Title26 Vol17
Title26 Vol17
Title26 Vol17
Internal Revenue
Parts 50 to 299
Revised as of April 1, 2013
Containing a codification of documents of general applicability and future effect As of April 1, 2013 Published by the Office of the Federal Register National Archives and Records Administration as a Special Edition of the Federal Register
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Use of ISBN Prefix This is the Official U.S. Government edition of this publication and is herein identified to certify its authenticity. Use of the 016 ISBN prefix is for U.S. Government Printing Office Official Editions only. The Superintendent of Documents of the U.S. Government Printing Office requests that any reprinted edition clearly be labeled as a copy of the authentic work with a new ISBN.
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Table of Contents
Explanation ................................................................................................
Title 26: Chapter IInternal Revenue Service, Department of the Treasury (Continued) .................................................................................. Finding Aids: Table of CFR Titles and Chapters ....................................................... Alphabetical List of Agencies Appearing in the CFR ......................... Table of OMB Control Numbers .......................................................... List of CFR Sections Affected ............................................................. 583 603 613 631
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To cite the regulations in this volume use title, part and section number. Thus, 26 CFR 50.1 refers to title 26, part 50, section 1.
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The Code of Federal Regulations is a codification of the general and permanent rules published in the Federal Register by the Executive departments and agencies of the Federal Government. The Code is divided into 50 titles which represent broad areas subject to Federal regulation. Each title is divided into chapters which usually bear the name of the issuing agency. Each chapter is further subdivided into parts covering specific regulatory areas. Each volume of the Code is revised at least once each calendar year and issued on a quarterly basis approximately as follows: Title 1 through Title 16..............................................................as of January 1 Title 17 through Title 27 .................................................................as of April 1 Title 28 through Title 41 ..................................................................as of July 1 Title 42 through Title 50 .............................................................as of October 1 The appropriate revision date is printed on the cover of each volume. LEGAL STATUS The contents of the Federal Register are required to be judicially noticed (44 U.S.C. 1507). The Code of Federal Regulations is prima facie evidence of the text of the original documents (44 U.S.C. 1510). HOW TO USE THE CODE OF FEDERAL REGULATIONS The Code of Federal Regulations is kept up to date by the individual issues of the Federal Register. These two publications must be used together to determine the latest version of any given rule. To determine whether a Code volume has been amended since its revision date (in this case, April 1, 2013), consult the List of CFR Sections Affected (LSA), which is issued monthly, and the Cumulative List of Parts Affected, which appears in the Reader Aids section of the daily Federal Register. These two lists will identify the Federal Register page number of the latest amendment of any given rule. EFFECTIVE AND EXPIRATION DATES Each volume of the Code contains amendments published in the Federal Register since the last revision of that volume of the Code. Source citations for the regulations are referred to by volume number and page number of the Federal Register and date of publication. Publication dates and effective dates are usually not the same and care must be exercised by the user in determining the actual effective date. In instances where the effective date is beyond the cutoff date for the Code a note has been inserted to reflect the future effective date. In those instances where a regulation published in the Federal Register states a date certain for expiration, an appropriate note will be inserted following the text.
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OMB CONTROL NUMBERS The Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980 (Pub. L. 96511) requires Federal agencies to display an OMB control number with their information collection request.
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Many agencies have begun publishing numerous OMB control numbers as amendments to existing regulations in the CFR. These OMB numbers are placed as close as possible to the applicable recordkeeping or reporting requirements. PAST PROVISIONS OF THE CODE Provisions of the Code that are no longer in force and effect as of the revision date stated on the cover of each volume are not carried. Code users may find the text of provisions in effect on any given date in the past by using the appropriate List of CFR Sections Affected (LSA). For the convenience of the reader, a List of CFR Sections Affected is published at the end of each CFR volume. For changes to the Code prior to the LSA listings at the end of the volume, consult previous annual editions of the LSA. For changes to the Code prior to 2001, consult the List of CFR Sections Affected compilations, published for 19491963, 1964-1972, 1973-1985, and 1986-2000. [RESERVED] TERMINOLOGY The term [Reserved] is used as a place holder within the Code of Federal Regulations. An agency may add regulatory information at a [Reserved] location at any time. Occasionally [Reserved] is used editorially to indicate that a portion of the CFR was left vacant and not accidentally dropped due to a printing or computer error. INCORPORATION BY REFERENCE What is incorporation by reference? Incorporation by reference was established by statute and allows Federal agencies to meet the requirement to publish regulations in the Federal Register by referring to materials already published elsewhere. For an incorporation to be valid, the Director of the Federal Register must approve it. The legal effect of incorporation by reference is that the material is treated as if it were published in full in the Federal Register (5 U.S.C. 552(a)). This material, like any other properly issued regulation, has the force of law. What is a proper incorporation by reference? The Director of the Federal Register will approve an incorporation by reference only when the requirements of 1 CFR part 51 are met. Some of the elements on which approval is based are: (a) The incorporation will substantially reduce the volume of material published in the Federal Register. (b) The matter incorporated is in fact available to the extent necessary to afford fairness and uniformity in the administrative process. (c) The incorporating document is drafted and submitted for publication in accordance with 1 CFR part 51. What if the material incorporated by reference cannot be found? If you have any problem locating or obtaining a copy of material listed as an approved incorporation by reference, please contact the agency that issued the regulation containing that incorporation. If, after contacting the agency, you find the material is not available, please notify the Director of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration, 8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD 20740-6001, or call 202-741-6010. CFR INDEXES AND TABULAR GUIDES
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A subject index to the Code of Federal Regulations is contained in a separate volume, revised annually as of January 1, entitled CFR INDEX AND FINDING AIDS. This volume contains the Parallel Table of Authorities and Rules. A list of CFR titles, chapters, subchapters, and parts and an alphabetical list of agencies publishing in the CFR are also included in this volume.
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An index to the text of Title 3The President is carried within that volume. The Federal Register Index is issued monthly in cumulative form. This index is based on a consolidation of the Contents entries in the daily Federal Register. A List of CFR Sections Affected (LSA) is published monthly, keyed to the revision dates of the 50 CFR titles. REPUBLICATION OF MATERIAL There are no restrictions on the republication of material appearing in the Code of Federal Regulations. INQUIRIES For a legal interpretation or explanation of any regulation in this volume, contact the issuing agency. The issuing agencys name appears at the top of odd-numbered pages. For inquiries concerning CFR reference assistance, call 2027416000 or write to the Director, Office of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration, 8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD 20740-6001 or e-mail fedreg.info@nara.gov. SALES The Government Printing Office (GPO) processes all sales and distribution of the CFR. For payment by credit card, call toll-free, 866-512-1800, or DC area, 202512-1800, M-F 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. e.s.t. or fax your order to 202-512-2104, 24 hours a day. For payment by check, write to: US Government Printing Office New Orders, P.O. Box 979050, St. Louis, MO 63197-9000. ELECTRONIC SERVICES The full text of the Code of Federal Regulations, the LSA (List of CFR Sections Affected), The United States Government Manual, the Federal Register, Public Laws, Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States, Compilation of Presidential Documents and the Privacy Act Compilation are available in electronic format via www.ofr.gov. For more information, contact the GPO Customer Contact Center, U.S. Government Printing Office. Phone 202-512-1800, or 866-512-1800 (toll-free). E-mail, ContactCenter@gpo.gov. The Office of the Federal Register also offers a free service on the National Archives and Records Administrations (NARA) World Wide Web site for public law numbers, Federal Register finding aids, and related information. Connect to NARAs web site at www.archives.gov/federal-register. The e-CFR is a regularly updated, unofficial editorial compilation of CFR material and Federal Register amendments, produced by the Office of the Federal Register and the Government Printing Office. It is available at www.ecfr.gov. CHARLES A. BARTH, Director, Office of the Federal Register. April 1, 2013.
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Title 26INTERNAL REVENUE is composed of twenty volumes. The contents of these volumes represent all current regulations issued by the Internal Revenue Service, Department of the Treasury, as of April 1, 2013. The first thirteen volumes comprise part 1 (Subchapter AIncome Tax) and are arranged by sections as follows: 1.01.60; 1.611.169; 1.1701.300; 1.3011.400; 1.4011.440; 1.441 1.500; 1.5011.640; 1.6411.850; 1.8511.907; 1.9081.1000; 1.10011.1400; 1.1401 1.1550; and 1.1551 to end of part 1. The fourteenth volume containing parts 2 29, includes the remainder of subchapter A and all of Subchapter BEstate and Gift Taxes. The last six volumes contain parts 3039 (Subchapter CEmployment Taxes and Collection of Income Tax at Source); parts 4049; parts 50299 (Subchapter DMiscellaneous Excise Taxes); parts 300499 (Subchapter FProcedure and Administration); parts 500599 (Subchapter GRegulations under Tax Conventions); and part 600 to end (Subchapter HInternal Revenue Practice). The OMB control numbers for Title 26 appear in 602.101 of this chapter. For the convenience of the user, 602.101 appears in the Finding Aids section of the volumes containing parts 1 to 599. For this volume, Cheryl E. Sirofchuck was Chief Editor. The Code of Federal Regulations publication program is under the direction of Michael L. White, assisted by Ann Worley.
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50 51 52 53 54 55
Regulations relating to the tax imposed with respect to certain hydraulic mining ........................ Branded prescription drug fee ................................. Environmental taxes ............................................... Foundation and similar excise taxes ....................... Pension excise taxes ................................................ Excise tax on real estate investment trusts and regulated investment companies ......................... Public charity excise taxes ..................................... Temporary excise tax regulations under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 ... Temporary excise tax regulations under the Tax Reform Act of 1969 ................................................ Temporary excise tax regulations under the Highway Revenue Act of 1982 (Pub. L. 97424) .............. Certain excise tax matters under the Excise Tax Technical Changes Act of 1958 .............................. [Reserved] Excise tax on greenmail .......................................... Excise tax on structured settlement factoring transactions ......................................................... [Reserved]
SUPPLEMENTARY PUBLICATIONS: Internal Revenue Service Looseleaf Regulations System. Additional supplementary publications are issued covering Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms Regulations, and Regulations Under Tax Conventions.
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The Act entitled An Act to create the California Debris Commission and regulate hydraulic mining in the State of California, approved March 1, 1893, as amended, 27 Stat. 507; 34 Stat. 1001; 48 Stat. 1118; 52 Stat. 1040; 61 Stat. 501; 33 U.S.C. 661687, provides in part as follows:
That a commission is hereby created, to be known as the California Debris Commission, consisting of three members. * * * SEC. 3. That the jurisdiction of said commission, insofar as the same affects mining carried on by the hydraulic process, shall extend to all such mining in the territory drained by the Sacramento and San Joaquin river systems in the State of California. * * * SEC. 8. That for the purposes of this act hydraulic mining and mining by the hydraulic process, are hereby declared to have the meaning and application given to said terms in said State. SEC. 9. That the individual proprietor or proprietors, or in the case of a corporation its manager or agent appointed for that purpose, owning mining ground in the territory in the State of California mentioned in section three hereof, which it is desired to work by the hydraulic process, must file with said commission a verified petition, setting forth such facts as will comply with law and the rules prescribed by said commission.
50.2 Scope of regulations. (a) In general. The regulations in this part relate to the tax imposed with respect to hydraulic mining, the debris from which flows into or is in whole or in part restrained by dams or other works erected for the detention of debris by the California Debris Commission in the area drained by the Sacramento and San Joaquin river systems in the State of California. The regulations have application to taxable years beginning after August 31, 1959.
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For definition of the term taxable year, see 50.3(g). (b) Extent to which the regulations in this part supersede prior regulations. The regulations in this part, with respect to the subject matter within the scope thereof, supersede Treasury Decision 4952 (26 CFR (1939) part 317). 50.3 General definitions and use of terms. As used in the regulations in this part: (a) The term Act means An Act to create the California Debris Commission and regulate hydraulic mining in the State of California approved March 1, 1893, as amended, 27 Stat. 507; 34 Stat. 1001; 48 Stat. 1118; 52 Stat. 1040; 61 Stat. 501; 33 U.S.C. 661687. (b) The term person means an individual, a trust, estate, partnership, company, or corporation. (c) The term Secretary means the Secretary of the Treasury. (d) The term Commissioner means the Commissioner of Internal Revenue. (e) The term district director means the district director of internal revenue. (f) The terms hydraulic mining and mining by the hydraulic process shall have the meaning and application given said terms in the State of California. (g) The term taxable year means the twelve-month period ending on August 31 of each year for which the tax imposed by the Act is payable. 50.4 Rates of tax.
(a) Determination of rate. Under the Act the California Debris Commission will determine and prescribe with respect to each debris dam or other works the rate of tax payable in the area served by the particular debris dam or works. The Secretary of the Army will notify the Secretary of the Treasury of the rate of tax fixed with respect to each debris dam or works as such rate becomes known. (b) Measure of tax. The tax is payable annually on the basis of the number of cubic yards mined from the natural bank by the hydraulic process during the taxable year.
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Section 51.63021 also issued under 26 U.S.C. 6302(a). SOURCE: T.D. 9544, 76 FR 51249, Aug. 18, 2011, unless otherwise noted.
51.1T Overview (temporary). (a) The regulations in this part 51 are designated Branded Prescription Drug Fee Regulations. (b) The regulations in this part 51 provide guidance on the annual fee imposed on covered entities engaged in the business of manufacturing or importing branded prescription drugs by section 9008 of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA), Public Law 111148 (124 Stat. 119 (2010)), as amended by section 1404 of the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010 (HCERA), Public Law 111152 (124 Stat. 1029 (2010)). All references in these regulations to section 9008 are references to section 9008 of the ACA, as amended by section 1404 of HCERA. Unless otherwise indicated, all other section references are to sections in the Internal Revenue Code. All references to fee in these regulations are references to the fee imposed by section 9008. (c) Section 9008(b)(4) sets an applicable fee amount for each year, beginning with 2011, that will be apportioned among covered entities with aggregate branded prescription drug sales of over $5 million to government programs or pursuant to coverage under such programs. Generally, each covered entity is liable for a fee in each fee year that is based on its sales of branded prescription drugs in the sales year that corresponds to the fee year in an amount determined by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) under the rules of this part. 51.2T Explanation of terms (temporary). (a) In general. This section explains the terms used in this part for purposes of the fee imposed by section 9008 on branded prescription drugs. (b) Agencies. The term agencies means (1) The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services of the Department of Health and Human Services (CMS); (2) The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA); and
AUTHORITY: 26 U.S.C. 7805; sec. 9008, Public Law 111347 (124 Stat. 119). Section 51.8 also issued under 26 U.S.C. 6302(a).
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(3) The Department of Defense (DOD). (c) Branded prescription drug(1) In general. The term branded prescription drug means (i) Any prescription drug the application for which was submitted under section 505(b) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 355(b)); or (ii) Any biological product the license for which was submitted under section 351(a) of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 262(a)). (2) Prescription drug. The term prescription drug means any drug that is subject to section 503(b) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 353(b)). (d) Branded prescription drug sales. The term branded prescription drug sales means sales of branded prescription drugs to any government program or pursuant to coverage under any such government program. However, the term does not include sales of orphan drugs. (e) Covered entity(1) In general. The term covered entity means any manufacturer or importer with gross receipts from branded prescription drug sales including (i) A single-person covered entity; or (ii) A controlled group. (2) Single-person covered entity. The term single-person covered entity means a covered entity that is not affiliated with any other covered entity. (3) Controlled group. The term controlled group means a group of at least two covered entities that are treated as a single employer under section 52(a), 52(b), 414(m), or 414(o). (4) Special rules for controlled groups. For purposes of paragraph (e)(3) of this section (related to controlled groups) (i) A foreign entity subject to tax under section 881 is included within a group under section 52(a) or 52(b); and (ii) A covered entity is treated as being a member of a controlled group if it is a member of the group on the end of the day on December 31st of the sales year. (f) Designated entity(1) In general. The term designated entity means the person that acts for a controlled group regarding the fee by
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Example 1: Allowance of section 45C credit and later FDA marketing approval of drug for an indication other than the treatment of a rare disease or condition. (i) Facts. Drug A is a branded prescription drug that was not on the market before 2008. In 2008, a covered entity claimed a section 45C credit for its qualified clinical testing expenses related to Drug A. There was no final IRS assessment or court order that disallowed the full credit for Drug A. In 2009, the FDA approved Drug A for marketing for an indication other than the treatment of the rare disease or condition for which the section 45C credit was allowed and this indication was not for another rare disease or condition for which a section 45C was allowed. (ii) Analysis. In 2008 and 2009, Drug A is an orphan drug because: first, it was a branded prescription drug for which a person claimed a section 45C credit and for which that credit was allowed for a taxable year; second, there was not a final assessment or court order disallowing the full credit taken for the drug; and third, before 2009, the FDA did not approve the drug for marketing for any indication other than the treatment of a rare disease or condition for which a section 45C credit was allowed. However, Drug A is not an orphan drug for the 2010 sales year or later sales years because in 2009 the FDA approved Drug A for marketing for an indication other than the treatment of the rare disease or condition for which the section 45C credit was allowed and this indication was not for treatment of another rare disease or condition for which a section 45C credit was allowed. Example 2: FDA marketing approval of drug for an indication other than the treatment of a rare disease or condition and later allowance of section 45C credit. (i) Facts. Drug B is a branded prescription drug that was not on the market before 2008. In 2008, FDA approved Drug B for marketing for an indication other than the treatment of a rare disease or condition for which a section 45C credit was allowed. In 2009, a covered entity claimed a section 45C credit for its qualified clinical testing expenses related to Drug B. There was no final IRS assessment or court order that disallowed the full credit for Drug B. (ii) Analysis. In 2008, Drug B is not an orphan drug because no section 45C credit was allowed. In 2009, although the covered entity was allowed a section 45C credit for its qualified clinical testing expenses related to Drug B and there was no final IRS assessment or court order that disallowed the full credit, Drug B still is not an orphan drug because the FDA had approved the drug in 2008 for marketing for an indication other than the treatment of a rare disease or condition for which a section 45C credit was allowed in 2009. Thus, Drug B is not an orphan drug for the 2009 sales year or later sales years.
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Example 3: Allowance of section 45C credit and subsequent allowance of section 45C credit with no intervening FDA marketing approval of drug for an indication other than the treatment of a rare disease or condition for which a section 45C credit was allowed. (i) Facts. Drug C is a branded prescription drug that was not on the market before 2007. In 2007, a covered entity claimed a section 45C credit for its qualified clinical testing expenses related to Drug C. In 2009, a covered entity claimed an additional section 45C credit for its qualified clinical testing expenses related to Drug C for marketing for the treatment of a rare disease or condition different than the one for which the section 45C credit was claimed in 2007. There was no final IRS assessment or court order that disallowed the full credit for Drug C in 2007 or 2009. The FDA has not approved Drug C for an indication other than the treatment of a rare disease or condition for which a section 45C was allowed. (ii) Analysis. In 2007 and 2008, Drug C is an orphan drug because: first, it was a branded prescription drug for which a person claimed a section 45C credit and for which that credit was allowed for a taxable year; second, there was not a final assessment or court order disallowing the full credit taken for the drug; and third, FDA had not approved the drug for marketing for any indication other than the treatment of a rare disease or condition for which a section 45C credit was allowed. In 2009, Drug C retains its orphan drug status because another section 45C credit was allowed and the FDA did not approve Drug C for marketing for any indication other than the treatment of another rare disease or condition for which a section 45C credit was allowed. Thus, Drug C is an orphan drug for the 2010 sales year.
(l) Sales taken into account. The term sales taken into account means branded prescription drug sales after application of the percentage adjustment table in section 9008(b)(2) (relating to annual sales less than $400,000,001). See 51.5T(a)(3). (m) Sales year. The term sales year means the second calendar year preceding the fee year. Thus, for example, for the fee year of 2011, the sales year is 2009.
[T.D. 9544, 76 FR 51249, Aug. 18, 2011; 76 FR 59897, Sept. 28, 2011]
51.3T Information requested from covered entities (temporary). (a) In general. Annually, each covered entity may submit a completed Form 8947, Report of Branded Prescription Drug Information, in accordance with the instructions for the form. Gen-
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CMS for the sales year, and $100,000 was reported for Drug A, $200,000 was reported for Drug B, and $10,000 was reported for Drug C, the proportion of sales attributed to each NDC will be 32.26 percent for Drug A, 64.52 percent for Drug B, and 3.22 percent for Drug C; and (B) For each NDC, multiply the product of the annual weighted ASP and the total allowed billing units paid by Medicare Part B for the HCPCS code by the proportion of sales calculated in paragraph (c)(4)(ii)(A) of this section to determine the sales reportable to the IRS (that is, percentage (annual weighted ASP allowed units) = total sales reported to IRS for the NDC). The sales for each manufacturers NDCs assigned to a HCPCS code are summed and the total sales for each manufacturers NDCs in a HCPCS code will be reported to the IRS. (5) HCPCS code; unable to establish a reliable proportion of sales. If CMS is unable to establish a reliable proportion of sales attributable to each NDC assigned to the HCPCS code using the method described in paragraph (c)(4)(ii)(A) of this section, CMS will use Medicare Part D utilization percentages in lieu of the proportion of sales determined under paragraph (c)(4)(ii)(A) of this section to perform the calculation described in paragraph (c)(4)(ii)(B) of this section. (d) Medicaid. (1) CMS will determine the branded prescription drug sales for Medicaid as the per-unit Average Manufacturer Price (AMP) less the Unit Rebate Amounts (URA) that CMS calculates based on manufacturer-reported pricing data multiplied by the number of units reported billed by states to manufacturers. This data will be based on the data reported to CMS during the sales year by covered entities and the states for drugs paid for by the states in the Medicaid drug rebate program during the sales year. (2) For any covered entity identified in the first five (or six) digits of an NDC during any of the four quarters of a sales year, CMS will use the following methodology to derive the sales figures that account for third-party payers, such as Medicare Part B:
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(i) Report total dollars per NDC for AMPURA multiplied by the units reported by a state or states. (ii) Determine the percentage of the total amount reimbursed that is the Medicaid amount of that reimbursement. For example, if the total amount reimbursed is $100,000, and the Medicaid amount reimbursed is $20,000, then the percentage is 20 percent. (iii) Multiply the percentage of the Medicaid amount of that reimbursement (in the example in paragraph (d)(2)(ii) of this section, 20 percent) by the dollar figure derived from paragraph (d)(2)(i) of this section (AMP minus URA multiplied by units) to get the new adjusted sales dollar totals. (e) Department of Veterans Affairs. VA will provide, by NDC, the total amount paid (net of refunds and rebates, when they are associated with a specific NDC) for each branded prescription drug procured by the VA for its beneficiaries during the sales year. For this purpose, a drug is procured on the invoice (billing) date. The basis of this information will be national procurement data reported during the sales year by VAs Pharmaceutical Prime Vendor to the VA Pharmacy Benefits Management Service and National Acquisition Center. (f) Department of Defense. The DOD will provide, by Labeler Code, the manufacturers name, the NDC, brand name, and the amount paid (net of rebates and or refunds) for each branded prescription drug procured by DOD (for DOD programs other than the TRICARE retail pharmacy program) during the sales year. For DOD programs other than the TRICARE retail pharmacy program, a drug is procured based upon the date it was ordered. DOD will provide, by Labeler Code, the manufacturers name, the NDC, brand name, and the amount paid (net of rebates or refunds) for each branded prescription drug procured by DOD through the TRICARE Retail Pharmacy Program during the sales year. For the TRICARE retail pharmacy program, a drug is procured based upon the date it was dispensed. The amount paid is based on the submitted ingredient cost paid, aggregated by NDC, for eligible TRICARE retail pharmacy claims submitted during the program
(3) Sales taken into account. A covered entitys branded prescription drug sales taken into account during any calendar year are as follows:
Covered entitys branded prescription drug sales during the calendar year that are: Not more than $5,000,000 .................... More than $5,000,000 but not more than $125,000,000 ............................. More than $125,000,000 but not more than $225,000,000 ............................. More than $225,000,000 but not more than $400,000,000 ............................. More than $400,000,000 ....................... Percentage of branded prescription drug sales taken into account is 0 10 40 75 100
(b) Determination of branded prescription drug sales. The IRS will compile each covered entitys branded prescription drug sales for each Program by NDC. Each NDC will be attributed to the covered entity that owns the NDC
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scribed in paragraph (c)(2) of this section). (e) Adjustment amount. For each fee year after 2011, in addition to the allocated fee computed under paragraph (d) of this section, the IRS will also calculate an adjustment amount that reflects the difference between the allocated fee determined for the covered entity in the immediately preceding fee year, using data from the second calendar year preceding that fee year, and what the allocated fee would have been for that entity for the immediately preceding fee year using data from the calendar year immediately preceding that fee year. For example, for 2012, the adjustment amount for a covered entity will be the difference between the entitys 2011 allocated fee, using 2009 data, and what the 2011 allocated fee would have been using 2010 data. Although the adjustment reflects a revision of the prior years fee based on data from the year immediately preceding the prior fee year, the adjustment is only taken into account by adding it to or subtracting it from the allocated fee computed under paragraph (d) of this section for the current fee year to arrive at the total fee for the current fee year. 51.6T Notice of preliminary fee calculation (temporary). (a) Content of notice. For each sales year, the IRS will make a preliminary calculation of the fee for each covered entity as described in 51.5T. The IRS will notify each covered entity of its preliminary fee calculation for that sales year. The notification to a covered entity of its preliminary fee calculation will include (1) The covered entitys allocated fee; (2) The covered entitys branded prescription drug sales, by NDC, by Program; (3) The covered entitys branded prescription drug sales taken into account after application of 51.5T(a)(3); (4) The aggregate branded prescription drug sales taken into account for all covered entities; (5) After the 2011 fee year, the covered entitys adjustment amount calculated as described in 51.5T(e); and
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(6) A reference to the fee dispute resolution procedures set forth in guidance published in the Internal Revenue Bulletin. (b) Time of notice. The IRS will send each covered entity notice of its preliminary fee calculation by the date prescribed in guidance published in the Internal Revenue Bulletin. 51.7T Dispute resolution process (temporary). (a) In general. Upon receipt of its preliminary fee calculation, each covered entity will have an opportunity to dispute this calculation by submitting to the IRS an error report as described in this section. The IRS will provide its final determination with respect to error reports no later than the time the IRS provides a covered entity with a final fee calculation. (b) Program errors. To assert that there has been one or more errors in drug sales data, a covered entity must submit a separate error report for each Program with the asserted errors. Each report must include the following information (1) Entity name, entity number (if applicable, from Part I (a) of the Form 8947), address, and Employer Identification Number (EIN) as previously reported on the Form 8947; (2) The name, telephone number, and e-mail address (if available) of one or more employees or representatives of the entity with whom the Agencies may discuss the claimed errors. A Form 2848, Power of Attorney and Declaration of Representative, must be filed with the error report; and (3) The name of the Program that reported the data, the NDC, the specific amount of sales data disputed, the proposed corrected amount, an explanation of why the Agency should use the proposed corrected data instead, and documentation of any Program drug sales data or other information used to establish the existence of any errors. (c) Errors other than Program drug sales errors. To assert that there has been one or more errors in the mathematical calculation of the fee, the rebate data, the listing of an NDC for an orphan drug, or any other error (other than Program drug sales data errors), a
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drug sales data can affect each covered entitys fee because each covered entitys fee is a fraction of the aggregate fee collected from all covered entities. A covered entitys final fee may also differ from its preliminary fee calculation because the data used in the preliminary fee calculation may have contained inaccurate branded prescription drug sales information that was corrected or updated at the conclusion of the dispute resolution process. (c) Payment of final fee. Each covered entity must pay its final fee by September 30th of the fee year. For a controlled group, the payment must be made using the designated entitys EIN as reported on Form 8947. The fee must be paid by electronic funds transfer as required by 51.63021T. There is no tax return to be filed for the fee. (d) Joint and several liability. In the case of a controlled group that is liable for the fee, all covered entities within the controlled group are jointly and severally liable for the fee. Accordingly, if a covered entitys fee is not paid, the IRS will separately assess each covered entity in the group for the full amount of the controlled groups fee.
[T.D. 9544, 76 FR 51249, Aug. 18, 2011; 76 FR 59897, Sept. 28, 2011]
51.8T Notification and payment of fee (temporary). (a) Notification of final fee calculation. No later than August 31st of each fee year, the IRS will send each covered entity its final fee calculation for that year. In any fee year, the IRS will base its final fee calculation on data provided to it by the Agencies as adjusted pursuant to the dispute resolution process. The notification to a covered entity of its final fee calculation will include (1) The covered entitys allocated fee; (2) After the 2011 fee year, the covered entitys adjustment amount calculated as described in 51.5T(e); (3) The covered entitys branded prescription drug sales, by NDC, by Program; (4) The covered entitys branded prescription drug sales taken into account after application of 51.5T(a)(3); (5) The aggregate branded prescription drug sales taken into account for all covered entities; and (6) The final determination with respect to error reports. (b) Differences in preliminary fee calculation and final fee calculation. A covered entitys final fee calculation may differ from the covered entitys preliminary fee calculation because of changes made pursuant to the dispute resolution process described in 51.7T. Even if a covered entity did not file an error report described in 51.7T, a covered entitys final fee may differ from a covered entitys preliminary fee because of a change in data reported by the Agencies after resolution of error reports, including a change in the aggregate prescription drug sales figure. A change in aggregate prescription
(a) Treatment as an excise tax. The fee imposed by section 9008 is treated as an excise tax for purposes of subtitle F of the Code (sections 60017874). Thus, references in subtitle F to taxes imposed by this title, internal revenue tax, and similar references, are also references to the fee imposed by section 9008. For example, the fee imposed by section 9008 is assessed (section 6201), collected (sections 6301, 6321, and 6331), enforced (section 7602), subject to examination and summons (section 7602), and subject to confidentiality rules (section 6103), in the same manner as taxes imposed by the Code. (b) Deficiency procedures. The deficiency procedures of sections 62116216 do not apply to the fee imposed by section 9008. (c) Limitation on assessment. The IRS must assess the amount of the fee for
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any fee year within three years of September 30th of that fee year. (d) Application of section 275. The fee is treated as a tax described in section 275(a)(6) (relating to taxes for which no deduction is allowed). 51.10T Refund claims (temporary). Any claim for a refund of the fee must be made by the person that paid the fee to the government and must be made on Form 843, Claim for Refund and Request for Abatement, in accordance with the instructions for that form. 51.11T Effective/applicability date (temporary). Sections 51.1T through 51.10T apply to any fee on branded prescription drug sales that is due on or after September 30, 2011. 51.12T Expiration date (temporary). The applicability of 51.1T through 51.10T expires August 15, 2014. 51.63021T Method of paying the branded prescription drug fee (temporary). (a) Fee to be paid by electronic funds transfer. Under the authority of section 6302(a), the fee imposed on branded prescription drug sales by section 9008 and 51.5T must be paid by electronic funds transfer as defined in 31.63021(h)(4)(i), as if the fee were a depository tax. For the time for paying the fee, see 51.8T. (b) Effective/applicability date. This section applies on and after August 18, 2011. (c) Expiration date. The applicability of this section expires August 15, 2014. 52.01
52.46811 Taxes imposed with respect to ozone-depleting chemicals. (a) Taxes imposed. Sections 4681 and 4682 impose the following taxes with respect to ozone-depleting chemicals (ODCs): (1) Tax on ODCs. Section 4681(a)(1) imposes a tax on ODCs that are sold or used by the manufacturer or importer thereof. Except as otherwise provided in 52.46821 (relating to the tax on ODCs), the amount of the tax is equal to the product of (i) The weight (in pounds) of the ODC; (ii) The base tax amount (determined under section 4681(b)(1) (B) or (C)) for the calendar year in which the sale or use occurs; and (iii) The ozone-depletion factor (determined under section 4682(b)) for the ODC. (2) Tax on imported taxable products. Section 4681(a)(2) imposes a tax on imported taxable products that are sold or used by the importer thereof. Except as otherwise provided in 52.46823 (relating to the tax on imported taxable products), the tax is computed by reference to the weight of the ODCs used as materials in the manufacture of the product. The amount of tax is equal to the tax that would have been imposed on the ODCs under section 4681(a)(1) if the ODCs had been sold in the United States on the date of the sale or use of the imported product. The weight of such ODCs is determined under 52.46823. (3) Floor stocks tax(i) Imposition of tax. Section 4682(h) imposes a floor stocks tax on ODCs that (A) Are held by any person other than the manufacturer or importer of the ODC on a date specified in paragraph (a)(3)(ii) of this section; and
AUTHORITY: 26 U.S.C. 7805. Section 52.46823 also issued under 26 U.S.C. 4682(c)(2); Section 52.46825 also issued under 26 U.S.C. 4662(e)(4).
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(ii) The term includes (A) Submarine seabed and subsoil that would be treated as part of the United States (as defined in paragraph (c)(2)(i) of this section) under the principles of section 638 relating to continental shelf areas; and (B) Foreign trade zones of the United States. (3) Manufacture; manufacturer. The term manufacture when used with respect to any ODC or imported product includes its production, and the term manufacturer includes a producer. (4) Entry into United States for consumption, use, or warehousing(i) In general. Except as otherwise provided in this paragraph (c)(4), the term entered into the United States for consumption, use, or warehousing when used with respect to any goods means (A) Brought into the customs territory of the United States (the customs territory) if applicable customs law requires that the goods be entered into the customs territory for consumption, use, or warehousing; (B) Admitted into a foreign trade zone for any purpose if like goods brought into the customs territory for such purpose would be entered into the customs territory for consumption, use, or warehousing; or (C) Imported into any other part of the United States (as defined in paragraph (c)(2) of this section) for any purpose if like goods brought into the customs territory for such purpose would be entered into the customs territory for consumption, use, or warehousing. (ii) Entry for transportation and exportation. Goods entered into the customs territory for transportation and exportation are not goods entered for consumption, use, or warehousing. (iii) Entries described in two or more provisions. In the case of any goods with respect to which entries are described in two or more provisions of paragraph (c)(4)(i) of this section, only the first such entry is taken into account. Thus, if the admission of goods into a foreign trade zone is an entry into the United States for consumption, use, or warehousing, the subsequent entry of such goods into the customs territory will not be treated as an
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entry into the United States for consumption, use, or warehousing. (iv) Certain imported products not entered for consumption, use, or warehousing. Imported products that are entered into the United States for consumption, use, or warehousing do not include any imported products that (A) Are entered into the customs territory under Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS) heading 9801, 9802, 9803, or 9813; (B) Would, if entered into the customs territory, be entered under any such heading; or (C) Are brought into the United States by an individual if the product is brought in for use by the individual and is not expected to be used in a trade or business other than a trade or business of performing services as an employee. (5) Importer. The term importer means the person that first sells or uses goods after their entry into the United States for consumption, use, or warehousing (within the meaning of paragraph (c)(4) of this section). (6) Sale. The term sale means the transfer of title or of substantial incidents of ownership (whether or not delivery to, or payment by, the buyer has been made) for consideration which may include money, services, or property. The determination as to the time a sale occurs shall be made under applicable local law. (7) Use(i) In general. Except as otherwise provided in regulations under sections 4681 and 4682, ODCs and imported taxable products are used when they are (A) Used as a material in the manufacture of an article, whether by incorporation into such article, chemical transformation, release into the atmosphere, or otherwise; or (B) Put into service in a trade or business or for production of income. (ii) Loss, destruction, packaging, warehousing, and repair. The loss, destruction, packaging (including repackaging), warehousing, or repair of ODCs and imported taxable products is not a use of the ODC or product lost, destroyed, packaged, warehoused, or repaired.
52.46821 Ozone-depleting chemicals. (a) Overview. This section provides rules relating to the tax imposed on ozone-depleting chemicals (ODCs) under section 4681, including rules for identifying taxable ODCs and determining when the tax is imposed, and
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by a chemical formula, and an ODC is contained in a mixture only if the chemical identity of the ODC is not changed. Thus, except as provided in paragraphs (b)(2)(iii), (iv), and (v) of this section (A) The tax on the post-1989 ODCs (as defined in 52.46811(c)(9)) contained in mixtures created after December 31, 1989, or on the post-1990 ODCs (as defined in 52.46811(c)(9)) contained in mixtures created after December 31, 1990, is imposed when the mixture is created and not on any subsequent sale or use of the mixture; and (B) No tax is imposed under section 4681 on the post-1989 ODCs contained in mixtures created before January 1, 1990, or on the post-1990 ODCs contained in mixtures created before January 1, 1991. (iii) Mixture elections(A) Permitted elections. The only elections permitted under this paragraph (b)(2)(iii) are (1) An election for the first calendar quarter beginning after December 31, 1989, and all subsequent periods (the 1990 election); and (2) An election for the first calendar quarter beginning after December 31, 1990, and all subsequent periods (the 1991 election). (B) In general. A manufacturer or importer may elect to treat the sale or use of mixtures containing ODCs as the first sale or use of the ODCs contained in the mixtures. If a 1990 election is made under this paragraph (b)(2)(iii), the tax on post-1989 ODCs contained in a mixture sold or used after December 31, 1989 (including any such mixture created before January 1, 1990) is imposed on the date of such sale or use. Similarly, if a 1991 election is made under this paragraph (b)(2)(iii), the tax on post-1990 ODCs contained in a mixture sold or used after December 31, 1990 (including any such mixture created before January 1, 1991) is imposed on the date of such sale or use. (C) Applicability of elections. An election under this paragraph (b)(2)(iii) applies (1) In the case of a 1990 election, to all post-1989 ODCs contained in mixtures sold or used by the manufacturer or importer after December 31, 1989 (including any such mixture created before January 1, 1990); and
(2) Taxable event(i) In general(A) General rule. The tax on an ODC is imposed when the ODC is first sold or used (as defined in 52.46811(c)(6) and (7)) by its manufacturer or importer. (B) Example. The application of this paragraph (b)(2)(i) may be illustrated by the following example:
Example. A enters CFC113, an ODC listed in section 4682(a)(2), into the United States for consumption, use, or warehousing. A warehouses the CFC113 and then decides to ship the ODC to its factory outside the United States (as defined in 52.46811 (c)(2)). The CFC113 is a taxable ODC because the requirements of paragraph (b)(1)(i) of this section have been met. However, tax is not imposed on the ODC because there is no taxable event. A did not sell the ODC and, under 52.46811(c)(7), warehousing is not a use.
