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FEBRUARY, 1966 ARTICLE I Name The name of this organization shall be the Association of Supervisors and Administrators of the Great Neck Educational Staff. ARTICLE II Purposes The purposes of this Association shall be to: - Promote the interests of public education. - Maintain and advance the standards of administration and supervision in the Great Neck Public Schools. - Promote the welfare of its members. - Cooperate with other staff associations and the community at large.

ARTICLE III Membership Membership in this Association shall be open to persons as prescribed in the bylaws. The operation of this Association shall be carried on in the County of Nassau, Town of North Hempstead, School District No. 7, Great Neck, New York. ARTICLE IV Officers The officers of this Association shall be a president, one or more vice presidents, a secretary, and a treasurer as prescribed in the bylaws. ARTICLE V Board of Directors The administrative control of this Association shall be vested in a Board of Directors of not fewer than four (4) members (president, vice president, secretary, and a treasurer) nor more than ten (10) members to be chosen as prescribed in the bylaws.

ARTICLE VI Meetings The annual meeting and any other duly called meeting of this Association shall be held as provided in the bylaws. The policies for this Association shall be established by the membership at any duly called meeting. ARTICLE VII Amendments These articles may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the members present at any Association meeting, provided a quorum is present and at least 30 days notice in writing has been given of any proposed amendment. In adopting any amendment to these articles, the Association shall authorize the officers to execute and file the necessary certificates and to take such other legal steps as may be necessary to make the same changes in the certificate of incorporation of this Association.

BYLAWS OF THE ASSOCIATION OF SUPERVISORS AND ADMINISTRATORS OF THE GREAT NECK EDUCATIONAL STAFF REVISED AND ADOPTED October, 2005 BYLAW I Parliamentary Authority Roberts Rules of Order, Revised, shall be the authority on all questions of procedure not specifically stated in this constitution and bylaws. BYLAW II Membership Section 1. Active Members. All persons holding positions listed on the Administrative and Supervisory Salary Schedule are eligible for Membership in the Association. In addition, a person may become a member of the Association through the recommendation of the Board of Directors to the general membership. A two-thirds vote of the general membership present at the next Association meeting will be required for inclusion of new membership.

Section 2. Retired Members. This membership is available to any person who was a member in good standing of this Association at the time of retirement from the Great Neck Public School System. Section 3. Honorary Members. Persons deemed worthy of this distinction by the membership. BYLAW III Dues Section 1. Membership Dues. The annual membership dues for Active Members shall be paid annually or by payroll deduction. Section 2. Active Membership Dues. The annual membership dues for Active members shall be determined by the Board of Directors prior to July 1 of any school year. Section 3. Special Assessment. Any special assessment shall be made upon recommendation of the Board of Directors. Approval of 2/3 of the members present and voting shall be required on all special assessments, providing a quorum is present.

BYLAW IV - Officers Section 1. The officers of this Association shall be a president, a vice-president, a secretary, and a treasurer. These four officers shall be elected at the Annual Meeting prior to July 31. These four officers shall be elected for a term of two years. An appointed vice-president for negotiations shall be selected by the Board of Directors following the Annual meeting. Section 2. A. Term and Assumption of Office.


The nominating committee shall consist of one elementary, one middle school, one high school and one central office member, each appointed by the President. The nominating committee will solicit and encourage interest from the members to run for each office. Prior to informing the general membership of those who have expressed an interest in being a candidate, each potential nominee will be informed by the nominating committee of who else is interested in each position.



Elections will be conducted by the nominating committee by mail and the results certified by the chairman of the nominating committee and two witnesses not on the nominating committee. A 51% majority is required for election. If more than two candidates run for a particular position and one does not receive a majority, then a run-off election between the two candidates with the most votes will be conducted by mail. Results of the election will be announced at the annual meeting. Duties of Officers.

Section 3.

A. President. The President shall: a. Preside at all meeting of the Association. b. Act as chairman of the Board of Directors c. Appoint, with approval of the Board of Directors, all committees and councils except as otherwise provided in these bylaws. d. Call regular and special meetings of the Board of Directors.

e. Call special meetings of the Association. f. With approval of the treasurer, he/she shall make disbursements of $10 and over. g. Serve as an ex-officio member of all committees. h. Perform such other duties as pertain to his office. B. Vice-President. The Vice President shall a. Assume all the duties and responsibilities of the president in case of the absence of the president. b. Perform such other duties as the president and the executive board may request. c. Be the chairman of the Program and Professional Development Committee. C. Secretary. The Secretary shall: a. Keep a record of all meetings of the Association and of the Executive Board. b. Send minutes of all the meetings to Association members.

c. Send minutes of all Board of Directors meetings to members of the Board. d. Keep a record of attendance at meetings. e. Attend to all correspondence of the Association. f. Send out notice of meetings. D. Treasurer. The Treasurer shall: a. Keep an accurate record of all receipts and expenditures of the Association. b. Deposit funds in a Great Neck bank. c. Disburse funds only by check as approved by himself/herself and/or, in his/her absence, by the president. d. Report the financial status of the Association at each regular meeting of the Association. e. Provide a financial statement annually to the membership. f. Prepare the books for audit by the Audit Committee. g. Deliver to the president by July 1 the financial statement with the report of the Audit Committee.

