Base Form Past Simple Past Participle 3rd Person Singular

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Base Form Abide Alight Arise Awake Be Bear Beat Become Begin Behold Bend Bet Bid Bid

Bind Bite Bleed Blow Break Breed Bring Broadcast Build Burn Burst Bust Buy Cast Catch Choose Clap Cling Clothe Come Cost Creep Cut Dare Deal Dig Dive Do Draw Dream Drink Drive Dwell Eat Fall Feed Feel

Past Simple Abode/Abided Alit/Alighted Arose Awoke Was/Were Bore Beat Became Began Beheld Bent Bet Bade Bid Bound Bit Bled Blew Broke Bred Brought Broadcast/Broadcasted Built Burnt/Burned Burst Bust Bought Cast Caught Chose Clapped/Clapt Clung Clad/Clothed Came Cost Crept Cut Dared/Durst Dealt Dug Dived/Dove Did Drew Dreamt/Dreamed Drank Drove Dwelt Ate Fell Fed Felt

Past Participle Abode/Abided/Abidden Alit/Alighted Arisen Awoken Been Born/Borne Beaten Become Begun Beheld Bent Bet Bidden Bid Bound Bitten Bled Blown Broken Bred Brought Broadcast/Broadcasted Built Burnt/Burned Burst Bust Bought Cast Caught Chosen Clapped/Clapt Clung Clad/Clothed Come Cost Crept Cut Dared Dealt Dug Dived Done Drawn Dreamt/Dreamed Drunk Driven Dwelt Eaten Fallen Fed Felt

3rd Person Singular Abides Alights Arises Awakes Is Bears Beats Becomes Begins Beholds Bends Bets Bids Bids Binds Bites Bleeds Blows Breaks Breeds Brings Broadcasts Builds Burns Bursts Busts Buys Casts Catches Chooses Claps Clings Clothes Comes Costs Creeps Cuts Dares Deals Digs Dives Does Draws Dreams Drinks Drives Dwells Eats Falls Feeds Feels

Fight Find Fit Flee Fling Fly Forbid Forecast Foresee Foretell Forget Forgive Forsake Freeze Frostbite Get Give Go Grind Grow Handwrite Hang Have Hear Hide Hit Hold Hurt Inlay Input Interlay Keep Kneel Knit Know Lay Lead Lean Leap Learn Leave Lend Let Lie Light Lose Make Mean Meet Melt Mislead Mistake

Fought Found Fit/Fitted Fled Flung Flew Forbade/Forbad Forecast/Forecasted Foresaw Foretold Forgot Forgave Forsook Froze Frostbit Got Gave Went Ground Grew Handwrote Hung/Hanged Had Heard Hid Hit Held Hurt Inlaid Input/Inputted Interlaid Kept Knelt/Kneeled Knit/Knitted Knew Laid Led Leant/Leaned Leapt/Leaped Learnt/Learned Left Lent Let Lay Lit Lost Made Meant Met Melted Misled Mistook

Fought Found Fit/Fitted Fled Flung Flown Forbidden Forecast/Forecasted Foreseen Foretold Forgotten Forgiven Forsaken Frozen Frostbitten Got/Gotten Given Gone/Been Ground Grown Handwritten Hung/Hanged Had Heard Hidden Hit Held Hurt Inlaid Input/Inputted Interlaid Kept Knelt/Kneeled Knit/Knitted Known Laid Led Leant/Leaned Leapt/Leaped Learnt/Learned Left Lent Let Lain Lit Lost Made Meant Met Molten/Melted Misled Mistaken

Fights Finds Fits Flees Flings Flies Forbids Forecasts Foresees Foretells Forgets Forgives Forsakes Freezes Frostbites Gets Gives Goes Grinds Grows Handwrites Hangs Has Hears Hides Hits Holds Hurts Inlays Inputs Interlays Keeps Kneels Knits Knows Lays Leads Leans Leaps Learns Leaves Lends Lets Lies Lights Loses Makes Means Meets Melts Misleads Mistakes

Misunderstand Miswed Mow Overdraw Overhear Overtake Pay Preset Prove Put Quit Re-prove Read Rid Ride Ring Rise Rive Run Saw Say See Seek Sell Send Set Sew Shake Shave Shear Shed Shine Shoe Shoot Show Shrink Shut Sing Sink Sit Slay Sleep Slide Sling Slink Slit Smell Sneak Soothsay Sow Speak Speed

Misunderstood Miswed/Miswedded Mowed Overdrew Overheard Overtook Paid Preset Proved Put Quit Re-proved Read Rid/Ridded Rode Rang Rose Rived Ran Sawed Said Saw Sought Sold Sent Set Sewed Shook Shaved Shore/Sheared Shed Shone Shod Shot Showed Shrank Shut Sang Sank Sat Slew Slept Slid Slung Slunk Slit Smelt/Smelled Sneaked/Snuck Soothsaid Sowed Spoke Sped/Speeded

