Duas Imam Zamana
Duas Imam Zamana
Duas Imam Zamana
Hence, it is obligatory on us that we prepare ourselves D) Guides towards the right path:
through reflection, For the acceptance of prayers which we have already
explained, the manifest proof for guidance towards Allah's
deliberation and deep thought in the ways of nature before
right path, are the divine proofs for the creatures and those
death overtakes us. And it is also necessary that we take our
who have been termed as 'the gate of Allah through whom
own account before our account is taken.
(Allah) is reached', and this is the best standard. As Allah the
Almighty says,
C) Seeking Permission:
"… and seek a medium to Him."(1)
Indeed Allah the Almighty on account of His Mercy and
Kindness for His weak and humble slave, has provided the They are the trusts of Allah among His creatures, and the
method of invocation, so that it may enlighten him and guide gnostics whom the servants need, and they are the guides
him. Thus, whosoever intends that his prayers should be towards Allah, Glorified be He, the High. Therefore, the
accepted, then Allah the Almighty has promised him thus, acceptance of supplication depends upon blessings and
salutations upon them because they are the medium of
"Call Me, I will answer you."
dispelling the calamities and difficulties of this nation. They are
Therefore, when a person cannot fathom the manners of this the ones whom Allah the Almighty has attributed as the
world, then how is it possible that he understands the method possessors of power to describe Allah the Almighty His
of invocation by which His Mercy encompasses him? Without Creatures, as he says in His Mighty Book,
recognising the method and manners of invocation and
"… Purified is Allah from what they
supplication, how it is possible that its concepts are facilitated
attribute except His sincere servants."(2)
for him and provided unto him? Thus, it is essential for a
person that he recognises the manner of invocations to attain Then who are these holy personalities? They are the
its concepts. After acquiring the permission to pray, the Messenger of Allah (s.a.) and after him, his progeny (a.s.) as
questions that arise are as to with what we should invoke? he has willed,
How should we supplicate? In what way should we ask? So
"Surely I leave behind you two most weighty
how should we recognise this proof who has been explained
things, Allah's Book and my progeny. If you hold
only by his Master? Therefore, it is necessary that we have a
unto them, you will never be misguided after me."
guide that we follow. Who is this guide? What is the method
that we can follow step by step? What are the obstacles in the They are his holy and purified Ahle Bait (on them is all the
acceptance (of supplications)? And how can we remove these best blessing and salutation). And in our times today, the
(1) Maaedah: 35
(1) Nahjul Balagha, Sermon 42 (2) Saaffaat: 16, 159
5 Rabeeul Anaam Fi Adeea-e-Khairil Anaam Preface 6
medium and the stretched rope between the Creator and His himself with these traits and characteristics. Doa-e-Abu
creatures, His trust among His creatures, His proof on His Hamza-e-Thumaali shows the domination of divine mercy
earth, is the Hujjat al-Zamaan, al-Mahdi, the Promised (may over divine wrath. Doa-e-Nudba explains for us the series of
Allah the Almighty hasten his holy reappearance). As the Holy Allah's proofs (peace be on them all) among His creatures
Prophet (s.a.) said, from Hazrat Adam (a.s.) to the Holy Prophet (s.a.) till Hazrat
Mahdi (a.t.f.s.) and the tortures they faced from the people.
" Mahdi is from my progeny. His name is my
Doa-e-Faraj elucidates that Hazrat Saahebuz Zamaan
name. He will fill the earth with justice and equity
(a.t.f.s.) is the only heir of the Holy Prophet (s.a.) and will fill
like it would be fraught with injustice and
the earth with justice and equity like it would be fraught with
injustice and oppression. By his reappearance, the statement,
These are the chosen ones who taught the creatures numerous 'There is no god but Allah, Muhammad is Allah's Messenger
supplication for worship. Their word is lower than Allah's and Ali is the slave of Allah' will become widespread, thereby
word and higher than that of the creature. Whoever heard resulting in the prevalence of Allah's (Purified and High be He)
their saying the said, "Your word is light." None in the universe true worship.
can describe Allah the Almighty but them and their word is
proof upon all the creatures.
II) General view on Ziyaaraat:
The elements discussed in the previous point of supplications
E) Lessons in invocation: and invocations, are equally applicable for this chapter. In
In Islamic teachings, it has been explained that invocation other words, whatever was said concerning supplications is
alone is not enough. Yes, it is essential that it is accompanied relevant for ziyaaraat as well, the only difference being as
with action, efforts and perseverance. Then, the one who follows: Supplication is our conversation with our Creator
seeks sustenance, it is necessary that this invocation are Who there is none like Him. Whatever He desires, comes into
supplemented with efforts. Similarly, the one who is in quest existence without any hindrance or question, as He Himself
for knowledge and intends to keep away ignorance, it is declares,
obligatory that his supplication should be accompanied with
striving towards acquisition of knowledge. Therefore, you see 'His affair is such that when He intends
in our supplications, lesson on beliefs, ethics and Islamic something , (He) simply says to it, 'Be', and
injunctions. Let us take Doa-e-Jaushan Kabeer as an instance lo! it is."(1)
which contains concepts on monotheism. Or But ziyaaraat are our conversation with Allah's sincere
Doa-e-Makaarem al-Akhlaaq which comprises of discussions creatures and His infallible proofs, who cannot be paralleled
on nobility and ethics and it is necessary that a believer adorns by anyone from this nation. They are those whom Allah has
7 Rabeeul Anaam Fi Adeea-e-Khairil Anaam Preface 8
purified from all uncleanness and has created them pure, in front of a huge mountain or a drop of water when
purified. Thus, whosoever desires to enter the gate of Allah, compared to an ocean, are not worth a mention, we too when
then they (a.s.) are the gates through whom Allah is compared to these great personalities, are even smaller than
approached. They are the medium towards Him and hence, the ant or the drop of water. Then how is it possible that we
their recognition, their love and treading on their path is describe or recognise them? It is only Allah the Almighty Who
obligatory. All these are summarised in one thing and that is knows them. Consequently, the only method to know them is
ziyaarat. Literally, ziyaarat means to meet. It is our creed that through revelation. If we acquire any other mode of
their souls ascend towards the highest heavens and that they recognition, then indeed we will be among the doomed sects.
are alive, getting their sustenance (from their Lord). They look
Then what should be done? Now, the only way to describe
at us, hear our speech and reply to our salutations. As
the sun from the characteristics of its tongue, the ocean from
Ameerul Momineen (a.s.) narrates from the Holy Prophet
its reflection in the mirror and the height of a mountain from
the bird that flies over its top. Therefore, we should acquire
"Those who die among us, are not (actually) the beliefs from these infallible and holy Imams (a.s.) so that
dead." we refrain from either of extremes nor we become among
those who exaggerate (O). Hence, on divine command, we
The belief of us Shias is against the Wahhaabis who think that
commence our ziyaarat with greetings and salutations in his
as the Holy Prophet (s.a.) is dead, our relationship with him is
presence, as a method of offering our respect and believing
like that with any other stone that can neither advance nor
that, 'by his blessing are the creatures sustained and through
postpone. And also opposed to the Ghulaat who attribute
his existence, the earth and the heavens are being firmly
divinity to Ameerul Momineen (a.s.). Allah is Higher than what
established.' Hence, we being among his flock and his guests,
the unjust believe, a big lie. We subscribe to the belief that
must necessarily greet him every morning with our salutations.
Holy Prophet (s.a.) is the last Prophet but the most superior of
We must offer our greetings as they have taught us and renew
them all. He is followed by his successors, the Holy Imams
our allegiance with them. We should seek from Allah the
(a.s.). In our time today, Hazrat Mahdi (a.t.f.s.), the Promised
Almighty with a blazing heart that He hastens his noble
One, is his successor.
reappearance. This is what he (a.t.f.s.) has ordered us to do
So from among the manners of ziyaarat is that the one whose when he says,
ziyaarat we are about to read, his recognition is a must. It is
'And pray most for th e hastening of the
not possible for us to acquire the recognition of the Holy
reappearance, for certainly, it is your salvation.'
Prophet (s.a.) or the infallible Imams (a.s.) through the faulty
or inadequate faculties available to us humans. Just as an ant,
but why is it that our prayers are not accepted?' It is also a sign of the invocation's acceptance.
He (a.s.) replied, 'Because you invoke Whom you
I) Surely one who seeks an obligation from a great person,
do not recognise."(1)
will first try to appease his servants and those around
Similarly, it is narrated from the same Imam (a.s.), him, so that his desire is achieved quickly. Imam Sadeq
(a.s.) says,
"When you supplicate, then be positive that your
needs are at the door (i.e. fulfilled)."(2) "Whenever any of you becomes ill, he calls a
doctor and pays him. Whenever you have work
E) Another condition of acceptance of supplications is
with a king, you bribe the door-keeper and pay
excessive seeking and asking because Allah the Almighty
him. Similarly, when any matter disturbs you, fear
loves immoderation in supplication on account of His
Allah the Almighty, and purify yourself with a
vast nobility, grace and unlimited mercy.
charity, less or more. Thereafter, enter the mosque
F) One manner of invocation is to pray secretly. For, and pray two rakat namaaz….."(2)
seeking needs in solitude is dearer to the nobles.
J) One who has some need, he will place the need of
Moreover, a prayer in isolation is nearer to sincerity and
others in front of the nobles as a medium for his own
distant from ostentation.
need. It is narrated from reliable chain of narrators that
G) Observing the timings in which an invocation is supposed Imam Sadeq (a.s.) said,
to be accepted. For surely, Allah the Almighty, has fixed
"Whoever gives precedence to forty people from
some places and times for the acceptance of
among his brothers, prays for them and then prays
supplications. Therefore, in the invocations for the hasty
for himself, his prays for himself as well for others
reappearance of Imam Mahdi (a.t.f.s.), emphasis has
are accepted."(3)
been laid on special places and timings.
From the above tradition, we learn that whenever we
H) Yet another condition and manner for supplication is a
intend to get our needs fulfilled infront of Allah the
feeling of humility and pleading in supplication as is
Almighty, it is necessary that we pray for our master
narrated from Imam Sadeq (a.s.),
Saahebuz Zamaan (a.t.f.s.) before asking for our desires.
"Whenever any one of you feel compassionate, This is because certainly he (a.t.f.s.) is the master of
then he should pray. Because a heart does not bounties and the guide, the leader for the believers.
become compassionate but that it becomes
sincere."(1) (1) Ibid., p. 345, narrating from Makaarem al-Akhlaaq of Shaykh Tabarsi.
(1) Ibid., p. 368, narrating from Tauheed of Shaykh Sadooq (a.r.) (2) Ibid., vol. 91, p. 351, narrating from al-Mutahajjid wa al-Makaarim.
(2) Ibid., p. 305, narrating from Eddah al-Daaee of Ibn Fahd Hilli (3) Ibid., vol. 93, p. 383, narrating from al-Khesaal.
13 Rabeeul Anaam Fi Adeea-e-Khairil Anaam Preface 14
K) Among the manner of prayers is the glorification of Allah concept has been sweetly elucidated in the following
the Almighty, and praising Him with greatness, tradition from Imam Sadeq (a.s.) when he says,
generosity and nobility while supplicating. Hence, it is
"Between the saying of Allah the Almighty, 'The
recommended that one should remember the bounties of
prayers of you two (Moosa and Haroon) have
Allah on himself as well as on others and then thank Him
been accepted'(1) and the drowning of Firaon,
for the same. Of course, the greatest bounty is the love
there was a gap of forty years."(2)
and mastership for the Holy Prophet (s.a.) and his
infallible progeny (a.s.), specially their representative in And Imam Reza (a.s.) states,
our times today, Hazrat Mahdi (a.t.f.s.). We must indeed
"Surely when a believer asks Allah-Mighty and
remember Allah the Almighty and thank Him for
Glorified be He- a need, the acceptance of his
conferring this great bounty upon us.
supplication is delayed, due to the love of his voice
L) Among the important stipulation of an invocation is to and the hearing of his lamentation."(3)
send salawaat on the Holy Prophet (s.a.) and his
2) It is not permissible for anybody to despair and become
progeny. For, one who as some need with a king, he will
despondent form the acceptance and non-security of his
get some gifts for his confidantes and close ones so that
supplications, like saying, 'My sins are plenty and hence
they may intercede on his behalf and get his need fulfilled
my prayers will not be accepted.' Then look at Firaon.
at the earliest. Imam Sadeq (a.s.) says,
Allah the Almighty gave him respite for such a long
"An invocation is remains veiled unless one sends period of time due to His Kindness and Mercy that he
blessings on Muhammad and Ale Muhammad."(1) may repent, truly and sincerely, and return to his Lord.
(When he failed to do so) did Allah the Almighty accept
the prayers of His Prophet (s.a.) against Firaon.
Significantly, we must remember:
IV) Awaiting
1) It is obligatory on us that we do not despair if the
prayers are not accepted quickly and our supplication
A) The meaning of Awaiting:
for the quick reappearance of our master (a.t.f.s.) is not
It is an innate behaviour from which emanates the preparation
secured. For, such hopelessness and despair in a definite
for whom we are Awaiting. Thus, as the intensity of the
occurrence is tantamount to the denial of the Holy
Prophet (s.a.) and the infallible Imams (a.s.). This (1) Surah Yunus: 89
(2) Al-Kafi, vol. 2, p. 489, Kitab al-Dua, The Chapter of Slow Acceptance of
(1) Al-Kafi, vol. 2, p. 491, 493, Kitab al-Dua, The Chapter of Salaat on Prayers.
Prophet Muhammad (s.a.) and his purified progeny. (3) Ibid., p. 488.
15 Rabeeul Anaam Fi Adeea-e-Khairil Anaam Preface 16
Awaiting increases, the measure of preparation also is on the "Then each one of you should act in a way that
rise. For example, when we wait for a difficult examination brings you closer to our love and refrain from all
that we fear, we will ready ourselves for discussions and those actions that bring you nearer to our dislike
debates in better ways and means for we do not know as to and anger. For surely, our affair (reappearance)
what question will be asked and in what manner. Therefore, will be sudden and unexpected, when repentance
this Awaiting should be done in an even better manner will be of no benefit nor will regret over misdeeds
because we are waiting for none other than our master, save him from our chastisement."(2)
Saahebuz Zamaan (a.t.f.s.). It is obligatory on us that we
acquaint ourselves with the characteristics of our master, the
The Essentials of Physical Awaiting:
Awaited One, from the transmitted traditions related from his
Bodily Awaiting is an extension of awaiting from the heart.
infallible ancestors. Consequently, we will be certain that our
The one who waits perennially strives to keep away from sins
Imam (a.s.) is the twelfth Imam, he is still alive from the day of
and disobedience (of Allah). Hence, apart from always
his birth and will continue to be till he reappears. He will infuse
endeavoring to create a safe environment for his soul, he also
a new life into the Shariah of the seal of the Prophets, Hazrat
tries ways and means to improve the others. Abu Baseer
Muhammad Mustafa (s.a.w.a.), through the establishment of
narrates from Imam-e-Sadeq (a.s.),
justice and uprooting evil. It is quite possible that this affair is
brought to its completion in this very year or perhaps, may be "Whoever desires to be among the companions of
postponed to another year. It all depends on the deeds of the the Qaem (a.s.), then he should await, act with
Shias, as he (a.t.f.s.) has expressed his desire in one tauqee', piety and good ethics while he is in a state of
Awaiting. So if he dies and the Qaem rises after
"And had our Shias- may Allah grant them grace
him (i.e. his death), his reward will be like the one
for His obedience- been united with their hearts in
who has found the time of the Qaem. Then strive
the fulfilment of the covenant imposed on them,
and await, congratulations to you, O nation on
they would not have been deprived of the blessing
whom is mercy."(1)
of our meeting. And indeed, they would have the
good fortune of seeing us with true recognition Here, we would like to mention a few traits that ought to be
and their verification concerning us. Then nothing present in the one who awaits:
conceals us from them except (those news) that a) He should be aggrieved and distressed on account of his
reach unto us and which we dislike and don't separation.
expect from them."(1)
(1) Al-Ehtejaaj, Shaykh Tabarsi, vol. 2, p. 599, the tauqee' to Shaykh
In another tauqee' to Shaykh Mufeed (a.r.), he (a.t.f.s.) wrote,
(2) Ibid., p. 49.
17 Rabeeul Anaam Fi Adeea-e-Khairil Anaam Preface 18
b) He should cry, make others cry and appear to cry for his "One who dies among you while he is awaiting for
separation. this affair (i.e. reappearance of al-Mahdi), is like
the one who is with the Qaem in his tent."
c) He should always remember the Imam (a.t.f.s.).
The narrator says that Imam Sadeq (a.s.) was quite for a
d) He should distance himself from the people of this world
moment and then said,
and sinners.
"Nay! He is like the who has fought alongside the
e) He should pray to Allah the Almighty for the safety of
Qaem with his sword."
Imam-e-Zamana (a.t.f.s.) and his early reappearance,
mostly in those times when supplications are accepted. Then he (a.s.) said,
f) As the duration of his occultation increases, his craving "Nay! By Allah! He is like the one who has
for his Imam (a.t.f.s.) should increase by the day. attained martyrdom in front of the Holy Prophet
g) Encouraging and exhorting the believers to pray for the
reappearance of Imam-e-Zamana (a.t.f.s.).
C) Necessity of Awaiting:
h) To be prepared every moment and every second for his
It is narrated in 'Kamaaluddin' from Abdul Azeem al-Hasani
(a.r.) that he said, "I went to Imam Muhammad Taqi (a.s.) to
ask him about the Qaem, whether he is Mahdi or other than
B) The Excellence of Awaiting: him? Before I could ask, he (a.s.) told me,
The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) said,
'O Abal Qasim! Surely the Qaem from us, he is the
"The best worship is to await the M a h d i . I t i s n e c e s s a r y t o w a i t (f o r h i s
reappearance."(2) reappearance) during his occultation, to obey him
when he reappears and he is my third
Ameerul Momineen Ali Ibn Abi Taalib (a.s.) said,
"The one who awaits our affair is like the one who
From whatever was discussed, we gather that all the Prophets
is soaked in his blood in the way of Allah."(1)
(a.s.) and successors (a.s.) from Hazrat Adam (a.s.) to the
And in yet another tradition, Imam Sadeq (a.s.) gives glad last among them (s.a.w.a.) waited for the reappearance of
tidings, Hazrat Saahebuz Zamaan (a.t.f.s.). Lastly, the Holy Quran
(1) Behaarul Anwaar, vol. 52, p. 140, narrating from al-Ghaibah of No'mani. (1) Ibid., vol. 10, p. 104, narrating from Khesaal of Shaykh Saduq (a.r.).
(2) Ibid., vol. 52, p. 125, narrating from Kamaaluddin of Shaykh Saduq (a.r.). (2) Ibid., vol. 52, p. 126, narrating from Mahaasen of Barqi (a.r.).
19 Rabeeul Anaam Fi Adeea-e-Khairil Anaam Preface 20
"Then wait all of you, for surely I am with and occasions, particularly our Imam Hazrat Mahdi (a.t.f.s.).
you among those who wait."(2) So, it is essential that we particularise the condition and place
of supplication so that we may tread the path of our leaders
(a.s.). This concept is supported by the tradition on the
V) Reason for praying for Saahebuz Zamaan
authority of Imam-e-Sadeq (a.s.) when he says,
In the previous chapter 'Awaiting', we came to know that "If I find his time, I will serve him for my entire
waiting for Imam-e-Asr (a.t.f.s.) is one of the important life."(2)
concepts since all the Prophets (a.s.), successors (a.s.) and
righteous ones are waiting for this great occasion to avenge VI) The Benefits of Praying for Imam-e-Asr
their blood. And indeed Allah, Purified and High be He, has
promised since the day He created mankind that He will
Praying for Imam-e-Zamana (a.t.f.s.) comprises of advantages
avenge the blood of the oppressed, those who have been
for both this world as well as the hereafter. Here, we shall
rendered weak and the blood that has been shed unjustly,
mention a few of them, albeit briefly.
particularly that of the leader of martyrs, Imam Husain
(a.s.),through the son of Holy Prophet (s.a.), Hazrat Mahdi A) Worldly Benefits in praying for Imam-e-Zamana (a.t.f.s.)
(a.t.f.s.). And this is a promise which is bound to be fulfilled are as follows:
and in conformity with His justice. The best method to hasten
1) Leads to longevity as it (supplication) is a form of
this divine promise for the manifestation of justice is to pray
maintaining relations with Allah's Messenger (s.a.w.a.),
for the reappearance, for surely, he himself has ordered us to
for Imam-e-Baqer (a.s.) says,
do the same, when he says,
"Maintaining (or patching) relations purifies
"And pray more for the reappearance, for
actions, multiplies wealth, dispels calamities,
certainly that is your salvation."(1)
simplifies accounting and postpones death."(1)
Therefore, among the important duties of the Shias is that they
2) Repels difficulties and increases sustenance.
should pray for his reappearance, apart from the fact that it is
beneficial for them. Moreover, it also helps in fulfilling some of 3) Leads to the acceptance of other invocations.
the obligatory rights that they (a.s.) enjoy upon us. Hence, we 4) Is a cause for readying oneself for Imam's (a.s.) meeting,
see in the various books of supplications that each of the whether in sleep or awakening.
infallible Imams (a.s.) had different prayers for different places
(1) Kamaaluddin, vol.2, p.377, ch.36. (1) Behaarul Anwaar, vol. 52, p. 92, narrating from al-Ehtejaaj of Tabarsi.
(2) Yunus: 102. (2) Ibid., vol. 51, p. 148, narrating from al-Ghaibah of No'mani.
21 Rabeeul Anaam Fi Adeea-e-Khairil Anaam Preface 22
17) Any gathering in which reappearance of Hazrat Qaem the above instances and includes the supplications that are to
(a.t.f.s.) is invoked is attended by the noble angels. be recited when one intends to perform Namaz-e-Eid.
Imam-e-Baqer (a.s.) said to Abdullah Ibn Deenar,
18) According to reliable traditions and authentic narration,
supplicating for him in his occultation is much better than "O Abdallah! There is no Eid of the Muslims,
praying for him after his reappearance.(1) whether Fitr or Azhaa, but that it increases the
grief of Aal-e-Muhammad (s.a.w.a.).'
VII) Special Timings of Supplications for The narrator says, 'I enquired, Why is it so?' Imam (a.s.)
Reappearance: replied,
Although invoking the reappearance of Imam-e-Asr (may 'Because they (Aal-e-Muhammad) see their right in
Allah hasten his reappearance) is a desired action at all times, the hands of others."(1)
yet there are some special timings and occasions that are
immensely emphasised in the traditions. The author of
'Mikyaal al-Makaarem'(2) has particularised the sixth chapter 3) The Day of Azha:
of his book on this very issue, the summary of which shall be Whatever we have mentioned for Eid al-Fitr, applies on this
presented hereunder. We shall also mention the supplication day too.
that has to be recited on these special occasions.
4) The Day of Earth's Expansion:
1) The Day of Arafah (9th Zilhajj): It is the 25th of Zeeqa'dah (when Allah expanded the earth).
The invocation of Imam-e-Sajjad (a.s.) in Praying for the reappearance of Imam-e-Zamana (a.t.f.s.) and
Sahifa-e-Sajjadiyyah and that of Imam-e-Sadiq (a.s.) can be asking for his advent has been tremendously emphasised for
seen in this context. this day, as can be seen in Iqbaal al-A'maal and Zaad
al-Ma'ad (of Allama Majlisi (a.r.)). Some of the points in this
context really make the hearts tremble, and hence, we shall
2) The Day of Eid al-Fitr: mention a few of them over here as encouragement:
The concerned supplications for this occasion can be seen in
the book of 'Iqbaal al-A'maal' (of Sayed Ibn Tawoos (a.r.)), a) It (25th Zeeqa'dah) is the day when the reappearance of
when a person sets out to perform the prayers of Eid al-Fitr Imam-e-Zamana (a.t.f.s) has been promised. When a
or Eid al-Azhaa. We shall mention it, Inshallah, in this book believer sees that this day of the year has arrived but his
later. It is also recommended to recite Doa al-Nudba on both master has not come, he becomes sorrowful and his grief
is aggravated, Thus, his intellect and belief exhort him to
(1) Mikyaal al-Makaarem, vol. 1, p. 298-515.
(2) Ibid., vol. 2, p. 1-51. (1) Behaarul Anwaar, vol. 91, p. 135, narrating from Elal al-Sharaae'.
25 Rabeeul Anaam Fi Adeea-e-Khairil Anaam Preface 26
pray even more for the reappearance. enmity against your messenger....."(1)
b) On this day, divine mercy is spread and invocations are The secret behind this invocation is the enormous calamity and
accepted. So, the believer for whom his Imam (a.t.f.s.) is torture that was afflicted on our master, Imam Husain (a.s.) on
dearer than his own self, his family, his children and his this day at Karbala. Allah the Almighty has promised that He
relatives, will pray from the depth of his heart for the will take revenge from those who oppressed him (a.s.)
removal of the difficulties of his master (a.t.f.s.). through our master, Imam-e-Zamana (a.t.f.s.), as spoken in
the traditions. Thus, when a believer remembers on this day
c) This day is of bounty conferred by Allah on His creation
the calamities afflicted on the oppressed Imam (a.s.) and that
because He expanded the earth so that he may live in it
Allah the Almighty has pre-destined somebody to avenge his
and reside therein. Moreover, he can derive pleasures
blood, his belief and love exhort him to invoke and ask for the
from the various kinds of bounties that grow from the
reappearance of this avenger from the King of the Heavens.
earth, descend on it and inhabit it. When he realises that
Hence, such a demand has been recommended in this
all these gifts bestowed on him are due to the blessing of
supplication. Moreover, the one who prays for this day will
his master (a.t.f.s.), he feels it as his duty to thank him
find an occasion whose reward cannot be measured by
through supplications in his favour. For sure, he is the
anyone except Allah the High and that is, seeking the revenge
medium of these bounties that cannot be overlooked.
of the blood of Imam Husain (a.s.), the leader of the martyrs.
d) Traditions have underlined the significance of being
engrossed in the remembrance of Allah, Mighty and
6) The Night of 15th Sha'baan:
Glorified be He, on this day. There is no doubt that
Since this night heralds the birth of our Master, Saahebuz
praying for the reappearance of Imam-e-Asr (a.t.f.s.) is
Zamaan (a.t.f.s.), it is appropriate that the believers are busy
the best form of Allah's remembrance.
in praying for him. It has come in traditions that supplications
are accepted in this night.
5) The Day of Aashoora:
The authors of Iqbaal al-A'maal, al-Mazaar and Zaad
7) The 15th of Sha'baan:
al-Ma'ad have narrated a tradition from Imam al-Sadeq (a.s.)
One should prepare even more for supplications on this day
on the authority of Abdullah Ibn Sinaan (Allah's mercy be on
than whatever has been discussed till now because doing so
him), which commences with the following sentence,
would imply following in the footsteps of Imam-e-Zamana
yvg@³ goÄÀ @o¥AÈ jP¿g@ pÁU¢g@ K¿ hC¶g@ (a.t.f.s.). For, when he (a.t.f.s.) was born, he prayed for his
reappearance while he was in prostration, invoking,
"O Allah! Chastise the transgressors who bore
(1) Ibid., vol. 101, p. 305.
27 Rabeeul Anaam Fi Adeea-e-Khairil Anaam Preface 28
ÕÀ@ «@ L A
Ö NI Á«× g h¬L× S½ gÃU´× hC¶ g@ PoÖ ACQ lM¬L @ÁÌA´ A AX
yABÅ¥ Ú½ H
9) The Sixth Night of the Month of Ramazan:
"O Allah! Fulfil my promise for me, make my This supplication can be found in 'Al-Iqbaal', narrating from
footsteps steadfast, and fill the earth with justice the book of Muhammad Ibn Abi Qurrah, and it is as follows:
and equity through me."(1) 'R¨Mɬg@ Qg@ ½¬Yg@ g hC¶g@' till the end.
8) The Month of Ramazan: 10) The Eighth Day of the Month of Ramazan:
This month is the best for praying for the reappearance of The importance of this invocation can be derived from
Imam-e-Zamana (a.t.f.s.), especially its nights, because it is Al-Iqbaal which we shall mention, Inshallah.
the month of invocations. Hence, traditions have ordered for
the same and thus, the significance of reciting Doa-e-Iftetaah
have been underlined in the nights of this month. Do not 11) The Twelfth Night of the Month of Ramazan:
neglect this supplication for indeed, it is a noble and The significance of this supplication too can be found in the
comprehensive prayer, encompassing the needs of both this aforementioned book.
world as well as the hereafter. Seqah al-Islam Muhammad Ibn
Yaqub al-Kulayni (a.r.) has narrated on the authority of the 12) The Thirteenth Night of the Month of Ramazan:
infallible Imams (a.s.), This prayer is as follows: 'MABH P¼× ´@ hC¶g@' till the end.
"The following supplication should be recited on Inshallah, we shall discuss this too.
the eve of the 23rd Ramazan, in prostration,
standing or sitting, in any position possible. 13) The Eighteenth Day and the Nighteenth Night of the
Moreover, it should be recited in all months, in Month of Ramazan:
any possible manner whatsoever and whenever The importance of this invocation can be understood from the
you get the time. After praising Allah, Blessed and various invocations that have come down and narrated in
High, and salutations on the Holy Prophet (s.a.) , 'Al-Iqbaal'. Of course, help is sought from Allah in all
say, conditions.
AQg qAÄ ª qAÅg@ n¿D i jH i Qgog jª hC¶g@
14) The Twenty First Day of the Month of Ramazan:
(1) Al-Kaafi, vol. 4, p. 162, 'The Chapter of Invocations in the Last Ten
(1) Ibid., vol. 51, p. 13. Days of the Month of Ramazan.'
29 Rabeeul Anaam Fi Adeea-e-Khairil Anaam Preface 30
16) After reciting the ziyaarat of Imam-e-Zamana 18) At the time of renewal of every bounty and
(a.t.f.s.): dissipation of calamities:
This has been emphasised by the great Shaheed-e-Awwal, Surely, Imam-e-Asr (a.t.f.s.) is the medium of every bounty
Muhammad Ibn Makki (a.r.), in his 'al-Duroos'.(2) and through him, calamities are dispelled. We have already
mentioned that praying for his reappearance is a method of
expressing our gratitude to him for he is the medium of all the
17) At the time of crying due to Allah's Fear:
bounties that are conferred on us. We should also not forget
Surely, this is the best of times, when a person is proximate to
to send salutations on the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) and his
Allah the Almighty and prayers are accepted. Thus, it is
progeny (a.s.) on receipt of every bounty because surely they
proper for a believer that he should remember his Imam
are the authorities on the divine bounties, as has come in
(a.t.f.s) by praying for him, thereby fulfilling one of his (a.t.f.s.)
Ziyaarah al-Jaame'ah and reliable & consecutive traditions.
rights that is obligatory on him (the believer). Muhammad Ibn
Ali Ibn Husain al-Saduq (a.r.) relates from his chain that
Mansoor Ibn Yunus Bazraj asked Imam al-Sadeq (a.s.) 19) At the time of sorrow and grief:
concerning a person who attempts to cry in his obligatory As s aid before, i t is fou nd i n t he t rad it ion s th at
prayers till he actually starts crying. Imam (a.s.) replied, Imam-e-Zamana (a.t.f.s.) prays for the one who supplicates
for him. Thus, his (a.t.f.s.) prayer becomes the cause of
'By Allah, it is the coolness of the eyes (i.e. it is
dissipation of sorrows of the believer. It has come in
(1) Mikyaal al-Makaarem, vol. 2, p. 46. (1) Wasaael al-Shiah, vol.7, p. 247, tradition no. 9240. Published by
(2) Al-Duroos, vol. 2, p. 16, Kitaab al-Mazaar. Moassasa-e-Aal al-Bait (a.s.).
31 Rabeeul Anaam Fi Adeea-e-Khairil Anaam Preface 32
numerous traditions that our Imam (a.t.f.s.) is aggrieved at the and other believers the grace for its recitation. We shall
grief of his Shias and undoubtedly, he prays for them in their mention this invocation in the supplications of Friday,
moments of sorrows, as has already been indicated in Inshallah.
traditions. So, it is naught but becoming for the Shias that they
follow in the footsteps of their master by supplicating for the
22) Prior to praying for yourself and your family:
removal of his sorrows, difficulties and grief, for his grief is
Authentic traditions have declared that true belief demands
also the cause of the grief of his Shias, as can be found in
that one should pray for the reappearance of Imam-e-Zamana
some traditions. Hence the significance of praying for him
(a.t.f.s.) before he prays for himself and his family. The
(a.t.f.s.) on such occasions.
concept of a quote from the Holy Prophet (s.a.) is as follows:
"Surely a person will not be a believer till he considers Allah's
20) In Trials and Tribulations: messenger (s.a.w.a.) dearer than his own life, and the progeny
It is most appropriate to supplicate for the reappearance of of the Prophet (s.a.w.a.) more beloved than his own family,
Imam-e-Asr (a.s.) at such moments for the following reasons: and finally, anything regarded by the Prophet (s.a.w.a.) as
significant is more precious for him than what he considers as
a) It is the cause of his prayers (in our favour) as already
important.(1) There is no doubt that praying for the early
reappearance of Hazrat Vali-e-Asr (a.t.f.s.) is among the most
b) It is the cause of the supplications of the angels because important affairs, through which hearts will gain peace and
they pray for the one who prays for an absent believer satisfaction. Hence, it is proper for a believer that before he
and their prayers are accepted, Inshallah. starts praying for himself and his family, he should pray for the
reappearance, thereby observing the due right of the Holy
c) His (a.t.f.s.) command, 'And pray more for the hastening
Prophet (s.a.w.a.).
of the reappearance. For surely, this is your salvation."
d) Supplication is a medium to reach unto him (a.t.f.s.) and
23) The Day of Ghadeer:
he, in turn, is the medium of safety from difficulties, trials
It is the day when Allah the Almighty chose Ameerul
and tribulations.
Momineen (a.s.) and the infallible Imams (a.s.) as masters
over believers and the caliphs of the Seal of the Prophets
21) After the Prayers of tasbeeh: (s.a.). It is this very mastership that has been inherited by
That is, the prayers of Ja'far Ibn Abi Taalib (r.a.), particularly Imam-e-Zamana, Hazrat Mahdi (may Allah hasten his
when you pray it on Friday. There is an invocation narrated by reappearance) from his honourable forefathers (a.s.). On this
Imam Kazim (a.s.) for this occasion in Jamaal al-Usboo' and
(1) Al-Amaali of Shaykh Saduq (a.r.), p. 274, Majlis 54; Ehqaaq al-Haq,
other books of supplications. May Allah the Almighty give us
vol.9, p. 392, 393.
33 Rabeeul Anaam Fi Adeea-e-Khairil Anaam Preface 34
day, when the believer sees that the usurpers are dominant, be sacrificed for you, what should I say when I attend the
the oppressors overwhelming and the protector of religion gatherings of the Bani Abbas ?'(1) He (a.s.) replied,
concealed, his believe and love force him to pray for his
"When you are with them and remember us, then
(a.t.f.s.) early reappearance and his comfortable emergence.
For certainly, it is the day of the covenant's renewal, the given
oath, and praying for the reappearance of Imam-e-Asr
y vg@³ ½|PÁ{L| A« ª| R)¶ L{L ´A{ ÀÁ|Å g@ ±Au)Á g@ A´À{@
'O Allah! Provide us comfort and joy, for surely,
whatever You desire, occurs'."(2)
24) All possible times, day and night:
The evidence of this statement lies in the tradition related by It is clear that the last sentence of this comprehensive but brief
Faiz bin al-Mukhtar from Imam Ja'far al-Sadeq (a.s.) when he supplication is actually invoking for the reappearance and the
(a.s.) was asked concerning the ziyaarat of Imam Husain manifestation of the rightful government, when he (a.s.) says,
(a.s.), 'Is there any particular time for this visitation, which we
'For surely, whatever You desire, occurs.'
can call as the best time?' Imam (a.s.) retorted,
Moreover, it is also evident that this prayer, in these words, is
"Visit him at all times and whenever possible.
for dissimulation (taqaiyyah) and there is no particularity for it.
Indeed, his visitation is the best thing. Whoever
The only benefit that one can draw from this is the supplication
visits him more, has indeed performed abundant
for reappearance, its exhortation and one's readiness, while
goodness and whoever does less, he will get lesser
attending such unfriendly congregations, to pray for an early
reward. Make yourself free for his ziyaarat. For,
reappearance, which Allah, Mighty and Glorified, has
the good deeds are multiplied during this act and
promised on account of His obligation and nobility. Certainly,
this is the time when the angels descend for his
the reappearance is near.
down in various authentic books and is as follows: "One who The author of Mikyaal al-Makaarim says that this tradition
purifies himself for forty days for Allah, fountains of wisdom indirectly exhorts the recitation of Doa-e-Ahd, taught by
will flow from his heart to his tongue." Numerous quotes from Imam-e-Sadeq (a.s.) for forty mornings successively and that
Imams (a.s.) with similar meanings have been related. Now, one should not be negligent of it.
for some instances of the special traditions. Allama Majlisi
(a.r.) writes in Behaar al-Anwaar, narrating from the Tafseer
27) The Month of Muharram:
of al-Ayyaashi that Fazl Ibn Abi Qurrah says, 'I heard
Whenever a believer see atrocities afflicted on the chosen
Imam-e-Sadeq (a.s.) say,
Imams (a.s.) by their enemies, his faith in them, his love for
"Allah revealed to (Prophet) Ibraheem (a.s.) that
them and his grief for them, exhort him to avenge their blood
soon a child will be born to him. He passed on the
and the oppression committed against them. This is not
good news to his wife, Sarah, who exclaimed in
possible in these times at all except by praying for the
disbelief, 'What! Will I give birth now when I am
reappearance of Hazrat Mahdi (may Allah hasten his
old?' On this, Allah again revealed to Ibraheem
reappearance), as is evident.
(a.s.) that she will indeed give birth. But, her
progeny will be chastised for four hundred years
because she refuted My statement.' VIII) Places Emphasised for Supplicating for
Imam (a.s.) continues, Imam-e-Zamana (a.t.f.s.):(1)
'When the punishment continued incessantly on the As emphasis has been laid on the times of supplication for
Bani Israel, they wailed and cried to Allah for Hazrat Mahdi (a.t.f.s.), similarly some places have also been
forty days. Thus Allah revealed to Moosa (a.s.) underlined, where additional importance has been laid on
and Haroon (a.s.) to save them from the clutches praying for his reappearance. These are either in following in
of the tyrant Firaon. Consequently, the his (a.t.f.s.) footsteps or due to some traditions that have
chastisement of one hundred and seventy years come down in this regard or some wisdom understood only
was deducted from their decreed punishment. The by the people of understanding. Anyhow, some of these
same applies for you too. If you do as the Bani places are as follows:
Israel did (i.e. supplicate unceasingly), then Allah
will bring our salvation near. But if you do not do 1) Masjid al-Haraam:
as they did, then the affair will come to pass as It is evident that Allah's House is the place of acceptance of all
destined."(1) prayers. Thus, whoever is aware of its importance and
greatness in front of Allah, Blessed and High, and in the eyes
(1) Behaarul Anwaar, vol. 4, p. 118, vol. 52, p. 131, narrating from Tafseer
al-Ayyaashi. (1)
37 Rabeeul Anaam Fi Adeea-e-Khairil Anaam Preface 38
5) The Shrine of Imam Husain (a.s.): The reason is quite apparent since it is Imam Mahdi (a.t.f.s.)
When a believer realizes the atrocities faced by Imam Husain who will avenge the blood of Imam Husain (a.s.) and cure his
(a.s.), the leader of the martyrs, and the calamities afflicted on heart by taking revenge from his enemies and murderers.
him (a.s.) and his family, he is filled with grief and sorrow. He
is also aware that it is Mahdi, the Promised One, who will
6) The Shrine of Imam Reza (a.s.):
avenge the blood of Imam Husain (a.s.). Thus, his wisdom
In Kaamil al-Ziyaaraat, after salutations on each of the Imams
exhorts him and his love for the Ahle Bait (a.s.) impels him to
(a.s.), you say,
pray for the reappearance of Imam-e-Zamana (a.t.f.s.), the
supplication of a lover inclined to his beloved. The evidence of q«AL pÌ ¦¶u hxA¦g@ Qg MUX R¶ Ì hC¶g@
this lies in the tradition of Abu Hamza Thumali in the 79th
Ch ap ter of Kaamil al -Ziyaaraat , narrating from ACH nÁÍLlTÁ ACH ULqQ¥AH
Imam-e-Sadeq (a.s.). While discussing the places of these
"O Allah! Send salutations on Your proof and Your
zi yaaraat, aft er prayi ng for Im am Husain (a.s.),
slave, the Qaem among your creatures, a
Imam-e-Sadeq (a.s.) says,
complete, eternal salutation. Through it, You
"And you send blessings on all the Imams (a.s.) as hasten his reappearance and help him…"(1)
you send salutations on Husain (a.s.). Then say, 'O
Allah! Complete Your words through them, fulfil
7) The Shrines of Imam Ali Naqi (a.s.) and Imam Hasan
Your promise through them.."(1)
al-Askari (a.s.) in Saamarra:
In another instance, he (a.s.) says, Praying for the reappearance of Imam Mahdi (a.t.f.s.) is the
best thing to take us closer to them (a.s.), to please them and
"Then place your head on the grave of Imam
to gain proximity towards them. For details, one can refer to
Husain (a.s.) and invoke,
the chapter of ziyaaraat of all the Imams (a.s.) in Kaamil
jQÅY|g@ K À h C|¶ g@ jQÅY|g@ À½Ì §{È@{ jQÅY|g@ K À h C|¶ g@ al-Ziyaaraat. It can be said that certainly this prayer (for the
reappearance) is among the most important duties of the
jQÅY|g@ ²{½H{ J¶|Ö@| creatures in every place which has some particularity and
respect. Allah, High is His Honour, says,
'O Allah, Lord of Husain, cure the heart of Husain
(a.s.). O Allah, Lord of Husain, seek the blood of l¬Ä@ACQ Áª¿P l¶ g@ i¾@ OoQH
"..houses which Allah has permitted to be
(1) Behaarul Anwaar, vol. 101, p. 180.
(2) Ibid., p. 185 (1) Ibid., vol. 102, p. 46.
41 Rabeeul Anaam Fi Adeea-e-Khairil Anaam Preface 42
raised and in which His Name is Shias for the solution of their problems. They were the
remembered."(1) medium him and his followers. These special deputies
(Nawwaab-e-Arba') were four in number and their names
Indeed, this supplication (for reappearance) is the best of
were as follows: a) Usman Ibn Saeed Amri b) Muhammad
remembrances, the most beloved for the people of vision and
Ibn Usman Ibn Saeed Amri c) Husain Ibn Rauh Nawbakhti
the most important for those who derive lessons. Hence, it is
and d) Ali Ibn Muhammad Seymouri.
necessary that it should be given priority during the nights as
well as the days.
The Major Occultation:
The four special deputies acted as agents till the year 329
IX) Recognition:(2)
A.H., the year that marked the commencement of the Major
Occultation (Ghaibat-e-Kubra). It was a period that had been
prophesied by the past Prophets (a.s.) and the infallible Imams
Hazrat Mahdi (a.t.f.s.) was born in the night of 15th Sha'baan,
(a.s.). Also, it marked the beginning of a severe test for the
255 A.H. at dawn. Notwithstanding the claims of the deniers
Muslims, till the realisation of divine promise through his
who refute his existence, Allah the Almighty, manifested him
when the Umayyide and Abbaside Caliphs were determined
to kill him in order to extinguish Allah's light. But none of them In the year 329 A.H., the door of special deputyship was
succeeded in challenging Allah the Lord of the servants in His closed. Whoever claims this esteemed position after this year,
Command. Is it possible for them to change what Allah has then surely he is a liar and a cheat. In the traditions of the
ordained? Thus, on this auspicious day, Imam Hasan infallible Imams (a.s.), the benefit drawn from an occult Imam
al-Askari (a.s.) saw the birth of his son, the awaited one, since is likened to the advantage taken from a sun when it goes
ages and through him, divine promise was fulfilled. behind the clouds. The sun continues to be a source of life and
its continuity despite its apparent concealment.
Imamat: During this occultation, numerous people had the fortune to
He was hidden from his enemies and none could see him attend to his presence and got the opportunity to visit him but
except a few trusted Shias till the year 260 A.H., when Imam none claimed special representation. These were the ones
Hasan al-Askari (a.s.) was martyred and Imamat was who saw the sun with the belief of their hearts.
transferred to him (a.t.f.s.). Although he was hidden from the
There were some non-Shias too who had the good fortune of
people, there were few specially appointed representatives
his visitation. They were Sunnis and some of them were even
who could see him and acted as agents between him and the
sinners and transgressors. But when they repented sincerely
(1) Surah Noor: 36.
(2) Taken from the book 'Saheefah al-Mahdi' of Jawaad Qayyoomi. for Allah's sake, his love entered their hearts.
43 Rabeeul Anaam Fi Adeea-e-Khairil Anaam 44
Imam-e-Zamana (a.t.f.s.) also sent signed letters (tauqee'aat) "O Master! When will you see us and we see you, while you
to some Shia scholars for the solution of problems and new are raising the flag of victory."
O Allah! Please accept from us.
The Shias, during this period of the major occultation, are
facing the most severe test which is without precedence. In the
traditions, it has been likened to the time of Hazrat Nuh (a.s.)
due to the scarcity of his helpers and friends. O Allah! Hasten
his reappearance and make easy his emergence.
Finally, we pray to the Almighty Allah to accept this humble
offering from our side. We know that our contribution is of
hardly any significance as far as efforts are concerned.
Nevertheless, we hope for His Mercy and seek His
Forgiveness. Finally, we say,
"O Master! Surely harm has afflicted us and
our families. And we have come with only a
handful of provisions. But you give us full
measure in return. Surely, Allah rewards
those who give charity."(1)
The ink has dried but the tears continue to flow as the pain of
separation from the beloved continues to pinch the heart. Yet,
the eternal medicine called hope, provides us some relief, and
assures, 'Be patient, he will come.' But the moot question is
'When?' As the days and nights are passed in heartrending
invocations and supplications, eyes are gradually losing their
sight, backs are slowly developing a curve and bones are
creaking, hairs are turning silver and death seems a looming
fact, the only shriek that disturbs the stillness of the night, says,
(1) Surah Yusuf: 88
Daily Supplications & Invocations 46
So, it is essential that you present yourself with all your limbs
and total existence, every morn and eve, in his presence. You
should know that you are being watched and heard as he
(a.t.f.s.) sees you although you don't see him (a.t.f.s.) as he
make preparations for the one whom he loves and cares for.
As he (a.t.f.s.) wrote to Shaykh Mufeed (a.r.),
Ãg g{¾) Ú og hª|Á{ª¿{g{ jQÄ A´) Ú h¨|L{A)@Á¬|g{ jQ¶¬{C«| Á|Q A´@{
³ ±|@½)Ú@ h|¨|M¶¬¶BÌ@ ±|@g@ h|¨|H{
DAILY SUPPLICATIONS "Surely we are not negligent of your affairs nor
are we unmindful of your remembrance. Had it
AND INVOCATIONS not been so, calamities would have descended
upon you and enemies would have overpowered
1) Supplicating every morning and evening:
Common sense and divine texts support this fact. A wise and It is narrated in Kafi, through a chain of narrators, from Furaat
knowing person will never doubt the importance of best Ibn al-Ahnaf, who narrates from Imam Sadeq (a.s.) that he
preparation for this significant task. For, it entails fulfillment of (a.s.) said,
some of the rights that our master, Saaheb al-Asr wa "You may leave anything but don't forsake
al-Zamaan (a.t.f.s.) enjoys over us. And hence, the supplicant reciting the following supplication every morning
adorns his days and nights with such beautiful deeds. Don't and evening:
you see how slaves and servants present themselves before
their masters and lords every morning and evening, expressing {DÚ{
²{oQg@ @¿D) _{AI)Í g@@¿D) Á|¢{dMÈ@
N|YIÌ× R´ @ h C|¶g@
their willingness to serve and gratitude for the bounties? Then
surely, we are more worthy of this because we know that all Qg@{ ±|ÁH
@ N|YIÌ@
´ @{ hC|¶g@ M{g {D
@ j«{ Qg@{ ±|ÁH
@ M{¬UXÀ
that Allah, Mighty and Glorified be He, has bestowed upon us
@o|´Aª) A¬ «{ jQªÁ{ɬ|g@ j«{ hC{Q´ @Á)C» jQH j|Y´ j¬ «{ _{AI)Í g@ @¿D)
of the abundant bounties and innumerable obligations, it is only
due to the holy blessings of our master, Imam-e-Zamaana j«{ Ngô@
A«) T@ h C|¶ g@jQ¦Ä{A ) ±}oÄ ²o¥ @o|´Aª) hC|´@{ i½|I|P
(a.t.f.s.). We shall prove this in its appropriate place with the
necessary arguments.
(1) Behaarul Anwaar, vol. 53, p. 175, narrating from al-Ehtejaaj of Shaykh
Tabarsi (a.r.)
47 Rabeeul Anaam Fi Adeea-e-Khairil Anaam Daily Supplications & Invocations 48
R¶) qªÁH ²{oQg@@¿D) _{AI)Í g@ @¿D) Õ { ÀÚ@ R)g@ ±{A¬)Å g@ ''( ²{@ÁªÚ{@ {Ug@ S¾{ RH{À l{T{og{
j« ¼{A) Ú j« {@ h C|¶ g@ x{@½)@
R)¶ AHA¦){ x{AQ)g{@
× Æ¬È N¶Ö A¬¶ ª| i{A¬PÚ{@ j{«Ú
AH{ g hM{u@| h C|¶ g@ @¼)A)
2) Doa al-Ahd (The Supplication of Covenant)
Among the famous and renowned supplications, is Doa
h C|¶g@ @ÁQd{Ì ´{AQHÀA¬ª A¬C|¬XÀ@ ½g{@og{ gÁ¢{@ h C|¶ g@ NHÁ al-Ahd. Imam al-Sadeq (a.s.) says, "Whoever recites this
invocation for forty mornings, he will be among the helpers of
±{AQXÚ@ O{A¬¶{Ŭ|g@ jQ¬{¶{Ŭ|g@ O{A«{o ¬|g@ jQ{«{o ¬|¶g g{Á¢{@ our Qaem (a.t.f.s.). If he dies (before the reappearance),
yhD|@o« hC|I¶¦«| h|¶L ´@{ h C|¶ g@O{@o«Ú@ h|C|«{ Allah will raise him from his grave and for each word that he
utters (of this doa), Allah will grant him one thousand good
@ÃPà @ÁÍ´ n|ÁÍ|´@ i{A¬PÚ{@ {¢Y{H{ jQ¬{¶{Ŭ|g@ ²{A«@{ ¢X@ h C|¶ g@ deeds and erase one thousand of his misdeeds."(2) The doa is
as follows:
h C|¶g@ @ÁQÍ{´ A´AB¶Ä| ´½|g j«{ Ag l|g T@ @ÁQÅ{P AYM l|g [M @
Á{YIg@ K À b{Q {Á g@ R Ä{Á¨|g@ K À h{Q{g@ À{og@ K À h C|¶g@
½H Á{«Ú@ p{Ú| g{oÄ|À R)¶ q¢¶{Mt¬|g@ fÁ¢{g@ A´ A´ | jg@
À{Á|Yg@ g@ K À À{oH|à g@ {QU{´Ú{@ p{@ÀoMg@ Ã{«| À{oU|Ŭg@
¶{Ñ j«{ p¼APÃ{ g@ ¶zÄ@ hC{M{QÈ{ n{½{H j«{ q¬ x{Ú@ g{oÄ|À
±{AQI{´Ú@ jQH{Á ¦¬|g@ q{¨x{¬g@ K À h{Q{g@ i{ØÁ¦|g@ Ã{«|
R¶) q AY¬|g@ Á{«Ú{ hQ¶{ÅMg@ ½{{ j«{ lH{ ±AT A¬H À{@Á¥Ú{@
Q¶{¥ A¬ lH{ SÁ{MÈ@ Ú Ú½H lH{ Rd{MH Ú lH{ OÁ«@A« yjQ¶{ÄÁ¬|g@
Ú RÑ{¦L ´@{ NQÑ¥A« Á È R{¥{ NP½D j¬Q { R´{½{D@ h C|¶ g@ ¨{¶«| Á{Q{¬|g@ C{T À{o|H{ h{PÁ{¨g@ C{ToH{ ¶|zÄ@ R´{@{ h C|¶g@
O|@o)¬)Å g@ l{H{ N¥ÁÈ@ S¿{g@ ¬{ÄAH{ ¶|zÄ@ ²|oQ¥ AP R X AP h{P½{¦g@
yiÁ|u{Ú"@ iog| Ú@ l{H{ [|¶ÍP S¿{g@ ¬{ÄA{H{ ioÐ|ÀÚ@
Rg{ l|¢{AÑ Á}Qu j«{ Qg@{ lH{ N|HÁ ¦L A« Rx{A¼| R«{ I¦L N{QIg@
A« jÅX@ A« K À A¬Q{ @ÁT@ q¬XÀ ´½|g j«{ AL{Ø pÁQ{ª A AÐ@ R{Q{Y«|AP R X Ú jQX{ AQX AP R} X ª| ½H AQX AP R} X ª| I¥ AQX AP
OÁMÄ A«Áª@ R{MQ A A« oÖ@ R{MB@ A« h@ R{M¶MH@ yN´@ Ú@{ lg)@{ Ú R XAP±{AQXÚ@ NQ¬{«| R)Lo¬g@
O{@o)¬)Å g@ ± «{ l{Q¶ AªÀAI«| AIQ{Ö{ @ÁQ{ª RC{g)@{ AP ½|¬Yg@ ¶ R ¶
Rd{IPA¬ª R)ÐÁP J Y{P| A¬ª RH{À ±|AÉPA« ±«{ Õ
{ ÀÚ@ ± «{ (1) Al-Kafi, vol. 2, p. 529, Kitab al-Dua, Bab al-Qaul Inda al-Sabaah wa
(2) Misbaah al-Zaaer, p. 235, Behaar al-Anwaar, vol. 102, p. 111.
49 Rabeeul Anaam Fi Adeea-e-Khairil Anaam Daily Supplications & Invocations 50
l{¶ g@ O|@o¶Ì Á{«AH{ hx{A¦g@ S ½{C¬g@ S¼{ACg@ ²A«Ú{@ A´Úo« £¶ H h C|¶ g@ g{oÄ|À h{ÄAH{ R)¬Å¬|g@ Q{I{´ N{H{ jH@ Q{g{ Ag h C|¶ g@ Á{C{»A
R { O{A«{o ¬|g@ jQ{«{o ¬|g@ b{Q¬{T j jPÁ{D{AB g@ l{x{AHØ R)¶ l{Q¶ yl|¦¦ YP| ° Yg@ ° Y{P| l|¥Ã « Ú @{ {Ö{AIg@ j«{ R QÉH{ Á¢P Ú R MX
{ ÀÚ@ f{À{AÉ« @ÁÌ{A´ l|g ½|U{P Ú j¬g{ @ÁÌ{A´ ¼{AI{ ²{o¶|¬g{ Aâ« h C|¶ g@ l|¶T@
n|AÍX@ A« lL{A¬¶{ª ¼@½«{ l{¶ g@ Ë{Á q´Â{ O{@o¶Í g@ j«{ S ½g{@ j«{ ¼À A¬g{ @½QÉ«| H{AMª{ ²{A¨X@ j«{ B | A¬g{ @¼½ U«| ÁQ
ylH|AMª{ lH{ ¹AX@ l¬|¶{ yl g{Ø l{Q¶ l|¶ g@ R¶ Ì Q{I{´ j{Ä| {P¼{ ²{
@½C R«{AP@ j«{ N|É{ A« @¿D) R«{oP q{YQI{Ì R { lg ¼|½{T@| R´{@{ h C|¶ g@ yjP½{M¬|g@ Ç{AH j«{ lM|Í X j¬ «{ h C|¶ g@ l|¶T@
y@½H@ |Â|@ Ú AC |oX|@ Ú R¦{|| R { lg qQH @½¦
R)¶ lI{L j« l{M{P Á|H{ylg{Ø l{Q¶ l|¶ g@ R¶ Ì@½¬ Y«| QI{´ Á Ä| h C|¶ g@
R { l{Qg@{ jQ{À{AŬ|g@ l| jQH{@¿ g@ l´{@o@ nÀ{AÍ´@ j«{ R{¶T@ h C|¶ g@ yn½H AM´A¨M{Ä@ h{XÀ@ lL{o¼
R)g@{ jQ¦{H{AÅ g@ l| jQ«{AY¬g@ nÁ{«{@Ú{ jQ¶{{M¬¬|g@ lU{x{@oX ±{AÑ¥
nÀoC|»| Ag U nÀ{oÑ|Y|H{ q{« Ú|@ n{¿{D) j q¬ dg@ n{¿{D) §É{ª@ h C|¶g@
yl{P½P jQH jP½{CÉMŬ|g@lL{¼@À@{
yjQ¬{X{@Á g@ hXÀ@AP M{¬XÁH{ AIPÁ{¥ n|@Á´ @½Q{H l´ÁP hC|´@{
A¬MX ¼{AI{ R)¶ lM¶T S¿{g@ O|o¬g@ l|QH R{QH AX i@{ h C|¶ g@ Then strike your right thigh with your hand thrice and say,
@¼Á U«| R¢{QÄ @ÁD{AÈ R{¢ª@ÀÃ{L«| SÁ{I¥ j«{ R{TÁ{uA AQÑ{¦«
yi{A«Ã g@ JX{AÌAP SÚo«AP Ug@
y S¼{AIg@ Á{Ð{AYg@ R { R{@½ g@ po¼ AQI¶«| RL{A¥
p}ÁH{ SÁ{»{A´ Yª@ p½Q¬{Yg@ pÁ d|g@ p½QÈ{Á g@ q¶B g@ R´{À{@ h C|¶ g@ 3) Supplication in the wee hours of each day
A day is divided into twelve parts, of which each part is called
RH{ ¶|Ä@ l|UC« bÄ{@ l|TÁt« C Ä l|TÁ U l{Qg@{ R{«{ an hour. Each hour is attributed to one of the twelve Imams
lH{ R{X@ ¼H{ lH{ h C|¶ g@ Á{¬|@ nÀÂ@ ¼½|È@ nÁ«@ ¿¢{´@ lMU Y« (a.s.) in which we are expected to seek help and intercession
from the concerned Imam (a.s.). Learned scholars, in their
A¬H{ Á{YIg@ Á{Ig@ R { ¼|AÅ¢g@ ÁC» ((9° Yg@ g|o¥ N¶¥| ´A{ ¼AI{ distinguished works, have discussed about the deeds of the
y''Ç{Ag@ S½{P@ NIŪ night and the day. According to them, the last and the twelfth
hour of the day is dedicated to the twelfth Imam (a.t.f.s.),
unseen from the eyes of the people. They have mentioned the
51 Rabeeul Anaam Fi Adeea-e-Khairil Anaam 52
¤Á j«AP l{Í|H l¦{¶u j R) j«AP l¦{¶u j lÅ{¢H{ ½X oL j«AP
D@ iA@ j«AP lL{AÐÁ« lM{AÖ {DAH{ ¶Ä j«AP l¢{B¶|H{ l¦¶u lÅ¢´
¶zÄ@ l¶{x{ AH{ hC|g §Bg l{P½{H{ hC{Q¶ j « j«AP nÁ{¨È| R)¶ lM{IY«
j«{ g h{¦{M¬|g@@ Ð{À@ R { M{Q¦{H [{g{AÍ g@ §{¶tg@ Q{g{ °{ YH{
j{H q{U Y|g@(( jQY{g{AÍ g@ l{x{AHØ q{Q¦{H g{oÄ|À ±{@½@ x{@½@
RM{IÀ RU{x{@oX S½P jQH l«|½ ¥@| lH{ Qg@{ c|Á ÑL@ ''j{ÅYg@
@¿ª @¿ª RH{ ¢L i@ ½}¬ Y«| {Ø ½}¬ Y«| R)¶ R¶{ ÍL| i@ Qg@{
MQ {A l H{ R{ÅI{g@ À|¿X@ ¤|Au@ A¬ «{ R{QU{L|R{ªÀ{½L| i@
@½x{A¥) @ÁÌ{A´) A {AX)AQg{ lg jª| p{Áu{Ú"@ AQ´½ g@ R { o¢
PoÖ AC)Q l|M¬L| AoÖ ÐÀ@ l|¨{ÅL| RMX @ÁL{AÄ) Azg{Aª)
h{Q{g@ R{ ¶{g@ l{¶ g@ AH{Ú@{ po ¥| Ú oX Ú jQ¬X{@Ág@ hXÀ@AP)
yh|Q¶g@ b|Q¬Å g@ oD| l|¶ g@ h|C|¨¢¨QÅ
hC{M{AB H{ OÁ«@ jP¿g@Á{«Ú@ Rg@| ½}¬ Y«| {Ø ½}¬ Y«| R)¶ { Ì h C|¶ g@
OÁ«@ jP¿g@ RH)Á¦|g@ ¾ hC{M{¶Í{H{ OÁ«@ jP¿{g@ ²{AX)ÀÚ@ Rg{@|
jP¿g@ N{QIg@ {D@ hC{¦ X i{A )Á{H{ OÁ«@ jP¿g@ g@o)¬g@ hC{L{¼ o¬H{
{Ø ½}¬ Y«| R)¶ R¶{ ÍL| i@ @ÁQCBL hC|LÁC Ö ÆTÁ{ g@ h|C| NID¾@
''(y@¿)ª @¿)ª H ¢L i@ ½}¬ Y«|
(1) Behaar al-Anwaar, vol. 86, p. 345, narrating from Kaf'ami and others.
