Book On The Maths

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The Golden Age of Indian Mathematics




Till recently i1 was considered Ihal Indian mathematics remained barren during the period between Ihe thirteenth century and the eighteenth century. Now has come to light that it embalms the "Golden Age" of Indian mathematics. The earlier mathematicians were working on mathematics of the finite trigonometry, mensuration, algebra etc. Kerala, Ihe southern most pari of India produced a mathematician by name Madhavan (c. c.


1 425), who broke the linile

barrier and soaredlo Ihe infinite. The infiniteseries expansions he reaped anticipated the discoveries of mathematicians like James Gregory (1638- 1 675), Newton ( 1 642- 1727) and Leibnitz (1 646

- 1716). In short, Madhavan deselVes 10 be called the lather of

infiniteSimal af)alysis. Dr. S. Parameswaran. renowned professor of Malhemalics, was born on September

1 920 in NOr1h Parur.

Kerala. H e passed his B.Sc (Honours) degree in 1941 in first class. lirst rank and joined lhe University College at Trivandrum lhe same year as Lecturer in Mathematics. He secured an assistanceship lor research in the University of illinOIS (USA) in

1 957 and he was awarded Ph.D degree by that University 200

in 1960. Aparl from a number of Mathematics Text Books he wrote for COllege students, he has t o his credit about technical and popular science arlicles published in periodicals and mote than a dOlen popular science books. He had served as founderpresident of Kerala Mathematics Association and National Forum of Mathemalics Education. In recognition of his merits as a teacher he was appointed on retirement from service as Emeritus Professor of Mathematics by the UniverSity Grants Commission. India.

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