E Me Timeline

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MEXICAN MAFIA TIMELINE April 24, 1923 Henry "Hank" Leyva born in Tuscon, Arizona.

April 10, 1929 Joe "Pegleg" Morgan born. 1935 1st generation "Originals" of Hoyo Maravilla gang forms. 1939 2nd generation "Cherries" of Hoyo Maravilla gang forms. December 1941 Henry "Hank" Leyva, Joe Valenzuela and Jack Melendez all members from 38th street gang in Long Beach arrested on suspicion of armed robbery. Charges dropped against Joe Valenzuela and Jack Melendez but Leyva is rebooked on a charge of assault with a deadly weapon. Leyva pled guilty and received a 3 month county jail term. August 2, 1942 Gang fight involving 38th street gang from Long Beach and a Downey gang results in the death of Jose Diaz. January 13, 1943 11 members of the 38th street gang are sentenced to prison for the murder of Jose Diaz.

June 3, 1943 The Zoot suites erupt in Los Angeles. Many blame the racial tension in the city as a result of the treatment hispanics were subjected to while they searched for the killers of Jose Diaz. October 4, 1943 District Court of Appeals dismisses the case against the members of the 38th st., and orders them freed from custody. 1946 Joe Morgan [Maravilla gang] beats the husband of his 32 year old girlfriend to death and buries the body in a shallow grave. While awaiting trial he escapes using the identification papers of a fellow inmate awaiting transfer to a forestry camp. He is recaptured and sentenced to 9 years at San Quentin..

1954 South Ontario Black Angels gang is formed. The gang takes its name from a popular comic book of the time. Frank "Mosca" Castrejon is amoung the founders.

1955 A.-Mexican Mafia forms at the Duel Vocational Institute at Tracey, California. Originally consists of 13 core members. B.-Joe Morgan is released on parole after 9 years behind bars. C.-The group's legend begins attracting new members. 1956 Morgan is returned to prison after a brazen machine gun robbery of a West Covina bank.

1957 Authorities note an escalation in violent crimes committed by Los Angeles Hispanic gang members. 1958 San Francisco gang member Michael 'Hacha' Ison is committed to California youth authority after he and his brother attack a barber with a baseball bat. February 13, 1958 Reuben Ramos (20) and Lorenzo Castro (18) kidnap and shoot George Rodriquez (13) and Gerald De Lao members of a rival gang. De Lao was killed in the attack. May 13, 1958 Los Angeles Sheriff's deputy Ned Lovretovich is stabbed in court after offering testimony in the murder robbery trial of Gregory H. Valenzuela and Augustin Acosta two gang members from East Los Angeles. December 23, 1959 16 year old Rudy Cadena begins serving a prison sentence for second degree murder at the Chino Institute for men..

1960 Eme begins spreading throughout the California prison system..

1961 A.-Michael 'Hacha' Ison enters the California prison after a conviction for assault with a deadly weapon. B.-Joe Morgan leads 11 inmates in a jail break from the L.A., county jail. He had been called as a witness in a trial involving the murder of another inmate

1962 Ison acquires the nickname killer after murdering inmate Thomas Dever on behalf of the Mexican Mafia in San Quentin.

July 14, 1963 Eme narcotics chief Harry Gamboa Buckley, 43, Monterey Pak is arrested and charged with heading a heroin ring which sold $40,000 worth of pure heroin. In addition to Buckley, Mary Gloria Ramirez, 28, Alhambra, Virginia Rivas Garcia, 29, Charlotte O. Vasquez, 36 and Julian L. Molano all of East Los Angeles were also held.

1967 California Department of Corrections reports the Mexican mafia controls the yard at San Quentin and has active chapters at Soledad and Folsom prisons.

November 7, 1967 San Quentin inmate Forrest W. Smith, 42, a convicted burglar from Los Angeles is killed in the prison hospital by convicted eme hitman "Psycho" Leo Estrada Robles.

Early Nuestra Familia leadership

September 15 1968 Hector Padilla a gang member from northern California is attacked after a confrontation with Eme gang leader Robert "Robot" Salas [Big Hazard] over a pair of shoes stolen by Eme associate Carlos "Pieface" Ortega [Geraghty Loma]. This "the third in a series of Eme led attacks on Norteno associates and gang members [Phillip Neri and Sonny Pena were killed earlier.]"

September 16 1968 In retaliation for the murders of Phillip Neri and Sonny Pena and a near fatal attack on Hector Padilla, Nuestra Familia launches a reprisal attack on the Mexican Mafia at 2:30 pm. The final tally left 11 wounded and 1 mafia member dead.

September 16 1968 In retaliation for the murders of Phillip Neri and Sonny Pena and a near fatal attack on Hector Padilla, Nuestra Familia launches a reprisal attack on the Mexican Mafia at 2:30 pm. The final tally left 11 wounded and mafia member Archie Gallego, 25, dead.

1969 Rudy "Cheyenne" Cadena begins correspondence with members of the Latino political group the Brown Berets.

1970 A.-Mexican Mafia and Black Guerilla family agree to a truce. B.-Joe Moody prison gang investigator finds the body of one of his female informants murdered in Monterey Park, California. Pinned to her body was a note with consisting of one word Eme.

1971 A.-Rudy Cadena [Bakersfield gang member later claimed East L.A's Primera Flats] issues orders to recently paroled Eme members to take over federally funded drug programs operating in L.A. barrios. The first target is the National Institute of Mental Health's Special Program for Alcohol Abuse (SPAN) which was headquartered in Pomona.

B.-Paroled Eme member Eduardo Z. Aguirre is named executive director of League of United Citizens to help Addicts [LUCHA]. C.-Cadena and Black Guerilla Family founder George L. Jackson are targeted for their influence over large groups of prisoners. Cadena publicly calls for a reuniting of Latino inmates to fight the system. Within the gang it becomes common knowledge that Cadena hopes to unite the Mexican Mafia and Nuestra Familia creating a statewide criminal syndicate.

August 21, 1971 Jackson is murdered at San Quentin leaving Cadena the states most outspoken prison reformist from behind bars..

