Mirzaei ElasticityLecture
Mirzaei ElasticityLecture
Mirzaei ElasticityLecture
Mirzaei, Elasticity
Theory of
by Majid Mirzaei
These lecture notes have been prepared as supplementary material for a graduate level course on Theory of Elasticity. You are welcome to read or print them for your own personal use. All other rights are reserved. No originality is claimed for these notes other than selection, organization, and presentation of the material.
The major references that have been used for preparation of the lecture notes are as follows:
Timoshenko & Goodier, "Theory of Elasticity" Boresi & Chong, "Elasticity in Engineering Mechanics" Phillip L. Gould, "Introduction to Linear Elasticity" Provan, J.W., "Stress Analysis Lecture Notes"
M. Mirzaei, Elasticity
M. Mirzaei, Elasticity
In these notes we use the indicial notation for presentation of tensorial quantities and equations. Under the rules of indicial notation, a letter index may occur either once or twice in a given term. When an index occurs unrepeated in a term, that index is understood to take on the values 1,2,.. .,N where N is a specified integer that determines the range of the index. Unrepeated indices are known as free indices. The tensorial rank of a given term is equal to the number of free indices appearing in that term. Also, correctly written tensor equations have the same letters as free indices in every term. In ordinary physical space a basis is composed of three, non-coplanar vectors, and so any vector in this space is completely specified by its three components. Therefore the range on the index of ai (which represents a vector in physical space) is 1,2,3. Accordingly the symbol ai is understood to represent the three components a1, a2, a3. For a range of three on both indices, the symbol Aij represents nine components (of the second-order tensor (dyadic) A). When an index appears twice in a term, that index is understood to take on all the values of its range, and the resulting terms summed. In this so-called summation convention, repeated indices are often referred to as dummy indices because their replacement by any other letter not appearing as a free index does not change the meaning of the term in which they occur. In general, no index occurs more than twice in a properly written term.
Deformed Configuration
undeformed Configuration
x2 x1 b x3
Fig. 1.1
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Suppose a material point is at position X in the undeformed solid, and moves to a position x when the solid is loaded. We may describe the deformation and motion of a solid by a mapping in the following form:
x = ( X, t )
Now we consider the two coordinate systems to be coincident, as shown in Fig. 1.2. The displacement of a material point is:
u(t ) = x(t ) X
u R0 X
X1 x1 t
undeformed Configuration
b C
X2 x2
X3 x3
Deformed Configuration
Fig. 1.2
Next, consider two straight parallel lines on the reference configuration of a solid (see Fig. 1.3). If the deformation of the solid is homogeneous, the two lines remain straight in the deformed configuration, and the lines remain parallel.
undeformed Configuration
Deformed Configuration
Fig. 1.3
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The difference (ds ) 2 (dS ) 2 is used to define a measure of deformation, which occurs in the vicinity of the particles between the initial and final configurations.
(ds ) 2 = dx12 + dx22 + dx32 = dxi dxi = dx dx (dS ) 2 = dX 12 + dX 22 + dX 32 = dX i dX i = dX dX
undeformed Configuration
Deformed Configuration
We also have,
dxi = xi , j dX j = F dX
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where the comma denotes differentiation with respect to a spatial coordinate. In the above F is known as deformation gradient tensor. Next, we define
u = u1e x1 + u2e x2 + u3e x3 = ui e xi
ijL =
1 ( ui, j + u j ,i + uk ,iuk , j ) 2
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(ds ) 2 (dS ) 2 = dxi dxi X i , j dx j X i ,k dxk = dx dx (F dx) (F dx) = ( ij ik X i , j X i ,k ) dx j dxk = jk ( xi ui ), j ( xi ui ),k dx j dxk = jk ( ij ui , j ) ( ik ui , k ) dx j dxk = jk jk + uk , j + u j , k ui , j ui ,k dx j dxk = ( u j ,k + uk , j ui , j ui ,k ) dx j dxk
L This time, we define the Eulerian strain tensor ij to characterize the deformation near a
ijE =
1 ( ui, j + u j ,i uk ,iuk , j ) 2
In practice, we need to make a number of assumptions to simplify the equations of linear elasticity. A major one is to assume that deformations are infinitesimal. In most practical circumstances it is sufficient to assume uk ,i uk , j << 1 We use this to define a linear measure of deformation in linear elasticity, and define the infinitesimal strain tensor as:
L E ij = ij = ij =
1 ui , j + u j ,i ) ( 2
(1 16)
In order to check the relationship between the above definition of strain and the conventional definition, we consider a one-dimensional case as follows:
L (ds ) 2 (dS ) 2 = 2 ij dX i dX j = 2 22 dX i dX i = 2 22 (dS ) 2
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ur rr = r 2 r = 1 ur u u + r r r 1 u ur = + r r 1 ur u u + r sin r r 1 u 1 u u cot + 2 = r sin r r 1 u ur u cot + + = r sin r r 2 r =
Conditions of compatibility, imposed on the components of strain, are necessary and sufficient to insure a continuous single-valued displacement field. The procedure is to eliminate the displacements between kinematic equations to produce equations with only strain as unknowns. For instance we may write:
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In general, we have
11,22 + 22,11 = 212,12 22,33 + 33,22 = 2 23,23 33,11 + 11,33 = 2 31,31 12,13 + 13,12 23,11 = 11,23 23,21 + 21,23 31,22 = 22,31 31,32 + 32,31 12,33 = 33,12
Assignment 1:
Noting that = ( ),i ei and using indicial notation, prove the identities or find the right
hand side:
2 = = ,ii ( v ) = v + v 2 ( ) = 2 + 2 + 2 3 ( ) = 2 ( ) = ? ( ) = ?
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X1 t
undeformed Configuration
b C
Deformed Configuration
Fig. 1.5 The stress vector or surface traction t at a point represents the force acting on the surface per unit area and can be defined as:
t = lim
dP dA0 dA
Fig. 1.6 The body force vector denotes the external force acting on the interior of a solid per unit volume and can be defined as: b = lim
dP dV 0 dV
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Fig. 1.7
t Pn t t
b C e2
Fig. 1.8
The internal traction vector Tn represents the force per unit area acting on a plane with normal vector n inside the deformed solid an can be defined as:
Tn = lim
dPn dA
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in which dA is an element of area in the interior of the solid, with normal n (see Fig. 1.9).
dPn n
Fig. 1.9
The components of Cauchy stress in a given basis can be visualized as the tractions acting on planes with normals parallel to each basis vector, as depicted in Fig. 1.10.
e2 T2
22 21 12 32
11 33 31 13
e3 T1
Fig. 1.10
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In order to find the components of the traction vector on an arbitrary plane (represented by n) we impose the equilibrium on a tetrahedral element, as shown in Fig. 1.11.
Fig. 1.11 1 Tn dAn Ti dAi + f hdAn = 0, 3 h 0 Tn dAn Ti dAi = 0 dAi = dAn Cos(n, ei ) Tn dAn Ti dAnn ei = 0 Tn = Ti ei , Ti = ij e j , n ei = ni Ti ei ij e j ni = 0 , Ti ei = ij e j ni = ji ei n j n
Accordingly, we obtain the following expressions which are called: the stress boundary equations
Ti = ji n j
Principle Stresses
For practical purposes, it is convenient to break down the traction vector into normal and shear components as follows:
nn = Tn n = Ti ei n = Ti ni = ji n j ni
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2 2 ns = (TT i i nn ) 1
In order to find the extremum values of the normal components of the stress tensor (the principle stresses) we may write:
nn = ji n j ni
11 12 13 21 22 23 = 0 31 31 33
The characteristic polynomial is
3 I I 2 + I II I III = 0
The roots of the above characteristic polynomial are the eigenvalues of our problem, or the principle stresses. The invariants of the stress tensor are defined as: I I = ii 1 I II = ( ii jj ij ji ) 2 I III = ij
Finally, for each eigenvalue, we may find the eigenvectors which are the principle stress directions.
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1 1 1 ( ij ij )n j = 0 n1 , n1 2 , n3 2 2 2 ( ij ij )n j = 0 n12 , n2 , n3
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3 ( ij ij )n j = 0 n , n , n
3 1 3 2
3 3
Assignment 2:
For the given stress tensor, determine the maximum shear stress and show that it acts in the plane which bisects the maximum and minimum stress planes.
0 5 0 ij = 6 12 1
&&i dV n j dA + f i dV = u
G ndA = GdV
ji , j
&&i dV dV + f i dV ( ji , j + f i ) dV = u
Since we are dealing with an arbitrary volume, the three equations of motion can be derived from (1-39) as
&&i ji , j + fi = u
(1 40)
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The static form of the above equations (usually known as the equilibrium equations) is
ji , j + f i = 0
The Equations of Motion in Cylindrical and Spherical Coordinate Systems can be written as:
rr 1 r rz rr &&r + + + + fr = u r r r z r 1 z 2 r && + + + + f = u r r r z rz 1 z zz rz &&z + + + + f z = u r r r z and
rr 1 r 1 r 1 &&r + + + (2 rr r cot ) + f r = u r r sin r r r 1 1 1 && + + + [3 r + ( ) cot ] + f = u r r sin r r r 1 1 1 && + + + (3 r + 2 cot ) + f = u r r sin r r
X iT j dA + ijk X i f j dV = 0
which, using (1-28) and the Divergence theorem of Gauss, can be written as:
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X i ( lj nl )dA + ijk X i f j dV = 0
( X i lj ),l dV + ijk X i f j dV = 0
[ X i ,l lj + X i lj ,l + X i f j ]dV = 0
ijk il lj dV = 0
ijk ij = 0
ij = ji
ij =
Accordingly, we may write the most general form of the Hookes Law as:
ij = Eijkl ekl
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in which Eijkl represents 81 components. Due to the symmetry of the stress and strain tensors and also the elastic coefficient matrix, the number of independent elastic constants reduces to 21.
