TQM Unit 1
TQM Unit 1
TQM Unit 1
v The golden rule is a simple but effective way to explain it, do unto others as you
would have them do unto you.
v TQM is defined as both a philosophy and a set of guiding principles that represent
the foundation of a continuously improving organization.
Gurus of TQM
v Walter A.Shewhart: Control charts theory with control limits assignable and
chances causes of variation and rational sub groups. He also developed PDSA
(plan, do, study and act) cycle for learning and improvement.
v Joseph M.Juran: Recommended project improvements based on return on
investment to achieve break through results.Juran Trilogy –planning, control
and improvements.
v Feigaubaun: Total quality control to achieve productivity, market penetration
and competitive advantage.
v Ishikawa: Cause and effect diagram, he developed quality circle concept in
v Crosby: Quality is free, doing it right the first time, quality without tears.
v Taguchi: Quality loss function-concept that combines cost, target and variation
into one metric. Robust design parameters and tolerances.
Basic approach:
v A quality council must be established to a clear vision set long term goals and direct
the program.
v An annual improvement program is established and involves input from the entire
work force.
v Managers must participate on quality improvement teams and also acts coaches to
other teams and TQM must be communicated to all people.
• We must listen to the voice of the customer and emphasize design, quality and
defect prevention.
• Do it right the first time and every time.
• Customer satisfaction is the most important consideration.
• All persons must be trained in TQM, statistical process control (SPC) and other
appropriate improvement skills so that they can effectively participate on project
• Involving internal suppliers in developmental activities is an excellent approach
and they understand the process better than any one else.
• People must be given empowerment to perform.
Basic Approach
2. The key to an effective TQM program is its focus on the customer. An excellent place
to start is by satisfying internal customers.
v We must listen to the "voice of the customer" and emphasize design quality and
defect prevention.
v Do it right the first time and every time, for customer satisfaction is the most
important consideration.
4. There must be a continual striving to improve all business and production processes.
v Quality improvement projects, such as on-time delivery, order entry efficiency,
billing error rate, customer satisfaction, cycle time, scrap reduction, and supplier
management, are good places to begin.
5. On the average 40% of the sales dollar is purchased product or service; there- fore, the
supplier quality must be outstanding.
v A partnering relationship rather than an adversarial one must be developed. Both
parties have as much to gain or lose based on the success or failure of the product
or service.
v The focus should be on quality and life- cycle costs rather than price. Suppliers
should be few in number-so that true partnering can occur.
• An organization will not begin the transformation to TQM until it is aware that
the quality of the product or service must be improved.
• Awareness comes about when an organization loses market share or realizes that
quality and productivity go hand-in-hand.
• Also occurs if TQM is mandated by the customer or if management realizes that
TQ is a better way to run a business and compete in domestic and world markets.
• TQM does not occur overnight; there are no quick remedies. It takes a long time
to build the appropriate emphasis and techniques into the culture.
• Overemphasis on short- term results and profits must be set aside so long-term
planning and constancy of purpose will prevail.
Gain In Productivity with Improved Quality
Defining Quality
Q = Quality
P = Performance
E = Expectations
• If Q is greater than 1.0, then the CU.5tomer has a good feeling about the product
or service.
• Of course, the determination of P and E will most likely be based on perception
with the organization determining performance and the customer determining
The Dimensions of Quality
Historical Review
The history of quality control is undoubtedly as old as industry itself. During the
middle Ages, quality was to a large extent controlled by the long periods of training
required by the guilds. This training instilled pride in workers for quality of a product.
v In 1950, W. Edwards Deming, who learned statistical quality control from
Shewhart, gave a series of lectures on statistical methods to Japanese engineers
and on quality responsibility to the CEOs of the largest organizations in Japan.
v Joseph M. Juran made his first trip to Japan in 1954 and further emphasized
management's responsibility to achieve quality. Using these concepts the Japanese
set the quality standards for the rest of the world to follow.
v In 1960, the first quality control circles were formed for the purpose of quality
v In the late 1980s the automotive industry began to emphasize statistical process
control (SPC).
v Taguchi introduced his concepts of parameter and tolerance design and brought
about a resurgence of design of experiments (DOE) as a valuable quality
improvement tool.
