Lesson Plan 2
Lesson Plan 2
Lesson Plan 2
Level: Third Grade Subject Area: Language Arts Lesson Topic (What is the big idea?): Use of the Dolch Basic Sight Word List (Idol, 1997, p. 93) to teach and to increase basic sight word knowledge for a student with 50% current sight word base in the 3rd grade. Reading text will also be used to support sight word knowledge. Sight word assessment will be done on 1st day of lesson and with daily progress monitoring to track improvement. What standard(s) and/or IEP goal(s) will it address? IEP goal(s) Content Area: Phonics and Foundational Skills CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RF.K.3c Read common high-frequency words by sight (e.g., the, of, to, you, she, my, is, are, do, does). Content Area: Phonics and Word Recognition 1.A.1b Comprehend unfamiliar words using context clues and prior knowledge; verify meanings with resource materials. Main Objective of Instruction (What do you want the student(s) to learn?): Student will: Build sight word base through a variety of activities Demonstrate sight word knowledge through free reading activity by highlighting known words. Supporting Objectives: Student will be able to increase their sight word knowledge base better by interacting with text containing Dolch sight words. Specific Strategies to be taught/ modeled: 1. Sight word identification 2. Use of Dolch Sight Word list 3. Self-monitoring by using Words I know sheet Planning for individual differences (mediated scaffolding): What are the accommodations/modifications you need to prepare? 1. Multisensory teaching a. Say all words shown on the appropriate Dolch Word list for student(s).
b. Tell student to repeat the word being said. c. Connect all words in text being read to them from the teacher. (See Birsh, 2011, Chap. 11, p. 321) 2. Use of Model-Lead-Test teaching strategy a. Use of I Do, We Do, and You Do What background knowledge do the students have? 1. Ask student if they have seen these word lists before. 2. Do a brief KWL chart with them. How will you assess students learning pre, during and post? Pre: Have student read from Dolch Basic Sight Word List (Idol, 1997, p. 93) marking sight word assessment tool (www.blog.maketaketeach.com) for number correct and incorrect. During: The student will read from selected text highlighting known sight words. After: I will ask student to identify words I have identified as being a challenge for them by filling in a blank game board sheet (www.blog.maketaketeach.com) to be used later. What management/grouping issues do you need to consider? 1. Positive praise. 2. Guide student by identifying current list of sight words. 3. Report positive outcomes on progress monitoring sheets.
Materials and Resources: Dolch Basic Sight Word List Progress monitoring sheet (teacher copy for student) Student monitoring sheet (Words I Know) Pencil/pen Marker Student text Blank game board Birsh, J.R (Ed.). Chap. 11,(2011). Multisensory teaching of basic language skills (3rd ed.), Baltimore: Paul H. Brooks Publishing Co. Idol, L. (1997) www.blog.maketaketeach.com
How/where will students be able to integrate (generalize) this learning? Student will work with teacher in the general education classroom working with peers. How will you evaluate the lesson (judicious review)? If student has not shown improvement of 50% after 2 sessions, teacher will then reevaluate the words being taught and adjust lesson until mastery is reached. Lesson Title: Sight Words Main Objective of this lesson: Increase sight word knowledge base using Dolce Basic Word List and applying word knowledge to appropriate text. (CONTENT-PROCESS) Opening: (SET How will you get the student(s) attention?) Relate lesson to prior learning. Communicate the objective of the lesson. 1. Review previous accomplishments in journal 2. Ask student: Are you ready to play the game we made from the words we were having challenges with the last time we were together? 3. Say to student: Well, today after we play our game, we are going to work on some new words from our word list and I know you will know some of them and others you wont, but thats OK. Then after we mark our progress sheet, we are going to see if we can find any of those words in our reading. Then we will make a new game board for when we met next time. Procedure: (Is this an informal presentation, direct instruction, or structured discovery?) Strategies (I Do): This will be a direct instruction lesson. Check for Understanding- What will you ask? Differentiation: For other students I would make flash cards with the sight word on it and have a game board already filled in for them. (PRODUCT) Guided Practice (We Do): 1. The teacher and the student will work together to identify basic sight words from the appropriate Dolch Sight word list and later identify those same words in the reading being done by the student.
Closure: Student(s) summarize, demonstrate learning of lesson. Independent Practice (You Do). Formally END the lesson. 1. The students identify words that are still a challenge for them by filling out a blank game board sheet to be used in the next meeting. 2. Review the improvements made in sight word knowledge.