w.e.f. the batch of students admitted during 2009-2010 onwards)
(Applicable to constituent colleges of Osmania University, w.e.f. the batch of students admitted during 2009-2010 onwards)
Paper code Name of the Paper SOI Credits Exam Hrs Sem Exam IA Total
Managerial Accounting Managerial Economics Principles of Marketing Financial Management Organization Theory & Behavior Total
5 5 5 5 5 25
5 5 5 5 5 25
3 3 3 3 3
80 80 80 80 80
20 20 20 20 20
Paper code Name of the Paper SOI Credits Exam Hrs Sem Exam IA Total
Com 201 Com 202 Com 203 Com 204 Com 205
Advanced Managerial Accounting Business Environment & Policy Marketing Management Investment Management
Human Resource Management
5 5 5 5 5 25
5 5 5 5 5 25
3 3 3 3 3
80 80 80 80 80
20 20 20 20 20
Exam Hrs
Sem Exam
Com 301 Com 302 Com 303 Com 304 ID/Com 305
Research Methodology & Statistical Analysis Cost Accounting & Control Specialization Paper-I Specialization Paper-II Business Organization & Management Seminar Total
5 5 5 5 4 2 26
5 5 5 5 4 1 25
3 3 3 3 3
80 80 80 80 80 15W
20 20 20 20 20 10PR
Paper code Name of the Paper SOI Credits Exam Hrs Sem Exam IA Total
Com 401 Com 402 Com 403 Com 404 ID/Com 405
Quantitative Techniques for Business Decisions Information Technology & E-Commerce Specialization Paper-I Specialization Paper-II Basics of Accounting & Taxation PROJECT WORK* Seminar Total
5 5 5 5 4 10 2 36
5 5 5 5 4 5 1 30
3 3 3 3 3 3
80 56 80 80 80 60D 15W
Notation: IDInter Disciplinary; PR Presentation; ComCommerce; W-Write-up (4-5 Pages); IA Internal assessment;
DDissertation (50-75 Pages); VV Viva-Voce; * - Project Work Guidelines for details. Note: i) Teachers are advised to handle/analyze at least 3 or 4 cases in the subject in the classroom on any topics outlined wherever feasible. ii) O,A, B, C, D, E and F grades are awarded on the basis of marks secured as per the directive given by the University. iii) For each paper there will be semester examination for 80 marks and 20 marks for internal assessment [15 marks for tests (average of the two tests) and 5 marks for assignment in the subject]. iv) In paper 402 theory examination is for 56 marks, Internal Assessment is for 14 marks and Computer Lab Practical examinations is for 30 marks. v) Paper 305 and 405 are inter-disciplinary which are offered for noncommerce students. vi) M.Com students should opt one inter disciplinary paper in III Semester and another in IV Semester from the pool of papers of other Faculties/Departments.
(Specialization papers continued)
SPECIALIZATION FINANCE Code Name of the Paper FIN 303 FIN 304 FIN 403 FIN/ACC/ TAX 404 International Financial Management Securities Analysis & Portfolio Management Financial Services Tax Planning
Exam Hrs 3 3 3 3
Sem Exam 80 80 80 80
IA 20 20 20 20
ACCOUNTING ACC 303 Advanced Corporate Accounting ACC 304 Accounting for Services Organizations ACC 403 Advanced Cost Accounting and Control FIN/TAX/ Tax Planning ACC 404 MARKETING MKG 303 Service Marketing MKG 304 Consumer Behavior and Marketing Research MKG 403 Supply Chain Management MKG/INB International Marketing 404 TAXATION TAX 303 Direct Taxes TAX 304 Indirect Taxes TAX 403 Business and Corporate Taxation FIN/TAX/ Tax Planning ACC 404 INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS INB 303 International Trade Theory and Practice: INB 304 International Business Environment INB 403 International Finance MKG/INB International Marketing 404 INSURANCE INS 303 Principles and Practices of Life and Health Insurance INS 304 Principles and Practice of General Insurance INS 403 Insurance: Actuarial Sciences INS 404 Retirement Planning
3 3 3 3
80 80 80 80
20 20 20 20
3 3 3 3
80 80 80 80
20 20 20 20
3 3 3 3
80 80 80 80
20 20 20 20
3 3 3 3
80 80 80 80
20 20 20 20
3 3 3 3
80 80 80 80
20 20 20 20
MANAGERIAL ACCOUNTING Paper Code: 101 Max. Marks: 80+20 IA PPW: 5 Exam Duration: 3 Hrs Objective: To familiarize the student with the basics of managerial accounting and acquaint the student with application of managerial accounting techniques. UNIT-I: ACCOUNTING BASICS AND MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING: Introduction to Accounting: Concept of Accounting Theory Classification of Accounting Theory Accounting Principles (Concepts and Conventions) (Theory only). Management Accounting: Meaning Management Accounting its relationship with Financial Accounting and Cost Accounting Installation of Management Accounting System Limitations of Management Accounting (Theory only). UNIT-II: ACCOUNTING STANDARDS: Accounting Standards: Concept Types of Accounting Standards - Standard setting bodies: International Accounting Standards Board Financial Accounting Standards Board (USA) Accounting Standards Board in India Standard setting process in India An overview of accounting standards in India (Theory only). UNIT-III: HUMAN RESOURCES ACCOUNTING AND RESPONSIBLTIY ACCOUNTING: Human Resources Accounting: ConceptObjectivesApproaches-Limitations (Theory only). Responsibility Accounting: Concept Steps Responsibility Centre Types of Responsibility Centers: Cost Centre, Revenue Centre, Profit Centre and Investment Centre Preparation of Responsibility accounting reports (including simple problems). UNIT-IV: INFLATION ACCOUNTING AND INCOME MEASUREMENT: Inflation Accounting: Concept Limitations of historical based-cost financial statements Methods of Inflation Accounting: Current Purchasing Power Method Current Cost Accounting Method (Including problems). Income Concepts for financial reporting Measurement and Reporting of Revenues, Expenses, Gains and Losses (Theory only) Analysis of Changes in Gross Profit (Including problems). UNIT-V: FINANCIAL REPORTING: Financial reporting: Concept Development in Financial reporting objectives: True blood Report (USA) The Corporate Report (UK) - Objectives of Financial Reporting Qualities of Financial Reporting - Recent trend in corporate reporting in India (Theory only). Harmonization in Financial Reporting: Concept - Obstacles in Harmonization (Theory only). SUGGESTED READINGS: 1. Sharma RK & Shashi K. Gupta: Management Accounting, Kalyani 2. Hansen & Mowen: Management Accounting, Thomson 3. Lele & Jawaharlal: Accounting Theory, Himalya Publishing Company 4. Louderback: Managerial Accounting. Thomson. 5. Jain S.P. & Narang K.L: Accounting Theory & Management Accounting, Kalyani 6. Atkinson: Management Accounting, 3e, Prentice-Hall of India Private Limited 7. Rawat D.S. Accounting Standards Taxmann Allied Services Private Limited 8. Rustagi R.P: Management Accounting, Golgotha Publishing Company 9. Ghosh T.P: Accounting Standards and Corporate Accounting Practices, Taxmann 10. Antle: Financial Accounting with GAAP, Thomson. 11. Gupta R.L & Radhaswamy Advanced Accountancy Sultan Chand & Sons. 12. Stice: Financial Accounting: Reporting & Analysis, 7e, Thomson. 13. Saudagaran: International Accounting, Thomson 14. Porwal LS: Accounting Theory, Tata Mc Graw-Hill.
MANAGERIAL ECONOMICS Paper Code: 102 PPW: 5 Max. Marks: 80+20IA Exam Duration: 3 Hrs
Objectives: 1. To understand the role of economic analysis in formulating policies at the firm level. 2. To apply basic economic theories to managerial decision-making. UNIT-I: INTRODUCTION TO MANAGERIAL ECONOMICS: The firm: objectives and constraints - Role of Managerial Economics in Decision Making. Concepts of Economic Profit and Accounting Profit (including problems) - Functional relationship between Marginal revenue, Total revenue, Marginal cost and Total cost function. (Simple problems requiring application of first and second, Order derivatives). Concepts of Economic Optimization - unconstrained optimization including profit Maximization (Simple problems using derivatives). UNIT-II: DEMAND ANALYSIS: Demand Theory and Analysis Individual demand and Market demand - Price Elasticity Income Elasticity - Cross Elasticity and Decision -making (including problems). Demand estimation - Meaning, significance and methods (Theory only). UNIT-III: PRODUCTION FUNCTION: Meaning of Production function - Cobb Douglas Production Function - Production with one variable input - Diminishing marginal returns optimal employment to a factor of production. Production with two variable inputs - The production iso-quant - The production iso-cost Optimal employment of two inputs Expansion path - economies of scale and scope (including problems). UNIT-IV: COST FUNCTION: Economic concept of cost - short run cost functions finding minimum average variable cost through equations - Long run cost function - linear and non-linear break-even analysis. Profit contribution analysis (including problems). UNIT-V: MARKET STRUCTURE: Perfect and Imperfect market condition - Perfect competition - Characteristics - Equilibrium price - Profit maximization, in short run and long run Shut down decision; Monopoly characteristics - Profit Maximization in short run and long run - Allocative inefficiency, Income Transfer and Rent seeking. Monopolistic competition - Characteristics - Profit Maximization Price and output determination in the short run and long run; Oligopoly Characteristics - Price Rigidity Kinked demand model (Theory only). SUGGESTED READINGS: 1. Herschey: Economics for Managers, Thomson, 2007. 2. M.L.Trivedi: Managerial Economics, Tata Mc-Graw Hill, New Delhi 2004. 3. Petersen and Lewis: Managerial Economics, 4/e, Pearson/PHI, 2002 4. Froeb: Managerial Economics: A Problem Solving Approach, Thomson, 2007 5. Mankiw: Principles of Macroeconomics, 4e, TL -2007. 6. Mehta,P.L: Managerial Economics-Analysis, Problems, Cases, Sultan Chand & Sons. 7. Varshney, R.L & Maheswari, K.L.,Managerial Economics, Sultan Chand and Sons. 8. Yarbrough: The World Economy: Trade & Fianance, 7e, Thomson, 2007. 9. Bhattacharya & Chakraverti: Fundamentals of Business Economics, BS Publications, 10. Keat, Managerial Economics : Economic Tools for Todays Decision Makers Pearson 11. Yogesh Maheshwari: Managerial Economics, 2e , PHI 2006.
PRINCIPLES OF MARKETING Paper Code: 103 PPW: 5 Max. Marks: 80+20 IA Exam Duration: 3 Hrs
Objective: This paper is intended. To familiarize the students with the Concepts of Marketing Unit-I: Introduction: Meaning and Definition of Marketing - Scope of Marketing - Evolution of Marketing Concepts -Production Concept - Product Concept - Marketing Myopia - Selling Concept - Marketing Concept Societal Marketing Concept - Objectives of Marketing - Role of Marketing in Economic Development Rural Marketing - Rural Markets Vs Urban Markets - Marketing Management Tasks - Marketing Mix-Direct Marketing - Online Marketing - Marketing in the New Millennium. Unit-II: Marketing and Its Environment: Micro Environment (Company-Suppliers-Marketing Intermediaries- Customers- ConnectorsPublics) Macro Environment (Demographic-Economic-Natural- Technologica1-Political-Legal and Regulatory Cultural-Social) - International Marketing (Global Markets-GA AT and WTO). Unit-III: Marketing Strategy and Planning: Corporate Strategic Planning (Vision-Mission - Objectives) - Business Strategic Planning (SWOT Analysis - Goal Formulation-Strategy Formulation-Program Formulation implementation-Feedback and Control) -The Marketing Process-The Nature and Contents of a Marketing Plan. Unit-IV: Market Segmentation: Concept of Target Market - Diffused Market - Concentrated Market - Clustered Market Market Segmentation (Concept-Types-Patterns-Bases-Benefits-Requirements for Effective Segmentation) Market Segmentation Analysis for given Products - Product Positioning (Types of Positioning). Unit- V: Consumer and Organisational Buying Behaviour: Consumer Behavior (Nature-Scope-Importance) - Factors influencing Consumer Behavior (Economic psycbologica1-Cultural-Social and Personal) - Models of Consumer Behavior (Marshallian-Maslow Freudian-Howard-Sheth) - Steps in Consumer Decision Process - Post Purchase Behavior - Cognitive Dissonance. Organizational Buyer (Industrial MarketsResellers Market-Government Market) Characteristics of Organizational Buyer - Participants in Organizational Buying Process - Organizational Buyer Behavior Vs Consumer Behavior. SUGGESTED READINGS: 1. Philip Kotler: Marketing Management 12e, PHI 2. Lamb: Introduction to Marketing, 8e, Thomson, 2007 3. Stanton WJ: Fundamental of Marketing, 1996 4. Jain: Marketing Planning and Strategy, 7e, 5. Czinkota & Kotabe: Marketing Management, 2005 7. Ramaswamy &. Namakumari: Marketing Management 8. Boone & Kurtz: Principles of Marketing, 12e, Thomson, 2007 9. Rajan Saxena: Marketing Management 10.Blackwell: Consumer Behaviour, 10e, 11.Schiffman: Consumer Behavior, 9e PHI 12. Assael: Consumer Behaviour: 6e, Thomson 2006.
FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT Paper Code: 104 Max.Marks: 80+20 IA PPW: 5 Exam Duration: 3 hrs Objectives: 1) To introduce the subject of Financial management; and 2) To acquaint the student with various techniques of Financial Management. UNIT-I: FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT BASIC CONCEPTS: Financial Management Meaning, Goals and Objectives Functions of a finance manager Financial decision-making; Concept and relevance of Time Value of Money - Compounding technique Discounting technique (Simple applications of the time value of money). UNIT-II: INVESTMENT DECISIONS: Nature of Investment decision Features and significance of Capital budgeting - Types of Capital budgeting decisions - Capital budgeting process - Cash flows estimation Methods/Techniques of Evaluation -Traditional techniques - Payback period method Accounting Rate of Return (ARR) method - Discounted Cash Flows (DCF) methods/techniques - Net Present Value (NPV) method - Internal Rate of Return (IRR) method - Reciprocal Rate of return method Profitability Index - Criteria for Selection of a project - Evaluation and Interpretation of all the methods Issues in Capital budgeting. Financial feasibility aspects Capital rationing (including problems). UNIT-III: RISK ANALYSIS IN CAPITAL BUDGETING AND COST OF CAPITAL: Risk: meaning and nature - Risk adjusted discount rate - Certainty Equivalent (including problems) - Statistical Techniques to handle risk - Probability Assignments - Standard Deviation and Coefficient of Variation - Probability Distribution approaches - Decision Tree Analysis (theory only) Cost of Capital: Concepts - Importance - Specific cost of capital for various sources of finance - Cost of Debt - Cost of Preference Capital - Cost of Equity Capital - Cost of External Equity - Cost of Retained Earnings - Weighted Average Cost of Capital - Book Value and Market Value Weights and Marginal Cost of Capital (including problems) UNITIV: FINANCING AND DIVIDEND DECISIOINS: Leverage: Concepts - Operating Leverage: Meaning and measurement Financial leverage: Meaning and measurement Degree of Financial and Operating Leverages - Combined Leverage: Meaning, measurement and importance EBIT- EPS Analysis with different financing patterns Indifference point/level of EBIT. (Including simple problems) Capital structure: Meaning - Determinants of Capital Structure - Optimum Capital Structure - Capital Structure Theories - Net Income Approach. Net Operating Income approach Traditional view - M.M.Hypothesis (theory only). Dividend decisions: Concept and significance Types - Dividend policy and value of the firm - Determinants of dividend decision Relevance of dividend decision (Walters Model Gordons Model) Irrelevance of dividend policy (Residuals theory of dividends, MM Approach Dividend policy and share value Legal and procedural considerations (Including Simple Problems on approaches to Dividend policy). UNIT-V: WORKING CAPITAL MANAGEMENT: Concepts of Working Capital - Determinants of Working Capital -Optimum level of current assets - Liquidity vs. Profitability - Risk Return Trade off . Estimating Working Capital needs (including Simple Problems). Objectives and importance of Cash Management, Receivables Management and Inventory Management (including problems on cash management and receivables management). SUGGESTED READINGS:
1. Van Horn, James C: Financial Management, Prentice Hall of India (P) Ltd ; 2. Eugene Brigham & Erhardt: Fundamental of Financial Management, Thomson; 3. Solemen Ezra & Pringle John. J: An Introduction to Financial Management, Prentice Hall; 4. Khan M.Y. & Jain PK: Financial management, Tata Mcgraw Hill Publishing; 5. Pandey I.M.: Financial Management ,Vikas Publishing House (P) Ltd; 6. Chandra Prasanna: Financial management, Tata Mcgraw Hill Publishing; 7. Kulkarni P.V.: Financial Management, Himalaya Publishing House; 8. Erhardt & Brigham: Corporate Finance: A Focused Approach, Thomson; 9. Srivatsava R.M.: Essential of Business Finances, Himalaya Publishing; 10. Lasher: Practical Financial Management, Thomson.
Objective: To familiarize the students with the concepts and dimensions of Organization Theory. Unit-I: Introduction: a. Organization - Definition Organisation Theories: Classical Theory- Features limitations. Neoclassical Theory features limitations. Contemporary Organisation Theory features- limitations. Systems Approach Contingency Approach. b. Organisational Behaviour (OB) Features Scope Fundamentals Concepts of OB Challenges and Carreer Development for OB Contributing disciplines to the OB. Unit-II: Understanding Individual and Group Behaviour: a. Individual Behaviour Personality Determinants Big five Personality factors Learning Theories. The Perceptual Process Factors influencing perception Internal & External; Attitudes and Behaviour- Attitude Formation and Attitude Change. b. Group Behaviour Fundamentals of Groups Stages of Development- Important Factors influencing Team Effectiveness Cohesiveness Norms Decision Making. Unit- Unit-III: Motivation, Morale and Culture: a. Motivation - Theories of Motivation Motivational Processes - Content Theories (Maslow, Herzberg, McCleland) Process Theories (Adam, Victor, Vroom and Lawler and Porter) Learning and Reinforcement Theory. b. Morale Factors influencing Morale c. Organisational Culture Concepts Forming a Culture Sustaining a Culture Changing a Culture Unit-IV: Organisational Power and Politics and Conflict & Negotiations: a. Power and Politics: Power Bases Dependency Individual Versus Organisational Power Political process in Organisation Factors contributing Techniques of Organisational Politics Managing Political Behaviour. b. Conflict Transition in Conflict Thought Functional and Dysfunctional Conflict Process of Conflict Managing Conflict. c. Negotiations Process Approaches Issues in negotiations. Unit-V: Leadership and Change: a. Leadership Introduction Leadership and Management Leadership Styles. b. Theories of Leadership Traits Behavioral Model (Managerial Grid) Contingency (Feilder, Path goal, Tri-dimensional Inspirational approaches. c. Change Challenges contributing to Change Types of Change Approaches Contemporary Issues in Change. SUGGESTED READINGS: 1. Hellriegel: Organisational Behaviour, 10e, Thomson 2006. 2. Robins P.Stephen & Judge: Organizational Behavior, 12/e PHI, New De1hi.2007 3. Daft: Organisation Theory and Design, Thomson 2005 4. Fred Luthans: Organizational Behavior, Me Graw Hill, New Delhi. 5. Nelson: Organisational Behaviour, 3e, Thomson 2006 6. Daft: The New Era of Management, 7e, 2007. 7. Aswathappa: Organizational Behavior, Himalaya Publisher. 8. Hodgetts: Modern Human Relations at Work, Thomson 2007. 9. Jones G R :Organizational Theory, Pearson Education, New Delhi 10. Shashi Gupta & Rosy: Organisation BehaviourKalyani Publication.
ADVANCED MANAGERIAL ACCOUNTING Paper code: 201 PPW: 5 Max. Marks: 80+20 IA Exam Duration: 3 hrs
Objectives: To familiarize and acquaint the student with application of advanced managerial accounting techniques. UNIT-I: ANALYSIS OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS: Financial Statements Meaning Objectives Types Uses Limitations Redrafting Financial Statements Single-step and Multi-step Financial statements (Theory and Simple Problems on Single-step and Multi-step Financial statements). UNIT-II: TECHNIQUES OF ANALYSIS OF FINANCIAL STATEMENTS: Introduction Techniques: Comparative Statements Common-size Statements Trend Analysis Ratio Analysis: Meaning Types of Ratios (including problems). UNIT-III: FUNDS FLOW AND CASH FLOW ANAYLSIS: Funds Flow Analysis Meaning Preparation of Funds Flow Statement Cash Flow Analysis Meaning - Preparation of Cash Flow Statement as per Accounting Standard No. 3 (Including Problems). UNIT-IV: FINANCIAL MEASURES OF PERFORMANCE: Introduction Return On Investment (ROI) Concept Uses and Limitations Economic Value Added (EVA) Concept Significance of EVA Measurement of EVA (Theory only). Balanced Score Card (BSC) Concept Objectives Perspectives of BSC - Multiple Scorecard Measures to a Single Strategy (Theory Only). UNIT V: MANAGERIAL DECISION MAKING: Cost concepts for decision making Marginal Costing and Decision Making - Pricing decisions - Product decisions: Profit planning, Level of Activity, Dropping a product line, Introducing a new product line, Product/Sales mix decisions - Make or Buy decisions Key/Limiting Factors (Including Problems). SUGGESTED READINGS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Sharma RK & Shashi K. Gupta: Management Accounting Kalyani Publishers. Louderback: Managerial Accounting, 10e Thomson. Lele & Jawaharlal: Accounting Theory Himalya Publishing Company. Gupta S.P: Management Accounting Sahitya Bhavan Publications. Jain S.P & Narang K.L: Accounting Theory & Management Accounting Kalyani. Robert S. Kaplan & Anthony A. Atkinson: Advanced Management Accounting Prentice-Hall. 7. Rawat D.S: Accounting Standards Taxmann Allied Services Private Limited. 8. Rustagi R.P: Management Accounting, Galgotia Publishing Company. 9. Ghosh T.P: Accounting Standards and Corporate Accounting Practices, Taxmann. 10.Ronald W. Hilton: Managerial Accounting, Tata McGraw-hill. 11.Hansen and Mowen: Cost Management, 4e Thomson. 12. Belverd E.Needles, Jr: Financial Accounting, Houghton Mifflin Company, USA.
BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT AND POLICY Max. Marks: 80+20 IA Exam duration: 3 hrs
Objective: To acquaint the student with the national and global environment pertaining to business. Unit - I: Components of Business Environment: a) Business environment - micro-environment macro environment. b) Policy environment - industrial policy - industrial policy resolution 1956 new industrial policy 1991 - shift in focus. Unit - II: Liberalization and Globalization: a) New economic policy - economic reforms - liberalization. b) Globalization - meaning - stages - factors facilitating and impeding globalization in India consequences of globalization for India. Unit - III: Public Sector and Privatization: a) Public sector - changing role of public sector - relevance of public sector public Sector reforms. b) Privatization and disinvestments - concepts - forms. Regulatory framework with reference to insurance, power and telecom sectors. Unit - IV: Foreign Capital: a) Foreign direct investment - policy - trends -problems - consequences - FEMA. Multinational corporations - entry strategies - role - growth problems Consequences. b) Mergers and acquisitions - reasons - trends - advantages and disadvantages competition law. Unit - V: WTO and Trade Policy: a) WTO agreements - Agreement on Agriculture (AOA) - Multi-fibre Agreement (MFA) Trade Related Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) - Trade Related Investment Measures (TRIMS) - General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) - Barriers to trade. b) Trade policy changes consequent to WTO - recent Exim policy - consequences of WTO for India. SUGGESTED READINGS: Books: 1. Prof. Laxmi Narain: Globalization - liberalization and privatization of public enterprises Sultan Chand & Co. 2. S.K.Misra & V.K.Puri: Economic Environment of Business - Himalaya 3. S.K.Misra & V.K.Puri: Indian Economy - Himalaya Publishing House 4. Francis Cherunilam: Global Economy and Business Environment Himalaya 5. Francis Cherunilam: Business Environment - Text and Cases - Himalaya 6. Aswathappa: Business Environment - Himalaya 7. Dutt and Sundharam: Indian Economy 8. Ray: Indian Economy, PHI Reports: 1. World Development Report; 2. Human Development Report; 3. India Development Report; 4. Pre-budget economic survey. Periodicals: Economic and Political weekly; Business India; Business World; Business Today; Finance India; Business Standard. Newspapers.
Objective: To familiarize the students with the management of marketing functions, components of information system and marketing reseacr process. Unit-I: Product Management: Concept of Product - Classification of Products - Product Levels Classification Product Mix - Product Mix Decisions - New Product New Product Development Stages - Product Life Cycle Stages &. Implications - Branding - Packaging & Labeling. Unit-II: Price Management: Reasons for New Product Failure Pricing Objectives of Pricing Role of Price in Marketing Mix Factors influencing Price Determination Pricing under different Competitive conditions New Product Pricing Skimming and Penetration Pricing Pricing Approaches Cost base Value Based Competition Pricing Methods. Unit-III: Promotion Management: Promotion Significance Product Mix Advertising Objection Media Budget. Types of Advertising Advertising Effectiveness. Personal Selling Nature Steps in personal selling. Sales Promotion Objection Tools. Public Relations. Unit-IV: Channel Management & Retailing: Marketing Channels: Nature Channel Levels - Channel Structure &. Participants Functions Marketing Intermediaries - Channel Design Decisions - Channel Conflict and Resolutions - Online Marketing - Online Marketing Channels Marketing Merits. Retailing: Meaning Significance Emerging trends forms of retailing formats of retail stores. Unit-V: Marketing Information System (MklS) & Control: Concept of MkIS - Components of a Marketing Information System (Internal Records System-Marketing Intelligence System-Marketing Research SystemMarketing Decision Support System) - Marketing Research Process - Marketing Research Vs MkIS - Marketing Research in India - Annual Plan Control Profitability Control- Efficiency Control- Strategic Control. SUGGESTED READINGS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Czinkota: Marketing Management, 2e Philip Kotler: Principles of Marketing, Pearson/PHI 2007 Ramaswamy &. Namakumari: Marketing Management Jain: Marketing Planning and Strategy, 7e Gandhi IC : Marketing Management Me Carthy EJ &. OtheIS: Basic Marketing Rosenbloom: marketing Channels Majare: The Essence of Marketing Ian Chasten: New Marketing Strategies Rajan Saxena: Marketing Management.
INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT Paper Code: 204 Max. Marks: 80+20 IA PPW: 5 Exam. Duration: 3 Hours Objectives: 1) To familiarize the student with the principles and practice of Investment Management; and 2) To acquaint the students with the functioning of the Indian Financial System and Markets. Unit-I : Introduction to Investment Management: Concepts & Definition Elements Factors influencing Investment Need for investment Investment media Investment principles Types of investors Investment Vs. Gambling, Speculation Vs. Gambling Properties of Financial assets Constituents of Indian Financial System Financial Markets. Unit-II: Indian Capital Markets: a) Indian Capital Market Structure of Capital Market Intermediaries in Capital markets Emerging trends in the Indian Capital market- Innovational Financial market instruments in capital Market Capital Market reforms. b) Indian Primary Market Intermediaries in Primary Markets Instruments of Primary Market Role of the new issue market Employees Stock options Buy Back of Securities Insider Trading Book Building Process - Pricing of Capital issues -Recent development in Primary Markets. Unit-III: Secondary Markets and Regulations: a) Functions Secondary Market - Intermediaries -Developments of Secondary Markets Stock exchange operations Nature of Transactions in stock market Settlement cycle Buy Back of Securities - Insider Trading and SEBI Regulations - - Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) - Demutualization. b) Listing and Trading of Securities - Settlement Procedure and Rolling Settlement NSE and SSE - Construction of index - Derivatives Trading - Demat Trading. c) Functions of SEBI - Regulatory Role of SEBI in protecting Investors' interests. d) Depository system - Need - Advantages and Disadvantages - Multi-Depository System. Unit-IV: Risk Management: a) Risk management- Risk of Securities - Systematic Risk - Interest Rate Risk- Market RiskPurchasing Power Risk - Unsystematic Risk - Business Risk - Financial Risk Efficient Market Theory. b) Measurement of Risk and Return, Expected Return, Standard Deviation and Variance of Securities. c) Portfolio Analysis: Traditional Vs Modern - Rationale of Diversification Markowitz Theory - Effect of Combining two securities - Measurement of Expected Return of Portfolio - Portfolio Risk (including simple Problems). Unit-V : Portfolio Management: a) Measurement of Interactive Risk through covariance- correlation Coefficient between securities - Reduction of Portfolio Risk through diversification (with two securities only). b) Portfolio Selection - efficient set of Portfolios - Optimal portfolio (including simple Problems). SUGGESTED READINGS: 1.Agarwal: A Guide to Indian Capital Market, New Delhi; 2.Avadhani, V.A: lndian Capital Markets, Himalaya; 3.Mayo: Investments, 7e Thomson; 4.Bhalla, V.K: Investment Management. S. Chand & Company; 5.Reilly: Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management, 7e, Thomson; 6.Devin, S: Portfolio Management, Prentice Hall; 7.Fabozzi, Frank J: Investment Management, Prentice Hall; 8.Fischer, Donald, E. and Ronald, J.Jordan: Security Analysis & Portfolio Management, Prentice Hall; 9.Strong: Portfolio Construction and Management, 4e; 10.Sharpe etal: Investments, Prentice Hall; 11.Machi Raju, H.R: Working of Stock Exchanges in India: Wiley Eastern Ltd; 12.Preeti Singh: Investment Management, Himalaya Publications; 13.Sulochana, M: Depository System - Problems & Prospects, Kalyani. 14.Devin, S: Security Analysis & Portfolio Management, Prentice Hall; 15.Sulochana, M: Investment Management, Kalyani.
HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT (HRM) Paper Code: 205 Max.Marks: 80 +20 IA PPW: 5 Exam Duration: 3 hrs. Objective: To understand various facets of HRM & comprehend emerging developments. Unit-I: Introduction: a. HRM Concepts Significance Objectives Scope Functions. b. Changing role of Human Resource Manager HRM Policies - Impact of Environment on Human Resource Management. c. Human Resource Development - Concept - Scope - Objectives- Brief introduction of Techniques of HRD. Unit-II: Acquisition of Human Resource: a. Job Design - Approaches - Job Rotation - Job Enlargement - Job Enrichment - Job Bandwidth - Job Analysis - Concepts - Objectives - Components (Job Description and Job Specification)- Methods f Job Analysis. b. Human Resource Planning - Concept - Objectives - Factors affecting HR planning Process of HR Planning - Problems in HR Planning . c. Recruitment - objectives - Sources of recruitment. Selection - Concept Selection Procedure Tests and Interview - Placement - Induction - Promotion - Transfer. Unit-III: Developing and Motivating Human Resource: a. Training - Assessing training needs Methods and Evaluation of Training Development Techniques of Management Development Evaluating Effectiveness. b. Performance Management - Concept - Performance Appraisal - Concept- - Traditional and Modern Methods of Appraisal Concepts of Potential Appraisal, Assessment Centers and Career Planning and Development c. Concept of Empowerment Participative Management Objectives Types Quality Circles Brief Introduction to forms of Workers participation in Management in India Unit-IV: Maintenance of Human Resource: a. Compensation Management Objectives Job Evaluation Concept Methods b. Essentials of Sound Wage Structure Concepts of Minimum Wage, Living Wage and Fair Wage Wage Differentials. c. Employee Relations Objectives Discipline Objectives Grievance Causes Procedure; Trade Unions Objectives - Role of Trade Union in New economy; Collective Bargaining Types Essential conditions for the success of Collective Bargaining. Unit-V: HRM in the Knowledge Era: a. Knowledge Management - Concept - KM Architecture - Knowledge Conversion Knowledge Management Process. b. Virtual Organizations - Concept - Features -Types - HR Issues. c. Learning Organization - Concept Role of Leader in Learning Organizations. SUGGESTED READINGS: 1. Bohlander: Human Resource Management, Thomson 2. David A.De Cenzo and Stephen P.Robins: Personnel/ Human Resource Management, PHI 3. Biswajeet Pattanayak: Human Resource Management, PHI 4. Srinivas K. R: Human Resource Management in Practice, PHI. 5. Mathis: Human Resource Management, 10e Thomson 6. Sadri, Jayasree, Ajgaonkar: Geometry of HR, Himalaya 7. Subba Rao P: Personnel and Human Resource Management, Himalaya. 8. VSP Rao:, Human Resource Management, Vikas 9. Mello: Strategic Human Resource Management, 2e Thomson 10. Gupta CB, Human Resource Management, Sultan Chand & Sons.
Paper Code: 301 Max. Marks: 80+20 IA PPW: 5 Exam. Duration: 3 Hours OBJECTIVE: The Objective of this course is to develop research orientation among the students and develop analytical skills.
Unit-I: INTRODUCTION TO QUANTITATIVE TECHNIQUES & BUSINESS RESEARCH: Meaning of Quantitative Techniques: Need and Importance - Classification of Quantitative techniques - Statistical Techniques - Operations Research techniques - Role of Quantitative Techniques in Business and Industry - Quantitative Techniques in Decision making Limitations of Quantitative Techniques. Meaning of Research - Purpose, Characteristics and Types of Research - Process of Research Formulation of objectives - Formulation of Hypotheses - Types of Hypotheses - Methods of testing Hypotheses - Research plan and its components - Methods of Research (Survey, Observation, Case study, experimental, historical and comparative methods) - Difficulties in Business research. Unit-II: COLLECTION, PRESENTATION ANALYSIS OF DATA: Sources of Data - Primary and Secondary Sources -Methods of collecting Primary Data Designing Questionnaires/Schedules in functional areas like Marketing, Finance, Industrial Economics, Organizational Behavioral and Entrepreneurship (Practically students should be able to design questionnaires for given problem/cases in these areas). Census vs. Sampling - Methods of Sampling Random and Non-Random Sampling methods - Measurement and scaling techniques - Processing and Presentation of Data - Editing, coding, classification, and tabulation - Graphic and diagrammatic presentation. (Theory only) Statistical analysis of Data- Types of analysis - (Descriptive analysis and inferential analysis) Descriptive analysis - Measures of Central Tendency, Measures of Variation, Skewness, Time series, Index numbers, Correlation and Regression. (Theory only) Unit-III: INTERPRETATION AND REPORT WRITING: INTERPRETATION: Introduction - Essentials for Interpretation, Precautions in interpretation - Conclusions and generalization - Methods of generalization. Statistical fallacies: bias, inconsistency in definitions, inappropriate comparisons, faulty generalizations, drawing wrong inferences, misuse of statistical tools, failure to comprehend the data. (Including small cases). REPORT WRITING: Meaning and types of reports - Stages in preparation of Report Characteristics of a good report - Structure of the report'-Documentation: Footnotes and Bibliography - Checklist for the report. Unit-IV: PROBABILITY AND PROBABILITY DISTRIBUTIONS: PROBABILITY: Meaning - Fundamental Concepts - Approaches to measurement of Probability -Classical, Relative frequency, subjective and axiomatic approaches - Addition theorem - Multiplication theorems- Bayesian theorem and its simple applications Mathematical expectation (including problems). PROBABILITY DISTRIBUTIONS: - Meaning and importance of theoretical frequency distributions Binomial, Poisson and Normal distributions - Properties and uses - fitting Binomial, Poisson and Normal, Distributions (areas method only) (including problems) Unit-V: ASSOCIATION OF ATTRIBUTES & CHI SQUARE TEST: ASSOCIATION OF ATTRIBUTES: Meaning - Distinction between correlation and association Methods of studying Association - interpretation of results. CHI SQUARE TEST: definition conditions for applying Chi square test, Yates's correction - Uses and limitations of Chi square test - Chi square test for testing the independence of Attributes - Chi square test for goodness of fit (including problems).
SUGGESTED READINGS: 1. Krishna Swamy:Methodology of Research in Social Sciences; 2.Kothari:Research Methodology; 3.Zikmund:Business Research Methods; 4.SC.Gupta:Fundamentals of Statistics;5.SP.Gupta:Statistical Methods; 6.Levin et al:Statistics for Management; 7.Keller:Statistics for Management & Economics; 8.Sanchetty & Kapoor: Business Statistics; 9.Achalapathi KV:Reading in Research Methodology in Commerce & Business Management; 10.Anderson:Statistics for Business and Economics.
OBJECTIVE: To familiarize and acquaint the student with application of Cost Accounting techniques. UNIT-I: INTRODUCTION: Cost Accounting - Objectives - Importance - Limitations - Installation of Cost Accounting System - Cost Concepts _ Cost Classification - Cost Accounting Department and its relationship with other Departments. Books of Accounts - Nonintegrated and Integrated Accounting - Ledger Accounts (including problems). UNIT-II: PROCESS COSTING AND ACTIVITY-BASED COSTING: Process Costing - Features - Process Costing Vs. Job Costing - Treatment of losses, waste, scrap, spoilage, defectives - By-products and Joint Products - Inter-process profits - Work-in-progress (including problems). Activity-Based Costing Introduction Inadequacies of traditional methods of Overhead Absorption Concept of ABC Characteristics of ABC- Steps in ABC System Cost per unit under ABC System Analysis of Profit under ABC System (Including problems). UNIT-III: MARGINAL COSTING: Absorption Costing and Variable Costing - Comparison - Preparation of income statements - CVP analysis - Multi product BEP - Differential Costing - Decision making under Marginal and Differential Costing (including problems). UNIT- IV: BUDGETARY CONTROL: Traditional Budgeting and Control - Preliminaries for adoption - Organization Different types of Budgets Limitations (including problems) Zero Based Budgeting Features - Traditional Budgeting vs. ZBB - Advantages - Criticism (theory only). UNIT-V: STANDARD COSTING: Limitations of Historical Costing - Standard Costing Vs. Budgetary ControlEstablishment of standards for Material, Labor and Overheads - Computation of Variances - Control and Efficiency Ratios (including problems). SUGGESTED READINGS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Arora M.N. Cost Accounting Principles & Practice Vikas Publishing House Jain S.P & Narang K.L. Advanced Cost Accounting Kalyani Publishers. Vander. Principles of Cost Accounting 13e,, Thomson. Khan M.Y & Jain P.K. Theory and Problems in Cost Accounting TMH Ravi M. Kishore, Cost Management, Taxmann Allied Services Private Limited. Manish Dutta Cost Accounting Principles & Practice, Pearson
7. Saxena VK & Vashist CD Advanced Cost & Management Accounting Sultan Chand.
8. Colin Drury Management & Cost Accounting Thomson, New Delhi 9. Hansen & Mowen Cost Management, 4e, Thomson. 10. Asish K. Bhattacharyya Principles and Practice of Cost Accounting. PHI.
DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE, OSMANIA UNIVERSITY, HYDERABAD BUSINESS ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT PAPER CODE: 305 (ID) MAXIMUM MARKS: 80+20IA PPW: 5 EXAM DURATION: 3 HRS Objective: To facilitate the non-Commerce students to import and learn the concepts of business organization and management. UnitI: Fundamental Concepts: Concepts: Business, trade, industry and commerce. Business Organization: Concept Essential Characteristics. Entrepreneur: Meaning Characteristics Types Functions Concept of Entrepreneurship Steps to start Enterprise Search for a business idea Procuring Capital Factors determining the capital requirement Concepts of Fixed Capital and Working Capital. UnitII: Forms of organization: Forms of Business Organization: Sole Proprietorship Partnership, Joint Stock Company. Sole Proprietorship: Characteristics Advantages and disadvantages. Partnership: Characteristics Kinds of partners Registration of partnership Partnership deed Rights and obligations of partners. Joint Stock Company: Characteristics Advantages Kinds of Companies Difference between private and public companies Promotion Stages Sources of finance Capital Types of shares and debentures. UnitIII: Stock Exchange, Insurance & Banking: Stock Exchange - Meaning - Functions Methods of Trading Types of dealings Important terms; Bull, Bear, Cum-Dividend, Ex-Divided, Settlement day, Blank transfer, jobber, List A and List B Securities, Stock Exchange Index Senses, Nifty; Listing of Securities Speculation and Stock Exchange On-line Stock trading Insurance: Meaning Types of Insurance Fundamental Principles of Life Insurance Different Kinds of Life Insurance Policies. Banking: Concept Different Types of Accounts Opening of a New Account Operating the Account Nomination Closure of a Bank Account Insurance of Bank Deposits Special types of bankers customers - Cheques Crossing Marking. Trends in Banking. UnitIV: Management: Management: meaning-significance- Functions of management-levels of managementprinciples of management. Planning: Meaning-significance-decision making-process of decision making. Communication: Meaning Importance Process. Motivation: Meaning Motivational factors at work. Leadership: Concepts, Styles of Leadership. Control: Meaning Purpose process. SUGGESTED READINGS: 1. Govindarajan and Natarajan: Principles of Management, Prentice Hall 2. RK Sharma and Shashi K.Gupta: Industrial Organization and Management, Kalyani 3. CB Gupta: Industrial Organization and Management, Sultan Chand & Co. 4. Sherlekar: Business Organization and Management, Himalaya Publishers 5. Bhushan Y K: Business Organization and Management, Sultan Chand & Co. 6. Aryasree & Murthy: Industrial Organistion & Manaement, Tata Mc Graw Hill. 7. Surendar and Madhavi: Industrial Organization and Management, Himalaya 8. Bhatia RC: Business Organization and Management, Ane Books.
QUANTITATIVE TECHNIQUES FOR BUSINESS DECISIONS PAPER CODE: 401 MAXIMUM MARKS 80+20 IA PPW: 5 EXAM DURAT10N: 3 HRS OBJECTIVE: The purpose is to impart inferential skills to the student by using quantitative Techniques for business decisions. UNIT-I: STATISTICAL ESTIMATION AND HYPOTHESIS TESTING: Introduction to Hypothesis testing: Meaning of Population, sample and sampling distribution - parameters and statistics - Central limit theorem - Concept of Standard Error Confidential limits - Estimation of population parameters - properties of a good estimator Point and interval estimation - Hypothesis Formulation and testing procedure - Type I and Type II errors - one tail and two tail tests (Theory only). Sampling of Attributes: Estimation and testing Number and Proportions of Successes, Difference between two proportions (including problems). UNIT-II: SAMPLING OF VARIABLES: Large Samples: Difference between large and small samples - Estimating population mean testing the significance of Mean - Significance of the difference between means of two samples - Significance between the standard deviations of two samples (Including problems). Small Samples: 't' test - fixing fiducial limits to population mean - testing the significance of the mean - testing the significance of the difference between two independent means testing the significance of the difference between two dependent means (Including problems). . UNIT-III: ANALYSIS OF VARIANCE AND STATISTICAL QUALITY CONTROL: F test: Meaning - Applications of F test - ANOVA - Assumptions - Procedure - one way and two-way analysis of variance (including problems) . Statistical Quality Control: Introduction - Chance and Assignable Causes of Variation Uses of SQC - Process Control and Product Control- Control Charts - Control Charts for Variables -X: Chart - Range chart - Standard deviation chart - Control charts for attributes - C chart -p chart - np chart. UNIT-IV: STATISTICAL DECISION THEORY AND GAMES THEORY: Statistical Decision Theory- Nature of Decision, State of Nature pay off Tables expected Pay off-Expected Opportunity Loss Value of Perfect Information Types of Decision Situation Choice of Decision Criteria Decision Tree Analysis Decision Making under Uncertainties (including simple problems) Games Theory Characteristics of Game Theory Two Persons Zero Sum Game- Maximum and Minimax Strategies Saddle Point Dominating Strategy Mixed Strategy Limitations of Games Theory (including Simple Problems with Analytical Formula and Graphical Methods). UNIT-V: LINEAR PROGRAMMING: Linear Programming Meaning - Requirements for application of linear programming assumptions advantages - application of LP - Formulation of LP problems (including simple problems) Graphical solutions of Linear Programming problems with two variables only (including simple problems). SUGGESTED READINGS: 1.Levin&Rubin:Quantitative Approaches in Management, Pearson; 2.SC.Gupta: Fundamentals of Statistics, Himalaya; 3.Anderson:Quantitative Methods for Business Decision, 8e Thomson; 4.Barry Render et al:Quantitative Analysis for Management, PHI; 5.Anderson:Introduction to Management Science: Quantitative Techniques for Decision Making, Thomson; 6.G.Gopikuttan:Quantitative Methods and Operational Research, Himalaya; 7.D.C.Sancheti & VK.Kapoor:Statistics, Sultan Chand & Sons; 8.Anand Sharma: Quantitative Techniques for Decision Making Himalaya; 9.Mendenhall:Introduction to Probability & Statistics, Thomson; 10.Shenoy GV:Quantitative Techniques for Managerial Decisions,New Age,11.Gupta and Khanna:Quantitative Techniques for Decision Making, PHI.
