F.S 6-On Becoming The 21 Century Teacher: Organization of Portfolio

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S 6- On Becoming The 21st Century

Organization of Portfolio

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Episode 1

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Learning Episode
My FS Learning Task Overview

“ You are born a teacher “ somebody would tell you. Is this TRUE?
What attributes or qualities should you have that you would be a
teacher in the future? Like learners teachers are molded by nature
and nurture. Nature means your inborn qualities, Your natural
tendencies. Nurture means, how you wre trained or taught to become
a teacher. You are born with quqlities and attributes that would
fitted you become teachers. Let us find out in this episode.

My Desired Learning Outcomes

 Describe own personal qualities that will make one a good

 Identify the personal qualities of an experienced teacher that
you have interviewee and observed
 Compare own personal qualities with those of the observed

My Learning Essentials

What are some personal qualities of good teachers?

1.INTELLIGENCE – ability to make sound decision, analyze, make
judgement,make solutions, possess higher order thinking skills,
andnother types of intelligene. The teacher is intelligent.

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2.COMPASSION – natural quality to empathize, to feel what others
feel, to be tolerant of others.the teacher is compassionate.

3.EMOTIONAL STABILITY – ability to be calm under pressure,

cheerful and optimistic, level headed. The teacher is
emotionally stable.

4.INNOVATIVENESS – natural tendency to create new things, modify

existing ones, immaginative, finds solutions to problems
quickly,makes use of available materials. The teacher is

5.FAIRNESS – natural attribute to look at both sides of the issue

before making judgement, gives equal chances for both sides to
be heard removes personal biases. The teacher is fair.


alone, determined to succeed. The teacher is self-confident.

7.COOPERATIVENESS – natural action to work together with others,

willing to share. the teacher is cooperative.

8.BOUYANCY – ability to survive in difficult situation, balances

life, optimistic and cheerful. The teacher is bouyant.

9.RELIABILITY – attribute demonstrated by dependability, sincerity

and honesty, The teacher is reliable.

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In order to accomplish my desired learning outcomes, these are the
steps I have to follow:

My Learning Activities

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Who am I as a person? Do I have personal qualities that will make
me a better teacher someday?

Name: Emanuela R. Tan

School: Catanduanes State University Panganiban Campus
Semester: 2017-2018

Match the checked mark

with appropriate
Personal Attribute
Personal Quality Label Personal Quality Label
( write letter only)

I am mentally
√ A, I, H, B
alert. A.BUOYANCY/
2.I am imaginative Buoyant
√ A, I, H, B
for new ideas.
3.I like to try
√ A, I, H, B
out new ideas.
4.I appreciate
√ D, F, I Intelligent
other people.
5.I am tolerant of
√ D, F, I
other person.
6.I adjust to
different √ A, B, H
7.I look at the
brighter side of √ B, I, G
8.I don’t consider
myself as better √ D, I, G,F
than others.

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9. I share
privileges with √ E, F
10. I give personal
√ E
time for the group.
11. I make it a
point to do the job √ C, H
12. I make quick
solutions to √ A, I, H, B Fair
13. I volunteer to
√ E, C, D
do task for others.
14. I work for the
group even without
√ E, D, I
return. Emotionally stable
15. I am calm in the
√ G
midst of chaos.
16. I am dependable
√ I
on a given task.
17. I give equal
chance for others √ D, F
to be heard.
18. I am sure of
√ B, C
what I do.
19. I hold my anger
√ A, G
even when provoked. I.Reliability/
20. I am punctual Reliable
√ I
in attendance.


Activity 2

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With the use of the interview checklist attached, get the
information about the teacher. Ask permission to observe the
teacher in her/his classroom and add other personal qualities that
you have observed which are not included in the checklist.

Personal Qualities of an Experienced Teacher Checklist

FIELD STUDY 6 – On Becoming The 21st Century Teacher| 7

Check those
observed Put labels of Qualities
The experienced teacher:
1. Is mentally alert √

My Reflections/ Insights

4. Appreciates oter
5. Tolerates other
6. Adjust to
7. Looks at the
brighter side of √
8. Does not consider
self as better √
than others
9. Shares privileges
with others
10. Gives up personal
time for the √ COOPERATIVE
11. Sees to it that
12. Makes quick
solutions to √

task for others COMPASSION
14. Works for the

without being RELIABLE
affirmed return
15. Is calm in the
midst of chaos
16. Is dependable on
a given task
17. Gives equal
chance for
others to be
heard FIELD STUDY 6 – On Becoming The 21st Century Teacher| 8
18. Is sure of what
he/she does
A. How do I use my personal qualities to become a good teacher?
Teacher plays an important role in education of every student.
There are many opinions about what are the qualities of a good
teacher. Somebody think that it is knowledge of the subject, but
there are those who claim that charisma is more important.

In my view, personal qualities of the teacher is important than

education. To begin with, teacher must to know how to draw
students’ attention, and charismatic teacher can do it. Also, good
teacher should be able to tell interesting. You know, it is
difficult to assimilate information, if the teacher says without
enthusiasm, boring monotone voice. No doubt that nowadays teacher
is not only a conductor of knowledge but a person who is
responsible for the future of his or her students. That is why
teacher must be reliable and responsible person. Finally, good
teacher is that teacher, who is able to find an individual
approach to each student – it is very important try to find
abilities in every child. In contrast, there are those, who claim
that the best teacher is someone who is very knowledgeable about
the subject. They say that person with great education surely can
be great teacher. They can’t be justified!

Like what I have said of personal qualities of the teacher, I must

be responsible and be like them. I must enhance more my personal
qualities and potential of being a good and effective teacher in
the future. I begin with myself to be a role model. Also, applying
the different theories, strategies and methods of teaching and
learning process, I will gain more knowledge to handle the
learners’ differences to cater students’ needs.

To sum up, I strongly believe that the goal of the teacher is to

find a common language with the students and instill them the love
of good knowledge. The mentioned personal qualities above is more
important for teacher than his/her knowledge especially that I
will be teaching elementary pupils, the foundation of learning.

B.How does the experienced teacher utilize his/her personal

qualities to make him/her a good teacher?

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The teacher’s foremost duty is intellectual—to impart knowledge,
training for management, decision-making, leadership qualities,
wisdom and understanding about practical life problems and respect
for individual diversity so the teacher must be knowledgable and
hands-on to the children’s performances.

Teacher and students seem to be involved in everything that is

happening inside the classroom. Teacher must always be ready to
alternative whenever students fail to understand or perform a
given task. The teacher must be committed to students and their
learning. Build rapport with your pupils. Teacher must
understand, care and love her student to maintain harmonios
atmosphere inside the classroom. He/she must know the children’s
differences to adjust and respond accordingly to their different

Teacher must be creative, innovative and resourceful in which

teacher can provide alternatives in teaching instructions to be
used especially if there is no available material/s in the
community that the teacher will be using in her lesson.

Mentioned qualities above, are some qualities that a techer must

be acquire. In teaching the most important role is to impart
knowledge and to mold the pupils’ totality as a good and
productive individual in the future. So teacher must enhance
herself to cope up and updated especially that teacher is handling
different world of every children around her.

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My Learning Portfolio


I, as a human person I possess different qualities— positive as well as

negative qualities in life. In relation with this program I have been
taken, I assessed myself if I am qualified in this teaching career. Do I
have qualities and potentials in this world of teaching? Do I really
have a passion in this career? Do I really love teaching and children?

As I go on in this teaching program, at first I think I can do these and

that… I am thinking that teaching is very simple task. But it’s a big,
big, big NO… it is because everything in teaching and learning process
requires time, effort, heart and mind in order to have a good and
successful delivery of instruction as well as to have a good or
excellent outcome. Go back to the qualities I possess that is essential
in teaching, I describe myself as kind, patience, creative, calm,

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friendly, goal-oriented, honest, sincere, helpful and optimistic; on the
other hand, there are times that I am strict, sensitive and lack of
confident to myself and to my work. These nature qualities of mine are
my stepping stone towards teaching profession. These can be nurture for
the betterment of myself as a future educator. And as I go on to higher
level (and now I am 4th year BEEd student) I am not just nurturing
myself but I am acquiring new knowledge and experiences not just to
improve myself as a person but to mold me as a good educator in the
future. I am glad I’ve chosen this career. Being a contributor to each
and every young mind’s dream and achievement gives an unexplainable
feeling to every teacher, which I am dreaming of to be one of those.

Teacher portrays a lot — to the mind of flint, the teacher must be iron,
and strikes sparks; to the empty pitcher, the teacher becomes a well; to
the fallow mind, a planter of seeds; to the cluttered mind, a gardener
to weed, shape and a space for growing; to the lens, teacher is light,
and to the mind of light, a lens; to the sleeper the teacher is a wake-
up call of birds at sunrise; to clay, the teacher is potter, a sculptor,
and a trainer in self-shaping; to the developed mind, the teacher is
colleagu, listener, a friend. To be a teacher is noblest. And I’m
looking forward to be one of them in the future.

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My Mentor, Ma’am Glo— a Veritable, Strict yet
a Very Loving and Caring Teacher of Grade 4-

A good teacher can inspire hope, ignite imagination and instill

A love of learning.

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My Veritable, Strict yet a Very Loving and Caring Mentor

For me, she is the best teacher that retains a strong memory of what it she
like to be a learner has to know,
You will not just love the sound of her own voice, but the impact she can have
and how she used it well.
She prefer story-telling to telling, and showing to explaining.
She teaches students how to deliver constructive criticism and how to field
the good and the bad of it elegantly.
She teaches that goals are immensely important but not half as much as the
enlightenment you will get on your way there.
She teaches kids not just about the beauty of logic and numbers, but about the
beauty of words and art and music, the bounties you may harness if you develop
your intuition and a strong sense of when something feels right and wrong.
She teaches how to win and lose with grace - and how to apologize fully.
She understands how to engage her students— in a strict yet sweet and heart-
warming manner.
She always pushes and encourages students to do their best while to learn and
perform given tasks.
She viewed every child not as an empty bottled to be filled but as a candle to
be lit.
Her teaching style is a wonderful trait that makes her unique, respectful and
loved by all.
I adore her very much and I learn much from her,
I inspired to be like her someday on how she teach, handle and love her
I salute you Ma’am for being such a molder of those little minds and future
You’re a great artist in molding human mind and spirit!
I am glad that I meet a teacher like you…

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Episode 2

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FS 6

Learning Episode 2 THE TEACHER’S


My FS Learning Task Overview

What is your philosophy about schools and education? Since you

will become a teacher, you must have a clear understanding of your
strong belief or philosophy of education. A philosophy will guide
your actions in teaching and learning. This section will cover
some of the fundamental educational philosopjies that wil help
younas future teacher.

