Le pont de Brotonne, un exemple d‘un pont & haubans multiples
ot diun tablier partiellement préfabriqué
Die GUMEBRRERPECKe ein Beispiel einer seilverspannten Brilcke mit Mehrfachseilen und
totivorgeterticter Brilckentafel
Hocr GporoWH, ~ npaniep nongectora mocra co MMOEETRENMIM OTTAMKaN H UacTHUNO cBopHOl onanyG.o%
fet ietest, Pract
srotome bridge 4s 4 cable-stayed bridge in pres
tressed conerece, Bullt by corbelling-oue sith
Partial prefabrication of the deck. ‘There is &
central span of QQRR which is = record for
structures of this kind.
Le pont de Brotonne est un pent A haubans
multiples répartis en béton précontraint
construit par encorbellement avec préfa~
brication partielle du tablier, conpor-
tant une portée centrale de 320m, qui
constitue le record parni les ouvrages de
ce type.
Die Brotonne-Sricke ist eine Ausleger-
konstruktion mit Mehrfachkabaln in Farm
Cigbeton und ceilvorgefertigter Briicken—
tafel und besitat ein Mittelfelé von
320m, vas einen Rekord fir Bauverke die~
sex Art bedeutet.
ocr Bporony npeactaenmer co6o# HocT ¢ MhoMecT=
enwunin Or TamKaMe Ha cBocHOrO Gerona, KOHCONSHO
onanyOxv, uNeer YeNTpansiMiA NpoNeT ANMHOR 6
320 %, ufo npeactaanser cofee nexopn nna pa6or1 = Lwrmeouctton (rig. 1)
On economical and technical bases, cantilever
construction 1s presently the best solution for
concrete bridges with spans varying hetueen 50
and 150 n. Serious dravbacks start to appear with
‘span lengths greater than 200 n
high values of bending moments die to dead weight
because of the varying inertia of the deck
= simultaneously, high compressive stresses in the
orton slab
= rapid increase of the mmber of centilever ten
However sone cantilever bridges with spans greater
‘than 200 m have been built Like Uraé> Bay Bridge
(270 m) ana Hanana Bridge (240m) in Japan. Par
Howler arranjorents were made to take care OF
the fore mentioned difficulties.
continous steel reinforcing in te botton slab
Of the Bendorf Bridce (Germany)
use of Lightvetgnt concrete then alloving 2 dead
Jeicht reduction at the Ottmarshein Bridge in
An easier alternative is to incresse considerably
the lever arm of prestressing tendons, These ten
cons situated outside of conerete then Decone stays
that are Supported and deviated by a tower.
Cable-stayed concrete bridzes may be considered as
prestressed couerete bridges with outer prestres—
sing. They are a favourable alternative to canti—
lever construction for long span bridces.
The Brotonne Bridge, on the Seine river, is anong
the first cable-stayed bridces. However it is the
world's longest prestressed concrete spans
2 ~ mis om GINS oP THE PROsECT
Up to 1977, between the city of Rouen and the
Chonnel, the Seine river was crossed by « single
Sage, the Tarcarville bridge, and by several
svies. A second bridge uaz badly needed mainly
because of the economic growth of the "Basse-tor-
nandie" district,
‘The best Location was Found to be close to the
village of Caudebec-en-Caux and to the Brotonne
forest that gave its nave to the bridge.
River foundations had to be prohibited because of
the important river navigation and of the frequent
foggy veather in this area thus implying to cross
the Seine river vith a single 300 m long span.
Noreover a clearance of mare than 50m vas neces
sary for Sea-going ships aid resuited ix Large
approach viaducts and embankments.
aie tse ae
(Pige 2)
= aunigue, continuous longi tudinal structure
th only one intemedary expaneion joint for
‘the "Wi2EOHmLong superstructure
~ a single coli box girder enum vide with inclined
= n_wiial suspension by means of regularly
Miseributed stays made of prestreccing stranda
Pulled inside steel pipes and cenent grouted
= tall concrate pylons.
It should be noticed that the main piers founda
Eions are made of 9 cylindrical colwmn Fixed in
Limestone shafts. They vere butit in the dry
inside a self supporting circular siurry trench
wall. Though serious difficulties appeared when
Fealising the slurry trench wall because of the
poor quality of the Piret layers and because of
the great depth (95 m), this type of foundations
hhad the creat advantage to allow a precise geo-
technical analysis of the bearing etrata
4 = THE LoNerruprmaL sreucruRE
Lengthwise, the unicity of the structure has
proved to be a good solution for several reasonse
On the aexnetical point of viev, it alloved us to.
cancel the intermediate abutment giving 2 simpler
and lighter Line to the deck. Moreover the sane
construction schene could be used for the short
approach spans (58,5 m) as for the main cable—
stayed spans.
On amschanical basis, the continuity of the deck
has also a favorable influence on the behaviour
of the structure, The intensive research studies
that were nade, hava proven that in case of a
three span symmetrical cable-stayec bridge the
critical section vas situated in the side spans
at a distance from the main piers equal to 4/10
of the side spans Leng, It vas shovn, in parti~
cular with the envelopes of bending moments in
the deck due to the load, that the greatest ben~
ing variation vas occuriry in that section conse-
quently governing the characteriztics of the
cross-sections (Pigs 3)
In order to limit the variation of bending moments
fone may decrease the ratio Lengih of side span
Sge-Sr ae see
to\0.4 or even less, This olution improves the
behaviour of the deck but brings upvards vertical
forces at the abutnent level that are extremely
hard to counteract.