3. Understand the Purpose of Inspection
• Management must understand that the purpose of inspection is to improve the
process and reduce its cost. For the most part, mass inspection is costly and
• Where appropriate, it should be replaced by never-ending improvement using
statistical techniques. Statistical evidence is required of self and supplier.
6. Institute Training
• Each employee must be oriented to the organization's philosophy of commitment
to never-ending improvements.
• Management must allocate resources to train employees to perform their jobs in
the best manner possible.
8. Drive out Fear, Create Trust, and Create a Climate for Innovation
v Management must encourage open, effective communication and teamwork.
v Fear is caused by a general feeling of being powerless to control important
aspects of one's life.
v It is caused by a lack of job security, possible physical harm, performance
appraisals, and ignorance of organization goals, poor supervision, and not
knowing the job.
v Driving fear out of the workplace involves managing for success.
o Externally, they exist between the organization and its customers and suppliers.
These barriers exist because of poor communication, ignorance of the
organization's mission, competition, fear, and personal grudges or jealousies.
14. Take Action to Accomplish the Transformation
Management has to accept the primary responsibility for the never-ending
improvement of the process.
o It has to create a corporate structure to implement the philosophy. A cultural
change is required from the previous "business as usual" attitude.
o Management must be committed, involved, and accessible if the organization is to
succeed ill implementing the new philosophy.
v Many organizations, especially small ones with a niche, are comfortable with
their current state.
v They are satisfied with the amount of work being performed, the profits realized,
and the perception that the customers are satisfied.
v Organizations with this culture will see little need for TQM until they begin to
lose market share.
v Once an organization embarks on TQM, there will be obstacles to its successful
v The eight most common were determined by Robert J. Masters after an extensive
literature search. They are given below.
Improper Planning
v All constituents of the organization must be involved in the development of the
implementation plan and any modifications that occur as the plan evolves.
v Of particular importance is the two-way communication of ideas by all personnel
during the development of the plan and its implementation.
Incompatible Organizational Structure and Isolated Individuals and Departments
v Differences between departments and individuals can create implementation
problem. The use of multifunctional teams will help to break down long-standing
v Restructuring to make the organization more responsive to customer needs may
be needed.
v Individuals who do not embrace the new philosophy can be required to leave the
Leadership Concepts
• The TQM implementation process begins with senior management and, most
important, the CEO's commitment.
• The importance of the senior management role cannot be overstated. Leadership
is essential during every phase of the implementation process: and particularly at
the start.
o Senior management must actively participate in the implementation process
described in the previous section.
o They must also actively participate in the quality council and all of its duties.
These two activities provide the primary activities of the senior manager's role.
Quality Council
In order to build quality into the culture, a quality council is established to provide
over- all direction. It is the driver for the TQM engine.
o In addition, the coordinator will ensure that the teams are empowered and know
their responsibilities. The coordinator's activities are to assist the team leaders,
share lessons learned among teams, and have regular leaders meetings with team
Once the TQM program is well established, a typical meeting agenda might have the
following items:
v Progress report on teams
v Customer satisfaction report
v Progress on meeting goals
v New project teams
v Recognition dinner
v Benchmarking report
concepts; for the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award. They can be used as a
starting point. For any organization as it develops its own.
Customer-Driven Quality
o Quality is judged by customers. All product and service characteristics that
contribute value to the customer and lead to customer satisfaction, preference, and
retention must be the focus of an organization's management system.
o Value and satisfaction may be influenced by many factors throughout the
customer's overall purchase, ownership, and service experiences.
o These factors include the organization's relationship with customers that helps
build trust, confidence, and loyalty.
• Customer-driven quality is thus a strategic concept. It is directed toward customer
retention, market-share gain, and growth.