Learning Episode will tackle only Essetialism, Perennialism,

Progressivism, Existentialism, Behaviorism. Inguistic Philosophy
and Constructivism.

 Identify one’s philosophy of teaching ad education.

 Gather information on the philosophy of education of experienced
 Clarify how these philosophies are being put into practice

My Learning Essentials

As teacher, one should have a philosophy of education. A

philosophy is a strong belief that is translated into action. A
philosophy will guide you on what you teach, how you each, why you
teach among others. The different schools of thought or
philosophies were handed down to us by different philosophers. But
as the world progresses, other philosophies emerged.

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Below are major educational philosophies, presented in summary

Philosophy of Education Basic Features

Aim:Promote intellectual growth of

learners for competence
Teacher’s role:Sole authority in the
1 Essentialism subject matter
Focus:Essentials skills, 3 Rs
Trends:Back to Basics, cultural literacy,
Aim: To educate the rational person,
cultivate intellect
Teacher’s role: Assist learners to think
with reason (critical thinking, HOST)
2 Perennialism
Focus: Classical subject, Great Books,
Enduring curriculum
Trends: Use of Gret Books:Bible, Koran,
Classical books
Aim: Education of the whole being, as
unique individuals
Teacher’s role: Help students define who
they are, their essence
3 Existentialism
Focus: Self-paced, self directed, learner
Trend: Individualized learning, values
Aim:Promote democratic social living
Teacher’s role:Develop lifelong learners
4 Progressivism interdisciplinary, outcomes-based
Trends: Humanistic education,
contextualized curriculum, equal
opportunities for all

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Aim:Improve and reconstruct
society. Education for change
Teacher’s role: Agent of change
and reform
5 Reconstructionism Focus: Transformation of present
to future landscape
Trends:Global education,
convergence, transfomative
Aim: Develop communication skills
in different languages
Teacher’s role: Provide
experiential learning to learn
6 Linguistic Philosophy language
Focus: Lngauge and communication
Trends: Mastery of communication
skills (verbal, non-verbal,
paraverbal or listening, speaking
writing, reading and viewing)
Aim: Modify and shape learner’s
Teacher’s role: Arrange
environmental conditoions to
change behavior
7 Behaviorism Focus: Learners and the learning
environment that act as stimuli
Trends: Education for sustainable
ubiquitous classrooms, multi-
sensory stimuli
Aim: Develop intrinsically
motivated learners
Teacher’s role: Teaching students
8 Constructivism to learn, how to learn
Focus: Experiential learning
Trends: UNESCO’S Pillars of
Education; multiple perspective

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Here is the way your desired learning outcomes(DLO).
Follow this.

ACTIVITY 1 will be Step 1 to 6

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My Learning Activities


Activity 1 EDUCATION

Use the Survey Instrument found below for yourself and for two
teachers in the school.

Read each statement and answer honestly. Select among the choices
from Agree, Strongly to Disagree Strongly.


(Based on Sadker & Sadker, 2nd Ed. Bilbao, 2014)

What is your philosophy of education? To find out, read each of

the following statements about the nature of education. Decide
whether you agree or disagree with each statement. Use the
following numbers to express your response:
4 Agree strongly 2 Disagre
3 Agree 1 Disagree strongly
3 1. The student learning should be centered around 3Rs only.
2. The school subjects should focus on the great thinkers of
the past.
3. Many students learn best by engaging in real-world
activities than reading.
4. The students should be permitted to determine their own
5. Subjects matter is taught effectively when it is broken
down into small parts.
6. The school subjects should include only essential for all
students to know.
7. Schools above all, should develop students ‘ abilities to
4 think deeply, analytical and creatively than social skill or
acquire body of knowledge.

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8. Teaching should prepare students for analyzing and
4 solving the types of problems they will face outside the
9. Reality is determined by each individual’s perceptions.
3 There is no objective universal reality.
10. People are shaped much more by the exercise of their
free will.
11.Students should not be pomoted to the next grade until
2 they have read and masterd certain key material.
12. An effective education is not aimed at the immediate
3 needs of the students or society.
13. The curriculum of a school should be built around the
4 personal experinces and needs of the students
14. Students who do not want to study much should not be
required to do so.
15. Programmed learning is an effective method of teaching
3 16.Academic rigor is an essential component of education.
17.All students, regardless of ability, should study more or
3 less the same curriculum.
18.Art classess should focus primarily on individual
expression and creativity.
2 19.Effective learning is unstructured and informal.
4 20.Students learn best through reinforcement.
21.Effective schools assign a substantial amount of
22.Education should focus on timeless questions such as
2 “What is beauty?” or What is truth?
23.Since students learn effectively through social
4 interacton, schools should plan for more social gathering in
their curricula.
24.The purpose of school is to help students understand
themselves and find the meaning of theie existence.
25.Frequent objective testing is the best way to determine
what students know.
26.Countries must become more competitive economically,
3 hence schools must bolster their academic requirements for
more competition.
3 27.Students must be taught to appreciate learning primarily

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for its own sake, rather than to help them into their
28.Schools must plan more emphasis on teachig about the
concerns of minorities and women.
29.Each person has free will to develop as he or she sees
30.Reward students well for learning so they will remember
2 and be able to apply what they learned, even if they were
not able to understand why information is worth knowing.
31. Philippine schools should attempt to instill traditional
Filipino values in students.
32. Teacher-guided discovery of profound truths is a key
method of teaching students.
33. Students should be active participants in the learning
34. There are no external standards of beauty. Beauty is
what an individual decides it to be.
35. We can place a lot of faith in our svhools and teachers
4 to determine which student behaviors are acceptable and
which are not.
36. Schools must provide students with a firm grasp of basic
facts regarding the books, people and events.
37. Philosophy is ultimately a practical subject to study
like computer science.
38. Teachers must stress students the revelance of what they
4 are learning to their lives outside and inside the
39. It is more important for a student to develop a positive
self-concept than to learn specific concepts.
40. Learning is more effective when students are given
frequent tests to determine what they have learned.

Based on the information taken, answer the following questions:

What Philosophy is most
dominant for you?
Which is least dominant?
Essentialism and
FIELD STUDY 6 – On Becoming The 21
Century Teacher| 22
2. For Teacher 1, which is the, most dominant?

Least dominant?
Essentialism and Perennialism

3. For Teacher 2, what Philosophy has gained

the highest score?

This is the most dominant philosophy of the

teacher. What has the lowest score?

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My Reflections/ Insights

1. Have you discovered your dominant Philosophy of Education? How do you

feel after knowing it? Is your philosophy or firm belief of education
reflected in what you are doing as a future teacher?

After I have checked my answers on the survey, I realized of what

teacher I am in the future. I am a progressivist teacher. Yes, it
also reflected on me because in my previous demonstration teaching I
focused on how the pupils will take my lesson in their real life. I
allow them to work by themselves on how they present the activity.
Also I, am very much aware on children’s attitude in developing their
good moral values as they grew older.

2. In your observations, does an experienced teacher practice what they

believe in (philosophy of education) in actual teaching? If yes,
describe the instance/episode. If No, what could be the reason.

Yes, it is because teachers have their own techniques and strategies

especially when it comes to handling pupils’ behavior and
conditioning pupils in the classroom setting so that they will absorb
the lessons well. As I observed teachers’ philosopy in education
depends upon his/her students because in the primary grades teachers
concern is only the essential matter that the pupils should know that
is why some teachers in primary grades are essentialist. They first
concern is how pupils read, write and percieve little things/ideas
into their mind and behaviour. While the teacher in the higher grade
like what I have interviewed in a Grade VI class adviser that he is
a progressivist teacher. Because in his case he is facilitating
learning to his pupils by their own. The teacher’s responsibility is
to guide them and the pupils could be able to explore and discover
things in a creative and critical thinking in order for them to have
a meaningful learning.

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Teacher 1
(Based on Sadker & Sadker, 2nd Ed. Bilbao, 2014)

What is your philosophy of education? To find out, read each of

the following statements about the nature of education. Decide
whether you agree or disagree with each statement. Use the
following numbers to express your response:

4 Agree strongly 2 Disagre
3 Agree 1 Disagree strongly

3 1. The student learning should be centered around 3Rs only.

2. The school subjects should focus on the great thinkers of
the past.
3. Many students learn best by engaging in real-world
activities than reading.
4. The students should be permitted to determine their own
5. Subjects matter is taught effectively when it is broken down
into small parts.
6. The school subjects should include only essential for all
students to know.
7. Schools above all, should develop students ‘ abilities to
4 think deeply, analytical and creatively than social skill or
acquire body of knowledge.
8. Teaching should prepare students for analyzing and solving
4 the types of problems they will face outside the classroom.
9. Reality is determined by each individual’s perceptions.
4 There is no objective universal reality.
10. People are shaped much more by the exercise of their free

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11.Students should not be pomoted to the next grade until they
3 have read and masterd certain key material.
12. An effective education is not aimed at the immediate needs
2 of the students or society.
13. The curriculum of a school should be built around the
4 personal experinces and needs of the students
14. Students who do not want to study much should not be
required to do so.
15. Programmed learning is an effective method of teaching
4 16.Academic rigor is an essential component of education.
17.All students, regardless of ability, should study more or
3 less the same curriculum.
18.Art classess should focus primarily on individual expression
and creativity.
2 19.Effective learning is unstructured and informal.
4 20.Students learn best through reinforcement.
3 21.Effective schools assign a substantial amount of homework.
22.Education should focus on timeless questions such as “What
3 is beauty?” or What is truth?
23.Since students learn effectively through social interacton,
3 schools should plan for more social gathering in their
24.The purpose of school is to help students understand
themselves and find the meaning of theie existence.
25.Frequent objective testing is the best way to determine what
students know.
26.Countries must become more competitive economically, hence
3 schools must bolster their academic requirements for more
27.Students must be taught to appreciate learning primarily for
its own sake, rather than to help them into their careers.
28.Schools must plan more emphasis on teachig about the
concerns of minorities and women.
3 29.Each person has free will to develop as he or she sees fit.
30.Reward students well for learning so they will remember and
3 be able to apply what they learned, even if they were not able
to understand why information is worth knowing.
2 31. Philippine schools should attempt to instill traditional

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Filipino values in students.
32. Teacher-guided discovery of profound truths is a key method
of teaching students.
33. Students should be active participants in the learning
34. There are no external standards of beauty. Beauty is what
an individual decides it to be.
35. We can place a lot of faith in our svhools and teachers to
4 determine which student behaviors are acceptable and which are
36. Schools must provide students with a firm grasp of basic
facts regarding the books, people and events.
37. Philosophy is ultimately a practical subject to study like
computer science.
38. Teachers must stress students the revelance of what they
are learning to their lives outside and inside the classroom.
39. It is more important for a student to develop a positive
self-concept than to learn specific concepts.
40. Learning is more effective when students are given frequent
tests to determine what they have learned.