Late 1971 A.-Cadena is paroled to Los Angeles. B.-Killer Mike Ison is convicted of second degree murder for stabbing a fellow inmate 51 times in the prison chapel at Folsom.

January 21, 1972 Carlos N. Rodriquez is killed by a shotgun blast to the face fired from point blank range in Pomona.

February 15, 1972 George "Poyo" Felix is stabbed more than 30 times by Eme hitmen in Los Angeles.

February 17, 1972 Ellen Delia is shot three times in the head and dumped on the way to Sacramento where she was scheduled to discuss the eme's infiltration of a state funded program.

March 16, 1972 Eme drop out Raymond Ochoa, 29, shot is found bound and tied to a chair in his Commerce apartment. He'd been shot to death a few feet from his wife and teenage son.

April 3, 1972 Opening remarks are giving in the murder trial of Mexican Mafia member Gilbert Sanchez, 30, of Commerce. Sanchez was accused of killing Eme drop out Raymond Ochoa, 29. Ochoa was shot in his living room near his 13 year old son who lay bound nearby.

April 21, 1972 Aryan Brotherhood members Fred S. Mendrin and Donald C. Hale murders Nuestra Familia member Fred Charles Castillo in Palm Hall at Chino Institute for men, the hit is ordered by Mexican Mafia leader Joe Morgan. The murder reportedly seals a pact between the Aryan Brotherhood and Mexican Mafia.

October 13, 1972 Gilbert "Shotgun" Sanchez is acquitted of murdering Raymond Ochoa in his Commerce city apartment on orders from Joe Morgan. Sanchez was already serving a combined 150 year sentence for 15 counts of armed robbery.

October 31, 1972 Rudy Cadena is returned to Chino Institute for men as a parole violator.

December 12, 1972 Nuestra Familia members Santos and Gilbert Arranda are stabbed in the inmate Reception and Guidance center at Chino Institute for men.

Rudy Cadena- One time sole leader of La Eme

December 18, 1972 Rudy Cadena is stabbed 70 times in Palm Hall at Chino Institute for men by members of la Nuestra Familia. Gilbert Sandoval and Steven Oropeza are injured in the attack as well.

1973 A.-36 inmate murders occured in behind bars in 1972, 30 of wich are attributed to the Mexican mafia. B.-[LUCHA] Director Eduardo Aguirre flees to Mexico with $146,000 of the groups funds after a federal audit finds $300,000 in federal funds missing from the groups cofers causing the collapse of the program. C.-Community concern 'an L.A., based community self help organization,' recieves $ 1 million in federal funds. Ex-convict Rafael 'Chispas' Sandoval a man with ties to Italian organized criminals including Jimmy Coppola is the director. Sandoval also expanded Eme's political ties donating several hundred thousand dollars to Richard Alatorre's campaign for the California assembly.

May 3, 1973 Gilbert Pedro Sanchez, 31 year old eme member is acquitted in Los Angeles Superior Court on charges relating to the murder of Raymond Ochoa in Commerce.

November 11, 1973 Pat Duran a convicted car thief from San Bernardino is stabbed in an exercise yard used by inmates held under protective custody at San Quentin. Duran had expressed concern for his safety after a run in with an eme member.

November 22, 1973 Two San Quentin inmates are stabbed in seperate incidents. Robert Tavluian, 28, from Los Angeles is stabbed in San Quentin's main yard at noon. Tavluian suffered multiple stab wounds to the chest but survived the attack. Thomas Gregory, 34, an inmate from San Francisco died of stab wounds he received in the chow hall breakfast line.

June 1975 Morgan secures a contract with organized crime figures which provides Eme with a half dozen kilos of pure Mexican heroin in exchange for hits on the streets of Los Angeles. The operation "which runs from Juarez through Tiajuana into Los Angeles, San Franccisco and Sacramento," nets the Mexican Mafia a profit of $60,000 per week wholesale uncut.

1976 A.-Michael Delia a paroled Eme member sets up Project Get Going. The stated aim of the program is to assist convicts re-adjust to to lving in society. Delia's program is launched by $228,000 worth of government aide. B.-Joe Morgan is released on parole. He is quickly indicted on federal narcotics charges and flees to Utah.

January 15, 1977 Robert Lewis special assistant to Senator Alex P. Garcia (D-Los Angeles) is gunned down by Eme

members. Lewis was tied in with Michael Delia's Project Get Going.

January 16, 1977 Ysidro Trujillo a resident of Project Get Goings halfway house is murdered in Los Angeles by Eddie "The Sailor" Gonzales and Michael Delia.

February 1, 1977 Eme member Gibert Roybal is shot to death in his Fresno home by Alfred "Alfie" Sosa, Daniel "Choco" Montellano and Manuel Torres after announcing his plans to defect from the gang. The hit was ordered by Robert "Robot" Salas.

February 11, 1977 Bruno Chavez an Eme associate is stabbed to death in Glassell Park by Alfred "Alfie" Sosa and Raymond "Huero shy" Shyrock.

February 15, 1977 George "Poyo" Felix is killed in his Rosemead home by Daniel "Choco" Montellano.

February 17, 1977 Michael Delia's wife Ellen is shot to death in Sacramento by Alfred "Alfie" Sosa and Eddie "The Sailor" Gonzales both known Eme hitmen. Delia's murder was ordered by her husband Michael who feared she would expose the illegal

affairs of Project Get Going.

February 20, 1977 Eme godfather Robert "Robot" Salas, Alfred "Alfie" Sosa and Armando Varela are arrested in Monterey Park and charged with possession of a concealed weapon. Sosa and Salas are released on bail but Varela remains in custody and begins cooperating in the investigation of the murder of Ellen Delia resulting in the re-arrest and filing of murder charges against Salas for the murders of Gilbert Roybal and Delia. Eddie "The Sailor" Gonzales has also provided information in 9 Eme murders.

