Worksite Hazard Analysis: Presented By: Thomas Dean Georgia Tech

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The key takeaways from the presentation are that worksite hazard analysis involves identifying hazards in the workplace through techniques like comprehensive facility surveys, change analysis, and job hazard analysis. These techniques help anticipate and prevent harmful occurrences.

Some techniques that can be used to identify hazards in the workplace include comprehensive facility surveys, change analysis, and job hazard analysis.

The steps involved in performing a job hazard analysis are: 1) Breaking the job down into steps, 2) Identifying the hazards in each step, and 3) Developing new procedures or protections to address the hazards.

Worksite Hazard Analysis

Presented By: Thomas Dean Georgia Tech

Discuss the sub elements of worksite hazard

analysis Identify typical hazards in the workplace Review various techniques that can be used to identify hazards in the workplace

Hazards Vs. Unsafe Behavior

Unsafe behavior sometimes leads to unsafe

conditions that can cause accidents.

Consider Maintenance Operations

Unsafe behaviors may show weakness in the

safety management system.

Effective Worksite Analysis

Worksite analysis involves a variety of worksite

examinations, to identify not only existing hazards, but also conditions and operations where changes might occur to create hazards Effective management actively analyzes the work and the worksite to anticipate and prevent harmful occurrences

Plan for Worksite Analysis

Comprehensive Facility

Surveys Change Analysis Routine Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) Periodic and Daily Inspections

Comprehensive Survey
Comprehensive surveys should be performed

depending on the business size and hazardousness every 1-3 years Resources for comprehensive survey: private consultants, insurance company, and state funded programs

Change Analysis
Change analysis is simply the management of

change in the work environment. Changes in the following items need to be reviewed:

Facilities Materials Process Technology Equipment

Change Analysis
A competent team consisting of managers,

engineers, superintendents and employees should be involved How can you best manage change in the work environment?

Job Hazard Analysis

A job hazard analysis is a technique that focuses on

job tasks as a way to identify hazards before they occur. It focuses on the relationship between the worker, the task, the tools, and the work environment. After uncontrolled hazards are identified, take action to eliminate them or reduce risk.

Job Hazard Analysis

Performing a job hazard analysis is one of the

best methods to develop safe work procedures for the equipment that is operated. The JHA can also be used to train employees in the hazards associated with task and what control measures should be practiced.

JHA Team
A Job Hazard Analysis requires the

cooperation of all parties involved that includes:

Safety Professional Engineers-Technical Advisor Supervisors-Frontline Personnel responsible for making change Employee-Person most familiar with job

Communication of the JHA

Safety Meetings

Distribution of Copies
SOP and Operations Manual What are some other methods?

___________________ ___________________

What are the Possible Uses of a JHA



Prioritization of JHA
Jobs with the highest
Jobs complex enough to

injury and illness rates Jobs that have the potential to cause serious injury Jobs in which one simple human error could cause injury

have written instructions Jobs that are new to you facility Jobs that significantly had changes in process technology or procedures

Steps for JHA

Involve Employees List, rank, and set

Review accident history

Conduct preliminary job


priorities for hazardous jobs Outline the steps or tasks

Involvement of Employees
They have a unique understanding of the job,

and this knowledge is invaluable for finding hazards. Involving employees will help minimize oversights, ensure a quality analysis. Get workers to buy in to the solutions because they will share ownership

Job Review
Discuss with employees the hazards that they know

exist. Brainstorm with them for ideas to eliminate or control those hazards. If any hazards exist that pose an immediate danger, to an employees life or health, take immediate action to protect the worker. Any problems that can be corrected easily should be corrected as soon as possible.

Outline the Steps

Watch the employee perform the job and list each

step as the worker takes it. Be sure to record enough information to describe each job action without getting overly detailed. Avoid making the breakdown of steps so detailed that it becomes unnecessarily long or so broad that it does not include basic steps.

Outline the Steps

Review the job steps with the employee to

make sure you have not omitted something. Include the employee in all phases of the analysisfrom reviewing the job steps and procedures to discussing uncontrolled hazards and recommended solutions.

Identifying the Hazards

A job hazard analysis is an exercise in

detective work. Your goal is to discover the following:

What can go wrong? What are the consequences? How could it arise? What are other contributing factors? How likely is it that the hazard will occur?

Common Hazards in the Workplace

Stressor Chemical
Electrical Mechanical Ergonomic

Hazard Type Corrosive

Shock Moving Parts Strain

Hazard Type Hazard Type Fire Toxic Explosion Short Circuit Fire-Static
Failure Noise Pressure

Human Error Fatigue

Common Hazards in the Workplace

Radiation Contact Environment Misc.

Hazard Type
Ionizing Struck By Temp. Slips

Hazard Type Hazard Type Non Ionizing Struck Caught In Against

Visibility Trips Weather Falls

Hazard Identification Workshop

Based on the following slides of machinery,

identify the potential hazards.