Teacher 2
4 1. The student learning should be centered around 3Rs only.
2. The school subjects should focus on the great thinkers of the
3. Many students learn best by engaging in real-world activities
than reading.
4. The students should be permitted to determine their own
5. Subjects matter is taught effectively when it is broken down
into small parts.
6. The school subjects should include only essential for all
students to know.
7. Schools above all, should develop students’ abilities to
2 think deeply, analytical and creatively than social skill or
acquire body of knowledge.
8. Teaching should prepare students for analyzing and solving
4 the types of problems they will face outside the classroom.
9. Reality is determined by each individual’s perceptions. There
2 is no objective universal reality.

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10. People are shaped much more by the exercise of their free
11.Students should not be pomoted to the next grade until they
4 have read and masterd certain key material.
12. An effective education is not aimed at the immediate needs
4 of the students or society.
13. The curriculum of a school should be built around the
4 personal experinces and needs of the students
14. Students who do not want to study much should not be
required to do so.
15. Programmed learning is an effective method of teaching
4 16.Academic rigor is an essential component of education.
17.All students, regardless of ability, should study more or
3 less the same curriculum.
18.Art classess should focus primarily on individual expression
and creativity.
3 19.Effective learning is unstructured and informal.
4 20.Students learn best through reinforcement.
2 21.Effective schools assign a substantial amount of homework.
22.Education should focus on timeless questions such as “What is
3 beauty?” or What is truth?
23.Since students learn effectively through social interacton,
4 schools should plan for more social gathering in their
24.The purpose of school is to help students understand
themselves and find the meaning of theie existence.
25.Frequent objective testing is the best way to determine what
students know.
26.Countries must become more competitive economically, hence
2 schools must bolster their academic requirements for more
27.Students must be taught to appreciate learning primarily for
its own sake, rather than to help them into their careers.
28.Schools must plan more emphasis on teachig about the concerns
of minorities and women.
4 29.Each person has free will to develop as he or she sees fit.
4 30.Reward students well for learning so they will remember and
be able to apply what they learned, even if they were not able

FIELD STUDY 6 – On Becoming The 21st Century Teacher| 28

to understand why information is worth knowing.
31. Philippine schools should attempt to instill traditional
Filipino values in students.
32. Teacher-guided discovery of profound truths is a key method
of teaching students.
33. Students should be active participants in the learning
34. There are no external standards of beauty. Beauty is what an
individual decides it to be.
35. We can place a lot of faith in our schools and teachers to
4 determine which student behaviors are acceptable and which are
36. Schools must provide students with a firm grasp of basic
facts regarding the books, people and events.
37. Philosophy is ultimately a practical subject to study like
computer science.
38. Teachers must stress students the revelance of what they are
learning to their lives outside and inside the classroom.
39. It is more important for a student to develop a positive
self-concept than to learn specific concepts.
40. Learning is more effective when students are given frequent
tests to determine what they have learned.

Matrix of Survey Result


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TR. 1
TR. 2

TR. 1

TR. 2

TR. 1
TR. 2

TR. 1
TR. 2

TR. 1
TR. 2




1 3 3 4 2 2 3 2 3 4 3 3 4 3 3 2 5 4 4 4
6 2 4 4 7 4 4 2 8 4 4 4 9 3 4 2 3 3 3
1 1 1 1
11 2 3 4 3 2 4 4 4 4 2 2 2 3 3 3
2 3 4 5
1 1 1 2
16 3 4 4 3 3 3 4 3 3 2 2 3 4 4 4
7 8 9 0
2 2 2
21 3 3 2 2 3 3 4 3 3 4 3 3 4 3 3 4
2 3 5
2 2 2 3
26 3 3 2 3 3 4 3 3 2 3 3 4 2 3 4
7 8 9 0
3 3 3 3
31 4 2 4 3 3 2 4 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
2 3 4 5
3 3 3 4
36 3 3 4 3 4 2 4 4 2 4 4 4 2 2 2
7 8 9 0




2 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
3 5 8 3 5 2 1 7 5 4 5 5 5 6 8

Legend: S-Self; T-Teacher; T1- TEACHER 2


NAME: Donald Randy Odiaman


FIELD STUDY 6 – On Becoming The 21st Century Teacher| 30


Teacher Randy is a Grade VI Adviser. He is a progressivist. He

integrates good moral values in his lesson. He relate lesson to
the learners experiences in order to acquire a life long learning.
Inside the classroom he is not the one who make decisions, he asks
his pupils too. He allows his pupils to work by themselves in the
activities given in order for them to learn how things is done.
Although he is more on activities he does not leave pupils alone
on their work istead he look after them in order to see if they
did well the activity.

NAME: Arlene Morales



Teacher Arlene is a kinder teacher. She is a essentialist teacher.

She teaches her pupils first what is essential like how to handle
a pen in preparation for the kids to write letters, words and
short phrases. Her focus is on the psychomor skills and
socialization of the pupils. So in her lesson she prepare a games
that pupils could be able to participatee and enhance their
socialization skills as well as communication skills. She focuses
on what is only need because those kids are easily to exhaust and
bore so she must be selective on what you are teaching. And also
she relate lessons accordigly based from their capabilities and

FIELD STUDY 6 – On Becoming The 21st Century Teacher| 31

Episode 3

FS 6

Learning Episode 3 THE TEACHER

FIELD STUDY 6 – On Becoming The 21 Century Teacher| 32
My FS Learning Task Overview

A teacher asa profeesional will always be found in aschool

setting. A teacher’s official working place is a school. A school
is an institution where learning occurs under the guidance of a
professional called the teacher.

 List the activities in the daily routine of the teacher.

 Identify the teacher’s role in creating a conducive learning
environment in the school.

A regular school day is equivalent to 8m hours. It begins

officially at 8:00 in the morning and ends up at 5:00 in the
afternoon. Adjustments are sometimes made, but the time spent in
school is 8 hours. Majority (of the eight hours) is spent guiding
the learners in their lessons, which is called the contact period.
Usually, the teacher is assigned to teach for 6 hours. The
remaining time of 2 hours is spent for co-curricular and extra-
curricular activities. Normally, there are five school days per
week, Monday to Friday.

Usually, a teacher is assigned to one class, as a class adviser.

She is made to teach one or more subject content areas depending
on the population of the school and the number of teachers. There
are schools where the teacher teaches all the subjects for the
whole class while in bigger schools they have subject area
specialists, who teach the same grade level or different grade

FIELD STUDY 6 – On Becoming The 21st Century Teacher| 33

This experiential learning episode will take you to the school
setting. You will spend more time making observations and talking
to your resource teacher. Here are the steps that will guide you
in your journey today.

Visit a particular teacher
in a school.

Secure the teacher’s program.

Study the time schedule and
STEP 2 the activities.

Make a school setting observation

STEP 3 at a certain period of the day’s


Activity 1

FIELD STUDY 6 – On Becoming The 21st Century Teacher| 34

Copy the Class Program of the Teacher:
Name of the Teacher: Gloria O. Vallespin
Name of the School: Panagniban Central Elementary School
District of Panganiban
Division of Catanduanes

Grade IV – Mapagmahal

Morning Class Session

7:15 – 7:30 FLAG CEREMONY
7:30 – 8:00 Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao Gloria O. Vallespin
8:00 – 8:50 English Gloria O. Vallespin
8:50 – 9:30 Araling Panlipunan Gloria O. Vallespin
9:30 – 9:45 RECESS ----------------
9:45 – 10:35 Mathematics Noel De Jesus
10:35 – 11:25 Science Gloria O. Vallespin
11:25 – 11:30 Enrichment Activities Gloria O. Vallespin
Noon Break
Afternoon Class Session
1:00 – 1:30 Writing Period Gloria O. Vallespin
1:30 – 2:20 Filipino Gloria O. Vallespin
2:20 – 3:00 MAPEH Gloria O. Vallespin
3:00 – 3:50 EPP Gloria O. Vallespin
Remedial / Enrichment
3:50 – 4:45 Gloria O. Vallespin
4:45 – 5:00 FLAG RETREAT

At the time you are in school, what significant observations have
you made?

FIELD STUDY 6 – On Becoming The 21st Century Teacher| 35

Physical Setting

The teachers’ table are placed at the

left side corner of the room, in
front and at the back; also in front
at the center.
The arrangement of the desk: first
row facing to the south, second row
facing to the west, third row facing
to the north.
The board is placed in front of the
The electric fan is placed near the
teachers table in front at the left
side corner of the room.

Classroom The ceiling fans are placed at the

middle part of the room; at the left
Arrangement side, center and right side.
The instructional materials,
learners’ materials and outputs (e.g.
Portfolio, writing notebook, etc.)
are placed at the right and back
corner of the classroom.

The broom and other paraphernalia are

placed at the right side corner of
the classroom.

Bulletin board are placed in every

corner of the classroom. Every
Bulletin Board bulletin boards has a corresponding
contents in accordance with the
Display subject. Teacher posted the topics
quarterly. Also, the clasroom has
pupils’ profile and activities like
the daily sweepers.

The school library is located at the

Learning Resource
School FIELD STUDY 6 second floor The
– On Becoming of21Damaso
Centurybldg. Also,
Teacher| 36
there is reading available, located
Schedules beside Principal’s office.
1. Would you consider teaching as a full time job? Why? Why not?

Yes I consider teaching a full time job. First, because

teachers especially here in provinces acquire eight hours at
school. Second, because teachers are occupied by school works
at home especially in planning their lessons for everyday
teaching. Third, teachers are not only occupied by the school
works but also with the activities in our community. So to sum
up, being a teacher is a multitasking also a “multiple
profession” you have. It not just a profession or work that at
the end of the day you comply with all the requirements and
have your salary. Instead being a teacher is a call, you must
be committed and devoted in this profession. You will not
appreciate teaching if you are just looking for a wage so as
you cannot produce a committed and devoted citizen in the

2. Are the conditions in the classroom conducive to the welfare of

both the learners and teacher? How will you improve on it?

Yes, because the classroom structure is well defined wherein in

every corner learner will learn by the posted information,
sayings and any other learning materials. The classroom are
well labeled in order that the learners will be able to find
easily a particular things where it could be found.

