Healing and Protection Duas Feb 20131
Healing and Protection Duas Feb 20131
Healing and Protection Duas Feb 20131
Haqqani Rabbani Sufi WAY
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Ya Allah, Ya Allah the Lord, accept my prayer! Ya Allah You (Ya Allah) to whom is the
majesty and omnipotence, Ya Allah the Master of Sovereignty and Kingdoms, Ya
Allah You (Ya Allah) who are the living who never dies, glory to You (Ya Allah)! Lord,
what is greater than Your Rank, higher than Your Position? You (Ya Allah) are my
Lord! Ya Allah the Holy One in His omnipotence, I beseech You (Ya Allah) and I fear
You (Ya Allah)! Ya Allah the Great, Ya Allah the Majestic, Ya Allah the Powerful, Ya
Allah the Almighty, Ya Allah the Strong, You (Ya Allah) have blessed Yourself! Ya
Allah the Great One, You (Ya Allah) have exalted Yourself! Ya Allah the knowing
One, glory to You (Ya Allah), Ya Allah the Great One, glory to You (Ya Allah)! Ya
Allah Splendid One.
www.SufiMeditationCenter.com Staffsmc@gmail.com Tel 604-980-7007
I ask You (Ya Allah) in Your great, perfect and majestic name, not to give dominion
over me to the tyrant, the stubborn one, rebellious Satan, An envious man, the
weak among Your creation, the oppressive one, the ruinous one, the corrupt one,
the enslaved one, or the willful one!
Ya Allah, I ask You (Ya Allah) and I bear witness that You (Ya Allah) are Allah, and
there is no god but You (Ya Allah), the One, the Only, the Eternal, the One who
neither begets nor is begotten, and there is nothing like Him! O He! (Ya Allah) the
One who there is no other he but He! (Ya Allah) the One there is no god but He! (Ya
Allah) my infinity! (Ya Allah) my Eternity! (Ya Allah) My Everlasting! (Ya Allah) The
One who is the Living who does not die! (Ya Allah) Our God and God of everything,
God, Alone, there is no god but You (Ya Allah)!
And your god is one God. There is no deity [worthy of worship] except Him, the
Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful. (Holy Quran, Surat Al-Baqarah 2:163)
There is no god but He, the Living, the Everlasting. (Holy Quran, Surat Ali Imran
Ya Hayu Ya Quayum
la ilaha illa anta sub-hanaka inni
kuntu min az-zalimeen
Fas-tajab-na lahu wa naj-jay-nahu
min al-ghammi wa kadha-lika
nunjee al-mumineen.
O the Ever Living, O the one Who sustains and protects all that exists
There is no deity except You; exalted are You. Indeed, I have been of the
wrongdoers (Holy Quran, Surat Al-Anbya 21:87)
So We responded to him and saved him from the distress. And thus do We save the
believers. (Holy Quran, Surat Al-Anbya 21:88)
Protection Dua
Wa Yusabi-hu ar-raadu bi-hamdi-hi
wa al- mala-ikatu min khee-fatihi.
Wa hwa ala kulli shayin quadir
Wa qul jaa al-haqqu wa zahaqua albatil, in nal-batila kana zahoqua.
"Say: Nothing will happen to us except what Allah has decreed for us: He is our
protector" (Holy Quran-Surat At-Tawbah 9:51)
100 Times Daily:
And there is no strength, nor power except by God, The High, The Mighty.
Salawat of Healing
Alla-humma salli ala sayyidina
dawauha, wa afi-yat-il-abadani
shi-faiha, wa nur-il-absaari wa
yauha, wa ala Alihi wa s-sah-bihi
O Allah send blessings upon our master Muhammad, who is the medicine of our
hearts and its remedy, and the health of our bodies and its healing, And the light of
our vision and its radiance, And (bless) his family and companions with peace.
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www.SufiMeditationCenter.com Staffsmc@gmail.com Tel 604-980-7007
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The Supplication for Support Through the Means of the Prophet (saw)
Ya Sayid As-sadati wa nur al-mawjudat, Ya man hu wal-mal-jau li-man
massahu day-mun wa gham-mun wa alam. Ya Aqrab-al-wasaa-ili il-lAllahi
taala wa Ya Aq-wal mustanadi, Ata-was-salu ila janaa-bika al-azam bi-hau-la
ys-sadati, wa ah-lillahi, wa ahli baytikal kiram Li dafi durrin la yudfau illa bi
wasita-tika, Wa rafi daaymin la yurfau illa bi dala-latika bi-sayidi wa
Mawlayee Ya Sayidi Ya Rasullullah ya man arsal-al-laahu Rahma-tal lil
aalamin. Al Fatihah
The Silsila of the Most Distinguished Naqshbandi Order
1. Ya Sayidina wa Mawlana Muhammad ibn Abd Allah, Salla Allahu
`alayhi wa alihi wa sallam
2. Ya Sayidina Abu Bakr as-Siddiq, radiya-l-Lahu`anh
3. Ya Mawlana Salman al-Farsi, radiya-l-Lahu`anh
4. Ya Mawlana Qasim ibn Muhammad ibn Abu Bakr, qaddasa-l-Lahu
5. Ya Mawlana Jafar as-Sadiq, alayhi-s-salam
6. Ya Mawlana
7. Ya Mawlana
8. Ya Mawlana
9. Ya Mawlana
10.Ya Mawlana
11.Ya Mawlana
12.Ya Mawlana
13.Ya Mawlana
14.Ya Mawlana
15.Ya Mawlana
16.Ya Mawlana
17.Ya Mawlana
Lahu sirrah
18.Ya Mawlana
19.Ya Mawlana
20.Ya Mawlana
21.Ya Mawlana
22.Ya Mawlana
23.Ya Mawlana
24.Ya Mawlana
25.Ya Mawlana
26.Ya Mawlana
27.Ya Mawlana
l-Lahu sirrah
28.Ya Mawlana
29.Ya Mawlana
30.Ya Mawlana
31.Ya Mawlana
32.Ya Mawlana
Ya Sayyidina wa Maulana Madad ul Haqq Shaykh Hisham Al-Kabani, Hujat
Allah Al Mukhles, wa Habibina, wa Tabibi Qullubina, wa Hayati wujudina
Ya Sayyidina Muhammad ul-Mahdi (alaihi s-Salaam), Ya Sahibul Zaman,
Sahibul Waqt,
Ya Sayyidina Isa Ruh HuAllah (alaihi s-Salaam)
Qaddasallahu taala arwahahumu zakiyya, Wa nawwarallahu taala
adrihatahumul mubarakah, Wa aadallahu taala alayna min barakatihim wa
fuyudatihim daima. Wal hamdulillahi rabbil alamin.
May Allah (Exalted is He!) sanctify their pure souls, and illuminate their blessed
graves. May Allah (Exalted is He!) return to us of their blessings and overflowing
bounty, always. Praise belongs to Allah, the Lord of the worlds.
(Read First Chapter of Quran Al-Fatiha)
www.SufiMeditationCenter.com Staffsmc@gmail.com Tel 604-980-7007