Hint: Use the previous tables and analyze the machinery and work environment

Prepare to discuss your findings.

Hazard Identification

Hazard Identification

Hazard Identification

Hazard Identification

Controlling the Hazards

The order of precedence and effectiveness of

hazard control is the following:

1. Engineering controls. 2. Administrative controls. 3. Personal protective equipment.

Controlling the Hazards

The most effective controls are engineering controls

that physically change a machine or work environment to prevent employee exposure to the hazard. The more reliable or less likely a hazard control can be circumvented, the better. If this is not feasible, administrative controls may be appropriate. This may involve changing how employees do their jobs.

Controlling the Hazards

Discuss your recommendations with all

employees who perform the job and consider their responses carefully. If you plan to introduce new or modified job procedures, be sure they understand what they are required to do and the reasons for the changes.

Engineering Controls
Engineering controls include the following: Elimination/minimization of the hazard Substitution of equipment or process to decrease hazard Isolation of the hazard with interlocks, machine guards, blast shields, or other means; and Removal or redirection of the hazard such as with local and exhaust ventilation.

Administrative Controls
Administrative controls include the following: Written operating procedures, work permits, and safe work practices; Exposure time limitations (used most commonly to control heat stress and ergonomic hazards); Monitoring the use of highly hazardous materials; Alarms, signs, and warnings; Buddy system; and training

Personal Protective Equipment is acceptable as a

control method in the following circumstances:

When engineering controls are not feasible or do not totally eliminate the hazard; While engineering controls are being developed; When safe work practices do not provide sufficient additional protection; and During emergencies when engineering controls may not be feasible.

JHA Exercise
We are going to

perform an exercise on grinding metal casting. Based on the steps, please identify the hazards and controls.

JOB HAZARD ANALYSIS Job Title: Job Description: Date Conducted Task Step Task Hazard Cause Hazard Control Measures


Periodic Review of JHA

Reviewing job hazard Review the JHA after

analysis ensures that it remains current and continues to prevent accidents and injuries. It is possible that during the review process you will identify hazards that were not identified in the initial analysis.

accidents, you may determine that you need to change the job procedure to prevent similar incidents. Review after all close calls and discuss the situation with all employees that do the job.

Safety and Health Inspections

Cover entire worksite

Regular intervals
Inspectors trained Hazards tracked to


Objectives for Inspections

There may be many objectives to the

inspection process:

Meet OSHA or other legal responsibility Involve the team Identify areas of undue risk and control hazards Identify and develop positive attitudes Suggest better methods of doing job

OSHA recommends that you perform general

workplace inspections. Check the standard so that you know what must be inspected. What are some examples of items that must be inspected?

Employee Involvement
What are some reasons for involving

employees in the process?

Demonstrate commitment to safety Allow them to become familiar with the process safety requirement. _____________________ _____________________ _____________________

Documenting the Inspection

A checklist of workplace specific hazards

should be developed. To accomplish this:

List the potential hazards in the workplace Examine the work areas to locate hazards Check with employees and records

Resources for Checklist

Insurance and safety consultants

Accident/incident investigation reports (past

problems) Small business handbook Manufacturer Specifications JHA and/or employee input Standards that apply to industry

Checklist Development
Avoid making the checklist: vague, excessive detail,

and overwhelming. Checklist is a tool. As the inspectors become more skilled, the less reliance there will be on this checklist. You should get the point that hazards rarely are identified and hazards are corrected immediately.

Examination of the Workplace

Identify conditions that might develop

Location of the hazard

Severity potential

Safety Inspection Report

Safety Inspection Workshop

Mock inspection of a company is to be

performed. Identify the hazards in the slides and rate the severity. Be prepared to discuss your results.

Inspection Report
Date: Inspection Team:

Number & Classification


Hazard Classification A = Loss of life, body part, extensive damage B = Serious injury or property damage C = Non-disabling injury or minor damage

Safety Inspection

Safety Inspection

Safety Inspection

Safety Inspection

Safety Inspection

Safety Inspection

Safety Inspection

Safety Inspection

Safety Inspection

Safety Inspection

Safety Inspection

Safety Inspection

Safety Inspection

Safety Inspection

Safety Inspection

Safety Inspection

Safety Inspection

Safety Inspection

Safety Inspection

Safety Inspection

Safety Inspection

Safety Inspection

Safety Inspection

Safety Inspection

Hazard Reporting
Effective hazard reporting systems will: encourage employees to report hazards and effectively track them for prioritizing. create feedback between management and the employee reporting the hazard. have a system to analysis the hazards reported to determine its effectiveness.

Accident Investigation
All accidents and incidents need to be

investigated. What is an accident? Why do we investigate accidents? Why should near misses be investigated?