3. After closely observing the teacher in the school setting, are

you motivated to continue on becoming a teacher? What in the
teacher’s practices inspire you to become a professional

After closely observing the teacher in the school setting, I am

motivated to continue on becoming a teacher. Being a teacher is
a noblest despite the odds you will encounter along the way. I
inspire to become a teacher because teacher has a major role in
the growth and improvement of each and every pupils. In every
dream and success of your pupils you have a contribution to
attain what they want to be in the future. And it is a great

FIELD STUDY 6 – On Becoming The 21st Century Teacher| 37

feeling that because of you people are experiencing a good life
and a good future.

4. How can I improve the school setting that I have observed when
I become a teacher?
To improve the school setting that I have when I become a
future teacher I must be also observe the following;

a. Classroom arrangement: well ventilated and well organized;

the tables, desks, board, feeding paraphernalia and learning

b. Bulletin Board Display: attractive, updated and informative

c. School playground: clean, safe and distant to the classrooms

In a Classroom Setting:

FIELD STUDY 6 – On Becoming The 21st Century Teacher| 38

In a School Setting:

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FIELD STUDY 6 – On Becoming The 21st Century Teacher| 40
Episode 4

FS 6

Learning Episode 4 THE TEACHER

My FS Learning Task Overview

In the Philippines, the governmenthas built schools in almost all

Barangays, town or city. This was done to provide access and equal

FIELD STUDY 6 – On Becoming The 21st Century Teacher| 41

oppurtunity for every school child for equality education. At
present, here are more than half a million public school teacher
deployed in all these schools throughout the country. The school
and the teacher have a very crucial responsibility in bringing
about change and development in the community on one hand and the
community provides a lot learning oppurtunities on the other hand.

Where else can one find resoyrces that are authentic and are in
the context of the school setting? The COMMUNITY. Who is one
significant community person who earns great resect of the
community? THE TEACHER.

 Identify community resources available for use by the teachers

in the school through a Rapid Appraisal Survey.
 Observe how teachers utilize community resources in teaching.
 Collect information on how the teacher is looked upon in the

My Learning Essentials

Here are some key points in this episode:

 While the school is the official working place of a Teacher,
the community is the wider learning environment.
 School are often perceived to be the transformative agent of
change, hence the teachers are the agent of change.
 The teachers are looked upon as important agents of change.
 Teachers’ roles and functions do not stop within the four
walls of the school, but extend beyond the community.
 The community provides the authentic resource for teaching
and learning.

FIELD STUDY 6 – On Becoming The 21st Century Teacher| 42


Permission to conduct the community survey should be secured from

your teacher. The same permission shall be asked from the Barangay

It is suggested that this activity will be done by groups of five,

to facilitate the collection of the data and to enhance your

FIELD STUDY 6 – On Becoming The 21st Century Teacher| 43

understanding of the community situation.Follow the suggested


1. Report to the Barangay Captain upon arrival in

the community.
2. Peruse a community map to find out the area are
going to cover.
3. Secure the available information from the records
of the Barangay secretary.
4. Provide the oppurtunity to go around the baranay for
visual observation.
5. Interview some folks from whom you can secure or
verify the data.

FIELD STUDY 6 – On Becoming The 21st Century Teacher| 44


Name of the School in the Barangay: PCES/ Learning Center

Name of the Barangay: San Nicolas
Name of the Town/Municipality: Panganiban
Name of the Province/City: Catanduanes

I.Barangay Location
1. Distance from the City (in Km): 0.5km
2. Distance from the College/ University where enrolled:300m

II. Demography
1. Population: 487
2. Number of households: 110
3. Number of school-going children: 46

III. Physical Features (highlight the number of the type)

1. Lowland
2. Upland
3. Mountainous
4. Coastal

IV. Facilities (highlight the number of the facility that exists)

1. School
2. Community center
3. Plaza
4. Health Center
5. Market
6. Cooperative Store
7. Church/Chapel
8. Electricity
9. Drinking Water supply
10. Reading Center
11. Cell Site

V. Agricultural Resources (Please highlight the number if

1. Rice fields
2. Cornfields
3. Sugarcane fields

FIELD STUDY 6 – On Becoming The 21st Century Teacher| 45

4. Coconut Palm
5. Fruit trees (Mango, Jackfruit etc.)
6. Forest trees (Mahogany, Narra etc.)
7. Bananas
8. Root crops
9. Livestocks (Carabao, Cattle)
10. Fisheries (Ponds, Deepsea)

VI. Commercial Resources(Please highlight if existing)

1.Sari-sari stores
2.Trading center
3.Rural banks
4.Cooperative stores
5.Product sales

VII. Developmental Programs in Barangay (highlight the number if

it exists)

1.Brigada eskwela
2.Clean and green
3.Gulayan ng Bayan
4.Peace and Order
5.Others (please list)

VIII. Annual Community Activities (Please highlight if it exist)

1.Barangay Fiesta
2.Community Festival
3.Sport Festival
4.Search for Miss Barangay
5.Christmas celebration

IX. Other significant data of the community


FIELD STUDY 6 – On Becoming The 21st Century Teacher| 46

During the Spanish regime, Barangay San Nicolas was named as
one of the barangays in the poblacion area, bounded on the north
by rice fields, on the south, by Brgy. Sta. Maria, on the east, by
Parish Church, and on the west, by Camparil River. As the settlers
expanded, the street was extended northeastward, going to the
Catholic Cemetery. This is called Sto. Nino Street.

The inhabitants of this place used to be very active when it

comes to holding of religious activities. It is said that one of
the highlights in celebrating the feast day of their Patron Saint,
Senior San Nicolas Tolentino was staging of the “Gran Comedia”
participated in by some talented young and middle aged
constituents who were originally trained by Spanish friars. In the
month of May, they also used to dance the “Dotoc” as a culmination
to the search for “Holy Cross” where Jesus Christ was crucified.
Celebrations were usually held in their chapel, erected at the end
of the road where it stands until now.

Today however, all these died down because of modernization.

Nevertheless, religious traditions obtaining in the parish that
are commemorated yearly are still upheld by this barangay.



FIELD STUDY 6 – On Becoming The 21st Century Teacher| 47

After making the inventory of community resources, spend some time
to observe classes and find out which are being utilized by the



The plants in which they identify its parts

and they discussed it. Plants also used in
experimenting and studying on how it grows
and multiply.

The land marks within the community in which

the teacher uses it so that the pupils will
have a meaningful learning by applying it in
a situation that every pupils will
understand like in studying the distances
using a metric sytem, m, dm,km and so on…
The demand and supply in a community in
order to respond the needs of people when
SOCIAL STUDIES you are interested in having a good income
just like if you want to have your own sari-
sari store.

Activity 3
FIELD STUDY 6 – On Becoming The 21st Century Teacher| 48
Visit the school in the community which you surveyed. Interview a

1. What school activities do you conduct that allow the

participation of the people in the barangay?
Nutrition Month Celebration. People in the barangay
participated to joined his/her child in the contest for A1
Bright child in the community.
2. Are there community activities that you, as teacher join? Please
name. Do your learners join also thes activities?
Yes, the Supplemental Feeding Program, the teacher joined to
managed and assist the learners to maintain good health and
3. What leraning do your pupils gain from the participation?
Develop social habits, confidence, knowledge,skills and
sharing valuable experiences.
4. What does the community benefit from joining in your school
Good relationship between community and school awareness and
learning experience and accountable.
5. As per your onservation, are the lesson that you taught in the
school transferred to the homes or the community?
Yes, thus anything which can be learned may be transferred to
the homes or the to the community. Example, the child must not
only be able to remember, but also be able to select from his
experinces. These responses resulting improvements or in some
cases the inference which developed


FIELD STUDY 6 – On Becoming The 21st Century Teacher| 49
Randomly select 10 community members for a survey. Use the survey
instrument below:


For Community Members:____________________

Elected Official:_________________________
Community member:_________________________

1. Do you ask teachers advice for a solution of a problem?

2. Do you cooperate when teachers request you to do
something in school?
3. Do you consider the teacher asa respected person by
community members?
4. Do teachers help in the improvement of your community?
5. Do teachers serve as models in their behavior in the
6. How best will you describe all teachers in the school?

*See Portfolio Entry for results

After making a survey of the barangay and interviewing the

teacher, answer the following questions:

1. How do you feel about the participation of the school, teacher

and learners in the celebration of the barrio fiesta?

FIELD STUDY 6 – On Becoming The 21st Century Teacher| 50

The celebration of barrio fiesta is lively and enjoyable. Every
is happy participating and happy seeing everyone is enjoying
the feast.
2. How does the view of the people in the community improve the
teachers status?
The community gives so much respect to every teacher in their
community because teachers are the role model. In a community
teachers are always involve in every activities happens within
a society.
3. What realization that relate to you in becoming a teacher, have
you gained from your concrete experiences and observations in the
Yes, so as afuture teacher I must be aware of what is happening
in the community. Engage in the activities implmented, be a
part of society’s immprovement. Always cooperate with the



Elected Official: ✔ Community Member:
1. Do you ask teachers advice for a solution of a problem?
2. Do you cooperate when teachers request you to do
something in school? YES
3. Do you consider the teacher asa respected person by
community members?YES

FIELD STUDY 6 – On Becoming The 21st Century Teacher| 51

4. Do teachers help in the improvement of your community?
5. Do teachers serve as models in their behavior in the
community? YES
6. How best will you describe all teachers in the school?



Elected Official: ✔ Community Member:
1. Do you ask teachers advice for a solution of a problem?
2. Do you cooperate when teachers request you to do
something in school? YES
3. Do you consider the teacher asa respected person by
community members?YES
4. Do teachers help in the improvement of your community?
5. Do teachers serve as models in their behavior in the
community? YES
6. How best will you describe all teachers in the school?



Elected Official: ✔ Community Member:
1. Do you ask teachers advice for a solution of a problem?
2. Do you cooperate when teachers request you to do
something in school? YES
3. Do you consider the teacher asa respected person by
community members?YES
4. Do teachers help in the improvement of your community?
5. Do teachers serve as models in their behavior in the
community? YES

FIELD STUDY 6 – On Becoming The 21st Century Teacher| 52

6. How best will you describe all teachers in the school?



Elected Official: ✔ Community Member:
1. Do you ask teachers advice for a solution of a problem?
2. Do you cooperate when teachers request you to do
something in school? YES
3. Do you consider the teacher asa respected person by
community members?YES
4. Do teachers help in the improvement of your community?
5. Do teachers serve as models in their behavior in the
community? YES
6. How best will you describe all teachers in the school?



