Removing Empathy From Soldiers

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Assuming feasibility, THW remove empathy from military personnel (i.e. troops,
commanders, strategist) engaging in combat.

Removing, take (something) away or off from the position occupied. Empathy, the ability to
understand and share the feelings of another. Removing empathy, removing something that has
and always been inside of human, something that SHOULD not be taken away from anyone
regardless their occupation, moreover being a military personnel engaging combat. We don’t see
the urgency of this motion, the military combat has been fine all these years WITHOUT the need
to remove their empathy. That’s why our side of the team, completely disagree with the motion
given above, there are way more urgent thing than the motion mentioned above.

Human beings are not rational actors. Our thinking, decision making and actions are strongly
motivated and driven by emotions, not just facts and rational thought. Often these emotions are
unconscious, and only become clear with introspection or via indirect means. You need empathy
if you have any hope of understanding what is motivating the behavior and decisions of your
employees, your counterparts in a negotiation, even your opponents. Empathy enables you to
anticipate how others will act and to predict what decisions they might make.

You can’t be a good soldier if you don’t have empathy to help your fellow teammates when they
are injured during combat, you can’t be a good strategist without thinking the safety of your soldier,
you can’t be THE COMMANDERS if you can’t be a little more humble, patient and understanding
to truly connect with the human domain and improve an individual as a person and as a Soldier

The decisions of leaders, commanders, strategist, even troops at the highest level are impactful—
that’s the whole point. But impact means that there will be broad and deep consequences to your
decisions, including emotional impact for the people effected by them. Without empathy, you
cannot predict or understand the impact of your actions on others and you are vulnerable to being
blindsided by unexpected consequences. Leaders necessarily have a strong sense of self, but that
very strength may limit their ability to sense the needs and perceptions of others.

These benefits derive from the nature of empathy as an understanding of another’s experience,
including emotions, beliefs, perspectives, or intentions, and the incorporation of this knowledge
into further deliberation, especially important moral judgments, That’s exactly why our side of the
team completely disagree and didn’t see the urgency with the idea of removing empathy, the
essential part of human, from military personnel engaging in combat.

Assuming feasibility, THW remove empathy from military personnel (i.e. troops,
commanders, strategist) engaging in combat.

Removing, take (something) away or off from the position occupied. Empathy, the ability to
understand and share the feelings of another. Removing empathy doesn’t mean that you are
removing THE EMPATHY completely from a person, this is more of increasing the rational
thinking of military personnel during their combat, increasing the work of logic rather than feeling,
because during combat, you can’t let your empathy slip, you can’t just save the heavily injured
opponent because of your empathy, that’s not how combats works, that’s exactly why this is an
urgent issue to bring up.
Why so urgent? See, Nowadays, education given to military personnel are focusing more on
empathy rather than rational logic, but those countries who has been implementing it are the same
country that have minimum percentage of possible war to happen, unlike countries that we see
have continuous war these days, they put rational thinking at the front row, because they know
what would happen if they let the feeling slip from soldiers during combat.
For those who says removing the empathy of military personnel would make them a psychopath,
killing machine, etc, think again. We are talking of removing the empathy of military personnel in
COMBATS, not in works, not in everyday life, but in a WAR. I believe that this method has been
used for such a long time, and it works. In combats you have to put your RATIONAL MIND AT
THE FRONT ROW, one thing that can block it, your empathy. That’s the problem. Implementing
military personnel with the idea of letting go of feelings (what people called as “empathy”) would
bring adrenaline to soldiers, because the one thing that they have to focused on is getting to the
goals, to win, to defend the countries, and those requires a good amount of rational thinking,
stepping aside of feelings, because feelings is the huge stack block in combats.
Until what extend of empathy do people demand? Until they let go of the opponent? Until they
save their own opponent in combat? Not removing empathy from military personnel could lead to
personnel being empathize with their enemy. Strategist are often at fault for not “Having Empathy”
creating a strategy that cost so much life, when at the end, it saves their own country, strategy
won’t work if you keep on viewing other people feeling, especially in combats. You see a heavily
injured fellow army of yours, but you know that even if you save him, he won’t last long in the
care of medication, but because of your so called empathy, thinking irrationally, you’ll save that
person even when you know it’ll cost your life. Thinking at the shoes of commanders, they
wouldn’t let you to help, your life with your fit body could be used to defend the hundreds
remaining rather than saving one, it’s not that they are cruel, but the mindset of empathy is viewed
wrongly, Empathy is putting yourself at the other shoes but keeping the RATIONAL mind save
and sound. The definition of empathy itself has been viewed wrongly by the generation of human.

Last but not least, we strongly believe that removing empathy of military personnel during combats
is a very urgent thing to do, we stand for putting rational mind at the front row during combat, and
feelings of empathy could block the movement of soldiers, it would be a huge block on the war.
Removing empathy doesn’t mean that removing the feelings and ‘putting yourself in others shoes’
completely gone from personnel, but more to press it down, bring the other aspect such as logical,
and rational thinking that needed for combat at the front.

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