60 Essay Analysis Criteria

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1. 2. Grammar Spellings on all words is correct Punctuations are used correctly and sometimes creatively Capitalization is accurate Use of tenses are sounds Essay fits within the given word limit Seems like he/she has proofread the essay at least once 1. Word Choice Vocabulary is rich, effective and used correctly Does not overuse the thesaurus Variety in parts of speech (nouns, verbs, adjectives, etc.) adds depth Words work together to showcase greater meaning while evoking imagery Avoids clichs and humor Does not use abusive, profane or inappropriate language 1. 2. 3.

Essay Editing and Analysis Criteria List

Essay Editing and Analysis Criteria List

Sentence Fluency Sentences vary in structure and length Sentences vary in beginnings Connective words are used in a meaningful way to add fluency Sentences are fluid and easy to read Ending is not abrupt and blends well with the rest of the essay Avoids using complicated sentences, instead focusing on sentences that are meaningful Organization Has a clear introduction paragraph Has 3-5 clear body paragraphs Has a clear conclusion paragraph Sequencing of paragraphs and sentences is logical from start to finish Each paragraph has a clear topic sentence and the following sentences in that paragraph support it Introduction and conclusion are brief Does not waste space on poems or quotes

1. 2. 3. 4.

2. 3.

3. 4. 5.

4. 5.




5. 6.


6. 7.


2. 3. 4.




Topic Understands the type of essay he is writing and what this type of essay requires of him/her Chosen a subject that answers the essay question Has not written on a topic that is taboo Has chosen a topic that can be discussed in the given word limit Has chosen a topic that can be understood by anyone and does not require specific knowledge Has chosen a topic that can be recycled and used for multiple university applications Title (if applicable) is engaging and complements the essay question and essay content


2. 3. 4.


6. 7.

8. 9.

Content Main idea of the essay is simple and clear and can be easily summarized in one line All parts of the text relate to the main idea and there are no tangents Essay answers a "why" question in a logical manner Arguments are cogent and developed in a mature, persuasive way Details are accurate and relevant and, support the argument or the main idea Content is genuine and does not seem superficial Conclusion wraps up the entire essay by briefly reminding the reader of the thesis Experience with the topic is evident Content is not simply an essay version of your resume

1. 2.


4. 5. 6. 7.



Wow Factor Introduction is engaging and captures the reader's attention Content is original or is an original approach to an ordinary topic Seems passionate and personally interested in the topic he/she is writing on Each sentence has a unique style to enhance fluency Uses a unique perspective and tone Thoughtful analysis and evaluation of details is evident Showcases his/her intellectual vitality and what turns their mind on Conclusion is thought provoking; lingers with the reader after reading the essay Gets an emotional response out of the reader

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Comprehensiveness All parts of the application form are filled correctly Resume is structured and formatted based on conventions Everything is written in the same tone and voice Any supporting documents (if applicable) is present and is appropriate Has used essay/comments section to explain any shortcoming/failures (if applicable) in application

1. 2. 3.

4. 5.

Complementary Essays complements what is on the resume Content in any 2 essays does not overlap All parts put together shed light on all major aspects of you (academic, extracurricular, interpersonal, cultural) Information contained in different parts of the application are not contradictory All parts put together seem to paint a picture of the same person

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