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Technology in the Learning Environment


Episode 1


Name of FS Student: Vina S. Melon Course: BEED/General curriculum Resource Teacher: Mss. Tess Fabro Cooperating School: Cantil-e Elementary School Year and Section:II _____ Signature:_______________

Your Target
At the end of this activity, you will be competent in identifying and classifying resources that facilitate teaching and learning process.

Your Map
It will be an interesting journey to the world of educational technology. A chance to visit and observe a learning resource center of a school will start you off. For this process, explore the world through these steps:

Your Tools
As you visit and observe the learning resource center, use activity forms provided for you to document your observation. Ask the assistance of the one staffing the center courteously.

An Observation Guide for a LEARNING RESOURCE CENTER

Read the following statements carefully before you observe. 1. Go around the Learning Resource Center. 2. See what learning resources are present. 3. Examine how the materials are arranged and how they are classified? 4. Look for the guidelines/procedures for borrowing of materials. Are these guidelines/procedures posted or available for the users to refer to? Cantil-e Elementary School has the library as their major learning resource center. Stored in it are different learning resources such as globes, posters, television, cassette/stereo, typewriters, magazines and others. These resources are properly taken care of. They are free from moisture and dust. This is so because they are regularly cleaned and polished. You may borrow directly the resources provided that they must be handled well and returned properly after use. There are rules and regulations posted near the door that everyone may directly notice.

After you have observed, classify the resources available in the learning resource center. Please use the activity form provided for you.
Name of Center Observed: School Library Date of Observation: December 4, 2011 Name of Observed: Vina S. Melon Course/Year/School: BEED-II/NORSU

List of Available Learning Resources

Available Learning Resources (enumerate in bullet form) Characteristics and Unique Capabilities Teaching Approaches where the Resource is most Useful


Printed Resources Books Encyclopedia Magazines

These are the major source of information for the teacher lessons. These can also help the learners reading skills and vocabulary development. These are commonly used to develop the learners listening skills. It can also make learning more effective.

Linguistic approach help to develop ones vocabulary and reading skills. Lecture approach source of information for the teachers lessons. Metacognitve approach let children to think deeply with these learning materials. Project approach diorama are designed by the learners. Lecture approach use in representing the lessons. Integrated Learning approach the different senses of the learners will be involved through the use of these materials.

2. 3. 4.

Audio Resources CD Cassette Speaker Microphone Non-electronic Visuals Resource Charts Chalkboard Diorama ICT Resources Computers Televisions Overhead Projector

These are used to represent your lessons visually.

They will keep you abreast in any current trends and information.

Impression: Their learning resource center has a lot of learning resources. Name and Signature of Observer: Vina S. Melon Name and Signature of the Learning Resource Center In-charge: Ivy

Your Analysis
Were the learning resources/materials arranged properly according to their function and characteristics? Yes. The learning resources/materials are arranged properly according to their functions and characteristics. The books, magazines, and other printed materials are arranged properly in the shelves and the ICT and other electronic resources are place in the safe area. Do the guidelines and procedures facilitate easy access on the materials by the teachers? Why? Why not? Yes. The guidelines and procedures facilitate easy access to the materials by the teacher because they may just directly borrow or use the material with the librarians permission. Computers, stereos, television may only be used inside the library.

What are the strengths of this Learning Resource Center? The learning resource center was clean, the resources/materials and conducive for learning for the learners who are wanted to study inside the library. Therefore, the learners can easily access information from the learning resources.

What are its weaknesses? There are some specific areas in the library that I thought it have not been checked especially at the books area which are not necessary use be the learners. There are some parts of the shelves that have been destroyed.

What suggestions can you make? As learning resource center, my suggestion is that the cleanliness should be maintained. The learning resources/materials should be always safe and good condition should always be maintained so that it still useful to the succeeding generation of the learners.

Your Reflection
1. Which of the materials in the learning resources caught your interest the most?

Why? The learning resources that caught my interest the most is the overhead projector. During my elementary and high school years, I did not experience that once in our discussion we used that kind of instructional materials. In fact, our school before did not have it.


Which gadgets/materials are you confident to use/operate?

The gadget that I confident to used is the computer. I knew how to operate computers when I was in high school. It is during to my computer education subject.
3. Which one do you feel you need to learn about?

The gadget that I feel I need to learn more is how to use or operate the projector. I want to learn it because I know that it is very useful in presenting a lesson.
4. Read an article about your answer in number 3.

Paste a copy of the article here.

An overhead projector is a very basic but reliable form of projector. The overhead projector displays images onto a screen or wall. It consists of a large box containing a cooling fan and an extremely bright light, with a long arm extended above it. At the end of the arm is a mirror that catches and redirects the light towards the screen. An overhead projector can be used to enlarge images onto the screen or wall for audiences to view. Transparencies can be placed onto the projector to be viewed by both the audience and the speaker. The overhead projector was once a common feature in both classrooms and business meetings. Recently, it has seen a decline in use, as more sophisticated computer based projectors are favored.

