Bylaws - Miami

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Bylaws - About Us

The purpose of the Miami County Retired Teachers Association shall be to educate individuals to improve and develop their capabilities to meet the social and economic changes and problems subsequent to their retirement; to sponsor and support legislation intended to contribute to their well-being, locally, state-wide and nationally, and to cooperate with the Ohio Retired Teachers Association.

BYLAWS OF THE MIAMI COUNTY RETIRED TEACHERS ASSOCIATION ARTICLE I - NAME AND PURPOSE 1. NAME: The name of this organization shall be the Miami County Retired Teachers Association. hereinafter known as the Association. 2. PURPOSE: The primary purpose of the Association shall be to educate individuals to improve and develop their capabilities to meet the social and economic changes and problems subsequent to their retirement; to sponsor and support legislation intended to contribute to their well-being, locally, state-wide and nationally; and to cooperate wi1h the Ohio Retired Teacher Association. ARTICLE II - MEMBERSHIP 1. ACTIVE MEMBERSHIP: Any teacher or administrator retired from the public schools, state and municipal colleges and universities of Ohio; also, any teacher or administrator retired in any other state but living in Ohio or any spouse who becomes a benefit recipient of STRS may become an active member of the Association. 2. ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP: Any person in Ohio favorably interested in education and the

.problems of retirees may become an associate member, without the right to vote or to hold office. 3. Members shall be entitled to receive copies of all periodic official publications of the Association. ARTICLE III - AFFILIATION 1. The Association shall be affiliated with the Ohio Retired Teacher Association. ARTICLE IV - OFFICIAL BOARD 1. Each person serving on the Board shall be a member of the Association in good standing and shall have the right to vote. 2. The Board shall consist of the President, the Immediate Past President, Vice President, the Secretary, the Treasurer and the Committee Chairpersons. a. The Board shall appoint a successor to fill the unexpired term of any member of the Executive Board, except the President who shall be succeeded by the Vice President. A vacancy created by any other member of the Board shall be filled in the same way used in selecting the original holder ofthe vacated position. 3. The duties of the Board shall be: a. To hold meetings prior to the general meeting, with the President empowered to call emergency meetings of the Boar b. To receive and review the secretarial and financial reports. c. To promote constantly the planning and developing of forward looking and progressive programs. d To work and cooperate with ORTA. 4. The Vice President shall cooperate fully with the President and Executive Board. a. The duties of the Vice Presidents shall be those usually pertaining to that office. They shall be members of the Legislative Committee and ex-officio

members of all commi~. except the Nominating Committee. ARTICLE V - OFFICERS 1. The officers of the Association shall constitute the Executive Board The Executive Board shall be composed of the President, the Immediate Past President, the Vice Pres~dent,the Secretary, and the Treasurer. a. Candidates for election to the Executive Board shall be recommended by the Nominating Committee or nominated Horn the floor, and shall be elected by the Board in November for twoyear terms. The Executive Board shall take office January 1 following election. b. The Executive Board shall be responsible for necessary interim action between Board meetings. c. The officers shaHbe members of the Association in good standing. 2. The President shall preside at aU meetings of the Association and of the Board, cany out the instructions.of the Association and of the Board and perform all the duties, which usually pertain to this office. The President shall appoint all committees with Board approval unless they are otherwise selected by appropriate action of the Board The President and the Vice President shall be ex-officio members of all committees except the Nominating Committee. 3. If the President is incapacitated, the Vice President shall temporarily assunie the duties and responsibilitiesof the President ARTICLE VI - COMMITTEES 1. Nominating Committee: The President, at least 30 days before the October meeting, shall appoint

a committee of three members to serve as the Nominating Committee and shall forthwith notify the Board of the names of the committee members. The Nominating Committee shall nominate one or more persons for each elective office of the Board. The nominating committee shall report these noniinations to the membership at the October Meeting. Nominations may be made from the floor. 2. Legislative Committee: The Legislative Committee shall work with the legislators to improve the status and welfare of teachers retired in Ohio. 3. Finance and Auditing Committee: There will be an annuaJ audit by an auditing committee appointed by the president 4. Bylaws and Standing Rules Committee: This committee shall recommend any proposed changes in the Bylaws and Standing Rules to the Executive Board for its approval and submission to the Board. This committee shall also be responsible for preparing the reasons for the proposed changes which shall be published in an official Miami County Retired Teacher Association publication before voting by the membership in the case of the Bylaws or by the Board in the case of the Standing Rules. 5. Other Standing Committees: The President shall appoint standing committees to provide periodic training and on-going support for local chapter committees in the following areas: a. Community Services b. Informative and Protective Services c. Membership d Public Relations e. Retirement Planning ARTICLE VII - DUES

