may be delay in obtaining the materials by the PIPDIC Ltd. and the contractor is, therefore required to keep himself in touch with the day to day position regarding the supply of materials from the Engineer-in-charge and to so adjust the progress of the work that their labour may not remain idle nor may there be any other claim due to so arising from delay in obtaining the materials. It should be clearly understood that no claim whatsoever shall be entertained by the PIPDIC Ltd. on account of delay in supplying materials. III. M.S. or deformed bars shall be issued in lengths as available in stores. M.S.

or deformed bars shall be issued in straights or in coils as available and nothing extra shall be payable for straightening the bars. The bars issued in available lengths shall be cut to the required lengths and nothing extra shall be payable for the same. IV. The contractor shall have to deposit the approved paints of required color and shade as per actual requirements of the work to be done with the Engineer-in-charge at his PIPDIC Ltd. Store at the site of work. The contractor shall be responsible for the water proof ness of the roof for one full monsoon season after the date of completion. He shall rectify the defect noticed after due intimation in writing is given by the Engineer-in-charge failing which, Engineer-incharge shall get the defects repaired at the contractors risk and cost. WATER SUPPLY AND SANITARY WORK V. The contractor shall engage licensed plumber for the work and get the materials tested by the Public Works Department authorities whenever required at their own cost. The work shall be carried out according to the Municipal Bye-laws and the


contractor shall produce necessary certificate from Municipal authorities after completion of work. VI. The contractor shall have to deposit water proofing compound as per the actual requirements for the water proofing job with the Engineer-in-charge at his PIPDIC Ltd. Stores at the site of work. The water proofing compound will be issued to the contractor from time to time according to his requirements for the work in the same manner as the issue of the materials stipulated to be issued departmentally.

INCONVENIENCE TO PUBLIC VII. The contractor shall not deposit materials on any site, which will seriously

inconvenience the public. The Engineer-in-charge may require the contractor to remove any materials, which are considered by him to be a danger or inconvenience to the public or cause them to be removed at the contractors cost. VIII. Any damage to work resulting from rains or from any other cause until the work is taken over by the Department after completion will be made good by the contractor at his own cost. IX. The contractor shall deposit royalty and obtain necessary permit for supply of sand, HBG metal, red earth, etc. from local authorities. X. The contractor shall get himself acquainted with the nature and extent of the work and satisfy himself about the availability of quarry and of kiln for collection and conveyance of materials required for the construction. The contractors quoted rate should take into account all these factors and will not be allowed for extra lead for collection and conveyance of materials for any reason whatsoever.


XI. The contractor will be permitted to set up labour camp only before a week from the commencement of work and not exceeding fifteen days after the completion of the work. XII. The contractor shall conform to the provision of any government acts which relate to works and to the regulations and bye-laws of any local authorities. The contractors shall give all notices required by the said acts or laws etc., pay all fees payable to such authorities and allow for these contingencies in his tendered rates including fees for encroachments, costs of restoration etc., and all other fees payable to the local authorities. XIII. Where surplus earth of a suitable quality exists at the site of work, the contractor shall be allowed to use same free of cost making mud mortar for masonry and for laying mud terracing over the roof. The Engineer-in-charge shall be the final authority to decide whether the earth obtained from excavation is surplus or not.

The surplus earth excavated which is beyond the requirement of PIPDIC Ltd works, may be allowed by the General Manager (Dev.) to be disposed of by the contractor on his own or to sell the surplus earth to private parties at his discretion, but nothing extra will be paid for carriage or disposal of the surplus earth, if the same is not required for PIPDIC Ltd. works.

Wherever fine sand has been mentioned in the schedule of quantities, it should be conforming to the grading Zone-I or Zone-V as mentioned in the C.P.W.D. specifications. XIV. Concrete will be mixed with mixers either operated by hand or mechanical. XV. The contractor shall not employ women and men below the age of 18 on the work of painting with products lead, in any form wherever men above the age of 18 are employed on the work of lead painting, the following principles must be observed for such use:



White lead sulphate or lead, of products containing these pigments shall not be in painting operation except in the form of paste or of paint ready for use.