Objectives: 1. To know and learn about Information Technology through its applications; and 2. To give an overview of E-Commerce fundamentals with an objective of exposing them to the functional areas of E-Commerce. UNIT-I: INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY & ITS APPLICATIONS: Information technology and its applications: Recent developments - IT applications in Banking, Communications, Electronics, Education, Entertainment, Healthcare, Legal field, Medical Field, Photography and Film industry, Social life, Transport, Traffic etc. UNIT-II: DATA ACQUISITION AND ORGANISATION: Acquisition of Textual Data - Acquisition of Pictures: Storage Formats for Pictures, Image Compression, Image Acquisition with Digital Camera, Lab Exercises - Acquisition of Audio Data: Basics of Audio Signals and their acquisition and storage, Compression of Audio Signals, Lab Exercises - Acquisition of Video: Capturing a moving image with a Video Camera, Compression of Video data, MPEG Compression, Lab Exercises - Processing Multimedia Data: Graphics Processing, Audio Signal Processing, Lab Exercises. UNIT-III: OVERVIEW OF E-COMMERCE: E-Commerce - E-Business- Potential benefits of E-commerce Driving forces of ECommerce Business Process Re-Engineering E-Commerce applications Regulatory Environment for E-Commerce Competitive intelligence on the Internet Future of ECommerce. UNIT-IV: ELECTRONIC DATA INTERCHANGE (EDI), E-COMMERCE & INTERNET: Introduction - Traditional EDI systems - Benefits and Drawbacks - Data transfer and standards. Financial EDI-EDI systems and the Internet - Legal security and private concerns - Authentication Methods Firewalls Factors considered in securing the firewalls - Internet trading relationships: Business to Consumers (B2C), Business (B2B), Consumer to Business (C2B), Government to Consumer (G2C), Features and benefits-Portal Vs Website- Supply Chain Management. UNIT-V: ELECTRONIC PAYMENT MECHANISMS AND WEB PAGE DESIGNING: Introduction - SET protocol - SET Vs SSL - Payment gateway - Certificate Issuance - trust chain - Cryptography methods - Encryption Technology Digital Signatures - Dual signatures - SET Logo Compliance testing - Status of Software Magnetic strip cards-Smart cards - Electronic cheques -Electronic cash - Third party processors and Credit Cards - Risk and electronic system - Designing electronic payment systems. Introduction to HTML Basic syntax Basic Text Formatting Images Lists Tables Hypertext links. Lab Work: Acquisition of data Textual, Audio and Video. Web Page Designing using Front Page and HTML SUGGESTED READINGS: 1. Sanjay Saxena: A First Course in Computers - Vikas 2. Sanders Donlad: Computers Today - Tata Mc Graw Hill 3. V.Rajaraman: Introduction to Information Technology - PHI. 4. Morley: Understanding Computers, Thomson 5. Dr. S.V.Srinivasa Vallabhan: Computer applications in Business, Sultan Chand & Sons. 6. Greenstein: Electronic Commerce - Security, Risk Management & Control, McGraw-Hill 7. Michael Changing lee et al: E-Commerce - A Managerial Perspective II,MC Graw Hill. 8. Daniel Aronor: Business Evolution, Hewlett-Packard Professional books 9. CSV Murthy: ECommerce: Concepts, Models & Strategies, Himalaya 10. CS Rayudu: E-Commerce & E-Business, Himalaya.
DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE, OSMANIA UNIVERSITY, HYDERABAD BASICS OF ACCOUNTING AND TAXATION Paper Code: 405 (ID) Max. Marks: 80+20 IA PPW: 5 Exam duration: 3 Hrs Objectives: To familiarize the Non Commerce student with the accounting process Financial statements preparation and their analysis and assessment of Taxation of individuals. UNIT-I: Introduction to Accounting: Definition, features, objectives, functions, systems and branches of accounting - Advan ta g e s an d l i mi tati on s - Ba si c t er mi n ol og y u s ed- A c c ou n ti n g c on c e pt s an d c on v e n ti on s . Ac co u nt i ng P ro c e s s: A c c ou n ti n g equ ati on - Cl a ssi fi c ati on o f ac c ou n t s Ru l es of d ou bl e e n t r y bo o k k e epi n g Identification of financial transactions Journalizing Posting to Ledgers, Balancing of ledger accounts and preparation of trail balance. UNIT-II: Subsidiary Books: Preparation of Subsidiary Books including different types of cashbooks: simple, two, three columnar cashbook. Bank Reconciliation Statement: Need - Reasons for difference between cash book and pass book balances (including simple problems). UNIT-III: Financial Statements: Meaning, Objectives, Types, Uses and Limitations. Preparation of: Trading Account, Profit & Loss Account and Balance Sheet (Including simple problems). UNIT-IV: Income Tax: Meaning Previous Year Assessment year Person TAN PAN - Income Agricultural income Basis of charging Income Tax Residential status Determination of residential status of individual, HUF, companies, Partnership firms and other persons. Heads of Income: Salary income and Income from House property Computation of taxable income under both the heads including rebates under section 88 Preparation and filing of tax returns. SUGGESTED READINGS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Financial Accounting, A Dynamic Approach: Bhattacharya, PHI Accountancy-1: Haneef and Mukherjee, Tata Mcgraw Hill Co. Principles and Practice of Accounting: R.L. Gupta & V.K. Gupta, Sulthan Chand Accountancy-I:S.P. Jain & K.L Narang - Kalyani Publishers AccountancyI: Tulasian, Tata Mcgraw Hill Co. Advanced Accountancy: Arulanandam, Himalaya publishers Financial Accounting: Dr.V.K.Goyal; Excel Books Introduction to Accountancy: T.S.Grewal, S.Chand and Co. Advanced Accountancy-I: S.N.Maheshwari & V.L.Maheswari, Vikas Publishing co. Financial Accounting: Ashok Banarjee, Excel Financial Accounting: Warren, Cengage Wings, Tally, Focus Accounting Packages: BPB Publications Manual provided by Wings, Tally Solutions and Focus (Accounting packages) Direct Taxes Laws & Practice: Vinod K. Singhania, Taxmanns Publications Elements of Income Tax: B.B.LAL, Konark Publishers Corporate Tax Planning: Girish Ahuja and Dr. Ravi Gupta, Bharat Law Hose.
INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT Paper Code: 303 FIN PPW: 5 Exam duration: 3 hours Maximum marks: 80+20IA
OBJECTIVE: To acquaint the student with International Finance environment and the channels of International financial flows; and expose them to the different sources of international financing, exchange exposure risk, currency futures and option markets, modes and the methods of foreign trade financing. UNIT-I: AN OVERVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT & FOREIGN EXCHANGE RATE MECHANISH: Overview: Need, Meaning, Nature and Scope of International Financial Management International Finance Vs Domestic Finance (Theory Only). Foreign Exchange Rate Mechanism: Exchange rate quotations Determination of exchange rate in the spot market Exchange rate determination in forward market Factors influencing Exchange rate (Including Problems). UNIT-II: CURRENCY FUTRUES AND OPTION MARKETS: Introduction to derivatives market Types of financial derivatives Distinctive features of derivatives market Traders in derivatives market Currency futures Future contracts Vs. Forward contracts Pricing futures Futures trading strategies (Hedging, speculative trading and arbitrage strategies) Currency options Salient features and types of options Futures Vs. Options Pricing options (Black Scholes option Pricing Model) Opting trading strategies Derivatives trading in India (Theory Only). UNIT-III: FOREIGN EXCHANGE EXPOSURE AND RISK: Nature of exposure and risk Exchange rate and interest rate volatility Foreign exchange and risk Classification of foreign exposure and risk Transaction exposure Operating exposure Accounting treatment Management of foreign exchange exposure risk through hedging (Including Problems). UNIT-IV: INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS: Channels of International Flow of funds Euro currency market Euro credit Euro Bonds Types of Euro Bonds Euro currency deposits Certificate of deposits and other instruments Euro notes Types of notes Euro issues Foreign Currency Convertible Bonds Depository Receipts Global Depository Receipt (GDRs) GDR issue mechanism American Depository (Theory only). UNIT-V: FINANCING OF FOREIGN TRADE: Introduction too foreign Trade financing Export financing Pre-shipment and PostShipment finance Documentation formalities and procedures for the grant of packing credit Documentation formalities and procedure for the grant of Post-Shipment finance Modes and sources of import finance Methods of payment Role of Letter of Credit in import finance. (Theory Only). SUGGESTED READINGS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Shapiro: Multinational Financial Management PHI, Madura: International Corporate Finance, 8e Thomson 2007 Sharan: International Financial Management, PHI Clark: International Finance, 2e Thomson 2006 Bharati V Pathak: Indian Financial Management , Pearson Jeevenandam: Foreign Trade Finance and Risk Management, Sultan Chand Avadhani: International Finance, Himalaya.
OBJECTIVE: To familiarize the students with analysis of securities market, valuation of different securities for the purpose of building optimal portfolio and the students with latest concepts and trends in the securities market. Unit-I: FUNDAMENTAL AND TECHNICAL ANALYSIS AND EFFICIENT MARKET HYPOTHESIS: Need for Fundamental analysis - Economic analysis - Tools of Economic analysis - Industry analysis Tools of Industry analysis - Company analysis - Tools of Company analysis Technical analysis - Technical Tools of analysis (Theory Only). Efficient Market Hypothesis - Meaning and Implications - Random Walk Theory - Strong and Semi-strong and weak forms of efficiency - Tests of EMH (Theory Only). Unit-II: VALUATION OF EQUITY SHARES AND ANALYSIS OF DEBT SECURITIES: Equity risk and return -- Capitalization of dividend earning and cash flows - Profit earning (PE) approach Valuation of debt securities - Types of bonds - interest rate of risk and purchasing power risk - Market interest rate and term structure of interest rates - Yield curves - Limitation of yield curves - Risk premium bonds - Maculay's Duration (MD) Advantage of MD (Including problems). Unit-III: CAPITAL MARKET THEORY: Assumptions- Capital market line - Portfolio selection - Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) Assumptions Security Line - Testing the CAPM - Arbitrage Pricing Theory (APT) Assumptions - One factor and Two factor Arbitrage Pricing - Multi-factor Arbitrage Pricing (Including problems) Unit-IV: EVALUATION OF PORTFOLIO PERFORMANCE: Measures of portfolio performance - Reward to variability and rewards to volatility - Shape's performance index - Trenor's performance index - Jenson's performance index (Including problems) Security Market Indexes - Averages - Indexes - Construction of Indexes - Stock market Index Revision (including simple problems) Unit-V: PORTFOLIO REVISION: Passive Management Active Management The Formula plans for the purchase & sale of securities Rupee cost averaging Constant rupee plan Constant ratio plan Portfolio revision & cost ( theory only) International investing international diversification foreign exchange risk (theory only). SUGGESTED READINGS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Reilly: Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management, Thomson Fisher Donald E & Ronald J Jordan: Securities Analysis & Portfolio Management, PHI Francaia Jack Clark & Richard W Taylor: Theory & Problems of Investment, Mcgraw Punithavathi Pundyan: Securities Analysis & Portfolio Management, Vikas Avadhani, V.A: Investment & Security Management in India, Himalaya Gangadhar V: Investment Management, Anmole Sulochana M: Investment Management, Kalyani Strong: Practical Investment Management, Thomson Avadhani, V.A: International finance, Himalaya.
FINANCIAL SERVICES Paper Code: 403 FIN/INB PPW: 5 Exam duration: 3 hours Maximum marks: 80+20 IA
OBJECTIVE: To acquaint the student with Innovative financial services offered to met the varied requirement of both the corporate and individual customers. UNIT-I: AN OVERVIEW OF THE FINANCIAL SERVICES: Meaning Classifications Traditional Activities Financial sector reforms and Financial Innovations in India Banking and Non-Banking services. Overview of Financial products and services: Merchant Banking, Loan Syndication, Leasing, Mutual Funds factoring, Forfeiting, Venture capital, Custodial services, Corporate, Advisory services, Depository services, Securitization, Under-writing services ( Banks and Insurance), banking services Bancassrance services, Credit rating, Credit cards, Derivatives Mergers, Acquisitions and Amalgamation Services in Forex Market, Lines of Credit Innovative Finance Instruments Micro Credit Finance Importance and different products/schemes Challenges facing the financial services sector. UNIT-II: LEASE, HIRE PURCHASE AND HOUSING FINANCE Leasing: Financial lease and Operating lease Differences between Lease and Hire purchase Types of financial leasing Advantages of leasing Consideration under lease Vs. Buy decision-leasing in India Problems of Leasing companies RBI guidelines on leasing and finance companies. Hire Purchase: Terms of the agreement under hire purchase types of hire purchase Advantages. Housing Finance: Housing Finance policy and Role of National Housing Bank (NHB) Housing and Urban Development corporation (HUDCO) Role of Housing Finance Corporations and the housing schemes Recent Developments. UNIT-III: MUTUAL FUNDS: Mutual fund fund unit Vs. Equity share Importance of Mutual funds Types of Mutual funds- main features of the close ended funds Open ended funds Income funds Growth funds Risks involved Organisation of firm Facilities available to investors guideline from the government of India Recent reforms in mutual funds Banks providing MF services Factors to be considered in selection of fund reasons for commercial banks to offer mutual funds Scenario of Mutual funds in India Problems in future prospects. UNIT-IV: DISCOUNTING, FACTORING AND FORFEITING: Discounting factoring Modus Operandi of factoring scheme Terms and conditions in factoring agreement function of factoring services - Types of factoring Role of Banks in providing discounting, factoring and forfeiting services , Cost of factoring and pricing of factoring services Benefit to the clients Export factoring Edifactoring : Forfeiting factoring Vs. Forfeiting Advantages and limitations of forfeiting Forfeiting in India. UNIT-V: SECURITISAION OF DEBT: Meaning and Concept of Securitization Structured securities Vs. Conventional Securities Securitization Vs. Factoring Operational mechanism of securitization Types of securitized assets Securitization and Role of Banks Advantages and limitation of securitization Future prospects of securitization. SUGGESTED READINGS: 1. Gordon: Financial Markets and Services, 2e Himalaya 2003 2. Gurusamy: Financial Services & Markets, Thomson 2005 3. Gurusamy: Financial Systems and Services, Thomson 4. Avadhani: Marketing of Financial Services, Himalaya 2004 5. Madura: Financial Institution & Markets, Thomson 2007 6. Pathak: Financial Markets and Services, Pearson 2005 7. Akbar Ali Khan & Sudershan: International Trade & Finance, Himalaya 2006.