March 26, 1977 Alfred "Alfie" Sosa is arrested and charged with the murders of Ellen Delia and Gilbert Roybal. Sosa was apprehended in Tiajuana, Mexico

April 22, 1977 Alfred "Alfie" Sosa, 33, Michael Anthony Delia, Albert Valles, 33, of Lawndale and Daniel "Choco" Montellano and Raymond "Huero Shy" Shyrock, 25, both of Los Angeles are all indicted by the Los Angeles grad jury for the murders of Robert Mark Lewis, 51, of El Monte and Ysidro Trujillo, an alleged member of La eme. Sosa and Shyrock were also indicted in the murder of Bruno Chavez, 29, in Glassell Park. Valles and Montellano were charged in the deaths of eme member Gilbert Roybal in Fresno and George "Poyo" Felix in Rosemead. Eme member Edward "Sailor Boy" Conzales enter a plea of innocent to charges of heroin possession and being an ex-convict in possession of a firearm.

July, 1977 Joe Morgan is captured in Utah, a charge of trafficking firearms is added to the narcotics and fugitive warrants he was facing.

August 26, 1977 Peter Savas, 24, from Orange County F-Troop is shot and killed by tower guards after he ignores a warning shot and continues to stab inmate James Williams, 31, of San Diego in an incident linked to a string of racially charged incidents. Savas was was aided in the attack by Ronald Hendricks, 25, aan inmate with ties to the Aryan Brotherhood.

May 15, 1978 Joe Morgan is sentenced to 5 years in state prison for being a felon in possession of a firearm and transporting a rifle across state lines. 2 hours later in federal court he is sentenced to serve 2 to 10 years in federal prison for possession of heroin.

Joseph "Red" Morgan.

1978 Based on the testimony of Ramon "Mundo" Mendoza, Morgan is convicted of second degree murder and sentenced to life in prison for the murder of an Eme member who fell out of favor.

October 1978 Daniel Montellano released from jail after posting $100,000 in the Los Angeles murder cases and another $150,000 in the Fresno case.

November 11, 1978 Inmate Thomas Trejo is stabbed to death at the Federal Correctional Institution at Lompoc, California. An tutopsy reveals Trejo suffered 45 stab wounds. Eme kingpin Adolpho "Champ" Reynoso, Pedro Flores and inmate Gouveia are later sentenced to serve life plus 99 years in federal prison.

November 3, 1978 Investigation launched into the relationship of Judge Lenore Schreiber and Daniel Montellano and Robert Salas after it is learned she has put money on the books for both men at the county jail. Montellano had also lent the judge his car on at least one occassion.

May 30,1979 Daniel "Choco" Montellano is charged with the murder of 17 year old Jerry Granillo outside of Montellano's Visalia apartment.

June 30,1982

Tito Marines Jr., best friend of Reuben T. Hernandez is found dead in southeast Ontario. Marines murder was believed to have been a paid hit carried out on behalf of Mary Lou Davilla Salazar a known drug dealer.

October 14,1984 Alfred Arthur Sandoval [Arizona Maravilla] shoots and kills Gilbert Martinez and Anthony Aceves [Mariana Maravilla] a third victm "Manuel Torres survives the attack.

October 31,1984 Ray and Marlene Wells are shot excecution style in their home in Belvedere Park. Alfred Arthur Sandoval [Arizona Maravilla] is charged in these murders.

June 22,1987 Mary Lou Davilla Salazar, Lourdes Flores and Francisco Delgado Ortiz are found slain in a home on Sunkist Street in Ontario.

June 25,1987 Reuben "Tupi" Hernandez high ranking Eme member is arrested in connection with the Ontario murders.

July 19,1988 Reuben Tommy "Tupi" Hernandez is sentenced to 3 consecutive life terms plus 16 years in state prison for the murders of Salazar, Flores and Ortiz.

August 17,1990 Joe "Colorado Red" Ariaz excecutes Daniel Arriaga and Salvador Barrasa on the order of Robert "Robot" Salas in Fontana. Arriaga owed $30,000 in taxes to the Mexican Mafia.

June 12,1991 Joe "Colorado Red" Ariaz convicted of one count of first degree murder in the death of Daniel Arriaga the jury failed to reach a verdict on the charge relating to the death of Salvador Barrasa.

July 16,1991 Eme soldier Salvador "Mon" Buenrostro is stabbed 26 times in an interview room at the Los Angeles county jail by Benjamin "Topo" Peters and Rene "Boxer" Enriquez. Buenrostro was attacked for causing dissension within the group "he made negative comments about Eme Godfather Joe Morgan."

August 8,1991 Joe "Colorado Red" Ariaz sentenced to serve 29 years to life in state prison.

1992 Deputy Edward Roman is stabbed in the Los Angeles county jail by a suspected Eme member armed with the sharpened end of a broom handle. Deputies find a 4inch metal shank hidden in the rectum of Eme associate Eulalio Martinez. Martinez is later killed for failing to carry out attacks against deputies at the county jail.

February 1992 American Me a film about Mexican Mafia icons Joe Morgan and Rudy Cadena is released starring and directed by Edward James Olmos. The film offends Morgan and a contract is issued to eliminate Olmos and Eme members who served as advisors on the project.

March 1992 Charles "Charlie Brown" Manriquez a 53 year old Eme veterano is gunned down while walking through Ramona Gardens. Manriquez had served as an advisor to Olmos during the filming of American Me, authorities recovered an American Me business card from one of his pockets.

May 13, 1992 Ana Lizarraga a Ramona Gardens gang counselor and consultant on the film American Me is gunned down by Jose "Joker" Gilbert Gonzales [Big Hazard] a 29 year old parolee "out less than a month," was apprehended fleeing the scene of the crime.

February 1993 Jose Uribe is stabbed 37 times in his cell in the high powered wing of the Los Angeles county jail. Jorge Lopez and Joaquin Alvarado committed the murder to curry favor with the Mexican mafia who had labeled Uribe a rata [informant].

March 12, 1993 Regino "The Bull" Deharo south Ontario gang member and recent parolee is captured after a 50 mile televised chase which includes a car jacking and several shots fired from the carjacked vehicle. The event started when Deharo, Robert Garcia and Jesus Ochoa bungled a robbery at a home in Pomona. During the televised chase Deharo wounded officer Roger Matthews.