Measure shall be taken in order to prevent danger arising from application of paint in the form of spray.


Measure shall be taken wherever practicable against danger arising from dust caused by dry rubbing down and scraping.


Adequate facilities shall be provided to enable working painters to wash during and on cessation of work.


Overalls shall be worn by working painters during whole of the working period.


Suitable arrangements shall be made to prevent clothing put off during working hours being soiled by painting materials.


Cases of lead poisoning and suspected lead poisoning shall be subsequently verified by a medical team appointed by the competent authority.


The department may require when necessary medical examination of workers.


Instructions with regard to the special hygienic precautions to be taken in the painting trade shall be distributed to working painter. The standard section weights referred to as standard tables in para 5.3.3

in specifications for work 1996 Vol - I to -VI and 2002 of Analysis of rates be considered


for conversion of length of various size of M.S. bars and tor steel bars into weights are as under:-

Size (Diameter) mm (1) 6

Weight Kg/m (2) 0.222

Size (Diameter) mm (3) 25

Weight Kg/m (4) 3.855


























Issue of steel diameter above 10mm will be regulated on sectional weights basis, weight being calculated with the help of the above tables. However, for bars TMT steel up to and including 10mm the following procedure shall be adopted. The average sectional weights for each diameter shall be arrived at from samples from each lot of steel received at site. The actual weight of steel issued shall be modified to take into account the variations between the actual and the standard co-efficients given above and the contractors account will be debited by the cost of this modified quantity only. The discretion of the Engineer-in-charge shall be final for the procedure to be followed


for determining the average sectional weight of each lot. Quantity of each diameter of steel received at site of work each day will constitute one single lot for this purpose.

SPECIAL CONDITIONS APPLICABLE FOR ROAD WORKS: (1) Construction Equipment: 1.1 The methodology and equipment to be used on the project shall be furnished by the Contractor to the Engineer well in advance of commencement of work and approval of the Engineer obtained prior to its adoption and use. 1.2 The Contractor shall give a trail run of the equipment for establishing its capability to achieve the laid down specification and tolerance to the satisfaction of the Engineer before commencement of work, if so desired by the Engineer. 1.3 All equipment provided shall be proven efficiency and shall be operated and maintained at all times in a manner acceptable to the Engineer. 1.4 No equipment or personnel will be removed from site without permission of the Engineer. (2) Work Program and Methodology of Construction: The Contractor shall furnish his program of construction for execution of the work within the stipulated time schedule together with methodology of constructioner each item of work and obtain the approval of the engineer prior to actual commencement of work. (3) Revised Programme of Work in case of Slippage: In case of slippage from the approved work programme at any stage, the Contractor shall furnish revised programme to make up the slippage within the stipulated time schedule and obtain the approval of the Engineer to the revised programme. (4) Action in case of Disproportionate Progress: In case of extremely poor progress of the work or any item at any stage of work which in the opinion or the Engineer cannot be made good by the Contractor


considering his available resources, the Engineer will get it accelerated to make up the lost time through any other agency and recover the additional cost incurred, if any, in getting the work done from the Contractor after informing him in writing about the action envisaged by him. (5) Setting out: Setting out the work as spelt out inclause 109 of Ministrys Specifications for Road and Bridge Works 4th Revision will be carried out by the Contractor. (6) Public Utilities: Action respect of public utilities will be taken by the contractor as envisaged in Clause 110 of Ministrys Specifications for Road and Bridge Works 4th Revision. (7) Arrangement for traffic during construction : Action for arrangement for traffic during construction will be taken by the contractor as envisaged in the contract documents and spelt out in clause 112 of Ministrys Specifications for Road and Bridge Works 4th Revision. (8) Quality Control : The onus of achieving quality of work will be on the contractor who will take action as stipulated in Section 900 of Ministrys for Road and Bridge Works 4th Revision. (9) Ministrys specification for Road and Bridge Works (4th Revision): Ministrys specification for Road and Bridge Works 4th Revision will form part of the contract documents and the contractor will be legally bound to the various stipulations made therein unless and otherwise specifically relaxed or waived wholly or partly through a special clause in the contract document. (10) Documentation: The Contractor will prepare drawing (s) of the work as constructed and will supply original with three copies to the Engineer who will verify and certify these drawings. Final as constructed drawing(s) shall then be prepared by the Contractor and