We have chosen to keep this ratio to 0.45 and to
ensure the contimity betveen the main span and
‘ue approach spars. Because of the continsity,
bending noments variations are decreased in side
‘2pans whereas the uplift problens on sice bearings
are also reduced, Vith respect to construction
methois, this allove algo to reduce the overall
Length of the free cantilevers, the contimity of
Lateral spans being realised before the completion
of the central spareSide spans are 143,5 m long each and the only
Giscontimity of the superstructure 9 the expan
Sion joint located close to the point of zero
monent in the side span of left bank.
A further resiction ef the Denving moments varia~
tion is obtained by the use of a ring of neoprene
bearings at the top of the main piers, ensuring a
Partial fixation of the decks
vos necessary to take im account Sim taneously
Several Factors like +
Stays being axtally located 1n omly one rov the
‘tubular section vas the only one that could bring
fe sufficient torsional stiffness.
A. three vebs how ginden vas possible, stays being
auchored in the lover part of the central webs But
this structure was not stiff erough transversally
and the transfer of suspension forces to the side
webs required to stiffen the top slab by a systen
of ribs.
‘This vas avoided by a systen of inclined struts
based on principles usually enployed in metallic
‘The cross section is made of a tyo web box girder
with inside stiffening struts converging af the
point of anchorage of stays. The outer vidth is
and the total height is 990m, Webs ane,
inclined and have a varying thickness equal to
‘The botton slab is 8 m vide for
5 thickness varying from O81 RP at midapan to
The top sia bearing con—
‘timously on the webs and punctually on the struts
is tronoveraally prestressed by 129608 tendons
‘The botton slab 1s also transversally prestressed
by means of T 15 nonostranés placed at the Level of
‘the struts to counteract tensile force: crested in
‘the botton slab of spanswithout stays.
Extrencly high shear stresses reaching 50 ks/an?
are Found in the 0.20. thick weds for a longi tun
inal compressive strese of 35 ky/en2. Consequently
Vertical prestressing vas mandatory gad ¢ permanent
vertical Compressive stress of 41 ka/en? is created
by neane of pretensioning vith i 8 wires. At both
ends a special device allovs a rapid transfer of
prestressing forces to the surroanding concretes
GROAUMUUSEEUEE cnt are submitted to high tensile
forces when they are connected to the stays (one
every other) are else prestressed Dy means of
12 7 19 tendons,
Tt should first be noticed that the cost of stays
Tepresents a total of 29 K of the total cost of
‘the cable stayed bridge. Thres different problems
hed to be considered t
~ Stay geonetry
~ type of came
~ positioning
There are three vell known basic arrangererts
that may be called harp, radiating or fan, this
Last solution being the one that vas Zept for the
Brotorme bridye. The first solution presents the
advantage of a constant angle at the anchoring
points that Facilitates the design of these struc~
tural parts. On the other side the radiating or
fan type solution gives a better efficiency :0 the
Stays that are at an increasing angle of inclina-
tion to the girder. The benefit on stecl quantities
nay then be estinaied to 15 %y
The spacing of stays has also a great importance
to the behaviour of the structure,
A omall opacing of stays conbined with a rear
Gistripation of anchoring points on the deck
prasents several advantages =
= easier progressive erection of the deck that
cantilevers only until the next stay
= smaller intensity of the forces that should be
tranenitted to the deck as well at to the pylon
at the anchoring points and reduced bending
between these points
= easier replacement of stays vhen necessary, the
renoval of one stay having Little effect on the
overall Metribution of forces in the stractare
~ very good aerodynanic stability with a high
anping die to the important mmber of stays
having different vibration frequencies because
oF their different lengths.
In the Brotonne bridge, the final choice was made
on a eysten of 21 stays per pylon, in the fan
shaped configuration anchored at thelr extremities
in the deck. Thecrossingof the pylon is made on
individual saddles thet are Fixed points for the
Staye are nade of prostressing tendons pulled in
Stecl_pipes and finally cement grouted. Te mmber
of strang varies from 19 £0 60 between the shorter
and the longer stays The steel pipe hes an outer
Gianeter of 15 m with a thickness of 49 mite
Vatertightness of the pipes is ensured by a carefull
velding of successive Sections, two layers of anti-
corrosion painting being applied to avoid any
further risk of corrosion.
Pipes are strengthned clomto the connectionvith th:
Geck and vith the pylon in order to vithstand loca?
stresses due to bending under the effect of Live
loads or of the transversal vind.
‘A very good protection against corrosion and fa~
tigue is given by the grouting. Futhernore,
grouting stiffens the steys which results in a
Teqiction of dending monents in the deck. It may
also be noticed that the ultinate strength of
prestressing strands is higher than in closed
Strands. Moreover it vas found that prestressing
strand: vere the nore acononical type oF steel
these stayse
A Short Guide to the Types and Details of Constructing a Suspension Bridge - Including Various Arrangements of Suspension Spans, Methods of Vertical Stiffening and Wire Cables Versus Eyebar Chains
A Short Guide to the Types and Details of Constructing a Suspension Bridge - Including Various Arrangements of Suspension Spans, Methods of Vertical Stiffening and Wire Cables Versus Eyebar Chains