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Automatic transfer switches, OTM_C_D_

Installation and operating instructions 34OTM_C_D / 1SCC303003M0206


Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_

1. Introduction.................................................................................................................................. 6
1.1 Use of symbols.......................................................................................................................................6 1.2 Explanations of abbreviations and terms ...............................................................................................7

2. Product overview......................................................................................................................... 8
2.1 Functions of automatic control units OMD_...........................................................................................9

3. Description ................................................................................................................................. 10
3.1 OMD100 switching sequence ..............................................................................................................10 3.1.1 Line 1 priority .....................................................................................................................................10 3.1.2 No line priority ...................................................................................................................................11 3.1.3 Manual back switching mode ...........................................................................................................12 3.2 OMD200 and OMD300 switching sequence ........................................................................................13 3.2.1 Line 1 priority .....................................................................................................................................13 3.2.2 No line priority ...................................................................................................................................14 3.2.3 Manual back switching mode ...........................................................................................................15 3.3 OMD800 switching sequence ..............................................................................................................16 3.3.1 Line 1 priority .....................................................................................................................................16 3.3.2 No line priority ...................................................................................................................................17 3.3.3 Line 2 priority .....................................................................................................................................18 3.3.4 Manual back switching mode ...........................................................................................................19

4. Quick start.................................................................................................................................. 20
4.1 Operating the switch electrically ..........................................................................................................20 4.1.1 Operating the switch electrically / Manual Mode ..............................................................................20 4.1.2 Operating the switch electrically / Automatic Mode .........................................................................22 4.1.3 Selection of delay time, voltage threshold and TEST function..........................................................22 4.1.4 Choice of Operating mode in OMD100, OMD200 and OMD300 ......................................................24 4.1.5 Choice of Operating mode in OMD800 .............................................................................................26 4.1.6 Locking electrical operation ..............................................................................................................27 4.2 Operating the switch manually (local operation) ..................................................................................28

5. Installation.................................................................................................................................. 30
5.1 Mounting the OTM_ automatic transfer switch ....................................................................................30 5.2 Dimensional drawings ..........................................................................................................................32 5.3 Mounting positions ...............................................................................................................................47 5.4 DIP switches in the automatic control units OMD100, OMD200 and OMD300 ...................................48 5.5 Mounting the automatic control unit OMD_ .........................................................................................49 5.5.1 Automatic control unit OMD_ on the switch .....................................................................................49 5.5.2 Automatic control unit OMD_ , door mounting .................................................................................51 5.5.3 Automatic control unit OMD_ , DIN-rail mounting.............................................................................52

6. Connecting ................................................................................................................................. 53
6.1 Power circuit.........................................................................................................................................53 6.1.1 Voltage sensing wires, neutral pole position .....................................................................................54 6.1.2 Power circuit of the automatic control unit OMD100 ........................................................................56 6.1.3 Power circuit of the automatic control unit OMD200 and OMD300 .................................................56 6.1.4 Power circuit of the automatic control unit OMD800 ........................................................................56 6.2 Control circuit .......................................................................................................................................57 6.2.1 Control circuit of the automatic control unit OMD100 ......................................................................60

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Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_


6.2.2 Control circuit of the automatic control unit OMD200 ......................................................................62 6.2.3 Control circuit of the automatic control unit OMD300 ......................................................................64 6.2.4 Control circuit of the automatic control unit OMD800 ......................................................................66 6.2.5 OMD100, OMD200 and OMD300 outputs ........................................................................................68 6.2.6 OMD100, OMD200 and OMD300 inputs ..........................................................................................68 6.2.7 OMD800 outputs ...............................................................................................................................68 6.2.8 OMD800 inputs .................................................................................................................................69

7. Operating ................................................................................................................................... 70
7.1 Electrical operation...............................................................................................................................70 7.1.1 Operating the switch electrically / Manual Mode ..............................................................................72 7.1.2 Operating the switch electrically / Automatic Mode .........................................................................74 7.1.3 Selection of delay time, voltage threshold and TEST function..........................................................75 7.1.4 Operating modes in OMD100, OMD200 and OMD300.....................................................................76 7.1.5 Choice of Operating mode in OMD100, OMD200 and OMD300 ......................................................77 7.1.6 Operating modes in OMD800 ...........................................................................................................80 7.1.7 Choice of Operating mode in OMD800 .............................................................................................80 7.2 Manual operation using the handle ......................................................................................................81 7.3 Locking .................................................................................................................................................83 7.3.1 Locking the electrical operation ........................................................................................................83 7.3.2 Locking the manual operation ...........................................................................................................83

8. Technical data ............................................................................................................................ 85

8.1 Automatic transfer switch OTM_C_D, power circuits ..........................................................................85 8.2 Motor operator OME_, control circuits .................................................................................................86

9. Using automatic control unit OMD100 ................................................................................... 87

9.1 Interface ...............................................................................................................................................87 9.1.1 Keypad ..............................................................................................................................................87 9.1.2 Leds ...................................................................................................................................................88 9.2 Conguration ........................................................................................................................................90 9.2.1 Rotary switches .................................................................................................................................90 9.2.2 DIP switches / parameter settings ....................................................................................................90 9.3 TEST sequence ...................................................................................................................................91

10. Using automatic control units OMD200 and OMD300 ......................................................... 92

10.1 Interface .............................................................................................................................................92 10.1.1 Keypad ............................................................................................................................................92 10.1.2 LEDs ................................................................................................................................................93 10.2 Conguration ......................................................................................................................................95 10.2.1 Rotary switches ...............................................................................................................................95 10.2.2 DIP switches / parameter settings ..................................................................................................96 10.3 TEST sequence ..................................................................................................................................98

11. Using automatic control unit OMD800 .................................................................................. 99

11.1 Interface .............................................................................................................................................99 11.1.1 Keypad ............................................................................................................................................99 11.1.2 LEDs ..............................................................................................................................................100 11.2 Conguration ....................................................................................................................................101 11.2.1 Menu browsing keys .....................................................................................................................101 11.2.2 Display ...........................................................................................................................................102 11.2.3 OMD800 communication via Modbus...........................................................................................125

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Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_

12. Technical data of the automatic control units OMD_......................................................... 134

12.1 OMD100 ...........................................................................................................................................134 12.2 OMD200 / OMD300..........................................................................................................................134 12.3 OMD800 ...........................................................................................................................................135

13. Troubleshooting ..................................................................................................................... 136

13.1 OMD100, OMD200 or OMD300 .......................................................................................................136 13.2 OMD800 ..........................................................................................................................................137 13.3 Explanations of internal faults OMD100, OMD200, OMD300, OMD800..........................................139 13.4 Change-over switch does not respond ............................................................................................140 13.5 Missing of both lines ........................................................................................................................140

14. Accessories............................................................................................................................ 141

14.1 Terminal clamp sets..........................................................................................................................141 14.2 Bridging bars ....................................................................................................................................142 14.3 Terminal shrouds ..............................................................................................................................144 14.4 Auxiliary contact blocks ...................................................................................................................146 14.5 Handle and spare fuse storage ........................................................................................................147 14.6 Fastener............................................................................................................................................148 14.7 Cover plate .......................................................................................................................................149 14.8 Dual Power Source...........................................................................................................................151

15. UL standard switches ........................................................................................................... 152

15.1 Phase barriers ..................................................................................................................................153

5 1SCC303003M0206, rev. F

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_

1. Introduction

1. Introduction
This manual describes the installation and the basic operation of the OTM_C_D_ automatic transfer switches. The instructive part is followed by a section on available accessories.

1.1 Use of symbols

Hazardous voltage: warns about a situation where a hazardous voltage may cause physical injury to a person or damage to equipment.

General warning: warns about a situation where something other than electrical equipment may cause physical injury to a person or damage to equipment.

Caution: provides important information or warns about a situation that may

have a detrimental effect on equipment.

Information: provides important information about the equipment.

6 1SCC303003M0206, rev. F

1. Introduction

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_

1.2 Explanations of abbreviations and terms

OTM_C_D_: OME: OMD: OMD100: OMD200: OMD300: OMD800: DPS: Modbus RTU: LN1-Switch I: LN2-Switch II: Automatic transfer switch, the type name Motor operator, the type name The control unit of automatic transfer switching equipment, common type name for the automatic control unit The automatic control unit, basic version with simplied functionalities The automatic control unit, standard version The automatic control unit, standard version with additional power supply control The automatic control unit, high version with communication and display Dual power source Bus communication protocol Power supply line, eg. the primary line Power supply line, eg. the secondary line used in emergency cases

Test sequence: A sequence to test the functionality of the OMD and the connected change-over switch Ts Tt Ds TBs DBs Gs Switching delay Delay on transfer Dead band I to II delay Back switching delay Dead band II to I delay Generator stop delay

7 1SCC303003M0206, rev. F

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_

2. Product overview

2. Product overview
Automatic transfer switches (type OTM_C_D_) are designed for diverse applications to choose and to switch between two power supplies. You can operate the OTM_ automatic transfer switches either electrically by choosing the Automatic / Manual Mode or manually by using the handle. The operation either electrical or manual can be chosen by the selector switch Motor/Manual on the motor operator. OTM_ automatic transfer switches consist of the change-over switch, the motor operator and the automatic control unit. The automatic control unit (type OMD_) is available in four versions for different purposes.

Figure 2.1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

OTM_ automatic transfer switch

Change-over switch Automatic control unit (four types; OMD100, OMD200, OMD300, OMD800) Motor operator Switch panel, the operating mechanism Handle for manual operation, double grip handle in sizes OTM1000-1600_C_D Motor/Manual selection Terminals for motor operator voltage supply Terminals (X2) for locking state information, optional; see control circuit diagrams, Section 6.2 Fuse (F1) of motor operator Locking latch for releasing the handle and locking electrical control Locking clip for locking manual operation Voltage sensing wires Place for auxiliary contact blocks

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2. Product overview

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_

2.1 Functions of automatic control units OMD_

Figure 2.2

Automatic control units from left: OMD100, OMD200, OMD300 and OMD800

Analysing the voltage, frequency and the phase balance. OMD100 is the basic version of the control unit of automatic switching equipment. It has two sensors to monitor two three-phase power lines, both able to work with single phase, too. OMD100 has the capability to monitor two power supply lines and to manage a single change-over switch. The neutral line has to be always connected.

Analysing the voltage, frequency and the phase balance. Includes the generator START / STOP command. OMD200 has two sensors to monitor two three-phase power lines, both able to work with single phase, too. It has the capability to monitor two power supply lines and to manage a single change-over switch. With DIP-switches it can be chosen whether or not the neutral line is connected. If OMD200 is used without the neutral line, the external transformer must be used.

Analysing the voltage, frequency and the phase balance. Includes the generator START / STOP command and the dual power supply (DPS) to motor operator. OMD300 has two sensors to monitor two three-phase power lines, both able to work with single phase, too. It has the capability to monitor two power supply lines and to manage a single change-over switch. OMD300 has integrated voltage supply for the motor operator (Dual power source, DPS). The neutral line has to be always connected.

Analysing the voltage, frequency and the phase balance. Includes the generator START / STOP command. Communication via Modbus. DI/DO. The OMD800 has two sensors to monitor two power lines; both sensors are able to work with single phase or three-phase lines. This unit can be supplied with an external auxiliary power supply. Monitoring, conguration and control are possible via Modbus RTU connection. The OMD800 has a graphic display where the user is able to check the settings and get all the information about status of the OMD800.

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Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_

3. Description

3. Description
3.1 OMD100 switching sequence
3.1.1 Line 1 priority
The switching sequence OMD100 can be summarized in following steps:
An anomaly occurs on the Line 1 Switching delay Change-over switch (Switch I) to the position O Change-over switch (Switch II) to the position II

And the back switching sequence can be summarized in the following steps:
The Line 1 will start the normal functioning Back switching delay Change-over switch (Switch II) to the position O Change-over switch (Switch I) to the position I
LINE 1 LINE 2 Switch I status

Switch II status Ts
Ts: Switching delay, Tbs:Back switching delay


Figure 3.1

Automatic Switching Sequences in OMD100, Line 1 priority

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3. Description

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_

3.1.2 No line priority

The switching sequence of OMD100 can be summarized in following steps:
An anomaly occurs on the Line 1 Switching delay Change-over switch (Switch I) to the position O Change-over switch (Switch II) to the position II

And the back switching sequence can be summarized in the following steps:
The Line 1 will start the normal functioning Change-over switch stays in position II An anomaly occurs on the Line 2 Back switching delay Change-over switch (Switch II) to the position O Change-over switch (Switch I) to the position I
LINE 1 LINE 2 Switch I status

Switch II status Ts
Ts: Switching delay, Tbs:Back switching delay


Figure 3.2

Automatic Switching Sequence in OM100, no line priority

11 1SCC303003M0206, rev. F

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_

3. Description

3.1.3 Manual back switching mode

The switching sequence of OMD100 can be summarized in following steps:
An anomaly occurs on the Line 1 Switching delay Change-over switch (Switch I) to the position O Change-over switch (Switch II) to the position II

And the back switching sequence can be summarized in the following steps:
The Line 1 will start the normal functioning Change-over switch stays in position II An anomaly occurs on the Line 2 Back switching delay Change-over switch (Switch II) to the position O The Line 2 will start the normal functioning Switching delay Change-over switch (Switch II) to the position II
LINE 1 LINE 2 Switch I status

Switch II status Ts
Ts: Switching delay, Tbs:Back switching delay



Figure 3.3

Automatic Switching Sequence in OMD100, manual back switching mode

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3. Description

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_

3.2 OMD200 and OMD300 switching sequence

3.2.1 Line 1 priority
The switching sequence of OMD200 and OMD300 can be summarized in following steps:
An anomaly occurs on the Line 1 Switching delay Generator start Change-over switch (Switch I) to the position O Change-over switch (Switch II) to the position II

And the back switching sequence can be summarized in the following steps:
The Line 1 will start the normal functioning Back switching delay Change-over switch (Switch II) to the position O Change-over switch (Switch I) to the position I Generator stop delay Generator stop
LINE 1 LINE 2 Switch I status Switch I status

Gen. START Ts Tbs Gs

Ts: Switching delay, Tbs: Back switching delay, Gs: Generator stop delay

Figure 3.4

Automatic Switching Sequence in OMD200 and OMD 300, Line 1 priority

13 1SCC303003M0206, rev. F

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_

3. Description

3.2.2 No line priority

The switching sequence of OMD200 and OMD300 can be summarized in following steps:
An anomaly occurs on the Line 1 Switching delay Generator start Change-over switch (Switch I) to the position O Change-over switch (Switch II) to the position II

And the back switching sequence can be summarized in the following steps:
The Line 1 will start the normal functioning Change-over switch stays in position II An anomaly occurs on the Line 2 Back switching delay Change-over switch (Switch II) to the position O Change-over switch (Switch I) to the position I Generator stop delay Generator stop

Switch I status Switch II status


Gen. start Ts Tbs Gs

Ts: Switching delay, Tbs: Back switching delay, Gs: Generator stop delay

Figure 3.5

Automatic Switching Sequence in OMD200 and OMD300, no line priority

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3. Description

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_

3.2.3 Manual back switching mode

The switching sequence of OMD200 and OMD300 can be summarized in following steps:
An anomaly occurs on the Line 1 Switching delay Generator start Change-over switch (Switch I) to the position O Change-over switch (Switch II) to the position II

And the back switching sequence can be summarized in the following steps:
The Line 1 will start the normal functioning Change-over switch stays in position II An anomaly occurs on the Line 2 Back switching delay Change-over switch (Switch II) to the position O The Line 2 will start the normal functioning Switching delay Change-over switch (Switch II) to the position II

Switch I status Switch II status


Gen. start Ts Tbs

Ts: Switching delay, Tbs: Back switching delay


Figure 3.6

Automatic Switching Sequence in OMD200 and OMD300, manual back switching mode

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Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_

3. Description

3.3 OMD800 switching sequence

3.3.1 Line 1 priority
The switching sequence of OMD800 can be summarized in following steps:
An anomaly occurs on the Line 1 Switching delay Generator start Delay on transfer Change-over switch (Switch I) to the position O Dead band I to II delay Change-over switch (Switch II) to the position II

And the back switching sequence can be summarized in the following steps:
The Line 1 will start the normal functioning Back switching delay Change-over switch (Switch II) to the position O Dead band II to I delay Change-over switch (Switch I) to the position I Generator stop delay Generator stop

LINE 1 LINE 2 Switch I status Switch II status Gen. START Ts Tt Ds TBs DBs Gs


Ts: Switching delay, Tt: Delay on transfer, Ds: Dead band I to II, TBs: Back switching delay, DBs: Dead band II to I, Gs: Generator stop delay

Figure 3.7

Automatic Switching Sequences in OMD800, Line 1 priority

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3. Description

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_

3.3.2 No line priority

The switching sequence of OMD800 can be summarized in following steps:
An anomaly occurs on the Line 1 Switching delay Generator start Delay on transfer Change-over switch (Switch I) to the position O Dead band I to II delay Change-over switch (Switch II) to the position II

And the back switching sequence can be summarized in the following steps:
The Line 1 will start the normal functioning Back switching delay Change-over switch stays in position II An anomaly occurs on the Line 2 Change-over switch (Switch II) to the position O Dead band II to I delay Change-over switch (Switch I) to the position I Generator stop delay Generator stop
LINE 1 LINE 2 Switch I status Switch II status Gen. start







Ts: Switching delay, Tt: Delay on transfer, Ds: Dead band I to II, TBs: Back switching delay, DBs: Dead band II to I, Gs: Generator stop delay

Figure 3.8

Automatic Switching Sequence in OMD800, no line priority

17 1SCC303003M0206, rev. F

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_

3. Description

3.3.3 Line 2 priority

The switching sequence of OMD800 can be summarized in following steps:
An anomaly occurs on the Line 2 Switching delay Change-over switch (Switch II) to the position O Dead band II to I delay Change-over switch (Switch I) to the position I

And the back switching sequence can be summarized in the following steps:
The Line 2 will start the normal functioning Back switching delay Change-over switch (Switch I) to the position O Dead band I to II delay Change-over switch (Switch II) to the position II

LINE 1 LINE 2 Switch I status Switch II status






Ts: Switching delay, DBs: Dead band II to I, TBs: Back switching delay, Ds: Dead band I to II

Figure 3.9

Automatic Switching Sequence in OMD800, Line 2 priority Please note that generator cannot be in use, when priority is set to Line 2 (see page 107 Generator usage).

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3. Description

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_

3.3.4 Manual back switching mode

The switching sequence of OMD800 can be summarized in following steps:
An anomaly occurs on the Line 1 Switching delay Generator start Delay on transfer Change-over switch (Switch I) to the position O Dead band I to II delay Change-over switch (Switch II) to the position II

And the back switching sequence can be summarized in the following steps:
The Line 1 will start the normal functioning Back switching delay Change-over switch stays in position II An anomaly occurs on the Line 2 Change-over switch (Switch II) to the position O The Line 2 will start the normal functioning Dead band I to II delay Change-over switch (Switch II) to the position II

LINE 1 LINE 2 Switch I status Switch II status Gen. start







Ts: Switching delay, Tt: Delay on transfer, Ds: Dead band I to II, TBs: Back switching delay

Figure 3.10

Automatic Switching Sequence in OMD800, manual back switching mode

19 1SCC303003M0206, rev. F

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_

4. Quick start

4. Quick start
This is a quick guide only meant for those who need a reminder of how to operate the unit. For more detailed instructions, see Section 7.

4.1 Operating the switch electrically

To operate the switch electrically:
1. 2. Remove the handle from the switch panel. You can remove the handle in any position. Turn the Motor/Manual selector to the Motor (M) position to enable electrical operation.

After that operation you can operate the switch electrically by two ways; the automatic control unit OMD_ is in Manual Mode or Automatic Mode.

Figure 4.1

Operating the switch electrically

4.1.1 Operating the switch electrically / Manual Mode

Selecting the automatic control unit OMD_ to the Manual Mode: a. Make sure that power LED is ON, see the Figure 4.2/ . b. If Auto LED is OFF / , the automatic control unit is in Manual Mode. c. If the Auto LED is ON, push the Auto key once / . The Auto LED switches to OFF and the automatic control unit OMD_ is in Manual Mode / .