Winter 1993 Mexican mafia emisary David "Smilon" Gallardo [Big Hazard] increases the amount of tax the dudes of Hazard are required to pay as punishment for needlessly harassing customers. His demand is met with resistance from several Hazard gang members particularly Ricardo "Joker" Gonzalez and Humberto "Capone" Madrigal.

October 26, 1993 Eme godfather Joseph "Pegleg" Morgan is diagnosed with inoperable cancer. He is transfered from Pelican to the prison ward at Corcoran.

Joe Pegleg Morgan November 9, 1993 Joe "Pegleg" Morgan dies of liver cancer at the age of 64. Morgan had spent his last days in the prison hospital ward at Corcoran State prison. Benjamin "Topo" Peters replaces Morgan as Eme godfather, Peters is challenged for control of the group by Reuben "Tupi" Hernandez.

December 3, 1993 Ricardo "Rascal" Gonzalez found stabbed to death in the Ramona Gardens housing project next to Smokey's wall.

January 1994 Humberto "Capone" Madrigal is severely wounded near the Ramona Gardens housing project. Madrigal initially identifies Smilon Gallardo as his assailant but later retracts his statement.

February 1994

Gallardo and associate Juan "China Boy" Arias engage in a gun battle with Ricardo "Richie" and Eduardo "Lalo" Soriano. Both Soriano brothers were severely wounded and Arias suffered a wound to his hand.

March 1994 Ernest "Chuco" Castro [Vario Nuevo Estrada] a feared Eme assassin begins cooperating with authorities leading to the arrest of 21 Eme members later in the year.

April 1995 A.-Eme Godfather Benjamin "Topo" Peters ends the conflict between Gallardo and Big Hazard arranging a peace agreement which led to Gallardo's removal of the Green light on Big Hazard in appreciation for Joker Gonzalez's murder of Anna Lizarraga. Rascal Gonzalez was Joker's brother. B.-Assisted by Ernest "Chuco" Castro, 12 Eme members are arrested at the La Mirada Holiday Inn.

April 22 1995 Eme defector Anthony Moreno and 4 other members of his family are killed by Richard Valdez, Jose Ortiz, Daniel Logan and Jimmy Palma on the order of Raymond "Huero Shy" Shyrock and Luis "Big Homie" Maciel.

May 1, 1995

22 members and associates of the Mexican Mafia are indicted on RICO charges. Benjamin "Topo" Peters [El Hoyo Soto], Reuben "Tupi" Hernandez [Ontario Black Angeles], Raymond "Huero Shy" Shyrock [El Hoyo Soto], Michael "Musclehead" Salinas [Orange County], David "Smilon" Gallardo [Big Hazard], Sammy "Negro" Villalba, Richard "Ricky" Guitierez, Juan "China Boy" Arias, Alex "Pee Weee" Aguirre [Avenues gang], Antonio "Tonito" Rodriquez, Ronald Ray "Champ" Mendez [Orange County], Randy "Cowboy" Therrien [Bassett], Daniel "Black Dan" Barela, Jesse "Pelon" Moreno, Victor "Victorio" Murillo [Salinas], Joe "Shakey" Hernandez, Reuben "Night Owl" Castro [18th Street], George Bustamante [associate] are amoung the indicted.

June 6, 1995 Benjamin "Topo" Peters and Reuben "Tupi" Hernandez plead not guilty in the indictment which is known as the Mexican Mafia case.

September 21, 1995 Vincent Castro Caldera an Eme associate [anserwing to Alex "Pee Wee" Aguirre] and leader of the Avenue's gang is arrested in the murder of 3 year Stephanie Kuhen. Her family had taken a wrong turn down a Los Angeles street and was caught in a barage of gang gunfire. Avenue's gang members Anthony Rodriquez, Manuel Rosales and Hugo Gomez are also held.

October 20, 1995 San Bernardino Eme representative Phillip "Chano" Chavez [MVR] his cousin Patricio Rocha and Margie Martinez are shot to death by Ernie "Leche" Carillo [Mt. Vernon counts]in retaliation for Chano's ordering the death of his nephew Michael Carillo. Michael Carillo had failed to deliver on a promise he had while


November 24, 1995 Ernie Joe "Leche" Carillo Sr., is murdered in retaliation for the slaying of Eme member Phillip "Chano" Chavez and two of his relatives the previous month.

December 27, 1995 Ignacio "Toby" and David Villa and Cathy Estrada "Ignacio's wife," for the murders of Armando Castillo and Gilbert Hernandez. Their bodies were found May 9 in an alley in the 600 block of State street in Upland, California.

November 20, 1996 13 of the orginal 22 indicted in the Mexican mafia case go to trial.

December 22, 1996 Former Eme hitman Johnny Torres enters testimony regarding the rules and regulations emposed on its members by the Mexican mafia.

March 23, 1997 Ennis Cosby is found dead beside his car near the Los Angeles freeway. Mikhael Markhasev a self described Mexican mafia member is arrested.

March 23, 1997 Chief prosecution witness Ernnest "Chuco" Castro [Vario Nuevo Estrada] wraps up his testimony in the Eme trial.

April 28, 1997 Defense attorney's rebut the governments case calling the Mexican Mafia disorganized crime.

May 1997 Salvador Buenrostro appears as a defense witness in the Mexican mafia trial. Buenrostro an inmate at Pelican Bay testifies that his stabbing at the Los Angeles county jail by Topo Peters and Boxer Enriquez steemed from a personal dispute not gang politics.

May 29, 1997 Victor "Victorio" Murillo is acquitted of all charges in the Mexican Mafia case. Benjamin "Topo" Peters, Reuben "Tupi" Hernandez, Alex "Pee Wee" Aguirre, "Shakey Joe" Hernandez, Daniel "Black Dan" Barela, Raymond "Huero Shy" Shyrock, David "Smilon" Gallardo, Juan "China Boy" Arias, Reuben "Night Owl" Castro, Randy "Cowboy" Therrien, Raymond "Champ" Mendez and Jesse "Pelon" Moreno are all convicted.