(ii) Mixtures. Except as provided in paragraphs (b)(2)(iii), (iv), and (v) of this section, the creation of a mixture containing two or more ingredients is treated as a taxable use of the ODCs contained in the mixture. For this purpose, a mixture cannot be represented
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(2) In the case of a 1991 election, to all post-1990 ODCs contained in mixtures sold or used by the manufacturer or importer after December 31, 1990 (including any such mixture created before January 1, 1991). (D) Making the election; revocation. An election under this paragraph (b)(2)(iii) shall be made in accordance with the instructions for the return on which the manufacturer or importer reports liability for tax under section 4681. After October 9, 1990, the election may be revoked only with the consent of the Commissioner. (iv) Special rule for exports. The creation of a mixture for export is not a taxable use of the ODCs contained in the mixture. If a manufacturer or importer sells a mixture for export, 52.46825 applies to the ODCs contained in the mixture. See 52.46825(e) for rules relating to liability of a purchaser for tax if the mixture is not exported. (v) Special rule for use as a feedstock. The creation of a mixture for use as a feedstock (within the meaning of paragraph (c) of this section) is not a taxable use of the ODCs contained in the mixture. (c) ODCs used as a feedstock(1) Exemption from tax. No tax is imposed on an ODC if the manufacturer or importer of the ODC (i) Uses the ODC as a feedstock in the manufacture of another chemical; or (ii) Sells the ODC in a qualifying sale (within the meaning of paragraph (c)(4) of this section) for use as a feedstock. (2) Excess payments(i) In general. Under section 4682(d)(2)(B), a credit or refund is allowed to a person if (A) The person uses an ODC as a feedstock; and (B) The amount of any tax paid with respect to the ODC under section 4681 or 4682 was not determined under section 4682(d)(2)(A). (ii) Procedural rules. See section 6402 and the regulations thereunder for rules relating to claiming a credit or refund of tax paid with respect to ODCs that are used as a feedstock. A credit against the income tax is not allowed for the amount determined under section 4682(d)(2)(B). (3) Definition. An ODC is used as a feedstock only if the ODC is entirely
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(f) Methyl chloroform; reduced rate of tax in 1993. The amount of tax imposed on methyl chloroform is determined under section 4682(g)(5) if the manufacturer or importer of the methyl chloroform sells or uses it during 1993. (g) ODCs used as medical sterilants(1) Phase-in of tax. The amount of tax imposed on an ODC is determined under section 4682(g)(4) if the manufacturer or importer of the ODC (i) Uses the ODC during 1993 as a medical sterilant; or (ii) Sells the ODC in a qualifying sale (within the meaning of paragraph (g)(4) of this section) during 1993. (2) Excess payments(i) In general. Under section 4682(g)(4)(B), a credit against income tax (without interest) or a refund of tax (without interest) is allowed to a person if (A) The person uses an ODC during 1993 as a medical sterilant; and (B) The amount of any tax paid with respect to the ODC under section 4681 or 4682 exceeds the amount that would have been determined under section 4682(g)(4). (ii) Amount of credit or refund. The amount of credit or refund of tax is equal to the excess of (A) The tax that was paid with respect to the ODCs under sections 4681 and 4682; over (B) The tax that would have been imposed under section 4682(g)(4). (iii) Procedural rules. (A) The amount determined under section 4682(g)(4)(B) and paragraph (g)(2)(ii) of this section is treated as a credit described in section 34(a) (relating to credits for gasoline and special fuels) unless a claim for refund has been filed. (B) See section 6402 and the regulations under that section for procedural rules relating to claiming a credit or refund of tax. (3) Definition of use as a medical sterilant. An ODC is used as a medical sterilant if it is used in the manufacture of sterilant gas. (4) Qualifying sale. A sale of an ODC for use as a medical sterilant is a qualifying sale if the requirements of 52.46822(b)(3) are satisfied with respect to the sale. (h) ODCs used as propellants in metered-dose inhalers(1) Reduced rate of tax. The amount of tax imposed on an
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ODC is determined under section 4682(g)(4) if the manufacturer or importer of the ODC (i) Uses the ODC after 1992 as a propellant in a metered-dose inhaler; or (ii) Sells the ODC in a qualifying sale (within the meaning of paragraph (h)(4) of this section) after 1992. (2) Excess payments(i) In general. Under section 4682(g)(4)(B), a credit against income tax (without interest) or a refund of tax (without interest) is allowed to a person if (A) The person uses an ODC after 1992 as a propellant in a metered-dose inhaler; and (B) The amount of any tax paid with respect to the ODC under section 4681 or 4682 exceeds the amount that would have been determined under section 4682(g)(4). (ii) Amount of credit or refund. The amount of credit or refund of tax is equal to the excess of (A) The tax that was paid with respect to the ODCs under sections 4681 and 4682; over (B) The tax that would have been imposed under section 4682(g)(4). (iii) Procedural rules(A) The amount determined under section 4682(g)(4)(B) and paragraph (h)(2)(ii) of this section is treated as a credit described in section 34(a) (relating to credits for gasoline and special fuels) unless a claim for refund has been filed. (B) See section 6402 and the regulations under that section for procedural rules relating to claiming a credit or refund of tax. (3) Definition of metered-dose inhaler. A metered-dose inhaler is an aerosol device that delivers a precisely-measured dose of a therapeutic drug. (4) Qualifying sale. A sale of an ODC for use as a propellant for a metereddose inhaler is a qualifying sale if the requirements of 52.46822(b)(4) are satisfied with respect to the sale. (i) [Reserved] (j) Exports; cross-reference. For the treatment of exports of ODCs, see 52.46825. (k) Recycling. [Reserved]
[T.D. 8370, 56 FR 56307, Nov. 4, 1991, as amended by T.D. 8622, 60 FR 52849, Oct. 11, 1995]
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this section may apply to a single purchase or to multiple purchases and need not specify an expiration date. A certificate provided under paragraph (d)(3) or (4) of this section may apply to a single purchase or multiple purchases, and will expire as of December 31, 1993, unless an earlier expiration date is specified in the certificate. A new certificate must be given to the supplier if any information on the current certificate changes. The certificate may be included as part of any business records normally used to document a sale. (ii) Special rule relating to certificates executed before January 1, 1992. Certificates provided under this paragraph (d)(2) and executed before January 1, 1992, satisfy the requirements of paragraph (b) of this section if they are in substantially the same form as certificates set forth in 52.46822T. (2) Certificate relating to ODCs used as a feedstock(i) ODCs that will be resold for use by the second purchaser as a feedstock. If the purchaser will resell the ODCs to a second purchaser for use by such second purchaser as a feedstock, the certificate provided by the purchaser must be in substantially the following form:
CERTIFICATE OF PURCHASER OF CHEMICALS THAT WILL BE RESOLD FOR USE BY THE SECOND PURCHASER AS A FEEDSTOCK (To support tax-free sales under section 4682(d)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code.) Date lllllllllllllllllllll The undersigned purchaser (Purchaser) hereby certifies the following under penalties of perjury: The following percentage of ozone-depleting chemicals purchased from llllllllllllllllllllllll (name and address of seller) will be resold by Purchaser to persons (Second Purchasers) that certify to Purchaser that they are purchasing the ozone-depleting chemicals for use as a feedstock (as defined in 52.46821(c)(3) of the Environmental Tax Regulations).
Product CFC11. CFC12. CFC113. CFC114. CFC115. Carbon tetrachloride. Methyl chloroform. Other (specify). Percentage
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This certificate applies to (check and complete as applicable): lll All shipments to Purchaser at the following location(s): llllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllll lll All shipments to Purchaser under the following Purchaser account number(s): llllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllll lll All shipments to Purchaser under the following purchase order(s): llllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllll lll One or more shipments to Purchaser identified as follows: llllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllll Purchaser will not claim a credit or refund under section 4682(d)(2)(B) of the Internal Revenue Code for any ozone-depleting chemicals covered by this certificate. Purchaser understands that any use by Purchaser of the ozone-depleting chemicals to which this certificate applies other than for the purpose set forth in this certificate may result in the withdrawal by the Internal Revenue Service of Purchasers right to provide a certificate. Purchaser will retain the business records needed to document the sales covered by this certificate and will make such records available for inspection by Government officers. Purchaser also will retain and make available for inspection by Government officers the certificates of its Second Purchasers. Purchaser has not been notified by the Internal Revenue Service that its right to provide a certificate has been withdrawn. In addition, the Internal Revenue Service has not notified Purchaser that the right to provide a certificate has been withdrawn from any Second Purchaser who will purchase ozonedepleting chemicals to which this certificate applies. Purchaser understands that the fraudulent use of this certificate may subject Purchaser and all parties making such fraudulent use of this certificate to a fine or imprisonment, or both, together with the costs of prosecution. llllllllllllllllllllllll Signature llllllllllllllllllllllll Printed or typed name of person signing llllllllllllllllllllllll Title of person signing llllllllllllllllllllllll
(ii) ODCs that will be used by the purchaser as a feedstock. If the purchaser will use the ODCs as a feedstock, the certificate provided by the purchaser must be in substantially the following form:
CERTIFICATE OF PURCHASER OF CHEMICALS THAT WILL BE USED BY THE PURCHASER AS A FEEDSTOCK (To support tax-free sales under section 4682(d)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code.) Date lllllllllllllllllllll The undersigned purchaser (Purchaser) hereby certifies the following under penalties of perjury: The following percentage of ozone-depleting chemicals purchased from llllllllllllllllllllllll (name and address of seller) will be used by Purchaser as a feedstock (as defined in 52.46821(c)(3) of the Environmental Tax Regulations).
Product CFC11. CFC12. CFC113. CFC114. CFC115. Carbon tetrachloride. Methyl chloroform. Other (specify). Percentage Kilograms to be transformed
This certificate applies to (check and complete as applicable): lll All shipments to Purchaser at the following location(s): llllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllll lll All shipments to Purchaser under the following Purchaser account number(s): llllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllll lll All shipments to Purchaser under the following purchase order(s): llllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllll lll One or more shipments to Purchaser identified as follows: llllllllllllllllllllllll
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The undersigned purchaser (Purchaser) hereby certifies the following under penalties of perjury: The following percentage of ozone-depleting chemicals purchased from llllllllllllllllllllllll (name and address of seller) will be resold by Purchaser to persons (Second Purchasers) that certify to Purchaser that they are purchasing the ozone-depleting chemicals for use in the manufacture of rigid foam insulation (as defined in 52.46821(d)(3) and (4) of the Environmental Tax Regulations).
Product CFC11. CFC12. CFC113. CFC114. CFC115. Carbon tetrachloride. Methyl chloroform. Other (specify). Percentage
(3) Certificate relating to ODCs used in the manufacture of rigid foam insulation(i) ODCs that will be resold to a second purchaser for use by the second purchaser in the manufacture of rigid foam insulation. If the purchaser will resell the ODCs to a second purchaser for use by such second purchaser in the manufacture of rigid foam insulation, the certificate provided by the purchaser must be in substantially the following form:
CERTIFICATE OF PURCHASER OF CHEMICALS THAT WILL BE RESOLD FOR USE BY THE SECOND PURCHASER IN THE MANUFACTURE OF RIGID FOAM INSULATION (To support tax-free or tax-reduced sales under section 4682(g) of the Internal Revenue Code.) Effective Date llllllllllllllll Expiration Date lllllllllllllll (not after 12/31/93)
This certificate applies to (check and complete as applicable): lll All shipments to Purchaser at the following location(s): llllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllll lll All shipments to Purchaser under the following Purchaser account number(s): llllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllll lll All shipments to Purchaser under the following purchase order(s): llllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllll lll One or more shipments to Purchaser identified as follows: llllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllll Purchaser will not claim a credit or refund under section 4682(g)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code for any ozone-depleting chemicals covered by this certificate. Purchaser understands that any use by Purchaser of the ozone-depleting chemicals to which this certificate applies other than for the purpose set forth in this certificate may result in the withdrawal by the Internal Revenue Service of Purchasers right to provide a certificate. Purchaser will retain the business records needed to document the sales covered by this certificate and will make such records available for inspection by Government officers.
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Purchaser also will retain and make available for inspection by Government officers the certificates of its Second Purchasers. Purchaser has not been notified by the Internal Revenue Service that its right to provide a certificate has been withdrawn. In addition, the Internal Revenue Service has not notified Purchaser that the right to provide a certificate has been withdrawn from any Second Purchaser who will purchase ozonedepleting chemicals to which this certificate applies. Purchaser understands that the fraudulent use of this certificate may subject Purchaser and all parties making such fraudulent use of this certificate to a fine or imprisonment, or both, together with the costs of prosecution. llllllllllllllllllllllll Signature llllllllllllllllllllllll Printed or typed name of person signing llllllllllllllllllllllll Title of person signing llllllllllllllllllllllll Name of Purchaser llllllllllllllllllllllll Address llllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllll Taxpayer Identifying Number
(ii) ODCs that will be used by the purchaser in the manufacture of rigid foam insulation. If the purchaser will use the ODCs in the manufacture of rigid foam insulation, the certificate provided by the purchaser must be in substantially the following form:
(To support tax-free or tax-reduced sales under section 4682(g) of the Internal Revenue Code.) Effective Date llllllllllllllll Expiration Date lllllllllllllll (not after 12/31/93) The undersigned purchaser (Purchaser) hereby certifies the following under penalties of perjury: The following percentage of ozone-depleting chemicals purchased from llllllllllllllllllllllll (name and address of seller) will be used by Purchaser in the manufacture of rigid foam insulation (as defined in 52.46821(d) (3) and (4) of the Environmental Tax Regulations).
This certificate applies to (check and complete as applicable): lll All shipments to Purchaser at the following location(s): llllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllll lll All shipments to Purchaser under the following Purchaser account number(s): llllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllll lll All shipments to Purchaser under the following purchase order(s): llllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllll lll One or more shipments to Purchaser identified as follows: llllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllll Purchaser will not claim a credit or refund under section 4682(g)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code for any ozone-depleting chemicals covered by this certificate. Purchaser understands that any use by Purchaser of the ozone-depleting chemicals to which this certificate applies other than in the manufacture of rigid foam insulation may result in the withdrawal by the Internal Revenue Service of Purchasers right to provide a certificate. Purchaser will retain the business records needed to document the use in the manufacture of rigid foam insulation of the ozone-depleting chemicals to which this certificate applies and will make such records available for inspection by Government officers. Purchaser has not been notified by the Internal Revenue Service that its right to provide a certificate has been withdrawn. Purchaser understands that the fraudulent use of this certificate may subject Purchaser and all parties making such fraudulent use of this certificate to a fine or imprisonment, or both, together with the costs of prosecution. llllllllllllllllllllllll Signature llllllllllllllllllllllll Printed or typed name of person signing
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llllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllll lll One or more shipments to Purchaser identified as follows: llllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllll Purchaser will not claim a credit or refund under section 4682(g)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code for any ozone-depleting chemicals covered by this certificate. Purchaser understands that any use by Purchaser of the ozone-depleting chemicals to which this certificate applies other than for the purpose set forth in this certificate may result in the withdrawal by the Internal Revenue Service of Purchasers right to provide a certificate. Purchaser will retain the business records needed to document the sales covered by this certificate and will make such records available for inspection by Government officers. Purchaser also will retain and make available for inspection by Government officers the certificates of its Second Purchasers. Purchaser has not been notified by the Internal Revenue Service that its right to provide a certificate has been withdrawn. In addition, the Internal Revenue Service has not notified Purchaser that the right to provide a certificate has been withdrawn from any Second Purchaser who will purchase ozonedepleting chemicals to which this certificate applies. Purchaser understands that the fraudulent use of this certificate may subject Purchaser and all parties making such fraudulent use of this certificate to a fine or imprisonment, or both, together with the costs of prosecution. llllllllllllllllllllllll Name of Purchaser llllllllllllllllllllllll Address of Purchaser llllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllll Taxpayer Identifying Number of Purchaser llllllllllllllllllllllll Title of person signing llllllllllllllllllllllll Printed or typed name of person signing llllllllllllllllllllllll Signature
(4) Certificate relating to ODCs used as medical sterilants(i) ODCs that will be resold for use by the second purchaser as medical sterilants. If the purchaser will resell the ODCs to a second purchaser for use by such second purchaser as medical sterilants, the certificate provided by the purchaser must be in substantially the following form:
CERTIFICATE OF PURCHASER OF CHEMICALS THAT WILL BE RESOLD FOR USE BY THE SECOND PURCHASER AS MEDICAL STERILANTS (To support tax-reduced sales under section 4682(g)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code.) Effective Date llllllllllllllll Expiration Date lllllllllllllll (not after 12/31/93) The undersigned purchaser (Purchaser) certifies the following under penalties of perjury: The following percentage of ozone-depleting chemicals purchased from: llllllllllllllllllllllll (Name of seller) llllllllllllllllllllllll (Address of seller) will be resold by Purchaser to persons (Second Purchasers) that certify to Purchaser that they are purchasing the ozone-depleting chemicals for use as medical sterilants (as defined in 52.46821(g)(3) of the Environmental Tax Regulations).
Product CFC12 ............................................................. Percentage lllll
This certificate applies to (check and complete as applicable): lll All shipments to Purchaser at the following location(s): llllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllll lll All shipments to Purchaser under the following Purchaser account number(s): llllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllll lll All shipments to Purchaser under the following purchase order(s): llllllllllllllllllllllll
(ii) ODCs that will be used by the purchaser as medical sterilants. If the purchaser will use the ODCs as medical sterilants, the certificate provided by the purchaser must be in substantially the following form:
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CERTIFICATE OF PURCHASER OF CHEMICALS THAT WILL BE USED BY THE PURCHASER AS MEDICAL STERILANTS (To support tax-reduced sales under section 4682(g)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code.) Effective Date llllllllllllllll Expiration Date lllllllllllllll (not after 12/31/93) The undersigned purchaser (Purchaser) certifies the following under penalties of perjury: The following percentage of ozone-depleting chemicals purchased from: llllllllllllllllllllllll (Name of seller) llllllllllllllllllllllll (Address of seller) will be used by Purchaser as medical sterilants (as defined in 52.46821(g)(3) of the Environmental Tax Regulations).
Product CFC12 ............................................................. Percentage lllll
This certificate applies to (check and complete as applicable): lll All shipments to Purchaser at the following location(s): llllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllll lll All shipments to Purchaser under the following Purchaser account number(s): llllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllll lll All shipments to Purchaser under the following purchase order(s): llllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllll lll One or more shipments to Purchaser identified as follows: llllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllll Purchaser will not claim a credit or refund under section 4682(g)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code for any ozone-depleting chemicals covered by this certificate. Purchaser understands that any use by Purchaser of the ozone-depleting chemicals to which this certificate applies other than as medical sterilants may result in the withdrawal by the Internal Revenue Service of Purchasers right to provide a certificate. Purchaser will retain the business records needed to document the use as medical sterilants of the ozone-depleting chemicals to which this certificate applies and will make such records available for inspection by Government officers.
(5) Certificate relating to ODCs used as propellants in metered-dose inhalers(i) ODCs that will be resold for use by the second purchaser as propellants in metered-dose inhalers. If the purchaser will resell the ODCs to a second purchaser for use by such second purchaser as propellants in metered-dose inhalers, the certificate provided by the purchaser must be in substantially the following form:
CERTIFICATE OF PURCHASER OF CHEMICALS THAT WILL BE RESOLD FOR USE BY THE SECOND PURCHASER AS PROPELLANTS IN METERED-DOSE INHALERS (To support tax-reduced sales under section 4682(g)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code.) Date lllllllllllllllllllll The undersigned purchaser (Purchaser) certifies the following under penalties of perjury: The following percentage of ozone-depleting chemicals purchased from: llllllllllllllllllllllll (Name of seller) llllllllllllllllllllllll (Address of seller) will be resold by Purchaser to persons (Second Purchasers) that certify to Purchaser that they are purchasing the ozone-depleting chemicals for use as propellants in metereddose inhalers (as defined in 52.46821(h)(3) of the Environmental Tax Regulations).
Product CFC11 ............................................................. CFC12 ............................................................. CFC114 ........................................................... Percentage llll llll llll
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(ii) ODCs that will be used by the purchaser as propellants in metered-dose inhalers. If the purchaser will use the ODCs as propellants in metered-dose inhalers, the certificate provided by the purchaser must be in substantially the following form:
CERTIFICATE OF PURCHASER OF CHEMICALS THAT WILL BE USED BY THE PURCHASER AS PROPELLANTS IN METERED-DOSE INHALERS (To support tax-reduced sales under section 4682(g)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code.) Date lllllllllllllllllllll The undersigned purchaser (Purchaser) certifies the following under penalties of perjury: The following percentage of ozone-depleting chemicals purchased from: llllllllllllllllllllllll (Name of seller) llllllllllllllllllllllll (Address of seller) will be used by Purchaser as propellants in metered-dose inhalers (as defined in 52.4682 1(h)(3) of the Environmental Tax Regulations).
Product CFC11 ............................................................. CFC12 ............................................................. CFC114 ........................................................... Percentage llll llll llll
This certificate applies to (check and complete as applicable): llll All shipments to Purchaser at the following location(s): llllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllll llll All shipments to Purchaser under the following Purchaser account number(s): llllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllll llll All shipments to Purchaser under the following purchase order(s): llllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllll llll One or more shipments to Purchaser identified as follows: llllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllll Purchaser will not claim a credit or refund under section 4682(g)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code for any ozone-depleting chemicals covered by this certificate.
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Purchaser understands that any use by Purchaser of the ozone-depleting chemicals to which this certificate applies other than as propellants in metered-dose inhalers may result in the withdrawal by the Internal Revenue Service of Purchasers right to provide a certificate. Purchaser will retain the business records needed to document the use as propellants in metered-dose inhalers of the ozone-depleting chemicals to which this certificate applies and will make such records available for inspection by Government officers. Purchaser has not been notified by the Internal Revenue Service that its right to provide a certificate has been withdrawn. Purchaser understands that the fraudulent use of this certificate may subject Purchaser and all parties making such fraudulent use of this certificate to a fine or imprisonment, or both, together with the costs of prosecution. llllllllllllllllllllllll Name of Purchaser llllllllllllllllllllllll Address of Purchaser llllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllll Taxpayer Identifying Number of Purchaser llllllllllllllllllllllll Title of person signing llllllllllllllllllllllll Printed or typed name of person signing llllllllllllllllllllllll Signature [T.D. 8370, 56 FR 56308, Nov. 4, 1991, as amended by T.D. 8622, 60 FR 52850, Oct. 11, 1995]
(a) Overview; references to Tables; special rule for 1990(1) Overview. This section provides rules relating to the tax imposed on imported taxable products under section 4681, including rules for identifying imported taxable products, determining the weight of the ozonedepleting chemicals (ODCs) used as materials in the manufacture of such products, and computing the amount of tax on such products. See 52.4681 1(a)(2) and (c) for general rules and definitions relating to the tax on imported taxable products. (2) References to Tables. When used in this section (i) The term Imported Products Table (Table) refers to the Table set forth in paragraph (f)(6) of this section; and (ii) The term current Imported Products Table (current Table) used with respect to a product refers to the Table in effect on the date such product is
(2) Exceptions(i) In general. A product is not treated as an imported taxable product if (A) The product is listed in Part I of the current Table and the adjusted tax with respect to the product is de minimis (within the meaning of paragraph (b)(2)(ii) of this section); or (B) The product is listed in Part II of the current Table, the adjusted tax with respect to the product is de minimis (within the meaning of paragraph (b)(2)(ii) of this section), and the ODCs (other than methyl chloroform) used as materials in the manufacture of the product were not used for purposes of refrigeration or air conditioning, creating an aerosol or foam, or manufacturing electronic components. (ii) De minimis adjusted tax. The adjusted tax with respect to a product is de minimis if such tax is less than one/ tenth of one percent of the importers cost of acquiring such product. The term adjusted tax means the tax that would be imposed under section 468l on the ODCs used as materials in the manufacture of such product if such ODCs
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(iv) Making the election. An election under this paragraph (c)(2) shall be made in accordance with the instructions for the return on which the importer is required to report liability for tax under section 4681. (3) Treating the sale of an article incorporating an imported taxable product as the first sale or use of such product(i) In general. In the case of articles to be sold, an importer may treat the sale of an article manufactured or assembled in the United States as the first sale or use of an imported taxable product incorporated in such article, but only if the importer (A) Has consistently treated the sale of similar articles as the first sale or use of similar imported taxable products; and (B) Has not made an election under paragraph (c)(2) of this section. (ii) Similar articles and imported taxable products. An importer may establish any reasonable criteria for determining whether articles or imported taxable products are similar for purposes of this paragraph (c)(3). (iii) Establishment of consistent treatment. An importer has consistently treated the sale of similar articles as the first sale or use of similar imported taxable products only if such treatment is reflected in the computation of tax on the importers returns for all prior calendar quarters in which such treatment would affect tax liability. (iv) Example. The application of this paragraph (c)(3) may be illustrated by the following example:
Example. (a) An importer of printed circuits and other electronic components uses those products in assembling television receivers in the United States and also uses the printed circuits in assembling VCRs in the United States. Under the importers criteria for determining similarity, printed circuits are similar to other printed circuits, but not to the other electronic components. In addition, television receivers are similar to other television receivers, but not to VCRs. The importer has not made an election under paragraph (c)(2) of this section. (b) Under this paragraph (c)(3), the importer may treat the sale of the television receivers as the first sale or use of the imported printed circuits incorporated into the television receivers. In that case, the tax on the printed circuits would be imposed when the television receivers are sold rather than
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when the printed circuits are used in assembling the television receivers. (c) The importer may treat the sale of the television receivers as the first sale or use of the printed circuits incorporated into the television receivers even if the sale of the television receivers is not treated as the first sale or use of the other electronic components incorporated into the television receivers and even if the sale of VCRs is not treated as the first sale or use of the printed circuits incorporated into the VCRs. Under paragraph (c)(3)(i)(A) of this section, however, the importer must have consistently treated the sale of television receivers as the first sale or use of printed circuits incorporated into the receivers. Thus, in the case of television receivers that were assembled before January 1, 1990, and sold after December 31, 1989, the importer must have treated the sale of the television receivers as the first sale or use of the printed circuits incorporated into the television receivers when reporting tax under section 4681 with respect to such printed circuits.
(d) ODCs used as materials in the manufacture of imported taxable products(1) ODC weight. The tax imposed on an imported taxable product under section 4681 is computed by reference to the weight of the ODCs used as materials in the manufacture of the product (ODC weight). The ODC weight of a product includes the weight of ODCs used as materials in the manufacture of any components of the product. (2) ODCs used as materials in the manufacture of a product. Except as provided in paragraph (d)(3) of this section, an ODC is used as a material in the manufacture of a product if the ODC is (i) Incorporated into the product; (ii) Released into the atmosphere in the process of manufacturing the product; or (iii) Otherwise used in the manufacture of the product (but only to the extent the cost of the ODC is properly allocable to the product). (3) Protective packaging. ODCs used in the manufacture of the protective material in which a product is packaged are not treated as ODCs used as materials in the manufacture of such product. (4) Examples. The provisions of this paragraph (d) may be illustrated by the following examples:
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Example 1. A, a manufacturer located outside the United States, uses ODCs as a solvent to clean the printed circuits it manufactures and as a coolant in the air-condi-
(e) Methods of determining ODC weight; computation of tax(1) In general. This paragraph (e) sets forth the methods to be used for determining the ODC weight of an imported taxable product and a method to be used in computing the tax when the ODC weight cannot be determined. The amount of tax is computed separately for each imported taxable product and the method to be used in determining the ODC weight or otherwise computing the tax is separately determined for each such product. Thus, an importer may use one method in computing the tax on some imported taxable products and different methods in computing the tax on other products. For example, an importer of telephone sets may compute the tax using the exact method described in paragraph (e)(2) of this section for determining the ODC weight of telephone sets supplied by one manufacturer and using the Table method described in paragraph (e)(3) of this section for telephone sets supplied by other manufacturers that have not provided sufficient information to allow the importer to use the exact method. (2) Exact method. If the importer determines the weight of each ODC used as a material in the manufacture of an imported taxable product and supports that determination with sufficient and reliable information, the ODC weight of the product is the weight so determined. Under this method, the ODC
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information. In determining the ODC weight of any such product, the importer may replace the weight specified in the Table for such ODC with the weight (as determined by the importer) of such ODC and its substitutes. For example, if an importer has sufficient and reliable information to determine the amount of CFC12 included in a product as a coolant (and to determine that no ODCs have been used as substitutes for CFC12) but cannot determine the amount of CFC113 used in manufacturing the products electronic components, the importer may use the weight specified in the Table for CFC 113 and the actual weight determined by the importer for CFC12 in determining the ODC weight of the product. (C) ODCs used in the manufacture of rigid foam insulation. In computing the tax using the method described in this paragraph (e)(3), any ODC for which the Table specifies a weight followed by an asterisk (*) shall be treated as an ODC used in the manufacture of rigid foam insulation (as defined in 52.46821(d) (3) and (4)). (4) Value method(i) General rule. If the importer cannot determine the ODC weight of an imported taxable product under the exact method described in paragraph (e)(2) of this section and the Table ODC weight of the product is not specified, the tax imposed on the product under section 4681 is one percent of the entry value of the product. (ii) Special rule for mixtures. If, in the case of an imported taxable product that is a mixture, the tax was determined under the method described in this paragraph (e)(4), the Commissioner may redetermine the tax based on the ODC weight of the mixture. (5) Adjustment for prior taxes(i) In general. If any manufacture with respect to an imported taxable product occurred in the United States or the product incorporates a taxed component or a taxed chemical was used in its manufacture, the products ODC weight (or value) attributable to manufacture within the United States or to taxed components or taxed chemicals shall be disregarded in computing the tax on such product using a method described in paragraph (e) (2), (3), or (4) of this section.
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(ii) Taxed component. The term taxed component means any component that previously was subject to tax as an imported taxable product or that would have been so taxed if section 4681 had been in effect for periods before January 1, 1990. (iii) Taxed chemical. The term taxed chemical means any ODC that previously was subject to tax. (6) Examples. The application of this paragraph (e) may be illustrated by the following examples:
Example 1. A is an importer (as defined in 52.46811(c)(5)) of VCRs. The HTS classification for the VCRs is 8528.10.40. VCRs classified under HTS heading 8528.10.40 are imported taxable products because they are listed in the Table (contained in paragraph (f)(6) of this section) by name and HTS heading (as described in paragraph (f)(3)(i) of this section). Each VCR is wrapped in protective packing material manufactured with ODCs. A imports and sells 100 VCRs during the first calendar quarter of 1991. A may determine the ODC weight for the VCRs by reference to the Table. The Table ODC weight specified for VCRs classified under HTS heading 8528.10.40 is 0.0586 pound of CFC113. This weight does not take protective packaging into account. The amount of tax for the first quarter of 1991 is $6.42 (0.0586 (the ODC weight) 100 (the number of VCRs sold in the quarter) $1.37 (the base tax amount for CFC113 in 1991) 0.8 (the ozone-depletion factor for CFC113)). If A uses the exact method (as described in paragraph (e)(2) of this section) to determine the ODC weight for the VCRs, A does not take into account the ODCs used in the manufacture of the protective packaging. (Imported protective packaging containing foams made with ODCs other than foams defined in 52.46821(d)(3) is subject to tax, however, if the packaging is sold as packaging or first used as packaging in the United States.) Example 2. The facts are the same as in Example 1, except that As VCRs are manufactured using methyl chloroform as the solvent instead of CFC113. If A does not use the exact method to determine the weight of the methyl chloroform used in the manufacture of the VCRs, A must, under paragraphs (e)(3)(i) and (e)(4)(i) of this section, determine the ODC weight by reference to the Table. If A uses the Table ODC weight, the computation of tax is the same as in Example 1, using the base tax amount and ozone-depletion factor for CFC113. A does not substitute the base tax amount and ozone-depletion factor of methyl chloroform for those of CFC113. Example 3. B imports and sells mixtures of ethylene oxide and CFC12. The mixture is 88
(f) Imported Products Table(1) In general. This paragraph (f) contains rules relating to the Imported Products Table (Table) and sets forth the Table. The Table lists all the products that are subject to the tax on imported taxable products and specifies the Table ODC weight of each product for which such a weight has been determined. (2) Applicability of Table(i) In general. Except as provided in paragraph (f)(2)(ii) of this section, the Table contained in paragraph (f)(6) of this section is effective on January 1, 1990. (ii) Treatment of certain products(A) Products included in a listing that is preceded by a double asterisk (**) in the Table shall not be treated as imported taxable products until October 1, 1990. (B) Products included in a listing that is preceded by a triple asterisk (***) in the Table shall not be treated as imported taxable products until January l, 1992. (3) Identification of products(i) In general. Each listing in the Table identifies a product by name and includes only products that are described by that name. Most listings (other than listings for mixtures) identify a product by both name and HTS heading. In such cases, a product is included in that listing only if the product is described by that name and the rate of duty on the product is determined by reference to that HTS heading. However, the product is included in that listing even if it is manufactured with or contains a different ODC than the ODC specified in the Table. (ii) Electronic items not listed by specific name(A) In general. Part II of the Table contains listings for electronic items that are not included within any
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(4) Rules for listing products. Products are listed in the Table in accordance with the following rules: (i) Listing in part I. A product is listed in part I of the Table if it is a mixture containing ODCs. In addition, a product other than a mixture containing ODCs will be listed in part I of a revised Table if the Commissioner has determined that (A) The ODC weight of the product is not de minimis when the product is produced using the predominant method of manufacturing the product; and (B) None of the ODCs used as materials in the manufacture of the product under the predominant method are used for purposes of refrigeration or air conditioning, creating an aerosol or foam, or manufacturing electronic components. (ii) Listing in part II. A product is listed in part II of the Table if the Commissioner has determined that the ODCs used as materials in the manufacture of the product under the predominant method are used for purposes of refrigeration or air conditioning, creating an aerosol or foam, or manufacturing electronic components. (iii) Listing in part III. A product is listed in part III of the Table if the Commissioner has determined that the product is not an imported taxable product and the product would otherwise be included within a listing in part II of the Table. For example, floppy disk drive units are listed in part III because they are not imported taxable products and they would, but for their listing in part III, be included within the part II listing for electronic items not specifically identified. (5) Table ODC weight. The Table ODC weight of a product is the weight, determined by the Commissioner, of the ODCs that are used as materials in the manufacture of the product under the predominant method of manufacturing. The Table ODC weight is given in pounds per single unit of product unless otherwise specified. (6) Table. The Table is set forth below:
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Product name Part IProducts that are mixtures containing ODCs: Mixtures containing ODCs, including but not limited to: anti-static sprays. automotive products such as carburetor cleaner, stop leak, and oil charge. cleaning solvents. contact cleaners. degreasers. dusting sprays. electronic circuit board coolants. electronic solvents. ethylene oxide/CFC12. fire extinguisher preparations and charges. flux removers for electronics. insect and wasp sprays. mixtures of ODCs. propellants. refrigerants .......................................................................................
ODC weight
Product name Part IIProducts in which ODCs are used for purposes of refrigeration or air conditioning, creating an aerosol or form or manufacturing electronic components: Rigid foam insulation defined in 52.46821(d)(3) ................... Foams made with ODCs, other than foams defined in 52.46821(d)(3). Scrap flexible foams made with ODCs ...................................... Medical products containing ODCs: Surgical staplers .......................................................... Cryogenic medical instruments ................................... Drug delivery systems ................................................. Inhalants ...................................................................... Dehumidifiers, household .......................................................... Chillers: ...................................................................................... Charged with CFC12 ................................................. Charged with CFC114 ............................................... Charged with R500 .................................................... Refrigerator-freezers, household: Not > 184 liters ............................................................ > 184 liters but not > 269 liters ................................... > 269 liters but not > 382 liters ................................... > 382 liters ................................................................... Refrigerators, household: Not > 184 liters ............................................................ > 184 liters but not > 269 liters ................................... > 269 liters but not > 382 liters ................................... > 382 liters ................................................................... Freezers, household .................................................................. Freezers, household .................................................................. Refrigerating display counters not > 227 kg .............................
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ODC weight
........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ 8415.82.00.50 8415.82.00.65 ........................ ........................ ........................ 8418.10.00.10 8418.10.00.20 8418.10.00.30 8418.10.00.40 8418.21.00.10 8418.21.00.20 8418.21.00.30 8418.21.00.90 8418.30 8418.40 8418.50 8418.69 ........................ ........................ 8418.69 ........................ ........................
......................... ......................... ......................... ......................... ......................... ......................... ......................... CFC12 .......... ......................... CFC12 .......... CFC114 ........ CFC12 .......... CFC11 .......... CFC12 .......... CFC11 .......... CFC12 .......... CFC11 .......... CFC12 .......... CFC-11 ........... CFC12 .......... CFC11 .......... CFC12 .......... CFC11 .......... CFC12 .......... CFC11 .......... CFC12 .......... CFC11 .......... CFC12 .......... CFC11 .......... CFC12 .......... CFC11 .......... CFC12 .......... CFC11 .......... CFC12 .......... ......................... CFC12 .......... CFC115 ........ ......................... CFC12 .......... CFC12 ..........
0.35 1 2.0 0.4 12.0 0.4 1 50.0 260.0 1.4 3.39 0.21 0.22
Icemaking machines .................................................................. Charged with CFC12 ................................................. Charged with R502 .................................................... Drinking water coolers ............................................................... Charged with CFC12 ................................................. Charged with R500 ....................................................
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ODC weight
1600. 1250. 1920. 200. 15. 11. 20. 0.3 1.0 3.0 8.5 17.0 0.2049 0.0035 0.0057 0.0035 0.1913 0.1913 0.3663 0.03567 0.4980 27.6667 0.3600 0.0742 0.0386 0.1558 0.1370 0.2829 1.1671 2.7758 4.0067 0.0655 0.001 0.1408 4.82 0.45 0.0300 0.0441 0.0485 0.0595 0.0225 0.1 0.1 0.1267 0.0753 0.0225 0.0225 0.0225 0.0022 0.042 0.0022 0.0022 0.1 0.0586 0.0106
CFC113 ........ CFC113 ........ CFC113 ........ CFC113 ........ CFC12 .......... ......................... CFC113 ........ CFC113 ........ CFC113 ........ CFC113 ........ CFC113 CFC113 CFC113 CFC113 CFC113 CFC113 CFC113 CFC113 CFC113 ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........
CFC113 ........ CFC113 ........ CFC113 ........ CFC113 ........ CFC113 ........ CFC113 ........
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Product name Cordless handset telephones .................................................... Cellular communication equipment ............................................ TV cameras ................................................................................ Camcorders ................................................................................ Radio combinations ................................................................... Radios ........................................................................................ Motor Vehicle radios with or w/o tape player ............................ Radio combinations ................................................................... Radios ........................................................................................ Tuners w/o speaker ................................................................... Television receivers ................................................................... VCRs .......................................................................................... Home satellite earth stations ..................................................... Electronic assemblies for HTS headings 8525, 8527, & 8528 Indicator panels incorporating liquid crystal devices or light emitting diodes. Printed circuits ........................................................................... Computerized numerical controls .............................................. Diodes, crystals, transistors and other similar discrete semiconductor devices. Electronic integrated circuits and microassemblies ................... Signal generators ....................................................................... Avionics ...................................................................................... Signal generators subassemblies .............................................. Insulated or refrigerated railway freight cars ............................. Passenger automobiles ............................................................. Foams (interior) ........................................................... Foams (exterior) .......................................................... With charged a/c ......................................................... Without charged a/c .................................................... Electronics ................................................................... Light trucks ................................................................................. Foams (interior) ........................................................... Foams (exterior) .......................................................... With charged a/c ......................................................... Without charged a/c .................................................... Electronics ................................................................... Heavy trucks and tractors, GVW 33,001 lbs or more: 2 ............ Foams (interior) ........................................................... Foams (exterior) .......................................................... With charged a/c ......................................................... Without charged a/c .................................................... Electronics ................................................................... Motorcycles with seat foamed with ODCs ................................. Bicycles with seat foamed with ODCs ....................................... Seats foamed with ODCs .......................................................... Aircraft ........................................................................................
CFC113 ........ CFC113 ........ CFC113 ........ CFC113 ........ CFC113 ........ CFC113 ........ CFC113 ........ CFC11 .......... ......................... CFC11 .......... CFC11 .......... CFC12 .......... CFC12 .......... CFC113 ........ ......................... CFC11 .......... CFC11 .......... CFC12 .......... CFC12 .......... CFC113 ........ ......................... CFC11 .......... CFC11 .......... CFC12 .......... CFC12 .......... CFC113 ........ CFC11 .......... CFC11 .......... CFC11 .......... CFC12 .......... CFC113 ........ CFC12 .......... CFC113 ........ CFC113 ........ CFC113 ........ CFC113 ........ CFC12 .......... CFC113 ........ CFC113 ........ CFC12 .......... CFC113 ........ CFC11 .......... CFC12 .......... CFC113 ........ CFC11 .......... CFC11 .......... CFC11 .......... CFC-113 ......... CFC113 ........
Optical fibers .............................................................................. Electronic cameras .................................................................... Photocopiers .............................................................................. Avionics ...................................................................................... Electronic drafting machines ...................................................... Complete patient monitoring systems ....................................... Complete patient monitoring systems; subassemblies thereof Physical or chemical analysis instruments ................................ Oscilloscopes ............................................................................. Foam chairs ............................................................................... Foam sofas ................................................................................ Foam mattresses ....................................................................... Electronic games and electronic components thereof .............. Electronic items not otherwise listed in the Table: Included in HTS chapters 84, 85, 90 .........................................
9001 9006 9009 9014.20 9017 9018.19.80 9018.19.80.60 9027 9030 9401 9401 9404.21 9504
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Harmonized tariff schedule heading ODC CFC113 ........ ODC weight 0.0004 pound/$1.00 of entry value.