Figure 4.2

Selecting the automatic control unit OMD_ to Manual Mode

1SCC303003M0206, rev. F

4. Quick start

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_

To select the switch to operate by the automatic control unit OMD_ in Manual Mode:
a. b. Push the appropriate I, O or II key When pushing the I-key (see the Figure 4.3/ or Figure 4.4/ ), the I-switch (lower) will be in the ON position (the status and the line indication, see the Figure 4.3/ or the Figure 4.4/ ) and the II-switch (upper) will be in the OFF position. If the I-switch is already in the ON position, pushing the I-key does not have any effect. When pushing the O-key, the I-switch will be in the OFF position. The II-switch remains in the OFF position. When pushing the II-key, the II-switch will be in the ON-position and the I-switch will be in the OFF position. If you push the I-key while the II-switch is in the ON position, rst the II-switch opens (OFF position) and then the I-switch closes its contacts (ON position).

c. d. e.

Figure 4.3

Selecting the switch to operate, the switch status and the chosen line indication with LEDs in OMD100, OMD200 or OMD300

Figure 4.4

Selecting the switch to operate, the switch status and the chosen line indication in display terminal in OMD800

21 1SCC303003M0206, rev. F

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_

4. Quick start

4.1.2 Operating the switch electrically / Automatic Mode

Selecting the automatic control unit OMD_ to the Automatic Mode:
a. b. c. Make sure that power LED is ON. If Auto LED is ON/ , the automatic control unit is in Automatic Mode. If Auto LED is OFF/ , check that the Lim rotary switch is not in the TEST or SETUP position/ . Push the Auto key once/ . The Auto LED switches ON and the automatic control unit OMD_ is in Automatic Mode/

Figure 4.5

Selecting the automatic control unit OMD_ to Automatic Mode

See the OMD_ Automatic Mode operation in Sections 9-13.

4.1.3 Selection of delay time, voltage threshold and TEST function

The delay time and the voltage threshold are set by the rotary switches in automatic control units OMD100, OMD200 and OMD300. For the settings in OMD800, see Section Device conguration.

Figure 4.6

Selection of delay time and voltage threshold in OMD100

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4. Quick start

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_

Figure 4.7

Selection of delay time and voltage threshold in OMD200 and OMD300

Ts / Tbs = Delay times for automatic switching

The delay time is the time before activating the switching sequence and the back switching sequence. User can choose two types of settings for delay times:

Choice 1: Darker side of the rotary switch

Available selections for the delay times are: 0, 5, 10 and 30 s. When this side is used the back switching delay Tbs is always same as switching delay Ts.

Choice 2: Lighter side of the rotary switch

Available selections for the delay times are: 0, 5, 10 and 30 s. When this side is used the back switching delay Tbs is always set to 300s.

Lim = Voltage threshold with SETUP and TEST function

The available selections for voltage threshold in OMD100 are: 5, 10, 15, 20 %. In OMD200 and OMD300 the available selections for voltage threshold are: 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 %, see the available settings / voltage in Figure 4.7. By setting the voltage threshold, the unbalance is also set to the same level. When the user wants to enter to the SETUP mode, the automatic control unit has to be set to manual mode and Lim rotary switch has to be set to SETUP position. In SETUP mode it is possible to choose between three operating modes: standard switching mode, no priority mode or without back switching mode. In the SETUP mode user must also choose between automatic OTM_C_D, motorized OTM40125_CMA_ or motorized OTM_1602500_CM_ change-over switch. See Section 7.1.5 Choice of Operating mode. When the Lim rotary switch is set to the TEST position, the automatic control unit (OMD100, OMD200 or OMD300) enters the test sequence. In test sequence it is possible to simulate switching and back switching sequences step by step by pushing the AUTO key.

23 1SCC303003M0206, rev. F

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_

4. Quick start

4.1.4 Choice of Operating mode in OMD100, OMD200 and OMD300

1. Set device to MANUAL mode according the Figure 4.8.

Figure 4.8 2.

Selecting the automatic control units OMD100, OMD200 and OMD300 to Manual Mode

Choose SETUP mode with Lim rotary switch according to the Figure 4.9

Figure 4.9 3.

Setting of SETUP mode with Lim rotary switch in automatic control units OMD100 (left), OMD200 and OMD300 (right).

Press AUTO button to choose the mode. The Operation modes are indicated by LEDs according the Table 4.1. See the descriptions of the Operating modes in Section 7.2.

Figure 4.9

Choosing the Operation mode by pressing the AUTO button. See the Table 4.1 of LED indications for wanted Operation mode.

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4. Quick start

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_

LED indication


Line 1 priority + automatic OTM_C_D or motorized OTM40125_CMA_

No priority mode + automatic OTM_C_D or motorized OTM40125_CMA_

Manual back switching mode + automatic OTM_C_D or motorized OTM40125_CMA_

LED indication


Line 1 priority + motorized OTM1602500_CM_

No priority mode + motorized OTM1602500_CM_

Manual back switching mode + motorized OTM1602500_CM_

Table 4.1 4.

Indications of the Operating modes in automatic control units OMD100, OMD200 and OMD300

Set Lim rotary switch back to original position

Figure 4.10

Setting of SETUP mode with Lim rotary switch in automatic control units OMD 100 (left), OMD200 and OMD300 (right)

25 1SCC303003M0206, rev. F

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_

4. Quick start

5. Set device to AUTO mode according to the Figure 4.11.

Figure 4.11

Selecting the automatic control units OMD100, OMD200 and OMD300 to Automatic Mode

4.1.5 Choice of Operating mode in OMD800

Different working modes are set by the display: System Conguration Line priority - Line 1Switch I - Line 2-Switch II - No line priority Change-over Switch Type - Automatic OTM_C_D - Motorized OTM_C Manual Back Switching - Off - On

System Configuration 12/13 Line Priority Changeover Switch Type Manual Back Switching

Line Priority Line 1 Switch I

KA00336 A07132

Changeover Switch Type Automatic OTM_C_D


Manual Back Switching Off Edit Cancel OK Edit






Figure 4.12

Choosing the Operating mode in the automatic control unit OMD800

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4. Quick start

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_

4.1.6 Locking electrical operation

To disable electrical control, lock the locking latch with a padlock. After the locking latch has been locked, the switch cannot be operated electrically. You can lock electrical operation in any position (I, O, II).

Figure 4.13

Locking electrical control

27 1SCC303003M0206, rev. F

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_

4. Quick start

4.2 Operating the switch manually (local operation)

To operate the switch manually:
1. 2. Turn the Motor/Manual selector to the Manual (Man) position to enable manual operation and to prevent electrical operation. Attach the handle to the switch panel. You can attach the handle in any position.

Figure 4.14

Operating the switch manually

When the handle is attached, the automatic control unit OMD_ will automatically be in Manual Mode. The Alarm LED on the automatic control unit is ON with the Power LED. The Auto LED will be OFF. When the handle is removed, the automatic control unit will stay in Manual Mode and the Alarm LED will be OFF.

Figure 4.15

The Alarm LED is ON while the handle is attached and the automatic control unit is in Manual Mode

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4. Quick start

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_

To disable the manual (and at the same time also electrical) operation, turn the handle to the position O and attach the padlock to the handle.

Figure 4.16

Locking the manual operation

29 1SCC303003M0206, rev. F

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_

5. Installation

5. Installation
5.1 Mounting the OTM_ automatic transfer switch
Use protection against direct contact.

Figure 5.1

An example of using protection against direct contact

30 1SCC303003M0206, rev. F

5. Installation

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_

Figure 5.2

Automatic transfer switches, drilling hole distances / screw-mounting, [mm/in]

31 1SCC303003M0206, rev. F

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_

5. Installation

5.2 Dimensional drawings

262 170 96



189 96 155




65 20


20 10 5 30 + 5%

+ 20 % TEST

14 130 65
M00182/ OTM160-250E_C_1D_ B / KA00299



A1 130 122 150 100

58 20 37 25 72 160 3 48,5 127 162 A 25

A2 B

OTM 160-250_C_D_

A A1 A2 B

E3 35 116 257 272

E4 35 116 292 307

Figure 5.3







237 203







20 10 5 30 +5%

+ 20 % TEST

14 130 65
M00183/ OTM160-250E_C_2D_ B / KA00300


A1 100

130 150


58 127 162 A2 B
OTM 160-250_C_D_


20 37


72 160



A A1 A2 B

E3 35 116 257 272

E4 35 116 292 307

Figure 5.4

OTM160-250E_C2D_, OTM160-250E_C3D_

32 1SCC303003M0206, rev. F

5. Installation

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_


262 170






65 20





A1 100

130 150

M00184/ OTM160-250E_C_8D_ B / KA00301

65 20 37




72 160


127 162 A2 B A 25

OTM 160-250_C_D_

A A1 A2 B

E3 35 116 257 272

E4 35 116 292 307

Figure 5.5













65 20



20 10 5 30 + 5%

+ 20 % TEST

14 130 65
M00185/ OTM160-250E_WC_1D_ B / KA00302


150 100 122 A1 130 170



20 37 25

72 160


127 170 A2 B



A A1 A2 B

E3 43 116 281 296

E4 43 116 324 339

Figure 5.6


33 1SCC303003M0206, rev. F

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_

5. Installation


262 170









65 20


20 10 5 30 +5 %

+ 20 % TEST

14 130 65
M00186/ OTM160-250E_WC_2D_ B / KA00303


150 100 122 A1 130 170



20 37 25

72 160


127 170 A2 B



A A1 A2 B

E3 43 116 281 296

E4 43 116 324 339

Figure 5.7

OTM160-250E_CW2D_, OTM160-250E_CW3D_


262 170




65 20



14 130 65
B / KA00304


150 100 122 A1 130 170



20 37 25

72 160


127 170 A2 B


M00187/ OTM160-250E_WC_8D_


A A1 A2 B

E3 43 116 281 296

E4 43 116 324 339

Figure 5.8


34 1SCC303003M0206, rev. F

5. Installation

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_

mm in 262/10,32 170/6,7




189 96 7,44 3,78 155 6,11

14 0,55 65 2,56 20 0,79 3 0,12 48,5 1,91

65 2,56 20 0,79




9 0,35

83/35,5 3,27/1,40

20 10 5 30 + 5%

+ 20 % TEST

130 5,12

59 2,32


58 2,28

100 122 150 3,94 4,81 5,91 A1 130 170 5,12 6,7

M00188/ OTM200U_C_1D_ B / KA00305

37 25 1,46 0,98

72/2,83 160/6,3

127/5 170/6,7

A A2 B

25 0,98


A A1 A2 B

U3 43/1,69 116/4,57 281/11,07 296/11,66

U4 43/1,69 116/4,57 324/12,76 339/13,36

Figure 5.9
mm in


262/10,32 170/6,7



237 9,34

144 5,67


65 2,56


203 8


20 0,79

9 0,35

83/35,5 3,27/1,40

20 10 5 30 +5 %

+ 20 % TEST

14 0,55 65 2,56 20 0,79 37 1,46

130 5,12

59 2,32


150 100 122 5,91 3,94 4,81 130 170 A1 5,12 6,7

58 2,28
3 0,12 48,5 1,91

M00189/ OTM200U_C_2D_ B / KA00306

25 0,98

72/2,83 160/6,3

127/5 170/6,7

A A2 B

25 0,98


A A1 A2 B

U3 43/1,69 116/4,57 281/11,07 296/11,66

U4 43/1,69 116/4,57 324/12,76 339/13,36

Figure 5.10

OTM200U_C2D_, OTM200U_C3D_

35 1SCC303003M0206, rev. F

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_

5. Installation

mm in

262/10,32 170/6,7



237 9,34 144 5,67 203 8

65 2,56
20 0,79

9 0,35

83/35,5 3,27/1,40


14 0,55 65 2,56 20 0,79 37 1,46

130 5,12

59 2,32
58 2,28


150 100 122 5,91 3,94 4,81 130 170 A1 5,12 6,7

M00190/ OTM200U_C_8D_ B / KA00307

25 0,98

72/2,83 160/6,3

3 0,12 48,5 1,91

127/5 170/6,7

A A2 B

25 0,98


A A1 A2 B

U3 43/1,69 116/4,57 281/11,07 296/11,66

U4 43/1,69 116/4,57 324/12,76 339/13,36

Figure 5.11



294 170



95 25


199 165






20 10 5 30 + 5%

+ 20 % TEST

17 156 71



160 185


150 120

M00191/ OTM315-400E_C_1D_ B / KA00308

95 4 56

32,5 43

87 192

137 185 A2 B


A A1 A2 B

OTM 315-400_C_D_ E3 E4 44 44 142 142 304,5 348,5 323 367

Figure 5.12


36 1SCC303003M0206, rev. F

5. Installation

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_


294 170






95 25






20 10 5 30 +5 %

+ 20 % TEST

17 156 71


A1 120

160 185



M00192/ OTM315-400E_C_2D_ B / KA00309

32,5 43

87 192

4 56

137 185

A2 B


A A1 A2 B

OTM 315-400_C_D_ E3 E4 44 44 142 142 304,5 348,5 323 367

Figure 5.13

OTM315-400E_C2D_, OTM315-400E_C3D_


294 170 96



144 25





17 156 71



A1 160 185 150 120

95 4 56

M00193/ OTM315-400E_C_8D_ B / KA00310

32,5 43

87 192

137 185

A2 B


A A1 A2 B

OTM 315-400_C_D_ E3 E4 44 44 142 142 304,5 348,5 323 367

Figure 5.14


37 1SCC303003M0206, rev. F

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_

5. Installation

mm in

294/11,58 170/6,7



95 3,74 25 0,98
11 0,43


126/51,5 4,96/2,03

199 96 7,84 3,78 165 6,5 17 0,67 69 2,72 156 6,14 71 2,80




20 10 5 30 + 5%

+ 20 % TEST

A1 160 6,3 120 4,73

220 8,67 150 5,91 185 7,29

95 3,74 4 0,16 87/3,43 192/7,56 56 2,20

137/5,4 195/7,68 A2 B A 31 1,22

M00194/ OTM400U_C_1D_ B / KA00311

43 1,69

32,5 1,28

A A1 A2 B

OTM 400_C_D_ U4 U3 54/2,13 54/2,13 142/5,59 142/5,59 334,5/13,18 388,5/15,3 407/16,04 353/13,91

Figure 5.15


mm in

294/11,58 170/6,7



247 9,73

144 5,67

95 3,74

213 8,33



25 0,98
11 0,43

126/51,5 4,96/2,03

20 10 5 30 +5 %

+ 20 % TEST

17 0,67

69 2,72
156 6,14

A1 160 6,3 120 4,73

95 3,74
4 0,16 87/3,43 192/7,56 56 2,20

71 2,80 137/5,4 195/7,68 A2 B A

220 8,67 150 5,91 185 7,29

B / KA00312

43 1,69

32,5 1,28

31 1,22

M00195/ OTM400U_C_2D_

A A1 A2 B

OTM 400_C_D_ U4 U3 54/2,13 54/2,13 142/5,59 142/5,59 334,5/13,18 388,5/15,3 407/16,04 353/13,91

Figure 5.16

OTM400U_C2D_, OTM400U_C3D_

38 1SCC303003M0206, rev. F

5. Installation

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_

mm in

294/11,58 170/6,7



247 9,73

144 5,67

95 3,74 25 0,98

126/51,5 4,96/2,03

213 8,39

11 0,43 A1 160 6,3 120 4,73

17 0,67

156 6,14

69 2,72 71 2,80 137/5,4 195/7,68 A2 B A

220 8,67 150 5,91 185 7,29

95 3,74 4 0,16 56 2,20

B / KA00313

43 1,69

32,5 1,28

87/3,43 192/7,56

31 1,22

M00196/ OTM400U_C_8D_

A A1 A2 B

OTM 400_C_D_ U4 U3 54/2,13 54/2,13 142/5,59 142/5,59 334,5/13,18 388,5/15,3 353/13,91 407/16,04

Figure 5.17



355 96 138,5 61,5

+ +





219 185 145 200






20 10 5 30 +5 %

+20 % TEST


198 250 A1
+ +


160 90 45


M00203/ OTM630-800E_C_1D_ B / KA00317

5 43

132,5 256


147,5 212,5

A2 B


A A1 A2 B

OTM630-800_C_D_ E2 E3 65 65 180 180 325 390 346 411

E4 65 180 455 476

Figure 5.18


39 1SCC303003M0206, rev. F

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_

5. Installation


355 170



144 267


138,5 61,5
+ +






20 10 5 30 +5 %

+20 % TEST

145 200

89 160 90

198 250 A1
+ +



M00204/ OTM630-800E_C_2D_ B / KA00318

45 5 43 132,5 256 64

147,5 212,5

A2 B


A A1 A2 B

OTM630-800_C_D_ E2 E3 65 65 180 180 325 390 346 411

E4 65 180 455 476

Figure 5.19

OTM630-800E_C2D_, OTM630-800E_C3D_


355 170



144 267 145 200







+ +

89 160 90

198 250 A1
+ +



M00205 OTM630-800E_C_8D_ B / KA00319

5 43

132,5 256


147,5 212,5

A2 B


A A1 A2 B

OTM630-800_C_D_ E2 E3 65 65 180 180 325 390 346 411

E4 65 180 455 476

Figure 5.20


40 1SCC303003M0206, rev. F

5. Installation

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_

mm in

96/3,78 39 1,54 13,5 0,53

355/13,99 170/6,7



219 8,63

96 3,78

138,5 5,46 61,5 2,42

+ +




20 10 5 30 +5 %

+20 % TEST

89 3,50

198 7,8

250 9,85 509 20,05

200 7,88

145 5,71 160 6,3


90 3,54
+ +

210 A1 8,27

17 0,67

B / KA00314


A A2 B

47,5 1,87

5 0,20 64 2,52

45 1,77 132,5 5,22 256/10,08 43 1,69

M00200/ OTM600U_C_1D_

A A1 A2 B

OTM600_C_D_ U2 U3 U4 65/2,56 65/2,56 65/2,56 180/7,09 180/7,09 180/7,09 325/12,8 390/15,36 45517,93 346/13,63 411/16,19 476/18,75