Technology in the Learning Environment


Episode 2


Name of FS Student: Vina S. Melon Course: BEED/General curriculum Resource Teacher: Mss. Tess Fabro Cooperating School: Cantil-e Elementary School Year and Section: II-_______ Signature:_______________

Your Target
At the end of this activity, you will be competent in appraising the effectiveness of display boards as learning resources.

Your Map
Display board, or what we more commonly refer to as bulletin board, is one of the most readily available and versatile learning resources. To reach your target, follow the boards below.

Look around a school for bulletin board displays

Pick one and evaluate the display

Propose enhancements to the display more effective

Your Tools
As you look around and examine board displays, use the activity forms provided for you to document your observation.

An Observation Guide for BOARD DISPLAYS

1. Go around the school and examine the board displays. How many board displays do you see? 2. Where are the display boards found? Are they in places where target viewers can see them? 3. What are the displays about? What images and colors do you see? How are the pieces of information arranged? 4. What materials were used in making the displays? Are borders used? 5. Do you notice some errors? (misspelled words, grammar inconsistencies and the like) 6. Are the messages clear and 7. You may choose to take a photo of the display board (If allowed)

OBSERVATION REPORT Name of the School Observed: Cantil-e Elementary School Location of the School: Cantil-e, Dumaguete City Date of Visit: January 6, 2011 There were five bulletin boards in the school. These were place at the front-most building of the in the school. Their concept is about the mathematics celebration in the month of January, the school and PTA updates and some information about the school. The bulletin boards are made-up of wooden materials, styro and papers. The messages/information is easy to understand by the audience.

From among the board displays that you saw, pick the one that you got most interested in. Evaluate it using the evaluation form below

BOARD DISPLAYS EVALUATIN FORM Topic of the board display Mathematics Location of the Board Display in School Corridor of the front building Check the column that indicates your rating. Write comments to back up your ratings. 4-Outstanding 3-Very Satisfactory 2-Satisfactory 1-Needs Improvement

Effective Communication Conveys the message quickly and clearly. Attractiveness Colors and arrangement catches and holds interest Balance Objects are arranged so stability is perceived Unity Repeated shapes or colors or use of boarders holds display together Interactivity The style and approach entice learners to be Involved

NI 1

S 2

VS 3

O 4


The informations are clear to the audience.

The design can catch the attention of audience.

The objects are put improperly.

There is unity of design.

Yes, the style and approach entice learners to be involved.

Legibility Letters and illustrations can be seen from a good distance Correctness Free from grammar errors, misspelled words, ambiguity Durability Well-constructed, items are securely attached

The letters can be seen from a distance. Their displays were free from grammar errors.

Well constructed.

An Evaluation Report of a Bulletin Board

(Option 2)
Bulletin Board Evaluated by: Vina S. Melon Location: Cantil-e Elementary School Brief Description of the Bulletin Board: The bulletin board is big and the illustrations are very attractive to the target audience.

EVALUATION Strengths Their bulletin board displays were colorful, durable, and effective. The information was clear. Judgments / Evaluation of educational content and other aspects: The display conveys the message of Christmas day celebration. Recommendations or Suggestions for improvement: In making a bulletin board, aside from being updated. You should not to forget that durability is very important to make your board long lasting. Signature of Evaluator over Printed Name : VINA S. MELON The informations are useful and relevant to the learners need. There was durability. Weaknesses The bulletin board had no total durability. There are some missing designs of the board.

Observations: It was attractive and neatly done.

Your Analysis
Did the board display design reflect the likes/interest of its target audience? Why? Why not? Yes. The bulletin board designs reflect to the interest of the learners because it had a creative design that conveys information clearly. The design is attractive to the learners. Its illustrations and creative design are attractive to the people who can see it.

Was the language used clear and simple for the target audience to understand? Why? Why not? Yes. The language used is clear and simple to the target audience to understand because its only uses information which is clear to the learners.

What do you think was the purpose of the board display? Was it effective? Why? Why not? The purpose of the board display is instructional and decorative. This is instructional because informational messages which is easy to understand by the audience. It is decorative because it has a creative design which beautifies the area where it is placed. Both decorative and instructional purpose of the bulletin board was effective because the expected audience of the bulletin board (the audience) could pay their attention to it.

What suggestions can you make? The purpose of the bulletin board should deal three purposes the decorative, motivational and instructional purposes, so that it makes learners to get better learning from it.

My Proposed Board Display

Theme: Think Math, Love Math

Board Title: Mathematics Bulletin Board

Rationale: As part of the mathematics month celebration, this is to inform the learners of the different grade levels about the importance of mathematics in our daily lives.