June 3, 1997 Hugo Gomez, Manuel Rosales and Anthony Rodriquez are convicted of murdering 3 year old Stephanie Kuhen.

June 11, 1997 Richard Anthony Valdez and Jimmy Palma are sentenced to death for the murder of Anthony and Maria Moreno, Gustavo Aguirre and Ambrose Padilla on April 22, 1995. Daniel Logan and Jose Ortiz were sentenced to 129 years to life earlier for their parts in the murders.

July 3, 1997 Marcos Antonio Luna enters a guilty plea in the death of Stephanie Kuhen.

July 12, 1997 Placentia resident Paul Fix is shot to death during a robbery by Eme member Robert "Gypsy" Cervantes.

August 2, 1997 Hugo David Gomez, Anthony Gabriel Rodriquez and Manuel Rosales Jr., are sentenced to 54 years and 8 months to life in prison for the Kuhen death.

August 29, 1997 18 year old Avenues gang member Augustin Lizama is setenced to life in prison for his role in the death of Stephanie Kuhen.

September 2, 1997 David "Smilon" Gallardo and Randy " Cowboy" Therrien are sentenced to life in prison without possibility of parole. Gallardo received and additional 300 months in addition to the life sentence.

Raymond Huero Shy Shyrock (Eme Leader) September 3, 1997 Benjamin "Topo" Peters, Raymond "Huero Shy" Shyrock, Reuben "Night Owl" Castro are sentenced to life in prison without parole. Juan "China Boy" Arias (27) is sentenced to 32 years in federal prison. U.S. District Judge Ronald S.W. Lew stated he was giving Arias a break due to his youth. Judge Lew later sentenced Reuben "Tupi" Hernandez to his fourth life term. Drawing the sentence were Daniel "black Dan" Barela and Jesse "Pelon" Moreno. "Shakey" Joe Hernandez received a 32 year federal term.

September 5, 1997

Judge Lew sentences Raymond "Champ" Mendez and Alex "Pee Wee" Aguirre to life sentences.

September 12, 1997 A San Diego drug ring run by incarcerated Mexican Mafia Frank "Chino" Macias Madriaga is broken up National City police.

September 27, 1997 Eme associate Reuben Gomez is charged with robbery and six counts of murder committed within five months of his release from Pelican Bay State prison. Gomez had been in custody since his capture on July 2 after a failed home invasion robbery. All of the murders were committed against drug dealers who had balked or fallen behind in their tax payments to the Mexican mafia. Arturo "Shady" Grajeda an accomplice in two of the murders remained at large.

October 1997 Jimmy "Character" Palma is stabbed to death on Death Row by fellow inmates.

January 7, 1998 Luis "Pelon" Maciel is sentenced to death for ordering the murder of Anthony "Dido" Moreno and 4 other members of his family.

April 4, 1998 Victor "Victorio" Murillo is shot dead in a parking lot in Visalia by Eme member Charles "Chacho" Woody.

May 1, 1998 7 year old Mindy Flores is gunned down in her living room as shots intended for her sisters boyfriend Armando Ibarra go astray. Ibarra was under suspicion of providing information against an incarcerated Eme member. A green light was issued okaying his death.

November 19, 1998 Richard Serrano, Jose Gutierrez and Enrique Delgadillo were shot to death on the order of Mariano "Chuy" Martinez in a Montebello autoshop.

January 7, 1999 Michael Hutto is shot as he stood in the doorway of a home in Colton. Edward and Anthony Hernandez [Northside Colton] are named as the prime suspects. Hutto was green lighted by the Mexican Mafia after shortchanging them in a drug deal. Northside Colton answers to Eme shotcaller Mark "Turtle" Quiroz.

January 10, 1999 Arthur Daniel Flores [Northside Colton]and Joseph Caldera [Northside Colton] are found shot to death within two blocks of one another on

Arrowhead Avenue in San Bernardino. Brothers Edward and Anthony Hernandez are named as the prime suspects. Arthur Flores was killed hours after he was taken into custody for questioning in the shooting of Hutto.

January 19, 1999 Edward and Anthony Hernandez are sentenced to 3 consecutive life sentences in state prison for three murders.

February 2, 1999 16 members of the Mexican mafia are arrested in a predawn sweep. Cheif amoung those arrested were Frank "Sapo" Fernandez [Palmdale], Jesse "Shady" Detevis [South Gate], Juan "Topo" Garcia, Marcel "Psycho" Arevalo, Daniel "Sporty" Bravo [all of Los Angeles] David Contreras Gonzalez [Reseda] and James "Drak" Maxon [Los Angeles] and Jesus "Dreamer" Ramirez [Los Angeles] eluded arrest in the raid.

July 1, 1999 United States Attorney Alejandro Mayorkas announces a third federal indictment aimed at the Mexican Mafia. Javier Duarte, Gerardo "Blanco" Jacobo, Adrian Nieto, Sally Peters [wife of Eme godfather Benjamin Peters], Suzanne Schoenberg [wife of Eme member James "Smokey" Sanchez], Crispin "Conejo" Alvidrez, Fernando "Cuate" Alvidrez, Mario "Whisper" Castillo, Rolando "Rolo" Ontiveros, Dominick "Solo" Gonzalez, Margaret Farrell, Veronica Rodriquez, Guadalupe Juarez, Carlos "Cheeks" Aguilar, Reuben "Toker" Rojas and Joe "Inch" Annet are all named in this round.

September 1, 1999 Isaac Aguirre and Vincente Meza and Jesse "Jess Dog aka Worm" Chavez [Sur Crazy Ones] are arrested for the murder of Mindy Flores and the attempted murder of Armando Ibarra. .

November 19, 1999 Ricardo Cruz "described as an Eme wannabe," is sentenced to 28 years to life for the murder of Rudy Saenz in Coachella. .

February 21, 2000 The Mexican mafia organizes a riot in Pelican Bay which pits it's southern allies against black inmates.