Figure 5.21


mm in


355/13,99 170/6,7


267 10,52

144 5,67


138,5 5,46
ON +20 %

39 1,54

13,5 0,53


20 10 5 30 +5 %


61,5 2,42
+ +

89 3,50

90 3,54

210 509 8,27 20,05 198 7,8 250 9,85 A1

+ +

200 7,88

145 5,71 160 6,3


17 0,67

147/5,81 212,5/8,37
M00201/ OTM600U_C_2D_ B / KA00315

A A2 B

47,5 1,87

5 0,20 64 2,52

45 1,77 132,5 5,22 256/10,08 43 1,69

A A1 A2 B

OTM600_C_D_ U2 U3 65/2,56 65/2,56 180/7,09 180/7,09 325/12,8 390/15,36 346/13,63 411/16,19

U4 65/2,56 180/7,09 45517,93 476/18,75

Figure 5.22

OTM600U_C2D_, OTM600U_C3D_

41 1SCC303003M0206, rev. F

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_

5. Installation

mm in


355/13,99 170/6,7


267 10,52

144 5,67

138,5 5,46

39 1,54

13,5 0,53

61,5 2,42
+ +

89 3,50

90 3,54

210 509 8,27 20,05 198 7,8 250 9,85 A1

+ +

200 7,88

145 5,71 160 6,3


17 0,67

147/5,81 212,5/8,37
B / KA00316

A A2 B

47,5 1,87

5 0,20 64 2,52

45 1,77 132,5 5,22 256/10,08 43 1,69

M00202/ OTM600U_C_8D_

A A1 A2 B

OTM600_C_D_ U2 U3 65/2,56 65/2,56 180/7,09 180/7,09 325/12,8 390/15,36 346/13,63 411/16,19

U4 65/2,56 180/7,09 45517,93 476/18,75

Figure 5.23


240 170

387 96











20 10 5 30 +5 %

+20 % TEST

208 260 400 206




306 272



50 75

15 136 295 317 74,5

171 253 A2 A B 63

M00261/OTM1000_1250E2_4C1 B


A A1 A2 B

OTM1000-1250_C_D_ E3 E2 80 80 230 230 476 396 506 426

E4 80 230 556 586

Figure 5.24


42 1SCC303003M0206, rev. F

5. Installation

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_

240 170

387 400








20 10 5 30 +5 %

+20 % TEST

260 400 206 112



306 272



50 75 136 295 317 15

15 74,5

171 253 A2 A B 63

M00262/OTM1000_1250E2_4C2 B

A A1 A2 B

OTM1000-1250_C_D_ E3 E2 80 80 230 230 476 396 506 426

E4 80 230 556 586

Figure 5.25

OTM1000-1250E_C2D_, OTM1000-1250E_C3D_
387 240 170


80 13,5 200 50

290 144 256







272 306





253 A2 B


136 15 15 75
M00264/OTM1000_1250E2_4C8 B


295 317

A A1 A2 B

OTM1000-1250_C_D_ E3 E2 80 80 230 230 476 396 506 426

E4 80 230 556 586

Figure 5.26


43 1SCC303003M0206, rev. F

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_

5. Installation

mm in 400 15,76
74,5 2,93

387 15,25
170 6,7

240 9,45

13,5 / 0,53

50 / 1,97

242 96 9,53 3,78 208 8,19 112 4,41





20 10 5 30 +5 %

+20 % TEST


338 13,32 326 246 12,84 372 9,69 14,65 546 258 546 10,16 21,51

206 8,12

400 15,76


260 10,24

171 /6,74 253 / 9,97 A2 B A 63 2,48

15 0,59

19 0,75

136 5,36 295 11,62 75 2,95

15 0,59

A A1 A2 B

OTM800-1200_C_D_ U3 U4 U2 80/3,15 80/3,15 80/3,15 230/9,06 230/9,06 230/9,06 556/21,9 396,5/15,62 476,5/18,77 506/19,94 586/23,09 426,5/16,8

Figure 5.27

M00263/OTM1200U2_4C1 B

317 12,49


mm in 96 3,78

400 15,76

387 15,25 170 6,7

240 9,45


144 290 5,67 11,42 256 10,08

13,5 / 0,53

50 / 1,97

74,5 2,93

15 0,59




20 10 5 30 +5 %

+20 % TEST

112 4,41


372 14,65

338 13,32 326 246 9,69 12,84 258 10,16

400 15,76
206 546 21,51 8,12 260 10,24


171,5 6,75 253 / 9,97

19 0,75
A A2 B 63 2,48

74,5 2,93
296,5 11,68

136 5,36
75 2,95

15 0,59

M00265/OTM1200U2_4C2 B

A A1 A2 B

OTM800-1200_C_D_ U3 U4 U2 80/3,15 80/3,15 80/3,15 230/9,06 230/9,06 230/9,06 476/18,75 556/21,9 396/15,6 506/19,94 586/23,09 426/16,78

317 12,49

Figure 5.28

OTM800-1200U_C2D_, OTM800-1200U_C3D_

44 1SCC303003M0206, rev. F

5. Installation
mm in 400 15,76

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_

387 15,25 170 6,7

240 9,45

96 3,78

13,5 / 0,53
290 11,42 144 5,67

50 / 1,97

74,5 2,93

15 0,59

256 10,08




112 4,41

338 13,32 246 326 9,69 12,84 258 10,16


400 15,76
546 21,51 206 8,12


372 14,65

260 10,24

171 6,75

19 0,75
A 63 2,48

253 / 9,97

A2 B
M00266/OTM1200U2_4C8 B

74,5 2,93
296,5 11,68

136 5,36
75 2,95

15 0,59

A A1 A2 B

OTM800-1200_C_D_ U3 U4 U2 80/3,15 80/3,15 80/3,15 230/9,06 230/9,06 230/9,06 476/18,75 556/21,9 396/15,6 506/19,94 586/23,09 426/16,78

317 12,49

Figure 5.29


240 170


400 96


200 13,5 50


242 208






20 10 5 30 +5 %

+20 % TEST

112 260 206



338 326 372




171 253 136 295 317 74,5 B A 63



M00267/OTM1600E2_4C1 B

A A1 A2 B

OTM1600E_C_D_ E3 E2 80 80 230 230 476 396 506 426

E4 80 230 556 586

Figure 5.30


45 1SCC303003M0206, rev. F

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_

5. Installation

240 170













20 10 5 30 +5 %

+20 % TEST


112 260 206



338 326 372




171 253



136 295 317



M00268/OTM1600E2_4C2 B

A A1 A2 B

OTM1600_C_D_ E3 E2 80 80 230 230 476 396 506 426

E4 80 230 556 586

Figure 5.31

OTM1600E_C2D_, OTM1600E_C3D_



387 170



290 144 256







400 260 206



338 326 372




19 15 74,5

171 253
136 295 317



A A2


M00269/OTM1600E2_4C8 B

A A1 A2 B

OTM1600_C_D_ E3 E2 80 80 230 230 476 396 506 426

E4 80 230 556 586

Figure 5.32


46 1SCC303003M0206, rev. F

5. Installation

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_

5.3 Mounting positions

The recommended mounting positions for automatic transfer switches are horizontal, wall mounted or table mounted.

Figure 5.33

Mounting positions

Do not install the Automatic transfer switches in any other position than those described above.

47 1SCC303003M0206, rev. F

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_

5. Installation

5.4 DIP switches in the automatic control units OMD100, OMD200 and OMD300
Only an authorised electrician may perform the electrical installation and maintenance of OTM_ automatic transfer switches. Do not attempt any installation or maintenance actions when an OTM_ automatic transfer switch is connected to the electrical mains. Before starting work, make sure that the switch is de-energised.

The parameter settings of automatic control units OMD100, OMD200 and OMD300 are performed by the DIP switches. To set the DIP switches, the OMD_ unit has to be removed from the switch, according to Figure 5.34. On the bottom of the OMD_ unit are the DIP switches; see Figure 5.35. After setting the DIP switches you can place the OMD_ unit back on the switch according to Figure 5.36. For detailed information of the DIP switches see Sections 9 and 10.

Figure 5.34

Removing of the OMD_ from the switch

Figure 5.35

Places of the DIP switches

If single phase is used, the neutral should be connected.

48 1SCC303003M0206, rev. F

5. Installation

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_

5.5 Mounting the automatic control unit OMD_

The automatic control unit OMD_ can be mounted on the switch, the door or the DIN-rail.

5.5.1 Automatic control unit OMD_ on the switch

The automatic control unit OMD_ can be adjusted according to the mounting depth of the panel, see Figure 5.36.

Figure 5.36

Adjusting the mounting depth of the automatic control unit OMD_

Door drilling according to Figure 5.37. As an optional extra you can use the cover plate OMZC2 on the door for OMD200, 300 and 800, see Accessories, Section 14.8, Figure 14.9

49 1SCC303003M0206, rev. F

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_

5. Installation

Figure 5.37

Door drilling for the automatic control unit OMD_ on the switch, door drilling for the cover plate OMZC2, see Accessories, Section 14.8, Figure 14.9

50 1SCC303003M0206, rev. F

5. Installation

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_

5.5.2 Automatic control unit OMD_ , door mounting

The automatic control unit OMD_ can be mounted on the door with the fastener OMZD1, see Accessories, Section 14.7, Figure 14.8. Door drilling according to Figure 5.38. As an optional extra you can use the cover plate OMZC2 on the door for OMD200, 300 and 800, see Figure 5.39 on next page and Accessories, Section 14.8, Figure 14.10.

Figure 5.38

Automatic control unit OMD_, door mounting

51 1SCC303003M0206, rev. F

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_

5. Installation

Figure 5.39

Automatic control unit OMD200, 300 and 800, door mounting with the cover plate, door drilling for the cover plate OMZC2, see Accessories, Section 14.8, Figure 14.10

5.5.3 Automatic control unit OMD_ , DIN-rail mounting

The automatic control unit OMD_ can be mounted on the 35 mm DIN-rail, see the Figure 5.40. Door drilling, if needed, according to Figure 5.37. As an optional extra you can use the cover plate OMZC2 on the door for OMD200, 300 and 800, see Figure 5.37 and Accessories, Section 14.8.

Figure 5.40

Automatic control unit OMD_, DIN-rail mounting

52 1SCC303003M0206, rev. F

6. Connecting

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_

6. Connecting
Only an authorised electrician may perform the electrical installation and maintenance of OTM_ automatic transfer switches. Do not attempt any installation or maintenance actions when an OTM_ automatic transfer switch is connected to the electrical mains. Before starting work, make sure that the switch is de-energised.

6.1 Power circuit

Figure 6.1

The neutral pole is situated on the right side of the switches. The lower switch is number I and the upper switch is number II

53 1SCC303003M0206, rev. F

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_

6. Connecting

6.1.1 Voltage sensing wires, neutral pole position

The neutral pole is situated on the right side of the automatic transfer switch. If you need to change the position of the neutral pole to the left side, it will affect to the voltage sensing wires of OMD_. You have to connect the wires according to the Figure 6.2 and Figure 6.3.

Figure 6.2

Voltage sensing wires; the change of neutral pole from right to left side

54 1SCC303003M0206, rev. F

6. Connecting

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_

Figure 6.3

The neutral pole on the left side

55 1SCC303003M0206, rev. F

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_

6. Connecting

6.1.2 Power circuit of the automatic control unit OMD100

Operating voltage: Main voltage: 380Vac (20%) Phase voltage: 220Vac (20%) Frequency: 50Hz (10%)
Neutral must always be connected. Phase setting with DIP switches: Single phase or Three-phase (default).

6.1.3 Power circuit of the automatic control unit OMD200 and OMD300
Operating voltage:
Main voltage: Phase voltage: 208Vac - 480Vac (20%) 120Vac - 277Vac (20%) 50Hz - 60Hz (10%)


Phase setting with DIP switches: Single phase or Three-phase (default).

If the automatic control unit OMD200 is used without neutral (three-phase connection), the external transformer must be used. The transformer will drop the main voltage to the phase voltage level. Neutral has to be connected when using a single phase connection.

Neutral must always be connected.

6.1.4 Power circuit of the automatic control unit OMD800

Operating and measuring voltage area on 3 phase system:
Main voltage: Phase voltage: AUX voltage: Frequency: Phase voltage: AUX voltage: Frequency: 100Vac - 480Vac (20%) 57.7Vac - 277Vac (20%) 24Vdc - 110Vdc (-10 to +15%) 50Hz - 60Hz (10%) 57,7Vac - 240Vac (20%) 24Vdc - 110Vdc (-10 to +15%) 50Hz - 60Hz (10%)

Operating and measuring voltage area on 1 phase system:

Phase setting, see the Section 11. If 1 phase system is used and the voltage level is between 57,7Vac-109Vac the auxiliary power supply (AUX) must be used.

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6. Connecting

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_

6.2 Control circuit

Figure 6.4 OTM_ automatic transfer switch terminals 1. 2. Terminal for motor operator voltage supply Terminal for state information of locking When relay outputs are used with inductive loads (such as relays, contactors and motors), they must be protected from voltage peaks using varistors, RC-protectors (AC current) or DC current diodes (DC current).

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6. Connecting

Figure 6.5

Control circuit connections in OMD_

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6. Connecting

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_

Figure 6.6

OTM_ automatic transfer switch with control circuit connections

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6. Connecting

6.2.1 Control circuit of the automatic control unit OMD100

Figure 6.7

Control circuit diagram OMD100

Equipment earth must always be connected.

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6. Connecting

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_

Connectors, OMD100

Figure 6.8
Connector X11:1 X11:2 X11:3 X11:4 X12:1 X12:2 X12:3 X12:4 X21:1 X21:2 X21:3 X21:4 X22:1 X22:2 X22:3 X22:4 X24:1 X24:2 X24:3 X31:1 X31:2 X31:3 X31:4 X61

Connectors, OMD100
Description Supply I: L1 Supply I: L2 Supply I: L3 Supply I: N Supply II: L1 Supply II: L2 Supply II: L3 Supply II: N Voltage supply from motor operator OME_ Output to close switch I or open switch II Output to close switch II or open switch I Voltage supply from motor operator OME_ Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Output to signal OK (no alarm) Common Output to signal Alarm Manual / Alarm input from handle Status of switch I auxiliary contact Status of switch II auxiliary contact Voltage supply from the automatic control unit OMD_ Equipment earth Common NO NO Common

Table 6.1

Connectors OMD 100

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6. Connecting

6.2.2 Control circuit of the automatic control unit OMD200

Figure 6.9

Control circuit diagram OMD200

Equipment earth must always be connected.

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6. Connecting

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_

Connectors, OMD200

Figure 6.10
Connector X11:1 X11:2 X11:3 X11:4 X13:1 X13:2 X12:1 X12:2 X12:3 X12:4 X14:1 X14:2 X21:1 X21:2 X21:3 X22:1 X22:2 X22:3 X23:1 X23:2 X23:3 X24:1 X24:2 X24:3 X31:1 X31:2 X31:3 X31:4 X61

Connectors, OMD200
Description Supply I: L1 Supply I: L2 Supply I: L3 Supply I: N Supply I (power supply): L1 (default) Supply I (power supply): N Supply II: L1 Supply II: L2 Supply II: L3 Supply II: N Supply II (power supply): L1 (default) Supply II (power supply): N Voltage supply from motor operator OME_ Common Output to close switch I or open switch II NO Output to close switch II or open switch I NO Reserved Reserved Reserved Output to control the start of the generator, NO Common Output to control the stop of the generator, NC Output to signal OK (no alarm) Common Output to signal Alarm Manual / Alarm input from handle Status of switch I auxiliary contact Status of switch II auxiliary contact Voltage supply from the automatic control unit OMD_ Equipment earth

Table 6.2

Connectors OMD200
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6. Connecting

6.2.3 Control circuit of the automatic control unit OMD300

Figure 6.11

Control circuit diagram OMD300

Equipment earth must always be connected.

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6. Connecting

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_

Connectors, OMD300

Figure 6.12
Connector X11:1 X11:2 X11:3 X11:4 X13:1 X13:2 X12:1 X12:2 X12:3 X12:4 X14:1 X14:2 X21:1 X21:2 X21:3 X22:1 X22:2 X22:3 X23:1 X23:2 X23:3

Connectors, OMD300
Connector X24:1 X24:2 X24:3 X31:1 X31:2 X31:3 X31:4 X26:1 X26:2 X27:1 X27:2 X28:1 X28:2 X61 Description Output to signal OK (no alarm) Common Output to signal Alarm Manual / Alarm input from handle Status of switch I auxiliary contact Status of switch II auxiliary contact Voltage supply from automatic control unit Supply I: L1 Supply I: N Motor: L Motor: N Supply II: L1 Supply II: N Equipment earth

Description Supply I: L1 Supply I: L2 Supply I: L3 Supply I: N Supply I (power supply): L1 (default) Supply I (power supply): N Supply II: L1 Supply II: L2 Supply II: L3 Supply II: N Supply II (power supply): L1 (default) Supply II (power supply): N Voltage supply from motor operator OME_ Common Output to close switch I or open switch II NO Output to close switch II or open switch I NO Reserved Reserved Reserved Output to control the start of the generator, NO Common Output to control the stop of the generator, NC

Table 6.3

Connectors OMD300

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6. Connecting

6.2.4 Control circuit of the automatic control unit OMD800

Figure 6.13

Control circuit diagram OMD800

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6. Connecting

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_

Connectors, OMD800

Figure 6.14
Connector X11:1 X11:2 X11:3 X11:4 X12:1 X12:2 X12:3 X12:4 X41:1 X41:2 X21:1 X21:2 X21:3 X22:1 X22:2 X22:3 X23:1 X23:2 X23:3 X24:1 X24:2 X24:3

Connectors, OMD800
Connector X29:1 X29.2 X29:3 X29:4 X29.5 X29:6 X29:7 X31:1 X31:2 X31:3 X31:4 X32:1 X32.2 X32:3 X32:4 X32.5 X32:6 X32:7 X32:8 X32.9 X51:1 X51:2 X51:3 X61 Description Emergency/Alarm, NO (Programmable) Line I Status, NO (Programmable) Line II Status, NO (Programmable) Change-over Switch Alarm, NO (Programmable) Manual Mode, NO (Programmable) Disconnect Secondary Loads, NO (Programmable) Common Manual / Alarm input from handle Status of switch I auxiliary contact Status of switch II auxiliary contact Voltage supply from the automatic control unit Status of Secondary Loads, NO (Programmable) External Generator Start, NO (Programmable) Force Commutation, NO (Programmable) Generator Alarm, NO (Programmable) Remote Control to O, NO (Programmable) Inhibit Switching I to II, NO (Programmable) Remote Control to II, NO (Programmable) Remote Control to I, NO (Programmable) Voltage supply from the automatic control unit Modbus DATA B Modbus DATA A Modbus GND Equipment earth

Description Supply I: L1 Supply I: L2 Supply I: L3 Supply I: N Supply II: L1 Supply II: L2 Supply II: L3 Supply II: N AUX + AUX Voltage supply from motor operator OME_ Common Output to close switch I or open switch II NO Output to close switch II or open switch I NO Reserved Reserved Reserved Output to control the start of the generator, NO Common Output to control the stop of the generator, NC Command disconnection secondary loads, NO Common Command disconnection secondary loads, NC

Table 6.4

Connectors OMD800

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6. Connecting

6.2.5 OMD100, OMD200 and OMD300 outputs Opening/closing command to change-over switches, X21 (DO1-DO2)
These outputs command the change-over switch to open and close Switch I or Switch II. To guarantee the highest-level safety OMD_ monitors the correct operation of the change-over switch after a command has been sent. If the feedback of the switch status is not received within 3 seconds of the sending of the command, the device considers it as a failed command and operates as follows: An alarm is generated: DO6 activate. Alarm LED switches on. Alarm is set off by pushing the AUTO key. After that the device is always in the Manual Mode to prevent unwanted operation of the change-over switch. Exactly the same operations are performed on the secondary line (LN2-Switch II) during the back switching sequence. Gen-Set start/stop, X23 (DO5)

Gen-Set start and stop is handled by a bistable relay. When the relay contact Start (X23:1) is closed, the generator is started. When the relay contact Stop (X23:3) is closed, the generator is stopped. Alarm signaling, X24 (DO6)

When the relay contact Alarm (X24:3) is open and contact OK (X24:1) is closed, the automatic transfer logic is enabled. If the relay contact Alarm (X24:3) is closed and the contact OK (X24:1) is open the automatic transfer logic is disabled and an alarm is active.

6.2.6 OMD100, OMD200 and OMD300 inputs Switch status input, X31:2 (DI1), X31:3 (DI2)
These two inputs are connected to change-over switch auxiliary contacts. Input X31:2 (DI1) is connected to LN1-Switch I and input X31:3 (DI2) is connected to LN2-Switch II (Switch I / II open = input inactive, Switch I / II closed = input active). Force manual, X31:1 (DI3)

When the handle is attached this input is closed and OMD_ is forced to Manual Mode. To set the OMD_ back to the Automatic Mode the handle must be removed and the AUTO key pushed (Auto LED is ON).

6.2.7 OMD800 outputs Opening/closing command to change-over switches, X21 (DO1-DO2)
These outputs command the change-over switch to open and close Switch I or Switch II. To guarantee the highest-level safety OMD800 monitors the correct operation of the change-over switch after a command has been sent. If the feedback of the switch status is not received within 3 seconds of the sending of the command, the device considers it as a failed command and operates as follows: An alarm is generated: DO6 and DO9 activate. Alarm LED switches on and the alarm is written to Alarm/Event Log Alarm is set off by pushing the AUTO key. After that the device is always in the Manual Mode to prevent unwanted operation of the change-over switch. Exactly the same operations are performed on the secondary line (LN2-Switch II) during the back switching sequence. Gen-Set start/stop, X23 (DO5)

Gen-Set start and stop is handled by a bistable relay. When the relay contact Start (X23:1) is closed, the generator is started. When the relay contact Stop (X23:3) is closed, the generator is stopped.