TAX PLANNING Paper Code: 404 FIN/TAX/ACC PPW: 5 Exam Duration: 3 hours Maximum marks: 80+20 IA
OBJECTIVE: To acquaint the student with theoretical and practical knowledge of tax planning Techniques. UNIT-I: INTRODUCTION: Nature of tax Essential components in levy of tax Legal principles of taxation laws- Five basic rules of interpretation of statutes Law Lexicon and Legal MaximsConcepts of Tax Avoidance, Tax Evasion, Tax Planning and Tax Management (Theory Only). UNIT-II: TAX PLANNING - INDIVIDUALS: Planning with reference to all five heads of Income for individuals- Salaries, House property, Profits from Business& Profession, Capital gains and Other Sources (Theory and Simple Problems) UNIT-III: TAX MANAGEMENT DECISIONS: Tax considerations arising with regard to specific management decisions, such as make/buy, own/lease, retain/replace, export/local sale, shut down/continue, Expand or Contract, Merger and Amalgamations and new capital investment, Guidelines to Tax planning- Reliefs- Concessions- Rebates- Deductions- IncentivesPayment of Advance Tax- Filing of Returns- Refunds- Penalties for non-compliance. (Problems on Tax planning with reference to tax liability of Firms and Companies should be worked out) (Theory and Simple problems). UNIT-IV: TAX PLANNING - NEW INDUSTRIAL ESTABLISHMENTS & INVESTMENTS: Tax planning with reference to New Industrial Establishment- Tax considerations in developing capitalization Structures- Short term loans- Term loans- Public DepositsBonus Issues- Dividend Policies (Theory only). UNIT-V: TAX PLANNING INCENTIVES AND EXPORT PROMOTION: Schemes for encouraging exports- Import duty reliefs schemes- Highlights of Export Oriented units (EOUs), Special Economic Zones (SEZ), Export Processing Zones (EPZ)- Duty drawback provisions- Types of Drawback rates- Drawback claim procedures- Salient features of software Technology Part (STP), Electronic Hardware Technology Parks (EHTP)- Other export promotion schemes under EXIM policy (Only Theory). SUGGESTED READINGS: 1. Vinod K. Singhania: Taxmanns Indirect Tax Laws 2. Bhagawati Prasad: Direct Tax Laws and Practice 3. V. S. Datey: Indirect taxes, Taxman Publications.
ADVANCED CORPORATE ACCOUNTING Paper Code: 303 ACC PPW: 5 Maximum marks: 80+20IA Exam Duration: 3 hours
Objectives: 1. To understand the application of accounting practices in the fields of modern business and Profession; 2. To enable to maintain accounting records of latest fields of business and profession as per the National Accounting Standards. UNIT-I: HOLDING COMPANIES: Definition- provisions of Accounting Standard 21- Accounts Consolidation Preparation of Consolidated balance sheet- Minority interest- Pre- acquisition or capital profits- Cost of control or goodwill- Inter-company balances- Un realized inter company profits- Revaluation of assets and liabilities- Bonus shares- treatment of dividend More than one subsidiary Inter company holdings- consolidation of profit and loss account (including problems). UNIT-II: INVESTMENT ACCOUNTS: Introduction- Need and significance of investment accounts- accounting standard 13- cost of investments carrying amount of investments- investment ledger- Accounting treatment equity shares accounts. (Including problems) UNIT-III: LEASE ACCOUNTING: Definition of Lease- Features of lease- advantages and disadvantages- Lease distinguished from other modes of acquisition Provisions of Indian Accounting Standard 19- types of lease- Financial lease- Operating lease distinction between both- terms peculiar to leaseaccounting for financial lease in the books of Lesser and Lessee- sale and lease back. (Including problems) UNIT-IV: ACCOUNTING FOR PACKAGES AND CONTAINERS: Introduction- need- accounting treatment- Non returnable containers- Methods of maintaining containers account- containers stock account and containers trading account, Containers stock account and containers suspense account, Containers trading account and containers suspense or provision or reserve account (including problems) UNIT-V: FOREIGN BRANCHES - PREPARATION OF CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS: Introduction different exchange rates- Methods of translating financial statements- The temporal method- The all current method- the current-non-current method, cumulative translation adjustment account(CTA)- difference in the translated trial balance- Provisions of Indian accounting Standard 11- process of converting trial balance of foreign branches and preparation of final accounts and consolidated balance sheet. (Including problems) SUGGESTED READINGS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Accounting Standards and Corporate Accounting Practices: T.P. Ghosh, Taxmann, Allied Advanced Accountancy: R.L. Gupta and M. Radhaswamy, Sultan Chand and Sons. Advanced Accountancy: M.C. Shukla, T.S.Grewal, S.Chand & Company Ltd. Advanced Accountancy: S.K.R.Paul, New Central Book Agency. Advanced Accountancy: M.A.Arulanandam & K.S.Raman, Himalaya Publishing House. Modern Accountancy: A. Mukarjee and M.Haniff, Tata Mcgraw Hill Advanced Accountancy: Jain and Narang, kalyani Publications.
ACCOUNTING FOR SERVICE ORGANIZATIONS Paper Code: 304 ACC PPW: 5 Exam Duration: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 80+20IA
Objectives: 1. To understand the application of accounting practices in ascertaining the more acceptable Profits/ surpluses. 2. To enable to maintain the accounting records of professional, service and government Organizations. UNIT-I: ACCOUNTING FOR PROFESSIONAL ORGANISATIONS: Accounting books and documents to be maintained by professional men like Doctor, Lawyers, Engineers, and Accountants as per the provisions of income tax Act. Precautions to be taken in maintaining accounts- Relation between accounts of professional persons and their household accounts- preparation of final accounts (including problems). UNIT-II: ACCOUNTING FOR HOTELS, HOSPITALS & EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS: Hotels: Accounting for cash- Accounting for sales- Allowances to guests- Preparation of final accounts, special adjustments and features- special ratios relating to hotel business. Hospitals: Types of hospitals- Items of income and expenditure- preparation of financial statements- profit and loss account and balance sheet. Educational Institutions: Introduction- Books of accounts- Annual statement of accountsReceipts and payments account, income and expenditure account and balance sheet. (Including problems). UNIT-III: GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTING: General Principles - Indian Audit and accounting Department - Comptroller and auditor general of India - Financial Administration - Procedure for preparation of Government Accounts Compilation of Accounts (Theory only). UNIT-IV: FARM ACCOUNTING: Objectives of farm accounting peculiar features of farm accounting Books of accountsRecording of farm transactions- Preparation of final accounts- single entry method and double entry method. UNIT-V: DOUBLE ACCOUNT SYSTEM (INCLUDING ACCOUNTS OF ELECTRICITY CONCERN): Nature- Features of Double Account System- Receipts and Expenditure on Capital AccountsGeneral Balance Sheet- Revenue Account- Net Revenue Account- Difference between Single Account System and Double Account System Replacement of an Asset- Accounts of Electricity Companies. SUGGESTED READINGS: 1.Accounting Standards and Corporate accounting practices- T.P. Ghosh Taxmann Allied . 2.Advanced Accountancy R.L. Gupta and M. Radhaswamy Sultan Chand sons, New Delhi 3.Advanced Accounts- M.C. Shukla,T.S.Grewal- S. Chand&Company Ltd, New Delhi-110055 4. Advanced Accountancy-S.K.R.Paul-new Central Book Agency- Calcutta 700009 5.Advanced Accountancy-M.A.Arulanandam&K.S.Raman- Himalaya Publishing House- Delhi 7.Advanced Accountancy-Jain and Narang-Kalyani Publications 8.Advanced Accountancy-N.C.Agrawal 9. Annual Reports of CAG.
ADVANCED COST ACCOUNTING AND CONTROL Paper Code: 403 ACC PPW: 5 Exam Period: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 80+20IA
Objective: This paper aims at providing the skills of application of advanced costing technique for Ascertaining the costs, pricing of products, cost reduction and cost control. UNIT-I: ACITIVITY BASED COSTING (ABC): Concept and process of Activity Based Costing- Cost Hierarchies and Cost driversfour part cost hierarchy- selection of cost drivers- Designing optimal ABC systemABC in service and merchandising companies- significance of ABC. (Including problems) UNIT-II: SERVICE COSTING; Concept-Cost Collection- process of cost ascertainment- Transport Costing- powerHose costing-Hotel/Lodging house Costing Hospital Costing Cinema CostingCanteen Costing. (Including problems) UNIT-III: UNIFORM COSTING AND INTER-FIRM COMPARISON (IFC): Concept of Uniform Costing prerequisites- Scope- Objectives- manual Advantages and limitations. Concept of IFC- purpose- Pre requisites- Advantages and Limitations- Financial and operating Ratios for IFC- Steps in IFC (including problems) UNIT-IV: PRODUCT AND TRANSFER PRICING: Major influences on pricing decisions- cost and pricing for the short run- Cost and pricing for long run- target costing for target pricing- Cost plus pricing Considerations other than costs in pricing decisions- Concept of transfer pricingmethods of transfer pricing (including problems) UNIT-V: COST AUDIT: COST CONTROL, COST REDUCTION: Meaning of Cost Audit- Scope and functions- Cost audit Program_ Procedureprovisions in Companies act- Cost audit report- Concept, features, principles of cost control and cost reduction- Means and techniques- cost control Ratios- Cost reduction committee, Cost control in India- (including problems). SUGGESTED READINGS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Horngren, C.T. George Foster & Srikant M. Datar: Cost Accounting, Prentice Hall Robert S. Kaplan et al: Advanced Management Accounting, Pearson Hansen: Cost Management, Thomson, New Delhi. Jain and Narang: Advanced Cost Accounting, Kalyani Publishers New Delhi B.M. Lal Nigam and G.L. Sharma: Advanced Cost Accounting, Himalaya Saxena & Vashist: Advanced Cost Accounting, Sultan Chand and Sons Colin Drury: Cost and Management Accounting Thomson 2006.
TAX PLANNING Paper Code: 404 FIN/TAX/ACC PPW: 5 Exam Duration: 3 hours Maximum marks: 80+20 IA
OBJECTIVE: To acquaint the student with theoretical and practical knowledge of tax planning Techniques. UNIT-I: INTRODUCTION: Nature of tax Essential components in levy of tax Legal principles of taxation laws- Five basic rules of interpretation of statutes Law Lexicon and Legal MaximsConcepts of Tax Avoidance, Tax Evasion, Tax Planning and Tax Management (Theory Only). UNIT-II: TAX PLANNING - INDIVIDUALS: Planning with reference to all five heads of Income for individuals- Salaries, House property, Profits from Business& Profession, Capital gains and Other Sources (Theory and Simple Problems) UNIT-III: TAX MANAGEMENT DECISIONS: Tax considerations arising with regard to specific management decisions, such as make/buy, own/lease, retain/replace, export/local sale, shut down/continue, Expand or Contract, Merger and Amalgamations and new capital investment, Guidelines to Tax planning- Reliefs- Concessions- Rebates- Deductions- IncentivesPayment of Advance Tax- Filing of Returns- Refunds- Penalties for non-compliance. (Problems on Tax planning with reference to tax liability of Firms and Companies should be worked out) (Theory and Simple problems). UNIT-IV: TAX PLANNING - NEW INDUSTRIAL ESTABLISHMENTS & INVESTMENTS: Tax planning with reference to New Industrial Establishment- Tax considerations in developing capitalization Structures- Short term loans- Term loans- Public DepositsBonus Issues- Dividend Policies (Theory only). UNIT-V: TAX PLANNING INCENTIVES AND EXPORT PROMOTION: Schemes for encouraging exports- Import duty reliefs schemes- Highlights of Export Oriented units (EOUs), Special Economic Zones (SEZ), Export Processing Zones (EPZ)- Duty drawback provisions- Types of Drawback rates- Drawback claim procedures- Salient features of software Technology Part (STP), Electronic Hardware Technology Parks (EHTP)- Other export promotion schemes under EXIM policy (Only Theory). SUGGESTED READINGS: 1. Vinod K. Singhania: Taxmanns Indirect Tax Laws 2. Bhagawati Prasad: Direct Tax Laws and Practice 3. V. S. Datey: Indirect taxes, Taxman Publications.
SERVICES MARKETING Paper Code: 303 MKG PPW: 5 Maximum Marks: 80+20 IA Exam Duration: 3 Hours
Unit - I: Introduction to Services and Service Environment: Nature and definition of Services - Classification of services - Evolution of services as value contribution - Goods and services continuum - Contribution of services sector to the economy - Evolving environment of services - Macro and Micro environmental forces driving the growth of services - Services in the modern economy - Global - Environment of Setvices Unit - II: Services Marketing: Introduction to services marketing - Service marketing philosophy - Marketing concept-and Orientation - Defining services marketing - Differences between services and goods Marketing challenges - Marketing planning - Market opportunity analysis - Marketing Information system - Marketing research and Services - Consumer behaviour - Handling of consumer misbehaviour evaluation of service alternations - customer satisfaction - postpurchase evaluation by customer Unit - III: Service Products and Pricing of Services: Iintroduction to 8 ps of marketing mix - Product, Price, Place, Promotion, Physical, evidence, People, Process, Productivity - Service product - Physical evidence of services Segmenting, Targeting and positioning of services -'Need and Importance of STP - Problems of segmentation - Planning and creating of services - Identifying and - Classifying supplementary services - Product life cycle of services - Branding of services - New Service development - Pricing of services - Objectives - approaches - Methods - Problems in pricing Unit - IV: Distribution and Promotion of Services: Distribution in a services context - Service location decision - The type of contact - options for service delivery - Service delivery in cyberspace - Decisions about time and place of delivery modes of delivery - The role of intermediaries -. Distribution channels - Designing the communication mix for services - Objectives of communication - challenges and opportunities Unit - V: Managing the Service Delivery Process: Blueprinting services -- Service process redesign- Services Marketing Triangle - Managing internal and external customers -- The customer as co-producer - Balancing Demand and capacity - Managing people for service advantage - Improving service Quality and Productivity - The Gap Model. SUGGESTED READINGS: 1. Christopher Love lock, Jochen Wirtz & Jayanta Chatterjee: Services Marketing - Pearson 2. Hoffman: Services Marketing, 3e Thomson 2007 3. Govind Apte: Services Marketing,Oxford University Press 4. C. Bhattacharjee: Service Marketing, Excel Book 5. Kenneth E. Clow, David L. Kurtz: Service Marketing, Biztantra 6. Adrian Payne: Essence of Services Marketing, Adrian Payne, PHI 7. Jha, S.M: Services Marketing, Himalaya Publishing House 8. Barrie Hopson and Mike Scally: 12 Steps to success through service, Mercury Publications Canada 9. Bateson. J: Managing Services Marketing: Text & Readings, Dryden, Chicago 10. Philip Kotler & P.N. Bloom: Marketing Professional Services, Prentice Hall.
CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR AND MARKETING RESEARCH Paper Code: 304 MKG PPW: 5 Maximum Marks: 80+20 IA Exam Duration: 3 Hours
Unit-1: Consumer Decision-Making and Marketing Implications: Introduction to the study of consumer behaviour- Stages in Consumer DecisionMaking-Types of Consumer decision-making -Consumers shopping styles and Trends-Information search and consumers decision-making-Information search and marketing strategies- Dimensions of information search - Impulse Buying of Consumer- an emerging trend. Unit-II: Consumer Decision-Making and Beyond: Models of consumers- Four views of consumer decision-making - Economic, Passive, Cognitive, Emotional-A simple view of consumer decision-makingHoward sheth Model- Engel, Kollat and B1ackWell Model- Case studies with reference to India. Unit-III: Determinants of Consumer Behaviour: a) Motivation-Abraham Maslow's need Herz-berg's two factor theory, Sigmund freud's Psychoanalytical model of Motivation. b) Perception - Selective attention, Exposure and Subliminal perceptionPerception ProcessFactors for perceptional distortion. c) Learning -Pavlovian & Skinner's approaches in Stimulus Response Theories- Leon festinger's Cognitive Dissonance Theory. d) Beliefs and Attitudes- Cognitive , Affective and Action oriented Attitude. Unit-IV: Introduction to Marketing Research: Meaning- Marketing Research in practice- Types of management decisionsInformation and decision-making- Marketing research and marketing Information systems- Marketing research process- Concepts of marketing research -Forecasting, and marketing research- why and whatBasic concepts of tools used in marketing research including Focus group method, Surrey Methods, measurement and scaling, Questionnaire and form design. Unit-V: Planning the Research Project: Introduction- problem formulation -The managers view point- The Researchers view pointdetermining objectives- Alternative courses of action and statement of Hypothesis- The Environment of the Research problem- Methods of Inquiry Research Method- Research DesignData Collection Techniques- Sample Design- Data Collection- Analysis and InterpretationResearch Report Components of the Research Plan- Scheduling Research Activities- Illustration of Research Proposal. SUGGESTED READINGS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Leon and Schiffman and Leslie Lazar Knuk: Consumer Behavior, Pearson Blackwell: Consumer Behaviour, Thomson Suja Nair: Consumer Behaviour, Himalaya Publishers. Assael: Consumer Behaviour, 6e Thomson Paul, Donald, Herald: Research for Marketing decisions, Prentice Hall (India) Zikmund: Exploring Marketing Research, 8e, Thomson Naresh K.Malhotra: Marketing Research, An applied Orientation, Pearson Education Asia. Churchill: Marketing Research, 9e Thomson.
SUPPLY CHAIN ANAGEMENT Paper Code: 403 MKG PPW: 5 Maximum Marks: 80+20 IA Exam Duration: 3 Hours
UNIT-I: Introduction to SCM: Introduction, Meaning-NeedOrigin-Elements of SCM-Future trends in SCMPurchasing issues in SCM-The role of purchasing in an organization-The purchasing process-sourcing decisions-Role of supply base-Supplier selection-Purchasing organization-Centralized Vs DecentralizedInternational purchasing/global sourcing. UNITII: Creating and Managing Supplier Relationship: Introduction-developing successful partnership-supplier evaluation & certification-Supplier-Development-Supplier Relationship Management software. UNIT-III: Introduction-Sourcing strategies-Evaluating and selecting key suppliers-Strategic alliance and supplier certification programming outsourcing program-Supplier management and alliance Development-Use of E-procurement system-Rewarding Supplier Performance-Bench marking sourcing practices-Third party SCM services Assuming and improving the firm purchasing function. UNIT-IV: Operations Issues in SCM: Demand forecasting and collaborative planning, forecasting and replenishment-Matching supply and demand forecasting techniquesQualitative and Quantitative methods-Software solutions. UNIT-V: Distribution Issues in SCM: Domestic and International transportationImpact of transportation on SCMFundamentals of transportations-Warehousing-Transportation managementE-commerce & transportation. SUGGESTED READINGS: 1) Principles of SCM: Winer-Thomson-South we 2) Introduction of SCM: Bozarth Y Hand Field.
INTERNATIONAL MARKETING Paper Code: 404 MKG/INB PPW: 5 Maximum Marks: 80+20 IA Exam Duration: 3 Hours
Objective: To acquaint the students with the various concepts of international marketing, analysis, application of, and enable them to acquire specialized skills in it. UNIT- I: INTRODUCTION: (a)Introduction, Definition of international marketing;(b) Developing a global awareness;(c) International Marketing Concepts( Domestic Market, Extension Concept, Multi-domestic Market Concept, and Global Marketing Concept);(d) Driving forces of International Marketing (Market needs, Technology cost, Quality, Communication and Transportation, Leverage);(e) Restraining forces of International Marketing (Market differences, History, Myopia, Organizational culture, National controls/ Barriers to entry);(f) Difference between domestic marketing and international marketing. UnitII: INTERNATIONAL MARKETING ENVIRONMENT: Economic Environment: a) Economic Systems (Capitalist, Socialist & Mixed); b) Market Development (Stages of Market Development, Lowincome , High Income, Location of income, Location of population, Marketing of Economic Development); (c)Global Environment. Political Environment: (a) Multiplicity of Political Environments (Foreign Politics Domestic Politics, International Politics); (b) Types of Political System (Parliamentary, Absolutist, TwoParty, Multi-party, Single Party, Dominated single party); (c) Political Risks of Global Business; (d) Sovereignty of nations; (e) Stability of government policies. Legal Environment: (a) Multiplicity of legal environment (Domestic, Foreign, and International); (b) Bases for legal system; (c) Commercial Law within countries) Marketing laws, Green Marketing , and Anti-trust); (d) Bribery; (e) Gray Market; (f) Counterfeiting; (g) Protection of Intellectual Property Rights. Cultural Environment: (a) Culture and its characteristics; (b) Elements of culture; (c) Cultural Knowledge; (d) Cultural Values. Business Customs in International Marketing: (a) Required Adaptation; (b) Methods of doing business; (c) Business Ethics. UNIT-III: INTERNATIONAL MARKETING SEGMENTATION, TARGETING AND FOREIGN MARKET ENTRY STRATEGIES: (a) Global segmentation, Targeting and Positioning; (b) The research Process (Defining the problem, establishing research objectives, sources of data etc.), Research on Internet; (c) Planning for global markets (Company objectives and Resources, International commitment and the planning process); (d) Criteria for selecting a foreign market entry strategy; (e) Foreign Market Entry Strategies (Exporting, Branches, Subsidiaries, Licensing, Agents and Distributors, Joint Ventures, Manufacturing, Assembly Operations, Management Operations, Management Contracts, Turnkey Operations, Acquisitions, Internet, Franchising, Consortia, Counter-trade, Strategic international alliances, Foreign direct investment, Factoring and forfeiting).
UNIT-IV: INTERNATIONAL MATRKETING MIX: PRODUCT AND PRICING DECISIONS: Product Decisions: (a)Product and analysis of Product components; (b) Product adoption; (c) Physical or Mandatory requirements and adaptation; (d) Product alternatives, Screening products for adaptation; (e) Product standardization vs. Product adaptation; (f) Green Marketing and Product Development; (g) Brands (Global, National, and Private); (h) Packaging; (i) Inter-national Product Life Cycle; (j) International Product Promoting Industrial Product; (k) Marketing Services globally (Services opportunities in global markets, entering global markets, Market environment for business services). Pricing Decisions: (a) Approaches to international Pricing (Full cost vs. Variable cost pricing, skimming and Penetration pricing); (b)Dumping Types of dumping (Sporadic, Predatory, Persistent and Reverse dumping); (c) Price distortion; (d) Inflation; (e) Transfer Pricing; (f) Administered Pricing (Cartels, Governmentinfluenced pricing); (g) Counter-trade. UNIT- V: INTERNATIONAL MARKETING MIX: DISTRIBUTION AND PROMOTION DECISIONS: Distribution Decisions: (a) Channel Constraints; (b) Channel Terminology; (c) Distribution Patterns [(i) General Patterns ( Middlemen services, Line Breadth, Cost and Margins, Channel length, Non-existence channels, blocked channels, stocking, Power and competition; (ii) Retail Patterns (Size Patterns, Direct Marketing); (iii) World Wide Web ( Special issues, Promotion)]; (d) Alternative middlemen choices: (i) Home-country middlemen, (ii) Foreign country middlemen, (iii) Governmentaffiliated middlemen; (e) Determinants of Channel types (Legal regulations, Product image, Product characteristics, Middlemen loyalty and conflict, Local customs, Power and Coercion, Control); (f) Channel structure (Consumer Products, Industrial Products). Promotion Decisions: (a)Promotion Mix Concept; (b)Personal Selling (Personal Selling vs. Advertising, Vary quality, inter-cultural negotiations, Motivation, Telemarketing, Expatriate Personnel); (c)Publicity (Nature, Management, Negative Publicity); (d) Sales Promotion (Nature, and Restrictions; (e) Overseas Product exhibitions; (f) Global Adverting Concept, Global creative challenges, The Internet (A media-mix alternative), Advertising Agency Standardized international advertising; (g) Developing cultural awareness. SUGGESTED READING: 1. 2. 3. 4. Czinkota : International Marketing, Thomson, Sak Onkvisit and John J. Shaw: International Marketing: Analysis & Strategy,PHI Warren J. Keegan: Global Marketing Management, PHI Roger Bennet: International Marketing : Strategy. Planning Marke Entry & Implementation, Kogan Page Ltd., U.K. 5. Philip R. Cateora and John L.Graham: International Marketing, Tata McGraw Hill 6. Doole: International Marketing Strategy, Thomson.
OBJECTIVE: To acquaint the students with the theoretical and practical aspects of direct taxes including wealth taxes and to make them use computer packages for tax calculations. UNIT-I: INTRODUCTION: Introduction to Direct Taxes- Features- Types of Direct Taxes- Overview of Income Tax Act 1961- Basic Concepts- Person- Assessee-Previous Year and Exceptions- Assessment Year Income- Gross Total Income- Taxable Total IncomeResidential Status- Incidence of Tax- Permanent Account Number (PAN)-Income Tax Authorities- Functions (Theory Only). UNIT-II: ASSESSMENT OF INDIVIDUALS: Clubbing of Income - Set off and carry forward of losses- Permissible Deductions from Gross Total Income- Computation of Total Income and Tax Liability (Students should be given computed income under five heads for calculation of tax liability) (Theory and Problems). UNIT-III: HINDU UNDIVIDED FAMILIES: Introduction- Schools of Hindu Law- Residential Status of HUF- Partition of HUF Impartible Estate- Income not to be treated as family income- Assessment of HUF (Theory and Problems). UNIT-IV: RETURN OF INCOME AND ASSESSMENT PROCEDURES, COLLECTION AND RECOVERY OF TAX: Filing of Different Types of Returns of Income- Types of Assessment- Deduction and collection of Tax at source- Advance Tax- Recovery of Tax- Modes of Recovery and Refund Appeals and Revision- Penalties and Prosecutions (Theory only). UNIT-V: WEALTH TAX: Introduction- Definitions- Assessee- Assessment Year- Assets- Net WealthValuation DateRates of Tax- Persons liable for Tax- Charge of Wealth TaxDeemed Assets- Assets exempt from Wealth Tax (Theory and Problems). Note: Students are required to use tax packages such as Taxmann or Computax to workout the problems with reference to assessment of tax. SUGGESTED READINGS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Vinod K. Singhania: Taxmans Direct Tax Laws Bhagawati Prasad: Direct Tax Laws and Practice B.B. Lal and N. Vashisht: Income Tax, Wealth Tax and Tax Planning Manmohan: Direct Taxes withTax Planning aspects Girish Ahuja and Dr. Ravi Gupta: Direct Tax Law and Practice and Tax Planning.
INDIRECT TAXES Paper Code: 304 PPW: 5 Exam duration: 3hrs. Max. Marks: 80+20IA
OBJECTIVE: To acquaint the students with the basics and latest developments in the areas of Indirect taxes. UNIT-I: INTRODUCTION TO INDIRECT TAXES AND OVERVIEW OF CENTRAL EXCISE: a) Introduction to Indirect taxes: Introduction to Indirect taxes - features - Types of Indirect taxes - differences - merits and demerits - Constitutional provisions relating to Indirect taxes. b) Overview of Central Excise: An overview of Central Excise Act, Central Excise Tariff Act, Central Excise Rules - Important terms and definitions under Central Excise Act - Goods, excisable goods, assessee, assessable value, manufacture, manufacturer - An overview of Organisation and Authorities under CEA. UNIT-II: GENERAL PROVISIONS UNDER CENTRAL EXCISE ACT: General provisions under Central Excise Act - registration, valuation, removal of goods CENVAT: meaning - salient features- definition of input and capital goods, input service - determination of transaction value, classification - importance - rules and guidelines to determine correct classification - assessment procedure for manufactured and unmanufactured goods (simple case studies can be covered) ('Theory only) UNIT-III: CUSTOMS ACT: Meaning of Customs - organisation and operational authorities of Customs Act, classification for Customs - types of Customs duties, exemptions - determination of value of imported goods for purpose of calculating countervailing duty (Section 12) - essential conditions for determination of value (Section 14) (Theory only) UNIT-IV: ANDHRA PRADESH VALUE ADDED TAX & CENTRAL SALES TAX ACT: a) Introduction to APVAT - Important terms and definitions - registration - assessment procedure - appeals - revision - recovery and refund of tax b) Introduction to CST Act - objects - principles determining in the course of Interstate sale outside a state- import and export- determination of turnover - rates of tax ( common aspects of APVAT and CST may be highlighted) (including problems) UNIT-V: SERVICE TAX: Introduction to Service tax - significance of service sector and rationale for service tax meaning and growth of services - charging of service tax - taxable service - taxable event person who has to pay service tax - service provider and service receiver - registration - records - payment of tax -- service tax credit - Assessment of some services like telephone, stockbrokers, advertising agencies, courier, insurance, customhouse agents, company secretary and other professionals. (As and when the new services are added, students must be made aware of) (Theory and simple problems). SUGGESTED READINGS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. V. S. Datey: Indirect Taxes, Taxmann Publishers P.S. Chandrasekhar: Essays on Central Sales Tax Act, Sai Publications, Hyderabad Service Tax: Taxmann Publications AP Valued Added Tax Ordinance & Rules: Issued by Commissioners Taxes Gaur & Narang: Wealth Tax Act and Central Sales Tax Act, Kalyani Publishers Bare Acts of Indirect Taxes. *****
BUSINESS AND CORPORATE TAXATION Paper Code: 403 TAX PPW: 5 Exam Duration: 3hrs. Max. Marks: 80+20IA
OBJECTIVE: To acquaint the student with the Theoretical and Practical aspects of Assessing Partnership Firms, Companies, Co-operatives and Trusts UNIT-I: ASSESSMENT OF PARTNERSHIP FIRMS U/S 184: Meaning of Partnership Firm- Conditions for Assessment as a firm U/S 184 and 185Treatment of interest and remuneration paid to partners u/s 40(b)Computation of Total Income- Assessment of Partners of Firm- Change in constitution of Firm Succession of one firm by another firm- Assessment of dissolved or discontinued firm (Theory and Problems). UNIT-II: ASSESSMENT OF PARTNERSHIP FIRMS ASSESSED AS AOP: Partnership firm assessed as Association of Persons (AFAOP)- Computation of Total Income- Allocation of PFAOP's- Total Income- Treatment of Share of Income received by partners of PFAOP (Theory and Problems) UNIT-III: ASSESSMENT OF COMPANIES: Meaning of Company- Types of Companies - Computation of Gross Total Income of a Company- Deductions - Carry Forward and set off of lossesMAT- Tax Liability Tax on Distributed Profits - Tax on income in certain cases such as royalties, copyrights, literary works etc (Theory and problems). UNIT-IV: ASSESSMENT OF OTHER TAXES: Security Transaction Tax- Tonnage Tax- Banking Cash Transaction Tax (Theory only) - Fringe Benefit Tax (Theory and Problems). UNIT-V: ASSESSMENT OF CO-OPERATIVES AND TRUSTS: Meaning of Co-Operative Society- Definition- Deduction u/s 80(p)- Other deductions- Computation of Tax. Definition of Trust- Creation- Assessment of Private Trust- Charitable TrustExemptions- Application of Income- Income not exempted- Registration. (Theory only). SUGGESTED READINGS: 1. Vinod K. Singhania: Taxman's Direct Tax Laws. 2. Bhagawati Prasad: Direct Tax Laws and Practice 3. B.B. Lal and N. Vashisht: Direct Taxes, Income Tax, Wealth Tax and Tax.