Elected Official: ✔ Community Member:
1. Do you ask teachers advice for a solution of a problem?
2. Do you cooperate when teachers request you to do
something in school? YES
3. Do you consider the teacher asa respected person by
community members?YES
4. Do teachers help in the improvement of your community?
5. Do teachers serve as models in their behavior in the
community? YES
6. How best will you describe all teachers in the school?

FIELD STUDY 6 – On Becoming The 21st Century Teacher| 53



Elected Official: ✔ Community Member:
1. Do you ask teachers advice for a solution of a problem?
2. Do you cooperate when teachers request you to do
something in school? YES
3. Do you consider the teacher asa respected person by
community members?YES
4. Do teachers help in the improvement of your community?
5. Do teachers serve as models in their behavior in the
community? YES
6. How best will you describe all teachers in the school?



Elected Official: ✔ Community Member:
1. Do you ask teachers advice for a solution of a problem?
2. Do you cooperate when teachers request you to do
something in school? YES
3. Do you consider the teacher asa respected person by
community members?YES
4. Do teachers help in the improvement of your community?
5. Do teachers serve as models in their behavior in the
community? YES
6. How best will you describe all teachers in the school?


FIELD STUDY 6 – On Becoming The 21st Century Teacher| 54

Elected Official: Community Member: ✔
1. Do you ask teachers advice for a solution of a problem?
2. Do you cooperate when teachers request you to do
something in school? YES
3. Do you consider the teacher asa respected person by
community members?YES
4. Do teachers help in the improvement of your community?
5. Do teachers serve as models in their behavior in the
community? YES
6. How best will you describe all teachers in the school?



Elected Official: Community Member: ✔
1. Do you ask teachers advice for a solution of a problem?
2. Do you cooperate when teachers request you to do
something in school? YES
3. Do you consider the teacher asa respected person by
community members?YES
4. Do teachers help in the improvement of your community?
5. Do teachers serve as models in their behavior in the
community? YES
6. How best will you describe all teachers in the school?



FIELD STUDY 6 – On Becoming The 21st Century Teacher| 55

Elected Official: Community Member: ✔
1. Do you ask teachers advice for a solution of a problem?
2. Do you cooperate when teachers request you to do
something in school? YES
3. Do you consider the teacher asa respected person by
community members?YES
4. Do teachers help in the improvement of your community?
5. Do teachers serve as models in their behavior in the
community? YES
6. How best will you describe all teachers in the school?

Picture of the landscape view of the community

FIELD STUDY 6 – On Becoming The 21st Century Teacher| 56

Pictures taken after the interview process .

Episode 5

FIELD STUDY 6 – On Becoming The 21st Century Teacher| 57

FS 6

Learning Episode 5 THE GLOBAL

Teaching is a respectable profession the world over. The status of
teachers has been comparable in all parts of the globe, hence each
year, a celebration of the WORLD TEACHER’S DAY:

This alone would tell us, the reconition and honor given to the
best profession of all: TEACHING. A teacher is an extraordinary
person in whose hands lie the future of the world. A teacher
regardless of what country he/she comes from should be a GLOBAL

Thus, you should have qualities, skills, knoledge, views, with

wider breadth and deeper sense because you too will be a global

FIELD STUDY 6 – On Becoming The 21st Century Teacher| 58

 Identify competencies of the global Filipino teacher.
 Increase knowledge of other countries teachers
 Compare the global teacher with the other teachers of the

Let us begin with ourselves, THE Filipino teachers. Why are

Filipino teachers doing very well in classrooms and schools
outside our country? Are Filipino teachers doing well in our
country as well? Many of them are awarded as exemplar teachers,
best teachers and model teachers. They are honored by the school,
parents and community as well. Would you like to be teacher of the
21st century? As global teachers, you should be the excellent ones.

Read some teaching skills and qualities needed of global teachers

in the 21st century.


Thinks and acts both locally and globally

Has classroom management skills
Makes content relevant and updated
Has skills in critical thinking.
Uses technology in education
Has deep understanding of multiculturalism and

FIELD STUDY 6 – On Becoming The 21st Century Teacher| 59

Has skills to collaborate with teams
Brings the world into the classroom, school and
Continuously grow professionally

Here are the steps that you should take in order to reach your

desired learning outcome.

1. Request for a short interview of any public school teacher about

the teacher’s competencies in the NCBTS.

2. Request the teacher to answer a short questionnaire on the NCBTS

teacher’s competencies.

3. Analyze the data.

 In which of the seven domains did the teacher rate the

herself/himself HIGH?

 Which competencies are practiced by the teacher all the time?

Often? Sometimes? Never?

4. Go to the web, interview, chat, skype or use other means to

obtain the information about other teachers in at least two other

countries aside from the Philippines.

FIELD STUDY 6 – On Becoming The 21st Century Teacher| 60

NCBTS and the Global Filipino
Activity 1

Name of thr Teacher: Helen C. Barona

School: San Miguel Elementary School

Grade level/Year level: Grade 2

Instruction: Based on your NCBTS-TSNA Individual profile, please

check the Domain, where you rated yourself HIGH. Please give your

NCBTS-TSNA If HIGH, Give brief explanation why you are
DOMAINS check rated HIGH
 Act as a positive role model
Domain 1 √
for students
Domain 2 √  Creates an environment that
promotes fairness
 Makes physical environment
safe and conducive
 Commmunicates higher learning
expectations to each learner

FIELD STUDY 6 – On Becoming The 21st Century Teacher| 61

 Establishes and maintains
consistent standards of
learner’s behavior
 Is familiar with learner’s
background knowledge and
Domain 3 √
 Demonstrates concern for
holistic development of
 Demonstate mastery of the
 Communicates clear learning
goals for the lessons
appropriate for learners
 Makes good use of allotted
Domain 4 √ instructional time
 Selects teaching methods,
learning activities, and
instructional or resources
appropriate to learners anf]d
aligned to the objectives of
the lesson
Domain 5 √  Communicates prompty and
clearly to learners, parents
and superiors about the
progress of learners
 Develops and uses a variety
of appropriate assessment
strategies to monitor and
evaluate learning
 Monitors regularly and

FIELD STUDY 6 – On Becoming The 21st Century Teacher| 62

provide feedback on learners’
understanding of content
 Establishes learning
environment that respond to
Domain 6 √
the aspiration of the
 Takes pride in the nobility
of teaching an a profession
 Builds professional links
Domain 7 √ with colleagues to enrich
teaching practice
 Reflects on the extent of the
attainment of learning goals

Instruction: Below is a checklist for the teacher you requested to


I am a Global Filipino Teacher. Do I practice/possess these

qualities or competencies?
No or Yes Frequency:
All the time---3



Do I… - + 0 1 2 3

FIELD STUDY 6 – On Becoming The 21st Century Teacher| 63

1. demonstrate values for lifelong √
2. teach considering that learning is √
of different kinds?
3. create an envirnment that is safe √
and conducive for learning?
4. communicate higher learning √
expectations to each other?
5. accept learners diverse knowledge √
and expectations
6. demonstrate mastery of thr subject √
7. make use of allotted instructional √
8. recognize that each learner is √
9. demonstrate skills in the use of √
10. develop and use appropriate √
instructional plan?
11. Develop the use a variety of √
instructional support materials?
12.Develop and use a 76 variety of √
appropriate assessment strategies?
13. Communicate promptly and clearly √
to learners, parents and superiors
about learners progress?
14. Take pride in the nobility of the √
15.Enhance myself through continuing √
professional development?

How many competencies are rated as:

A. All the time 0
B. Often 0
C. Sometimes 1
D. Never 0

FIELD STUDY 6 – On Becoming The 21st Century Teacher| 64

Activity 2

Activity 1 describes the competencies that a global Filipino

Teacher should possess. Now, we need to know what competenies are
required of other teachers from other countries of the world.

Since we cannot travel physically to other countries, we can reach

these places through the use of modern technology like surfing,
chat, emails through the world wide web, interviews and use of
other sources of information.

Choose at least two countries other than the Philippins. Search

for the personal and professional competencies required of the
teachers in that particular country. You may also interview a
Filipino teacher who has taught in these countries.


Name ofStates
Country of America

Personal Qualities 1. High-Achieving: The individual has a history of

of success no matter what the endeavor.
Teachers 2. Responsible: Instead of blaming others or
circumstances, the individual takes full
responsibility for achieving a positive outcome.
3. Critical thinker: The individual reflects about
the linkages between cause and effect instead
of simply reacting to the effect.
4. Organized: The individual is able to juggle

FIELD STUDY 6 – On Becoming The 21st Century Teacher| 65

multiple projects and tasks successfully.
5. Motivating: The individual is able to influence
and motivate others to action, as evidenced by
effective leadership in extracurricular
activities such as student-run organizations or
athletic teams.
6. Respectful: The individual assumes the best
about people, especially people in low-income
7. Shares the goals of the organization: The
individual wants to work toward TFA’s mission
of eliminating educational inequities.

Professional The National Board for Professional Teaching Standards'

Qualities of What Teachers Should Know and Be Able to Do,
Teachers developed by teachers in the United States, provides a
good example of professional standards as values.
The principles include:
1. Teachers are committed to students and their
2. Teachers know the subjects they teach and how to
teach those subjects to students.
3. Teachers are responsible for managing and monitoring
student learning.
4. Teachers think systematically about their practice
and learn from experience.
5. Teachers are members of learning communities.