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6. Connecting

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_ Connect/disconnect command to secondary loads, X24 (DO11)

See Secondary Load parameter, Section Programmable digital outputs, X29 (DO6-DO10 and DO12)

These outputs can be congured by the user. User can choose the function and the contact type for each of these outputs. For conguration see Section Default conguration is shown in Section 6.2.4, Table 6.4.

6.2.8 OMD800 inputs Switch status input, X31:2 (DI1), X31:3 (DI2)
These two inputs are connected to change-over switch auxiliary contacts. Input X31:2 (DI1) is connected to LN1-Switch I and input X31:3 (DI2) is connected to LN2-Switch II (Switch I / II open = input inactive, Switch I / II closed = input active). Force manual, X31:1 (DI3)

When the handle is attached this input is closed and OMD_ is forced to Manual Mode. To set the OMD800 back to the Automatic Mode the handle must be removed and the AUTO key pushed (Auto LED is ON). Programmable digital inputs, X32 (DI4DI11)

These inputs can be congured by the user. User can choose function and contact type for each of these inputs. For conguration, see Section Default conguration is shown in Section 6.2.4, Table 6.4.

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7. Operating

7. Operating
Never open any covers on the product. There may be dangerous external control voltages inside the OTM_ automatic transfer switch even if the voltage is turned off.

Never handle control cables when the voltage of the OTM_ automatic transfer switch or external control circuits are connected.

Exercise sufcient caution when handling the unit.

7.1 Electrical operation

You can operate the OTM_ automatic transfer switch electrically by using the keypad of the automatic control unit OMD_ in Manual Mode or automatically in Auto Mode. To operate the switch electrically: 1. Release the handle from the switch panel by pushing down the locking latch under the switch panel and pulling the handle off, see Figure 7.1.

Figure 7.1

Releasing the handle Electrical control is disabled if the handle is attached to the switch panel.

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7. Operating

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_


Turn the Motor/Manual selection switch to the Motor (M) position, see Figure 7.2.

Figure 7.2 3.

Motor/Manual selection switch in the Motor (M) position

Operate the OTM_ automatic transfer switch with the keypad of the automatic control unit OMD_ in Manual Mode or automatically in Auto Mode.

In automatic mode OMD200 and OMD300 are always operated from position I to position II (or from II to I) without stopping it in position O. OMD800 can be stopped in position O by setting Dead Band I to II and/ or Dead Band II to I delay time on. For details, see Section The motor operator is protected from overloading by a fuse (F1) under the motor operator. Only use the same type of fuse that is described on the label close to the fuse.

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7. Operating

7.1.1 Operating the switch electrically / Manual Mode

Selecting the automatic control unit OMD_ to the Manual Mode: a. Make sure that the power LED is ON, see the Figure 7.3/ . b. If the Auto LED is OFF / , the automatic control unit is in Manual Mode. c. If the Auto LED is ON, push the Auto key once / . The Auto LED switches to OFF and the automatic control unit OMD_ is in Manual Mode / .

Figure 7.3

Selecting the automatic control unit OMD_ to Manual Mode

To select the switch to operate by the automatic control unit OMD_ in Manual Mode: a. Push the appropriate I, O or II key. b. When pushing the I-key (see the Figure 7.4/ or Figure 7.5/ ), the I-switch (lower) will be in the ON position (the status and the line indication, see the Figure 7.4/ or the Figure 7.5/ ) and the II-switch (upper) will be in the OFF position. If the I-switch is already in the ON position, pushing the I-key does not have any inuence. c. When pushing the O-key, the I-switch will be in the OFF position. The II-switch remains in the OFF position. d. When pushing the II-key, the II-switch will be in the ON position and the I-switch will be in the OFF position. e. If you push the I-key while the II-switch is in the ON position, rst the II-switch opens (OFF position) and then the I-switch closes its contacts (ON position). When the automatic control unit OMD200 or OMD300 is in Manual Mode, the generator cant be operated. Manual operation of the generator is possible with automatic control unit OMD800.

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Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_

Figure 7.4

Selecting the switch to operate, the switch status and the chosen line indication with LEDs in OMD100, OMD200 or OMD300

Figure 7.5

Selecting the switch to operate, the switch status and the chosen line indication in display terminal in OMD800

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7. Operating

If a new command is given before the switch has reached the position of the previous command, the fuse (F1) of the motor operator may operate.

Figure 7.6

Manual Mode control

Pushing of the O-key (= O-command) will override the commands of the other keys. For example, if you simultaneously give an O-command and another command (I or II), the automatic transfer switch OTM_ is driven to the OFF position.

7.1.2 Operating the switch electrically / Automatic Mode

Selecting the automatic control unit OMD_ to the Automatic Mode:
a. b. c. Make sure that power LED is ON. If Auto LED is ON/ , the automatic control unit is in Automatic Mode. If Auto LED is OFF/ , check that the Lim rotary switch is not in the TEST or SETUP position/ . Push the Auto key once/ . The Auto LED switches ON and the automatic control unit OMD_ is in Automatic Mode/

Figure 7.7

Selecting the automatic control unit OMD_ to Automatic Mode

See the OMD_ Automatic Mode operation in Sections 9-13.

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7. Operating

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_

7.1.3 Selection of delay time, voltage threshold and TEST function

The delay time and the voltage threshold are set by the rotary switches in automatic control units OMD100, OMD200 and OMD300. The settings in OMD800, see the Section 11.

Ts / Tbs = Delay times for automatic switching

The delay time is the time before activating the switching sequence and the back switching sequence. User can choose two types of settings for delay times:

Choice 1: Darker side of the rotary switch

Available selections for the delay times are: 0, 5, 10 and 30 s. When this side is used the back switching delay Tbs is always same as switching delay Ts.

Choice 2: Lighter side of the rotary switch

Available selections for the delay times are: 0, 5, 10 and 30 s. When this side is used the back switching delay Tbs is always set to 300s.

Lim = Voltage threshold with SETUP and TEST function

The available selections for voltage threshold in OMD100 are: 5, 10, 15, 20 %. In OMD200 and OMD300 the available selections for voltage threshold are: 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 %, see the available settings / voltage in Figure 7.9. By setting the voltage threshold, the unbalance is also set to the same level. When the user wants to enter to the SETUP mode, the automatic control unit has to be set to manual mode and Lim rotary switch has to be set to SETUP position. In SETUP mode it is possible to choose between three operating modes: standard switching mode, no priority mode or manual back switching mode. In the SETUP mode user must also choose between automatic OTM_C_D, motorized OTM40125_CMA_ or motorized OTM_1602500_CM_ change-over switch. See Section 7.1.5 Choice of Operating mode. When the Lim rotary switch is set to the TEST position, the automatic control unit (OMD100, OMD200 or OMD300) enters the test sequence. In test sequence it is possible to simulate switching and back switching sequences step by step by pushing the AUTO key.

Figure 7.8

Selection of delay time and voltage threshold in OMD100

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7. Operating

Figure 7.9

Selection of delay time and voltage threshold in OMD200 and OMD300

Steps in the TEST sequence are: 1. Push AUTO; generator start (skipped if the generator is not in use) 2. Push AUTO; change-over switch to position II 3. Push AUTO; change-over switch to position I 4. Push AUTO; generator stop (skipped if the generator is not in use) After nal step, the TEST sequence restarts. The user can stop the TEST sequence by turning the Lim rotary switch back to the voltage threshold wanted. After stopping the TEST sequence the device returns to the MANUAL mode. By pushing AUTO key once after stopping test sequence the device is set to the AUTO mode.

Figure 7.10

Lim rotary switch is set to the TEST function in OMD100 (left) and in OMD200 and OMD300 (right)

7.1.4 Operating modes in OMD100, OMD200 and OMD300 Line 1 priority + automatic OTM_C_D or motorized OTM40125_CMA_
This operating mode is used when user has automatic OTM_C_D change-over switch or motorized OTM40125_CMA_ and line priority is Line 1 Switch I. No priority mode + automatic OTM_C_D or motorized OTM40125_CMA_

This operating mode is used when user has automatic OTM_C_D change-over switch or motorized OTM40125_CMA_ and neither of the lines has priority. No line priority means that after switching sequence the device remains on the Line 2 although the Line 1 starts to work properly. The back switching is performed only if the Line 2 fails.

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7. Operating

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_ Manual back switching mode + automatic OTM_C_D or motorized OTM40125_CMA_

This operating mode is used when user has automatic OTM_C_D change-over switch or motorized OTM40125_CMA_ and the automatic back switching sequence has to be inhibited for example while performing maintenance on the Line 1. If the Line 2 fails the switch is changed to the position O. Line 1 priority + motorized OTM1602500_CM_

This operating mode is used when user has motorized OTM1602500_CM_ change-over switch and line priority is Line 1 Switch I. No priority mode + motorized OTM1602500_CM_

This operating mode is used when user has motorized OTM1602500_CM_ change-over switch and neither of the lines has priority. No line priority means that after switching sequence the device remains on the Line 2 although the Line 1 starts to work properly. The back switching is performed only if the Line 2 fails. Manual back switching mode + motorized OTM1602500_CM_

This operating mode is used when user has motorized OTM1602500_CM_ change-over switch and the automatic back switching sequence has to be inhibited for example while performing maintenance on the Line 1. If the Line 2 fails the switch is changed to the position O.

7.1.5 Choice of Operating mode in OMD100, OMD200 and OMD300

1. Set device to MANUAL mode according the Figure 7.11

Figure 7.11 Selecting the automatic control units OMD100, OMD200 and OMD300 to Manual Mode

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7. Operating

2. Choose SETUP mode with Lim rotary switch according to the Figure 7.12

Figure 7.12 3.

Setting of SETUP mode with Lim rotary switch in automatic control units OMD100 (left), OMD200 and OMD300 (right)

Press AUTO button to choose the mode. The Operation modes are indicated by LEDs according the Table 7.1

Figure 7.13

Choosing the Operation mode by pressing the AUTO button. See the Table 7.1 of LED indications for wanted Operation mode

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Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_

LED indication


Line 1 priority + automatic OTM_C_D or motorized OTM40125_CMA_

No priority mode + automatic OTM_C_D or motorized OTM40125_CMA_

Manual back switching mode + automatic OTM_C_D or motorized OTM40125_CMA_

LED indication


Line 1 priority + motorized OTM1602500_CM_

No priority mode + motorized OTM1602500_CM_

Manual back switching mode + motorized OTM1602500_CM_

Table 7.1 4.

Indications of the Operating modes in automatic control units OMD100, OMD200 and OMD300

Set Lim rotary switch back to original position

Figure 7.14

Setting of SETUP mode with Lim rotary switch in automatic control units OMD 100 (left), OMD200 and OMD300 (right)

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7. Operating


Set device to AUTO mode according to the Figure 7.15

Figure 7.15 Selecting the automatic control units OMD100, OMD200 and OMD300 to Automatic Mode

7.1.6 Operating modes in OMD800

For detailed information see Section 11.2.

7.1.7 Choice of Operating mode in OMD800

Different working modes are set by the display: System Conguration Line priority - Line 1Switch I - Line 2-Switch II - No line priority Change-over Switch Type - Automatic OTM_C_D - Motorized OTM_C Manual Back Switching - Off - On

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Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_

System Configuration 12/13 Line Priority Changeover Switch Type Manual Back Switching

Line Priority Line 1 Switch I

KA00336 A07132

Changeover Switch Type Automatic OTM_C_D


Manual Back Switching Off Edit Cancel OK Edit






Figure 7.16

Choosing the Operating mode in the automatic control unit OMD800

7.2 Manual operation using the handle

You can operate the switch manually by using the handle that is included in the delivery. To control the switch manually: 1. Turn the Motor/Manual selector to the Manual (Man) position, see Figure 7.17. The motor operator is switched off and electrical control is prevented.

Figure 7.17

Motor/Manual selection in the Man position

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7. Operating


Attach the handle by pressing it to the switch panel until it clicks into place. You can attach the handle in all positions; see Figure 7.18.

Figure 7.18

Attaching the handle Electrical control is prevented when the handle is attached to the switch panel.


Operate the OTM_ automatic transfer switch by turning the handle to the required position (I, O, II).

When the handle is attached, the automatic control unit OMD_ will automatically be in Manual Mode. The Alarm LED on the automatic control unit will light with the Power LED. The Auto LED will be OFF, see Figure 7.19. When the handle is removed, the automatic control unit will stay in Manual Mode and the Alarm LED will be OFF.

Figure 7.19

Alarm LED is ON while the handle is attached and the automatic control unit will automatically be in Manual Mode When the automatic control unit OMD200 or OMD300 is in Manual Mode, the generator cant be operated. Manual operation of the generator is possible with automatic control unit OMD800.

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7. Operating

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_

7.3 Locking
You can lock the OTM_ automatic transfer switch to a specic position.

7.3.1 Locking the electrical operation

To disable electrical operation, lock the locking latch with a padlock. After the locking latch has been locked, the switch cannot be operated electrically. You can lock the electrical operation to any position (I, O, II). To lock electrical operation: 1. Pull up the locking latch under the switch panel. 2. Place the padlock under the latch, see Figure 7.20.

Figure 7.20

Locking the electrical operation

You cannot attach the handle when electrical control is locked.

7.3.2 Locking the manual operation

By default, manual operation can only be locked to position O. Locking to positions I and II is optional and possible only with modications to the switch panel. To lock manual operation: 1. Turn the handle to the required position. 2. Pull out the clip from the handle and place the padlock on the handle; see Figure 7.21.

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7. Operating

Figure 7.21

Locking the manual operation The handle cannot be removed when padlocked to position O.

The following chart shows the locking state information (the voltage on motor operator supply needed). Optional; see X2 in the control circuit diagrams, Section 6.2.

Figure 7.22

Locking state information

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8. Technical data

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_

8. Technical data
8.1 Automatic transfer switch OTM_C_D, power circuits
Automatic transfer switch, power circuit OTM_C1D_ (OMD 100) Rated operational voltage Ue Phase - neutral Rated frequency Rated impulse withstand voltage Uimp OTM_C2D_/OTM_C3D_ (OMD 200/300) Rated operational voltage Uea) Phase - neutrala) Rated frequency Rated impulse withstand voltage Uimp OTM_C8D_ (OMD 800) Rated operational voltage Ue Phase - neutral Rated frequency Rated impulse withstand voltage Uimp 1 phase system: Rated operational voltage Ue Phase - neutral AUX voltage, if voltage 57,7 - 109 Vac Operating temperature, without derating Transportation and storage temperature Altitude 57,7 - 240 Vac 20% 24 Vdc 110 Vdc (-10 to +15%) -5... +40 C -25... +70 C Max. 2000 m 100 - 415 Vac 20% 57,7 - 240 Vac 20% 50 60 Hz 10% 6 kV 208 - 415 Vac 20% + N 120 - 240 Vac 20% 50 60 Hz 10% 6 kV 380 Vac 20% + N 220 Vac 20% 50 Hz 10% 4 kV Value

a) OTM_C3D (OMD300): Rated voltage should be 380415/220240 Vac +/-20% in order that the motor operator could work. The voltage supply for the motor operator is taken from the power circuit and the motor operators rated voltage is 220240 Vac +/- 20%. Please see section 8.2 Motor operator OME_, control circuits for more detailed info about motor operators Table 8.1 General technical data of automatic transfer switches

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8. Technical data

8.2 Motor operator OME_, control circuits

Motor operator, control circuit Rated operational voltage U [V] Operating voltage range Operating angle Operating time Protection degree Voltage supply F2 State information of locking X2 (no SELV): optional Locking motor operator Rated impulse withstand voltage Uimp Operating temperature Transportation and storage temperature Altitude 23-24 (NO) 4 kV -25... +55 C -40... +70 C Max. 2000 m 1,5 -2,5 mm2 Value 220 - 240 Vac 50-60 Hz 0.8 - 1.2 x U 90 0-I, I-0, 0-II, II-0; 180 I-0-II See the Table 8.3 IP 20, front panel PE N L Max. MCB 16 A 1,5 -2,5 mm2 Cabling

Table 8.2

General technical data of motor operators


Voltage U 220-240 VAC [V]

Nominal current a) In [A] 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,7 0,7 0,7 1,8 1,8 1,8

Current Inrush a) [A] 1,3 1,3 1,3 2,1 2,1 2,1 2,8 2,8 2,8 7,7 7,7 7,7

Operating transfer time a) I-II, II-I [s] 2,5 5,0 2,0 4,0 1,5 3,0 2,0 5,0 2,0 5,0 1,5 3,0 2,0 5,0 2,0 5,0 1,5 3,0 3,0 6,0 3,0 6,0 2,5 4,0

OFF-time when operating a) I-II or II-I [s] 0,4 1,0 0,4 1,0 0,4 1,0 0,4 1,0 0,4 1,0 0,4 1,0 0,4 1,0 0,4 1,0 0,4 1,0 0,6 1,5 0,6 1,5 0,6 1,5

OTM160-250_C_1D220C OTM160-250_C_2/3D230C OTM160-250_C_8D230C OTM315-400_C_1D220C OTM315-400_C_2/3D230C OTM315-400_C_8D230C OTM630-800_C_1D220C OTM630-800_C_2/3D230C OTM630-800_C_8D230C OTM1000-1600_C_1D220C OTM1000-1600_C_2/3D230C OTM1000-1600_C_8D230C

220 Vac 230 Vac 230 Vac 220 Vac 230 Vac 230 Vac 220 Vac 230 Vac 230 Vac 220 Vac 230 Vac 230 Vac

Under nominal conditions

Table 8.3

Specied technical data of automatic transfer switches

Measurement Locking motor operator SCPD

Value 23-24 (NO): 5 A AC-1 / 250 V Max. MCB C2A

Table 8.4

Terminals (X2) for state information of locking, optional

86 1SCC303003M0206, rev. F

9. Using automatic control unit OMD 100

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_

9. Using automatic control unit OMD100

9.1 Interface

Figure 9.1

Interface of OMD100

9.1.1 Keypad

Figure 9.2

Keypad on OMD100

AUTO key
Selecting the automatic control unit OMD100 to the manual or automatic mode. An active alarm can reset by the AUTO key.

O key
Setting the automatic transfer switch OTM_C_D to the OFF position in manual and auto mode; both switches (I and II) are in the OFF position. After pressing the O-key the automatic control unit OMD100 is always in manual mode.

I key
Setting in manual mode the automatic transfer switch OTM_C_D to position I, when the I-switch will be in the ON position and the II-switch will be in the OFF position.

II key
Setting in manual mode the automatic transfer switch OTM_C_D to position II, when the II-switch will be in the ON position and the I-switch will be in the OFF position.

87 1SCC303003M0206, rev. F

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_

9. Using automatic control unit OMD 100

9.1.2 Leds

Figure 9.3

LEDs on OMD100

Line 1 status (LN1)

A red LN 1 LED signals the status of the line LN 1. Line status and indication is explained in the Table 9.1.

Line 2 status (LN2)

A red LN 2 LED signals the status of the line LN 2. Line status and indication is explained in the Table 9.1.
Line Status Voltage OK No voltage Overvoltage Undervoltage Invalid frequency Unbalance LED Indication ON OFF Fast blinking (5 Hz, 50% ON / 50% OFF) Blinking (1 Hz, 50% ON / 50% OFF) Blinking (1 Hz, 90% ON / 10% OFF) Blinking (1Hz, 10% ON / 90% OFF)

Table 9.1

Line status indication

Switch in position I (I)

A red I LED is ON, when the automatic transfer switch OTM_C_D is in the I position (the I-switch is ON and the II-switch is OFF), the LED is OFF otherwise. If transition from the O position to the I position fails, the I LED will blink.

Switch in position II (II)

A red II LED is ON, when the automatic transfer switch OTM_C_D is in the II position (the II-switch is ON and the I-switch is OFF), the LED is OFF otherwise. If transition from the O position to the II position fails, the II LED will blink.