Invocations in the Qunoot of Prayers 54
O|AI)Qª ÁL l{Q¶ OÁT A«) q{Q´{AÅ)´Ú{@ cAI)Ö{ q{PÁ{ÉIg@ q¶ I{T{ i @ h C|¶g@
O{@¼) À{@) {¬X j Ã|U{L q{Qz{Ég@ ¼|o¦|| l{H{ O½¦´@ q{Q Å{¢g@
±{¢)B{ÌÚ{@ D
@ l|g N¦ A«) Ú@{ q{QÑ{¥Ú
1) Doa-e-Qunoot of Ameerul Momineen (a.s.) h|¶L ½¥ M{¨¶« g qQÉ{¬g@ M{ÑI¥ Ko¶|¦|g@ i@ h C|¶g@
The author of the book "al-Mustadrak" narrates from the
book "Al-Zikraa" of Shaykh Shaheed who says that Ibn Abi
q¢¥{@) L{À½¦|H{AC)L{A¥)Ú
q¥{@) l{¢{ɪ Qg@{ q|IÁ g@A«) K À @
Aqeel says that Ameerul Momineen (a.s.) used to recite the Á É g@ Á{Qtg@ j«{ ±}@Ã)T À@¼) g i @
h|¶Ú ´@{ L{¼@À)@{ j«{ ½ YH{
following invocation in his qunoot,
@ l|IÈ@
i @
°{ YgAH{ l{Q ¿|u|AL A«oP g i @
O{½ «| ½PÚ
@ N{ {À| ²|@½)¥Ú@ N{¶¦{´| À|AÍHÚ
@ N{Ít{È| Qg@{ h C|¶ g@ N´@
{ ± ÁL ¢{B Å¢´ l{H{ N¢Ì A¬)H{ AC¦|Qg@
hD|o)U´ hD|Á Ä{ Qg@{ j{Å|gÚAH{ NQ¼| N´@ f{A)Ú@ yn|@o« ±{oÄ| n|AI¦| h{Qu h}g{A» { ¨|g{ ¼{AÌ)Á¬{gAH{
yjQYL{A¢)g@ Á|Qu N´@ °{ YgAH{ A«{o¥ jQH A)QH [M @ AHÀ {A¬)Ú@
«|A¨)X@ Ng½ H| ½¥ A¬¶X{ q¬XÀ ¦¶u NÄ
@ ½¥ ´@{ h C|¶g@
A)x{@½@ pÁª A´)¼{½ q¶ ¥{ A)«{A«@{ q{IQ AQI{´ ½|¦ Qg@{ o¨|É´A´@{ h C|¶ g@ @oX| AI)MÄ@ ±{AÍ)¶u| R¶) io¬|g{A g@ ¼Á ¬L QI{´ j|Ä| OÁQ|
}½H{ h C|¶ g@ g{¾ WÁ ¢ A)H{ j{M¢{g@ co¥|| A)Q¶ ±{@½)Ú@ Á|D|AL Q¶ p{
@ÁU|g@ R¶ À{@Á¬M{ÄÚ{@ Jª{@Á)« @oI|ª{À ¬PÁX
''(y jQQ¬gA)g@ K À jQ«Ø ° Yg@ lg)@ l| |Á{´ ° X ²{A«@{ n|Á|C{L|
{A)M{T@ L{Q¨L §{Ì{@o) B{tÄ §{Ì{@o)¦H{ hD|À¼{AI) h C|¶g@
(1) Mustadrak al-Wasaael, vol. 1, p. 319.
55 Rabeeul Anaam Fi Adeea-e-Khairil Anaam Invocations in the Qunoot of Prayers 56
AC)L{A)A¥) j«{ ºB|X@ hD|ÀA)Ø AC) §|@ hC|«{ ¼{I{g@ Á{C Ö I{Ñ f{A@ §|x{AY)Í g@ @oI|¨LÀ@A« R)¶ AD| jQIÄAY«|@oI|¦MX@ A¬)H{
h}T{A)g{ q«A)¼{ hC|«{ °{IL| Ú R)MX À{@o)IH{ hC|¬¶{BÌ@ hD|ÀA)« AC)´A « Ú Ï A)« Ú A¨)¢{´@ Ú pÀÂ|« À{oC| g@ R¶ À|@Â@ pÀoÉ|«
y¼}AL)Á¬|g{ @½x{@À) Ú ½}Ì{A¦)g{ AÌ A)« Ú ² Ú{" A¬¶ Ú yÏ
{ AÍ)¦{g@ j{ Î
°Y«@hD{À{AP)¼{ hC{g{@o)«@
R)¶ Ƭ{Ö@ hD|ÀA)Ø [|«@ h C|¶ g@ q{U Ñ g@ Æ{¬D q{U Y¬g@ p{ÁQX @o¶ X q|U Y|g@ hC|M¬Y¥@
°{ Y¶g{ h¥{@
hC|H¦{´@ ½{«ÁÅ g@ H{@¿ R)gÙ U hC|HÌ@
¨| @ j«{ AU) R)ÅY|g@ l{¶ g@ j«{ l|g N¦IÄ j« Ú Ùq{U Y¬g@ j{ hC{H{½|«
n|¼AL)Á«| i{ogAH{ ½P@
n|ÁQ«| À{A¶g{ Á{@
n|¼A´)Â{ ¼{AÈ)Á ¶g{ _½¥@ l|IÌ{A)« Ú ¼Á ¬L AQ)´½ g@ { j¬ «{ j¨|P hg ¼{À{o¬g@ h{Q ½{Cɬg@ {oD
n{½{Ì{A¦)« h|g{A)« ÁQP| l{L{½ U{H{ ° Yg@ ¼o|P R)MX n|¼@Â) Á{Íg@ j«{ Á y¼Á ¢L hC{¥{o¦|Y|H{ hC| ¿IMÄ@ h|C|g ½L {l¶ g@ ±{AQ)g{@
''(yÁP½¥ ±}RQÈ { ª| R)¶ ´Ù l{ª{o¶|Ä| ° X q{«Ú
@AH l|¶|D@
l|¨¶|ÅP ¥{@Á)Mg@ N{¶ ½¥ Ço¢|g@ ÁT{A)Yg@ N{d¶H ½¥ Ko¶¦|g@ i h C|¶g@
Q¶ ¤{t{g@ QÌ A)« K{oª|À| j«{ ´A)L| A¬)g{ j¨{g) À}A¬@
3) Doa-e-Qunoot of Imam Baqer (a.s.)
The following invocation is narrated on the authority of Imam ±{@½)
@ p{ÁDA «| x{AQ)g{H{ J{ ¶Mg@ QD@o)´ Á{«{@)×
Baqer (a.s.) which he used to recite in his qunoot,
jQ¥{o¬|g@ io|»| °¦ X R´)¼ ½¥ A«) ¼À{
@ KÁ|¥ ½¥ A«) KÁ ¦ h C|¶ g@
j«AP) Á{Ö{@o)tg@ °x{A¦)X Á{x{A¬)Ñ g@ j«{A¨)« Á{x{@Á)g@ Æ
T{ @o)D h|¶P j«AP)
M{U X| À{AC)»Ù P¼ Á{Í´ ¦X q{«A¥)Ù j«{ hC|¶Q«AL jQ«{o ¬|g@ £{¶ H
RgÙ À¼{A¥) ±}È ª R)¶ Áª{@¾) Å{« ¨|g{ ÁÐ{AX) J}Q { ¨|g{ oD|
''(y ±{@½)
@ j«{ ²{A¦)M´Ú{@
|«Ú@ K@À)
@ |¬g@ §|Ð |TÚ@ KÁ|¥ |C¬g@ ½|H Á»{A´) ¨|g@
A«) ½|QI«| | Ú@ N´
@ A¬)ª Á|u{Ú"@ l|¶ g@AP) N´
@ |¦{M¬|g@ iØ 4) Another doa-e-qunoot from Imam Baqer (a.s.)
N{¥ R)gÙ hD|ÀoC|»| AC)¶|¬ Y«| hC|gA¬)
@ hD|½|¶ ¦«| R)¶I{g@ RgÙ hD|Á|QÍ«| Shaykh Saduq (a.r.) in his magnificent work, "lQ¦¢g@ nÁÑYPÚ j«"
while discussing about the qunoot of Namaaz-e-Watr and
±A¬)Å g@ f{A¦)É{´@ À{oÍ g@ q{t¢´ ½{hD{À{oI|¥| q{H j«{ hD{À{oÉ|´| Namaaz-e-Jum'ah, narrates from Imam Baqer (a.s.),
hC{QgÙ ½ LÁLÚ Á{ÉY¬g@ q{XAÄ) R)gÙ Á{ɬgAH{ W{Á|t|g@À{ogAH{ "Qunoot of Friday is glorifying Allah's Majesty
and blessings upon His Prophet (s.a.w.a.)",
jQIgAB «|@o¢|¶Ä@A¬ «{ q}¬ | jQ¬Ö{@Á)M«| ±@oD hC|L|½z{ × hD|ÀAÍH×
(1) Mohij al-Da'waat, p. 49. (1) Ibid., p. 51.
57 Rabeeul Anaam Fi Adeea-e-Khairil Anaam Invocations in the Qunoot of Prayers 58
and then proceeded with the following invocation… The same 5) Doa-e-Qunoot of Imam Reza (a.s.)
invocation has been narrated by Sayyed Ali Ibn Tawoos (a.r.) Sayyed Ibn Tawoos narrates from Muqaatil Ibn Muqaatil who
through his chain of narrators terminating at Imam Baqer (a.s.) says that Imam Reza (a.s.) asked, "What do you recite in the
who advises, "After you have finished praying for yourself qunoot of Friday prayers?" I replied, "Like the ordinary folks
during Friday prayers, say, recite." He (a.s.) advised,
Oo¢ ¬|¶X{ h| A)HÀ ½|¬Yg@ ¶ NP½C À|o´| h L h C|¶ g@ "Don't recite what they do. But you say,
½|¬Yg@ ¶ NQBA P½P NBÅH A)HÀ ½|¬Yg@ ¶ l|¢ X| ¶Ä|À| xAQ)I{´@
@ A¬)H{ M¢Q¶u ½I [¶{Ì
@ h C|¶g@
Á|Qu M|CT{ n{AU)g@ ²|Áª@ D|AT) n{oT|o|g@ ²|Áª@ C|TA)HÀ l{P½ j{QH j«{ l|¨¶|Ä@ ½{{ j«{ Ç{½|¦|g@ _{Á|H{ n|½P@
Á|¨|ÉM A)HÀ c|ABL| AD) AD@ O{AQB{g@ |Ñ @ M|QB{ O{AC)U{g@ A«
@ l{ {ou ½{H j«{ l|g½{H
@ ±}oÄ| { ª| j«{ l|´o|¢Y @½ÌÀ l{¢{¶u j«{
Á BѬ|g@ J|QUL| ½|¬Yg@ ¶ NzÈ{ j¬g{ Á|¢{dM A)HÀ R)ÍL| Qg{ R)¶ ¦{¶u j«{ ½}XÚ{
UL Ú AzQÈ H{ | Á{ÉP| Ú ½|I|
¢{ÉL qHoMg@ |I¦L h{Q{g@ K{Á¨g@ j«{ UL| Á Ñ g@ §|É{¨L n{À{AÍ)´
@ j«{ ¶T@ n{ ½| ½| ¼{ACT{ l|g i¿x@ A´AB ¶Ä
xA¬)´ £|¶|IP Ú x{AH{ ½X@ ÃUPÚ J{´{¿¬|g @ j{ o¢|L hQ¦Å g@ '((yÁP½¥ ±}RÈ { ª| R)¶ ´Ù
y}x{A¥) |o¥
6) Doa-e-Qunoot of Imam al-Jawaad (a.s.)
N{ À| f{A)Ú
@ O{½ «| ²|@½)¥Ú
@ N{¶¦{´| O|@o)ÌÚ@ N{ {À| QgÙ h C|¶ g@ It has come in traditions that the ninth Imam, Muhammad Ibn
A)gÁ¢{A A)HÀ {A¬)Ú
AH{ QgÙ KÁ ¦|L| j{Å|gÚ
AH{ NQ¼| ½{PÚ
Ali al-Jawaad (a.s.) recited the following supplication in his
jQYL{A¢)g@ Á|Qu N´
@ ° YgAH{ A«{o¥ jQH A)QH [M @ A)¬XÀ@
ÁQÍ¥ A´)Á|¨È| qdH{AÄ) ¬|´{ qQg{@o)M«| P¼AP)
@ qH{AM)M«| Y|x{A)«
co¥|| A)Q¶ i{A«)à g@ p½ È{ A)Qg{ qIQ A)Q{I{´ ½¦ o¨|É´ QgÙ h C|¶ g@ y ÁP½T ¤ÁM@ j{« R)¶ §{B Mg@ AH{ N´@
ÁQÅP A´)½|¬X
K ÀAP) g{¾) WÁ| A A´)¼{½ q¶ ¥{ A´) ½| pÁª ±{@½)Ú
@ ÁD|A L j{M¢{g@
°{QѬg@ H f{½Í g@ |D
@ ILÀ@ °{PÁ gAH{ ° Yg@ |D
@ Î
| ½¥ h C|¶g@
° Yg@ lg)Ù n|Á|C{L| }½ ²{A«)Ù n|Ã {L| «{ Á}Í´ l|¶|U L| «{ [}M¢H{ A
hCx{A)¼| q{HATH{ °Q¢È QgÙ q{IÁ g@ {¾ ¼{AI){H{ h C|¶ g@ N´
½}¬ Y«| {Ø ½}¬ Y«| R)¶ Í hC|¶ g@ °Q¦X hC| W{Á¢g@ QQUL
(1) Jamaal al-Usboo', p. 415. (1) Ibid., p. 413.
59 Rabeeul Anaam Fi Adeea-e-Khairil Anaam Invocations in the Qunoot of Prayers 60
n|¼| ¨MP Ö{AH Ú ¿g@ Á{Íg@ n|½H iÚ ¿u{ Ú ¿{g@ i{ogAH{ A´)À¼{AH) M{Ì j«{ ±RÈ H{ |¬P| Ú ¦{¶u j«{ ±RÈ C|I{ÉP| Ú q¢Ì{
l{QQ § ¨L Á|«{@)@
lQQ j|«AP AX AQ { AXAM)«| ´½|g j«{ A)g [L{@
fo¶|t« | À{½P| R)´@
| ¬tg@ Ç @o)Yg@ ªÀ{½L|@
Æ YL| i@
y L{@½){ ¼@o) y@ÁQIª @o¶|| io¬|g{A g@ |o¦|P A¬ Cg)ÙAP) NQgA)L >l|¦g{Au)
q{¬¦{g@ À@½)H{ Ä{AH j«{ x@½)@
À¼{AH) q{¬XÁ g@ À@½)H{ A´) À¼{AH) h C|¶g@ jQª{Ag@ jQAI)g@ jQ¬g{A g@ x{@½)@
j«{ x{AQ)g{Ú
h C|¶g@
''(yjQ¬g{A g@ ²{o¦gAH{ AC)¶ X{@
A M¬¦´{ b À@ A)É{@
hC|¶ g@ ''( HAM)ª{ @o |Á X ¼AI){ @o¶ Ð@
jP¿g@ jQ¥À{A¬)g@ jQBÄ{A¦)g@
ÁT| x{AQ)g{× Æ
g{AU)«@oÅ|¶T ¦ X@½|YT «A¨)X@
@og|½ H
L|@o)¶Ì «|Ä hC{Q¶ QI{´ N{QH {DÚ
hC|«{ A¬¶»| Q¶
7) Another doa-e-qunoot from Imam al-Jawaad
There is yet another supplication from the ninth Imam (a.s.) ÁMÄ{ KAU)X{ @o¨|MD ¦¶u @o¶ Ð@
@o¶ Ñ L|AªÁH M|¬XÀ
Úou ¼AI){ Ú¼| gA«) gA«) hC|¶ g@ @¿|tL@ ¼{AI){ j
that he (a.s.) used to recite in his prayers and it comprised of
praying for the reappearance of Imam-e-Zaman (a.t.f.s.).
Thus, it is almost a duty of his lovers and those who await him hC||Q|A
q}¬ C{g½«| ±}A¬¶» ±}AQ{¬ ±{A¬)¨H Ð{À@
hgA) hC|¶ g@@oª|ÁL
(a.t.f.s.) that they recite this supplication in their qunoot,
OÀ¿ X ½¦g q}U X| j«{ Q¶ hC|¶ g@ hC|g °{IL| hg qQ¬{« qXoM|¢|«
p}¼½|Y« q}PÁ{u{Ø AH Á|u{Ú"@ p}¼½|« q}Qg{
@ H{ | Ú
@ N´
@ hC|¶ g@ N«½ ¥ ´AÅ)XÙ jQQB¬|g@ O½ gA¨)´ NQH H@¿) hC|¶ g@
A)M½MH@ @À@½M{¥@q}TAY)g{ Ú A)MÁMu@ @ÀAÅ)M{¥@ q}¶ {g{ Ú A)L AÉ´@
½| ½| R)¶@o|«Ø jP¿g@ hC|¶ g@ ½{PA
q¢x{AÖ N« À{¿|gAH{ hC{QgÙ
@ @ÀAI)M{u@ Q{C´ Á{«A
H{ A)Lo¶H @ÀAQ)M{u@ M{¬¨Y{H{ h{x{A¦)g@ Á{M¬|g@ ²{A«)g{ jQ@¼) ° Yg@ RgÙ jPÁD{A» @oY|IÌA
qAB g@AM¬É T q¥AB g@AM¢¶ ª O{@)¼
ÚAH{ A)MY« Ú ¿g@ H@¿) ÀA´) hC{x{@½)@ R)¶ h C|¶ g@ ¼{½ T jQH{AL) º{Ŧ{gAH{
Ä @ÁQª Ngo u @ÁP½YL NQC´@ÁQQtL y jQ¬gA g@ ²{o¦g@ j{ l|| ½L
q{¬g@ ±{AC)Ig@ p{Ã gAHÀ N´A
N«Á ¨M À|½¥ C{T| N¬¶|Y
g jQͶ{t¬g@ §Ð o ¥ ½}¬ Y«| {Ø ½}¬ Y«| R)¶ Ì h C|¶g@
±{AB g@ [{¬{g@ ±{ÚÚ"@ j ¬g@ i{A¬)g@ i{AÅ)XÚ@ ±{AP)Á{I¨{g@
½{ A´)Áª¾{ jQIY{¬g@ A)Q p{AÄ)@o)¬|gAH{ A)g jQP{AÉ)¬|g@ q{IY¬gAH{
g ²|AD)Ú
@ | À{½L|Ú l}¨|H{ g K|o¶|¦|g@ º|QYL| Ú ±{A )og@ Â{AU)´Ú@
¿g@ h|C|P¼ h C|¶ g@ h|C|g¼½ Ä hC|ªÀ| h C|¶ g@ ½ È| hC{{A¬)M{T@
(1) Mohij al-Da'waat, p. 59. (1)
61 Rabeeul Anaam Fi Adeea-e-Khairil Anaam Invocations in the Qunoot of Prayers 62
½ Ä| hC|Ͷ{tMÄ@ hC|Ͷ u M¬´{ hC{Q¶ h¬{L@
hC|g l|MQÑLÀ@ Ú½H hC|MQH@o)T hC|MQ@o)Ö @½|I qIÀ qUQg jQ«{o ¬|g@
hC|Ho´|¾| h C|¶ g@ Á{¢{@hC{M{¥A ) È h C|¶ g@ h{¬|g@ hD|Á¦ h C|¶ g@ h{PÁ¨H{ hC{Q¶ O½T| x{A¬)´ h{QH{ x{AQ)g{@
R)¶ N¬ «{
K ÀAP) hC{¶ tL|Ú hC|MP½D¾Ù ½H hC|Ho¶|¥| eÃ{L| Ú hD|AP)AB u j«{ hC|g A¢X{ x{@Ã)T j{UÅY|H{ hC|MQg@
A«) hC|g N¬¬L@
x{Ú Ø
x{AQ)g{@ q{PÚ o{H{ p{ÀAC)B g@ j«{ l{H{ hC|MY« A«) hC|g ¢X@ M{QÍ{¬H{ q|Å{g@
¼{oC||gAH{ hC|g N¥½Ì{I|Å g@ {Ð {Ä|Á g@ p{½´A)«|
½}¬ Y«| R)¶ l|¶ g@ R¶ Ì JQU«| bQ¬Ä ´Ù x{@½)@
j«{ q{x@Á)Ig@ yq{HA´)Ú@ K|o¶|¥| ¼{o¦||gAH{ g NÉuq{HAT)Ú @
''(yjPÁD{AB g@ jQIQB g@ l{g{Ø NQQX@
Õ | ÀÚ
@ O|@o)¬)Å g@ l|g NÉu ¿g@ ¬{ÄAH{ h C|¶ g@ ¶zÄ@
f}Á ¢M«| ª| l{H{ N¬T ±{AQ)XÚ@ bQ¬T l{H{ N «@
@ O@o)« l{H{
8) Doa-e-Qunoot of Imam al-Hadi (a.s.)
The tenth Imam, Ali Ibn Muhammad (a.s.), used to recite the SÁIª| l{H{ NPÀ@
O{A¬)¶{¨g@ l{H{ N¬¬L@
b}¬{MU«| ª| l{H{ N¥Á
jP½Å{¢¬|Ug@ ¬ l{H{ OÁÅu@
qQH@o Mg@ R¶ l{H{ NIL| O{AP)Ú"@
following invocation in his qunoot,
À|AC)g@ l{¬{ÄAH{ ±AÐ)@
j«AP)q{Q´{@½)XogAH{ ½X oL q{QH{oH|Á gAH{ ¼Á ¢L j«AP) ½}¬ Y«| R)¶ ¶ ÍL| i@
@ÁQIML hC|L ÁIL @Ào|« ±AI)D hC|¶¬ N¶U
{H{@) l{{QdH{ BD {Q¶ g@ Ç|½{X{ n{Á{«A
H{ h¶»@
@ l{H{ N¥ÁÈ@
@o¦|B{M|Ä@ @o¥|½ Ì @o¶|¬ X| jP¿g@ j«{MQÈ UL i@
½}¬ Y«| {Ø
n|½IhC|« io¢|x{At)g@ l{QgÙ A
iÁ BѬ|g@ n|A)¼ j«AP) yjQ´o«|A« jQ«{Ø @o¦|B
iÁ|ª{AÉ g@ n|½¬{X hD|Á¨É io|x{AB g@
j{Q¦Qg@ {D
@ A¬)@
S)½C|g@ {D
@ °Q oL hC|g ¶|zÄ
@ ´Ù h C|¶g@
Á{QdH{ °|g{At)g@ N´
@ «A¨)X
@ ´AB ¶Ä|
@ ´|AÈ T
@A«) iA¬)Mª{ c{Àog@ {D
@qQ¦{L Á{IÍ g@ {D
@ ²Ã q{HoMg@ {D
@ qYÌA)«|
H{ q|d«{@½ g@ M|¬¶{ª q|dg{AI)g@ M|U X|§}QYL Á{QdH{ ÐA¦)g@ §}¶ ¨L R)MX QÌA)« j hD|Ã|U|YL q At)« h C|¶ g@ o |AtP R)MX jQ)¦P½Í g@
jP¿g@ p{½Y{¶¬|g@ O{@½)ÌÀ p{½g@ O{A)¢´ j«{ O|¾o L N|¬ÍM@ Q g@oY|Ì{AP| R)MX M«@Á)ª @og|A)Qg{ M{AB H{ @o¶|¬P
{M¥ R)¶ @o´|A)@
n{À{A¨)¬gAH{ @½|ÌÀ x{A¬)Ä
@ @½|Yg@
JT{oM| g AIX| q{HoMg@ { qYQÍg@ g@oÍ|¶{tP| R)MX «{A ou
@oH|¿ ª Á Ä{ q{@¾)H{ À{o´| ±{A¢{ÖÚ{ @½|Í¥ x{AQ)¢{Ì@
hD{À{o«|@ Q¶ @o¶|ª oMP R)MXjQH@o M¶g{ AC)MIT
@ Mg@ MIY« hC|g
i{¼| g{oÄ|À i{¼| ´{¼| j«{@¿|tL@ L{AP)@A @½ Ì ¶Ä|À| y H{q¦{ hD|Ào«|@ QgÙ@oÐ|o ¢P| R)MX H{ j » jÅX| AC)¶ ª|
(1) Behaar al-Anwaar, vol. 85, p. 225.
63 Rabeeul Anaam Fi Adeea-e-Khairil Anaam Invocations in the Qunoot of Prayers 64
@ Á{C{ ÖjQ¬gA)g@ À{½|Ì| AP)A¢)tH{ hg{A)g@ j{P½g@ ²{oP g{A«)AP) h C|¶ g@ i¼| l{H{ AÌtM{Ä@ n{½{Pìg{ ±A)½M{Ä@ l{x{A¬)g{ @Á¨È| l{¶ g ½|¬Yg@
R)¶ hC{g{o ¦L j jQÌ@Á tg@ Ï { Á{u@ { ÁÉ{g@ {D@
Æ { U´ j«{ j«½¬X l{x{AP)ÁIª{ l{M{¬ ¼{AY)gÚ@ l{´{@Á)¢ª| j«{ l{H{ @¾AQ){ n{ÁQ
jQªA Ú
@ ½{H{@
jPÁM¢¬|g@ Á{H{@
jPÀAIUg@ h{Í{¥@ h C|¶ g@ Ú @ g{oÄ|À ±{oÅ|I{ l{M{Ho¦|| j«{ l|Å «A«) l{HÀ ½{{ j¬{ ±A¬)´ j«{ l{H{A«) i @
jQg Ú
@ Á|QÖAÄ)@
@o|gA¥) j{¬)XÁ g@ O|AP)Ø hC{Q¶ R)¶M|L| @¾)Ù jP¿g@ l{¦{¶u j«{ l{L{ÁQu{ l{g{oÄ|À n{½{I ½}¬ Y«| R)¶ l¶g@ R¶ Ì n{½{P q{PA)T{
´Ù ¼}A¸)L̀Á«| J}g{AÖ ª| WÁ U ¼A)Q¬g@ §|¶|tL| Ú ´Ù ½ yn{Á{«@
p{Ú | jPÁD{AB g@ l{g{Ø l{M{¬XÀ R)g@{ jQ«{o ¬|g@ q{PÀ¾
y¼{AI){¶g ¼{AÌ)Á¬{gAI{g qHAT)Ú@ N¬{Ð ±{A)½|H{ OÁ«@
¶{Ñ R)gÙ NH½´ ´Ù h C|¶g@
Ç}oI|Y« M{ Á{« j J}¶¥ ª| j«{ Ç}oI|¶« Æ} ¢´ ª| j«{ H{¾|o|@
hg l{M{TAY)H{ Qgٽͥ l{M{IÁH{ QgÙ cà j« JQtL| hg ¼{AI){g{
l|¶|¬ }½ §{Ì{@) ª| j«{ Ço H| AC)HAÌ)@
@¾)Ù Á|¢|¨L Æ } ¢´ ª| j«{ @ L{AI)D{ {Y´{ j«{ qIx{Au)Ú x{AB j«{ @Á¢Ì{ qIg{AÖ ½P bT{ÁL
° Yg@ O{A¢)Ì{ j oD| ° Y¶g{ J}gAÖ j«{ Ço¨|« {½g@ j{ l|MBM¥A Q¶½ ½} {@) @@ >AIPÁ¥ ½U{P h¶ QgÙ XÀ }X{@À)
b{H|AM)L ½{ l}T j«{ Çoª|Á« l{¬{H{ h}Ù J{Å{M¨«| j«{ Ço¨|« > ¼{oT| Ó| Q l{¬P| hg ¶{Ñ j«{ Á}¢{MY«| @
H > ´¼| ¼ Á g@ ½|x{@o)
n{Á{Q´ j«{ l{¶ ª| g{¾) j«{ H{ ¾|o|@
ÇoI| l{Q¶ h{g@ > M{QB{ {AU)Ä{ q{XA¬)M{Ä@ i¼| S)½ª@
½{Pìg{ º}I{MÅ«| @
''(yhQ¨X hQ¶
¶{ ´Ù l{g{A)«@
M¶zÅ« ½|P ¶{Ñ KAH) NÁ¥ MIÁH{ Qg@{ O|½Í¥ ½¥ h C|¶g@
Qg@{ g b}Q¢È ÁQu L|½T I¶¥ q{´A¨)M{UÄÚ{@ c{oÉ|t|H{ AT)A´)
9) Doa-e-Qunoot of Imam Hasan al-Askari (a.s.)
Although the following prayers was recited by the eleventh b¦P@ Á¨¢{H{ ÁB|tP i
@ I¥ MI¶{Ö j«{
|½|YPA«) N¬¶{ ½¥
[{U|H{ MgA
Å« b¢{È
@ MHAT)H{ AP@{ xA)¼| h C|¶ g@ {Í{ ½¶u
Imam (a.s.) during his qunoot, according to a tradition, this
supplication is a general one and it is not necessary that it
should be recited only at a specific time. Shaykh Tusi (a.r.) yMI¶{Ö
recommends its recitation during the Watr prayers. Sayyed
Ibn Tawoos (a.r.) writes in "Mohij al-Da'waat" that Imam ÀA¥)p{ÁY{g@ p|oÉ AQ¶ NgoMÄ@j{M¢{g@ £|P A)¶¬È½¥ h C|¶ g@ h C|¶g@
(a.s.) used to recite this doa in his qunoot and when the
people of Qum came to him, complaining against Musa Ibn à MH@ {P¼ jQ´o«|A¬g@ Á|Q A)Q¶ h¨X À|Ad)Í g@ ¿ g@ A
Baghy, he (a.s.) told them to recite the same supplication. ¼{AI){ ¤{L@{ R)Ä ¬¨X B j¬ «{ j{HÚ@ i|¼{A« A´)Ào«|@|
(1) Mohij al-Da'waat, p. 61, 62.
65 Rabeeul Anaam Fi Adeea-e-Khairil Anaam Invocations in the Qunoot of Prayers 66
jQÍHÁM¬|g@ h{g@ ½{Ä{AX) A)H{ N¬{ÉL|Ú l{H{ l|g A´)Á|C{L| @ÁQuA)Q yjQQIg@ c{AI)L× j«{ B{Ŧ{H{
o ¶|u| A)M{XAÄ) qx@Á)H K ÀAP) Á)L ½¦ ||¬g@ Ã|´| ²{½g@ o¶|X| A)H{ JÍ´ j« M{IY« Rg@{ c{oT|Á g@ { l|g hC{ÅL| hg j« l{H{ g{¾@
h C|¶ g@
A«) q}Yx{AT) co¥|| hC|g R¬Mg@ q}XÙ R)¶ hC|g À{A¬)ÐÚ @ j«{A){À¾ l{g{Ú ¾H{ {P¼ R)¶ JQgAMg@ ¼@À)@
j« £{«{@½ g@ Á{UYH{ ²{À@ p@½)g@ l|g
J{¶Ö q{ÌÁ¢|g@ Â{AC)M{´@ j{«{ A)g @oIÐ× A«) q{Q {A)gAH{ hC{{QÍYL j«{ ÂA)L jQHÁ¥Ú@ S¼A) q¶x{AÖ Ú l|g pÁL{ Ú j¬g{ JÑ× l{{¬T N{QMÉL
yq{¶¢dg@ ½{ A)H{ K{o|o|g@ y Q¶ l|«{ A«Ú l{Q¶ «{ A« Q jP½HÚ
R)Ét´ Úu{A)H{oQ|| j«{ A)LÁÍ H A)Å{¢|´@
j«{ A)M Á ½¥ h C|¶ g@ g l{M{UC«| {¿IH{¼AT) jP½H
g Q AÐÁ l|Å¢´ JÍ´A¬)¨ h C|¶ g@
jQ¦Y{MŬ|g@ Á{Q R)¶ |Ñ¢M¬|g@ N´@
M{HAT)Ù {AC)QMÄ@ j{ A)H{ ½|¦L R)MX jQIQPÁ¬|g@ jP½ LÁ¬|g@ p{Ad)H|Á ȼ À jQ«{o ¬|g@ h{PÁX j K ¿ g@
R)¶ A´)Á{«@
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h|¨|YL ±|AÉ)LA«) |¢L ´Ù ´{A)M{«@ ¶{Ñ ¼{oT| «{Áª n|o¬|M|¨P Ú Ç{A¶g{ n|o|QIP| i× R)¶ hC|¥A)Q« O¿u@
A¬ «{ hD{À{oC|»|
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@ q{AB gAH{ Z ¼{@Á) ×\ g À{@Á)¥|Ú@ R)gÙA)¼
R)g@{ Á{Q¦¢g@ ¼{AI){ j«{ º{Ŧ{gAH{ h{x{A¦g@ Qg@{ @½ g@ h C|¶ g@ {Qdg@ O{@À)@Á)« j«{ Q l||Á UMP A«) b« Á{«× R)¶ n|Á|«@
o¶|P ¦{¶u
M{¬{H{ l|L ×½MH@ ¾{Ù M{AÖ R)¶ M{´o|« R)gÙ W{AM)Y|¬|g@ M{¬XÀ e|Á|¢|P ²{o¬|d|g@ j«{ n|À|o{MPA«) K{o¶|¦|g@ ZRÈ@o)YH{\ Ç{@o)¬H{ q{XÀ{AU)g@
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69 Rabeeul Anaam Fi Adeea-e-Khairil Anaam Invocations in the Qunoot of Prayers 70
K{AÅ)Y{g@ §{¥{o« S)½g Á{«A
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71 Rabeeul Anaam Fi Adeea-e-Khairil Anaam Invocations in the Qunoot of Prayers 72
jP¿g@ x{AQ)g{@
@Á)Q«A)À{oL| L{¼AI){g{A)Ͷ tL| RMX AC) p{o¶Å g@ ½{ Â{AU)´A{H{ xAQ)g{@ ²Á{ª@ ½}¬ Y«| {Ø ½}¬ Y«| R)¶ Ì h C|¶g@
R)MX hC|MÉX NÅ´Ø ½{Í¥ R)g@{ Â{A)¬g@ h|C|g NHÁÐ JÍ´ j« ÇAH hC| §¢|ª@ Á{Í´ j«{ io¶|«| APA«) À¼ hC|d¶ H
y Qg@{@o¶|Ì Á{H{ iA)MÄ@ M{¢gAt)«| K{oª|À| R)¶ {¬H{ ¼Á ¬L Q¶ ¤t{g@
A)B¥ RMXA)Ho¶|¦|H{ °¶ | AC){M { j«{ qM {@ AQ)´½ g@ j«{ SoD iAª) i@{ h C|¶ g@ R)¶ n|¿u|A Mg{ A¬¶X{ l|MQÄ{ ½{PAH{ ½{Q¨g{ ½Í¥ ½ X R)¶ ½{
bB¥ A h C|¶ g@ M{HAT)@{ j A)H{ ½¥@ ´{@oÐÀ{ j A)IUX@ yp}Á { R)¶ l|¶Ì{AMÅL@ p}ÁCT
±{@¼)@ j A)H{o¶|¦|H{ Õ Á@ M{AÖ j A)H¿T AC)g{AI)X{ j«{ }IX ª| AC) Á|uÂ| Õ | ÀÚ@ O{¿u@@¾)Ù R)MX((9° Yg@ g|o¥ N¶¥| h C|¶ g@ ´A{
A)«|½ ¦P| o{¢ R)¶ A´)¼|À{oP| @ÁIÌ po¶Ä g{¾) j A)¦{Ä@ Ñ{x{ØÁ) @ÀAC)´@
Qg A´)Á|«@ AC)Q)L@ AC)Q¶ iÀ|¼{A¥) hC|´@ AC)¶|D@ j » NPÂ @
y g{¾) g{ ´@{ L{AÐ)Á« R)¶ ²}o¦g{ O{AP)Ú) @ |Í{¢´| g{¿)ª Æ { «ÚAH{ jdL hg iA
ª @½QÍX AD)A)¶U
«| A º¦{ÅL| R)MX «{A¨)XAH{ A)Å{¢|´@ R)¶ jQ¬x{A¥) A)¶T@ h C|¶ g@ '(('' hC|«{A)¬¦M´@A´)o¢|ÄA¬ ¶ ((9 N¶¥| ''( ''iÁ|¨ ¢MP
Ö A)g JD ZpÀAÅ«\pÀAÉ)«| io¨|L i@ ±@o)DÚ@ b{¬¥@ ÌA)¬g@ °{ Yg@ Á{Í´ R)¶A´@{ioI|Ð{A) I{Ñdg{A´@{ NDA)L ½¥A´)½{qPAd)g@ i @{
b ÁP R)MX hC{H{ foY|¶ g@ ²|Å g@ h|C{Q¶ l{Q¶ l{g{Ø ½}¬ Y«| À{A)Ø ioI|¦{LÁ«| ½{ Â{AU)´Ú{ io¥|AM)É«| Á{«@ ¼{À|| R)g@{ ioI|Ì{A)M«|
y ½{ ¿g@ ²{oQg@ ±Ad)M{Ig@ l|«@ ZjP½¶ g{ b ÁL R)MX \ j|P½g@ y io|¥oM«| x{@½AH{ ½{Q {o¶|Y|g{
h Mx@ j{¬g{ ¹}Á ÁQu A)¶T@ A)¢{¶Ä À{A)Ø ÖoH{ A)Q¶ j ¬| h C|¶ g@ l|¨g{AÅ)« R Ö l|TÁ|u| C Ä l{L{A¥)Á|Ö| [M @ g{¿)H{ i¾A h C|¶g@
h|XÀ@ N´@ ÁQÅQg Q¶ g{¾) ÁP½¥ ±}RQÈ ª| R)¶ ´A{ A)H{ jQ¬g{A g@ ²o¦g@ ÄAH À¼{AH) l|´@o)@ n|½|T|½P@ l|x{@Á)È cÁÈ@
jPÁDAB g@ jQIQB g@ l{g{Ø ½}¬ Y«| A´)½{QÄ R)¶ l|¶ g@ R¶Ì jQ¬X{@Á g@ ´@{ À{A)gAH{ ¿u| jP½´{A)¬|g@ x{@½)@ R)¶ M{¬¦{´ §QÄ ºÅ|H@
''(yA¬C¶ÅL h¶ Ä À{@Á)HÚ@ ')(yÀA¨ « ¼@o)T
11) Another doa-e-qunoot of Imam al-Mahdi ¿g@ ¬{ÄAH{ g|A
Ä@q{Q´{@½)¬Ì AH{ ½{X oM¬|g@ q{Q´{@½)XogAH{ ¼{Á ¢M¬|g@
NÈ{ |QX j«{ l|M¦Ä|±{A¬ Í g@ p{ÁtÍ g@ j«{ ±A¬)g@ l{H{ OÁU
±|AÉ)L j¬ «{ ¶¬|g@ c|Ã{L ±|AÉL j« ¶¬|g@ L{o|L { ¶¬|g@ g{A«) h C|¶ g@
NÈ{ §Qª hC|M¥ÂÀ ¦¶u l{H{ N¦¶u ¿g@ ¬{ÄAH{ g|A
±}RÈ ª| R)¶ ´@{Á{Qtg@ ½{QH{ ±|AÉ)L j« ¿{L| ±|AÉ)L j« Ã {L|
y@ AÈ) §Qª
@¼)A´) jQX _o´| l{H{ A)¼A¬)H{ o|¼@ gAQ)¶ g@ ²|APÚ@ n|Á|QdL| Ú j«AP)
½{P½É g@ Ê{BIg@@¾AP) Ë|AB HAP) ²{@Á)ªÚ{@ {Ug@@¾AP) ¼|@o)TAP) ½|T{A«)AP)
h|QD@Á)H@{ l{H{ A)¼ A¬)H{ o|¼@ l|«o¥ N|¨¶D@ l|« j« l|MQU´A
XAP) §|QBgAP) h|QXÀAP) ¤| ÀAP) j{QM¬g@ p{o ¦|g@@¾AP) ½|PÁP|A¬)g{ ÚA AP)
y A«Ä @¼ÁH l{Q¶ ÀAg@ N¶T l|MQU´A @¼)A´) jQX ¶|Q¶u
y X Ú jQX
ÁYIg@ l|g N¦¶¢ @¼)A´) jQX ¬|Q¶ª R)Äo«| l{H{ A)¼A¬)H{ o|¼@
S{¿g@ ²{oQ¦g@ Yg@ i{o|¨¬g@ i{Ã|t¬g@ ¬{ÄAH{ g|A
Ä@ h C|¶ g@
yh Q{g@ { l|«o¥ ioÁ { N¥Á@ Qx@Á)Ä@{ H l|MQU´A
y ¦{¶u j«{ ½X@ l{Q¶ b¶{B P hg ½{ J{Qdg@ h{¶{ l{H{ OÁAMÄ@
l{x{@½)@ j«{ l|MQU @¼)A´) jQX X|À| R)ÅQ l{H{ A)¼A¬)H{ o|¼@
l{H{ ±|AÉ)L{ §Qª ²{AX)ÀÚ@ R{ ¦¶u l{H{ À|o ÍL| ¿g@ ¬{ÄAH{ g|AÄ@
yl|M À Qg@{
y²{A {g@ f{Á|g@ j{QH j«{ O{A¬)¶| g@ f{AI)Ö@ hC|¥@Â)À@ hC{Qg@{ f|oÉ|L
l{Q¶ l|¶ g@ R¶ Ì ½¬ Y«| QI{´ Q¢{Ì I|QIX l{H{ A)¼A¬)H{ o|¼@
jQH N¢g@ x{AQ)g{@ K{o¶|¥| jQH l{H{ N¢g@ ¿g@ ¬{ÄAH{ g|A
y l|LÁÍ´ x{@½)@ R)¶ l|MQU ´ K{@Ã)XÚ@ j«{ l|g NIUMÄA l{g{
y@¿D) R ¢{BP| @¿D) Ú @¿D) J|D{¿P| @¿D) Ú À{Ag@ V{¶g@
Á|«Ú@ °|¶tg@ l|g j«AP) NIT@ l{H{ NQ¼| @¾)@{ ¿g@ ¬{ÄAH{ g|A
¿g@ ¬{ÄAH{ g|A
Ä@ n{AQ)¬{g@ hÖ l{H{ N´o ª ¿g@ ¬{ÄAH{ g|A
y @¼½ ±}È ª| R)ÍX@ A¬¶{ ±}È ¨|H{ ¹AX)@ j«AP)
±A¬)g@ N¦Ä| SÁ)g@ f{AI)Ö@ jQH O{AI)g@ f{Á|| ±A¬)g@ l{H{ NPÁT@
y±{A¬ Í g@ p{ÁtÍ g@ jQH À{AU)ÈÚ@ f{Á|| R)g@{ R)¢tL Ú O|@o)ÌÚ@ l{Q¶ l|HAÉ)ML Ú gAQ)¶ g@ ²|APÚ@ n|Á|QdL| Ú j«AP)
y jQY¶{¬|g@ _|AY)g@{ l|«|Á{IP| Ú O|Ad)¶ g@ l{Q¶
Ä@ AC)´@o)g@ À{A¬)g@ hÖ l{H{ N´o ª ¿g@ ¬{ÄAH{ g|A
½{X{@o)g@ ¼{Á¢g@ ¬{ÄAH{ g|A
Ä@ ½|QL| S ½{IL| l{H{ ¿g@ ¬{ÄAH{ Í ¦{¶u j«{ L{ÁQu{ ½}¬ Y«| { ½}¬ Y«| R)¶ ¶ ÍL| i@ g|A
75 Rabeeul Anaam Fi Adeea-e-Khairil Anaam 76
jQ¶ÄÁ¬|g@ jQQIg@ b{Q¬T R)¶ Ì L{@o)¶Ì {Ñ AH{ hC{Q¶ { ½}¬ Y«| R)¶ ¶ÍL| i× g|A
Ä@ h|Q¶g@ b|Q¬Å g@ oD| ±È l{¶{¬{ª
R)¶ Ì q{AB gAH{ °Q@o)¬g@ g@½|¦ S)½C|g@ @od|¶ H jP¿g@ y hC|TÁ U L| i×½}¬ Y«|
y jQYg{AÍ g@ ¼{AI){ { xAT)À M¦{ N´A
Á|Q n| AT)À l|M|¦{ [IÌ× iAª) j« h C|¶g@
HAY)Ì@ g b¬T@ L½A«) g ÃU{´@ ¼A)Q¬g@ §|¶{tP|Ú j«AP) q¶ ¥{ ¢Ð hX{ ÁM|Ä@ j{« hXÀ×AP) z{Ä| j« ¼oT×AP) AC)¶ ª{ À{o«|Ú@
JQtL| Ú g{oÄ|À ±{@½)@ x{@½)@ R)¶ ´ÁÍ|´@ hD|ÁIÌ {A) À{Ag@ j«{ MI¥À | «{ ÚoÖ q{UgAH{ ¶ j|«@ M¶QX
y P½P jQH ÁQÄ@ M{«@ j|H@ ½{I j|H@ ½|I ´A Lo¼ ''( yjQ¬X{@Á g@ hXÀ×AP) M{¬XÁH{ AC)¶ ª| Ào«|@ b{Q¬T Å¢´
i¼| ¶ l{H{ N¶Ñ ¢L ²{A¦)¬g@@¿)C)H{ ¶ N« ¿g@ N´@ ½QÄ
y ¦{¶u j«{ Á}Qª
L½A«) g ÃU{L| i@½}¬ Y«| { ½}¬ Y«| R)¶ ¶ ÍL| i@ g|A
±}È ª| R)¶ N´@ ¼A)Q¬g@ §|¶{tL| Ú{ f|¼{AÍ g@ N´@ ´@{
l{¶ g@ iAY)IÄ| h|Qg@ ¶{g@ l|¶ g@ Ú Ù lg)Ù Ú h|PÁ¨g@ h|Q¶Yg@ l|¶ g@Ú Ù lg)ÙÚ
j C|QHA«) j C{Q A«) b{IÅ g@ jQÐÀ@ K À b{IÅ g@ O{@o)¬)Å g@ K À
Qg ¿g@ l|¶g@AP) jQ¬gA)g@ K À l{¶ g{ ½|¬Yg@ h{Qg@ Ë{Ág@ K À
(1) Ibid., p. 68; Balad al-Ameen, p. 570; Behaar al-Anwaar, vol. 85, p. 233. (1) Mustadrak al-Wasaael, vol.1, p. 313.
Supplications During and After Prayers 78
i{AB QÉ g@ j«{ h{Q¶g@ b{Q¬Å g@ l{¶ gAH{ ¾|o|@ jQ¬¶{Ŭ|g@ j«{ ¶T@ h C|¶g@
''(yh{QTÁ g@
3) Supplications after every obligatory prayer A¬)P@ i{A«)à g@ J{X{AÌ) A´)Úo« £¶ H h C|¶g@ h{QXÁ g@ j¬)XÁ g@ l{¶ g@ h{ÅH{
Shaykh Saduq (a.r.), in "lQ¦¢g@ nÁÑYPÚ j«" narrates from the ninth AC)¶{ITAC)¶{CÄ AC)H{À{Ad)« Õ
{ ÀÚ
@ f{À{AÉ)«{ j«{ iAª) A¬)|QX iAª)
°{¶u ¼½ ²Å g@ qQY{Mg@ ´{@o)uÙ ½g j ½g{@) j
Imam, Muhammad al-Jawad (a.s.), the following supplication:
l|¶ g@ R¶ Ì ½}¬ Y¬|H{ AHAM)ª{ i{ØÁ¦|gAH{ AP¼ ²{ÄÚAH{ AHÀ l{¶ gAH{ N|QÐÀ yl|¬|¶{ l{H{ ¹AX)× l|H|AM)ª{ n|AÍ)X×A«) l{¶ g@ Ë{Á q´Â{ l{¶g@
j{H ¶{ j{QÅY|g@ j{ÅYgAH{ AQg{ ¶{H{ AQI{´ h¶Ä l{g{Ø l{Q¶
LAQ)X ²{AP× j«{ l{Q N|É{A«) ²{oQg@@¿D) q{YQIÌ l|g ¼|½ T|@ ´Ù h C|¶g@
¶{ Á}¢T j{H RÄo«| ½}¬ Y«| j{HÁ{¢T ¶{ j{H ½{¬ Y«| j{QÅY|g@
y @½H× |Â|× Ú AC) |oX|× Ú ¦|| l|g qQH @½¦ @½C
yq¬ x{@
²|Å g@ h|C{Q¶ ¶{ j{H j{ÅYg@ j{H q{U Y|g@
l{QD@o)´ n{Á{«{@)Ú{ jQ¶{M¬¬|g@ l| jQH@¿ g@ n{À{AÍ)´× j«{ ¶T@ h C|¶ g@
j l{{Q¬P j l{¢{¶u j«{ l{P½P j{QH j«{ l|¢XA q|U Y|g@ Qg{ h C|¶ g@
y l{P½P jQH jP½CÉMŬ|g@ l{«{AP@
H{ hx{A¦)g@ l|¶T@ n{Á{¬|| l|g¼½|«@| l{M{YL j«{ l{¥{o j«{ l{g{A¬)È{
l{M{PÀ ¾| l{Å{¢´ l||Q l{H{Á ¦L J Y{P|A«) n{À{
@ {P½g{ ÁÍ{M¬|g@ A¬MX ¼{AI){ R)¶ l|M¶T ¿g@ O|o¬g@ l|QH QH AX) iÙ h C|¶g@
@ iÀ|¿YPA«) l|«{ hD{À{× n{ ½| l{M{QÈ l{g{A«) l{¶{D
@ @¼Á U«| ¢QÄ @ÁD{AÈ) ¢ª @ÀÁ{Lo «| ÁI¥ j«{ TÁ{u AQѦ«
²}o¥ À½|Ì A´)À½|Ì| l{H{ §{È@ l||Q l{H{Á ¦L J Y{P|A«) hC{Q y¼AI)g@ Á{Ð{AY)g@ { @½ g@ po¼ AQI{¶«| LA)¥
(1) Mun Laa Yahzorohul Faqeeh, vol. 1, p. 327.
81 Rabeeul Anaam Fi Adeea-e-Khairil Anaam Supplications During and After Prayers 82
p}ÁH{ ÁÍH Y|ª× p½Q¬Yg@ pÁ d|g@ p½QÈÁ g@ q¶Bg@ ´{À{× h C|¶ g@ Oo¬g@ n|Á¨P j{«{o ¬|g@ ½{I _{À| Ó
{ I¥ ¼ ¼ ÁMª l|¶|{A )
y l|TÁt« C Ä l|TÁ U l{QgÙ «{ y'' l|MxAÅ)« n|Áª@A´×
¼ H{ l{H{ h C|¶ g@ Á{¬|@ n|Á¬| o Ö n|ÁC» o ¥ n|ÀÂ× ¼½|È@ h C|¶ g@ WÁ¢g@ x{AQ)g{Ú{
U ½}¬ Y«| {Ø ½}¬ Y«| R)¶ Í h C|¶g@
Á{ Ig@ { ¼|AÅ)¢g@ ÁC»((9° Yg@ g|o¥ N¶¥| ´ ¼AI){ l{H{ {X× yi} | Ú Å¢´ ´o Å|L Ú qQ {A)g@ ÁÍg@
y''Ç{Ag@ ½P× NIŪA¬)H{Á{YIg@ ''(yNzÈ{ j« Á|ª|¿L 9 sA¥)
R¶ Ì g{oÄ|À h{ÄAH{ R)¬Å¬|g@ QI{´ N{H{ jH@ Qg{ A)g h C|¶ g@ Á{C{»
l¶ g@ ° Y{P| l|¥Ã « ÚÙ {Ö{AI)g@ j«{ ±}RÉH{ Á¢P Ú R)MX l{g{Ø l{Q¶ l|¶ g@
6) Another invocation for longevity
Allama Majlisi, in Kitab al-Salaat of Behaar al-Anwaar,
yl|¦¦ YP| l{L{A¬)¶{¨H{ ° Yg@ narrates from "Falaah al-Saael" of the renowned scholar,
Sayed Ibn Tawoos, who writes, "Abu Muhammad Haroon
@½QH l|´ÁP hC|´Ù n{À{oC||H{ q{« Ú@ n{¿{D) j q¬ d|g@ n{¿{D) V¢É{ª@ h C|¶ g@ Ibn Musa relates from Abu al-Hasan Ali Ibn Yaqub al-Ajali
al-Kesaai, from Ali Ibn al-Hasan Ibn Fazaalah, from Ja'far Ibn
''(yl{g{Ø ½}¬ Y«| R)¶ l|¶ g@ R¶ Ì AIPÁ¥ n|@Á)´ Muhammad Ibn Hakeem, from Jameel Ibn Darraaj, who
recounts, " A man came to the presence of Imam Sadeq (a.s.)
5) Supplication enhances longevity and said, "O Master! I have become old and my relatives
Among the deeds that are stressed upon, is to pray for the have died. I am afraid that I too may become a victim of the
early reappearance of Imam al-Mahdi (a.t.f.s.) after every clutches of death while I don't have anybody with whom I am
obligatory prayer. The author of Mikyaal al-Makaarim has acquainted and can refer to him." Imam (a.s.) replied,
supported this idea with the help of the following tradition "Surely among your believing brothers, there is
which says, "Whoever recites the following invocation after somebody who is very close to you in relation.
every obligatory prayer, his life will be prolonged till he sees Your closeness with him is to the extent of
Imam-e-Zamaana (a.t.f.s.)." The invocation is as follows: intimacy. Yet, it is necessary that after every
prayer, you recite the following supplication:
f¼{AÍ g@ goÄ|À i Ù h C|¶ g@ ½}¬ Y«| {Ø ½}¬ Y«| R)¶ Ì h C|¶ g@
A´× ±}È O|¼¼ ÁLA«)((9N|¶¥| ´Ù A¥) l{g{Ø l{Q¶ L|@o)¶Ì f½ ͬ|g@ ²|Å g@ l{Q¶ f¼{AÍ g@ i Ù h C|¶ g@ ½}¬ Y«| {Ø ½}¬ Y«| R)¶ Ì h C|¶g@
(1) Mikyaal al-Makaarim, vol. 2, p. 4; Behaar al-Anwaar, vol. 86, p. 61,
narrating from Ikhteyaar of Ibn Baaqi. (1) Makaarem al-Akhlaq, vol. 2, p. 331
83 Rabeeul Anaam Fi Adeea-e-Khairil Anaam Supplications During and After Prayers 84
Ó { I¥ ¼¼ ÁMª l|¶|{A )A´@
±}RÈ O|¼¼ ÁLA«) ((9N|¶¥| ´Ù 9A¥) hC|TÁ U ½}¬ Y«| {Ø ½}¬ Y«| R)¶ Ì h C|¶g@
Í h C|¶ g@ y'' l|MxAÅ)« n|Áª× Oo¬g@ n|Á¨P j{«{o ¬|g@ ½{I _{À| He will not die till he reaches to the Qaem (a.t.f.s.) of Ale
Ú ÁÍg@ qQ {A)g@ WÁ¢g@ Qg{og{ U ½}¬ Y«| {Ø ½}¬ Y«| R)¶
Muhammad (s.a.w.a.)."(1)
yMIX{× j«{½}X× Ú Å¢´ ´o Å|L 9) The Invocation "OoÌ ª b«AÄ AP" after Zohr prayers
If you want name them one by one, if you wish, name them Following in the footsteps of Imam Sadeq (a.s.), we should
separately or if you so desire, name them together." pray for Imam al-Mahdi (a.t.f.s.), the saviour of humanity,
who will reappear in the last era as promised by the
The man said, "By Allah! I lived my life to the fullest."(1) Messenger of Islam (s.a.w.a.) to his nation through authentic
traditions. Abbaad Ibn Muhammad al-Madaaeni says, "I went
7) Supplication of Revenge (²A¦M´Ú@) to meet Imam Sadeq (a.s.) in Madina. After finishing his zohr
Imam Sadeq (a.s.) says, prayers, he (a.s.) raised his head towards the sky and said,
"Among our rights on our Shias is that they hold Æ} ¢´ ª| S
O}o ª| b«{AT @
O}oÌ ª| b«{AÄ
their beards and say after every obligatory prayer
thrice, × q{Cg{Ú"@ lg)Ù @
p{¼AÅ g@ ½QÄ
@ |{AH× O{o¬g@½H
@ K À
@ p{Áu{Ú"@ AQ)´½ g@ g{A«
@ p{ÁH{AI)Ug@ ÀAIT
qIQ ¢X@ ½}¬ Y«| K ÀAP) ½}¬ Y«| {Ø WÁ U ½}¬ Y«| K ÀAP)
l{g{Ø l{Q¶ l|¶ g@ R¶ Ì ½}¬ Y«| q{HÚ h¦M´@ ½}¬ Y«| K ÀAP) ½}¬ Y«| n|½{Á g@ j{« × ²{@½¥Ú
@ {¦´ Ç{A¢´Ú
@ ¼{½ Í{Y«|
@ ½|PÁP|A¬g{
'((yh¶ Ä y½|Q«|
@ S ½{I«| @
hC|g NIT× ¿g@ h|C{¦ YH{ ¦{¶u j«{ L{ÁQu{ R)¶ ¦ YH{ ¶zÄ
8) Invocation after Zohr prayers
Among the most accentuated times for invoking the early
j ¬|L i
@ l{M{QH {D× ½}¬ Y«| {Ø ½}¬ Y«| R)¶ ¶ ÍL| i× Å{¢´ R)¶
reappearance of our master, Imam-e-Asr (a.s.) is after Zohr QI{´ j{H@ Qg{og{ ÃU{´
@ À{Ag@ j«{ MI¥À { A¨¢H{ qAÅ g@ ¶
prayers. According to one tradition from Imam Sadeq (a.s.),
M{U X| ¼{AI{ {Q ¦{¶u {Q«@
´{¾H{ QgÙ @½ g@
"One who says after the morning and noon
prayers, Á{ÍH{ n|½P
@ h C|¶ g@ n½ L|AªÁH L|@o¶Ì l{Q¶ ¦{¶u R)¶
(1) Behaar al-Anwaar, vol. 86, p. 7. (1) Behaar al-Anwaar, vol. 86, p. 77; Mustadrak al-Wasaael, vol. 5, p. 96,
(2) Jamaal al-Saaleheen, Mikyaal al-Makaarem, vol. 2, p. 7. Jamaal al-Saaleheen.
