DRH The Audiolingual Method
DRH The Audiolingual Method
DRH The Audiolingual Method
[Lat. audire to hear, linguatongue] (also audio-lingualism)
The Audiolingual Method is a method of foreign language teaching which emphasizes the teaching of listening and speaking before reading and writing. It uses dialogues as the main form of language presentation and drills as the main training techniques. Mother tongue is discouraged in the classroom.
Historical Background
The Audiolingual Method was founded during World War II (1939-1945 ) for military purposes in the USA: The U.S. military required people to speak and understand foreign languages. At that time, the U.S. government found it a great necessity to set up special language-training programs for military personnel . The method was popular in the 1950s and 1960s especially in the US but also widely used in many other parts of the world. The method died out in the 70s.
It adapted many of the principles and procedures of the Direct Method in part as a reaction against the lack of speaking skills of the Reading Approach. Charles Fries (1945) led the way in applying principles from structural linguistics in developing this approach. In 1957 principles from behavioral psychology (Skinner) were incorporated.
The Purpose
The purpose of language learning is to attain conversational proficiency in the foreign language and to use it communicatively. Teachers goal: Focus on students pronunciation, and train their ability of listening and speaking through dialogues and drills and enabling them to acquire new habits.
The audiolingual method is based on the principles of behavioral psychology and structuralism and the aural-oral approach to language teaching, This linguistic and (behavioural) psychological base contains the following beliefs about language and language learning:
Speech = language. Spoken language comes before written language = oral language is prioritised over writing. Writing should be postponed. Each language has its own unique structure and rule system. (the theory of Structural linguistics) Focus on the structure. Vocabulary will be learnt later.
Principles of Structural Linguistics
1 Language learning (as a process of habit-formation) is learned through forming habits, through conditioning & reinforcement. 2 Positive Reinforcement (of correct responses) makes behaviour occur again and become a habit. Three crucial elements for any kind of learning: stimulus, response reinforcement
3 Forming new target language habits mans overcoming native language habits. The major challenge of foreign language teaching is getting students to overcome the habits of their native language. Principles (Linguistics and Behavioural Psychology)
Principles - Behaviorism
The more often something is repeated, the stronger the habit and the greater the learning, hence, the importance of repetition and drills. Positive reinforcement helps the students to develop correct habits. Thus, the method
fosters dependence on mimicry, memorization of set phrases and over-learning: learning is mechanic.
New structural patterns and vocabulary are presented through conversations. Vocabulary is strictly limited and learnt in context. Great importance is given to precise native-like pronunciation. Emphasis on mastering grammatical patterns. Little or no grammatical explanations are provided; grammar is taught inductively.
Explicit teaching of grammar is avoided. The grammar point is taught ONLY in wellconstructed contexts. The grammar point is taught through wellchosen clear examples. The grammar point is over-taught creatively.
She is a witch.
She a caveman.
I am a student.
I .. a spy.
1. Structures are sequenced and taught one at a time. The teacher insures that all of the utterances which students make are actually within the practiced pattern. In the previous example, only ONE grammatical structure is being taught: BE in simple present. Similarly, the use of the AUX verb have should not suddenly switch to have as a main verb 1. A repetitive drill is used: A model is given and then students are asked to practice the model. 2. The use of pictures and highlighting the relevant constructions make it unnecessary to explain grammar explicitly / The model and listening to the dialogue make it unnecessary to explain grammar explicitly /
The Techniques
Here is a typical procedure in an audio-lingual course. Usually, a lessons begins with a model dialog. Students hear the dialogue. Students repeat each line of the dialogue. Certain key words or phrases may be changed in the dialogue. Key structures from the dialogue serve as the basis for pattern drills of different kinds. The students practice substitutions in the pattern drills
More details:
The purpose of this drill is to break down a long and/or difficult sentence into smaller parts starting with the end of the sentence and having the class repeat just the last two words. Since students can do this, the teacher adds a few more words, and the class repeats this expanded phrase building the phrases little by little until the entire sentence is being repeated.