8415.10.00.60 8422.11 8450.11 8451.21 8471.93 8504 8516.72 8523 8524 8532 8533 8536 8540
......................... ......................... ......................... ......................... ......................... ......................... ......................... ......................... ......................... ......................... ......................... ......................... .........................
paragraph (e)(3)(ii)(C) of this section. Denotes an ODC used in the manufacture of rigid foam insulation. paragraph (f)(2)(ii)(A) of this section. Denotes product for which the effective date is October 1, 1990. paragraph (f)(2)(ii)(B) of this section. Denotes products for which the effective date is January 1, 1992.
(g) Requests for modification of Table (1) In general. Any manufacturer or importer of a product may request that the Secretary modify the Table in any of the following respects: (i) Adding a product to the Table and specifying its Table ODC weight. (ii) Removing a product from the Table. (iii) Changing or specifying the Table ODC weight of a product. (2) Form of request. The Secretary will consider a request for modification that includes the following: (i) The name, address, taxpayer identifying number, and principal place of business of the requester. (ii) For each product with respect to which a modification is requested: (A) The name of the product; (B) The HTS heading or subheading; (C) The type of modification requested; (D) The Table ODC weight that should be specified for the product if the request relates to adding a product or changing or specifying its Table ODC weight; and (E) The data supporting the request. (3) Address. The address for submission of requests under this paragraph (g) is: Internal Revenue Service, P.O. Box 7604, Ben Franklin Station, Attn: CC:CORP:T:R (Imported Products Table), room 5228, Washington, DC 20044. (4) Public inspection and copying. Requests submitted under this paragraph (g) will be available in the Internal
Revenue Service Freedom of Information Reading Room for public inspection and copying.
[T.D. 8370, 56 FR 56311, Nov. 4, 1991, as amended by T.D. 8370, 58 FR 14518, Mar. 18, 1993]
(a) Overview. This section provides rules for identifying ozone-depleting chemicals (ODCs) that are subject to the floor stocks tax imposed by section 4682(h)(1), determining the person that is liable for the tax, and computing the amount of the tax. See 52.46811(a)(3) and (c) for general rules and definitions relating to the floor stocks tax. (b) Identifying rules(1) ODCs subject to floor stocks tax; ODCs held for sale or for use in further manufacture(i) In general. The floor stocks tax is imposed only on an ODC that is held for sale or for use in further manufacture on the date the tax is imposed. This paragraph (b)(1) provides rules for identifying ODCs held for sale or for use in further manufacture. (ii) Held for sale(A) In general. For purposes of determining whether an ODC is held for sale, the term sale shall have the meaning set forth in 52.4681 1(c)(6). ODCs held for sale include ODCs that will be sold in connection with the provision of services or in connection with the sale of a manufactured article and, in such cases, include ODCs that will be sold without the statement of a separate charge for those ODCs.
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(B) ODCs held by a government. An ODC that is held by a government for its own use is not held for sale even if the ODC will be transferred between agencies or other subdivisions that have or are required to have different employer identification numbers. (iii) Held for use in further manufacture. Except as otherwise provided in paragraph (b)(2)(v) of this section, an ODC is held for use in further manufacture if (A) The ODC will be used as a material (within the meaning of paragraph (b)(1)(iv) of this section) in the manufacture of an article; and (B) Such article will be held for sale. (iv) Use as material(A) In general. Except as provided in paragraph (b)(1)(iv)(B) of this section, an ODC will be used as a material in the manufacture of an article if the ODC will be (1) Incorporated into the article; or (2) Released into the atmosphere in the process of manufacturing the article. (B) ODCs used in equipment. For purposes of the floor stocks tax, an ODC is not used as a material in the manufacture of an article if the ODC is (or will be) contained in equipment used in such manufacture and the ODC will be used for its intended purpose without being released from such equipment. Thus, ODCs that are (or will be) used as coolants in a factorys air-conditioning system are not used as materials in the manufacture of articles produced in the factory. (v) Storage containers. The floor stocks tax is imposed on an ODC without regard to the type or size of the storage container in which the ODC is held. Thus, the tax may apply to an ODC whether it is in a 14-ounce can or a 30-pound tank. (vi) Examples. The provisions of this paragraph (b)(1) may be illustrated by the following examples:
Example 1. A, a manufacturer of air conditioners, holds an ODC for use in air conditioners that it will manufacture and sell. A holds the ODC for use in further manufacture. Example 2. B, a manufacturer of electronic components, holds an ODC for use as a solvent to clean printed circuits that it will sell to computer manufacturers. B holds the ODC for use in further manufacture.
(2)(i) Mixtures(A) Tax imposed on January 1, 1990. In the case of the floor stocks tax imposed on January l, 1990, the tax is not imposed on an ODC that has been mixed with any other ingredients. (B) Taxes imposed after 1990(1) In general. In the case of the floor stocks tax imposed on January 1 of a calendar year after 1990, the tax is not imposed on an ODC that has been mixed with any other ingredients, but only if it is established that such ingredients contribute to the accomplishment of the purpose for which the mixture will be used. A mixture is not exempt from tax under this paragraph (b)(2)(i)(B), however, if it contains only an ODC and an inert ingredient that does not contribute to the accomplishment of the purpose for which the mixture will be used. (2) Exception. In the case of a floor stocks tax imposed on or after January 1, 1992, a mixture is not exempt from floor stocks tax under this paragraph (b)(2)(i)(B) if it contains only ODCs and one or more stabilizers. For this purpose, the term stabilizer means an ingredient needed to maintain the chemical integrity of the ODC.
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posed on ODCs held by their manufacturer or importer. (v) ODCs used as a feedstock(A) In general. The floor stocks tax is not imposed on any ODC that was sold in a qualifying sale for use as a feedstock (as defined in 52.46821(c)). (B) Post-1989 ODCs sold before January 1, 1990; post-1990 ODCs sold before January 1, 1991. A post-1989 ODC that was sold by its manufacturer or importer before January 1, 1990, or a post-1990 ODC that was sold by its manufacturer or importer before January 1, 1991, shall be treated, for purposes of this paragraph (b)(2)(v), as an ODC that was sold in a qualifying sale for purposes of 52.46821(c) if the ODC will be used as a feedstock (within the meaning of 52.46822(c)(3)). (vi) ODCs to be exported(A) In general. The floor stocks tax is not imposed on any ODC that was sold in a qualifying sale for export (as defined in 52.46825(d)(1)). (B) ODCs sold before January 1, 1993. An ODC that was sold by its manufacturer or importer before January 1, 1993, is treated, for purposes of this paragraph (b)(2)(vi), as an ODC that was sold in a qualifying sale for export for purposes of 52.46825(d)(1) if the ODC will be exported. (vii) ODCs used as propellants in metered-dose inhalers; years after 1992(A) In general. The floor stocks tax is not imposed on January 1 of calendar years after 1992 on any ODC that was sold in a qualifying sale for use as a propellant in a metered-dose inhaler (as defined in 52.46821(h)). (B) ODCs sold before January 1, 1993. An ODC that was sold by its manufacturer or importer before January 1, 1993, is treated, for purposes of this paragraph (b)(2)(vii), as an ODC that was sold in a qualifying sale for purposes of 52.46821(h) if the ODC will be used as a propellant in a metered-dose inhaler (within the meaning of 52.46821(h)). (viii) ODCs used as medical sterilants; 1993. The floor stocks tax is not imposed in 1993 on any ODC held for use as a medical sterilant (as defined in 52.46821(g)). (c) Person liable for tax(1) In general. The person liable for the floor stocks tax on an ODC is the person that holds
(ii) Manufactured articles. The floor stocks tax is not imposed on an ODC that is contained in a manufactured article in which the ODC will be used for its intended purpose without being released from such article. For example, the tax is not imposed on the ODCs contained in the cooling coils of a refrigerator even if the refrigerator is held for sale. However, the tax is imposed on a can of ODC used to recharge an air conditioning unit because the ODC must be expelled from the can in order to be used. Similarly, beginning in 1991, the tax is imposed on Halons contained in a fire extinguisher held for sale because such ODCs must be expelled from the fire extinguisher in order to be used. (iii) Recycled ODCs. The floor stocks tax is not imposed on ODCs that have been reclaimed or recycled. For example, the tax is not imposed on an ODC that is held for use in further manufacture after being used as a solvent and recycled. (iv) ODCs held by the manufacturer or importer. The floor stocks tax is not im-
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the ODC on a date on which the tax is imposed. The person who holds the ODC is the person who has title to the ODC (whether or not delivery to such person has been made) as of the first moment of such date. The person who has title at such time is determined under applicable local law. (2) Special rule. Each business unit that has, or is required to have, its own employer identification number is treated as a separate person for purposes of the floor stocks tax. For example, a chain of automotive parts stores that has one employer identification number is one person for purposes of the floor stocks tax, and a parent corporation and subsidiary corporation that each have a different employer identification number are two persons for purposes of the floor stocks tax. (d) Computation of tax; tentative tax amount(1) In general(i) Generally applicable rules. This paragraph (d) provides rules for determining the tentative tax amount and the amount of the floor stocks tax. Section 52.4681 1(a)(3) provides that the amount of the floor stocks tax on an ODC is determined by reference to a tentative tax amount. The tentative tax amount is the amount of tax that would be imposed on the ODC under section 4681(a)(1) if a sale of the ODC by the manufacturer or importer had occurred on the date the floor stocks tax is imposed. The amount of the floor stocks tax imposed on the ODCs contained in a nonexempt mixture is computed on the basis of the weight of the ODCs in that mixture. (ii) Floor stocks tax imposed on post1989 ODCs on January 1, 1990. The floor stocks tax imposed on post-1989 ODCs (as defined in 52.46811(c)(9)) on January 1, 1990, is equal to the tentative tax amount. See paragraph (d)(2) of this section for rules relating to the floor stocks tax imposed on ODCs used in the manufacture of rigid foam insulation. See paragraph (d)(3) of this section for rules relating to the floor stocks tax imposed on Halons. (iii) Floor stocks tax imposed on post1990 ODCs on January 1, 1991. The floor stocks tax imposed on post-1990 ODCs (as defined in 52.46811(c)(9)) on January 1, 1991, is equal to the tentative tax amount.
(2) ODCs used in the manufacture of rigid foam insulation; 1990, 1991, 1992, and 1993(i) In general. In the case of an ODC that was sold in a qualifying sale for purposes of 52.46821(d) (relating to use in the manufacture of rigid foam insulation) the tentative tax amount is determined under section 4682(g) for purposes of computing the floor stocks tax imposed on the ODC on January 1, 1990, 1991, 1992 or 1993. For purposes of computing the floor stocks tax imposed on the ODC on January 1, 1990, the tentative tax amount is zero. The floor stocks tax is not imposed on ODCs for use in the manufacture of rigid foam insulation in 1992 and 1993. (ii) Post-1989 ODCs sold before January 1, 1990; post-1990 ODCs sold before January 1, 1991. A post-1989 ODC that was sold by its manufacturer or importer before January 1, 1990, or a post-1990 ODC that was sold by its manufacturer or importer before January 1, 1991, shall be treated, for purposes of paragraphs (d)(2) and (e) of this section, as an ODC that was sold in a qualifying sale for purposes of 52.46821(d) if the ODC wi11 be used in the manufacture of rigid foam insulation (within the meaning of 52.46821(d) (3) and (4)). (3) Halons; 1990, 1991, 1992, and 1993. In the case of Halon-1211, Halon-1301, or Halon-2402 (Halons), the tentative tax
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section and are otherwise subject to tax. (5) Calendar years after 1994. In the case of the floor stocks tax imposed on January 1 of 1995 and each following calendar year, a person is liable for the tax only if, on such date, the person holds (i) At least 400 pounds of ODCs that are not described in paragraph (d)(3) or (d)(4) of this section and are otherwise subject to tax; (ii) At least 50 pounds of ODCs that are described in paragraph (d)(3) of this section and are otherwise subject to tax; or (iii) At least 1000 pounds of ODCs that are described in paragraph (d)(4) of this section and are otherwise subject to tax. (6) Examples. The rules of this paragraph (e) may be illustrated by the following examples:
Example 1. On January 1, 1990, A holds for sale 300 pounds of CFC12 (a post-1989 ODC not described in paragraph (d)(2) or (d)(3) of this section)) and 500 pounds of R500 (a mixture). A does not hold at least 400 pounds of ODCs that are taken into account under paragraph (e)(1) of this section and, under paragraph (b)(2)(i) of this section, mixtures are not subject to the floor stocks tax. Thus, A is not liable for the floor stocks tax imposed on January 1, 1990. Example 2. On January 1, 1990, B holds for sale 250 pounds of CFC12 and 250 pounds of CFC113 (post-1989 ODCs not described in paragraph (d) (2) or (3) of this section). B holds 500 pounds of ODCs that are taken into account under paragraph (e)(1) of this section. Thus, B is liable for the floor stocks tax imposed on January 1, 1990, because B holds at least 400 pounds of ODCs for sale. Example 3. On January 1, 1990, C holds 200 pounds of post-1990 ODCs and 500 pounds of post-1989 ODCs for use in further manufacture. C will use 300 pounds of the post-1989 ODCs in the manufacture of rigid foam insulation (as defined in 52.46821(d) (3) and (4)). The remainder of the ODCs are not described in paragraph (d) (2) or (3) of this section. Under paragraph (e)(1) of this section, post1990 ODCs and ODCs that will be used in the manufacture of rigid foam insulation are disregarded in determining whether the de minimis exception is applicable in 1990. Thus, C holds only 200 pounds of ODCs that are taken into account under paragraph (e)(1) of this section and is not liable for the floor stocks tax imposed on January 1, 1990. Example 4. (a) The facts are the same as in Example 3, except that the ODCs are held on January 1, 1991. Under paragraph (e)(2) of
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this section, the 200 pounds of post-1990 ODCs and the 300 pounds of post-1989 ODCs that will be used in the manufacture of rigid foam insulation are taken into account in determining whether the de minimis exception is applicable in 1991. Under paragraph (b)(2) of this section, the remaining 200 pounds of post-1989 ODCs are not taken into account because the base tax amount applicable to post-1989 ODCs does not increase in 1991. Thus, C holds 500 pounds of ODCs that are taken into account under paragraph (e)(2) of this section and is liable for the floor stocks tax imposed on January 1, 1991. (b) The amount of the floor stocks tax imposed on the 200 pounds of post-1990 ODCs and the 300 pounds of post-1989 ODCs that will be used in the manufacture of rigid foam insulation is equal to the tentative tax amount because those ODCs were not previously subject to tax. Example 5. (a) On January 1, 1994, D holds for sale 300 pounds of CFC113 (an ODC not described in paragraph (d)(2) or (d)(3) of this section) and 25 pounds of Halon-1301 (an ODC described in paragraph (d)(3) of this section). D is liable for the floor stocks tax imposed on January 1, 1994, because 25 pounds of Halon-1301 exceeds the de minimis amount specified in paragraph (e)(4)(iii) of this section. The 300 pounds of CFC113 is less than the amount specified in paragraph (e)(4)(i) of this section. Nevertheless, tax is imposed on both the 25 pounds of Halon-1301 and the 300 pounds of CFC113. (b) The amount of the floor stocks tax is determined separately for the 300 pounds of CFC113 and the 25 pounds of Halon-1301 and is equal to the difference between the tentative tax amount and the amount of tax previously imposed on those ODCs. For Halon-1301, for example, the tax is determined as follows. The tentative tax amount is $1,087.50 ($4.35 (the base tax amount in 1994) 10 (the ozone-depletion factor for Halon-1301) 25 (the number of pounds held)). The tax previously imposed on the Halon1301 is $6.28 ($3.35 (the base tax amount in 1993) 10 (the ozone-depletion factor for Halon-1301) 0.75 percent (the applicable percentage determined under section 4682(g)(2)(A)) 25 (the number of pounds held)). Thus, the floor stocks tax imposed on the 25 pounds of Halon-1301 in 1994 is $1,081.22, the difference between $1,087.50 (the tentative tax amount) and $6.28 (the tax previously imposed).
(f) Inventory(1) In general. If, on the date on which the floor stocks tax is imposed, a person holds ODCs for sale or for use in further manufacture and the ODCs were not manufactured or imported by such person, the following rules apply:
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(within the meaning of paragraph (d)(1) of this section). (2) Tax imposed if exemption amount exceeded(i) Post1989 ODCs. The tax imposed on post1989 ODCs that a manufacturer or importer sells in qualifying sales for export during a calendar year is equal to the excess (if any) of (A) The tax that would be imposed on the ODCs but for section 4682(d)(3) and this section; over (B) The post1989 ODC exemption amount for the calendar year determined under paragraph (c)(1) of this section. (ii) Post1990 ODCs. The tax imposed on post1990 ODCs that a manufacturer or importer sells in qualifying sales for export during a calendar year is equal to the excess (if any) of (A) The tax that would be imposed on the ODCs but for section 4682(d)(3) and this section; over (B) The post1990 ODC exemption amount for the calendar year determined under paragraph (c)(2) of this section. (iii) Allocation of tax(A) Post1989 ODCs. The tax (if any) determined under paragraph (b)(2)(i) of this section may be allocated among the post1989 ODCs on which it is imposed in any manner, provided that the amount allocated to any post1989 ODC does not exceed the tax that would be imposed on such ODC but for section 4682(d)(3) and this section. (B) Post1990 ODCs. The tax (if any) determined under paragraph (b)(2)(ii) of this section may be allocated among the post1990 ODCs on which it is imposed in any manner, provided that the amount allocated to any post1990 ODC does not exceed the tax that would be imposed on such ODC but for section 4682(d)(3) and this section. (c) Exemption amount(1) Post1989 ODC exemption amount. A manufacturers or importers post1989 ODC exemption amount for a calendar year is the sum of the following amounts: (i) The 1986 export percentage of the aggregate tax that would (but for section 4682(d), section 4682(g), and this section) be imposed under section 4681 on the maximum quantity, determined without regard to additional production allowances, of post1989 ODCs that the person is permitted to manufacture
(g) Time for paying tax. The floor stocks tax imposed under section 4682(h) shall be paid without assessment or notice. In the case of the floor stocks tax imposed on January 1, 1990, the tax shall be paid by April 1, 1990. In the case of floor stocks taxes imposed after January 1, 1990, the tax shall be paid by June 30 of the year in which the tax is imposed.
[T.D. 8370, 56 FR 56317, Nov. 4, 1991, as amended by T.D. 8622, 60 FR 52852, Oct. 11, 1995]
52.46825 Exports. (a) Overview. This section provides rules relating to the tax imposed under section 4681 on ozone-depleting chemicals (ODCs) that are exported. In general, tax is not imposed on ODCs that a manufacturer or importer sells for export, or for resale by the purchaser to a second purchaser for export, if the procedural requirements set forth in paragraph (d) of this section are met. The tax benefit of this exemption is limited, however, to the manufacturers or importers exemption amount. Thus, if the tax that would otherwise be imposed under section 4681 on ODCs that a manufacturer or importer sells for export exceeds this exemption amount, a tax equal to the excess is imposed on the ODCs. The exemption amount, which is determined separately for post-1989 ODCs and post1990 ODCs, is calculated for each calendar year in accordance with the rules of paragraph (c) of this section. This section also provides rules under which a tax imposed under section 4681 on exported ODCs may be credited or refunded, subject to the same limit on tax benefits, if the procedural requirements set forth in paragraph (f) of this section are met. See 52.46811(c) for definitions relating to the tax on ODCs. (b) Exemption or partial exemption from tax(1) In general. Except as provided in paragraph (b)(2) of this section, no tax is imposed on an ODC if the manufacturer or importer of the ODC sells the ODC in a qualifying sale for export
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during the calendar year under rules prescribed by the Environmental Protection Agency (40 CFR part 82). (ii) The aggregate tax that would (but for section 4682(d), section 4682(g), and this section) be imposed under section 4681 on post1989 ODCs that the person manufactures during the calendar year under any additional production allowance granted by the Environmental Protection Agency. (iii) The aggregate tax that would (but for section 4682(d), section 4682(g), and this section) be imposed under section 4681 on post1989 ODCs imported by the person during the calendar year. (2) Post1990 ODC exemption amount. A manufacturers or importers post1990 ODC exemption amount for a calendar year is the sum of the following amounts: (i) The 1989 export percentage of the aggregate tax that would (but for section 4682(d), section 4682(g), and this section) be imposed under section 4681 on the maximum quantity, determined without regard to additional production allowances, of post1990 ODCs the person is permitted to manufacture during the calendar year under rules prescribed by the Environmental Protection Agency. (ii) The aggregate tax that would (but for section 4682(d), section 4682(g), and this section) be imposed under section 4681 on post1990 ODCs that the person manufactures during the calendar year under any additional production allowance granted by the Environmental Protection Agency. (iii) The aggregate tax that would (but for section 4682(d), section 4682(g), and this section) be imposed under section 4681 on post1990 ODCs imported by the person during the calendar year. (3) Definitions(i) 1986 export percentage. See section 4682(d)(3)(B)(ii) for the meaning of the term 1986 export percentage. (ii) 1989 export percentage. See section 4682(d)(3)(C) for the meaning of the term 1989 export percentage. (d) Procedural requirements relating to tax-free sales for export(1) Qualifying sales(i) In general. A sale of ODCs is a qualifying sale for export if (A) The seller is the manufacturer or importer of the ODCs and the pur-
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tion number lllll. Purchasers registration has not been suspended or revoked by the Internal Revenue Service. The following percentage of ozone-depleting chemicals purchased from: llllllllllllllllllllllll (Name of seller) llllllllllllllllllllllll (Address of seller) llllllllllllllllllllllll (Taxpayer identifying number of seller) are purchased for export by Purchaser.
Product CFC11 ............................................................. CFC12 ............................................................. CFC113 ........................................................... CFC114 ........................................................... CFC115 ........................................................... Halon-1211 ........................................................ Halon-1301 ........................................................ Halon-2402 ........................................................ Carbon tetrachloride .......................................... Methyl chloroform .............................................. Other (specify) lllllll .............................................. Percentage lllll lllll lllll lllll lllll lllll lllll lllll lllll lllll lllll
This certificate applies to (check and complete as applicable): lll All shipments to Purchaser at the following location(s): llllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllll lll All shipments to Purchaser under the following Purchaser account number(s): llllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllll lll All shipments to Purchaser under the following purchase order(s): llllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllll lll One or more shipments to Purchaser identified as follows: llllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllll Purchaser understands that Purchaser will be liable for tax imposed under section 4681 if Purchaser does not export the ODCs to which this certificate applies. Purchaser understands that any use of the ODCs to which this certificate applies other than for export may result in the revocation of Purchasers registration. Purchaser will retain the business records needed to document the export of the ozonedepleting chemicals to which this certificate applies and will make such records available for inspection by Government officers. Purchaser has not been notified by the Internal Revenue Service that its registration has been revoked or suspended. Purchaser understands that the fraudulent use of this certificate may subject Purchaser
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and all parties making such fraudulent use of this certificate to a fine or imprisonment, or both, together with the costs of prosecution.
llllllllllllllllllllllll Name of Purchaser llllllllllllllllllllllll Address of Purchaser llllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllll Taxpayer Identifying Number of Purchaser llllllllllllllllllllllll Title of person signing llllllllllllllllllllllll Printed or typed name of person signing llllllllllllllllllllllll Signature
(B) ODCs sold by the purchaser for resale for export by the second purchaser. If the purchaser will resell the ODCs to a second purchaser for export by the second purchaser, the certificate must be in substantially the following form:
CERTIFICATE OF PURCHASER OF CHEMICALS FOR RESALE FOR EXPORT BY THE SECOND PURCHASER (To support tax-free sales under section 4682(d)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.) Effective Date llllllllllllllll Expiration Date lllllllllllllll (not more than one year after effective date) The undersigned purchaser (Purchaser) certifies the following under penalties of perjury: Purchaser is registered with the Internal Revenue Service as a purchaser of ozone-depleting chemicals for export under registration number lllll. Purchasers registration has not been suspended or revoked by the Internal Revenue Service. The following percentage of ozone-depleting chemicals purchased from: llllllllllllllllllllllll (Name of seller) llllllllllllllllllllllll (Address of seller) llllllllllllllllllllllll (Taxpayer identifying number of seller) will be resold by Purchaser to persons (Second Purchasers) that certify to Purchaser that they are (1) registered with the Internal Revenue Service as purchasers of ozone-depleting chemicals for export and (2) purchasing the ozone-depleting chemicals for export.
emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with CFR
This certificate applies to (check and complete as applicable): lll All shipments to Purchaser at the following location(s): llllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllll lll All shipments to Purchaser under the following Purchaser account number(s): llllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllll lll All shipments to Purchaser under the following purchase order(s): llllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllll lll One or more shipments to Purchaser identified as follows: llllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllll llllllllllllllllllllllll Purchaser understands that Purchaser will be liable for tax imposed under section 4681 if Purchaser does not resell the ODCs to which this certificate applies to a Second Purchaser for export or export those ODCs. Purchaser understands that any use of the ODCs to which this certificate applies other than for resale to Second Purchasers for export may result in the revocation of Purchasers registration. Purchaser will retain the business records needed to document the sales to Second Purchasers for export covered by this certificate and will make such records available for inspection by Government officers. Purchaser also will retain and make available for inspection by Government officers the certificates of its Second Purchasers. Purchaser has not been notified by the Internal Revenue Service that its registration has been revoked or suspended. In addition, the Internal Revenue Service has not notified Purchaser of the revocation or suspension of the registration of any Second Purchaser who will purchase ozone-depleting chemicals to which this certificate applies. Purchaser understands that the fraudulent use of this certificate may subject Purchaser and all parties making such fraudulent use of this certificate to a fine or imprisonment, or both, together with the costs of prosecution. llllllllllllllllllllllll Name of Purchaser
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ment under section 4681 on ODCs that are exported. Persons other than manufacturers and importers of ODCs cannot file claims for credit or refund of tax imposed under section 4681 on ODCs that are exported. (2) Limitation. The amount of credits or refunds of tax under this paragraph (f) is limited (i) In the case of tax paid on post-1989 ODCs sold during a calendar year, to the amount (if any) by which the post1989 exemption amount for the year exceeds the tax benefit provided to such post-1989 ODCs under paragraph (b) of this section; and (ii) In the case of tax paid on post1990 ODCs sold during a calendar year, to the amount (if any) by which the post-1990 exemption amount for the year exceeds the tax benefit provided to such post-1990 ODCs under paragraph (b) of this section. (3) Conditions to allowance of credit or refund. The conditions of this paragraph (f)(3) are met if the manufacturer or importer (i) Documents the exportation of the ODCs in accordance with paragraph (d)(4) of this section; and (ii) Establishes that it has (A) Repaid or agreed to repay the amount of the tax to the person that exported the ODC; or (B) Obtained the written consent of the exporter to the allowance of the credit or the making of the refund. (4) Procedural rules. See section 6402 and the regulations under that section for procedural rules relating to filing a claim for credit or refund of tax. (g) Examples. The following examples illustrate the provisions of this section. In each example, the sales are qualifying sales for export (within the meaning of paragraph (d)(1) of this section), all registration, certification, and documentation requirements of this section are met, and the ODCs sold for export are exported:
Example 1. (i) Facts. D, a corporation, manufactures CFC11, a post-1989 ODC, and does not manufacture or import any other ODCs. In 1993, D manufactures 100,000 pounds of CFC11, the maximum quantity D is allowed to manufacture in 1993 under EPA regulations. D has no additional production allowance from EPA for 1993. In 1993, the tax on CFC11 is $3.35 per pound. Ds 1986 export percentage for post-1989 ODCs is 50%. In 1993, D
(4) Documentation of export(i) After December 31, 1992. After December 31, 1992, to document the exportation of any ODCs, a person must have the evidence required by the Environmental Protection Agency as proof that the ODCs were exported. (ii) Before January 1, 1993. Before January 1, 1993, to document the exportation of any ODCs, a person must have evidence substantially similar to that required by the Environmental Protection Agency as proof that the ODCs were exported. (e) Purchaser liable for tax(1) Purchaser in qualifying sale. The purchaser of ODCs in a qualifying sale for export is treated as the manufacturer of the ODC and is liable for any tax imposed under section 4681 (determined without regard to exemptions for qualifying sales under this section or 52.46821) when it sells or uses the ODCs if that purchaser does not(i) Export the ODCs and document the exportation of the ODCs in accordance with paragraph (d)(4) of this section; or (ii) Sell the ODCs in a qualifying resale for export. (2) Purchaser in qualifying resale. The purchaser of ODCs in a qualifying resale for export is treated as the manufacturer of the ODC and is liable for any tax imposed under section 4681 (determined without regard to exemptions for qualifying sales under this section or 52.46821) when it sells or uses the ODCs if that purchaser does not export the ODCs and document the exportation of the ODCs in accordance with paragraph (d)(4) of this section. (f) Credit or refund(1) In general. Except as provided in paragraph (f)(2) of this section, a manufacturer or importer that meets the conditions of paragraph (f)(3) of this section is allowed a credit or refund (without interest) of the tax it paid to the govern-
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sells 80,000 pounds of CFC11 in qualifying sales for export. The remainder of Ds production is not exported. (ii) Components of limit on tax benefit. Under paragraph (c)(1) of this section, Ds exemption amount for 1993 is equal to the sum of (A) Ds 1986 export percentage multiplied by the aggregate tax that would (but for section 4682(d), section 4682(g), and 52.46825) be imposed under section 4681 on the maximum quantity of post-1989 ODCs D is permitted to manufacture during 1993; (B) The aggregate tax that would (but for section 4682(d), section 4682(g), and 52.46825) be imposed under section 4681 on post-1989 ODCs that D manufactures during 1993 under an additional production allowance; and (C) The aggregate tax that would (but for section 4682(d), section 4682(g), and 52.46825) be imposed under section 4681 on post-1989 ODCs imported by D during 1993. (iii) Limit on tax benefit. The amounts described in paragraphs (ii)(B) and (C) of this Example 1 are equal to zero. Thus, Ds 1993 exemption amount is $167,500 (50% of $335,000 (the tax that would otherwise be imposed on 100,000 pounds of CFC11 in 1993)). (iv) Application of limit on tax benefit. Under paragraph (b)(2) of this section, the tax imposed on the CFC11 D sells for export is equal to the excess of the tax that would have been imposed on those ODCs but for section 4682(d) and 52.46825, over Ds 1993 exemption amount. But for 52.46825, $268,000 ($3.35 80,000) of tax would have been imposed on the CFC11 sold for export. Thus, $100,500 ($268,000 $167,500) of tax is imposed on the CFC11 sold for export. Example 2. (i) Facts. E, a corporation, manufactures CFC11, a post-1989 ODC, and does not manufacture or import any other ODCs. In 1993, E manufactures 100,000 pounds of CFC11, the maximum quantity E is allowed to manufacture in 1993 under EPA regulations. E has no additional production allowance from EPA for 1993. In 1993, the tax on CFC11 is $3.35 per pound. Es 1986 export percentage for post-1989 ODCs is 50%. In 1993, E sells 45,000 pounds of CFC11 tax free in qualifying sales for export and pays tax under section 4681 on an additional 35,000 pounds of exported CFC11. The remainder of Es production is not exported. (ii) Limit on tax benefit. Es 1993 exemption amount is $167,500, (50% of $335,000 (the tax that would otherwise be imposed on 100,000 pounds of CFC11 in 1993)). The credit or refund allowed to E under paragraph (f) of this section is limited under paragraph (f)(2) of this section to the amount by which Es 1993 exemption amount exceeds Es 1993 tax benefit under paragraph (b) of this section. (iii) Application of limit on tax benefit. Because E sold 45,000 pounds of CFC11 tax free in qualifying sales for export in 1993, Es 1993 tax benefit under paragraph (b) of this section is $150,750 ($3.35 45,000). Thus, the cred-
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Subpart ITax on Investment Income of and Denial of Exemption to Certain Foreign Organizations
53.49481 Application of taxes and denial of exemption with respect to certain foreign organizations.
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53.60114 Requirement of statement disclosing participation in certain transactions by taxpayers. 53.60601 Reporting requirements for tax return preparers. 53.60611 Signing of returns and other documents. 53.60651 Verification of returns. 53.60711 Time for filing returns. 53.60711T Time for filing returns (temporary). 53.60811 Automatic extension of time for filing the return to report taxes due under section 4951 for self-dealing with a nuclear decommissioning fund. 53.60911 Place for filing chapter 42 tax returns. 53.60912 Exceptional cases. 53.61071 Tax return preparer must furnish copy of return or claim for refund to taxpayer and must retain a copy or record. 53.61091 Tax return preparers furnishing identifying numbers for returns or claims for refund filed. 53.61511 Time and place for paying tax shown on returns. 53.61611 Extension of time for paying tax or deficiency. 53.61651 Bonds where time to pay tax or deficiency has been extended. 53.66011 Interest on underpayment, nonpayment, or extensions of time for payment, of tax. 53.66511 Failure to file tax return or to pay tax. 53.66941 Section 6694 penalties applicable to tax return preparer. 53.66942 Penalties for understatement due to an unreasonable position. 53.66943 Penalty for understatement due to willful, reckless, or intentional conduct. 53.66944 Extension of period of collection when tax return preparer pays 15 percent of a penalty for understatement of taxpayers liability and certain other procedural matters. 53.66951 Other assessable penalties with respect to the preparation of tax returns or claims for refund for other persons. 53.66961 Claims for credit or refund by tax return preparers. 53.71011 Form of bonds. 53.77011 Tax return preparer. AUTHORITY: 26 U.S.C. 7805. Section 53.60601 also issued 6060(a); Section 53.60811 also issued 6081(a); Section 53.61091 also issued 6109(a); Section 53.61092 also issued 6109(a); Section 53.66951 also issued 6695(b). under 26 U.S.C. under 26 U.S.C. under 26 U.S.C. under 26 U.S.C. under 26 U.S.C.
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and the regulations thereunder shall apply. (d) Gross investment income(1) In general. For purposes of paragraph (c) of this section, gross investment income means the gross amounts of income from interest, dividends, rents, and royalties (including overriding royalties) received by a private foundation from all sources, but does not include such income to the extent included in computing the tax imposed by section 511. Under this definition, interest, dividends, rents, and royalties derived from assets devoted to charitable activities are includible in gross investment income. Therefore, for example, interest received on a student loan would be includible in the gross investment income of a private foundation making such loan. For purposes of paragraph (c) of this section, gross investment income also includes the items of investment income described in 1.512(b)1(a). (2) Certain estate and trust disbursements. In the case of a distribution from an estate or a trust described in section 4947(a) (1) or (2), such distribution shall not retain its character in the hands of the distributee for purposes of computing the tax under section 4940; except that, in the case of a distribution from a trust described in section 4947(a)(2), the income of such trust attributable to transfers in trust after May 26, 1969, shall retain its character in the hands of a distributee private foundation for purposes of section 4940 (unless such income is taken into account because of the application of section 671). (3) Treatment of certain distributions in redemption of stock. For purposes of applying section 302(b)(1), any distribution made to a private foundation by a disqualified person (as defined in section 4946(a)), in redemption of stock held by such private foundation in a business enterprise shall be treated as not essentially equivalent to a dividend if all of the following conditions are satisfied: (i) Such redemption is of stock which was owned by a private foundation on May 26, 1969 (or which is acquired by a private foundation under the terms of a trust which was irrevocable on May 26, 1969, or under the terms of a will executed on or before
(c) Net investment income defined(1) In general. For purposes of section 4940(a), net investment income of a private foundation is the amount by which: (i) The sum of the gross investment income (as defined in section 4940(c)(2) and paragraph (d) of this section) and the capital gain net income (net capital gain for taxable years beginning before January 1, 1977) (within the meaning of section 4940(c)(4) and paragraph (f) of this section) exceeds (ii) The deductions allowed by section 4940(c)(3) and paragraph (e) of this section. Except to the extent inconsistent with the provisions of this section, net investment income shall be determined under the principles of Subtitle A. (2) Tax-exempt income. For purposes of computing net investment income under section 4940, the provisions of section 103 (relating to interest on certain governmental obligations) and section 265 (relating to expenses and interest relating to tax-exempt income)
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such date, which is in effect on such date and at all times thereafter, or would have passed under such a will but before that time actually passes under a trust which would have met the test of this subdivision but for the fact that the trust was revocable (but was not in fact revoked)); (ii) such foundation is required to dispose of such property in order not to be liable for tax under section 4943 (relating to taxes on excess business holdings); and (iii) such foundation receives in return an amount which equals or exceeds the fair market value of such property at the time of such disposition or at the time a contract for such disposition was previously executed in a transaction which would not constitute a prohibited transaction (within the meaning of section 503(b) or the corresponding provisions of prior law). In the case of a disposition before January 1, 1975, section 4943 shall be applied without taking section 4943(c) (4) into account. A distribution which otherwise qualifies under section 302 as a distribution in part or full payment in exchange for stock shall not be treated as essentially equivalent to a dividend because it does not meet the requirements of this subparagraph. (e) Deductions(1) In general. (i) For purposes of computing net investment income, there shall be allowed as a deduction from gross investment income all the ordinary and necessary expenses paid or incurred for the production or collection of gross investment income or for the management, conservation, or maintenance of property held for the production of such income, determined with the modifications set forth in subparagraph (2) of this paragraph. Such expenses include that portion of a private foundations operating expenses which is paid or incurred for the production or collection of gross investment income. Taxes paid or incurred under this section are not paid or incurred for the production or collection of gross investment income. A private foundations operating expenses include compensation of officers, other salaries and wages of employees, outside professional fees, interest, and rent and taxes upon property used in the foundations operations. Where a private foundations officers or em-
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ceipt, if it is property of a type which generally produces interest, dividends, rents, royalties, or capital gains through appreciation (for example, rental real estate, stock, bonds, mineral interests, mortgages, and securities). Under this subparagraph, gains and losses from the sale or other disposition of property used for the exempt purposes of the private foundation are excluded. For example, gain or loss on the sale of the buildings used for the exempt activities of a private foundation would not be subject to the section 4940 tax. Where the foundation uses property for its exempt purposes, but also incidentally derives income from such property which is subject to the tax imposed by section 4940(a), any gain or loss resulting from the sale or other disposition of such property is not subject to the tax imposed by section 4940(a). For example, if a tax-exempt private foundation maintains buildings of a historical nature and keeps them open for public inspection, but requires a number of its employees to live in these buildings and charges the employees rent, the rent would be subject to the tax imposed by section 4940(a), but any gain or loss resulting from the sale of such property would not be subject to such tax. However, where the foundation uses property for both exempt purposes and (other than incidentally) for investment purposes (for example, a building in which the foundations charitable and investment activities are carried on), that portion of any gain or loss from the sale or other disposition of such property which is allocable to the investment use of such property must be taken into account in computing capital gain net income (net capital gain for taxable years beginning before January 1, 1977) for such taxable year. For purposes of this paragraph, a distribution of property for purposes described in section 170(c) (1) or (2)(B) which is a qualifying distribution under section 4942 shall not be treated as a sale or other disposition of property. (2) Basis. (i) The basis for purposes of determining gain from the sale or other disposition of property shall be the greater of: (A) Fair market value on December 31, 1969, plus or minus all adjustments
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after December 31, 1969, and before the date of disposition under the rules of Part II of Subchapter O of Chapter 1, provided that the property was held by the private foundation on December 31, 1969, and continuously thereafter to the date of disposition, or (B) Basis as determined under the rules of Part II of Subchapter O of Chapter 1, subject to the provisions of section 4940(c)(3)(B) (and without regard to section 362(c)). (ii) For purposes of determining loss from the sale or other disposition of property, basis as determined in subdivision (i)(B) of this subparagraph shall apply. (3) Losses. Where the sale or other disposition of property referred to in section 4940(c)(4)(A) results in a capital loss, such loss may be subtracted from capital gains from the sale or other disposition of other such property during the same taxable year, but only to the extent of such gains. Should losses from the sale or other disposition of such property exceed gains from the sale or other disposition of such property during the same taxable year, such excess may not be deducted from gross investment income under section 4940(c)(3) in any taxable year, nor may such excess by used to reduce gains in either prior or future taxable years, regardless of whether the foundation is a corporation or a trust. (4) Examples. The provisions of this paragraph may be illustrated by the following examples:
Example 1. A private foundation holds certain depreciable real property on December 31, 1969, having a basis of $102,000. The fair market value of such property on that date was $100,000. For its taxable year 1970 the foundation was allowed depreciation for such property of $5,100 on the straight line method, the allowable amount computed on the $102,000 basis. The property was sold on January 1, 1971, for $100,000. Because fair market value on December 31, 1969, less straight line depreciation of $5,100 ($94,900) is less than basis as determined by Part II of Subchapter O of Chapter 1, $96,900 ($102,000 less $5,100), a gain of $3,100 is recognized (i.e., sales price of $100,000 less the greater of the two possible bases). Example 2. Assume the same facts in example 1, except that the sale price was $95,000. Because the sale price was $1,900 less than the basis for loss ($96,900 as determined by
53.4941(a)1 Imposition of initial taxes. (a) Tax on self-dealer(1) In general. Section 4941(a)(1) of the code imposes an excise tax on each act of self-dealing between a disqualified person (as defined in section 4946(a)) and a private foundation. Except as provided in subparagraph (2) of this paragraph, this tax shall be imposed on a disqualified person even though he had no knowledge at the time of the act that such act constituted self-dealing. Notwithstanding the preceding two sentences, however, a transaction between a disqualified person and a private foundation will not constitute an act of selfdealing if: (i) The transaction is a purchase or sale of securities by a private foundation through a stockbroker where normal trading procedures on a stock exchange or recognized over-the-counter market are followed; (ii) Neither the buyer nor the seller of the securities nor the agent of either
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(iii) The participation by the foundation manager is willful and is not due to reasonable cause. The tax imposed by section 4941(a)(2) is at the rate of 212 percent of the amount involved with respect to the act of selfdealing for each year or partial year in the taxable period and shall be paid by any foundation manager described in subdivisions (ii) and (iii) of this subparagraph. (2) Participation. The term participation shall include silence or inaction on the part of a foundation manager where he is under a duty to speak or act, as well as any affirmative action by such manager. However, a foundation manager will not be considered to have participated in an act of selfdealing where he has opposed such act in a manner consistent with the fulfillment of his responsibilities to the private foundation. (3) Knowing. For purposes of section 4941, a person shall be considered to have participated in a transaction knowing that it is an act of selfdealing only if: (i) He has actual knowledge of sufficient facts so that, based solely upon such facts, such transaction would be an act of self-dealing, (ii) He is aware that such an act under these circumstances may violate the provisions of Federal tax law governing self-dealing, and (iii) He negligently fails to make reasonable attempts to ascertain whether the transaction is an act of self-dealing, or he is in fact aware that it is such an act. For purposes of this part and Chapter 42, the term knowing does not mean having reason to know. However, evidence tending to show that a person has reason to know of a particular fact or particular rule is relevant in determining whether he had actual knowledge of such fact or rule. Thus, for example, evidence tending to show that a person has reason to know of sufficient facts so that, based solely upon such facts, a transaction would be an act of self-dealing is relevant in determining whether he has actual knowledge of such facts. (4) Willful. Participation by a foundation manager shall be deemed willful if
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it is voluntary, conscious, and intentional. No motive to avoid the restrictions of the law or the incurrence of any tax is necessary to make the participation willful. However, participation by a foundation manager is not willful if he does not know that the transaction in which he is participating is an act of self-dealing. (5) Due to reasonable cause. A foundation managers participation is due to reasonable cause if he has exercised his responsibility on behalf of the foundation with ordinary business care and prudence. (6) Advice of counsel. If a person, after full disclosure of the factual situation to legal counsel (including house counsel), relies on the advice of such counsel expressed in a reasoned written legal opinion that an act is not an act of self-dealing under section 4941, although such act is subsequently held to be an act of self-dealing, the persons participation in such act will ordinarily not be considered knowing or willful and will ordinarily be considered due to reasonable cause within the meaning of section 4941(a)(2). For purposes of this subparagraph, a written legal opinion will be considered reasoned even if it reaches a conclusion which is subsequently determined to be incorrect so long as such opinion addresses itself to the facts and applicable law. However, a written legal opinion will not be considered reasoned if it does nothing more than recite the facts and express a conclusion. However, the absence of advice of counsel with respect to an act shall not, by itself, give rise to any inference that a person participated in such act knowingly, willfully, or without reasonable cause. (c) Burden of proof. For provisions relating to the burden of proof in cases involving the issue whether a foundation manager or a government official has knowingly participated in an act of self-dealing, see section 7454(b).