85 Rabeeul Anaam Fi Adeea-e-Khairil Anaam Supplications During and After Prayers 86
A´AB¶Ä| ´½|g j«{ hC|g [M @ hD|ÁIÌ l|HAYÌ@
o ¥ ½IÁÍ|´@ lg)ÙÚ l|¶ g @ N´@
hC{QgÙ q}TAX) Ú Á{Q j«{ q}´o|« Á{QdH{ ¦¶u N¦¶u
AP) g{oÄ|À ±{@½@
j«{ l|¨«@
l|TÁ U @ÁQÍ´{ ½{Ig@ ½H N´@
lg)Ù Ú l|¶ g@ N´@
{I¦g@ °g{A)u {I¦g@ I¥ N´@
y jQ¬X{@Á g@ ² @ ½{ N|I{L| ±|AÉ)LA«)oY|¬LN´@
Ú Ù lg)ÙÚ l|¶g@ N´× ½{Ig@ °g{Au)
The narrator asked, "May I be sacrificed for you, have you yK{AM)¨{g@
not prayed for yourself?' He (a.s.) replied,
'I have prayed for the light of Ale Muhammad
lg)ÙÚ l|¶ g@ N´× l||À{@) ±}È ª| qPA)N´@
Ú Ù lg)ÙÚ l|¶g@ N´×
(a.s.), the first of them, and the avenger of their lg)ÙÚ l|¶ g@ N´× |Q¶Ug@ Ú °|Q¥½ g@ K|Ã|P Ú N´@
enemies by the command of Allah…"(1)
²}oP ª| O|@o)ÌÚ
@ Q¶ l|HAÉ)ML Ú O|Ad)¶ g@ Q¶ R)¢tLÚ N´@
10) Invocation of Imam Kazim (a.s.) after Asr i|AP¼ R)¢u× J{Qdg@ h|g{A i}AÈ j iAÈ ¶|dÉP Ú i})È N´@
prayers for the reappearance of Imam-e-Zamana yhQ«À D{ ²{A {g@ Q{Y«| À{oI|¦|g@ { j«{ |{AH) À{o«|Ú|@ Á|H½«| j{P½g@
Among the times that have been emphasized a lot, is after the j« J|QtP| Ú ¿g@ ²{oQ¦g@ Yg@ i{Ã|t¬g@ i{o|¨¬g@ ¬{ÄAH{ g|A
Asr prayers. Its proof is the quotation found in the book,
Falaah al-Saael, by Sayed Ali Ibn Taawoos (a.r.). He writes, j«{ g h{¦{M¬|g@ WÁ U L| i× l{g{Ø ½}¬ Y«| R)¶ ¶ ÍL| i× l{H{ gA
"Among the important duties after the Asr prayers is to follow
y²{@Á)ªÚ@ {Ug@@¾AP) l|L½A«) l|g ÃU{´× x{@½)×
Imam Musa al-Kazim (a.s.) in his invocation for our master,
Hazrat Mahdi (a.t.f.s.), as has been narrated by Muhammad I asked, "Whom are you praying for?'
Ibn Bushair al-Azdi, from Ahmad Ibn Umar al-Katib, from
He (a.s.) replied,
al-Hasan Ibn Muhammad Ibn Jamhoor al-Ammi, from his
father Muhammad Ibn Jamhoor, from Yahya Ibn Fadhl "It was for al-Mahdi from the progeny of
al-Naufeli, who said, "I went to meet Abul Hasan Musa Ibn Muhammad."
Ja'far (a.s.) at Baghdad. When he finished his Asr prayers, he
Then he (a.s.) said,
raised his hands towards the heavens and I heard him say,
Ú l|¶ g@ N´
@ j|Ö{AIg@Á|D{A g@ Á|uÚ"@ | Ú@ N´
@ÚÙ lg)ÙÚ l|¶ g@ N´× ½|QH j{Q¥AÅ g@ Ê|¬X@ j{QIT{AY)g@ i||Á|¦¬g@ j{BIg@ _|½M¬|g@ HH{
ÁCÄ j«{ pÁ¢Ì| l{L{Á¬Ä| b« n|À|oMP i{o¶ g@ Á|¬Ä@ j{QI¨{¬g@ jQHA«)
ÚÙ lg)Ù Ú l|¶ g@ N´@
AC)´|AÍ)¦´| ±{AQ)ÈÚ@ p|¼AP)Â{ QgÙ N´
@ ÚÙ lg)Ù
(1) Behaar al-Anwaar, vol. 86, p. 62. n¿uPÚ j« RHHy Aª@À @½TAÄ ²oUg@ RÁP q¶Qg j« RHH{ {Q¶ g@
87 Rabeeul Anaam Fi Adeea-e-Khairil Anaam Supplications During and After Prayers 88
, l¶g@Á«AH hxA¦g@ RHH y R)T½g@ _AIÍ« hxÚ q«og l¶g@ R n|AÐ)À{ RC)M«| l{L{A¬)¶{ª{ ¼@½)«{ l{¶ g@ Ë{Á q´Â{ O{AQY{Mg@ O{@o)¶Í g@ j«{
''( P½Yg@ yl|¬|¶{ l{H{ ¹AX)@ l|H|AM)ª{ n|AÍ)X@«) ¼½
qQH @½¦ @½C ²}oP ª| ²{oQg@@¿D) l|g ¼|½ T@| ´ @{ h C|¶ g@
11) Invocation after Dawn Prayers
Among the most stressed times for praying for the MI¥À
reappearance, is after Dawn prayers. Its evidence lies in the
continuation of the importance discussed for the Zohr prayers, MÍÍu q{¶QÑ¢g@ n{¿{C)H{M¶Ñ §{PÁÉMg@@¿C)H{ M Á ÈA¬)ª h C|¶g@
as narrated by Allamah Majlisi (a.r.) in his book, Al-Miqyaas.
Concerning the post-dawn prayers rituals, he writes, "After ¶T@ i{A«) Ã g@ J{X{AÌ) ½QÄ Úo« R)¶ Í q{¬g@ n{¿{C)H{
completing the Dawn prayers, before you speak any word, yl| jQH@¿g@ l{{AQ)È@ n{À{AÍ)´@ j«{
recite a hundred times,
§ Í g@ n}Á¨«| ÁQ Ax{Ö l{P½P jQH jP½CÉMŬ|g@ j«{ ¶T@
°M{@ ½}¬ Y«| {Ø WÁ U{ ½}¬ Y«| {Ø ½}¬ Y«| R)¶ Ì K ÀAP)
'' Ï oÌ|Á« iAQ)H| hC|´A
ª A¢Ì((9 N|¶¦| H{AM)ª{ l|¶D@ N ´ ¿g@
'((À{Ag@ j«{ MI¥À
y ²|Å g@ h|C{Q¶ l{g{ g{oÄ|À q{AÖ M{AÖ R)¶
12) A brief Doa-e-Ahd (The Invocation of ''( q{¬Q)¦{g@ ²{oP R)g@{ ¦|| l|g qQH n{¿{D) h C|¶ g@
A condensed Doa-e-Ahd has been narrated from Ameerul
Momineen Ali Ibn Abi Talib (a.s.), who used to send 13) Invocations after Namaz-e-Shab
salutations on our master, Saaheb al-Zamaan (a.t.f.s.) with this The evidence is its underlined presence in the supplications
salutation after every Dawn prayers, from the infallible Imams (a.s.). These have been mentioned
by the scholars (a.r.) in a number of authentic and reliable
o¬|g@ b{Q¬T j l{Q¶ l{¶ g@ O|@o)¶Ì i{A«)à g@ JX{AÌ) Úo« £¶ H h C|¶ g@ books. After reciting the first two units of the Namaz-e-Shab,
½g| ½g{@) j hC{M{Q« hC{QX AC)¶{IT AC)¶{CÄAD)Á{YH jQ¶xAÅg@ q{¶zÅ« b|Ðo« N´
@ ¶|«{ zÅP| hg ¶|zÄ
@ ´ Ù h C|¶g@
(1) Behaar al-Anwaar, vol. 86, p. 80-81. hg QgÙ JÀ× ¶|«{ c½P| hg o|¼
@ jQI{@Ág@ q{IÀ R)CM«|
(2) Mikyaal al-Makaarim, vol. 2, p. 13; Behaar al-Anwaar, vol. 86, p. 44,
133. (1) Misbaah al-Zaaer, p. 234; Behaar al-Anwaar, vol. 102, p.110.
89 Rabeeul Anaam Fi Adeea-e-Khairil Anaam 90
yjQ¬X{@Á g@ h|XÀ× jP Á BѬ|g@ p{o¼ J|QU«| N´@ ¶{«{ R)gÙ JÁP| thanksgiving prostration, recite a hundred times,
l|¶ g@ ±AÈ)A«)
h|QXÀAP) j|¬)XÀ AP) l|¶ g@AP) AC){U´@
{x{AÅ)¬g@ {Ñ |A
H{ ¶|zÄ×
H{ R)ÍYL| Ú Mg@ ¬{´{ AQ)¶|g@ g{A)«@
R)ÅY|g@ x{A¬)ÄA
Then supplicate,
½{ AC) {ÁÈ@
q¶QÄ «{ AC)HÁ¥@
Q¶ x{A¬)Ä@
{Ø ½}¬ Y«| R)¶ Í i|o¨|P Á}«@
j«{ NzÈ{A«) l|¶ g@ N´× K ÀAP)
y qHAT)Ù À{o«|Ú@ { AC){ÁÄ× AH@o) P½g AC)g{ÃT× qgÃ{« l|¶ g@ R¶ Ì ½}¬ Y«| {Ø WÁ U L| i× ±|AÉ)LA¬)Q g T@ ½}¬ Y«|
hC{T{Á¢H{ A´Á|¦« ´@o)uÙ WÁ TÁ U h¶ Ä l{g{Ø l{Q¶
l|IY{L| ¿g@ ²{Á{ªÚ
@ h{Ú
@ TÚ
@ Ã Ú
@ Á{IªÚ
@ i{o|¨¬g@ ¬{ÄAH{
'((yl|¶|D× N´@
A«) H ¢L
q{PÀ)oMg@ { g oD| h}Ä@ ¨|H{ n|¼ Á|L Ú ¶x{AÄ) l{H{ R)ÐÁL n|@o)CL
q|¶¬X q{H{ A)¼ h}Ä@ ¨|H{ h{Qg@ i{ØÁ¦|g@ À{oH|à g@ {QU´Ú@
@ ¦{¶u j«{ M{AÖ |D@
¶|Ä|À| AQ)I{´@
M|¨x{« È{Á
Qg{ j{H@ Qg{ WÁ U L| i
@ ½}¬ Y«| {Ø ½}¬ Y«| R)¶ ¶ ÍL|
@ Ãu{ U L|
The author of Mikyaal al-Makaarim writes, "I found an
extension of the above supplication in the book Jamaal
al-Saaleheen which was as follows:
traditions which state that it is the day when our deeds are
presented before the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.a.) and the
infallible, holy Imams (a.s.). According to some other
traditions, on this day, Imam (a.s.) calls for his Shias and
Hence, it is appropriate for a believer that he suffices for his
master, helps him in his invocation treading on his path, and in
CHAPTER FOUR conformity with his Imam's deeds.
The traditions concerning presentation of deeds are in
SUPPLICATIONS FOR THE abundance, mentioned in Usul al-Kafi, Basaaer al-Darajaat,
Tafseer al-Burhaan.(1)
2) The Eve of Friday
1) The Day of Thursday Great emphasis and stress has been laid on praying for the last
The author of Mikyaal al-Makaarim says, "The importance of Imam, al-Hujjat, al-Muntazar (a.t.f.s.) on the following
praying for the reappearance of our master, Imam-e-Zamana accounts:
(a.t.f.s.) can be seen from what the renowned Sayyed (Ibn a) The significance of the day of Friday for a number of
Tawoos) has written in Jamaal al-Usboo'. He writes, 'From reasons which we shall indicate, Inshallah. Thus, it is
the duties of Thursday, it is recommended to send blessings appropriate that we should invoke for our Imam (a.s.)
on the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) a hundred times, and it is on its eve.
recommended that he should say,
b) It is the eve of the presentation of deeds, according to
hC|TÁ U ½}¬ Y«| {Ø ½}¬ Y«| R)¶ Ì h C|¶ g@ the author of Lataaef al-Maaref.
At its end, say, "On the day of judgement, Allah the Almighty
shall raise the days, and Friday shall be raised as
y hC|TÁ U ½}¬ Y«| {Ø ½}¬ Y«| R)¶ Ì h C|¶ g@ leader of all of them like a bride, possessing all the
perfection and beauty, presented to the owner of
A hundred times if you can. We have stated earlier in the light
religion and wealth. It shall stop at the door of
of traditions that his reappearance is the reappearance of all
paradise, with other days behind it, and will
the friends of Allah. For, by it the aims of all of them will be
intercede for all those who sent more blessings on
achieved and their goal achieved. It is also recommended for
Hazrat Muhammad (s.a.w.a.) and his holy progeny
Friday, (like after the Dawn and Noon prayers everyday), one
(a.s.) in it."
should say,
Ibn Sinan says, 'I said, How much is considered as more in it?
hC|TÁ U ½}¬ Y«| {Ø ½}¬ Y«| R)¶ Ì h C|¶ g@ And in which times of Friday is it best to send blessings and
salutations?' Imam (a.s.) said,
2) Invocations at Noon: 'Hundred times. And the best time is after Asr.'
Its evidence lies in the invocation mentioned in Mikyaal He asked, 'And how should I say it?' Imam (a.s.) replied, 'Say
al-Makaarim in the 23rd chapter, and it's a noble tradition, hundred times,(1)
comprising of traditions from the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.) and
the infallible Imams (a.s.), the best salutations and greetings for hC|TÁ U ½}¬ Y«| {Ø ½}¬ Y«| R)¶ Ì h C|¶g@
the early reappearance of our master Imam-e-Zamana
(a.t.f.s.).(1) Further evidence for its significance is the saying of the
majestic Sayyed, Ali Ibn Tawoos (r.a.) in Jamaal al-Usboo'
when he mentions the supplication from the respectable
3) Supplications while going towards the mosque: Shaikh, Usman Ibn Saeed (a.r.). We too shall make a mention
It has come as a recommendation while going to the mosque of it, Inshallah.
for the prayers of the two Eids and comprises of the
invocation for Imam-e-Zamana (a.t.f.s.). Inshallah, we shall
mention it under the chapter, "Supplications for special times." 5) Supplications in the Qunoot of Zohr and
Jumuah prayers:
Its importance has been discussed in the chapter of qunoot.
4) Supplications after Asr prayers:
In Jamaal al-Usboo' it has been narrated by Abdullah Ibn
Sinan from Imam Sadeq (a.s.) who said,
(1) Mikyaal al-Makaarim, vol. 1, p. 393. (1) Behaar al-Anwaar, vol. 95, p. 90.
97 Rabeeul Anaam Fi Adeea-e-Khairil Anaam Supplications for the Eve & Day of Friday 98
h¦{M´@ l|¶|D×A´)×A«) H ¢LÚ l|¶|D× N´×A«) H Ù Á|Q AC)Ö{AH) h|¶P
g) It (Friday) is one of his titles.
We have mentioned even more reasons. Those who are
(1) Al-Kafi, vol. 3, p. 422, The Chapter of Preparation of Imam for Friday interested can refer to the aforementioned book.
prayers and its sermon, H.6.
99 Rabeeul Anaam Fi Adeea-e-Khairil Anaam Supplications for the Eve & Day of Friday 100
l{¶{D@ R)¶ |Ö{AI)g@ J¶{dP n{Á ¦« j ° Yg@ Ã|P zg{ ¼{AI){ j« l{Q¶ h¨g|A
Ä@A«)((9N¶¥| '' h¨|g oC| Á{T@ j« h¨|M|gA
AP¼{AD) A¬¶ A)g N¬¥@ @À¿{«| ÚoÄ|À A)Qg@{ N¶ÄÀ@ Ú og ½X@ o¦|PÚ Qg@{ QIÅ g@ h|D|@o´|A¨) '' QIÄ l{H{À R)g@ ¿t{MP i@ ±AÈ) j« Ú @{ Á}T@
ySÃ)t´ ¿{´ i@ {I¥ j«{ L{AP) bI{M y ´{@o)ÐÀ{ R)g@{ ¶Å¬g@
l{Q¶ l|¶ g@ R¶ Ì ½}¬ Y«| I{QU´ I{QIX R)g@{ Á{«AH{ NQCM´@ i{@ R)g@{ L|@o)¶Ì J}g{AÖ H@ jIQ¶{ l|Qg{ ²A¥)@ l|«|AP@ NѦ´@A¬ ¶
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yl|L½¬M@ j{« ²Áª@ l|MQIMT@ j{« Ñ @ j« ¼{A) n|Ú @) j« {@) h C|¶ g@ n|Ú o« R
¶{ n|Ú o« N|ª| j« 9 l|«A«)@
¥À{AÉ)« l|LÖ@ ¼{AI){ j«{ j{Q¶¦g@ Rg@{ l|MH x{AQ)I{´@ R)¶ l|M«½ ¥ yl|g¿u j« |¿|u@ n|ÁÍ´ j«ÁÍ|´@ n|@¼)A)
l|M¼@ x{A¬)Ä R)g@{ l{H{ NTÁ f@Á)I|g@ l|g OÁt Ä HÀ{Ad)« p}½X{@) p}ÁUÈ j«{ R
¶{ A´@9A¥) n|Á|Q«@ R
¶{ l|QI{´A´@ N|ª| j«9 A¥)
y ¦{¶u ±{AѦ{´@ Rg@{ i|o¨|PA«) iAª)A«) h¶{ yR)MÈ Á}UÈ j«{ Ç{Ag@ Á|x{AÄ)
j«{ jQ«o Ŭ|g@ QxA¨)Q« QxÁIUH{ l|M¢¢XÀ J{Á gAH l|LÁÍ´ h | j«{ iÀ|AD) q{gÃ{¬H{ «{ N´@ 9A¦) R)Äo«| j«{ iÀ|AD) Y« l|¶ X@
nÁ{ªog l{¶ ª| j{P½g@ R¶ l|P¼ ÁC{L| i@ l|L½ M{¨x{« X@ jQ¬gA)g@ ±{AÅ)´{ p½QÄ l|MH@ l|T Â ½{H R I{´Ú l|´@Ú@{ R)Äo«|
yioª|Á{ɬ|g@ y l|HAH) Ú@{ K@o)HÚ@½ Ä l|g XA«) n{½{U{Å« j«{ l|g
N}QH @ hC|g l|g N¶T l{¶{D@ j«{ f}½Ì{
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¶{ h{¶{g@ q|P½«A´@9A¦) l|M¬¨X{ l|¬¶{ l|¼@ h |
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Ä@ Ú ¥|(( qÑ QI«|À}o´| j«{ ÁH{A)« R)¶ M|QÈL@½){Ã|U{L|P¼Ñ¦L
103 Rabeeul Anaam Fi Adeea-e-Khairil Anaam Supplications for the Eve & Day of Friday 104
io|«{o ¬|g@ ¤{ÁP| hg ¶{AP) N´@Ú og ´@Á)QT hD| hD|oT|| hC|DoT|| V { ioT AÑ g@ V Ñ{P iou|À{AÍ g@ w{Á|ÍQg c|o«|½ g@ ¤{À¿M|¶
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105 Rabeeul Anaam Fi Adeea-e-Khairil Anaam Supplications for the Eve & Day of Friday 106
±|AQ)g{Ú@ l|T oMP l{Qg@{ ¿g@ l{¶ g@ l|T jP@ R)Lo P| l|«{ ¿g@ l{¶ g@ K|AH) jP@ j{QD@Á)Ig@ jHAP O{@Á)D{A g@ {x{Ú ½ g@ jHAP O{A)QIg@ O{AP)Ú) @ jHAP
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Á BѬ|g@ jP@ S)ÁM @ l{Q¶ S)½M@ j{« R)¶ À|oÍ|¬g@ jP@±HÁ¨H{ yR)¶Ú@ ¶{g@
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} À@ @ H So)g@ H{ OÁ¦MÄ@ jP@ ÁÈ{ NQg
j|H@ R)¢Bͬ|g@ I{g@ j|H@ jP@ S)o¦Mg@ Á I{g@¾| °{x{tg@À|½Ì jP@ y S)oÖ| ¾ ²@AD) Á{Q ²@ S)oÐÁH{@
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JHAPjQHÁ ¦¬|g@ p{¼AÅ g@ jHAP A¬)Y{g@ ±|A¥)o{g@ g ¢´ «@| N´@ HA
H{ «{ g|A)P Ú So)¶Ig@ ´{¼| H{ ºQYL| i@ ¶ ÃPÃ S)oU´
jQIU´Ú@ q{ À{AB dg@ jHAP jQP½{C¬g@p{@½)C|gAHAP jQ«ÁªÚ@ ±{AI)Ug@ N´@ Å¢H{ )«AÅ)P|Ú Ã { ½{Q¦ j«{ N´@ Å¢H{ S)o¨ÈÚ VQUÐ
J{x{AÖ Ú@ jHAP jQ«ÁªÚ@ q{¬¥{A¬)¦g@ jHAP jQIUM¬|g@q{«À{AÑ)tg@ jHAP Å¢H{ R)DAÑ)L| Ú h}´{¼{L{ j«{ N´@ Å¢H{ S)ÂAU)P|Ú ½}U« {Q@ j«{
yjPÁC B¬|g@ yS)AÅ)P| Ú ¤}ÁÈ §{QÍ´ j«{ N´@
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jHAP q{Yx{g@ ²{¶Ú@ jHAP q{YÐ@o)g@ {I|Å|g@ jHAP p{ÁD{@Ã g@ h{U|´Ú@ i@ ¶ ÃPÃ R)A´)@| ´¼| KAT)|@ i@ R ¶ ÃPÃ S)oU´ @
yq{¶«{A¨)g@ ²{o¶||g@ hC|´¼| Q¶ Á{UP i@ ¶ ÃPà S)Àog@ g¿|tP Q¨{H@
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jHAP h{Q¦MŬ|g@ ¹{@Á)Í g@ jHAP p{¼oC|ɬg@ {x{Ú ½ g@ jHAP p{¼oT|o¬g@ ½{AÄ)A| c}Ã|T j«{ D ±A¨)I|g@ Pog@ l|« QÖA| j}Q«| j«{ D
¶{ l{¶ g@ S½g K{AM)¨{g@ ² @| oD| j« jHAP h{Qg@ AIg@ D S)¿¦g@ R¶ Q AC)L½AÅ) jQ NP¿{¥ D u @¾)@{ l|ÃT
107 Rabeeul Anaam Fi Adeea-e-Khairil Anaam Supplications for the Eve & Day of Friday 108
R)Y n{½{dH{ «{ A)«|oP |Í{MP D R)¦¶M| QIÄ ½¬X@ jHAP Qg@{ R)¶ Á{Q«Ú@ Á{o¨g@ Á{C´ j«{ l{x{AQ)g{@ ¥AÄ) Á{ÉY¬g@ ±{@o)¶ g@
AÖ ½¦ x{A«) K{¿ j«{ b|¦{M´ R)M« S)Á qPÀ)Á g@ ¶D{A)« ¼|Á{´ R)M« ÁBu ½¦ l{H{ j«{o P| hg j« Á¢» ½¦ l{H{ j« j« ¿g@ Á{ÉIg@ Á{x{AÄ)
½¥ @Á)´A´)@Á)L R)M« A)´|oQ|| Á ¦{M X|{@Á)´| P¼Ad)´| R)M« S)½Í g@ yÁ¢ª
¬g@ ² A|L N´@ H{ H{ § Y|´ A´)@Á)L@ S)ÁL| Á{Íg@ ±@o)g{ OÁÉ´ N¶ÖA«) À{Ád|g@ jQ«AQ)¬g@ AC)¶{U´ R)¶ l{Qu{@ R)¶ l{Q¶ l|¶g@ R¶ Ì
OÁH@ AHA)¦{ A´@o)D x@½)@ N¥¾@ Ú½ Õ ÀÚ@ O«½¥ N{H{ q¬Ö{A ) S)ÁI¨|g@ q{¦P½Í g@ l{L{½ T R)¶ Á¬¥ ±AÐ)@ A«) Æ ¬È
oÌ|@| NMT@ jPÁI¨M¬|g@ ÁH{@¼) NB¥ ° Yg@ p½UX pAM)|g@ ¬ª@ Ñ @ l{Q¶ p{ÀÁIg@ l{x{AH) j«{ NQ¢BÌ@ j{« R)¶ ½}¬ Y«|
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½{ ½MÄ@ Qg@{ S)o¶Ig@ K{Á¨|g@ ¤|AÉ ª N´@ h C|¶ g@ Ú AD)¼{½¬g{ qPAC)´{ Ú AD)¼{½g{ qPA) Ú p
Ì l{Q¶ Ì ¦{¶u j«{
AQ){AP) {A
R)gÚ|@ p{Áu{Ú) @ K À N´@ S)½g@ yAD)½{«Ú{ ¼A¢)´
AÄ)Ú@ l{H{ l| Â{@ So)¦|g@ ½P½ÈAP) n|½QÄ n{À{@ R)¶MI¬|g @ ½QI| l{H{ g{¾@ xAQ)g{@ l{H{ ¼{@ Ö{AI)g@ l{H{ Ó
X{¼@ ° Yg@ l{H{ h¥{@ h C|¶g@
R)TÁ g@ l{Qg@{ j« So)MÄ@ Ë{Ág@ R¶ j«AP) l|¶Q¶ ¼Á H @o)Ug@ l{¢{¶Ä q{¦ @Á«| R)g@{ ¼o
L| q¶Ì| l|QH A)QH h C|¶g@ {Ì{ x@½)@
yRC)M¬|g@ q{P¼{AL R)¶A{@ hC{¶ »{ |¨|¬P hC{L{ÃUY|H ¿|u|AP j¬ «{ A)¶T@
l|M¦¶u QI{H{ H{ Á{ª ¿¬|g@ Qg{ Rg)@{ io¦|x{AMg@ ½|QI j|Y´ h C|¶ g@ yl{M{QÍ{« j K{A)M{TÚ{@ l{M{AÖ ¼{AC)M{TÚ{@l{Qg@{ l{¥{o¦|X|
A«{ jQ«{o ¬|¶g{ l|M¶T @¾A)« A«@o)¥{ A)g l|M¬¥@ @¾« q¬Í{ A)g |A)´A«) n|ÁQu n| ±A)¼| l|M¬XÀ l|M @À A)g JD n|AÐ)Á{H{ A)Q¶ j|«@
T@ A«@Á)ª@{ K ÀAP) g{@¿)H{ A´)¼Â{ A«Ä qQY{L A«{ l|d¶ I A«A«)@{ A)Ho´|¾| qgoI|¦« l{H{A)LÌ T@ ½{ @Âo M{¬XÀ j«{ qÄ l{H{
RMX A)«A«)@ n|AP@{ ¬{P½¦MH{ M¬´{ h¬{L@ A«A¦)«| @Á¦MÅ«| A)g n|Á ¦MÅ«| qÖoÅ|I« l{H{A)¥@Â)À@ T@ AHAU)MÅ«| l{H{ A)xA)¼| pÀo¢|d¬C{H{
y x{AÍ)¶u| j«{ ±{@½)CÉ g@ q¦ @Á)«| ´A)T{ A´)¼À{oL| h{PÁ¨g@ C{ToH{ A)Qg@{ I¥@ qQÑ{¦« l{H{A)Ux{@o)X qQ¢{¨« l{H{A)«o¬|D|
½}¬ Y«| n{½ T R)¶ Ì Á{«@ g{ M{U X| R¶) Ì h C|¶ g@ y Qg@{ A)HÁ ¦L I¥@
{«{AX) Á{dÌÚ@ ½{QÅ g@ l{QH× R)¶ Ì Á{IªÚ@ ½{QÅ g@ g{oÄ|À AC) Á{ÍLÚ h | ½{ q«@Á)¨g@AC)H{ ¬{¨MÅ´ q¬QXÀ pÁ´ A)Qg@{ Á|´@
109 Rabeeul Anaam Fi Adeea-e-Khairil Anaam Supplications for the Eve & Day of Friday 110
l{Ä{A¨H{ l{g{@ l{Q¶ l|¶ g@ R¶ Ì n{½ T Õ } oX j«{ A)¦{Ä@ ¼{oU|H{ A
prolonged occultation, his early reappearance and the
establishment of justice and equity with his reappearance.
yjQ¬X{@Á g@ hXÀ@AP) n|½H A
¬» Ú Adx{AÄ) AzQD AP {À AP À n{½{QH{
´{AÅ)g{ ¦{¶u R)¶ M{U X| M{¢Q¶u Q{g j b ¼@ h C|¶g@
9) Supplication for repelling calamities from ½{D{AÈ) ´{¾H{p{Á»{Ag@ {Q M{¬¨Y{H{ °{Ö{Ag@ Á{I¬|g@
Imam-e-Zamana (a.t.f.s.): ¿{@ ½{ ½{H{A) g@ H ¿{x{) g@ ½{D{AU)¬|g@ _{AU)YUg@ ¼{AI){ R)¶
Among the invocations narrated for the protection and safety
for our master Imam al-Mahdi (a.t.f.s.), is the one related by yOÀo Ì OA É´@ O×ÁH N¦¶uA«) b{Q¬T Á È j«{ n|¿{@
the renowned Sayed, Ali Ibn Tawoos (a.r.) in Jamaal
al-Usboo'.(1) He writes, "This invocation for Imam-e-Asr l{¥{o j«{ l{g{A¬)È{ jP l{{Q¬P j{ l{¢{¶u j«{ l{P½P j{QH j«{ l|¢X@
l{Q ¢X@ l{H{ l|M¢{X j« b|QÑP Ú ¿g@ {¢Y{H{ l{M{YL j«{
(a.s.) has been narrated by Imam Reza (a.s.). A group of
companions whom I have referred to in a number of instances
in this book have narrated to me from my ancestor Abu Ja'far Mg@ M{P¼ l|¶T@ {P¼ hx{)¼ M¬ x{@ l|xAH) goÄ|À
al-Tusi (a.r.) who says, 'Ibn Abi Jayyed has informed me from
Muhammad Ibn Hasan Ibn Saeed Ibn Abdullah, and Á|C¦P|Ú ¿g@ Ã { {« Á|¢tP|Ú¿g@ À{@o)T{ b|QÑLÚ
al-Himyari, and Ali Ibn Ibrahim, and Muhammad Ibn Hasan y l{H{ l|M« j« |¿tP|Ú ¿g@ °Qog@ ´{A«)AH{ l|«{
al-Saffaar, all of them, from Ibrahim Ibn Hashim, from Ismaeel
Ibn Madaar and Saleh Ibn al-Sanadi, from Yunus Ibn Abd Ã{PÃg@ Á{ÍH{ n|ÁÍ|´@l{Q iAª) j« ²|@Á)P|Ú ¿g@ ¢{ª l|¶T@
al-Rehman. My ancestor Abu Ja'far al-Tusi (a.r.) has also
narrated it from a number of other chains but I shall not j« {@) M{¨x{¬H{ l| ¼{À@ L{o ¦|H{ n{o ¥J{g{Ad)g@ ½{U|H{ n|½P@
mention them over here for the sake of brevity. Yunus Ibn
Abd al-Rehman says that Imam Reza (a.s.) exhorted us to
yA¢X q{¨x{
¬gAH{ l|¢ X| qQÍYg@ À¼{ l|ÅI{g@n|@¼)A) j« ¼{A) n|Ú )
½g@ l{HÁC{»@ ÀoUg@ l{H{ N«{@ l{H{ °L|À@ c½Í g@ l{H{ JÈ@ h C|¶g@
recite this supplication for Imam al-Mahdi (a.t.f.s.). Shaykh
Taqi al-Din Ibrahim al-Kaf'ami has also narrated it in his
famous work, al-Misbaah among the acts of Friday, relating J{Á gAH{ n|ÁÍ|´@ Á{ÍgAH{ n|½P@ Õ ÀÚ
@ l{x{A¦)H {oB|H{ jPÂ
from Yunus Ibn Abd al-Rehman, on the authority of Imam
Reza (a.s.). In this supplication, we seek the safety of Imam l|É j« Á« ¼ l|g JÍ´ j« ²½{«¼ l{Qg¾{Au) ¿|u@ l{PÁÌ{A´)o ¥
(a.s.) and dispelling all calamities from him. We also seek q{g
Ñ g@ Ç À| l{H{ hÍ{¥ l|¬x{A)¼ n|½¬|Á{¢¨|g@pÁH{AI)T l{H{ M|¥@
guidance and steadfastness in belief from Allah, Mighty and
Glorified be He, for ourselves during the period of his y{Ö{AI)g@ qPo ¦«| q{Å g@ qMQ¬«| c{½I{g@ qÀ{AÈ)
(1) Jamaal al-Usboo', p.307; Behaar al-Anwaar, vol. 102, p. 112-114.
111 Rabeeul Anaam Fi Adeea-e-Khairil Anaam Supplications for the Eve & Day of Friday 112
f{À{AÉ)« jP½Y{¶¬|g@ bQ¬T jPÁ {A¨)g@ l{H{ ÁH{@ jPÀAIUg@ l{H{ g¾ R¬)|g@ qU Y¬g@ S)½C|g@ WAC)«{ l{P½P R)¶ )H{ ¶|Ä@ h C|¶g@
hC|«{ c½LÚ RMX AC)¶{IT AC)¶{CÄ AD) Á{YH AD)Á H AC)H{À{Ad)« Õ { ÀÚ
@ A´)o ¥ gAMg@ AC)H{ °|Y¶P gAd)g@ AC)Qg@ b|T{ÁP Mg@ RBÄo|g@ q¦PÁB g@
y@ÀA) hC|g ¦{IL|Ú @ÀAP¼ A)¶T@ l{M{HAM)¬|H{ A)Q¶ j|«@ l{M{PAÉ)«| R)¶ A)MI l{M{AÖ R)¶
jQ«{o ¬|g@ l{H{ h {@ ¼AI){ hC|«{ §{È@ ¼
H{ hC|«{ ÁC Ö h C|¶ g@ RMX l{M{YÌA)¬|H{ AÐ)À{ jQIg{AB g@ l|« jPÁH{AÍ g@ n{Á{«A
H{ jQ«@o ¦g@ l{H{ÃX{
RY)M«@ A« l{H{ ¼½ T jQQI{g@ h{¨X| ÇÀ{@¼) jQ¶ÄÁ¬|g@ jÄ| l{H{ {X@ yl{´{AB ¶Ä| q{Po ¦«| l{´{@o)@ n{À{AÍ)´@ q{¬Q)¦{g@ ²oP A´)ÁÉ|YL
@½P½T l{P½P R)¶ l{H{ P¼ ½QL| RMX ¬{¨X| j«{ ½ H| {P¼ j«{ q}¬Ä| ±}P)À{ q}CIÈ| } È ª| j«{ AÍg{Au) A)g g{¾) T@ h C|¶g@
l{g{½H{ ÁQL| RMX l|« q½H{ Ú l{Q Wo{ Ú AYQYÌ AÑY« AÑ l|¶ Y« A)¶ Y{L| RMX CT Ú @{ l{H{ J¶|B´ Ú ÁQ l{H{ ½¬{M´ Ú RMX
yÁ{¢¨|g@ i@ÁQ´ l{H{ ±R¢{BL| À{oUg@ h¶»| A)¶T@ p{ÁM¢g@ {Ũg@ q{«AÅ g@ j«{ A´)¿{@ l|« q{Ug@ A)¶UL
¿g@ ½|I l|´A{ {½g@ oC|U« ° Yg@ ½¥{A)« l{H{ [Ð{o{L| i A{ A´)ÁQ A)H{ ½{IMÅL Ú Qg{ ÁÍ´ l{H{ Ã {L| {P½g{ l{H{ Á|Í{ML j¬ «{
K{o´|¿ g@ j«{ N|M¬Í I{Q R)¶ l|MQ¢BÌ@ Å{¢g{ l|MͶtMÄ@ yÁQª A)Q¶ oD| ÁQÅP Q¶ A´)ÁQ A)H{ g@½)IM{ÄÙ
{ ´½ g@ j«{ l|M¬¶ Ä Æ{TÁ g@ j«{ l|LÁC Ö K{oQ||g@ j«{ l|L@Á H
yÆ ¼Â{ hC|gA«) hC|d¶ H n{½{H j«{ q{¬ x{Ú
@ n{½{C p{Ú| R)¶ Ì h C|¶ g@
AI´¾ J´{¿|P| hg l|´@ q{« B g@ {o¶|X| ²oP q{¬Q)¦{g@ ²oP l|g ½|CÉ´ A´A{ h C|¶ g@ hC|g Á{«@ j«{ hC{Qg@{ O½Ä@A«) hC|g h¬ L hD|ÁÍ´ à {@ hC{g{AT)
M{CP hg qAÖ g bQÑP| hg qQÍ{« J¨{LÁP hg AHoX RL)@ Ú hC|´A{ @ÀAÍ)´@ P¼ R)¶ A´@o)@ hC|g A)¶T@hC|¬x{)¼ NI
¼AC)g@ l|´@ qPÁÈ g ÁQdP| hg qÑPÁ g ½ IP| hg q«Á|X| g P¼ h|x{)¼ ½QXoL i|Aª)À@ ¬{¶{ i|@Ã u| L{A¬)¶{ª i|¼{A)«
y ª{à g@ |Ð{Á g@ ¦{g@ ¦{Mg@ Á|D{AB g@ ½{MC¬|g@ Q)g{@ ¦{¶u j«{ L|o¢Ì ¼{AI){ j«{ M|Íg{Au) Á{«× p|Ú|
q|¬XÀ hC{Q¶ l{Q¶ ²|Å g@ QI{´¼{Ú@ p|o¢Ì x{AQ)g{@ |x{Ä
Á ¦{L|A«) l{M{Q{À b{Q¬T l{M{« @| l{M{PÀ ¾| n{½{g l{¶{D@ l{Å{¢´ l{B{@ h C|¶ g@
yl|L|Aª)ÁH l{¶g@
AC)IPÁ¥ AC)¶{ª| O{A¨)¶¬¬|g@ ¶«| l|g l|¬ULl|Å¢´ l{H{ Á Å|L l|Q l{H{
J¶{dL h}¨X| ª| R)¶ l|¬¨X| Á{UL| RMX AC)¶{Qg¾AD)ÃPÃAD)½QH
y}Ö{AH) ª| l{¦ YH{
113 Rabeeul Anaam Fi Adeea-e-Khairil Anaam Supplications for the Eve & Day of Friday 114
(10) Supplication for warding off calamity from y M{¨x{¬H{ l| ¼{À@ L{o ¦|H{ n{o ¥ J{g{Ad)g@ ½{U|H{
Imam-e-Zaman (a.t.f.s.) through another tradition
Sayyed Ibn Taawoos (r.a.) has narrated this supplication l¢ X| qQÍYg@ À¼{ l|ÅI{g@ n|@¼)A) j« ¼{A) n|Ú @) j« {@) h C|¶g@
through another tradition. He writes, 'I have found this
supplication in another tradition narrated by the noble Abu j«{ B{Ŧ{H{ jQ¶x{A¦)g@ Nd¶ HA«) Ñ @ l|d¶ H h C|¶ g@ A¢ X l{M{¨x{¬gAH{|
al-Hasan Zaid Ibn Ja'far al-Alawi al-Muhammadi who has
narrated through his chain reaching unto Yunus Ibn Abd
yjQQIg@ c{AI)L@
l{H ÁC{»@ ÀoUg@ l{H{ N«{@ °M¢g @ l{H{ °L|À@ c½Í g@ l{H{ JÈ@ h C|¶g@
al-Rahman, who in turn, has narrated on the authority of Imam
Abu al-Hasan Ali Ibn Moosa al-Reza (a.s.). This supplication
reads as follows: J{Á gAH{ n|ÁÍ|´@ Á{Íg AH{ n|½P@ Õ ÀÚ
@ l{x{¦)H {oB|H{ jPÂ ½g@
M¢Q¶u Q{g j b ¼@ ½}¬ Y«| { ½}¬ Y«| R)¶ Ì h C|¶ g@ n{ ½| ½| R)¶ ´½|g j«{ l|g T@ @ÁQÅP AYM l|g [M @
M{¬¨Y{H{ °{Ö{Ag@ Á{I¬|g@ ´{AÅ)g{ ¦{¶u R)¶ M{U X| y@ÁQÍ´ KA´AB ¶Ä|
½{D{AU)¬g@ _{AU)YUg@ ¼{AI){ R)¶ ½{D{AÉg@ M{PÁ{H p{Á»{Ag@ {Q Á}ÍH{ n|½P
@ Á|Í{ML l{H{ ¿g@ ²A«)Ú @ ÁM¬|g@ hx{A¦)g@ l|¶T@ h C|¶g@
y H ¿{x{)g@ ½{I ½{C{MU¬g@ NªÀAH) Lg@ ACHÀ{Ad)« Õ { ÀÚ@ fÀ{AÉ)« l|À J}PÁ¥ [}M Ã}PÃ
OÀo Ì OA É´@ O@ÁH O×À¾ N¦¶uA«)Á È j«{ n|¿{@ h C|¶ g@ ¢{tMÅP Ú RMX l{g{Ø l{Q¶ L|@o)¶Ì QI{´ qÄ| l{H{ {X@ AC)Q
l{¥{o j«{ l{g{A¬)È{ j l{{Q¬P j { l{¢{¶u j«{ l{P½P j{QH j«{ l|¢X@ l|g¾{Au) ¿|u@ n|ÁÌ{A´)o ¥ °{¶tg@ j«{ ½}X@ q At)« ° Yg@ j«{ ±}ÉH{
l{Q ¢X@ l{H{ l|M¢{X j« b|QÑPÚ ¿g@ {¢Y{H{ l{M{YL j«{ yl|É j«Á« ¼ l|g JÍ´ j« ²½{«¼
{P¼ hx{)¼ M¬ x{@ l|xH) g{oÄ|À Ì goÄ|À l{H{ hÍ{¥@l{H{ ²@o¦|g@ l|¬x{A)¼ n|½¬| Á{¢¨|g@ pÁH{AI)T l{H{ M|¥@ h C|¶ g@
b|QÑLÚ Mg@ M{¼ l|¶T@ jQ¬T@ hC{Q¶ L|@o)¶Ì g{¾
@{Ö{AI)g@ qPo ¦«| q{Å g@ qMQ¬«| q{½I{g@ qÀ{AÈ) q{gÑ g@ Ç À|
y Á|C¦P|Ú ¿g@ à { {« Á|¦MYP|Ú À{@o)T{ |QX jP½Y{¶¬|g@ bQ¬T jQ¦ {A)¬|g@ jPÀÀ{A¨)g@ l{H{ÁH{@ jPÀAIUg@ l{H{
{ ÀÚ
@ f{À{AÉ)« j«{ @o´|Aª) jP@ @o´|Aª)
l|¶T@ l{H l|M« j« |¿tP| Ú ¿g@ °{Qog@ ´{A«)AH{ l|«{ h C|¶ g@
y@ÀA) hC|g ¦{IL|Ú @ÀAP¼ hC|«{ c½L Ú RMX AC)¶{IT AC)¶{CÄ
Ã{PÃg@ Á{ÍH n|ÁÍ|´@ l{Q iAª) j« ²|AÑ)P|Ú ¿g@ ¢{ª
115 Rabeeul Anaam Fi Adeea-e-Khairil Anaam Supplications for the Eve & Day of Friday 116
l|´@ qPÁÈ g ÁQdP| hg qÑPÁ g ½ IP| hg q«ÁX| g M{CP hg ÁÍ|´@ hC{g{AT)Ø ¼Â{ hC|gA«) hC|d¶ H n{¼{oC|| p{Ú) R)¶ Ì h C|¶ g@
y ª{à g@ ÐÁ g@ {og@ ¦{Mg@ Á|D{AB g@ ½C¬g@ ¼{AC)g@ ¦{g@ ²|A«)Ú{@ A´@o)@ hC|g A)¶T@ {P¼ Á{«@ j«{ hC{Qg@{ O½Ä@A«) hC|g h¬ L hD|
yjP½È{@Á g@ q{¬ x{Ú
@ jPÁD{AB g@ l{x{AH)Ø R)¶ Ì @ÀAÍ)´@ {P¼ R)¶
l{M{PÀ ¾| l{¶{D@ n{½{g| l{Å{¢´ l{B{@ l{x{AH)Ø R)¶ l{Q¶ Í h C|¶ g@
¶«| l|g b|¬UL l|Å¢´ l{H{ Á Å|L l|Q l{H{ Á ¦{L|A«) l{M{Q{À b{Q¬T l{M{« @| M|Íg{Au) Á{«@
p|Ú| ¬{¶{ i|@Ã u| L{A¬)¶{ª i|¼{A) « hC|´A{ h C|¶g@
Á{UL| RMX AC)¶{Qg¾ AD)ÃPÃg AD)½{QH AC)I{PÁ¥ AC)¶ ª| O{A¨)¶¬¬|g@ x{AQ)g{@ |x{Ä x|Q)g{@ ¦{¶u j«{ L|ÁQu{ ¼{AI){ j«{
y}Ö{AH) ª| l{¦ YH{ J¶{dL h}¨X| ª| R)¶ l|¬¨X| hC{Q¶ L|Aª)ÁH M|¬XÀ L|@o)¶Ì x{AQ)¢{Ì@ ¼|Ú@ L|o¢Ì
R¬)|g@ qU Y¬g@ S)½C|g@ WAC)«{ l{P½P R)¶ A)H{ ¶|Ä@ h C|¶ g@
y gAMg@ ACH{ °|Y¶P gAd)g@ AC)Qg@{ b|T{ÁP Mg@ RBÄo|g@ q¦PÁB g@ hC|M¶T jP¿g@ M{AÖ R)¶ n|o´|{A)«| n{Á{«@ n| Aª)ÁÈ| h C|¶g@
@ {DÚ@ j @o¶Ä jP¿g@ l|Å´@ l|â« l|XÄ{ l|ÍX{
117 Rabeeul Anaam Fi Adeea-e-Khairil Anaam Supplications for the Eve & Day of Friday 118
hC{L{@ÀAU)L{@oÑ| À ½¥ ¼{AC)¬{g@ j«{ ÁQLog@@o¶|B jÖog@ o| AU)L 'It is necessary for you to pray and wait for the
hD{Á{Í«{ j q}IQÁ{QdH{ hC{M{P½{´@ @½|¦{ | hC{É{P{A)¬H{ @Á Ð× The tradition continues till the narrator asked, 'Then how
j¬ «{ JPÁ¦g@@o¢|gAu) hD{Á{«× R)¶ hD|½ÐA) j¬ «{ ½QIg@ @o¢|gAX) should we pray?'
@o|B¥ hD{Á{D¼ b{Ö|A¦)Mg@ Á{H|@½)Mg@ ½H @o¢|¶Mx@ hC{M{CT{ j ½ Ì Imam (a.s.) replied,
Â{ÁX{ h C|¶ g@ h|C|¶TA AQ)´½ g@ ²{AB X| {T{A)H{ q{¶Í{M¬|g@ KAI)ÄÚ@ 'Say'.
¦{¶u j«{ p{@½)gAH hC{Qgٽͥ j« ÇAH hC| ¼ À| ¢{ª »{ M¨x{« RM Á goÄ|À RM Á Å¢´ M Á N´× h C|¶g@
Á{Í´ ½{QPAL hC|g M{´o|« M{PA¢)ª{ j«{ L{o¼ j«{ hC|g Ã{T× y Á{«@ pÚ | RM Á
±A¢)Ö@{ ¼@À)× j« Ö{AH) hC{¦ YH{ °D{Â× M{AÖ R)¶ l{H{ hC||QL|A«) hD|APÙ y NQ¥ A«) Ú @{ R¥@Ú NQB@A«) Ú @{ ¿|u{Ø Ú h C|¶g@
y À{o´|
yRMP½D ¾@{½H RI¶¥ eÃ{L|Ú x{AQ)g{@ {Â{A)« j RIQdL| Ú h C|¶ g@
j«{ Á}B¥| f{A )Ú"@ j« °} |@ ª| hC{H{ ±«@ l{g{Ø ½}¬ Y«| R)¶ Ì
''(ylMAÖ NÐÁM @ j{« q{PÚo{g{ R´¼{½D@ h C|¶ g@
J{ÅX R)¶ hC|gÁ¨|È@ Ñ q¬XÀ Ú½ ABÅ¥{ À{AB ¥Ú@
¼{AI){ j«{ º{Ŧ{gAH{ jQ¬x{A¦)g@ R)¶ l{H{ N«A«) ¼{oT| «{Áª (12) Supplication of Recognition through another
±|AÉ)LA«) |¢L ´@{ O{AT)À½ g@ l{H{ hC|g b| ÁLA«) H{@o) j«{ hC|g Áu|¾@ Tradition
Sayyed Ibn Taawoos (r.a.), in his 'Jamaal al-Usboo' has
''(yjQ¬gA)g@ K À jQ«Ø ½|PÁL|A«) h|¨|YL mentioned Friday, after the Asr prayers, as the time for
supplication of recognition and exhorted for it.
11) Supplication of Recognition It is appropriate that you recite this supplication even when
This is from the supplications recorded by Sayyed Ibn you are unable to perform other recommended acts of Friday.
Taawoos (a.r.) in 'Mohijj al-Dawaat' in a tradition regarding Thus, never neglect this supplication because we have learnt
the occultation of Hazrat Mahdi (a.t.f.s.). Narrator asked, this due to the special grace of Allah; Mighty be His Majesty,
'And what should your Shias do (during occultation)?' upon us. We rely on Him.
Imam (a.s.) replied, (The author of 'Mikyaal al-Makaarem' writes, 'The above
(1) Behaar al-Anwaar, vol. 95, p. 332. (1) Behaar al-Anwaar, vol. 95, p. 336.
119 Rabeeul Anaam Fi Adeea-e-Khairil Anaam Supplications for the Eve & Day of Friday 120
statement establishes the fact that this supplication has seek the reappearance of our master Saheb al-Zamaan
emanated from our master Saheb al-Zamaan (a.t.f.s.). It is not (a.t.f.s.), the grace to tread on his path and that he makes us
improbable considering the elevated status that Sayyed Ibn from his helpers and assistance.
Taawoos (r.a.) enjoyed near him (a.t.f.s.).)
