Don't Buy Foie Gras

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Its no wonder foie-gras has been dubbed torture in a tin. Ducks and geese are being driven from the ponds and into intensive farms in their millions, where they are routinely abused in the name of fine dining. Every year in France, 30 million ducks are forced into cages so small they cant even stretch their wings. Trapped and helpless, a metal tube is thrust down their throats and vast quantities of food are forcibly pumped into their stomachs so that their livers swell painfully to up to 10 times their natural size. There is no escape and no respite. The suffering of these birds is so extreme it would be illegal in this country. However, free trade Row upon row of ducks trapped in cages laws mean so small they cant even flap their wings that every

year we import tonnes of these diseased livers, marketed as an expensive delicacy. Britain is a driving force behind this cruel industry. For the millions of Forced to ingest so much food that their little female livers swell up to 10 times their natural size ducklings born in France another horror awaits. They are tossed alive into electric mincers at just a few days old to suffer a violent and horrific death their only crime is they dont put on weight as quickly as their brothers. The pain and suffering caused by foie-gras production has no place in a civilised society. Our aim is simple to make Britain a foie-gras free zone.

T BUY FOIE-GRAS! DONhelp us add your voice to ours and You can
join the campaign. Tick the boxes below to receive free information. Together we can save animals from acute suffering. Please send me a FREE foie-gras action pack Please send me a FREE go veggie pack Name ______________________________________ Address ____________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ Postcode ____________________________________ DOB (if under 18) ___________________________ Please return to: Viva! 8 York Court, Wilder Street, Bristol BS2 8QH. Phone 0117 944 1000 or visit:


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