supplied in triplicate along with a micro film of the same to the Engineer for record and reference purposes. (11) The contractor shall make his own arrangement to provide the bitumen required

for the work from approved public sector, refineries such as IOC, BP, HPL, etc. and produce the paid voucher to the Engineer-in-charge. The materials so procured shall be got tested before use. (12) The use of rubber modified bitumen shall be as per the guide lines of IRC SP 53-99 (13) work The Contractor shall use Hydrostatic paver finisher with sensor control for this

ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS 1. The rate for all items of works shall unless clearly specified otherwise

include cost of all labour, materials and others inputs involved in the execution of item. 2 (a) For the purpose of recording measurements and preparing running accounts bill, the abbreviated nomenclature enclosed with the standard form shall be adopted .The abbreviated nomenclature shall be taken to cover all the materials and operations as per the complete nomenclature of the relevant items in the agreement and other relevant specifications.


(b)In case of extra and substituted items of work for which abbreviated nomenclature is not provided in the agreements, the full nomenclature of items shall be reproduced in the measurement books and bill forms for running account bills. 3. For all doors and windows whether factory made or otherwise, cleats and rubber buffers 30mm dia, shall be provided as directed by the Engineer-in-charge and the rate for the shutter item shall include the cost of providing such wooden cleats and buffers. 4. For those doors where hydraulic door closer is provided only wooden cleats need not be provided and no reduction in rate shall be made for the same. 5. The particle board shutter shall be provided with teak wood lipping (beading) at the edge to which hinges are fixed ,without any extra cost. 6. For works where items of aluminium doors, windows etc., are specified, the grade of anodic coating to be provided in accordance with table I of IS: 1868-1968 together with reference to IS: 5523-1969. 7. Where hydrated lime is available, this can be used on the works and the places where hydrated lime is not available, lime concrete will be prepared by the traditional method of slaking the lime, preparing the lime putty etc. 8. (a) Tendered rates are inclusive of all taxes and levies payable under the respective status. However pursuant to the constitution (46th Amendment) Act 1982, if any further tax or levy is imposed by the statute, after the date of receipt of tenders, and the contractor thereupon necessarily and properly pays such taxes/levies, the contractors shall be reimbursed the amount so paid provided such payment, if any, is not, in the opinion of the Engineer-in-Charge (whose decision shall be final and binding) attributable to delay in execution of work within the control of the contractor. (b) The contractor shall keep necessary books of accounts and other documents for the purpose of this condition as may be necessary and shall allow inspection of the same by a duly authorized representative of Public Works Department and further shall furnish such other information/document as the Engineer-in-Charge may require.


(c) The contractor shall within a period of 30 days of imposition of any further tax or levy pursuant to the Constitution (46th Amendment) Act, 1982 give a written notice thereof to the Engineer-in-Charge pursuant to this condition, together with all necessary information relating therein.

