Gene D. Matlock
Gene D. Matlock
Gene D. Matlock
in Spanish. He is best known for his books on his views of the history of religion and what he calls 'non-Africanoid races'(Xpedi tions Magazine 2007). He claims to have made "some major discoveries - quite unlike the so-called "truths" people learn at ch urch, the synagogue and the mosque. At the same time, I discovered that India on ce ruled the entire world. Also, the American Indians did not sprout from tortoi ses in the Mojave Desert or "emerge" from the interiors of mountains. They're im migrants just like us. Many tribes had been here only a few hundred years before the arrival of the Europeans." Gene Matlock According to Matlock, Mayan, Native American and Asian cultures have links in or al tradition. Modern fictional video game characters such as Gill and Urien of "Street Fighter ", Matlock claims, may be evidence of a subconscious memory of Atlantis. Mainstream historians, archaeologists and linguists do not accept his ideas. References Matlock, Gene (2000), India Once Ruled the Americas!, Writer's Showcase Press, I SBN 978-0595134687 Matlock, Gene (2001), The Last Atlantis Book You'll Ever Have to Read! : The Atl antis-Mexico-India Connection, Dandelion Books, ISBN 978-1893302204 Matlock, Gene (2002), From Khyber (Kheeber) Pass to Gran Quivira (Kheevira), NM and Baboquivari, AZ, Authors Choice Press, ISBN 978-0595217465 Newbrook, Mark (2007, March 1), "Old-time religion, old-time language: Jesus bur ied in Japan? Literal belief in the Tower of Babel? Hindu influence in the Ameri can Southwest? In the context of nonstandard claims by fringe scholars and revis ionists about the remote past, religion and language are often intertwined.", Sk eptical Enquirer Xpeditions Magazine (2007), Gene D. Matlock, B.A., M.A. a brief biography, Xpedi tions Magazine. Retrieved on 18 February 2008 Gene is a retired high school foreign language teacher who spends his retirement researching the history and origins of mankind's religions, the origins of our Amerindian tribes, and related subjects. His interest in Hindu philosophy starte d in Kansas where he grew up in the 1930s and 1940s. His father, a staunch Chris tian fundamentalist, disapproved of Gene's favorite reading materials. Gene had to hide his books in the barn granary. One day his father found the books and de stroyed them. But Gene just went out and bought others. His father then relented . After graduating from high school, he went to Mexico City College in Mexico City (now the University of the Americas in Puebla) to get his B.A. degree in Spanis h and Latin American History. While there he noticed that there had to be a rela tionship between the Nahuatl-speaking peoples and the Hindus. After getting out of the Marine Corps in 1954, Gene traveled throughout Central America and then w ent to New Orleans where he got his Master's degree in Spanish and Latin America n Affairs from Tulane University. After Tulane and a year of teaching in a rural Kansas high school, he went to California and has been there ever since. His latest book entitled What Strange Mystery Unites the Turkish Nations, India, Catholicism, and Mexico is available from Amazon. Gene D. Matlock is a retired High School teacher with a B.A. in Spanish and Lati n American affairs and an M.A. in Spanish. He is best known for his books on his views of the history of religion and what he calls non-Africanoid races . He claim s to have made some major discoveries - quite unlike the... <> GENMATL[at] (([at] bitte durch @ ersetzen!)
Gene Matlock is a retired high school teacher who claims that most American Indian tribes and other human groups originated in pre-partition India (Afghanistan and Pakistan). He has already succeeded in arranging meetings between some American Indian tribes and interested Hindu representatives.