Tree Planting - Planning
Tree Planting - Planning
Tree Planting - Planning
Millions of trees are planted on both private and public lands in Iowa. Purposes for planting trees include timber production, fiber production, erosion control, wildlife habitat improvement, riparian buffer creation, improvement of stocking or composition in open woodlands, Christmas tree production, shelterbelt establishment, fuelwood production, watershed protection, energy conservation, and beautification. Successful tree planting involves a series of steps, each one dependent upon the others. This publication and Tree Planting: Establishment and Care, Pm-1677, discuss the steps for successful tree planting, including (1) planning, (2) site preparation, (3) selecting and ordering planting stock, (4) caring for the nursery stock, (5) planting methods, and (6) plantation maintenance. Consider both short- and long-term goals and uses of the land. Keep in mind what and how much time and resources you can devote to the project.
Whenever possible, match tree species to optimum site characteristics. Many trees survive and grow in a wide range of soil and environmental conditions, but best growth is attained within a rather narrow range. Trees planted on inappropriate soils or sites grow poorly, are susceptible to more insect and disease damage, and suffer high mortality. For help in evaluating soil characteristics, your county Natural Resource Conservation Service or county extension office can provide soil survey books. These contain a wealth of information about soils, including texture, pH, and drainage characteristics. Table 2 gives some information about species commonly planted in Iowa. As a general rule, hardwoods are better suited to loamy or clay soils with higher moisture content and higher fertility. Conifers do well on well-drained, coarser soils with lower fertility.
Consider both your purposes for tree planting and site characteristics when selecting species combinations. Which species match your objectives and grow well on the selected site?
A little time spent planning your tree planting project may mean the difference between a successful and an unsuccessful planting. Ideally, the planning process should begin the summer before a spring planting.
Consider why you want to plant trees. Do you want to grow high value hardwoods or provide wildlife habitat or both? Make your objectives as specific as possible.
Generally it is best to plant as many different species as possible. Pure plantings or monocultures may result in plantation failures, while mixed plantings provide a wider range of potential benefits. For example, black walnut does better when planted with other species that provide natural pruning and form a dense canopy for shading of competition. Also, a greater diversity of wildlife typically use mixed plantings. Natural woodlands in Iowa always are composed of many diverse species.
Keep in mind both short- and long-term goals when determining specific layout. For Christmas trees, consider access lanes (fire breaks) across the plantation. For timber production, leave an access way around at
least a portion, or around one end, of the plantation for thinning, pruning, and harvesting. Successful wildlife management requires both open land and wooded areas. Choose food and shelter species that desired wildlife prefer. For erosion control, plant buffer strips along waterways, plant trees along contours, and avoid soildisturbing site preparation. For aesthetic purposes, vary layout and species, use non-row plantings and sculpted edges, leave openings, and consider how to create or retain views. Recommended tree spacing varies, partially depending on the future purposes of the plantation. With wider spacing, it takes longer for trees to occupy the site. The trees also develop more open-grown characteristics. Narrower spacing results in more competition, better growth form, and earlier natural pruning.
Tree planting costs include the cost of site preparation, seedlings or seed, cost of planting, and weed control for three to five years after planting. Many combinations of these activities can produce successful tree plantings. For example, planting a greater number of seedlings (seed) per acre results in fewer years of maintenance before trees establish themselves. Several types of cost share assistance exist for tree planting projects in Iowa. Contact an Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR) District Forester early to apply.
Site Preparation
Competition from grass and weeds is the primary reason for failure of tree plantings in Iowa. Proper site preparation beginning the summer or fall before spring planting is the first important step to reducing this competition.
For high-quality, high-value sawlog production, close spacing is ideal because it helps convert the field from a grass to a woodland relatively rapidly. However, close spacing requires early thinning. To meet other objectives, including wildlife habitat creation and food production, wide spacing may be more appropriate. If you plan to mow between rows, leave a space two to four feet wider than your mower.
Soil characteristics and existing vegetation determine appropriate site preparation. Sandy soils often require less site preparation than heavy soils because weeds are less competitive on sand. If only annual weeds grow on a site, simply knocking them down may be all that is necessary. Strip site preparation works well on non-competitive perennial grasses, such as blue grass or timothy. Eliminate vegetation in strips at least four feet wide. This can be done mechanically with tillage equipment or chemically with a non-selective, non-persistent herbicide, such as Roundup. For more competitive grasses, (brome, fescue, orchard grass, Reeds canary grass), consider broadcast application of chemicals or tillage to eliminate competition. Broadcast control is not recommended on erosive slopes, however.