The pupils will be able to: 1. Identify the different kinds of operations 2. Obtain necessary information about the application of mathematic in our daily living.

Best Features of my proposed bulletin enhancement: Trivias, facts, cut-outs about mathematics and different operations.

Content Resources (Name each needed resource and give each a brief description): CREATIVE-MATH EXPERIENCES - This book is an orange-colored book, used by teachers in teaching their learners as a preparation for the next level. 21st CENTURY MATHEMATICS - a yellow- colored book for teaching preschoolers.

Materials for aesthetic enhancement: Cartolinas Scissors Cutter Colored papers Marker

(Optional activity) based on your suggestions, make you own display lay out. You may present your output through any of these: A Hand-made drawing or layout An Electronic (computer) drawing or illustration or layout A collage

My Board Display Lay-out


Think Math, Love Math

Your Reflection
1. Name at least 5 skills that a teacher should have to be able to come up with effective board displays. Elaborate on why each skill is needed.

Teachers should have this skills in making a board display:

a. Creativity. Instructional content can be dry and boring in a classroom setting. Creative teachers try to present concepts and content in an interesting way. b. Visual skills. Teachers are somewhat like interior designers; they must be able to visualize the presentation and impact they want to create, then apply those to the display. c. Organizational skills. It includes comparing and contrasting, grouping, and arranging content in a meaningful way. d. Communication. Teachers know that words combined with visual content can often communicate more than words alone. As well, the teacher must be a good communicator. e. Minimalistic views. Good teachers know they must minimize content to the basic building blocks they want to teach. Rather than a display aimed at students who understand the most, the best, or the easiest, the display would be geared to include students who understand the least, the poorest, and the hardest.


Which of the skills do you already have? Recall your past experience in making board displays. How do you practice these skills?

The skills that I have are the visual skill, organizational skill and the skill of minimalistic views. I do have visual skill because I did be able to create my own design in making my board display. I also had the Organizational skill because I would be able to organize the illustration that I presented in my board display. Lastly, I had a minimalistic skill because I look toward the relevance of my board display.

3. Which skill do you still to develop? Reflect on how can you improve on or acquire these skills. The skills that I still to developed are the creativity and communication skills. I thought I dont have these as what can you evaluate my work. Sometimes I do my work with no total creativity applied.

Technology in the Learning Environment


Episode 3

SEE AND SAY (Utilization of teaching Aids)

Your Target
At the end of this activity, you will be competent in determining the appropriateness of teaching aids to learning tasks.

Your Map
To reach your target, follow the steps below:

Step 1. Observe a class on its regular class. Step 2. Note down the various teaching aids that were utilized in the teaching learning process. Step 3. Comment on the appropriateness of the teaching aids to the learning tasks. Step 4. Reflect on your learnings.

Your Tools

As you observe the class, use the activity forms provided for you to document your observations.

Class observation Guide

Read the following statements carefully before you observe. 1. What is the lesson about? 2. What visual aids/materials/learning resources is the teacher using? 3. Observe and take notes on how the teacher presents/uses the learning resources. 4. Closely observe the learners response to the teachers use of the learning resources. Listen to their verbal responses. What do their responses indicate? Do their responses show attentiveness, eagerness and understanding? 5. Focus on their non-verbal responses. Are they learning forward showing their interest on the lesson and the materials? Are they looking towards the direction of the teacher and the materials? Do their actions show attentiveness, eagerness and understanding?

Date of Observation: January 09, 2012 School: Cantil-e Elementary School Subject: Hekasi Topic: Araw ng Kagitingan

Grade or Year Level: Grade II E-impact Fabro In the time of my observation, I observed with Hekasi class. The subject matter of the discussion is about the araw ng kagitingan. The teacher used manila paper as a chart in her lesson. In using the chart she writes in there the paragraph that is all about araw ng kagitingan. The learners participate actively through reading the paragraph.

Your Analysis


Grade or year level of class observed: Grade II Date of Observation: January 09, 2012 Subject Matter: Araw ng kagitingan

Brief Description of Teaching Approach Used by the Teacher: The teacher used deductive method of teaching. From general to specific. She first ask the pupils regarding with the different occasions in a year and come up to Araw ng Kagitingan.

Teaching Aids used

(Enumerate in bullet form)



Comments on Appropriateness of the Teaching Aids used Using charts in the class especially in the discussion/presentation of the lesson was very effective, because pupils can participate actively with lessons.

Manila paper as a chart

The font size is visible and clear to the learners. The learners can quickly response to it.



So thin and easy to bring.

Limited uses only.

Using module in discussion is effective because the module is already a simplified form of a book that is why it is easy to bring.

Your Analysis
What do you think prompted the teacher to choose the materials/ learning resources that he/she used? She prompted the materials that she were going to used because I thought she already know the subject matter that she will be going to discuss. Therefore, she already knows if what the learning materials/resources she will used. Another reason is the teacher has already the stock of instructional materials so that she can easily get these in its bank by the times that she needs to use these.