11 E1111 22 33 = 12 23 31 E1122 E2222 E1133 E2233 E3333
The above expression represents the constitutive equations for an anisotropic elastic material. Most engineering materials show some degree of isotropic behavior as they possess properties of symmetry with respect to different planes or axes. We start with the plane x2x3 as the plane of symmetry, which implies that the x1 axis can be reversed as shown in Fig. 1.12.
x3 x1
Fig. 1.12: single plane symmetry
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This corresponds to a coordinate transformation with the direction cosines shown in table 1.1.
x1 x2 x3
x1 -1
Table 1.1 = ik jl kl , in which ik and jl are the direction cosines, Using the transformation ij we find that: = 11 11 = 12 12 = 22 22 = 23 23 = 33 33 = 31 31 (1-52)
11 22 33 12 23 31 11 22 33 12 23 31
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As the constants should not change with the transformation, we must have C14, C16, C24, C26, C34, C36, C45, and C56 = 0. Such materials are called monoclinic and need 13 constants to describe their elastic properties. The double symmetry about the x1 and x2 axes will lead to further reduction of the constants down to 9, which represents the orthotropic material (Note that for 2D problems we need 4 elastic constants to describe the behavior of an orthotropic material). axes
x1 x2 x3
x1 -1
We may have an additional simplification by considering the directional independence in elastic behavior by interchanging x2 with x3, and x1 with x2. Such materials are called cubic with three independent constants. axes
x1 x2 x3
x1 1
0 0
x2 0
0 1
x3 0
1 0
x1 x2 x3
x1 0
1 0
x2 1
0 0
x3 0
0 1
Finally, we may consider rotational independence in material property and define the constitutive equations for an isotropic elastic material with only two independent constants: axes
x1 x2 x3
x1 1
0 0
0 cos - sin
x3 0
sin cos
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11 2 + 22 33 = 12 23 31
- 21 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 0 11 0 22 33 0 0 12 0 23 2 31
2 + 2 +
in which and are called the Lam constants. The indicial form can be written as:
ij = 2 ij + ij kk
We may invert the above equation to express the strains in terms of stresses:
ij =
1 ij ij kk 2 2 (2 + 3 )
The Lam constants are quite suitable from mathematical point of view, but they should be related to the Engineering elastic constants obtained in the laboratory (like E and ) as well. Table 1.2 shows the relationships between different elastic constants.
E , E (1 + )(1 2 )
E 2 (1 + ) E 3 (1 2 )
, 2 (1 2 )
E, ( E 2 ) 3 E
k , 3k (1 + )
+ ( 3 + 2 ) ( + ) 2 ( + )
2 3
2 (1 + ) 3 (1 2 )
2 (1 + )
E 3 ( 3 E )
E 1 2
3k (1 2 ) 2 (1 + )
3k (1 2 )
Table 1.2
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ij =
1 ( ui, j + u j ,i ) 2
(I) (II)
ji , j + f i = 0
ij = 2 ij + ij kk ij =
1 ij ij kk 2 2 (2 + 3 )
(IV) (V)
ij = ij uk ,k + (ui , j + u j ,i )
Next, we substitute the above expression for the stresses in Eqs.(II) which resulys in:
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or alternatively:
( + G )u j ,ij + Gui , jj + fi = 0
Equations (1-62) are three equilibrium equations in terms of displacements. They are called Navier Equations and constitute the classical displacement formulation.
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( + 2G ) I e 2G ( sin ) + fr = 0 r r sin I 2G 1 (r ) (r ) ( + 2G ) e + f = 0 r r r sin ( + 2G ) I e 2G (r ) (rr ) + f = 0 r sin r r where I e = eii = u = 2r = 1 ( r 2 ur ) 1 (u sin ) 1 u + + r 2 r r sin r sin
( 1 +
tt , kl
kl tt ,ij ik tt , jl jl tt ,ik )
( 1 +
tt , kk
kk tt ,ij ik tt , jk jk tt ,ik )
In general, the above expression represents nine equations with free indices i and j. Now we substitute the equilibrium equations (II) in the above and simplify to have:
2 ij +
1 mm ,ij = fi , j + f j ,i + ij f m,m 1 + 1
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which are known as Beltrami-Michell compatibility relations and constitute the classical force formulation.
Assignment 3:
For a hollow sphere under internal and external pressures find the stress, strain and displacement distributions.
( fz ) 1 ( rf r ) 1 ( f ) ( f z ) + + 2 r z z r r ( f ) ( f z ) 1 2 It + = + 1 + z z
2 2 ( f z ) ( fr ) 1 2 It 1 rz rz + + + = + 2 2 2 z 1 + r z z r r ( f r ) ( f ) 1 r 1 2 r 2 r 1 2 It r + 2 + + = + 2 2 r r r r z r 1 + r
It = rr + + zz
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1 2 r r r 2 r 1 2 r r r r 2 r 1 2 r r r 2 r r
It = rr + +
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Fig. 2.1
We start with the stress boundary conditions.
Ti = ij n j
On the top surface we have: Ti (0, 0, 0), ni (0, 0,1) T1 = 11n1 + 12 n2 + 13 n3 0 = 0 + 0 + 13 13 = 0 T2 = 21n1 + 22 n2 + 23 n3 0 = 0 + 0 + 23 23 = 0 T3 = 31n1 + 32 n2 + 33 n3 0 = 0 + 0 + 33 33 = 0 On the lateral surfaces we have:
M. Mirzaei, Elasticity Ti (0, 0, 0), ni (n1 , n2 , 0) 0 = 11n1 + 12 n2 + 0 0 = 21n1 + 22 n2 + 0 0 = 31n1 + 32 n2 + 0 On the bottom surface we have: Ti (0, 0, gL), ni (0, 0, 1) 0 = 0 + 0 13 0 = 0 + 0 23
- 28 -
gL = 0 + 0 33 33 = gL
We now turn our attention to the overall equilibrium:
(i ) (ii ) (iii )
13 = 0, 23 = 0,
Thus, using (2-5 iii), we can write:
33,3 g = 0 33 = gz + f (1, 2)
B.C. : at z = 0 we have 33 = gL f (1, 2) = gL 33 = gz gL = g ( z L) (2-6)
We may therefore assume that the distribution of the stress tensor has the following form:
0 0 0 0 ij = 0 0 0 0 g (L z)
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Note that this form satisfies all the equilibrium equations and the boundary conditions of the problem. Using the following constitutive equations:
ij =
1 (1 + ) ij ij kk E
we can obtain the distribution of the strain tensor throughout the rod.
g 0 0 E (L z) g ij = 0 (L z) 0 E g 0 0 ( ) L z E
Since the strain components are linear in Z, the compatibility equations are all satisfied. Now we use the kinematic equations to obtain the displacement field:
ij =
1 ( ui, j + u j ,i ) 2
1 g (L z) u1,1 + u1,1 ) = u1,1 u1,1 = ( 2 E g ( L z ) x + f1 ( y, z ) u1 = E 1 g 22 = ( u2,2 + u2,2 ) = u2,2 u2,2 = (L z) 2 E g ( L z ) y + f 2 ( x, z ) u2 = E 1 g 33 = ( u3,3 + u3,3 ) = u3,3 u3,3 = (L z) 2 E g 1 2 u3 = Lz z + f 3 ( x, y ) 2 E
11 =
M. Mirzaei, Elasticity at x = 0, u1 = 0, f1 = 0 at y = 0, u2 = 0, f 2 = 0
- 30 -
In order to find f3, we calculate the shear strain components and use (i, iii) of (2-11) to write:
13 =
Now, using the expressions (ii, iii) of Eqs. (2-11) along with (2-12), we may write:
23 =
Hence, the final form of the displacement equations can be written as:
u1 = u2 =
g g
(L z) x (L z) y
u3 =
1 2 g 2 g 2 x + y +C Lz z + E 2 2E 2E at x = 0, y = 0, z = 0, we have u = 0 C = 0
u3 =
1 2 g 2 g 2 x + y Lz z + E 2 2E 2E
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Rotating Discs
In this section we study the stresses induced in rotating discs. Initially, we assume that the thickness of the disc is small in comparison with its radius, so that the variation of radial and circumferential stresses over the thickness can be neglected. We also assume that zz = 0 .
Fig. 2.2
We may start by writing the equations of motion in cylindrical coordinates: rr 1 r rz rr &&r + + + + fr = u r r r z r 1 z 2 r && + + + + f = u r r r z rz 1 z zz rz &&z + + + + f z = u r r r z
Considering our Basic assumptions, and due to the symmetry of geometry and loading, we are left with only one equation: rr rr + + r 2 = 0 r r which can be rearranged into the following form: d (r rr ) + r 2 2 = 0 dr Now we may set:
r rr = F (r )
dF (r ) + r 2 2 dr
- 32 -
r = 0
u = r r
z = 0 zz = 0
rz = 0
We may also write the constitutive equations for our problem as:
1 (1 + ) ij ij kk E 1 1 rr = [ (1 + ) rr ( rr + ) ] = [ rr ] E E 1 = [ rr ] E
ij =
At this point, we will eliminate the displacements between our kinematic equations to obtain a compatibility equation.
d d u = r dr dr r
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Rewriting the above equation in terms of our stress function F(r), we will have:
r rr = F (r ), dF (r ) + r 2 2 , F (r ) F dr d 2F dF F (1 + ) F dF 2 2 r + + 2 = 2 r 2 2 2 dr r dr r r r dr
d 2F dF +r F = (3 + ) 2 r 3 r 2 dr dr
This is a nonhomogeneous, second order linear, ordinary differential equation with variable coefficients and has the following general solution: 1 (3 + ) 2 r 3 F (r ) = A1r + A2 r 8 Accordingly, the resulting stresses will be: (2-25)
rr = A1 +
A2 (3 + ) 2 r 2 8 r2 A2 (1 + 3 ) 2 r 2 = A1 2 8 r
The coefficients A1 and A2 can be found by imposing the appropriate boundary conditions. We consider the solution for the Solid Disc, and a Disc with stress-free circular hole. For the solid disc we must have A2=0 to account for the finite stresses at the center. The second B.C. is:
M. Mirzaei, Elasticity (3 + ) 2 2 2 rr = (a r ) 8 (3 + ) 2 2 (1 + 3 ) 2 2 = a r 8 8
- 34 -
r 2 ( 3 2 2 ) a 2 + ( 2 1) r 2 8E
For a disc with stress-free circular hole, we have the following conditions at the outside radius:
8 ( 3 + ) 2 a 2b 2 A2 = 8
+ b2 )
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rr =
(3 + ) 2 2 a 2b 2 2 a b + r2 2 8 r
(3 + ) 2 2 a 2b 2 (1 + 3 )r 2 2 a b = + + 8 r2 (3 + )
Furthermore, we may write the maximum radial and hoop stresses as:
(3 + ) 2 2 (a b) 8 (3 + ) 2 2 2(1 )b 2 = 2a + 8 (3 + )
hole b0 solid r 0
(3 + ) 2 = 2a 2 ) ( 8 (3 + ) 2 2 a = 8
b 0
= 2
solid r 0
The conclusion is that a stress concentration factor of two exists for the circular hole in our rotating disc.
Alternative solutions
There are alternative solutions to the rotating disc problem, which are in fact quite simpler than the solution presented above. For instance, we may extract our previous differential equation in terms of the stress function F(r) directly from the BeltramiMichell equations in cylindrical coordinates (see Chapter 1). We may also start with the Navier displacement equations in cylindrical coordinates:
( + 2G ) ( + 2G ) I e 1 z 2G r z r + fr = 0 (2-36)
I e 2G r z + f = 0 r r z I (r ) r ( + 2G ) e 2G + fz = 0 z r
- 36 -
1 (ru ) ur ; 2z = r r
Considering our basic assumptions and the symmetry of geometry and loading, the above equations will simplify to the following single equation: r2 d 2ur dur 1 2 + = 2 r 3 r u 2 dr dr E (2-38)
which upon substitution into the kinematic and constitutive equations will give the required expressions for the radial and hoop stresses.