TAX PLANNING Paper Code: 404 FIN/TAX/ACC PPW: 5 Exam Duration: 3 hours Maximum marks: 80+20 IA
OBJECTIVE: To acquaint the student with theoretical and practical knowledge of tax planning Techniques. UNIT-I: INTRODUCTION: Nature of tax Essential components in levy of tax Legal principles of taxation laws- Five basic rules of interpretation of statutes Law Lexicon and Legal MaximsConcepts of Tax Avoidance, Tax Evasion, Tax Planning and Tax Management (Theory Only). UNIT-II: TAX PLANNING - INDIVIDUALS: Planning with reference to all five heads of Income for individuals- Salaries, House property, Profits from Business& Profession, Capital gains and Other Sources (Theory and Simple Problems) UNIT-III: TAX MANAGEMENT DECISIONS: Tax considerations arising with regard to specific management decisions, such as make/buy, own/lease, retain/replace, export/local sale, shut down/continue, Expand or Contract, Merger and Amalgamations and new capital investment, Guidelines to Tax planning- Reliefs- Concessions- Rebates- Deductions- IncentivesPayment of Advance Tax- Filing of Returns- Refunds- Penalties for non-compliance. (Problems on Tax planning with reference to tax liability of Firms and Companies should be worked out) (Theory and Simple problems). UNIT-IV: TAX PLANNING - NEW INDUSTRIAL ESTABLISHMENTS & INVESTMENTS: Tax planning with reference to New Industrial Establishment- Tax considerations in developing capitalization Structures- Short term loans- Term loans- Public DepositsBonus Issues- Dividend Policies (Theory only). UNIT-V: TAX PLANNING INCENTIVES AND EXPORT PROMOTION: Schemes for encouraging exports- Import duty reliefs schemes- Highlights of Export Oriented units (EOUs), Special Economic Zones (SEZ), Export Processing Zones (EPZ)- Duty drawback provisions- Types of Drawback rates- Drawback claim procedures- Salient features of software Technology Part (STP), Electronic Hardware Technology Parks (EHTP)- Other export promotion schemes under EXIM policy (Only Theory). SUGGESTED READINGS: 1. Vinod K. Singhania: Taxmanns Indirect Tax Laws 2. Bhagawati Prasad: Direct Tax Laws and Practice 3. V. S. Datey: Indirect taxes, Taxman Publications.
INTERNATIONAL TRADE: THEORY AND PRACTICE Paper Code: 303 INB PPW: 5 Exam Duration: 3 hours Maximum marks:80+20IA
OBJECTIVE: To acquaint the student with the theoretical aspects of International Trade which will form as basis for International Business. UNIT-I: INTRODUCTION AND THEORIES OF INTERNATIONAL TRADE: Introduction Globalization Ways of classifying countries (Income-base developing and developed countries) Output of World Economy, Imports & Exports of goods in the World Economy International Trade in Services- Capital Flows in the World Economy Trends in international trade. Classical theories of international trade Trade based on Absolute Advantage. Trade based on Comparative Advantage. Trade based on Opportunity Cost Heckscher-Ohlin Theory of Factor Proportions, Trade under Constant Cost Difference between interregional and international trade. Arguments in Favor of and against international trade. Modern theories of international trade Venoms Product Life Cycle Theory Kenens Theory of Human Capital Availability Doctrine Stopler and Samuelson Theory of Protection of Trade. UNIT-II: TERMS OF TRADE, DYNAMIC AGAINS FROM TRADE INTERNATION FACTOR MOVEMENTS AND MNCs: Terms of Trade Dynamic gain from trade International Trade Vs. International Factor movements International movements of capital-reasons the welfare effects International movements of labour-reasons, the welfare effects, Immigration and public policy. The multinational corporations (MNCs) features, Classification, reasons for the existence of MNCs Role of MNCs in Developing Countries, Drawbacks of MNCs Public policy towards MNCs. UNIT-III: INTERNATIONAL TRADE POLICY: Political Economy of International trade Policy: The case for Free Trade (Free trade and efficiency, additional gains from free trade political arguments for free trade National Welfare Arguments Against Free Trade (The terms of trade agreement for a tariff, the domestic market failure argument against free trade, how convincing is the market failure argument). Income Distribution and Trade Policy (Electoral Competition, collective action, modeling the political process, who get protected). International Negotiations and Trade Policy (The advantages of negotiation, International trade Agreement: A Brief History, The Uruguay Round Trade Liberalization, Administrative Reforms, Benefits and Costs, Preferential Trading Agreements. International Policy in Developing Countries: Imports substituting Industrialization (The infant industry argument, promoting manufacturing through protection, results of favoring manufacturing: Problems of import substituting industrialization) Problems of the Dual Economy (Symptoms of dualism, dual labour market and trade policy, Trade policy as a cause of economic dualism). Export Oriented Industrialization: The east Asian Miracle (The facts of Asian growth,
industrial policy in the high Performance Asian Economies (HPAEs) Other factors in Growth. International Trade Policy in Advanced Countries: Do Nations Compete (Are High Value Added Industries desirable? competing for the good jobs, competing for high technology sectors Sophisticated Arguments for Strategic Trade Policy (technology and externalities imperfect competitions and strategic trade policy) Strategic Trade Policy in Practice (The strategic trade policy of Japan, strategic trade policy in other countries. UNIT-IV: METHODS OF PROTECTION: TRAIFF AND NON-TARIFF BARRIERS TO TRADE: Tariff Barriers to Trade: Introduction Methods of tariff (Tariff and Non-Tariff barriers); Political Economy of Protectionism (Protectionism and public choice, structure of Protectionism. Effective rate of Protection, anti-dumping, countervailing duties, the escape clause. Non-Tariff Barriers to Trade: Quotas (Objective, types tariff iota/custom quota, unilateral quota, lateral quota, mixing quota licensing of imports), Multifibre agreement (MFA) and voluntary Export restraint (VER); - Dumping (or Price discrimination) (essential conditions for dumping); - Exchange Control Objective and methods Subsidies Commodity Agreements International Cartels Objects, merits and demerits. Regulations (Government procurement laws, technical barriers to trade, labour and environmental standards; Rules of Origins. UNIT-V: WTO, UNCTAD, MFNS AND TRADE BLOCKS: WTO Objectives, Functions, Origins WTO and less developed and developing countries Most Favoured Nation (MFN) Status Benefits. UNCTAD A Brief History, Goals, Functions, Declaration of UNCTAD (Latest at the beginning of the relevant academic year), - Overview of the Main Activities (Trade and Commodities; Investment, Technology and Enterprise Development, Macro-Economic Policies, Debt and Development Financing; Transport, Customs and Information Technology; Special Programs for Least Developed, Land-locked Developing and Small Island Developing Countries; - Share of Regional Trade Blocks in the World Trade (i) European Union (EU); (ii) SAARC; (iii) ASEAN); (iv) NAFTA; (v) APEC; (vi) LAFTA; (vii) OAU; (viii) GCC. SUGGESTED READINGS: 1. Richard Sprinke & Sawyer: International Economics, PHI/Pearson 2. Yarbrough: The World Economy: Trade and Finance, Thomson 3. Mithani: International Economics, Himalaya Publishing House 4. Carbaugh: International Economics, Thomson 5. Jhingan ML: International Economics, Vrinda Publications 6. UNCTAD: Reports of UNCTAD 7. World Bank: 8. Krueggered: The WTO as an International Organisation, Oxford University Press 9. Krugman: International Economics 10.Mankiw: Principles of Macroeconomics.
INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT PAPER CODE: 304 INB PPW: 5 Maximum Marks:80+20 IA Exam Duration: 3 hours
Objective: To make the students be aware of national and international business environmental changes those are relevant to international business UNIT-I: INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS ENVIROMENT: a) International Political Environment - Nature of Politics, Political Instability & Risk b) International Legal Environment- Domestic, International and Supranational c) Social and Cultural Environment and International Business. UNIT-II: GLOBALIZATION AND INDIA'S TRADE POLICY: History of Globalization- Globalization: boon or bane? Globalization:Dimensions Indian Scenario -Global Business- Nature and Characteristics - India's trade policy past, present and future - EXIM policy - Highlights of Exim Policy Amendment 2003. . UNIT-III: WTO - INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS AND INDUSTRY: Background of WTO- Policy making through Ministerial Conferences Policy Execution and working of WTO including Disputes Settlement Mechanisms. Introduction & Nature of Intellectual Property - Intellectual Property and Economic Development - International Character of Intellectual Property - Trade Related Intellectual Property (TRIPS) - Patents - copy rights - Trade marks - Industrial designs - TRIPS AND Indian industries - TRIPS and Indian agriculture. UNIT-IV: PROVISIONS AND AGREEMENTS: WTO - Important provisions and Agreements - Agreement on Agriculture (AOA)Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade (Technical Regulations and Standards) Agreement on Textiles on Trade and Clothing (ATC) - General Agreement on Trade on Services (GATS) Agreement on Import Licensing: Keeping Procedures clearAgreement on Preshipment Inspection Further check on Imports - Agreement on Rules of Origin - Agreement on Trade Related Investment Measures (TRIMS) Agreement on Anti Dumping - Agreement on the Valuation of Goods at Customs. UNIT-V: REGIONAL TRADING BLOCKS: What is Regional Cooperation? Advantages - Earlier attempts at Free Trade - EuroAdvantages - Types of Regional Groupings North America Free Trade Agreement NAFTA) - Central American Common Market (CACM) South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) Economic Cooperation- Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) SUGGESTED READINGS: 1. Justin Paul: International Business PHI Eastern Economy Edition 2. Czinkota: International Business, Thomson 2006 3. Cherunillam: Inlernational Business PHI Eastern Economy Edition 4. Varma.M.L: International Trade Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd.
INTERNATIONAL FINANCE Paper Code: 403 INB PPW: 5 Exam duration: 3 hours Maximum marks: 80+20 IA
OBJECTIVE: To acquaint the student with International Finance environment and the channels of International financial flows, and expose them with different sources of international financing, how exchange exposure risk, what are the currency futures and option markets, what the modes and the methods of foreign trade financing. UNIT-I: AN OVERVIEW OF INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT & FOREIGN EXCHANGE RATE MECHANISM: Need Meaning, Nature and scope of International Finance International Financial Management International Finance Vs Domestic Finance (Theory Only). Foreign Exchange Rate Mechanism: Exchange rate quotations Determination of exchange rate in the spot market exchange rate determination in forward market Factors influencing Exchange rate (Including Problems). UNIT-II: CURRENCY FUTRUES AND OPTION MARKETS: Introduction to derivatives market Types of financial derivatives Distinctive features of derivatives market Traders in derivatives market Currency futures Future contracts Vs. Forward contracts Pricing futures Futures trading strategies ( Hedging, speculative trading and arbitrage strategies) Currency options Salient features and types of options Futures Vs. Options Pricing options (Black Scholes option Pricing Model) Opting trading strategies Derivatives trading in India (Theory Only). UNIT-III: FOREIGN EXCHANGE EXPOSURE AND RISK: Nature of exposure and risk Exchange rate and interest rate volatility Foreign exchange and risk Classification of foreign exposure and risk Transaction exposure Operating exposure Accounting treatment Management of foreign exchange exposure risk through hedging (Including Problems) UNIT-IV: INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS: Channels of International Flow of funds Euro currency market Euro credit Euro Bonds Types of Euro Bonds Euro currency deposits Certificate of deposits and other instruments Euro notes Types of notes Euro issues Foreign Currency Convertible Bonds Depository Receipts Global Depository Receipt (GDRs) GDR issue mechanism American Depository (Theory only). UNIT-V: FINANCING OF FOREIGN TRADE Introduction too foreign Trade financing Export financing Pre-shipment and PostShipment finance Documentation formalities and procedures for the grant of packing credit Documentation formalities and procedure for the grant of Post-Shipment finance Modes and sources of import finance Methods of payment Role of Letter of Credit in import finance. (Theory Only) SUGGESTED READINGS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Shapiro: Multinational Financial Management PHI, Madura: International Corporate Finance, 8e Thomson 2007 Sharan: International Financial Management, PHI Clark: International Finance, 2e Thomson 2006 Bharati V Pathak: Indian Financial Management , Pearson Jeevenandam: Foreign Trade Finance and Risk Management, Sultan Chand Avadhani: International Finance, Himalaya.