• It demands constant sensitivity to changing and emerging customer and market
requirements and the factors that drive customer satisfaction and retention.
v An organization's senior leaders need to set directions and create a customer
orientation, clear and visible quality values, and high expectations.
v Values, directions, and expectations need to address all stakeholders. The leaders
need to ensure the creation of strategies, systems, and methods for achieving
v Strategies and values should help guide all activities and decisions of the
v The senior leaders must commit to the development of the entire work force and
should encourage participation, learning, innovation, and creativity by all
Valuing Employees
o An organization's success depends increasingly upon the skills and motivation of
its work force.
o Employee success depends increasingly upon having opportunities to Learn and
to practice new skills.
o Organizations need to invest in the development of the work force through
education, training, and opportunities for continuing growth: Such opportunities
might include classroom and on-the-job training, job rotation, and pay for
demonstrated knowledge and skills.
o On-the-job training offers a cost-effective way to train and to better link training
to work processes.
o Work force education and training programs may need to use advanced
technologies such as satellite broadcasts and computer aided learning.
o Increasingly, training, development, and work units need to be tailored to a more
diverse work force and to more flexible, high-performance work practices.
Fast Response
v Success in competitive markets increasingly demands ever-shorter cycles for new
or improved product and service introduction.
v Also, faster and more flexible response to customers is now a more critical
v Major improvement in response time often requires simplification of work units
and work processes.
v To accomplish such improvement, the time performance of work processes
should be among the key process measures.
Management by Fact
Partnership Development
o Organizations need to build internal and external partnerships to better
accomplish their overall goals.
o Internal partnerships might include labor-management cooperation, such as
agreements with unions.
o Agreements might entail employee development, cross training, or new work
organizations, such as high performance work teams.
o External partnerships include those with customers, suppliers, and education
o An increasingly important kind of external partnership is the strategic partnership
or alliance.
o Such partnerships might offer an organization entry into new markets or a basis
for new products or services.
Results Focus
• An organization's performance measurements need, to focus on key results.
Results should be guided by and balanced by the interests of all stakeholders-
customers, employees, stockholders, suppliers and partners, the public, and the
• To meet the sometimes conflicting and changing aims that balance implies,
organizational strategy needs to explicitly include all stakeholder requirements.
• This action will help to ensure that actions and plans meet differing stakeholder
needs and avoid adverse impact on any stakeholders.
Shared Values
There are eight principles that comprise the shared values process. Rob Lebow
advocates that management share these values with employees; this sharing will lead to
greater productivity, quality, job satisfaction, and profits.
o It is much better to receive accurate information from the top rather than through
the grapevine.
Mentor Unselfishly
• Everyone is a mentor-management teaching employees, employees teaching
employees, and employees teaching management.
• Successful organizations will create an environment where everyone realizes the
importance of giving and receiving knowledge.
Do Not Touch Dishonest Dollars
v Studies show that the majority of employees believe that to some extent their
managers are dishonest.
v In many cases there is a perception that the leadership lacks integrity.
v This thinking has an extremely negative impact on the organization's morals and
self- respect, which leads to rationalizing internal theft and leaking vital
information to competitors.
v The organization should review all business transactions to determine if they are
morally right.
o In the last section we discussed the shared value principle of "do not touch
dishonest dollars," which is of course fundamental to ethical behavior.
o In this section we will discuss individual and organizational ethics in detail.
v Ethics is a body of principles or standards of human conduct that govern the
behavior of individuals and organizations.
v It is knowing what is the right thing to do and is learned when one is growing up
or at a rater date during an organization's ethics training program.
1. Organizations favor their own interests above the well-being of their customers,
employees, or the public.
2. Organizations reward behavior that violates ethical standards, such as increasing
sales through false advertising.
3. Organizations encourage separate standards of behavior at work than at home,
such as secrecy and deceit versus honesty.
4. Individuals are willing to abuse their position and power to enhance their
interests, such as taking excessive compensation for themselves off the top before
other stakeholders receive their fair share.
5. Managerial values exist that undermine integrity, such as using people by stereo
typing or labeling them to promote oneself at their expense, and anything is right
if the public can be convinced that it is right.