Assignment 4:
Find the stresses in a rotating disc of variable thickness h=f(r). Hint: use the following form of the equilibrium equation: d ( hr rr ) h + 2 hr 2 = 0 dr
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Saint-Venant Torsion
This section presents a general solution to the torsion of prismatic bars, known as SaintVenant torsion problem. This solution represents a classic example of the so called semiinverse approach, in which a displacement field is initially assumed and then it is shown that it satisfies the equilibrium equations and the boundary conditions.
u r u2 u1
Fig. 2.3
Based on a geometric study of the schematic shown in Fig. 2.3, we may define the two in-plane components of displacement vector for an arbitrary point in the cross section of the bar by:
u1 = r cos( + ) r cos u2 = r sin( + ) r sin u1 = r cos cos r sin sin r cos u2 = r sin cos + r cos sin r sin
For very small values of , we may assume that cos 1 , sin , and rewrite the displacements as:
u1 = r cos r sin r cos u2 = r cos + r sin r sin u1 = r sin u2 = r cos
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= x3
Hence, the in-plane displacements can be written as follows: u ~ (x2 x3 , x1 x3 ) Next, we assume that the third component of displacement can be defined as: u3 = ( x1 , x2 )
where is called the Warping Function. Finally, the assumed displacement field can be summarized as: ui ~ (x2 x3 , x1 x3 , ) Accordingly, the strain field becomes: (2-46)
ij =
1 ( ui, j + u j ,i ) 2 1 0 0 x2 + ,1 ) ( 2 1 ij ~ 0 x1 + ,2 ) ( 2 0
ij = 2 ij + ij kk
0 0 G (,1 x2 ) ij ~ 0 G (,2 + x1 ) 0 Now we turn our attention to the equilibrium equations: (2-48)
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11,1 + 12,2 + 13,3 = 0 21,1 + 22,2 + 23,3 = 0 31,1 + 32,2 + 33,3 = G (,11 + ,22 )
which can be summarized as: 2 = 0 in R Now we will examine the boundary conditions.
T = i ni T (0, 0), ni (n1 , n2 , 0) 0 = 11n1 + 12 n2 + 0 0 = 21n1 + 22 n2 + 0 T3 = 3i ni = 0 0 = 31n1 + 32 n2 + 0 = G (,1 x2 ) n1 + (,2 + x1 ) n2 = 0
,1n1 + ,2 n2 = x2 n1 x1n2
We may simplify the above boundary conditions based on the geometric considerations depicted in Fig. 2.4 as follows:
X2 n t X1
Fig. 2.4
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Accordingly, the stress boundary condition defined in (2-51) may be rewritten as:
dx1 dx2 dx dx + = x2 2 + x1 1 dt dt x1 dn x2 dn d 1 dr 2 = dn 2 dt on C.
Note that the above is not yet in a suitable form because we have to deal with two variables, n and t. In order to solve this problem, we introduce the conjugate harmonic function : z = + i Using the following Cauchy-Riemann conditions: (2-54)
,1 = ,2 ,2 = ,1
we will have: 2 = 0 in R and the boundary conditions will be: dx2 dx1 1 dr 2 + = x2 dt x1 dt 2 dt d 1 dr 2 on C. = dt 2 dt Thus, for a simply connected region we have:
= r 2 on C.
and the stresses become:
1 2
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13 = G ( ,2 x2 ) 23 = G ( ,1 + x1 )
We may further simplify our boundary value problem by another variable change, as follows:
1 = r2 2 = 0 on C, and 2 = 2 in R.
In fact we may solve the torsion problem for different geometries through finding the appropriate function that satisfies the conditions presented in (2-60). Accordingly, the stresses become:
0 0 G ,2 ij ~ 0 G ,1 0
= 0 at r = a 2 = 4 k 1 1 1 2 k = = ( x12 + x2 ) + a2 2 2 2 so,
2 ) = a 2 = constant = + ( x12 + x2
1 1 2 2 = constant = C
which means that the circular cross section does not warp in torsion.
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Now we may calculate the total torque required to produce a certain amount of twist.
31 X2
Fig. 2.5
2 = G ( x12 + x2 ) dA A
= G
r 2 rd dr
2 0
r4 = G 4 0 a4 = G 2 4 Ga 4 = 2
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We also have,
2 ) = + ( x12 + x2
Accordingly, we may calculate the warping function using the Cauchy-Riemann conditions:
M. Mirzaei, Elasticity b2 a 2 x2 a 2 + b2 b2 a 2 = 2 x1 x2 + f ( x2 ) a + b2 ,2 = ,1 b2 a 2 b2 a 2 2 x1 + f ,2 = 2 x1 a + b2 a + b2 f ,2 = 0 f = C = b2 a 2 x1 x2 + C a 2 + b2
- 44 -
,1 = ,2 =
Fig. 2.6 shows how an elliptical cross section warps due to the existence of the out-ofplane displacements.
Fig. 2.6
Assignment 5:
Solve the torsion problem for a quadrilateral cross section.
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2b 2h
x2 x3
Fig. 2.7
h << l , b << l 33 << 11 33 0
It is further assumed that Linear Elements which are initially normal to the undeformed middle surface remain straight and normal to the deformed middle surface and suffer no extension, so we may write:
Undeformed Geometry
x1 x3
Deformed Geometry
Fig. 2.8
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11 12 ij ~ 22 0 23 0
- 46 -
13 11 0 0 ij ~ 0 33 0
The resultant moment is:
M = 11 x3 dA
In order to verify the validity of the basic assumptions and the proposed stress and strain fields, we start from the assumed Displacement field:
u1 = x3 ( x1 ) u2 = u2 ( xi )
= u3 = u3 ( xi )
in which is the angle of rotation before and after deformation. The strains can be obtained using the kinematic equations as follows:
1 ( ui, j + u j ,i ) 2 u1,1 = x3 ,1 ij ~
ij =
1 u2,1 2 u2,2
1 + ,1 ) ( 2 11 12 1 u2,3 + ,2 ) ij ~ 22 ( 2 ,3
0 23 0
which, when compared to the assumed strain field, gives the following results:
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13 = 0 = ,1 33 = 0 = ( x )
Now we obtain the strain field from the initially assumed stresses using the following constitutive equations:
ij =
1 (1 + ) ij ij kk E 11 E 0 13 0 0 ij ~ 33 0 0 (1 + ) 13 E 0 11 E (2-81)
11 ij ~
If we compare the resulting strains with the initially assumed strains and those obtained directly from the displacements, we will notice how the troublesome terms in the strain field have been ignored to match the stress and strain fields and obtain a workable theory. 11 = x = x u2,1 = 0 3 ,1 3 ,11 E u2 = u2 ( x2 , x3 ) ij ~ 11 = u2,2 E 1 (1 + ) 13 ( + ,1 ) = E 2 is ignored 1 ( u2,3 + ,2 ) = 0 2 u2,3 = ,2 11 = 0 E ( is ignored) 11 E
11 , 11 = Ex3,11
u2 = ,11 x2 x3
We also have:
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23 =
2 M = 11 x3 dA = E ,11 x3 dA = E,11 I A A
M ,11 = EI
x2 x3 ; ,2 =
11,1 + 12,2 + 13,3 = 0 11,1 + 13,3 = 0 21,1 + 22,2 + 23,3 = 0 identically satisfied 31,1 + 32,2 + 33,3 = 0 31,1 + 33,3 = 0
Multiplying the first equilibrium equation by x3 and integrating across the cross section, we will have:
( x dA) +
x h h dx dx = 0 3 13 h h 13 3 2 b
b M h + x3 13 h dx2 V = 0 b x1
For problems with no surface shear force: M V = 0 x1 Integrating the third equilibrium equation across the cross section, we will have: (2-89)
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b h 13 33 dA + dx3 dx2 = 0 A x b h x 1 3
- 49 -
( dA) +
33 33 dx2 = 0 h h
Now we define the resultant normal surface load as: q = 33 h 33 h dx2 b and the Eq. (2-90) becomes: V +q =0 x1 We may also derive other important equations for the B.E. beam as follows:
M V = 0 x1 2 M V 2M = = q +q=0 x12 x1 x12 M EI q 4 = 4 EI x1
,11 =
1 2M q 4 = = 4 2 EI x1 EI x1
Finally, the following equations are considered to form the basis of the B.E. Beam theory. M , EI V + q = 0, x1 4 q = , x14 EI (2-94)
,11 =
M V = 0, x1 2M + q = 0, x12
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11,1 + 12,2 + 13,3 = 0 12,2 + 13,3 = 21,1 + 22,2 + 23,3 = 0 21,1 = 0 31,1 + 32,2 + 33,3 = 0 31,1 = 0
From equations (2-95, i) and (2-95, ii), we may conclude that the shearing stresses do not depend on x1, so they are the same for all cross sections. For this case the two relevant stress compatibility equations become:
31 ( h, x2 , x1 ) = 0 23 ( x3 , b, x1 ) = 0
At this stage we define our stress components in terms of a stress function:
31 = ,2 21 = ,3
2 Px3 + f ( x2 ) 2I
which satisfies the equilibrium equations. Then our first stress compatibility equation (Eq. (2-96, i)) becomes: P 1 P (,233 + ,222 ) + f ,22 = 1 + I I (2-99) P (,33 + ,22 ),2 = f,22 1 + I P ,33 + ,22 = x2 f,2 + C 1 + I
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Note that equation (2-99) also satisfies equation (2-100). In order to find C, we express the rotation about the x1 axis by:
32 =
1 ( u3,2 u2,3 ) 2
32,1 =
1 ( u3,2 u2,3 ),1 2 1 = ( u3,1 + u1,3 ),2 ( u2,1 + u1,2 ),3 2 = 31,2 21,3
32,1 =
As we are considering a rectangular cross section and the bending is symmetrical about the x3 axis, at x2=0 we should have the average rotation equal to zero, resulting in C=0. Hence, equation (2-99) becomes:
,33 + ,22 =
P x2 f ,2 1 + I
which is the governing equation for the stress function, provided that the resulting stresses satisfy the boundary conditions.
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However, we may write the boundary conditions directly in terms of the stress function by choosing a proper form for the function f(x2), as follows: Ph 2 2I 31 ( h, x2 , x1 ) = ,2 ( h, x2 , x1 ) = 0 23 ( x3 , b, x1 ) = ,3 ( x3 , b, x1 ) = 0 f ( x2 ) = and the governing equation changes to: (2-106)
,33 + ,22 =
P x2 1 + I
Hence, in order to solve the problem at hand, we should choose a proper form of such that it satisfies the above equation and vanishes on the boundary.