The supplication is as follows:
Shaykh Sadooq (a.r.) in 'Kamaal al-Deen wa Tamaam
al-Ne'mah' narrates from Abu Muhammad al-Hasan Ibn y goÄ|À ¤Á{@ hg Å¢´ Á L| hg i@{ ´A{ Å¢´ Á h C|¶g@
Ahmad al-Maktab, who says that Abu Ali Muhammad Ibn
Hammaam (r.a.) has narrated to me this supplication on the y MU X| ¤Á{@ h¶¨goÄ|À Á L| hg i@{ ´A{ Å¢´ Á h C|¶ g@
authority of Shaykh Amri (r.a.), who dictated it to him and
ordered him to recite it. This supplication is to be recited yP¼ j N|¶¶Ð MU X| Á L| hg i@{ ´A{ MU X| Á h C|¶ g@
during the occultation of the Qaem (a.t.f.s.). Sayyed Ali Ibn
Taawoos (a.r.) has also mentioned it in 'Jamaal al-Usboo' yMP½D¾@{ ½H I¶¥ eÃ{L| Ú qQ¶{D{AT) qMQ« M¬{L| Ú h C|¶g@
through his chain, on the authority of Shaykh Tusi (a.r.), who
in turn narrates from a group, from Abu Muhammad Haroon p{Ú | q{PÚ { j«{ l|MAÖ ¶ NÐÁ j« q{PÚ o{g{ MP½D A¬)¨ h C|¶g@
Ibn Moosa al-Tal'akbari, who records, 'Abu Ali Muhammad
Ibn Hammaam has narrated this supplication for me and he ÁQ«@ Á{«@ pÚ | N|Qg@) RMX l{g{Ø l{Q¶ L|@o)¶Ì g{oÄ|À ½H Á{«@
received it from Shaykh Abu Amr al-Amri (r.a.), the first jÅYg@ AQ¶{ jQÅY|g@ jÅYg@ J}g{AB QH@ jH ¶{ jQ«{o ¬|g@
special deputy of Saheb al-Zamaan (a.t.f.s.). Abu Amr
dictated it to him and ordered him to recite it.' This y jQ¬T@ hC{Q¶ L|@o)¶Ì ½{C¬g@ hx{A¦)g@ qU Y|g@
supplication is to be recited during the occultation of the
Qaem of Aal-e-Muhammad (a.t.f.s.). Á{«@ g{og{ I¶¥ jQg M{AB H{ ¶¬{MÄ@ {P¼ R)¶ MI h C|¶ g@
In this supplication, we seek from Allah, the High, that He ¿g@ Á{«@ g{ q{AÖ R)¶ MI ¦¶u l{H{ NYM«@ A¬ «{ { {A)
y Á|{MP Á«@ M{PÁ{H j KA) ´{¾A{H{ ¦{¶u j l|LÁMÄ
introduces unto us Himself, His Messenger and His proofs,
the guided Imams (a.s.). For, if we do not recognize them, we
will be deviated in this world as well as the Hereafter and die
the death of ignorance. Moreover, it is not possible for us to { Qg{ Á{«@ _|Ì l{Q ¿g@ N{¥ogAH{ h{¶ ¬|g@ Á|Q h|g{A)g@ N´@
recognize Allah, the High, and His proofs (a.s.) except RMX g{¾) R)¶ ´ÁIÍ n{Á{MÄ{ §{ɪ n{Á{«@ À{AC)»A{H{ l|g i{¾Ú@
through Him and through His eloquent proofs. There is no
other way. Benefiting from their sayings through the OÁMÄA«) §Éª Ú N¶U A«) ÁQuA L Ú OÁu @«) QUL J X{@|Ú"
recognition of their numerous traditions and supplications is
§Qª hg{ o¥|@Ú" Á{QH½L Â{A´)@|Ú"N¬MªA¬ YIg@Ú
the sole approach to true knowledge. In this invocation, we
121 Rabeeul Anaam Fi Adeea-e-Khairil Anaam Supplications for the Eve & Day of Friday 122
l|« q½H{ Ú l{Q Wo{Ú AYQYÌ @½P½X AÑ l{P½P R)¶ l{H{ |P¼ Qg{ ±Ø½)@ x@½)@ K¿ jQ«Á{U¬g@ ²{o¦g@ j{ n|¼ Á|L Ú ¿g@
yjPÁ {A¨)g@ i@Á)Q´ l{g{½H{ R
¢{BL| RMX ¼{AI){ ½P@ Qg{ ½{QH{ l{g{ l{Q¶ L|@o)¶Ì g{oÄ|À ±Ø½)@
l|M¶Ö@ K{oQ||g@ j«{ l|L@Á H K{o´|¿ g@ j«{ l|MͶtMÄ@ ¿g@ ½|I l|´A{ yjQ«{o ¬g@
yÆ { ´½ g@ j«{ l|MQ¦ ´oÅ{TÁ g@ j«{ l|L ÁC Ö l{Q¶ N¬´@ K{oQ|d|g@ R¶ j« ½Qª n{ ½| oD Ð{À@ MU X| Qg{ §{ª@ h C|¶g@
l{M{QÈ R)¶ jPÁD{AB g@ q{¬ x{Ú
@ l{x{H) R)¶ l{Q¶ Í h C|¶ g@ @o"Ä| l{H{ ¼@À)@ j« R)¶ ±{oÅ g@ pÁx{ؼ) T@ l{H{Á¨« j¬H{ Á¨|«@n|¼@À)@
j«{ AÍg{Au) A«{ g{¾) T@io¶|«|AP A«) hC{g{A«) j«{ hC|d¶ H jQIUM¬|g@ hD|¿u| hC|«@½)¥@ Ã{g hC|Ho¶|¥| l|g J{À@ hC|L¼ A«) l| bB¥@
l{H{ J¶|B´ Ú ÁQ l{H{ ½PÁ´| Ú RMX q}¬Ä| ±}P)À{{ q}CIÈ| È ª| hC|g@ ¼{AI){ hD{Ã{u@ H@¿) hC{Q¶ ¼½ ÈqMdH pÁCT
y CTÚ@{ @ÀA´) hC{¶{Ì@
H{@¿) ½ È@ hC{H{ ºX{@ À{A´) ¢Ä@ hC|¨{Ä@ ¼{H{
A)Q¶ i{A«)à g@ p½ È{A)«{A«)@{ qIQ A)QI{´ ½¦ Qg@{ o¨|É´ A´@{ h C|¶ g@ p@o)¶Í g@ @o|AÐ)@ hC|´A{ À{A´)Á X hC{¶{Ì
@ @ÀA´) hD|AL)o« ÀoI|¥| Ê|X@
y A´)¼{½ q¶¥{ A´) ½| pÁª A)Q¶ ±{@½)×Ú@ ÁD|A LA)H{ j{M¢{g@ co¥|| y ¼H{@oH|Áu@ ¼AI){ @o¶ Ð@ O{@o)CÉ g@ @o|IL@
}½ ²{A«)@{ n|à {L| «{ Á}Í´ l|¶|U L| «{ [}M¢H{ A g{¾) WÁ| A h C|¶ g@ l{H{ {X@ l{Q Qg Ú @½«ÁÄ l|gÀo´|A´)À{Ú iÁ¦|g@ Qg{oH{ {XÚ h C|¶g@
yjQ« ° Yg@ lg)@{ n|Á|C{L| ±@o)DÚ
@ l{H{ b¬T@pÁ{og@ À½|Í g@ l{H{ §{È@ qMQ¬g@ Ko¶|¦|g@
q¶¬C¬|g@ ²A¨)XÚ
@ q¶B ¬|g@ ¼½|Y|g@ l{H{ h¥{@ ° Yg@ R¶ q¢¶{Mt¬g@
{M¥ ¼{AI){ g{½ À{AC)»@{ Qg{og{ i¾AL i@ ¶|zÅ´ A´@{ h C|¶ g@
yÁDÂ Ú@{ ½ Ú ÁC» Ú@{ ° X R)¦IP Ú RMX
Ú AC)M¬Í¥Ú @{ q«A)¼{ K ÀAP) À{oU¶g{ c½L Ú RMX ¼{H{ x{ؽ)@
@½X Ú l|M«½DÚ @{ AªÀ| Ú AC)MD @ Ú @{ po ¥| Ú AC)MQ @Ú @{ qQ¦{H n{Á{«Ú{
jPÁ¬{Lo ¬|g@ l{´{AB ¶Ä| q{Po ¦«| l{´{@o)@ j«{ K ÀAP) A)¶T@
Ú @{ AAU)È| Ú AC)MŨ ´ Ú @{ qP@À) Ú l|M¶¶ª@Ú @{ AXÄ{ Ú l|M¶¶ Ú @{ q{Q¦{Mg@ Rg@{ l{H{ qTAX) Ú j¬ «{ l{«{A¨)XÚ{
jQ¬¶ Ŭ|g@ l{¶{¢{H{ jQÐ@Á g@
yl|Mg¿u Ú @{ AÉQT Ú l|M¶M¥ y ¦{¶u j«{
Ä{AH b{Ö{A¦)g@ ¢{QÅH{ hC|HÁ{Ð@ £{«{@½ g@ Á{YH{ K ÀAP) hC{«{À@ ªA)¼@¾)@{ Á BѬ|g@ J|QUL| Á Ñ g@ §|É{¨L ¿g@ K ÀAP) N´@
125 Rabeeul Anaam Fi Adeea-e-Khairil Anaam Supplications for the Eve & Day of Friday 126
q¢Q¶u l|¶T@ Qg{ j Á Ñ g@ §{É{ªA h{Qg@ K{Á¨g@ j«{ U{L| Surah al-Hamd and Surah Nasr in the third unit
and Surah al-Hamd and Surah Tawheed in the
yl|g N¬{Ð A¬)ª Ð{À@ fourth unit. In every unit, after the recitation of
the two surahs, before bending for Ruku he must
¶UL Ú ²| Å g@ h|C{Q¶ ½}¬ Y«| { ±{¬)Íu| j«{ ¶UL Ú h C|¶ g@ say five times,
AD)À{A)ª@ Á|QB g@ l|g NYIÄ j« iAY)IÄ| AC)Q¶ j« ioÐ|ÀÚ@ hÖ io ¨«|AP) O{AI)g@ { ±{A¬)g@ Á{U«|AP) p{Áu{Ú"@ AQ)´½ g@ ¶{«
l|g NYIÄ j« iAY)IÄ| AC)«{AT)Ø c|AI)Å g@ l|g NYIÄ j« iAY)IÄ| yÀ{A¬)g@
j« iAY)IÄ| l|g Ú @{ [|QIÅMg@ dIP Ú j« iAY)IÄ| l|« @o)D Á{YIg@ i|AM)QX M{g@ M{¬H{ ¶|zÄ@ M{¬ j«{ l|M¦¦MÉg@ ¿g@ ¬{ÄAH{ ¶|zÄ@
{Ñ¢g@ j ¬g@@¾AP) {oB g@ q{¬g@ @¾ AP) l|¬|¶{ ±}È ª| R)ÍX@ j«{ AC)M¦¦MÈ@ M{g@ x{AP)Á{I¨{H{ ¶|zÄ@ x{AP) Á{Iª{ j«{ AC)M¦¦MÈ@
q{¬XÁ g@ RCM«| È{Á j«{à {g@ ½{¥{A)¬H{ ¶|zÄ@ ²{Á¨g@ p{o ¦|g@@¾AP) ¶|zÄ@ ¼{oT| j«{ AC)M¦¦MÈ@ M{g@ M{Q´{ o|Q¨H{ ¶|zÄ@ M{Q´{o|Qª
R)¶Ú@ h{Ú@ ¬{ÄAH{ H{AM)ª{ j«{ j«{ l|M¦¦MÈ@ ¿{g@ à {H{ ¶|zÄ@ L{à { j«{ l|M¦¦MÈ@ M{g@ ¼{oU|H{
i@ ½}¬ Y«| {Ø ½}¬ Y«| R)¶ ¶ÍL| i@ AC)¶ ª| O{A« AMg@ L{A¬)¶{ª ¶|zÄ@ M{¬XÀ j«{ l|M¦¦MÈ@ ¿{g@ «{Á¨H{ ¶|zÄ@ «{Áª
y@¿)ª@¿)ª H ¢L M{g@ M{ @ÁH{ ¶|zÄ@ M{ @À j«{ AC)M¦¦MÈ@ M{g@ M{¬XÀÀ{
The supplication after the prayers of Ja'far (a.s.) is known as ¢{Bg| j«{ l|M¦¦MÈ@ ¿{g@ ¬{¶Y{H{ ¶|zÄ@ ¬{¶X{ j«{AC)M¦¦MÈ@
x{A¬)ÄAH{ ¶|zÄ@ L{À½¥| j«{ l|M¦¦MÈ@ ¿{g@ ¢{B¶|H{ ¶|zÄ@
the Prayers of Glorification (Salaah al-Tasbeeh). Hasan Ibn
Qasim al-Abbasi recounts, 'I met Abu al-Hasan Moosa Ibn
Ja'far (a.s.) in Baghdad while he was praying the prayer of j«{ ±|AÉ)LA«) R)¶ Á{P½¦g@ Ã{PÃg@ j{¬{QC¬|g@ ¬{ÄAH{ ¶|zÄ@AC)¶ ª|
Ja'far at noon on Friday. I did not pray behind him. When he
finished his prayers, he raised his hands towards the sky and y Á{«@
°¶tg@ °¶u ½}Ä Á{QdH{ Õ ÀÚ@ ²A¥)@ ½}¬ Á{QdH{ ±A¬)Å g@ ¬Ä j«AP)
ª| oD| j«AP) O|@o)ÌÚ@ l{Q l|HAÉ)ML Ú O|Ad)¶ g@ l{Q¶ R)¢tL Ú j«AP) l{M{¬¨Y{g{ q´AH)@{ l{¬´{ l{´{AÅ)XÚ{ qÐA )@{ Ú@{ hC{Qg@{ l{H{ q}TAX) Á{Q j«{
j« {AH)AP) À{o«|Ú|@ ÁH½«|AP) i}AÈ j iAÈ l|¶dÉPÚ j«AP) i}AÈ ²}oP {TÚ{ hC{{@½)M{HAH{ Æ´A L hg ´@ ½QÄAP) ½|CÈ@ l{L{À½¦|g{ @ÀAC)»@{
½{P½É g@ Ê{BIg@@¾AP) Ë|AB HAP) hQ«À D{ ²{A {g@ Q{Y«|AP) À{oI|¦|g@ { A)d{H{ ¶|zÄ@ Á{«@ j«{ ±}È R)¶ Á{QdH{ j{ÅL hg ¼{Á ¢MH{ q}ÉX
jQUg@ fÂ{@À)AP)K}AÅ)X{Á{QdH{ ±|AÉ)P j« fÂ{@À)AP) ½|PÁP|A¬)g{ ÚA AP) ¶ ÍL| i@ Qg@{ hC{M{¥A ) hD{Á{¦¢H{ Qg@{ hC{M{TAY)H{ ¦{¶u j
Á{QŨg@ h{g@ ÁH{AT)AP) Á{QI¨g@ v{QÉ g@ hX{@À)AP)ÁQdÍ g@ {¢B g@ i@ jP½È{@Á g@ q{¬ x{Ú
@ jQIQB g@ l{M{QH {D@ ¦{¶u j«{ L{ÁQu{ ½}¬ Y«|
j ¨{L|A«) Á{Q¬Ñ g@ {A«) h|¶P j«AP) jQIg{AB g@ qPA)AP) jQH À{AC)g@ À{½«|AP) yATÁt« ATÁ n{Á{«@ j«{ P½P jQH Qg¿ g@ ½{Ig{ UL
p{ÁH{AI)Ug@ ÀAIT q{Cg{Ú"@ lg)@{ O{@¼)AÅ g@ ½QÄ K{AH)ÀÚ@ K ÀAP) À|½|Í g@
129 Rabeeul Anaam Fi Adeea-e-Khairil Anaam Supplications for the Eve & Day of Friday 130
g qQÉtg@ «{ ¤{otg@{¥Â|À@ l{g{ ½}¬ Y«| R)¶ Ì ½QÄAP) AQT{@À) Qg@{ AÁ ÑM«| P½P jQH N|¢¥ Qg@{ N|HÁD «{
hXÀ@ ½QÄ P½P jQH ÁQÄÚ@ ½I hXÀ@ ½QÄ L{@o)QX ²AP@ hgAC)QMQB@ i@{ Mg@ M{TAX) ''( MTAX) ½QÄ Cg)@{AP) P½gA¬)g{
AP)AP)AB tg@ Á{YH °PÁdg@ ½I ¿¦{´@½QÄAP) l{¶{¬H{ jCLÁ¬|g@ ½I A¨) ¶|zÄ@ MQB@A«) )¢P hgAC)QM« i@{ M« A«) ´ Á Ñ|P
½¥| |Pog@ ½QÄAP) Q¶ l{L{@
ÁT| l{I{´¿H{ Á ¦{¬|g@ ½I hXÀ@ ½QÄ À{Ag@ j«{ MI¥À
j«{ o{¢H{ Á{QUMŬ|g@ ²|A¦)«@¿)D) ½QÄAP)¬XÁL hg i@{ H X ¿g@ ° Yg@ | ¶{¬g@ °{¶tg@ l|g)@{ ´AH{ N|¦P@ N|¬¶{ ½¥ ½QÄ
Á{Q¦Yg@ Æ{x{AI)g@ Á{Q¦¢g@ ²|A¦)« @¿)D) j{Q¨Å¬{g@ ²|A¦)« @¿)D) M{Ho¦|| M{Q´{@½)XoH{ gÁ ¦{«| ½|I A´@ ½QÄAP) l|g PÁÈ Ú l|g ¬{ÄÚ
y «{ ¼|@Á)P| A¬ ¶¢@ A¬)QM)¶P AP) h}QXÀ h}PÁª } ¶{« R)g@{ W{AM)Y¬g@ J}L }@o«{ H{ ¦¶u N¦¶u ¿g@ l|¶ g@ N´@ M{QH{oH|À| ¼{oT|o|H{
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O{@Á)g@ Q¦«|AP) L@Á) ¶¥{@ ½QÄAP) ½{PÁÉ g@ ½{PÁB g@ ²|A¦)«@¿)D) g{Á¢{dL i@hQ«ÀD{ ²A {g@ l{H{ QYL| ¿g@ ¬{ÄAH{ ¶|zÄ@ n|Á|Q
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j«{ W{Á|t|gAH{ g q¥AÖ Ú M{ÑI¥ P½P jQH M{«@ j|H@ ½{I @¼½ ±}È ª| )ÍX@ A¬¶{ ±}È ¨|H{ ¹AX)@ j« AP)@ i|o¨|Q
g §Qª P½g Ú@{ K|AÍ)L| Ú p{AU)gAH{ g §Qª½QÄ ´{AB ¶Ä| M{Ì Au) QI{´ g{oÄ|À ½{I ½}¬ Y«| R)¶ ¶ ÍL| i@ ¶|zÄ@
y ½{{ j«{ Ú@{ K|A¸)Í
` L| Ú q{¬XÁ gAH{ Q{X R)¶ {Q«@ ¦{¶u j«{ L{ÁQu{ Q¢{Ì M{Íg{Au)
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½QÄAP) n{½{QH{AC)¶ ª| Ì@o)g@ l{M{ÑI¥ hC|¶ ª| °|x{tg@ j{¬ «{ K|ÁD@ ¨|H{ l{I{¥{A)« j«{ q}I¦« ¨|H{ l{¶{x{AÑ) j« q}¶QÑ ¨|H{ l{Q¶ Í h C|¶g@
131 Rabeeul Anaam Fi Adeea-e-Khairil Anaam 132
l|CTAC)H{ ²|Á{¨L|po)¶Ì l{¢{¥{@o)« j«{ §}¥{o« ¨|H{ l{L{Ú AX) j«{ }AX) QI{´ ½H ½ H| l|«{ RY)M«@A«) lH{¼½ T ½ H| ÁQ| ¿g@ P¼
q{«AQ)¦{g@ { ¤Á È h C|¶ g@ q¶QÑ¢g@ q Á g@ q¶QÄog@ qTÀ½ g@ l{B{@ S)½C|g@ @od|¶ H jP¿g@ jQ¶ÄÁ¬|g@ ±{AQ)I{´Ú@ b{Q¬T R)¶ Ì h C|¶g@
l|go Ä| l{B{@ l{M{« @| l|M@o¢È I¦L l|MTÀ¼ {@ l|´AQ)H| h l|«A¦)« hC{X{@)À@ R)¶ hC{Q¶ Ì h C|¶ g@ q{AB gAH{ °Q@o)¬g@ g @½|¦M@
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x{A)«@| RT)½ g@ [{QHAÍ)« S½)C|g@ q{¬ x{@ l{M{QH {D@ R)¶ Ì h C|¶ g@ jQ¶ÄÁ¬|g@ x{AQ)I{´@ j«{ ²{Ãg@ g{@| jQHÁ ¦¬|g@ M{¨x{
« R)¶ ½}¬ Y«|
À{A)« Ð{À@ U{UX| ¼{AI){ j«{ x{AQ)¢{Ì@ ¦{¶u LÁu{Ø AQ)´¼| go Ä| B{@jQ¬T@ jQYg{AÍ g@ ¼{AI){
½{oH{ jQ o¬|g@ AÐ)À{ jQIg{AB g@ ±{
H R)¶ jPÁH{AÍ g@ ¼{
H{ {T{Ø AQ)´½ g@ {T{A)g{ Å¢g{ L|o¼ A¬)¶ ª| h C|¶ g@ jQ¬X@Á g@ hXÀ@AP)
Ä x{AQ)g{@ L¼AI){ jP½X{AT) Ú Q jQªAÈ) ÁQ
{x{ ½}¬ Y«| {Ø q{QÈ bQ¬T Q ´@o)u@{ ¶D@ bQ¬T l{B{A
[{QHAÍ)« Ào´| S)½C|g@ [QLA¢)« hC|M¶T jP¿g@ ¬{¶{ i{@à u| x{AQ)g{@ @Á|IÌ jP¿g@ «{ jQ¢x{At)g@ ¼{AI){ jQH Ð{À@ jQ¢ÑMŬ|g@
y ´|@o)ÐÀ{ M|¬XÀ hC{Q¶ L|@o)¶Ì R)T½ g@ Ñ @ s l{M{QH{ {D@ g{oÄ|À Q J{P¿¨Mg@ S)¾Ú@ R¶
@½ g@ ¼{AI){ À{A)« R)¶ ½}¬ Y«| { ½}¬ Y«| R¶) Ì h C|¶ g@ A hD{Ã{T@ h C|¶ g@ jQ¬X{@Á g@ hXÀ@AP) hC|¬ D@ A«) hC{¢{ª@ io¶|«|APA«)
²|Å g@ l{g{Ø l{Q¶ g{oÄ|À j ¼¬|g@ Á{«AH{ h{x{A¦)g@ ´{¾A{H{ Qg@{ 'yjQ¬X{@Á g@ hXÀ@AP) M{¬XÁH{ hC|QHA)QH b¬T@ h{Qg@ O{AT
l|HAY)Ì@ l{Qg@{ °Ä| l|L½A«) l|g ÃU{´A l|LÁC»@@¾)@{ h C|¶ g@
j l{H{ ¼½ T l|go Ä| l{B{@ l{¶{«@ Ñ @ l|d¶ H l{PÁÌ{A´)o ¥oD|ÁÍ|´@
QI{´ ½H hC{H{ ô ½¥ ¿g@ ¿ g@ ½H l{M{QH {D@ ½}¬ Y«|
@o¦|g jQ«Ø ÁQ jQ¢x{Au) jP¼Á É«| jP¼Á|B« jQgoM|¦«@À|AÍ)
R)¶ @Á|IÍ JP¿¨Mg@ S)¾Ú@ M{AÖ L{AÐ)Á« ±Ad)M{H@ I{T
hC{Q¶ ¼ÀA«) b{Q¬T g jQ¬¶ Å«| g{¿)H{ jQÐ@À) Q hC|HAÌ)@A«)
l{H{ÁÍ|´@ n|ÁÍ|´@ Á{«AH{ hC{x{A¥) WÁ U h C|¶ g@ hC{Qg@{ ¼|Á{PA«)
Supplications for Specific Timings & Days 134
q{Ä{@o)g@ q{¬XÁ g@ q{Â{@o)g@ ±{Ú Ú"@ q{dH{AÅ g@ j{¬{g@ @¾AP) h C|¶g@
@ q{¬Qg@ J{D{@o)¬g@ q{¬QÅUg@ h{g@ q{«{AU)g@ p{À½¦|g@
yq{¶PÃUg@ APAB g@ q{¶Q¬Ug@
°¶u j« AP) Á}QCH{ J|¶dP| Ú Á}QH{ |¬P| Ú {Q¬MH{ N|P| Ú j« AP)
À½ ¥ b¢LÀA
cÁÉ c½MH@ °B´A
hCg@ fÂÁ
[« ÃTA
h´@ £¶HA V MX@ j¦LA
Ào Ì
@ ÁÖ{@o)u OA¢) Ã {g@ { A¬)Ä j«AP)
DAYS l{´{AB ¶Ä| O{o¨|¶« lg ½ ´{ { ¶¬|gAH{ ½X oL j«AP) À{A¨) Ú
@ ÆT{@o)D
yl{´{AÈ O{Á|IT l|g ½ Ð{ ±{AP)Á{I¨{g@ ±{ÚÚ"AH{ ¼Á ¢L
@ §{x{AB g °|x{A¥)¼ l{M{IQD ±{AP)Á{Iª{ OÀAX) j« AP)
l{M{IQCg{ n|oT|o|g@ N{ j«AP) ²{A´)Ú@ À{AÍ)H@ §|x{AB u lM{¬ { @À)¼@{ i¼|
(1) The Supplication of 'j¬g@ @¾ AP' everyday in the month of
Rajab(1) y l{M{¢Qu j«{ K|o¶|¦|g@ N{¶T{ l{M{¬g{ K|A¥)Á g@ N{Ñu
This supplication has been recorded by Sayyed Ibn Taawoos
in 'Iqbaal al-A'maal' from the book of 'Maalem al-Deen' from R)¶ lH{ NP
@ A¬)H{ gÚ@{ dIL Ú Mg@ q{X½¬{g@ n{¿C)H{ ¶|zÄ@
Muhammad Ibn Abi al-Rawaad al-Rawaasi from Muhammad Å{¢´ R)¶ l{Q qHAT)Ú{@ N¬{Ð A¬)H{ jQ«{o ¬g@ j«{ Q@½)g{ Å{¢´
Ibn Ja'far al-Dehaan from Imam-e-Zaman (a.t.f.s.).
yjQ@½ ¶g{
This supplication comprises of concepts concerning divine
unity. He has described Allah, Mighty and Glorified be He, in
p{o ¦|g@@¾ AP) jQIÄ{AY)g@ cÁÄ@ jPÁ»{Ag@ ÁÍH@jQ«{AÅ g@ b¬Ä@ AP
a manner, which is impossible for us to describe.
yl{M{QH {D@ R)¶ jQQI{g@ h{LAu) ½}¬ Y«| { ½}¬ Y«| R)¶ Ì j{QM¬g@
(1) Iqbaal al-A'maal, p. 644; Al-Mazaar al-Kabeer, p. 179; Misbaah al-Zaaer,
p. 56; Behaar al-Anwaar, vol. 98, p. 391; Saheefah al-Mahdi, p. 188.
135 Rabeeul Anaam Fi Adeea-e-Khairil Anaam Supplications for Specific Timings & Days 136
ÁQu x{AÑ)¥ g hM{X@N¬Å¥A«) ÁQu @¿)D) A´) Á{CÈ g hÅ{¥@ ª| AC)g QBL Ú Mg@ L{A«)A¦)« L{AP) ½{QXoMg{ A´Aª)À@
MQQX@A«) Q{X@ N¬Mu j« p{¼A)Å gAH{ g hM{u@ N¬MX A«) ¼|AI){ hC|´@
Ú @{ AC)QH QH fÁ Ú Á j« AC)H{ |Á{P i}A¨)«
y@Ào¢|d« @ÀÁ|Å« M«{@ @Ào |o« ¼AÑ)@ Qg@{ AD)¼|o «{AD) ½H ½{QH{ AC)¦|LÀ AC)¦|M ¦|¶u
À{@@ÁQ¨´ @Á¨«| @À¼@ w{ÂÁIg@ q{¶xAÅ)«| j«{ LAU)´ N´@
oL ÐÀ@ xA¬)Ä O « hC{I{ ¼@ À| q¶¢X ¼@)¾@ pA)«| ¼AC)È@
@ÁQÍ« ´{A)T{ ´{@o)ÐÀ{ R)g@{ g T@ @ÁQÉH @ÁÉ I«| Q yN´@Ú @{ lg)@{ Ú i@ ÁC» RMX
y@ÁQª l{g{ ½}¬ Y«| R)¶ Ì@ÁQIª A¨¶«| @ÁPÁ¥ AÉQ i@ L{A«)
L{A«)A¦)¬H{ M{¬XÀ j«{ Ã {g@ b{¥{@o)¬H{ ¶|zÄ@ g{¿)I{
n{À{oC|»| AÖ{AH)AP) AMQI{L A´A¬)P@{ ´½PÃL i@ l{g{ ½}¬ Y«| R)¶ ¶ ÍL|
A oÌ| o«AP) À{oU|P½ g@ À{og@ jQH A¥Á ¢«|AP) l{´{o|¨«oC{´{oB|H| @ÁD{A»
(2) The Supplication of Meanings
Sayyed Ibn Taawoos (r.a.) in 'Iqbaal al-A'maal' has narrated
this supplication through his chain, which culminates in ¼}oC|É« ª| ½D{AÈ) ¼}½|Y« ª|¼ X)l}IÈ{ Á{QdH{ A Á|«l}ª| Á{QdH{
Muhammad Ibn Usman Ibn Saeed (r.a.), who cites it on the
authority of a Tawqee' that he received from our master Qg¼}o¦|¢« ª| ½¥{A ) ¼}½|« ª| Í{Y«| ¼}oT|o« ª| ½T{o«|
Saheb al-Zamaan (a.t.f.s.). The Tawqee' reads as follows: In y¼{oU|g@ ±{AP)Á{I¨{g@ D@ ¼}oI|« j«{ ´¼|
the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. During the
month of Rajab, I recite this supplication everyday…
j}Q ª| j AIU{MY«|AP) j}PA
H{ j|Po
P| Ú §}Q¨H{ §|Q¨P| Ú j«AP)
This supplication comprises of vital concepts vis-à-vis the
introduction of the divine proofs (a.s.) and the description of
R)¶ l{g{ ½}¬ Y«| R)¶ Ì ²}o¶|« ª| hg{A) ²|oQ¥AP)²|o¬|P¼AP)
these holy lights through the holy tongue of Imam-e-Zaman h{CH| jQHÁ ¦¬|g@ M{¨x{« jQIU{MY¬g@ Á{ÉH jQIUM¬|g@ ¼{AI){
yjQ Y)g@ jQ Í g@
io´|o«|A¬g@ Á{«@ p|Ú| lH{ o|½PA«) b{Q¬T ´A)¬H{ ¶|zÄ@ ´@{ h C|¶ g@
j«{ n|½H A«) ²{Á ¨¬|g@ J{T Á¬|g@ ''JTÀ(( @¿)D) A´)Á{CÈ A)g À{AH)
io¢|Ì{@o)g@ Á{«A
H{ 'iÁ Å{MŬ|g@( iÁ|É{IMŬ|g@ Á Ä{ R)¶
ÂÁ{H@ hŦ{g@ l{Q A)g Ã{T@ hg@ l{Q A)Q¶ £I{Ä@ ²{Á|Y|g@ Á{C|È
y M{¬g{ io|¶{¬|g@ L{À½¦|g{
R¶ l|MÐ ¿g@ ²{ÁªÚ
@ TÚ
@ h{Ú
@ ¬{ÄAH{ hŦg@ l{Q A)g
L{A¬)¶{¨g{ i¼{A)« hC|M¶U M{QÉ{« j«{ hC{Q °B´A¬)H{ ¶|zÄ@
h|¶´ ÚA«) A«{ h|¶LA«) A)gÁ¢{@ h¶»A
{Q¶ g@ R¶ ±AÐ) À{AC)g@
137 Rabeeul Anaam Fi Adeea-e-Khairil Anaam Supplications for Specific Timings & Days 138
A)Q¶ j|«@ À{½¥ {@o)ªA)¢{ª@| h{Í{g@ ÁQu K{o´|¿|g@ j«{ A)¬Í{ A¨) À{Ag@ j«{q{HoYg@ j{ cÃ|g@ q{HÚ@ jÅX| qHoMg@ ¶|zÅP
A)g À{AH) Á{Qu j«{A)¬L Ú Á{Q R)g@{ A)¶¨{L Ú Á{´ j{ÅY|H{ yl{M{¦{ l{¶{«@ h|@ Ú o«AP) N´A
l{M{¦HÀ{ A¬ o¢g@ l{M{I¥À
A´)À{@Á)Ä@ qzQIu A)g [¶{Ì@
A´)À{A¬)@ j«{ A)g l|MIMª A¬)Q ´½¬ dML i@ q{¢Q¬|gA¨¶{x{AÄ) q{¢PÁÉ g@ ¶{x{AÅ)¬H{ g|A
Ä@ h C|¶g@
j«{ n|½HA«) ²{AQ)Í g@ ÁCÈ A)d¶H i{A¬)PÚ@ j{ÅY|H{ A)¶¬{MÄ@ iA«)Ú
@ AC)M¥ÂÀ A¬)H{ Æ } ¢´ q}Â{@) q}¬´{q}Ä{@) «{ q}¬XÁH{ Á{CÉ g@@¿D)
''(y²{@Á)ªÚ{@ {
Ug@@¾AP) ²{@o)Ú
@ ²{APÚ
''(ypÁx{AÌ l{Qg@{ D{A«) p{Áu{Ú"@ Y« p{Á {AY)g@ {Ã|´| Rg)@{q}´{A¥)
(3) Supplication Of Two Births (MAULOODAIN) (a.s.)
(4) Supplication of the Day of Mab'as(2)
Shaykh Toosi (a.r.) records that this supplication has been
It is narrated on the authority of the third special deputy,
received by Abu al-Qasim Huain Ibn Rawh al-Nawbakhti
Husain Ibn Rawh al-Nawbakhti (r.a.), from Imam-e-Zaman
(r.a.) directly from Imam-e-Zaman (a.t.f.s.). It is to be recited
(a.t.f.s.), who said, 'The prayers for the 27th of Rajab
in the month of Rajab.
comprise of twelve units. In each unit, one must recite the
In this supplication, we swear upon Allah, Mighty and Surah al-Hamd and any other second Surah which is
Glorified be He, for the sake of the two blessed births that convenient for him to recite. Then, after reciting the Salaam,
took place in this month, viz. Imam al-Jawaad and Imam he must sit down and say between each prayer of two units,
al-Haadi (a.s.). We also seek forgiveness and pardon from '³¿g@ l¶g ½¬Yg@'
Him and that He metes out unto us a favourable end.
The same has been narrated by Sayyed Ibn Taawoos in
The text of the supplication is as follows: 'Iqbaal al-A'maal' on the authority of Husain Ibn Rawh (r.a.).
l{{H@ ´Ag@ ¶{ j{H ½{¬ Y«|J}TÀ j{P¼og|o¬gAH{ ¶|zÄ@ ´@{ h C|¶ g@ This supplication consists of praise, glorification and
expression of gratitude to Allah for the innumerable bounties
yK{Á¦|g@ ÁQu Qg@{ A¬)C{H{ K|Á ¦L@ J{UM¬|g@ ½}¬ Y«| j{H R ¶{ that He has bestowed on us, and we seek forgiveness of our
sins from Him.
¤}Á{M¦«| @)Ä| g|A
Ä@ J{À| l{P½gA¬)Q J¶{Ö| ¤|Á|¬g@ l{Qg@{ j«AP) The text of the supplication is as follows:
AP)AB tg@ R¶ AB l|H|oQ|| §CM¦@ l|H|o´|¾| l|M¦H@ ½¥ J}´{¿«|
yl|H|oB|u| AP)@Â)Á g@ j«{ l|H| ¼| (1) Iqbaal al-A'maal, p. 647; Al-Misbaah, p. 530; Balad al-Ameen, p. 180;
Behaar al-Anwaar, vol. 98, p. 393.
(1) Iqbaal al-A'maal, p. 646; Balad al-Ameen, p. 179; Al-Misbaah, p. 529; (2) The day of declaration of Prophethood by the Messenger of Allah
Behaar al-Anwaar, vol. 98, p. 392. (s.a.w.a.) i.e. the 27th of Rajab
139 Rabeeul Anaam Fi Adeea-e-Khairil Anaam Supplications for Specific Timings & Days 140
hg { ¶¬|g@ { PÁÈ l|g j¨|P hg @½g ¿t{MP hg ¿g@ l{¶ g{ ½|¬Yg@ night. Those interested may refer to other books of
supplications and invocations. We shall mention a few of them
y@ÁQI¨L n|ÁIª ¿ g@ j«{
g{ l|g j¨|P here under:
M¬´{ g{ AP) L½ È{ IX{AÌ) AP) L½ «| L½ | AP) (5) The Supplication of Light (±AQÑg@ Àog@ ±A¼)
zg{Aª)AP) MIQ {AX)AP) MTAX) IQU«|AP) MIÀ AQ){AP) This supplication has been narrated by Shaykh Tusi (a.r.) and
Sayyed Ibn Taawoos (a.r.) and it enjoys the status of the
yÉX Å´@|AP) L½X Ziarat of Imam-e-Zaman (a.t.f.s.).
¶ LÁ |Q¦¬|g@ N´@ ½|¬Yg@ ¶ RLÀo Á|L{AÅ g@ N´@ R)g@{ N´Á¥ Mg@AD)¼{o|o« M{U X|AD)¼{og|o« AM{¶Qg ° YH{ h C|¶g@
y ½|¬Yg@ ¶ MÁÌ Æ
| ¢ ¬|g@ N´@ ½|¬Yg@ Ú L{A¬)¶{¨g{ ½ I«| Ú Ú½ A¥½Ì{ M|¬¶{ª N¬ M
Ñ AC)¶{Ñ
LÁ ¶¥{@MÀ j«{ LÀo ÁM|Ä@ l{g{ ½}¬ Y«| R)¶ Ì À|og@ h|¶g@f|Á{ɬ|g@ AQ)Ð{ °|gA
M¬|g@ À|o´| L{AP)Ú) J¦«|
½ q{Ug@ K{AY)Ì@ LAz)QÄ j ÂAU)L «ÁT| j [¢Ì@ n|½|M{Y« ²Áª n|½|g{o« T À|oM|Ŭg@ J|x{Ad)g@ À{oU|P½ g@ ±{AQ)tÖ
yi½|oP|@o´|Aª) ¿g@ f{½Í g@ i@¾)@{ n|½|Po
«| n|Á|Ì{A´) l|¶ g@ n|½|C È| q|¨x{
jQQI{g@ h{LAu) ½}¬ Y«| A´)½{QÄ R)¶ l|L|@o)¶Ì jQ¬¶)g@ K À l{¶g{ ½|¬Yg@ red cover, from which I copied a number of supplications.
From these, was the Supplication of Iftetaah. In this
jg@ jQ¦Ö{Ag@ l{L{ÁM jQ¥¼{AÍ g@ l{M{QH {D@ R)¶ jQ¶ÄÁ¬|g@ notebook, I found that this supplication should be recited in all
yn{Á{«@ l|g Â{A)«| Ú l{¨{¶«| l|g¼ Ñ)«| Ú ¿g@ l{¶ g{ ½|¬Yg@ yhPÁª ¼@o)T ´@{ ´{AÅ)X@{ {Ñ¢H{ l{Q¶ ½T| D{AU)g@ ½I
yl{M{¬ l|g l{QIÈ Ú l{¦{¶u l|g PÁÈ Ú ¿g@ l{¶ g{ ½|¬Yg@ °{g{A ) _{AP)Á g@ Á{t Å«| { ¶¢|g@ Á{U«| { ¶¬|g@ { g{A«) l{¶ g{ ½|¬Yg@
n|½|U« ²{Á¨gAH{ Á{D{A g@ n|½|¬X n|Á|«@ °{¶tg@ { ÈA¢)g@ l{¶ g{ ½|¬Yg@ yjQ¬¶)g@ K À j{P½g@ i{AP¼ _{AI)ÌÚ@
±{B g@ p|Áª n|½|PÃLÚ l||x{ØÃ)u Î
| ¦|L Ú ¿g@ n|½P ¼{oU|gAH{ º{Ä{AI)g@ l{L{À½¥| ½H n{o{¢ R)¶ l{¶ g{ ½|¬Yg@ l{¬{¶{ ½H l{¬{¶X{ R)¶ l{¶ g{ ½|¬Yg@
yK|AD og@ Ã|PÃg@oD| l|´@{ A«Áª @¼oT| Ú@{ y½|PÁP|A«) R)¶ À|¼{A¦)g@oD|l{I{Ñ l{L{A´)@ {oÖ| R)¶ l{¶g{ ½|¬Yg@
A){ q¬Q l{Qg@{ H q}TAX) b« Á}Qª j«{ Q¶¥ ¶|zÄ@ ´ @{ h C|¶ g@ {Ug@ ¾{ _{AI)ÌÚ@ °{g{A )f{ÂÁ g@ º{Ä{AH) °{¶tg@ °{g{Au) l{¶ g{ ½|¬Yg@
yÁQÅP CÄ Q¶ oD|ÁQª ½{ oD| hP½¥ l| ½C{É KÁ|¥ S)ÁP| ½|H ¿g@ ²{A)´Ú@ {Ñ¢g@ ²{@Á)ªÚ{@
¬¶»| j Y¢ÌMzQBu j Â|AU)L I´¾ o¢ ´@{ h C|¶ g@ yR)gA)L ÀAI)L S)oUg@
j«{ iAª) A«)½{ «ÁT| Á{Qª j ¬¶X{ ¶¬ [{QI¥ R)¶ ÁMÄ ÁQC»Ú l|¶|ª{AÉ)P| lQIÈ Ú l|g|¼{A)P| cÂ{A)«| l|g ÆQg ¿g@ l{¶ g{ ½|¬Yg@
¿g@ «{ l|I|T{oMÄ@ Ú A«) ¶zÄ@ i@ ¬Ö@½¬ Bu l{L{À½¦|H{ £¶I ±|¬)|g@ l{M{¬g{ bÐ@o)L ±@à {Ú
@ l{L{Ã {H{ ÁC¥ n|½|Ð{A)P|
y M{HAT)@{ j«{ M Á L{À½¥| j«{ MPÀ@ M{¬XÀ j«{ M¥ÂÀ y±|É)PA«)
Ú ½{«| T{ Ú A¢x{Au) Ú AÅ´{AMÅ«| ¶|zÄ@ A«{ o|¼@ O|ÁÍ{ p}Ào ª| ¶ Á|M|ÅP l{P¼A´)@| jQX I|QUP| ¿g@ l{¶ g{ ½|¬Yg@
BHA´A{ Qg@{ l{Q O|½Í¥ A¬)Q Q¶ ½¥ q}zQD q}ID{o« j«{ h¨ l{PÂAT)@|
¶ q¬g@ h| P| l{QÍ{@A´@
Rgo« À@ h¶ yÀ{o«|Ú@ q{I¥{A)H{ ¬{¶{g{ gÁQu oD| A
BH@ ¿g@ g A ´@À)@ ½¥ q}¦´{o«| q}UCH ´A¢)ª ½¥ q} ot|« q}¬Q ´AB @
y ¶ «{ h}Qzg ½}I R)¶ ÁIÌ@ A¬PÁª yAYIÅ«| n|Á|ª|¾@ @½«{AX) l{Q¶
| d ILA g@{ J|IYML gA| ´o|½L ´@{ K ÀAP)
¼|¼ oML Qg@{ Ó l|¶|x{AÄ) ¼ ÁP| Ú l|H|AH) °|¶dP| Ú l|H|AU)X{ | MCP|Ú ¿g@ l{¶g{ ½|¬Yg@
j«{ g{¾) ¬P h¶ Q¶ o BMg@ g{ i Aª «{ |I¥@ g@{ y l|¶|«{Ø J|QtP|Ú
hXÀA «{Áª ¼{oU|H{ ¶ {Ñ ¢Mg@ g@{ i{AÅ)XÚ{@ g q{¬XÁ g@ b| ÁP jQYg{AÍ g@ U P| jQ¢x{t)g@ j|«{o P| ¿g@ l{¶g{ ½|¬Yg@
145 Rabeeul Anaam Fi Adeea-e-Khairil Anaam Supplications for Specific Timings & Days 146
yn|A)d¶ I l| A´)ÁÍ|¥A«) n|A)¶¬ Y ° Yg@ j«{A)M Á A«) h C|¶ g@ (a.t.f.s.). Its wordings are as follows:
Ç{A¶g{ S½D| iØÁ¦|g@ l{Q Ngô
@ ¿g@ iAÑ)«À Á|CÈ @¿)D) h C|¶g@
A)M¶ ¥{ l{H{ÁªA)¦M l{H{ °L|À@A)½Ì l{H{ JÈ@ A)È l{H{ h|g@ h C|¶ g@
²{AQ)¦{g@ Á|CÈ @¿D) ²{AQ)Í g@ Á|CÈ @¿)D) i{A¥)Á¢|g@ S)½C|g@ j«{ O}A)QH
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l{H{ | A)DoT|| l{H{ Ó QH A´)ÁÅ| l{H{ÁÅ P A)M¶ u l{H{½ Ä|A´)Á¦
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A)Lo¼ l{H{ JU{MÄ@ A´)½Q@o)« l{H{ÃU{´@ A)MI¶{Ö l{H{ [U{´@A´)ÁÄ@
yÁ}CÈ §{g@ j«{ ÁQu D{ Mg@
fo l{H{A)B{@
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JD{¾@A´)À|½|Ì| l{H{ §{ÈÙ jQB¬|g@ bÄ@ jQgoz|Ŭg@ ÁQuAP) A)M{IÀ «{ l¬|¶Å L Rg l|¬¶ Ä ½}¬ Y«| { ½}¬ Y«| R)¶ Í h C|¶g@
½CL ´@{ ´{¾A{H{ ° Yg@ j«{ l{Q §¶{M|u@ A¬g{ l{H{ A´)½{D@ A)I{¶|¥| Q l{H{ M{AB g{ l{Q ¦ ´{o {Ñ AH{ l{Q¶ {@ l{Q ¬¶ Ä
lg)@{ A´) ½| ½| R)¶ l{H{A´)ÁÍ|´@ h}Q¦MÅ«| ¹}@Á)Ì{ Rg@{ ±|É)L j« l{Q Á hC{Q¶ l{Q¶ l|¶ g@ R¶ Ì x{Q)g{@ g{oÄ|À q{AÖ
yjQ« ° Yg@ gÂÁ{X@ qªÁIg@ l{Q g h@ H{AM)ª{ p{L{ x{)¼| L{¼AI){g{
l{Q g bÄ{@ ´½H l{Q [ Ì@ qQ {A)g@ l{Q g jÅ{X@ q{HoMg@ l{Q
qIQ l{g{ l{Q¶ L|@o)¶Ì A)QI{´ ½¦ Qg@{ o¨|É´A´@{ h C|¶ g@
l{Q d¶ H x)¼| l{Q JU{MÄ@ ¬ D@A«) l{Q ¢{ª@ ¥ÂÀ{
A)Q¶ i{A«)à g@ ÁD|A L A)H{ j{M¢{g@ p½ È{A´)¼{½ q¶ ¥A´) ½| pÁªA)Qg{
«{ q}¬XÀ n|Á|C{L| ° X i{AB ¶Ä| n|à {L| Á}Í´ l|¢|É{¨L Á Ñ|H{ l|¶|U L|
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ypÁ d{g@ q¶¢dg@ poŦg@ pÁM¢g@ q«AÅ g@ Ũg@
(8) Daily Supplication of the Month of Ramazan
Sayyed Ibn Taawoos (a.r.) has recorded this supplication on ²A¦)ÄÚ@ ¶{g@ l{Q IT½}¬ Y«| { ½}¬ Y«| R)¶ Ì h C|¶ g@
Ko´|¿ g@AP)AB tg@ i@Ã)XÚ@ Õ @Á)«Ú@ Õ @Á)Ú@ ²o¬|C|g@
the authority of al-Kulaini (a.r.) who narrates from Imam
Muhammad al-Baqer (a.s.), who used to recite this
supplication everyday in the month of Ramazan. ±)g@ JMg@ ±Ig@ ½CUg@ ±AÉ)Y¢g@ ±oÅ g@ l{Q ¤Á{Ì@
This supplication mentions a number of divine rights and y±{)½ g@ b|Q¬Ä ´@{
prayers for the early reappearance of our master al-Mahdi
149 Rabeeul Anaam Fi Adeea-e-Khairil Anaam Supplications for Specific Timings & Days 150
h{QTÁ g@ i{AB QÉ g@ j«{ l{Q ´¾¼{@½}¬ Y«| { ½}¬ Y«| R)¶ Ìh C|¶ g@ j«{ jQHÁ ¦¬|g@ xAQ)g{@ B{L|A«) Ñ @ l{Q B{@ jQYg{AÍ g@ ¼{AI){g{
n{½{Qª l{É{BH l{B{QIL l{M{ÄoÄ l{t{¢´ l{{¢´ n{Ã{¬g n{Ã{¬D q{¬x{@½ g@ p{Á¢{d¬g@o{¢g@ q{HAT)Ú{@ j{YMg@ p{Á¢{d¬g@q{¬XÁ g@
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±}È jQH QH Y|L Úp{o½ g@ K{AU)MÅ«| {¬g@ c{o |Á« {Å g@
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151 Rabeeul Anaam Fi Adeea-e-Khairil Anaam Supplications for Specific Timings & Days 152
Ko¦|P °Y)Ä@{ Q¬)Ä@{ hQk@Á)H@{ K À jQHÁ ¦¬|g@ M{¨x{ « §È{AªAP) jQ«o¬|C¬g@ h D WÀ{A )AP) jQH Á|¨¬g@ K{Áª §È{Aª)AP)
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AQ){AP) jQI{@Á g@ l{H{ Á|È{AI)L| AQ¦P g JCL i@ pÀo¢|d« MxAÄ)@{ jQQ¶ { ´AÅ)X@{
jQ¢ÑMŬ|g@ K À AP) jQuÁ{ÍMŬ|g@ vPÁÌ AP) jQHÀ{AC)g@ A
U¶« AQ)´½ g@ {QL{o L|g N¬Å¥A¬)H{ RÐÀ{
È l|H|oÉ|P Ú A´A¬)P@ I¶¥
153 Rabeeul Anaam Fi Adeea-e-Khairil Anaam Supplications for Specific Timings & Days 154
yÀ{Ag@ K@¿) ¥{ qÅX p{Áu{Ú) @ { qÅX @¿)D) «A) pÁ¬|g@ V Yg@ ¥Â|À@ l{g{ ½}¬ Y«| R)¶ Ì h C|¶g@
_{Á g@ q{¨x{ ¬g@ Ã L q{¶Q¶g@ n{¿{D) NQÑ¥ j¨|L hg i@{ yAQ)´½ g@ p{Áu{) g{ Ux{@o)X ±{Ñ)¦H{ ¶ o BL
Áª¾{ AC)Q ¥Â|À@ g{¾) R)g@{ ´Áu @ l{g{ ½}¬ Y«| R¶ Í AC)Q HÀ l¶ g@ Á|¢{dMÄ@ ¼¼| hQXÀ HÀ i @{ l{Qg@{ K|oL|@ HÀ l¶ g@ Á|¢{dMÄ@
½}¬ Y«| { ½}¬ Y«| R)¶ Ì L{¼AI){ jÅX| MAÖ Á¨È| l|´@{ l{Qg@{ K|oL|@ HÀ l¶g@ Á|¢{dMÄ@ JQU«| JPÁ¥ HÀ i @{ l{Qg@{ K|oL|@
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½}¬ Y¬|g{ ²oQg@ J{Ñ{Ù ½}¬ Y«| { ½}¬ Y«| K ÀAP) ½|¬Ì AP) ½|X@AP) Ú l|´@ gÁ¢{@ l{g{ ½}¬ Y«| R)¶ Í Å¢´ N|¬¶» ±o"Ä| N|¶¬{
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y @½H@ hC|gÁ¢{dL Ú @½X@ hC|«{ Õ
{ ÀÚ@ Á{C»
Then say three times:
yl{Qg@{ K|oL|@ ²|oQ¦g@ Yg@ oD| Ú@{ lg)@{ Ú ¿g@ l¶ g@ Á|¢{dMÄ@
±|"½Ig@jQ¬X{@Á g@ hXÀ@ N´@ jQQI{g@ q¢Q¶u AP) q{IYÍ g@ jÅXAP)
Ú ¿g@ Yg@ { {Ad)g@Á|Q h|x{@½ g@ ±È ¶{¬{ª ÆQg ¿g@ b|P½Ig@ Then say three times:
½}¬ Y«| Á|Ì{A´) ½}¬ Y«| q|¢Q¶u N´@ i}AÈ ²}oP ª| N´@O|o¬|P Á| {Ad)g@ h|Qg@ h|Q¶Yg@ ²|oQ¦g@ Yg@ oD| Ú@{ lg)@{ Ú ¿g@ l¶ g@ Á|¢{dMÄ@
½}¬ Y«| { ½}¬ Y«| R)¶ ¶ ÍL| i@ ¶|zÄ@ ½}¬ Y«| |Ñ ¢«| yK|oL|@ h{Qg@ J{´¿ ¶g{
±{Q)Ì{@ j«{ º{Ŧ{gAH{ hx{@o¦g@ ½}¬ Y«| Ì{½}¬ Y«| q¢Q¶u ÁÍ|L i@ yA¬QXÀ @Ào¢| iAª) l¶ g@ i @{ l¶ g@ Á|¢{dMÄ@
Ú ° YH{ N´@Ú@{ lg)@{ ÚAP) ÁÍ´ hC{Q¶ §B{@{ ²|Å g@ h|C{Q¶ ½}¬ Y«| j«{ À|½ ¦L| ѦLA¬)Q T@ ½}¬ Y«| { ½}¬ Y«| R)¶ Ì h C|¶g@
AQ)´½ g@ { hC|« ¶T@½}¬ Y«| { ½}¬ Y«| R)¶ Ì N´@Ú@{ lg)@{ Ú ¼ ÁP|Ú ¿g@ ±{Ѧg@ j«{ À{½¦g@ q{¶Qg ²{oM|Y¬g@ h{Q¨Yg@ Á{«Ú@
hXÀ@P) M{¬XÀ ´{@Á)¢| R)g@{ Á«@ qI¥{A) T@p{Áu{Ú) @ M{QH W{AU X| j«{ IM|¨L i@ ½}¬ Y«| R)¶ R)¶ ¶ÍL| i@|½ IP|
´@{ R)¶H§{QB¶gAH{ ½QÄAP) Å¢´ NIÅ´ g{¿)ªjQ¬X{@Á g@ hC|H{|o´|¾| À{o¢|d¬g@hC|Q|Ä À{o¨|ɬg@hC|U X À{Á|I« @ ²{@Á)Yg@
y ±|É)L A¬)g{ §QBg ´@{ H §B|g@ l{g{ ½}¬ Y«| R)¶ Í §QBg R)¶ ¶ ÍL| i@ À|½ ¦L| ѦL A¬)Q UL i@ hC|L|Az)QÄ hC| Á{¢ ¨¬|g@
155 Rabeeul Anaam Fi Adeea-e-Khairil Anaam Supplications for Specific Timings & Days 156
¼ o
L| ¥ÂÀ{ bÄ oL| Á¬| QBL| i@½}¬ Y«| { ½}¬ Y«| jPÀAIUg@ ÁQI«|AP) ²|
Å g@ l{g{Ø l{Q¶ QI{´ AC)Q OÁÍ´ M{g@ jÖ{@o)¬g@
y jQ¬¶)g@ K À jQ« jQ« {P¼ M´A«)@ y jQQI{g@ hÌ{A)AP)
J|Å{MX@ |QX j«{ ¥Â|À@ATÁt« ATÁ Á«@ j«{ g T@ h C|¶ g@ Á{P{AÄ) l)Ö ° YH{ h{Q¨Yg@ i{ØÁ¦|g@ Æ
" P) ° YH{ Q¶ h|Å{¥@| ¶|zÄ@
Ú |QX j«{ Ç|Á{MX@ |QX j«{ ÄÁ|X@ J|Å{MX@Ú |QX j«{ j{ ´ÁÍ{YL| i× ½}¬ Y«| { ½}¬ Y«| R)¶ ¶ ÍL| i×h{Qg@ i{ØÁ¦|g@
yÇ|Á{MX@ º|H{ÁL @½QPAL h{Qg@ Á{CÉ g@@¿)D ´½PÃL i× AP)AB tg@ K{o´|¿ g@
''(y@ÁQª @ÁQª A¬Q¶ÅL h¶ Ä ½}¬ Y«| { ½}¬ Y«| R)¶ Ì h C|¶ g@ y M¶ u{ R)¶ l{H{ ½ Å|L ÈAT R)¶
jQHA´× AD) ÁQ g ½|T{× Ú x@½)× À{oY|´| H{ ±|À¼@ ´Ù h C|¶g@
IÅX N´× g N|IMªA«) ÚÙ I|QÍP| ÚNzÈ{A«) H bÌA P½P
(9) Supplication for the Night of the 6th of the Month of
h|P½¦g@ ½|X{@o)g@ N´@ h C|¶ g@ R)¨Mɬ|g@ Qg@{ ½|¬Yg@ g h C|¶ g@ ''(y{Qªog@ h´{
H{ ±|AÉ)LA«) |¢LjP½g@ ²oP i|AP½ g@ °|g{At)g@ K Á g@ h|x{@½ g@ Á|u{Ú"@
(10) Supplication of the 8th Day of the Month of
|{@½)L|h}¶»| H{ ±|AÉ)LA«) b|¬L j « H{ ±|AÉ)L j« BL| q}IgAd)«| Ramazan
y°}IÖ j A¦IÖ ioI|ªÁP Ç{Ag@ jQH ²APÚ@ Ñ @ Qg@{ l{H{Á ¦L@ l{Q¶ ½|¬{M@ ¬ gA¬)@ j«{ ½|T{@ Ú R´Ù h C|¶g@
l|¶ g@AP) ¶|zÄ
@ ²|@Á)L| Ú Mg@ p{à {g@ ²{@Á)ªÚ{@ {Ug@¾AP) ¶|zÄ@ l{Q¶ L|@o)¶ÌjQIQB g@ g{oÄ|À {Ø g{oÄ|À q{PÚ M{PÚ{ j«{
i×½}¬ Y«| { ½}¬ Y«| R)¶ ¶ ÍL| i× ¶|zÄ
@ j|¬)XÀAP) ¶|zÄ
@ y jQ¬T× hC{Q¶
@ «oÌ I¦L hC{T{Á¢H{ A)TÁ ½}¬ Y«| {Ø WÁ U L| QgÙ hC{H{ l|T oL
@ ½}¬ Y«| {Ø ½}¬ Y¬|H{ QgÙ K|Á ¦L@ ´Ù h C|¶g@
y À|¿X× A«)Á È j«{ H{ ¾|o|@ «{oT|À@A«)ÁQu j«{ p{ÁuÚ"@ AQ)´½ g@ { ACQT hC{H{ H{ RC{g)@{ AP) ½{ ¶TA
Ú q¢YL| Ú l|´ q«@Á)ª q¢YL| «{ g{¿)H{ N|QÐÀ½¥ ´A{ jQHÁ ¦¬|g@
q{g@ ²{A¬)MI{ N¬Í N´
@ iÙ q{U Y|g@ ½I Ng¿u N´× iÙ
ÁIQu À}½H ²oP n|½Po
«| l|IX{AÌ) j}QX| ²oP ½}¬ Y«| JX{AÌ)AP) {D× x{AQ)g{@ b« À{@¼) h{ Mg@ ´{@o)ÐÀ{ j«{ Ñ × q«@Á)ª
(1) Iqbaal al-A'maal, p. 90. (1) Iqbaal al-A'maal, p. 128.
157 Rabeeul Anaam Fi Adeea-e-Khairil Anaam Supplications for Specific Timings & Days 158
(13) Supplication for Imam-e-Zaman (a.t.f.s.) on the 18th (14) Supplication for Imam-e-Zaman (a.t.f.s.) on the 21st
Day of the Month of Ramazan Day of the Month of Ramazan
¶Ä|À|@oH|¿ ª L{AP) @½|YT H{AM)¨{H{@Á|¢ª q¬¶ g@ i @{ h C|¶ g@ Sayyed Ali Ibn Taawoos (a.r.) in Iqbaal al-A'maal reports
through his chain of narrators from Hammaad Ibn Usmaan, "I
¼{AÅ)¢gAH{ @oÄ {P¼ÁQ@o|ÁÈ g|oÄ|À l{H{ ±T)A«) @og|½ H went to meet Imam Sadeq (a.s.) in the night of the 21st of the
''( ±{)½ g@ b|Q¬Ä ´@{ n{À{AÍ)´@ l{´{@o)@ A´)ÁÉ|X@ l{¦ X ±{ؼ)
went in prostration, after which I could not hear any thing for a
long time except the sound of his breathing. Then I heard him
H{ °{¶tg@ °|g{Au) N´
@ÚÙ lg)@{ÚÀ{AÍ)HÚ@ K{o¶|¦|g@ J|¶ ¦«| N´@ÚÙ lg)@{ Ú
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(1) Iqbaal al-A'maal, p. 164-165.
161 Rabeeul Anaam Fi Adeea-e-Khairil Anaam Supplications for Specific Timings & Days 162
À{o«|Ú@ Á|H½«| N´@
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½{ J{Qdg@ Ux{@o)X ±{AÑ)¦H{ I¶{¥@ LÁ ¶¥{× ½{PÀog@ {IX j«{ gÙ K|Á¥×
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R)¶ ¦ YH{ ¶|zÄ×NQB× l{H{ N¶z{Ä|@¾)Ù NIT× l{H{ NQ¼|@¾)Ù ''(yjQ¬X{@Á g@ hXÀ×AP) xA)¼| g JU{MÄ@ ½}¬ Y«| {Ø ½}¬ Y«|
l|MIT× ¿g@ h|C{¦ YH{ L|Aª)ÁH hC{Q¶ L|@o)¶Ì l{M{QH {D× ½}¬ Y«|
½{I ½}¬ Y«| R)¶¶ ÍL| i× ¶Ñ { l{H{ hC|M¶´× Å{¢´ R)¶
(15) Supplication for the 23rd Night of the Month of
¼{AI){ jQH b{Ö{AÅ g@ T{@Á)Ä{ ´{¾H{ QgÙ @½ g@ g{oÄ|À l{Q¶¼½C¬g@ j{ÅYg@ j{H q{U Y|g@ Á{«A
H{ h{x{A¦)g@ Qg{og{ jª| h C|¶g@
l{H{ ±Ñ)MÄ@ @Ào´| jQ¬gA)¶g{ l|M¶T x{A¬)Ä Ð{À{ × ª| q{AÅ g@ n{¿{D) ²{ Å g@ p{ Í g@ |Ñ @
l{x{AH)Ø R)¶
l|´× ½|CÈ× H{@¿) j«{ hQgÚ@A´ À¿´× H{@o) {PÃUH{ A´)ÁÉ I jQ«{o ¬|g@ l|¨{ÅL| RMX@½Po
«| Qg¼ @ÁÌ{A´) @½x{A¥) A´{AX) AQg{q}AÄ)
jP¿g@ i × ½|CÈ×jQ¶ÄÁ¬|g@ f½ Ì ° Yg@½{{ j«{ ° YgAH{ ±T)½¥ q{¬ x{Ú@ j«{ l|MPÀ ¾| l|¶ULAÐÁÚoÖ| AC)Q l|M¬L| AoÖ ÐÀ@
yh{QgÚ@ K{@¿)g@@o¥|@¾) n|@oH|¿ ª yjQÀ{@o)g@
½QÄAP) ½QÄAP) n|AHÀAP) n|AHÀAP) n|AHÀAP) l¶ g@AP) l|¶ g@AP) l|¶g@AP) ¶|zÄ× {T@n{½{P R)¶ l|g «{ÁÍg@ {T@ l{H{ÁÍ{M´@ n|ÁÍ|´@ h C|¶g@
(1) Iqbaal al-A'maal, p. 200-201.
163 Rabeeul Anaam Fi Adeea-e-Khairil Anaam Supplications for Specific Timings & Days 164
n{Á{Q R)g@{ Á«Ú
@ l{T oL| Ú l{C{T R)¶ [M¢g@ l|g ÁÍg@ ¿g@ Á|Iª@ l|¶ g@ A´)@ÁH ¿g@ A)HÀ Á|Iª@ l|¶ g@ A)I)MT@ ¿g@ A)Qg{ Á|Iª@
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½|PÃP AB l{¨{¶«| j«{ Î
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IV. SUPPLICATIONS FOR THE MONTH OF I{QU´ Q¢{Ì QI{´ g{oÄ|À ½{I ½}¬ Y«| R)¶ Ì h C|¶ g@
SHAWWAAL L{ÁQu{ M{Ì Au) ¶{Q¶u ¦{¶u j«{ L{o¢Ì I{QIX {Q«@
(16) Supplication at the Time of Coming Out for Eid
y M{PÁ{H j«{
l{H{ A)LÁÍ H q{gAC)Ug@ j«{ l{H{ A)MP½D ¿g@ ½{I ½}¬ Y«| R)¶ Ì h C|¶ g@
A´)@½)D A¬)ª Á|Iª@ l|¶ g@ N|¶ª oL Q¶ C{T N|CT Qg@{ h C|¶ g@
A¬)ª S)o¦Mg@ {QIÄ R)¬|g@ q{U Y¬g@ R¶ l{H{ AM¬¥
@ R)¬g@ j«{
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l{H{ A)L¿¦´@O{@Á)Qtg@ b{Q¬T R)g@{ O{@Á)¬dg@ j«{ l{H{ A)MTÁu@ A)L½ÈÀ@
(1) Najm al-Saaqib, narrating from Kitaab al-Mizmaar of Sayyed Ibn yO{A¨)¶Cg@ ¤{Á|T|A¢)È j«{
Taawoos (a.r.); Behaar al-Anwaar, vol. 97, p. 349.
165 Rabeeul Anaam Fi Adeea-e-Khairil Anaam Supplications for Specific Timings & Days 166
ÁIª@ ¤ÁÈ@ ¬ª@ Ñ @ ½}¬ Y«| {½}¬ Y«| R)¶ Ì h C|¶ g@ { ÀÚ@ fÀ{AÉ)« jQ¢g{At¬g@ jP½Y{¶¬|g@ bQ¬T jQ¦ {A)¬|g@
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y jQ¬gA)g@ j«{ ½}X@ R)¶ @od|¶ H jP¾¿g@ jQQ Ig@ jQ¶ÄÁ¬|g@ b{Q¬T R)¶ Ì h C|¶g@
l|«A¦)« q{¬Q)¦{g@ ²Á ªl|´A¨)« {@ l|´AD)ÁH| h l|´AQ)H| ¤Á È h C|¶ g@ q{YQÍgAH{ Qg@{ ¼AI){g@o|¼ q{AB gAH{ °Q@o)¬g@ g@½|¦M@S)½C|g@
yl|gAX) °{x{ tg@ Ç{ À| R)¶ h y I{T S¾)Ú@ j«{ o¦gA«) R)¶@Á|IÌ
qgÃ{« «{ °{¶tg@ KÁ¥@ q{¬Q)¦{g@ ²oP ½}¬ Y«| { @½¬ Y«| T@ h C|¶ g@ hC{L{@¼ o« {D@ hC{M{PÀ ¾| R)¶ hC{Q¶ ½}¬ Y«| R)¶ Ì h C|¶g@
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ÚÃ{« hC|¢TÀ@ A ÁÈ ½{ O{@o)«Ú@ hC|«{ ±{AQ)XÚ@OA¬)¶{Ŭ|g@ jQ¬¶{Ŭ|g@ O{A)«{o ¬|g@
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q{¬T{@ÁMg@ R)Lo P| l|«{ ¿g@ K{AI)g@ ¶{QIÄ R)¶ ±{Ú ¼{Ú@ ¦{¶u ylL|Aª)ÁH
R)¶ ±{ؽ)CÉ g@ M{¬¨Y{H{ jQ¦Ö{Ag@ MÄ| @oÄ A¬ª Q{Xog{ jQQB¬|g@ jQ«{AÅ g@ jQªÀAI)¬|g@½}¬ Y«| A)QI{´ N{QH D@ Î
Í|u@ h C|¶g@
y ¦{¶u L{@o)¶Ì {Ñ H{ @ÁQCBL hC|LÁC Ö Æ TÁ g@ hC| NID¾@ jP¿g@
y x{Q)g{@ W{Á¢g{ Á{M¬|g@ Á{«@ Á{{M¬|g@ Qg{ R)¶ Ì h C|¶ g@ ''(yl|L|Aª)ÁH l¶ g@ q|¬XÀ hCQ¶ ²|Å g@ L{Aª)ÁH «o´
l{H{ÁC{»@ ÀoUg@ l{H{ N«{@ °M¢g@ l{H{ °L|À@ c½Í g@ l{H{ JÈ@ h C|¶ g@ (17) Supplication at the Time of Coming Out for Eid
J{Á gAH{ n|ÁÍ|´@ Á{ÍH{| n½P@Õ ÀÚ@ l{x{A¦)H {oB|H{ jPÂ ½g@
Sayyed Ibn Taawoos (a.r.) records in his Iqbaal al-A'maal
R)¶Á« ¼ hC|g JÍ´ j« R)¶ ²½{«¼ hC|g¾{Au) ¿|u@ hD|ÁÌ{ A´)o ¥ through his chain of narrators from Abu Hamzah al-Sumaali
that Abu Ja'far al-Baqer (a.s.) said,
qMQ¬«| c{½I{g@ qÀ{AÉ)g q{g
Ñg@ Ç À| hC{H{ hÍ{¥@hC|É j«
'When you are ready to emerge from your house
jPÁ {A¨)g@ h|C{H{ ¾{@ jQ«{o ¬g@ h|C{H{Ã {@ {Ö{AI)gAH{ jPÂ Ã M¬|g@ j{Å g@ for the Eid and the Friday prayers, recite the
(1) Iqbaal al-A'maal, p. 283-284.