What difficulties, if any, did the teacher experience? How can this be managed? The difficulties that the teacher experienced in using those materials are that some pupils did not pay their attention to the instructional materials she used. To get the positive response from the pupils, the teacher should strictly rule to pupils to pay attention with the lesson.

Over-all, were the learning resources/materials used effectively? Why or why not? The learning materials are used effectively in the class. The teacher got the positive response from the class. The pupils pay their attention to the learning materials because using of these instructional materials is attractive to the learners.

Your Reflection
Put yourself in the place of the teacher. What would you do similarly and what would you do differently if you will teach the same lesson to the same group of students? Why?

If I were in the place of the teacher, Ill find ways to get the learners attention in using learning materials/resources as what she did. Similarly to her strategy, I will the instructional materials in relevance to the lesson that I will be going to discuss so that the learners can acquire better learning in the class. Differently to her strategy in using instructional materials, these would be legible to the learners. I will make instructional materials which are attractive to the learners. Sometimes, learners did not pay attention to the learning materials when these are not clear to their sight. As the improvement in her style in teaching with the used of instructional materials, instructional materials should be good source of information. Not just a using the traditional instructional materials which deals with the limited information. It should be updated and the learners can get broader information from it. Therefore, the learners can learn more effectively and can acquire broader information from the learning materials/resources that you are going to use with your lesson.

Technology in the Learning Environment


Episode 4

TOOLS OF THE TRADE (Teaching Aids Bank)

Name of FS Student: Vina S. Melon Course: Bachelor in Elementary Education Resource Teacher: Mss. Tess Fabro Cooperating School: Cantil-e Elementary School Year: II Signature_____________________

Your Target
At the end of this activity, you will be competent in preparing instructional materials that are appropriate to the learning content.

Your Map
To reach your target, follow the steps below: Step 1. Decide on a specific content area. Step 2. Find out the learning resources relevant to your topic that are available from your school/universitys learning resource center. Step 3. Develop a pile of teaching aids (flash cards, pictures, cut-outs transparencies). Step 4. Organize them in box.

Your Tools
As you observe the class, use the activity forms provided for you to document your observations.

An observation/Survey Guide
1. Are the learning resources useful for your topic in the resource center you visited? 2. Are the available materials appropriate for your target grade/year level? 3. List down that can be useful for your topic. 4. What other materials can you make? (Like flash cards, posters, cut-outs, transparences, etc)?

Name of the School: Cantil-e Elementary School Location of the School: Cantil-e, Dumaguete City Date of Visit: January 13 & 16, 2012 1. When I visited Cantil-e Elementary Schools learning center, I saw different kinds of printed materials like books, modules and magazines. Aside from the printed materials, the learning center also has computer, television and radio. These learning materials are very useful in my topic. 2. The available materials that I saw in the learning resource center are appropriate in my target grade level. 3. The materials that are useful in my topic are the books and modules. The computer and television are also useful in my topic 4. The materials that I can make are the flip charts, flash cards, picture cards, word cards and pocket cards.

Learning Resources on a Specific Content Area

Use this graphic organizer to present the learning resources relevant to the topic chosen. On the line of the box, indicate if the resource is already AVAILABLE, MAY BE PURCHASED, OR WILL BE MADE (by yourself course!). TOPIC: Using a and an in a sentence. (English) Grade: Grade I

Will be made: Flash card use to develop the fast mental abilities of the children in answering the questions in math.

Will be made: Picture Cards this will help me in presenting my topic because this is one way of showing the children the concrete illustration of the real object.

Will be made: Pocket chart -This can be very helpful in presenting my topic because I can use this a pocket of putting all my picture cards and word cards after presenting my topic. At the same time it can also be used as a decorative in the classroom.

Available: Book this is the most valuable source of my topic because inside it are not only the encoded information but also pictures that are very useful in presenting my topic. I will let my student open the page where my topic is located.

Will be made: Flip Chart

Math, English, Sibika, Filipino Specific Content area

-This can be used by presenting different subject matters for an easy access of information and the topic can be built quickly that will clarify the lesson discussed by the teacher.

Available: Computers One common technology that will help me present my topic. I will let my student show pictures of living things and non living things that start from vowel and consonant letters. The computers contain video, audio video and printed information these will help the student for an easy access of information.