E. Vice-President for Negotiations a. The duties of the appointed vicepresident shall be to serve as chairman of the negotiating team and hold the title of vice-president for negotiations. BYLAW V The Board Of Directors Section 1. The administrative control of the Association shall be vested in the Board of Directors. Section 2. Composition. The Board of Directors shall consist of the elected officers and the immediate past president of the Association. Section 3. Election. The officers shall be elected by ballot for a term of two years. Section 4. Term of Office. The term of office for the members of the Board of Directors shall be for two years. The newly elected director shall assume office on July 1 (as prescribed in Bylaw IV, Section 1). When a new director is elected to fill a vacancy he/she shall assume office immediately after his/her election.

Section 5. Meetings. Special meetings may be called by the president and shall be called upon petition of two or more members of the Board of Directors. Section 6. Powers and Responsibilities. The Board of Directors shall: A. Be responsible for conducting the routine business of the Association. B. Execute all directives as voted by the membership. C. Authorize expenditure of funds. D. Approve appointments of the president. E. Review proposals submitted by the membership and/or committees and make recommendations regarding their disposition. F. Make recommendations relating to Association policy and program. G. At the first membership meeting immediately following the election of officers propose a program of action for approval. H. Prepare and submit a budget to the membership for approval at the first membership meeting immediately following the election of officers.

I. Seek professional improvement in the areas of working conditions, salary, and other benefits. Before a recommended contract is voted on by membership, it shall be distributed to the members in written form. J. Represent the Association in its relationship with other organizations. BYLAW VI Committees Section 1. Authorization. There shall be: A. Standing Committees. B. Special Committees Section 2. Appointment. The president with the approval of the Board of Directors shall appoint the chairmen and members of all committees. Section 3. Term of Committees. Except as otherwise provided in these bylaws the term shall extend from date of appointment to June 30 or until their successors are appointed immediately following the installation of newly elected officers.

Section 4. Standing Committees. The Standing Committees of the Association shall be: Negotiations, Program and Professional Development, Public Relations, Social, Membership, Legislative, Nominations, and Audit. A. Composition. The standing committees shall consist of not fewer than three members. B. Functions. a. The Negotiations Committee shall: i. Seek professional improvement in the areas of working conditions, salary, and other benefits. ii. Recommend to the Board of Directors a contract to be voted on by the membership b. The Program and Professional Development Committee shall: i. Be responsible for activities relating to professional growth and development of the membership. ii. Plan joint activities with other staff associations and community groups.

iii. Be responsible for developing inservice opportunities for the membership c. The Social Committee shall: i. Provide the hospitality at all membership meetings. ii. Arrange the social and recreational program of the Association. d. The Membership Committee shall: i. Seek to enroll all eligible members in the Association. ii. Provide for the collection of membership dues as directed by the Board of Directors. iii. Keep membership records prescribed by the Board of Directors. e. The Legislative Committee shall: i. Study proposed legislation that would affect members of the Association. ii. Maintain liaison with local, state and national organizations with interests similar to those of the Association, including the parent organization of SAGES.

iii. Keep the members of the Association informed concerning pertinent pending legislation. iv. Maintain close contact with local legislators. f. The Nominating Committee shall: i. Seek suggestions and solicit interest from the membership as to possible candidates for elective offices. ii. Conduct elections by mail prior to the annual meeting g. The Audit Committee shall: i. Audit the books and submit a report on the financial status of the Association. Section 5. Special Committees. Special committees shall be appointed by the Board of Directors as needed.

BYLAW VII Meetings Section 1. The annual meeting of the Association shall be held prior to July 31. Section 2. A minimum of three meetings including the annual meeting shall be held during the year. Section 3. The president shall have the power to call meetings of the Board of Directors. Section 4. The corresponding secretary shall notify all members at least two weeks prior to the meeting date, if possible. BYLAW VIII Vacancies Section 1. The president shall appoint, subject to the approval of the Board of Directors, personnel to complete the unexpired terms of those who resign from a committee, or an officers position, except in the case of the president. Section 2. In the event a vacancy occurs in the office of the president, the vice president shall succeed to the presidency and serve until the next annual election.

BYLAW IX Quorums Section 1. Fifty-one percent of the Associations membership shall constitute a quorum, such quorum to include at least two officers. Section 2. A quorum for committee meetings shall consist of a majority of the committee. Section 3. A majority of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum. BYLAW X Amendments Section 1. Required Vote. The constitution and bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the active members present and voting at any Association meeting, provided a quorum is present and at least a 30 days notice in writing has been given for any proposed amendment. Section 2. Manner of Proposing. An amendment to the constitution or bylaws may be proposed by any active member of this Association.

BYLAW XI Affiliation and Registration Section 1. Affiliation. This Association shall be affiliated with those Associations with similar interests at the local, state, and national levels as recommended by the Board of Directors and approved by the membership. Section 2. Registration. This Association shall be registered with the Board of Regents of the State of New York as a professional association of supervisors and administrators. BYLAW XII Official Statements Official statements on behalf of this Association shall be made only by the president of this Association or, in his/her absence, by the vice president or, in the absence of both, by a person designated by the president.

Great Neck, NY October, 2005

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