88 1SCC303003M0206, rev. F

9. Using automatic control unit OMD 100

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_

A red Alarm LED signals an external alarm. Alarm status is explained in the Table 9.2. An active alarm is set off by pushing the AUTO key.
Alarm Status Handle attached Switching logic alarm No alarm LED Indication ON Blinking OFF

Table 9.2

Alarm status indication

NOTE: When the handle is removed, the automatic control unit will stay in manual mode and the Alarm LED will be OFF. When the Alarm LED is ON or blinking, check the state of the automatic transfer switch and repair the possible fault situation. An active alarm is set off by pushing the AUTO key.

A green Auto LED signals the automatic or the manual mode. When the OMD100 is in automatic mode, the Auto LED is ON. When the device is in manual mode, the Auto LED is OFF. In test sequence the Auto LED is blinking.

A green Power LED signals the power status. When power is ON, the Power LED is ON.

89 1SCC303003M0206, rev. F

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_

9. Using automatic control unit OMD 100

9.2 Conguration
9.2.1 Rotary switches

Figure 9.4

Selection of delay time and voltage threshold, the factory settings are shown in the gure

Ts / Tbs = Delay times for automatic switching The delay time is the time before activating the switching sequence and the back switching sequence. User can choose two types of settings for delay times: Choice 1: Darker side of the rotary switch Available selections for the delay times are: 0, 5, 10 and 30 s. When this side is used the back switching delay Tbs is always same as switching delay Ts. Choice 2: Lighter side of the rotary switch Available selections for the delay times are: 0, 5, 10 and 30 s. When this side is used the back switching delay Tbs is always set to 300s. Lim = Voltage threshold with SETUP and TEST function The available selections for voltage threshold in OMD100 are: 5, 10, 15, 20 %. When the user wants to enter to the SETUP mode, the automatic control unit has to be set to manual mode and Lim rotary switch has to be set to SETUP position. In SETUP mode it is possible to choose between three operating modes: standard switching mode, no priority mode or manual back switching mode. In the SETUP mode user must also choose between automatic OTM_C_D, motorized OTM40125_CMA_ or motorized OTM_1602500_CM_ change-over switch. See Section 7.1.5 Choice of Operating mode. When the Lim rotary switch is set to the TEST position, the automatic control unit OMD100 enters the test sequence. In test sequence it is possible to simulate switching and back switching sequences step by step by pushing the AUTO key.

9.2.2 DIP switches / parameter settings

Automatic control unit OMD100 has a total of four (4) adjustable parameters. The parameter settings are performed by the DIP switches and by the rotary switches. Ph Ts Tbs THR Number of phases, setting by DIP switch S23-1 Switching delay, setting by Ts / Tbs rotary switch, see Section 9.2.1 Back switching delay, setting by Ts / Tbs rotary switch, see Section 9.2.1 Voltage threshold, setting by Lim rotary switch, see Section 9.2.1

90 1SCC303003M0206, rev. F

9. Using automatic control unit OMD 100

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_ Parameter settings by DIP switches S23


Figure 9.5

DIP switches in OMD100, the positions are factory default settings

DIP switch S23-1 to set phase system S23-1 Position Phase system OFF three-phase (default)


single phase

DIP switch S23-2 is not in use.

9.3 TEST sequence

Figure 9.6

Lim rotary switch is set to the TEST position

When the Lim rotary switch is set to the TEST position, automatic control unit OMD100 enters the test sequence. While entering the test sequence OMD100 blinks all LEDs twice to give the information that the LEDs are functioning. In the TEST position it is possible to simulate switching and back switching sequences step-by-step by pressing the AUTO key. The user can interrupt the simulation at any place and return to normal use of the device. More information, see Section 7.1.3. NOTE: In the TEST sequence the power circuit is switched on! NOTE: After testing the user must ensure that the device is not left in the TEST position by accident. NOTE: If TEST sequence is interrupted for example because of power failure, it is continued from that same situation where it was when interrupted.

91 1SCC303003M0206, rev. F

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_

10. Using automatic control unit OMD200 and OMD300

10. Using automatic control units OMD200 and OMD300

10.1 Interface

Figure 10.1

Interface of OMD200 and OMD300

10.1.1 Keypad

Figure 10.2

Keypad on OMD200 and OMD300

AUTO key
Selecting the automatic control unit OMD200 or OMD300 to the manual or automatic mode. An active alarm can reset by the AUTO key.

O key
Setting the automatic transfer switch OTM_C_D to the OFF position in manual and auto mode; both switches (I and II) are in the OFF position. After pressing the O-key the automatic control unit OMD_ is always in manual mode.

I key
Setting in manual mode the automatic transfer switch OTM_C_D to position I, when the I-switch will be in the ON position and the II-switch will be in the OFF position.

II key
Setting in manual mode the automatic transfer switch OTM_C_D to position II, when the II-switch will be in the ON position and the I-switch will be in the OFF position.

92 1SCC303003M0206, rev. F

10. Using automatic control unit OMD200 and OMD300

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_

10.1.2 LEDs

Figure 10.3

LEDs on OMD200 and OMD300

Line 1 status (LN1)

A red LN 1 LED signals the status of the line LN 1. Line status and indication is explained in the Table 9.1.

Line 2 status (LN2)

A red LN 2 LED signals the status of the line LN 2. Line status and indication is explained in the Table 9.1.
Line Status Voltage OK No voltage Overvoltage Undervoltage Invalid frequency Unbalance LED Indication ON OFF Fast blinking (5 Hz, 50% ON / 50% OFF) Blinking (1 Hz, 50% ON / 50% OFF) Blinking (1 Hz, 90% ON / 10% OFF) Blinking (1Hz, 10% ON / 90% OFF)

Table 10.1

Line status indication

Switch in position I (I)

A red I LED is ON, when the automatic transfer switch OTM_C_D is in the I position (the I-switch is ON and the II-switch is OFF), the LED is OFF otherwise. If transition from the O position to the I position fails, the I LED will blink.

Switch in position II (II)

A red II LED is ON, when the automatic transfer switch OTM_C_D is in the II position (the II-switch is ON and the I-switch is OFF), the LED is OFF otherwise. If transition from the O position to the II position fails, the II LED will blink.

A red Alarm LED signals an external alarm. Alarm status is explained in the Table 10.2. An active alarm is set off by pushing the AUTO key.

93 1SCC303003M0206, rev. F

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_

10. Using automatic control unit OMD200 and OMD300

Alarm Status Handle attached Switching logic alarm No alarm

LED Indication ON Blinking OFF

Table 10.2

Alarm status indication

NOTE: When the handle is removed, the automatic control unit will stay in Manual Mode and the Alarm LED will be OFF. When the Alarm LED is ON or blinking, check the state of the automatic transfer switch and repair the possible fault situation. An active alarm is set off by pushing the AUTO key.

A green Auto LED signals the automatic or the manual mode. When the OMD200 or OMD300 is in automatic mode, the Auto LED is ON. When the device is in manual mode, the Auto LED is OFF. In the test sequence, the Auto LED is blinking.

A green Power LED signals the power status. When power is ON, the Power LED is ON. The OMD200 or OMD300 will remain in standby state at least one minute after power failure. A blinking Power LED indicates standby mode.

94 1SCC303003M0206, rev. F

10. Using automatic control unit OMD200 and OMD300

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_

10.2 Conguration

Figure 10.4

Selection of delay time and voltage threshold, the factory settings are shown in the gure, the available voltage threshold settings / voltage in the table

10.2.1 Rotary switches

Ts / Tbs = Delay times for automatic switching The delay time is the time before activating the switching sequence and the back switching sequence. User can choose two types of settings for delay times: Choice 1: Darker side of the rotary switch Available selections for the delay times are: 0, 5, 10 and 30 s. When this side is used the back switching delay Tbs is always same as switching delay Ts. Choice 2: Lighter side of the rotary switch Available selections for the delay times are: 0, 5, 10 and 30 s. When this side is used the back switching delay Tbs is always set to 300s. Lim = Voltage threshold with SETUP and TEST function The available selections for voltage threshold in OMD200 and OMD300 are: 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 %, see the available settings / voltage in Figure 4.7. By setting the voltage threshold, the unbalance is also set to the same level. When the user wants to enter to the SETUP mode, the automatic control unit has to be set to manual mode and Lim rotary switch has to be set to SETUP position. In SETUP mode it is possible to choose between three operating modes: standard switching mode, no priority mode or manual back switching mode. In the SETUP mode user must also choose between automatic OTM_C_D, motorized OTM40125_CMA_ or motorized OTM_1602500_CM_ change-over switch. See Section 7.1.5 Choice of Operating mode. When the Lim rotary switch is set to the TEST position, the automatic control unit OMD200 or OMD300 enters the test sequence. In test sequence it is possible to simulate switching and back switching sequences step by step by pushing the AUTO key.

95 1SCC303003M0206, rev. F

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_

10. Using automatic control unit OMD200 and OMD300

10.2.2 DIP switches / parameter settings

Automatic control units OMD200 and OMD300 have total of eight (8) adjustable parameters. The parameter settings are performed by the DIP switches and by the rotary switches. Un fn N Ph Gen Gs Ts Tbs THR S23 Rated voltage, setting by DIP switches S23-1...3 Rated frequency, setting by DIP switch S23-4 Neutral in use, setting by DIP switch S24-1 Number of phases, setting by DIP switch S24-2 Generator in use, setting by DIP switch S24-3 Generator stop delay, setting by DIP switch S24-4 Switching delay, setting by Ts / Tbs rotary switch, see Section 10.2.1 Back switching delay, setting by Ts / Tbs rotary switch, see Section 10.2.1 Voltage threshold, setting by Lim rotary switch, see Section 10.2.1 S24

Figure 10.5

DIP switches in OMD200 and OMD300, the positions are factory default settings DIP switches S23

DIP switches S23-1...3 to set the rated voltage of monitored lines S23-1...3 Positions Main/phase voltage (Un) Un = 480/277 V Positions Main/phase voltage (Un)


OFF, OFF, ON Un = 380/220 V


Un = 440/254 V

ON, OFF, ON Un = 230/130 V


Un = 415/240 V

OFF, ON, ON Un = 220/127 V


Un = 400/230 V (default)


Un = 208/120 V

DIP-switch S23-4 to set rated frequency of the monitored lines S23-4 Position Rated frequency fn Position Rated frequency fn


50Hz (default)



96 1SCC303003M0206, rev. F

10. Using automatic control unit OMD200 and OMD300

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_ DIP switches S24

DIP-switch S24-1 to set neutral S24-1 Position OFF Neutral N N used (default)


N not in use

DIP- switch S24-2 to set phase system S24-2 Position OFF Phase system three-phase (default)


single phase

DIP-switch S24-3 to set the generator in use S24-3 Position OFF Generator not in use (default)


in use

DIP-switch S24-4 to set the generator stop delay Gs S24-4 Position OFF Generator stop delay Gs Gs = Switching delay Ts (default)


Gs = 300 seconds

NOTE: see Section 10.2.1 Delay time (Ts)

97 1SCC303003M0206, rev. F

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_

10. Using automatic control unit OMD200 and OMD300

10.3 TEST sequence

Figure 10.6

Lim -rotary switch is set to the TEST position

When the Lim rotary switch is set to the TEST position, automatic control unit OMD200 or OMD300 enters the test sequence. While entering the test sequence OMD200 or OMD300 blinks all LEDs twice to give the information that the LEDs are functioning. In the TEST position it is possible to simulate switching and back switching sequences step-by-step by pressing the AUTO key. The user can interrupt the simulation at any place and return to normal use of the device. More information, see Section 7.1.3. NOTE: In the TEST sequence the power circuit is switched on! NOTE: After testing the user must ensure that the device is not left in the TEST position by accident. NOTE: If TEST sequence is interrupted for example because of power failure, it is continued from that same situation where it was when interrupted.

98 1SCC303003M0206, rev. F

11. Using automatic control unit OMD800

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_

11. Using automatic control unit OMD800

11.1 Interface

Figure 11.1

Interface of OMD800

11.1.1 Keypad

Figure 11.2

Keypad of OMD800

Selecting the automatic control unit OMD800 to the manual or automatic mode. An active alarm is set off by pushing the AUTO key.

O key
Setting the automatic transfer switch OTM_C_D to the OFF position in manual and auto mode; both switches (I and II) are in the OFF position. After pressing the O-key the automatic control unit OMD800 is always in manual mode.

I key
Setting in manual mode the automatic transfer switch OTM_C_D to position I, when the I-switch will be in the ON position and the II-switch will be in the OFF position.

II key
Setting in manual mode the automatic transfer switch OTM_C_D to position II, when the II-switch will be in the ON position and the I-switch will be in the OFF position.

99 1SCC303003M0206, rev. F

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_

11. Using automatic control unit OMD800

11.1.2 LEDs

Figure 11.3

LEDs on OMD800

A red Alarm LED signals an external alarm. Alarm status is explained in the Table 11.1. An active alarm is set off by pushing the AUTO key.
Alarm Status Handle attached Switching logic alarm No alarm LED Indication ON Blinking OFF

Table 11.1

Alarm status indication

NOTE: When the handle is removed, the automatic control unit will stay in Manual Mode and the Alarm LED will be OFF. When the Alarm LED is ON or blinking, check the state of the automatic transfer switch and repair the possible fault situation. An active alarm is set off by pushing the AUTO key.

A green Auto LED signals the automatic or the manual mode. When the automatic control unit OMD800 is in automatic mode, the Auto LED is ON. When the device is in manual mode,the Auto LED is OFF. In test sequence the Auto LED is blinking.

A green Power LED signals the power status. When power is ON, the Power LED is ON. The automatic control unit OMD800 will remain in standby state at least one minute after power failure. A blinking Power LED indicates standby mode.

A green Tx/Rx LED signals the state of communication bus. When the LED is blinking, the automatic control unit OMD800 is sending data to the bus.

100 1SCC303003M0206, rev. F

11. Using automatic control unit OMD800

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_

11.2 Conguration
11.2.1 Menu browsing keys
There are four menu browsing keys to operate the automatic control unit OMD800 from the display. Enter is used to enter a new menu page and to accept function ECS is used to exit a menu page UP is used to move one step up on the menu DOWN is used to move one step down on the menu

The default password is 0001.

101 1SCC303003M0206, rev. F

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_

11. Using automatic control unit OMD800

11.2.2 Display
The display is a graphic display with following menu pages: Default page

From default page the user can monitor following statuses: Status of the change-over switch Status of the monitored lines Status of the generator Status of the secondary load Status of the Modbus Local/Remote parameter Name and residual value of delay times

Line 1 and Line 2 statuses are shown as a graphic picture, where graphic LEDs and a specic line status code indicate the status of the lines. When the LED is ON, there is voltage on the line and no status code is shown. In the case of an anomaly, the LED is OFF and the status code indicates what is at fault. Status codes are dened in the Table 11.2.
Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Status of the line No voltage Undervoltage Overvoltage Phase missing Voltage unbalance Incorrect phase sequence Invalid frequency Explanation Value of voltage on the line is under 10% of the Rated Voltage Value of voltage is under dened settings Value of voltage is over dened settings There is one or more phases missing Difference between lowest and highest phase voltage is higher than dened setting Order of phases is incorrect Value of frequency is out of dened settings

Table 11.2

Line status codes





Figure 11.4

The Default pages show the status of the change-over switch and the monitored lines

When the generator is started, the letter G and the arrow up symbol are shown on the default page. When the generator is stopped, the letter G and the arrow down symbol are shown on the default page. If the letter G is blinking on the default page, there is an active generator alarm. When the generator is not used, there is no symbol on the default page. Generator Usage, see Section




Figure 11.5

The Default pages show the status of the generator; started or stopped

102 1SCC303003M0206, rev. F


LN1: 1 0.0 V 0.0 Hz LN2: G 230.0 V 50.0 Hz L



LN1: 230.0 V 50.0 Hz LN2: 1 G 0.0 V 0.0 Hz L


LN1: 1 0.0 V 0.0 Hz LN2: 1 0.0 V 0.0 Hz



LN1: 230.0 V 50.0 Hz LN2: 1 0.0 V 0.0 Hz L



LN1: 1 0.0 V 0.0 Hz LN2: 230.0 V 50.0 Hz L

11. Using automatic control unit OMD800

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_

During delay the name of the delay and residual time is shown in default page. When the device is used in Local mode, the letter L is in the default page in right lower corner. If the device is used in Remote mode, the letter R is shown in the default page in right lower corner.


TBs 00:05




Figure 11.6

The default pages show the name and residual value of the Delay Times and the status of the Modbus Local/Remote parameter

When Secondary Load parameter is set to Opening Only or Opening and Closing the status of the device used for controlling the secondary load is shown on the default page. Please notice that the status (open/closed) of the secondary load controlling device on the display is related to the status of the corresponding digital input. E.g. when the corresponding digital input (DI 11 as default) is activated, the display shows that secondary loads are connected. If the corresponding digital input is de-activated, the display shows that the secondary loads are disconnected.




Figure 11.7

The Default pages show the status of secondary load; open or closed Main Menu page

From Default page is entered to Main Menu page by pushing the ENTER key. Main Menu page is the main page that allows entering in all the conguration subpages.

Main Menu System Configuration Device Configuration Diagnostics



Figure 11.8

The Main Menu page allows the entering in all the conguration subpages


LN1: 1 0.0 V 0.0 Hz LN2: G 230.0 V 50.0 Hz L



LN1: 230.0 V 50.0 Hz LN2: 1 G 0.0 V 0.0 Hz L


LN1: 230.1 V 49.9 Hz LN2: G 230.2 V 50.1 Hz L


Ts 00:04


LN1: 1 0.0 V 0.0 Hz LN2: 1 G 0.0 V 0.0 Hz L



LN1: 230.1 V 49.9 Hz LN2: 1 0.0 V 0.0 Hz R

103 1SCC303003M0206, rev. F

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_

11. Using automatic control unit OMD800 System Conguration

In the System Conguration subpage user can congure parameters of the monitored lines; see Table 11.3. The parameter selection and its value changes are made by using UP, DOWN and ENTER keys. The System Conguration subpage requires a password. Password consists of 4 numbers, it is given by UP, DOWN and ENTER keys. The default password is 0001. Please, change the default password to your own. The password is valid one minute after leaving the password protected subpage. If the password is forgotten or lost, please, contact product support.

Password Authentication 0000

KA00257 KA00258

System Configuration Rated Voltage Rated Frequency Number of Phases LN1 Edit


System Configuration 6/13 Number of Phases LN2 Ext Voltage Transformer Ext VT Primary Voltage



System Configuration 9/13 Ext VT Secondary Voltage Secondary Load Generator Usage
A07129 A07133

System Configuration 12/13 Line Priority Changeover Switch Type Manual Back Switching

System Configuration 13/13 Changeover Switch Type Manual Back Switching Generator Shutdown

Figure 11.9
Parameter Rated Voltage

System Conguration requires a password

Values 100/57 V - 115/66 V - 120/70 V - 208/120 V - 220/127 V - 230/132 V 240/138 V - 277/160 V - 347/200 V - 380/220 V - 400/230 V - 415/240 V 440/254 V - 480/277 V 50 Hz and 60 Hz 3 phases with N / 3 phases without N / 1 phase 3 phases with N / 3 phases without N / 1 phase Absent / Present 100/57 V - 115/66 V - 120/70 V - 208/120 V - 220/127 V - 230/132 V 240/138 V - 277/160 V - 347/200 V - 380/220 V - 400/230 V - 415/240 V 440/254 V - 480/277 V - 500/288 V - 550/317 V - 600/347 V - 660/380 V 690/400 V - 910/525 V - 950/550 V - 1000/577 V - 1150/660 V 100/57 V - 115/66 V - 120/70 V - 208/120 V - 220/127 V - 230/132 V 240/138 V - 277/160 V - 347/200 V - 380/220 V - 400/230 V - 415/240 V 440/254 V - 480/277 V Not Used / Opening Only / Opening And Closing No Generator / Generator In Use Line 1 Switch I / Line 2 Switch II / No Line Priority Automatic OTM_C_D / Motorized OTM_C Off / On Off / On

Rated Frequency Number of Phases LN1 Number of Phases LN2 Ext. Voltage Transformer Ext. VT Primary Voltage

Ext. VT Secondary Voltage

Secondary Load Generator Usage Line Priority Changeover Switch Type Manual Back Switching Generator Shutdown

Table 11.3

Parameters and values of the System Conguration

104 1SCC303003M0206, rev. F

11. Using automatic control unit OMD800

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_

Rated Voltage
Rated Voltage is the rated voltage of the system. Value is announced as main voltage/phase voltage, Volts. Factory setting is 400/230 V.