Example of the use of the "backward buildup" technique
Tomorrow in the cafeteria tomorrow will be eating in the cafeteria tomorrow Those boys will be eating in the cafeteria tomorrow.
Exercises in Backward Building) Target Pattern: I'm going to the post office. TEACHER Repeat after me: post office. CLAS S Post office. TEACHER To the post office. CLASS To the post office. TEACHER Going to the post office . CLASS Going to the post office. TEACHER I'm going to the post office. CLASS I'm going to the post office.
Chain Drill:
A chain of conversation forms around the classroom as the teacher greets or questions a student and the latter responds and then turns to the next studentand greets or asks him a question and the chain continues.
Very similar to a game in Moroccan culture
Objective: A chain drill gives students an opportunity to practice (the lines in a dialog) individually
Example: Teacher: 'Good morning, Jose. Student: 'Good morning, teacher. Teacher: 'How are you ?' Student: ' Fine, thanks. And you?' The teacher: ' Fine. The student then turn to the one sitting beside him and greet her
Substitution / Replacement drills: one key word or phrase in a sentence or pattern (from a dialogue) is selected and replaced by another There are Simple Substitution Exercises (Single-slot substitution) and Multiple Substitution Exercises (Multiple-slot substitution)
Objective: practice creating new sentences and learn which parts of speech occupy which positions (slot). Example: Teacher : He bought the car for half-price. Teacher: the book Student: He bought the book for half-price. Alternatively the pattern could be: Teacher: He bought the car for half-price. He bought it for half price. Teacher : television
Students change one type of sentence into another an affirmative sentence into a negative or an active sentence into a passive, for example.
Examples: From statements to questions: The teacher provides a statement : "She is going to the post office." Then transforms it into a question. "Is she going to the post office? Teacher: They are going to the theatre Students: From questions to statements: An extension of this activity is turning a statement into an order: Teacher : He makes a lot of noise. Student : Don't make a lot of noise!
Students fill in the blanks in the sentences provided by inserting the proper English words. This activity is much like a close activity.
Examples: fill in the gap using am, is or are/ am not, isnt and arent:
Dialog completion
Completing Conversations the teacher can erase a number of selected words from a dialog and ask the students to supply the missing words which they have probably already memorized. An alternative exercise could be to have students write complete sentences following specific patterns on sequences of words such as I, go , supermarket and he, need, butter.
Using any piece of Listen purposefully to literature at the students' determine main ideas reading level, the teacher and important details. reads the piece aloud several times. The students then write down what they hear. The idea is to write what they have heard as literally as possible.
Objectives: Participate in shared listening experiences. Share ideas and experiences in large and small groups.
Minimal pairs are words that are similar in pronunciation except for one sound
Examples: pair word s, such as 'sheep,' 'ship' ; ' leave,' 'live'; and 'he's,' ' his
Objective: Enabling the students to hear the difference in pronunciation between the words in each pair and drill them in saying the two sounds
Other Techniques
Question/answer drill - Verbal Question/Answer Exercises Grammar games
The following example illustrates how more than one sort of drill can be incorporated into one practice session : Teacher: There's a cup on the table ... repeat Students: There's a cup on the table Teacher: spoon Students: There's a spoon on the table Teacher: Book Students: There's a book on the table Teacher: On the chair 34 Students: There's a book on the chair
DM and ALM
The audiolingual approach to language teaching has a lot of similarities with the direct method.
It also, unlike the Direct Method, has a strong theoretical base in linguistics and psychology. Principles from behavioral psychology (Skinner, 1957) were incorporated into the theory. It was thought that the way to acquire the sentence patterns of the target language was through conditioning - helping learners to respond correctly to stimuli through shaping and reinforcement. Learners could overcome the habits of their native language and form the new habits required to be target language speakers.