1. The Dues of the Association shall be as follows: a. Active and Associate Membership: the Board shall determine The annual dues. b. The fiscal year of the Association shall be January 1 through December 31. ARTICLE VIII -MEETINGS 1. The MCRTA shall hold six meetings to be determined by the Executive Board A yearly calendar will be provided to the membership. Meetings will remain on the third Monday of the month. 2. The Executive Board may change or cancel the above meetings. ARTICLE IX - STATUS 1. The Association is intended to be and remains a non-profit corporation, organized and existing for the mutual benefit of retired educators. 2. The Association and its Board shall refrain from any action or activity, which might harm its status as an organization whose receipts are exempt from income taxes. 3. The Association shall be dedicated unquestio~bly to, education., social, charitable and beneficial purposes. 4. Membership lists or directories shall be available to anyone for association purposes only. ARTICLE X - AMENDMENTS The bylaws of the Association may be amended by an affirmative vote of two thirds of the voting members present at the general meeting or by a vote by mail of the membership upon direction of the Board. The Board shall have approved the proposed amendment and notice of such amendment shall have been published in an official MCRTA publication.

ARTICLE XI - RULES OF ORDER Except as otherwise provided in the Bylaws or the Standing Rilles, Robert's Rules of Order, Latest Revision, shall govern the Association in its procedures. ARTICLE XII -DISSOLUTION This Association may be dissolved only after: 1. An affirmative vote of at least two-thirds of the total membership of the Board, and 2. Thereafter, an affirmative vote of at least two-thirds of the members of the Association casting a ballot, provided .notification of each election is announced at least 60 days before the voting takes place. In the event of dissolution., whether voluntary or involuntary or by operation of law, its property and assets shall be given to an Ohio education or charitable organization(s) selected by the Board Such organization shall be an exempt organization under Section 501(cX3) of the Internal Revenue Code, as amended ARTICLE XIII -PROHIBITION AGAINST SHARING IN ASSETS No member or employee of the Association shall receive at any time any of the net earnings or pecuniary profit from the operation' of the Association, except thai payment sha.1~be made for reasonable compensation or expenses for services rendered to or for the Association in carrying out its purposes as fixed by the Board . STANDING RULES OF THE MIAMI COUNTY RETIRED TEACHERS ASSOCIATION STANDING RULE 1 ARTICLE II - MEMBERSHIP

Active and Associate memberships shall be on a continuing basis until terminated. STANDING RULE 2 ARTICLE II - MEMBERSHIP Section 1 The phrase "also, any teacher or administrator retired in any other state but living in Ohio may become an active member of the Association" shall mean any teacher or administrator who is retired and receiving a pension for service in a public school in another state, but is living in Ohio, may become an active member of the Association.

STANDING RULE 3 ARTICLE V - OFFICIAL BOARD Section I No Board member shall represent the Association, except at a Chapter or District meeting, unless so authorized by the President or the Executive Board

STANDING RULE 4 ARTICLE VD - DUES Any increase in dues must be approved by the Board.

STANDING RULE 5 MEMORIALS Upon the death of a current member of the Board, or of a Past President of the Association, the Executive Director shall send' flowers or shall contribute to a Memorial Fund in memory of the decedent.


PERIODIC OFFICIAL PUBLICATION The term "periodic official publication" shalJ mean that communication authorized by the Board to be mailed to all Association members. It shall determine the number of issues of the official publication,' which shall be distributed each year. STANDING RULE 7 PROCEDURE FOR THE ENDORSEMENT OF A CANDIDATE FOR THE STRS BOARD If and when the-MCRTA Executive Board decides it may want to endorse a candid~ for the S1RS Board, the Executive Board shall send a notice of the approaching election to all MCRT A members indicating that MCRTA may endorse a candidate ..

STANDING RULE 8 AMENDMENTS TO STANDING RULES These Standing Rules may be amended by a majority vote of the Board members' present at a special or regular meeting of the Board, or by mail at the request of the Executive Board .

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