6. Organizations and individuals overemphasize the short-term results at the expense
of themselves and others in the long run, such as behavior is good based on the
degree of utility, pleasure, or good received regardless of the effect on others.
7. Organizations and managers believe their knowledge is infallible and miscalculate
the true risks, such as when financial managers invest organizational funds in
high-risk options trading.
• Costs from pressure are those costs from well-intended but unethical decisions
made under pressure. They include but are not limited to errors, waste, rework,
lost customers, and warranties.
• Costs from opportunity are those costs from intentional wrongdoing. They include
but are not limited to theft, overstated expenses, excessive compensation, and
• Costs from attitudes are those costs from mistaken beliefs in unethical forms of
behavior. They include but are not limited to errors, waste, rework, lost
customers, and health care.
The second step is prevention, which is the development of a system that will minimize
the costs developed in the first step.
Because management has a good idea of the appraisal costs, this step can proceed
concurrently with Step I.
The third step is promotion, which is the continuous advertising of ethical behavior in
order to develop an ethical organizational culture that is clear, positive, and effective.
To be clear the philosophy needs to be written, with input from all personnel, and
posted. Standardized ethics training should be given to everyone to:
(1) teach them how to clarify ethical issues,
(2) encourage them to get the facts before acting,
(3) encourage them to consider all the consequences before acting, and
(4) show them how to test their actions in advance. This testing can be accomplished
by asking (1) Is it legal? (2) Is it right? (3) Is it beneficial for all involved? and (4)
How would I feel if it was published on the front page?
Final Comment
Quality obtains its power to reduce costs, improve competitiveness, and create
customer satisfaction from its ability to improve ethical behavior within the management
Quality Statements
o In addition to the core values and concepts, the quality statements include the
vision statement, mission statement, and quality policy statement.
o Once developed, they are only occasionally reviewed and updated.
o They are part of the strategic planning process, which includes goals and
Vision Statement
The vision statement is a declaration of what an organization should look like five to
ten years in the future. It is a realistic picture of what it wants to become and what is
Mission Statement
v The mission statement answers the fol1owing questions: who we are, who are the
customers, what we do, and how we do it.
v This statement is usually one paragraph or less in length, is easy to understand,
and describes the function of the organization.
v It provides a clear statement of purpose for employees, customers, and suppliers.
v Utilize the entire work force.
v A quality policy is a requirement of ISO/QS 9000.
Strategic Planning
• Many organizations are finding that strategic quality plans and business plans are
• The time horizon for strategic planning is three to ten years and short-term
planning is one year (annual) or less. Both types of planning require goals and
All organizations communicate with their employees in one manner or another. The
quality council is the driver for the TQM engine, and communications is the fuel.
v Perhaps the most effective communication is between the employee and his/her
v The immediate supervisor is in the best position to transfer information and create
discussions on what needs to be improved, how to do it, and why it needs to be
v All supervisors are not equally effective as communicators; therefore, a training
program is a necessity.
v Formal communication occurs by either the printed page or electronics.
v The most common form is by periodic publications such as daily or weekly
newsletters and monthly or quarterly magazines.
• In order for the communication system to be effective, there must be feedback.
• The culture must encourage two-way communication so that information flows up
the ladder as well as down.
Decision Making
• Making poor decisions is one of the deadliest threats to the success of the
organization and to one's career.
• People fail because they act haphazardly without regard to the values and goals of
an organization. In order to make correct decisions, it is best to use the problem-
solving method.
o Stephen R. Covey has based his foundation for success on the character ethic-
things like integrity, humility, fidelity, temperance, courage, justice, patience,
industry, simplicity, modesty and the Golden Rule.
o The personality ethic-personality growth, communication skill training and
education in the field of influence strategies and positive thinking--is secondary to
the character ethic.
o What we are communicates far more eloquently than what we say or do.