Accident Investigation

Causes of Injuries and Accidents

Direct Causes

Indirect Causes
Root Causes

Trend Analysis
Trends need to analyzed over time to identify

any emerging patterns of injury and intervene to prevent its recurrence. Review injury records over time What items should be trended over time to determine any emerging pattern?

Worksite hazard analysis consists of: Change analysis JHA Workplace inspections Hazard Reporting Trend Analysis Effective programs will result in the identification of

potential and existing hazards.

Task Analysis Tools

Review the Basics

Risk Factors Ergonomic Body Divisions

Risk Factors

Posture Duration Contact Stress Environment


Ergonomic Body Division

Upper Extremity Lower Extremity Trunk

Recognizing a WMSD Problem

Use OSHA 200/300 logs Accident Reports Workmans Compensation info Employee Surveys Visual Cues

Body Part Discomfort Form and Rating Scale

What is a Task Analysis Tool

A narrative, quantitative and/or checklist

system that provides a standardized evaluation of a job/task

Tools based on biomechanical and

physiological information compiled and calculated providing a relative risk of injury probability
Can be specific for body region and/or

risk factors

Why do we need these tools?

Provide guidance

Where to begin corrective actions Helps direct efforts toward specific body division, risk factors

Involve employees

Employees can perform assessments

Provide a level of measurement

Shows improvement of tasks Baseline data

How do we use them?

Two criteria for use:

What are you trying to find out?

General vs. Specific information

What limitations must be considered?

Various tools are only able to assess specific body regions

Types of Analysis Tools


Easy to use Less time consuming Minimal training Very sensitive: One check, task must be considered

Types of Analysis Tools


Less sensitive More specific training Provide a relative risk assessment

Types of Analysis Tools


More formal training and experience required

Provides specific areas for improvement

Very time consuming

Washington State Checklist (WISHA) NIOSH University of Michigan

Checklist system that identifies

caution or hazard zone jobs

Incorporates each of the risk factors

including vibration and contact stress

Has separate evaluation for heavy,

frequent or awkward lifting

Uses verbal cues to guide user through

evaluation criteria
Not generally left or right side independent

Does address combination of risk factors
Great first cut ergonomic tool

Draw Backs

High sensitivity: identify many jobs Doesnt separate frequency component by body part

3 basic sections

Entire body checklist Lifting hazard section Vibration hazard analysis

Entire body checklist

Identify if a particular hazard exist as a result of a risk factor for a body part If a hazard exists then corrective action is needed

Lifting hazard analysis

Calculated weight limit is adjusted by: Compares the actual weight lifted to a calculated weight limit Actual weight lifted > Weight limit = Hazard exists

Vibration hazard analysis

Compares the time an employee uses the machine to a pre-measured vibration value Plot time vs. vibration data on graph Intersection point indicates degree of hazard Vibration data:

Job Strain

Quantitative Tools
Job Strain Index
Rapid Upper Limb Assessment ACGIH Threshold Limit Value HAL

Rapid Entire Body Assessment

Rodgers Muscle Fatigue Analysis Snook Push/Pull Hazard Tables

Job Strain Index

Only evaluates hand, wrist and elbow

(distal upper extremity)

Assess task based on posture, frequency

and force
FORCE driven Doesnt consider vibration or contact stress Index based on a relative risk (1-1053)

7 considered hazardous

Job Strain Index

Can assess right and left sides independently as

well as worst case

Used in meat packing, small part assembly,

keyboarding and other highly repetitive hand motions

Strain Index Elements

Intensity of exertions (force)
Duration of Exertion (% cycle) Efforts per minute Hand/wrist posture Speed of work

Duration of task per day

Using the Job Strain Index

Assign a value for each of the 6 elements
Multiply each element = strain index Compare calculated value to decision threshold

Decision Threshold

<3 safe 3-5 uncertain 5-7 some risk >7 hazardous

Job Strain

Job Strain

JHA/Work Methods

JHA/Work Methods
Videotaping Tips
Announce the name of the job on the tape Tape 5 to 10 minutes for each task

At least 3-4 cycles

Start with whole body shots and then zoom in on

problems areas
Try different angles to get the best shot

JHA/Work Methods
Step 1: Breaking The Job Down
List each step in order of occurrence

Be sure to record enough information

Can use Gilbreths terms to describe steps Can use video or photos

JHA/Work Methods
Gilbreths Table of Work Elements
Search Select Grasp Reach Move Hold Position Inspect Assemble Disassemble

Unavoidable Delay Avoidable Delay Plan Rest to overcome fatigue

JHA/Work Methods
Step 2: Identify the Hazards
Look for Risk Factors in each job Repeat the job observation until all

hazards identified

Video and photos can be especially helpful

Consider abnormal activities and conditions

JHA/Work Methods
Step 3: New Procedure or Protection
Can the job be performed in another way? Can you make physical changes to the job? Does the job have to be performed?

Can it be done less often?

Work Methods

Work Methods

What does the worker need to know from this presentation?

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