Available: Chalk Board

Your Analysis

Give at least three benefits of doing a survey of available materials before making your own materials? Explain each. 1. LESS EXPENCES; Surveying of available materials before making your own materials is important because it will help us lessen our expenses. By doing a survey it will help me determine the materials that are available and materials that are not available. It will help me know what are the materials that are needed to be made and bought. Through this I can exactly buy the materials that are enough in making my own instructional materials. In this way I can be sure that the materials I bought will all be used exactly. So, by doing a survey we will lessen our expenses because we already know what materials are needed to bought. 2. LESS EFFORT AND TIME; Conducting a survey can lessen our effort and time. Again, by conducting a survey we will learn what materials are available and not available. If we will make an instructional materials directly without knowing that there are also available materials on what you have just made, then, you are just wasting your time and effort. It is very important to conduct a survey so that we will know what materials are available that will be appropriate for topic so that we will no longer make another one, but instead we will reuse or improve the existing materials. In this way we can lessen our time and effort. 3. By conducting a survey we can GATHER INFORMATION on how to improve and beautify our own instructional materials. If we conduct a survey, we will know the things on how the instructional materials were made. We can also know the weaknesses and strength of the materials. In connection to this, the information that we have gathered will be used or applied for the future making of a better, durable and more beautiful instructional materials.

Your Reflections
Which of the materials did you like to make the most? Why? Among the materials that I had made, I like making the most was the flip chart. I love making flip chart because I enjoyed cutting and pasting the pictures of my flip chart. I also enjoyed watching and deciding on what color I will use in my flip chart as a background. Aside from it, I also enjoy writing even though my penmanship is not good.

What difficulties, if any, did you encounter in making the materials? How did you overcome them? The difficulties that I encounter in making my instructional materials were the color combinations and the lack of exact budget. In the color combinations, it gave me a hard time to decide what color to used, but with the help of the color-wheel and the suggestions of my friends I still overcome those difficulties and I came-up to a nice color combinations. In the budget, though we are all suffering from financial difficulties, GOD still provide the budget to buy my materials in making my instructional materials.

What tips can you give teachers regarding preparation of teaching materials? The tips that I can give to teachers regarding in the preparation of teaching materials is first they must plan and decide of what instructional materials they will be making after conducting a survey. Plan and decide the materials and color combinations needed to be bought so that the exact materials can be bought exactly and may lessen expenses. Second, be sure that the materials you made are durable so that after using you can keep the materials and may use it by the time you have a relevant topic, in this way you can reduce effort and time. Lastly, we must prepare the materials ahead of time so that we could come up to a materials that is not done in a rush way.

Technology in the Learning Environment


Episode 5

PAPER WORKS (Preparing Hand-out)

Name of FS Student : Vina S. Melon Course: Bachelor in Elementary Education Resource Teacher : Mss. Tess Fabro Cooperating School: Cantil-e Elementary School Year: II Signature_____________________

Your Target
At the end of the lesson of this activity, you will gain competence in preparing instructional materials (hand-outs) that are appropriate to the learning content.

Your Map
With a lot of reflective thinking coupled with your creativity, you can design hand-outs that will truly work well to make learning effective. You will see that preparing hand-outs is not just any paper work. When you produce high quality hand-outs and eventually try them out, you will discover that, indeed, paper works! To reach your target, follow the steps below:

Prepare handouts for a selected topic (i.e. flowcharts, schema, graphic organizers).

Describe your handouts.

Present it to your FS teacher before reproducing it.


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. What topic do I like to work? For what grade or year level is my hand-out for? What components do I include in my outline? What type of graphic organizers/flow charts/schemas do I need to use? What references do I used?

Subject Matter: Types of Clouds Grade Level: Grade IV OUTLINE: I. II. III. Introduction Graphic Organizer Types of Clouds Stratus Cloud Cumulonimbus Cloud Cumulus Cloud Cirrus Cloud IV. V. Post activity References

Hand-Out Plan (cOnt)

Type of Graphic Organizer/s/flow charts/schema to use: Concept Map
Stratus Cloud Cumulonimbus Cloud

Types of Clouds

Cumulus Cloud

Cirrus Cloud

References: 1. Science and Health IV 2. Bing.com/images/types_of_graphic_organizers

I. Introduction

A cloud is a visible mass of liquid droplets or frozen crystals made of water various chemicals suspended in the atmosphere above the surface of a planetary body. Clouds are formed when water evaporates from ocean, lakes, and ponds or by evaporation over Earths land surface and rises up into colder areas of the atmosphere due to convective or frontal lifting. The water vapor attaches itself to condensation nuclei which could anything from dust to microscopic particles of salt and debris. Once the vapor has been cooled to saturation, the cloud formed. There are different types of clouds; these are stratus clouds, cumulonimbus clouds, cumulus clouds and cirrus clouds.

II. Types of Clouds

Stratus Cloud

The Stratus cloud is the lowest of the low clouds.

Stratus clouds are uniform grayish clouds that often cover the entire sky. They resemble fog that does not reach the ground. Usually no precipitation falls from stratus clouds, but sometimes they may drizzle. When a thick fog "lifts," the resulting clouds are low stratus. They appear as a grey overcast deck, but can be scattered. Because the stratus cloud is low it too has a base below 7,000 feet and is made of mostly water droplets. The individual stratus cloud has ill-defined edges compared to other low clouds.