167 Rabeeul Anaam Fi Adeea-e-Khairil Anaam Supplications for Specific Timings & Days 168
si{A«)à g@ J{X{AÌ) j{ÅYg@ R¶ ª oMP j« l{¶ g@ R¶ N|¶ª oL À{AIUg@ Ã{PÃg@ À{AC ¦g@ ½{X{@o)g@
yn{Á{«@ £|g{AH) l¶ g@ i @{ l|I|ÅX oC| l{¶g@
P¼ l{H{ ÁC{»× h C|¶ g@ @ÃPÃ @ÁÍ´ n|ÁÍ|´@ @ÁQÅP AYM l|g [M @ h C|¶ g@
j«{ ½}X× q At)« ° Yg@ j«{ ±}ÉH{ ¢{tMÅP Ú RMX g{oÄ|À qÄ| { ¥@ g n|ÁÅ Q ½{A«) J|¶|Ö@ ´¼À{A ½|PÀ@| ´@{ h C|¶g@
g Ó
²ÄÚACH{Ã|{L| q}¬PÁª q}g¼ QgÙ J|Á´ A´@{ h C|¶ g@°{¶tg@ 9° Yg@ g|o¥ H{AM)ª{ N¶¥| ´A{ Ux{@o)X
M{AÖ R)gÙ p{A)½ g@ j«{ AC)Q A)¶|UL l|¶D× fA¢)g@ ACH{ ¿{L|l|¶D@ S)½C|g@ j«{ O}A)QH Ç{A¶g{ S½D| i|ØÁ¦|g@ l{Q Ã{´@| ¿g@ iAÑ)«ÀÁ|CÈ
h C|¶g@y p{Áu{Ú"@ AQ)´½ g@ q«@Á)ª AC)H{ A)¥|Â|ÁL ¶{QIÄ R)gÙ p{¼A¦)g@ i{A¥)Á¢|g@
yn|A)d¶ I l|A´)ÁÍ|¥A«)n|A) Á ° X j«{ A´Á¨´×A«) l|MÍÍ u i{ØÁ¦|g@ j«{ l{Q Ngô@ A¬)H{ iAÑ)«À Á{CÈ q«ÁX| N¬
Pray to Allah ??? and ask your needs. Then say:
§{g@ j«{ ÁQu À{½¦g@ q|¶Qg((9 N¶¦| À{½¦g@ q¶Qg l{Q Á{QQÍMH{ l|M¬
''(yÁª¿ Q l{Q Áª ¿|L| j¬ «{ A)¶T@ h C|¶ g@ yA)g JU{MÄ@ h C|¶ g@ D{ ²
Ä Á}«@ ª| j«{ hC{HÀ i{¾A{H{ AC)Q _|Á g@ q|¨x{
¬g@ |Ã L Á}CÈ
y ''Á{U¢g@ b{¶B« RMX
(18) Supplication of Imam-e-Zaman (a.t.f.s.) on the Day
of Eid al-Fitr after the Morning Prayers ½¥ N«Á ÍL ½¥ l{QgAQ)g NѦ´@ ½{¥ iAÑ)«À Á{CÈ ²|AP@ n{¿D) h C|¶g@
j ¢¶u j«{ ¶{ «A«)@ ½}¬ Y¬|H{ Qg@{ N|CT oL ´@{ h C|¶ g@ ¼½ j«{ n{¼{½g{ R)ÍX@«{ l{H{ h|¶@ N´@A«) R)g@{ Cg)@{AP) l|«{ O|ÁÌ{
(1) Iqbaal al-A'maal, p. 280.
169 Rabeeul Anaam Fi Adeea-e-Khairil Anaam Supplications for Specific Timings & Days 170
R)¶ ¶ ÍL| i@ ioY|g{AÍ g@ ¼|AI){ l{H{ gA
ÄA¬)H{ Cg)@{AP) gA
ÄA y R)ÐÁL J Y{L|A«) R)g@{ l|HÁ¥@ A´@o)ÐÀ{
¶ Ñ ¢ML Qg@{ l{H{ N|HÁ ¦LA«) «{ I¦ML i@ ½}¬ Y«| {Ø ½}¬ Y«| Ú ¼ ÁP| Ú ¿g@ ²{oM|Y¬g@ Á{«Ú@ j«{À|½ ¦L| ѦL A¬)Q T@ h C|¶g@
g JD xA)¼| q{HAU)M{Ä@ LAH)Á|¥| HÁ ¦L {oI|¥ ¶¬ §{QÑMH{ ª| ²{A)g@@¿D) ²{@Á)Yg@ M{QH W{AU X| j«{ IM|¨L i@ |½ IP|
²oP j{¬PÚ
@ q{UgAH{ Â{o¢gAH{ ¶ j «| À{Ag@ j«{ MI¥À °M{ «{ {I¦M¬|g@ hC|H|o´|¾| À{o¢|d|¬g@hC|Q|Ä À{o¨|ɬg@ hC|U X À{Á|I¬g@ ²}A)
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h{PÁ¨g@ C{T q{«ÁY|H{ g|A
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yoD|Ú @{ lg)@{Ú i|o¨|Q jª| ±{É g{ |o¦|P ¿g@ ½|PÁP| A¬)g{ {A ¢g@
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Á{CÉ g@@¿D) NQÐÀ Nª| i@{ N´@Ú@{ lg)@{H{ g|A
Ä@ ´@{ h C|¶ g@ yK{AH)ÀÚ@
Õ ÁL hg Nª| i@{AÐÀ{ Á¬| j«{ ¦{H A¬)Q ´½PÃL i@
OÀ½ ¥ NQÑ¥ O¼À@ NzÈ{ A¬)Q UL i@ ¶|zÄ@ ´@{ h C|¶ g@
¶T@ qAÅ g@qAÅ g@ qAÅ g@ Õ ÀA iÚ) @ j¬{ Á{CÉ g@@¿D)
i@ ¶T@ zÅ{L| Á¬| QBM|´@O¿¢´@ N¬MX
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hXÁL i@M¥A ) ÁI|UL i@Á¦ {dL| i@¢Ðo ¦L|
y jQ¬X{@Á g@ hXÀ@AP) M{¬XÀ L{Á¢{d¬H{ ¦{¶u ±{@½)Ä|hCT
Æ ´{o L| i@M¶x{A) {dL| i@ MÐ b ÁL i@ g¾| à {L| i@M¨Å«
ÁQu@¿D) ÁCÈ UL i@ h{PÁ¨g@ C{T q{«ÁY|H{ g|A
Ä@ ´@{ h C|¶ g@
} ¢u Á}ÅP| q}Q {A) ¥ÂÀ{À ½{L| i@ M¶ ¥{ Á{¨L| i@ MÉX
¿|«| Qg@{ l{H{ N|HÁ ¦L g l|M|¬Ì| l{Q L|½I iAÑ)«À Á{CÈ
Å¢´ Rg@{ ¶¨{L Ú LÁu{ AQ)´¼|Á{«@ j«{ ¬ D@A«) Q¢{¨L i@
l|Ä@qQ {A) l|¬ @q¬´{ l|¬ L@ @ÁT@ l|¬@ Õ
ÀÚ@ {M¨Ä@
P¼ Q {A)L| i@ ´oÑ| ÁQ Ç{Ag@ Rg@{ Ú AC) ÃU{A
l|¶¬ª@pÁ¢{d|« l|¬Úq¬XÀ l|IT@À{Ag@ j«{ A¦M{ l|¶Ñ @A¥ÂÀ{
171 Rabeeul Anaam Fi Adeea-e-Khairil Anaam Supplications for Specific Timings & Days 172
´@o)u@{ L¼ o« {D@ ¶D@ ½gXÀ| ½ÅT ´½H { hQD@Á)H@{ R)¶ NYL N¬X ÁL NªÀAH) NQ¶ ÌA«) {Ñ Aª
jQ¬¶{Ŭ|g@O{A)«{o ¬|g@ jQ«{o ¬g@ j«{ ´@Á)QT ''(y½QU« ½Q¬X ´@{ hQD@Á)H@{
i{A¬)PÚ@ j{«Ú
AH{ ¶ j ¬|L i@ O{@o)«Ú@ hC|«{ ±{AQXÚ
Å« i|½{« xAT)À M¦{ SÚ o« g{ ´A{
y MIÀ )CM«| @o)¨È 19. Supplication on the 25th Day of Zilqad (The Day of
Spreading of the Earth - Dahw al-Arz)
¬Ö B{IL| Ú Úo« ½QÄAP) xAT)À IQtL| Sayyed Ibn Taawoos (a.r.) narrates from Shaykh Abu Ja'far
al-Tusi (a.r.) in al-Misbaah al-Kabeer, 'The 25th of Zilqad is
Qg@{ hC|M|«½ ¥ ½}¬ Y«| { ½}¬ Y¬|H{ Qg@{ N|CT oL ½¦ xAT)À the day when the earth was spread out from beneath the Holy
Ka'bah. It is recommended to fast on this day, as it has been
hC{H{ ¶TA MgA
Å«Á ÑL I¶{Ö MTAX) ²A«)@«A«)@ reported that the fast of this day is equal to that of sixty
yjQHÁ ¦¬|g@ j«{ p{Áu{Ú) @ AQ)´½ g@ ACQT months. It is also recommended to recite the following
supplication on this day.
ª| R¶ ´@{p¼A)Å g@ h|C{H{ g hM{uA hC{M{ Á{¬H{ ¶ N« ´A{
q{HÁ¨|g@ §È{Aª) q{Hö g@ ¤À{AÌ) q{IYg@ °g{A q{I¨g@ X{@¼) h C|¶g@
yÁP½¥ ±}È
N«½ ¥ AC)¦ X N¬@ Mg@ «{AP@ j«{ ²{oQg@@¿D) ¶|zÄ@
M{¬XÁH{ qPÀ¾ Qg@{ qP¼ jQ«{o ¬g@½{ AC)M¶TAC)¦IÄ
In another tradition:
j{«Ú@ q{«
Å g@ p{¼A)Å gAH{ hM{uA hC{H{ ¶ N« ²oP J{PÁ¦g@f{A)Q¬g@ J{UM¬|g@ ½}¬ Y«| R)¶ ¶ ÍL| i@ q{QÄog@
y {¢Y{g@ p{¼A)Å g@ i{@o)ÐÁ g@ p{Á¢{d¬g@i{A¬)PÚ@ l{M{QH {D@ R)¶ ° X ª| R)g@{ c}@¼) °}LÀ ª| °{L{A ) f{Mg@
º¶ ÅL| Ú A) {A) l{g{ ½}¬ Y«| R)¶ Í A)g q}TAX) ¨|g{ N´@ l|¶g@AP) A)B{@À{Ag@ q{Ug@ p{Ú| À{AIUg@ h{x{A)¼ À{A)¬g@ p{@½)C|g@À{AC)ÖÚ@
Á{«@ j«{ Á}«@ ª| A)¢{ª@ l{H{ A)g q¥AÖ Ú ¦{¶u j«{ @½X@ A)Q¶ Ag b|¬UL c}o|¬« Ú c}oB|¦« Á{Q i{Ã|t¬g@ x{AB j«{ @¿)D)A)«{oP
½}¬ Y«| { ½}¬ Y«| R)¶ Ì ²{@Á)ªÚ{@ {Ug@@¾AP) p{Áu{Ú) @AQ)´½ g@ yq{HÚ
@ jÅX| qHoMg@
(1) Iqbaal al-A'maal, p. 275, Behaar al-Anwaar, vol. 91, p. 1; Saheefah
al-Mahdi (a.s.), p. 246.
173 Rabeeul Anaam Fi Adeea-e-Khairil Anaam Supplications for Specific Timings & Days 174
g §|B|g@| ¢{u l|¢|Bg| j«AP) AP) ¢{ªAP) o}T|Á« ²Áª@ o |½« ÁQuAP) ° YgAH{ ÁC{»@ hC|¬g{A « hC{Q¶ ¼¼|À@ x{Q)g{@ WÁ U h C|¶g@
hPÁªÅL|Ú Á{ÍH{ ´½P@ o{¢H{ ´½{Ä@ ¢{B¶|H{ y@Á¬{Lo «| x{ؽ)@ Á{«AH{ @ÁÍ{M«| {P½g{ l|¶T@ hC|¬x{A¥)
R)g@{ Á{D½ g@ J{x{Øo)È j«{ ¢X@ Á Ä{ q{¢X Á{«@ p{Ú o|H{ Á{ª¾{ q{¶Qg Á{«Ú@ j«{ l{Qg@{ NQ¦g@ A¬)H{ Á{Íg@ q{¨x{
¬H{ l|B¢X@ h C|¶g@
{o¶|X| Å¢´ W{Á|u| ½{ xQ)g{@ ´½C{È@ Á{Ég@ Á{ÉYg@ ²{oP @½P½T l{P½P R)¶ l{H{ |P¼ ¼o|P R)ÐÁL RMX g A¬¦{M«| À{½¦g@
y¶T@ ±{AѦ{´@ ¶¬ c{AB ¦{´@ Å«À yAÑ À Ö{AIg@ Ó
ÁP AÑY« ° Yg@ Î
Y ¬P| AÑ{
QÅ{´ S)Ág@ f{AI)Ö@ jQH N|¶¶X@¾)@{ R)¶I{g@ {oÖ| R)¶ ´Áª|¾@ h C|¶ g@ A)H@ l{L{ÁÄ@| l{I{YÌ j«{A)¶T@l{x{AH) R)¶ l{Q¶ Ì h C|¶g@
¿{« xo H q{«A¦)¬|g@ À@¼) ¶¶{X@ S)Àog@ j«{ ioÄ|Ag@ y l{´{@o)@ j«{ l{´{A«) io¨|´ RMXl{L{Á ª
x{AI)M{TÙ {D@ x{AQ)g{@ ¦ {@Á)«| j«{ ¶T@q{«@Á)¨g@
²|Å g@ l{Q¶ l{Q¶ Ì l|«AP@ A´)½C{È@ l|«AQ)¥{ A)H{ À{¼@ h C|¶ g@
{o¶|X| I¥ {¬g@ jÅX| ¥Â|À@ x{A¦)g{ g À{AH) x{AQ)¢{Ì@
''(yl|L|Aª)ÁH l{¶g@ q|¬XÀ l|«Ä A)Qg@{¼¼|À@
y{Btg@ ±{oÄ| {gà g@ j«{ AzPÁH {TÚ@
l{M{QH {D@ l{Q¶ l|¶ g@ R¶ Ì ½}¬ Y«| QI{´ Õ oX ´¼À{@ h C|¶ g@ VI. SUPPLICATIONS FOR THE MONTH OF
Ú n|¼À{ X@ Ú n|½H A¬»@Ú AzQD Adx{Ä) APÀ AHÁÉ« ¦{Ä@ ZILHAJJ
y¼|AC)ÈÚ@ ²|o¦|P ²oP ¼}A)Q« R) @ ¼}@Â) ÁQu g l|¶T@ ¼|@¾)@| l| (A) Supplications for the Day of Arafah
x{AQ)g{@ f{o¦|Y|g{ jPÁu{Ú) @ jQg Ú@ pÁH{AI)T jg@ h C|¶ g@
A number of supplications have reached unto us to be recited
on the Day of Arafah for the early reappearance of
yjPÁ{MŬ|g@ Imam-e-Zaman (a.t.f.s.). Here, we shall mention only those
sentences from these supplications that are related to the early
U hC|¶«{A) hC|AQ)È@ ¶{D@hC|¬x{A)¼ hÍ{¥@ h C|¶ g@ reappearance.
'((y {P¼{ p{ÁÍ´| R¶) ¶{QIÄ ° YH{ ¶|zÄ@ ´@{ h C|¶ g@ y M{Q´{@½)X R)¶ ¼AI){@og¼ M{QÍ{«
(23) The celebrated Sayyed Ali Ibn Taawoos (a.r.) writes in ° YH{ ¦{¶u R)g@{ g{oÄ|À {Q«@ L{o¢Ì QU{´ QI{´ ½}¬ Y«|
og@ Ì{og@jQ¶U Y¬g@ Á d|g@ ½{x{A¥)j{P½ g@ K{oÅ|P jQ«{o ¬|g@ Á{Q«@
Iqbaal al-A'maal, 'From the supplications of the Day of
Ghadeer is what we have narrated through our chain of
narrators from Shaykh al-Mufeed (a.r.).' g ½{D{AÉ g@ {Ö{AI)g@ ° Yg@ jQH f{À|A¢)g@ Á{IªÚ@ °{P½ Í g@
À{½¦g@ i{AÉ g@ Qg{ ¶{ QI{´ ½}¬ Y«| ° YH{ ¶|zÄ@ ´@{ h C|¶ g@ n|¿u|AL hg ¶{QIÄ ½{D{AU)¬g@ Á{«AH{ c{¼{AÍ g@ Q¶ @½ g@
i@ ¶{ ½}¬ Y«| R)¶ ¶ ÍL| i@ ¦{¶u i¼| l{H{ A¬)C|MÍÍu ¿g@ ¶UL i@½}¬ Y«| {Ø ½}¬ Y«| R)¶ ¶ ÍL| i@ h}x{Ú q|«og Q
y}T{A) Á}Qu ª| A¬)C{H{ ×½IL N¶¬ª@ ¦{¶u f{A)@ ½Cg@ Qg{og{ l{Q O½¦ ¿g@ ²{oQg@@¿D)
yh{g@ ½{Ä{AX) H N¬{ÉL| Ú À{A)g@ j«{ jP½g@ h|C|g
p{¼AÅ g@ p{A)½ g@ p{¼A¦)g@ q{¬ x{Ú@½}¬ Y«| {Ø ½}¬ Y«| R)¶ Ì h C|¶ g@
¼{I{g@ i{Aª)À@ ¼{AI){g@ q{ÄAÄ) p{ÁD{AI)g@ ²{Ú@ p{ÁD{@Ã g@ ²{oU|g@ ½{Cg@ ²oP ±{A¬)Å g@ l|MQ¬ Ä ÁIªÚ@ ½Q l|M¶T A¬)¨ h C|¶ g@
yp{Á«{Ad)g@ V{U¶ g@ q{PÀ{AU)g@ q{QT{Ag@ q{Q¢Å g@ q{¶ÄÁ¬|g@ q{¥Ag@ Ì {o Ŭg@ b{¬Ug@ ¾{ou|A¬g@ f{A)Q¬g@ ²oP Õ
{ ÀÚ@ ¼{oC|¬g@
A)¶ ÑL| Ú A)¶¬È l{H{ b¬T@ A)´oQ|| l{H{ÀÁ{¥@½}¬ Y«| {Ø ½}¬ Y«| R)¶
½{QXoL i{Aª)À@ ¬{¶{ i{@Ã u|½}¬ Y«| {Ø ½}¬ Y«| R)¶ Ì h C|¶ g@
A)¶T@K|AD og@ N´@ ´@{ q¬XÀ ´½|g j«{ A)g JDA)MP½D¾@{ ½H
j«{ L{ÁQu{ M{PÁ{H j«{ L{o¢Ì{ M{«@Á)ª i{¼{A)« {P¼ h{x{A)¼
y jQ¬X{@Á g@ hXÀ@AP) jPÁª{AÉ g@ j«{ ¬{|´Ú{
n|AL)@ j« Ç|Ag@ l{H{ R)¶MI¬|g@ K{AIg@À{@Á)HÚ@ ±{AI)Ug@ ±{AQ)¦{LÚ@ ¦{¶u
yS)oD n|AH)@ j«AU)´ l{H{ A)«Á ª l|M«ÁX| A´)ÁÍ H ²{oQg@@¿D) Ñ A) Á ¿g@ l{¶ g{ ½|¬Yg@
jQ«{o ¬|g@ ÁQ«@AP) l{¶ g@ oÄ|ÀAP)n{À{o|H{ A´)@½)D l{M{ Á{¬H{ A) Á È
OÁ«@ jP¿g@ Á{ª¿ g@ {D@ ½}¬ Y«| {Ø ½}¬ Y«| R)¶ Ì h C|¶ g@
¦{HA«) ²{Å g@ |Ñ @ «{ A¬)¨|IY{«| R)¶ A¬)¨|L{ÁM{ R)¶ A¬)¨|Q¶
hC|¦ X NÐÁ hC{L{¼ o¬H{ OÁ«@ jP¿g@ R)HÁ¦|g@ {¾ hC{M{¶zŬH{
yÀ|AC)g@ |Q¶ g@
yhD|ÀA) Î
M¥@ j{« ¼A« qUg@ N¶T
UP@o)X ±{AÑ)¥ MI¶{Ö _{AU)´ A¬)¨|HÀ HÀ l{¶ g@ Rg@{ l|T oL@ A¬)¨|H{
j@oC´ M{AB H{@Á«@A¬)ª½}¬ Y«| {Ø ½}¬ Y«| R)¶ Ì h C|¶ g@
yÀo«|@| ÁQÅQL
(1) Mikyaal al-Makarim, vol. 2, p. 49; Iqbaal al-A'maal, p. 480-481.
181 Rabeeul Anaam Fi Adeea-e-Khairil Anaam Supplications for Specific Timings & Days 182
½}¬ Y«| R)¶ ¶ ÍL| i@½}¬ Y«| {Ø ½}¬ Y«| ° YH{ ¶|zÄ@ ´@{ h C|¶ g@ (light and darkness), He provided a path and a way. O
Abdullah Ibn Sinaan! The best thing to do on this day is to
½ Í l|M«ÁX| Á¨´@ ²{oQg@@¿D) ° X ½YT j« j¶L i@½}¬ Y«| {Ø wear clean clothes, unbutton your shirt, role up your sleeves
y@ÁQª Ag hD|¿u| h C|¶g@ l{H{ hC|M¨¶D@A¬)H{ hC|¨¶{D@ ±@½)@ AC)H{ O¿u@
Then say: y½P½È hQg@ AD)¿u@ i @{q¬g{A» RD{ S)Á¦|g@½u@
jQ¬T@ hC{Q¶ l{Q¶ l|¶ g@ R¶ Ì ½}¬ Y«| {Ø j WÁ h C|¶ g@ { ÀÚ@ QI{´ D@ q¶B «| «A¨)X@ qx{AÐ) ¶I|Ä| i @{ h C|¶g@
hCQ¶ j|«@ jP½X{AU)g@ À{A¢ ¨|g@ jQ¦ {A)¬|g@ ½P@ j«{ hD|¿¦{MÄ@ y q{¬x{AÅ g@ Ê{XogAªq¬x{AD)
hD{ ½| ½| R)¶ ´½|g j«{ hC|g T@@ÁQÅP AYM hC|g [M @
A´)½{D@ p{AU)gAH{ A)Q¶ j|«@ °¶tg@¿{¦{MMÄ@ ° Yg@ {@ h C|¶ g@
y@ÁQÍ´ A´AB ¶Ä|
@ ±¼À{ A)g l|¶T@ ²|Å g@ l{Q¶ h{x{A¦)gAH{ A)TÁ U i{A¬)Pg{
y@½ À l|g A)¶T@
R)¶ @o«|A¥)@q{¬¶{¨gAH{ @Á|¢ª q¬ x{Ú@ N{¢gAu) q« Ú|@ i @{ h C|¶ g@
AXÁ CMÄ@ @½Q QI{´ N{QH {D@ {M¥ T j« ¶{D@ h C|¶g@
¿g@ KAM)¨{g@ @Á|UD R¬)g@ q{gAC)Ug@ S)¼Á g@ Á{¢¨|g@ q{g
Ñ g@
yhC|g @ l{H{ O¿u@A¬)H{ hDÁu{ ¿u| @ÀÁ|Ä|
@og|½ ° Yg@ @oL|A«)A l{M{AB H{ OÁ«@ ¿g@ Ì{og@ l{M{ Á{¬H{ OÁ«@
KAM)¨{g@ @og|½ H qÅ g@@o¢|gAu) ° Yg@ j{ q« Ú|@ @o¶ Ð@ º{Ŧ{g@ j{ jQg Ú@ j«{jQ¬g{A g@ R)¶ Q¨Mg@ K@¿)g@ ±Ig@ §{{Ð@ h C|¶g@
{Ö{AI)gAH{ @o¨|Å ¬LhC|xAT) A¬ g ° YgAH{@Á|¢ªK@Ã)XÚ@ @o¨|¶« hD|¼Â{ l{g l{Q¶ l¶ g@ R¶ Ì QI{´ N{QH { ¬g{A» R)¶ jPÁu{Ú) @
l{Q¶ l|¶ g@ R¶ Ì QI{´ ¼Ú @ @o¶|M¥ ¦¶u @o¶ Ð@ ° Yg@ @o|QÐ y hC|MA¬)T hC|L¼A¥) hC|MQÈ ¶{D@ qg ÚA¨)´
j« Á Ä{ q´Ãu È{Á q¶¬X x{AQ)¢{Ì@ ¼{AI){ pÁQu{ l{g{ q{IQBg@ p{ÁUÉ g@ j«{ q¶Qg¿ g@ qgoM|¦¬g@ qx{AÑ g@ pÁM{g@ h{XÀ@ h C|¶ g@
y Ð{À@ L{@o)¬)Ä ²A¨ Y|g@ h|C|M¶T yq{ªÀAI)¬|g@
hC|P½{P@ hC|XÄ{ §¢|ª@ hD|ÀAP)¼{ KÁ{u@ hC|«@½)¥@ Ã{gà h C|¶ g@ hC{M{QÈ Ko¶|¥| hC|Ho¶|¥| NI hC|MU X| V¶{ @ hC|M¬¶{ª {@ h C|¶g@
¢{QÅH{ hC|HÁ{Ð@ hD|½Qª jD{@ hC|QH A¬)Q ¤M{uÚ{@ °{g@ I{T S)¾Ú@ R)¶ hD|ÁIÌ hC|{@ hD|ÁÍ|´@ hC{L{Ú @o)«| R)¶
AQ«À{ ±IgAH{ hC{«{À@ A¬Ö ±{IgAH{ hC|¬ Ö £{«{@½ g@ Á{UX ²{À{AÍ g@ xAQ)g{Ú{ N¬{Ð A¬)ª q«o¶|« A«AP@ p¼oC|É« A«AP@ hC|g T@
¿g@ jQÅ gAH{ hD|¿u| ±{dgAH{ hC{«{À@ @Á¨|´ @½P½È AH@¿) hC|H¿ @o|« jP¿g@ l|¶ g@½(( 9N¶¥| ´A{ {ì|g@ H{AM)ª{
185 Rabeeul Anaam Fi Adeea-e-Khairil Anaam 186
j«{ jP¿g@ §¶tMÄ@ A¬)ª Õ { ÀÚ@ hC|¢¶{tMÅQg O{AY)g{AÍ g@@o¶|¬{ APÁÄ AIPÁ¥ g{¾) ´À{@ hC{L{Ú @o)«| hC{M{AÖ R)g@{ KAT)A {¼| jP¿g@
½{H j«{ hC|g½ IQ|ghC|g R)ÑLÀ@ ¿g@ hC|P¼ hC|g j ¨ ¬Q|ghC{¶{I¥ y ÁP½¥ ±}È ª| R)¶ ´@{
''yA«@ hC{ {ou ???
lg)@{ Ú AP)N´@Ú @{ lg)@{ Ú AP) N´@Ú @{ lg)@{ Ú AP) hC{M{¬¶{ª {@ h C|¶ g@
Know that Allah, Mighty and Glorified be He, will grant to the
one who performs this prayer on this day and recites this
«{ §|x{At)g@ ½|I ´A{ ²|oQ¥AP) XAP)jQ¬X{@Á g@ hXÀ@AP)N´@Ú @{ supplication, ten characteristics. From these are that surely
Allah, the High, will protect him from an evil death, will not
x{A)¢{H{ R T{g@ Q¶ |ª oM¬|g@ P½g |x{AÅ g@ Qg@{ b|T{@Á g@ allow his enemy to dominate him till he dies, protect him from
l|MP½D l|¶¬ NQÐÀ j¬ «{ ¶T@ @o)U´ b¬Ä@ xA)¼| I¦M calamities and poverty, preserve him from madness and
leprosy, render four of his generations safe from all the above
yK|AD og@ Ã|PÃg@ N´@ ´@{ M{¬XÁH{ l|MIUM´@ l|¨Å|´| N¶I{¥ and will not provide access for Iblees and his companions to
reach unto him.'
½}¬ Y«| { ½}¬ Y«| jQH QH fÁ ¢L|Ú@ N´@Ú@{ lg)@{H{ l|¶g@AP) ¶|zÄ@
The narrator says, "I exclaimed, 'All praise is for Allah, who
{Ø ½}¬ Y«| q{QÈ j«{ ¶T@ jQ¬T@ hC{Q¶ l{¶ g@ O|@o)¶Ì q{¬ x{Ú@ has obliged me with your recognition, the recognition of your
'²Å g@ lQ¶ hxA¦g@ R)g@ hCxA¬ÄAH @½X@ @½X@ hDÁª¿L( ½}¬ Y«|
right, the performance of what is obligatory for you due to His
mercy and His obligation. He suffices for me and He is the
yl|«{ hC|MTÁu@ A¬ «{ TÁ{u@ l{Q hC|M¶u¼@ A¬)Q ¶u¼@ Best Support.(1)
N{QH {D@ N¬¨X N´@ ½|PÁP| A«) |¬P ±|AÉP A¬)H{ h|¨|YP j«AP)
hC|TÁ U @Ào¨|É« @¼o¬|Y« ½|¬Yg@ ¶ N¬¨X A«) ½}¬ Y«|
½H hD|ÁQ¨L q{g ¿ g@ ½H hD|Â@Ã)@{ N¬{Ð ´A{ hC{H{ A)TÁ
yjQ¬X{@Á g@ hXÀ@AP) {o¬|t|g@ ½H hD|ÀAC)»@{q{¶ ¦{g@
Á¨|ÉL ¶«@ d¶ IL| i@ «{Áª ¼{oU|H{ ½QÄ Cg)@{AP) ¶|zÄ@
j«{ ¶UL ½Cɬg@ g{¾) d¶ IL| «AP@ ½PÃL i@ ¶¬ Q¶¥ (1) Iqbaal al-A'maal, p. 569-571.
Supplications for the Fulfilment of Needs... 188
SUPPLICATIONS FOR THE j{Q|@ j IU|X@jQ¬g{A g@ j«{ n|À|¾{AX)@|A«) bQ¬T ¥{
gÙ hC|«{ |Í{P Ú QI{´ N{QH {DÚ{ p@½)g@ jQIÌ{Ag@jQÑ{AI)g@
y±}oÅ|H{ ½X×
p{ÁÍ|g{ |I{MP j« T@ ¼{o|U|H{ ´½PA ÀoC|»| N´¾{@@¾)A{
hD|¼@À)@ ´¼@À)@ j« R)¶ jP½D{AU)«| ¶{QIÄ jP½Po
«| {P¼
THOSE NARRATED FROM OUR MASTER S½ L j« R)¶ ´ÁÍ|´@ ¼{½|X| q{«A¥)Ú{ ¦ jPÀoÍ|« ±}oÅ|H{
Supplication of Concealment (Ehtejaab) for j«{ ¶ ¼À{@A¥oD| iAª) Ö{AI)g@ i @{ Ö{AI)g@ °{D{Â@ ° Yg@Á{Í|´@
Imam-e-Zaman (a.t.f.s.) hC|¶T@ À|ÂÚ@ h|C{H{½ ÉP| j|Qg@ h|C{H{Á ¦{L j« ÀAÍ)´@ MQÈ
We commence this chapter with the supplication of
concealment for Imam-e-Zaman (a.t.f.s.) and which is yjQ¬X{@Á g@ hXÀ@AP) M{¬XÁH{ {«@ Â{ÁX{
narrated from him (a.t.f.s.). Sayyed Ibn Taawoos in Mohijj
al-Da'waat, Shaykh al-Kaf'ami in al-Misbaah and Kaashaani
in al-Saheefah al-Mahdawiyyah have narrated it.
(1) Mohijj al-Da'waat, p. 302; Misbaah al-Kaf'ami, p. 219; al-Saheefah
al-Mahdawiyyah, p. 115.
189 Rabeeul Anaam Fi Adeea-e-Khairil Anaam Supplications for the Fulfilment of Needs... 190
(1) Mohijj al-Da'waat, p. 45. ½{P½È {oX {oB|H{ L{à { Â{@Ã)M{@ Ã{PÃL Ã{PÃH{ ¶|zÄ@ ´@{ h C|¶g@
(2) Behaar al-Anwaar, vol. 53, p. 226.
(3) al-Misbaah of Shaykh Tusi (a.r.), p. 220; al-Balad al-Ameen, p. 59; (1) al-Misbaah of Shaykh Tusi (a.r.), p. 265; al-Balad al-Ameen, p. 349;
al-Saheefah al-Mahdawiyyah, p. 67. al-Saheefah al-Mahdawiyyah, p. 46.
191 Rabeeul Anaam Fi Adeea-e-Khairil Anaam Supplications for the Fulfilment of Needs... 192
½{QU¬L ½{Q¬YL ½{QªAMH{ L{À½¥| À{@½)M{¥@ À{@½)¦«{ p{À½¦H{ L{o ¥| b{IÅ g@ q|¨x{
« l{M{B¶Ä O{o¨|¶« O{Á|IT p{à { h{Q {@o)¥@
y M{ À{o ¶|| o ¬|´| o ¬|Å|H{ M{¬ yO{@)A¬)Å g@
b{Q ÁH{ M{¬XÀ i{A«)@ i{@Á)¢|| i{@o)ÐÁ{H{ L{½ «| ²{@)¼ ²{oQ¥ ²{o¬|P½H{ O{@Á)D{Ã g@ · ²{oU|g@ q{Q«{o¬|P¼ ²{@)½g{ OÀA´)@ O ±AÐ)A OÀ@¼) j«AP)
° X j«{ ° Yg@ °{x{A¦)YH{ M{¬XÀ ¹{AÅ)H{ p{ Ì p{A)Å|H{ M{B¶Ä b{P½H Á{Qu ½}¬ Y«| { ½}¬ Y«| R)¶ Ì O{@o)«Ú@ ±{AQ)XÚ@¼½ R)ÍX@
y à { à { j«{ à {g@ ½{¥{A)¬H{ Á Ä{ j«{ Á Å g@ i{o|¨¬H{ ¦ X y@¿)ª@¿)ª H @O{APÁ{Ig@
O{@Á)  O{A)Ñu O{A¥)ÁYH{ jP½PÁ¬|g@ j{Q¨ÅL j{Q´@ j{QYH{ 6. Supplication for the Fulfillment of Needs(1)
b{B ¦L b{Ñ tL b{É tMH{ jP½C{MU¬|g@ {@o)¥@ {A¬)@ {A«)H{jQ¢x{At)g@ Shaykh Bazoofari (a.r.) narrates on the authority of
Imam-e-Zaman (a.t.f.s.),
y jP½H{A)g@ ½{¶ UL ½{U CL ½{IMH{ jPÁH{AÍ g@ O{@À)@Á)«
'Whoever desires anything from Allah, the High,
²|AC) Ú{@ N{AÐ) À|AÍ)HÚ@ O{ÁÅY´@ |o¦||g@ N{¶D¾ h C|¶ g@ he should take the ceremonial bath on the eve of
Friday after midnight, go to his prayer niche and
{ @À)¼@{ j i|o| g@ O{½|H Á|Ö{@o)tg@ O{ÁÍ|¥ ²|AD)Ú@ O{ÀAX) perform two units (rak'at) prayer (pÌ). In the first
i¼| L{À½¥| bx{@½)H ¤{A)Ì@ J{x{AU) ¼@o)H j«{ ÁC»A«) q{Q¢{Qª l{ª| unit, he should recite Surah al-Hamd and when he
reaches to 'we worship only You and we seek help
y x{A¬)Ä f{Á|H| O{A)¬g g|L q{ Á{« R)g@{ e{o¶|I|g@ only from You' (jQ{MÅ´ AP@), he must recite it 100
times, and thereafter, proceed to complete the
b{QHA)P WÁ{t«| O{AP)Ad)g@ q{PAC)´ S
½{I«|| O{Aª)ÁYg@ Á Y«| h C|¶ g@ Surah.
À{ot|Í g@ ½{Q«T h Ì| ° È j«AP) O{AI)g@ i{AI)Ñ¥| b{PÁ¢L Then he should recite Surah al-Tauheed once,
followed by seven glorifications (reciting ·@ iAYIÄ)
i@o)QYg@ AC)«{AQ)XA O{A¥)o¶|t¬¶g{ AQ« ±A«)AC)«{ bI´@O{AQ)Ä{@Á g@ i n e a c h o f t h e g e n u f l e c t i o n s ( coªÀ) a n d
O{AQ¢{u O{@ÀAÈ)@{ °{B|´| j«{ hD{À{A¨) @ Á Ä{ V¶Mu@ A« h¶{ OAI)g@ prostrations (¼oUÄ). He should recite the second
unit exactly like the first one, after which he
yO{AX)À{AÅ g@ {¬g@ O{Ad)g| should recite the following supplication.
À½¥ j« iAY)IÄ| Á¨È h´@ j« iAY)IÄ| W|Á¢g@ «{ _|Á g@ { ½}¬ Y«| R)¶¶ ÍL| i@ ¶|zÄ@ K@Ã)XÚ@ l{g{ l{Q¶ l|¶ g@ R¶ Ì
yÁ¢ yi} | j{H i{
| Á È Q¢{¨L i@ ½}¬ Y«|
Qg@{ ±{AQ)ÈÚ@ J X@ M|Ö@ ½¥ ´A{ M|QÍ ½¥ N|ª| i@{ h C|¶ g@ Finally, he should prostrate and seek his need.
l{H{ «{ A« A¨PÁÈ g c|¼@ hg @½g g ¿t{L@ hg H{ i|A¬)PÚ@ oD| 7. Petition for Need
y Q¶ l{H{ «{ A« Ú ¶ From the petitions(1) seeking help in daunting and terrifying
affairs is the incident of Kashmardiyyah(2), write Surah
j W{Á|t|g@ Ú p{ÁHA¨)¬|g@ l{T Á{Q R)¶ Cg)@{AP) M|QÍ ½¥ al-Hamd, Ayat al-Kursi and Ayat al-Arsh and then write:
{gÂ@ @o)D N|Ö@ j¨{g) M{QH{oH|Á|H{ ¼{oY|U|g@ Ú M{P¼{oI|| ³Qg¿g@ ½Ig@ j« hQXÁg@ j¬)XÁg@ l¶ g@ hÅH
yi|AB QÉ g@ It reaches to his saying RdBP ×, then he said, 'Then pray
whatever you wish. Write this story with a pen and place it in
i@{ h}g{A» ÁQ Ho´|¿|I{ H¿ L| iA{ i|AQ)Ig@ R ¶ q|U Y|g@ ¶ a pellet of clean and pure earth. Thereafter, recite Surah
bB¦L RMX , h|PÁªAP) h|PÁªAP) hPÁª ¼@o)T ´A{ ¬XÁL gÁ¢{dL Yaasin on it and throw it into a deep well or a river or deep
water spring. If Allah wishes, you will succeed.'
yƢg@ Then he said, 'And from these is the seeking of help from
Hazrat Mahdi (a.t.f.s.). Write what we have mentioned in a
9o¦P h brief petition and throw it on the grave of any of the Imams
(a.s.). Or, secure it, seal it, mix it with clean soil and throw it in
j«{ {«AH{ ¶|zÄ@ À¿{X §x{Au) «{ ±}È ª| ±}È ª| j«{ A«{AP) the river or a deep well or a water spring. It will reach to
½}¬ Y«| { ½}¬ Y«| R)¶ ¶ ÍL| i@ «{ ±}È ª ¤{ou ±}È ª| Imam-e-Zaman (a.t.f.s.) and he (a.t.f.s.) will fulfill your needs
himself. Write:
¶ l{H{ N¬´@A«) Á{x{AÄ) ½g| ¶D@ Å¢g{A´A«)@ QB{L| i@
±}È ª| R)¶ ´@{@½H@ ±}È j«{ À¿X@ Ú @½X@ ¤Au)@ Ú RMX Q¶ l{¶ g@ O|@o¶Ì Úo«AP) N|IMª h{QXÁ g@ j¬)XÁg@ l{¶g@ h{ÅH{
y|Qªog@ h´{ l|¶g@ A)I|ÅX ÁP½¥ j«{ H{ h | T à l{¶ gAH{ @ÁQUMÅ«| H ô A« O|o¨È AQdMÅ«|
ÁQ Ig| Ó H I¶ÄÁ¨ { AÖ@
I¶¥ dÈ@
¬D¼ ½¥Á}«@
jH ¶ × _À jH jQÅYg@× iA¬ jH ½¬Y« n½g× Á¬g@
Á IL|Q¶tg@ n{¼{À|| QtL ½{ ¬¶Ä×½{ l{¶ g@ q{¬´{ ÁQBu 9hD½XH ¼AM s½C¬g@ K@oH×@o´Aª ±ÚC Á¬Åg@ ½¬Y«
´Au M¶QX l{{A ¼{ j OÃUh|Q¬Yg@ gÙ l{g{AI¥Ù x@ÁL ½{ ´@
l{¶ g@ {QIÄ LA i @
½|CÈ× Q¶ ²Ä i | jH i |AP)
T l{¶ g{ q{¶zŬg@ { N|¶ª oL QgÙ l{Q AU¶ Lo ¥| ÁIÌ l{¶{¬ YL l{¶ g@ ½{ g Mg@ L{AQX M|IÖAu ½¥ fÂÁ« l{¶ g@½{
K À l{¶ g@ j«{ ´{A¨¬H{ A¬¶{ l{{A ¼{ Q¶ l{Q¶ n| A q|¦g@ N´A
l{QgÙ AC¬¶Å sA´)Ú o« R)gÙ MTAX M¥À| n{¿{D) TÃ
yÀ{o«|Ú@ { g{A« Á{QH½Mg@ g{ jQ¬gAg@ ±AÉ´Ù MTAX RѦL ÁP½dg@ × ÁzIg@ × ÁCg@ AC«À@ h j|Q«Ú
A¦ QM«| Á«@ n| A T l{QgÙ q{A¢É g@ { q{ÀAŬ|g@ H{ A¦{@ y''( l¶ g@
ÁP½T Úo«AP) N´@ go Ä| ±{ABA{H{ APÙ R)gAL ÀAIL l{M{HATÚ{
8. Supplication of ²AMg@ «A¨g@ ·@ ²Ä
Ú A¬Q , @¿ª@¿ª , Á{«@
Q ¶«@
°{P½ÍL » °{Q¦YMH{ Allamah Majlisi (r.a.) narrates from the author of Qabs
l{ {AÐÚ{
n| A¦Y{MÅ«| N|ª| iÙ l{Q¶ g ÁIÌ Ú l{¶{¬YH{ g q¥AÖ al-Misbaah who writes that he heard Shaykh Abu Abdillah
al-Husain Ibn al-Hasan Ibn Babwayh (r.a.) at Rayy(2) in the
T Ã l{¶g{ Mg@ O{AIT{@og@ { BPÁ¢L gA × [{QI¦H{ year 440 A.H. narrate from his uncle Abu Ja'far Muhammad
T Ã l{¶ g{ qgA
Ŭg@ ²{½ ¥ §{C¶ g@ ½{ Q¶ l{¶ g@ O|@o¶Ì Úo« Ibn Ali Ibn Babwayh (r.a.)(3), 'One of my teachers from Qum
reported, "I was afflicted with a terrible tragedy which made
q|¬g@ N{BÅ{H| I{ ±{@½Ú
@ q{LA¬È §{¶Mg@ {o¶|X| I¥ Á«@
my condition miserable but I felt uncomfortable to let anybody
y ¶ else know about it from my family or friends. I slept in this
state of grief when I dreamt that a handsome man, well
{A«Ú@ e|o¶|H| l{Q AIPÁ¥ AYML @ÃPÃ @ÁÍ´ g l|g|T T l{¶ g@ {A
dressed and perfumed. His traits were like some of our
teachers from Qum from whom I used to study. I said to
AC¶ª| ¤{{At¬g@ j«{ j|«Ú
@ {A¬
Ú@ h|QL@ou ¼AI¬g@ Á|Qu{ myself, 'Till when will I endure my hardships and afflictions
and not let anyone from my brothers know about it? This man
{ |Qªog@ h´{ IÅX oD| A ±|AÉP A¬g{ n| A T l|´Ù }AX ª| is from my teachers and I should mention my problem to him.
y{¬g@ @{½I¬g@ Perhaps he may solve it for me. He initiated the conversation
(1) Behaar al-Anwaar, vol. 102, p. 235.
½QÄ jH iA¬A«Ù K@oH@ ÓH ½¬L ÁP½dg@× ÁCg@ ½ÍL h (2) Ancient name for Tehran, Iran - Tr.
(3) Famous as Shaykh al-Saduq (a.r.) - Tr.
197 Rabeeul Anaam Fi Adeea-e-Khairil Anaam Supplications for the Fulfilment of Needs... 198
with me saying,
yjQ«oÍ|¬g@ p{@½)C|g@ q{¬ x{Ú
@ j{H@ ²{oÍ|¬g@ ¼{AC)g@
'Return to your path towards Allah, the High, seek
help from Saaheb al-Zaman (a.t.f.s.) and take him y jQ«{o ¬|g@ jQ¬¶{Ŭ|g@ ²A«)@{AP) Q¶ ²|
Å g@
as your refuge. For surely, he is the best of helpers
and a protection for his believing friends. yjQQÌog@ q{¬¨X{ c¼oMÅ«|jQQI{g@ h{¶{
À{@)AP) Q¶ ²|Å g@
Thereafter, he caught his right hand and said, 'See
it, salute it and ask it to intercede on your behalf yjP½g@ q¬Í{ AP) Q¶ ²|Åg@
from Allah, the High, in the fulfillment of your
needs.' yjQ¢ÑMŬ|g@ jQ«{o ¬|g@ à {«|AP) Q¶ ²|Å g@
I said, 'Teach me how I should say it because my grief has
made me forget all the Ziyarat and Supplications. He heaved a yjQ¬g{A g@ jPÁI¨M¬|g@ jPÁ {A¨)g@ ¿{«|AP) Q¶ ²|
Å g@
deep sigh and said, 'There is no power or strength but through
Allah.' Then he touched my chest with his hand and remarked, yi{A«)Ã g@ JX{AÌ)AP) Ú o«AP) Q¶ ²|
Å g@
'Allah will suffice for you and no evil will befall you. Purify
yourself and perform two units of prayers. Then stand up, yl{¶ g@ {oÄ|À jHAP Q¶ ²|Å g@
facing the Qiblah, beneath the sky and say.(1)
yjQ«{o ¬|g@ Á{Q«@ jHAP Q¶ ²|Å g@
l|LAª)ÁH q|¬x{@½g@ l|L|@o)¶Ì² )g@ |«{AÉ g@ ² AMg@ |«{A¨)g@ l{¶ g@ ²|Ä
l{M{¢Q¶u n{¼{H{ l{Ð{À@ l{Qg{ l{C¶g@ q{U X| R)¶ q|« AMg@ q|¬x{¦)g@ yjQ¬gA) g@ ±{Å)´{ p{½QÄ ±{ØÁ)DÃ g@ q¬Ö{A ) jHAP Q¶ ²|Å g@
J{X{AÌ) p{o¢Í g@ p{ÁM{g@ q{Q¦{H p{o I|g@ q{gÄ| n{¼{AI){ l{¦{¶u R)¶ °{¶tg@ R¶ ²{A«)Ú @ jQ«oÍ|¬g@ V{UY|g@ q{¬ xÚ
@ jHAP Q¶ ²|
Å g@
Á{È{A´) Õ { ÀÚ@ Á{C B«| i{Á¦|g@ ²{A¨)X@ j{¦ ¶«| i{A¬)PÚ@ Á{C{«| i{A«)à g@ yjQ¬T@
Á{M¬|g@ ²{A«)Ú@ ¼{½C¬g@ h{x{A¦)g@ q{U Y|g@Õ { Ág@ {oB g@ {½g@ yq{PÚ o{g@ g Î
} ¶{t«| ²
Ä Ú o« AP) Q¶ ²|
Å g@
jQQÐ{Á¬g@ ±{AQ)Ì{Ú
@ j{H@{ Ì{og@ jPÁD{AB g@ q{¬ x{Ú@ j{H@ Ð{Á¬g@
(1) Shaykh Kaf'ami says in al-Balad al-Ameen, 'This is a petition to Hazrat
ÀÚ@ ¬L ¿g@ N´@ { Úo¥ ½{C¬g@ ²|A«)Ú@ ´@ ½|CÈ@
Mahdi (a.t.f.s.) that has to be recited after taking the ceremonial bath and
performing two units of prayers beneath the sky. In the first unit, recite
y@ÀoT A¬¶»| Nz¶{«| A«) ½HÚ½ ABÅ¥{
Surah al-Hamd and Surah al-Fath and in the second unit, Surah al-Hamd
and Surah al-Nasr. After you have finished the prayers, stand up and say: ÀAÍ)´@ Áª ´A«) KÁ ¥ TÁt« C Ä TÁ l|¶ g@ U
Salaamullah al-Kaamel…. Also see, Behaar al-Anwaar, vol. 102, p. 246.
199 Rabeeul Anaam Fi Adeea-e-Khairil Anaam Supplications for the Fulfilment of Needs... 200
y''jQÀ{@o)g@ h|C|¶U´
remaining part of my life. None knew about this entire
episode, which had afflicted me, till this day. All praise is for
Allah and for Him is abundant gratitude.
@¿ª @¿)ª MTAX)l{¶ g@ {oÄ|À jHAPi{A«)à g@ JX{AÌ)AP) Úo«AP)
Qg@{ N|CT oL ½¦ AC)X{AU)´ g b¢É ZMTAXÁª¾@\ 9. Supplication for the Grace (Tawfeeq) of Obedience(1)
y@¼o¬|Y« A«A¦)« qgoI|¦« qA¢)È l{¶g@ ½{ g i @ ¬¶{g{ MTAY)H{ iA )Á{q{Qg@ f½Ì{ q{QÍ{¬g@½H|q{AB g@ °Q oL A)¥Â|À@ h C|¶g@
K{@o)Í gAH{ A)MÅ{g@ ¼½ Ä q{«A¦)MÄÚ{@ S)½C|gAH{ A)«Á{ª@ q{«ÁY|g@
½{ h¨|g ¿g@ i{AÉ gAH{ n{Á Å{g{ hª|AÑ)LÀ@ n{Á{«AH{ h¨|Í Mu@ j{« ° YI{
²{@Á)Yg@ j«{ A)´oB|H| ÁC Ö q{ Á{¬g@ h{¶{gAH{ A)Ho¶|¥| «@ q{¬¨Y{g@
Lo¼ q{HAT)@{ MI¶{Ö [{U´| R)gA) L l{¶ g@ {Äl|QH h¨|QH l{¶ g@
j{ A´)ÀAÍ)H@ Ó Ñ|@ q{¥ÁÅ g@ h{¶ g@ j{ A)P½{P@ §¢|ª@ q{CIÉ g@
yMHÁª| §{ɪ
yq{IQdg@o{d¶ g@ j{ A)A¬)Ä@ ¼½|Ä@ q{´AQ)t{g@{ À{oU|¢|g@
He said: I got up and I was certain of mercy and salvation. A
large part of the night was still remaining. Quickly, I rose and ½{CU|gAH{ jQ¬¶ M¬|g@ R¶ q{YQÍg@ ½{Dà gAH{ A)x{A¬)¶| R)¶ Ñ ¢L
wrote whatever he had taught me, fearing lest I forget it. I
purified myself, went beneath the sky and performed two units RÐÁ« R)¶ q{{o¬g@ c{AI)LÚ{AH{ jQ¬{MŬ|g@ R¶ q{IÁ g@
of prayers. In the first rak'at, after the Surah al-Hamd, I R)¶ q{¬XÁ g@ q{ @Á gAH{ hD|AL)o« R)¶ q{X@Á g@ ±{A¢)É gAH{ jQ¬¶{Ŭ|g@
recited Surah al-Fath as he had specified for me, and in the
second rak'at, Surah al-Nasr as the second Surah. On R¶q{HoMg@ q{HA´)Ú{AH{ K{AI)É g@ R¶ q{Q¨Å g@ À{A¥)ogAH{ A)t{P{AÉ)«
completing my prayers, I stood up facing the Qiblah, recited
y q{¢ {g@ ±{AQ)YgAH{ ±{AÅ)g@
the Ziyaarat, prayed for my needs and sought the help of my
master, Saaheb al-Zamaan (a.t.f.s.). Thereafter, I went in the
prostration of thanksgiving (sajdah al-shukr) and prolonged
q{A)¦g@ Á{IÍ gAH{ ±{@Á)¦¢|g@ R¶ q{Å g@ b{Ð|@o)MgAH{ ±{AQ){Ú@ R¶
my supplications in it to an extent that I became concerned q{X@Á g@ Ï { tgAH{ ±{@Á)ÄÚ|@ R¶ q{I¶dg@ Á{ÍgAH{ p{@Á)d|g@ R¶
about the delay of the night-vigil prayers. Again, I performed
my recommended prayers and after the morning prayers, I j{ÅX| ¤{AÍ)´Ú{AH{ q{Q{Á g@ R¶ q{¦¢É g@ {½gAH{ ±{@Á)«Ú|@ R¶
discharged the subsequent recommended acts and sat in my
(1) al-Misbaah of Kafa'mi, p. 208; al-Balad al-Ameen, p. 349.
201 Rabeeul Anaam Fi Adeea-e-Khairil Anaam Supplications for the Fulfilment of Needs... 202
_}@o)g@ O{@¾) R)¶ M{PA¢)ª{ j«{ l|M¶¬X À½{¥| ½¥ Á}«@ R)¶ ±|A¬)g@ R¦MgA LÀAT)@{ AD)Á{QÄÚ{ ¥ ÖÚ{ AD)Á{QŪ R¶ ÁIT O@
yÁ}Ä|¼| yÀ{oI|g@ {PogAH{ l{Q@¼) RIg À{Á|ѬgAH{ Á|Ñ g@ §YT@ AD)Á{QUMŬ|g{
AtPÁÌ l|g ½U{P hg hQCH l{L{ÁQX j«{ }Qg ½|Ig@ Vg @¾)@{ j«AP) qU g| Õ
| ot|P D ²@W}@À) g oD| ±{
Ig@ qÅPÁ Ú o«AP) l||½L C
l|I|¶|BP AQg{ AQd«| AtPÁÌ M{´o|« j«{ ½Th}Q¬X g{ j«{ l|u|Á|ÍP yW}Ú Qg@{ oD| ±{A¬ dg@
yl{T{Á ²
@ l|g Á|C{P|l{T{ÁX n{Á{«@ °{QÐ j«{ l{QUP|AQX
{¬X £|¶|H@ Ú R¦)Mg@ Å¢´ R)¶ ° È|@ Ú N|ª| i@{ Úo«
À}AMu À}o¢|ª ¨|g{ qd«{@¼)À{AIT ¨|g{ l|L|A¬)¦´ pÁD{A¥) l|L|À½¥| j«AQ) h C|¶ g@ yAQ)´½ g@@oÑ| À ²}o¥ { ¶Ä{ h|{M´@ ÚAÐ)Á g@ £¶I« q{AB g@ ±{AI)@
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UÄ@ i{oQ||g@ Ê|¬|A¬) g@ j«{ n{A¢)Ég@ |H¾| S)oB g@ j«{ i{oB|I|g@ Î | ¬u| hC|
c|À|à g@ AC)«{ N¢¶L c|Á|Ñ g@ AC)«{ N¢ T q}DA) j«{ q¬Q¦«| {gà g@ AP)AB tgAH{ }Q¦ Á}C»{¬g@ j«{ §}ÑH{ M|QL@ H ±{A¨)I|g@ j«{
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} ¢´
{P¼ ±{AQ)g{Ú{
´@ P½g qPÀ¾ Qg@{ q¶QÄ K ÀAP) Q¢¨P A¬) @
i{A¬)XÁ g@ ½{QH{ AC)H|ÁÈ| AC)Ä|Á Ãx{@Á)dg{ A¢X{ A¢Y{ Cg)@ K{AM)¨{g{ Æ H{ Ú hC{Q ±{Ig@ K{AI)¶U{g{}Ad)«| hC{M{IY« }@o)«|
b|B¦L| l{Ä{A¢H{ Ã YL| i{AB QÉ g@ ½{QH{ io¨|L i@ i{A)U{g@ {ou|½|H{AC)L|AU)´ yÇÀ{@¼) hC{H{ ±{A)g@ {¬ YL
yà UL|
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«{ À|½T@ j«{ A {@¼) ¬{PÁX j io¨|P iA
H{ «{ R)g@ j¬ Cg)@{ yA«oT|| ²}oT|| ½HA«o¬|D|
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iÙ N¶ Ð p{ÁQYg@ q{«AC)« ADAC) @ Ng A«@½)¥@ À@½)L Cg)@{ Cg)@{ { @½|¬T AC)MÑI¥ og hC{Ä{o¢|´| | g{A«) N´@½x{¥ hC{¢{Åu j«{
205 Rabeeul Anaam Fi Adeea-e-Khairil Anaam Supplications for the Fulfilment of Needs... 206
y@½|¬u AC)MB¥ og hC{Ä{A¢)´@ ¼ @o)« M{ÑI¥ n{¼{AÅ) n{Á{¨« n{Á È j«{ ¤Á{Ì@ Á¢X ¥{oQ|g{ ÁzI{g@g{Á|¢{YP
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Ug@ WAL) l|MTo L j« { AH{ Qg@{ K|Á ¦L@
207 Rabeeul Anaam Fi Adeea-e-Khairil Anaam Supplications for the Fulfilment of Needs... 208
g{oÄ|À ½}¬ Y«| ¼{AI){ R)¶ {Q«@ ¦{¶u MU X| q{g Å g@ ¼AC)g@h{Ug@ K{Ág@½{QÄh{¶ g@ _{AI)Í«{ h{¨Y{g@ c{oI|P
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tg@ £|¶|IP Ú AD)ÁP¼A¦)« @o)Ä{ ¤|Á{P Ú
209 Rabeeul Anaam Fi Adeea-e-Khairil Anaam Supplications for the Fulfilment of Needs... 210
«{ ½ È@ g jªÀ| Ú Cg)@{ ÁP¼A¦)¬H{ g °¦ X» j{ÅX@ NQB@ l{H{ N¶z{Ä| @¾)@{ NIT@ l{H{ NQ¼| @¾)@{ ¿g@ ¬{ÄAH{ ¶|zÄ@
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y ªÀ{¼@
17. His (a.t.f.s.) Supplication for Salvation from
Difficulties and Sorrows(1)
16. Supplication for Great Calamities (±Ig@ h) through
Another Narration(1) ½}¬ Y«| R)¶ Ì À{oI|¦|g@ j« {AH)AP) À{o«|Ú|@ ÁH½«|AP)À{og@ Ào´|AP)
Sayyed Ibn Taawoos (a.r.) mentions, 'The prayers of
ATÁt« h C{g@ j«{ ATÁ °{QÑg@ j«{ MQÉg{ g T@ ½}¬ Y«| {
al-Hujjah al-Qaem (a.t.f.s.) consists of two rak'ats. In each
unit, Surah al-Hamd is recited, wherein the sentence ' ½|I´ P@ N´@A«) A)H{ @ W|Á ¢P| A«) ½{{ j«{ A)g °¶{Ö@ VC¬g@ A)g bÄ{@
jQMÅ´ P@' is to be recited hundred (100) times. After this
Surah, recite Surah al-Tawheed once and then, supplicate in y h|PÁªAP) l|¶|D@
the following manner:
18. His (a.t.f.s.) Supplication for Salvation from
Õ| ÀÚ@ N{¥AÐ) ±|AB d{g@ §É¨´@ ±|A¢)tg@ _Á{H ±|Ig@ h| h C|¶ g@ Difficulties and Sorrows, famous as 'WÁ¢g@ ±A¼' (2)
|o ¬|g@ Q¶R¨)Mɬ|g@ K ÀAP) Qg@{ ±|A¬)Å g@ N{Ä A¬)H{ Abul Hasan Ibn Abi al-Baghl al-Kaatib chronicles, 'Abu
Mansoor Ibn al-Saalehaan entrusted me with some work. In
y±{Au)Á g@ p{½ É g@ the course of this work, something happened between me and
him, which forced me to go into hiding. He searched for me
{U hC{M{AB H{ A)LÁ«@ jP¿g@½}¬ Y«| {Ø ½}¬ Y«| R)¶ Ì h C|¶ g@ (1) Al-Misbaah of Kaf'ami, p. 305; al-Saheefah al-Mahdawiyyah, p. 111.