Misunderstood Miswed/Miswedded Mown Overdrawn Overheard Overtaken Paid Preset Proven/Proved Put Quit Re-proven/Re-proved Read Rid/Ridded Ridden Rung Risen Riven/Rived Run Sawn/Sawed Said Seen Sought Sold Sent Set Sewn/Sewed Shaken Shaven/Shaved Shorn/Sheared Shed Shone Shod Shot Shown Shrunk Shut Sung Sunk Sat Slain Slept Slid/Slidden Slung Slunk Slit Smelt/Smelled Sneaked/Snuck Soothsaid Sown Spoken Sped/Speeded

Misunderstands Misweds Mows Overdraws Overhears Overtakes Pays Presets Proves Puts Quits Re-proves Reads Rids Rides Rings Rises Rives Runs Saws Says Sees Seeks Sells Sends Sets Sews Shakes Shaves Shears Sheds Shines Shoes Shoots Shows Shrinks Shuts Sings Sinks Sits Slays Sleeps Slides Slings Slinks Slits Smells Sneaks Soothsays Sows Speaks Speeds

Spell Spend Spill Spin Spit Split Spoil Spread Spring Stand Steal Stick Sting Stink Stride Strike String Strip Strive Sublet Sunburn Swear Sweat Sweep Swell Swim Swing Take Teach Tear Tell Think Thrive Throw Thrust Tread Undergo Understand Undertake Upset Vex Wake Wear Weave Wed Weep Wend Wet Win Wind Withdraw Withhold

Spelt/Spelled Spent Spilt/Spilled Span/Spun Spat/Spit Split Spoilt/Spoiled Spread Sprang Stood Stole Stuck Stung Stank Strode/Strided Struck Strung Stript/Stripped Strove Sublet Sunburned/Sunburnt Swore Sweat/Sweated Swept/Sweeped Swelled Swam Swung Took Taught Tore Told Thought Throve/Thrived Threw Thrust Trod Underwent Understood Undertook Upset Vext/Vexed Woke Wore Wove Wed/Wedded Wept Wended/Went Wet/Wetted Won Wound Withdrew Withheld

Spelt/Spelled Spent Spilt/Spilled Spun Spat/Spit Split Spoilt/Spoiled Spread Sprung Stood Stolen Stuck Stung Stunk Stridden Struck/Stricken Strung Stript/Stripped Striven Sublet Sunburned/Sunburnt Sworn Sweat/Sweated Swept/Sweeped Swollen Swum Swung Taken Taught Torn Told Thought Thriven/Thrived Thrown Thrust Trodden Undergone Understood Undertaken Upset Vext/Vexed Woken Worn Woven Wed/Wedded Wept Wended/Went Wet/Wetted Won Wound Withdrawn Withheld

Spells Spends Spills Spins Spits Splits Spoils Spreads Springs Stands Steals Sticks Stings Stinks Strides Strikes Strings Strips Strives Sublets Sunburns Swears Sweats Sweeps Swells Swims Swings Takes Teaches Tears Tells Thinks Thrives Throws Thrusts Treads Undergoes Understands Undertakes Upsets Vexes Wakes Wears Weaves Weds Weeps Wends Wets Wins Winds Withdraws Withholds

Withstand Wring Write Zinc

Withstood Wrung Wrote Zinced/Zincked

Withstood Wrung Written Zinced/Zincked

Withstands Wrings Writes Zincs/Zincks

Present Participle / Gerund Abiding Alighting Arising Awaking Being Bearing Beating Becoming Beginning Beholding Bending Betting Bidding Bidding Binding Biting Bleeding Blowing Breaking Breeding Bringing Broadcasting Building Burning Bursting Busting Buying Casting Catching Choosing Clapping Clinging Clothing Coming Costing Creeping Cutting Daring Dealing Digging Diving Doing Drawing Dreaming Drinking Driving Dwelling Eating Falling Feeding Feeling

Fighting Finding Fitting Fleeing Flinging Flying Forbidding Forecasting Foreseeing Foretelling Foregetting Forgiving Forsaking Freezing Frostbiting Getting Giving Going Grinding Growing Handwriting Hanging Having Hearing Hiding Hitting Holding Hurting Inlaying Inputting Interlaying Keeping Kneeling Knitting Knowing laying Leading Leaning Leaping Learning Leaving Lending Letting Lying Lighting Losing Making Meaning Meeting Melting Misleading Mistaking

Misunderstanding Miswedding Mowing Overdrawing Overhearing Overtaking Paying Presetting Proving Putting Quitting Re-proving Reading Ridding Riding Ringing Rising Riving Running Sawing Saying Seeing Seeking Selling Sending Setting Sewing Shaking Shaving Shearing Shedding Shining Shoeing Shooting Showing Shrinking Shutting Singing Sinking Sitting Slaying Sleeping Sliding Slinging Slinking Slitting Smelling Sneaking Soothsaying Sowing Speaking Speeding

Spelling Spending Spilling Spinning Spitting Splitting Spoiling Spreading Springing Standing Stealing Sticking Stinging Stinking Striding Striking Stringing Stripping Striving Subletting Sunburning Swearing Sweating Sweeping Swelling Swimming Swinging Taking Teaching Tearing Telling Thinking Thriving Throwing Thrusting Treading Undergoing Understanding Undertaking Upsetting Vexing Waking Wearing Weaving Wedding Weeping Wending Wetting Winning Winding Withdrawing Withholding

Withstanding Wringing Writing Zincking

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