Cumulonimbus Cloud

Cumulonimbus Cloud is derived from two Latin words cumulo, which means puffy and nimbus precipitation-bearing. Cumulonimbus is a towering vertical cloud that is very tall, dense, and involved in thunderstorms and other inclement weather. Cumulonimbus clouds usually have large anvilshaped tops because of the stronger winds at those higher levels of the atmosphere. These clouds can produce lightning, thunder, heavy rains, strong winds, and tornadoes.

Cumulus cloud

Cumulus means puffy, latin for stack. Cumulus clouds are a type of cloud with noticeable vertical development and clearly defined edges. Cumulus means "heap" or "pile" in Latin. They are often described as "cotton-like" in appearance. These clouds are usually white, puffy with popcorn like appearance. Cumulus clouds may appear alone, in lines, or in clusters. Cumulus clouds can be seen isolated as in this picture or grouped together is clusters. The cumulus clouds are low clouds and most often composed of water droplets, but can have ice crystals in colder climates.

Cirrus Cloud

Cirrus clouds are atmospheric clouds generally characterized by thin, wispy strands, giving them their name from the Latin word cirrus meaning a ringlet or curling lock of hair. The strands of cloud sometimes appear in tufts of a distinctive form referred to by the common name of mares' tails. They are mostly made of ice crystals and appear wispy, thin; almost hair-like. Cirrus clouds generally occur in fair weather and point in the direction of air movement at their elevation.

III. Graphic Organizer

Stratus Cloud Cumulonimbus cloud

Types of Clouds

Cumulus Cloud

Cirrus Cloud

IV. References
1. Science and Health IV 2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cloud 3. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/list_of_cloud_types#Formation_and_Classification_ of_clouds

Your Analysis
After working with your handout, answer the following questions:

What are the good features of a handout? The good features of my handout are:

Which of these features present in the hand I out? The features that are present to my handout are:

Which features are not present in the handout I made? The feature that are not present in my handout are:

Your Reflections
1. What difficulties that I have been encountered in making the handouts? How did you overcome them? The difficulties that I have been encountered in making my handout are

2. What tips can you give teachers regarding preparation handouts? The tips that I can give to teachers in making a handout are:

Technology in the Learning Environment


Episode 6

SLIDESHOW BIZ (Slide Presentation)

Name of FS Student: Vina S. Melon Course: Bachelor in Elementary Education Resource Teacher: Mss. Tess Fabro Cooperating School: Cantil-e Elementary School Year: II______________ Signature_____________________

Your Target
At the end of this activity, you will gain competence in developing and utilizing materials (slide presentations) which involve students in meaningful learning.

Your Map
An effective teacher makes it her/his business to create slide presentations that really enhance instruction. To reach your target, follow the storyboard below:

Select a topic or subject matter.

Develop a slide presentation to support a learning activity on the topic.

Try out your presentation to a group of learners.

Write a narrative pointing out the strengths and weaknesses of your presentation

Slide 1

Slide 2

Slide 3

Slide 4

Your Tools
As you prepare your slide presentations, use the activity form below. Include an electronic copy of the presentation when you submit it to your FS teacher.
Title of my Presentation: Slide Show Presentation Objectives: To provide information through slideshow presentation. Subject Matter/Topic: The sun and the nine planets of the solar system Enhancements: Graphics Animation Sound Effects Music Voice Narration Stylish Fonts Hyperlink Other, please specify

Description of Appropriate Use: Graphics- I used graphics as the illustration of the different planets. Animation it was applied in my presentation to provide motion effect and slide transition. Stylish fonts to make the presentation more attractive. Hyperlink hyper linking the words that deals with broader ideas. Themes the themes should be fit to the subject matter and have contrast to the presentation.

Presentation Storyboard:
Slide 1. Slide 2
The sun and its definition.

Slide 3
Mercury and its definition

Slide 4 Venus and its definition

The sun and the nine planets of the solar system

Slide 5
Earth and its definition

Slide 6 Mars and its definition

Slide 7 Jupiter and its definition

Slide 8 Jupiters Red spot and its


Slide 9 Saturn and its definition

Slide 10 Uranus and its definition

Slide 11 Neptune and its definition

Slide 12 Pluto and its definition

Your Analysis
After working on your slide presentation, answer the following questions: What are the good features of a slide presentation? The good features of a slide presentation are: 1. Short and sweet one slide should have less than 4 points or line of text. 2. transition or effects-include to the slides to put emphasis on important point 3. Include photos/pictures- to let your audience know what you are talking about. A picture speaks a thousand words. 4. Use the same theme for your whole presentation-too many themes is confusing 5. Use special transitions-to have many effects 6. Use links in your presentation 7. Make your presentation not too long nor too short. Which of these features are present in the slide presentation you made? The good features that are present in my presentation are: 1. Short and sweet I made my slides short. In every slides I write 3-5 points or line of text. 2. Include photos and pictures I include pictures to visualize my topic. 3. Use the same themes in the whole presentation- I use the same theme in my presentation to show neatness and less confusing. 4. Include transitions or effects to be more attractive 5. I use special transitions like text, graphics and animations. 6. Making my presentation not too long, nor too short. In my presentation I only make 12 slides. Which features are not present in the slide presentation you made? The feature that is not present in my presentation is; Use link in presentation. My presentation did not contain ideas in two points.