[T.D. 7270, 38 FR 9493, Apr. 17, 1973, as amended by T.D. 7299, 38 FR 35304, Dec. 27, 1973]
53.4941(c)1 Special rules. (a) Joint and several liability. (1) In any case where more than one person is liable for the tax imposed by any paragraph of section 4941 (a) or (b), all such persons shall be jointly and severally liable for the taxes imposed under such paragraph with respect to such act of self-dealing. (2) The provisions of this paragraph may be illustrated by the following example:
Example. A and B, who are managers of private foundation X, lend one of the foundations paintings to G, a disqualified person, for display in Gs office, in a transaction which gives rise to liability for tax under section 4941(a)(2) (relating to tax on foundation managers). An initial tax is imposed on both A and B with respect to the act of lending the foundations painting to G. A and B are jointly and severally liable for the tax.
53.4941(b)1 Imposition of additional taxes. (a) Tax on self-dealer. Section 4941(b)(1) of the Code imposes an excise tax in any case in which an initial tax
(b) Limits on liability for management. (1) The maximum aggregate amount of tax collectible under section 4941(a)(2) from all foundation managers with respect to any one act of self-dealing shall be $10,000, and the maximum aggregate amount of tax collectible
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lished before such transaction constituted an act of self-dealing (without regard to this paragraph), (ii) The transaction was at least as favorable to the organization controlled by the foundation as an armslength transaction with an unrelated person, and (iii) Either: (a) The organization controlled by the foundation could have engaged in the transaction with someone other than a disqualified person only at a severe economic hardship to such organization, or (b) Because of the unique nature of the product or services provided by the organization controlled by the foundation, the disqualified person could not have engaged in the transaction with anyone else, or could have done so only by incurring severe economic hardship. See example (2) of subparagraph (8) of this paragraph. (2) Grants to intermediaries. The term indirect self-dealing shall not include a transaction engaged in with a government official by an intermediary organization which is a recipient of a grant from a private foundation and which is not controlled by such foundation (within the meaning of paragraph (6) (5) of this section) if the private foundation does not earmark the use of the grant for any named government official and there does not exist an agreement, oral or written, whereby the grantor foundation may cause the selection of the government official by the intermediary organization. A grant by a private foundation is earmarked if such grant is made pursuant to an agreement, either oral or written, that the grant will be used by any named individual. Thus, a grant by a private foundation shall not constitute an indirect act of self-dealing even though such foundation had reason to believe that certain government officials would derive benefits from such grant so long as the intermediary organization exercises control, in fact, over the selection process and actually makes the selection completely independently of the private foundation. See example (3) of subparagraph (8) of this paragraph. (3) Transactions during the administration of an estate or revocable trust. The
53.4941(d)1 Definition of self-dealing. (a) In general. For purposes of section 4941, the term self-dealing means any direct or indirect transaction described in 53.4941(d)2. For purposes of this section, it is immaterial whether the transaction results in a benefit or a detriment to the private foundation. The term self-dealing does not, however, include a transaction between a private foundation and a disqualified person where the disqualified person status arises only as a result of such transaction. For example, the bargain sale of property to a private foundation is not a direct act of self-dealing if the seller becomes a disqualified person only by reason of his becoming a substantial contributor as a result of the bargain element of the sale. For the effect of sections 4942, 4943, 4944, and 4945 upon an act of self-dealing which also results in the imposition of tax under one or more of such sections, see the regulations under those sections. (b) Indirect self-dealing(1) Certain business transactions. The term indirect self-dealing shall not include any transaction described in 53.4941(d)2 between a disqualified person and an organization controlled by a private foundation (within the meaning of paragraph (6)(5) of this section) if: (i) The transaction results from a business relationship which was estab-
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term indirect self-dealing shall not include a transaction with respect to a private foundations interest or expectancy in property (whether or not encumbered) held by an estate (or revocable trust, including a trust which has become irrevocable on a grantors death), regardless of when title to the property vests under local law, if: (i) The administrator or executor of an estate or trustee of a revocable trust either: (a) Possesses a power of sale with respect to the property, (b) Has the power to reallocate the property to another beneficiary, or (c) Is required to sell the property under the terms of any option subject to which the property was acquired by the estate (or revocable trust); (ii) Such transaction is approved by the probate court having jurisdiction over the estate (or by another court having jurisdiction over the estate (or trust) or over the private foundation); (iii) Such transaction occurs before the estate is considered terminated for Federal income tax purposes pursuant to paragraph (a) of 1.641(b)3 of this chapter (or in the case of a revocable trust, before it is considered subject to sec. 4947); (iv) The estate (or trust) receives an amount which equals or exceeds the fair market value of the foundations interest or expectancy in such property at the time of the transaction, taking into account the terms of any option subject to which the property was acquired by the estate (or trust); and (v) With respect to transactions occurring after April 16, 1973, the transaction either: (a) Results in the foundation receiving an interest or expectancy at least as liquid as the one it gave up, (b) Results in the foundation receiving an asset related to the active carrying out of its exempt purposes, or (c) Is required under the terms of any option which is binding on the estate (or trust). (4) Transactions with certain organizations. A transaction between a private foundation and an organization which is not controlled by the foundation (within the meaning of subparagraph (5) of this paragraph), and which is not described in section 4946(a)(1) (E), (F),
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building and managing a country club. A and B receive a total of 40 percent of Ys stock, making Y a disqualified person with respect to P under section 4946(a)(1)(E). In order to finance the construction and operation of the country club, Y requested and received a loan in the amount of $4 million from X. The making of the loan by X to Y shall constitute an indirect act of self-dealing between P and Y. Example 2. Private foundation W owns the controlling interest of the voting stock of corporation X, a manufacturer of certain electronic computers. Corporation Y, a disqualified person with respect to W, owns the patent for, and manufactures, one of the essential component parts used in the computers. X has been making regular purchases of the patented component from Y since 1965, subject to the same terms as all other purchasers of such component parts. X could not buy similar components from another source. Consequently, X would suffer severe economic hardship if it could not continue to purchase these components from Y, since it would then be forced to develop a computer which could be constructed with other components. Under these circumstances, the continued purchase by X from Y of these components shall not be an indirect act of selfdealing between W and Y. Example 3. Private foundation Y made a grant to M University, an organization described in section 170(b)(1)(A)(ii), for the purpose of conducting a seminar to study methods for improving the administration of the judicial system. M is not controlled by Y within the meaning of subparagraph (5) of this paragraph. In conducting the seminar, M made payments to certain government officials. By the nature of the grant, Y had reason to believe that government officials would be compensated for participation in the seminar. M, however, had completely independent control over the selection of such participants. Thus, such grant by Y shall not constitute an indirect act of selfdealing with respect to the government officials. Example 4. A, a substantial contributor to P, a private foundation, bequeathed one-half of his estate to his spouse and one-half of his estate to P. Included in As estate is a onethird interest in AB, a partnership. The other two-thirds interest in AB is owned by B, a disqualified person with respect to P. The one-third interest in AB was subject to an option agreement when it was acquired by the estate. The executor of As estate sells the one-third interest in AB to B pursuant to such option agreement at the price fixed in such option agreement in a sale which meets the requirements of subparagraph (3) of this paragraph. Under these circumstances, the sale does not constitute an indirect act of self-dealing between B and P.
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Example 5. A bequeathed $100,000 to his wife and a piece of unimproved real estate of equivalent value to private foundation Z, of which A was the creator and a foundation manager. Under the laws of State Y, to which the estate is subject, title to the real estate vests in the foundation upon As death. However, the executor has the power under State law to reallocate the property to another beneficiary. During a reasonable period for administration of the estate, the executor exercises this power and distributes the $100,000 cash to the foundation and the real estate to As wife. The probate court having jurisdiction over the estate approves the executors action. Under these circumstances, the executors action does not constitute an indirect act of self-dealing between the foundation and As wife. Example 6. Private foundation P owns 20 percent of the voting stock of corporation W. A, a substantial contributor with respect to P, owns 16 percent of the voting stock of corporation W. B, As son, owns 15 percent of the voting stock of corporation W. The terms of the voting stock are such that P, A, and B could vote their stock in a block to elect a majority of the board of directors of W. W is treated as controlled by P (within the meaning of subparagraph (5) of this paragraph) for purposes of this example A and B also own 50 percent of the stock of corporation Y, making Y a disqualified person with respect to P under section 4946(a)(1)(E). W makes a loan to Y of $1 million. The making of this loan by W to Y shall constitute an indirect act of self-dealing between P and Y. Example 7. A, a disqualified person with respect to private foundation P, enters into a contract with corporation M, which is also a disqualified person with respect to P. P owns 20 percent of Ms stock, and controls M within the meaning of subparagraph (5) of this paragraph. M is in the retail department store business. Purchases by A of goods sold by M in the normal and customary course of business at retail or higher prices are not indirect acts of self-dealing so long as the total of the amounts involved in all of such purchases by A in any one year does not exceed $5,000. [T.D. 7270, 38 FR 9493, Apr. 17, 1973, as amended at 38 FR 12604, May 14, 1973]
53.4941(d)2 Specific acts of self-dealing. Except as provided in 53.4941(d)3 or 53.4941(d)4: (a) Sale or exchange of property(1) In general. The sale or exchange of property between a private foundation and a disqualified person shall constitute an act of self-dealing. For example, the sale of incidental supplies by a disqualified person to a private founda-
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tent motivated by charitable intent and unsupported by consideration, is not an extension of credit (within the meaning of this paragraph) before the date of maturity. (4) General banking functions. Under section 4941(d)(2)(E) the performance by a bank or trust company which is a disqualified person of trust functions and certain general banking services for a private foundation is not an act of self-dealing, where the banking services are reasonable and necessary to carrying out the exempt purposes of the private foundation, if the compensation paid to the bank or trust company, taking into account the fair interest rate for the use of the funds by the bank or trust company, for such services is not excessive. The general banking services allowed by this subparagraph are: (i) Checking accounts, as long as the bank does not charge interest on any overwithdrawals, (ii) Savings accounts, as long as the foundation may withdraw its funds on no more than 30-days notice without subjecting itself to a loss of interest on its money for the time during which the money was on deposit, and (iii) Safekeeping activities. See example (3) 53.4941(d)3(c)(2). (d) Furnishing goods, services, or facilities(1) In general. Except as provided in subparagraph (2) or (3) of this paragraph (or 53.4941(d)3(b)), the furnishing of goods, services, or facilities between a private foundation and a disqualified person shall constitute an act of self-dealing. This subparagraph shall apply, for example, to the furnishing of goods, services, or facilities such as office space, automobiles, auditoriums, secretarial help, meals, libraries, publications, laboratories, or parking lots. Thus, for example, if a foundation furnishes personal living quarters to a disqualified person (other than a foundation manager or employee) without charge, such furnishing shall be an act of self-dealing. (2) Furnishing of goods, services, or facilities to foundation managers and employees. The furnishing of goods, services, or facilities such as those described in subparagraph (1) of this paragraph to a foundation manager in
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recognition of his services as a foundation manager, or to another employee (including an individual who would be an employee but for the fact that he receives no compensation for his services) in recognition of his services in such capacity, is not an act of selfdealing if the value of such furnishing (whether or not includible as compensation in his gross income) is reasonable and necessary to the performance of his tasks in carrying out the exempt purposes of the foundation and, taken in conjunction with any other payment of compensation or payment or reimbursement of expenses to him by the foundation, is not excessive. For example, if a foundation furnishes meals and lodging which are reasonable and necessary (but not excessive) to a foundation manager by reason of his being a foundation manager, then, without regard to whether such meals and lodging are excludable from gross income under section 119 as furnished for the convenience of the employer, such furnishing is not an act of selfdealing. For the effect of section 4945(d)(5) upon an expenditure for unreasonable administrative expenses, see 53.49456(b)(2). (3) Furnishing of goods, services, or facilities by a disqualified person without charge. The furnishing of goods, services, or facilities by a disqualified person to a private foundation shall not be an act of self-dealing if they are furnished without charge. Thus, for example, the furnishing of goods such as pencils, stationery, or other incidental supplies, or the furnishing of facilities such as a building, by a disqualified person to a foundation shall be allowed if such supplies or facilities are furnished without charge. Similarly, the furnishing of services (even though such services are not personal in nature) shall be permitted if such furnishing is without charge. For purposes of this subparagraph, a furnishing of goods shall be considered without charge even though the private foundation pays for transportation, insurance, or maintenance costs it incurs in obtaining or using the property, so long as the payment is not made directly or indirectly to the disqualified person.
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ance of services (or failure to perform services) on behalf of the foundation, against all expenses (other than taxes, including taxes imposed by chapter 42, penalties, or expenses of correction) including attorneys fees, judgments and settlement expenditures if (A) Such expenses are reasonably incurred by the manager in connection with such proceeding; and (B) The manager has not acted willfully and without reasonable cause with respect to the act or failure to act which led to such proceeding or to liability for tax under chapter 42. (ii) Similarly, except as provided in 53.4941(d)3(c), section 4941(d)(1) shall not apply to premiums for insurance to make or to reimburse a foundation for an indemnification payment allowed pursuant to this paragraph (f)(3). Neither shall an indemnification or payment of insurance allowed pursuant to this paragraph (f)(3) be treated as part of the compensation paid to such manager for purposes of determining whether the compensation is reasonable under chapter 42. (4) Compensatory indemnification of foundation managers against liability for defense in civil proceedings. (i) The indemnification by a private foundation of a foundation manager for compensatory expenses shall be an act of selfdealing under this paragraph unless when such payment is added to other compensation paid to such manager the total compensation is reasonable under chapter 42. A compensatory expense for purposes of this paragraph (f) is (A) Any penalty, tax (including a tax imposed by chapter 42), or expense of correction that is owed by the foundation manager; (B) Any expense not reasonably incurred by the manager in connection with a civil judicial or civil administrative proceeding arising out of the managers performance of services on behalf of the foundation; or (C) Any expense resulting from an act or failure to act with respect to which the manager has acted willfully and without reasonable cause. (ii) Similarly, the payment by a private foundation of the premiums for an insurance policy providing liability insurance to a foundation manager for
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expenses described in this paragraph (f)(4) shall be an act of self-dealing under this paragraph (f) unless when such premiums are added to other compensation paid to such manager the total compensation is reasonable under chapter 42. (5) Insurance allocation. A private foundation shall not be engaged in an act of self-dealing if the foundation purchases a single insurance policy to provide its managers both the noncompensatory and the compensatory coverage discussed in this paragraph (f), provided that the total insurance premium is allocated and that each managers portion of the premium attributable to the compensatory coverage is included in that managers compensation for purposes of determining reasonable compensation under chapter 42. (6) Indemnification. For purposes of this paragraph (f), the term indemnification shall include not only reimbursement by the foundation for expenses that the foundation manager has already incurred or anticipates incurring but also direct payment by the foundation of such expenses as the expenses arise. (7) Taxable income. The determination of whether any amount of indemnification or insurance premium discussed in this paragraph (f) is included in the managers gross income for individual income tax purposes is made on the basis of the provisions of chapter 1 and without regard to the treatment of such amount for purposes of determining whether the managers compensation is reasonable under chapter 42. (8) De minimis items. Any property or service that is excluded from income under section 132(a)(4) may be disregarded for purposes of determining whether the recipients compensation is reasonable under chapter 42. (9) Examples. The provisions of this paragraph may be illustrated by the following examples:
Example 1. M, a private foundation, makes a grant of $50,000 to the governing body of N City for the purpose of alleviating the slum conditions which exist in a particular neighborhood of N. Corporation P, a substantial contributor to M, is located in the same area in which the grant is to be used. Although the general improvement of the area may
(g) Payment to a government official. Except as provided in section 4941(d)(2)(G) or 53.4941(d)3(e), the agreement by a private foundation to make any payment of money or other property to a government official, as defined in section 4946(c), shall constitute an act of self-dealing. For purposes of this paragraph, an individual who is otherwise described in section 4946(c) shall be treated as a government official while on leave of absence from the government without pay.
[T.D. 7270, 38 FR 9493, Apr. 17, 1973, as amended by T.D. 7938, 49 FR 3848, Jan. 31, 1984; T.D. 8639, 60 FR 65568, Dec. 20, 1995]
53.4941(d)3 Exceptions to self-dealing. (a) General rule. In general, a transaction described in section 4941(d)(2) (B), (C), (D), (E), (F), (G), or (H) is not an act of self-dealing. Section 4941(d)(2) (B), (C), and (H) provide limited exceptions to certain specific transactions, as described in paragraphs (b)(2), (b)(3),
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zine, such terms are consistent with normal commercial practices, and payment is made within the 60-day period, the transaction shall not be treated as a loan or other extension of credit under 53.4941(d)2(c)(1). (c) Payment of compensation for certain personal services(1) In general. Under section 4941(d)(2)(E), except in the case of a Government official (as defined in section 4946(c)), the payment of compensation (and the payment or reimbursement of expenses, including reasonable advances for expenses anticipated in the immediate future) by a private foundation to a disqualified person for the performance of personal services which are reasonable and necessary to carry out the exempt purpose of the private foundation shall not be an act of self-dealing if such compensation (or payment or reimbursement) is not excessive. For purposes of this subparagraph the term personal services includes the services of a broker serving as agent for the private foundation, but not the services of a dealer who buys from the private foundation as principal and resells to third parties. For the determination whether compensation is excessive, see 1.1627 of this chapter (Income Tax Regulations). This paragraph applies without regard to whether the person who receives the compensation (or payment or reimbursement) is an individual. The portion of any payment which represents payment for property shall not be treated as payment of compensation (or payment or reimbursement of expenses) for the performance of personal services for purposes of this paragraph. For rules with respect to the performance of general banking services, see 53.4941(d)2(c)(4). Further, the making of a cash advance to a foundation manager or employee for expenses on behalf of the foundation is not an act of self-dealing, so long as the amount of the advance is reasonable in relation to the duties and expense requirements of the foundation manager. Except where reasonably allowable pursuant to subdivision (iii) of this subparagraph, such advances shall not ordinarily exceed $500. For example, if a foundation makes an advance to a foundation manager to cover anticipated out-of-
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pocket current expenses for a reasonable period (such as a month) and the manager accounts to the foundation under a periodic reimbursement program for actual expenses incurred, the foundation will not be regarded as having engaged in an act of self-dealing: (i) When it makes the advance, (ii) When it replenishes the funds upon receipt of supporting vouchers from the foundation manager, or (iii) If it temporarily adds to the advance to cover extraordinary expenses anticipated to be incurred in fulfillment of a special assignment (such as long distance travel). (2) Examples. The provisions of this paragraph may be illustrated by the following examples:
Example 1. M, a partnership, is a firm of 10 lawyers engaged in the practice of law. A and B, partners in M, serve as trustees to private foundation W and, therefore, are disqualified persons. In addition, A and B own more than 35 percent of the profits interest in M, thereby making M a disqualified person. M performs various legal services for W from time to time as such services are requested. The payment of compensation by W to M shall not constitute an act of self-dealing if the services performed are reasonable and necessary for the carrying out of Ws exempt purposes and the amount paid by W for such services is not excessive. Example 2. C, a manager of private foundation X, owns an investment counseling business. Acting in his capacity as an investment counselor, C manages Xs investment portfolio for which he receives an amount which is determined to be not excessive. The payment of such compensation to C shall not constitute an act of self-dealing. Example 3. M, a commercial bank, serves as a trustee for private foundation Y. In addition to Ms duties as trustee, M maintains Ys checking and savings accounts and rents a safety deposit box to Y. The use of the funds by M and the payment of compensation by Y to M for such general banking services shall be treated as the payment of compensation for the performance of personal services which are reasonable and necessary to carry out the exempt purposes of Y if such compensation is not excessive. Example 4. D, a substantial contributor to private foundation Z, owns a factory which manufactures microscopes. D contracts with Z to manufacture 100 microscopes for Z. Any payment to D under the contract shall constitute an act of self-dealing, since such payment does not constitute the payment of compensation for the performance of personal services.
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to, or services or facilities made available to, any government official, if the aggregate value of such contributions, gifts, services, and facilities does not exceed $25 during any calendar year; (6) Any payment made under 5 U.S.C. Chapter 41 (relating to government employees training programs); (7) Any payment or reimbursement of traveling expenses (including amounts expended for meals and lodging, regardless of whether the government official is away from home within the meaning of section 162(a)(2), and including reasonable advances for such expenses anticipated in the immediate future) for travel solely from one point in the United States to another in connection with one or more purposes described in section 170(c) (1) or (2)(B), but only if such payment or reimbursement does not exceed the actual cost of the transportation involved plus an amount for all other traveling expenses not in excess of 125 percent of the maximum amount payable under 5 U.S.C. 5702(a) for like travel by employees of the United States; (8) Any agreement to employ or make a grant to a government official for any period after the termination of his government service if such agreement is entered into within 90 days prior to such termination; (9) If a government official attends or participates in a conference sponsored by a private foundation, the allocable portion of the cost of such conference and other nonmonetary benefits (for example, benefits of a professional, intellectual, or psychological nature, or benefits resulting from the publication or the distribution to participants of a record of the conference), as well as the payment or reimbursement of expenses (including reasonable advances for expenses anticipated in connection with such a conference in the near future), received by such government official as a result of such attendance or participation shall not be subject to section 4941(d)(1), so long as the conference is in furtherance of the exempt purposes of the foundation; or (10) In the case of any government official who was on leave of absence without pay on December 31, 1969, pursuant to a commitment entered into on or before such date for the purpose of
(e) Certain payments to government officials. Under section 4941(d)(2)(G), in the case of a government official, in addition to the exceptions provided in section 4941(d)(2) (B), (C), and (D), section 4941(d)(1) shall not apply to: (1) A prize or award which is not includible in gross income under section 74(b), if the government official receiving such prize or award is selected from the general public; (2) A scholarship or a fellowship grant which is excludable from gross income under section 117(a) and which is to be utilized for study at an educational institution described in section 151(e)(4); (3) Any annuity or other payment (forming part of a stock-bonus, pension, or profit sharing plan) by a trust which constitutes a qualified trust under section 401; (4) Any annuity or other payment under a plan which meets the requirements of section 404(a)(2); (5) Any contribution or gift (other than a contribution or gift of money)
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engaging in certain activities for which such individual was to be paid by one or more private foundations, any payment of compensation (or payment or reimbursement of expenses, including reasonable advances for expenses anticipated in the immediate future) by such private foundations to such individual for any continuous period after December 31, 1969, and prior to January 1, 1971, during which such individual remains on leave of absence to engage in such activities. A commitment is considered entered into on or before December 31, 1969, if on or before such date, the amount and nature of the payments to be made and the name of the individual receiving such payments were entered on the records of the payor, or were otherwise adequately evidenced, or the notice of the payment to be received was communicated to the payee orally or in writing.
[T.D. 7270, 38 FR 9493, Apr. 17, 1973, as amended by T.D. 7938, 49 FR 3848, Jan. 31, 1984]
Transitional rules.
(a) Certain transactions involving securities acquired by a foundation before May 27, 1969(1) In general. Under section 101(l)(2)(A) of the Tax Reform Act of 1969 (83 Stat. 533), any transaction between a private foundation and a corporation which is a disqualified person shall not be an act of self-dealing if such transaction is pursuant to the terms of securities of such corporation, if such terms were in existence at the time such securities were acquired by the foundation, and if such securities were acquired by the foundation before May 27, 1969. (2) Example. The provisions of this paragraph may be illustrated by the following example:
Example. Private foundation X purchased preferred stock of corporation M, a disqualified person with respect to X, on March 15, 1969. The terms of such securities on such date provided that the stock could be called by M at any time if M paid the outstanding shareholders cash equal to 105 percent of the face amount of the stock. If M exercises this right and calls the stock owned by X on February 15, 1970, such call shall not constitute an act of self-dealing even if such price is not equivalent to fair market value on such date and even if not all of the securities of that class are called.
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ings without the application of section 4943(c) (2)(C) or (4), the disposition of the stock to B for cash will not constitute an act of self-dealing. Example 3. Assume the facts as stated in example (1), except that B, instead of paying cash as consideration for the stock, issued a 10-year secured promissory note as consideration for the stock. The issuance of such promissory note will not be treated as an act of self-dealing until taxable years beginning after December 31, 1979, unless such issuance would have been a prohibited transaction under section 503(b), or unless the transaction does not remain throughout its life at least as favorable as an arms-length contract negotiated currently. See paragraph (c) of this section.
(c) Existing leases and loans(1) In general. Under section 101(1)(2)(C) of the Tax Reform Act of 1969 (83 Stat. 533), the leasing of property or the lending of money (or other extension of credit) between a disqualified person and a private foundation pursuant to a binding contract which was in effect on October 9, 1969 (or pursuant to a renewal or modification of such a contract, as described in subparagraph (2) of this paragraph), shall not be an act of selfdealing until taxable years beginning after December 31, 1979, if: (i) At the time the contract was executed, such contract was not a prohibited transaction (within the meaning of section 503(b) or the corresponding provisions of prior law), and (ii) The leasing or lending of money (or other extension of credit) remains throughout the term of the lease or extension of credit at least as favorable as a current arms-length transaction with an unrelated person. (2) Renewal or modification of existing contracts. A renewal or a modification of an existing contract is referred to in subparagraph (1) of this paragraph only if any modifications of the terms of such contract are not substantial and the relative advantages of the modified contract compared with contracts entered into at arms-length with an unrelated person at the time of the renewal or modification are at least as favorable to the private foundation as the relative advantages of the original contract compared with contracts entered into at arms-length with an unrelated person at the time of execution of the original contract. Such renewal or modification need not be provided
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for in the original contract; it may take place before or after the expiration of the original contract and at any time before the first day of the first taxable year of the private foundation beginning after December 31, 1979. Where, in a normal commercial setting, an unrelated party in the position of a private foundation could be expected to insist upon a renegotiation or termination of a binding contract, the private foundation must so act. Thus, for example, if a disqualified person leases office space from a private foundation on a month-to-month basis, and a party in the position of the private foundation could be expected to renegotiate the rent required in such contract because of a rise in the fair market value of such office space, the private foundation must so act in order to avoid participation in an act of selfdealing. Where the private foundation has no right to insist upon renegotiation, an act of self-dealing shall occur if the terms of the contract become less favorable to the foundation than an arms-length contract negotiated currently, unless: (i) The variation from current fair market value is de minimis, or (ii) The contract is renegotiated by the foundation and the disqualified person so that the foundation will receive no less than fair market value. For purposes of subdivision (i) of this subparagraph de minimis ordinarily shall be no more than one-half of 1 percent in the rate of return in the case of a loan, or 10 percent of the rent in the case of a lease. (3) Example. The provisions of subparagraphs (1) and (2) of this paragraph may be illustrated by the following example.
Example. Under a binding contract entered into on January 1, 1964, X, a private foundation, leases a building for 10 years from Z, a disqualified person. At the time the contract was executed, the lease was not a prohibited transaction within the meaning of section 503(b), since the rent charged X was only 50 percent of the rent which would have been charged in an arms-length transaction with an unrelated person. On January 1, 1974, X renewed the lease for 5 additional years. The terms of the renewal agreement provided for a 20 percent increase in the amount of rent charged X. However, at the time of such renewal, the rent which would have been
(4) Certain exchanges of stock or securities for bonds, debentures or other indebtedness. (i) In the case of a transaction described in paragraph (a) or (b) of this section or paragraph (d) of 53.4941(d) 3, where a bond, debenture, or other indebtedness of a disqualified person is acquired by a private foundation in exchange for stock or securities which it held on October 9, 1969, and at all times thereafter, such indebtedness shall be treated as an extension of credit pursuant to a binding contract in effect on October 9, 1969, to which this paragraph applies. Thus, so long as the extension of credit remains at least as favorable as an arms-length transaction with an unrelated person and neither the acquisition of the securities which were exchanged for the indebtedness nor the exchange of such securities for the indebtedness was a prohibited transaction within the meaning of section 503(b) (or the corresponding provisions of prior law) at the time of such acquisition, such extension of credit shall not be an act of self-dealing until taxable years beginning after December 31, 1979. (ii) The provisions of this subparagraph may be illustrated by the following examples:
Example 1. Assume the facts as stated in example (2) of 53.4941 (d)3 (d)(2), except that the preferred stock was held by Y on October 9, 1969, and at all times thereafter until the redemption occurred on January 2, 1972. In addition, assume that the acquisition of the preferred stock was not a prohibited transaction within the meaning of section 503(b) at the time of such acquisition and the exchange of the preferred stock for the debentures would not have been a prohibited transaction within the meaning of section 503(b). For 1973 through 1979, the extension of credit arising from the holding of the debentures is not an act of self-dealing so long as the extension of credit remains at least as favorable as an arms-length transaction with an unrelated person. See, however, example (3) of 53.4941 (e)1 (e)(1)(ii). Example 2. Assume the same facts as stated in example (1) of 53.4941 (d)4 (b)(4), except that private foundation X sold its entire 10 percent of corporation Ys voting stock in exchange for Ys secured notes which mature on December 31, 1985. For taxable years beginning before January 1, 1980, the extension
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transactions with unrelated parties. The company imposes a maximum limit per month on the sum of the number of hours for which X and B use the computer facilities. Under these circumstances, the sharing of computer time is not an act of self-dealing.
(e) Use of certain property acquired before October 9, 1969. (1) Under section 101(1)(2)(E) of the Tax Reform Act of 1969 (83 Stat. 533), the use of property in which a private foundation and a disqualified person have a joint or common interest will not be an act of selfdealing if the interests of both in such property were acquired before October 9, 1969. (2) The provisions of this paragraph may be illustrated by the following example:
Example. Prior to October 9, 1969, C, a disqualified person, gave beachfront property to private foundation X for use as a recreational facility for underprivileged, innercity children during the summer months. However, C retained the right to use such property for his life. The use of such property by C or X is not an act of self-dealing.
(d) Sharing of goods, services, or facilities before January 1, 1980. (1) Under section 101(1)(2)(D) of the Tax Reform Act of 1969 (83 Stat. 533), the use (other than leasing) of goods, services, or facilities which are shared by a private foundation and a disqualified person shall not be an act of self-dealing until taxable years beginning after December 31, 1979, if: (i) The use is pursuant to an arrangement in effect before October 9, 1969, and at all times thereafter; (ii) The arrangement was not a prohibited transaction (within the meaning of sec. 503(b) or the corresponding provisions of prior law) at the time it was made; and (iii) The arrangement would not be a prohibited transaction if section 503(b) continued to apply. For purposes of this paragraph, such arrangement need not be a binding contract. (2) The provisions of this paragraph may be illustrated by the following example:
Example. In 1964 X, a private foundation, and B, a disqualified person, arranged for the sharing of computer time in Bs sons company for a 10-year period commencing January 1, 1965. Bs son has the unilateral right to terminate the arrangement at any time. X uses the computer facilities in connection with an analysis of its grant-making activities, while Bs use is related to his business affairs. Both X and B make reasonable fixed payments to the computer company based on the number of hours of computer use and comparable to fees charged in arms-length
(f) Disposition of leased property(1) In general. Under section 101(l)(2)(F) of the Tax Reform Act of 1969, as amended by the Tax Reform Act of 1976 (90 Stat. 1713), the sale, exchange or other disposition (other than by lease) to a disqualified person of property being leased to the disqualified person by a private foundation is not an act of selfdealing if: (i) The private foundation is leasing substantially all of the property to the disqualified person under a lease to which paragraph (c) of this section applies; (ii) The disposition occurs after October 4, 1976, and before January 1, 1978; and (iii) The disposition satisfies the requirements of paragraph (f)(2) of this section. (2) Terms of disposition. Paragraph (f)(1) of this section applies only if: (i) The private foundation receives an amount that equals or exceeds the fair market value of the property either at the time of the disposition or at the time (after June 30, 1976) the contract for such disposition was executed; (ii) In computing the fair market value of the property, no diminution of that value results from the fact that
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the property is subject to any lease to disqualified persons; and (iii) At the time with respect to which paragraph (f)(2)(i) of this section is applied, the transaction would not have constituted a prohibited transaction within the meaning of section 503(b) or the corresponding provisions of prior law if those provisions had been applied at the time of the transaction.
[T.D. 7270, 38 FR 9493, Apr. 17, 1973, as amended by T.D. 7678, 45 FR 12416, Feb. 26, 1980]
53.4941(e)1 Definitions. (a) Taxable period(1) In general. For purposes of any act of self-dealing, the term taxable period means the period beginning with the date on which the act of self-dealing occurs and ending on the earliest of: (i) The date of mailing of a notice of deficiency under section 6212 with respect to the tax imposed by section 4941(a)(1), (ii) The date on which correction of the act of self-dealing is completed, or (iii) The date on which the tax imposed by section 4941(a)(1) is assessed. (2) Date of occurrence. An act of selfdealing occurs on the date on which all the terms and conditions of the transaction and the liabilities of the parties have been fixed. Thus, for example, if a private foundation gives a disqualified person a binding option on June 15, 1971, to purchase property owned by the foundation at any time before June 15, 1972, the act of self-dealing has occurred on June 15, 1971. Similarly, in the case of a conditional sales contract, the act of self-dealing shall be considered as occurring on the date the property is transferred subject only to the condition that the buyer make payment for receipt of such property. (3) Special rule. Where a notice of deficiency referred to in subparagraph (1)(i) of this paragraph is not mailed because a waiver of the restrictions on assessment and collection of a deficiency has been accepted, or because the deficiency is paid, the date of filing of the waiver or the date of such payment, respectively, shall be treated as the end of the taxable period. (4) Examples. The provisions of this paragraph may be illustrated by the following examples:
(b) Amount involved(1) In general. Except as provided in subparagraph (2) of this paragraph, for purposes of any act of self-dealing, the term amount involved means the greater of the amount of money and the fair market value of the other property given or the amount of money and the fair market value of the other property received. (2) Exceptions. (i) In the case of the payment of compensation for personal services to persons other than Government officials, the amount involved shall be only the excess compensation paid by the private foundation. (ii) Where the use of money or other property is involved, the amount involved shall be the greater of the amount paid for such use or the fair market value of such use for the period for which the money or other property is used. Thus, for example, in the case of a lease of a building by a private foundation to a disqualified person, the amount involved is the greater of the amount of rent received by the private foundation from the disqualified person or the fair rental value of the building for the period such building is used by the disqualified person. (iii) In cases in which a transaction would not have been an act of self-dealing had the private foundation received fair market value, the amount involved
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imposed by section 4941(a) and shall be the highest fair market value during the taxable period in the case of the additional taxes imposed by section 4941(b). (4) Examples. The provisions of this paragraph may be illustrated by the following examples:
Example 1. A, a disqualified person with respect to private foundation M, uses an airplane owned by M on June 15 and June 16, 1970, for a 2-day trip to New York City on personal business and pays M $500 for the use of such airplane. The fair rental value for the use of the airplane for those 2 days is $3,000. For purposes of section 4941(a), the amount involved with respect to the act of self-dealing is $3,000. Example 2. On April 10, 1970, B, a manager of private foundation P, borrows $100,000 from P at 6 percent interest per annum. Both principal and interest are to be paid 1 year from the date of the loan. The fair market value of the use of the money on April 10, 1970, is 10 percent per annum. Six months later, B and P terminate the loan, and B repays the $100,000 principal plus $3,000 ($100,0006 percent for one-half year) interest. For purposes of section 4941(a), the amount involved with respect to the act of self-dealing is $5,000 ($100,00010 percent for one-half year) for each year or partial year in the taxable period. Example 3. C, a substantial contributor to private foundation S, leases office space in a building owned by S for $3,600 for 1 year beginning on January 1, 1971. The fair rental value of the building for a 1-year lease on January 1, 1971, is $5,600. On December 31, 1971, the lease is terminated. For purposes of section 4941(a), the amount involved with respect to the act of self-dealing is $5,600 for each year or partial year in the taxable period. Example 4. D, a disqualified person with respect to private foundation T, purchases 100 shares of stock from T for $5,000 on June 15, 1982. The fair market value of the 100 shares of stock on that date is $4,800. D sells the 100 shares of stock on December 20, 1983, for $6,000. On December 27, 1983, a notice of deficiency with respect to the taxes imposed under subsections (a) and (b) of section 4941 is mailed to D and the taxable period ends. D fails to correct during the taxable period. Between June 15, 1982, and the end of the taxable period, the stock was quoted on the New York Stock Exchange at a high of $67 per share. The amount involved with respect to the tax imposed under subsection (a) is $5,000, and the amount involved with respect to the tax imposed under subsection (b) for failure to correct is $6,700 (100 shares at $67 per share), the highest fair market value during the taxable period.