April 13, 2000 Frank "Chino" Madriaga is convicted of drug and extortion charges.

July 9, 2000 Seventh Street gang leader Johnny Agudo and his brother Gilbert are among 4 homicide victims gunned down by fellow Mexican mafia associates. The murders were reportedly ordered by Inland Empire Eme representative Salvador Orozco Hernandez in retaliation for Agudo reportedly telling police about Hernandez's drug dealing activities. The murders came three days after

Agudo had been released from prison. Other sources claim Agudo arrived with orders to takeover the Inland Empire drug trade from the Hernandez brothers who themselves had fallen under the suspicion of imprisoned prison gang leaders for dealing with law enforcement and pocketing a portion of the tax money to be sent up the ladder.

July 17, 2000 Frank Macias Madriaga "Chino" is sentenced to 29 years and four months.

Septembr 8, 2000 SAN BERNARDINO - 11 members and associates of the Mexican mafia are arrested in the Inland Empire. Antonio Hernandez, Santos Hernandez, Adolph Moraga, Sadie Ramirez, Judy Alvarado, Paul Flores, Monica Rodriquez, Alfredo Valdez, Raul Ramirez, Alfonzo Aguila and Danny Hanks are charged with operating a drug ring with connections to a Mexican cartel.

October 6, 2000 Alfred Arthur Sandoval the highest ranking Eme member on Death Row in California has his death sentence for the murder of Marlene Wells overturned by the federal 9th Circuit Court of Appeals.

October 24, 2000 Frank "Sapo" Fernandez, Jimmy "Drak" Sanchez, Robert Cervantes, Dominick "Solo" Gonzalez, Roy "Spider" Gavaldon, Sally Peters, Susanne

Schoenberg, Juan "Topo" are convicted of racketeering. Adrian Nieto was acquitted of three counts of concpiracy to commit murder and one count of racketeering. Mariano "Chuy" Martinez Varrio Nuevo Estrada was tried seperately as he faced a possible death sentence for his involvement in the crimes detailed in the indictment.

November 26, 2000 The racketeering trial of Mariano "Chuy" Martinez begins in Los Angeles federal court.

January 6, 2001 Robert "Gypsy" Cervantes and David Gonzales Contreras are sentenced to life in federal prison without parole for murder and racketeering.

January 7, 2001 Robert "Gypsy" Cervantes [Arta 13]is ordered moved from state prison to a federal facility to break his influence in the Mexican Mafia.

Benjamin Topo Peters (Eme Top Leader)

February 2001 Benjamin "Topo" Peters dies of cancer at the age of 60. Once viewed as the sucessor to Joe Morgan as the Eme godfather, Peters had warned CDC staff that he was a target for assault by Eme members due to his illness and inability to function as an active member.

February 8, 2001 Petra Celia Gonzales [wife of Eme leader Fred "Sapo" Gonzales and mother of Dominique "Nick" Gonzales convicted Eme associate] arrested as the head of a mail fraud ring from her Palmdale home.

February 15, 2001 Mariano "Chuy" Martinez is convcited of racketeering charges after 26 days of deliberation by the jury.

March 2001 Michael "Hacha" Ison is beaten to death outside a pool hall near San Francisco's skid row.

March 29, 2001 A.-Anthony Angulo and Ricky Camacho are convicted of killing Genaro Martinez. Martinez "the brother of a high ranking Eme member Eulalio "Lalo" Martinez," was shot in the back on April 25, 2000. B.-First degree murder charges were filed against Jose Luis "Clever" Sanchez an Eme member from Los Angeles for his role in planning a riot at Pelican Bay which pitted southern Latino inmates against black prisoners. Miguel "Sharky" Sanchez "also from Los Angeles," was killed when a correctional officer opened fire on the rioting inmates on February 23, 2001. 28 inmates were injured in the riot three of which suffered gunshot wounds. The riot was ordered by Eme legend Alfred "Alfie" Sosa and Eulalio "Lalo" Martinez.

April 30, 2001 Catarino "Termite" Gonzalez Jr., [18th Street] goes on trial for the murder of LAPD officer Filbert Cuesta on August 9, 1998.

Sergio Villa was gunned down after putting together a group to hit Eme associate Hector Marroquin.

Hector Clumsy Romero was brutally found murdered after being shot in the head and his hands and genitals burned off. The murder was also tied to Eme associate Hector Marroquin.

Hector Marroquin, 18th street gang member and alleged Eme tax collector

November 26, 2001 John "Stranger" Turscak [Rockwoood gang] former street general turned FBI informant is sentenced to 30 years in prison for crimes committed while he was an FBI informant.

November 28, 2001 Eme associated gang members ambush three L.A. county sheriff's deputies in the Inmate Reception Center downtown Los Angeles.

December 10, 2001 Inmate Antonio Haro slashes the kneck of deputy Chris Varela at the inmate reception center in Los Angeles. The attack was ordered by the Mexican mafia in response to a crack down by jail officials who became suspicious of a large number of high ranking Eme leaders called as character witnesses in a court case in Los Angeles.

March 21, 2002 Racketeering trial of Frank "Pancho Villa" Martinez mexican mafia member and shotcaller for the Columbia lil' cycos clique of the 18th street gang begins.

Rene Boxer Enriquez March 22, 2002 Rene "Boxer" Enriquez (Arta) agrees to debrief effectively ending his reign as one of Eme's feared and respected leaders.

June 9, 2002 Mariano "Chuy" Martinez is sentenced to life without parole plus 130 years in federal prison for his role in directing the Mexican mafia's activity in Los Angeles on behalf of godfather Benjamin "Topo" Peters.

December 13, 2002 Anthony 'Coco' Zaragoza 18th street Cls shotcaller is sentenced to life in federal prison.

January 2, 2003 Jesus "Gizmo" Rochin former #3 man in Chuy Martinez's crew is sentenced to 12 years in prison for racketeering, attempted murder, assault and narcotics conspiracy. Rochin became a prosecution witness to avoid a life term.