(1) Jamaal al-Usboo', p. 170; Behaar al-Anwaar, vol. 91, p. 190; Wasaael (2) Dalaael al-Imaamah, p. 304; Behaar al-Anwaar, vol. 95, p. 200 & vol. 91,
al-Shia, vol. 8, p. 185. p. 349.
213 Rabeeul Anaam Fi Adeea-e-Khairil Anaam Supplications for the Fulfilment of Needs.. 214
{ M{CP hg p{ÁPÁUgAH{ ¿u{)P| hg j«AP)[QI¦g@ ÁMÄ Q¬Ug@ ÁC»@ j«AP)
bÄ{@)AP)Â{|AU)Mg@ jÅXAP) [{¢Í g@ hPÁªAP) j ¬g@ hQAP) ÁMÅ g@
ª| qPA)AP) S)oU´ ª| RC)M«|AP) q{¬XÁ gAH{ j{P½Qg@ ºÄ{AH)AP) p{Á¢{d¬g@
yAC)¥{A¦)YM{Ä@ I¥ h{gAH{Ax½{MI«|AP) j}QMÅ«| ª| ioAP) S)o¨È
n|AHÀAP) - 10 times
n|@½)QÄAP) - 10 times
n|AQ)go«AP) - 10 times
n|AM)PA)AP) - 10 times
n|AM)IÀ RC)M«|AP) - 10 times
l{M{H@ ½}¬ Y«| ° YH{ h C|¶ g@ ¶|zÄ
@ l{M{QH {D
@ ½}¬ Y«| R)¶ Ì h C|¶g@
R)¶ hC{H{ M
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@ j«{ @½X× l|Md¶ HA«) Ñ
@ hC{H{ Md¶ H ´{@o)ÐÀ{ M{AÖ
y g{¾)
N¬¦M´@ÚÙJ}g{AÖ H@
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@ Qg{ ° YH{ ¶|zÄ
A«) @½H
@ h}¶|H{ ´ ½|PÁP| j« q´o « l{H{ MQ¢ª ¬¶» j¬ «{ l{H{g
HAS REACHED UNTO US j«{ MQU ´ l{H{ MQ¢ª ÚÙ sj{QÅY|g@ j{H ¶{ Qg{ ° YH{ ¶|zÄ
Ú Ù s½}¬ Y«| j{HÁ{¢T ¶{ Qg{ ° YH{ h C|¶ g@ ¶|zÄ@
RIGHT OF h{»{A¨)g@ Á}¢T j{H RÄo«| [{g{AÍ g@ ½{Ig@ Qg{ ° YH{ h C|¶ g@ ¶|zÄ@
l| |Au)@
A¬ «{ l{H{ MQ A) Ú Ù ²|
Å g@ l{Q¶ l{{QdH{
j«{ jBHA«) AC)«{ ÁC»A«) ´½H _{À{@o)T½ÅT Á{x{AÄ) b{Q¬T
AP) L{À½¦|H{ c{AT)Ú
@ {
@ Õ
{ @Á)«Ú
@ ²{A¦)ÄÚ
@ b{Q¬T
Allamah Majilisi (a.r.) has recorded this salutation in Behaar l{H{ MQU´
@Ú@{ s AÐ)Á g@ RÄo«| j{H ¶{ Qg{ ° YH{ h C|¶g@ ¶|zÄ
al-Anwaar(1) and after completing its narration he writes, 'I
have recorded it in the book of 'Qabs al-Misbaah' with À@Á)Ig@ { ÀA¢)Ä
@ b{Q¬T n|À|¿X
@ l| |Au)@
A¬ «{ M¬¶ Ä
(1) Behaar al-Anwaar, vol. 102, p. 251.
217 Rabeeul Anaam Fi Adeea-e-Khairil Anaam Salutations which has reached unto us... 218
yÀ{AY)I{g@ Õ
{ AQ)d{g@ q{P¼{Ú@ À{A¢)¦{g@ gÙ ´{AÅ)XÙ hP½¥ ¶ N¢{Xh D K}Áª ª| j«{ MQU ´l{H{
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Qg{ ° YH{ h C|¶ g@ ¶|zÄ@
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A¬ l{H{ dMÄ@
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y ¥{ÂÀ{ ¶{Ñ ¬{´{ y ¢{B L ¶{Ñ ¢L «{Áª M{¬XÀ M{ @À ¬H{LÁu{Ø
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219 Rabeeul Anaam Fi Adeea-e-Khairil Anaam Salutations which has reached unto us... 220
g jQ«{AÅ g@jQIQ B g@ A)QI{´ Ø Î u| qQ«{A´) qQª{@Â) {Ø I{g@ ½}¬ Y«| R)¶ l{¦{¶u b{Q¬T l{¶{Ä|À| l{M{¨x{« l{¶ g@ O|@o)¶Ì
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@ÚÙ @ÁI«{ Ú l|¥Á ÚÙ@½T|Ú
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yjQ¬X{@Á g@ hXÀ@
AP) hC|« TÁ T@
(1) Misbaah al-Zaaer, p. 228-229; Behaar al-Anwaar, vol. 102, p. 102.
223 Rabeeul Anaam Fi Adeea-e-Khairil Anaam Salutations which has reached unto us... 224
{À{@) jQ«{o ¬|g@ ²{A«)@{ ½{C¬g@ ¼AC)g@ §{¶tg@ R¶ Ì n{ ½| l{M{« A) l{M{Ì Au) l{M{Q{À l{M{QÈ l{M{PÀ ¾| l{Å{¢´ l{B{@ h C|¶g@
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y Á|Q n|¼Aª) j¬H{Á¨|«@ n|@¼)A) j« ª| ¶{D@
n|@)A´) j« ª| ¾{@
h C|¶g@
227 Rabeeul Anaam Fi Adeea-e-Khairil Anaam Salutations which has reached unto us... 228
n{À{o´| ±{¢)ÖÙ R)Ä n{Á{«A
H{ iAC)MÄ@ l|¦ X n|½YT j« Ì{A MÄ@
yn{Á{ª¾{ ¼A¬)u@{ ¼@À)@
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''( yÁP½¥ ±}È ª| R)¶ ´@{ pÁu{Ø AQ´¼|
The seal of the traditionalists, Shaykh Abbas Qummi (a.r.)
writes in Mafaateeh al-Jenaan:
The manners of visitation are numerous. For the sake of
EIGHT CHAPTER brevity, we shall mention hereunder just a few of them:
1. Performing the ritual bath before commencing the
ZIYAARAAT FOR journey of visitation.
In the beginning of this chapter, we shall mention the etiquette 5. Wear clean and pure clothes, preferably white.
of the visitation of the Holy Graves. 6. While moving towards the holy shrines, take small and
In the forthcoming chapters, we shall mention the Ziyaaraat light steps with utmost calm, dignity and humility. Lower
recited by Imam-e-Zaman (a.t.f.s.) for his infallible ancestors your head, do not raise it very high and don't keep
(a.s.) and which have been mentioned in reliable books. looking at your sides.
Similarly, we shall reproduce the Ziyaaraat pertaining to 7. Perfume yourself with a good fragrance except while
Imam-e-Zaman (a.t.f.s.) narrated by him (a.t.f.s.) and his visiting the grave of Imam Husain (a.s.).
infallible ancestors (a.s.).
8. While walking towards the holy shrines, keep uttering
Allaho Akbar, Subhaanallah, La Ilaaha illallah and
al-Hamdolillah. Perfume your mouth by sending
salutations on Muhammad (s.a.w.a.) and
231 Rabeeul Anaam Fi Adeea-e-Khairil Anaam Ziyaaraat for Imam-e-Zamana (a.t.f.s.).... 232
of prayers and gift them to him (s.a.w.a.)… 21. Keep away from vanities, improper conversation and
talks regarding worldly affairs because these are disliked
17. Perform the prayers of ziyaarat, which is a minimum of
and condemned in the normal course of life, act as an
two units. Shaykh Shaheed (r.a.) recommends, 'If you
obstacle in the conferment of sustenance and lead to the
visit the Prophet (s.a.w.a.), perform the prayers in the
hardening of the heart. Hence, these are even more
holy mosque. But when you visit anyone of the Imams
abominable in this holy land and beneath this lofty tomb,
(a.s.), then pray near the head of the grave. It is also
in particular, the majesty and greatness of which has
permissible to pray in the mosque of the shrine.' Allamah
been described by Allah, the Almighty Himself in Holy
Majlisi (r.a.) writes, 'Based on what I have seen, it is
extremely meritorious to perform the prayers of ziyaarat
behind the grave or near the head.'
b ÁL| i@ ·
| @ i¾{@{ O{}oQ|H| R {
18. Recite Surah Yaasin in the first unit and Surah Rahmaan
'Houses which Allah has permitted to be
in the second, if the prayers of ziyaarat, which he is
raised and in which He is remembered'.(1)
performing, are not in exact accordance with the
traditions. After finishing these prayers, supplicate to 22. Do not raise your voice very loudly while reciting the
Allah as much as possible for matters related to this ziyaarat as has been cautioned in the book 'Hadiyyah
world as well as the hereafter. Inshallah, soon your al-Zaaer'.
prayers will be accepted.
23. When you intend to leave the city, bid farewell to the
19. Shaykh Shaheed (r.a.) prescribes, 'Whoever enters the Imam (a.s.) in the words of the infallible Imams (a.s.) or
holy mosque while the imam is leading the prayers, he in your own words.
must join the prayers before the ziyaarat. The same
24. Turn to Allah, seek forgiveness from Him and pray that
applies when the time of obligatory prayers begins.
He makes your actions and your words after the
Otherwise, he can first recite the ziyaarat because that is
visitation better than before.
the purpose of his visit. If congregational prayers are
established, it is recommended for the visitors to 25. The custodians of the holy shrine must be generous in
terminate their ziyaarat and join the prayers because spending on the visitors. They should be from the
leaving the prayers at that moment is abominable and this goodly, righteous, religious and honourable people. They
is what the owner of the shrine (a.s.) had ordered.' should be forbearing towards the visitors and not
express their anger on them and inflict their wrath upon
20. According to Shaykh Shaheed (r.a.), from the etiquette
them. In fact, they must try to fulfill the wants of the
of ziyaarat is recitation of a part of Quran near the holy
grave and to gift it to the owner of the shrine (a.s.). (1) Surah Noor.
235 Rabeeul Anaam Fi Adeea-e-Khairil Anaam Ziyaaraat for Imam-e-Zamana (a.t.f.s.).... 236
needy and guide the strangers when they lose their way. ziyaarat, distracting them and preventing them from
Briefly, it is appropriate for the custodians and servants sincere worship in this holy land. Whereas, it is required
of the shrine that they be true servants in every sense of from the men to pray with utmost humility and cry before
the word i.e. they must strive to keep the shrine clean, the Almighty in their worship, tasks that become difficult
preserve it, protect the visitors and other such services. with women hovering around. Thus, they (women)
become from those who are obstacles in the way of
26. It is recommended for the neighbors of the shrine to
Allah and consequently, these acts become denial of
spend generously on the poor and the destitute and be
religion instead of being enumerated amongst the acts of
kind to them, specially the saadaat(1) and the religious
worship. They become the cause of Allah's punishment
scholars who are staying in a strange land in straitened
instead of being the reason to gain proximity to Him.
circumstances but raise the standard of reverence for
Imam Sadeq (a.s.) narrates from his ancestor Ameerul
Allah's signs. For sure, there are a number of reasons
Momineen (a.s.), 'O people of Iraq! I have heard that
found in them that make them deserving but the presence
your women brush shoulders with men on roads.
of any one of them makes it obligatory to help them and
Don't you have any shame? Surely, Allah curses the
observe their rights.
one who does not have any shame.' In another
27. Shaykh Shaheed (r.a.) says, 'From the etiquette of tradition narrated by Asbagh Ibn Nubaatah, Ameerul
ziyaarat is that after you have achieved your purpose, in Momineen (a.s.) says, 'In the last era and near the day
respect of the shrine, come out of it at the earliest and of judgement, which will be the worst of eras,
renew your zest for the same. The ladies should seat women will appear without veils, naked and devoid
separately and not mingle with the gents. It is preferable of religion. They will create mischief, tend towards
that they visit the shrine in the nights and in disguise i.e. lust, hasten to carnal pleasures, convert the
change their good and beautiful dresses for thick and prohibited acts into permissible ones and shall reside
coarse clothes that they may not be recognized. in hell forever.'
Although it is permissible for them to visit the shrine with
28. To avoid trouble for the other visitors, don't stay near
men but it is abominable.' I say, 'From the above, it is
the holy grave for a long time. Make your ziyaarat and
known how repugnant and offensive is the practice of
supplication short and move away so that others also get
the ladies of our times, particularly when they come out
the opportunity to go near the holy grave and achieve
for ziyaarat. They wear the best of clothes, thereby
success like you.
putting at discomfort the men in the holy shrine. They
physically push and shove the men near the holy shrine
or sit in the place of prayers for men to recite their
(1) Those from the progeny of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.a.).
237 Rabeeul Anaam Fi Adeea-e-Khairil Anaam Ziyaaraat for Imam-e-Zamana (a.t.f.s.).... 238
SECOND SUB-CHAPTER h|¨|M{{QÈ b« À{@Á)¦g@ À{@¼) h¨|« Á ¦¬g@À{Ag@ j«{ MI¥À | A¨) D{
y À{@½ g@ J¦| h{ hL|ÁIÌA¬)H{ h¨|Q¶ ²|
Å g@ À{@Á)HÚ@
NARRATED ON THE AUTHORITY OF h¨|I{ Ó | Po¢Mg@ h|¨|Q¶ Ó | Po¢Mg@ h¨|Qg@{ A¬)Q h¨|¶|«{ h¨|¶|x{AÄ) A´@
yÓ | QdL A«) ²|@oXÀÚ@ ¼|@¼)ÃLA«) Ó| PÁ¬g@ ¢ÉP Ó | QC¬g@ Á|IUP|
1. Special Ziyaarat for the month of Rajab from hÅ{¦«| h¨|H{ l{¶ g@ R¶ h¶Å«| h¨|g{o¦g{ j«{o «| hª|Á Å{g{ ´@{
Imam-e-Zamaan (a.t.f.s.)
Shaykh Toosi (a.r.) has narrated this Ziyaarat in (his book) h¨|P½g ´o É|H{ AC)X{@Á)H@{AC)X{AU)´@{ AC)x{AÑ)¥ Ux{@o)YH{ TÀ
'Misbaah' through his chain of narrators which reaches to Abul yc}¼{o«| l|Ux{@o)X h¨|g c}¼ o«| ²Äh¨|Q¶ ²|Å g@ AC)X{Ì
Qaasim Husain Ibn Rawh (the third special deputy) from
Imam-e-Zamaan (a.t.f.s.):
j«{ T{ÁP| i@ b}B{¦«ÁQ h¨|Qg@{ l|Q|Ä bT{Á¬g@ h|¨|Qg@{ l¶ g@ |A
{ ¢u c{Á{¬«| K}A)T R)g@{b}T{Á«ÁQu h¨|M{ÑX
'Visit any of the shrines in the month of Rajab.
When you enter the holy shrine, say…
q}¼ b}Ä o«| Ê}Q Ó
Similarly, Sayed Ibn Taawoos (a.r.) has also narrated this {ÂÚ@ h{Qg@ Y« Á}QÍ« ÁQu {TÚ@ jQX R)g@{ }C«
ziyaarat on the authority of Shaykh Toosi (a.r.).(1) {ŶŠg@ °{QXÁ g@ K{ÁÈ| {ª|Ú|@ ²{@)¼{IM¦¬|g@ Ê{Qg@
j«{ A)Q¶ JT@J}TÀ l{x{AQ)g{@½CÉ« A´)½CÈ@¿g@ l{¶ g{½|¬Yg@ y¶«Ú l|«{ ²A
Ä Ú }C´
l{x{AQ)Ì{@ R)¶ J{tM¬|g@ ½}¬ Y«| R)¶ l|¶ g@ R¶ ÌJT ½¥A«) hC{¦ X h¨|L{ÁÑX R)g@{ ¼{og@ RMX h¨|Q¶ l|L|AQY{L l|L|Aª)ÁH l{¶ g@ q|¬XÀ
yJU|Y|g@ l|L|Aª)ÁH l{¶ g@ q|¬XÀ h¨|L{Á«Â| Á{ÉYg@ h¨|L{Á ª Â{o¢g@
hD|¼À{o« A´)¼À{@hD|½{o« A)g ÃU{´A hD|½CÉ« A)L½CÈ@ A¬)¨ h C|¶ g@ y{Qªog@ h´{ A)I|ÅX oD| l|L|AQY{L l|L|@o)¶Ì h¨|Q¶
y½{¶t|g@ q{«A¦)¬|g@ À{@¼) ¼}À{ j jQz¶ Y«| ÁQ
2. Ziyaarat of Ameerul Momineen (a.s.) on Sunday.(1)
ŬH{ h¨|L|½¬M@ h¨|L|½Í¥ ½¥´@{ h¨|Q¶ ²|Å g@ Sayed Ibn Taawoos (a.r.) has recorded this ziyaarat in Jamaal
al-Usboo' through the narration of the one who witnessed
(1) Misbaah of Shaykh Toosi (a.r.), p. 821; Iqbaal al-A'maal, p. 631; Behaar
Imam-e-Zamaan (a.t.f.s.) reciting this ziyaarat while being
al-Anwaar, vol. 102, p. 195. (1) Jamaal al-Usboo', p. 27; Behaar al-Anwaar, vol. 102, pg. 212.
239 Rabeeul Anaam Fi Adeea-e-Khairil Anaam Ziyaaraat for Imam-e-Zamana (a.t.f.s.).... 240
y_}o´| yl{M{¶ tH{ l|¶ g@ n|AI)X ¿g@ hQD@Á)H@{ R)¶ ²| Å g@ l{M{«@Á)¨H{ l|¶ g@ l|To L ¿g@
²|Å g@ jPÁD{AB g@ jQIQB g@ M{QH {D
@ R)¶ Q¶ ²|Å g@ ²|Å g@ l{M{T j«{ h}Q [}H¿{H{ l|¶g@ n|@½) ¿g@ QA¬)Ä@{ R)¶ ²|Å g@
y Á{I¦H{ jQ AY)g@ H{ jQ¥½{Y¬g@ q{¨x{¬g@ R¶o¨Q¶ Ko¦|P R)¶ ²|Å g@ l{M{PÀ ¾| po I|g@ l|¶ g@ T ¿g@ fAY)Ä@{ R)¶
l|¶ g@ n|AU ´ ¿g@ §Ä|oP| R)¶ ²|Å g@ l{M{¬XÁH{ n|ÁÍH l{Q¶ l|¶ g@¼ À ¿g@
A´@ ¬{ÅH{ «|oP oD| ½{XÚ@ ²|oP @¿)D) jQ«{o ¬|g@ Á{Q«AP) Ú o«AP)
yl{M{¬H{ J U|g@ j«{
J Y{L| hPÁª ´A{ ´ÁT{@ Ú o«AP) ¢Ð{A À|AT) l{Q ¢|QÐ
yp{ÀAT)Ú{AH{ Ào«|A« q AQ)Ñ g@ R)¶ ²|Å g@ l{L{À½¦|H{ l|g ÁYIg@ l|¶ g@ °¶ ¿g@ R)Äo«| R)¶ ²|Å g@
l|¶ g@ n|ÁÍ´ ¿g@ J}QÈ| R)¶ ²|Å g@ l{L{o I||H{ l|¶ g@ l|Í u ¿g@ iÀ|AD)
½{ M{QH {Ø) M{gÃ{¬H{ «{ l|L|oTÀl{Q Qg@{ N|I{ÀA«) A
yl{M{zQBu j«{ l{Q¶ l|¶ g@ KAL) ¿g@ ¼|@¼) R)¶ ²|Å g@ l{M{« @| R)¶
l{Q¶ l|¶ g@ R¶ Ì l{¶ g @ {oÄ|À ¬ j{H@ ° YH{ hª|½{ l{M{gÃ{¬H{ l{¶ g@
yjQ¬T@ h¨|Q¶ h¶ Ä l{g{Ø) KoP@ R)¶ ²|Å g@ l{L{à {H{ j U{g@ l|g Ng¾ ¿g@ iA¬)Q¶Ä| R)¶ ²|Å g@
l|g l|¶ g@ ÃU´@ ¿g@ Æ´|oP| R)¶ ²|Å g@ l{M{¶ { j«{ l|¶ g@ n|A¢)È ¿g@
3. Ziyaarat Nahiyah on the day of Aashoora. yl{M{MQ« ½H l|¶ g@ n|AQ)X@ ¿g@ Á}PÃ| R)¶ ²|Å g@ l{L{o¼ io¬|Ñ«
This ziyaarat has been narrated in 'al-Mazaar al-Kabeer', p.
165 on the holy authority of Imam-e-Zamaan (a.t.f.s.). l|¢gÂ@ ¿g@ YP R)¶ ²| Å g@ l{M{Y«{ Á{H{AÍ g@ APÁ{ªÂ R)¶ ²| Å g@
Allamah Majlisi (r.a.) has recorded it in 'Behaar al-Anwaar'
vol. 101, p. 317 from 'Mazaar' of Shaykh Mufeed (a.r.). yl{M{¬¶{ª l{¶ g@ _{À| R)ÅQ R)¶ ²| Å g@ l{L{¼AC)ÉH{ l|¶g@
Kashaani in 'al-Saheefah al-Mahdiyyah' has reproduced the
same. jQ«{o ¬|g@Á{Q«@
R)¶ ²|
Å g@ l{L{o¢Ì l{¶ g@ J{QIX ½}¬ Y«| R)¶ ²|
Å g@
l{¶ g@ R g{ N}QÈ R)¶ ²|Å g@l{M{¦Q¶u j«{ l{¶ g@ p{o¢Ì{ ²¼Ø) R)¶ ²|Å g@ ±{@ÁDà g@ q¬Ö{A ) R)¶ ²| Å g@ l{L{o u|A|H{ Ï
{ oÍ|t¬g@ J}gAÖ H@ j{H ¶{
241 Rabeeul Anaam Fi Adeea-e-Khairil Anaam Ziyaaraat for Imam-e-Zamana (a.t.f.s.).... 242
²|Å g@ l{M{¢Q¶u l{QH@
Ì{ j{ÅYg@ ½}¬ Y«| H@ R)¶ ²| Å g@ l{M{HÙ ²{oÅ|U|g@ R¶ ²|
Å g@ O{AP)À{A)g@ ¼{AÅ)TÚ@ R¶ ²|
Å g@ O{AÅ)¶{Mt¬|g@
yl{M{UC¬|H{ l|Å¢´ NY¬Ä ¿g@ j{QÅY|g@ R¶ yO{AI)X{AÉ g@
{T| j« R)¶ ²| Å g@l{M{Q´{
{ n{Á Ä{ l¶ g@ cAÖ @ j« R)¶ ²| Å g@ ±{AÑ)Ú
@ R¶ ²| Å g@ O{ x{AÅ g@ ±{A«)½ g@ R¶ ²| Å g@
j{« R)¶ ²|
Å g@l{M{I¥| NYL q|HAT)Ú{@ j{« R)¶ ²| Å g@l{M{HÁL| ±|A¢)É g@ p{oÅg@ R¶ ²|
Å g@ O{Ú AÉ)¬|g@ Ç{ Á g@ R¶ ²|
Å g@O{A)B ¦¬|g@
yl{M{PÀ ¾| j«{ q|¬ x{Ú
@ yO{@Â)À{AI)g@
½{QÄ{ j{H@ R)¶ ²|Å g@ ±{AQ)I{´Ú@ h{LAu) j{H@ R)¶ ²|Å g@ x{AH) R)¶ R¶ ²|Å g@ jQ¬gA)g@ K À q{U X| R¶ ²|Å g@
j{H@ R)¶ ²|Å g@ ±{@Á)Dà g@ q¬Ö{A ) j{H@ R¶ ²|Å g@±{AQ)Ì{Ú@ Q¶ ²|Å g@ jP½CÉMŬ|g@ x{A)H@ R)¶ Q¶ ²|Å g@jPÁD{AB g@
j{H@ R)¶ ²|Å g@ RC)M¬|g@ p{À½Ä{ j{H@ R)¶ ²|Å g@ S)ÁI¨|g@qUP½u yjQT{AÑ)¬|g@ q{¨x{¬g@ R¶ Q¶ ²|Å g@ jPÁÌ{Ag@ M{PÀ ¾| R)¶
yA¢)Í g@ ²Ã«Â j{H@ R)¶ ²|Å g@ S)A¬g@ q{T ²|Å g@ ²{o¬|Ŭg@ l{Qu@ R)¶ ²|Å g@ ²{o¶|¬g@ {QM¦g@ R¶ ²|Å g@
²|Å g@±{AI)t{g@ { oM|C¬g@ R¶ ²|Å g@±{A«)½ gAH{ {« Á¬|g@ R¶ ²|Å g@ y ÁQdÍ g@ bQÐÁ g@ R¶ ²|Å g@ Á{QI¨g@ ¶{ R)¶
J{PÁ R)¶ ²|Å g@ ±{AÅ)¨{g@ {D@ K{AY)Ì@ Æ{«{Au) R)¶ R¶ ²|Å g@ q{IPÁ¦g@ p{ÁM{gAQ¶ ²|Å g@ q{IQ¶Å g@ i{@½)HÚ@ R¶ ²|Å g@
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249 Rabeeul Anaam Fi Adeea-e-Khairil Anaam Ziyaaraat for Imam-e-Zamana (a.t.f.s.).... 250
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251 Rabeeul Anaam Fi Adeea-e-Khairil Anaam Ziyaaraat for Imam-e-Zamana (a.t.f.s.).... 252
g [¶{Ì@ MzQBug Á¢{@MHÁª| Æ¢ ´ LÁ ¶¥{@ ´ÁT{@ À{@Â)Ú@ K{o´|¿ g@ j«{ ´ÁC Ö À{@Á)ÈÚ@ Á È ¢{ª@À{AC)g@
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l|BÅH Ú @{ A¥ÂÀ{ Ú l|M¢Éª Ú @{ A¬ Ú l|LÁMÄÚ @{ AIQ Ú l|LÁ¢ Then face the Qiblah and perform two units prayers. In the
first unit, recite Surah al-Ambiyaa and in the second units,
Ú l|Md¶ H Ú @{ «@
Ú l|MY¶Ì@ Ú @{ @¼AÅ) Ú l|LÁ¬ Ú @{ ADAT)Ú Surah al-Hashr. Thereafter, read the following supplication in
yl|M¬T Ú @{
¬È Ú l|MTÁ Ú @{ A¦QÑ«| Ú l|MIT@ Ú @{ ±A)¼| the Qunoot:
l|¶ g@ Ú @{ lg)@{Ú h|Qg@ ¶{g@ l|¶ g@ Ú @{ lg)@{Ú h|PÁ¨g@ h|Q¶Yg@ l|¶ g@ Ú @{ lg)@{Ú
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yÀ|½|Í g@ ¢{tL|A«) j{Q|Ú@ qx{Au) h|¶P Á{x{@Á)Å gAH{
l{g{Ø l{Q¶ l|¶ g@ R¶ Ì g{oÄ|À ¦P½ÍL R)¶ ½|C{È@| ´@{ h C|¶g@
g@{ «{Áª ´{AÅ)X@{ ¼Â{ ¶ M{¬´{Á¨È| ¥Â|À@ h C|¶ g@
N{¦B´ ¿g@ I{g@ l|´@ ½|CÈ@ ´@{ l{M{gÃ{¬H{ ¬¶{ l{H{ ´A¬)P@{
{ Á@ Ao |Á« ½{ ¶¬ Ao¬|Å« Ç{Ag@ {go¥ T@
l{H{ ±AT)A¬)H{ À{@Á)¥Ú{@ Rg@{ N¼ l{H{ ±|AQ)I{´Ú@ O{ÁÉ H l{¶{Ñ¢H{ q|¬¨Y{g@
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yR)gA)L l{g{o¦H{ l{¦{P½ÍL R)¶ NX
¤{@Á)Ö@ {Q¶ g@ ±{A´)@{ ÀAQ)uÚ@½}¬ Y«| {Ø ½}¬ Y«| R)¶ Ì h C|¶ g@
hD|Á|«|AP {QU´Ú{@ q{P)Ào¶Mg@ { hD|½{ AHoM|¨« l|´½|U{P ¿g@((
253 Rabeeul Anaam Fi Adeea-e-Khairil Anaam Ziyaaraat for Imam-e-Zamana (a.t.f.s.).... 254
h|C{Q¶ ²|Á YP| O{AI)Q B g@ h|C|g Y{P| Á{¨¬|g@ j{ hC|C)P ¤{Á|¬gAH{ Å´{ØAQ)´½ g@ j«{ ÉX{@½}¬ Y«| {Ø ½}¬ Y«| R)¶ Ì h C|¶g@
y''hC{Q¶ N´Aª) Mg@ Ú@ hD|ÁÌ@{ hC| b|ÑP x{AI)tg@ Ú @{ p{Áu{Ú) AH{ Æ|´{oP| Ú |ou Ú @{ AQ)´½ g@ j«{ Ê|X{oP| Ú l|´A{ p{Áu{Ú) AH{
jQ¢Bͬ|g@ ±{AQ)I{´Ú@ ½{QÄ j{Q¶¦g@ Rg@{ g{oÄ|À ½}¬ Y«| R)¶ Í y AT)À
R)¶ @½H@ j}Q q ÁÖ H{Aª)Á{ÉP| hg j{P¿¶ g@ l{¬ j{H@ l{Qu@ R)¶ R)¶ Í «{ Ú R)¨Mɬ|g@ Qg@{ Q¶ Ú q|U Y|g@ g h C|¶ g@
yjQ¬gA)g@ ±{AÅ)´{ p{½QÄ ±{@Á)DÃ g@q¬Ö{A LoCÈ q{QÌ{A)g@ q{¬g{A g@ Å{¢´ R)¶ {@l{g{Ø ½}¬ Y«|
p½g{Au) pÌ j{QÅY|g@o{ÅYg@ q{Ug@ {D@ K{AI)È ½QÄ R)¶ yq{Q {A)gAH{ g hM{u@q{Ig{Ad)g@
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Í{«| A´@ AP@{ ÀA¢)dM{Ä@ i @{ h C|¶g@
jP½MC¬|g@ q{¬ x{Ú@ jPÁD{AB g@ l{g{Ø R)¶ ²| g@ ±|AQ)Ñ g@ §¶Mu@ y±{AT)Á g@ ° Yg{ bQQÑL ¬{¶X{ q{ÅH{ ¬¶{ b« ÀA¢)dM{Ä@ª{ÁL
½}¬ Y«| ¶{ R)Äo«| Á}¢T ½}¬ Y«| ¶{j{P½g@ j{ jP½x{@¿ g@ M{¬XÀ q{ÅH{ ¬¶{ i @{ oT|À@ i@ Å|P{o L| Ho´|¾| i @{ h C|¶g@
yº{IÅ g@ q{gÄ| º{Ŧ{gAH{ ²{@o ¦|g@ q{U Y|g@ j{ÅYg@ ¶{ xAT)À f½ Ì ½}¬ Y«| {Ø ½}¬ Y«| R)¶ Í AÉ)u@ i@ |¬P
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J Y{L| A¬)g{ °{Q oMg@ S)½C|g@ { ALAI) °{¶tg@ j{ R{ @ÃPà yjQ«ÁªÚ@
Ñ{¢«| Ð{A ) Adx{AÄ) @À@¼) AzPÁ« AIQÖ ÚXAÄ{@) A¥ÂÀ{ R)ÐÁL ´AÅ)g{ °B{´@q{¬Í{gAH{ ´½P@½}¬ Y«| {Ø ½}¬ Y«| R)¶ Ì h C|¶g@
±}H ª| j«{ qQ {A)½}X@ j«{ q}«{ Ú½}¨´ Ú ½ ª Á{Q j«{ AIÌ AIÌ l| X j|IdP| Ú l{Å{«@ l|QÐ A«) R)¶ ²|½P j¬ «{ ¶T@ q{¬¨Y{gAH{
y±{A¬)g@ q{Q {A)g@ R¶ Á¨É g@ Õ
} Á« h}¦Ä| yn{½{ f{ÂÁ{g{ h C{PÚ l{«{oP
A«) R)¶ qAÖ g i|o¨|PA«) j{ÅX@ R)¶ A)ÑI{¥@ O|o¬g@ ±AT) @¾)@{ ¦{¶tH{ R)dMÄ@ j{«ÁQ¦¢g@ Qg@{ Á¦M @ H{ R)dMÄ@ j{« {dg@ h C|¶g@
hXÀ@AP) M{¬XÁH{ h{Qg@ O{AT R)g@{ A)P¼ o
L| RMXjQ {AY)«| A)LÁ«@ H{ ¦{¶u j {{@½}¬ Y«| {Ø ½}¬ Y«| R)¶ Í
yjQ¬X{@Á g@ y Qg@{ Ú @{ A¢ª º|Å|IP Ú j¬ «{ ¶T@
255 Rabeeul Anaam Fi Adeea-e-Khairil Anaam Ziyaaraat for Imam-e-Zamana (a.t.f.s.).... 256
N|ª| iÚ{ q|¬XÁ g@ n| ±@À) q|HoMg@ l|«A«)@ º¥ j« ¦{É g@ i @{ h C|¶ g@ yÀ{Ag@
¶¬ §Ð g JC {«Ú
@ o{¥ M{¬XÀ ´A{ {¬g@ §QÐ Now, bow down for Ruku', prostrate (sajdah), sit up for
p{o ¦|g{
Tashhahud and complete your prayers by reciting the salaam.
Then, glorifying Allah, rub your cheeks in the dust and say 40
«{ h@ «{ AI¶¥ R)Å¥@ oD| j« ¼{AI){ i @ h|¶L N|ª| i@{ h C|¶ g@
@o¢ q¬XÀ b|Ä@ ÚoÖ «{ h|@ R)go« Ú l|´@ h|¶@ ´A{ AI´¾ Á|Iª@ l|¶ g@ l|¶ g@ Ú @{ lg)@{ Ú l{¶ g{ ½|¬Yg@ l{¶ g@ iAY)IÄ|
yl{M{zQBu ½XA
H{ Æ
Qg j¬g{Á¢{@{ l{M{¬XÀ ½|X@ oD| j«AQ) Ask Allah for protection, safety, forgiveness and tawfeeq for
good actions and acceptance by which you will gain nearness
A)QÄ A)M OÁª¾ A)QCM´@ A¬ NQC´ A)QÍ A)LÁ«@ ´@{ h C|¶ g@ to Him and through which you seek His attention.
´{AÅ)X@{ ±|@Ã)T g{¾) iAª)A«) A)UP½ M OÀ¿ X A)Q«A) M OÁÍH Stand near the head (of the grave), pray two units of prayers
as mentioned above, throw yourself on the grave, kiss it and
Í A)QL@ A«) LA´ A¬)H{ Á|Iu@ A)Q¢u@ A¶@A¬)H{ h|¶@ N´@ A)Qg@{ say:
A)g JD A)QÅ´ A´)A Bu
@ A¬)H{ A´)¿u{@)L| Ú ½}¬ Y«| {Ø ½}¬ Y«| R)¶ ylL|Aª)ÁH l{¶ g@ q|¬XÀ h¨|Q¶ ²|
Å g@ h¨| {ÁÈ l|¶g@¼@Â)
yA)Q¶ M¬XÀ I{Ä@ A)Qg@{ ´AÅ)X@{ h L{@ A)P½g ¥{o¦|X| Pray for yourself, your parents and whomsoever you wish.
¿g@ ° YgAH{ g|A
Å´ ²{A«)Ú{@ °{P½Í g@ @¿)C)H{ Qg@{ |Ä oM´A´@{ h C|¶ g@
4. Ziyaarat on the day of Aashoora.(1)
q{¬XÁ g@ N{QH {D@ q¬Ö{A ) ¶{ l{PoHÚ{
g{oÄ|À n{½ Ug{ l|g l|M¶T Allamah Majlisi (r.a.) has recorded this ziyaarat from Sayed
A)g{AQ){ {@o)X@ _|Ì A)L{AQ)X ²|@o)¥ l{H{ ¿g@ f{ÂÁ g@À@À¼@{ Ibn Taawoos (a.r.) on the day of Aashoora from the book of
'al-Mukhtasar al-Muntakhab'.
j«{ g|A
Å´ j|Y´ p}À½¥| j«{ b|¬L q}Ä{ j«{ BL| ¿g@ h|PÁ¨g@ Prepare yourself for the ziyaarat, take the ceremonial bath
yp{Áu{) g{ AH AQ)´½ ¶g{ AXÌ i|o¨|PA«) f{ÂÁ g@ (ghusl), wear clean clothes, walk bare-footed on the surface,
preferably on a vast open land, face the Qiblah and say:
b{Q¬Ug{ A)P½g{@o)g{ A)gÁ¢{@ ½}¬ Y«| {Ø ½}¬ Y«| R)¶ Ì h C|¶ g@
À{@)AP) Q¶ ²|Å g@l{¶ g@ p{o¢Ì{ ²¼Ø
À{@)AP) Q¶ ²|Å g@
hC|«{ ±{AQ)XÚ@ O{A¬)¶{Ŭ|g@ jQ¬¶{Ŭ|g@ O{A)«{o ¬|g@ jQ«{o¬|g@
K@¿)A)¥{ qÅX p{Áu{Ú) @ { qÅX AQ)´½ g@ { A)L{@ O{@o)«Ú@ (1) Behaar al-Anwaar, vol. 101, pg. 313.
257 Rabeeul Anaam Fi Adeea-e-Khairil Anaam Ziyaaraat for Imam-e-Zamana (a.t.f.s.).... 258
Q¶ ²|
Å g@ l{¶ g@ {Q¶u hD@Á)HÙ
À{@)AP) Q¶ ²|
Å g@ l{¶ g@ j{Q«@
½}¬ Y¬|H{ j«{o «| l{¶ gAH{ ´@
l¶ g@ ½|C{ÈA n{½{ j«{
l{¶g@ {oÄ|À ½}¬ Y«|
À{@)AP) Q¶ ²| Å g@ l{¶ g@ _{À| R)ÅQ
T Ã l{¶ g@ j{ hM|d¶ H ½¥ h¨|´@
¤À{A) h¨|¦ YH{ f½ Í«|
jQQÌ{og@ ½{QÄ jQ«{o ¬|g@ Á{Q«@
À{@)AP) Q¶ ²|
Å g@
yj|Q¦Qg@ h|ª|AL)@
RMX n|o¬|L|½I l{H{ hª|Á«@
g{¿)ª i|o¨|L Ú §Qª jQ¶ÄÁ¬|g@ h{LAu) ºIÄ{jQ¦H{AÅ g@ {Ñ @
j« l|¶ g@ jg ¶M¥ j« l|¶g@ jgl{¶ g@ ½{IAH)
@AP) «@| N´@ HA
±{AÅ)¨{g@ K{AY)Ì@
Æ|«{Au) R)¦Mg@ §|Q¶X S)½C|g@ ²|A«)Ù N´@
g{¾) l|d¶H j« l|¶ g@ jg g{¾) R¶) bPAÈ) j« l|¶ g@ jg ¶{M¦H{Á«
ÄÚ@ {½ j«{ NÐ{À| ²{
@½|¥ M«ÁX| o¨|CM´@ «¼ @o¨|¢Ä jP¿g@ i
@ ½|CÈ
@ l{H{ Ð{Á
«Ú|@ I{g@ i{AÅ)g{ R)¶ io´|o|¶« l|MITA
A)¼ j¬ «{ L{ÁÍ´| j
l{¶g@½{I AH)@
AP) Q¶ ²| Å g@ ª{Ã g@ j{ÅYg@
À{@)AP) Q¶ ²| Å g@
yl{g{Ø l{Q¶ l|¶ g@ R¶ Ì
Á Ig@ Ì{og@ ACP@ Q¶ ²|
Å g@ ½|QCÉ g@ °|P½Í g@ ACP@ Q¶ ²|
Å g@
HAT)× ½¦ M{Ad)M{Ä@½{ ´½H IU{P| hg iAª) iÙ Úo« ½QÄAP)
N¶ X Mg@ _{@)ÀÚ
@ R¶ Q¶ ²| Å g@ ª{Ã g@ Ð{Á g@ ¦{Mg@
g{¾) R)¶ ¢gAu) j« i
@ « ° Yg@ i
@ ½|CÈ
@ A´)@
@o)D P@À
ACÅ¢´ OÁÈ « l{¶ g@ { O½DAT) ¶{XÁH{ Nu A´)@
yA¬Q @Âo Âo |A
h¨|« N|ª| MQgAQ) Ö{AH)
y H{ jQ¥½{Y¬g@ q{¨x{
¬g@ R¶ ²|
Å g@ Q l{¶ g@ O{AÐ)Á« ±Ad)M{H@
¦Y{¶P| i
@Ho´|¾| n|Á|ª¾{ T l|¶ g@ A
ÅL i
@ ½QÄAP) ¶|zÄA
R¶ Ì @½¬ Y«| i × ½|CÈ@
l|g PÁÈÚ n|½X l|¶g@ ÚÙ lg)Ù Ú i
@ ½|CÈ@
Ho´|¾| h¨|¢ ÉP| i@
q{A¢)É g@ { h¨|g i¾AP i
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j{H ¶{ AH)
@ i
@ ½|CÈ
@ l|g|oÄ|À n|½I A¬Q¶ÅL h¶ Ä l{g{Ø l{Q¶ l|¶ g@
9n|Á|ª¾{ T A¥) l|´
½|x{A¥) jQQÌog@ ½|QÄ l{g{Ø l{Q¶ l|¶ g@ R¶ Ì jQ«o ¬|g@ Á{Q«
@ J}g{AÖ
g{¿)ª l{¦{¶u R)¶ l|MAÖ l|¶ g@ Õ ÁM @| ²A«)Ù jQ¶U Y¬g@ y''l{´{¾H{ Ú @{ n|½{ b|¢ÉP ¿g@¾ j« ((
y ½{g| j«{ q|¬ x{Ú
@ N´
@ g{¿)ª l{g{Ø l{Q¶ l|g@ R¶ Ì ¶{ j|H j|ÅYg@ jQ¬Q¦¬|g@ q{¨x{ ¬g@ ¼{Ú @
x{AH)Ø R)¶ Q¶ l|¶g@ R¶ Ì
¤{Á|¬gAH{ hL|Á«
@ pAª)à g@ h|M|QLØ pÍ g@ h|M|¬¥
@ h¨|´
@ ½|CÈ@
jP¿g@ ±{@½)CÉ g@ R¶ jQ¬T@
hC{Q¶ Q¶ l|¶ g@ R¶ Ì «{ÁX
jQ¦Qg@ h|ª|AL)
@ RMX n{¼{AC)T{ ° X l{¶ g@ { hL|½DAT) Á{¨¬|g@ j{ hM|QC´ ½{g R)¶ hC{Q¶ Q¶ l|¶ g@ R¶ Ì P½P jQH « @½|C{ÉM|Ä@
259 Rabeeul Anaam Fi Adeea-e-Khairil Anaam Ziyaaraat for Imam-e-Zamana (a.t.f.s.).... 260
yl{H{ NU{ | ¿g@ Á{dÌÚ@ ¶{ ° YH{ h{x{A¦)g@ ²{A«)Ú{@ R¶ ²|
Å g@ ¶{ j{H j{ÅYg@ R¶ R)¶ ²| Å g@
Then say: jP½È{@Á g@ l{x{AH)Ø R)¶ l{Q¶ l|¶ g@ R¶ Ìl{Ð{À@
l{¶ g@ q{U X| l{¶ g@
l{L{ÁM{ ½}¬ Y¬|H{ N«Á YL ½¥ QgÙ N|CT oL H{ ´Ù h C|¶ g@ y@ÁQª A¬Q¶ÅL h¶ Ä jPÁD{AB g@ jQIQB g@
{Ø ½}¬ Y¬|H{ N|¶Ä oL QgÙ hC{H{ N|¢ÉMÄ@ QgÙ hC{H{ N|CT oL Perform six units of prayers in sets of two units each. In each
of the units, recite Surah al-Hamd once and Surah
TÁ UL ¬ WÁ ¢L|P¼ Ð{ÁM¢«| Ñ{¦Mg{ ½}¬ Y«| al-Tawheed hundred times. After you are through with it,
yhC{T{Á¢H{ ÚoÌ|o« invoke :
Then raise your hands till the whiteness of your armpits can be ¼|Á AP) ½|¬Ì AP) ½|X@
AP) h|QAP) ¶{AP) h|QXÀAP) j|¬)XÀAP) l|¶ g@
AP) h C|¶g@
seen and say:
|Q¬TAP) |Q¶TAP) Á|I¨M«|AP) Á|QIªAP) h|g{A)AP) h|Q¶AP) b|Q¬ÄAP) Á|L{AP)
@ MÁ«{Ø LÀo ½{IL Ú ÁMÄ M{CL Ú N´
@ Ú@{ lg)@{ ÚAP) ¶{AP)À|AITAP) j|¬{QC«|AP) j|«{o «|AP) À|AITAP) Â|Ã M«|AP) Ã|PÃAP) o{¥AP) h|Q¶XAP)
NIUMÄ@ ¶¬ NQÐ{À ½¥ AYU{«| AY¶{¢«|I¶¥@ h C|¶ g@ LÁ ½|Q¬XAP)
|À{@)AP) |{AH)AP) K|@o LAP) i|A«AP) i|AXAP) j|Q«|AP)
yh|PÁ¨g@ l|¶ g@AP) Lo¼ ²|oQ¥AP) XAP) Á|u{ØAP) | @
AP) j|Ö{AH)AP) Á|D{A» AP) ¼|oT|o«AP)¼|oI|«AP)½|QU«AP)
Then say: yi{AB ¶Å g@ p{o ¦|g@ @¾ AP) ²{@Á)ªÚ{@ {
Ug@ @¾AP)
yl|L|Aª)ÁH l{¶ g@ q|¬XÀ Q¶ ²|
Å g@ ¶ ÍL| i@
AC)¶ ª| x{A¬)Ä
@ ° YH{ l|¶g@AP) ±{A¬)ÄÚ
@ n{¿{D) ° YH{ ¶|z{Ä
Then commence saying: Á Ð K}Áª h h D ª| WÁ ¢L| i@
½}¬ Y«| {Ø ½}¬ Y«| R)¶
R)¶ ²|Å g@ ±{@Á)DÃ g@ q¬Ö{A ) R)¶ ²|Å g@jQ«{o ¬|g@Á{Q«
@ R)¶ ²|Å g@ MIY« g C ÅL| MQ{«@ d¶ IL| P¼ Ñ{¦L l{Q A´
@ °}QÐ
R)¶ ²|Å g@ ½{QCÉ g@ °{P½Í g@ j{QÅY|g@ R¶ ²|Å g@ ª{à g@ j{ÅYg@ QB{M|g T{A)APÁÄ MQdH| R)gÙ ¶Ì{oL| L¼@À)Ù g ÁÅ QL|
j{HÁ{¢T R)¶ ²|Å g@ ¶{ j{H ½{¬ Y«| R)¶ ²|Å g@j{QÅY|g@ j{H ¶{ AQ)´½ g@ÁQu g b¬UL MIÀ fo ´ ½PÃ{L M¶zÅ« go Ä|
j{H ¶{ AÐ)Á g@ R)¶ ²|Å g@ Á}¢T j{H R)Äo«| R)¶ ²|Å g@½}¬ Y«| yp{Áu{Ú"@
½}¬ Y«| j{H ¶{ R)¶ ²|Å g@ ¶{ j{H ½{¬ Y«| R)¶ ²|Å g@ R)Äo«|
261 Rabeeul Anaam Fi Adeea-e-Khairil Anaam Ziyaaraat for Imam-e-Zamana (a.t.f.s.).... 262
ÁQu @o´|o¨|P ÀAIUg@ @oÐ|ÁP| ÀAg@ @À|A P ÀAL)Ú @ @oª|À{½P| A¬)H{ºQY«| NQ¼| @¾)Ù JPÁ¥ ±{ Ig@ j|ÅX q{¬g@ £|H{AÄ) ½{og@
yÀ{AC)g@ {Q¶ g@ ¤{M{u@ b« hC{Q¶ l|¶ g@ R¶ ÌÀ}AÍ)´@
À{½«| O¼À@
A«) R)¶ À¼{A¥) QgÙ KAL) j¬g{ q{HoMg@ |H{A¥) N¦¶u
ATAM)Y«| o|¼@
OÁª{¾|@¾)Ù Àoª|¾ OÁ¨{È| @¾Ù Ào¨|È NI¶ÖA«)
l{Å{¢´ R)gÙ R}zQÅ«| ¤}Á{M¦«| @)Ä| |zÄ
@ |Ä oL@
QgÙ hC{¦ YI{ h C|¶ g@
AHÁ|¨« QgÙ ¨H@
A¢x{Au) QgÙ c|Ã @
@ÁQ¦ QgÙ J|À@
yl{Å{«À Y« R)gÙ q¬Í{g@ ¶|zÅP l{Å{«
@ l{«{oP ¹Á A¬ «{
A)«{o¥ jQH A)QH h¨|X@ AQ {Aª) Q¶ |ª oL@
A¢QÐ H{ j|QMÄ@
l|«A)xo H l{L{Á«Â| A´)ÁÉ|X@l{L{ÁM{ ½}¬ Y«| R)¶ Ì h C|¶ g@ j|Y´ A´)o¶|M¥ A)H{@À|½A´)og|¿u A´)@o|½uA´)Á hC|´A{ ° YgAH{
yq{«A¥)Ú@ Y« q{«@Á)¨g@À@¼) l|MQ¢BÍg@ ¿g@ l{¶g@ ½{I j{H½{¬ Y«| I{QIX ½|g| Q I{´ p|ÁM{
l|M¦ @Á)«| A)¥Â|À@l{M{¢gÃ|H{A)«Á{ªA
l{M{ Á{¬H{ A)M«Áª@
A¬)ª h C|¶ g@ ATÁt« ATÁ A´)Á{«@
j«{A)g TA Q{X R)¶ l|M¬Mx@ q{gAÄ)Á gAH{
n{Á{ª¾{ ½{ l{Q¶ p@o)¶Í g@ Á|{¨P| n{Á{«Ú{
h|¶ ÅP| j¬ «{ A)¶T@ l|M¦H{AÄ) yjQ¬X{@Á g@ hXÀ@
¼{½gAH{ «{ jP¼½|¬¬g@ l{x{A¢)B{Ì@ {D@
b{Q¬T R)¶
(1) 3rd of Sha'baan.
(2) Al-Misbaah of Shaykh Toosi (a.r.), pg. 758-759.
263 Rabeeul Anaam Fi Adeea-e-Khairil Anaam Ziyaaraat for Imam-e-Zamana (a.t.f.s.).... 264
hQD@Á)HÙ q{gÄ| j«{}Q¶Ä Á{Qu {Å´ j«{}QM¥ ×AP) Q¶ ²|Å g@
b{PÁÍ g@ «{Á¬g@b{QÐÁ g@ {¢B g@j{QÅY|g@ j{H l{¶g @ ½{I R)¶ ²|Å g@
A«o¥ l|¶ g@ M¥(( 9 Q A¥)¾Ù QH× R)¶ Q¶ l|¶ g@ R¶ Ì{Q¶tg@
R h{CÅ gAH{ _{oH|¿¬g@ ±{A¬)Å g@ R { l|«|¼ ½{ ͬ|g@ A«¼ º{Y ÉM¬|g@
{oÄ|Á g@ q{«ÁX| { AC)M{´@ R)¶ j{¬)XÁ g@ R¶ hD|×ÁT×A«) H| AP) o¶|M¥
yl{P¾ S ½{ÄÚ
@ }D{Aª jH q¶«ÁX l{Q«@À l|¶ g@ jg l{QH@Á{UX|
9x{A¥) jPÁ {A¨)¶g{ {A«) l{P½P jQH H{ ´A
ª ''A¢)g@ ½H AQ)´½ g@ R¶
±{ÚogAH{ ¼A)¬|g@ ±Ig@ ¶{I«| jQ«{o ¬|g@Á{Q«× j{H l{¶ g@ ½{I R)¶ ²|Å g×
¶ j{H j{QÅY|g@ j|H ¶ A´×
j{H ´{AD) l|¶L{A¥) l|¶ g@ jg @ÁH{½«| I{¦«| K{Á|Ѭg@ ±{HÁªq{Ì{Á
IgAH{ R)g
@ l{¶ g@ N{QH j|Y´ y «{ÁÑYg@ N{QI|
P RMX [{«Á gAH{ h¨||Ö× ¿{u{Ú) @ l{Å{¢H{ n|Au)× Ä@o)¬|g@ jQ«{o ¬|g@Á{Q«@
j{H Ç{AIg@ R)¶ ²|
Å g@
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j«{ n{½{dg{
(1) Behaar al-Anwaar, vol. 101, pg. 269.
265 Rabeeul Anaam Fi Adeea-e-Khairil Anaam Ziyaaraat for Imam-e-Zamana (a.t.f.s.).... 266
y x{AB g@ {Q¢B g@ j{H hQ¨X ¼}A¥) j{H ½PÃP l{Q¶L{A¥) l|¶ g@ jg n|@½P P½T QM¥ N´@
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267 Rabeeul Anaam Fi Adeea-e-Khairil Anaam Ziyaaraat for Imam-e-Zamana (a.t.f.s.).... 268
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R)¶ ²|Å g× X{AP)Á g@ ½PÃP j{HÁ Y|g@ R)¶ ²|Å g× ½{ÄÚ@ Á}D{A «|
269 Rabeeul Anaam Fi Adeea-e-Khairil Anaam Ziyaaraat for Imam-e-Zamana (a.t.f.s.).... 270
¶{UIg@ } D{ j{H b{ {A´) R)¶ ²|Å g× I{¶¨g@ Á}Q¬| j{H l{¶ g@½{I {@Ã)t|g@ °{¬{Yg @ j{H Á{¬ R)go« Á}D{@Â) R)¶ ²|Å g× ½{¨{g@
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yl{{H@ W{AU Yg@ j{H¼{o|Å«
h|¨|g ÃT× ±AÖo{g@ h|¨|g ½C « ±AB d{g@ h¨|g l|¶ g@ §Éª ½¦g ½|CÈ
i{AÅ X j{H À{A¬ R)¶ ²|Å g× ¼{A)g@ l{¶g@½{I j{H b{¬ U«| R)¶ ²|Å g× ±AB ¶u| h¨|g j|Y´ ¹Á A)g hM|´
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¼{ÂÚ@ ´{A¬)¶Å g@
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½}g{Au) j{H Á{¬| R)¶ ²|Å g× ´{Úotg@ Á{UX j{H K{½T| R)¶ ²|Å g×
Á{D{A ¬|g@ j{H ½PÃP R)¶ ²|Å g×n|Úo« ½}QÄ R)¶ ²|Å g× {@½)QÍ g@
271 Rabeeul Anaam Fi Adeea-e-Khairil Anaam Ziyaaraat for Imam-e-Zamana (a.t.f.s.).... 272
THIRD SUB-CHAPTER (a.t.f.s.) went into this cellar while his mother Narjis was
waiting for him. But he did not turn up and went to
occultation. He is alive till date but none has seen him till he
SECTION OF THE SPECIAL ZIYAARAAT BY emerges to fill the earth with justice.
Our teacher, Allamah Mirza Husain Noori (r.a.) has replied to
IBN HASAN AL-ASKARI (A.T.F.S.) this accusation a few years ago in his book 'Kashf al-Astaar'
In this section we shall narrate the ziyaaraat transmitted on the while refuting the allegations of al-Aaloosi al-Baghdadi. He
authorities of Ahle Bait (a.s.) and Imam-e-Zamaan (a.t.f.s.). has proved beyond doubt that whatever the Sunnis allege are
nothing but baseless accusations with no reference or record
Each one of these ziyaaraat, comprises of important concepts
in our books. Whoever desires to know the details must refer
concerning the recognition of Imam-e-Zamaan (a.t.f.s.).
to the aforementioned book.
