Poetry Analysis Rubric

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Title: Poetry Analysis

Teacher Name: Halterman

Student Name:







The content is absent or not

related to the topic.

The content is ordinary and

somewhat related to the

The content is clear and

directly related to the topic.

The content is substantial,

intriguing, and original. It
relates directly to the topic.


Grammar choices keep

readers from understanding
the piece.

Grammar choices
sometimes confuse readers.

Uses appropriate grammar

that does not interfere with

Uses completely appropriate

grammar that helps readers
understand meaning.


Ideas are confusing and do

not support the main topic in
any way.

Ideas sometimes do not

support the main topic.

Clear ideas support the main


Strong ideas are carefully

and imaginatively presented,
showing real insight into the


Few or no paragraphs relate

to the topic; transitions
between paragraphs are

Some paragraphs relate to

the topic and present
convincing details that
support the argument;
transitions between
paragraphs are sometimes

Many paragraphs relate to

the topic and often present
convincing details;
paragraphs often flow
seamlessly from one to the

Each paragraph always

relates to the topic and
presents details that allow
the reader to understand the
argument more complete;
paragraphs flow seamlessly
from one to the other.


Frequent and/or major errors

that obscure meaning

Many or major errors in

punctuation that sometimes
confuse the reader.

A few punctuation errors.

No errors in punctuation.


ideas have little connection

to each other; there is no
strong central idea.

Some ideas connected to

each other; many parts don't
contribute to the central idea.

Most ideas are connected;

some parts don't contribute
to the central idea.

Logical presentation of
ideas; all parts contribute to
a strong central idea

Sentence Variety

Many sentence fragments or

run-on sentences; sentences
are mostly written in the
same pattern and length,
making reading the piece

Some sentence fragments or

run-on sentences; some
sentences of one kind or
length; sentence
construction makes it hard
for readers to see central

Most sentences are

complete and varied in
length and pattern.

Always uses complete

sentences in a variety of
patterns and lengths,
encouraging readers to
engage in the piece.

Word Choice

Uses imprecise language

that makes it difficult for
readers to enjoy the piece

Some word choices are

effective and appropriate.

Many word choices are

effective and appropriate.

Consistently uses precise,

effective vocabulary that
completely expresses

Total Score:

points out of 32 possible points.

Teacher Comments:

1 of 1

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