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Example 5. Corporation M, a disqualified person with respect to private foundation V, redeems all of its Class B common stock, some of which is held by V. The redemption of Vs stock would be described in section 4941(d)(2)(F) but for the fact that V receives only $95,000 in exchange for stock which has a fair market value of $100,000 at the time of the transaction. The $95,000 value of Vs stock, which is not publicly traded, was determined by investment bankers in accordance with accepted methods of valuation that would be utilized if the M stock held by V were to be offered for sale to the public. Therefore, the amount involved with respect to the transaction will ordinarily be limited to $5,000 ($100,000$95,000).
(c) Correction(1) In general. Correction shall be accomplished by undoing the transaction which constituted the act of self-dealing to the extent possible, but in no case shall the resulting financial position of the private foundation be worse than that which it would be if the disqualified person were dealing under the highest fiduciary standards. For example, where a disqualified person sells property to a private foundation for cash, correction may be accomplished by recasting the transaction in the form of a gift by returning the cash to the foundation. Subparagraphs (2) through (6) of this paragraph illustrate the minimum standards of correction in the case of certain specific acts of self-dealing. Principles similar to the principles contained in such subparagraphs shall be applied with respect to other acts of self-dealing. Any correction pursuant to this paragraph and section 4941 shall not be an act of self-dealing. (2) Sales by foundation. (i) In the case of a sale of property by a private foundation to a disqualified person for cash, undoing the transaction includes, but is not limited to, requiring recission of the sale where possible. However, in order to avoid placing the foundation in a position worse than that in which it would be if rescission were not required, the amount returned to the disqualified person pursuant to the rescission shall not exceed the lesser of the cash received by the private foundation or the fair market value of the property received by the disqualified person. For purposes of the preceding sentence, fair market value shall be the lesser of the fair market value at the time of the act of self-dealing or the
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any net profits he realized, as described in subdivision (i) of this subparagraph. (iii) Examples. The provisions of this subparagraph may be illustrated by the following examples:
Example 1. On February 10, 1972, D, a disqualified person with respect to private foundation P, sells 100 shares of X stock to P for $2,500 in a transaction which does not fall within any of the exceptions to selfdealing. The fair market value of the 100 shares of X stock on February 10, 1972, is $3,200. On June 1, 1973, the 100 shares of X stock have a fair market value of $2,900. From February 10, 1972, through June 1, 1973, P has received dividends of $90 from the stock, and D has received interest of $300 from the $2,500 which D received as consideration for the stock. In order to correct the act of self-dealing under this subparagraph on June 1, 1973, the sale must be rescinded by the return of the stock to D. However, pursuant to such rescission, D must pay P $3,200, the fair market value of the stock on the date of sale. In addition, D must pay P $210, the amount of income derived by D during the correction period from the $2,500 received from P ($300) minus the income derived by P during the correction period from the stock sold to P ($90). Example 2. Assume the facts as stated in Example (1), except that on September 1, 1972, P sells the 100 shares of X stock to E, a bona fide purchaser who is not a disqualified person, in an arms-length transaction for $2,750. Assume further that P has not received any dividends from the stock prior to the sale to E, but that P receives interest of $260 from the $2,750 received as consideration for the stock for the period from September 1, 1972, to June 1, 1973. In order to correct the act of self-dealing under this subparagraph on June 1, 1973, D must pay P $450 ($3,200, the amount which would have been received from D if rescission had been required, less $2,750, the amount realized by P from the sale to E). In addition, D must pay P $40, the amount of income derived by D during the correction period from the $2,500 received from P ($300) minus the income derived by P during the correction period from the stock sold to P ($260 from the $2,750 received as consideration for the stock). Since the stock was sold to E in an arms-length transaction prior to correction, no rescission is required.
(3) Sales to foundation. (i) In the case of a sale of property to a private foundation by a disqualified person for cash, undoing the transaction includes, but is not limited to, requiring rescission of the sale where possible. However, in order to avoid placing the foundation in a position worse than that in which it would be if rescission were not required, the amount received from the disqualified person pursuant to the rescission shall be the greatest of the cash paid to the disqualified person, the fair market value of the property at the time of the original sale, or the fair market value of the property at the time of rescission. In addition to rescission, the disqualified person is required to pay over to the private foundation any net profits he realized after the original sale with respect to the consideration he received from the sale. Thus, for example, the disqualified person must pay over to the foundation any income derived by him from the cash he received from the original sale to the extent such income during the correction period exceeds the income derived by the foundation during the correction period from the property which the disqualified person originally transferred to the foundation. (ii) If, prior to the end of the correction period, the foundation resells the property in an arms-length transaction to a bona fide purchaser who is not a disqualified person, no rescission is required. In such case, the disqualified person must pay over to the foundation the excess (if any) of the amount which would have been received from the disqualified person pursuant to subdivision (i) of this subparagraph, if recission had been required over the amount realized by the foundation upon resale of the property. In addition, the disqualified person is required to pay over to the foundation
(4) Use of property by a disqualified person. (i) In the case of the use by a disqualified person of property owned by a private foundation, undoing the transaction includes, but is not limited to, terminating the use of such property. In addition to termination, the disqualified person must pay the foundation:
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(a) The excess (if any) of the fair market value of the use of the property over the amount paid by the disqualified person for such use until such termination, and (b) The excess (if any) of the amount which would have been paid by the disqualified person for the use of the property on or after the date of such termination, for the period such disqualified person would have used the property (without regard to any further extensions or renewals of such period) if such termination had not occurred, over the fair market value of such use for such period. In applying (a) of this subdivision the fair market value of the use of property shall be the higher of the rate (that is, fair rental value per period in the case of use of property other than money or fair interest rate in the case of use of money) at the time of the act of self-dealing (within the meaning of paragraph (e)(1) of this section) or such rate at the time of correction of such act of self-dealing. In applying (b) of this subdivision the fair market value of the use of property shall be the rate at the time of correction. (ii) The provisions of this subparagraph may be illustrated by the following examples:
Example 1. On January 1, 1972, private foundation S rented the third story of its office building to A, a disqualified person, for 1 year at an annual rent of $10,000, in a transaction not within any of the exceptions to self-dealing. Both S and A are on the calendar year basis. The fair rental value of such office space for a 1-year period on January 1, 1972, is $12,000. On June 30, 1972, the fair rental value of such office space for a 1year period is $13,000. In order to correct the act of self-dealing under this subparagraph on June 30, 1972, A must terminate his use of the property. In addition, A must pay S $1,500, the excess of $6,500 (the fair rental value for 6 months as of June 30, 1972) over $5,000 (the amount paid to S from Jan. 1, 1972, to June 30, 1972). Example 2. On January 1, 1972, private foundation R rented the fourth story of its office building to B, a disqualified person, for 1 year at an annual rent of $10,000, in a transaction not included in any of the exceptions to self-dealing. Both R and B are on the calendar year basis. On January 1, 1973, B continues to rent the office space as a periodic tenant paying his rent monthly at an annual rate of $10,000. The fair rental value of such office space for a 1-year period on January 1,
(5) Use of property by a private foundation. (i) In the case of the use by a private foundation of property owned by a disqualified person, undoing the transaction includes, but is not limited to, terminating the use of such property. In addition to termination, the disqualified person must pay the foundation: (a) The excess (if any) of the amount paid to the disqualified person for such use until such termination over the fair market value of the use of the property, and (b) The excess (if any) of the fair market value of the use of the property, for the period the foundation would have used the property (without regard to any further extensions or renewals of such period) if such termination had not occurred, over the amount which would have been paid to the disqualified person on or after the date of such termination for such use for such period.
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foundation to a disqualified person for the performance of personal services which are reasonable and necessary to carry out the exempt purpose of such foundation, undoing the transaction requires that the disqualified person pay to the foundation any amount which is excessive. However, termination of the employment or independent contractor relationship is not required. (7) Special rule for correction of valuation errors. (i) In the case of a transaction described in paragraph (b)(2)(iii) of this section, a correction of the act of self-dealing shall ordinarily be deemed to occur if the foundation is paid an amount of money equal to the amount involved (as defined in paragraph (b)(2)(iii) of this section) plus such additional amounts as are necessary to compensate it for the loss of the use of the money or other property during the period commencing on the date of the act of self-dealing and ending on the date the transaction is corrected pursuant to this subparagraph. (ii) The provisions of this subparagraph may be illustrated by the following example:
Example. Assume the same facts as in example (5) of paragraph (b)(4) of this section. Such transaction shall be considered as corrected by a payment of $5,000 by M to V, together with an additional payment to V of an amount equal to the interest which V could have obtained on $5,000 for the period commencing on the date of the redemption and ending on the date the act is corrected.
(6) Payment of compensation to a disqualified person. In the case of the payment of compensation by a private
(d) Cross reference. For rules relating to taxable events that are corrected within the correction period, defined in section 4963 (e), see section 4961 (a), and the regulations thereunder. (e) Act of self-dealing(1) Number of acts; use of money or property(i) In general. If a transaction between a private foundation and a disqualified person is determined to be self-dealing (as defined in section 4941(d)), for purposes of section 4941 there is generally one act of self-dealing. For the date on which such act is treated as occurring, see paragraph (a)(2) of this section. If, however, such transaction relates to the leasing of property, the lending of money or other extension of credit, other use of money or property, or payment of compensation, the transaction will generally be treated (for purposes
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of section 4941 but not section 507 or section 6684) as giving rise to an act of self-dealing on the day the transaction occurs plus an act of self-dealing on the first day of each taxable year or portion of a taxable year which is within the taxable period and which begins after the taxable year in which the transaction occurs. (ii) Examples. The provisions of this subparagraph may be illustrated by the following examples:
Example 1. On August 31, 1970, X, a private foundation, sells a building to A, a disqualified person with respect to X. A is on the calendar year basis. Under these circumstances, the transaction between A and X is one act of self-dealing which is treated for purposes of section 4941 as occurring on August 31, 1970. Example 2. Assume the facts as stated in example (1), except that, instead of selling the building to A, X leases the building to A for a term of 4 years beginning July 31, 1970, at an annual rental of $12,000. The fair rental value of the building is also $12,000 per annum as of July 31, 1970, and throughout the next 4 years. This transaction is corrected on September 30, 1973, in accordance with paragraph (c)(4) of this section. Under these circumstances, the transaction between A and X constitutes four separate acts of self-dealing, which are treated for purposes of section 4941 as occurring on July 31, 1970, January 1, 1971, January 1, 1972, and January 1, 1973. Consequently, there are four taxable periods. The first taxable period is from July 31, 1970, to September 30, 1973; the second is from January 1, 1971, to September 30, 1973; the third is from January 1, 1972, to September 30, 1973; and the fourth is from January 1, 1973, to September 30, 1973. For purposes of the initial taxes in section 4941(a), the amount involved is $5,000 for the first taxable period, $12,000 for the second, $12,000 for the third, and $9,000 for the fourth. The initial taxes to be paid by A are thus $1,000 ($5,0005%4 taxable years or partial taxable years in the taxable period) for the first act; $1,800 ($12,0005%3) for the second act; $1,200 ($12,0005%2) for the third act; and $450 ($9,0005%1) for the fourth act. Example 3. Assume the facts as stated in example (1) of 53.4941(d)4(c)(4)(ii). If the debentures are held by Y after December 31, 1979, the extension of credit will not be excepted from the definition of an act of selfdealing, because an act of self-dealing will be treated (for purposes of section 4941) as occurring on January 1, 1980.
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(2) Number of acts; joint participation by disqualified persons(i) In general. If joint participation in a transaction by two or more disqualified persons con-
(f) Fair market value. For purposes of 53.4941(a)1 through 53.4941 (f)1, fair
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about correction of the act of self-dealing.
53.4941(f)1 Effective dates. (a) In general. Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, 53.4941(a)1 through 53.4941(e)1 shall apply to all acts of self-dealing engaged in after December 31, 1969. (b) Transitional rules(1) Commitments made prior to January 1, 1970, between private foundations and government officials. Section 4941 shall not apply to a payment for one or more purposes described in section 170(c) (1) or (2)(B) made on or after January 1, 1970, by a private foundation to a government official, if such payment is made pursuant to a commitment entered into prior to such date, but only if such commitment was made in accordance with the foundations usual practices and is reasonable in amount in light of the purposes of the payment. For purposes of this subparagraph, a commitment will be considered entered into prior to January 1, 1970, if prior to such date, the amount and nature of the payments to be made and the name of the payee were entered on the records of the payor, or were otherwise adequately evidenced, or the notice of the payment to be received was communicated to the payee in writing. (2) Special transitional rule. In the case of an act of self-dealing engaged in prior to July 5, 1971, section 4941(a) (1) shall not apply if: (i) The participation (as defined in 53.4941(a)1(a)(3)) by the disqualified person in such act is not willful and is due to reasonable cause (as defined in 53.4941(a)1(b) (4) and (5)), (ii) The transaction would not be a prohibited transaction if section 503(b) applied, and (iii) The act is corrected (within the meaning of 53.4941(e)1(c)) within a period ending [insert 90 days after date on which final regulations under section 4941 are filed by the Federal Register], extended (prior to the expiration of the original period) by any period which the Commissioner determines is reasonable and necessary (within the meaning of 53.4941(e)1(d)) to bring
53.4942(a)1 Taxes for failure to distribute income. (a) Imposition of tax(1) Initial tax. Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, section 4942(a) imposes an excise tax of 15 percent on the undistributed income (as defined in paragraph (a) of 53.4942(a)2) of a private foundation for any taxable year which has not been distributed before the first day of the second (or any succeeding) taxable year following such taxable year (if such first day falls within the taxable period as defined in paragraph (c)(1) of this section). For purposes of section 4942 and this section, the term distributed means distributed as qualifying distributions under section 4942(g). See paragraph (d)(2) of 53.4942(a)3 with respect to correction of deficient distributions for prior taxable years. (2) Additional tax. In any case in which an initial excise tax is imposed by section 4942(a) on the undistributed income of a private foundation for any taxable year, section 4942(b) imposes an additional excise tax on any portion of such income remaining undistributed at the close of the correction period (as defined in paragraph (c)(1) of this section). The tax imposed by section 4942(b) is equal to 100 percent of the amount remaining undistributed at the close of the taxable period. (3) Payment of tax. Payment of the excise taxes imposed by section 4942 (a) or (b) is in addition to, and not in lieu of, making the distribution of such undistributed income as required by section 4942. See section 507(a)(2) and the regulations thereunder. (4) Examples. The provisions of this paragraph may be illustrated by the following examples:
Example 1. M, a private foundation which uses the calendar year as its taxable year, has at the end of 1981, $50,000 of undistributed income (as defined in paragraph (a) of 53.4942 (a)2) for 1981. As of January 1, 1983,
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$40,000 is still undistributed. On August 15, 1983, a notice of deficiency with respect to the excise taxes imposed by section 4942 (a) and (b) is mailed to M under section 6212 (a) and the taxable period ends. Thus, under these facts, an initial excise tax of $6,000 (15 percent of $40,000) is imposed upon M. An additional excise tax of $40,000 (100 percent of $40,000) is imposed by section 4942(b). Under section 4961(a), however, if the undistributed income is reduced to zero during the correction period, this latter tax will not be assessed, and if assessed, it will be abated, and if collected, it will be credited or refunded as an overpayment. Example 2. Assume the facts as stated in example (1), except that the notice of deficiency is mailed to M on September 7, 1984, and as of January 1, 1984, only $10,000 of the $50,000 of undistributed income with respect to 1981 is undistributed. Therefore, initial excise taxes of $6,000 (15 percent of $40,000, Ms undistributed income from 1981, as of January 1, 1983) and $1,500 (15 percent of $10,000, Ms undistributed income from 1981 as of January 1, 1984) are imposed by section 4942(a). If the $10,000 remains undistributed as of September 7, 1984, the end of the taxable period, an additional excise tax of $10,000 (100 percent of $10,000, Ms undistributed income from 1981, as of September 7, 1984) is imposed by section 4942(b).
(b) Exceptions(1) In general. The initial excise tax imposed by section 4942(a) shall not apply to the undistributed income of a private foundation: (i) For any taxable year for which it is an operating foundation (as defined in section 4942(j)(3) and the regulations thereunder), or (ii) To the extent that the foundation failed to distribute any amount solely because of incorrect valuation of assets under paragraph (c)(4) of 53.4942(a)2, if: (a) The failure to value the assets properly was not willful and was due to reasonable cause, (b) Such amount is distributed as qualifying distributions (within the meaning of paragraph (a) of 53.4942 (a)3) by the foundation during the allowable distribution period (as defined in paragraph (c)(2) of this section), (c) The foundation notifies the Commissioner that such amount has been distributed (within the meaning of subdivision (ii)(b) of this subparagraph) to correct such failure, and (d) Such distribution is treated under paragraph (d)(2) of 53.4942(a)3 as made out of the undistributed income for the
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date of filing of the waiver or the date of such payment, respectively, shall be treated as the end of the allowable distribution period. (3) Cross reference. For rules relating to taxable events that are corrected within the correction period, defined in section 4963(e), see section 4961 (a) and the regulations thereunder. (4) Examples. The provisions of this paragraph may be illustrated by the following examples:
Example 1. In 1975 M, a private foundation which uses the calendar year as the taxable year, made an error in valuing its assets which was not willful and was due to reasonable cause. The error caused M not to distribute $25,000 that should have been distributed with respect to 1975. On March 1, 1978, a notice of deficiency with respect to the excise taxes imposed by section 4942 (a) and (b) was mailed to M under section 6212(a). With respect to the undistributed income for 1975, the taxable period is the period from January 1, 1975, through March 1, 1978, and the allowable distribution period is the period from January 1, 1976, through May 30, 1978 (90 days after the mailing of the notice of deficiency). Example 2. Assume the facts as stated in example (1), except that the Commissioner determines that it is reasonable and necessary to extend the period for distribution through June 15, 1978. Thus, the allowable distribution period is from January 1, 1976, through June 15, 1978.
(d) Effective date. Except as otherwise specifically provided, section 4942 and the regulations thereunder shall only apply with respect to taxable years beginning after December 31, 1969.
[T.D. 7256, 38 FR 3317, Feb. 7, 1973, as amended by T.D. 8084, 51 FR 16302, May 2, 1986]
53.4942(a)2 Computation of undistributed income. (a) Undistributed income. For purposes of section 4942, the term undistributed income means, with respect to any private foundation for any taxable year as of any time, the amount by which: (1) The distributable amount (as defined in paragraph (b) of this section) for such taxable year, exceeds (2) The qualifying distributions (as defined in 53.4942(a)3) made before such time out of such distributable amount. (b) Distributable amount(1) In general. For purposes of paragraph (a) of this section, the term distributable amount means:
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(i) For taxable years beginning before January 1, 1982, an amount equal to the greater of the minimum investment return (as defined in paragraph (c) of this section) or the adjusted net income (as defined in paragraph (d) of this section); and (ii) For taxable years beginning after December 31, 1981, an amount equal to the minimum investment return (as defined in paragraph (c) of this section), reduced by the sum of the taxes imposed on such private foundation for such taxable year under subtitle A of the Code and section 4940, and increased by the amounts received from trusts described in subparagraph (2) of this paragraph. (2) Certain trust amounts(i) In general. The distributable amount shall be increased by the income portion (as defined in subdivision (ii) of this subparagraph) of distributions from trusts described in section 4947(a)(2) with respect to amounts placed in trust after May 26, 1969. If such distributions are made with respect to amounts placed in trust both on or before and after May 26, 1969, such distributions shall be allocated between such amounts to determine the extent to which such distributions shall be included in the foundations distributable amount. For rules relating to the segregation of amounts placed in trust on or before May 26, 1969, from amounts placed in trust after such date and to the allocation of income derived from such amounts, see paragraph (c) (5) of 53.49471. (ii) Income portion of distributions to private foundations. For purposes of subdivision (i) of this subparagraph, the income portion of a distribution from a section 4947(a)(2) trust to a private foundation in a particular taxable year of such foundation shall be the greater of: (a) The amount of such distribution which is treated as income (within the meaning of section 643(b)) of the trust, or (b) The guaranteed annuity, or fixed percentage of the fair market value of the trust property (determined annually), which the private foundation is entitled to receive for such year, regardless of whether such amount is ac-
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tablishes to the satisfaction of the Commissioner that its immediate use for such exempt purpose is not practical (based on the facts and circumstances of the particular case) and that definite plans exist to commence such use within a reasonable period of time. Consequently, assets which are held for the production of income or for investment (for example, stocks, bonds, interest-bearing notes, endowment funds, or, generally, leased real estate) are not being used (or held for use) directly in carrying out the foundations exempt purpose, even though the income from such assets is used to carry out such exempt purpose. Whether an asset is held for the production of income or for investment rather than used (or held for use) directly by the foundation to carry out its exempt purpose is a question of fact. For example, an office building used for the purpose of providing offices for employees engaged in the management of endowment funds of the foundation is not being used (or held for use) directly by the foundation to carry out its charitable, educational, or other similar exempt purpose. However, where property is used both for charitable, educational, or other similar exempt purposes and for other purposes, if such exempt use represents 95 percent or more of the total use, such property shall be considered to be used exclusively for a charitable, educational, or other similar exempt purpose. If such exempt use of such property represents less than 95 percent of the total use, reasonable allocation between such exempt and nonexempt use must be made for purposes of this paragraph. Property acquired by the foundation to be used in carrying out its charitable, educational, or other similar exempt purpose may be considered as used (or held for use) directly to carry out such exempt purpose even though the property, in whole or in part, is leased for a limited period of time during which arrangements are made for its conversion to the use for which it was acquired, provided such income-producing use of the property does not exceed a reasonable period of time. Generally, 1 year shall be deemed to be a reasonable period of time for purposes of the immediately preceding sentence.
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For treatment of the income derived from such income-producing use, see paragraph (d)(2)(viii) of this section. Where the income-producing use continues beyond a reasonable period of time, the property shall not be deemed to be used by the foundation to carry out its charitable, educational, or other similar exempt purpose, but, instead, as of the time the income-producing use becomes unreasonable, such property shall be treated as disposed of within the meaning of paragraph (d)(2)(iii)(b) of this section to the extent that the acquisition of the property was taken into account as a qualifying distribution (within the meaning of paragraph (a)(2) of 53.4942(a3) for any taxable year. If, subsequently, the property is used by the foundation directly in carrying out its charitable, educational, or other similar exempt purpose, a qualifying distribution in the amount of its then fair market value, determined in accordance with the rules contained in subparagraph (4) of this paragraph, shall be deemed to have been made as of the time such exempt use begins. (ii) Illustrations. Examples of assets which are used (or held for use) directly in carrying out the foundations exempt purpose include, but are not limited to, the following: (a) Administrative assets, such as office equipment and supplies which are used by employees or consultants of the foundation, to the extent such assets are devoted to and used directly in the administration of the foundations charitable, educational or other similar exempt activities; (b) Real estate or the portion of a building used by the foundation directly in its charitable, educational, or other similar exempt activities; (c) Physical facilities used in such activities, such as paintings or other works of art owned by the foundation which are on public display, fixtures and equipment in classrooms, research facilities and related equipment which under the facts and circumstances serve a useful purpose in the conduct of such activities; (d) Any interest in a functionally related business (as defined in subdivision (iii) of this subparagraph) or in a
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(3) Locally traded, for which quotations can readily be obtained from established brokerage firms. (b) For purposes of this subdivision, commonly accepted methods of valuation must be used in making an appraisal. Valuations made in accordance with the principles stated in the regulations under section 2031 constitute acceptable methods of valuation. This paragraph (c)(4)(i)(b) applies only for taxable years beginning before January 1, 1976. See section 4942(e)(2)(B) and paragraph (c)(4)(i)(c) of this section for special valuation rules that apply for subsequent taxable years. (c) For purposes of this subdivision (i) and with respect to taxable years beginning after December 31, 1975, if the private foundation can show that the value of securities determined on the basis of market quotations as provided by subdivision (i)(a) does not reflect the fair market value thereof because: (1) The securities constitute a block of securities so large in relation to the volume of actual sales on the existing market that it could not be liquidated in a reasonable time without depressing the market. (2) The securities are securities in a closely held corporation and sales are few or of a sporadic nature, and, or (3) The sale of the securities would result in a forced or distress sale because the securities could not be offered to the public for sale without first being registered under the Securities Act of 1933 or because of other factors, then the price at which the securities could be sold as such outside the usual market, as through an underwriter, may be a more accurate indication of value than market quotations. On the other hand, if the securities to be valued represents a controlling interest, either actual or effective, in a going business, the price at which other lots change hands may have little relation to the true value of the securities. No decrease in the fair market value of any given class of securities determined on the basis of market quotations as provided by subdivision (i)(a) shall be allowed except as authorized by this subdivision, and no such decrease shall in the aggregate exceed 10 percent of the fair market value of
(iv) Cash held for charitable, etc. activities. For purposes of subdivision (ii)(e) of this subparagraph, the reasonable cash balances which a private foundation needs to have on hand to cover expenses and disbursements described in such subdivision will generally be deemed to be an amount, computed on an annual basis, equal to one and onehalf percent of the fair market value of all assets described in subparagraph (1)(i) of this paragraph, without regard to subdivision (ii)(e) of this subparagraph. However, if the Commissioner is satisfied that under the facts and circumstances an amount in addition to such one and one-half percent is necessary for payment of such expenses and disbursements, then such additional amount may also be excluded from the amount of assets described in subparagraph (1)(i) of this paragraph. All remaining cash balances, including amounts necessary to pay any tax imposed by section 511 or any section of chapter 42 of the Code except section 4940, are to be included in the assets described in subparagraph (1)(i) of this paragraph. (4) Valuation of assets(i) Certain securities. (a) For purposes of subparagraph (1)(i) of this paragraph, a private foundation may use any reasonable method to determine the fair market value on a monthly basis of securities for which market quotations are readily available, as long as such method is consistently used. For purposes of this subparagraph, market quotations are readily available if a security is: (1) Listed on the New York Stock Exchange, the American Stock Exchange, or any city or regional exchange in which quotations appear on a daily basis, including foreign securities listed on a recognized foreign national or regional exchange; (2) Regularly traded in the national or regional over-the-counter market, for which published quotations are available; or
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such class of securities so determined on the basis of market quotations and without regard to this subdivision. (d) In the case of securities described in subdivision (i)(a) of this subparagraph, which are held in trust for, or on behalf of, a foundation by a bank or other financial institution which values such securities periodically by use of a computer, a foundation may determine the correct value of such securities by use of such computer pricing system, provided the Commissioner has accepted such computer pricing system as a valid method for valuing securities for Federal estate tax purposes. (e) This subdivision may be illustrated by the following examples:
Example 1. U, a private foundation, owns 1,000 shares of the stock of M Corporation. M stock is regularly traded on the New York Stock Exchange. U consistently follows a practice of valuing its 1,000 shares of M stock on the last trading day of each month based upon the quoted closing price for M stock. Us method of valuing its M Corporation stock is permissible under the rules contained in subdivision (i)(a) of this subparagraph. Example 2. Assume the facts as stated in example (1), except that U consistently follows a practice of valuing its 1,000 shares of M stock by taking the mean of the closing prices for M stock on the first and last trading days of each month and the trading day nearest the 15th day of each month. Us method of valuing its M stock is permissible under the rules contained in subdivision (i)(a) of this subparagraph. Example 3. Assume the facts as stated in example (1), except that U consistently follows a practice of valuing its M stock by taking the mean of the highest and lowest quoted prices for the stock on the last trading day of each month. Us method of valuing its M stock is permissible under the rules contained in subdivision (1)(a) of this subparagraph. Example 4. V, a private foundation, owns 1,000 shares of the stock of N Corporation. N stock is regularly traded in the national over-the-counter market and published quotations of the bid and asked prices for the stock are available. V consistently follows a practice of valuing its 1,000 shares of N stock on the first trading day of each month by taking the mean of the bid and asked prices on that day. Vs method of valuing its N Corporation stock is permissible under the rules contained in subdivision (i)(a) of this subparagraph. Example 5. W, a private foundation, owns 1,000 shares of the stock of O Corporation. O stock is locally traded and quotations can
(ii) Cash. In order to determine the amount of a foundations cash balances, the foundation shall value its cash on a monthly basis by averaging the amount of cash on hand as of the first day of each month and as of the last day of each month. (iii) Common trust funds. If a private foundation owns a participating interest in a common trust fund (as defined in section 584) established and administered under a plan providing for the periodic valuation of participating interests during the funds taxable year and the reporting of such valuations to participants, the value of the foundations interest in the common trust fund based upon the average of the valuations reported to the foundation during its taxable year will ordinarily constitute an acceptable method of valuation. (iv) Other assets. (a) Except as otherwise provided in subdivision (iv)(b) of this subparagraph, the fair market value of assets other than those described in subdivisions (i) through (iii) of this subparagraph shall be determined annually. Thus, the fair market value of securities other than those described in subdivision (i) of this subparagraph shall be determined in accordance with this subdivision (a). If, however, a private foundation owns voting stock of an issuer of unlisted securities and has, or together with disqualified persons or another private foundation has, effective control of the issuer (within the meaning of 53.4943 3(b)(3)(ii), then to the extent that the issuers assets consist of shares of listed securities issues, such assets shall be valued monthly on the basis of market quotations or in accordance with section 4942(e)(2)(B), if applicable.
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with an annual valuation made in accordance with subdivision (iv)(a) of this subparagraph, and the most recent such valuation of such assets shall be used in computing the foundations minimum investment return. In the case of a foundation organized before May 27, 1969, a valuation made in accordance with this subdivision applicable to the foundations first taxable year beginning after December 31, 1972, and the 4 succeeding taxable years must be made no later than the last day of such first taxable year. In the case of a foundation organized after May 26, 1969, a valuation made in accordance with this subdivision applicable to the foundations first taxable year beginning after February 5, 1973 and the succeeding 4 taxable years must be made no later than the last day of such first taxable year. Any subsequent valuation made in accordance with this subdivision must be made no later than the last day of the first taxable year for which such new valuation is applicable. A valuation, if properly made in accordance with the rules set forth in this subdivision, will not be disturbed by the Commissioner during the 5-year period for which it applies even if the actual fair market value of such property changes during such period. (c) For purposes of this subdivision, commonly accepted methods of valuation must be used in making an appraisal. Valuations made in accordance with the principles stated in the regulations under section 2031 constitute acceptable methods of valuation. The term appraisal, as used in this subdivision, means a determination of fair market value and is not to be construed in a technical sense peculiar to particular property or interests therein, such as, for example, mineral interests in real property. (v) Definition of securities. For purposes of this subparagraph, the term securities includes, but is not limited to, common and preferred stocks, bonds, and mutual fund shares. (vi) Valuation date. (a) In the case of an asset which is required to be valued on an annual basis as provided in subdivision (iv)(a) of this subparagraph, such asset may be valued as of any day in the private foundations taxable
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year to which such valuation applies, provided the foundation follows a consistent practice of valuing such asset as of such date in all taxable years. (b) A valuation described in subdivision (iv)(b) of this subparagraph may be made as of any day in the first taxable year of the private foundation to which such valuation is to be applied. (vii) Assets held for less than a taxable year. For purposes of this paragraph, any asset described in subparagraph (1)(i) of this paragraph which is held by a foundation for only part of a taxable year shall be taken into account for purposes of determining the foundations minimum investment return for such taxable year by multiplying the fair market value of such asset (as determined pursuant to this subparagraph) by a fraction, the numerator of which is the number of days in such taxable year that the foundation held such asset and the denominator of which is the number of days in such taxable year. (5) Applicable percentage(i) In general. For purposes of paragraph (c)(1)(ii) of this section, except as provided in paragraph (c)(5)(ii) or (iii) of this section, the applicable percentage is: (a) Six percent for a taxable year beginning in 1970 or 1971; (b) Five and a half percent for a taxable year beginning in 1972; (c) Five and one-quarter percent for a taxable year beginning in 1973; (d) Six percent for a taxable year beginning in 1974 or 1975; and (e) Five percent for taxable years beginning after Dec. 31, 1975. (ii) Transitional rule. In the case of organizations organized before May 27, 1969 (including organizations deemed to be so organized by virtue of the provisions of paragraph (e)(2) of this section), section 4942 shall, for all purposes other than the determination of the minimum investment return under section 4942(j)(3)(B)(ii), for taxable years: (a) Beginning before January 1, 1972, apply without regard to section 4942(e). (b) Beginning in 1972, apply with an applicable percentage of 418 percent, (c) Beginning in 1973, apply with an applicable percentage of 438 percent and
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under section 302(b)(1) if all of the following conditions are satisfied: (a) Such redemption is of stock which was owned by a private foundation on May 26, 1969 (or which is acquired by a private foundation under the terms of a trust which was irrevocable on May 26, 1969, or under the terms of a will executed on or before such date which are in effect on such date and at all times thereafter); (b) Such foundation is required to dispose of such property in order not to be liable for tax under section 4943 (relating to taxes on excess business holdings) applied, in the case of a disposition before January 1, 1975, without taking section 4943(c)(4) into account; and (c) Such foundation receives in return an amount which equals or exceeds the fair market value of such property at the time of such disposition or at the time a contract for such disposition was previously executed in a transaction which would not constitute a prohibited transaction (within the meaning of section 503(b) or the corresponding provisions of prior law). (v) If, as of the date of distribution of property for purposes described in section 170(c) (1) or (2)(B), the fair market value of such property exceeds its adjusted basis, such excess shall not be deemed an amount includible in gross income. (vi) The income received by a private foundation from an estate during the period of administration of such estate shall not be included in such foundations gross income, unless, due to a prolonged period of administration, such estate is considered terminated for Federal income tax purposes by operation of paragraph (a) of 1.641(b)3 of this chapter (Income Tax Regulations). (vii) Distributions received by a private foundation from a trust created and funded by another person shall not be included in the foundations gross income. However, with respect to distributions from certain trusts described in section 4947(a)(2), see paragraph (b)(2) of this section. (viii) Gross income shall include all amounts derived from, or in connection with, property held by the foundation, even though the fair market value of such property may not be included in
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such foundations assets for purposes of determining minimum investment return by operation of paragraph (c)(3) of this section. (ix) Gross income shall include amounts treated in a preceding taxable year as a qualifying distribution by operation of paragraph (c) of 53.4942(a)3 where such amounts are not redistributed by the close of the donee organizations succeeding taxable year in accordance with the rules prescribed in such paragraph (c). In such cases, such amounts shall be included in the donor foundations gross income for such foundations first taxable year beginning after the close of the donee organizations first taxable year following the donee organizations taxable year of receipt. (x) For taxable years ending after October 4, 1976, section 4942(f)(2)(D) states that section 483 (relating to imputed interest on deferred payments) does not apply to payments made pursuant to a binding contract entered into in a taxable year beginning before January 1, 1970. Amounts that are not treated as imputed interest because of section 4942(f)(2)(D) and this subdivision will represent gain or loss from the sale of property. If the gain or loss is long term capital gain or loss, section 4942(f)(2)(B) excludes the gain or loss from the computation of the foundations gross income. If, in a taxable year beginning after December 31, 1969, there is a substantial change in the terms of a contract entered into in a taxable year beginning before January 1, 1970, then any payment made pursuant to the changed contract is not considered a payment made pursuant to a contract entered into in a taxable year beginning before January 1, 1970. Whether or not a change in the terms of a contract (for example, a change relating to time of payment, sales price, or obligations under the contract) is a substantial change is determined by applying the rules under section 483 and 1.4831(b)(4). As used in this subdivision, a binding contract includes an irrevocable written option. (3) Adjusted basis(i) In general. For purposes of subparagraph (2)(ii) of this paragraph, the adjusted basis for purposes of determining gain from the sale or other disposition of property shall
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which is paid or incurred for the production or collection of gross income. Operating expenses include compensation of officers, other salaries and wages of employees, interest, rent, and taxes. Where only a portion of the property produces (or is held for the production of) income subject to the provisions of section 4942, and the remainder of the property is used for charitable, educational, or other similar exempt purposes, the deductions allowed by this subparagraph shall be apportioned between the exempt and nonexempt uses. Similarly, where the deductions with respect to property used for a charitable, educational, or other similar exempt purpose exceed the income derived from such property, such excess shall not be allowed as a deduction, but may be treated as a qualifying distribution described in paragraph (a)(2)(ii) of 53.4942(a)3. Furthermore, this subdivision does not allow deductions which are not paid or incurred for the purposes herein prescribed. Thus, for example, the deductions prescribed by the following sections are not allowable: (a) The charitable contributions deduction prescribed under sections 170 and 642(c); (b) the net operating loss deduction prescribed under section 172; and (c) the special deductions prescribed under Part VIII, Subchapter B, Chapter 1 of the Code. (ii) Special rules. For purposes of computing adjusted net income under subparagraph (1) of this paragraph: (a) The allowances for depreciation and depletion as determined under section 4940(c)(3)(B) and the regulations thereunder shall be taken into account, and (b) section 265 (relating to expenses and interest relating to tax-exempt interest) shall not apply. (e) Certain transitional rules(1) In general. In the case of organizations organized before May 27, 1969, section 4942 shall: (i) Not apply to an organization to the extent its income is required to be accumulated pursuant to the mandatory terms (as in effect on May 26, 1969, and at all times thereafter) of an instrument executed before May 27, 1969, with respect to the transfer of income producing property to such organization, except that section 4942 shall
(4) Deduction modifications(i) In general. For purposes of computing adjusted net income under subparagraph (1) of this paragraph, no deduction shall be allowed other than all the ordinary and necessary expenses paid or incurred for the production or collection of gross income or for the management, conservation, or maintenance of property held for the production of such income, except as provided in subdivision (ii) of this subparagraph. Such expenses include that portion of a private foundations operating expenses
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apply to such organization if the organization would have been denied exemption had section 504(a) not been repealed, or would have had its deductions under section 642(c) limited had section 681(c) not been repealed. In applying the preceding sentence, in addition to the limitations contained in section 504(a) or 681(c) before its repeal, section 504(a)(1) or 681(c)(1) shall be treated as not applying to an organization to the extent its income is required to be accumulated pursuant to the mandatory terms (as in effect on January 1, 1951, and at all times thereafter) of an instrument executed before January 1, 1951, with respect to the transfer of income producing property to such organization before such date, if such transfer was irrevocable on such date; and (ii) Not apply to an organization which is prohibited by its governing instrument or other instrument from distributing capital or corpus to the extent the requirements of section 4942 are inconsistent with such prohibitions. (2) Certain existing organizations. For purposes of this section, an organization will be deemed to be organized prior to May 26, 1969, if it is either a testamentary trust created under the will of an individual who died prior to such date or an inter visos trust which was in existence and irrevocable prior to such date, even though it is not funded until after May 26, 1969. Similarly, a split-interest trust, as described in section 4947(a)(2) (without regard to section 4947(a)(2)(C)), which became irrevocable prior to May 27, 1969, and which is treated as a private foundation under section 4947(a)(1) subsequent to such date, likewise shall be treated as an organization organized prior to such date. See section 507(b)(2) and the regulations thereunder with respect to the applicability of transitional rules where there has been a merger of two or more private foundations or a reorganization of a private foundation. (3) Limitation. With respect to taxable years beginning after December 31, 1971, subparagraph (1) (i) and (ii) of this paragraph shall apply only for taxable years during which there is pending any judicial proceeding by the private
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taxable year would also have been $72,000, before other adjustments. [T.D. 7256, 38 FR 3317, Feb. 5, 1973; 38 FR 4577, Feb. 16, 1973, as amended by T.D. 7486, 42 FR 24265, May 13, 1977; T.D. 7594, 44 FR 7138, Feb. 6, 1979; T.D. 7610, 44 FR 21644, Apr. 11, 1979; T.D. 7715, 45 FR 56803, Aug. 26, 1980; T.D. 7849, 47 FR 50857, Nov. 10, 1982; T.D. 7878, 48 FR 11943, Mar. 22, 1983]
53.4942(a)3 defined.