We expect from those who await the holy reappearance of
In the chapter of his (a.t.f.s.) miracles, amongst the various
our master in every time and in every place that they recite
incidents, he has mentioned the story of the Abbaside
these ziyaaraat with immense deliberation that they may feel
Emperor al-Mo'tazid, narrating from various chains. The gist
proximate and close to their master (a.t.f.s.).
of the incident is as follows:
We commence this sub-chapter with a quote from the chief of
After the martyrdom of Imam Hasan al-Askari (a.s.),
the traditionalists, al-Haaj Shaykh Abbas al-Qummi (r.a.) in
Mo'tazid dispatched a few horsemen to Saamarra with
'Hadiyyah al-Zaaer' for the cellar (K@¼ÁÄ).
instructions to raid his (a.s.) house and to arrest everybody in
'To conclude, I deemed it proper to mention here two it. They raided the house during the night, barging into it, but
important benefits in this chapter. could not find anybody. They heard from the cellar the voice
of recitation of the Holy Quran and moved in its direction. On
(1) This cellar is known as the cellar of occultation as is
entering, they saw that it was like an ocean, full of water and
common in local parlance as also found in the books of
in the midst of it was a laid out mat floating. On the floating
ziyaaraat by some of the scholars. For, in books specific to
mat was a man performing prayers. One of the soldiers
Imam-e-Zamaan (a.t.f.s.) and in the chapters related to his
stepped ahead to catch hold of him but drowned in the water.
conditions, it is mentioned unanimously that he (a.t.f.s.) went
He was about to die when his friends saved him. Another
into occultation, alive, from this very place.
soldier also attempted to do the same but met with the same
Whatever some of the Sunni scholars have attributed to the fate. All of them were stunned and stupefied. They sought
Shias concerning this occultation are sheer lies and fabrication, forgiveness and pardon from him (a.t.f.s.) and repented for
nothing else. They charge that in the Shiite creed, Imam their misdeed. But he (a.t.f.s.) did not turn towards them and
273 Rabeeul Anaam Fi Adeea-e-Khairil Anaam Ziyaaraat for Imam-e-Zamana (a.t.f.s.).... 274
±|A¦)Ig@ C{Tog{ JT A¬)ª ¶{g@ ±|A)g@ ½|¬Yg@ ¶ h C|¶ g@
Ziyaarat of Imam-e-Zamaan (a.t.f.s.) in the holy
Ñ ×A)ªo¶|«| jQQI{g@ ÁQu A)QI´ N¶T A¬)ª ½{«ÁÅ g@ cellar
R)gÙ {Å ¶g{A)¦ jQ¬¶)g@ R¶ h}¶{ R)¶ hC|LÁMu@ jQ¥o¶|t¬g@
R)gÙ j{Ö{o« R)gÙ j Y{L A)X@)À× T@ j{P½g@ ²{oP RgÙ p{Á«{A)g@ h|C{H{@o)H× The first Ziyaarat
Sayed Ali Ibn Taawoos (a.r.) says, 'When you finish with the
hC{L{AÌ)Á hC{Å{g{AU)« R)gÙ Ág@ SoCL A)Äo¢|´| hC{«{@½)¥× j{Ö{o« ziyaarat of the tenth and the eleventh Imams (a.s.), go to the
yhC{Ì{At)È× Á{Ñ|X| hC|I|Ö{At)´| A)´A ª RMX
cellar, stand on its door and say:
l{Q¶ L|@o)¶Ì ½}¬ Y«| QI{´ O{oQ|H| j«{ N}QH K{AH) R)¶ N|¢¥ ´ Ù Cg)Ù
q}¬ x{× j«{ jPÁD{AÖ q}g
Ä| j«{ jQIx{A) p}¼AÄ) j«{ hC{¶ l|¶ g@ R¶Í
9N¶¦| l{´{¾A{H{ Ú@ l{L{oQ|H| R)gÙ {ou|½ g@ j«{ ÇAg@ N« ½¥ l{g{Ø
y''h¨|g i¾o P| i× ÚÙ I{g@ OoQ|H| @o¶|u|½L Ú @o|«Ø jP¿g@ ACP@AP)((
D×AC)L{ÀAP)Ã{H{ O½IMÄ@ Mg@ O{AÌ)Ág@ n{¿{D) {ou|½|H{ A)g i¾A h C|¶ g@
l{L{ÁÑX ½|¦{M{× A¬)ª l{M{IQ QI{´ q«ÁX| ½|¦{M× ´Ù h C|¶ g@
g¾ q{HAC)¬g@ c{oÉ|t|H{ A)o«|¼| Ä{À×O{@o)¬)Å g@ jQÐÀÚ@
iÁP jQXÁ{ io¥|ÂÁP| ½{ ±AQX× ±A¢)¶u| ¶Ä|À| i × h|¶×
j«{ hC|g J|UPA¬)H{Á ¦{´| RMX q{AB g@ Õ
{ Á q{P¼{oI||g@ ¿|H{ A)XÀ{@o)T
j NIUX ´× ¶ « Ä i¼ Á|P «
ª io|¬ÅP ´A¨)«
½}¬ Y«| R¢)BÌ@ jP¿g@ n{¼{AI){ R)¶ ²Ä l{¶g{ ½|¬Yg@ ¤{@Á)Ú@
yhC{L{AT)A)«| ¿{P¿¶H{ ¬C KAH) NYM hC|«
ª ¬Ä
yjPÁD{AB g@ l{g{Ø
l{g{Ø l{Q¶ L|@o)¶Ì goÄ|À i|¾{A MÄ×Ú × K ÀAP) ´|¾{AMÄ×
l¶ g@ O@o¶ÌhC« i¾Ú@ l´A AQªAH AÈAu u¼@ qIMg@ I¥ h
{ou|½ g@ { l|M|AÖ ¶ Õ
ÁM¢¬|g@ ²A«)Ú{@ M¢Q¶u i|¾{AMÄ×AQ´{A)
''( yjQ¬T× hCQ¶
q{¦I|g@ n{¿{C)H{ jQ¶ª o¬|g@ M¨x{ « i|¾{AMÄ× l{M{QH R)gÙ n{¿{D) MAÄ)
q|¨x{ ¬g@ ACP× h¨|Q¶ ²| Å g@
q{«{AÅ g@ g q{QB¬|g@ q{ªÀAI)¬|g@
yl|L|Aª)À l{¶ g@ q|¬XÀ { ÀAI)¬|g@ §{PÁÉ g@ ½{Cɬg@ @¿)C)H{ io¶|ª o¬|g@
h¨|´{¾{AH{ ²{A«)Ú{@ @¿D) l{x{A¢)¶u| l{x{A¢)¶u| i{¾Ù l{g{oÄ|À ¾Ù l{¶ g@ i{¾AH{
(1) Behaar al-Anwaar, vol. 102, pg. 115.
277 Rabeeul Anaam Fi Adeea-e-Khairil Anaam Ziyaaraat for Imam-e-Zamana (a.t.f.s.).... 278
l{¶ gAH{ l{¶ g@ RgÙAHÁ ¦M«| NQIg@ @¿D) |u|¼× jQ¬T@
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@o´|oª| ´@o)× l{¶ g@ q¨x{ « @o´|o¨| jPÁD{AB g@ l{g{Ø ½}¬ Y«| l{g{oÄ|À R)¶ l{M{U X|l{Ð{Á J{X{AÌ) l{Ð{À× l{¶ g@ q{Q¦{HO{@Á)ÅYg@
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, hC{Q¶ l{¶g@ O|@o)¶Ì ,l{x{AH)Ø ²{A«)Ú{@ @¿)C)g{q{P¼{oI||gAH{ l{¶ g{ ¤Á{M× h{Q¦g@l{g{oÄ|À j{H@ l{¶ g@ q{U X|±{AQ)Ì{Ú
@À|A)Ø ¼oT|o« l{P½g
''( q{AB gAH{ yl|L|Aª)ÁH l{¶g@ q|¬XÀl{¶g@Á{«× g{l|«A¦)«
Then go down placing your right foot first and say:
l|MÍÍu ¬{¨Y|g{ l|MQ¢BÌ@ ¬{¶{g{ l|MIUM´@ A¬ª h C|¶g@
Ú i× ½|CÈ×l{¶ g@ {oÄ|À q{¶ «{ R)¶ l{¶ g@ {QIÄ l{¶ gAH{ l{¶ g@ h{ÅH{(( l|MQHÀ M{¬XÁH{ l|MQÉ Å{¢g{ l|LÁMu@ M{ Á{¬H{
'' l|g|oÄ|À n|½|I @½¬ Y«| i ×½|CÈ× l|g PÁÈ Ú n|½X l|¶ g@ ÚÙ lg)@{ l|MQIMT@ Å{¢g{ l|LÁMu@ M{¬¨Y{H{ l|MP¿ M{¬{H{
y l¶¶D lYIÄ n½¬X@ l¶ g@ ÁIª j«{ NzÈ{ j¬g{ AP¼{AD) l|M¶T Ä{½¦|g{ l|MQÑLÀ@ Ä{Ig{
After reaching in the cellar, face the Qiblah and say: y ¼{AI){ jQH AP)AÑ)¦g@ Í g{½H{ jP½g@ iAP¼ ¦{¶u
J{X{AÌ) Ú o« R)¶ l|L|@o)¶Ì l|L|AQY{L l|L|Aª)ÁH l{¶ g@ ²| Ä h{¶ g@ l{g{½H{ ÁQL| h{«Ú|@ j{ l{H{ WÁ ¢L|h¶{¨g@ l{H{ b¬UL i× l|L½
À{oC|ɬg@ ±{@o)¶ g@À{o|A¬g@ j{P½g@À{og@ ±{AQ)Ñ g@ J{X{AÌ)iA«)à g@ ¼H{ l{H{ÁC BL|n|ÀA)Ø Á{¢¨|g@Á X l{H{ b¬¦Lh{¶ g@ i@Á)Q´ l{H{ ±¢{BL|
§{¶u À{oÍ||g@ À{oD|½ g@ J{X{AÌ)À{oÉ|¬g@ K{AM)¨{g@ AD)½QH AC)IPÁ¥AC)¶ ª| g{A¬)¬g@ l{H{ b¬UL ¼{AI){ À½|Ì| l{H{ ¢ÉL
¬|g@ À{oÍ|¬g@½{¬M¬|g@ h{x{@o¦g@j{¬Lo ¬|g@ ²{A«)Ú{@j{ÅYg@ AD)ÀoH|¼ AD)AI)ÌAC)¶ITAC)¶CÄAC)HÁ AC)¥ÁÈ AC)¶Qg¾ AD)ÃPÃ
¨g@ _{AM)¢«{ ²{A´)Ú
@ j{ªÀ| ²{
²{ ÄÚ{@ ¼{A¬){ ½{Ñ|g@ §{C¨g@ ABÅ¥{ AD)¬P AD)ÀÀo|| AC)´o ÃX| AD)ÁYH AD)Á H AC)Ho|T AC)gA¬)È{
@ p{ÁÑ´ ²{A¬)Mg@ À{½H²{ g@ Æ { ¬È²{A¨)XÚ@ g{ ½ l{H{ ÃU{L| AC)Q l|g j¨ ¬L|@ÀoT A¬¶»| Nz¶{«| A¬)ª Ú½
q{U X| ²{A¬)C|g@ ½{Q Å g@ ²{A¦)¬¦g@ Á{YIg@²{AC)g@ f{ ²{AÍ)¬Í g@ y°{¶tg@ j«{ ½}X
@ q At)« ° Yg@ j«{ ±}ÉH{ ¢{tMÅP Ú RMXjQ«{o ¬|g@
y²{AQ)¦{g@ ²{oQg{ ²{A¦)¬g@ K{AH)²{AÍ)t{g@
l|MUCH AC)H{ [|Ð{oL| l|MU X| AC)H{ Á|{ L| pÌ l{Q¶ l{Q¶ Ì h C|¶g@
AC)H{ ¤|Á{ ÉL| l|´AD)ÁH|AC)H{ h| L| l|´AB ¶Ä| AC)H{½|Po
L|l|MTÀ¼ AC)H{ b| ÁL
(1) Misbaah al-Zaaer, p. 215.
279 Rabeeul Anaam Fi Adeea-e-Khairil Anaam Ziyaaraat for Imam-e-Zamana (a.t.f.s.).... 280
AC)H{ ¬ÅL| n|À½¥ AC)H{ b| ÁL n|ÁÍ´ AC)H{ à {L| l|´AQ)H|AC)H{ ¶L|l|´A¨)« q{¢PÁÉ g@ q{g½ g@ ±{Q)XÚ{ |« o
¬|g@ ACP× Q¶ ²|
Å g× ±{@Á)M{«Ú{@
i{A¨)¬g @ @¿D) AC)H{à L| l|LÁÍ´| AC)H{Á|{¨L|l|M¬¶{ª AC)H{ Á|C{L|n|Áª¾{ yS)o¦Mg@ R¶ q{¬¶{¨g@ b«{AT)AP) Q¶ ²|
Å g×
R)¶IP Ú A«
Ä qQY{L A«{ i}@)× i}A¨)« ª| i{@)Ú
@ @¿D) «{
Q¶ ²|
Å g× l{¶ g@ ÀA)AP) Q¶ ²|
Å g× l{¶g@ KAH)AP) Q¶ ²| Å g×
yn|½|P½ R)¢P Ú n|½|P½T q{ªoÈ hÌ{A¥)AP) Q¶ ²| Å g× l{¶{D× j{P½g@ h{g{A)« Q{Y«|AP)
R)¶ l|MU X| n{¼{
H{ l{Ð{À× l{¶ g@ qQ¦{HAP) Q¶ ²|
Å g× ²{oP R)gÙ R)¶IP Ú | ¶{CP Ú ¿g@ l{¶g@ l{TAP) Q¶ ²|
Å g×jP½M¬|g@
JX{AÌ)AP) Q¶ ²| Åg× §{¶Å g@ §¶uAP) Q¶ ²| Åg×n{¼{AI){ J|IÅ g@ACP× Q¶ ²|
Å g× i{A¬)PÚ@ jªÀ|AP) Q¶ ²| Å g× j{P½g@
q¬¶{ª@oP Q¶ ²| Åg× ¼{oI|¬g@ qU X|AP) Q¶ ²|
Åg× ¤{ÁÉ g@ ÁÈ{A´) [{M¢g@ JX{AÌ)AP) Q¶ ²|
Å g× ±{A¬)Å g@ Õ
{ ÀÚ@ jQH |Í{M¬|g@
½{C«AP) Q¶ ²|
Åg× Ç{o¬|É g@ Æ ¬ÈAP) Q¶ ²|
Åg× ¼{o¬|Y¬g@ Í g@ {¬È §go
«|AP) Q¶ ²|
yAÐÁ g@ _{ Å g× S)½C|g@ q{P@À)
JX{AÌ)AP) Úo«AP) Q¶ ²| Åg× Õ { Á¢g@ j{Q jQI«| Õ { ÀÚ@ ²{½H{ Áx{Ag@±{AQ)I{´Ú@ ±{A)H× ±{AQ)I{´Ú
@ À{A) Jg{AÖ AP) Q¶ ²|Å g×
y±{AQ)I´Ú@ hL{Au)AP) Q¶ ²|
Åg× i{A É g@ g{A)g@ i{A«)Ã g@
S)½M@ j{« R)¶ À|oÍ|¬g@ ACP× Q¶ ²|Å g× ±H Á¨H{ {oM|¦¬g@
@ Q¶ ²|Åg× ±{@½)Ú@ ¿{«| ±{AQ)g{Ú@ à {«|AP) Q¶ ²|Åg× qQ¦{H{AP) Q¶ ²|Å g× A)¼ @¾)Ù K|AU)¬g@ Á BѬ|g@ ACP× Q¶ ²|Å g×
²|Åg× ½|PÁ¢g@ ²|A«)Ú{@AC)P
@ Q¶ ²|Åg×½|QÈÁ g@ h|x{A¦)g@ ½|QXog@ yi{@)½|g@ À{oUg@ q{g@Â)Ú{ ¥AI)g@ ¦{Mg@ Á Ig@ §{x{tg@
yÁ|CMɬ|g@ ° Yg@Á|M¬g@ ²|A«)Ú{@AC)P
@ Q¶ ¶{ jH@ AP Q¶ ²|Å g× R)¢Bͬ|g@ I{g@ jH@ AP Q¶ ²|Å g×
²|Åg× R)CM¬|g@ ° Yg@ R)IMU¬|g@ g{og@ ²|A«)Ú{@AC)P
@ Q¶ ²|Åg× jH@ AP Q¶ ²|Å g×±{@Á)Dà g@ q¬Ö{A ) jH@ AP Q¶ ²|Å g×R)ÑLÁ¬|g@
Q¶ ²|Åg× i{@)½|g@ À{oUg@ q{g@Â)Ú{ R)ULÁ¬|g@ ²|A«)Ú{@AC)P
@ Q¶ ²|Å g× jQ¦M¬|g@ p{¼A¦)g@ jQHÁ ¦¬|g@ p{¼AÅ g@ jH@ S)ÁI¨|g@ qUP½u
@ Q¶ ²|Åg×i{AQ)dB g@ f{oÅ|¢|g@ {DÚ{
½|QI¬|g@ ²|A«)Ú{@AC)P@
Ú@ jH@ AP Q¶ ²|Å g× jQ«ÁªÚ
@ ±{AI)Ug@ jH@ AP Q¶
f{A¦)É g@ dg@ cÁ| |½|Ì{AY)g@ f{A¢)g@ { ÁÉ g@ i{AQ)I|g{ ²|¼{AC)g@ jH@ AP Q¶ ²|Å g×jQP½{C¬g@ p{@½)C|g@ jH@ AP Q¶ ²|Å g× jP½MC¬|g@
Q¶ ²|Å g× j{Å g@ Ó
{ x@Á)¢g@ ½{P½UMg{ Á|u½ ¬|g@ ACP× Q¶ ²|Å g× yÁ{ÉIg@ p{¼AÄ) jH@ AP Q¶ ²|Å g× Á{Qtg@ p{ÁQu{
j{M¢{g@ K{¿{¨g@ {x{AI)X bÖ{A¥) ±{@o)DÚ
@ £{Pà g @ À{ÀA)Ø Æ«{AÖ AP) ²|Å g× jPÁC B¬|g@ J{x{AÖ Ú@ jQ«ÁªÚ
@q{ À{AB dg@ jH@ AP Q¶ ²|Å g×
281 Rabeeul Anaam Fi Adeea-e-Khairil Anaam Ziyaaraat for Imam-e-Zamana (a.t.f.s.).... 282
Q¶ ²|
Å g×jQIU´Ú
@ q{«À{AÑ)tg@ jQIUM¬|g@ p{ÀÁIg@ jH@ AP Q¶ K À l{¶ g{ ½|¬Yg@ 9|o¦|´ j|Y´ A _ôA«) _}Â{A´) j«{ N´× Å¢H{
jH@ AP Q¶ ²|
Å g× q{zQѬ|g@ W{Á|Å g@ p{ÁQ¬|g@ V{UY|g@ jH@ AP ''( yjQ¬T× l{g{Ø ½}¬ Y«| R)¶ l|¶ g@ R¶ Ì jQ¬¶)g@
AP Q¶ ²|
Å g× h{¶{g@ ½{{@o)¥ jH@ AP Q¶ ²|
Å g× q{I¥{Ag@ J{C|É g@ Then raise your hands and pray:
²{oU|g@ p{ÁD{@Ã g@ J{ª{@o)¨g@ jH@ AP Q¶ ²| Å g× h{¶Y{g@ i{¼{A)« jH@
qIQ A)QI{´ ½¦ o¨|É´ QgÙ S)o¶Ig@ K{Á¨g@ §|È{Aª) N´× h C|¶g@
jH@ AP Q¶ ²|
Å g×q{g{AB g@ Ç{o¬|É g@ jH@ AP Q¶ ²|
Å g× p{ÁD{AI)g@
A¬)ªÚ½ ABÅ¥{ Õ ÀÚ@ l{H{ «@ h C|¶ g@ A)QI{´ N{H{j{H@ A)«{A«)Ù
yq{Ö{AÅ g@ À{A¬)¥Ú
@ A´)½Q Ä A´)À{
@ l{M{QH {D@
½}¬ Y«| R)¶ Ì h C|¶ g@@ÀoT| A¬¶»| Nz¶{«|
²|Å g× q{Yx{g@ ²{ Ú
@ q{YÐ{@o)g@ {I|Å g@ jH@ AP Q¶ ²|
Å g× A
U¶« i{A«)à g@ JX{AÌ) A´)Úo« A)«A«)Ù A)IX{AÌ)
h{g{A)¬g@ jH@ AP Q¶ ²|
Å g× p{ÀoC|ɬg@ j{Å g@ jH@ AP Q¶
q{gÚ½ g@ [Ð{@) q{gA¦)¬g@ ÁD{A» A´)Á{D¼ {D×AU)« A´)Á{Í {D×
O{@Ã)U{¬|g@ p{¼oC|ɬg@ ½{D{@o)É g@ jH@ AP Q¶ ²| Å g×p{Ào|A ¬g@
yq{gAC)Ug@ j«{@¿¦{«| q{gÑ g@ j«{AP¼{AD)
±{AIg@ h{Q¦MŬ|g@ ¹{@Á)Í g@ jH@ AP Q¶ ²| Å g× p{¼oT|o¬g@
ºÅ{H@n|Á¬| Ö{×n|ÁÍ´ à {×n| ½{@o)¥ NI l|¬g{A)« ÁC{»×
O{@Á)D{A g@ x{Ú ½ g@ O{A)QI{g@ O{AP)Ú) @ jH@ AP Q¶ ²|
Å g×h{Qg@
n|½ ÃU{´×n|½H| KÁ ¥ n|Ào´|ÁC{»×n|Á«× X@
jH@ AP Q¶ ²| Å g×O{AY)Ð{@o)g@ j{QD@Á)Ig@ jH@ AP Q¶ ²| Å g×
l{x{A¦)L{À@ o ¶|| l{¨{¶«| ²{@)¼ l{x{A¦)H {oB|H{ Õ
ÀÚ@ j{PÂn|½C
lÖ jH@AP Q¶ ²| Å g×O{Ad)H{AÅ g@ h{g@ O{Ad)g{AI)g@ V{UY|g@
½ «{@
l|´AD)ÁH| h n|½{@o)¥ NIn|½D{AÉ)« Á´{@
yO{AP)¼{A)g@ À{oB g@ O{AP)À{@¿ g@ jQÄAP) O{A¬)¨Y¬g@
b À@ l|MUCH [Ð{×l|CT A´)À{@
l|´Aª)À×o ¥l|´A¨)« {@
l|´AB ¶Ä|
j{QÄo¥ KA¥) iA¨) Rg½M R´)¼ j« jH@ AP Q¶ ²|Å g× K ÀAP) l|d¶ H l|go Ä|l{B{×l|Lo¼ à {× l|M¬¶{ª ÁC{»× l|MTÀ¼
H{ OÁ ¦MÄ@ jP× ÁÈ{ NQg R)¶Ú
@ ¶{g@ j«{ KÁM¥@R)´¼
Ú S)ÁL| Ú °¶tg@ SÀ× i× ¶{ ÃPà S)oÖ| ¼@o)H{ N´
@ ²× oPog@
jÄ| l{H{ X@
jQ«{o ¬|g@l{H{ à {× l|«@ÁªÙ h l|«A¦)« ¤Á È
S)ÁL| Ú °|¶tg@ SÁP| i× ¶ ÃPà S)oU´ ÚÆ QÅX g b|¬ÅP|
dH l{¢{ª@ jPÀAIUgAC{H{ ¶{D×jQ¦ {A)¬|g@ l{H{ ¾× jQ¶ÄÁ¬|g@
A KA)A«) J}Qd«| j«{ N´× Å¢H{ ±|@½)Ú
@ H{ ºQYL| i× ¶ ÃPÃ
(1) Misbaah al-Zaaer, p. 217-219.
283 Rabeeul Anaam Fi Adeea-e-Khairil Anaam Ziyaaraat for Imam-e-Zamana (a.t.f.s.).... 284
{P¼ ±{@½)× R)¶ l|B¶ Ä ÁT|Â@jP½x{A¨)g@ Á È j«{ n|¿{×jP½Ä{AY)g@ Á ¨{P j¬Q K ÀAP) ¶TA g{¾) I¥ h C|¶ g@ {MQ oL iA{
À}A´) ª| l¢{QÅH{ ½¬{u× ½}Q À}AIT ª| l{H{ hÍ{¥@ jQ¬T× × NYL {MÅPl{«{AP× j|¨ ¬MPl{M{g¼ | ¶{¬Pl{M{TÀ
b¬{¥@i}AB ¶Ä| ª| l{´{AB ¶Å|H{ h¥{×i}A¨)« ª| l|¬¨X| ¿¢{´×½}Q¥ «{Áª ´{AÅ)X× ¶{Ñ¢H{l{M{P Á|H{ Á ¦L l{L{Á«Â| Á|ÉYP
ª| R)¶ n|ÁC{»×i{A¬)PÚ@ i{ØÁ¦|g@ D×l{H{ ¤Á È i{A)Ú
@ p½I l{H{ h{PÁ¨g@ i{AÅ)XÚ{@h{P½¦g@ j ¬g@ h{Qg@ {Ñ¢g@¾| ´Ù ´{A)M{«@
l|¦ X ½YT j« Ì{A MÄ n|@)A´) j« ¾{×n|@¼)A) j« NI{ª@i{AP)¼Ú
@ Thereafter, pray twelve units of prayers in your place, read
±{A¢)ÖÙ R)Än{Á{ª¾{ ¼A¬)uÙ ¼@À)× n{Á{«H{ iAC)MÄ@ l|¥½Ì{ Á¨´@
whichever surahs you like and gift it to Imam-e-Zamaan
(a.t.f.s.). After every two units of prayers, recite the tasbih of
yn{À{o´| Janab-e-Zahra (s.a.) and say:
JÁ g@ l|«A«)× ²½ ¥ q}¬ | l{H{ §É{ª@q}¬¶»| ª| n{À{o|H{ Ào ´ h C|¶ g@ «{ A)HÀ A)QX ²|
Å g×¼|o|P QgÙ ²|
Å g× «{ ²|
Å g× N´× h C|¶g@
« o
¬|g@ hx{A¦)g@ §C¶T@ K{ÁYg@ pÁÍ´| l{H{ h¥{× J{¶¦g@ l{H{ NI Qg{ j{H@ Qg{ R)gÙ «{ qP½{D O{A)ªÁ g@ n{¿{D) i Ù h C|¶ g@ ²{
Å gAH{
«@ ÁIMt¬|g@ ½g@ ÁM¬|g@ ²A«)Ú{@ Ñ ¢¬|g@ Ì{og@ J{X{AÌ) q{U Y|g@ [{g{AÍ g@ §{¶tg@ q{¬ x{Ú
@ j{H@ ²{A«)Ú{× x{AQ)g{× j{H@
l|MQgA«) R)¶ l|× A¬¶»| @ÀoT Nz¶{«|A¬)ª ABÅ¥{Ú½ Õ ÀÚ
@ Ñ × B{× AD)APÙ l|d¶H½}¬ Y«| {Ø ½}¬ Y«| R)¶ Í i{A«)Ã g@
½CP h}¨X| ª| R)¶l|¬¨X| Á{UL| RMX l|MQÁMÄ@ l|M¢¶tMÄ@ yjQ¬T× l{g{Ø R)¶ l{Q¶ L|@o)¶Ì g{oÄ|À Q xAT)À¶«@
Ð ª| l{¦ YH{ When you are through with the prayers, recite the supplication
famous as 'The supplication in occultation', which commences
²|@Á)P| Ú ¿g@ {ªÁ|H{ l|¢¢|ª²|A)L ÚMg@ {QH{ h C|¶ g@ l|ÄÁ|X@ with the following words:
n{¼{½ j«{ Cg)ÙAP) ¶T@²|AÑ)P| Ú ¿g@ à {H{ n|à {× ¤Á× hg Å¢´ Á L hg iÙ ´A Å¢´ Á hC¶g@
hÖ ¥¾{
@ l{{AI)L× l{{AQ)È×l{´{Aª)À× l{´{@o)× n{À{AÍ)´×n{¼{½« yACM¶Qg q¬Ug@ ²oP A¬@ KAH R nA´Áª¾ S¿g@ ³goÄÀ
½{QªAL l{M{QIg{ l|« ´ÁÑ{X@ l{M{UCH Ko ÅI{g× l{M{XÁ which we have mentioned in the deeds of Friday and its eve.
²{AQ)¦{¶g K ÀAP) ¦ ²{@Á)Yg@ M{QH½{ ²{A¦)¬g@ j{ªÁ g@ jQHn{½{¦
Second Ziyaarat
yl{M{QÍ{« K{A)M{T@l{M{g¼ {¨¬g@l{M{«½u{ S)o¬g@l{M{AB H{ This ziyaarat is from the authentic ziyaaraat mentioned in the
285 Rabeeul Anaam Fi Adeea-e-Khairil Anaam Ziyaaraat for Imam-e-Zamana (a.t.f.s.).... 286
@ jHAP Q¶ ²|Å g×p{ÁD{@Ã g@ À{@o)´Ú
@ jHAP Q¶ ²|Å g× jP½D{AU)g@ j«{ ²{A¦)M{´Ú{@ jQ«{o ¬|g@ Â{@Ã)Ù j{P½g@ p{ÁÍ|g{ l|¶ g@ Áu¾
i½{«AP) Q¶ ²|Å g× p{ÁD{AB g@ p{ÁM{g@ jHAP Q¶ ²|Å g×p{ÁD{AI)g@ yjQ¥À{A¬)g@
²|Å g× l|«{ ÚÙ RL)o P| Ú ¿g@ l{¶ g@ KAH)AP) Q¶ ²|Å g×q{Po{Ig@ ²{o¶||g@ §|AÑ)L| |A) Ú
@ Rª ÃL| |A¬)Ú
@ |I¦L| M{PÚo{H{ i @ ½|CÈ×
y ¶D n|ÁQ ¶Ä j« ¿g@ l{¶g@ QIÄAP) Q¶ M{«A«)H{ ¤ÁM@ M{PÚo{H{ ±T) j¬ y O|Az)QÅ g@ RY¬L| O|A)ÅYg@
Q¶ ²|Å g× R)CM¬|g@ p{À½Ä{ RH)oÖ| p{ÁUÈ Á»{A´)AP) Q¶ ²|Å g× yl|L|Az)QÄ NQY{«| l|L|A)ÅX N¢AÑ)L l|g|@o)¥@ N¥½ Ì| l|g|A¬)@ N¶I{¥|
R)¢tL|Ú Mg@ l{¶ g@ qU X|AP) Q¶ ²|Å g×R)¢BP|Ú ¿g@ l{¶ g@Ào´|AP) l|¶ g@ l|Iª ÁQ H{ ½IMÄ@ M Á{« C{T M{PÚ{ j ½ j«
{ ÀÚ@ { j« R)¶ l{¶ g@ qU X|AP) Q¶ ²|Å g×
y±{¬)Å g@ Õ q{¬Q)¦{g@ ²oP l|g h¦{P| hg¬ l|g l|¶ g@ {I¦P hg À{Ag@ n{Á{t« R)¶
ÓIH{ M´l|¶ g@ l{H{ Á A¬)H{ Á j« ²|Ä Q¶ ²|Å g×
yAC)¥o AC)¶|D@ N´@ Mg@ L{o|´| l{{Ö{AI)ª n|Á|D{A» @¿C)H{ Úo«AP) ½|C{È@| l|M¨x{« ½|C{È@| l¶ g@ ½|C{È@|
¥A)Q« Qg@{ ½C oD| g{¾) R)¶ ½|D{AÉ g@ N´@ l{M{Q´{ª n|Á Ä{
ioI|g{Ad)g@ hD| HÃX{ i @ ¦{H j« R)Ñ« j« R)¶ q|U Y|g@ ´@½|CÈ@
jP½X o¬|g@ Ã { jQ¦M¬|g@ K|oÅ|P j{P½g@ ²|A ´{ N´@¾@{ P½g
ª| i|Â{Au) ´@ iÁ|Ä{At)g@ h|D| x@½)@ iÃ|x{A¢)g@ h|D| xAQ)g{@
yjQ¬gA)g@ K À ´Á«@ g{¿)H{
(1) Al-Mazaar of Shaheed (r.a.), p. 62-65; Behaar al-Anwaar, vol. 102, pg.
287 Rabeeul Anaam Fi Adeea-e-Khairil Anaam Ziyaaraat for Imam-e-Zamana (a.t.f.s.).... 288
g AQ¦P Ú @{ Q ¼¼Â@ hg À|A¬)Ú
@ O{¼A¬)L À|oD|½ g@ N{gAB L o¶ IQd«| q« AMg@ M¬¶{ª ÁC{»@ ½}¬ Y«| { ½}¬ Y«| R)¶ Ì h C|¶g@
@ÁM«|A¥ oM«| Ú @{ À{oC||g{ @½¬M«|
¨M«| Ú @{ Q¶ AIX| Ú @{ yJ¥ ÁM¬|g@ §x{t)g@ Ð{À@
¶D@ ½g gA«) Å¢´ |¿|HA AI¥ ÁM«| P½P jQH ¼AC)U{g{ jP½g@ l{H{ à {@ h C|¶ g@ y@ÁQÅP AYM l|g [M @ @ÃPà @ÁÍ´ n|ÁÍ|´@ h C|¶g@
y Q{C´ Á{«@
jQH ¤Á ÍMg@ P½P jQH HÀ go uA«) bQ¬T §É{ª@ q¬¶ g@ l{H{ {T@ {o |Ú@ ½H ° Yg@ l{H{ b¶{Ö@ {o¬|t|g@ ½H
@¾)A´@ AC) pÁD{AI)g@ «
@ pÁD{@à g@ «AP@ N|ªÀ¼@ iA{ Úo« y¼AI){g@ l{H{½{D@ ¼
I{g@ l{H{ j«{Ø h C|¶g@ yq¬ d|g@ l{H{
P½P jQH p¼AC)É g@ l{H{oT|À@
Q{C´ Á{«@ jQH ¤|Á ÍM¬|g@ ½I ´@{ @ÀoT A¬¶»| Nz¶{«| A¬)ª ABÅ¥{Ú½ Õ
@ l{H{ «@ h C|¶g@
y P½g Âo¢g@ yJQU«| bQ¬Ä
x{AH)H{ H{ |Ä oL@ ´A{ À{oC|»| I¥ O|o¬g@ {ªÀ¼@ iA{ Úo« «{ÁX R)g@ {ou|½ g@ { Qg{og{ i¿xÙ l{¶ g@ g{AP) Q¶ ²|Å g@
{ ½}¬ Y«| R)¶ ¶ ÍP| i@ l|¶|zÄ@ R)gA)L l{¶ g@ Rg@{ jPÁD{AB g@ yl|L|Aª)ÁH l{¶ g@ q|¬XÀ jPÁD{AB g@ x{H) R)¶ Q¶ l{¶ g @ O|@o)¶Ì
j«{ £¶|HÚ{
«{AP@ qTÀ À{oC|»| pÁ ª g UP i@½}¬ Y«| Then go to the cellar of occultation, stand between the two
y¼@) | x{ؽ)@ j«{ ¢{È@ ¼@Á)«| M{AÖ doors, holding the side of the door with your hands, standing
at the edge like the one seeking permission to enter, recite: h{ÅH{
j«{ jQ¢x{At)g@ jQ«¼{Ag@ jQIÖ{At)g@ §¥{o« L{ÀAP)Â{ N|¢¥ Úo« h{QX{Á g@ j{¬)XÁ g@ ·
{ @, descend with calm and dignity, pray two units
of prayers in the open place of the cellar and say:
O|oTÀ M{A¢)È R)¶ N|¶¨L@ ½{¥ jQ¬gA)g@ K À K{A¦){
j¨| ¶g pÁ¢{d« HoQ||ÁMÄ Ho´|¾| oY« M{A¢)È L{Ú@o)¬|H{ y ½|¬Yg@ l{¶g{Á|Iª× l|¶ g@ l|¶g@ Ú Ù lg)@{ Ú Á|Iª× l|¶ g@Á|Iª× l|¶ g@Á|Iª× l|¶g@
°¶ L ½¦ l{¶{g i@Á)¢| l|¶ g@ {zÄ@l{¶{«@ °{Q¦YL ½{ Úo«AP) Qg{og{ p{ÀAP)Ãg{ A)¦ n| ±@½)× n| ±AQ)g{@
A) Á @¿C)g{ A´)@½)D{ ¿g@ l{¶ g{ ½|¬Yg×
y x{ؽ)@ j«{ ±Á IL M{PÚo{H{ Å ¬L ¶{IYH{ jQÐo ¢¬|g@p{
d|g@ j«{ Ú jQIÌ{Ag@ jP½´{A) ¬|g@ j«{ A)¶UP hg A)M{¬ x{×
yjPÁÍ ¦¬|g@ jQHAL)Á¬|g@ j«{ Ú
ÁC{»@ h C|¶ g@ yl|L½ A«) Qg{og{ ÃU{´@l{g{ ½}¬ Y«| R)¶ Ì h C|¶ g@
y jQ¬gA)g@ K ÀAP) ½| n{ ½| R)¶ n|ÁÍ|´@ l|Lo¼ {@ l|M¬¶{ª q{«@Á)¨g{ Á{u½ ¬|g@ R)¶ ²|Å g× l{x{AQ)g{@
j{H@ l{¶ g@ g{ R)¶ ²| Å g×
yl{x{@½)× À{@o)H l{¶g@ ±{AQ)g{@
289 Rabeeul Anaam Fi Adeea-e-Khairil Anaam Ziyaaraat for Imam-e-Zamana (a.t.f.s.).... 290
h M{P| i× Ú Ù l|¶ g@ RHA
n| ±A¢)ÖÙ Á{¢¨|g@ |D× ¼@À)@
¿g@ À{og@ R)¶ ²|
Å g× y g@{ i{AÅ)XÚ@ f{oÄ ¶ q{¬g@ e{AI)ÄÚ{
y hC{¬{ÁH{ ° Yg@ n{½{P R)¶ ÁC{P| RMXp{AQ)YgAH{ n|½P@
hC{D{Á¨|H{ n|Ào´| °{¶tg@ p{¼A¥) ° Yg@ K{AY)Ì@ ½}¬ Y«| { ½}¬ Y«| R)¶ Ì h C|¶g@
X ´@ @ÁQIª l|« o|¶| g ¬ª× @ÁQdÌ A¢)BÌ@ l¶ g@ i × ½|CÈ@
_{ Ì j«{ xA)¼| l{H{ °B{´@ hgA«) B{@ L|o¼A«) «{ JU{MÄ@
yOo|AB g@ NIU{g@ B{IL| RMXO|o¬|PÚ l{g{ ½}¬ Y«| R)¶ l|¶ g@ R¶ Ì ½QU« ½Q¬X ´@{ AQ)´¼| P¼
@ÁMÄ n|ÁM|Ä l{P{A ´ l{M{IQ R)¶ l{´{@o)@ l{«{@½ u| R)¶ l{Q¶ Ì h C|¶ g@ yjPÁD{AB g@
l{P½´{A)«| R)¶ LA
Ö h C|¶ g@ ¼{½|È@ @ÃPÁX ¦{« l|g T@ @ÃPÃ Then enter the ledge (stone moulding) of the cellar and say:
yl{PÁx{ØÂ) l|Qg{@o)« ÇÁ|X@ R¶ l|MAÖ NÐÁ ¿g@ À{Ã|¬g@ Qg{ ±{A) { Á|x{@Ã g@ ½|I h C|¶g@
l{L{ÁÍ|H{ XÄ{ TA @Ào¬|« n{Á{ª¿{H{ I¶¥ N¶T A¬)ª h C|¶g@ AC)¶T@ h C|¶ g@yÀ{Ag@ K{@¿) j«{ xAQ)g{@ l{H{ O¿¦´@ À{@Á)XÚ
@ ½{QIg@
¼{AI){ R)¶ l|M¶T ¿g@ O|o¬g@ l{x{A¦)g{ jQH QH AX) i@{@ÀoC|É«| yK}AL)Á«| ÁQ Qg{oH{ f}½ Í«| j«{ K}AU)MÅ«| ±}A)¼| O@¾) qgoI|¦« pÀAP)Â{
@ÁD{A» l{T{Á|u| ½{ HA A¬À M{¦Q¶u R)¶ l{H{ OÀ½¥@ A¬MX n{½{CÉ« j«{ Á@
bB¦L Ú l{L{ÀAP)Ã{H{ Ú l{H{ ½{Cg@Áu{ l|¶UL Ú h C|¶g@
¿g@ § Í g@ l{P½P jQH ½D{AT)@| RMX ¢ª @ÀÃ{Lo «| MgÁ¢X| j«{ yn{½ T l{QH@ p{ÀAP)Â{
oÌ|Á« iAQ)H| hC|´Aª (( 9N¶¦| H{AM)ª{ l{¶{D@ R)¶ NQ@
g LÁu{ AQ)´¼| M¥ÂÀ A¬)H{ ¢´@ M¦¢´ ¶ §¶{u@
h C|¶ g@
A)Q¶ J|Ì À|AU ¢|g@ A«{ N¬{È À|A M{´{Ú@ AÖ h C|¶ g@ yLÁM{ b{Q¬T oH@ ´@o)uÚ{{
yi{o|¬g@ ½HA)L{AQ)X io¬|Q¬g@ Qg{ lT A´)À{× h C|¶ g@yÀ|AÍ)M{´Ú@
l{P½P R)¶ | ¶{CPio|«{o ¬|g@ l{H{ Â|o¢|P ¿g@ ²|A«)Ú{@ ACP@ l|¶ g@ |¼{oMÄ@
yq{¦I|g@ n{¿{D) J{X{AÌ) ½P jQH q{TÁ gAH{ g j|P¼@ ´@{ h C|¶ g@ M|zT{ ¶{ j{H j{ÅYg@ jHAP Úo«AP) y ioH|¿ ¨¬|g@ iÁ| {A¨)g@
it|g@ M{¶Ì| N|B¥ yi{A«)à g@ JX{AÌ)AP)
odg@ yh¨|M«A«)@{ @½¦{M«| h¨|H{ Âo¢g@A¦ QM«| ½ T QHÚ{
io¨|Mg{ i{@½)¶I|g@ {D@ j Á«@ N|Q¢u@ iAÖ Ú
@ L{ÀAP)Ã{g{ O|ÁUD eH d¶ H jQQ¶ { ½{ g pÀAP)Ã g@ p¼AC)É g@ n{¿{D) JM|ª@ h C|¶g@
Rg °{Q oMg@ j{ÅX| g{@o)« x{AH) oQg@{ H À HÀ ½{ AQ¢È yjQ¬gA)g@ K ÀAP) hC{IY|H{ ¢´@ jQYg{AÍ g@
291 Rabeeul Anaam Fi Adeea-e-Khairil Anaam Ziyaaraat for Imam-e-Zamana (a.t.f.s.).... 292
Third Ziyaarat p{oQ)Yg@ { g{@o)« M¬ x{@ x{AH)Ø j«{ q¬ x{Ú
@ ´@ Ú o«AP) ½|CÈ@
This Ziyaarat is also from the authentic ones narrated by the
greatest of scholars in their books, like Sayed Ibn Taawoos ÀAI)L l|¶ g@ zÅL i@ Ú o« AP) ¶|zÄ@ y¼|AC)ÈÚ
@ ²|o¦|P ²oP AQ)´½ g@
@ Ho´|¾| i{@Á)¢| Ux{Øo)X ±{Ñ)¥ ´AÈ _{ Ì R)gA)L
(a.r.), Allamah Majlisi (a.r.), etc. It comprises of precious and
invaluable concepts concerning the recognition of Imam
al-Mahdi (a.t.f.s.). jQ«{o ¬|g@ L@o)u@ ´@o)uÚ{
g LÁu{Ø AQ)´¼| P¼ ½QH{
R)¶ ²|
Å g× ½|QIP Ú l|¬|¶{ ¿g@ h{g{A)g@ ½{P½Ug@ ° Yg@ R¶ ²|
Å g× yhQXÀ Ào¢| l|´@{ q Aª) O{A)«{o ¬|g@
b{«{AT) h{«Ú@ ½{C« R)¶ ²|
Å g×jPÁ {A¨)g@ Á{QI«| jQ«{o ¬|g@ Q{Y«| Then perform the prayers of ziyaarat as mentioned earlier.(1)
After finishing the prayers, say:
R)¶ ²| Å g× ¤{ÁÉ g@ J{X{AÌ) §{¶Å g@ §{¶u R)¶ ²| Å g× h{¶{¨g@
¿{«| ±{AQ)g{Ú
@ Ã {«| R)¶ ²|
Å g× ¼{o¬|Y¬g@ q{¬¶{ª ¼{oI|¬g@ q{U X| R)g@{ @½ g@ ¼{H{ M{¢Q¶u Ð{À@ M{U X| R)¶ Ì h C|¶g@
R¶ ²| Å g× ±{Q)Ì{Ú
@ h{L{Au) ±{AQ)I{´Ú
{À{@) R)¶ ²|
Å g× ±{@½)Ú
@ Á{QI«| jQ«{o ¬|g@ g{ Á{«AH{ Ã{x{¢)g@ B{Ŧ{H{ h{x{¦)g@ ¶{QIÄ
Á{D{AÉ g@ §{QÅ g@ R¶ ²| Å g× Á{CMɬ|g@ {½g@ Á{M¬|g@ h{x{A¦)g@ q{¬¨Y{gAH{ c{¼{AÍ g@ ° Yg@ Á{Q«| q{¬¶ g@ ¶ U«| jPÁ {A¨)g@
²{A¬)Mg@ À{½H ²{
g@ Æ ÐÀ@ {Q M{IQ M{¬¶{ª f{½Í g@ q{ÅYg@ q{{o¬g@
{ ¬È R)¶ ²|
Å g× Á{D{AI)g@À{og@ Á{D{@à g@ Á{¬¦g@
@ p{ÁÑ´ ²{A´)Ú
@ b{QHÀ R)¶ ²|
Å g× À{o´| S)½C|g@ h{¶ p{AU)g@ q{Q¢Ä [{Ì{Ag@ g{og@ §{x{At)g@ J{¥ ÁM¬|g@
W{Á ¢«| À{oL|o¬g@ Á{Lo{g@ S)½LÀ@ Î ¬ ¦L j« Á{Qu S)Àog@ À{AÍ)H@
j{P½g@ R)¶ ²|Å g× ²{AC)g@ f{ ²{AÍ)¬Í g@ J{X{AÌ) R)¶ ²|Å g×
l{x{AH) R)¶ l{Q¶ l{¶ g@ O|@o)¶Ì S)o¶Ig@ §{È{Aª) h Cg@ {Pë| K{Á¨g@
l{M{U X| n{¼{H{ l{¶ g@ q{Q¦{H R)¶ ²|Å g× À{oM|Ŭg@ K{AM)¨{g@ À{o|A ¬g@
N{¥@ À{AY)ÄÚ
@ J|ª{@o)ª N¶ÖA«) jQ«AQ)¬g@ p{¼A¦)g@ jP¼AC)g@ q{¬ x{Ú
À|A)Ø ¼oT|o« l{P½g ±{Q)I{´Ú
@ |PÀ@o)« l{Qg@{ RC)M¬|g@ n{¼{AI){ R)¶
@ O{¼Á À|AC)g@ |Qg@ §¶Mu@ À|A¬)Ú
@ N{P@ À|AU)ÈÚ
g{ g{og@ Á Å g@ R¶ j{¬Lo ¬|g@ ±{AQ)¢{ÌÚ
jQ« ° Yg@ lg)@{ l{x{Øo)g{ NYL l{L{Á«Â| A´)ÁÉ|X@ l{IY|H{ A)¢´@ h C|¶g@
l{H{ b¬UP i@ h«Ú@ l{H{ T à l|¶ g@½ ¿g@ ½{C¬g@ R¶ ²|Å g× '(( yjQ¬¶)g@ K À
l|g j¨ ¬P| Ú½ ABÅ¥{ Õ ÀÚ
@ l{H{ ¬P É g@ l{H{ h ¶|P h¶{¨g@ (1) Twelve units of two units each, recite whichever surahs you wish and gift
l|¢X@ ¦{¶u b{Q¬T Á È j«{ e}AÖ e}AH) ª| Á È j«{ n|¿{@ h C|¶ g@ yjQ¬gA)g@ K À p{ÁQu{ p|ÁM{ jQ¶ÄÁ¬|g@
j«{ l|«@ l|ÄÁ|X@l{g{A¬)È{ j l{{Q¬P j l{¢{¶u j«{ l{P½P j{QH j«{ Ú@{ A«{ ±È A¬) A´Á|¦«A«oM|Y« n|¾|A¢)´@{ h¨|H{ ±{AB g@ [|x{A)« n{Á{P½¦L j«{
l{H{ ÁC{»@ g{oÄ|À { goÄ|À l{Q ¢X@ ±}oÅ|H{ l{Qg@{ ÌoP| i@ j«{ l|«|A¦)M{´@ q¬´{ h¨|Qg{og{ n|À|AQ)u{|QIÅ g@ l{Qg@{J|IÅ g@ l|g hM|´@
l{Q¬Ì{A¥) hÍ{¥@l{Qg¾{Au) ¿|u@ l{PÁÌ{A´)ÁÍ|´@ Á{ÍgAH{ n|½P@ ½g@ h¨| JD¿« Ú hM|´@ Ú@{ câ« Ú pAU)´ qBtÄ hª| ½|
bQ¬T jQ¦ {A)¬|g@ ÀA¢ ¨|g@ l{H{ M|¥@ Á{¢¨|g@ pÁx{AI)T l{H{ hÍ{¥@ l{Ð{À@ n{½{QXoL jª{AÅ)« l{M{ Á{« q¶¬X pÁ»{Ag@ l{¶ g@ jQ|@AP)
@ f{À{AÉ)« j«{ @o´|A)ª |QX jP½Y{¶¬|g@ yl{x{A¬)Ä
yl{g{ l{Q¶ l|¶ g@ R¶ Ì QI{´ jP¼ l{H{ ÁC{»@ Ú½ Õ
@ l{H{ «@ l{x{AQ)I{´@
|À{@) l{M{¬´{ |A¬)ªl|MQ¦{H l{¶ g@ qU X| AP) Úo«AP) N´@
{ ´À{@ l{M{QÈ l{{AI)L@ l{´{@o)@ n{À{AÍ)´@ j«{ h C|¶ g@ {¶T@ AC)Q Mg@ A)HÀ ½{og{ q{TÁ g@ J|X{AÌ) A´)Á{D¼ j«{ n|A)d¶HA«) l{x{A¢)¶u|
° Yg@ lg)@{ iÀ|¿YPA«) hD{ ½| io¶|«|AP A«) ²|Å g× hC{Q¶ ½}¬ Y«| yA´)Ã { A)g l{¶ g@ Á|Í´ A)T|Á ° Yg@ q|g¼
yjQ¬X{@Á g@ hXÀ@AP) ²{@Á)ªÚ{@ {Ug@ @¾AP) jQ«
|odg@ K|oI|ͬg@ h|¶{g@ K|oÍ|¬g@ h|¶{g@ ACP@ Q¶ ²|Å g×
JX{AÌ)AP) Q¶ ²|Å g× K}¿|¨« ÁQ @½ q|Ä{@o)g@ q|¬XÁ g@
Fifth Ziyaarat: Another detailed version of
Ziyaarat-e-Aal-e-Yaasin(1) p{À½¦|H{ n|¼|oC|| l{¶ g@ ½{QH{ l|¦|Q@o)« l{¶ g@ j{QH{ ¿g@b¬Å¬g@ S)×Á¬g@
h{Qg@ {Ñ¢g@¾| l|¶ g@ j|QI¬|g@ |Ñ¢g@ oD| g{¾) Æ " P) {Ø R)¶ ² Ä yl|´|AB ¶Ä| l{¶g@
h¶{ l|M
u{ ÆP) ØAP) l|¶ g@ h|ª|AL)Ø ½¥ hQ¦MŬ|g@ l|Ö@Á)Ì{ l{P½CP j¬g{
l|¶|t{IL| Ú ¿g@ h|PÁ¨g@ q|IÑdg@ l|¶|U L| Ú ¿g@ h|Q¨Yg@ N´@
§É¨ l{L{o¨|¶« n|¼@À)@ l|ILÀ n|ÁH¼ n|AÑ)¥ A¬)Q n{Á{«@ ÀAU)« O|@¾) l{¶g@ L|½DAU)«| q|Q¬Yg@ l|¶|CUL Ú ¿g@ h|g{A)g@ q|Q¢Yg@
(1) Misbaah al-Zaaer, p. 223; Behaar al-Anwaar, vol. 102, p. 92.
299 Rabeeul Anaam Fi Adeea-e-Khairil Anaam Ziyaaraat for Imam-e-Zamana (a.t.f.s.).... 300
l{¶g@ Á|IÌl{¶ g@ ²{A¦)M{´@ O|@¾) l{¶g@ M|ÀA¦)«| l{¶ g@ q{QÉ{« A)M|¬Í{ A)L{@o)¶Ì OA¥)@ A)D|AT) hM|´@ A´)À|o´| hM|´@ h¨|Q¶ ²| Å g×
yl{M{¬XÀ l{¶ g@ ½{Pë¾| l{¶ g{ Á|¨È| l{¶g@ p{A´)@¾| yA)g{A¬)@ Á{x{AÄ)A´)À{A¢)dM{Ä@ A)«{AQ)Ì{ A)L{
Ì A)x{A)½|g{ h¨)H{
l{g{A¬)È{ l{{Q¬Pl{x{@À) l{«{A«)@À|o´| l|¶ g@ l{¶ gAH{ A»o¢|Y«AP) Q¶ ²|
Å g@ |o«|A ¬g@ ²|A«)Ú{@ ACP@ Q¶ ²|
Å g× i|o«|A¬|g@ ²|A«)Ú{@ACP|@ Q¶ ²|
Å g×
l{{¬ÄÀ|o´| l{¶ g@ p{À½¥| A´Ã|t«AP) Q¶ ²| Å g@ l{M{YL l{¥{o Å g@ b{«{@o)UH{ Q¶ ²|
y²{ Å g×
¿g@ l{¶ g@ fA)Q«AP) l|¬{Ð ¿g@ l{¶ g@½AP) Q¶ ²| Å g@ n{Á{ÍH
i @l|g PÁÈ Ú n|½X l|¶g@ Ú@{ lg)@{Ú i@ ½|CÈ@ ´@ Úo«AP) ½CÈ@{
yl{¦ X ÁÌ{A´) l{¶ g@ q¢Q¶uAP) Q¶ ²|
Å g× n|½ª n|¿u@
yl|¶|D@ oD|Ú@{ JQIX Ú l|g|oÄ|À n|½I @½¬ Y«|
K{AM)ª{ g{AL)AP) Q¶ ²|Å g× l{L{¼@À)@{ Qg¼ l{¶ g@ qU X|AP) Q¶ ²|Å g× l|M|U X| jQÅY|g@ i @ l|M|U X| jÅYg@ i @ l|M|U X| jQ«{o ¬|g@ ÁQ«@ i @
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¶ÍL| jQXAP) Q¶ ²|Å g× j|Q IL| @Á¦L jQX AP) Q¶ ²|Å g× ½||¦L i @l|M|U X| ½}¬ Y«| jH ¶{ i @ l|M|U X| ¶{ jH½¬ Y«| i @ l|M|U X|
yN||¦L yhª|½{ÈÀ| p|@½)D| p|A)¼| AQ)I{´@ i @ l|M|U X| N´@ l|M|U X| ¶{ jH jÅYg@
¾|o L| jQXAP) Q¶ ²|Å g× ½|U|ÅL b|ªÁL jQX AP) Q¶ ²|Å g× b|¢P Ú AC)Q È Ú °
X h¨|MTÀ i @ l|M|¬L{Au) Á|u{Ú) @ | Ú@ hM|´@
½|¬YLAP) Q¶ ²|Å g× Á|I¨L |¶ CL| jQX AP) Q¶ ²|Å g× [|IÅL| y@ÁQu AC)´{A¬)PÙ NIŪ@ |I¥ j«{ N«Ø j¨|L hg AC)´|A¬)PÙAÅ¢´
Q¶ ²|Å g× _|½¬L ½|U ¬L| jQX AP) Q¶ ²|Å g× Á|¢{dMÅL
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A)L@½)D| A)LA)À| l{¶ g@ VUX|AP) Q¶ ²|Å g× R)gÚ|@ p{Áu{Ú) @ n{Á{«AH{l{¶ g@ q{QÉ{¬H{ io¦|I{ÅL Ú i¼ ÁL| Ú °
X q{A¢)É ¶g{ h¨|´@ °
yA)Qg@o)« A)L¼AÄ) A)M¬ x{@ A)L¼A¥) A)LA)¼| y io¬|¶L
301 Rabeeul Anaam Fi Adeea-e-Khairil Anaam Ziyaaraat for Imam-e-Zamana (a.t.f.s.).... 302
R)¬g@ l{¶ g@ q|U X|R)ÅY|g@ n{½{QH{ AQ)¶|g@ q|¬¶{¨g@ q|¬XÁ g@ l{¶ g{ N|HÁ ¦L A¬)Q Ä|Á|YL l{Q H{ N|¬ÍM@ N|´¼{A¬)Q N´@ Ú @{ g j«
½¥ ½QÄ
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´Ú{@ j U{g@ °¶u ¶Ì{ ªÀ{¼@ ´{¼@ {@ l|MªÁH n|ÁMÄ{ l{¶ g@ qPA¥){ AP) Qg@{ l{H{
y h¨|AÖ @ j« ½{Ä h¨|¢gAu) j« ¦{È yB¦L Ú H{
½{ g l||¢YL l|´|Ã{tL| l{Q¶ L|½CÈ@A¬)H{ ½CÈA Ú o«AP) N´@ ½}¬ Y«| {Ø ½}¬ Y«| R)¶ Ì h C|¶ g@ HÁ ¦L ¶Ä oL Qg@{ hC{H{ h C|¶g@
AM¥{A«) ½| j«{ AzPÁH g AQg{ l{H{ §|¥{@ l{Q¶ Á|É´@| l{Q¶ O|o«|@ yÆ " P) {Ø R)¶ «| Ä ¬Í{@{ M{U Y|H{ B¦LÚ hC{H{ ¶Ì{
yhM|IIX@ j¬g{ @¼@)h¨|ÑdH@ j¬g{ y½QU« ½Q¬X l|´@{ HÀ HÀ l{¶ g@ ½{ n|AU)g@ N´@ Úo«
l{H{ hL|Á«@ A«) ¤|Á|¬g@n|o¬|M|Bt{ÄA«) |Ö{AI)g@ n|o¬|M|QÐÀA«) ° YgA Q Á ¦MÄ@ g{¾) j«{ l|M¦¶u ¿g@ ¬{ÄAH{ g|A
Ä@ ´@{ h C|¶g@
l{H{ OÁA MÄ@ A« N|I¬|g@ ±|AÑ)¦g@ l| hM|QC´A«) Á|¨¬|g@ Ç|½ ¦M«| AP)@ |A)M«|AP)@ i|o ¨«| AP)@ i|o|Qª AP)@ @½H@ ±}È R)g@{ «{ W|Á|tP
y ¨|M|Ä| l{H{ OÁA MÄ@ ÚA«) o Y|¬¬g@h¨|M|QÉ{« yj|YM«| AP)@ §|xÁM«| AP)@ h|X ÁM«| AP)@
¶{ l|g|oÄ|À n|½I ½¬ Y«|l|g PÁÈ Ú n|½X l|¶ g@ Ú@{ lg)@{ q{¬¶{ª M{¬XÀ I{´ ½}¬ Y«| R)¶ ¶ ÍL| i@ AÑ l|M¦¶u A¬)ª g|A
½¬ Y«| l|M|U X|
¶{ l|M|U X| j|QÅY|g@l|M|U X| j|ÅYg@l|M|U X| jQ«{o ¬|g@ Ào´| À½Ìj{Q¦Qg@ Ào´| I¶¥ «@ M{¬XÀ p{@½)D|½{g{@) À{o´|
l|M|U X|½¬ Y«| l|M|U X|
¶{ l|M|U X| R)Äo«| l|M|U X| Á¢Tl|M|U X| xAª)¾ °{Q oMg@ Ào´| «ÃO{AI)g@ Ào´| Á¨ { i{A¬)PÚ{@
yl||QD@Á)H l|M|U X| hM|´@ l|M|U X| N´@ l|M|U X| jÅYg@ l|M|U X|
¶{ Á{x{AÍ)Ig@ Ào´| P¼ f{½Í g@ Ào´| ´AÅ)g{ {¬g@ Ào´| Lo ¥|h{¶{g@o´|
ÚAM)¥{ l|ÖÁÈ ¶{ l|¶ g@ ¿u@ Mg@ q{QIgAH{ ÁÉ{IMÅ«| Úo« AP) A´@ L¼ o« q{¬¨Y{g@ { Ào´| ¬Ä±{AQ)Ñ g@ Ào´| ÁÍH ½{{ j«{
Ú n|½X l{¶ gAH{ l«{o «| Å¢ jQ«{o ¬|g@ Æ ¢|´@ l{H{ S)ÁMÈÙ l{¶{QIÄ p{ ±@Á)Ig@ p{o ¥| Ào´| Å¢´ ²|Å g× hC{Q¶ l{g{Ø ½}¬ Y¬|g{ p{Ú@o)¬|g@ Ào´|
h¨|g{ @ g{@o)«AP) h¨|H{ jQ«{o ¬|g@Á{Q«AH{ l{g{oÄ|ÁH{ l|g PÁÈ y½}¬ Y«| {Ø ±{@½)@ ½}¬ Y«| ±{@½)@ j«{
j«{ L ±@Á)H h¨|g qÍg{Au) L ¼ o« p½ «| h¨|g LÁÍ´| hª|Á{u{Ø g{AP) M|¬XÀ ÅM¶ ¥{A)Q« ½{CH{ N|Q ½¥ A¦)g@ RMX
l|¶ g@ ½QX
g{ A´@ hª|À{A)g{ qMH{A) {@½)U{g@ p{¼ÁYg@ {D@ h¨|x{@½)@ O{@Ã)U «| o xA)¼| l{¶ g@ qU X|AP) {¬Å« ØÁ¬H{ ½|¬ Y«|AP)
yjQ«Ø jQ«Ø g{@¿)ª ¶UP ° Yg@ l|g)@{
303 Rabeeul Anaam Fi Adeea-e-Khairil Anaam Ziyaaraat for Imam-e-Zamana (a.t.f.s.).... 304
yh|PÁªAP)AÐ)À{ ¬Ä « « « H{ h|Í{M@ MHAT)@{ y P)Áu@| Q)gA|H{ ¤À{A) Ú o« A´@Ú o«AP) Q¶ ²|
Å g×
° Yg@ ÀoC|»| ÀoC|»| Á|{M´Ú M{QH {A)H{ H{ R)gA)L l{¶g@ Rg@{ K|Á ¦L@
Sixth Ziyaarat: Ziyaarat of Imam-e-Zamana
(a.t.f.s.) on Friday(1) i@ ½}¬ Y«| { ½}¬ Y«| R)¶ ¶ÍP| i@ l{¶ g@ |zÄ@ P½P R)¶
T h i s z i ya ar a t i s f r o m t h e m o s t f a m o u s o n es b y
Imam-e-Zamaan (a.t.f.s.) as also from the most important
x{ؽ)@ R)¶ g jPÁÌ{Ag@ jQH{AMg@ g jPÁ{M¬|g@ j«{ ¶UP
ones to be recited on Friday and is exclusively related to him. y x{Q)g{@ q{¶¬T| P½P jQH jP½CÉMŬ|g@
Renowned scholars and great traditionalists like Sayed Ibn
Taawoos (a.r.) have recorded it. @¿)D) M{QH { R)¶ Q¶ l{¶g@ O|@o)¶Ì i{A«)à g@ JX{AÌ)AP) Úo«AP)
jQ«{o ¬|¶g{ l{Q W|Á¢g@ À|oC|»| l{Q b|¥oM¬|g@ «|oP oD|q{¬|U|g@ ²|oP
yl{Ð{À@ l{¶ g@ qU X| AP) Q¶ ²|Å g×
¢|QÐ l{Q Úo«AP) A´@ ¢{QÅH{ jPÁ {A¨)g@ |M¥ P½P R)¶
yl{¦{¶u l{¶ g@ jQ AP) Q¶ ²|
Å g×
q{ AQ)Ñ gAH{Ào«|A« ²{@Á)¨g@ ¼{Ú@ j«{ hPÁª {Úo«AP) N´@ À|AT)
j{ l{H{ W|Á ¢P| i½|MC¬|g@ l{H{ ½MCP ¿g@ l{¶ g@ Ào´| AP) Q¶ ²|
Å g× M{QH {D@ R)¶ Q¶ l{¶g@ O|@o)¶Ì´ÁT{@ ¢Ð{A p{ÀAT)Ú@
yjQ«{¬|g@ yjPÁD{AB g@
y§|x{At)g@ K|¿ C¬|g@ ACP@ Q¶ ²|Å g× Seventh Ziyaarat (A Brief Ziyaarat)
y[|Ì{Ag@ g{og@ ACP@ Q¶ ²|Å g×
This brief ziyaarat has been emphasized immensely by our
master Imam-e-Zamaan (a.t.f.s.) in a true dream, where he
l{¶ g@ Ào´|AP) Q¶ ²|Å g× l{¦{¶u R)¶ l{¶ g@ qU X|AP) Q¶ ²|Å g×
yp{oQ)Yg@ jQ AP) Q¶ ²|
Å g×
l{¶ g@ q{Q¦{HAP) Q¶ ²|Å g× l{Q{X R)¶ l{¶ g@ jQ«@AP) Q¶ ²|Å g× l{Ð{À@
yjPÁD{AB g@ jQIQB g@ M{QH { R)¶ Q¶ l|¶ g@ R¶ Ì Q¶ ²|
Å g×
²|Å g× jPÁD{AB g@ x{AH) R)¶ Q¶ ²|Å g× l{U{UX| l{x{Q)g{@ j«{
@ À{oC|»| Á{Íg@ j«{ ½ A«) g l|¶ g@ U Q¶ ²|Å g× Q¶ ²|Å g× {AQ)È@ H{AI)X@ À{AÍ)´@ H{AY)Ì@ R)¶ Q¶
(1) Mafaateeh al-Jenaan, A'maal of Friday. (1) Fawz-e-Akbar by Shaykh Faqeeh al-Imaani, p. 71.
