Debate Assignment: Opening Statement: Each Team Will Prepare An Opening Statement of 350-500 Words
Debate Assignment: Opening Statement: Each Team Will Prepare An Opening Statement of 350-500 Words
Debate Assignment: Opening Statement: Each Team Will Prepare An Opening Statement of 350-500 Words
Opening statement: Each team will prepare an opening statement of 350500 words which will 1) explain or describe the issue (do this as if explaining it to someone who knows nothing about educational issues). 2) State your thesis (make sure to have two to three reasons why you believe one way or another). 3) support your thesis with research information (make sure to use MLA formatting). 4) bring up and deal with what you think are the counter arguments (this also comes from research), and 5), conclude by summarizing your points or a call to action. The team must select a member to read the opening statement to the class starting on Monday, 3-15. Each team is also responsible for sending a copy of the opening statement to the opposing team Rebuttal: Each team will prepare a 350-500 word document that refutes the points made by the opposing team. The con team will go first refuting the points made in the other teams opening statement (be sure to deal with the specific points the other team makes) As before, each team will select a member to read the rebuttal to the class and send a copy to the other team. Dont be afraid to attack the other teams argument especially if you think its weak. Make sure that you have an introduction (with thesis) body or development paragraphs and a conclusion Closing Statement: Each team will produce a 350-500 word document that summarizes their teams argument. (again make sure that you have an introduction- with thesis- body and conclusion). Be careful not to make this a total repeat of the opening statement. In the closing argument, you can mention the points brought up during the rebuttal. In the closing you can be more respectful of the other teams argument