Your Reflections
1. What difficulties, if any, did you encounter in making the slide presentation? How did you overcome them? The difficulty that I had encounter in making my slide show presentation was the slowness of the speed of response by the internet connection. The speed of response was very slow, it takes time in downloading the graphics, animations and photos of my slide show presentation. I overcome this problem when I decided to transfer to an expensive but faster internet caf.

Technology in the Learning Environment


Episode 7

MY E-WORLD (Websites)
Name of FS Student : Vina S. Melon Course: Bachelor in Elementary Education Resource Teacher : Mss. Tess Fabro Cooperating School: Cantil-e Elementary School Year: II Signature_____________________

Your Target
At the end of this activity, you will be decisive in terms of using on-line resource materials and interactive programs.

Your Map
For this process, explore the world through these steps: 4. Reflect on your FS experience 1. Observe a class and take Note of the topic being Presented 1. Evaluate the materials or programs. 2. Surf the net to find sites that Provide support materials and/ or interactive programs on topic.

My Tool
Please use the class observation guide provided for you.

Class observation Guide

Read the following statements carefully before you observed. 1. What is the lesson about? What are the teachers objectives? The lesson was all about when to use the word a and an in the sentence. The teachers objective is the implication of the proper use of the words a and an in the sentence, improve the grammar of the pupils and enhance the speaking skills and writing skills of the pupils.

2. Note the important concepts that teacher is emphasizing.

The important concept that the teacher is emphasizing were the correct way of speaking English.

3. Note the skills that the teacher is developing in the learners.

The skill that the teacher is developing in the learners includes the effective oral skills, written communication skills and better English speaking skills. The teacher is also developing the learners critical thinking skills.

My Analysis
Using the information you got from observing the class, surf the internet for electronic resources that will be useful in teaching the same lesson. Choose the most appropriate ones. Recall the guide lines you learned in Educational Technology about evaluating electronic resources. These guidelines will help you fill out the matrix below. Grade/ Year level of the class Topic (of the class you observed) Objectives of the lesson Grade-I Fabro i-empact When to use a and an in the sentence -use the word a and an properly in a sentence -Identify the correct grammar -enhance the English skills of the pupils Name of electronic resource Description of the electronic How can it be use in the resource class you observed Website: A social networking site for It can be useful to the class Academia.edu academic researchers. A I observe by letting them platform for academics to search for information in share research papers and the website. important information. Website: Connecting students, Let the student to have Student circle network.edu teachers and institutions to online journals. course resources, study groups and learning spaces. CD ROM: It consists the control Record audio in the class http://www.orch.music .com instructions that have been especially to the correct wired permanently into the pronunciation of the computer. different sound groups. Games online: A simple word game that Use in the class as the http://www.connect the encourages the kids to use motivational factor or play opposite.com their comprehension and games in the learning the thinking skills. correct arrangement of the words. Games online: A word game of rearranging Use as a puzzle game in the http://www.anagram.sleuth.com the letters to spell new words class. and solve the puzzle of a rock stars. Web quest: An educational tool that Let the student creatively Webquest.org. com teachers research for the search for a good topic in the class. Inquiry information. oriented activity in which some of the information is given for the student interest.

Your Reflection
1. Describe your experience in surfing the internet for appropriate electronic resources for the class? Did you find it easy or difficult? I n surfing the net found it both easy and difficult. I found it easy because the site that I had chosen to searched my article is very accessible and easy to view. On the other hand, I found difficulty in the speed of the internet connection. The loading was very slow that made me spends longer time in surfing and spends more money for the used hours. 2. How did you choose which electronic resources to include here? What did you consider? Explain.

I come up to choose the electronic resource that I include here by surfing the net. I first consider the accessibility, the strength and weaknesses of the site if it was related to my chosen topic. I also consider the relationship of the site to the class that I had observed so that I can effectively used the information that I had searched in the website.

3. Reflect on your technology skills. What skills do you already have what skills would you continue to work on the better utilizing electronic resources? I already have the word processing skills in the Microsoft office word and I already mastered my web searching skills. In the contrary, I would continue to work on my electronic presentation skills and enhance my design and management skills for the better utilization of the electronic resources.