These are core propositions, or values, setting out in

general terms what United States teachers think
accomplished teachers should know and be able to do,
regardless of the level or specialist field in which
they taught. The five propositions provide the
philosophical basis for the development and elaboration
of standards for specific fields and levels of teaching
(such as primary teaching, or high school science

Requirements to 1. Degree from accredited teacher's college.

become Select a teacher's college or college with a

FIELD STUDY 6 – On Becoming The 21st Century Teacher| 66

Professional teacher's program.
Teachers 2. Bachelor's or Master's degree Choose a college
program. If you choose to major in secondary
education, you will need at least one major
and a minor or two majors. To make yourself more
interesting to potential employers, major in two
areas. Because of No Child Left Behind
mandates, you must be highly qualified, which
means at least 45 hours of course work in your
major area. For elementary education, you may
have to specialize in either lower, middle or
upper elementary grades. If you are required to
teach a core course, you will need a major in
that core area. Elementary programs usually
focus on grade levels and a major in a core
course, such as English/language arts, math,
science or geography. Special education
programs require a focus in a specific area,
such as learning disabilities or mental
handicaps. Include a good liberal arts
background in your electives as well.
3. Proficiency in core content areas Acquire your
teacher's license or certification.
4. State license Know the laws of the No Child
Left Behind Act that requires teachers to be
"highly qualified." This means you must have a
Bachelor's degree in education and demonstrate
proficiency in a core content area if you are
teaching in one of those areas

Name of Country
Personal Qualities
are many personal qualities and skills
that make someone a good teacher.These include:
Teachers being good at explaining things;
being a people person and enjoy working with a
wide range of people;
having a strong knowledge in particular subject

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being a good time manager;
ability to work in a team as well as using your
own initiative;
keeping your cool under pressure;
having patience and a good sense of humor;
being fair-minded;
coping well with change; and
enjoying a challenge.Good teachers know that by
listening to and working with colleagues,
parents,other professionals and community
members that they can inspire students
andimprove their learning
Professional Know the students and how they learn. Lead
Qualities of teachers are expected to select, develop,
Teachers evaluate and revise teaching strategies “to
improve student learning using knowledge of the
physical, social and intellectual development
And characteristics of students” in order to
meet the needs of students from diverse cultural
and economic backgrounds (AITSL, 2011).Know the
content and how to teach it. Lead teachers must
be able to “leadinitiatives […] to evaluate and
improve knowledge of content and teaching
strategies,” as well as to “monitor and evaluate
the implementation of teaching strategies to
expand learning opportunities and
contentknowledge for all students” (AITSL,

Plan for and implement effective teaching and

learning. Qualified lead teachers should
“demonstrate exemplary practice and high
expectations […] and lead colleagues to plan,
implement and review the effectiveness of their
learning and teaching programs” (AITSL, 2011).

Create and maintain supportive and safe learning


Lead teachers are expected to be active in “the

FIELD STUDY 6 – On Becoming The 21st Century Teacher| 68

development Of productive and inclusive learning
environments,” as well as to “lead and implement
behavior management initiatives” (AITSL, 2011)
in order to ensure students’ well-being. Assess,
provide feedback and report on student learning.
Lead teachers are required to “evaluate school
assessment policies and strategies” to diagnose
learning needs and to “co-ordinate student
performance and program evaluation using
internal and external student assessment data to
improveteaching practice (AITSL, 2011).Engage in
professional learning.

Lead teachers should initiate collaborative

relationships to expand professional learning
opportunities, engagein research, and provide
quality opportunities and placements for pre-
service teachers” (AITSL, 2011).

Engage professionally with colleagues,

parents/carers and thecommunity.Professional and
community networks and support[ing] the
involvement ofcolleagues in external learning
opportunities” (AITSL, 2011)

Requirements to 1.Gain the relevant qualifications for teacher

become registration byobtaining either a four-year
Professional bachelor of education (BEd) or a three-year
Teachers degree, such as a bachelor of arts (BA) or
bachelorof science (BSc). You can then enter an
education faculty of auniversity and complete a
graduate educational methodology degree, which
will enable you to teach in high school.
2.Note that in Australia, if you obtain a BEd or
other primary degree, you must have two majors
or teaching areas to be registered as a
teacher. When considering courses, make sure
you select two teaching areas. Note also that
in Australia, a three-year degree is equivalent
to a U.S. four-yeardegree, as eight courses are

FIELD STUDY 6 – On Becoming The 21st Century Teacher| 69

completed each year in Australia, as opposed to
six in the United States.
3.Become registered with the relevant Teacher
Registration Board in your state. In
Queensland, there is the Queensland College of
Teachers, which is automatically notified of
allgraduates in education from universities
around the state. Newly graduated teachers,
however, will still have to contact the College
of Teachers to obtain their registration
4.Apply for teaching jobs. Once registration is
finished and youhave an ID card, you can
approach any private school for aposition as a
teacher; however, if you wish to teach in
thestate school districts, which pay higher
rates, you are required to go before a panel of
Education Department staff for a suitability
review. This is an interview, during which
youare required to answer in writing exactly
how you would handle a number of different
teaching scenarios, thus demonstrating your
teaching abilities.
5.Receive an S (suitability) rating following the
interview, which will determine how quickly you
will be offered a position inthe state school
system. A rating of S1 will be offered a job
almost immediately, and an S2 may have to wait
a few weeks.An S3 may need to take whatever
school is offered, no matter where, and an S4
really should study some more and try fo
ranother interview in a few months.
6.Learn the operating rules peculiar to each
state system. The rules will differ slightly in
each state in Australia, but they are
essentially the same. The teacher unions in
each state are nolonger compulsory, but most
teachers become members mainly because the
unions offer comprehensive lega lrepresentation
in case of litigation.

FIELD STUDY 6 – On Becoming The 21st Century Teacher| 70

If the NCBTS is the measure of a global teacher, can the teacher
you interviewed be able to meet the challenges of global
education? Why? Why not?
Yes because every child needs a teacher. They hold keys to the
sustainable development of every society. “Education goals cannot
be meet without teacher”, the UNESCO said. Whatever maybe the
specialization of every teacher, local government priorities
education and retention in national education teacher, local
governments prioritize education and policies.
This is called paradigm shift needed in order to change the system
from the traditional ways, into the so called 21 st century global
standard teacher.

Are there similarities or differences among teachers in other

countries in terms of the standard requirements for a professional
teacher? Explain your answer.
I think there are similarities among teacher in other countries in
terms of standard requirements for a professional teacher because
the recognition of qualifications of professional teachers from
one ASEAN country to another was being facilitated. Like the
International Standard Organization, it facilitates uniform
standard qualification not just in the school but also the
teachers who have major role inside the school.

Are Filipino teachers comparable to their fellow teachers in other

I think yes, because there are also some Filipino teachers that
could really compete throughout the world. And there are some
cases where in Filipino teachers in other countries emphasized
because of their hard work and devotion in teaching profession.

FIELD STUDY 6 – On Becoming The 21st Century Teacher| 71

How would you prepare to become a global teacher of the 21 st
century? How do you see yourself?

Taking up this program and exposure in the field study are my

great armor in this profession I’m choosing. Although there are
times I find it hard in teaching, I consider myself become a
global teacher. In real teaching I know that it’s a matter of
adjustment and must be devoted in this profession. In 3 years
exposure in field study I learned a lot yet I know that it’s
enough to say that I’m a well-equipped future teacher but I’m
doing my best to be one. Everything is in the process so I
believed that in the future I will become a competitive and
global teacher.

Story of a Filipino Teacher Abroad

Teaching English to US Kids: A Pinay's Success Story

IBy Julita L. Lizardo

Updated Tuesday November 08, 2011 - 2:46pm

t was in November 2004 when the agency contacted me and said that I was
one of the teacher applicants who was scheduled to be interviewed by the
human resources representatives from the Baltimore City Public Schools.
They told me the time of the interview and that it was going to be held
at the Manila Peninsula Hotel in Makati City. I had mixed emotions when
I learned about this great news. I was ecstatic because I knew that I
was getting close to achieving my “American Dream.” At the same time, I
was also nervous because I knew that it was going to be a tough
competition among the teacher applicants.

Preparing for Charm City

So, I started planning and preparing for that interview. I began
thinking about the professional attire that I was going to wear. I also

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started reviewing my notes and books on special education and did my
research about the Baltimore City Public Schools and Baltimore City in
general. After my research, I learned about the special education
programs they had that time, curriculum, population, products, famous
places and its wonderful people. As a matter of fact, the city earned
its name as the “Charm City” in the United States because of its
beautiful people. In addition, I have also learned that one of my
favorite authors, Edgar Allan Poe was from Baltimore City. You can just
imagine how excited I was after learning all of these facts even before
my interview.
When the day of my interview came, I went to the hotel equipped and
ready to be grilled with questions. There, I saw a lot of teachers
waiting outside the room. Just like me, I can see in their faces
excitement and nervousness. I was able to witness different behaviors
while waiting for my turn. Some were reading and reviewing some notes
and books. Others were just chilling and waiting for their turn to be
over, while the rest were having conversations with each other. Based on
the conversations, I learned that everyone had only one goal! That was
to pass the interview because that was our ticket to have the taste of
the “American Dream.”

The interview that would spell the future

During my interview, I was surprised that the interviewer was kind and
was making me feel comfortable. During the interview, I have learned
that they were hiring Filipino teachers because there were not enough
highly qualified teachers in Baltimore City Schools to teach math,
science, and special education during that time. The No Child Left
behind Policy has been requiring school systems to hire highly qualified
teachers, which means teachers who are certified or have the potentials
to be certified in the said areas. As a result, they ended up hiring
teachers overseas which included the Philippines. They included the
Philippines because of our educational system being patterned from
theirs and with English being our medium of instruction. In addition,
speaking and hearing someone speaking the English language is an
everyday occurrence in the Philippines when doing business transactions
and in academic institutions. Even the street vendors who some of them
may not be able to express themselves in English fluently are also able
to understand the language. Isn’t it amazing? This is an asset that I
think our country has.

I was interviewed for at least 30 minutes and I was able to pass the
interview with flying colors. The district’s representative told me that
I was already hired even if she was not supposed to disclose the result
yet until all of the more than 200 applicants have already been
interviewed. It was such an unforgettable day! When I got out of the
room, it felt like I was in heaven! I kept jumping up and down while the

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rest of the applicants were looking at me crazily and maybe enviously.
Others also asked me about the questions that were asked and a lot more

After this memorable day, most of my days were spent submitting and
processing all my documents. I thought passing the interview was the
ticket to the US, but no! It was just the beginning of a very tedious
and agonizing process. It was in May 2005 when I was scheduled for an
interview before the US embassy. I would not forget that day, when my
visa was granted. It was a dream-come-true. All of my sleepless nights,
effort, perseverance and patience were paid off. I immediately thought
about the financial gains that it was going to bring me and my family.
My family and I started building castles in the air, like with my whole
family migrating to the US, experiencing the snow, etc. I was also after
the wonderful experience of being able to teach English to a country
whose mother tongue is English.

Goodbye Philippines
The remainder of my days after getting the visa was dreadful. I needed
to resign from my school where I was an English teacher for eight years.
I needed to face my students, colleagues and administrators confidently
to let them know that I was fine but in reality, I was not! Besides
saying goodbye to my institution, I also came to the realization that I
was leaving my two children and husband in less than a month. My
daughter was just in third grade during that time while my son was just
in first grade. That thought started to pierce my heart. I would cry
every night just thinking about it! It was too painful to think about
that I felt like I was going to die. But then again, the dream of me
giving my children a brighter future defeated my loneliness. That time,
as a parent, it was more important than for me to cater the loneliness
that was ahead of me.