Membrane Analogy
At this stage we may draw an analogy between the above governing equation and the equation of a homogeneous membrane whose outline is the same as the cross section of our beam. First, let us start with studying the deformation of a membrane subjected to a uniform tension at the edges and a uniform lateral pressure (see Fig. 2.9).
dx dy
Fig. 2.9
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If q is the pressure per unit area of the membrane and S is the uniform tension per unit length of its boundary, the tensile forces acting on the opposite sides (dy sides) of an infinitesimal element give a resultant in the upward direction: S ( 2 z / x 2 )dxdy . In the same manner, the tensile forces acting on the other two opposite sides (dx sides) of the element give the resultant S ( 2 z / y 2 )dxdy (see Section 11.7, Kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics) and the equation of equilibrium of the element becomes: qdxdy + S 2 z 2 z dxdy S dxdy = 0 + x 2 y 2
q 2 z 2 z 2 + 2 = S x y
At the boundary, the deflection of the membrane is zero. Comparing the above equation with the governing equation of our beam problem, it is clear that the solution of the beam problem reduces to the determination of the deflections of the membrane which are produced by a continuous load with the intensity proportional to / (1 + )( Px2 / I ) .
The curve mnp in Fig. 2.10 represents the intersection of the membrane with the x1x2 plane.
X3 X2
m n p
Fig. 2.10
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31 = ,2
From the above equations it is clear that the deviations of the shearing stresses from the elementary theory are proportional to the first derivatives or slope of the membrane at any point. For example, the correction to 31 shows a maximum positive value at the two sides, a maximum negative value in the center, and is zero at the quarter points (See Fig. 2.10). From the condition of loading of the membrane it is clear that is an even function of x3 and an odd function of x2. Hence, it is appropriate to take the stress function in the form of the Fourier series:
m = n = m = 0 n =1
2 m +1, n
( 2m + 1) x3 sin n x2
2h b
Substituting from above expression into our governing equation we may find the coefficient of the Fourier series and obtain the final form of our stress function as:
P 8b3 = 1 + I 4
m = n = m = 0 n =1
( 1)
m + n +1
b 2 b ( 2m + 1) n ( 2m + 1) 2 + n 2 4h
( 2m + 1) x3 sin n x2
which can be used to calculate the shearing stresses using equation (2-98).
Note that the above membrane analogy and Eq. (2-108) can also be used to obtain solutions to the TORSION problems discussed before.
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Approximate Solutions
If the depth of the beam is large compared with the width h>>b, we may consider a cylindrical shape for the surface of the membrane at the points sufficiently far from the short sides at x3 = h (assume = ( x2 ) ), so we may write:
= ( x2 )
Px2 1 + I P 3 ( x2 ) = ( x2 + C1 x2 + C2 ) 1 + 6 I (0) = 0 C2 = 0 2 (b) = 0 C1 = b P 3 2 ( x2 ) = ( x2 b x2 ) 1 + 6 I P 2 2 31 ( x3 , x2 ) = ( h x3 ) + 2I 1 + ,22 =
2 b2 x2 3
On the other hand, if the width of the beam is large compared to the depth (b>>h), for the points far from the short sides at x2 = b , we may consider the deflections of the membrane as a linear function of x2 and write: Px2 1 + I Px2 x3 ,3 = + C1 1 + I Px2 2 x3 + C1 x3 + C2 ( x3 , x2 ) = 1 + 2 I Px2 h 2 ( h, x2 ) = 0 C2 = , C1 = 0 1 + 2 I Px2 2 2 ( x3 , x2 ) = ( x3 h ) 1 + 2 I 2 2 2 P ( h 2 x3 ) 1 P ( h x3 ) 31 = = 1 2I 2I 1 + 1 + ,33 =
21 =
Px3 x2 1 + 2 I
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T1 = T2 = 0 u3 = u ( x1 , x2 ) T3 = T3 ( x1 , x2 )
on on on
C Cu CT (2-114)
Anti Plane Shear
Fig. 2.11
In addition, for a traction boundary value problem we must ensure the existence of a static equilibrium solution:
( x1 , x2 )ds + b3 ( x1 , x2 )dV = 0 R
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To accept any solution with zero resultant force and moment acting on the ends of the cylinder, we set the boundary conditions on R ( = 1, 2) as:
n dA = 0 r n dA = 0
ij = 1 2 (ui , j +u j ,i ) ij = ij kk + 2 ij ij , j +bi = 0
Since all forces and boundary displacements act in the x3 direction, it is natural to assume that the displacements are in the x3 direction everywhere. Lets assume a solution of the form: u1 = u2 = 0 %3 ( x1 , x2 ) u3 = u The strains and stresses follow as: (2-118)
= 0, = 0,
33 = 0 33 = 0,
% 3 = 1 2 u3 , %3 , 3 = u
where Greek subscripts range from 1 to 2. The equilibrium equations reduce to:
3 , +b3 = 0
%3 , +b3 u =0
%3 , = u
Cu on CT
%3 , n = T3 ( x1 , x2 ) T3 = 3 n = u
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As mentioned before, the Laplaces equation can be solved in different ways. Here we will use the complex variable method. This approach is based on the fact that both the real and imaginary parts of an analytic function satisfy the Laplaces equation. We start with the following definitions:
f ( z ) = v( x1 , x2 ) + iw( x1 , x2 ) z = x1 + ix2 i = 1
Thus, both the real and imaginary parts of an analytic function satisfy the Laplace equation. Now, let z = x1 + ix2 = rei characterize the position of a point in the plane of the solid of interest. Then let f ( z ) denote any analytic function of position. We can set:
%3 = e( f ( z )) = v( x1 , x2 ) u
%3, = 0 . We can solve our %3 automatically satisfies the equilibrium equation u Note that u
elasticity problem by finding an analytic function that satisfies appropriate boundary conditions. Of course, we may also use:
%3 = Im( f ( z )) = w( x1 , x2 ) u
Now, we can determine the stresses directly from f(z). Note that f ( z ) = v + iw f ( z ) = v,1 +iw,1 = v,1 iv,2 = w,2 +iw,1
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f ( z ) = 31 + i 32
As an example we consider the fundamental solution for an infinite solid and find the displacement and stress fields induced by a line load F = Fe 3 acting at the origin. We start by generating the solution from the following function:
f ( z ) = C log( z )
Fig. 2.12
%3 = e( f ( z )) u
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and compute the resultant force acting on a circular arc enclosing the origin:
F3 = ( 31n1 + 32 n2 )ds =
31 cos + 32 sin = e C
e i z e i = e C i = C re r
Substituting (2-135) into the right hand side of (2-133), results in:
F3 = 2 C C = F3 2 (2-136)
Therefore, the solution can be found and simplified as follows: F3 e {log( z )} 2 F F %3 = 3 e[log(rei )] = 3 log(r ) u 2 2
%3 = u
r = x x
Assignment 6: Find the stress field for a Screw Dislocation problem. b %= Hint: Assume u m {log( z )} 2
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Fig. 2.13
Referring to the material covered in the above sections, and ignoring the body forces in our crack problem, we may write:
%3 , = 2u %3 = 0 u
Here, we consider a solution in the following form:
%3 = u
f ( z) + f ( z)
31 =
1 f ( z ) + f ( z ) 2 i f ( z ) f ( z ) 32 = 2
31 i 32 = 2 f ( z )
Now, let the origin of the coordinate system be located at the tip of a crack lying along the negative x1 axis as shown in Fig. 2.14.
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Fig. 2.14
Now, we will focus our attention upon a small region (denoted as D) containing the crack tip and consider the holomorphic function: f ( z ) = Cz +1 , C = A + iB (2-142)
where A, B, and are real undetermined constants. For finite displacements at the crack tip we must have: ( z = r = 0), f 1 ). Then we will have:
The boundary condition that the crack surfaces be traction free requires that 32 = 0 on
= . Consequently we have:
A sin + B cos = 0 A sin B cos = 0 To avoid the trivial solution, the determinant of the coefficients of the above equations must vanish. This leads to:
sin 2 = 0
= , n / 2, n = 0,1, 2,...
1 2
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Of the infinite set of functions of the form of the above equation that yield traction-free crack surfaces within D, the function with = 1/2 for which A = 0, provides the most significant contribution to the crack-tip fields. For this case the stresses and displacements become, respectively:
31 K III = 1/ 2 32 (2 r ) sin( / 2) cos( / 2)
2 K III r 2 %3 = u sin( / 2) 2
where B has been chosen such that: K III = lim {(2 r )1/ 2 32
r 0
The quantity KIII is referred to as the Mode III stress intensity factor, which is established by the far field boundary conditions and is a function of the applied loading and the geometry of the cracked body. Whereas the stresses associated with the other values of are finite at the crack tip, the stress components associated with = 1/2 have an inverse square root singularity at the crack tip. It is clear that the latter components will dominate as the crack tip is approached and represent the asymptotic forms of the elastic stress and displacement fields.
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Chapter 3
2D Static Boundary Value Problems: Plane Elasticity
Chinese Proverb - It is better to ask a question and look like a fool for five minutes, than not to ask a question at all and be a fool for the rest of your life.
Plane stress
Plane strain
Fig. 3.1
Also assume that the magnitude of loadings does not vary along this axis. Under these conditions we may write:
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u = u ( x , x ) u = u ( x ) 1 1 1 2 , = 1, 2 u2 = u2 ( x1 , x2 ) u3 = constant, generalized plane strain u3 = 0, plane strain Accordingly, the strain field becomes:
11 12 1 ij = ( ui , j + u j ,i ) ~ 22 2 0 0 0
In order to calculate the stress field we use the following constitutive equations:
ij = kk ij + 2G ij
Partitioning the stress tensor, we have
ij ~
3 33
= + 2G 3 = 3 = 0 33 = = ( 11 + 22 )
(i) (ii)
= 2 + 2G
= 1 2 ( + G ) (3.6)
Using the above equation and substituting for in equation (3.5ii) we can write:
33 =
= 2( + G)
which shows that in plane strain condition the stress in the x3 direction is a dependent quantity. Accordingly, the strains can be written as:
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1 2G 1 = 2G 2 ( + G ) 1 = 2G
It is important to note that the above equation cannot be obtained from the original constitutive equation by simply replacing i,j by ,. 1 11 ( 11 + 22 ) 2G ~ 1 22 ( 11 + 22 ) 2G 1 12 2G
, + f = 0
11,1 + 12,2 + f1 = 0 12,1 + 22,2 + f 2 = 0 (3.10)
Now, we assume that the body force f can be derivable from a potential, V. Hence, we may write:
f = V, , V, = 0 ( 11 V ),1 + 12,2 = 0 ( 22 V ),2 + 12,1 = 0
The above equations can be satisfied by assuming the existence of two functions A(x) and B(x), such that:
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Accordingly, the stresses can be written in terms of the Airy stress function as:
From the six stress compatibility equations we have only one important non-trivial equation, which upon substitution of the stresses by the stress function becomes:
2 33 + 2 = ( 1 2V mm,33 = 1 + 1 2 2 ), = 2 + 2 x1 x2
2 =
The above is the governing partial differential equation for the Airy Stress Function. If the potential function is harmonic, i.e., 2V = 0 , then satisfies the homogeneous biharmonic equation:
4 = 0 4 = 2 2 = (
4 4 4 + + 2 2 4 x14 x12 x2 x2
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ij =
1 h/2 ij dx3 h h / 2
The bar sign over a quantity indicates that it has been averaged over the thickness. The stress tensor is:
11 12 ij ~ 22 0 0 0
which are exactly the same as those derived for plane strain condition, except for the mean value interpretation. Thus we may similarly write:
1 + = + 3 = 0
33 =
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1 + 1 = 2 + =
E E E = E 1
(3.22ii) 33 =
which shows that in plane stress condition the strain in the x3 direction is a dependent quantity. We may also write stresses in terms of strains:
E 1 +
+ E
E 1 + 2G = 2G + + 2G
If we compare the above equations with those used in plane strain, we conclude that the entire system of equations in plane stress are analogous to those for plane strain, provided that we replace the barred quantities with the unbarred and define the followings:
G =G
2G + 2G
Hence, we can derive the fundamental biharmonic boundary value problem for the plane stress conditions as: 1 2 4 = 1 2 V
1 +
Assignment 7:
Find the stress field for a narrow rectangular beam under end loading.