Compact Disk ROM

Web Quest

Games on line

Student Resume

I am Vina S. Melon, 19 years of age, a college Student of Negros Oriental State University, taking up Bachelor of Elementary Education (BEED) Major in General Curriculum.

I am the third child of Mr. and Mrs.Cirila Melon. We are four children in the family. I have three gentleman brothers and me as their only pretty sister. As their children, we grew up in a right way of life with enough discipline. We are currently happily residing at Barangay Bajumpandan, Dumaguete City.

I finished my elementary study in Cantil-e Elementary School in the year 19992005. I enjoy my high school life in Junob National High School from the year 2005 and successfully graduated in the year 2009.

After I graduated in high school, I enrolled myself here at Negros Oriental State University and took BEED. For now I am currently in the second year of my college, and hopefully with the help of my professors, peers and classmates I can continue to pursue my college education.

Statement of purpose
Fs3 is designed to enrich the students experiences in developing and utilizing appropriate technology to facilitate learning. It also provides exposure and hands-on activities in the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT). Furthermore, the course shall afford students necessary observation of actual class room situation through educational field study as one of the most effective strategies in teaching.

This portfolio is the integration of our output in the seven episodes in FS 3. This is the product of our endeavor in our field study observation. It composed of our PowerPoint presentation blueprint, handouts and our analysis and reflections in every episode as our learning in this course.

The purpose of having this portfolio is to have a reflection of what we have learn in taking this course. This portfolio will serve to the reader especially to educators to learn if what really the importance of technology in learning. This can be useful for the incoming generation as we are becoming to be a real teacher.

Personal Reflection on the Portfolio

Daily Time Record

Negros Oriental State University

College of Education

Technology in the Learning Environment

Submitted by:

Vina S. Melon
Fs3 Student

Submitted to:

Dr. Felisa P. Trayvilla


Inventory Encyclopedias40 Non-fictional books11154 Fictional books..254 Magazines.950 Projector.1 Television1 Computers.5 Speakers..3 CD/DVD player.3 CD Cassette.1

Table of Contents
I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. Title Page Students Resume Statement of Purpose Personal Reflection of the portfolio Rubrics Certificate Portfolio Entries Episode 1 (The Schools Learning Resource Center) Episode 2 (Bulletin Board Display) Episode 3 (See and Say) Episode 4 (Tools of the Trade) Episode 5 (Paper Works) Episode 6 (Slideshow Biz) Episode 7 (My E-World)

VIII. Personal Reflection on the Portfolio IX. X. XI. Students Self Rating Competency Checklist Teachers Competency Checklist Documentation

My View Of Teaching

Name of FS Student : Vina S.Melon Course : BEED Resource Teacher : Mss. Tess Fabro Year & Section: II Signature : ___________ Cooperating School: Cantil-e Elementary School

My Target At the end of this activity, I will be competent in evaluating electronic resources for appropriate instructional use.

My Performance (How I Will Be Rated)

Field Study 3, Episodes 1-7 Focused on : developing and utilizing materials


Exemplary 4

Superior 3

Satisfactory 2

Unsatisfactory 1

Observation/ Documentation:

All tasks were done with outstanding quality; work exceeds expectations 4

All or nearly all tasks were done with high quality

Nearly all tasks were done with acceptable quality 2

Fewer than half of tasks were done; or most objectives met but with poor quality 1

My analysis

Analysis questions were answered completely; in the depth answers; thoroughly grounded on theories. Exemplary grammar and spelling. 4

Analysis questions were answered completely Clear connection with theories Grammar and spelling are superior. 3

Analysis questions were not answered completely Vaguely related to the theories Grammar and spelling acceptable. 2

Analysis questions were not answered completely Grammar and spelling unsatisfactory.

My Reflection

Reflection statements are profound and clear, supported by experiences from the episode.

Reflection statements are clear, but not clearly supported by experiences from the episode. 3

Reflection statements are shallow; Supported by experiences from the episode. 2

Reflection statements are unclear and shallow and are not supported by experiences from the episode. 1

4 My Porfolio Portfolio is complete, clear, well-organized and all supporting documentation are located in sections clearly designated. Portfolio is complete, clear, wellorganized and all supporting documentation are available and/or logical and clearly marked locations. 3 Portfolio is incomplete; supporting documentation is organized and unclear. Portfolio has many lacking components; is unorganized and unclear.

4 lkkjhujjjj


Before deadline 4

On the deadline

A day after the Two days or deadline more after the deadline 2 1

Sub totals

Rating: Over-all Score (based on transmutation)

_______________________ Signature of FS teacher above Printed Name

_____________________ Date

Transmutation of score to grade/rating Score 20 18-19 17 16 15 Grade 1.0 - 99 Score 12-13 11 10 8-9 Grade 2.50 - 81 2.75 - 78 3.00 - 75 3.5 5.00 -72 and -bellow

1.25 - 96 1.5 -93

1.75 -90 2.00 87

7-below -

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