3 Drills For Improving Your Neck Strength

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Top 3 Neck Strength Exercises for Boxing, Wrestling & MMA

By Nick Tumminello
Nick Tumminello is the owner of Performance University Hybrid Strength Training & Conditioning in Fort Lauderdale Florida. He trains the trainers, and athletes internationally. Check out Coach Nicks Products, Seminar Schedule, Mentorship Programs and very popular Fitness Blog at www.NickTumminello.com

Everyone knows the benefits of strength training like: - Improved force output (aka strength) - Increased bone density - Increased connective tissue strength (tendons, ligaments, etc.) One of the most overlooked and under strengthened areas of the body is the neck. Technically, since your neck muscles surround your cervical spine, the neck muscles are important core muscles. In other words, a strong neck contributes to a stronger and more stable core! Having a strong neck is crucial for high-impact athletes like Boxers, Kick- Boxers, MMA Fighters, Football & Rugby players etc. for several reasons: - Better ability to deal with impact from strikes, tackles, etc. - Increased neck size (from building stronger neck muscles) will create a wider cylinder, which is then less likely to become jarred. - Better ability for fighters to protect their jaw by contributing to the ability to keep their shoulders elevated and hands up in boxer guard.

- Faster head movement to see whats coming at you or to react. (Stronger neck muscles will help you move your head faster than weak muscles) - Less chance of a neck related injury - More resistant to fatigue, which can help better maintain optimal posture and body positioning. In this article, Ive provided you 3 of my top Neck strengthening drills we use with our high-impact athletes from fighters to football players. Each of these three exercises covers a different aspect of your neck (back, front, side and rotation) to ensure you develop full-spectrum neck strength. Perform each of the following drills 3x per week, for the sets and reps Ive provided and youll quickly develop a wider, stronger and a more injury- proof neck!
2 Copyright 2011 by Nick Tumminello. Performance U Hybrid Strength Training & Conditioning

Seated Single Arm Dumbbell Shrugs (a.k.a. Gittelson Shrugs)

Although it takes a little more time to perform that the typical two arm shrug. Ive found this single arm version to be more effective at strengthening the lateral neck muscles and traps. This is my favorite shoulder shrug variation, which Ive named the Gittleson shoulder shrug after legendary strength coach Mike Gittleson, who showed it to me. Coach Gittleson is one of the worlds leading experts on the hot-button issue of concussion prevention and neck strength in sports. To perform the Gittleson shrug, straddle a flat bench holding a heavy dumbbell in one hand. With your other hand, take a firm grip on the bench just behind you to stabilize yourself. Shrug the dumbbell with your working side, and bring your ear towards your shoulder at the top of the motion. Allow a slight stretch at the bottom of each rep.


START (Side View)

4 Copyright 2011 by Nick Tumminello. Performance U Hybrid Strength Training & Conditioning


Coaching Tips on the Gittleson Shrug

- Stay tall, keeping your chest up and spine in its natural curves. - Grab the bench/chair just behind your hip. - Pause at the top of each shrug for 1-2 seconds.

- Lower the weight slowly until you feel a mild stretch. - Perform 1-3 sets of 10-20 reps using the heaviest dumbbell you can handle while maintaining the optimal shown/ described above. Click here to learn more about the Gittleson Shrug.

Rooney Neck & Thoracic Extension with Super Band

I learned this exercise from MMA Strength Coach Martin Rooney hence the name of the exercise. This is one of the best exercises I know for building clinch specific neck strength. Start Middle Finish

6 Copyright 2011 by Nick Tumminello. Performance U Hybrid Strength Training & Conditioning

Coaching Tips on the Rooney Neck Extension w/ Band - Place the band just above your ears. It should not be uncomfortable. - Hold the band tightly with your hands throughout the exercise. - At the top of each rep, drive your chin towards the back of your neck to create a straight neck posture. - Perform 1-3 sets of 10-20 reps using a light to medium resistance band.

Weighted Neck Rocking with Fitness Ball

This is a neck exercise I developed to build up the muscles in the front of the neck, which help you keep your chin tucked to protect you jaw. This exercise also strengthens the rotators of the neck, which help you to resist your opponents attempts to push your head/ face away in clinching situations. Start Finish

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Start (side view) Finish (side view)

Coaching Tips on Weighted Neck Rocking w/ Fitness Ball - Place your forehead on the ball in a position, which allows you to feel stable. - Lean your hips toward the wall to create muscle tension in your neck and abdominals.

- Slowly rock your entire body, leading with your neck, to one side of the ball without allowing your head to rotate. Hold for a 1-2 sec count before rocking across to the other side of the ball. - Perform 1-3 sets of 8-15 reps on each side.

Check out our latest training equipment, books, DVDs, workshops and mentorships at NickTumminello.com

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for general distribution, commercial, advertisement, or promotional purposes; for creating new collective works; or for distribution at seminars or courses without written consent from Nick Tumminello and Performance University International. For information contact: Nick Tumminello NickTumminello@gmail.com

Published by Nick Tumminello


Copyright 2011 by Nick Tumminello. Performance U Hybrid Strength Training & Conditioning

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