Argumentative Essay Prompt
Argumentative Essay Prompt
Argumentative Essay Prompt
Write an argumentative essay in which you make a specific point about something you find to be
important. Think about your purpose for writing and your target audience. Try to think of a
question that is controversial, meaning that there is some debate about how to answer this
question. Your answer to the question is your argument/thesis.
You must quote or paraphrase from two scholarly sources. Your argument/thesis must respond in
some way to the claims made by your sources (agree with a difference or with additional support;
disagree with reasons; or agree and disagree simultaneously while leaning toward one side). For
an argumentative essay, you should only use anecdotal evidence in the introduction as an
attention gainer but not as evidence in your main body paragraphs. Reliable, research-based
evidence is expected in argumentative writing.
Step One: Proposal
This is an opportunity for you to decide on your topic and thesis. You can always change or refine your
argument later. What point do you want to make about your topic? What main points will you use to
support your thesis? From what you have read so far, what have other people said about this issue or
topic; if you have not done any reading on this issue, what do you assume they would say? How is your
argument different from other authors'? Who would your target audience be? Why does this argument
matter? Summarize your argument in 200 words, typed, MLA format.
Step Two: Annotated Bibliography
You will be provided with a sample annotated bibliography. You will need to include two sources in
your annotated bibliography. You will need to include: bibliographic information for the books, essays,
or articles you include (50 words each), evaluation of each source (50 words each), and a description of
how you will use the sources (50 words each). You will need a total of 150 words for each source that
you use. Typed, MLA format.
Step Three: Outline
The purpose of this assignment is for you to begin brainstorming and organizing your ideas. Please use
roman numerals (I, II, III, etc.) to indicate paragraphs, and letters (A, B, C, etc.) to indicate supporting
ideas, quotes, etc. Your introduction should contain your thesis statement. Your sentences do not need
to be very long, nor do they need to be worded very eloquently, but they do need to be complete
sentences so that I can understand what points you are trying to make. This should be a fully completed
outline with developed ideas and paragraphs. It is a good idea to include quotes in this outline, so that
you will know which quotes to include and where in your final essay. This will save you time later
because you will already have the skeleton of your essay in place. The outline will also help you to
organize your ideas.
Final Draft Criteria:
1. Topic Selection: Focuses on one specific topic that can be discussed in detail in 3-4 pages.
2. Title: The title should be both creative and informative.
3. Thesis: Makes a clear, specific, and debatable argument.
4. Development/Support: Ideas are fully developed. Two scholarly sources (either books or
essays/articles found either on library databases or .edu/.gov websites) used to support your
5. Content: The essay contains enough support and evidence to be potentially convincing. The
ideas are clear and well thought out.
6. Organization: The ideas appear in a logical order. The paper uses transitions to move from one
idea to the next. The essay should have at least five paragraphs. Each body paragraph should
discuss a different point.
7. Spelling/Grammar/Mechanics: The paper is virtually free of spelling, grammar, or
mechanical errors.
8. Page Length: The paper is at least 3 complete pages long. Papers less than 3 COMPLETE
pages will not earn a passing grade.
9. MLA Citation: The paper uses MLA style citation for quotes, paraphrases, summaries, and a
Works Cited page.
10.MLA Formatting: The paper uses MLA formatting, including 12-point, Times New Roman
font, double spacing, one inch margins, etc.