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rr r rr
Fig. 3.2
In case of zero or constant body forces, the state of stress is related to the Airy function using the following transformations:
rr = ri rj ij = i j ij r = ri j ij
which, by appropriate substitutions for the stress function , lead to the following expressions for the stresses:
rr = r
1 1 2 1 1 + 2 = ,r + 2 , 2 r r r r r 2 = 2 = ,rr r 1 1 1 = = 2 , ,r r r r r
1 1 2 = ,rr + ,r + 2 , r r 2 1 1 2 1 1 4 = 2 + + 2 + ,r + 2 , = 0 2 , rr r r r r r r
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As an example, we will obtain the stress field due to a line load of magnitude P per unit out-of-plane length, acting on the surface of a homogeneous isotropic half-space.
Fig. 3.3
Assume the Airy function in the form of:
r sin
rr =
2 P cos r
= r = 0
In order to find the displacement field we need to determine the strains by substituting the expression for stress into the constitutive relation and then integrating the strains to calculate the displacements. For the point force solution, one we can show that:
ur = 1
P cos log r
1 2 P sin 2
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rr = r
1 1 = , r r r r 2 = 2 = ,rr r =0
and also:
1 2 = ,rr + ,r r 1 1 4 = r ( r,r ),r = 0 r ,r r ,r
The above expression can successively be integrated with respect to r to give the general form of the stress function for axisymmetric stress distribution in cylindrical coordinates as follows:
( r,r ),r = C1r ln r + C2 r r2 r2 r2 r 2 + C3 r,r = C1 ln r + C2 + C3 = C1r 2 ln r + C2 2 4 2 C r + 3 ,r = C1r ln r + C2 r 2 2 r r r2 = C1 ln r + C2 + C3 ln r + C4 4 2 2 = C1r 2 ln r + C2 r 2 + C3 ln r + C4 Accordingly the stresses become: (3.36)
rr = C1 (1 + 2 ln r ) + 2C2 + C3 r
1 r2 1 = C1 ( 3 + 2 ln r ) + 2C2 C3 2 r =0
- 73 -
When we also have axisymmetric displacements in the absence of body forces, the displacement values do not depend on , so we have C1=0 and we may write:
rr = C2 + C3 r
1 r2 1 = C2 C3 2 r =0
Assignment 8:
Find the stress field for a cylindrical pressure vessel under internal and external pressures.
RO r
Fig. 3.4
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rr ( R0 ) = rr ( Ri ) = 0 r ( R0 ) = r ( Ri ) = 0
On the other hand, the equilibrium conditions dictate that:
dA = 0 r dA = M
(i) (ii)
Notice that in this problem the stress field is axisymetric but the displacement field is not, so the stresses can be written as:
rr = C1 (1 + 2 ln r ) + 2C2 + C3 r
1 r2 1 = C1 ( 3 + 2 ln r ) + 2C2 C3 2 r =0
1 C1 (1 + 2 ln Ri ) + 2C2 + C3 2 = 0 Ri
Note that we still need a third equation to be able to determine our three constants. In order to find it, we write equation (3.41i) in terms of the stress function as follows:
dA = B ,rr dr = B ,r R = 0
1 Since we have rr = ,r , the above expression is consistent with our first boundary r condition and indicates that ,r = 0 on the boundary. Also, the second equilibrium condition (3.41ii) can be written as:
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r dA = B r, rr dr = M
Ri Ro Ro Ri Ri
B r,rr dr = B r,r ( Ro ) ( Ri ) = M B
B ,r dr = M
= C1r 2 ln r + C2 r 2 + C3 ln r + C4
we may write (3.45) as: C1 ( Ro 2 ln Ro Ri 2 ln Ri ) + C2 ( Ro 2 Ri 2 ) + C3 ln Ro M = Ri B
which gives the required third equation in terms of the three constants of the problem. Accordingly, we will have: 2M Ro 2 Ri 2 ) ( NB M 2 C2 = Ro Ri 2 ) + 2 ( Ro 2 ln Ro Ri 2 ln Ri ) ( NB 4 M 2 2 Ro C3 = Ro Ri ln NB Ri C1 = where R N = ( Ro Ri ) 4 Ro Ri ln o Ri
2 2 2 2 2
rr = =
R r 4 M 2 2 Ro 1 + Ro 2 ln + Ri 2 ln i Ro Ri ln 2 NB Ri r Ri r R r 4 M 2 2 Ro 1 Ro 2 ln Ri 2 ln i Ro 2 + Ri 2 Ro Ri ln 2 NB Ri r Ro r
r = 0
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11 = T1 22 = 12 = 0
The above uniform stress is disturbed by the presence of the circular hole. Also note that it is more convenient to define the local stress distribution near the hole using cylindrical coordinates. Hence, we use the St.Venants principle and argue that the stress distribution near the hole remains unchanged if we construct a hypothetical circle, with a diameter equal to the sheet width, and apply equivalent forces on the boundary of this circle, as shown in Fig. 3.5a.
= +
Fig. 3.5
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We start by a transformation of the Cartesian components of stress into the Polar components as:
which, in combination with the stress state expressed by equation (3.50), give the stresses at the location of the hypothetical circle as follows:
T1 (1 + cos 2 ) 2 T ( b, ) = T1 sin 2 = 1 (1 cos 2 ) 2 T r ( b, ) = T1 sin cos = 1 sin 2 2
rr ( b, ) = T1 cos 2 =
As depicted in Fig. 3.5, we may separate the stresses along the outer boundary into two parts. For the first part (shown in Fig. 3.5b) we have the axisymmetric stress state:
(1) rr ( b, ) =
T1 2 (1) r ( b, ) = 0
Note that does not act on the boundary. The second part is defined for the circle depicted in Fig. 3.5c in the form of a -dependent stress state:
The solution for the axisymmetric stress state (represented by Eqs. (3.53)) can be easily obtained from the solution of a circular disc under radial load (see Eq. (3.39)) as follows:
rr = C2 + C3 r
1 r2 1 = C2 C3 2 r =0
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We may find the constants using the following boundary conditions: T1 2 (1) r ( b, ) = 0
(1) rr ( b, ) = (1) rr ( a, ) = 0
r(1) ( a, ) = 0
Accordingly, the stresses can be written as;
(1) rr ( r , ) =
T1 b 2 T1 a 2b 2 2 b2 a 2 2 b2 a 2 T b2 T a 2b 2 (1) ( r , ) = 1 2 2 + 1 2 2 2 b a 2 b a
1 r2 1 r2
In order to find the solution to the second part, we start with the general form of the biharmonic equation. Due to the periodicity of the boundary conditions we consider a proper form for the stress function and proceed as follows: 2 1 1 2 1 1 4 = 2 + + 2 + ,r + 2 , = 0 2 , rr r r r r r r = F (r ) cos 2 2 1 1 2 1 4 cos 2 F,rr + F,r 2 F = 0 + 2 2+ 2 r r r r r r 2 9 9 F,rrrr + F,rrr 2 F,rr + 3 F,r = 0 r r r The above differential equation can be solved for F and will eventually result in the following expression for our stress function: (3.58)
= C1 + C2 r 2 + C3r 4 + C4
1 cos 2 r2
Equation (3.59) along with equations (3.29) can be used to calculate the stresses as follows:
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1 1 + 2C2 + 6C4 4 cos 2 2 r r 1 = 2C2 + 12C3 r 2 + 6C4 4 cos 2 r 1 1 = 2C1 2 + 2C2 + 6C3 r 2 6C4 4 sin 2 r r
r(2) ( a, ) = 0
which can be rewritten as: 4 a2 2 a2 4 b2 2 2 b 2 2 2 2 0 6a 2 0 6b 2 6 0 a4 C 1 6 0 4 a C2 T1 = 6 C3 2 4 b C4 T1 6 2 4 b
The above four equations can be solved for the four unknown constants. However, we may simplify Eqs.(3.62) for the case where the hole is small compared to the width of the plate. First, we multiply the forth equation by (a/b)2 and let a / b 0 , which gives C3=0. Next, we multiply the third equation by a2, let a / b 0 , and get C2=-T1/4. Hence, we may write the first and the second equations as: T 6 4 C1 + 1 4 C4 = 0 2 a 2 a 2 T 6 2 C1 1 4 C4 = 0 a 2 a from which we find:
M. Mirzaei, Elasticity
a2 a4 C1 = T1 and C4 = T1 2 4
- 80 (3.64)
(2) = +
r(2) =
a2 1 3 a4 + sin 2 2 2 2 r4 r
In order to obtain the total solution, we reevaluate Eq. (3.57), by dividing the numerator and denominator of each term by b2, letting a / b 0 , and then adding the results to Eq. (3.65): T1 a 2 T1 a2 a4 rr ( r , ) = 1 2 + 1 4 2 + 3 4 cos 2 r r 2 r 2 T a2 T a4 ( r , ) = 1 1 + 2 1 1 + 3 4 cos 2 2 r 2 r
r ( r , ) =
T1 a2 a4 1 2 3 + sin 2 2 r2 r4
Now we may examine the stresses at particular points that are most important. For instance, the maximum hoop stress that occurs at r = a is:
( a, ) = T1 2T1 cos 2
Note that its largest value occurs at = a, = 3T1 2
which indicates that we have a stress concentration factor of 3 for the specified location.
Assignment 9:
Find the stress concentration factor for a small circular hole in a large sheet subjected to a remote tensile stress T1 and a compressive stress T2 .