Frank Puppet Martinez

February 4, 2003 Francisco 'Puppet' Martinez is sentenced to life in prison plus 60 years after being convicted of running the Columbia lil cycos clique a branch of the 18th street gang that runs McArthur Park in Los Angeles.

February 19, 2003 Max "Mono" Torvisco is sentenced to 10 years in federal prison as part of a plea agreement in the Chuy Martinez case. Torvisco will have to serve 85% of his time before becoming parole eligible.

January 28, 2004 Sergio Pulido Perez, 47; Leonard Parmer, 19; Denise Ortega, 27; Pamela Thompson, 39; Jaime Lopez Jr., 27; Julio Contreras, 24; Arthur Genaro Torres, 46; and Christina Montano, 24 enter not guilty pleas in connection with the San Diego Marquez Mexican mafia case.

June 08, 2004 Ricardo "Rock" Marquez 36, of La Mesa pled guilty to conspiracy to distribute 33,000 tablets of ecstasy drug and possessing an unregistered automatic rifle. Authorities charged Marquez "the brother of imprisoned Eme liason Alberto "Bat" Maruez," with participating in a ring with smuggled ecstasy from the Netherlands through Mexico into the United States in conjunction with the Arrellano Felix drug cartel.

August 20, 2004 Avenues gang members Gilbert Saldana, Merced Cambrero, Alexjandro Martinez and Fernando Cazares are charged with federal weapons and civil rights violations in the death of Kenneth Kurry Wilson.

December 20, 2004 An investigation looking into the financial dealings of the Mexican Mafia is launched after San Diego Eme leader Frank Macias "Chino" Madriaga amasses $40,000 in his inmate account a portion of which he shared with Eme leaders at Pelican Bay.

Tony Gonzalez-Rodriguez (Mexican Mafia drug runner) Oct. 29, 2007 Riverside, Ca. The Mexican Mafias #2 man in the Coachella Valley, Tony Gonzalez-Rodriguez, appeared on drug-traficking chrages in a Riverside courtroom.

June 05, 2008 SAN DIEGO---Imprisoned Mexican mafia leader Jose Alberto "Bat" Marquez, Julia Morones, Maria "Kika" Madriaga, Brian Mark "Dusty" Smith, Juan Manuel "Manny" Velarde, Marco Corrado, Ruben Santos, Rolando "Rolo" Montemayor and Jorge Lopez-Herrera aka Pedro Bombas are indicted in federal court. The indictment charges that the defendants participated in a conspiracy to distribute Methamphetamine. Mari

"Scorpion" Bejar was also charged with aiding and abetting the other defendants in the commission of their crimes. Authorities charge Marquez with orchastrating a methamphetamine deal 3 months after authorities extradited him from a Mexico city maximum security prison and lodged him in an federal facility near San Diego. All the defendants used their ties and influence over San Diego street gangs "South Side Mob, Logan Heights Red Steps, Shelltown and Del Sol," to further their criminal caper.

August 7, 2008 FEDERAL--- Mexican Mafia Ruben "Night Owl" Castro accused of running Los Angeles street gangs from behind bars asked to withdraw his guilty plea to federal charges. Ruben Castro told a Los Angeles federal judge that he "made a big mistake" when he entered the guilty pleas to racketeering and conspiracy to sell cocaine. The 48-year-old was set to be sentenced and could have received 27 years in prison. Arguments on his plea change will be heard in October. Prosecutors charged that Castro ran two branches of a drugdealing Los Angeles street gang from behind bars while serving a life sentence in Colorado for a 1997 racketeering conviction...

August 12, 2008 SAN BERNARDINO--- A jury ordered the death penalty for two gang members Luis "Maldito" Mendoza and Lorenzo Arias in the Dead Presidents case. They are set to be sentenced Sept. 10. Mendoza and Arias, both members of the 7th Street Locos had grown up with the victims and were carrying out an order by members of the Mexican Mafia prison gang. The case was

viewed as an example of how Mexican Mafia influence has forced some Latino street gangs to turn on their own members.

August 15, 2008 SAN DIEGO ---- Mexican Mafia member Juvenal Vega-Soto, 52, was sentenced Thursday to a life prison term for his role in a conspiracy to distribute methamphetamine. Vega-Soto was one of 35 people convicted in the conspiracy, which involved two murders, extortion, robberies and narcotics trafficking. Seven other defendants were sentenced to life terms in March, and the kingpin is set to be sentenced in October. Vega-Soto was convicted by a jury in April after being extradited from Mexico..

Salvador Hernandez (Mexican Mafia Leader)

Alfred Hernandez (Mexican Mafia Leader)

August 28, 2008 SAN BERNARDINO ---- Mexican Mafia leaders Salvador Orozco Hernandez, 43, and his brother Alfred Hernandez is sentenced to serve 10 years in prison for his role in a conspiracy case. Both pleaded guilty to one count of attempted murder with a gang enhancement. Alfred Hernandez will serve 2 years of a possible six year term for his role in the Eme case tried in San Bernardino.

September 09, 2008 SAN BERNARDINO ---- San Bernardino Seventh Street gang leaders Luis Mendoza and Lorenzo Arias receive the death penalty for the murders of 4 fellow gang members in July 2004. The murders were committed on the order of Inland Empire shotcaller Salvador Orozco Hernandez. (Case detailed under July 9, 2000)

September 11, 2008 POMONA ---- Eme members Ricardo Polanco 26, and Arthur Garcia 37, received sentences of 50 and 55 years to life for the murder of Frankie "Frankie B" Buelna in 2005. Buelna was green lighted by longtime Eme enforcer Darryl Castrejon for collecting taxes in his area without authorization. Castrejon is scheduled to appear in court September 24 in Pomona.

Janet Amaya (Eme tax collector)

September 17, 2008 SAN BERNARDINO ---- Janette V. Amaya 51, a tax collector for Inland Empire shotcaller Salvador Orozco Hernandez receives a six year prison term after pleading no contest to a charge of transporting heroin for sale. Amaya also pled no contest to charges of violating probation in cases involving real-estate fraud and drug transportation. Amaya was convicted of the special circumstance of being a gang member and was alledged to have "recruited females to run guns and drugs and

do other business for the Mexican Mafia.