System Configuration Rated Voltage Rated Frequency Number of Phases LN1



Rated Voltage 400/230 V





Figure 11.10

Rated Voltage, factory setting is 400/230 V

Rated Frequency
Rated Frequency means assigned frequency of the system. Value is announced as Hertz. Factory setting is 50 Hz.

System Configuration 2/13 Rated Voltage Rated Frequency Number of Phases LN1
KA00261 A07117

Rated Frequency 50 Hz Cancel OK Edit

Figure 11.11

Rated Frequency, factory setting is 50 Hz

Number of Phases LN1

In Line 1 user can choose between a one-phase and a three-phase system with or without N. Threephase system with N is the default.

System Configuration 3/13 Rated Voltage Rated Frequency Number of Phases LN1
A07118 KA00262

Number of Phases LN1 3 phases with N Cancel OK Edit

Figure 11.12

Number of phase LN1, 3 phases with N is the default

Number of Phases LN2

In Line 2 user can choose between a one-phase and a three-phase system with or without N. Threephase system with N is the default.

System Configuration Rated Frequency Number of Phases LN1 Number of Phases LN2


Number of Phases LN2 3 phases with N





Figure 11.13

Number of phases LN2, 3 phases with N is the default

105 1SCC303003M0206, rev. F

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_

11. Using automatic control unit OMD800

External Voltage Transformer

User can choose whether the voltage transformers are used in measured lines or not. When the external voltage transformers are present user must set also parameters Ext VT Primary Voltage and Ext VT Secondary Voltage according to transformer ratio. Absent is the default.

System Configuration 5/13 Number of Phases LN1 Number of Phases LN2 Ext Voltage Transformer
A07122 A07123

Ext Voltage Transformer Absent Cancel OK Edit

Figure 11.14

Ext Voltage Transformer, Absent is the default

External Voltage Transformer Primary Voltage

If external voltage transformer is present user has to set primary voltage of the external voltage transformer. Primary voltage is set according to rated operational voltage of the system. Factory setting is 690/400 V.

System Configuration 6/13 Number of Phases LN2 Ext Voltage Transformer Ext VT Primary Voltage
A07124 A07125

Ext VT Primary Voltage 690/400 V Cancel OK Edit

Figure 11.15

Ext VT Primary Voltage, factory setting is 690/400V

External Voltage Transformer Secondary Voltage

If external voltage transformer is present user has to set secondary voltage of the external voltage transformer. Secondary voltage is set according to transformer ratio. Factory setting is 400/230 V.

System Configuration 7/13 Ext Voltage Transformer Ext VT Primary Voltage Ext VT Secondary Voltage
A07126 A07127

Ext VT Secondary Voltage 400/230 V Cancel OK Edit

Figure 11.16

Ext VT Secondary Voltage, factory setting is 400/230V

106 1SCC303003M0206, rev. F

11. Using automatic control unit OMD800

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_

Secondary Load
User can choose whether secondary load is Not Used, Opening Only or Opening And Closing. Not Used is the default. Secondary load open and close commands are controlled with output relay X24. Open command is sent during switching sequence and close command is sent during back switching sequence. Output relay X24 (see control circuit diagram, Section 6.2.4) operates in two cases: 1. 2. Secondary Load parameter value is Opening Only and OMD800 automatic control unit performs switching sequence Secondary Load parameter value is Opening and Closing and OMD800 automatic control unit performs switching sequence or back switching sequence

System Configuration 8/13 Ext VT Primary Voltage Ext VT Secondary Voltage Secondary Load
KA00340 A07128

Secondary Load Not Used Cancel OK Edit

Figure 11.17

Secondary Load, Not Used is the default Output relay X24 de-actives in case of loss of power. If the device controlling the secondary load is powered it may close when the output relay X24 de-activates. Use Switch II auxiliary contact type OA1G10 in parallel with output relay X24 to prevent unwanted close command, see the rightmost gure above.

Generator Usage
User can choose No Generator, when generator is not used or Generator in Use, when it is used in the Line 2 (LN 2) - Switch II. No Generator is the default.

System Configuration 9/13 Ext VT Secondary Voltage Secondary Load Generator Usage
KA00268 A07129

Generator Usage No Generator Cancel OK Edit

Figure 11.18

Generator Usage, No Generator is the default Generator should always be connected to the Line 2 (LN 2) - Switch II. When generator is in use, line priority cant be set to value Line 2 (LN 2) - Switch II.

Line Priority
User can select the Line Priority to the Line 1 (LN 1) - Switch I, Line 2 (LN 2) - Switch II or No Line Priority. Line 1 (LN 1) - Switch I is the default.

System Configuration 10/13 Secondary Load Generator Usage Line Priority

KA00336 A07130

Line Priority Line 1 Switch I Cancel OK Edit

Figure 11.19

Line Priority, Line 1 - Switch I is the default

107 1SCC303003M0206, rev. F

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_

11. Using automatic control unit OMD800

Changeover Switch Type

User can choose Changeover Switch Type between Automatic OTM_C_D and Motorized OTM_C. Always use Automatic OTM_C_D when you have automatic transfer switch OTM_C_D or motorized OTM40125_CMA_ change-over switch in use. Choose Motorized OTM_C when you have motorized OTM1602500_CM_ in use. Automatic OTM_C_D is the default.

System Configuration 11/13 Generator Usage Line Priority Changeover Switch Type
A07131 A07132

Changeover Switch Type Automatic OTM_C_D Cancel OK Edit

Figure 11.20

Changeover Switch Type, Automatic OTM_C_D is the default

Manual Back Switching

With this parameter user can inhibit the automatic back switching sequence for example while performing maintenance on Line 1. The switch is changed to position O, if the Line 2 fails. Off is the default.

System Configuration 12/13 Line Priority Changeover Switch Type Manual Back Switching
A07133 A07134

Manual Back Switching Off Cancel OK Edit

Figure 11.21

Manual Back Switching, Off is the default

Generator Shutdown
With this parameter user can choose between two strategies how OMD800 operates after receiving a generator alarm. If the Generator Shutdown is set to On, the generator stop command will be sent immediately after receiving the generator alarm. In this case also back switching delay is overridden and the back switching to Line 1 will take place immediately. If the Line 1 is not available the switch will change to position O. If the Generator Shutdown is set to Off, loads are supplied from generator line also after receiving a generator alarm. In this case user is informed about the generator alarm by blinking the letter G on the default page. Off is the default.

System Configuration 13/13 Changeover Switch Type Manual Back Switching Generator Shutdown
A07135 A07136

Generator Shutdown Off Cancel OK Edit

Figure 11.22

Generator Shutdown, Off is the default

108 1SCC303003M0206, rev. F

11. Using automatic control unit OMD800

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_ Device Conguration

In the Device Conguration subpage user can congure programmable digital inputs and outputs, the thresholds and hysteresis for voltage and frequency, the delay times and the MODBUS communication protocol. User can also select the language and change the password in this subpage. The attribute selection and its value changes are made by using UP, DOWN and ENTER keys. The Device Conguration subpage requires a password. Password consists of 4 numbers, it is given by UP, DOWN and ENTER keys. The default password is 0001. Please, change the default password to your own. The password is valid one minute after leaving the password-protected subpage. If the password is forgotten or lost, please, contact product support.

Password Authentication 0000

KA00257 A07142

Device Configuration Digital Inputs Digital Outputs Voltage Tresholds Edit


Device Configuration Voltage Hysteresis Frequency Tresholds Frequency Hysteresis





Device Configuration Delay Times Auto Switch to 0 LCD Backlight Timer



Device Configuration 12/12 Modbus Language Selection Change Password


Figure 11.23
Parameter Digital Inputs

Device Conguration requires a password

Values Digital Input 4 Digital Input 5 Digital Input 6 Digital Input 7 Digital Input 8 Digital Input 9 Digital Input 10 Digital Input 11

Digital Outputs

Digital Output 6 Digital Output 7 Digital Output 8 Digital Output 9 Digital Output 10 Digital Output 12

Voltage Thresholds

Volt Threshold Min LN1, -30 %, -29 %, , -5 % Volt Threshold Min LN2, -30 %, -29 %, , -5 % Volt Threshold Max LN1, +5 %, +6 %, , +30 % Volt Threshold Max LN2, +5 %, +6 %, , +30 %

109 1SCC303003M0206, rev. F

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_

11. Using automatic control unit OMD800

Parameter Voltage Hysteresis

Values Volt Hysteresis Min LN1, -29 %, -28 %, , -4 % Volt Hysteresis Min LN2, -29 %, -28 %, , -4 % Volt Hysteresis Max LN1, +4 %, +5 %, , +29 % Volt Hysteresis Max LN2, +4 %, +5 %, , +29 %

Frequency Thresholds

Freq Threshold Min LN1, -10 %, -9 %, , -1 % Freq Threshold Min LN2, -10 %, -9 %, , -1 % Freq Threshold Max LN1, +1 %, +2 %, , +10 % Freq Threshold Max LN2, +1 %, +2 %, , +10 %

Frequency Hysteresis

Freq Hysteresis Min LN1, -9.8 %, -9.6 %, , -0.8 % Freq Hysteresis Min LN2, -9.8 %, -9.6 %, , -0.8 % Freq Hysteresis Max LN1, +0.8 %, +1.0 %, , +9.8% Freq Hysteresis Max LN2, +0.8 %, +1.0 %, , +9.8%

Delay Times

Switching, 060 s Delay on Transfer, 0600 s Dead Band I to II, 060 s Back Switching, 01800 s Dead Band II to I, 060 s Generator Stop, 01800 s

Auto Switch to O

Off LN1 to O LN2 to O LN1 & LN2 to O

LCD Backlight Timer Modbus

Always On / 1 sec, , 59 sec, 1 min, , 60 min Modbus Address Modbus Baud Rate Modbus Stop Bits Modbus Parity Local / Remote

Language Selection

English Deutsch Francais Italiano Espanol Suomi Russian Chinese

Change Password


Table 11.4

Parameters and values of the Device Conguration

110 1SCC303003M0206, rev. F

11. Using automatic control unit OMD800

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_

Digital Inputs
User can congure Function and Contact Type (NO/NC) for Digital Inputs 4-11. Available functions are described in Table 11.5. Factory settings are described in Section 6.2.4.

Device Configuration Digital Inputs Digital Outputs Voltage Tresholds



Digital Digital Digital Digital


Inputs Input 4 Input 5 Input 6


Figure 11.24

Digital Inputs, user can congure Function (see Table 11.5) and Contact Type for Digital Inputs 4-11

Digital Inputs 4-11, Function

Function No function Emergency stop Inhibit switching I to II Remote control to O Remote control to I Remote control to II Inhibit remote control Generator alarm Force commutation External generator start Status of secondary loads Manual back switching mode Remote reset Description Digital input disabled Digital input to command changeover switch to position O in case of emergency, overrides all other commands Digital input to prevent switching from Line 1 to Line 2 Digital input to command changeover switch to position O in AUTO mode Digital input to command changeover switch to position I in AUTO mode Digital input to command changeover switch to position II in AUTO mode Digital input to inhibit all remote control commands Digital input to indicate generator failure Digital input to force switching from primary to secondary line in AUTO mode Digital input to start generator externally Digital input to connect feedback from secondary loads control device Digital input to prevent automatic switching to primary line Digital input to reset active alarm

Table 11.5

The available Functions for Digital Inputs 4-11

Digital Input 4 Function Contact Type



DI4 Function Remote Control to I





Figure 11.25

Digital Input 4 - Function, Remote Control to I is the default

Digital Input 4 Function Contact Type



DI4 Contact Type NO





Figure 11.26

Digital Input 4 Contact Type, NO is the default

111 1SCC303003M0206, rev. F

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_

11. Using automatic control unit OMD800

Digital Outputs
User can congure Function and Contact Type (NO/NC) for Digital Outputs 6-10 and Digital Output 12. Available functions are described in Table 11.6. Factory settings are described in Section 6.2.4.

Device Configuration Digital Inputs Digital Outputs Voltage Tresholds



Digital Digital Digital Digital


Outputs Output 6 Output 7 Output 8


Figure 11.27

Digital Outputs, user can congure Function and Contact Type for Digital Outputs 6-10 and Digital Output 12

Digital Outputs 6-10 and 12, Function

Function No function Emergency/alarm Line I status Line II status Change-over switch alarm Manual mode Disconnect secondary loads1) Description Digital output disabled Digital output to signal changeover switch control failure, handle attached, external fault or generator alarm. Digital output to signal status of the Line 1 Digital output to signal status of the Line 2 Digital output to signal changeover switch control failure Digital output to signal manual operating mode Digital output to control disconnection of the secondary loads

1) Digital outputs 6-10 and 12, Function Disconnect secondary loads can be only controlled via Modbus communication interface. This way user can have different loads which can be controlled independently via Modbus communication interface.

Table 11.6

The available Functions for Digital Outputs 6-10 and 12

Digital Outputs 6-10 and 12, Contact status

Function No function Emergency/alarm Line 1 status Line 2 status Change-over switch alarm Manual mode Disconnect secondary loads1) Function status Emergency/alarm (ON) Emergency/alarm (OFF) Line 1 status (OK) Line 1 status (NOT OK) Line 2 status (OK) Line 2 status (NOT OK) Change-over switch alarm (ON) Change-over switch alarm (OFF) Manual mode (ON) Manual mode (OFF) Disconnect secondary loads (ON) Disconnect secondary loads (OFF) Contact type NO Contact type NC Contact status Digital output disabled Closed Open Open Closed Open Closed Closed Open Closed Open Closed Open Open Closed Closed Open Closed Open Open Closed Open Closed Open Closed

1) Digital outputs 6-10 and 12, Function Disconnect secondary loads can be only controlled via Modbus communication interface. This way user can have different loads which can be controlled independently via Modbus communication interface.

Table 11.7

Digital Outputs 6-10 and 12, contact status

112 1SCC303003M0206, rev. F

11. Using automatic control unit OMD800

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_

Digital Output 6 Function Contact Type



DO6 Function Emergency/Alarm





Figure 11.28

Digital Output 6 - Function, Emergency/Alarm is the default

Digital Output 6 Function Contact Type



DO6 Contact Type NO





Figure 11.29

Digital Output 6 Contact Type, NO is the default

113 1SCC303003M0206, rev. F

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_

11. Using automatic control unit OMD800

Voltage Thresholds
User can set separately Line 1 and Line 2 voltage thresholds both minimum and maximum values. Factory settings are min -20% and max +20%. On the Table 11.8 are shown values, which are valid when auxiliary power supply (AUX) is not used. Values of the Voltage Threshold Max LN1 and Voltage Threshold Max LN2 are also used as the voltage unbalance level.

Device Configuration Digital Inputs Digital Outputs Voltage Tresholds



Voltage Tresholds Volt Treshold Min LN1 Volt Treshold Min LN2 Volt Treshold Max LN1


Voltage Tresholds Volt Treshold Min LN2 Volt Treshold Max LN1 Volt Treshold Max LN2


Figure 11.30
3 phases Voltage / V 100/57 115/66 120/70 208/120 220/127 230/132 240/138 277/160 347/200 380/220 400/230 415/240 440/254 480/277

Voltage Thresholds (min and max) settings for Line 1 and Line 2
1 phases Voltage threshold Min -20% -30% -30% -30% -30% -30% -30% -30% -30% -30% -30% -30% -30% -30% Max +30% +30% +30% +30% +30% +30% +30% +30% +30% +30% +30% +30% +30% +20% 208/120 220/127 230/132 240/138 277/160 347/200 380/220 400/230 415/240 440/254 480/277 Voltage / V Voltage threshold Min -20% -20% -25% -30% -30% -30% -30% -30% -30% -30% -30% Max +30% +30% +30% +30% +30% +30% +30% +30% +30% +30% +20%

Table 11.8

Values for Voltage Thresholds suitable for different Rated Voltages in 3 phases and 1 phase system.

If the AUX is used, Min is -30% and Max is according to this table.

Voltage Tresholds Volt Treshold Min LN1 Volt Treshold Min LN2 Volt Treshold Max LN1


Volt Treshold Min LN1 20 %





Voltage Tresholds Volt Treshold Min LN1 Volt Treshold Min LN2 Volt Treshold Max LN1


Volt Treshold Max LN1 +20 %





Figure 11.31

Voltage Threshold LN1, factory settings: min -20%, max 20%

114 1SCC303003M0206, rev. F

11. Using automatic control unit OMD800

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_

Voltage Hysteresis
User can set separately Line 1 and Line 2 voltage hysteresis both minimum and maximum values. Factory settings are min -19% and max +19%.

Device Configuration Digital Outputs Voltage Tresholds Voltage Hysteresis



Voltage Hysteresis 1/4 Volt Hysteresis Min LN1 Volt Hysteresis Min LN2 Volt Hysteresis Max LN1
A07155 A07161

Voltage Hysteresis 4/4 Volt Hysteresis Min LN2 Volt Hysteresis Max LN1 Volt Hysteresis Max LN2

Figure 11.32

Voltage Hysteresis (min and max) settings for Line 1 and Line 2

Voltage Hysteresis 1/4 Volt Hysteresis Min LN1 Volt Hysteresis Min LN2 Volt Hysteresis Max LN1
A07155 A07156

Volt Hysteresis Min LN1 19 % Cancel OK Edit

Voltage Hysteresis 3/4 Volt Hysteresis Min LN1 Volt Hysteresis Min LN2 Volt Hysteresis Max LN1
A07159 A07160

Volt Hysteresis Max LN1 +19 % Cancel OK Edit

Figure 11.33

Voltage Hysteresis LN1, factory settings: min -19%, max 19%

Figure 11.34

Interaction of the parameters Voltage Threshold and Voltage Hysteresis

115 1SCC303003M0206, rev. F

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_

11. Using automatic control unit OMD800

Frequency Thresholds
User can set separately Line 1 and Line 2 frequency thresholds both minimum and maximum values. Factory settings are min -1% and max 1%.

Device Cofiguration Voltage Tresholds Voltage Hysteresis Frequency Tresholds



Frequency Thresholds 1/4 Freq Threshold Min LN1 Freq Threshold Min LN2 Freq Threshold Max LN1
KA00275 A07167

Frequency Thresholds 4/4 Freq Threshold Min LN2 Freq Threshold Max LN1 Freq Threshold Max LN2

Figure 11.35

Frequency Thresholds (min and max) settings for Line 1 and Line 2

Frequency Thresholds 1/4 Freq Threshold Min LN1 Freq Threshold Min LN2 Freq Threshold Max LN1
KA00275 KA00332

Freq Treshold Min LN1 1 % Cancel OK Edit

Frequency Thresholds 3/4 Freq Threshold Min LN1 Freq Threshold Min LN2 Freq Threshold Max LN1
KA00333 A07166

Freq Treshold Max LN1 +1 % Cancel OK Edit

Figure 11.36

Frequency Threshold LN1, factory settings: min -1%, max 1%

116 1SCC303003M0206, rev. F

11. Using automatic control unit OMD800

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_

Frequency Hysteresis
User can set separately Line 1 and Line 2 frequency hysteresis both minimum and maximum values. Factory settings are min -0.8% and max 0.8%.