The components of material, labour and P.O.L as indicated in para 3 of sub-clauses 10(CC) have been pre determined as below; (a) Material (b) Labour (c) P.O.L : : : 90 percent 10 percent NIL percent 100 percent 10 cc deleted and 10 CA introduced

9. Stipulated materials shall be issued for use at site of work for all the items where such materials are required. For factory made products like precast cement tiles, precast hollow concrete blocks, precast foam concrete blocks, precast RCC pipes etc., stipulated materials shall not be issued. 10. While execution of the work, the contractor shall organise his work in such a way that the normal functioning of the premises is not disturbed. 11. Any damage done to the existing structure while dismantling execution of the work shall be made good by the contractor at his own cost and no extra claim shall be entertained on this account. 12. The item of Anti-termite treatment shall be executed through a specialized firm.

CONDITIONS FOR STEEL: 13. The contractor shall make his own arrangements to provide the steel required for the work from SAIL / IISCO / TISCO / VIZAG STEEL PLANT and produce the paid voucher to the Engineer-in-Charge. before use. The materials so procured shall be got tested


14. The contractor shall procure 43 grade OPC cement having ISI mark from reputed firms having annual turn over of not less than one million MT and stores it in the site godown as per the guidelines specified in the CPWD specification 2002 under double lock system. The paid voucher of the cement procured shall be produced to the Engineer-in-Charge. The cement procured shall be got tested before use. 15. The contractor shall make his own arrangements to provide the bitumen required for the work from approved public sector, refineries such as IOC, BP, HPL etc., and produce the paid voucher to the Engineer-in-Charge. The materials so procured shall be got tested before use. 16. Necessary test certificates should be produced from the approved laboratory for the quality of materials. 17. Defective materials will be rejected and the same have to be replaced by the contractor at his own cost. 18. Original purchase vouchers should be produced at the time of receipt of materials and at the time of verification by the Engineer-in-Charge. The name of contractor, name of work and agreement number should be clearly noted in the original vouchers. 19. The test specimens shall be provided at free of cost by the contractor. 20. As per Circular No. 339/PW/EE(D)/F.No.213/02/03; dt:10-10-02. The cost of samples and all other incidental charges such as packaging transportation to the laboratory, etc., shall also be borne by the contractor. The testing fee shall be paid by the Engineer-in-Charge if the materials pass the test. 21. The test for cement has to be conducted for every 1000 bags or part. The test for steel has to be conducted for every consignment of 20 tonne or part thereof for each size/dia.


22. Payment for the item of laying Semi Dense Bituminous Concrete shall be made after conducting the density / compaction measurement test and also the surface roughness measured with Bump Integrator, by the Highways Research Station, Chennai and ensuring that (a). In respect of density /compaction, the test result conforms to the density prescribed in the mix design and, (b). In respect of surface roughness measured with Bump Integrator the result shall conform to the values prescribed in Table 3 of IRC SP-16-2004.

ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS II ADOPTION OF PSR ABBREVIATED NOMENCLATURE - 2002 As per Chief Engineers Circular No.378/PW/EE(D)/AE(C)/F.NO.286/2002-03, dated 30.10.2002 the Puducherry Schedule of Rates Abbreviated Nomenclature 2002 for buildings and road works shall be adopted in recording of measurements and preparation of running account bills, etc., wherever applicable as per CPWD Manual VolII Para 7.14.1 to 7.14.6. PARTICULAR SPECIFICATIONS 1. The work executed shall be measured as per metric dimensions given in the schedule of quantities. The FPS units wherever indicated in the drawings are for guidance only. 2. Unless otherwise specified, all the rates quoted by the contractor shall be for items of work at all levels and heights of the building. 3. The work shall be executed as per the C.P.W.D. specifications 2002 (with correction slips and subsequent publications). In case of discrepancies between the specifications of a particular item as indicated in the C.P.W.D. specifications mentioned above and as indicated in the nomenclature of the item the latter shall prevail.