When the day of my departure came, reality started to sink in! This was
the reality of being away from my children and my husband. At the
airport, I could see on the faces of my innocent children how lonely
they were that their beloved “Mama” was going to leave them. I could see
how they wished they could stop me from leaving! It was the loneliest
moment in my life. Even lonelier and more painful than the feeling that
I had when my father died. It was like a nightmare. I wish it was! That
way, I could have just waken up and found out that it was nothing but a
dream… but it was reality! My family was sitting in the bench outside
the airport as they bade goodbye. I needed to show them that I was brave
but the truth was, my heart was bleeding inside.

Adjusting to the American culture

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I, together with 50 other teachers, came to Baltimore City, Maryland in
June 2005. We shared the same experiences and heartaches. We had
difficulty adjusting to a new country, city, and most of all, living
with three other Filipino teachers in a two-bedroom apartment. But we
started to like it. We realized that besides God, we only had each other
because we did not have any family members who would be able to assist
us in times of need. We would take the bus, metro and the subway
whenever we needed to go to shopping centers. We would also gather in
each other’s apartment every Friday night for Bible studies.
My first year was a challenging one. I realized that teaching the native
speakers of the English language is still different from teaching
English to second language speakers of the language. They used a lot of
idioms which some of them, I was not even familiar with despite me being
an English teacher. My accent and pronunciation of some words were also
different despite me teaching speech and oral communication to college
students. My students would correct me and ask me to repeat what I was
saying. I did not get slighted by it, but rather, took it as a
I had students who had behavioral problems but my being strict with my
students in the Philippines and my knowledge about special education
helped me a lot during my first year. They came very handy. I did not
have serious problems with classroom management compared to my other
colleagues. Some of them were disrespectful but it was not because of my
accent and being a Filipino. One thing that these children are very much
oriented with is that they could not discriminate people because of
their speech, nationality and especially, the color of one’s skin. They
know that it is racism.

It was an adjustment to the culture as well. There were some things that
I would miss that our students do in the Philippines that our students
here do not do. Back home, our students and parents regard us as their
second parents. They put such high regard to teachers. Filipino students
stand to greet their teachers and whenever they respond to our
questions. It took me about a month to adjust in this regard. Then, I
realized that both I and my students were actually adjusting to each
other’s ways and cultures. I also realized that children are children
wherever you go all over the world. They will always need affection,
love, care, and most of all, will always be hungry for knowledge.

“Bayanihan spirit” lives on

I started to build and develop a rapport with my students, parents and
colleagues. Then, my students started inquiring about the Philippines
and its people. They wanted to know all the things about my country.
They were so curious about our country because they were not even
familiar that our country exists until I came to the school. One thing
that amazed them was when I told them that when the American children

FIELD STUDY 6 – On Becoming The 21st Century Teacher| 75

are in school, the Filipino children are sleeping. They did not have any
idea that it was happening on the other side of the world! My
administrators and parents liked me as well. Parents were happy that
their children were being taught by a highly qualified teacher. They
also liked me because they saw my passion and dedication to the teaching

I had colleagues who were already deciding to go back home during our
first year. However, with continued support and faith in God, we were
able to survive our first tough year. One thing that I can say about us
Filipino teachers is that, we’re resilient and as pliant as the bamboos.
Trials seemed to make us fall down but we just dusted ourselves off
instead and continued to stand from where we left off.

In retrospect, it was a very challenging yet rewarding first year.

Besides our administrators, parents, and students, we are also thankful
of the Filipino communities who supported us all the way. We truly have
witnessed the authentic “bayanihan” spirit from our friends in the River
of Life International Christian Fellowship. They were the ones who were
there to provide not only our tangible needs but most of all, our
spiritual needs. They demonstrated the real essence of a Christian
spirit- that is helping brothers and sisters without any expectations of
being paid back. Our first year was successful because of their support.

Looking back
This is now my sixth year in my school and in my district. I have now
been a part of our leadership team and executive board. I, together with
my principal and other selected colleagues, meet weekly to discuss
school policies and programs that will make my school a well-run school.
My principal has given me multiple awards because of my contributions in
my school’s achievement of the Adequate Yearly Progress for three
consecutive years. I also have dismissed a lot of special education
students because they have already been performing on grade level after
giving then intensive reading instruction. I am glad and blessed that
they recognize my contribution to my school.

I have a lot of things to thank God for. My family has been here with me
for three years now. My daughter is now in ninth grade and my son is now
in seventh grade. Both of them are consistent honor students. Besides
enjoying some financial gains that coming to America had brought me and
my family, I am so thankful that I was able to know the real God. My God
who continues to love me unconditionally despite of my inequities? My
God who promises in Jeremiah 29:11 that, “For I know the plans that I
have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give
you hope and a future!”

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If you ask me if I feel bad about leaving the Filipino students behind
despite them being in need of good teachers like us, my answer is
sometimes. On the other hand, I also believe that we do not have to be
in our country to make our country proud. Every day, I always instill in
my mind that I am not just carrying myself but I’m also a “flag carrier”
of my beloved country. Every day, I make my country proud by making sure
that I am giving my best to my American students. That way, they will
remember my country because of this Filipino teacher who touched their
lives and whose name has been engraved in their hearts. I serve my
students because I do believe that God brought me to this country for a
reason, and that is to be like a parent to these children who are hungry
and longing for a parent’s love that some parents could not provide.

“Mabuhay tayong mga Pinoy!”

It has been a very successful six years because of my faith in God.
Without Him, I am nothing. I would have gone home and accepted my
defeat. I offer all of my success to Him. I hope that my story will
inspire other Filipino teachers overseas. I know that it is tough to be
away from our families but there is always light at the end of the
tunnel. That light is God! The more we experience struggles or
challenges the more that we should cling to God because He is our rock
and provider. May God continue to bless us and our families with good
health, perseverance, wisdom and determination? May He also continue to
bless our country and our adoptive countries as well? When you feel
lonely being away from your family, just read Romans 5:5, Matthew 6:25-
34, and Jeremiah 29:11. I hope that this article inspires all of the
Filipinos worldwide! Mabuhay tayong mga Pinoy!!!

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Episode 6

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FS 6

Learning Episode 6 THE TEACHER

In the Philippines, only those with a professional license are
authorized to teach. There are fundamental requirements to ba a
professional teacher. One has to graduate in college with a
baccalaureate degree, pass the Licensure Examination for Teacher
(LET) Bbe a member of professional teacher organizations and abide
by the Code O Ethics for Professional Teachers. In addition,
teachers must grow in the profession by undertaking continuing
professional development/education.

 Present clear definition of a professional teacher.

 Describe a Filipino professional teacher.
 Identify fundamental laws that professionalized teaching in the

Some of the basic questions on the professionalization of teaching

are the following:
1.What are the legal bases of considering teaching as a
2.What are the requirements to become a Professional Teacher?
3.What is the career path of a Filipino Professional Teacher?

FIELD STUDY 6 – On Becoming The 21st Century Teacher| 79

Consider these as answer:
1. Fundamental Laws and Policies
 1987 Philippine Constitution, Article XIV
 PD 1006 – Professionalization of Teacher
 RA 7836 – Regulation and Supervision of the practice of
teaching and prescribing the Licensure Examination for Teachers
or the Teachers Professionalization Act of 1994
 Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers

2. Qualifications of a Filipino Professional Teacher

 Holds a professional Teachers License
 Holds a bachelor degree in education or any bachelor’s degree
with 18 units of professional education units
 Member of a professional Teacher organization
 Undertake continuing professional development
 Abide by the code of ethics for professional teachers

3. Requirements to take the licensure examination for teachers

 Earned a bachelor degree in education or any bachelor’s degree
with 18 units of professional education units
 Must be a Filipino citizen
 Other requirements as prescribed by the Professional Regulation
Commission PRC

4. Career Path of Professional Teachers

 Beginning Professional Teacher - 1 to 3 years of teaching
 Young Professional Teacher - 4 to 10 years of teaching
 Mentor/master Professional Teacher - 11 to 15 years of teaching
 Expert/Sterling Professional Teacher – 15 and above in teaching

This episode, will bring you to a closer encounter with

professional teachers, to achieve your desired learning outcomes,
you will follow this learning map.

STEP 1: Have a close encounter with a Beginning Professional


FIELD STUDY 6 – On Becoming The 21st Century Teacher| 80

STEP 2: Have a close encounter with a Young Professional
STEP 3: Have a close encounter with a Mentor/Master
Professional Teacher
STEP 4: Have a close encounter with the Expert or Sterling
Professional Teacher
STEP 5: Have a close encounter with a Retired Professional
STEP 6: Record all answers and prepare a written report
STEP 7: Request to take picture of the teacher which will form
a part of your report.



Where did you earn your degree? When?

I earned my degree in education at Catanduanes State
University Panganiban Campus.

How did your pass University prepare you to become a good

The University equate every trainee to become competent
teacher by giving quality education as well as leading
trainee to be a better person they can be inside and outside
the school.

When did you pass the licensure examination for teacher? What
was your passing rating?
I passed the LET last September 17, 2014 having a rate of

FIELD STUDY 6 – On Becoming The 21st Century Teacher| 81

When did you start teaching as a a professional?
I started teaching as a professional last September 08, 2015

What makes you happy as a teacher?

I feel happy when I saw my pupils having interest with their
studies and starting to dream

What disappoints you as a teacher?

I am disappointed whenever the pupils did not do their

What professional development activities/tranings have you

participated in?
I participated trainings like “Training in thesis writing”
held at training camp, Baguio City.

Are you a member of a professonal organization? What is the

name of Organization
Now, I am a trainee in MTAP

As a professional teacher, what code of conduct do yu

strictly follow? Can you name the specific behavior that
shuld be followed to the utmost?
The code of conduct I strictly follow are stated below: 1.
Maintaning harmonous relationship to my co-worker and others.
2. Participate in every activity regarding my growth in
personal and professional aspeects. 3. Adequate the
importance oof moral values to the pupil in order for them to
think of the goodness not to have have their deeds at the
wrong path.
What kind of professional teacher would you dream to become
before you retire?
Master Teachers


– On Becoming The 21st EXPERIENCE)
Century Teacher| 82
Are you satisfied with your job as a professonal teacher for
the past few years? If yes, why? If no, why not?
According to him in his nine years in teaching profession, he
can say that he is not satisfied enough in his chosen carrer.
According to him, the salary of a teacher is not sufficient to
cater all the needs especially to those teachers with bigger

What are the things that you do as a professional teacher that

make you happy? Sad?
The thing that makes him happy is that seeing his former
students successful in their chosen field. Second, seeing his
family happy. The things that makes him sad is the opposite to
what makes him happy.