Device Configuration Voltage Hysteresis Frequency Tresholds Frequency Hysteresis



Frequency Hysteresis 1/4 Freq Hysteresis Min LN1 Freq Hysteresis Min LN2 Freq Hysteresis Max LN1
A07170 A07176

Frequency Hysteresis 4/4 Freq Hysteresis Min LN2 Freq Hysteresis Max LN1 Freq Hysteresis Max LN2

Figure 11.37

Frequency Hysteresis (min and max) settings for Line 1 and Line 2

Frequency Hysteresis 1/4 Freq Hysteresis Min LN1 Freq Hysteresis Min LN2 Freq Hysteresis Max LN1
A07170 A07171

Freq Hysteresis Min LN1 0.8 % Cancel OK Edit

Frequency Hysteresis 3/4 Freq Hysteresis Min LN1 Freq Hysteresis Min LN2 Freq Hysteresis Max LN1
A07174 A07175

Freq Hysteresis Max LN1 +0.8 % Cancel OK Edit

Figure 11.38

Frequency Hysteresis LN1, factory settings: min -0.8%, max 0.8%

Figure 11.39

Interaction of the parameters Frequency Threshold and Frequency Hysteresis

117 1SCC303003M0206, rev. F

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_

11. Using automatic control unit OMD800

Delay Times
User can set delay times for Switching delay (Ts), Delay on Transfer (Tt), Dead Band I to II (Ds), Back Switching delay (TBs), Dead Band II to I (DBs), and Generator Stop delay (Gs). Values for delays are in the Table 11.4. Factory settings for delay times: Switching 0 s, Delay on Transfer 0 s, Dead Band I to II 0 s, Back Switching 0 s, Dead Band II to I 0 s, Generator Stop 5 s.

Device Configuration Frequency Tresholds Frequency Hysteresis Delay Times



Delay Times Switching Delay on Transfer Dead Band I to II



Switching 0s




Delay Times Switching Delay on Transfer Dead Band I to II



Delay on Transfer 0s

The switching sequence and the operation of corresponding Delay Times are shown in Section 3.3.




Delay Times Switching Delay on Transfer Dead Band I to II



Dead Band I to II 0s




Delay Times Delay on Transfer Dead Band I to II Back Switching



Back Switching 0s




Delay Times Dead Band I to II Back Switching Dead Band II to I



Dead Band II to I 0s




Delay Times Back Switching Dead Band II to I Generator Stop



Generator Stop 5s




Figure 11.40

Switching 0 s, Delay on Transfer 0 s, Dead Band I to II 0 s, Back Switching 0 s, Dead Band II to I 0 s, Generator Stop 5 s

118 1SCC303003M0206, rev. F

11. Using automatic control unit OMD800

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_

Auto Switch to O
According to Auto Switch to O parameter the changeover switch is controlled to position O automatically in case of Line 1 or Line 2 anomalies. Available parameter values are described in Table 11.9. Off is the default.
Value Off LN1 to O LN2 to O LN1 & LN2 to O Description Automatic switching to position O disabled Automatic switching to position O in case of Line 1 anomaly. Automatic switching to position O in case of Line 2 anomaly Automatic switching to position O in case of Line 1 or Line 2 anomaly.

Table 11.9

Values and description of Auto Switch to O

Device Configuration Frequency Hysteresis Delay Times Auto Switch to 0



Auto Switch to 0 Off





Figure 11.41

Auto Switch to O, Off is the default

Both OMD800 and motor operator of the change-over switch need to be energized to enable the automatic switching to position O.

LCD Backlight Timer

User can choose when to switch off the LCD backlight after the latest user interaction.

Device Configuration Delay Times Auto Switch to 0 LCD Backlight Timer



LCD Backlight Timer Always On





Figure 11.42

LCD Backlight Timer, Always On is the default

119 1SCC303003M0206, rev. F

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_

11. Using automatic control unit OMD800

User can set Address, Baud Rate, Stop Bits, Parity and Local/Remote for the Modbus. When Local is used device cant be neither controlled nor congured through Modbus, only monitoring is possible. When Remote is used it is also possible to control and congure the device through Modbus. Available parameter values for Modbus are described in Table 11.10. Factory settings are Modbus address 1, Modbus Baud Rate 9600, Modbus Stop Bit 1, Modbus Parity None and Modbus Local/Remote Local.
Parameter Modbus Address Modbus Baud Rate Value 1247 9600 bps 19200 bps 38400 bps Modbus Stop Bits Modbus Parity 1 Stop Bit 2 Stop Bits None Even Odd Local / Remote Local Remote

Table 11.10

Parameters and values of Modbus

120 1SCC303003M0206, rev. F

11. Using automatic control unit OMD800

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_

Tx/Rx LED indicates data transmission: LED is blinking only when data is transmitted from the OMD800.

Device Configuration 10/12 Auto Switch to 0 LCD Backlight Timer Modbus


Modbus Modbus Address Modbus Baud Rate Modbus Stop Bits



Modbus Address 1




Modbus Modbus Address Modbus Baud Rate Modbus Stop Bits



Modbus Baud Rate 9600 bps





Modbus Modbus Address Modbus Baud Rate Modbus Stop Bits



Modbus Stop Bits 1 Stop Bit





Modbus Modbus Baud Rate Modbus Stop Bits Modbus Parity



Modbus Parity None





Modbus Modbus Stop Bits Modbus Parity Local/Remote



Local/Remote Local




Figure 11.43

Modbus, the factory settings are Modbus address 1, Modbus Baud Rate 9600, Modbus Stop Bit 1, Modbus Parity None and Modbus Local/Remote Local

121 1SCC303003M0206, rev. F

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_

11. Using automatic control unit OMD800

Language Selection
In this page it is possible to choose the Language. The choices are English, French, Italian, Spanish, Finnish, German, Russian and Chinese. Factory setting is English.

Device Configuration 11/12 LCD Backlight Timer Modbus Language Selection

KA00408 A07196

Language Selection English Cancel OK Edit

Figure 11.44

Language Selection, English as default

Change Password
In this page it is possible to change password. The password consists of four numbers. The new password is set by using UP, DOWN and ENTER keys. 0001 is the default password.

Device Configuration 12/12 Modbus Language Selection Change Password

KA00280 A07197

Change Password 0001 Back Forward Edit

Figure 11.45

Change Password, 0001 is the default password

Retype New Password

The new password has to be conrmed by retyping it. After conrmation, the user is returned to the Device Conguration menu and on the bottom of the display the message PASSWORD CHANGED is shown. If password conrmation does not succeed, on the bottom of the display is shown the message INVALID PASSWORD and the old password is still valid. If the password is forgotten/lost, please, contact product support.

Retype New Password 0000

KA00334 KA00335

Device Configuration 12/12 Modbus Language Selection Change Password


Device Configuration 12/12 Modbus Language Selection Change Password INVALID PASSWORD





Figure 11.46

Conrmation of the new password

122 1SCC303003M0206, rev. F

11. Using automatic control unit OMD800

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_ Diagnostics
Under Diagnostics are submenus: Measured Values, Alarm/Event Log, Counters, Generator Control, Test Sequence and Secondary Loads.
Attribute Measured Values Alarm / Event Log Counters Generator Control Test Sequence Secondary Loads Secondary Loads Connected Secondary Loads Disconnected Value L-N Voltages L-L Voltages View Log Clear Log Operations Generator Started Generator Stopped

Table 11.11

Diagnostics submenus

Main Menu System Configuration Device Configuration Diagnostics



Diagnostics Measured Values Alarm/Event Log Counters



Diagnostics Generator Control Test Sequence Secondary Loads



SW: 2A1

SN: 0

SW: 2A1

SN: 0

Figure 11.47


Measured Values
On these pages the measurement values of main and phase voltages are shown. Measurement value of frequency is also shown on the both pages.

Diagnostics Measured Values Alarm/Event Log Counters



SW: 2A1

SN: 0




LN1: f UL1-L2 UL2-L3 UL3-L1

0.0 Hz 0.0 V 0.0 V 0.0 V

LN2: f UL1-L2 UL2-L3 UL3-L1

0.0 Hz 0.0 V 0.0 V 0.0 V

LN1: f UL1 UL2 UL3

0.0 Hz 0.0 V 0.0 V 0.0 V

LN2: f UL1 UL2 UL3

0.0 Hz 0.0 V 0.0 V 0.0 V

L-N Voltages


L-L Voltages

Figure 11.48

Measured Values: Main Voltages with frequency and Phase Voltages with frequency

Alarm/Event log
Under Alarm/Event Log are submenus: View Log and Clear Log.

View log
On this page the latest alarms and events are shown. The number of alarms and events is shown at the top of the page. The log can contain 50 latest alarms/events at the maximum. The latest alarm/event is always at the top of the list.

123 1SCC303003M0206, rev. F

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_

11. Using automatic control unit OMD800

Clear log does not have its own page. The log is cleared when Clear Log is chosen and the Enter key is pressed. Alarms must be reset when clearing alarms/events.

Diagnostics Measured Values Alarm/Event Log Counters



Alarm/Event Log View Log Clear Log



Alarm/Event Log


SW: 2A1

SN: 0




Alarm/Event Log View Log Clear Log



Figure 11.49

Alarm/Event Log: View Log will show 50 latest alarms and events, Clear Log will empty the log

On this page the summary of switching operations is shown. One operation is from I to O or from II to O or from O to I or from O to II, eg. the total summary of the operations from I to II is two operations. Return back to Diagnostics menu by pushing the ESC key.

Diagnostics Measured Values Alarm/Event Log Counters



Counters OPERATIONS: 0

SW: 2A1

SN: 0


Figure 11.50

Counters page will show the summary of operations

Generator Control
On this page the user can start or stop the generator if generator is in use (see the selection of Generator Usage in Section Start and Stop commands are given with UP and DOWN arrow keys. OMD800 must be on Manual mode when starting the generator manually. Return back to Diagnostics menu by pushing the ESC key.

Diagnostics Alarm/Event Log Counters Generator Control



Generator Control
KA00400 KA00399

Generator Control

SW: 2A1

SN: 0







Figure 11.51

Generator Control if generator is in use

OMD800 must be in manual mode when controlling the generator manually.

124 1SCC303003M0206, rev. F

11. Using automatic control unit OMD800

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_

Test Sequence
Test Sequence carries out the automatic switching sequence with delay times and generator control. The OMD800 has to be in manual mode to start the Test Sequence. When user starts the Test Sequence the device blinks LEDs (Power, Auto, Alarm) twice and returns to default page to show the status of the change-over switch, delay times and generator. If the change-over switch is in position I, normal switching sequence with generator start is executed. If in position O or II, back switching sequence is executed and generator stopped. Test Sequence can be interrupted by pressing the AUTO key. Auto LED blinks during Test Sequence.

Diagnostics Counters Generator Control Test Sequence





SW: 2A1

SN: 0

Figure 11.52

Test Sequence carries out the automatic switching sequence, the Auto LED blinks during Test Sequence

Secondary Loads
On this page the user can connect or disconnect the secondary loads if the Secondary Load parameter is set in System Conguration subpage (see the selection of Secondary Load on Section Connect and Disconnect commands are given with UP and DOWN arrow keys. Return back to Diagnostics menu by pushing the ESC key.

Diagnostics Generator Control Test Sequence Secondary Loads




LN1: 230.0 V 50.0 Hz LN2: 1 0.0 V 0.0 Hz L

Secondary Loads Control SEC. LOADS CONNECTED

A07198 A07204

Secondary Loads Control SEC. LOADS DISCONNECTED Return Conn. Disc.

SW: 2A1

SN: 0




Figure 11.53

Secondary Loads page, secondary loads can be connected and disconnected

11.2.3 OMD800 communication via Modbus

Monitoring, conguration and control are possible via OMD800 Modbus communication interface. Conguration and control are enabled by Local/Remote parameter (see the selection of Local/Remote on Section The following Modbus functions are supported:
Function 3 (0x03) 4 (0x04) 6 (0x06) 16 (0x10) 17 (0x11) Name Read Holding Registers Read Input Registers Write Single Register Write Multiple Registers Report Slave ID

Table 11.12

Supported Modbus functions

125 1SCC303003M0206, rev. F

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_

11. Using automatic control unit OMD800

Information of registers, values and access is available in following table:

Register REG_CONTROL Address 0 R/W W Values 1 = Reset 10 = Change-over switch to position I 11 = Change-over switch to position O 12 = Change-over switch to position II 13 = Test Sequence 21 = Open sec. loads 22 = Close sec. loads 30 = Start generator 31 = Stop generator REG_STATUS 40 R Bits 0-2 = LN1 line status 0 = Voltage OK 1 = No voltage 2 = Undervoltage 3 = Overvoltage 4 = Phase missing 5 = Voltage unbalance 6 = Incorrect phase sequence 7 = Invalid frequency Bits 3-5 = LN2 status 0 = Voltage OK 1 = No voltage 2 = Undervoltage 3 = Overvoltage 4 = Phase missing 5 = Voltage unbalance 6 = Incorrect phase sequence 7 = Invalid frequency Bits 6-8 = Switching status 0 = Sequence not required (line used = primary) 1 = Sequence in progress (primary secondary) 2 = Sequence completed (line used = secondary) 3 = Sequence rev in progress (secondary primary) 4 = Sequence failed Bit 9 = Generator status 1 = Started 2 = Stopped 3 = ALARM

126 1SCC303003M0206, rev. F

11. Using automatic control unit OMD800

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_


Address 54


Values 0 = No Alarms Bit 0 = Open 1 Failure Bit 1 = Open 2 Failure Bit 2 = Disconnect SL Failure Bit 3 = Close 1 Failure Bit 4 = Close 2 Failure Bit 5 = Connect SL Failure Bit 8 = Force manual (handle attached) Bit 9 = External fault Bit 12 = Generator alarm


58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 150 152 154 158 160 162 164 166


0 = Open 1 = Closed 0 = Open 1 = Closed 0 = Disconnected 1 = Connected 0 = Inactive 1 = Active 0 = Inactive 1 = Active 0 = Inactive 1 = Active 0 = Inactive 1 = Active 0 = Inactive 1 = Active 0 = Inactive 1 = Active 0 = Inactive 1 = Active 0 = Inactive 1 = Active 0 = Inactive 1 = Active 0 = Inactive 1 = Active 0 = Inactive 1 = Active Voltage at 0.1 V accuracy (2300 = 230.0 V) Voltage at 0.1 V accuracy (2300 = 230.0 V) Voltage at 0.1 V accuracy (2300 = 230.0 V) Voltage at 0.1 V accuracy (2300 = 230.0 V) Voltage at 0.1 V accuracy (2300 = 230.0 V) Voltage at 0.1 V accuracy (2300 = 230.0 V) Voltage at 0.1 V accuracy (2300 = 230.0 V) Voltage at 0.1 V accuracy (2300 = 230.0 V)

127 1SCC303003M0206, rev. F

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_

11. Using automatic control unit OMD800


Address 168 172 174 176 250 252 500 501 502 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 600 604 605


Values Voltage at 0.1 V accuracy (2300 = 230.0 V) Voltage at 0.1 V accuracy (2300 = 230.0 V) Voltage at 0.1 V accuracy (2300 = 230.0 V) Voltage at 0.1 V accuracy (2300 = 230.0 V) Frequency at 0.1 Hz accuracy (500 = 50.0 Hz) Frequency at 0.1 Hz accuracy (500 = 50.0 Hz) Fixed value 49 Bits 8-15 = SW Version number in ASCII format Bits 0-7 = SW Version letter in ASCII format Number of switch position transitions Serial number digit 0 Serial number digit 1 Serial number digit 2 Serial number digit 3 Serial number digit 4 Serial number digit 5 Serial number digit 6 Serial number digit 7 0 = Local 1 = Remote 1...247 0 = 9600 1 = 19200 2 = 38400




0 = Even parity / 8 data bits / 1 stop bit 1 = Odd parity / 8 data bits / 1 stop bit 2 = No parity / 8 data bits / 1 stop bit 3 = Even parity / 8 data bits / 2 stop bits 4 = Odd parity / 8 data bits / 2 stop bits 5 = No parity / 8 data bits / 2 stop bits


607 608 609 610 611 622


Letter 0 in ASCII format Letter 1 in ASCII format Letter 2 in ASCII format Letter 3 in ASCII format Letter 4 in ASCII format 0 = Auto 1 = Manual 2 = Test 3 = Powersave




0 = 1 phase 1 = 3 phases without N 2 = 3 phases with N

128 1SCC303003M0206, rev. F

11. Using automatic control unit OMD800

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_


Address 624


Values 0 = 100/57 V 1 = 115/66 V 2 = 120/70 V 3 = 208/120 V 4 = 220/127 V 5 = 230/132 V 6 = 240/138 V 7 = 277/160 V 8 = 347/200 V 9 = 380/220 V 10 = 400/230 V 11 = 415/240 V 12 = 440/254 V 13 = 480/277 V


625 626


1 = 50 Hz 2 = 60 Hz 0 = Not Used 1 = Opening Only 2 = Opening And Closing


627 628


0 = No Generator 1 = Generator In Use 0 = No Priority 1 = Line I - Switch 1 2 = Line II - Switch 2




0 = English 1 = German 2 = French 3 = Italian 4 = Spanish 5 = Finnish 6 = Russian 7 = Chinese


630 631


0000...9999 0 = Absent 1 = Present

129 1SCC303003M0206, rev. F

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_

11. Using automatic control unit OMD800


Address 632


Values 0 = 100/57 V 1 = 115/66 V 2 = 120/70 V 3 = 208/120 V 4 = 220/127 V 5 = 230/132 V 6 = 240/138 V 7 = 277/160 V 8 = 347/200 V 9 = 380/220 V 10 = 400/230 V 11 = 415/240 V 12 = 440/254 V 13 = 480/277 V 14 = 500/288 V 15 = 550/317 V 16 = 600/347 V 17 = 660/380 V 18 = 690/400 V 19 = 910/525 V 20 = 950/550 V 21 = 1000/577 V 22 = 1150/660 V




0 = 100/57 V 1 = 115/66 V 2 = 120/70 V 3 = 208/120 V 4 = 220/127 V 5 = 230/132 V 6 = 240/138 V 7 = 277/160 V 8 = 347/200 V 9 = 380/220 V 10 = 400/230 V 11 = 415/240 V 12 = 440/254 V 13 = 480/277 V




0 = 1 phase 1 = 3 phases without N 2 = 3 phases with N


635 636


0 = Off 1 = On 0 = Off 1 = On

130 1SCC303003M0206, rev. F

11. Using automatic control unit OMD800

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_


Address 637


Values 0 = Off, 1: LN1, 2: LN2, 3: LN1 & LN2 1 = LN1 to O 2 = LN2 to O 3 = LN1 & LN2 to O


638 639


0 = Automatic OTM_C_D 1 = Motorized OTM_C 0 = No function 1 = Emergency stop 2 = Inhibit switching I to II 3 = Remote control to O 4 = Remote control to I 5 = Remote control to II 6 = Inhibit remote control 7 = Generator alarm 8 = Force commutation 9 = External generator start 10 = Status of secondary loads 11 = Manual back switching mode 12 = Remote reset


640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655


See REG_DI4_FUNCTION values See REG_DI4_FUNCTION values See REG_DI4_FUNCTION values See REG_DI4_FUNCTION values See REG_DI4_FUNCTION values See REG_DI4_FUNCTION values See REG_DI4_FUNCTION values 0 = NO 1 = NC See REG_DI4_CONTACT_TYPE values See REG_DI4_CONTACT_TYPE values See REG_DI4_CONTACT_TYPE values See REG_DI4_CONTACT_TYPE values See REG_DI4_CONTACT_TYPE values See REG_DI4_CONTACT_TYPE values See REG_DI4_CONTACT_TYPE values 0 = No function 1 = Emergency/alarm 2 = Line I status 3 = Line II status 4 = Change-over switch alarm 5 = Manual mode 6 = Disconnect secondary loads


656 657 658 659



131 1SCC303003M0206, rev. F

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_

11. Using automatic control unit OMD800


Address 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 881 882 883 884 885 886 887 888 891 892 893 894 895 896 897 898 901 902 903 904 905 906 907 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014