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2 2 2 2 2 + 2 2 + 2 = 0 x1 x2 x1 x2 2 2 2 + 2 ( 22 + 11 ) = 0 x1 x2 2P 2P 2 + 2 = 2 P = P, = 0 x1 x2
The conclusion is that that P is harmonic. Now we assume that there is a complex variable function which has P as its real part:
f ( z ) = P + iQ
Since f ( z ) is analytic, its integral is also be analytic. Accordingly, we may write:
f ( z )dz = ( P + iQ ) dz =
( z ) = p + iq ( z ) =
lets say 4( z )
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P p,1 = q,2 = (i) 4 p = q = Q ,2 ,1 4 2 (i) = P = 4 p,1 = 2 p,1 + 2q,2 2 2 p,1 2q,2 = 0 2 ( x1 p x2 q ) = 0
- 82 -
Note that ( x1 p x2 q ) is a solution of the Laplaces equation, so we may assume it to be the real part of a complex variable function:
( x1 p x2 q ) = p1
where we have:
= x1 p + x2 q + p1
( z ) = p1 + iq1
Moreover, = x1 p + x2 q + p1 may be assumed to be the real part of the following analytic function:
Finally, we may write the general form of the Muskhelishvili stress function in terms of two complex potentials and as follows:
= e [ z ( z ) + ( z ) ]
1 + = +
E E which may be rewritten as:
- 83 -
Now, using Eqs. (3.72) we may write: Eu1,1 = (1 + ),11 + P Eu2,2 = (1 + ),22 + P P = 4 p,1 = 4q,2 4 2Gu1,1 = ,11 + 1 + p,1 2Gu = + 4 q 2,2 ,22 ,2 1 + The above equations can be integrated to give the displacements: 4 2Gu1 = ,1 + 1 + 2Gu = + 4 2 ,2 1 + p + f ( x2 ) q + f ( x1 )
If we substitute the above equations into Eq. (3.78iii), it can be shown that f(x2) and f(x1) are constants. Now we may substitute for the with our general complex variable stress function (Eq. (3.76)) but first we note: f ( z ) = + i f ( z ) + f ( z ) = 2 = 2e ( f ( z ) ) f ( z) = i so from (3.76) z ( z ) + ( z ) + z ( z ) + ( z ) = 2 If we substitute the above expression for the into Eq. (3.80), we will obtain the following general expression for the displacements in terms of the two complex potentials and : 2G (u1 + iu2 ) = 3 ( z ) z ( z ) ( z ) 1 + (3.82)
It should be noted that we can obtain the above equation for the plane strain condition by replacing with
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Having found the displacements, the general expressions for the stresses can be easily obtained as follows:
11 + 22 = 4e ( ( z ) )
z ( z ) + ( z ) 22 11 2i 12 = 2 22 11 + 2i 12 = 2 [ z ( z ) + ( z )] or (3.83)
The final conclusion is that the solution to a particular two-dimensional elasticity problem can be easily obtained if we can find the appropriate complex variable potentials for that problem. However, finding the required potentials is not usually that easy!
Fig. 3.6
We directly start from the general solution with the following form of Eq. (3.83): 11 + 22 = 4e ( ( z ) ) = 2 ( z ) + ( z ) z ( z ) + ( z ) 22 11 2i 12 = 2 Due to symmetry with respect to the crack plane we choose a solution of the form: = Az +1 , = Bz +1 (3.85) (3.84)
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where A, B, and are real constants. In order to have nonsingular displacements at the crack tip we must have > 1. The substitution of Eq. (3.85) into Eq. (3.84) yields:
The boundary conditions at the crack tip dictate that the stresses in Eq. (3.86) vanish for = . Consequently we have: A(2 + ) cos + B cos = 0 A sin + B sin = 0 for which a nontrivial solution exists if:
sin 2 = 0
= , n / 2, n = 0,1, 2,...
1 2
The dominant contribution to the crack-tip stress and displacement fields occurs for = 1/2 for which A = 2B. An inverse square root singularity in the stress field exists at the crack tip. Substituting Eq. (3.87) with A = 2B and = 1/2 into Eqs. (3.86) and (3.82), we can show that:
11 1 sin( / 2) sin(3 / 2) KI cos( / 2) sin( / 2) cos( / 2) 12 = 1/ 2 (2 r ) 1 + sin( / 2) sin(3 / 2) 22
and also:
1 cos( / 2) 1 + 2sin 2 ( / 2) u1 K I r 2 = 2 + sin( / 2) 1 2 cos ( / 2) u2 2 2
The Mode I stress intensity factor K, which can be obtained using the global boundary conditions of the problem, is defined by: K I = lim {(2 r )1/ 2 22
r 0
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Fig. 3.7
For instance, the usual polar coordinates can be considered as a form of curvilinear coordinates which specify the position of our point as an intersection of a radial line, at the angle from the initial line, with a circle of radius r. Then, we have:
F ( x , x ) = x2 + x2 = r 1 2 1 1 2 x2 F2 ( x1 , x2 ) = arctan = x1
By choosing different functions for f1 and f2 we can find various curvilinear coordinates. Let us assume:
x1 = f1 ( , ) = C cosh cos x2 = f 2 ( , ) = C sinh sin
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which for different values of gives different ellipses with the same foci, i.e., a family of confocal ellipses. Alternatively, if we eliminate between the two equations, we will have:
2 x12 x2 =1 C 2 cos 2 C 2 sin 2
which for different values of gives different hyprbolas with the same foci, or a family of confocal hyperbolas.
Fig. 3.8
We may also define the complex variable = + i in terms of our curvilinear coordinates by writing the following equalities using Eq. (3.96):
x1 + ix2 = C cosh( + i ) z = C cosh z = f ( )
Now we express the stresses in the curvilinear coordinates in terms of the stresses in the cartesian coordinates by a simple transformation caused by a rotation of degrees:
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11 + 22
11 22
+ = 11 + 22 + 2i = e 2i ( 22 11 + 2i 12 )
Finally, we use Eqs. (3.83) and (3.82) and write the general expressions for the stresses and displacements in terms of complex potentials in the curvilinear coordinates as:
+ = 4e ( ( z ) ) + 2i = 2e 2i [ z ( z ) + ( z )]
3 ( z ) z ( z ) ( z ) 2G (u iu ) = ei 1 + In order to find the factor e 2i , we write: f ( ) = df ( ) d
For example, for the elliptic coordinates we can show that: e2i = sinh sinh (3.104)
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C cosh 0 = a C sinh 0 = b
Fig. 3.9
For this case, it is appropriate to use the general expressions for the stresses and displacements in terms of complex potentials in curvilinear coordinates (Eqs. (3.102)) with the following boundary conditions:
x1 , x2 ( ) 11 = 22 = 0 (i)
= 0 = = 0
From Eqs. (3.102) we have:
M. Mirzaei, Elasticity
- 90 (i) (ii)
+ = 4e ( ( z ) ) + 2i = 2e 2i [ z ( z ) + ( z )]
which, in combination with our first boundary condition, indicates that we must have:
+ = 4e ( ( z ) ) = 2 0 e ( ( z ) ) = 0 2 z ( z ) + ( z ) = 0
at infinity
In order to find the appropriate complex potentials, we note that they should conform to our elliptic boundary and be periodic in . Hence, we assume the following potentials and check if our boundary conditions are satisfied: ( z ) = AC sinh 2 ( z ) = BC ( z ) = AC cosh d cosh =A = A coth dz sinh
coth 1 e( z ) = A = ( z ) =
BC cosh ( z ) = B sinh sinh 3 A 1 ( z ) = C sinh 3 z ( z ) + ( z ) = 0
the far field boundary conditions are satisfied. In order to 2 find B, we proceed with the local boundary conditions. From Eq. (3.107) we have: (i) (ii) i = 2e ( ( z ) ) e2i [ z ( z ) + ( z ) ] i = ( z ) + ( z ) e 2i [ z ( z ) + ( z )] where e 2i can be found from Eq. (3.104) as: e2i = sinh sinh (3.111) (3.110)
1 A = 2 sinh sinh ( + ) + cosh + B cosh sinh sinh which may be written at the boundary of the ellipse as:
Invoking the second boundary condition in Eq. (3.106ii) we have: 1 B = A cosh 2 0 = 0 cosh 2 0 2 1 ( z ) = 0C sinh 2 1 ( z ) = 0 cosh 2 0 C 2 2
Although all the boundary conditions are now satisfied, we must make sure that there would be no discontinuity in the resulting displacement field. Hence, we use Eq. (3.102) to obtain the Cartesian components of displacement as: 2G (u + iv) = 3 BC AC sinh AC cosh coth 1 + sinh (3.115)
which shows that displacements are periodic in and there would be no discontinuity in displacements. The most interesting component of the stress is in fact the largest value of at the hole and can be obtained from Eq. (3.107) as follows:
+ = 4e ( ( z ) ) = 2 0e coth
2 0 sinh 2 sinh 2 i sinh 2 + = cosh 2 cos 2 cosh 2 cos 2 2 0 sinh 2 0 ( ) = = 0 cosh 2 0 cos 2 coth = ( ) =0, =
2 0 sinh 2 0 cosh 2 0 1
M. Mirzaei, Elasticity Using Eq. (3.105) we may show that: C 2 = a 2 b2 2ab sinh 2 0 = 2 C a 2 + b2 cosh 2 0 = C2
- 92 -
( ) ( )
= 0,
= 2 0
a b b a
= ,
2 2
= 2 0
Eqs. (3.118) show that as b 0 (as the ellipse becomes a crack) a stress singularity develops at the crack tip. For a=b, the ellipse becomes a circle with a stress concentration factor of two, which is in agreement with the results we already obtained for the sheet with a circular hole.
Assignment 10:
Find the maximum stresses for an elliptic hole in a large sheet subjected to remote tensile stress T1 . The major axis of the elliptic hole makes an angle with the x1 direction.