Teacher/student role:
Most of the interaction is initiated by the teacher. The teacher is a model of the target language to be imitated, he exerts control over the student By listening to how it is supposed to sound, students should be able to mimic the model. Students should overlearn, learn to answer automatically without stopping to think.
1. Vocabulary is kept to a minimum while the students are mastering the sound system and grammatical patterns.
The idea is that the native language and the target language have separate linguistic systems. They should be kept apart so that the students native language interferes as little as possible with the students attempts to acquire the target language.
What about errors? How does the teacher respond to student errors?
Successful responses are reinforced; great care is taken to prevent learner errors. Errors lead to the formation of bad habits. When errors do occur, they are immediately corrected by the teacher. Mistakes= imperfect learning: the formation of the habit is not complete.
3. The audiolingual method is said to be a selfteaching method. 4. It aims at developing listening and speaking skills through repetitition which is a step away from the Grammar Translation method.. 5. It gives the learner the ability to communicate quickly because of the emphasis on speaking and listening 6. There is an abundant use of language laboratories, tapes and visual aids.
Boring and mindless - Mimic native speakers dependence on mimicry and memorization Emphasize the Form, not the Meaning. Emphasis laid on correction and not on understanding the message. It was also known as the Mim-Mem method because students would mime and memorize dialogues before going on with drills.
The audiolingual method doesnt focus on teaching vocabulary, the teacher drills students primarily in the use of grammar. This type of lesson is highly teacher centererd.
The Audiolingual approach came under criticism from different sides: -Jeremy Harmer Audiolingual methodology seems to banish all forms of language processing that help students sort out new language information in their own minds -Rebecca Domar Reading is easier than understanding the spoken word, because in reading one can proceed at the speed which suits him best, one can re-read that which he did not understand at first reading, one can look up unfamiliar words. All this is impossible when listening to someone talk. For similar reasons writing is easier than speaking.
A drill is an instructional exercise aimed at perfecting a skill by regular and repeted practice. Introduce the drill in this way: a. Focus (by writing on the board, for example) b. Exemplify (by speaking model sentences) c. Explain (if a simple grammatical explanation is needed) d. Drill
Drills: What are drills? Why are drills essential in in the audiolingual method? (What theoretical bases of linguistics or psychology make drills essential in the audiolingual method?)
Drills are presented in the order of increasing complexity of student response. Thus: imitation first, single-slot substitution next, then free response last.
Types of Drills:
A mechanical drill
A mechanical drill is one where only one answer is acceptable and where comprehension is not required in order to produce a correct response. Example: book --> this is a book. pen --> this is a pen. What techniques is this one? Substitution, replacement
Meaningful drill
A meaningful drill is one where only one answer is acceptable, but understanding is required in order for the student to produce a correct response.
Teacher reads a sentence Student chooses a response I'll get you something to eat. I'm hot. I'll turn on the air I'm cold. conditioning. I'm thirsty. I'll get you something to drink. I'm hungry. I'll turn on the heater.
What technique is represented by this drill? Multiple choice selection
Communicative drill
A communicative drill is one where more than one answer is possible but the choices open to students are rather limited and understanding is essential.
Teacher - What time did you get up on Sunday? - What did you have for breakfast? Student completes cues
Another type of drill could called creative drill? requiring a free response as in questions requiring students to: compare argue comment analyze etc.
We shall see two lessons from ......................Program. Observing each lesson, answer the following questions:
1. How are the theoretical guidelines of the audiolingual method applicable in the classroom? 2. How many vocabs are used in each listening material? 3. What are the grammar points in each lesson? 4. Which types of drills are used in each lesson? 5. How are the vocabs of the first lesson enforced in the second one? 6. Are there any drills in the lessons where grammar is taught non-inductively?
ACTIVITIES (Diane Larson-Freeman) 2 Some people believe that knowledge of a first and second language can be helpful to learners who are trying to learn a third language. What would an Audio-Lingual teacher say about this? Why?
2 Prepare your own dialog to introduce your students to a sentence or subsentence pattern in the target language you teach.