4. All stone aggregate, sand etc., shall be obtained only from quarries or other sources approved by the Engineer-in-Charge. All the materials shall be got approved by the Engineer-in-Charge before they are actually procured and used at site. 5. The grading of sand to be used for mortars and concrete shall be determined at the site of work by the Engineer-in-Charge and sand conforming to these gradings only shall be used on the work. 6. Necessary washing, screening etc., of metal and sand shall be done at site as per requirements of the Engineer-in-Charge. 7. Bricks shall have crushing strength of class designation. 8. The work of water supply and internal sanitary installations and drainage shall be carried out as per bye-laws of the local Municipal body. 9. All manufactured materials used on the work shall have ISI mark. In case of materials for which no manufacturer has been licensed to manufacture the materials with ISI marking, the materials shall conform to the provisions of

C.P.W.D./MOSRTH/IRC/CPHEEO specifications or the ISI code (in the absence of C.P.W.D. specifications or other specification mentioned above for any particular material). In the case of all materials, tests shall be conducted to ensure that they conform to the specifications of codes mentioned above. 10. All materials, which are to be tested before use on the work should be procured at least 2 months before use on the work so that enough time is available for testing them before they are actually used. 11. The cost of samples and all other incidental charges such as packing, transportation to the laboratory etc., shall be borne by the contractor. The testing fee shall be paid if the material passes the test by the Engineer-in-Charge. 12. The architectural drawings Nos. based on which the work is to be executed are available with the Engineer-in-Charge and can be inspected by the prospective tenderers upto the date of receipt of tenders at his office during working hours. Use and testing of all the manufactured materials used in the work shall be regulated as per correction slip No. 42 of C.P.W.D. specifications 1996 Vol. 1 and 2002.


13. Before receiving final payment for the work, contractor shall give an undertaking to the effect that at his own cost, he will rectify the defects in walls, roof like leakage, cracks etc. Which may come to light during the first monsoon after the

completion of work and for this purpose part of the security deposit which may be deemed reasonable by the Engineer-in-Charge shall be retained till the first monsoon is over as security against the contractors failure to act upon the undertaking. This undertaking and consequent retention of part of the security deposit shall not invalidate the contract. The timber to be used on the work shall be of first class wood of species mentioned in the particular item. The timber shall be kiln seasoned as per B.I.S. 1141 1973 and shall be treated with non-leachable type preservative by vacuum pressure method as per B.I.S. 401 1982. FACTORY MADE PANELLED SHUTTERS FOR DOORS 14. The shutters shall be fabricated generally as per I.S. 1003 (Part I) 1997 and as per Architects drawings. The timber to be used shall be of first class wood of species mentioned in the particular item which shall be kiln seasoned and preservative treated. The panels shall be as specified in the item number. Samples of shutters shall be got tested as per I. S. 1003 (Part I) 1997. The rate quoted for the item shall include the element of cost of shutter to be sent for testing and no claim on this account shall be entertained at a later date. 15. Pressed clay tiles to be used on the work shall conform to I. S. 2690 (Part I) 1975. However, the water absorption of the tiles when tested by the method described in the Appendix A of the said I. S. 2690 (Part I) 1975 shall not exceed 18% (Eighteen percent). 16. Shahabad stone slabs, marble slabs etc. on treads and risers of steps and shelves shall be in single pieces. P.V.C. PIPES INTERNAL WORK AND EXTERNAL WORK 17. The specification in respect of laying and jointing rigid P.V.C. threaded pipes both internal and external shall be as per para 19.7.1 to 19.7.7 and 19.9.1 to 19.9.2 of


C.P.W.D. specifications 1996 Vol.II and 2002. The rigid P.V.C. threaded pipes shall confirm to relevant ASTM standard and shall be ORIPLAST or equivalent. 18. Wherever RCC walls, fins and facias are monolithic the portion of RCC are to be measured as per the sketch attached in Page No. The top surface of the RCC roof slab shall be screeded to be uniform when the concrete is green, so as to have a proper bond with the roof treatment. Nothing extra shall be paid on this account. 19. For aluminium doors, fixed glazing, fixed windows, sliding windows, lower

type ventilators and partitions etc. all aluminium sections shall be to the required size, thickness and weight as shown in the relevant Architects Drawings.