INTERNATIONAL MARKETING Paper Code: 404 MKG/INB PPW: 5 Maximum Marks: 80+20 IA Exam Duration: 3 Hours
Objective: To acquaint the students with the various concepts of international marketing, analysis, application of, and enable them to acquire specialized skills in it. UNIT- I: INTRODUCTION: (a)Introduction, Definition of international marketing;(b) Developing a global awareness;(c) International Marketing Concepts( Domestic Market, Extension Concept, Multi-domestic Market Concept, and Global Marketing Concept);(d) Driving forces of International Marketing (Market needs, Technology cost, Quality, Communication and Transportation, Leverage);(e) Restraining forces of International Marketing (Market differences, History, Myopia, Organizational culture, National controls/ Barriers to entry);(f) Difference between domestic marketing and international marketing. UnitII: INTERNATIONAL MARKETING ENVIRONMENT: Economic Environment: a) Economic Systems (Capitalist, Socialist & Mixed); b) Market Development (Stages of Market Development, Lowincome , High Income, Location of income, Location of population, Marketing of Economic Development); (c)Global Environment. Political Environment: (a) Multiplicity of Political Environments (Foreign Politics Domestic Politics, International Politics); (b) Types of Political System (Parliamentary, Absolutist, TwoParty, Multi-party, Single Party, Dominated single party); (c) Political Risks of Global Business; (d) Sovereignty of nations; (e) Stability of government policies. Legal Environment: (a) Multiplicity of legal environment (Domestic, Foreign, and International); (b) Bases for legal system; (c) Commercial Law within countries) Marketing laws, Green Marketing , and Anti-trust); (d) Bribery; (e) Gray Market; (f) Counterfeiting; (g) Protection of Intellectual Property Rights. Cultural Environment: (a) Culture and its characteristics; (b) Elements of culture; (c) Cultural Knowledge; (d) Cultural Values. Business Customs in International Marketing: (a) Required Adaptation; (b) Methods of doing business; (c) Business Ethics. UNIT-III: INTERNATIONAL MARKETING SEGMENTATION, TARGETING AND FOREIGN MARKET ENTRY STRATEGIES: (a) Global segmentation, Targeting and Positioning; (b) The research Process (Defining the problem, establishing research objectives, sources of data etc.), Research on Internet; (c) Planning for global markets (Company objectives and Resources, International commitment and the planning process); (d) Criteria for selecting a foreign market entry strategy; (e) Foreign Market Entry Strategies (Exporting, Branches, Subsidiaries, Licensing, Agents and Distributors, Joint Ventures, Manufacturing, Assembly Operations, Management Operations, Management Contracts, Turnkey Operations, Acquisitions, Internet, Franchising, Consortia, Counter-trade, Strategic international alliances, Foreign direct investment, Factoring and forfeiting).
UNIT-IV: INTERNATIONAL MATRKETING MIX: PRODUCT AND PRICING DECISIONS: Product Decisions: (a)Product and analysis of Product components; (b) Product adoption; (c) Physical or Mandatory requirements and adaptation; (d) Product alternatives, Screening products for adaptation; (e) Product standardization vs. Product adaptation; (f) Green Marketing and Product Development; (g) Brands (Global, National, and Private); (h) Packaging; (i) Inter-national Product Life Cycle; (j) International Product Promoting Industrial Product; (k) Marketing Services globally (Services opportunities in global markets, entering global markets, Market environment for business services). Pricing Decisions: (a) Approaches to international Pricing (Full cost vs. Variable cost pricing, skimming and Penetration pricing); (b)Dumping Types of dumping (Sporadic, Predatory, Persistent and Reverse dumping); (c) Price distortion; (d) Inflation; (e) Transfer Pricing; (f) Administered Pricing (Cartels, Governmentinfluenced pricing); (g) Counter-trade. UNIT- V: INTERNATIONAL MARKETING MIX: DISTRIBUTION AND PROMOTION DECISIONS: Distribution Decisions: (a) Channel Constraints; (b) Channel Terminology; (c) Distribution Patterns [(i) General Patterns ( Middlemen services, Line Breadth, Cost and Margins, Channel length, Non-existence channels, blocked channels, stocking, Power and competition; (ii) Retail Patterns (Size Patterns, Direct Marketing); (iii) World Wide Web ( Special issues, Promotion)]; (d) Alternative middlemen choices: (i) Home-country middlemen, (ii) Foreign country middlemen, (iii) Governmentaffiliated middlemen; (e) Determinants of Channel types (Legal regulations, Product image, Product characteristics, Middlemen loyalty and conflict, Local customs, Power and Coercion, Control); (f) Channel structure (Consumer Products, Industrial Products). Promotion Decisions: (a)Promotion Mix Concept; (b)Personal Selling (Personal Selling vs. Advertising, Vary quality, inter-cultural negotiations, Motivation, Telemarketing, Expatriate Personnel); (c)Publicity (Nature, Management, Negative Publicity); (d) Sales Promotion (Nature, and Restrictions; (e) Overseas Product exhibitions; (f) Global Adverting Concept, Global creative challenges, The Internet (A media-mix alternative), Advertising Agency Standardized international advertising; (g) Developing cultural awareness. SUGGESTED READING: 7. Czinkota : International Marketing, Thomson, 8. Sak Onkvisit and John J. Shaw: International Marketing: Analysis & Strategy,PHI 9. Warren J. Keegan: Global Marketing Management, PHI 10.Roger Bennet: International Marketing : Strategy. Planning Marke Entry & Implementation, Kogan Page Ltd., U.K. 11.Philip R. Cateora and John L.Graham: International Marketing, Tata McGraw Hill 12.Doole: International Marketing Strategy, Thomson.
PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE OF LIFE AND HEALTH INSURANCE Paper: 303 INS Maximum Marks: 80+20 IA PPW: 5 Exam Duration: 3 hours Objective: To acquaint the student about the changing scenario in Life & Health Insurance. Unit-I: RISK MANAGEMENT: Managing Personal Risks: Premature Death, Superannuation, disability, Unemployment, Managing Risks Associated with Premature Death. Identifying And Measuring Risks Associated with Premature Death, Amount of Life Insurance to Own. Approaches for Estimating Optimal Life Insurance Protection: Human Life Value Approach, Needs Approach, Capital Retention Approach. Risk Associated with Superannuation. The Risk of Outlining the Retirement Accumulation. Estimating the Accumulation Need, Risks Associated with Disability. Needs Analysis for Disability Risk. Available Resources to Meet the Disability Risk. Providing for The Gap Between Needs and Available Resources. Evaluating Medical expenses Exposure. Managing Risk of Unemployment. State Unemployment Insurance Programmes. Risk Retention and Risk Reduction. Unit-II: LIFE INSURANCE INTRODUCTION: Types of life insurance Contracts, Term and Cash Insurance. The Level Premium Concept. Life Insurance products, Types of Term Insurance, Whole Life Insurance: Ordinary Life Insurance, Limited payment Life Insurance, Endowment Life Insurance , Variation of Whole Life Insurance: Variable Life Insurance , Universal Life Insurance, Variable Universal Life Insurance, Current Assumption whole life insurance, Indeterminate Premium Whole Life Insurance, General Classifications of Life Insurance :Ordinary Life Insurance, Industrial Life Insurance Group Life Insurance, Credit Life Insurance, Computation of Life Insurance premium: Mortality, Interest, Net Single Premium, Net Level Premium, reserves on Life Insurance policies, Benefits-Certain and Benefits-Uncertain contracts. Unit-III: LIFE INSURANCE CONTRACTS: Life Insurance contracts, Inception of the Life Insurance Contract, General Provisions of Life Insurance: Ownership Clause, Beneficiary Clause, Incontestable Clause, Suicide Clause, Grace Period, Reinstatement, Misstatement of Age or Sex Clause; Change-of-Plan Provision, Exclusion And Restrictions, Payment of Premiums, Assignment Clause, Policy Loan Provision. Dividend Options: Cash, Premium Reduction, Accumulate at Interest, Paid-up Additions, Fifth Dividend Option- Term Insurance. Non-Forfeiture Option or Cash Surrender Option, Settlement Options: Interest Option, Fixed Period Option, Fixed Amount Option, Life Income Option, Additional Life Insurance Benefits: Waiver of Premium Provision, Guaranteed Purchase Option, Accidental Death Benefit Rider, Cost of Living Rider, Buying Life Insurance, Determining the Cost of Life Insurance, Rate On saving Component, Taxation and Life Insurance, Shopping for Life Insurance. Unit-IV: HEALTH INSURANCE: Individual Health and Disability Income Insurance, Types of Individual Health Insurance Coverage: Hospital - Surgical Insurance, Major Medical Insurance, Long Term Care Insurance, Disability Income Insurance, Need for Disability Income Insurance: Short Term Versus Lang term Disability Coverage Health Insurance for the Elderly, Long Term Care Insurance , Shopping for Health Insurance. Employee Benefits: Group Life and Health Insurance, Group Insurance, Group life Insurance Plans, Group Health Insurance Plans, Group Disability - Income Insurance. Unit-V: INSURANCE COMPANY OPERATONS: Insurance Company Operations: Rate Making, Underwriting, Production, Claim Settlement, Reinsurance, Life Insurance Industry in India. Government Insurance Units, Private Players , Emerging Scenario, Marketing Systems, Distribution Channels - Agents and Brokers, Changes in Distribution System, Government regulation of Insurance, Rationale of Regulation, Function of IRDA, IITDA Regulations, Issues in Insurance Regulation. SUGGESTED READINGS: 1. Vaughan, E.T & T.Vaughan: Fundametals of Risk Insurance, Johan Willey & Sons 2. Course material and books published by "Insurance Institute of India, Mumbai". 3. Rejda, G.E: Principles of Risk Management and Insurance (Seventh Edition), Pearson 4. Treischmann: Risk Management & Insurance, Thomson 5. Chance: Introduction to Risk Management and Derivatives, Thomson.
PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE OF GENERAL INSURANCE Paper: 304 INS PPW: 5 Maximum Marks: 80+20 IA Exam Duration: 3hours
Objective : To acquaint the student with the techniques of General Insurance. Unit-I: RISK, RISK MANAGEMENT AND INSURANCE: Risk, Uncertainty, Peril and Hazard, definition of Risk of Loss, Classifications of Risks, Growth Number of Risk, Increasing Severity of Losses. Managing Risk, Risk Management by Individuals, Businesses and Society, Tools Of Risk management Risk Control; Risk Financing, Risk Management as a Business function, Risk Management and Value Creation, Process of Risk Management, Identifying and Evaluating Potential Losses, Selection of Risk, Treatment Devices. Property and Liability risk Exposure, Life, Health and Loss of Income Exposure, Methods of Risk Management: Non Insurance Methods, Risk Avoidance, Loss Control, Risk Retention, Risk Transfer. Insurance as a Risk Management Technique, Nature of Insurance, Risk Sharing And Risk Transfer, Law of Large Numbers, Risk Reduction Through Pooling Benefits and Costs of Insurance. Unit-II: LEGAL PRINCIPLES IN INSURANCE: Principles of Indemnity, Insurable Interest, Subrogation and Utmost Good Faith, Proximate Cause Requisites of Insurance Risks, Insurance and Law of Contracts, Distinguishing Legal Characteristics of Insurance Contracts. Insurance Policy Provisions, Definitions, Declarations, Insuring Agreement, Exclusions, Conditions, Miscellaneous Provisions, Endorsements, Cover Note, Warranties, Interpretation of Insurance Policy. Unit-III: PROPERTY LOSS EXPOSURES AND GENERAL INSURANCE COVERAGES: General Insurance Policies - Types of Coverage. Commercial Property Loss Exposures, Personal Property Loss Exposure, fire And Allied perils, Declaration and Floating Policy, Business Interruption Insurance, House Owners policy, Boiler and Machinery Insurance, Marine Cargo Insurance: Law and practice. Unit-IV: AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE: Act only Cover, Third Party Property Damage and Bodily Injury Cover, Liability Exposures, Types of Liability Damages, Criminal and Civil Law. Torts, Law of Negligence, Defence Against Negligence Claims, Types of Liability Exposures, Professional Liability Insurance. Unit-V: RATE-MAKING IN GENERAL INSURANCE: Claims Procedures, Surveying and Loss adjusting, Agents and Brokers, Insurance Laws and Insurance Regulation in India, General Insurance Industry In India ., Public Sector Players, Private Sector Players, Channels of Distribution Of Insurance, relative Merits and Drawbacks of Different Channels, changes in the Distribution System in India, Co-insurance and Reinsurance, Essential Principles of Reinsurance, Reinsurance in India. SUGGESTED READINGS: 1. Vaughan,E.Tand T.Vaughan: Fundamental of Risk and Inswance, John Wiley & Sons 2. Rejda, G.E: Principles of Risk Management and insurance, Pearson Education 3. Luthardt: Property and Liability Insurance Principles, Insurance Institute of America, 4. Stulz: Risk Management management & Derivatives, 2e, Thomson 5. Chance: Introduction to Risk Management and Derivatives, Thomson.
INSURANCE: ACTUARIAL SCIENCES Paper Code: 403 INS PPW: 5 Max. Marks:80 + 20 IA Exam Duration: 3 Hours
UNIT-I: Introduction to statistics - Random variables: Meaning. Ceatral Limit theorem: Derivation Applications. Probable experience - Actual experience - Law of large numbers - Application of the Law of Insurance. Unit-II: Probability distributions: Normal, Binomial and Poisson and their essential properties. Probability disribution used in Risk management and Rationale of their use. Estimation: Method of Estimation - Use of Estimates in Insurance. Monte Carlo Simulation: Use of Monte Carlo Method. Unit-III: Mean - Variance Analysis - Computation of Mean and Variance - Variance as a measure of risk. Discrete Term - Structure models -- Modeling stochastic term structure. Interest - Sensitive cash flows - Valuation of Interest - Sensitive cash flows. Unit-IV: Mortality tables - Probabilities of Survival and Death - Computation of mortality rates - Preparation of mortality tables - Mortality tables for insurance and for annuities. Valuation of Life Insurance Risks - Principles underlying it. Determination of Life Resrves - Meaning, Methods of calculation of Life Reserve Terminal, initial and mean reserves. Acturial Analysis of pension plans. Unit-V: Regression Theory - Computation of Partial and Multiple Linear regressions. Liability Cash Flows - Modeling Liability Cash Flows. Measuring the effectiveness of Risk Management - Products with basic risk - Credit risk metrics. SUGGESTED READINGS: 1. Hossack, LB: J.H. Polland and B. Zehnawirth, Introductory Statistics with Applications in General Insurance, Cambridge University Press; Cambridge, England. 2. Babbel, David F. and Graig B.Merrill, Valuation of Interest, Sensitive Financial Instruments, Society of Actuaries, Maringale. 3. Whatsham: Futures & Options in Risk Management, Thomson 4. Morgan, J.P.: Introduction to Credit Metrics, J.P. Morgan, New York. 5. Bell, David E. and Authur Shleifer Jr.: Risk Management. 6. Course material and books published by "Insurance Institute of India", Mumbai.
RETIREMENT PLANNING Paper Code: 404 INS PPW: 5 Max. Marks: 80 + 20 IA Exam Duration: 3 Hours
Unit-I: Historical background to employees benefits in India - Employees State Insurance (ESI) and its schemes - Provident funds and its schemes Superannuation and gratuity schemes. Unit-II: Group Insurance schemes - Segments of group insurance market - Origin and development of group schemes - Characteristics of groups - Group underwriting - Rate making and experience rating adjustment. Unit-III: Gratuity and Superannuity Schemes - Different ways of arranging schemes Funded schemes and unfounded schemes - Trustee administered and insured schemes - Methods of costing past service benefit and future service benefits - Annual premium and single premium - Method of costing - Definite fiunding and indefinite funding and controlled funding - Methods - Cash accumulation system of securing gratuity and pension benefits Determination of contribution -- Rates under gratuity and benefit purchase superannuation schemes. Unit-IV: Legal aspects and taxation treatment of retirement provisions under provident, gratuity and superannuation funds - Documenation of trust deeds and Rules. Unit-V: Date processing and group schemes. SUGGESTED READINGS: 1. Leaflets prepared by the LIC of India. 2. LIC Publications Act.