Qualifying distributions
(a) In general(1) Distributions generally. For purposes of section 4942 and the regulations thereunder, the amount of a qualifying distribution of property (as defined in subparagraph (2) of this paragraph) is the fair market value of such property as of the date such qualifying distribution is made. The amount of an organizations qualifying distributions will be determined solely on the cash receipts and disbursements method of accounting described in section 446(c)(1). (2) Definition. The term qualifying distribution means: (i) Any amount (including programrelated investments, as defined in section 4944(c), and reasonable and necessary administrative expenses) paid to accomplish one or more purposes described in section 170(c) (1) or (2)(B), other than any contribution to: (a) A private foundation which is not an operating foundation (as defined in section 4942(j)(3)), except as provided in paragraph (c) of this section, or (b) An organization controlled (directly or indirectly) by the contributing private foundation or one or more disqualified persons with respect to such foundation, except as provided in paragraph (c) of this section; (ii) Any amount paid to acquire an asset used (or held for use) directly in carrying out one or more purposes described in section 170(c) (1) or (2)(B). See paragraph (c)(3) of 53.4942(a)2 for the definition of used (or held for use); or (iii) Any amount set aside within the meaning of paragraph (b) of this section. (3) Control. For purposes of subparagraph (2)(i)(b) of this paragraph, an organization is controlled by a foundation or one or more disqualified persons with respect to the foundation if
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any of such persons may, by aggregating their votes or positions of authority, require the donee organization to make an expenditure, or prevent the donee organization from making an expenditure, regardless of the method by which the control is exercised or exercisable. Control of a donee organization is determined without regard to any conditions imposed upon the donee as part of the distribution or any other restrictions accompanying the distribution as to the manner in which the distribution is to be used, unless such conditions or restrictions are described in paragraph (a)(8) of 1.5072 of this chapter (Income Tax Regulations). In general, it is the donee, not the distribution, which must be controlled by the distributing private foundation for the provisions of subparagraph (2)(i)(b) of this paragraph to apply. Thus, the furnishing of support to an organization and the consequent imposition of budgetary procedures upon that organization with respect to such support shall not in itself be treated as subjecting that organization to the distributing foundations control within the meaning of this subparagraph. Such budgetary procedures include expenditure responsibility requirements under section 4945(d)(4). The controlled organization need not be a private foundation; it may be any type of exempt or nonexempt organization including a school, hospital, operating foundation, or social welfare organization. (4) Borrowed funds(i) In general. For purposes of this paragraph, if a private foundation borrows money in a particular taxable year to make expenditures for a specific charitable educational, or other similar purpose, a qualifying distribution out of such borrowed funds will, except as otherwise provided in subdivision (ii) of this subparagraph, be deemed to have been made only at the time that such borrowed funds are actually distributed for such exempt purpose. (ii) Funds borrowed before 1970. (a) If a private foundation has borrowed money in a taxable year beginning before January 1, 1970, or subsequently borrows money pursuant to a written commitment which was binding as of the last day of such taxable year, to
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$46,000 ($44,000 of salaries and 10 percent of the overhead, both of which are reasonable administrative expenses paid to accomplish section 170(c) (1) or (2)(B) purposes). Payment (iii) of this example is also a qualifying distribution, since it is a contribution for section 170(c)(2)(B) purposes to an organization which is not described in subparagraph (2)(i) (a) or (b) of this paragraph. The other 90 percent of payment (ii) of this example may constitute items of deduction under paragraph (d)(1)(ii) of 53.4942(a)2 if such items otherwise qualify under such paragraph. Example 2. On February 21, 1972, N, a private foundation which uses the calendar year as the taxable year, pays $500,000 for real property on which it plans to build hospital facilities to be used for medical care and education. The real property produces no income and the hospital facilities will not be constructed until 1974 according to the setaside plan submitted to and approved by the Commissioner pursuant to paragraph (b) of this section. The purchase of the land is a qualifying distribution under subparagraph (2)(ii) of this paragraph. If, however, the property used were to produce rental income for more than a reasonable period of time before construction of the hospital is begun, then as of the time such rental use becomes unreasonable (i) such purchase would no longer constitute a qualifying distribution under subparagraph (2)(ii) of this paragraph, and (ii) the amount of the qualifying distribution would be included in Ns gross income. See paragraphs (c)(3)(i) and (d)(2)(iii)(b) of 53.4942(a)2. Example 3. In 1971, X, a private foundation engaged in holding paintings and exhibiting them to the public, purchases an additional building to be used to exhibit the paintings. Such expenditure is a qualifying distribution under subparagraph (2)(ii) of this paragraph. In 1975, X sells the building. Under paragraph (d)(2)(iii)(b) of 53.4942(a)2, all of the proceeds of the sale (less direct costs of the sale) are included in Xs adjusted net income for 1975. Example 4. In January 1969, M, a private foundation which uses the calendar year as the taxable year, borrows $10 million to give to N, a private college, for the construction of a science center. M borrowed the money from X, a commercial bank. M is to repay X at the rate of $1.1 million per year ($1 million principal and $0.1 million interest) for 10 years, beginning in January, 1973. M distributed $5 million of the borrowed funds to N in February 1969 and the other $5 million in March 1970. M files a statement with the form it is required to file under section 6033 for 1973 which contains the information required by subparagraph (4)(ii)(b) of this paragraph. Pursuant to Ms election, each repayment of loan principal constitutes a qualifying distribution in the year of repayment. Accordingly, the distribution of $5 million to
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N in March 1970 will not be treated as a qualifying distribution. Each payment of interest ($0.1 million annually) with respect to Ms loan from X is treated as a deduction under paragraph (d)(1)(ii) of 53.4942(a)2 in the taxable year in which it is made. Example 5. Private foundation Y engages in providing care for the aged. Y makes a distribution of cash to H, a hospital described in section 170(b)(1)(A)(iii) which is not controlled by Y or any disqualified person with respect to Y. The distribution is made subject to the conditions that H will invest the money as a separate fund which will bear a name commemorating the creator of Y and will use the income from such fund only for Hs exempt hospital purposes which relate to care for the aged. Under these circumstances, the distribution from Y to H is a qualifying distribution pursuant to subparagraph (2)(i) of this paragraph.
(b) Certain set-asides(1) In general. An amount set aside for a specific project that is for one or more of the purposes described in section 170(c) (1) or (2)(B) may be treated as a qualifying distribution in the year in which set aside (but not in the year in which actually paid), if the requirements of section 4942(g)(2) and this paragraph (b) are satisfied. The requirements of this paragraph (b) are satisfied if the private foundation establishes to the satisfaction of the Commissioner that the amount set aside will be paid for the specific project within 60 months after it is set aside, and (i) The set-aside satisfies the suitability test described in subparagraph (2) of this paragraph, or (ii) With respect to a set-aside made in a taxable year beginning after December 31, 1974, the private foundation satisfies the cash distribution test described in subparagraph (3) of this paragraph. If the suitability test or cash distribution test is otherwise satisfied, the 60 month period for paying the amount set aside may, for good cause shown, be extended by the Commissioner. (2) Suitability test. The suitability test is satisfied if the private foundation establishes to the satisfaction of the Commissioner that the specific project for which the amount is set aside is one that can be better accomplished by the set-aside than by the immediate payment of funds. Specific projects that can be better accomplished by the use of a set-aside include, but are not lim-
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dation after that date), a distribution actually made during the taxable year in which the foundation was created (the year immediately preceding the first taxable year of the private foundations start-up period) may be treated as a distribution actually made during the start-up period. In addition, a distribution actually made by a private foundation within 512 months after the end of the start-up period will be treated as a distribution actually made during the start-up period if: (a) The private foundation was unable to determine the distributable amount for the fourth taxable year of the start-up period until after the end of such period, and (b) The private foundation actually made distributions prior to the end of the start-up period based upon a reasonable estimate of the private foundations distributable amount for the fourth taxable year of the start-up period. (v) Examples. The provisions of this subparagraph (4) may be illustrated by the following examples:
Example 1. F, a private foundation created on January 1, 1975, uses the calendar year as its taxable year. The start-up period for F is January 1, 1976 through December 31, 1979. F has distributable amounts under section 4942(d) for taxable years 1976 through 1979 in the following amounts: 1976, $100,000; 1977, $120,000; 1978, $150,000; 1979, $200,000. Fs startup period minimum amount is the sum of the following amounts: 20% of $100,000 ($20,000); 40% of $120,000 ($48,000); 60% of $150,000 ($90,000); and 80% of $200,000 ($160,000); which equals $318,000. Thus F is required to actually distribute at least $318,000 in cash or its equivalent during the start-up period. Example 2. F, a private foundation created in 1969, uses the calendar year as its taxable year. Fs start-up period is the calendar years 1972 through 1975. F makes two cash distributions in 1972. The first distribution is made on account of a set-aside made in 1969. Under section 4942(g), that distribution is treated as a qualifying distribution made in 1969. The second distribution is treated under section 4942(h) has made out of Fs undistributed income for 1971. In addition, F makes a cash distribution in 1976 that is treated under section 4942(h) as made out of Fs undistributed income for 1975. In determining whether F has distributed its start-up period minimum amount within the start-up period, the 1972 distributions are both taken into account because they were actually made during Fs start-up period. The 1976 distribution is not taken into account, however, because
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that distribution was not actually made during Fs start-up period.
(5) Minimum distribution required during full-payment period(i) Full-payment period. A private foundations full-payment period includes each taxable year that begins after the end of the private foundations start-up period. (ii) Full-payment period minimum amount. The amount that a private foundation must actually distribute in cash or its equivalent in a taxable year of the private foundations full-payment period is not less than 100 percent of the private foundations distributable amount determined under section 4942(d) (without regard to section 4942(i)) with respect to the taxable year. (iii) Carryover of distributions in excess of full-payment period minimum amount. If, in a taxable year beginning after December 31, 1975, a private foundation distributes an amount in excess of the full-payment period minimum amount for the taxable year, the excess shall be used to reduce the full-payment period minimum amount in the taxable years in the adjustment period. The amount of the excess distribution used to reduce the full-payment period minimum amount in each successive taxable year of the adjustment period shall be equal to the amount of such excess less the sum of the full-payment period minimum amounts for all prior taxable years in the adjustment period to which the excess was previously applied. The taxable years in the adjustment period are the five taxable years immediately following the taxable year in which the excess distribution is made. Any distribution in excess of the full-payment period minimum amount made during a taxable year of the adjustment period shall not be taken into account under this subparagraph (iii) until any earlier excess has been completely applied against full-payment period minimum amounts during its adjustment period. (iv) Distributions actually made during a taxable year. Except as described in subdivision (ii) of subparagraph (6), only a distribution actually made during a taxable year of the full-payment period is taken into account in determining whether a private foundation
(6) Failure to distribute minimum amounts(i) In general. If a private foundation fails to actually distribute the start-up period minimum amount during the start-up period or, except as described in subdivision (ii) of this subparagraph (6), if a private foundation fails to actually distribute the fullpayment period minimum amount during a taxable year of the full-payment period, then any set-aside made by the private foundation during the start-up period (if the failure relates to the start-up period) or during the taxable year (if the failure relates to the fullpayment period) that was not approved by the Commissioner under the suitability test described in subparagraph (2) of this paragraph will not be treated
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foundation must apply for the Commissioners approval of the set-aside before the end of the taxable year in which the amount is set aside. The Commissioner will either approve or disapprove the set-aside in writing. An otherwise proper set-aside will not be treated as a qualifying distribution under this paragraph (b) with respect to a taxable year if the Commissioners approval is not sought before the end of the taxable year in which the amount is actually set aside. To obtain approval by the Commissioner for a set-aside under the suitability test, the private foundation must write to Commissioner of Internal Revenue, Attention: OP:E:EO:T, 1111 Constitution Avenue, NW., Washington, DC 20224, and include: (a) A statement describing the nature and purposes of the specific project and the amount of the set-aside for which approval is requested; (b) A statement describing the amounts and approximate dates of any planned additions to the set-aside after its initial establishment; (c) A statement of the reasons why the project can be better accomplished by a set-aside than by the immediate payment of funds; (d) A detailed description of the project, including estimated costs, sources of any future funds expected to be used for completion of the project, and the location or locations (general or specific) of any physical facilities to be acquired or constructed as part of the project; and (e) A statement by an appropriate foundation manager (as defined in section 4946(b)) that the amounts to be set aside will actually be paid for the specific project within a specified period of time that ends not more than 60 months after the date of the first setaside, or a statement showing good cause why the period for paying the amount set aside should be extended (including a showing that the proposed project could not be divided into two or more projects covering periods of no more than 60 months each) and setting forth the extension of time required. (ii) Cash distribution test. If an amount is set aside under the cash distribution test of section 4942(g)(2)(B)(ii) and subparagraphs (3), (4), and (5) of this paragraph, then for taxable years
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ending after April 2, 1984, the private foundation must submit an attachment with the return required by section 6033 for the taxable year in which the amount is set aside and for certain subsequent taxable years. For the taxable year in which the amount is set aside the attachment must include: (a) A statement describing the nature and purposes of the specific project for which amounts are to be set aside; (b) A statement that the amounts set aside for the specific project will actually be paid for the specific project within a specified period of time that ends not more than 60 months after the date of the set-aside; (c) A statement that the project will not be completed before the end of the taxable year of the private foundation in which the set-aside is made; (d) A statement showing the distributable amounts determined under section 4942(d) for any past taxable years in the private foundations start-up and full-payment periods; and (e) A statement showing the aggregate amount of actual payments made in cash or its equivalent, for purposes described in section 170(c) (1) or (2)(B), during each taxable year in the private foundations start-up and full-payment periods. This statement should include a detailed description of any payments that are to be treated, pursuant to the rules of subparagraphs (4)(iv) and (6)(ii) of this paragraph (b), as distributed during a taxable year prior to the taxable year in which such payments were actually made and, in addition, should explain the circumstances that justify the application of those rules. For the five taxable years following the taxable year in which the amount is set aside (or, if longer, for each taxable year in the extended period for paying the amount set aside), the attachment must include the statements required by (d) and (e) of this subdivision (ii). The submission of the statement required by (b) of this subdivision (ii) will satisfy the requirement of section 4942(g)(2)(B) and subparagraph (1) of this paragraph (b) that the private foundation establish to the satisfaction of the Commissioner that the amount set aside will be paid for the specific project within 60 months after it is set aside.
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less than an amount equal to the total contributions from donor organizations which are required to be redistributed by such donee organization by the close of the first taxable year following the taxable year in which such contributions were received, amounts treated as redistributions of such contributions shall be deemed to have been made pro rata out of all such contributions regardless of any earmarking or identification made by such donee organization with respect to the source of such distributions. See paragraph (d)(2)(ix) of 53.4942(a)2 for the treatment of amounts deemed not to have been so redistributed. For purposes of this paragraph, the term contributions means all contributions, whether of cash or property, and the fair market value of contributed property determined as of the date of the contribution must be used in determining whether an amount equal in value to the contributions received has been redistributed. (ii) For purposes of this paragraph, the characterization of qualifying distributions made during the taxable year (i.e., whether out of the prior years undistributed income, the current years undistributed income, or corpus) is to be made as of the close of the taxable year in question, except to the extent that a different characterization is effected by means of the election provided for by paragraph (d)(2) of this section or by subdivision (iv) of this subparagraph. Once it is determined that a qualifying distribution is attributable to corpus, such distribution will first be charged to distributions which are required to be redistributed under this paragraph. (iii) All amounts contributed to a specific exempt organization described in section 501(c)(3) and in paragraph (a)(2)(i) (a) or (b) of this section within any one taxable year of such organization shall be treated (with respect to the contributing private foundation) as one contribution. If subparagraph (1) (i) or (ii) of this paragraph is not completely satisfied with respect to such contribution within the meaning of such subparagraph, only that portion
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of such contribution which was redistributed (within the meaning of subparagraph (1) (i) and (ii) of this paragraph) shall be treated as a qualifying distribution. (iv) In order to satisfy distribution requirements under section 170(b) (1)(E)(ii) or this paragraph, a donee organization may elect to treat as a current distribution out of corpus any amount distributed in a prior taxable year which was treated as a distribution out of corpus under paragraph (d)(1)(iii) of this section provided that (a) such amount has not been availed of for any other purpose, such as a carryover under paragraph (e) of this section or a redistribution under this paragraph for a prior year, (b) such corpus distribution occurred within the preceding 5 years, and (c) such amount is not later availed of for any other purpose. Such election must be made by attaching a statement to the return the foundation is required to file under section 6033 with respect to the taxable year for which such election is to apply. Such statement must contain a declaration by an appropriate foundation manager (within the meaning of section 4946(b)(1)) that the foundation is making an election under this paragraph and it must specify that the distribution was treated under paragraph (d)(1)(iii) of this section as a distribution out of corpus in a designated prior taxable year (or years). (3) Examples. The provisions of subparagraphs (1) and (2) of this paragraph may be illustrated by the following examples. It is assumed in these examples that all private foundations described use the calendar as the taxable year.
Example 1. In 1972 M, a private foundation, makes a contribution out of 1971 income to X, another private foundation which is not an operating foundation. The contribution is the only one received by X in 1972. In 1973 X makes a qualifying distribution to an art museum maintained by an operating foundation in an amount equal to the amount of the contribution received from M. X also distributes all of its undistributed income for 1972 and 1973 for other purposes described in section 170(c)(2)(B). Under the provisions of paragraph (d) of this section, such distribution to the museum is treated as a distribution out of corpus. Thus, Ms contribution to X is a qualifying distribution out of Ms 1971 income provided M obtains adequate records
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scribed herein shall not be regarded as a contribution by the foundation to the secondary donee even though such foundation has reason to believe that certain organizations would derive benefits from such contribution so long as the original donee organization exercises control, in fact, over the selection process and actually makes the selection completely independently of such foundation. (5) Transitional rule. (i) For purposes of this paragraph, a contribution to a private foundation which is not an operating foundation and which is not controlled (directly or indirectly) by the distributing foundation or one or more disqualified persons with respect to the distributing foundation will be treated as a contribution to an operating foundation if: (a) Such contribution is made pursuant to a written commitment which was binding on May 26, 1969, and at all times thereafter. (b) Such contribution is made for one or more of the purposes described in section 170(c) (1) or (2)(B), and (c) Such contribution is to be paid out to the donee private foundation on or before December 31, 1974. (ii) For purposes of this subparagraph, a written commitment will be considered to have been binding prior to May 27, 1969, only if the amount and nature of the contribution and the name of the donee foundation were entered in the records of the distributing foundation, or were otherwise adequately evidenced, prior to May 27, 1969, or notice of the contribution was communicated in writing to such donee prior to May 27, 1969. (d) Treatment of qualifying distributions(1) In general. Except as provided in subparagraph (2) of this paragraph, any qualifying distribution made during a taxable year shall be treated as made: (i) First out of the undistributed income (as defined in paragraph (a) of 53.4942(a)2) of the immediately preceding taxable year (if the private foundation was subject to the initial excise tax imposed by section 4942(a) for such preceding taxable year) to the extent thereof;
(4) Limitation. A contribution by a private foundation to a donee organization which the donee uses to make payments to another organization (the secondary donee) shall not be regarded as a contribution by the private foundation to the secondary donee if the distributing foundation does not earmark the use of the contribution for any named secondary donee and does not retain power to cause the selection of the secondary donee by the organization to which such foundation has made the contribution. For purposes of this subparagraph, a contribution de-
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(ii) Second out of the undistributed income for the taxable year to the extent thereof; and (iii) Then out of corpus. (2) Election. In the case of any qualifying distribution which (under subparagraph (1) of this paragraph) is not treated as made out of the undistributed income of the immediately preceding taxable year, the foundation may elect to treat any portion of such distribution as made out of the undistributed income of a designated prior taxable year or out of corpus. Such election must be made by filing a statement with the Commissioner during the taxable year in which such qualifying distribution is made or by attaching a statement to the return the foundation is required to file under section 6033 with respect to the taxable year in which such qualifying distribution was made. Such statement must contain a declaration by an appropriate foundation manager (within the meaning of section 4946(b)(1)) that the foundation is making an election under this subparagraph, and it must specify whether the distribution is made out of the undistributed income of a designated prior taxable year (or years) or is made out of corpus. In any case where the election described in this subparagraph is made during the taxable year in which the qualifying distribution is made, such election may be revoked in whole or in part by filing a statement with the Commissioner during such taxable year revoking such election in whole or in part or by attaching a statement to the return the foundation is required to file under section 6033 with respect to the taxable year in which the qualifying distribution was made revoking such election in whole or in part. Such statement must contain a declaration by an appropriate foundation manager (within the meaning of section 4946(b)(1)) that the foundation is revoking an election under this subparagraph in whole or in part, and it must specify the election or part thereof being revoked. (3) Examples. The provisions of this paragraph may be illustrated by the following examples:
Example 1. M, a private foundation which was created in 1968 and which uses the calendar year as the taxable year, has distribut-
In 1971 the qualifying distribution of $100 is treated under subparagraph (1)(i) of this paragraph as made out of the $100 of undistributed income for 1970. The qualifying distribution of $250 in 1972 is treated as made: (i) $100 out of the undistributed income for 1971 under subparagraph (1)(i) of this paragraph; (ii) $100 out of the undistributed income for 1972 under subparagraph (1)(ii) of this paragraph; and (iii) $50 out of corpus in 1972 under subparagraph (1)(iii) of this paragraph. The qualifying distribution of $100 in each of the years 1973 through 1976 is treated as made out of the undistributed income for each of those respective years under subparagraph (1)(ii) of this paragraph. See paragraph (e) of this section for rules relating to the carryover of qualifying distributions out of corpus. Example 2. M, a private foundation which uses the calendar year as the taxable year, has undistributed income of $300 for 1981, $200 for 1982, and $400 for 1983. On January 14, 1983, M makes its first qualifying distribution in 1983 when it sets aside (within the meaning of paragraph (b) of this section) $700 for construction of a hospital. On February 24, 1983 a notice of deficiency with respect to the excise taxes imposed by section 4942 (a) and (b) in regard to M s undistributed income for 1981 is mailed to M under section 6212(a). M notifies the Commissioner in writing on March 24, 1983, that it is making an election under subparagraph (2) of this paragraph to have its distribution of January 14th applied first against its undistributed income for 1982, next against its undistributed income for 1981, and last against its undistributed income for 1983. Thus, $200 of the $700 qualifying distribution is treated as made out of the undistributed income for 1982; $300, out of undistributed income for 1981; and $200 ($700 less the sum of $200 and $300), out of the undistributed income for 1983. Thus, an initial excise tax of $45 (15 percent of $300) is imposed under section 4942(a). Since M made the election described above, the $300 (treated as distributed out of undistributed income for 1981) corrects (within the meaning of section 4963(d)(2)) the taxable act because the undistributed income for 1981 is reduced to zero. Furthermore, correction is effected within the correction period (as defined in section 4963(e)(1) and 53.49631(e)). Therefore, under the provisions of section
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years immediately following the taxable year in which the excess of qualifying distributions is created. Thus, an excess (within the meaning of subparagraph (2) of this paragraph) for any 1 taxable year cannot be carried over beyond the succeeding 5 taxable years. However, if during any taxable year in the adjustment period an organization ceases to be subject to the initial excise tax imposed by section 4942(a), any portion of the excess of qualifying distributions, which prior to such taxable year has not been applied against distributable amounts, may not be carried over to such taxable year or subsequent taxable years in the adjustment period, even if during any of such taxable years the organization again becomes subject to the initial excise tax imposed by section 4942(a). (4) Examples. The provisions of this paragraph may be illustrated by the following examples:
Example 1. (i) F, a private foundation which was created in 1967 and which uses the calendar year as the taxable year, has distributable amounts and qualifying distributions for 1970 through 1976 as follows:
Year Distributable amount ......... Qualifying distribution ........ Year Distributable amount ......... Qualifying distribution ........ 1970 $100 0 1974 $100 $60 1971 $100 $250 1975 $100 $75 1972 $100 $70 1976 $100 $105 .......... .......... 1973 $100 $140
(e) Carryover of excess qualifying distributions(1) In general. If in any taxable year for which an organization is subject to the initial excise tax imposed by section 4942(a) there is created an excess of qualifying distributions (as determined under subparagraph (2) of this paragraph), such excess may be used to reduce distributable amounts in any taxable year of the adjustment period (as defined subparagraph (3) of this paragraph). For purposes of section 4942, including paragraph (d) of this section, the distributable amount for a taxable year in the adjustment period shall be reduced to the extent of the lesser of (i) the excess of qualifying distributions made in prior taxable years to which such adjustment period applies or (ii) the remaining undistributed income at the close of such taxable year after applying any qualifying distributions made in such taxable year to the distributable amount for such taxable year (determined without regard to this paragraph). If during any taxable year of the adjustment period there is created another excess of qualifying distributions, such excess shall not be taken into account until any earlier excess of qualifying distributions has been completely applied against distributable amounts during its adjustment period. (2) Excess qualifying distributions. An excess of qualifying distributions is created for any taxable year beginning after December 31, 1969, if: (i) The total qualifying distributions treated (under paragraph (d) of this section) as made out of the undistributed income for such taxable year or as made out of corpus with respect to such taxable year (other than amounts distributed by an organization in satisfaction of section 170(b)(1)(E)(ii) or paragraph (c) of this section, or applied to a prior taxable year by operation of the elections contained in paragraphs (c)(2)(iv) and (d)(2) of this section), exceeds (ii) The distributable amount for such taxable year (determined without regard to this paragraph). (3) Adjustment period. For purposes of this paragraph, the taxable years in the adjustment period are the 5 taxable
(ii) The qualifying distributions made in 1971 will be treated under paragraph (d) of this section as $100 made out of the undistributed income for 1970, then as $100 made out of the undistributed income for 1971, and finally as $50 out of corpus in 1971. Since the total qualifying distributions for 1971 ($150) exceed the distributable amount for 1971 ($100), there exists a $50 excess of qualifying distributions which F may use to reduce its distributable amounts for the years 1972 through 1976 (the taxable years in the adjustment period with respect to the 1971 excess). Therefore, the $100 distributable amount for 1972 is reduced by $30 (the lesser of the 1971 excess ($50) and the remaining undistributed income at the close of 1972 ($30), after the qualifying distributions of $70 for 1972 were applied to the original distributable amount for 1972 of $100). Since the distributable amount for 1972 was reduced to $70, there is no remaining undistributed income for 1972. Accordingly, the qualifying distributions made in 1973 will be treated as $100 made out
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of the undistributed income for 1973 and as $40 out of corpus in 1973. Since this amount ($140) exceeds the distributable amount for 1973 ($100), there exists a $40 excess which F may use to reduce its distributable amounts for the years 1974 through 1978 (the taxable years in the adjustment period with respect to the 1973 excess). However, in accordance with subparagraph (1) of this paragraph such excess may not be used to reduce Fs distributable amounts for the years 1974 through 1976 until the excess created in 1971 has been completely applied against distributable amounts during such years. The distributable amount for 1974 is reduced by $40 (the lesser of the unused portion of the 1971 excess ($20) plus the 1973 excess ($40) and the remaining undistributed income at the close of 1974 ($40), after the qualifying distributions of $60 for 1974 were applied to the original distributable amount for 1974 of $100). The distributable amount for 1975 is reduced by $20 (the lesser of the unused portion of the 1973 excess of qualifying distributions ($20) and the remaining undistributed income at the close of 1975 ($25), after the qualifying distributions of $75 for 1975 were applied to the original distributable amount for 1975 of $100). Consequently, qualifying distributions made in 1976 will be treated as made first out of the $5 of remaining undistributed income for 1975 and then as $100 made out of the undistributed income for 1976. Example 2. Assume the facts as stated in example (1), except that in 1974 F receives a contribution of $300 from G, a private foundation which controls F (within the meaning of paragraph (a)(3) of this section), and F distributes such contribution in 1975 in satisfaction of paragraph (c) of this section. Under these circumstances, there would be no excess of qualifying distributions for 1975 with respect to such distribution, since such distribution is excluded from the computation of an excess of qualifying distributions by operation of subparagraph (2)(i) of this paragraph. Example 3. Assume the facts as stated in example (1), except that in 1972 F is treated as an operating foundation (as such term is defined in section 4942(j)(3)). In accordance with subparagraph (3) of this paragraph since F is not subject to the initial excise tax imposed by section 4942(a) for 1972, the 1971 excess cannot be carried forward to 1972 or any subsequent year in the adjustment period with respect to the 1971 excess, even if F is subsequently treated as a private nonoperating foundation for any year during the period 1973 through 1976.
emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with CFR
[T.D. 7256, 38 FR 3323, Feb. 5, 1973, as amended by T.D. 7486, 42 FR 24265, May 13, 1977; T.D. 7849, 47 FR 50857, Nov. 10, 1982; T.D. 7938, 49 FR 3848, Jan. 31, 1984; T.D. 8084, 51 FR 16302, May 2, 1986]
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which are used directly in the conduct of the foundations exempt activities, such as the operating assets of a museum, public park, or historic site, are considered direct expenditures for the active conduct of the foundations exempt activities. Likewise, administrative expenses (such as staff salaries and traveling expenses) and other operating costs necessary to conduct the foundations exempt activities (regardless of whether they are directly for the active conduct of such exempt activities) shall be treated as qualifying distributions expended directly for the active conduct of such exempt activities if such expenses and costs are reasonable in amount. Conversely, administrative expenses and operating costs which are not attributable to exempt activities, such as expenses in connection with the production of investment income, are not treated as such qualifying distributions. Expenses attributable to both exempt and nonexempt activities shall be allocated to each such activity on a reasonable and consistently applied basis. Any amount set aside by a foundation for a specific project, such as the acquisition and restoration, or construction, of additional buildings or facilities which are to be used by the foundation directly for the active conduct of the foundations exempt activities, shall be deemed to be qualifying distributions expended directly for the active conduct of the foundations exempt activities if the initial setting aside of the funds constitutes a set-aside within the meaning of paragraph (b) of 53.4942(a) 3. (2) Payments to individual beneficiaries(i) In general. If a foundation makes or awards grants, scholarships, or other payments to individual beneficiaries (including program related investments within the meaning of section 4944(c) made to individuals or corporate enterprises) to support active programs conducted to carry out the foundations charitable, educational, or other similar exempt purpose, such grants, scholarships, or other payments will be treated as qualifying distributions made directly for the active conduct of exempt activities for purposes of paragraph (a) of this section only if the foundation, apart from the
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making or awarding of the grants, scholarships, or other payments, otherwise maintains some significant involvement (as defined in subdivision (ii) of this subparagraph) in the active programs in support of which such grants, scholarships, or other payments were made or awarded. Whether the making or awarding of grants, scholarships, or other payments constitutes qualifying distributions made directly for the active conduct of the foundations exempt activities is to be determined on the basis of the facts and circumstances of each particular case. The test applied is a qualitative, rather than a strictly quantitative, one. Therefore, if the foundation maintains a significant involvement (as defined in subdivision (ii) of this subparagraph) it will not fail to meet the general rule of subparagraph (1) of this paragraph solely because more of its funds are devoted to the making or awarding of grants, scholarships, or other payments than to the active programs which such grants, scholarships, or other payments support. However, if a foundation does no more than select, screen, and investigate applicants for grants or scholarships, pursuant to which the recipients perform their work or studies alone or exclusively under the direction of some other organization, such grants or scholarships will not be treated as qualifying distributions made directly for the active conduct of the foundations exempt activities. The administrative expenses of such screening and investigation (as opposed to the grants or scholarships themselves) may be treated as qualifying distributions made directly for the active conduct of the foundations exempt activities. (ii) Definition. For purposes of this subparagraph, a foundation will be considered as maintaining a significant involvement in a charitable, educational, or other similar exempt activity in connection with which grants, scholarships, or other payments are made or awarded if: (A) An exempt purpose of the foundation is the relief of poverty or human distress, and its exempt activities are designed to ameliorate conditions among a poor or distressed class of persons or in an area subject to poverty or
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ghetto conditions; (2) M makes grants to independent social scientists who assist in these analyses and recommendations; (3) M publishes periodic reports indicating the results of its surveys and recommendations; (4) M makes grants to social workers and others who act as advisers to nonprofit organizations, as well as small business enterprises, functioning in the community (these advisers acting under the general direction of M attempt to implement Ms recommendations through their advice and assistance to the nonprofit organizations and small business enterprises); and (5) M makes grants to other social scientists who study and report on the success of the various enterprises which attempt to implement Ms recommendations. Under these circumstances, M satisfies the requirements of paragraph (b) (2) of this section, and the various grants it makes constitute qualifying distributions made directly for the active conduct of its exempt activities. Thus, if M satisfies one of the tests set forth in 53.4942(b)2 it may be classified as an operating foundation. Example 4. P, an exempt educational organization described in section 501(c)(3), was created for the purpose of training teachers for institutions of higher education. Each year P awards a substantial number of fellowships to students for graduate study leading toward their M.A. or Ph. D. degrees. The applicants for these fellowships are carefully screened by Ps staff, and only those applicants who indicate a strong interest in teaching in colleges or universities are chosen. P publishes and circulates various pamphlets encouraging a development of interest in college teaching and describing its fellowships. P also conducts annual summer seminars which are attended by its fellowship recipients, its staff, consultants, and other interested parties. The purpose of these seminars is to foster and encourage the development of college teaching. P publishes a report of the seminar proceedings along with related studies written by those who attended. Despite the fact that a substantial portion of Ps adjusted net income is devoted to granting fellowships, its commitment to encouraging individuals to become teachers at institutions of higher learning, its maintenance of a staff and programs designed to further this purpose, and the granting of fellowships to encourage involvement both in its own seminars and in its exempt purpose indicate a significant involvement by P beyond the mere granting of fellowships. Thus, the fellowship grants made by P constitute qualifying distributions made directly for the active conduct of Ps exempt activities within the meaning of paragraph (b) (2) of this section. Example 5. Q, an exempt organization described in section 501(c) (3), is composed of professional organizations interested in different branches of one academic discipline. Q
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trains its own professional staff, conducts its own program of research, selects research topics, screens and investigates grant recipients, makes grants to those selected, and sets up and conducts conferences and seminars for the grantees. Q has particular knowledge and skill in the given discipline, carries on activities to advance its study of that discipline, and makes grants to individuals to enable them to participate in activities which it conducts in carrying out its exempt purpose. Under these circumstances, Qs grants constitute qualifying distributions made directly for the active conduct of Qs exempt activities within the meaning of paragraph (b) (2) of this section. Example 6. R, an exempt medical research organization described in section 501 (c) (3), was created to study and perform research concerning heart disease. R has its own research center in which it carries on a broad number of research projects in the field of heart disease with its own professional staff. Physicians and scientists who are interested in special projects in this area present the plans for their projects to R. The directors of R study these plans and decide if the project is feasible and will further the work being done by R. If it is, R makes a grant to the individual to enable him to carry out his project, either at Rs facilities or elsewhere. Reports of the progress of the project are made periodically to R, and R exercises a certain amount of supervision over the project. The resulting findings of these projects are usually published by R. Under these circumstances, the grants made by R constitute qualifying distributions made directly for the active conduct of Rs exempt activities within the meaning of paragraph (b) (2) of this section. Example 7. S, an exempt organization described in section 501(c) (3), maintains a large library of manuscripts and other historical reference material relating to the history and development of the region in which the collection is located. S makes a limited number of annual grants to enable post-doctoral scholars and doctoral candidates to use its library. Sometimes S obtains the right to publish the scholars work, although this is not a prerequisite to the receipt of a grant. The primary criterion for selection of grant recipients is the usefulness of the librarys resources to the applicants field of study. Under these circumstances, the grants made by S constitute qualifying distributions made directly for the active conduct of Ss exempt activities within the meaning of paragraph (b) (2) of this section. Example 8. T, an exempt charitable organization described in section 501(c)(3), was created by the members of one family for the purpose of relieving poverty and human suffering. T has a large salaried staff of employees who operate offices in various areas throughout the country. Its employees make
Alternative tests.
(a) Assets test(1) In general. A private foundation will satisfy the assets test under the provisions of this paragraph if substantially more than half of the foundations assets:
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ment funds of the foundation is not devoted to the active conduct of the foundations exempt activities. However, where property is used both for exempt purposes and for other purposes, if such exempt use represents 95 percent or more of the total use, such property shall be considered to be used exclusively for an exempt purpose. Property acquired by a foundation to be used in carrying out the foundations exempt purpose may be considered as devoted directly to the active conduct of such purpose even though the property, in whole or in part, is leased for a limited period of time during which arrangements are made for its conversion to the use for which it was acquired, provided such income-producing use of the property does not exceed a reasonable period of time. Generally, 1 year shall be deemed to be a reasonable period of time for purposes of the immediately preceding sentence. Similarly, where property is leased by a foundation in carrying out its exempt purpose and where the rental income derived from such property by the foundation is less than the amount which would be required to be charged in order to recover the cost of purchase and maintenance of such property (taking into account the deductions permitted by paragraph (d)(4) of 53.4942(a)2), such property shall be considered devoted directly to the active conduct of the foundations exempt activities. (ii) Limitations. (A) Assets which are held for the purpose of extending credit or making funds available to members of a charitable class (including any interest in a program related-investment, except as provided in paragraph (b)(2) of 53.4942(b)1) are not considered assets devoted directly to the active conduct of activities constituting the foundations charitable, educational, or other similar exempt purpose. For example, assets which are set aside in special reserve accounts to guarantee student loans made by lending institutions will not be considered assets devoted directly to the active conduct of the foundations exempt activities. (B) Any amount set aside by a foundation within the meaning of paragraph (b) (1) of 53.4942(b)1 shall not be treated as an asset devoted directly to
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the active conduct of the foundations exempt activities. (3) Assets held for less than a taxable year. For purposes of this paragraph, any asset which is held by a foundation for part of a taxable year shall be taken into account for such taxable year by multiplying the fair market value of such asset (as determined pursuant to subparagraph (4) of this paragraph) by a fraction, the numerator of which is the number of days in such taxable year that the foundation held such asset and the denominator of which is the number of days in such taxable year. (4) Valuation. For purposes of this paragraph, all assets shall be valued at their fair market value. Fair market value shall be determined in accordance with the rules set forth in paragraph (c)(4) of 53.4942(a)2, except in the case of assets which are devoted directly to the active conduct of the foundations exempt activities and for which neither a ready market nor standard valuation methods exist (such as historical objects or buildings, certain works of art, and botanical gardens). In such cases, the historical cost (unadjusted for depreciation) shall be considered equal to fair market value unless the foundation demonstrates that fair market value is other than cost. In any case in which the foundation so demonstrates that the fair market value of an asset is other than historical cost, such substituted valuation may be used for the taxable year for which such new valuation is demonstrated and for each of the succeeding 4 taxable years if the valuation methods and procedures prescribed by paragraph (c)(4)(iv)(B) of 53.4942 (a)2 are followed. (5) Substantially more than half. For purposes of this paragraph, the term substantially more than half shall mean 65 percent or more. (6) Examples. The provisions of this paragraph may be illustrated by the following examples. It is assumed that none of the organizations described in these examples is described in section 509(a) (1), (2), or (3).