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in which is the temperature field , S is the strength of the heat sources in the field , is the density, Cv is the specific heat, and k is the thermal conductivity. For a stationary field with no heat sources we have: ,ii = 0 Since we are dealing with linear thermoelasticity, the strain tensor is defined by: (4.2)
ij =
1 ( ui, j + u j ,i ) 2
ij , j + fi = 0
However, we may split the total strain tensor into the mechanical and thermal parts as:
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ij = ij m + ij T
For the mechanical stresses we have:
ij m =
1 + ij kk ij E E E G= 2 (1 + ) ij m = 1 kk ij ij 2G 1 +
Here dS0 is the initial length of a line element, dST is its length as a result of a temperature change , and is the coefficient of thermal expansion. Accordingly, the thermal strains are:
ij T = ij
We can combine Eqs. (4.6) and (4.8) to obtain the total strains, resulting in the so-called Duhamel-Neumann Constitutive equations:
ij = ij m + ij T =
1 kk ij + ij ij 2G 1 +
In order to find the stresses in terms of the strains, we first contract on i and j indices to obtain:
ll =
1 1 2 ll + 3 2G 1 + 2G (1 + ) ll = ( ll 3 ) 1 2
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ij =
1 2G + ij ij ( ll 3 ) ij 2G 1 2
1 +1 = ij ll ij + ij 2G 1 2 1 2
Hence, the stresses are:
ij = 2G ij +
1 2
ll ij
2G (1 + ) ij 1 2
Based on our new set of constitutive equations and implementing the procedure we followed before, we may obtain a generalized form for the Navier displacement equations as follows: ui , jj + 2 (1 + ) 1 1 u j ,ij + f i = G 1 2 (1 2 ) ,i (4.13)
(1 + ) ij ,kk + kk ,ij = (1 + ) f i , j + f j ,i +
f k , k ij 1 1 + 2G (1 + ) ,ij + , kk ij 1
We now repeat the procedure implemented above for determination of the thermoelastic constitutive equations for our specific problem. Starting with the strains we write: 1 ( rr ) E 1 = ( rr ) E which can be written in terms of the stresses as:
rr =
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rr =
E rr + (1 + ) 1 2 E = + rr (1 + ) 1 2
Substituting the above expressions into our equilibrium equation (Eq. (4.15)) we have: r d d ( rr + ) + (1 )( rr ) = (1 + ) r dr dr (4.18)
This is in fact nothing but the simplified form of the generalized Navier equations for the current problem. The above differential equation can be solved for the radial displacement to give: ur = (1 + ) C 1 r rdr + C1r + 2 r a r (4.20)
rr = E
1 C1 (1 + ) C2 (1 ) 2 r 1 r E 1 = E 2 rdr E + C 1 + ) C2 (1 ) 2 2 1( a r 1 r 1 r2
rdr +
E 1 2
The constants can be found from the boundary conditions. For a solid disc, a can be taken as zero and we also have: lim 1 r rdr = 0 r 0 r 0 (4.22)
Note that Eq. (4.20) implies that we must have C2 = 0 to ensure that the displacements at the center of the disc have finite values. Moreover, at the outer edge of the disc we have rr = 0 , so we may write:
M. Mirzaei, Elasticity C1 = (1 )
- 97 (4.23)
rr = E
1 2 b
1 r2
Assignment 11:
Find the thermal stresses for a hollow sphere for which the inner and outer surfaces are kept at constant temperatures Ti and To respectively.
we have: = s (4.27)
M. Mirzaei, Elasticity a d 2 d r 2 r dr dr
- 98 (4.28)
= s
remains bounded as r . Note that we should set B = 0 to ensure that In order to find the constant A, we write:
Q = 4 r 2 Cv dr
Q = QH (t )
Next, we take the Laplace transform of both sides of Eq. (4.30) and proceed as follows:
1 dr Q = 4 r 2 Cv s 0
= 4 Cv A e
s a r
= 4 Cv A
a s
Finally, we find the time and position dependent temperature field for our problem as follows:
= =
Q e 4 Cv ar s r a
r2 4 at
3/ 2 ( 4 at ) Cv
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The next step in solving our thermoelasticity problem is the determination of the displacement field. We start with the generalized form of the Navier equations (Eqs. (4.13)): ui , jj + 2 (1 + ) 1 1 u j ,ij + f i = G 1 2 (1 2 ) ,i (4.35)
The solution to the above equation consists of the general solution uih plus the particular integral uip . Now, we may assume that the particular solution can be derived from the thermoelastic potential as follows:
uip = ,i
If we substitute the above expression into the Generalized Navier equations, we will have: 2 (1 + ) 1 , jj = 0 , jj + 1 2 1 2 ,i (1 + ) , jj = 2 = (1 )
Assuming a non-stationary source-free temperature distribution, a solution for the above equation can be written as: =
(1 + ) a t dt + + t 0 1 (1 ) 0
where 2 1 = 0 , and 0 represents the initial thermoelastic potential. We now turn our attention to the homogeneous form of the Navier equations. For the current problem, since there are no body forces or surface tractions, we may assume: uih = 0 (4.39)
Substituting the obtained temperature field into the general solution for the thermoelastic potential, we can write: =
t e (1 + ) Q a 3/ 2 (1 )( 4 a ) Cv 0 t 3/ 2
r2 4 at
dt + 0 + t 1
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r r2 2 = = V V 4at 2 at 2 r r3 3/ 2 = = t t 2 8a 3/ 2V 3 4aV r2 dt = dV 2aV 3 which upon substitution into Eq. (4.40), results in: 1 + ) Q 2 2 rat V ( 0 t1 = e dV (1 ) 4 r Cv (1 + ) Q 2 0 eV dV + 2 eV dV = r (1 ) 4 r Cv 2 at 0 r (1 + ) Q 2 2 at eV dV + 2 1 = (1 ) 4 r Cv 0 2 (1 + ) Q 1 erf r = (1 ) 4 r Cv 2 at
2 2 2 2
r 2 at 0
e V dV
Now we will determine 1 and 0 values of the thermoelastic potential. After a long period of time the displacements and stresses return to zero, so we may write: 1 = 0 (1 + ) Q = = 0 t = (1 ) 4 r Cv (1 + ) Q erf r = (1 ) 4 r Cv 2 at
Having found the thermoelastic potential, the displacement, strain, and stress fields can be determined as follows:
M. Mirzaei, Elasticity
ui = uih + uip = ,i
- 101 -
ij = ,ij ij = 2G ,ij +
1 2
,kk ij
(1 + )
1 2
, = 1, 2
12 0 22 0
= 2G +
1 2
(1 + ) 1 2
3 = 2G 3 = 0 33 = 2G
(1 + ) 1 2 1 2
In order to find the appropriate expression for 33 we need to find . We start by contracting on and indices in Eq. (4.47i), as follows:
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= 2G +
1 2 = + 2 (1 + ) 2G
2 2 (1 + ) 1 2 1 2
33 = 2G
(1 + ) 2G 33 = E
which indicates that 33 may be determined from a knowledge of and . Furthermore, we have:
1 + (1 + ) 2G
which is the two-dimensional form of the Duhamel-Neumann relation. Now, using the above expression, and implementing the same approach we followed in Chapter 3, we can derive the biharmonic equation for linear thermoelasticity as follows: 1 2 2 1 + 2 4 = V 2G 1 1 If body forces are negligible or constant we may write: 1 + 4 = 2G 1 2 (4.52) (4.51)
= h + p
where h can be found from the elasticity part of the problem without considering the thermal effects. In order to find the particular integral, we use the definition of the thermoelastic potential, Eqs. (4.36), in two-dimensional form:
up = ,
M. Mirzaei, Elasticity
- 103 (4.55)
, = 2 =
(1 + ) (1 )
4 =
(1 + ) 2 (1 )
Naturally, the isothermal deformation satisfies the homogeneous form of Eq. (4.52), and as a result the complete solution for the stress function is:
= h + p = h 2G
ij = ij
1 h/2 ij dx3 h h / 2 11 12 0 22 0 0
The bar sign over a quantity indicates that it has been averaged over the thickness. The equilibrium equations can be written as: f = V, , V, = 0 (4.60)
which are exactly the same as those derived for plane strain condition, except for the mean value interpretation, so we may similarly write:
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2G (1 ) + (1 + ) 1
Now, similar to our plane strain formulation, upon substitution for the strains into the only nonzero compatibility equation we find that: 4 = E2 The solution to the above biharmonic equation is: (4.64)
= h + p
where h can be found from the corresponding isothermal elasticity problem. In order to find the particular integral, we use the plane stress form of the thermoelastic potential expression to write: 2 = , = (1 + ) 4 = (1 + ) 2 using (4.49) 4 = p = 2G E 4 (1 + ) (4.66)
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(1 + ) (1 )
; 2 = , = (1 + )
which using p = 2G will give the particular solution. The solution to the isothermal elasticity problem can be found using the methods introduced earlier, or it can be constructed as a finite or infinite series of properly chosen biharmonic functions. In Cartesian coordinates we may use: e x2 cos x1 ; x1e x2 cos x1 ; x2 e x2 cos x1 (4.68)
where is an arbitrary constant. All other combinations obtained by interchanging x1 and x2 and/or replacing cos x1 by sin x1 can also be used. In Polar coordinates, a complete set of biharmonic functions which are periodic in are:
r 2 ; log r ; r 2 log r r log r cos ; r n cos n ; r 2 n cos n ; n = 0,1, 2,K
and the corresponding expressions with cos n replaced by sin n can also be used.
Assignment 12:
Using the stress function approach, find the thermal stresses for a long circular hollow cylinder for which the inner and outer surfaces are kept at constant temperatures Ti and To respectively. The cylinder is also under internal pressure Pi.
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11 (1 + ) =
1 2 22 11 E 1
11 = (1 + ) 22 = (1 + )
The above strains should satisfy the compatibility equations, which in this case simplify to:
11,22 + 22,11 = 0
which is identically satisfied if we substitute Eqs. (4.72) into Eq. (4.70). Hence we may conclude that the thermal stresses can be absent for two-dimensional simply-connected regions with steady heat flow (even for bodies under temperature gradients). As we will see in the next example the situation is different for non-simply-connected regions.
Insulated Circular Hole inside an Infinite Plate subjected to Uniform Heat Flow
In this example we assume a uniform heat flow in the direction of the negative x2 axis in an infinite plate. For this case we may write: = qx2 (4.74)
where q is the constant temperature gradient. As depicted in Fig. 4.1, the uniform heat flow is disturbed by the presence of an insulated circular hole.