Ø Habit 1: Be Proactive
Ø Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind
Ø Habit 3: Put First Things First
Ø Habit 4: Think Win-Win
Ø Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood
Ø Habit 6: Synergy
Ø Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw (Renewal)
Characteristics of Leaders
There are 12 behaviors or characteristics that successful leaders demonstrate.
1. They give priority attention to external and internal customers and their needs.
Leaders place themselves in the customers' shoes and service their needs from
that perspective.
2. They empower, rather than control, subordinates. Leaders have trust and
confidence in the performance of their subordinates. They provide the resources,
training and work environment to help subordinates do their jobs.
3. They emphasize improvement rather than maintenance. Leaders use the phrase "If
it isn't perfect, improve it" rather than "If it isn't broke, don't fix it."
4. They emphasize prevention. "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure" is
certainly true.
5. They encourage collaboration rather than competition. When functional areas,
departments, or work groups are in competition, they may find subtle ways of
working against each other or withholding information.
6. They train and coach, rather than direct and supervise. Leaders know that the
development of the human resource is a necessity.
7. They learn from problems. When a problem exists, it is treated as an opportunity
rather than something to be minimized or covered up.
8. They continually try to improve communications. Leaders continually
disseminate information about the TQM effort. They make it evident that TQM is
not just a slogan.
9. They continually demonstrate their commitment to quality. Leaders walk their
talk-their actions, rather than their words, communicate their level of
10. They choose suppliers on the basis of quality, not price. Suppliers are encouraged
to participate on project teams and become involved.
11. They establish organizational systems to support the quality effort. At the senior
management level a quality council is provided, and at the first-line supervisor
12. They encourage and recognize team effort. They encourage, provide recognition,
and reward individuals and teams.
Leadership Survey
In order to evaluate a manager's performance, a survey of the manager's workers should
be taken periodically
To define quality produced several dozen different responses, including the following:
• Perfection
• Consistency
• Eliminating waste
• Speed of delivery
• Compliance with polices and procedures
• Providing a good, usable product
• Doing it right the first time
• Delighting or Pleasing Customers
• Total Customer service and satisfaction
Quality Dimensions
• Quality of Design
Ø Quality characteristics suited to needs and wants of a market at a given
Ø Continuous, never-ending improvement
• Quality of Conformance
Ø Predictable degree of uniformity and dependability
• Quality of Performance
Ø How is product performing in the marketplace?
Quality planning is responsible for several important functions such as
• Examining drawing received from design section.
• Preparing inspection and test schedules.
• Planning process control.
• Determining Quality control and inspection staff requirements.
• Scheduling calibration and maintenance of gauges, measuring instruments.
Carrying quality cost studies.
Quality costs are defined as those costs associated with the non-achievement of product
or service quality as defined by the requirements established by the organization and its
contracts with customer and society.
Quality costs:
Prevention costs
Costs of control
Appraisal costs
Costs of failure of
Quality costs are broadly classified into:
1. Failure costs
2. Appraisal costs
3. Prevention costs
Failure costs:
Failure costs are the direct and indirect costs incurred on those products or
services, which fail to comply with their prescribed specifications.
Ø Internal failure costs – before delivered to customers
Ø External failure costs – after delivered
Appraisal costs:
Appraisal costs are those costs involved in actual checking of the quality, viz., the
cost of carrying out actual inspection.
Prevention costs:
Prevention costs are those, which are involved in ensuring that faulty or defective
work, or rejections are not produced in very first instance.
11. a. Eliminate numerical quotas for the work force.
11. b. Eliminate management by objective.
12. Remove barriers that rob people of pride of workmanship.
13. Encourage education and self-improvement for everyone.
14. Take action to accomplish the transformation.
Plan Produce
Correction of (Check)
1. Define Quality
2. Define TQM
3. How can be quality quantified?
4. What are the various dimensions of quality?
5. What is quality planning?
6. What is quality cost?
7. What is leadership?
8. What is the difference between vision and mission statement?
9. Define empowerment?
10. What is the role of senior management?
13. Select one or more of Deming's 14 points and describe how you would achieve or
implement it.