Table 2. Guide for species selection for tree planting in Iowa Species Life span Growth rate Shade tolerance Soil drainage* pH** Location in state***
alder, black ash, black ash, green ash, white aspen, bigtooth aspen, quaking basswood, American boxelder cedar white cherry, black coffeetree, Kentucky cottonwood hackberry hickory, shagbark hickory, shellbark larch, European loocust, black maple, red maple, silver maple, sugar mulberry, red oak, black oak, bur oak, English white oak, pin oak, red oak, shingle oak, swamp white oak, white osage-orange pine, jack pine, red pine, Scotch pine, white poplar, hybrid poplar, white redcedar, eastern spruce, blue spruce, Norway spruce, white sycamore walnut, black willow, Austree willow, black
short short long long short short long short long long long short long long long long short long short long short long long long long long long long long long short long long long short short long long long long long long short short
fast fast fast medium fast fast medium fast medium medium medium fast medium slow slow medium fast medium fast slow fast medium slow medium medum medium slow fast slow fast medium medium medium medium fast fast slow slow medium slow fast fast fast fast
intolerant intolerant intolerant intermediate very intolerant intolerant tolerant very intolerant tolerant intermediate intermediate intermediate intolerant intermediate tolerant intermediate very tolerant intermediate intermediate intolerant intolerant intolerant intermediate intermediate intermediate intermediate intolerant very intolerant intermediate intolerant very intolerant intermediate intolerant intolerant very intolerant intolerant very tolerant intermediate tolerant tolerant intermediate intolerant very intolerant very intolerant
mp, mw, well poor, mp mp, mw, well mp, mw, well mp, mw mp, mw, well mw, well poor-well poor-well mw, well mp, mw poor-well mp, mw, well mp, mw, well mp, mw, well mp, mw, well mw, well poor-well poor-well mw, well poor, mp, mw mw, well mp, mw, well mp, mw, well poor, mp, mw mw, well mp, mw, well poor, mp, mw mw, well mp, mw, well poor, mp, mw mw, well mp, mw, well well well mw, well mp, mw, well poor-well poor-well mp, mw, well poor-well mw, well poor-well poor, mp
hm ml h m hm hm hm hml hm hm h hml h m m ml hml hml m hm hm m hml ml ml ml l hm hm hm ml ml ml l hml hml hm ml ml hml hml h hml hml
smn-ew smn-e smn-ew smn-ew smn-ew smn-ew smn-ew smn-ew smn-e smn-e sm-ew smn-ew smn-ew smn-ew sm-e smn-ew sm-ew smn-e smn-ew smn-ew smn-ew smn-e smn-ew sm-e sm-e smn-ew s-e sm-ew smn-e s-ew smn-ew smn-e smn-ew smn-ew smn-ew smn-ew smn-ew smn-ew smn-ew smn-ew sm-e smn-ew smn-ew smn-ew
* poor, moderately poor (mp), moderately well (mw) and well ** h-high (7.2 to 7.8), m-medium (6.6 to 7.1), l-low (<6.6) *** southern (s), middle (m), and northern (n); eastern (e) and western (w)
For more information on site preparation, ask the Iowa DNR, forestry extension at Iowa State University, or your district forester for the Iowa DNR publication Weed Control for Tree and Shrub Seedlings. If grass establishment is desired, plant less competitive species, such as blue grass, timothy, or perennial rye; avoid alfalfa or red clover.
they do not suffer root loss like traditional seedlings or transplants. These greenhouse-grown seedlings can then be transferred to transplant beds to produce plug seedlings. A plug-1 seedling was in the nursery bed one year, while a plug-2 seedling was there two years.
File: Forestry 2
. . . and justice for all The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, religion, age, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, and marital or family status. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.) Many materials can be made available in alternative formats for ADA clients. To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Office of Civil Rights, Room 326-W, Whitten Building, 14th and Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20250-9410 or call 202-720-5964. Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work, Acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Stanley R. Johnson, director, Cooperative Extension Service, Iowa State University of Science and Technology, Ames, Iowa.