What are your plans for the future asa professional teacher?
He has so many plan as a teacher, first to be promoted to a
higher position. To travel abroad or even within the
philippines are some of his plans as a techer. Being a
government employee is a great honor and previleged one because
in terms of security its immesurable .

Do you think you will retire as a professional teacher or look

for other jobs? Why?
And yes I will retire as a professional teacher because I have
already embrace teaching.


Are you satisfied with your job as a mentor professional
teacher for the past few years?

FIELD STUDY 6 – On Becoming The 21st Century Teacher| 83

As a mentor and as a professional teacher, I can say that I am
satisfied because I was able to contribute to the personal and
professional growth of my students. On the other hand, I also
gained personal and professinal growth whch for me is a
contibutory factor in achieving job satisfaction on the part of
a teacher.

What are the things that you do as a mentor younger

professional teacher that make you happy?
As a mentor, I am happy to share my learning experiences to my
students. May it be both happy and sad, I want to impart that
whatever our experiences I have there are lessons that we need
too cherish and I want my students to always look at the bright
side of life that no matter what happens there would be a
bright future ahead of us.

How did you mentor younger professional teachers?

To be a mentor, first I let them feel that I am their friend so
that they could be able to express their thoughts freely. A am
a kind of mentor who keeps on encouraging and motivating. I
want my students to keep on striving and pursuing life’s
challenges. I am deeply honored by the fact that until now I
have kept my friendship to my students who are already

Looking back to your early years asa professional, how do you

compare yourself with your mentees now?
During my early years as a professional, I was so thankful that
I was given a chance to work with experienced and dedicated
teachers which I consider them as my mentor because I learned
so many things from them not only in teaching but also about
LIFE. During those years, gadgets are not yet available unlike
today. So students those years have more focus on their studies
unlike today where students are disturbed by so many
distractions like social media, entertainment game and other
applications istalled in their cellphones.

FIELD STUDY 6 – On Becoming The 21st Century Teacher| 84

What awards or citations have you received?
Some of the awards/ citations I have received are the
a. 2012 Service Awardee
b. Certificate of Commendation in recognition of untiring
dedication and commendable service which led to the meritous
achievement of CSU-PC in producing LET National Placer
(Florenio Tugay, 2nd Placer National Level)

What are your plans for the future as a professional teacher or

be promoted to higher position?
To pursue my doctorate degree and to engage in researches are
some of my future plans because doctoral degree and researches
arre mandates a college faculty.

Do you think you will retire as a professional teacher or be

promoted to a higher position?
In higher educatio, positions are just designations.
Designations are permanent in nature it is based on the trust
and confidence of the supervisor meaning to say any faculty can
be designated to any position without additional compensation.
However, in order to enjoy higher wage, doctorate degree and
researches are the passports. I am ot dreaming of a higher
position but I am working for a higher faculty rank.



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Are you satisfied with your job as a professional teacher for
the past years?
Yes, very much satisfied because I have many students who are
sucessful in their chosen career, in fact they are coming back
to their Alma Mater to donate an amount for use by the school.

What are the things that you do asa an exrpert professonal

teacher that make you happy? Sad?
Of course, by imparting knowledge that I have to them, which
help them become sucessful in their choosen field.

What was tour most unforgettable experience as an expert

professional teacher?
My unforgettable experience as a professional teacher is; I was
in Manila for vacation, we went to SM at Cubao, I was surprised
when someone called me Ma’am, when I saw her, I did not say
anything because, I don’t recognized her so we cotinue walking,
then she called me again saying, “he si ma’am suplada na oy” so
I stopped walking, I smiled by asking her, “taga Payo ka
tabi?”, “Sino ka”, those are questions I was able to asked her,
then she replied “Ako baga si Ronalyn” after that, she embraced
me by saying “Salamat Ma’am, your advices is part of my
success, lahat ng sinabi mo totoo”. Nakakataba ng puso
pakinggan ang mga tagpong ganito. This only means that all
teachers are part of the success of their students.

What do you consider asa your most significant contribution to

the teaching profession?
Seeing my students being successful in their career choice.

What are your plans for the future as an expert professional

I am planning to have a vacation again because I am planning to
retire next school year.

Have you been promoted in your job? Why wre you promoted? What
benefits did you get from your promotion?

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Yes, from Teacher I to Teacher II and finally Teacher III. Well
I deserve to be promoted because I am qualified to the
position. The benefit is an additional amount as part of the
salary received by a teacher.



What are your usual activities as a retired professional

-Doing household chores
-Participation in community organization
-Rendering services to the church
-Attendin PTA Meeting as parent guardian

Did you find your past teaching experiences memorable? What

were your most significant experiences?
Yes, my past teaching experience was so memorable and my most
significant experiences was when I was coach in mini-volleyball
girls competed to the provincial level.

How long have you taught asa aprofessional teacher? Do you have
any regrets of having been a professional teacher?

I have taught 38 years as a professional teacher. My only

regret is that some of my pupils were not aware of the learning
given to them and were not able to pursue their college

What do you consider asa yor most significant contribution to

the teaching profession?
My significant contibution to the teaching profession when I
let all my pupils continue to their studies in highschool and

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college and that they were able to grasp all knowledge we
taught to them.

Have you been promoted in your job?Why were you promoted? What
benefits did you get from your promotion?
Yes I was promoted as a Master Teacher I because I deserve it
and of my educational qualification I was so deligient in my
work and take up masteral degree, I was benifited for my
salary was increased compare to a Principal I.

Would you consider teaching asa the greatest profession?

Yes teaching is the noblest profession because you mold the
character of a child, help them to read and write, level with
the child by being honest.

What food for thought would you like to give us, and the young
professional teachers?
Food for thought:
A good teacher has been defined as an individual who can
understand those who are very good in explaining, and explain
to those who are no very good in understanding. (Dwight D.

For young professonal teachers:

The tue aim of everyone who aspires to be a teacher not to
impart is own opinion, but to kindle minds (FW Robertson).

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Based on the answers given by the teachers you interviewed, do
they reflect a true professional teacher?

1. Why do you think so?

Definitely yes, because all of them passed the requirements of
being a professional teachers. In addition, they have acquire
both personal and professional qualities that manifest an good

2. Why do you think so?

So far, I have no doubt of them of being a professional
teachers because upon interviewing I observed and recognized
them as a true professional teacher. They all have the goal as
a professional teacher where in they really assure that every
learners really learn from them.

3. Based on the interviews you conducted, is being a professional

teacher a fulfilling job? Why?
Yes, because teaching is not only the thing a teache can
manifest inside/outside the school. Teachers also serve as a
second mother of every students. She was capable of doing all
things for the goodness and betterment of his/her pupils. She
is concern with all the consequences that may arises
inside/outside the school.

4. Considering that you will be a future professional teacher,

what standards of behavior should you uphold based on the Code
of Ethics for Professional Teachers?
As a future teacher I shall encourage myself that to become a
professional teacher I must knowledgeable enough of those Code
of Ethics for Professional teachers. Considering that I am a
future professinal teacher, I will sustain and put up with the

rights of every learners. That they must be feel that they
really taking good care by his/her teachers. Most importantly,
I must avvoided those any violent actions that my students may

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involve. Finally, I must be a role model of my pupils. Teaching
doesn’t impart knowledge also the character that a child should

Close Encounter with the Beginning Professional

Sir Mark Anthony Fernandez is a Grade VI Adviser at Tagiug
Integrated School. He earned his degree in education of
Catanduanes State University Panganiban Catanduanes.
According to him the universiy equate every trainee to become
competent teacher by giving quality education as well as
leading trainee to be a better personthey can inside and
outside the school. He passed the LET last September 17,
2014having a rate of 77.80. He started teaching as a
professional last September 08, 2015. He feel happy in
teaching when he saw his pupils having interest with their
studies and starting to dream at their young age. He feel
disappointed whenever the pupils did not prepare their
homework. He is now a trainee in MTAP. The code of conduct
he strictly follow are stated below: 1. Maintaning harmonous
relationship to my co-worker and others. 2. Participate in
every activity regarding my growth in personal and
professional aspeects. 3. Adequate the importance oof moral
values to the pupil in order for them to think of the
goodness not to have have their deeds at the wrong path.

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My Daily Time Record

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IV 2016-2017

My Overall Reflection

As a future educator, I must pass the Licensure Examination for Teachers so

that I can say that I fullfilled my study in college and I can say that I am
professional teacher so that I am authorized to teach and share my knowledge
to my future pupils.

I shall bear in in mind the different fundamentalrequirements to be a

professional teacher. One has to graduate in college with a Baccalaurette
degree, pass the LET, be a member of professional teacher organization and
abide bt the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers.

I shall acquire those 21st century skills for teachers to make the client
satisfy of what they should throughout their lives.

I must be aware of what community I belong when I am already a teacher. I

shall challenge myself to accept them as a family too, because this commuinty
has a counterpart in the progress of the school and other environment. I must
build a harmonious rapport with the community and other people around to
promote oneness as a family.

To be a teacher is not just a profession, it is a call. I shall be devoted in

my every action. Being a teacher is a role model in a community so I must be
careful with my mind and actions.

I must also prepare yself to be globally competitive because I am one of the

21st century teacher in the future.


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5 4 3 2 1
1. Visual Very Ordinary, Colorful, Plain Very
Appeal Colorful, Very Ordinary, Ordinary, ordinary, Not
Extraordinar attractive Attractive Not attractive
y attractive
2. Very Organized Organized Fair Disorganized
Organization organized with labels with labels organized with no
with labels on all on some with labels labels on
on all sections and sections and on most sections and
sections and entries entries sections and entries
entries entries
3. Variety of 5 or more 4 types of 3 types of 2 types of 1 type of
Entries types of entry entry entry entry
entry included included included included
4.Reflection Reflections Reflections Reflections Reflections No reflection
in 3 on most on most on most on all entries
dimensions entries in 3 entries in 2 entries in 1 noted.
on all entries dimensions dimensions dimensions
noted noted noted
5. Readability Label and Label and Label and Label and Label and
texts in text with text with text with text with lots
correct some some most incorrect
grammar and entries incorrect incorrect grammar and
clear prints incorrect grammar grammar lots unclear
grammar and some and some prints
and some unclear unclear
unclear prints prints
6. Prompt Submitted 3 Submitted 1 Submitted Submitted 3 Submitted 3
Submission or more days or more on due date days after or more days
before due days before due date after due
date due date date



FS Student

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