Assignment 1
Assignment 1
Assignment 1
Task No.1: Give one example of each design pattern from software domain. 1. Proxy 2. Decorator 3. Singleton (a). Discuss how the relevant design pattern is solving the problem in your example [2 Marks] (b). Draw Class Diagram for each Example [4 Marks] (c). Identify the Participants in your example according to Design Pattern [4 Marks] Important Note: 1. Dont copy and paste things from internet or e-book. Write in your own words. 2. Assignments would be checked for plagiarism and serious consequences will take place if plagiarism detected 3. Submit the Hard Copy of the assignment before 4:00 p.m. Tuesday, 18th March, 2012. 4. Assignment submission through email would not be considered in any case 5. You are not allowed to quote any example from course lectures or from text book i.e. Design Patterns - Elements of Reusable Object Oriented Software