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Example 1. W, an exempt organization described in section 501(c)(3), is devoted to the maintenance and operation of a historic area for the benefit of the general public. W has
(b) Endowment test(1) In general. A foundation will satisfy the endowment test under the provisions of this paragraph if it normally makes qualifying distributions (within the meaning of
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(ii) Not more than 25 percent of its support (other than gross investment income) is normally received from any one such exempt organization; and (iii) Not more than half of its support is normally received from gross investment income. (2) Definitions and special rules. For purposes of this paragraph: (i) Support. The term support shall have the same meaning as in section 509(d). (ii) Substantially all. The term substantially all shall have the same meaning as in paragraph (c) of 53.4942(b)1. (iii) Support from exempt organizations. The support received from any one exempt organization may be counted towards satisfaction of the support test described in this paragraph only if the foundation receives support from no fewer than five exempt organizations. For example, a foundation which normally receives 20 percent of its support (other than gross investment income) from each of five exempt organizations may qualify under this paragraph even though it receives no support from the general public. However, if a foundation normally received 10 percent of its support from each of three exempt organizations and the balance of its support from sources other than exempt organizations, such support could not be taken into account in determining whether the foundation had satisfied the support test set forth in this paragraph. (iv) Support from the general public. Support received from an individual, or from a trust or corporation (other than an exempt organization), shall be taken into account as support from the general public only to the extent that the total amount of the support received from any such individual, trust, or corporation during the period for determining the normal sources of the foundations support (as set forth in 53.4942 (b)3) does not exceed 1 percent of the foundations total support (other than gross investment income) for such period. In applying this 1-percent limitation, all support received by the foundation from any person and from any other person or persons standing in a relationship to such person which is described in section 4946(a)(1) (C)
(c) Support test(1) In general. A foundation will satisfy the support test under the provisions of this paragraph if: (i) Substantially all of its support (other than gross investment income as defined in section 509(e)) is normally received from the general public and from five or more exempt organizations which are not described in section 4946(a)(1)(H) with respect to each other or the recipient foundation;
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through (G) and the regulations thereunder shall be treated as received from one person. For purposes of this paragraph, support received from a governmental unit described in section 170(c)(1) shall be treated as support received from the general public, but shall not be subject to the 1-percent limitation. 53.4942(b)3 Determination of compliance with operating foundation tests. (a) In general. A foundation may satisfy the income test and either the assets, endowment, or support test by satisfying such tests for any 3 taxable years during a 4-year period consisting of the taxable year in question and the three immediately preceding taxable years or on the basis of an aggregation of all pertinent amounts of income or assets held, received, or distributed during such 4-year period. A foundation may not use one method for satisfying the income test described in paragraph (a) of 53.4942(b)1 and another for satisfying either the assets, endowment, or support test described in 53.4942(b) 2. Thus, if a foundation satisfies the income test on the 3-out-of-4-year basis for a particular taxable year, it may not use the aggregation method for satisfying either the assets, endowment, or support test for such particular taxable year. However, the fact that a foundation has chosen one method for satisfying the tests under 53.4942(b)1 and 53.4942(b)2 for 1 taxable year will not preclude it from satisfying such tests for a subsequent taxable year by the alternate method. If a foundation fails to satisfy the income test and either the assets, endowment, or support test for a particular taxable year under either the 3-out-of-4-year method or the aggregation method, it shall be treated as a nonoperating foundation for such taxable year and for all subsequent taxable years until it satisfies the tests set forth in 53.4942(b)1 and 53.4942(b)2 for a taxable year occurring after the taxable year in which it was treated as a nonoperating foundation. (b) New organizations(1) In general. Except as provided in subparagraph (2) of this paragraph, an organization organized after December 31, 1969, will be
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made to the public (such as by publication in the Internal Revenue Bulletin), unless the grant or contribution was made after: (i) The act or failure to act that resulted in the organizations inability to satisfy the requirements of 53.4942 (b)1 and 53.4942(b)2, and the grantor or contributor was responsible for, or was aware of, such act or failure to act, or (ii) The grantor or contributor acquired knowledge that the Commissioner has given notice to such organization that it would be deleted from classification as an operating foundation. (2) Exception. For purposes of subparagraph (1) (i) of this paragraph, a grantor or contributor will not be considered to be responsible for, or aware of, the act or failure to act that resulted in the grantee organizations inability to satisfy the requirements of 53.4942 (b)1 and 53.4942(b)2 if such grantor or contributor has made his grant or contribution in reliance upon a written statement by the grantee organization that such grant or contribution would not result in the inability of such grantee organization to qualify as an operating foundation. Such a statement must be signed by a foundation manager (as defined in section 4946(b)) of the grantee organization and must set forth sufficient facts concerning the operations and support of such grantee organization to assure a reasonably prudent man that his grant or contribution will not result in the grantee organizations inability to qualify as an operating foundation.
53.49431 General rule; purpose. Generally, under section 4943, the combined holdings of a private foundation and all disqualified persons (as defined in section 4946(a)) in any corporation conducting a business which is not substantially related (aside from the
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need of the foundation for income or funds or the use it makes of the profits derived) to the exempt purposes of the foundation are limited to 20 percent of the voting stock in such corporation. In addition, the combined holdings of a private foundation and all disqualified persons in any unincorporated business (other than a sole proprietorship) which is not substantially related (aside from the need of the foundation for income or funds or the use it makes of the profits derived) to the exempt purposes of such foundation are limited to 20 percent of the beneficial or profits interest in such business. In the case of a sole proprietorship which is not substantially related (within the meaning of the preceding sentence), section 4943 provides that a private foundation shall have no permitted holdings. These general provisions are subject to a number of exceptions and special provisions which will be described in following sections. 53.49432 Imposition of tax on excess business holdings of private foundations. (a) Imposition of initial tax(1) In general(i) Initial tax. Section 4943(a)(1) imposes an initial excise tax (the initial tax) on the excess business holdings of a private foundation for each taxable year of the foundation which ends during the taxable period defined in section 4943(d)(2). The amount of such tax is equal to 5 percent of the total value of all the private foundations excess business holdings in each of its business enterprises. In determining the value of the excess business holdings of the foundation subject to tax under section 4943, the rules set forth in 20.20311 through 20.20313 of this chapter (Estate Tax Regulations) shall apply. (ii) Disposition of certain excess business holdings within ninety days. In any case in which a private foundation acquires excess business holdings, other than as a result of a purchase by the foundation, the foundation shall not be subject to the taxes imposed by section 4943, but only if it disposes of an amount of its holdings so that it no longer has such excess business holdings within 90 days from the date on which it knows, or has reason to know,
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the person completing the questionnaire, the foundation seeks that information directly. For example, if a disqualified person indicates that he could not find out whether a corporation described in section 4946(a)(1)(E) had holdings in the enterprise listed in the questionnaire, the foundation seeks to obtain this information directly from the corporation by mailing it a questionnaire. In such a case F may be found not to have reason to know of the acquisition of holdings by a disqualified person.
(vi) Holdings acquired other than by purchases. See section 4943(c)(6) and 53.49436 for rules relating to the acquisition of certain holdings other than by purchase by the foundation or a disqualified person. (2) Special rules. In applying subparagraph (1) of this paragraph, the tax imposed by section 4943(a)(1): (i) Shall be imposed on the last day of the private foundations taxable year, but (ii) The amount of such tax and the value of the excess business holdings subject to such tax shall be determined with respect to the foundations holdings (based upon voting power, profits or beneficial interest, or value, whichever is applicable) in any business enterprise as of that day during the foundations taxable year when the foundations excess holdings in such enterprise were the greatest. In applying subdivision (ii) of this subparagraph, if a foundations excess business holdings in a business enterprise which constitute such foundations greatest excess holdings in such enterprise for any taxable year are maintained for 2 or more days during such taxable year, the value of such excess holdings which is subject to tax under section 4943(a)(1) shall be the greatest value of such excess holdings in such enterprise as of any day on which such greatest excess holdings are maintained during such taxable year. (3) Examples. The provisions of this paragraph may be illustrated by the following examples:
Example 1. Y is a private foundation reporting on a calendar year basis. On January 1, 1973, Y has 20 shares of common stock in corporation N, of which five shares constitute excess business holdings. On June 1, 1973, Y
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disposes of such five shares; however, because of additional acquisitions of N common stock on such date by disqualified persons with respect to Y, the remaining 15 shares of N common stock held by Y now constitute excess business holdings. There are no further acquisitions or dispositions of N common stock during 1973 by Y or its disqualified persons. Although Ys greatest holdings in N during 1973 are held between January 1, 1973, and May 31, 1973, Ys greatest excess holdings in N during 1973 are held between June 1, 1973, and December 31, 1973. Therefore, the tax specified in section 4943(a)(1) shall be computed on the basis of the greatest value of such greatest excess holdings as of any day between June 1 and December 31, 1973. Example 2. X is a private foundation reporting on a calendar year basis. On January 1, 1972, X has 100 shares of common stock in M corporation which are excess business holdings. On such date each share of M common stock has a fair market value of $100. On February 28, 1972, in an effort to dispose of such excess business holdings, X sells 70 shares of M common stock for $120 per share (the fair market value of each share on such date) to A, an individual who is not a disqualified person within the meaning of section 4946(a). The value of $120 per share is the highest fair market value between January 1 and February 28, 1972. X disposes of no more stock in M for the reminder of calendar year 1972. On December 31, 1972, the fair market value of each share of M common stock is $80. X calculates its tax on its excess business holdings in M for 1972 as follows:
100 shares of M common stock times $120 fair market value per share as of Feb. 28, 1972 ... $12,000 multiplied by rate of tax (percent) ......... Amount of tax on X foundations excess business holdings for 1972 ..................................... $12,000 5 $600
(b) Additional tax. In any case in which the initial tax is imposed under section 4943(a) with respect to the holdings of a private foundation in any business enterprise, if, at the close of the taxable period (as defined in section 4943(d)(2) and 53.49439) with respect to such holdings the foundation still has excess business holdings in such enterprise, there is imposed a tax under section 4943(b) equal to 200 percent of the value of such excess holdings as of the last day of the taxable period.
[T.D. 7496, 42 FR 46285, Sept. 15, 1977, as amended by T.D. 8084, 51 FR 16302, May 2, 1986]
Example 3. Assume the same facts as in Example (2) except that the sale of X to A occurs on January 7, 1973, when the fair market value of each share of M corporation common stock equals $70. A value of $100 per share is the highest fair market value of the M common stock between January 1 and January 7, 1973. On may 9, 1973, X for the first time has excess business holdings in N corporation in the form of 200 shares of N common stock. The value per share of N common stock on May 9, 1973, equals $200. X makes no disposition of the N common stock during 1973, and the value of each share of N common stock as of December 31, 1973 equals $250 (the highest value of N common stock during 1973). X calculates its tax on its excess business holdings in both M and N for 1973 as follows:
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53.49433 Determination of excess business holdings. (a) Excess business holdings(1) In general. For purposes of section 4943, the term excess business holdings means, with respect to the holdings of any private foundation in any business enterprise (as described in section 4943(d)(4)), the amount of stock or other interest in the enterprise which, except as provided in 53.49432(a)(1), the foundation, or a disqualified person, would have to dispose of, or cause the disposition of, to a person other than a disqualified person (as defined in section 4946(a)) in order for the remaining holdings of the foundation in such enterprise to be permitted holdings (as defined in paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section). If a private foundation is required by section 4943 and the regulations thereunder to dispose of certain shares of a class of stock in a particular period of time and other shares of the same class of stock in a shorter period of time, any stock disposed of shall be charged first against those dispositions which must be made in such shorter period. (2) Example. The provisions of this paragraph may be illustrated by the following example:
Example. Corporation X has outstanding 100 shares of voting stock, with each share entitling the holder thereof to one vote. F, a private foundation, possesses 20 shares of X voting stock representing 20 percent of the voting power in X. Assume that the permitted
100 shares of M common stock times $100 fair market value per share .................................... $250 fair market value per share ................. Total .......................................................
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not alter the determination of voting power of stock in such corporation in accordance with the two preceding sentences. (2) Nonvoting stock as permitted holdings(i) In general. In addition to those holdings permitted by paragraph (b)(1) of this section, the permitted holdings of a private foundation in an incorporated business enterprise shall include any share of nonvoting stock in such enterprise held by the foundation in any case in which all disqualified persons hold, actually or constructively, no more than 20 percent (35 percent where third persons have effective control as defined in paragraph (b)(3)(ii) of this section) of the voting stock in such enterprise. All equity interests which do not have voting power attributable to them shall, for purposes of section 4943, the classified as nonvoting stock. For this purpose, evidences of indebtedness (including convertible indebtedness), and warrants and other options or rights to acquire stock shall not be considered equity interests. (ii) Stock with contingent voting rights and convertible nonvoting stock. Stock carrying voting rights which will vest only when conditions, the occurrence of which are indeterminate, have been met, such as preferred stock which gains such voting rights only if no dividends are paid thereon, will be treated as nonvoting stock until the conditions have occurred which cause the voting rights to vest. When such rights vest, the stock will be treated as voting stock that was acquired other than by purchase, but only if the private foundation or disqualified persons had no control over whether the conditions would occur. Similarly, nonvoting stock which may be converted into voting stock will not be treated as voting stock until such conversion occurs. For special rules where stock is acquired other than by purchase, see section 4943(c)(6) and the regulations thereunder. (iii) Example. The provisions of this pararaph (2) may be illustrated by the following example:
Example. Assume that F, a private foundation, holds 10 percent of the single class of voting stock of corporation X, and owns 20
(b) Permitted holdings in an incorporated business enterprise(1) In general(i) Permitted holdings defined. Except as otherwise provided in section 4943(c) (2) and (4), the permitted holdings of any private foundation in an incorporated business enterprise (including a real estate investment trust, as defined in section 856) are: (A) 20 percent of the voting stock in such enterprise reduced (but not below zero) by (B) The percentage of voting stock in such enterprise actually or constructively owned by all disqualified persons. (ii) Voting stock. For purposes of this section, the percentage of voting stock held by any person in a corporation is normally determined by reference to the power of stock to vote for the election of directors, with treasury stock and stock which is authorized but unissued being disregarded. Thus, for example, if a private foundation holds 20 percent of the shares of one class of stock in a corporation, which class is entitled to elect three directors, and such foundation holds no stock in the other class of stock, which is entitled to elect five directors, such foundation shall be treated as holding 7.5 percent of the voting stock because the class of stock it holds has 37.5 percent of such voting power, by reason of being able to elect three of the eight directors, and the foundation holds one-fifth of the shares of such class (20 percent of 37.5 percent is 7.5 percent). The fact that extraordinary corporate action (e.g., charter or by-law amendments) by a corporation may require the favorable vote of more than a majority of the directors, or of the outstanding voting stock, of such corporation shall
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shares of nonvoting stock in X. Assume further that A and B, the only disqualified persons with respect to F, hold 10 percent of the voting stock of X. Under the provisions of paragraph (b)(1) of this section the 10 percent of X voting stock held by F will be classified as permitted holdings of F in X since 20 percent less the percentage of voting stock held by A and B in X is 10 percent. In addition, under the provisions of this (2), the 20 shares of X nonvoting stock will qualify as permitted holdings of F in X since the percentage of voting stock held by A and B in X is no greater than 20 percent.
(3) Thirty-five-percent rule where third person has effective control of enterprise (i) In general. Except as provided in section 4943(c)(4), paragraph (b)(1) of this section shall be applied by substituting 35 percent for 20 percent if: (A) The private foundation and all disqualified persons together do not hold, actually or constructively, more than 35 percent of the voting stock in the business enterprise, and (B) The foundation establishes to the satisfaction of the Commissioner that effective control (as defined in paragraph (b)(3)(ii) of this section) of the business enterprise is in one or more persons (other than the foundation itself) who are not disqualfied persons. (ii) Effective control defined. For purposes of this subparagraph, the term effective control means the possession, directly or indirectly, of the power to direct or cause the direction of the management and policies of a business enterprise, whether through the ownership of voting stock, the use of voting trusts, or contractual arrangements, or otherwise. It is the reality of control which is decisive and not its form or the means by which it is exercisable. Thus, where a minority interest held by individuals who are not disqualified persons has historically elected the majority of a corporations directors, effective control is in the hands of those individuals. (4) Two percent de minimis rule(i) In general. Under section 4943(c)(2)(C), a private foundation is not treated as having excess business holdings in any incorporated business enterprise in which it (together with all other private foundations (including trusts described in section 4947(a)(2)) which are described in section 4946(a)(1)(H)) actually or constructively owns not more
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mitted holdings in partnerships). For the treatment of a private foundations ownership of a sole proprietorship prior to May 26, 1969, see 53.49434. (4) Trusts and other unincorporated business enterprises(i) In general. In the case of any unincorporated business enterprise which is not described in paragraph (c) (2) or (3) of this section, the term beneficial interest shall be substitued for voting stock wherever the term appears in paragraph (b) of this section. Any and all references to nonvoting stock in paragraph (b) of this section shall be inapplicable with respect to any unincorporated business enterprise described in this subparagraph. (ii) Trusts. For purposes of section 4943, the beneficial interest of a private foundation or any disqualified person in a trust shall be the beneficial remainder interest of such foundation or person determined as provided in paragraph (b) of 53.49438. (iii) Other unincorporated business enterprises. For purposes of section 4943, the beneficial interest of a private foundation or any disqualified person in an unincorporated business enterprise (other than a trust or an enterprise described in paragraph (c) (2) or (3) of this section) includes any right to receive a portion of distributions of profits of such enterprise, and, if the portion of distributions is not fixed by an agreement among the participants, any right to receive a portion of the assets (if any) upon liquidation of the enterprise, except as a creditor or employee. For purposes of this subparagraph, a right to receive distributions of profits includes a right to receive any amount from such profits (other than as a creditor or employee), whether as a sum certain or as a portion of profits realized by the enterprise. Where there is no agreement fixing the rights of the participants in such enterprise, the interest of such foundation (or such disqualified person) in such enterprise shall be determined by dividing the amount of all equity investments or contributions to the capital of the enterprise made or obligated to be made by such foundation (or such disqualified person) by the amount of all equity investments or contributions to capital made or obligated to be
(c) Permitted holdings in an unincorporated business enterprise(1) In general. The permitted holdings of a private foundation in any business enterprise which is not incorporated shall, subject to the provisions of subparagraphs (2), (3), and (4) of this paragraph, be determined under the principles of paragraph (b) of this section. (2) Partnership or joint venture. In the case of a partnership (including a limited partnership) or joint venture. the terms profits interest and capital interest shall be substituted for voting stock and nonvoting stock, respectively, wherever those terms appear in paragraph (b) of this section. The interest in profits of such foundation (or such disqualified person) shall be determined in the same manner as its distributive share of partnership taxable income. See section 704(b) (relating to the determination of the distributive share by the income or loss ratio) and the regulations thereunder. In the absence of a provision in the partnership agreement, the capital interest of such foundation (or such disqualified person) in a partnership shall be determined on the basis of its interest in the assets of the partnership which would be distributable to such foundation (or such disqualified person) upon its withdrawal from the partnership, or upon liquidation of the partnership, whichever is the greater. (3) Sole proprietorship. For purposes of section 4943, a private foundation shall have no permitted holdings in a sole proprietorship. In the case of a transfer by a private foundation of a portion of a sole proprietorship, see paragraph (c)(2) of this section (relating to per-
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made by all participants in the enterprise. (d) Examples. The provisions of this section may be illustrated by the following examples:
Example 1. Corporation X has outstanding 100 shares of voting stock, with each share
(i) Determination of voting stock percentages (a) Total number of outstanding votes in X .............................................................................................................. (b) Total number of votes in X held by F .................................................................................................................. (c) Total number of votes in X held by A and B ....................................................................................................... (d) Percentage of voting stock in X held by F (item (b) divided by item (a)) (percent) ........................................... (e) Percentage of voting stock in X held by A and B (item (c) divided by item (a)) (percent) ................................. (ii) Determination of permitted holdings of voting stock (a) Percentage of voting stock in X held by A and B (percent) ................................................................................ (b) Permitted holdings of voting stock by F in X (20 pct less item (a)) (percent) .................................................... (iii) Determination of excess business holdings (a) Percentage of voting stock in X held by F (percent) ........................................................................................... (b) Permitted holdings of voting stock by F in X (percent) ....................................................................................... (c) Item (a) less item (b) (percent) ............................................................................................................................ (d) Excess business holdings of F in X (i.e., an amount of X voting stock representing a percentage of voting stock equivalent to that in item (c)) (shares) ......................................................................................................... * * * * * * *
100 30 10 30 10 10 10 30 10 20 20
Example 2. F, a private foundation, is a partner in P partnership. In addition, A and B, the only disqualified persons with respect to F, are partners in P. The partnership agreement of P contains no provisions regarding the sharing of profits by, and the respective capital interests of, the partners. (i) assume that, under section 704(b), Fs distributive share of P taxable income is determined to be 20 percent. In addition, assume that under such section, A and B are determined to have a 4-percent distributive share each of P taxable income. Accordingly, F holds a 20-percent profits interest in P, and A and B hold an 8-percent profits interest in P. Assuming that the provisions of section 4943(c)(2)(B) do not apply, the permitted holdings of F in P are 12 percent of the profits interest in P, determined by subtracting the percentage of the profits interest held by A and B in P (i.e., 8 percent) from 20 percent. (20 percent8 percent=12 percent.) F, therefore, holds a percentage of the profits interest in P in excess of the percentage permitted by 53.49433(b)(1). The excess business holdings of F in P are a percentage of the profits interest in P equivalent to such excess percentage, or 8 percent of the profits interest in P, determined by subtracting the permitted holdings of F in P (i.e., 12 percent) from the percentage of the profit interest held by F in P (i.e., 20 percent) (20 percent12 percent=8 percent.) (ii) Assume that, under the partnership agreement, F would be entitled to a distribution of 20 percent of Ps assets upon Fs withdrawal from P and to a distribution of 30 percent of Ps assets upon the liquidation profits interest held by F in P (i.e., 20 percent) (20 percent12 percent=8 percent), of P. F,
therefore, holds a 30-percent capital percentage of the assets of P distributable to F upon Fs withdrawal from P, or the percentage of such assets distributable to F upon the liquidation of P. Since the percentage of the profits interest held by A and B in P is less than 20 percent, such 30-percent capital interest will be included in the permitted holdings of F in P.
Present holdings.
(a) Introduction(1) Section 4943 (c)(4) in general. (i) Paragraph (4) of section 4943(c) prescribes transition rules for a private foundation which, but for such paragraph, would have excess business holdings on May 26, 1969. Section 4943(c)(4) provides such a foundation with protection from the initial tax on excess business holdings in two ways. First, the entire interest of such a foundation in any business enterprise in which such a foundation, but for section 4943(c)(4), would have had excess business holdings on May 26, 1969, is treated under section 4943(c)(4)(B) as held by disqualified persons for a certain period of time (the first phase). The effect of such treatment is to prevent a private foundation from being subject to the initial tax with respect to its May 26, 1969, interest during the first phase holding period and also to prevent the foundation from purchasing any additional business holdings in such business enterprise during
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10-year period beginning May 26, 1969. Since the entire 21 percent held by P and disqualified persons is now treated as held by disqualified persons, Ps substituted level is 21 percent and its permitted holdings are zero (21%21%). However, P has no excess business holdings in X, because during the 10year period P is not treated as holding such interest. The only change in the interest in X occurs on January 2, 1972, when P disposes of 2 percent of its interest in X to A, an unrelated person. Since the interest held by P and all disqualified persons (21%2%=19%) has decreased below 20 percent, Ps substituted level is reduced to 20 percent and its permitted holdings are 1 percent (20%19%) on such date. Therefore, if the other interests in X do not change, P will not have excess business holdings if P purchases no more than an additional 1 percent interest in X.
(2) Interaction of provisions of section 4943(c) (4), (5), and (6). During the first phase, a private foundation may acquire additional interests in a business enterprise, other than by purchase, which are entitled to be treated as held by disqualified persons for varying holding periods under section 4943(c) (5) or (6) (relating respectively to certain holdings acquired pursuant to the terms of a trust or will in effect on May 26, 1969, and to the 5-year period to dispose of certain gifts, bequests, etc.). In any case holdings which the private foundation disposes of shall be charged first against those holdings which it must dispose of in the shortest period in order to avoid the initial tax thereon. Further, acquisions of a private foundation under a pre-May 27, 1969, will or trust described in section 4943(3)(5) are treated in a manner similar to the treatment of interests actually held by a private foundation on May 26, 1969. See 53.49435 and 53.4943 6. (b) Present holdings in general. (1) Section 4943(c)(4)(B) provides that any interest in a business enterprise held by a private foundation on May 26, 1969, if the foundation on such date has excess business holdings (determined without regard to section 4943(c)(4)), shall (while held by the foundation) be treated as held by a disqualified person during a first phase. Therefore, no interest of a private foundation shall be treated as held by a disqualified person under section 4943(c)(4)(B) and this section unless:
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(i) The private foundation was an entity (not including a revocable trust) in existence on May 26, 1969, even though it was not then treated as a private foundation under section 509 or section 4947; (ii) Such interest was actually or constructively owned by such entity on such date; and (iii) Without regard to section 4943(c)(4) such entitly had on such date an interest (considered in connection with the interests actually or constructively owned by all disqualified persons with respect to such entity on that date in the same business enterprise, determined as if the entity were then a private foundation) which exceeded the permitted holdings prescribed by section 4943(c) (2) or (3). (See, however, section 4943(c)(5) and 53.49435 for similar treatment for certain interests acquired by a private foundation under the terms of a trust or a will which were in effect on May 26, 1969.) If a private foundation owns an interest described by section 4943(c)(4)(B), then the length of the first phase for such an interest is prescribed by paragraph (c) of this section and shall not be affected by any interest acquired by the private foundation or any disqualified person in such business enterprise after May 26, 1969. In addition, the amount of permitted holdings in such business enterprise is prescribed by paragraph (d) of this section. An interest constructively held by a private foundation (or a disqualified person) on May 26, 1969, shall not cease to be an interest to which section 4943(c)(4) applies merely because it is later distributed to such foundation (or to such disqualified person). Nor shall an interest directly held by a private foundation (or to such disqualified person) on May 26, 1969, cease to be treated as an interest to which section 4943(c)(4) applies to the extent it remains actually or constructively held by such foundation (or such disqualified person) upon transfer of such interest, such as upon the incorporation of a sole proprietorship. (2) The provision of this paragraph may be illustrated by the following example:
Example. A, a nonprofit research organization described in section 501(c)(3), was orga-
(c) First Phase holding periods(1) In general. If, on May 26, 1969, a private foundation has excess business holdings in any business enterprise (determined with regard to the 20 or 35 percent permitted holdings of section 4943(c)(2)), then all interest which such foundation holds, actually or constructively, in such enterprise on May 26, 1969, shall (while held by such foundation) be deemed held by a disqualified person during the following periods: (i) The 20-year period beginning on May 26, 1969, if the private foundation holds, actually or constructively, more than 95 percent of the voting stock (or more than a 95 percent profits or beneficial interest in the case of an unincorporated enterprise) in such enterprise on such date; (ii) Except as provided in paragraph (c)(1)(i) of this section, the 15-year period beginning on May 26, 1969, if the private foundation and all disqualified persons hold, actually or constructively on such date more than 75 percent of the voting stock (or more than a 75 percent profits or beneficial interest in the case of any unincorporated enterprise) or 75 percent of the value of all outstanding shares of all classes of stock in such enterprise (or more than a 75 percent profits and capital interest in the case of a partnership or joint venture); or (iii) The 10-year period beginning on May 26, 1969, in any case not described in paragraph (c)(1) (i) or (ii) of this section. The 20-year, 15-year, or 10-year period described in this subdivision (whichever applies) shall, for purposes of section 4943 and this section, be known as the first phase. (2) Sole proprietorships. The 20-year period described in paragraph (c)(1) of this section shall apply with respect to
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gether represent 10 percent of the voting power in X and 5 percent of the value of all outstanding shares of all classes of stock in X. Under the provisions of 53.49433, the excess business holdings of F, in X (determined without regard to section 4943(c)(4)) as of such date are, therefore, 40 percent of X voting stock. Accordingly, since the combined holdings of F, A, and B in X are, on such date, less than 75 percent of the voting stock in X and less than 75 percent of the value of all outstanding shares of all classes of stock in X, under the provisions of section 4943(c)(4)(B)(iii), all holdings of F in X (i.e., 50 percent of X voting stock) will be treated as held by a disqualified person through May 25, 1979. Example 2. Assume the facts as stated in Example (1), except that F, on December 15, 1969, purchases an additional 10 shares of voting stock in X representing 10 percent of X voting power. Assume, further, that there were no other transactions in the stock in X during 1969. While the 50 percent of X voting stock held by F on May 26, 1969, will be deemed held by a disqualified person through May 25, 1979, the additional 10 shares of X voting stock acquired by purchase by F on December 15, 1969, will no be deemed to be so held. Accordingly, since, under the provisions of 53.49433, such 10 shares represent excess business holding of F in X, such 10 shares will be subject to the imposition of tax under the provisions of section 4943(a). Example 3. Assume the facts as stated in Example (1), except that F, on December 15, 1971 acquires an additional 10 shares of voting stock in X (representing 10 percent of X voting power) under the terms of a will which was executed before May 26, 1969, to which section 4943(c)(5) applies. While the 50 percent of X voting stock held by F on May 26, 1969, will be deemed held by a disqualified person through May 25, 1979, the additional 10 percent of X voting stock acquired by F on December 15, 1971, will, under the provisions of section 4943(c)(5), be deemed held by a disqualified person through December 14, 1981. See 53.49435. Example 4. Assume that F, a private foundation, owns on May 26, 1969, 50 shares of voting stock in corporation Y representing 50 percent of the voting power in Y. Assume further that C and D, the only disqualified persons with respect to F, own on such date 15 shares each of Y voting stock and that the 30 shares of Y voting stock owned by C and D together represent 30 percent of the voting power in Y. Under the provisions of 53.4943 3 the excess business holdings of F in Y (determined without regard to section 4943(c)(4)) as of such date are, therefore, 50 percent of Y voting stock. Accordingly, since the combined holdings of F, C, and D in Y represent, on such date, more than 75 percent of the voting stock in Y, under the provisions of section 4943(c)(4)(B)(ii), all holdings of F in Y
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(i.e., 50 percent of Y voting stock will be treated as held by a disqualified person through May 25, 1984. Example 5. M, a private foundation, owns on May 26, 1969, sole proprietorship S. Since, under the provisions of 53.59543, Ms ownership of S constitutes excess business holdings (determined without regard to section 4943(c)(4) as of May 26, 1969, and since Ms interest in S is greater than 95 percent on such date, under the provisions of this paragraph a disqualified person will be treated as the owner of S for the 20-year period beginning on such date. If S is later incorporated, that percentage of the interest in S retained by M, even though less than a 95-percent interest, shall continue to be treated as held by a disqualified person through May 25, 1989. Example 6. A and B, individuals, together own on May 26, 1969, 40 shares of voting stock in corporation X representing 40 percent of the voting power in X and 20 percent of the value of all outstanding shares of all classes of stock in X. A and B are both disqualified persons with respect to F, a private foundation, which owns no stock in X on May 26, 1969. On January 1, 1973, A and B donate the 40 shares of X voting stock held by them to F. Since F had no excess business holdings on May 26, 1969, section 4943(c)(4) does not apply. See however, section 4943(c)(6) and 53.49436. Example 7. Assume the facts as stated in Example (6), except that F, on May 26, 1969, owns 50 shares of voting stock in X, representing 50 percent of the voting power in X and 25 percent of the value of all outstanding shares of all classes of stock in X. Under the provisions of this paragraph, the 50 shares of X voting stock held by F on May 26, 1969 shall be treated in accordance with the provisions of section 4943(c)(4), while the 40 shares of X voting stock acquired by F on January 1, 1973 shall be treated in accordance with the provisions of section 4943(c)(6). See 53.49436.
(d) Permitted holdings under section 4943(c)(4)(1) In general. The permitted holdings of a private foundation to which section 4943 (c)(4) applies in a business enterprise shall be as follows: (i) The excess of the substituted combined voting level over the disqualified person voting level, and separately, (ii) The excess of the substituted combined value level over the disqualified person value level. (2) Definitions. For purposes of paragraph (d) of this section: (i) The term disqualified person voting level on any given date means the percentage of voting stock held by all disqualified persons together on such date (including stock deemed held by such a
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gether to which section 4943(c)(4) applies decreases, or when the percentage of the holdings of the private foundation alone in such business enterprise decreases, such holdings may not be increased (except as provided under section 4943(c) (5) or (6)). This so-called downward ratchet rule is designed to prevent the private foundation from purchasing additional holdings in the business enterprise until the substituted combined voting level reduced to the 20-percent (or 35 percent) figure prescribed by section 4943(c)(2). (B) Levels affected. Under the downward ratchet rule any decrease after May 26, 1969, in the percentage of holdings comprising either the substituted combined voting level, the substituted combined value level, the foundation voting level or the foundation value level shall cause the respective level to be decreased to such decreased percentage for purposes of determining the foundations permitted holdings. (C) Implementation of reductions. Thus, if at any time the sum of the foundation voting level and the disqualified peson voting level is less than the immediately preceding substituted combined voting level, the substituted level shall be decreased so that it equals such sum. For example, if on May 26, 1969, a foundation and all disqualified persons together have holdings in a business enterprise equal to 50 percent, on such date the substituted combined voting level and the disqualified person voting level equal 50 percent (since such holdings of the foundation are treated as held by a disqualified person). If the private foundation or a disqualified person on May 27, 1969, sold 2 percent of such holdings to a nondisqualified person, the disqualified person voting level would be decreased to 48 percent (50%2%), causing the substituted combined voting level to be decreased to 48 percent. As a further example, assume that on May 26, 1969, a foundation and all disqualified persons together have holdings in a business enterprise equal to 50 percent, and when the first phase expires on May 26, 1979, the substituted combined voting level is still 50 percent, the foundation voting level is 10 percent, and the disqualified person voting level is 40 percent. If a disqualified person there-
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after sells 2 percent to a nondisqualified person so that the sum of the disqualified person voting level (40%2%=38%) and the foundation voting level (10%) equals 48 percent (38%+10%), then the substituted combined voting level is decreased to 48 percent. Similarly, if at any time the sum of the foundation value level and the disqualified person value level is less than the immediately preceding substituted combined value level, the substituted combined value level shall be decreased so that it equals such sum. (D) Restrictions on increases in levels. In addition, none of the four levels referred to in paragraph (d)(4)(i)(B) of this section may be adjusted upward to reflect any increase in the holdings comprising such level, except as provided in section 4943(c)(5) and 53.4943 5. As a result, any transfer of May 26, 1969, holdings from a disqualified person to a private foundation shall not increase the foundation voting level or the foundation value level (unless the transfer qualifies under section 4943(c)(5)), and thus may reduce the substituted combined value level (and where appropriate, the substituted combined voting level). Thus, in the last preceding example, if the disqualified person, instead of selling the 2 percent interest to a nondisqualified person, had sold such interest to the foundation, the substituted combined voting level would still be reduced to 48 percent, since the disqualified person voting level would be reduced by 2 percent (to 38%) but the foundation voting level would not be increased by 2 percent (remaining at 10%). However, any transfer of May 26, 1969, holdings from a private foundation to a disqualified person under section 101(1)(2)(B) of the Tax Reform Act of 1969, shall reduce the foundation value level (and, where appropriate, the foundation voting level), but will not reduce the substituted combined value level or the subsituted combined voting level. The disqualified person voting level and disqualified person value level are correspondingly increased, not being limited to interest held since May 26, 1969. In addition, a transfer of May 26, 1969, holdings from one disqualified person to another, for example, by bequest,
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resenting 12 percent of the voting stock in X and 6 percent of the value of all outstanding shares of all classes of stock in X. (i) Beginning on May 26, 1969, the disqualified person voting level is 52 percent, the foundation voting level is zero, and the substituted combined voting level is 50 percent; the disqualified person value level is 71 percent, the foundation value level is zero, and the substituted combined value level is 50 percent. (ii) Beginning on February 1, 1972, the disqualified person voting level is 40 percent (52%12%), the foundation voting level is zero, and the substituted combined voting level is 40 percent; the disqualified person value level is 65 percent (71%6%), the foundation value level is zero and the substituted combined value level is 50 percent. Example 2. F, a private foundation on the calendar year basis, holds, on May 26, 1969, 30 percent of the voting stock in corporation Y. C and D, the only disqualified persons with respect to F, together hold, on such date, 10 percent of the voting stock in Y. The provisions of section 4943(c)(4)(B)(iii) apply with respect to F, and disqualified persons are deemed to hold all interests of F in Y for the 10-year period beginning on May 26, 1969, so that the substituted combined voting level as of such date is 40 percent. On February 1, 1973, a stock issuance by Y causes the combined holdings of voting power by F, C, and D in Y to decrease by 0.3 percent. on June 1, 1973, another such issuance causes such combined holdings to decrease by 0.5 percent. In September 1, 1973, an unrelated stock redemption by Y causes such combined holdings to increase by 0.4 percent. Under this paragraph the determination whether there is a decrease in the substituted combined voting level for purposes of the downward ratchet rule shall not be made before January 1, 1974, since the aggregate of the decreases occurring on February 1 and June 1 of 1973 is less than 1 percent (0.3%+0.5%). Therefore, the substituted combined voting level as of January 1, 1974, is 39.6 percent (40%[(0.3%+0.5%)0.4%].) Example 3. Assume the facts as stated in Example (2), except that, on October 1, 1973, a stock issuance by Y causes the combined holdings of voting power by F, C, and D in Y to decrease by 0.3 percent. Since the aggregate of the decreases occurring on February 1, June 1, and October 1 of 1973 exceeds 1 percent, the determination whether there is a decrease in the substituted combined voting level shall be made as of October 1, 1973. At that time the substituted combined voting level shall be reduced to 39.2 percent (40%0.3%0.5%), the lowest actual combined holdings during the period that the de minimis rule was in effect.