Values See REG_DO6_FUNCTION values 0 = NO 1 = NC See REG_DO6_CONTACT_TYPE values See REG_DO6_CONTACT_TYPE values See REG_DO6_CONTACT_TYPE values See REG_DO6_CONTACT_TYPE values See REG_DO6_CONTACT_TYPE values 5...30 % 5...30 % 5...30 % 5...30 % 4...29 % 4...29 % 4...29 % 4...29 % 1...10 % 1...10 % 1...10 % 1...10 % 8...98 (0.8 ... 9.8 %) 8...98 (0.8 ... 9.8 %) 8...98 (0.8 ... 9.8 %) 8...98 (0.8 ... 9.8 %) 0...60 s 0...60 s 0...1800 s 0...60 s 0...1800 s 0...60 s 0...3600 s Alarm / Event Log item 0 Alarm / Event Log item 1 Alarm / Event Log item 2 Alarm / Event Log item 3 Alarm / Event Log item 4 Alarm / Event Log item 5 Alarm / Event Log item 6 Alarm / Event Log item 7 Alarm / Event Log item 8 Alarm / Event Log item 9 Alarm / Event Log item 10 Alarm / Event Log item 11 Alarm / Event Log item 12 Alarm / Event Log item 13 Alarm / Event Log item 14

132 1SCC303003M0206, rev. F

11. Using automatic control unit OMD800

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_


Address 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 2036 2037 2038 2039 2040 2041 2042 2043 2044 2045 2046 2047 2048 2049 7009 7010 7011


Values Alarm / Event Log item 15 Alarm / Event Log item 16 Alarm / Event Log item 17 Alarm / Event Log item 18 Alarm / Event Log item 19 Alarm / Event Log item 20 Alarm / Event Log item 21 Alarm / Event Log item 22 Alarm / Event Log item 23 Alarm / Event Log item 24 Alarm / Event Log item 25 Alarm / Event Log item 26 Alarm / Event Log item 27 Alarm / Event Log item 28 Alarm / Event Log item 29 Alarm / Event Log item 30 Alarm / Event Log item 31 Alarm / Event Log item 32 Alarm / Event Log item 33 Alarm / Event Log item 34 Alarm / Event Log item 35 Alarm / Event Log item 36 Alarm / Event Log item 37 Alarm / Event Log item 38 Alarm / Event Log item 39 Alarm / Event Log item 40 Alarm / Event Log item 41 Alarm / Event Log item 42 Alarm / Event Log item 43 Alarm / Event Log item 44 Alarm / Event Log item 45 Alarm / Event Log item 46 Alarm / Event Log item 47 Alarm / Event Log item 48 Alarm / Event Log item 49 1...31 1...12 2011...9999

Table 11.13

Modbus register map

133 1SCC303003M0206, rev. F

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_

12. Technical data

12. Technical data of the automatic control units OMD_

12.1 OMD100
Operating voltage Main voltage Phase voltage Frequency Voltage and frequency sensing precision Voltage Frequency Relay utilization category X21, X22 X24 Over voltage category IP rating Temperature area Transportation and storage temperature Humidity with condensation without condensation 5 % - 98 % 5 % - 90 % 12 A, AC1, 250 V / 12 A, DC1, 24 V 8 A, AC1, 250 V / 5 A, DC1, 24 V III, Uimp 4 kV IP40 for the front panel 20 to + 60 C 40 to + 90 C 5% 1% 380Vac (20%) + N 220Vac (20%) 50 Hz (10%)

Table 12.1

Technical data of OMD100

12.2 OMD200 / OMD300

Operating voltage Main voltage Phase voltage Frequency Voltage and frequency sensing precision Voltage Frequency Relay utilization category X21, X22 X23 X24 X26, X27, X28 1/3 phase Over voltage category IP rating Temperature area Transportation and storage temperature Humidity with condensation without condensation 5 % - 98 % 5 % - 90 % III, Uimp 6 kV IP40 for the front panel 20 to + 60 C 25 to + 80 C 12 A, AC1, 250 V / 12 A, DC1, 24 V 8 A, AC1, 250 V / 8 A, DC1, 24 V 8 A, AC1, 250 V / 8 A, DC1, 24 V 10 A, AC1, 250 V / 5 A, DC1, 24 V 5% 1% 208Vac - 480 Vac (20%) + N 120Vac - 277 Vac (20%) 50 Hz, 60 Hz (10%)

Table 12.2

Technical data of OMD200 and OMD300

134 1SCC303003M0206, rev. F

12. Technical data

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_

12.3 OMD800
Operating and measuring voltage area on 3 phase system: Main voltage Phase voltage AUX voltage Frequency Operating and measuring voltage area on 1 phase system: Phase voltage AUX voltage Frequency Voltage and frequency sensing precision Voltage Frequency Relay utilization category X21, X22, X24 X23 X29 Over voltage category IP rating Temperature area Transportation and storage temperature Humidity with condensation without condensation 5 % - 98 % 5 % - 90 % 12 A, AC1, 250 V / 12 A, DC1, 24 V 8 A, AC1, 250 V / 8 A, DC1, 24 V 5 A, AC1, 250 V / 6 A, DC1, 24 V III, Uimp 6 kV IP40 for the front panel 20 to + 60 C 25 to + 80 C 1% 1% 57,7Vac - 277Vac1) (20%) 24Vdc - 110Vdc (-10% to +15%) 50Hz and 60Hz (10%) 100Vac - 480Vac (20%) 57,7Vac - 277Vac (20%) 24Vdc - 110Vdc (-10% to +15%) 50Hz and 60Hz (10%)

1) If 1 phase system is used and the voltage level is between 57,7Vac-109Vac the auxiliary power supply (AUX) must be used.

Table 12.3

Technical Data of OMD800

135 1SCC303003M0206, rev. F

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_

13. Troubleshooting

13. Troubleshooting
13.1 OMD100, OMD200 or OMD300
State Switching from position I to position O fails. After 3 seconds the Alarm LED blinks and the I LED is ON. Action The alarm can be reset by pressing the AUTO key. If the alarm does not disappear, please check that the handle has been removed from the change-over switch and the change-over switch is not padlocked from the front panel. If the alarm can be reset but it activates again after trying to operate the switch, please check that the Motor/Manual selector of the change-over switch (only with motorized change-over switches OTM160...2500_CM) is in Motor (M) position and check the fuse (F1) of the motor operator. Switching from position II to position O fails. After 3 seconds the Alarm LED is blinking and the II LED is ON. The alarm can be reset by pressing the AUTO key. If the alarm does not disappear, please check that the handle has been removed from the change-over switch and the change-over switch is not padlocked from the front panel. If the alarm can be reset but it activates again after trying to operate the switch, please check that the Motor/Manual selector of the change-over switch (only with motorized change-over switches OTM160...2500_CM) is in Motor (M) position and check the fuse (F1) of the motor operator. Switching from position O to position I fails. After 3 seconds the Alarm LED and the I LED are blinking. The alarm can be reset by pressing the AUTO key. If the alarm does not disappear, please check that the handle has been removed from the change-over switch and the change-over switch is not padlocked from the front panel. If the alarm can be reset but it activates again after trying to operate the switch, please check that the Motor/Manual selector of the change-over switch (only with motorized change-over switches OTM160...2500_CM) is in Motor (M) position and check the fuse (F1) of the motor operator. Switching from position O to position II fails. After 3 seconds the Alarm LED and the II LED are blinking. The alarm can be reset by pressing the AUTO key. If the alarm does not disappear, please check that the handle has been removed from the change-over switch and the change-over switch is not padlocked from the front panel. If the alarm can be reset but it activates again after trying to operate the switch, please check that the Motor/Manual selector of the change-over switch (only with motorized change-over switches OTM160...2500_CM) is in Motor (M) position and check the fuse (F1) of the motor operator.

Table 13.1

Fault situations in OMD100, OMD200 or OMD300

136 1SCC303003M0206, rev. F

13. Troubleshooting

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_

13.2 OMD800
Alarms and events are presented with a dedicate message on the Alarm/Event Log. Alarms are explained in the table below:
Message Open 1 Failure Fault Switching from position I to position O fails. After 3 seconds the Alarm LED blinks. Switching from position II to position O fails. After 3 seconds the Alarm LED blinks. Device controlling opening of the secondary loads fails. After 3 seconds the Alarm LED blinks. Switching from position O to position I fails. After 3 seconds the Alarm LED blinks. Switching from position O to position II fails. After 3 seconds the Alarm LED blinks. Device controlling closing of the secondary loads fails. After 3 seconds the Alarm LED blinks. Handle mounted. Action The alarm can be reset by pressing the AUTO key. If the alarm activates again after trying to operate the switch, please check that the Motor/Manual selector of the change-over switch (only with motorized change-over switches OTM160...2500_CM) is in Motor (M) position and check the fuse (F1) of the motor operator. The alarm can be reset by pressing the AUTO key. If the alarm activates again after trying to operate the switch, please check that the Motor/Manual selector of the change-over switch (only with motorized change-over switches OTM160...2500_CM) is in Motor (M) position and check the fuse (F1) of the motor operator. The alarm can be reset by pressing the AUTO key. If the alarm activates again after trying to operate the secondary load, please check status of the secondary load control device according to instructions provided by the manufacturer. If the alarm activates again after trying to operate the switch, please check that the Motor/Manual selector of the change-over switch (only with motorized change-over switches OTM160...2500_CM) is in Motor (M) position and check the fuse (F1) of the motor operator. If the alarm activates again after trying to operate the switch, please check that the Motor/Manual selector of the change-over switch (only with motorized change-over switches OTM160...2500_CM) is in Motor (M) position and check the fuse (F1) of the motor operator. If the alarm activates again after trying to operate the secondary load, please check status of the secondary load control device according to instructions provided by the manufacturer. Please check that the handle has been removed from the changeover switch and the change-over switch is not padlocked from the front panel. Check connections between OMD and the change-over switch Value 1

Open 2 Failure

Open SL

Close 1 Failure

Close 2 Failure


Close SL Failure


Force Manual External Fault Generator Alarm


Both automatic transfer switch position status inputs are active. Generator malfunctioning.


Check generator according to instructions provided by the manufacturer.


Table 13.2

Alarms in OMD800

Events are explained in the table below:

Message LN1 No Voltage LN1 Undervoltage LN1 Overvoltage LN1 Phase Loss LN1 Unbalance LN1 Phase Sequence LN1 Inv. Frequency LN2 No Voltage LN2 Undervoltage Description No voltage on line I Undervoltage on line I Overvoltage on line I Phase missing on line I Voltage unbalance on line I Incorrect phase sequence on line I Invalid frequency on line I No voltage on line II Undervoltage on line II Value 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

137 1SCC303003M0206, rev. F

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_

13. Troubleshooting

Message LN2 Overvoltage LN2 Phase Loss LN2 Unbalance LN2 Phase Sequence LN2 Inv. Frequency Opening I Opening II Opening Sec. Loads Closing I Closing II Closing Sec. Loads I Open II Open Sec. Loads Open I Closed II Closed Sec. Loads Closed Generator Started Generator Stopped Handle attached Handle Detached Force Commutation On Force Commut. Off Generator Start On Gen. Start Off Inhibit Switching On Inhibit Sw. Off Remote I On Remote I Off Remote O On Remote O Off Remote II On Remote II Off Manual BS (back switching) On Manual BS Off Emergency Stop On Emergency Stop Off Inhibit Remote On Inhibit Remote Off Manual To Auto Auto To Manual Manual To Test Test To Manual Remote Reset On Remote Reset Off

Description Overvoltage on line II Phase missing on line II Voltage unbalance on line II Incorrect phase sequence on line II Invalid frequency on line II Switching I -> O Switching II -> O Disconnecting secondary loads Switching O -> I Switching O -> II Connecting secondary loads Switch I open Switch II open Secondary loads disconnected Switch I closed Switch II closed Secondary loads connected Generator start activated Generator stop activated Changeover switch handle mounted Changeover switch handle dismounted Force commutation signal activated Force commutation signal inactivated External generator start signal activated External generator start signal inactivated Inhibit switching signal activated Inhibit switching signal inactivated Remote control to position I activated Remote control to position I inactivated Remote control to position O activated Remote control to position O inactivated Remote control to position II activated Remote control to position II inactivated Manual back switching signal activated Manual back switching signal inactivated Emergency stop signal active Emergency stop signal inactive Inhibit remote control signal active Inhibit remote control signal inactive Operating mode changed from Manual to Auto Operating mode changed from Auto to Manual Operating mode changed from Manual to Test Operating mode changed from Test to Manual Remote reset signal activated Remote reset signal inactivated

Value 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53

Table 13.3

Events in OMD800

138 1SCC303003M0206, rev. F

13. Troubleshooting

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_

Some of the events include information about current operating mode or event source. Information is presented with a capital letter in brackets after the event:
Letter M A T H F I Source Manual Auto Test Handle Fieldbus (Modbus) Digital Input Description Event initiated by user action in manual mode Event initiated by automatic switching logic Event initiated by user action in test mode Event initiated while handle attached Event initiated by eldbus command Event initiated by digital input Value 1 2 3 4 5 6

Table 13.4

Event operating mode and source information

Event/Alarm Log can be read through Modbus registers (see 11.2.3 OMD800 communication via Modbus). Return value of the register can be interpreted as following:
Alarm/Event ag Bit 15 (1 = Event) Alarm/Event ag Bit 15 (0 = Alarm) Event value Bits 8-14 (see Table 13.3) Event value Bits 0-12 (see Table 13.2) Event source Bits 0-7 (See Table 13.4)

13.3 Explanations of internal faults OMD100, OMD200, OMD300, OMD800

When digital Input 1 and 2 are both active, logic is locked and the Alarm LED is ON. When digital Input 3 is active, logic is locked and the Alarm LED is ON.

139 1SCC303003M0206, rev. F

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_

13. Troubleshooting

13.4 Change-over switch does not respond

During the switching sequence, the OMD_ operates the change-over switch (Switch I) rst to the position O from position I. If this transition is not completed in three seconds, the Open 1 Failure is activated. If switching to the position O is completed, but the transition (Switch II) from O to II fails, the Close 2 Failure is activated. These alarms will lock the switching logic and can only be reset by pushing the AUTO key. During the back switching sequence, similiar transitions will be perfomed from II to O and from O to I, possibly activating Open 2 Failure or Close 1 Failure.

Figure 13.1

Unsuccesful switching sequence

Close Switch II Switch I status Switch II status Close the switch II on LN2 (max. operating duration 3 s) The switch I in position I -status The switch II in position II -status

Figure 13.2

Succesful switching sequence

13.5 Missing of both lines

The missing of both lines is indicated by a blinking Power LED. In this case, the OMD_ will be in a power saving state. If both lines are missing more than one minute, the OMD_ will shut down.

140 1SCC303003M0206, rev. F

14. Accessories

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_

14. Accessories
14.1 Terminal clamp sets

Figure 14.1

Mounting of the terminal clamp sets, types OZXB_ and OZXA_

141 1SCC303003M0206, rev. F

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_

14. Accessories

14.2 Bridging bars

Figure 14.2

Mounting of the bridging bars (type OTZC_) to the automatic transfer switches OTM160-800E_C_D_ and OTM200-600U_C_D_

142 1SCC303003M0206, rev. F

14. Accessories

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_

Figure 14.3

Mounting of the bridging bars (type OTZC_) to the automatic transfer switches OTM1000-1600E_C_D_ and OTM800-1200U_C_D_

143 1SCC303003M0206, rev. F

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_

14. Accessories

14.3 Terminal shrouds

Figure 14.4

Mounting of the terminal shrouds (type OTS_) to the automatic transfer switches OTM160-800E_C_D_ and OTM200-600U_C_D_

144 1SCC303003M0206, rev. F

14. Accessories

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_

Figure 14.5

Mounting of the terminal shrouds (type OTS_) to the automatic transfer switches OTM1000-1600E_C_D_ and OTM800-1200U_C_D_

145 1SCC303003M0206, rev. F

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_

14. Accessories

14.4 Auxiliary contact blocks

Figure 14.6

Mounting of the auxiliary contact blocks, type OA_

146 1SCC303003M0206, rev. F

14. Accessories

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_

14.5 Handle and spare fuse storage

Figure 14.7

Handle and spare fuses can be stored on the automatic transfer switch by mounting the accessory OTVS1. OTVS0 is for handle only, mounting on the cabinet door or wall

147 1SCC303003M0206, rev. F

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_

14. Accessories

14.6 Fastener

Figure 14.8

Fastener OMZD1, used when the automatic control unit OMD_ is mounted on the door

148 1SCC303003M0206, rev. F

14. Accessories

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_

14.7 Cover plate












149 1SCC303003M0206, rev. F

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_

14. Accessories









Figure 14.9

Door drilling and mounting of the cover plate OMZC2 , when the automatic control unit OMD200, 300 or 800 is mounted on the door

150 1SCC303003M0206, rev. F




14. Accessories

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_

14.8 Dual Power Source

Figure 14.10

Dual power source ODPSE230C can be used to provide power supply for motor operator by using two lines, Line 1 and Line 2.

Figure 14.11

Connection diagram ODPSE230C


151 1SCC303003M0206, rev. F

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_

15. UL standard switches

15. UL standard switches

OTM200U_C_D_ OTM400U_C_D_ OTM600U_C_D_

Height 406 mm/16 in 610 mm/24 in 600 mm/24 in A 0 0

Width 305 mm/12 in 356 mm/14 in 700 mm/28 in B 13 mm/0,5 in 13 mm/0,5 in

Depth 203 mm/8 in 254 mm/10 in 400 mm/16 in D 70 mm/2,8 in 70 mm/2,8 in 70 mm/2,8 in E 13 mm/0,5 in 13 mm/0,5 in

OTM200U_C_D_ OTM400U_C_D_ OTM600U_C_D_

13 mm/0,5 in

13 mm/0,5 in

OTM200U_C_D_ Cable size Cable size AWG C MCM C 4-3 100 mm/4 in 250 200 mm/8 in 2 100 mm/4 in 300 250 mm/10 in 1 100 mm/4 in 1/0 125 mm/5 in 2/0 150 mm/6 in 3/0-4/0 175 mm/7 in OTM600-1200U_C_D_ Cable size Cable size AWG C MCM C 2 100 mm/4 in 250 200 mm/8 in 1 100 mm/4 in 300 250 mm/10 in 1/0 125 mm/5 in 350 300 mm/12 in 2/0 150 mm/6 in 400 330 mm/13 in 3/0-4/0 175 mm/7 in 500 356 mm/14 in 600 381 mm/15 in

OTM400U_C_D_ Cable size Cable size AWG C MCM C 2 100 mm/4 in 250 200 mm/8 in 1 100 mm/4 in 300 250 mm/10 in 1/0 125 mm/5 in 350 300 mm/12 in 2/0 150 mm/6 in 3/0-4/0 175 mm/7 in

Figure 15.1

UL standard switches, OTM200U_C_D_, OTM400U_C_D_, OTM600U_C_D_, OTM800U_C_D_ and OTM1200U_C_D_

152 1SCC303003M0206, rev. F

15. UL standard switches

Installation and operating instructions, OTM_C_D_

15.1 Phase barriers

Phase barriers or shrouds (see section 14.3) must be used to maintain a clearance of 1 inch on the automatic transfer switch types: OTM600U_C_D_, if the conductors are wider than 39 mm /1,54 in (phase barrier 68838) and on OTM800-1200U_C_D_, if the lugs are wider than 54 mm /2,13 in (phase barrier 68912). Phase barriers 68912 must be used on automatic transfer switches types OTM1000-2500_C_D_ if the voltage is > 415 V. The types for the package of 6 barriers are: 68838 = OTB800/6C and 68912 = OTB1600/6C.

Figure 15.2

OTM600-1200U_C_D_ and OTM1000-1600E_C_D_, mounting of phase barriers

153 1SCC303003M0206, rev. F

ABB Oy Breakers and Switches P.O Box 622 FI-65101 VAASA, Finland Telephone +358 10 22 11 Telefax +358 10 22 45708

The technical data and dimensions are valid at the time of printing. We reserve the right to subsequent alterations.

Producted by: A&V Insinrit Oy / Tekninen viestint, Vaasa Finland

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