305 Rabeeul Anaam Fi Adeea-e-Khairil Anaam Ziyaaraat for Imam-e-Zamana (a.t.f.s.).... 306
yl{Q¶ ²|
Å g× J Y{L| j« R)¶ ²|Å g×jP¼AC)g@ q{¬ x{Ú
@ jH@AP Q¶ ²|
Å g×jQ¬gA)g@ ±{AÅ)´{ p{½QÄ
jQ¦M¬|g@ q¬Í{AP) Q¶ ²| Å g×jP½È{@Á g@ ±{AQ)Ì{Ú
@ jH@AP Q¶
Fourth Sub-Chapter
jQ«{o ¬|g@ jªÀ|AP) Q¶ ²| Å g× jPÃx{A¢)g@ ²A«)ÙAP) Q¶ ²|
Å g×
À{@AP) Q¶ ²|Å g× jQ oC|¶¬g@ WÁ AP) Q¶ ²|
Å g×
In this sub-chapter, we shall mention some of the etiquette of
the shrines of Imam Ali al-Naqi (a.s.) and Imam Hasan
al-Askari (a.s.) in Saamarra which are particularly related to yjQIUM¬|g@
Imam-e-Zamaan (a.t.f.s.), like the ziyaarat of his parents. We
shall also mention hereunder the ziyaaraat of the four special Q¶ ²|
Å g× l{¶g@ {oÄ|À Ì{ h{¶{ iÂ{Au)AP) Q¶ ²| Å g×
deputies in Baghdad.
l{¶g@ K{AM)¨{H{ °|Ö{Ag@ ACP× Q¶ ²| Å g× l{¶ g@ h{¨Y|H{ @½ g@ACP×
Ziyaarat of Imam Hasan al-Askari (a.s.) ²|
Å g×h{«Ú|@ ¼{AD)AP) Q¶ ²|
Å g× V{UY|g@ qU X|AP) Q¶ ²|
Å g×
When you intend the ziyaarat of Abu Muhamamd al-Hasan
qQ¢ÄAP) Q¶ ²|
Å g×h{¶{g@ qIQAP) Q¶ ²|
Å g× h{g@ g{AP) Q¶
al-Askari (a.s.), then perform all those actions which we have
mentioned earlier concerning the ziyaarat of his father, Imam {¥{A)¶g{ p{ÁD{A g@ Á{M¬|g@ ²{A«)Ú{@AH×AP) Q¶ ²| Å g× h{¶Y{g@
j{Q|× j J{U{MY¬g@l|M| Á{« jQ¦Qg@ { q{MH{Ag@l|M|U X|
Ali al-Naqi (a.s.). Thereafter, stand near his holy grave and
ÄÚ{@ l{H{ A)HÀ ½{Q¬|g@ jQ¦Ä{A¢)g@ q{g¼ j J{Qd¬|g@jQ¬g{A g@
¶{ jH@ Á{¨Åg@ jÅYg@ ½}¬ Y«|AH)×AP)Úo«AP) Q¶ ²|Å g×
y Ç{@À)½{´Ú{@ ½H AÑ iØÁ¦|g@ Ç{A¬)B{´Ú{@ ½H @½P½T
l{¶ g@ g{ AP) Q¶ ²|Å g× l|L|Aª)ÁH l{¶ g@q|¬XÀ ½MC¬|g@ ¼AC)g@
Q¶ ²|Å g×l{U{UX| jH@ l{¶ g@ qU X|AP) Q¶ ²|Å g× l{x{AQ)g{× jH@ OÁ«@
pAª)à g@ NQLØ pÍ g@ N¬¥@
´× Úo«AP) ½|CÈ
l{x{A¢)¶u| jH@ l{¶ g@ q¢Q¶u AP) Q¶ ²|Å g×l{x{AQ)¢{Ì× jH@ l{¶ g@ ¢{Ì AP) q{¬¨Y{gAH{ HÀ {QIÄ R)gÙ Oo¼ Á{¨¬|g@ j{ NQC´ ¤{Á|¬gAH{
jH@AP Q¶ ²|Å g× jQQI{g@ h{L{Au) jH@AP Q¶ ²|Å g×l{M{¢Q¶u AH)× |zÄ× j|Q¦Qg@ AL)× RMX AͶ{t«| l{¶ g@ O½I q{ÅYg@ q{{o¬g@
y jQQÌ{og@ h{L{Au) QÄ Á¨|ÉP h¨|g LÀAP)Â{ I¦MP i×n|½{ h¨|g ¿g@ i{AÉ gAH{ l{¶g@
@ ° Yg@ À{AÍ)´× j«{ ¶UP h¨|H{ xA)¼| JQUMÅP h¨|QgÙ
Á{Q«× jH@AP Q¶ ²|Å g× jQ¶ÄÁ¬|g@ ½{QÄ jH@AP Q¶ ²|Å g×
yl|L|Aª)ÁH l{¶ g@q|¬XÀ Q¶ ²|Å g×l{QIY{«| l{Qg@o)« l{{AQ)È
jH@AP Q¶ ²|Å g× jQQÌ{og@ ½{QÄ jH@AP Q¶ ²|Å g×jQ«{o ¬|g@
307 Rabeeul Anaam Fi Adeea-e-Khairil Anaam Ziyaaraat for Imam-e-Zamana (a.t.f.s.).... 308
Then ask whatever you like for yourself and your brothers.
yioY|g{AÍ g@
¶{ j{H j{ÅYg@ R¶ Ì l{M{QH {D@
½}¬ Y«|A´)½{QÄ R)¶ Ì h C|¶ g@
±{AÅ)´{ p{½QÄ jQ P½{C¬g@ q{¬ x{Ú
@ p{½g{@±{@Á)DÃ g@ q¬Ö{A¢)H{ QgÙ |Ä oL@
À{A)« S)½C|g@ h{¶ ¶{QIÄ RgÙ @½ g@ {P¼ R)gÙ ¼AC)g@
Ì AC)Q¶ Í jQIQB g@ AD¼{Ú × q{QÈ q{¢ ɬ|g@ jQ¬gA)g@
K{AY)ÄS)Àog@ {Q RC)g@ S« R)UY{g@ i{½{«R)¦Mg@
yjPÁD{@½ g@ ÁD¼ jP½H{Ú) @½H× q¬x{@¼)
R¶ ½{QCÉ g@ q{¬ x{Ú
{À{@) q{{o¬g@ Á{YH q{¬¨Y{g@
Í l|M¬Cg
@ K{AM)¨{g@ {Ð{A¢)g@ K{¿ C¬|g@ ²{oÍ|¬g@q{« Ú|@ ²o¶|¬g@ j{QÅY|g@ ª{Ã g@ Á{D{AB g@ Ð{Á g@ j{ÅYgAH{ QgÙ |Ä oL
M{AB H{ l|MAÖ N´Á¥ M{¶I¥{ {DÚ{ A¬¶ l|MIÍ´ K{ABt{g@ j{QIB g@ j{PÁQtg@ j{Q«A«)Ú{@ q{Ug@ {D×AI)È ½QÄ ¦{Mg@ Á Ig@ Ð{Á¬g@
y M{¦Q¶u b{Q¬T R)¶ l|L¼ o« NÐÁ A¬)C{Q¶ Í j{QgoM|¦¬g@ j{Q«o¶|¬g@ j{P½QCÉ g@ j{PÁD{AB g@ j{QQ¦{Mg@
yqQg{AM)M«| qQg{@o)M«| pÌ NHÁ A«) Æ
¬È N¶ÖA«)
Õ Au) j« S)¼À× ½{QXoL Ï { uÚ{@ j{ÅY|H{ KA´)× A¬)¨ h C|¶ g@
pÌ l{Q¶ K ÀAP) Í H{ i{A¬)PÚ@ {D× j R)«AX) C{QIÉL j«{ K{oU|Y¬g@ jP½H{A)g@ ½{QÄ j{QÅY|g@ j{H ¶{H{ QgÙ |Ä oL
jQQIg@ h{L{Au) n{½ T q{TÀ½H{ q{Ug@ {o¶|P jQÈ{At)g@ Y« ACH °|Y¶P Á{D{@à g@ À{og@ Á{D{AB g@ Á{¥{AI)g@ ¶{ j{H ½{¬ Y¬|H{ jQ¬g{A g@ ¤{ou
A´AÅ)XÙ Ñ l{L{Ú@o)«| ´½|g j«{ A)L{ØA«Ä qQY{L A«{ l|d¶ H Í O{A¬)¶| g@ {XAI)Í«{ O{Aª)ÁIg@ {XAM)¢«{j{P½Q Å g@ j{Q«A«)Ú@
yh}QÅT j « h}Q {Ñ ¾| ´ÙA´@o)ÐÀ{ pÁ¢{d« y_|Á|L½|dL pÌ ÀAC)´ ±AÐ)×A«) Qg S)ÁÄA«) A¬)C{Q¶
9¦ NÁ @¾A pÀAPÃg@ pÌ ¶ÍL h h{¶{ °{Ö{Ag@l{¶ g@ j{ f{¼{AÍ g@ ½}¬ Y«| j{H Á{¢UH{ QgÙ |Ä oL
[{Ì{Ag@ Ì{og@ l{Å{¢´ [{g{AÍ g@ ½{Ig@ Á}¢T j{H RÄo¬|H{ l{¶ g@
h dg@ WÀ{A )AP) h Cg@ K{Á¨g@ §È{Aª)AP) ²|oQ¥AP) XAP) ²|o¬|P¼AP) h|x@¼)AP)
[IÄA«) A¬)C{Q¶ Í j{QQ {A¨)g@ j{QQ {@o)g@ j{QP½{C¬g@ j{QP¼{AC)g@ j{Q«A«)Ú{@
|Ä oL× N´@Ú @{ lg)ÙÚ XAP) ½{og@ f¼{AÌ)AP) {Ä|Á g@ {AH)AP)
y½|QIL Ú R)¢LÚ ½|PÃL R¬)L pÌ ¶ g Á YL ¶« g
l{M{H@ R¶ n{Á{CÌ{ l{¬ j{H@ ¶{ l{QÌ{ ½}¬ Y«| I{QIYH{ QgÙ
Í bx{B g@ PAMg@ NYM bP{@Á)É g@ A¬C{H N¬Mu ¿g@ RÑLÁ¬|g@ ¶{ j{H½{¬ Y¬|H{ AÐ)Á g@ RÄo«| j{H ¶{H{ QgÙ |Ä oL×
y ´{A)T{ j«{ jQQ¶ {g@ ´{@o)ÐÀ{ R)gÙ A¬)C|Q¥{ÁL| p
Ì hC{QQ¶ ±{oÅ g@ pÁx{@¼) T@ l{L{AÄ)AQ)¥{ l{I{D{@¿)« j«{ ¼AI){ _À{×
¼{AC)g@ ¶{ j{H j{ÅYg@ ½{È{@Á g@ ½}¬ Y«| j{H ¶{H{ QgÙ |Ä oL× x@½)× jD{× xAQ)g{×o ¥ P¼ ÁC{»× g½ ºÅ{H@
j{PÁH{AÍ g@ q{¶x{AC)g@ jY¬{gAH{ j{PÁIMt¬g@ ¼{AI){Á{«H j{Q¬x{A¦)g@ h{QYUg@ { hD|½¶ u xAQ)g{× l{x{AQ)g{×ÀAP)¼{ Æ Q¶HÙÀAP)¼{
K{@o) ±@Â)Ù jPÁH{AÍ g@ Á{T× ±A¢)ª A¬)C{Q¶ Í q{¶x{A¬)g@ j{XÚ@ Æ { QXA)« q¼oMŬ|g@ x{A)g T@ h{QgÚ@ K{@¿)g@ j«{ hC|¥¾{@
yq Á g@ A¬C|g ½|C ¬L| p
Ì jPÃx{A¢)g@ hC{Q qPÀ{AT)hC{H{ q¶ª o«| hC{Q¶ pÁx{@¼) p{ÁB¢{g@ l{PAÉ)« q{¦¶t{g@
y_}@)À ½||_}AI)Ì ±}AÅ)« ª|
½{D{AÉ g@ ¼{o|o¬g@ ²{oQg@ A´{A«)Â °{¦ Y«| A)«{A«) A{H{ K ÀAP) QgÙoL×
J{Á gAH{ À{oÍ|¬g@À{o´Ú
@ ±{AQ)Ñ g@Á{DÂÚ
@ À{og@ ¼{oC|ɬg@ K@¿) M{¬XÁH{ A)¥{ qÅX p{Áu{Ú) @ qÅX AQ)´½ g@ A)L{ØA)HÀ
@ Á{UÉ g@ f{@À)@
Á{¬g@¼½ l{Q¶ Í p{¼A)Å gAH{ Á{¢ ¬|g@ yjQ¬X{@Á g@ hXÀ×AP)À{Ag@
n|A¸`Í)X× ¬|¶{ l{H{ ¹AX)× A«)¼½ Á{Hog@ Á{É g@ ¼½ À{½¬g@ ''( y´@ouÚ Å¢g JYL A¬H c¼@ h
yiÁ|u{Ú) @ iog| Ú
@ ACH{ l|B|I{dP pÌ H|AM)ª{
Ziyaarat of our lady Narjis-e-Khaatoon (s.a.), the
l{M{g½H{ A)ÄÁ|X@ l{M{AÖ R)¶ A)¢X@l{L{Á«Â| A´)ÁÉ|X@ h C|¶g@ mother of our master Imam-e-Zamaan (a.t.f.s.)
yjQ¬X{@Á g@ hXÀ@AP) jQH@o Mg@ j«{ A)¢Y{L
@ After the ziyaarat of Imam Hasan al-Askari (a.s.), recite the
ziyaarat of the mother of Imam-e-Zamaan (a.t.f.s.),
¦{¶u ±{@o)Ú{{ ÁMÄ@ ½{¥ jQ¶ g@ ¼Á ¬M¬|g@ ÆQ¶HÙ i Ù h C|¶ g@
Narjis-e-Khaatoon (s.a.) whose grave is behind that of her
husband (a.s.).
½¥ l{Q ¬{¶{ °{H{AÅ)H{ l|M¶C«A
½{QI {ÐÚ{{ ¶C¬MÄ@ l|LÁ´A
Á{Q«×A´)Úo« R)¶ ²|Åg× j{Q«Ú
@ f{¼{AÍ g@ l{¶ g@ {oÄ|À R)¶ ²|Åg×
l|L|A)¼| OÁÉM´@ l|È|oQ|T| N¬X¼Â@ n|¼|Â@ n|¼|o|T| OÁ|ª ÊÉ
²|Åg× jQ«AQ)¬g@ V{UY|g@ jPÁD{AB g@ q{¬ x{Ú
@ R)¶ ²|Åg× jQ«{o ¬|g@
jP¼Á ¬M«| AH@Ã)X× jQ¥Á ¢M«| AQÈ{ ¼{AI){ @o¶ ÐA
{ ÀÚ@À{AB ¥×
q{¶«{AY)g@ ²{g@ { ¶{¬g@ À{@Á)Ä× q{¼o¬|g@ ²{A«)Ú{@ p{½g{@ R)¶
n|¼Ú× ¶D l{´{AÈ °PìL l{´{AQ)H| Õ o¦|´| O½ ½¥
{ Q¶ ²|Åg× q|QÐ{Á¬g@ q|¦P½Í g@ ACM|P
@ Q¶ ²|Åg× ²{A´)Ú@ ¤{ÁÈÚ{
yl{L{A )M{u@ l{L{A)@Á)M{u@ j{«{ ¼H{ ÁC Öl|ÈoQ|T|
q|Q¦{Mg@ ACM|P× { Q¶ ²|Åg× R)ÅQ À@o)X q{H@ R)Äo«| ² @| qCQIÈAP)
(1) Behaar al-Anwaar, vol. 102, p. 67-70.
311 Rabeeul Anaam Fi Adeea-e-Khairil Anaam Ziyaaraat for Imam-e-Zamana (a.t.f.s.).... 312
N|¶Ä oL QgÙ x{AQ)g{H{ N|I¶Ö AÐ)Á{g{ O|½¬M@ APÙ h C|¶ g@
(1) Abu Amr Usmaan Ibn Saeed al-Asadi al-Amri (r.a.).
(2) Abu Jafar Muhammad Ibn Usmaan Ibn Saeed al-Amri
Qg{ ² ×Á{I¦H{ N|¬ÍM@ H{ N|¶¨L@ ¬{¶X{ ´{@Á)¢| R)¶ (r.a.).
R)¶ MI AC)L{ÀAP)Ã{H{ ¢´@ ½}¬ Y«| {Ø ½}¬ Y«| R)¶ Í O|¿g|
(1) Behaar al-Anwaar, vol. 102, p. 70-71
313 Rabeeul Anaam Fi Adeea-e-Khairil Anaam Ziyaaraat for Imam-e-Zamana (a.t.f.s.).... 314
(3) Abul Qaasim Husain Ibn Rawh al-Nawbakhti (r.a.). to be inclined to their ziyaarat.(1)
(4) Abul Hasan Ali Ibn Muhammad al-Saimoori (r.a.). As for the method of their ziyaarat, it is like how Shaykh Tusi
(a.r.) in 'al-Tehzeeb' and Sayyed Ibn Taawoos (a.r.) in
Shaykh Abbas al-Qummi (r.a.), the venerable scholar, writes
'Misbaah al-Zaaer' have mentioned through their chains
in 'Mafaateeh al-Jenaan':
culminating in Husain Ibn Rawh al-Nawbakhti (a.r.), the third
Know that from the duties of those who visit the holy shrines special deputy. While describing the procedure of their
in Iraq is that during their stay in the holy city of Kazmain, they ziyaarat, Nawbakhti (r.a.) writes, 'Send salutations on the
mus t go to Baghdad t o pay t heir respect s to the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.a.), Ameerul Momineen (a.s.),
aforementioned four illustrious personalities, who represented Khadeejah al-Kubraa (s.a.), Faatemah Zahraa (s.a.),
Imam-e-Zamaan (a.t.f.s.) during the minor occultation. Visiting al-Hasan (a.s.), al-Husain (a.s.) and the nine Imams (a.s.)
their graves does not require much of an effort from the ending with Imam-e-Zamaan (a.t.f.s.). Then say:
pilgrims as all of them are situated in Baghdad, not far from
their place of stay. Even if they were buried in far-off cities, it ´@ ½|CÈ@ ,lQH× hÄ@ ÁI¦g@ JXAÌ hÄ@ Áª¿L ,i} | jH i |AP)
N¬¥| l{Q¶ N¢gAu) Ú l|M¢gAu)A«) l{Qg@{ NP¼ @ l| NP¼ @ R)go¬g@ K|AH)
would be obligatory upon the pilgrims to cover those long
distances and bear all the difficulties to visit their holy graves in
order to obtain great rewards and reap never ending benefits. ´@l{Q¶ N´@ ¿g@ ° YgAH{ A À{A) M|zT{A¦H{AÄ) N ÁÍ´@ AÌu)
For, they were indeed superior to the companions and
confidantes of all the Imams (a.s.), in grades and merits. They yp{ÀA¢)g@ q{P¼{AMg@ R { Nu|A«)
achieved success through their representation and
ambassadorship of Imam-e-Zamaan (a.t.f.s.). They were the q}¦{ j«{ «A«) Á}Q¢Ä j«{ l|Ä@A«) K{AH) j«{ Q¶ ²|Å g×
medium between him (a.t.f.s.) and his (a.t.f.s.) followers for a NPA) RMX n{À{o|H{ Í Mu@ l¶g@ i @ ½|CÈ@ ¨«@A«)
period of almost seventy years. They performed numerous
extraordinary acts and miracles. Some of our scholars even yl{Qg@{ NP¼ @ l| NP¼ A Î
tÉ g@
subscribe to their infallibility. It is not unknown that they are
Again, begin with salutations on the Messenger of Allah
his (a.t.f.s.) deputies after their death like they were in their
(s.a.w.a.) till Imam-e-Zamaan (a.t.f.s.). Then say:
lifetime. Hence, it is necessary that whatever is written through
their channel and in their names for the solution of difficulties
hC{x{@½)@ j«{ q{x@Á)Ig@ l{x{AQ)g{@ p{Ú@o)«| l{¶ g@ ½{QXoMH{ AͶ{t«| M|zT{
and calamities is bound to reach Imam-e-Zamaan (a.t.f.s.), as
has been discussed in its proper place. To sum it up, the Rg@{ hC{H{CT oL hC{Qg@{ H{ Rgo¬g@ qU X| AP) o¢|gAu) jP¿g@ j«{
greatness of their virtues and their position is beyond the
scope of explanation. Whatever we have narrated is sufficient (1) Mafaateeh al-Jenaan, the chapter of the ziyaarat of the four special
315 Rabeeul Anaam Fi Adeea-e-Khairil Anaam Ziyaaraat for Imam-e-Zamana (a.t.f.s.).... 316
Ziyaarat-e-Jaamea'h ²|Å g×jPÁD{AB g@ p{ÁÄÚ@ R¶ ²| Å g×jQIQ B g@ p{ÁM{g@ R¶ ²| Å g×
hÌ{A¥) A´)@
À{AL)ÚAH J|g{AB g@ A´@
j{QÅY|g@ O{@À)A)gAP) (( À{A)É{H{ ¼A)P| g{@| R)¶L¼AÄ) jH@ ½QÄÚ o« jH@ Ú o«AP) Q¶
y²| Å g× |Ñ @
l{g{Ø l{Q¶ j{ÅYg@ j{H@ Á{M¬|g@ h{x{A¦)g@ ''À}AIT ª| jQ¬T@ hC{Q¶ Q¶ ²|
Å g× ½{H j«{ Á{«ÚAH{ ²{@o ¦|g@ ½{C
j«{A)¶T@ l|UC« bÄ{@
l|TÁt« C Ä l|TÁ U h C|¶ g@ yl|L|Aª)ÁH l{¶g@ q|¬XÀ
jP½CÉMŬ|g@ l{¶{QIÄ jP½D{AU)¬g@ l| jQH@¿ g@ l{´{@o)@
ª{Ã g@ Ì{og@A)L{¼AÄ) jH@ A´)½{QÄA)M{¬ x{@ j{H@ A)«{A«)Ù R)¶ Ì h C|¶g@
yl{P½P jQH R¶ Õ { ÀÚ
@ { M{U X| ÐA¬)g@ j{H@{¥{AI)g@ ²{A«)Ú{@ ¦{Mg@
A)d¶ H A¬)Ú
@ A«{ I¦L ½}¬ Y«| {Ø ½}¬ Y«| R)¶ Ì h C|¶ g@ ¦{¶u jQH QH A¬)Q Á{Q¢Å g@¼{ I{g@ { { {AY)g@ I{Q¼{AI){g@
AÐ)Á g@ g|A
Å´ A´Ù h C|¶ g@ {AT)Ú) @ [Å
@{A«)Ú) @ bQ¬T M{¬XÁH{ Ñ @
l{Q¶ hC{Q¶ À{AH L{@o)¶Ì Ñ @
¦ YH{ hC{Q { h{x{A¦)g@
''(³R)ÐÁL J Y{L|A¬)g{ °Q oMg@ R)Ñ«A¬ o¢g@ y L{Aª)ÁH
½g@ « ¬|g@ hx{A¦)g@ l|¶T@ ½}¬ Y«| { ½}¬ Y«| R)¶ Ì h C|¶g@
Ç{½|¦|g@ _{Á|H{ «{ n|½P
@ jQHÁ ¦¬|g@ M{¨x{¬H{ l|¢ X| U ¬|g@
Third: A Part from the Salutations of the Days of
the Week
{Ñ × j{H@ ° YgAH{ h{x{A¦)g@ §{¶tg@ ²{A«)Ú @ R)¶ p|Í g@ ²|Å g×( {P½H{ hx{A¦)g@ H{AM)ª{ R)g@{ {@½ g@ l|¶T@ jQ¬gA)g@ K ÀAP)
y'§{¶Å g@ l|P¼{ l|g j¨ « l{¶{I¥ j«{ jP¿g@ N¢¶tMÄ@ A¬)ª Õ
{ ÀÚ@ l|¢¶{tMÄ@
AzQÈ H{ | Á{ÉP|Ú ½|I|P A«× l{ {ou ½{H j«{ l|g½{H× l|g l|MQÑLÀ@ ¿g@
n|Ào´| n{¼{
H{ l|M¢Q¶{un{¼{AI){ l{¶ g@ qU X|AP) Q¶ ²|
Å g×
T@ @ÁQÅ{P AQI{«| AYM l|g [M @ @ÃPÃ @ÁÍ´ n|ÁÍ|´@ l{H{ ÁÍ{M´@
Ú½ À{oUg@ ½ I«| l{ÐÁ l{M{Ä| R)gÙ {@½ g@l{Ð{À@ l{x{A¬)Ä
P¼{ l{H{ ÁC{»× @ÁQÍ{´ A´AB ¶Ä| n{ ½| ½| R)¶ ´½|g j«{ l|g
¨H{ ° Yg@ ÁC{«| n{À{oC||H{ {Ö{AI)g@ b {@¼)
l{«{ M¥ À{A¢ ¨|g@ {¢«|
j«{ ½}X× q At)« ° Yg@ j«{ ±}ÉH{ ¢{tMÅP Ú RMX jQ«Ø QI{´ qÄ|
yÁIMt¬g@ ½g@ ÁM¬|g@ ²A«)Ú{@ l{x{A)¢{H{ ¼{AI){g@ ÊQ{«
l|«{A)Q¶ ¼¼|À@ n|A¬)´× l|IQÖ× ²{Å g@ Ñ @ l{Q¶ h¶ ÄjQ¥{o¶|t¬g@
}Iu| ª| L{A¥) ¦{g@ q|¦g@ ½{C¬g@ ²|A«)Ú{@ AC)P@ Q¶ ²|
Å g× l{¶ g@ q|¬XÀ jQ¬T@ q{¬ x{Ú
@ R)¶ l{Q¶ ²|Å g× ²Å g@ q{QY{Mg@
Å g× g{½ À{oC||g{ Á{{M¬|g@ ½{I j«{ Q¶ ²| Å g× ¼{À yl|L|Aª)ÁH
(1) Behaar al-Anwaar, vol. 102, p.193
321 Rabeeul Anaam Fi Adeea-e-Khairil Anaam Ziyaaraat-e-Jaamea'h 322
and recite the takbeer (ÁIª@ ·@) 100 times and say:
n{½{g| j«{ q{¬ x{Ú
@ R)¶q{U Y|g@ ½{C p{Ú | R)¶ p|
Í g@ ²|Å g×(
y 'hC|g p{A)½ g@ PÁÈÚ n|½X l|¶ g@Ú@{ lg)@{ Ú i@ ½|CÈ× h{QXÁ g@yj{¬)XÁ g@ l{¶g@ h{ÅH{
Úl{¦{¶u j«{ h{¶{g@og|@| l|M|¨x{« l|g O½C{È l{Å{¢g{ l|¶ g@ ½C{È A¬)ªl|g
hC{Q¶ Ì h C|¶ g@ n{½{g| j«{ q{¬ x{Ú
@ R)¶ n{½{C p{Ú | R)¶ ²|
Å g×
l|goÄ|ÀJ|tM¬|g@ n|½I @½¬ Y«| i @
½|CÈ× h|Q¨Yg@ Ã|PÃg@oD|Ú@{ lg)@{
A«) hC|g h¬ L hD|ÁÍ´ Ã {@
hC{g{AT)Ø ¼Â{ hC|gA«)Ø hC|d¶ H
l{¶ ª| j{P½g@ R¶ n|Á|C{Q|g{ ° Y{g@ j{P¼ S)½C|gAH{ l|¶ÄÀ× R)ÑLÁ¬|g@
i|¼{A)« hC|´ @ÀAÍ)´@
{P¼ R)¶A´@o)@
hC|g A)¶T@ hC{QgÙ Á{«@
yioª|Á{ɬ|g@ nÁ{ªog
p|Ú | {P¼{ h|x{A)¼ ½{QX{À i|Aª)À@
¬{¶{ j|x{@Ã)u L{A¬)¶{ª
A«{ hC|d¶ H x{AQ)¢{Ì× ¼{Ú × p|o¢Ì ¼{AI){ j«{ AÍ)¶u| Á{«@
@ L{Aª)ÁH R¬)´× AC)¶¬ª
@ L{@o)¶Ì Ñ @
T@ h C|¶g@
hC{Q¶ ²| Å gײ Å g@ qQY{Mg@ hC|«{ A)Q¶ ¼¼|À@²
Å g@ qQY{Mg@ g{oÄ|À ½{I ½}¬ Y«| A´)½{QÄ R)¶ AC)¬ L@
''(yl|L|Aª)ÁH l{¶ g@ q|¬XÀ M{Íg{Au) M{Ì Au) L{ÁQu{ Q¢{Ì QÐ{À Qg{ QU{´
[{Ì{Ag@ Á{«A
H{ c{¼{AÍ g@ Q¶ { @½ g@ g ½{D{AÉ g@ {Q«
Fourth: Another Transmitted
{QD@Á)Ig{ [{Ð o¬|g@ {P¼ j K @¿ g@ ¶{QIÄ ½{D{AU)¬g@ g
Ziyaarat-e-Jaamea'h, Narrated on the Authority of
the Tenth Imam, Abul Hasan al-Haadi (a.s.) @o)g@ L{AÐ)Á« R)gÙ ½{È{Á¬|g@ M{AÖ R)gÙ ½{C¬g@
Sayyed Ibn Taawoos (a.r.) writes that this ziyaarat is narrated
À{ogAH{ ½{P¬|g@ Á{«
@ ¾{A¢´Ù R)¶ Ð{A¬)g@ ½{Cg{ { {AY)g@ Q{Xog{
from Imam Ali al-Naqi (a.s.). Seek permission to enter as
discussed earlier concerning the ziyaarat of Imam-e-Zamaan y}g ABu ª| j«{ ²{oÍ|¬g@ Ð{Á¬g@ Á{«Ú
AH{ ¼{½ Ŭ|g@ ±{Ѭ|g@
(a.t.f.s.), ten enter by putting your right foot first, followed by
the left and say: ²{o ¦«| {¶¬{g@ i{AP)¼Ú
@ Á{QtH{
{o|I¬g@ }Bu Æ
} ´¼ ª| j«{ n{Ã ¬|g@
i@ ½|CÈ@ yl{g{Ø l{Q¶ l|¶ g@ R¶ Ì l{¶ g@ {oÄ|À q{¶ «{ R)¶l{¶gAH{ l{¶ g@ h{ÅH{ V{¶¢g@ À{oC||H{ Ï { oÍ|t¬g@V{UY|g@ O{A)QIg@ h{Q¦«| W{og@ {Q¬g@
n|½I@½¬ Y«| i @ ½|CÈ@l|g PÁÈÚ n|½X l|¶ g@Ú@{ lg)@{ Ú j«{QY¬g@ ÁMMÄA« ½{QXoL j«{ Á{C{¬|g@ V{C¬g@ _{AÑ)PÙ
yA¬Q¶ÅL h¶ Ä l{g{Ø l{Q¶ l|¶ g@ R¶ Ìl|g|oÄ|À j«{ R)IMU¬g@ °¶d´@ A¬g{ [{L{A¢)g@ °IÄ A¬)g{ h{L{At)g@ Á¼A«) L{¼AI){
Then turn towards the grave so that the qiblaah is behind you S)½C|g@ ¹|@Á)È
@ l{H{ q{YÐ{o¬|g@ ¦{x{A¦)X §{ɨg{ ²{AM)¬|g@ ¦{x{u
(1) Behaar al-Anwaar, vol. 102, p.228.
323 Rabeeul Anaam Fi Adeea-e-Khairil Anaam Ziyaaraat-e-Jaamea'h 324
yR¬)g@ J|QHÁ{ l{H{ o ¶|U¬g@ {oÄ|Á g@ ¥{@) l{Q«AX) j{P½g@ Ã {«| ²{A)ÌÚ
@ Á{Å ¨«| ²{
ÄÚ{@ Á{Ì{A´)
q{QÖ j«{ À{AM)t¬g@{QgAÐ)Ú
@ O{Ú oÌ b{ {@¼) {QÖAH)Ú
@ O{AÉ)QT £{«{@¼) q{gÃ{¬H{ l|«{ oD| j« ±{Au)Ú@ ²oP l{L{Au)@o)¬|H{ Ï { oÍ|t¬g@ l{Q Aª)
c{Á f{Á{¬|g@ À{At)¢g@ Ç{Á{d« ²{½¥Ú
@ ½{U¬g@ q{g Ä| ²{Á¨g@ ±{AÅ)g@ p{½QÄ {H±{AÅ)¨{g@ K{AY)Ì@
{ «{Au) R)Äo«| j«{ iÀ|AD)
@ p{ÁUÈ j«{ J{UM¬|g@ f{À{o¬|g@ Á{¬|g@ ±{ g@ D l|Q|Ä À{o¨|ɬg@ S)oB g@Á Ð| ½H O{o¦|gAH{ Á{{o ¬|g@
´{AD)ÁH|° YgAH{ {QH ±{AY)BIg@ p{Á Ä| ±{AQ)¶g@ q{H@)¾| ±{AQ)Ñ g@ RC)g@ ¼{oÖR)UY{g@ Y{« R¦)Mg@ SA « S)½C|g@ _{AI)Í«{RL)@
q{dg{AI)g@ M{U X| x{AQ)I{´@
h{L{Au) °{¶tg@ b{Q¬T R)¶ S)oͦ|g@ q{PAd)g@ Rg)@{ j{{A g@R)¬|g@ q{U Y¬g@ RgÙ @½ g@
y x{A¬)Ä ¿g@S)Áª¿ g@ {PAMgAH{ h{g{A)g@ R)¶|g@ ½{U¬g@ R)g@{«AÅ g@
O¼¼À A
Ð oL RMX {P½{¬{g@ Ç{AB gAH M{¨x{
« Ï
@o)u l|M«½u@
c{A¢)M{´Ú{@ À|½¥ AC)H{ l{{A¢)M{´@ J{T Á|¬{dP pÌ l{Q¶ Ì h C|¶ g@
g N{¥og@ { @ S)¼ @ RMX AC)H{Á|| o{ ´|¼| ½H Æ
¬É g@ l{Q¶
½H n|¼Â{l{I{IÅH{ jQ¦¶ M¬|g@ À½¥ f|o¢|PA«) AC)I{IH{ °{¶ Mg@ q{ªÁH j«{ Â|oY|P
¼@½)¦¬{g@ [« jQX{ q{Ug@ {D@ ²{A)Ö j«{ l|M¬Ö×AÐÁ
RMX {A«)Ú) @ [|QÅ l| Á|ÌA¦)MPA«){TÚ@ ²{@Á)ªÚ{@ j«{ l{H{ g{¾)
L{AÐ)Á« ±Ad)M{H@ l|Å¢´ S)ÁÈ ¾@{ M{¨x{
« Ï @o)u l{H{ NQDAH)AÐÁ¥
{Â{A)« R)Ä× ¬{´{ j«{ R)¥ÁP J{L{@Á)¬g@ AY)« R)¶× «{Áª j«{ o¶|P
Ó } IH{ Á ¥@ j« ¦{É gA Ñ{x{@Á) S)½X@{ l|MPÚ { N¶TR)ÐÁMg{
p{o¢Í g@ ¬g{A» l{Q¬g{A» j«{ l{I{T{@) l{¦ YH{ h C|¶ g@ l|g¿u| J{D{@o)¬g@
yAÑH Á¨´×
J{X{AÌ) À{Ag@ q{Ug@ h{QÅ¥ À{At)¢g@ i{½{«À{@Á)HÚ@ Á{Í||
½{H j«{ º{Ŧ{gAH{ h{x{A¦)g@ {P¼ i{AP¼ Q g{ R)¶ Ì h C|¶ g@
Á{H{AÍ g@ J{ÍMd¬|g@ ²{o¶|¬g@ ¤{@Á)ÈÚ
@ q{¬ x{Ú
@ H{@
½{QÄ jQ¦M¬|g@ ²{A«)Ù jQ«{o ¬|g@ Á{Q«×J}g{AÖ H× j{H ¶{ QI{´
l{B{DÀ ¼{oÍ|¦¬g@ l{L{ÁM{ l{Å{¢´ À{oL|o¬g@JÅ{MY¬g@
jQ À{A)g@ q{¶I¥{ jQ¶U Y¬g@ Á d|g@ ½{x{A¥) j{P½g@ K{oÅ|P jQQÌ{og@
hC|¶g@ AD)½{QÉ{¬g{ cAÑ)L@ Ú AD)½{PÃ{¬g{ cAB ¦{´@ Ú p
Ìl{L{Ã {@
g{oÄ|À q{¢Q¶u j{QM¬g@ ¶{IX R¦)o|g@ L{Á| jP½MC¬|g@ h{¶{
²}A¦)« q}ILÁ«
R)g@{ l| À@ ²{@Á)ªÚ{@ WAL) l|To L ²{A)´Ú @ ¶X|
yj{P½g@ AQ)´½ g@ { lQÌ{ jQ¬T× Ç{Ag@ R)¶
R)¶ h C|¶ g@ l|g h¨|X@²| Å g× l{g{ R)¶ l{Q¶ QI{´ °Y¶P RMX
²{@Á)Yg@ {Yg@ jQH Á{DÂÚ
@ f{À|A¢)g@ ²{A´)Ú
@ { Á{IªÚ
@ °{P½Í g@ yl{QÑ{¦L A¬)Q { |½g@ ´Ù l{Q¬g{A»
325 Rabeeul Anaam Fi Adeea-e-Khairil Anaam Ziyaaraat-e-Jaamea'h 326
q{¬ x{Ú
@ ² @|{oÄ|Á g@ q{H@ ±{@Á)DÃ g@ {oM|I|g@ p{ÁD{AB g@ R¶ Ì h C|¶ g@ j{PÂ ¼{AU Å g@ j{QÅY|g@ j{H ¶{ q{¬XÁ g@ I{´ BIÄ{ q{Ug@
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@l{L{AP)Ø yK{oQ|d|g@ R)¶
²{ÄÚ{@ q{¢XS)Àog@ ¤{oC|ª| R)¦Mg@ ²{× R)T½ g@ À{A)« AP½{MC«| h¨|´{A ÉH{ @ÁÍ{IMÅ«| h¨|¦ YH{ A À{A) g{@o«AP) h¨|L|ÀÂ|
@ K{AI)È ½QÄ j{QÅY|g@ j{ÅYg@ ²{A´)Ú@ b{Q¬{T R)¶ U{UX| A¬Í{M«| h¨|M{PÚo{H{ A¨Å ¬M«|h¨|M{Å|g{ AI{M«| hª|Á{Ú{
327 Rabeeul Anaam Fi Adeea-e-Khairil Anaam Ziyaaraat-e-Jaamea'h 328
Qg{ ½{I WÁ U ² AC)¬g@ h{¬C{g@ À{@½)¥Ú
@ À{½¦g@ JX{AÌ)AP)
Then go in prostration and repeat hundred times:
'(( ypÁQt{g@ g{¾) A)g T@ ¦{¶u h{x{A¦)g@ q{U Y|g@ qQ {A) pÁQu{ l{¶ g@ Á|QtMÄ@
Then raise your head and pick up anyone of the two chits.
Sixth: His (a.t.f.s.) Supplication for Istekhaarah When you take out the chit from the water, then do as per its
It is narrated from Imam-e-Zamaan (a.t.f.s.), 'Write in two command, Inshaallaah.(1)
chits i jH i¢g lgoÄÀ ·@ j« pÁQu after which in one write 'Do'
and in another 'Don't do'. Then cover the two chits with clay Seventh: Another Supplication by Imam-e-Zamaan
and throw them in a tumbler containing water. Purify yourself, (a.t.f.s.) for Istekhaarah
perform two units of prayers and after completion, supplicate: Imam-e-Zamaan (a.t.f.s.) narrates, 'Recite Surah Hamd ten
times or at least a minimum of three times. If you cannot do
§CÅ¢´ Qg@{ h¶Ä@ n|Á«@ Qg@{ Õ
o j« ÀAQ)u{ Á|QtMÄ@ ´@{ h C|¶ g@ even that, recite once. Thereafter read Surah Qadr ten times
yn|Á|«@ l{H{ ô A¬Q H{ h¶ÅMÄ@n{Á{«@ Q¶ ª oL and recite the following supplication thrice:
j|¨ ¬L| Ú ¨ « ¶ j{L|Ú {@ ¶ Át{L Ú g Áu{ h C|¶ g@ » j{ÅY|H{ Á|QÉMÄ@À{o«|Ú|@ J{¥{@o)H{ ¬{¶{g{ Á|QtMÄ@ ´@{ h C|¶g@
yÀ{¿|Y¬g@ {o«|A¬g@ { H{
(1) Behaar al-Anwaar, vol. 95, p. 336.
(2) Ibid. (1) Saheefah al-Mahdi, p. 74.
333 Rabeeul Anaam Fi Adeea-e-Khairil Anaam Miscelleaneous Supplications 334
n|Â|AU)@ q{ªÁIgAH{ NBQ´ ½¥ ´{ ¢|g@ Á|«Ú@ iAª) i@{ h C|¶ g@ @¿)D) iAª) i@{ Q¶ l|M¶T ° X ¨|H{ goD| ° X ¨|H{ g|A
¼ Á|L pÁQu{ l{Q gÁt{ l{QgAQ)g l|«|AP@ q{«@Á)¨gAH{ N¢ X|l{P¼@o)H {Ø ½}¬ Y«| R¶) ¶ ÍL| i@ LÁu{Ø AQ)´¼|P¼ g @ÁQu Á|«Ú@
y@ÀÁ|Ä| l|«AP@ Î
| ¦L Úog|¾ l|Äo¬|È| §B ¶L ¶ l|¶C ÅL| g n|AQCL| A¬Q¶ÅL hC{Q¶ h¶ ÅL| ½}¬ Y«|
M{¬XÁH{ Á|Qt{MÄ@ ´@{ h C|¶ g@ CM´A C´ A« @{ Á|¬{L×A Á«@ A« @{ h C|¶ g@ yjQ¬X{@Á g@ hXÀ@AP) M{¬XÁH{ l{Q g
yq}Q {A) pÁQu{ ½}¬ Y«| R)¶ ¶ ÍL| i@LÁu{ØAQ)´¼| P¼ g @ÁÈ iAª) i@{
Then take a rosary (tasbeeh), think about your need and pick NzÈ{ A¬)H{ l| Á{ÍL i@A¬Q¶ÅL hC{Q¶ h¶ ÅL|½}¬ Y«| {Ø
Ú RMX À{½¥ g À{AI)L| x{AÑ)¦H{QÐ{ÁL| NzÈ{ §Qª
out a bead from the rosary. Start counting from the beginning
till the selected bead. If it is even, then 'do' and if it is odd,
then 'don't do' or its opposite.(1) yl|M¶U ±}È @ÁQuAL Ú l|LÁu @ ±}È QUL J X{@|
Eight: Supplication of Imam-e-Zamaan (a.t.f.s.) in {Ug@ @¾AP) h|QAP) ¶{AP) H{Ú@{ po ¥| Ú oX Ú l|´A{
the Prayers of Need and Istekhaarah ''(y²{@Á)ªÚ{@
l{H{ N«Ã ¿g@ ¬{ÄAH{ g|A
Ä@ h C|¶ g@ h{QXÁ g@ j{¬)XÁ g@ l{¶ g@ h{ÅH{
A)QL@9AM)gA¥) ADÁª@ AoÖ AQ)M{xÙ A¬)C|g N¶¦| Õ
{ ÀÚ@ O{@o)¬)Å g@ R¶ Ninth: Supplication of Imam-e-Zamaan (a.t.f.s.) on
the Soil of Imam Husain (a.s.)'s grave
§|¦¶L D{ @¾)A{ R)Äo« AÍ) R)¶ l{H{ N«Ã ¿g@ ¬{ÄAH{ jQx{AÖ Shaykh Ibraheem al-Kafa'mi in his book 'Al-Balad al-Ameen'
yio¨| {APA«) narrates from Imam-e-Zamaan (a.t.f.s.), 'Whoever writes this
supplication in a new vessel with the soil of Imam Husain
RMX Qg@{ p{ÁYÅ g@ Ko¶|¥| l{H{ N ÁÌ ¿g@ ¬{ÄAH{ g|A
Ä@ (a.s.)'s grave, washes it and drinks it, he will be cured of his
K À l|¶ g@ N´@ iÀ|AD) R)Äo«| K À jQ¬gA)g@ K ÁH{ A«Ø((9@og|A¥)
lg)@{Ú ±A¢)È{ l{¶ g ½|¬Yg@ ±@)¼ l{¶ g@ h{ÅH{ h{QXÁ g@ j{¬)XÁ g@ l{¶ g@ h{ÅH{
AC)H{ ¼|½ UL ½}P½T ª| AC)H{ R)¶ILMg@ p{À½¦|gAH{ g|A
Ä@ ''jQ¬gA)g@
K ÁH{ Ç{A Ig@ J{D{¾@±A¢)ª{ A¨)g@oD|±A¢)È{ AÉ g@oD| ±A¢)ª{ l|¶ g@Ú Ù
y}AH) ª|
y±{AI)Ug@ l{g{ ½}¬ Y«| R)¶ l|¶ g@ R¶ Ì h¦Ä| n|À|¼{Ad)P| Ú ±A¢)È{Ç{Ag@
(1) Saheefah al-Mahdi, p. 78. (1) Saheefah al-Mahdi, p. 80
335 Rabeeul Anaam Fi Adeea-e-Khairil Anaam Miscelleaneous Supplications 336
through Waadi al-Salaam towards Masjid (a.r.) in 'Mohijj al-Dawaat' on the authority of Jaabir Ibn
al-Sahlah on a white-footed horse. With him will Yazeed al-Jo'fi, who recounts that Imam Baqer (a.s.) said:
be a flowery stick, he (a.t.f.s.) will be supplicating
'One who recites this supplication once in his
lifetime, his name will be recorded in the register
A¥À{ @½IL l|¶ g@Ú @{ lg)@{Ú A¥½Ì{A´A¬)P@{ l|¶ g@Ú @{ lg)@{Ú A¦X l|¶g@ Ú @{ lg)@{Ú of al-Qaem (a.t.f.s.). When our Qaem (a.t.f.s.)
reappears, he (a.t.f.s.) call out this person with his
jQX ¢ª N´@ ½}Q À}AIT ª| ¿{«| ½}QX j}«{o «| ª| à {«| h C|¶ g@ name and that of his father. Thereafter, he
M¦¶u h C|¶ g@ NIX|À A¬)H{ Õ| ÀÚ@ ¶ °|QÑL J|D{@¿)¬g@ {QQL|
(a.t.f.s.) will hand him over this register. It will be
said to him, 'Take this covenant which you
yjQHo¶|d¬g@ j«{ N|¨|gAP@{ Á|Í´ Ú og¦¶u j AQ{ Nª| undertook with us in the world.' This is the
meaning of the saying of Allah, Mighty and
j«AP) AC)´{¼{A)« j«{ O{Aª)ÁIg@ WÁ{t«| AC){Ð{@o)« j«{ q{¬XÁ g@ ÁÉ{«|AP) Glorified be He,
l|g NÐ j«AP) iÂ|Ã MP n{Ã {H{ n| AQ)g{@q{ Á g@ w{o¬|É|H{ l|Å¢´ Î
u @½C j¬)XÁg@ ½ ¿tL@ j« Ú@{
yio¢|x{Au) l{L{oBÄ j«{ hC| AC)¥{A)@ R)¶ q{g¿¬g@ ÁQ´{ | o¶|¬|g@ 'Except the one who has taken a covenant
with the Beneficent.'
Ä@ io|{¿«| l|g
¨| ¦¶u l{H{ OÁB ¿g@ ¬{ÄAH{ g|A
Pray this supplication while you are pure.'
Á«@ g ÃU{L| i@ ½}¬ Y«| {Ø ½}¬ Y«| R)¶ ¶ ÍL| i@ ¬{ÄAH{
jPÁD{A¦)g@ ÁD{A¥)AP) jPÁu{Ú"@Áu{AP) ½|X@AP) ½|X{@)AP) q{Cg{Ú) @ lg)@{AP) h C|¶g@
qAÅ g@ Ux{@o)X ѦL Q {A) L| Q¢{¨L W{Á¢g@ { U L|
@¿)D) o ¶|| ª| fo Oo¶ R)¶Ú@ ¶{g@ N´@ h|QAP) ¶AP)
''(yÁP½¥ ±}È ª| R)¶ ´@{ q¶Q¶g@ q¶Q¶ g@ qAÅ)g@
ÃU{´@ ½C Ú o«AP) Í{ ½ ÃU{«| N´@ ½C½QÄAP)
Fifteenth: Supplication for Renewal of Covenant with ¬{Ug@ H{AU)Y{H{ H{Ág@ H{AU)Y{H{ g|A
Ä@ H{ N|« ½
Imam-e-Zamaan (a.t.f.s.)
This is the supplication for renewing the covenant with
«{Á g@ H{AU)Y{H{ ´{AP)ÁÅ g@ H{AU)Y{H{ ´{@Á)I{g@ H{AU)Y{H{
Imam-e-Zamaan (a.t.f.s.) and similarly with all the infallible l|¶ g@ N´@ ´A{ R)gÚ|@ q{PA){gAH{ M Á{« NI{@ ½{C{g@ H{AU)Y{H{
Imams (a.s.).
yR)¶Ú@ Á{¬gAH{ N´@ S)ÁL| Ú
This covenant has been narrated by Sayyed Ibn Taawoos
(1) Saheefah al-Mahdi, p. 276. Á{Q«@ ¶{H{ l{g{ l{Q¶ l|¶ g@ R¶ Ì À{¿{¬|g@ g{oÄ|ÁH{ Qg@{ K|Á ¦L@
339 Rabeeul Anaam Fi Adeea-e-Khairil Anaam Miscelleaneous Supplications 340
BIÄ{ ½{QCÉ g@ j{QÅY|gAH{ ½{QÅ g@ j{ÅYgAH{ ¼AC)g@ jQ«{o ¬|g@ R)¬g@ É g@ j«{ Ͷ u q{QH{oH|Á g@ q{ Á{¬H{ HAI)Xq{Q´{@½)XogAH{
¾{ jP½H{A)g@ j{PÂ j{QÅY|g@ j{H ¶{H{ {oM|Ig@ q¬Ö{A¢)H{ QI{´ {Ä|Á gAH{ ±Q)I{´@ jQHoU|Y¬gAH{ AUUX| ±{Q)¢{ÌÚAH{ AHÀ H{ N|QÐÀ
½}¬ Y«| j{H Á{¢UH{ ¬{¶ j Á{¥{AI)g@ ¶{ j{H ½{¬ Y¬|H{ O{A)¢g@ ''(yAQB«| g A«{AÄ) ±ØÁ)«@| jQ¦M¬|gAH{ ± Ú ¼{@
h{x{A¦)g@ Á}¢T j{H R)Äo¬|H{ ¼{A)Q« ¥{A)Q¬H{ f½ Ì¿g@ f{¼{AÍ g@
¶{ j{H½{¬ Y¬|H{ ¬{¨Y|H{ Ð@Á g@ AÐ)Á g@ R)Äo«| j{H ¶{H ½{CH{
Sixteenth: Seeking Help from Imam-e-Zamaan (a.t.f.s.)
From these supplications is the incident of Abul Wafaa
j{Q«Ú@ ½}¬ Y«| j{H ¶{H{ jQ«{o ¬|g@ R)ÑLÁ¬|g@ {Ð{A¢)g@ Á{IY{g@ al-Shirazi with the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.a.).
ª{à g@ Á{D{AB g@ ¶{ j{H j{ÅYgAH{jP½È{ÁMŬ|g@ ¼{AD) j{¬Lo ¬|g@ ªÀ{¼@ i{A«)à g@ JX{AÌ)AP){@ i{A«)à g@ JX{AÌ) AP)
½C¬g@ {½g@ h{x{A¦)g@ ²{A«)Ú{@AH{ Qg@{ K|Á ¦L@ jQQÌ{og@ q{´@Ã)u It has been narrated in 'Daar al-Salaam'(2)
yjQ¬T@ hC{Q¶ l{¶ g@ O|@o)¶ÌA)«{A«)@{ j{H@ A)«{A«)@{ Á{M¬|g@
¨¶{CL| Ú ªÀ{¼@ i{A«)à g@ JX{AÌ)AP) q|¬Ö{A AP) ¶{AP) ½|¬ Y«|AP)
§B|¶ À½ ¥ j«AP) hX{À R¢) g{¾) §¶D@ ZoD|\ h| T j«AP) From these is what some of the scholars say, 'When you are
M{ Á{« l{ª| ½{QXoL j«{ ¶«@ l| ÁÍ|¥ A«) ¢Ð Qg@{o¨|È@ in a desert or in a vast secluded place cry in a loud voice.'
ÁÍ|¥ Mg@ S)ÁI¨|g@ q{Q´{@½)XogAH{ ±{Ñ)QIg@ q{Q¬{ÅMgAH{ Qg@{ l|T oL@ ªÀ{¼@ ªÀ{¼@ ½{C¬g@ [{g{AÌ) AH)@AP) { hÄ{A¦)g@ AH@AP)
y R)goL ÁH¼@ j« AC) ÃT{A)Qg¾ ´A{ ½LÚ
AC)«{ N¦¶u Mg@ AQ¶|g@ q{« AMg@ L{A¬)¶{¨H{ h{Ú@ H{AU)Y{H{ N|«
And from these is what some have said:
jQ¦H{AÅ gAH{ N||« S)A¬g@ qT NIIX@ j« N¶¶X@ ±{Ig@ À@¼) Á{ÑMY¬g@ RgÙÁ|´@| Á|M¬|g@ ¼o|o«AP)
¬ @oB|¶u jP¿g@ jQ«{¬|g@ j«{ j{Q¬Qg@ K{AY)Ì@ jQ¦P½Í g@ From these what is well-known and famous
@½ hC|QH QH fÁ ¢L| Ú hD|ÁQ Q{goL| Ú× AzQÄ Áu AYg{AÌ) ')( yi{A«)Ã g@ JX{AÌ)AP)
h{QL@o)u hC{M{Q´{ hD{Á Å{H{ N|« ±{AÑ)¦g@ {Í¢H{ AÐÁg@ N«½ ¥@¾)@{ A tradition from Imam Muhammad al-Baqer (a.s.) has been
À{@Á)¥Ú{AH{ ¢YL@ j«AP) NzÈ{ @¾)@{ AC)Q¶ h|M{tL ´A{ hC{g{A¬)@ (1) Mohijj al-Dawaat, p. 335; Fauz-e-Akbar, p. 96.
(2) By Mohaddis-e-Noori (r.a.).
(3) Fawz-e-Akbar, p. 61.
341 Rabeeul Anaam Fi Adeea-e-Khairil Anaam Miscelleaneous Supplications 342
narrated in 'Hadiyyah al-Zaaer', 'When you lose the way cry worship are for Allah, the High, despite of him been needless
out.' of them, similarly, charity too is a method of developing
contact with Imam-e-Zamaan (a.t.f.s.) and amongst the most
''( yl|¶ g@ h|¨|¬X{À °{PÁB g@ RgÙ A´½|È{À@ [|g{AÌ)AP) [|g{AÌ)AP) preferable ones.(1)
l|¶ g@ U ¼ ² _ ² A´)Úo« j q¥½Ì D{ «{ g n{¿{D) i @{ h C|¶ g@
l{¶Qg q{AÄ) l{L{A)¨Ä l{L{Aª)ÁX n{À{A¢)Ä@ jQH l{Q¶ R)¶Ì l|TÁ
yl|¢|¶{tP|A«) l||¬{ÑPA«) l{QdP| Ú A«) n|Á|«@ l{QdP| A¬ q¥½Ìn{À{AC)´
In the sub-chapter of 'emphasis of supplication for
reappearance', it has already been mentioned that
Imam-e-Zamaan (a.t.f.s.) is needless from this charity. For, he
(a.t.f.s.) is the link between the Creator and His creatures for
their safety and preservation. Then how can he (a.t.f.s.) be in
need of them? But just as all the supplications and acts of
(1) Hadiyyah al-Zaaer, p. 15. (1) Al-Fawz al-Akbar, p. 169.