20. The weight of stays given in para 9.23.20 of C.P.W.D. specifications 1977, Volume I shall be for cast brass stays only. The weight of the mild steel and anodized aluminium stays shall be as follows: Casement stays (Straight peg type) (a) 300 mm 0.13 Kg/each long 0.06 Kg/each Anodized aluminium with tolerances of plus or minus %

Mild steel with tolerance of plus or minus %

(b) 250 mm 0.10 Kg/each long 0.05 Kg/each


(c) 200 mm long

The casement window fasteners

0.04 Kg/each 0.155 kg/each

FORM OF PERFORMANCE SECURITY BANK GUARANTEE BOND In consideration of the PIPDIC Ltd., Puducherry, (hereinafter called The

Corporation ) having offered to accept the terms and conditions of the proposed Agreement between ..and (hereinafter called The said contractor(s) .for the work (hereinafter called the said agreement) having agreed to production of a irrevocable bank Guarantee for Rs .. (Rupees only) as a

security/guarantee from the contractor(s) for compliance of his obligations in accordance with the terms and conditions in the said agreement. We (hereinafter referred to as the Bank) (indicate the name of the Bank) hereby undertake to pay to the Corporation an amount not exceeding Rs. (Rupees. only) on demand by the Corporation.

2. We (indicate the name of the bank) do hereby undertake to pay the amounts due and payable under this guarantee without any demure, merely on a demand from the Corporation stating that the amount claimed is required to meet the recoveries due or likely to be due from the said contractor(s). Any such demand made on the Bank shall be conclusive as regards the amount due and payable by the Bank under this Guarantee. However, our liability under this guarantee shall be restricted to an amount not exceeding Rs. (Rupees .. . only).


3. We, the said bank further undertake to pay to the Corporation any money so demanded notwithstanding any dispute or disputes raised by the contractor(s) in any suit or proceeding pending before any court or Tribunal relating thereto, our liability under this present being absolute and unequivocal. The payments so made by us under this bond shall be a valid discharge of our liability for payment there under and the contractor(s) shall have no claim against us for making such payment.

4. We (indicate the name of the bank) further agree that the guarantee herein contained shall remain in full force and effect during the period that would be taken for the performance of the said agreement and that it shall continue to be enforceable till all the dues of the Corporation under or by virtue of the said Agreement have been fully paid and its claims satisfied or discharged or till the Engineer-in-charge on behalf of the Corporation certified that the terms and conditions of the said

agreement have been fully and properly carried out by the said contractor(s) and accordingly discharges this guarantee.

5. We (Indicate the name of the bank) further agree with Corporation that the Corporation shall have the fullest liberty without our consent and without affecting in any manner our obligations hereunder to vary any of the terms and conditions of the said agreement or to extend time of performance by the said contractor(s) from time to time or to postpone for any time or from time to time, any of the powers exercisable by the Corporation against the said contractor(s) and to forbear or enforce any of the terms and conditions relating to the said agreement and we shall not be relieved from our liability by reason of any such variation, or extension being granted to the said contractor(s) or for any bearance, act of omission on the part of the Corporation or any indulgence by the Corporation to the said contractor(s) or by any such matter or thing whatsoever which under the law relating to sureties would but for this provision, have affect of so relieving us.

6. This guarantee will not be discharged due to the change in the constitution of the Bank or the Contractor(s).


7. We (Indicate the name of the bank) lastly undertake not to revoke this guarantee except with the previous consent of the Corporation in writing.

8. This guarantee shall be valid up to unless extended on demand by the Government. Notwithstanding anything mentioned above, our liability against this guarantee is restricted to Rs.(Rupeesonly) and unless a claim in writing is lodged with us within six months of the date of expiry or the extended date of expiry of this guarantee all our liabilities under this guarantee shall stand discharged.

Dated the day . (Indicate the name of the Bank)




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