Appreciation: Madam Nagamah D/O Raju Sathian For Her Lessons and Advices That Drive Us To Do

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Firstly, thanks to Allah Almighty for giving us a chance to fulfilling this task. Even we cannot make it just on the right time, we still felt glad because we still able to finish what we have been given before. At least, we have tried our best to fulfil what our lecturer has been asked before. We would like to thanks to all people especially my ELT Methodology lecturer, Madam Nagamah D/O Raju Sathian for her lessons and advices that drive us to do this task. Even when we were confronting a lot of other assignments, but we still manage to complete this task. So, we have prepared this task as we can do and now, all we can do right now is hoping that she will accept our assignment. We also want to appreciate all of our friends who are always helping us in order to prepare this task. They always were helping us in structuring sentences, enriching our vocabularies, giving ideas and others that helped us with this assignment. We do not know whether we can complete this assignment or not without their help. And due to this, they also need to be credited. Apart from that, we would like to thanks to our parents for their support for encourage us to do better in our studies. Their hopes makes we felt energize and highly inspired to fulfil this assignment. Both of them were always inspired us when it comes to task requirement. There is no one else except for them who able to guide us to do our best and therefore, we give them a lot of credits for their contribution to ourselves and our studies. For everyone that we have not mentioned earlier that also have helped us to finish this assignment, we really appreciate their contributions and hoping that it will never ended even after for the next assignment because all of them are really important to us to finish this task. We hope that our works will satisfying our lecturer and will be well accepted by her. Thank you.

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