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Fig. 4.1 In order to obtain the thermal stresses, we should first find the temperature field. The two-dimensional form of Eq. (4.2) for plane stress is:
, = 0
We may solve the above partial differential equation using the separation of variables method as follows: = R(r ) X ( ) Accordingly we may write: dR X = r dr 2 d 2 R = 2 X dr r 2 dX =R d 2 d2X ; R = d 2 2 ; (4.77)
- 108 -
which upon splitting into two parts results in: r2 R 1 X d 2 R r dR + = k2 2 dr R dr 2 d X = k 2 d 2 (i) (4.80) (ii)
which can be solved using the following considerations: r = e z ; z = ln r dR dR dz 1 dR = = dr dz dr r dz d 2R 1 dR 1 d 2 R 2 = 2 + dr r dz r 2 dz 2 With proper substitutions into Eq. (4.81), the solution can be obtained as follows: d 2R = k 2R 2 dz R = A1e kz + A2 e kz R = A1r k + A2 r k Now we turn our attention to Eq. (4.80ii), which can be solved as the Eulers equation:
d2X + k2X = 0 d 2 X = B1eik + B2 eik X = C1 sin k + C2 cos k
M. Mirzaei, Elasticity
- 109 (4.85)
for which the four constants can be determined from the boundary conditions. Also note that we have:
= k ( A1r k 1 A2 r k 1 ) ( C1 sin k + C2 cos k ) r
= 0 ; = 0 r
C2 = 0 Thus, Eqs. (4.85) and (4.86) can be rewritten as:
= ( A1C1r k + A2C1r k ) sin k = ( D1r k + D2 r k ) sin k = ( D1r k 1 D2 r k 1 ) k sin k r
The second temperature boundary condition is: = 0 r D2 = D1a k 1+ k +1 = D1a 2 k r=a ; This time, Eq. (4.88) can be rewritten as: a 2k = D1r 1 + 2 k sin k r a 2k = D1kr k 1 1 2 k sin k r r
= =q r x2 =q
a 2k D1kr k 1 1 2 k r
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k 1 = 0 k = 1 D1 = q
Finally, the temperature distribution can be found as: a2 = q r sin + sin r a2 = q x2 + sin r
The above expression shows that the uniform temperature field qx2 remains unchanged at a2 sin term. As r discussed before, the uniform temperature field has no influence on the thermal stresses and may be disregarded in the process of determination of the thermoelastic potential from its governing equation as follows: the far field and the effect of the circular hole is represented by the q 2 = (1 + ) a2 2 1 1 2 q 1 sin + + = + ( ) r r 2 r r r 2 2 1 + ) qa 2 ( r log r sin = 2 (4.94)
Having found the thermoelastic potential, we may easily calculate p from p = 2G . In order to have some clue to the proper form of h , we may proceed as follows:
= h + p = h 2G
h p rr = rr + rr
1 1 2 h = rr 2G + 2 2 r r r 2G (1 + ) qa 2 1 h = rr sin 2 r E qa 2 = sin 2r
h rr
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rr = 0 at r = a E qa h rr = sin r =a
2 1 1 2 h + 2 2 r r r
r =a
E qa = sin 2
h =
E qa f (r ) sin ; f (a) = 1 2
r = rh + rp
1 = rh 2G r r E qa 2 = rh + cos 2r (4.98)
r = 0 at r = a E qa rh = cos r =a
2 1 h r r
r =a
E qa = cos 2
which approves the previously suggested form for h . However, according to our third overall boundary condition all the stresses should vanish as r . Accordingly, we may modify the expression (4.97) as:
h =
E qa 1 f sin ; f (a ) = 1 2 r
Here, we consult the list of the biharmonic functions in polar coordinates and finalize our expression as:
h =
E qa 1 Ar sin 2
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h rr
E qa sin r =a 2 1 1 2 h AE qa sin r =a = + 2 2 a3 r r r =
E qa a = sin 2 r
h rr
rr =
E qa a a 3 sin 2 r r3
h =
Hence, the thermal strain distribution must be a linear function of the rectangular space coordinates like:
= a0 + a1 x1 + a2 x2 + a3 x3
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Note that the coefficients may be time dependent. Accordingly, if the thermal properties of the material are constant, the zero stress condition dictates a linear temperature distribution.
Assignment 13:
Consider an unrestrained circular disc for which we have = Ar . Based on our previous discussions concerning the special cases for zero thermal stress, can we conclude that the disc is stress free? Why?
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Energy Principles
As clearly stated by Leonhard Euler in the 18th century, the field equations of the theory of elasticity may also be developed from the energy considerations. In particular, these methods provide powerful tools for obtaining approximate solutions and implementation of numerical solution techniques.
Su Su
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Wvirt = T. u + f . u
= Ti ui dS + f i ui dV
Now we may invoke the stress boundary relations and implement the divergence theorem to obtain:
T u dS + f u dV =
i i i i S V S
n j ui dS + fi ui dV
= ( ij ui ) + f i ui dV ,j V
=0 = ( ij , j + f i ) ui + ij ( ui , j ) dV V
The first grouping of terms within the last integral can be set to zero to ensure the equilibrium. The product of the symmetric stress tensor with the skew-symmetric part of ui , j is also zero. Since the symmetric part of ui , j is nothing but a variation in the strain tensor, we may write the following expression, known as the principle of virtual work, PVW:
T u dS + f u dV =
i i i i ij S V V
It is interesting to note that the above equation is independent of any constitutive law and can be applied to all continuous materials within the limitations of small deformations.
Illustrative Example I
Consider a planar truss as depicted in Fig. 5.2. It is assumed that all the members have the same cross-sectional area and Youngs modulus. If we neglect the gravitational effects, the PVW for this problem can be written as: P u = ij ij dV
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(2) 10m
(3) 10m
Fig. 5.2
For this problem, we may only consider virtual displacements for the point A. The changes in the length of each rod due to the imposed virtual displacements u are:
In the above, X Li represent the components of the virtual elongation (or contraction) of the members in the X directions. Note that, u have been chosen positive in the positive direction of the axes. Accordingly, we can calculate the components of the virtual strains as: cos 60 ; 8 cos 30 X1 2 = u1 ; 10 cos 30 X1 3 = u1 ; 10
1 = u1
1 = u2
where, X i represent the components of the virtual strain of the members in the X directions. Now, we will calculate the real stress in each rod, using the real axial strain caused by the real displacement of the point A.
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cos 60 sin 60 cos 60 sin 60 + u2 1 = Eu1 + Eu2 8 8 8 8 cos 30 sin 30 cos 30 sin 30 2 = u1 + u2 2 = Eu1 + Eu2 10 10 10 10 cos 30 sin 30 cos 30 sin 30 3 = u1 u2 3 = Eu1 Eu2 10 10 10 10
1 = u1
which may be simplified to give: P 1 = 0.181u1 + 0.054u2 AE and also vertically as:
cos 60 sin 60 sin 60 sin 60 P2 u2 = 8 AE u1 u2 + u2 u2 8 8 8 8 cos 30 sin 30 sin 30 sin 30 +10 AE u1 u2 + u2 u2 10 10 10 10 cos 30 sin 30 sin 30 sin 30 +10 AE u1 u2 u2 u2 10 10 10 10
which upon simplifying gives the second required equation: P2 = 0.054u1 + 0.143u2 AE Now, we may set: P = (0 , 1000) , and solve Eqs. (5.9) and (5.11) to give: u1 = 2342 AE ; u2 = 7846 AE (5.12) (5.11)
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= ui Ti dS + ui fi dV
Using an approach similar to what used for PVW, we may write the Principle of Complementary Virtual Work, PCVW, as:
u T dS + u f dV =
i i i i ij S V V
Illustrative Example II
Consider a simple pin-connected structure as depicted in Fig. 5.3. The aim is to determine the vertical movement of the point C. We assume linear elastic behavior, identical cross section, and same modulus of elasticity for all the members.
1000N D 500 1433 10m 10m 612 E 60o 1000 -866 -1412 1000N C F 1433 10m -2027 0.5F -0.707F 0.5F 0.707F F
Fig. 5.3
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Since we require the vertical displacement of the point C, we apply a virtual vertical load at this point. Next, we will obtain the virtual stresses due to this virtual load.
Now we obtain the real strains in the relevant members. Note that we only consider those members which are affected by the virtual load.
Fv =
ij =
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in which is the density and is the strain energy density. If we substitute the above expression for stresses in Eq. (5.3), we will have:
T u dS + f u dV =
i i i i S V V S V V
ij dV
Ti ui dS + fi ui dV = dV = dV = U
where U is the total strain energy stored in the body. The left side of Eq. (5.20) may be defined as a variation in the potential energy, V , so we may write: V = U (U + V ) = 0 or = 0 in which is the total potential energy of the body. (5.21)
Strain Energy
For elastic bodies the strain energy can be defined as: U =
ij d ij dV
If we substitute the constitutive equation for the linear elastic response of isotropic materials into Eq. (5.22), we have: U = kk jj + ij ij dV V 2 for which the one-dimensional form is: U = (5.23)
EededV =
1 1 Ee 2 dV = edV 2 V 2 V
Assignment 14:
Solve the illustrative example I, using the principle of total potential energy.
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ij =
ui Ti dS + ui fi dV =
ij dV ij
= dV = dV = U
where U is the complementary strain energy stored in the body. The left side of Eq. (5.26) may be defined as a variation in the potential energy, V , so we may write: V = U (U + V ) = 0 or = 0 in which is the total complementary energy of the body. (5.27)
ij d ij dV
If we substitute the constitutive equation for the linear elastic response of isotropic materials into Eq. (5.28), we will have: 1 U = kk jj + ij ij dV V G 2E for which the one-dimensional form is: (5.29)
M. Mirzaei, Elasticity U =
d dV =
i =1 N
i = 0 i
U i Q i i = 0 i =1 U Q i = i ; i = 1,K , N
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The above equation shows that if the strain energy can be computed as a function of displacements, the related force or torque for a particular displacement component can be determined by differentiation.
Fig. 5.5
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i =1 N
Qi = 0 i Q
U i Q i = 0 i i =1 Q U i = ; i = 1,K , N Q i
The above equation shows that if the complementary strain energy can be computed as a function of forces, the related displacement for a particular force component can be determined by differentiation.
Lu = f
where L is an operator acting on the dependent variable u , and f is a function of the independent variable and is called the driving or forcing function. We may also define the inner product of two functions, g and h , over the domain of the problem, V, as:
( g, h ) = V g hdV
( g , h ) = V ghdV
( Lu, v ) = ( u , Lv )
In our discussions we will also require that L be positive definite for all functions u satisfying homogenous boundary conditions:
( Lu, u ) > 0
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ui +
ui =0 n
where and are constants and n is the normal to the boundary. Now we may define a function I (u ) , called a quadratic functional, such that: I (u ) = 1 ( Lu, u ) (u, f ) 2 (5.43)
It can be shown that if the equation Lu = f has a solution, and if L is a self-adjoint positive definite operator, then the function u that minimizes I (u ) is the solution to Lu = f . The minimization procedure can also be used to find approximate solutions.
ij d ij dV
1 l h/2 = b 1111dx3 dx1 2 0 h / 2 l h/2 1 2 = bE 11 dx3 dx1 0 h / 2 2 l h/2 2 1 = bE ( x3,11 ) dx3 dx1 0 h / 2 2 2 EI l = ,11 ) dx1 ( 2 0 The potential V is defined by:
V = f i ui dV Ti ui dS = q dx1
V S l
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Hence, in order to find approximate solutions to our beam problem, we may apply the Ritz technique to the total potential energy. The procedure starts with the approximate displacement field defined as:
ui( n ) = ai( j )i( j )
j =1 n
The ai( j ) are called the Ritz coefficients and i( j ) are known as coordinate functions. The coefficients ai( j ) are determined so as to minimize the total potential energy ( n ) , which implies that: ( n ) = 0 , j = 1,L , n ai( j ) The above differentiation results in 3n equations for the unknown coefficients. (5.49)
Illustrative Example IV
Let us find approximate expressions for the deflection of the beam shown in Fig. 5.6.
P L/2 X1
Fig. 5.6
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Accordingly the total potential energy can be written as: (1) = EI (1) 2 L a ) Pa (1) ( 2 L 2
Now we may find the coefficients through the minimization of (1) and determine the displacement function as follows:
(1) EIL (1) a P=0 = a (1) 2 L 2 PL3 a = 4 EI x 2 PL3 (1) = 4 sin 1 L EI
(1) 4
Finally, we compare the obtained result with the exact solution at two different points: L 4 (exact) 0.01432 0.01452 L 2 0.02083 0.02053