Retail Banking Issues and Concerns in India: Madhvi Julka
Retail Banking Issues and Concerns in India: Madhvi Julka
Retail Banking Issues and Concerns in India: Madhvi Julka
International Journal of Data & Network Security Volume 2 No. 1, Feb10, 2013, ISSN 2319-1236
The paper has been directed towards issues and concerns faced by the banking sector in India due to the growing pace of educated and lenient attitude customers towards the debt services. The variables selected for study are (bank overdraft, personalised contact, credit and debit card, tax payment, quick shopping, higher interest on deposits, saving rewards, general insurance, statement, on line recharge, life insurance, mutual funds). The study is based upon both primary and secondary data where in primary data has been collected from (both private and public sector banks) and secondarydata from (RBI bulletin 2011,,,,Indian banking journal, Research papers, Articles). Here factor analysis has been used as a tool to analyse the effects that various factors taken under consideration would have on retail banking in India. Based on findings of study appropriate suggestions are made to improvise the retail banking services.
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International Journal of Data & Network Security Volume 2 No. 1, Feb10, 2013, ISSN 2319-1236
3. LITERATURE REVIEW Paul, Damodar Abhijit, Balog Cristin (2012) analysed that innovation in retail banking is booster of banking success worldwide. Increasing the investment in innovation is key priority for banking sector. The study encompasses 300 bankers across Europe, Asia pacific, America, and Middle East. Dhabolkar (1995) and jham & khan (2008) Banking being a service industry is wholly dependent upon the customer satisfaction level, so every effort is directed to meet the customers requirements. Gopinath shyamala (2005) reviewed that retail banking has a very important role in economy. Globally there has been special emphasis upon innovation in retail banking. With the emergence of IT and dynamic environment abreast the financial reforms demand and supply factors have also been impacted. Retail sector growth in India can be seen from the fact that retail loan have one fifth of all bank credits. At the same time the retail loan market is now better known as buyers market instead of sellers market. Financial inclusion taskforce (2010) revealed that ensuring access to a bank account was an important foundation for putting low-income households in a position to manage their money effectively, securely and confidently and to reduce some of the costs of managing in cash, so in order to have every household in a position to access and to benefit from basic banking services to be included in mainstream networks for deposits and payments. The key banking needs of poor household are: An easy way to receive money, particularly non cash payments. A way to keep money safely. An easy way of making payments that is efficient for the receiver.
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International Journal of Data & Network Security Volume 2 No. 1, Feb10, 2013, ISSN 2319-1236
Research type:the research type used here is ex-post facto research or descriptive research where the field under study already exists but an effort in that direction is made to have some innovation or improvement in present approach. Sources of Data: Data has been collected both from primary and secondary sources primary data was collected from the people from managerial cadre in banks, and customers through the means of questionnaire and secondary data sources include bulletins, journals, books, bank websites, financial results declared by banks and articles from newspapers. The list of the secondary sources of data collection is given as under: RBI bulletin 2011 Indian banking journal Research papers Articles
Scope of Data: The study has been directed towards private and public sector banks in Batala, Gurdaspur, Dinanagar, and Pathankot areas ofIndia. Importance of study: It is of at most importance to analyse the retail banking challenges and prospects, because of the numerous opportunities. The rising up of high income earning literate young population comfortable with the banking terms and conditions has led the banks to provide customers with innovative services to make them delighted. SAMPLE: The data has been collected from the 50 respondents from the Batala, gurdaspur, Dinanagar and pathankot.
Here factor analysis principal component method is used in order to know broadly the major factors affecting the Indian retail banking industry.
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Table 1. Total Variance Explained Extraction Sums of Squared Loadings % of Variance 32.224 18.166 12.443 Cumulati ve % 32.224 50.390 62.833
Initial Eigenvalues Compo nent Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 3.545 1.998 1.369 .959 .731 .597 .503 .413 .354 .301 .230 % of Cumulative Variance % 32.224 18.166 12.443 8.717 6.647 5.430 4.572 3.753 3.222 2.736 2.090 32.224 50.390 62.833 71.550 78.197 83.627 88.200 91.952 95.174 97.910 100.000
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. Table2. Component Matrix Component 1 VAR00001( bank overdraft) VAR00002 ( personalised contact) VAR00003( tax payment) VAR00004 ( quick shopping) VAR00005( saving rewards) VAR00006 ( higher interest on deposits) VAR00007 ( general insurance VAR00008 (statement) VAR00009 (mutual funds) VAR00010 ( life insurance) VAR00011 (on-line recharge) -.218 .480 .767 .392 .589 -.241 .724 .769 .510 .479 .718 2 .495 .072 -.232 .347 -.361 .637 .259 -.269 .685 .621 -.204 3 .523 .719 .221 -.662 .141 .197 -.060 .038 -.063 -.095 -.118
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Table 3. Communalities Initial VAR00001 VAR00002 VAR00003 VAR00004 VAR00005 VAR00006 VAR00007 VAR00008 VAR00009 VAR00010 VAR00011 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Extraction .566 .752 .691 .714 .498 .503 .595 .665 .734 .624 .570
1 VAR00001 VAR00002 VAR00003 VAR00004 VAR00005 VAR00006 VAR00007 VAR00008 VAR00009 VAR00010 VAR00011 -.259 .577 .817 -.007 .702 -.434 .483 .784 .111 .104 .668
2 .080 .048 .143 .712 -.021 .295 .600 .181 .819 .765 .261
3 .701 .646 .049 -.454 -.071 .477 .024 -.131 .226 .171 -.237
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization.
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Component 1 2 3
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis. Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization
Concluding we can say that retail banking is one of the most tremendous areas now days to be looked after by the banking industry as it contributes 7% to our GDP and 14% to employment. Abreastthe rising population and increase in the middle class earning higher incomesand at the same time having appetite to take risk has increased its scope many folds. So need of the hour is to put effortstowards innovation,convenience in services, prestigious services and making banking more mobile to delight customers.
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