September 24, 2008 SAN BERNARDINO ---- Leonard Epps, 37, victim of a plot initiated by San Manuel tribe members Stacy Nunez-Barajas 35, and Erik Barajas 25, "confirmed members of the 7th street gang," filed a $50 million dollar law suit alleging conspiracy to commit murder, negligence and intentional infliction of mental distress. Mexican mafia leaders Salvador Hernandez, 43, and Alfred Hernandez, 39 and eme associates Jennifer Murphy 27, and Jesus Leyva, 34 were named as co-defendants.

October 2, 2008 SAN BERNARDINO ---- Albert Angel "Spanky" Amaya, 40 a reputed tax collector for Emero Salvador Hernandez is sentenced to serve a mandatory 25 years to life sentence under the three stikes law. Amaya was convicted of extortion and carjacking resulting from a 2006 incident involving Javier Joaquin Luique, 33 a suspect in a 2006 double homicide. Luque received 32 years on the carjacking charge and faces the death penalty in the seperate homicide case.

November 5, 2008 SAN BERNARDINO ---- Stacy Cheyenne Nunez-Barajas, 26, was sentenced to one year electronic monitoring and her brother Eric Barajas, 36, received six months electronic monitoring for their roles in a series of crims involving the Mexican Mafia and its role in the Southern California

methamphetamine trade. Stacy Nunez-Brarajas faced a possible 27 years in prison for her role in the conspiracy.

November 18, 2008 LOS ANGELES ---- Ruben "Nite Owl" Castro, 48, was sentenced to an additional 27 years and 3 months in federal prison after admitting to running a criminal enterprise from his maximum security cell in Florence, Colorado. Castro a veterano from 18th street, used his influence to enforce tax payments on drug, fruit and ice cream sales as well as chess players at tables in McArthur Park. Castro is already serving three life sentences after a 1997 conviction on racketeering and conspiracy.

18th steet shot caller Lefty Cazales killed by his homies when he crossed Janie MomGarcia, wife of Eme leader Frank Puppet Martinez.

December 8, 2008 LOS ANGELES---- Nine leaders of the 18th Street gang are named in a suit filed by Los Angeles city attorney Rock Delgadillo demanding civil damages on behalf of residents of two Los Angeles neighborhoods. According to the suit, proceeds from the suit "if successful," would be returned to the neighborhoods in question: The leaders named in the suit are Sergio "Tricky" Pantoja, Frank "Puppet" Martinez, Araceli "Traviesa" Bravo, Michael "Mousie" Pineda, Jose Juan "Wicked" Alvarez, Noe "Lil Duster" Chavez, Efrain "Dandy Boy" Ruiz Torres, Jose "Toro" Morales Perez and Ruben "Nite Owl" Castro. Castro, 46, is a leading figure in the Mexican Mafia, controlling two of the cliques associated with the 18th Street gang -- the Shatto Park Locos and the Hoover Locos. Castro was recently sentenced on charges of having run those gang cliques from the federal maximum-security prison in Florence Colorado, where he is serving multiple life terms. He was sentenced November 18 to serve an additional 27 years and three months for racketeering. Frank "Puppet" Martinez is another La Eme carnal, is alleged to have brought as much as $40,000 a month from criminal activity. Authorities confiscated a stash in excess of $440,000 from the home of one of Martinez's relatives which was collected in connection with 18th street gang criminal dealings. January 12, 2009 LOS ANGELES---- Ten members from Florencia 13 are convicted on multiple counts of drug and weapons charges. The case featured several news accounts of Florencia 13 gang members targeting blacks in the Florence-Firestone neighborhood on the order of Arturo "AC" Castellanos. According to prosecutors, Florencia members began an ethnic cleansing process after receiving the order from Castellanos in 2004. The race based order is just one of many which filtered from the California prison system in the aftermath of the 1992 gang truce and L.A., riots.

Raul Leon (Top Eme Leader) January 16, 2009 SAN DIEGO---- Raul Leon, one of the most highly regarded members of the Mexican Mafia from the San Diego area was sentenced in federal court to life without parole by U.S. District Court Judge Dana M. Sabraw. Already serving a life sentence for murder, Leon pleaded guilty to federal racketeering charges in connection with a 2006 federal indictment charging 36 members of La Eme with various crimes. Part of Leon's plea agreement includes an admission from Leon that he took part in the 2002 murder of Jabila Barragan at High Desert State Prison in Susanville. He also admitted being a member of the Mexican Mafia and conspiring to distribute drugs and launder money from Pelican Bay State Prison. January 17, 2009 POMONA---- Julio Ponce Felix Jr., 35, was sentenced to 85 years to life for his role in the murder of Frankie Buelna. Police interrupted the plot the plot in 2005. Buelna was killed in an unrelated shooting a year later over unauthorized criminal activity in another Mexican mafia members territory.

Darryl Castrejon (Eme Member) January 27, 2009 POMONA---- Daryl Castrejon., 49, failed to appear at a court hearing in Pomona Superior Court for the first time in three years. It was initially believed that Castrejon had been arrested on a cold case murder January 24 but check with local and federal authorities found this to have been a matter of speculation. Speculation ran wild as to the whereabouts of the eme veterano yet nothing concrete.

February 13, 2009 SAN DIEGO---- Mauricio "Psycho" Mendez, Ernest "Criminal" Soqui, Phillip "Chino" McMillen, Arcadio "Mugsy" Nieto, Ruben "Espanto" Rivas, Garrett "Chino" Estock, Ernest "Dopey" Lampley, Rosario "Chaio" Mercado, Melvin "Casper" Berg, Rodolfo "Crazy" Lopez, Gerardo "Pirate aka Looney" Canela, Eduardo "Funny" Macias, Jorge "Blue" Lerma-Duenas and Jesus Rodriquez were named in an indictment charging them with being employed by and associating with the Mexican Mafia and each other under Title 18 violations in San Diego and Union city.

2010 www.Gangs187.com

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