Source Code For Hospital Management System in C++

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The code is implementing a queue data structure to manage patient records in a hospital setting. A queue class is defined to store patient data and provide functions to add, remove, and retrieve patients from the queue.

The code is trying to solve the problem of managing patient records in the waiting queues of different medical departments in a hospital. A queue data structure allows patients to be treated in the order they arrive based on priority (normal vs critically ill patients).

The queue class contains functions to initialize the queue, add patients to the front or back, retrieve the next patient, and remove patients. It uses a fixed-size array to store a maximum number of patient records with functions to manage insertion and removal from the queue.

#include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> #include<string.h> #include<stdlib.

h> // define maximum number of patients in a queue #define MAXPATIENTS 100 // define structure for patient data struct patient { char FirstName[50]; char LastName[50]; char ID[20]; }; // define class for queue class queue { public: queue (void); int AddPatientAtEnd (patient p); int AddPatientAtBeginning (patient p); patient GetNextPatient (void); int RemoveDeadPatient (patient * p); void OutputList (void); char DepartmentName[50]; private: int NumberOfPatients; patient List[MAXPATIENTS]; }; // declare member functions for queue

queue::queue () { // constructor NumberOfPatients = 0; } int queue::AddPatientAtEnd (patient p) { // adds a normal patient to the end of the queue. // returns 1 if successful, 0 if queue is full. if (NumberOfPatients >= MAXPATIENTS) { // queue is full return 0; } // put in new patient else List[NumberOfPatients] = p; NumberOfPatients++; return 1; } int queue::AddPatientAtBeginning (patient p) { // adds a critically ill patient to the beginning of the queue. // returns 1 if successful, 0 if queue is full. int i; if (NumberOfPatients >= MAXPATIENTS) { // queue is full return 0; } // move all patients one position back in queue for (i = NumberOfPatients-1; i >= 0; i) {

List[i+1] = List[i]; } // put in new patient List[0] = p; NumberOfPatients++; return 1; } patient queue::GetNextPatient (void) { // gets the patient that is first in the queue. // returns patient with no ID if queue is empty int i; patient p; if (NumberOfPatients == 0) { // queue is empty strcpy(p.ID,"); return p;} // get first patient p = List[0]; // move all remaining patients one position forward in queue NumberOfPatients; for (i=0; i<NumberOfPatients; i++) { List[i] = List[i+1]; } // return patient return p; } int queue::RemoveDeadPatient (patient * p) { // removes a patient from queue. // returns 1 if successful, 0 if patient not found int i, j, found = 0; // search for patient

for (i=0; i<NumberOfPatients; i++) { if (stricmp(List[i].ID, p->ID) == 0) { // patient found in queue *p = List[i]; found = 1; // move all following patients one position forward in queue NumberOfPatients; for (j=i; j<NumberOfPatients; j++) { List[j] = List[j+1]; } } } return found; } void queue::OutputList (void) { // lists entire queue on screen int i; if (NumberOfPatients == 0) { cout << Queue is empty; } else { for (i=0; i<NumberOfPatients; i++) { cout << << List[i].FirstName; cout << << List[i].LastName; cout << << List[i].ID;

} } } // declare functions used by main: patient InputPatient (void) { // this function asks user for patient data. patient p; cout << Please enter data for new patient First name: ; cin.getline(p.FirstName, sizeof(p.FirstName)); cout << Last name: ; cin.getline(p.LastName, sizeof(p.LastName)); cout << Social security number: ; cin.getline(p.ID, sizeof(p.ID)); // check if data valid if (p.FirstName[0]==0 || p.LastName[0]==0 || p.ID[0]==0) { // rejected strcpy(p.ID,"); cout << Error: Data not valid. Operation cancelled.; getch(); } return p; }

void OutputPatient (patient * p) { // this function outputs patient data to the screen if (p == NULL || p->ID[0]==0) { cout << No patient; return; } else cout << Patient data:; cout << First name: << p->FirstName; cout << Last name: << p->LastName; cout << Social security number: << p->ID; } int ReadNumber() { // this function reads an integer number from the keyboard. // it is used because input with cin >> doesnt work properly! char buffer[20]; cin.getline(buffer, sizeof(buffer)); return atoi(buffer); } void DepartmentMenu (queue * q) {

// this function defines the user interface with menu for one department int choice = 0, success; patient p; while (choice != 6) { // clear screen clrscr(); // print menu cout << Welcome to department: << q->DepartmentName; cout << Please enter your choice:; cout << 1: Add normal patient; cout << 2: Add critically ill patient; cout << 3: Take out patient for operation; cout << 4: Remove dead patient from queue; cout << 5: List queue; cout << 6: Change department or exit ; // get user choice choice = ReadNumber(); // do indicated action switch (choice) { case 1: // Add normal patient p = InputPatient();

if (p.ID[0]) { success = q->AddPatientAtEnd(p); clrscr(); if (success) { cout << Patient added: ; } else { // error cout << Error: The queue is full. Cannot add patient:; } OutputPatient(&p); cout << Press any key; getch(); } break; case 2: // Add critically ill patient p = InputPatient(); if (p.ID[0]) { success = q->AddPatientAtBeginning(p); clrscr(); if (success) {

cout << Patient added: ; } else { // error cout << Error: The queue is full. Cannot add patient:; } OutputPatient(&p); cout << Press any key; getch(); } break; case 3: // Take out patient for operation p = q->GetNextPatient(); clrscr(); if (p.ID[0]) { cout << Patient to operate: ; OutputPatient(&p);} else { cout <<

There is no patient to operate.; } cout << Press any key; getch(); break; case 4: // Remove dead patient from queue p = InputPatient(); if (p.ID[0]) { success = q->RemoveDeadPatient(&p); clrscr(); if (success) { cout << Patient removed: ; } else { // error cout << Error: Cannot find patient: ; } OutputPatient(&p); cout << Press any key; getch();

} break; case 5: // List queue clrscr(); q->OutputList(); cout << Press any key; getch(); break; } } } // main function defining queues and main menu void main () { int i, MenuChoice = 0; // define three queues queue departments[3]; // set department names strcpy (departments[0].DepartmentName, Heart clinic); strcpy (departments[1].DepartmentName, Lung clinic); strcpy (departments[2].DepartmentName, Plastic surgery); while (MenuChoice != 4) { // clear screen clrscr(); // print menu cout << Welcome to Software City Hospital; cout <<

Please enter your choice: ; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { // write menu item for department i cout << << (i+1) << : << departments[i].DepartmentName; } cout << 4: Exit ; // get user choice MenuChoice = ReadNumber(); // is it a department name? if (MenuChoice >= 1 && MenuChoice <= 3) { // call submenu for department // (using pointer arithmetics here:) DepartmentMenu (departments + (MenuChoice-1)); } } }

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