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4943 and this section, the term second phase means the 15-year period immediately following the first phase. Upon the expiration of the first phase with respect to an interest to which section 4943(c)(4) applies, such interest shall no longer be treated as held by a disqualified person under section 4943(c)(4)(B). During the second phase, the manner of determining the permitted holdings of a private foundation to which section 4943(c)(4) applies shall be the same as applicable to the first phase, except that a 25 percent maximum shall apply under certain conditions specified in paragraph (d)(5)(ii) of this section. For these purposes the substituted combined voting level and the substituted combined value level in effect for the foundation at the end of the first phase shall be carried over to the second phase. The substituted levels are carried over because although there is a decrease in the disqualified person levels (since holdings are no longer treated as held by disqualified persons under section 4943(c)(4)(B)), a corresponding increase in the foundation levels occurs. For example, if a private foundation on May 26, 1969, held 10 percent of the voting stock in a corporation and disqualified persons held 40 percent of the voting stock, both the disqualified person voting level and the substituted combined voting level equal 50 percent (10%+40%). Assuming no transactions during the first phase, on May 26, 1979, the disqualified person voting level would be decreased to 40 percent (50%10%), but the foundation voting level would be increased to 10 percent so that the substituted combined voting level would remain at 50 percent. In addition, the downward ratchet rule of paragraph (d)(4) of this section shall continue to apply, to prevent the foundation and disqualified persons from purchasing any additional interest in the same enterprise until the substituted combined voting level decreases below 20 percent. (ii) 25 percent maximum on foundation holdings. If, or as soon as, the disqualified person voting level exceeds 2 percent after the expiration of the first phase, the permitted holdings shall not thereafter exceed 25 percent of the voting stock or 25 percent of the value of all outstanding shares of all classes of
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During the first phase such permitted holdings remain zero, and prior to May 25, 1979, the substituted combined voting level and substituted combined value level remain 30 and 35 percent, respectively, because such levels may not be increased by acquisitions by disqualified persons. However, the disqualified person voting level and the disqualified person value level are each increased to 40 percent (30%+10%) and 40 percent (35%+5%) respectively. During the first phase the excess of the disqualified person voting level over the substituted combined voting level (40%30%) and the excess of the disqualified person value level over the substituted combined value level (40%35%) indicate how much stock F must dispose of during the first phase to avoid the initial tax when it expires. On May 25, 1979, the last day of the first phase, F disposes of 12 shares of Z voting stock, representing 12 percent of the voting power in Z and 6 percent of the value of all such outstanding shares. The disposition by F reduces the interest F owns to 18 percent (30%12%) of the voting power, and 19 percent (25%6%) of the value of all outstanding shares of all classes of stock, in Z. Since the disqualified person voting level decreases to 28 percent (40%12%), the substituted combined voting level as of May 25, 1979, accordingly is decreased to 28 percent under the downward ratchet rule. Similarly, the substituted combined value level is decreased to 34 percent, as the disqualified person value level as of such date is 34 percent (40%6%). On May 26, 1979, the disqualified person voting level is 10 percent (28%18%), and the disqualified person value level is 15 percent (34%19%), since the shares owned by F are no longer treated as held by a disqualified person as of such date. Accordingly, on May 26, 1979, the permitted holdings by F and Z are 18 percent of the voting power in Z, because such percentage is equal to the excess of the substituted combined voting level (28%) over the disqualified person voting level (10%) as of such date. Similarly, the permitted holdings of F in Z by value are 19 percent (34%15%). If F had not disposed of the 12 shares, then on May 26, 1979, Fs permitted holdings in voting power and value would be 20 percent (30%10%) and 20 percent (35%15%), respectively. Example 4. F, a private foundation, owns on May 26, 1969, 35 shares of voting stock in corporation Y representing 35 percent of the voting stock in Y and 17.5 percent of the value of all classes of stock in Y, and owns on such date 45 shares of nonvoting stock representing 22.5 percent of the value of all outstanding shares of all classes of stock in Y. No disqualified person with respect to F owns, on such date, any stock in Y. Assume further that Y cannot meet the requirements of the 35 percent test of section 4943(c)(2)(B). For purposes of applying section 4943(c)(4)(B) and this paragraph, F has excess business
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holdings in Y (determined without regard to section 4943(c)(4)), because under section 4943(c)(2)(A) Fs permitted holdings are 20 percent (20%0%) of the voting stock since disqualified persons have no holdings of voting stock. Therefore, section 4943(c)(4)(B) and this paragraph apply, and a disqualified person is treated as holding Fs shares of both voting and nonvoting stock in Y for the 10year period through May 25, 1979. During the first phase the permitted holdings by F in Y of both the voting stock and of value are zero. The disqualified person voting level and the substituted combined voting level are each 35 percent, and the disqualified person value level and the substituted combined value level are each 40 percent (17.5%+22.5%). The substituted levels are carried over into the second phase. The disqualified person voting level and value level on May 26, 1979, are both zero, because the shares held by F are no longer treated as held by a disqualified person. Therefore, Fs permitted holdings on such date are 35 percent of the voting power (35%0%) and 40 percent of the value (40%0%). Assume that on February 1, 1981, A, a disqualified person, acquires 6 percent of the voting stock in Y representing 3 percent of the value of all outstanding shares of all classes of stock in Y. The permitted holdings by F in Z on February 1, 1981, are thus reduced to 25 percent of the voting stock (the lesser of the separate 25% second phase limitation or 29% (35% substituted combined voting level minus 6% disqualified person voting level)) and 25 percent of the value (the lesser of the separate 25% second phase limitation or 37% (40% substituted combined value level minus 3% disqualified person value level)). But see paragraph (d)(8) of this section for limitations on restrictions with respect to nonvoting stock. Example 5. Assume the same facts as in Example (4) except that A does not acquire the 6 shares of voting stock until February 1, 1996 (in the third phase), rather than on February 1, 1981. Thus, Fs permitted holdings in Y would remain at 35 percent of the voting stock and 40 percent of the value during the second phase, which expired on May 25, 1994. Assume that on May 25, 1994, the last day of the second phase, F disposes of 10 shares of nonvoting stock representing 5 percent of the value of all outstanding shares in Y to meet the 35 percent third phase limit. In accordance with the downward ratchet rule, the substituted combined value level and Fs permitted holdings in Y would be reduced to 35 percent of value. On February 1, 1996, Fs permitted holdings in Y would be reduced to 25 percent of the voting stock (the lesser of the separate 25% third phase limitation or 29% (35% substituted combined voting level minus 6% disqualified person level)) and 25 percent of the value (the lesser of the separate 25% third phase limitation or 32% (35% substituted combined value level minus 3%
(8) Special rule where all holdings are permitted under section 4943(c)(2). (i) Since section 4943(c)(4) and this paragraph provide transitional rules for foundations which would otherwise have had excess business holdings on May 26, 1969, no holdings shall cease to be permitted holdings under this paragraph where such holdings would be permitted holdings under section 4943(c)(2) and 53.49433. Thus, for example, where the substituted combined voting level had been reduced to 20 percent, the provisions of 53.49433(b)(2) concerning nonvoting stock as permitted holdings generally apply. (ii) The provisions of this paragraph (d)(8) may be illustrated by the following example:
Example. (A) F, a private foundation, owns, on May 26, 1969, 40 shares of voting stock in corporation X representing 40 percent of the voting stock in X and 20 percent of the value of all outstanding shares of all classes of stock in X, and owns, on such date, 60 shares of nonvoting stock in X, representing 30 percent of the value of all outstanding shares of all classes of stock in X. A, the only disqualified person with respect to F, owns, on such date, 10 shares of voting stock in X, representing 10 percent of the voting stock in X and 5 percent of the value of all outstanding shares of all classes of stock in X. Under section 4943(c)(4)(B)(iii), a disqualified person is deemed the owner of all holdings by F in X for the 10year period beginning on May 26, 1969. (B) Assume that the only transaction in X stock during the first phase is the disposition of 30 shares of voting stock by F on May 1, 1975. The voting stock held by F is permitted holdings under 53.49433 and under such section since all disqualified persons together do not own more than 20 percent of the voting stock in X, all nonvoting stock held by F shall also be treated as permitted holdings. Therefore, all the stock held by F is permitted holdings. (C) Assume that on May 1, 1975, F had disposed of only 15 shares of voting stock and also had disposed of 35 shares of nonvoting stock. On May 26, 1979, at the beginning of the second phase, this paragraph (d)(8) would not apply since F would have excess business holdings under 53.49433. Under the provisions of this section, the permitted holdings by F in X on such date are 25 percent of the
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qualified persons, or both, increases over a period of time solely as a result of changes in the relative values of the stock of different classes, then the foundation value level, the disqualified person value level, and the substituted combined value level, as defined in paragraph (d)(2) of this section, shall be adjusted to reflect such increase. An increase in the percentage of value held shall not be considered to have occurred solely as a result of changes in the relative values of the stock of different classes if: (A) There has been any increase during the period in the percentage of any class of stock held by the private foundation, its disqualified persons, or both, or (B) There has been any issuance, redemption, or purchase by the issuing corporation of any stock during the period. See 53.49436(d) for rules relating to increases caused by readjustments. (ii) Example. The provisions of this paragraph (b)(10) may be illustrated by the following example:
Example. (i) At all times since May 26, 1969, F, a private foundation, has held 25% (500,000 shares) of the outstanding class of voting stock of X corporation. No disqualified person with respect to F holds any voting stock of X. In addition X has had outstanding since May 26, 1969, a class of non-voting preferred stock, none of which is held by F or a disqualified person. X is an active business corporation and third parties do not have effective control of X. On May 26, 1969, the voting stock (2 million shares outstanding) was trading for $5 a share on the New York Stock Exchange. The non-voting preferred stock, not publicly traded, was valued at $1 million. The total value of all outstanding stock was $11 million ($10 million voting stock plus $1 million non-voting preferred). On May 26, 1969, F held 22.73% of the value of Xs outstanding stock ($2.5 million/$11 million). (ii) On October 31, 1982, Xs voting stock is trading for $20 a share and the nonvoting stock is valued at $3 million. At all times during the period May 26, 1969, through October 31, 1982, F has held 25 percent of the voting stock and none of the nonvoting stock of X. No stock of X is owned by disqualified persons. No stock of X has been issued, redeemed or purchased by X during this period. On October 13, 1982, the total value of Xs outstanding stock (is $43 million ($40 million voting stock and $3 million nonvoting stock) and F holds 23.26 percent of the value of Xs outstanding stock ($10 million/$43 million).
(9) Special rule for certain private foundations. In the case of a private foundation: (i) Which was incorporated before January 1, 1951. (ii) Substantially all of the assets of which on May 26, 1969, consisted of more than 90 percent of the stock of an incorporated business enterprise which is licensed and regulated, the sales or contracts of which are regulated, and the professional representatives of which are licensed, by State regulatory agencies in at least 10 States; (iii) Which acquired such stock solely by gift, devise, or bequest; (iv) Which does not purchase any stock or other interest in such enterprise after May 26, 1969, and does not acquire any stock or other interest in any other business enterprise which constitutes excess business holdings under 53.49433; and (v) Which, in the last 5 taxable years ending on or before December 31, 1970, expended substantially all of its adjusted net income (as defined in section 4942(f)) for the purpose or function for which it is organized and operated; paragraph (d) (1) through (5) of this section (permitted holdings during the first and second phase) shall be applied with respect to the holdings of such foundation in such incorporated business enterprise by substituting 51 percent for 50 percent, and section 4943(c)(4)(D) (third phase) shall not apply with respect to such holdings. For purposes of the preceding sentence, stock of such enterprise in a trust created before May 27, 1969, of which the foundation is the remainder beneficiary shall be deemed to be held by such foundation on May 26, 1969, if such foundation held (without regard to such trust) more than 20 percent of the stock of such enterprise on May 26, 1969. (10) Special rule for changes in the relative values of stock of different classes. (i) In the case of a corporation that has more than one class of stock outstanding, if the percentage of value held by the private foundation, its dis-
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Fs foundation value level and the substituted combined value level are increased from 22.73 percent to 23.26 percent to reflect this change. (iii) On November 1, 1982, X corporation distributes the stock of Y corporation, a wholly-owned subsidiary, to Xs shareholders. Y is a business enterprise. Under this paragraph (d)(10), all of Fs stock in X is permitted holdings under section 4943 (c)(4) even though the percentage of value held by F has increased from 22.73 percent on May 26, 1969, to 23.26 percent on November 1, 1982. Fs permitted holdings in Y will be determined by reference to Fs permitted holdings in X under 53.49437. Therefore, assuming no prohibited transaction occurs, Fs permitted holdings in Y stock equal 25 percent of Ys voting stock and, separately, 23.26 percent of the value of all of Ys outstanding stock. [T.D. 7496, 42 FR 46285, Sept. 15, 1977, as amended by T.D. 7944, 49 FR 6478, Feb. 22, 1984]
53.49435 Present holdings acquired by trust or a will. (a) Interests to which section 4943(c)(5) applies(1) In general. Section 4943(c)(5) provides that section 4943(c)(4) (other than the 20-year first phase holding period) applies to an interest in a business enterprise acquired after May 26, 1969 by a private foundation under the terms of a trust which was irrevocable on May 26, 1969, or under the terms of a will executed on or before May 26, 1969, which were in effect on May 26, 1969, and at all times thereafter, as if such interest were held on May 26, 1969. However the first phase holding period prescribed by 53.49434(c)(1) (ii) or (iii) shall commence for such an interest on the date of distribution to the foundation. Unlike section 4943(c)(4) and 53.49434, section 4943(c)(5) and this section treat only the interest so acquired (and not the entire interest held by the foundation in such enterprise on the date of distribution) as held by a disqualified person during a first phase holding period. (See, however, section 4943(c)(6) and paragraph (b)(2) of 53.49436 for the treatment of other holdings of the foundation in the same enterprise if an interest to which section 4943(c)(5) applies is acquired from a person who was not a disqualified person prior to the acquisition.) In addition, section 4943(c)(5) and this section shall not apply if after the acquisition of such an interest the foundation
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(b) Holding periods(1) In general. An interest to which section 4943(c)(5) applies shall be entitled to a 15-year holding period starting on the date of distribution only if the interests actually or constructively owned by a private foundation and all disqualified persons on May 26, 1969, in a business enterprise exceed 75 percent of the voting stock (or of the profits or beneficial interest) or 75 percent of the value of all outstanding shares of all classes of stock (or of the profits and capital interest) in such enterprise. For purposes of the preceding sentence, interests held by the foundation on May 26, 1969, shall be deemed to include an interest to which section 4943(c)(5) applies and which has been acquired (on or before the date of distribution for the interest in question) from a person who was not a disqualified person on May 26, 1969. Therefore, if under the terms of a will in effect on May 26, 1969, and at all times thereafter, a private foundation is created on July 1, 1975, and receives 76 percent of the voting stock of a business enterprise on that date, such stock shall be treated as held by a disqualified person until June 30, 1990. Any interest to which section 4943(c)(5) applies but which is not entitled to a 15year holding period shall be entitled to a 10-year holding period starting on the date of distribution. For purposes of this paragraph the date of distribution shall be deemed to occur no later than the date on which the trust or estate is considered to be terminated under 1.641(b)(3) of this chapter (Income Tax Regulations). (2) Constructive ownership prior to date of distribution. To the extent that an interest to which section 4943(c)(5) applies is constructively held by a private foundation under section 4943(d)(1) and 53.49438 prior to the date of distribution, it shall be treated as held by a disqualified person prior to such date by reason of section 4943(c)(5). In addition, in the case of a foundations interest in a trust which was irrevocable on May 26, 1969, and to which both sections 4943 (c)(4) and (c)(5) apply, the first phase holding period for such interest shall end with whichever such period under section 4943(c) (4) or (5) ends later. For example, if under the terms of such a trust, 96 percent of the
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voting stock in a business enterprise was constructively held by a private foundation on May 26, 1969, and was distributed to such foundation on June 30, 1970, such interest is entitled to a 20-year holding period beginning on May 26, 1969. (c) Permitted holdings(1) In general. The permitted holdings of a private foundation which has an interest in a business enterprise to which section 4943(c)(5) applies shall be determined in accordance with the rules of paragraph (d) of 53.49434. The levels referred to in such paragraph shall be adjusted to take into account the acquisition of such an interest as if it were treated as held by a disqualified person from May 26, 1969, until the date of acquisition. See also 53.49436(b)(2) for the special rule for interests held by a private foundation at the time it acquires a section 4943(c)(5) interest from a nondisqualified person. Thus, for example, if on June 30, 1975, the disqualified person voting level and the substituted combined voting level in corporation X with respect to foundation F are 45 percent, and a nondisqualified persons 10 percent voting interest in X is acquired by F on July 1, 1975, in a transaction to which section 4943(c)(5) applies, the above-mentioned levels shall be increased to 55 and 50 percent respectively, on July 1, 1975. However, if such interest had been acquired from a person who was a disqualified person on May 26, 1969, rather than from a nondisqualified person, no adjustments in such levels would have taken place on July 1, 1975. In such a case, though, at the beginning of the second phase on July 1, 1985, the foundation voting level would be increased by 10 percent, and the disqualified person voting level decreased by 10 percent (assuming that none of the acquired stock had been disposed of prior to such date). (2) Separate phases. The phases for each interest to which section 4943(c)(5) applies start independently from those for any other interest of the foundation in the same enterprise to which section 4943(c) (4) or (5) applies. Therefore, until an interest enters its own second phase, the 25 percent limit described in paragraph (d)(5) of 53.49434 shall not apply to such interest since such interest (and any subsequently acquired sec-
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cent interest would no longer have been treated as held by a disqualified person, F would have had excess business holdings of 5 percent (30%25%).
Substituted combined voting level (percent) 40 ................ 40 40 6 34 ................ 34 Disqualified person voting level (percent) 40 ................ 40 40 6 34 24 10
F owns (percent)
May 26, 1969 ........ May 1, 1971 .......... Do ................... June 1, 1972 ......... June 1, 1981 ......... Do ................... June 1, 1982 ......... Do ...................
0 +30 30 30 6 24 ................ 24
40 30 10 10 ................ 10 ................ 10
Example 2. (i) On May 26, 1969, F, a private foundation, owns 30 percent of the voting stock of N Corporation (voting power and value) and disqualified persons own 20 percent of the voting stock of N Corporation. On May 1, 1971, B, a disqualified person, dies leaving 15 percent of the voting stock to F. Assume the distribution was made on June 1, 1972, and that section 4943(c)(5) applies. On May 26, 1969, the substituted combined voting level and the disqualified person voting levels are each 50 percent and the permitted holdings are 0 percent (50%50%). On May 1, 1971, and June 1, 1972, these levels remain unchanged. On May 1, 1971, the 15 percent interest is treated as held by a disqualified person for a period extending through May 31, 1982. (ii) On July 1, 1978, F sells 6 percent of the F stock to a nondisqualified person, thereby reducing the disqualified person voting level and the substituted combined voting level to 44 percent (50%6%). On May 26, 1979, at the beginning of the second phase for Fs 1969 holdings, the foundation voting level is 24 percent (30%6%), the substituted combined voting level is still 44 percent, and the disqualified person voting level is 20 percent (44%24%). The permitted holdings are 24 percent (44%20%). In addition Fs 24 percent holdings do not exceed the 25 percent limitation of section 4943(c)(4)(D)(i) and paragraph (d)(5)(ii) of 53.49434. (iii) On August 1, 1981, F sells 16 percent of the N stock to a nondisqualified person, thereby reducing the foundation voting level
Interest treated as held by disqualified person (percent) 30 Disqualified persons own (percent) 20
to 8 percent (24%16%), and reducing the substituted combined voting level to 28 percent (44%16%). The disqualified person voting level remains at 20 percent. On June 1, 1982, at the beginning of the second phase for Fs holdings acquired by will, the substituted combined voting level is still 28 percent, the foundation voting level is 23 percent (8%+15%), the disqualified person voting level is 5 percent (20%15%), and the permitted holdings are 23 percent (28%5%). (iv) If F had not disposed of the 6 percent on July 1, 1978, then on May 26, 1979, at the beginning of the second phase for Fs 1969 holdings, Fs permitted holdings would have been 25 percent, the lesser of 25 percent (the limitation of section 4943(c)(4)(D)(i), or 30 percent (50%20%). Since Fs 30 percent interest would no longer have been treated as held by a disqualified person on May 26, 1979, F would have had excess business holdings of 5 percent (30%25%). Similarly, if F had not disposed of the 16 percent interest on August 1, 1981 (but had disposed of the 6 percent interest), on July 1, 1982, at the beginning of the second phase for Fs holdings acquired by will, Fs permitted holdings would have been 25 percent, the lesser of 25 percent (under section 4943(c)(4)(D)(i)), or 39 percent (44%5%). Since as of such date Fs entire holdings of 39 percent would no longer have been treated as held by a disqualified person, F would have had excess business holdings of 14 percent (39%25%).
Foundation voting level (percent) Substituted combined voting level (percent) 50 Disqualified person voting level (percent) 50 Permitted holdings (percent)
emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with CFR
F owns (percent)
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Fs interest 1969 (percent) Fs interest 1971 (percent) Interest treated as held by disqualified person (percent) +15 45 45 6 39 24 15 ............ 15 15 0 Disqualified persons own (percent) 15 5 5 ............ 5 ............ 5 ............ 5 ............ 5 Foundation voting level (percent) Substituted combined voting level (percent) ............ 50 50 6 44 ............ 44 16 28 ............ 28
F owns (percent)
May 1, 1971 Do ....... June 1, 1972. July 1, 1978 Do ....... May 16, 1979. Do ....... Aug. 1, 1981. D0 ....... July 1, 1982 Do .......
B dies. Distribution. F sells 6 pct. 2d phase for 24 pct. F sells 16 pct. All in 2d phase.
Example. (3). (i) On May 26, 1969, F, a private foundation owns 5 percent of the voting stock of O Corporation (voting power and value), and disqualified persons own 45 percent of the voting stock. C, a disqualified person, dies on May 1, 1971, and leaves 41 percent of the voting stock of O to F. Assume that distribution is made on June 1, 1972, and that section 4943(c)(5) applies. On May 26, 1969, the substituted combined voting level and the disqualified person voting level are 50 percent and the permitted holdings are 0 percent (50%50%). On May 1, 1971, and June 1, 1972, the various levels remain unchanged. On May 1, 1971, the 41 percent interest is treated as held by a disqualified person for a period extending through May 31, 1982. On May 26, 1979, at the beginning of the second phase for Fs 1969 holdings of 5 percent, the 5 percent is no longer treated as held by a disqualified person, the foundation voting level is 5 percent, the disqualified person voting level is reduced to 45 percent (50%5%), and the substituted combined voting level remains at 50 percent. On such date Fs permitted holdings are 5 percent (50%45%). Since the 41 percent interest is treated as held by a disqualified person, the interest treated as held by F (5%) does not
Interest treated as held by disqualified person (percent) 5 +41 46 46 Disqualified persons own (percent) 45 41 4 4
exceed the 25 percent limitation of section 4943(c)(4)(D)(i). (ii) On August 1, 1981, F sells 22 percent of the O stock to a nondisqualified person, thereby reducing the foundation voting level to 0 percent. Since the reductions are first applied to the 1969 holdings of 5 percent, 17 percent (22%5%) applies to the 41 percent interest, reducing such interest to 24 percent (41%17%), and reducing the disqualified person voting level to 28 percent (45%17%). The substituted combined voting level is reduced to 28 percent (0%+28%). On June 1, 1982, at the beginning of the second phase for Fs holdings acquired by will, the substituted combined voting level remains at 28 percent, the foundation voting level is 24 percent, the disqualified person voting level is reduced to 4 percent (28%4%). (iii) If F had not disposed of the 22 percent interest prior to June 1, 1982, Fs permitted holdings would have been 25 percent, the lesser of 25 percent, (under section 4943(c)(4)(D)(i)), or 46 percent (50%4%). Since as of such date, Fs entire holdings of 46 percent would no longer have been treated as held by a disqualified person, F would have had excess business holdings of 21 percent (46%25%).
Foundation voting level (percent) Substituted combined voting level (percent) 50 ............ 50 50 Disqualified person voting level (percent) 50 ............ 50 50 Permitted holdings (percent)
F owns (percent)
5 +41 46 46
5 ............ 5 5
............ +41 41 41
0 ............ 0 0
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F owns (percent)
May 26, 1979. Do ....... Aug. 1, 1981. Do ....... June 1, 1982. Do .......
............ 46 22 24 ............ 24
............ 5 5 0 ............ 0
............ 41 17 24 ............ 24
+5 5 5 0 +24 24
+5 5 5 0 +24 24
Example 4. (i) On May 26, 1969, F, a private foundation, owns 30 percent of the voting stock in P Corporation (voting power and value), and disqualified persons own 20 percent. On May 1, 1971, D, a disqualified person, dies leaving 18 percent of the voting stock to F. Assume that distribution was made on June 1, 1972, and that section 4943 (c)(5) applies. On May 26, 1969, the substituted combined voting level and the disqualified person voting level are each 50 percent and the permitted holdings are 0 percent (50%50%). On May 1, 1971, and June 1, 1972, these levels remain unchanged. On May 1, 1971, the 18 percent interest is treated as held by a disqualified person for a period extending through May 31, 1982. On May 26, 1979, the foundation voting level increases to 30 percent, the disqualified person voting level decreases to 20 percent (50%30%), and the permitted holdings are 30 percent (50%20%). On June 1, 1982, the foundation voting level increases to 48 percent, the disqualified person voting level decreases to 2 percent and the permitted holdings are 48 percent (50%2%). Since at no time during
Interest treated as held by disqualified person (percent) 30 +18 48 48 30 18 18 0 ............ 0 Disqualified persons own (percent) 20 18 2 2 ............ 2 ............ 2 ............ 2
the second phase for Fs 1969 holdings did all disqualified persons together have holdings in excess of 2 percent of the voting stock of P, the 25 percent limitation of section 4943(c)(4)(D)(i) did not apply to Fs 1969 holdings. (ii) On July 1, 1993, F disposes of 16 percent of the stock in P, thereby reducing the substituted combined voting level to 34 percent (50%16%), and reducing the permitted holdings to 32 percent (34%2%). If F had not disposed of the 16 percent of the stock of P prior to May 26, 1994, on such date, under section 4943(c)(4)(D)(ii), Fs substituted combined voting level for its 1969 holdings would have been 35 percent, and the permitted holdings would have been 33 percent (35%2%). Since none of Fs holdings of 48 percent would have been treated as held by a disqualified person on such date (the beginning of the third phase for Fs 1969 holdings), F would have had excess business holdings of 15 percent, the lesser of 30 percent (Fs 1969 holdings in the third phase), of 15 percent (the excess of Fs 48 percent holdings over the permitted holdings of 33 percent).
Foundation voting level (percent) Substituted combined voting level (percent) 50 ............ 50 50 ............ 50 ............ 50 16 34 Disqualified person voting level (percent) 50 ............ 50 50 30 20 18 2 ............ 2 Permitted holdings (percent)
F owns (percent)
May 26, 1969. May 1, 1971 Do ....... June 1, 1972. May 26, 1979. Do ....... June 1, 1982. Do ....... July 1, 1993 Do .......
F disposes of 16 pct.
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Fs interest 1969 (percent) Fs interest 1971 (percent) Interest treated as held by disqualified person (percent) 0 0 Disqualified persons own (percent) 2 2 Foundation voting level (percent) Substituted combined voting level (percent) 34 34
F owns (percent)
32 32
14 14
18 18
32 32
32 32
Example 5. (i) On May 26, 1969, F, a private foundation, owns 5 percent of the voting stock in Q Corporation (voting power and value), and disqualified persons own 45 percent. On May 1, 1971, E, a disqualified person, dies leaving 43 percent of the voting stock to F. Assume that distribution was made on June 2, 1972, and that section 4943(c)(5) applies. On May 26, 1969, the substituted combined voting level and the disqualified person voting level are each 50 percent and the permitted holdings are 0 percent (50%50%). On May 1, 1971, and June 1, 1972, these levels remain unchanged. On May 1, 1971, the 43 percent interest is treated as held by a disqualified person for a period extending through May 31, 1982. On May 26, 1979, the foundation voting level increases to 5 percent, the disqualified person voting level decreases to 45 percent, and the permitted holdings are 5 percent (50%45%). On June 1, 1982, the foundation voting level increases to 48 percent, the disqualified person voting level decreases to 2 percent, and the permitted holdings are 48 percent (50%2%). At no time during the second phase for Fs 1969 holdings did all disqualified persons together have holdings in excess of 2 percent of the voting stock of Q. Therefore, the 25 percent limitation of section 4943(c)(4)(D)(i) did not apply.
Interest treated as held by disqualified person (percent) 5 +43 48 48 5 43 43 0 ............ 0 ............ Disqualified persons own (percent) 45 43 2 2 ............ 2 ............ 2 ............ 2 ............
(ii) On July 1, 1993, F sells 6 percent of the stock in Q to a nondisqualified person. This reduces the substituted combined voting level to 44 percent and reduces the permitted holdings to 42 percent (44%2%). If F had not disposed of the 6 percent of the stock in 1993, on May 26, 1994, at the beginning of the third phase for Fs 1969 holdings, F would have had 5 percent excess business holdings. The excess business holdings are 5 percent because although the excess business holdings computed for the third phase are 15 percent (the excess of Fs actual holdings (48%) over the permitted holdings of 33 percent (35%2%)), only 5 percent of the holdings are in this phase and subject to the 35 percent combined holdings limitation. (iii) On July 1, 1995, F sells 10 percent of the stock in Q, thereby reducing the substituted combined voting level to 34 percent and reducing the permitted holdings to 32 percent (34%2%). If F had not disposed of the 10 percent of the stock, on June 1, 1997, at the beginning of the third phase for Fs acquired holdings, F would have had 9 percent excess business holdings (the excess of Fs total holdings in the third phase (42%) over the permitted holdings of 33 percent (35%2%)).
Foundation voting level (percent) Substituted combined voting level (percent) 50 ............ 50 50 ............ 50 ............ 50 6 44 10 Disqualified person voting level (percent) 50 ............ 50 50 5 45 43 2 ............ 2 ............ Permitted holdings (percent)
Fs owns (percent)
May 26, 1969. May 1, 1971 Do ....... June 1, 1972. May 26, 1979. Do ....... June 1, 1982. Do ....... July 1, 1993 Do ....... July 1, 1995
0 ............ 0 0 +5 5 +43 48 6 42 10
0 ............ 0 0 +5 5 +43 43 6 42 10 E dies. Distribution. 2d phase for 5 pct 2d phase for 43 pct. F sells 6 pct. F sells 10 pct.
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Fs owns (percent)
32 32
0 0
32 32
32 32
32 32
Example 6. (i) On May 26, 1969, F, a private foundation, owns 30 percent of the voting stock in R Corporation (voting power and value), and disqualified persons own 20 percent. On August 1, 1978, F disposes of 6 percent of the stock to a nondisqualified person. On May 1, 1981, G, a disqualified person, dies leaving 15 percent of the voting stock to F. Assume that distribution was made on June 1, 1982, and that section 4943(c)(5) applies. On May 26, 1969, the substituted combined voting level and the disqualified person voting level are each 50 percent, and the permitted holdings are 0 percent (50%50%). On August 1, 1978, these levels decrease to 44 percent (50%6%). On May 26, 1979, the foundation voting level increases to 24 percent (30%6%), the disqualified person voting level decreases to 20 percent (44%24%), and the permitted holdings are 24 percent (44%20%). If F had not disposed of the 6 percent of the stock prior to May 26, 1979, on May 26, 1979, the beginning of the second phase for Fs 1969 holdings, Fs permitted holdings would have been 25 percent, the lesser of 25 percent (under section 4943(c)(4)(D)(i)) or 30 percent (50%20%). Since the 30 percent interest would no longer have been treated as held by a disqualified person on such date, F would have had excess business holdings of 5 percent (30%25%). (ii) On May 1, 1981, and June 1, 1982 (assuming F had disposed of the 6 percent holdings),
Interest treated as held by disqualified person (percent) 30 6 24 24 0 +15 15 15 ............ 15 Disqualified persons own (percent)
the foundation voting level, the disqualified person voting level, the substituted combined voting level and permitted holdings remain respectively 24 percent, 20 percent, 44 percent and 24 percent. On May 1, 1981, the 15 percent interest is treated as held by a disqualified person for a period extending through May 31, 1992. On July 1, 1991, F sells 16 percent of the voting stock in R to a nondisqualified person, thereby reducing the substituted combined voting level to 28 percent (44%16%), and reducing the foundation voting level to 8 percent (24%16%). The disqualified person voting level remains at 20 percent. On June 1, 1992, at the beginning of the second phase for Fs holdings acquired by will, the substituted combined voting level remains at 28 percent, the foundation voting level increases to 23 percent (8%+15%) and the disqualified person voting level decreases to 5 percent (20%15%). The permitted holdings on such date are 23 percent (28%5%). If F had not disposed of the 16 percent interest prior to June 1, 1992, Fs permitted holdings would have been 25 percent, the lesser of 25 percent (under section 4943 (c)(4)(D)(i)) or 39 percent (44%5%). Since as of such date, Fs entire holdings of 39 percent would no longer have been treated as held by a disqualified person, F would have had excess business holdings of 14 percent (39%25%).
Foundation voting level (percent) Substituted combined voting level (percent) 50 6 44 ............ 44 ............ 44 44 16 28 Disqualified person voting level (percent) 50 6 44 24 20 ............ 20 20 ............ 20 Permitted holdings (percent)
Fs owns (percent)
May 26, 1969 .... Aug. 1, 1978 ...... Do ............... May 26, 1979 .... Do ............... May 1, 1981 ...... Do ............... June 1, 1982 ..... July 1, 1991 ....... Do ...............
30 6 24 ............ 24 +15 39 39 16 23
30 6 24 ............ 24 ............ 24 24 16 8
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Fs interest 1969 (percent) Fs interest 1981 (percent) Interest treated as held by disqualified person (percent) 15 0 Disqualified persons own (percent) ............ 5 Foundation voting level (percent)
Fs owns (percent)
............ 23
............ 8
............ 15
+15 23
+15 23
Example 7. (i) On May 26, 1969, F, a private foundation, owns 5 percent of the voting stock in S Corporation (voting power and value), and disqualified persons own 45 percent. On May 1, 1980, H, a disqualified person, dies leaving 41 percent of the voting stock to F. Assume that distribution is made on June 1, 1981, and that section 4943(c)(5) applies. On May 26, 1969, the substituted combined voting level and disqualified person voting levels are each 50 percent. On May 26, 1979, the disqualified person voting level decreases to 45 percent, the foundation voting level increases to 5 percent, and the permitted holdings are 5 percent (50%45%). On May 1, 1980, and June 1, 1981, the levels remain the same. Since the 41 percent holdings are treated as held by a disqualified person for the period beginning on May 1, 1980, and extending through May 31, 1991, Fs remaining holdings of 5 percent do not exceed the 25 percent limitation of section 4943(c)(4)(D)(i). (ii) On August 1, 1990, F sells 22 percent of the voting stock of S to a nondisqualified person, reducing the 5 percent foundation
Interest treated as held by disqualified person (percent) 5 5 0 +41 41 41 17 24 24 0 Disqualified persons own (percent) 45 ............ 45 41 4 4 ............ 4 ............ 4
voting level to zero, leaving 17 percent (22%5%) to reduce the disqualified person voting level to 28 percent (45%17%) so that the substituted combined voting level equals 28 percent (50%22%). On June 1, 1991, the beginning of the second phase for the remaining 24 percent (41%17%) of Fs holdings acquired by will, the foundation voting level increases from zero to 24 percent, the disqualified person voting level decreases to 4 percent (28%24%), the substituted combined voting level remains at 28 percent, and the permitted holdings equal 24 percent (28%4%). (iii) If F had not disposed of the 22 percent holdings prior to June 1, 1991, Fs permitted holdings would have been 25 percent, the lesser of 25 percent (under section 4943(c)(4)(D)(i)) or 46 percent (50%4%). Since as of such date, Fs entire holdings of 46 percent would no longer have been treated as held by a disqualified person, F would have had excess business holdings of 21 percent (46%25%).
Foundation voting level (percent) Substituted combined voting level (percent) 50 ............ 50 ............ 50 50 22 28 ............ 28 Disqualified person voting level (percent) 50 5 45 ............ 45 45 17 28 24 4 Permitted holdings (percent
F owns (percent)
May 26, 1969. Do ....... May 26, 1969. May 1, 1980 Do ....... June 1, 1981. Aug. 1, 1990. Do ....... June 1, 1991. Do .......
0 +5 5 ............ 5 5 5 0 +24 24
0 +5 5 ............ 5 5 5 0 +24 24 2d phase for 5 pct. H dies. Distribution. F disposes of 22 pct. 2d phase for 24 pct.
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tion 4943(c)(6) to the foundations interest in such enterprise)) would be subject to the 25 percent limit prescribed by section 4943(c)(4)(D) after the expiration of the first phase, such holdings shall be treated as subject to such percentage limitation for purposes of determining excess business holdings. For example, if a private foundation in 1978 has present holdings of 28 percent in a busines enterprise to which section 4943(c)(4) applies, and such holdings would exceed the 25 percent limit of section 4943(c)(4)(D)(i) on May 26, 1979, a gift of 5 percent to the foundation in 1978 of an interest in such enterprise shall not prevent the 3 percent (28%25%) excess over the 25 percent limit from constituting excess business holdings on May 26, 1979, if on such date disqualified persons hold more than a 2 percent interest in such enterprise (and no other transaction has taken place). (2) Acquisitions that are not purchases. Section 4943(c)(6) does not apply if a change in holdings in a business enterprise is the result of a purchase by the private foundation or a disqualified person. For purposes of subparagraph (a) of this paragraph, the term purchase shall not include any acquisition by gift, devise, bequest, legacy, or interstate succession. Paragraph (d) of this section provides rules for the treatment of increases in holdings received in a readjustment (as defined in 53.49437(d)(1)). (3) Examples. The provisions of paragraph (a) of this section may be illustrated by the following examples:
Example 1. On January 4, 1985, A, an individual, makes a contribution to F, a private foundation, of 200 shares of X Corporation common stock. Assume that F had no X stock before January 4, 1985, and under section 4943(c)(1) the receipt of the X stock by F would cause some or all of the 200 shares of the X stock to be classified as excess business holdings. Under the provisions of section 4943(c)(6)(A) and this paragraph (a), since the contribution of the X stock to F is a gift and not a purchase, the X stock in Fs hands is treated as held by disqualified persons and not by F through January 3, 1990. Example 2. Assume the facts as stated in Example (1) except that F receives the X stock as a bequest pursuant to the terms of As will executed on April 1, 1980. A dies on June 3, 1984, and the stock is distributed to F on February 16, 1985. As in Example (1), the
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bequest of X to F is not a purchase under this paragraph (a). Consequently, the X stock in Fs hands is treated as held by disqualified persons and not by F through February 15, 1990. Example 3. On February 1, 1980, F, a private foundation, owns 15 percent of the voting stock of X Corporation, and disqualified persons own 4 percent of the voting stock of X Corporation. On February 2, 1980, B, a nondisqualified person, contributes 8 percent of the voting stock of X to F in a transaction to which section 4943(c)(5) does not apply. Assuming that the 35 percent limit of section 4943(c)(2)(B) does not apply, under the provisions of section 4943(c)(6)(A) and paragraph (a) of this section the 23 percent voting stock owned by F on such date is treated as held by a disqualified person through February 1, 1985, since F would have had excess business holdings of 7 percent as a result of the contribution (23% actual holdings less 16% (20%4%) permitted holdings). On March 1, 1984, C, another nondisqualified person, contributes 6 percent of the voting stock of X Corporation to F. But for this second contribution and the resulting application of section 4943(c)(6) to Fs interest in X, F would have excess business holdings of 7 percent (23%16%) within the five-year period beginning on the date of such contribution. Accordingly, under section 4943(c)(6)(B) and paragraph (a) of this section, all 29 percent (6%+23%) of the stock held by F on March 1, 1984, will be treated as held by a disqualified person until March 1, 1989, except that 7 percent will cease to be so treated on February 2, 1985. If prior to February 2, 1985, no further transactions occurred in the stock of X, F would have excess business holdings of 7 percent subject to the initial tax, since the amount still treated as held by disqualified persons (29%7%) plus the amount actually held by disqualified persons (4%) already exceed 20 percent.
(b) Special rules for acquisitions by will or trust(1) In general. In the case of an acquisition of holdings in a business enterprise by a private foundation pursuant to the terms of a will or trust, the five-year period described in section 4943(c)(6) and in this section shall not commence until the date on which the distribution of such holdings from the estate or trust to the foundation occurs. See 53.49435(b)(1) for rules relating to the determination of the date of distribution under the terms of a will or trust. For purposes of this subparagraph, holdings in a business enterprise will not be treated as acquired by a private foundation pursuant to the terms of a will where the holdings in the business enterprise were not
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holdings resulting from the purchase by the disqualified person.
(c) Exceptions. (1) Section 4943(c)(6) and this section shall not apply to any transfer of holdings in a business enterprise by one private foundation to another private foundation which is related to the first foundation within the meaning of section 4946(a)(1)(H). (2) Section 4943(c)(6) and this section shall not apply to an increase in the holdings of a private foundation in a business enterprise that is part of a plan whereby disqualified persons will purchase additional holdings in the same enterprise during the five-year period beginning on the date of such change, e.g., to maintain control of such enterprise, since such increase shall be treated as caused in part by the purchase of such additional holdings. (3) The purchase of holdings by an entity whose holdings are treated as constructively owned by a foundation, its disqualified persons, or both, under section 4943(d)(1) shall be treated as a purchase by a disqualified person if the foundation, its disqualified persons or both have effective control of the entity or otherwise can control the purchase. For example, if a foundation is the beneficiary of a specific bequest of $20,000 and its consent is required for the estate to make a purchase using such cash, then a purchase by the estate using such cash would be treated as a purchase by a disqualified person. Similarly, if an executor of an estate is a disqualified person with respect to a private foundation, any purchase by the estate would be treated as a purchase by a disqualified person. (4) If a private foundation, its disqualified persons, or both, hold an interest in specific property under the terms of a will or trust, and if the private foundation, its disqualified persons, or both, consent or otherwise agree to the substitution of holdings in a business enterprise for such specific property, such holdings shall be treated as acquired by purchase by a disqualified person. For example, if a private foundation is the beneficiary of a specific bequest of $20,000 and the private foundation agrees to accept certain of the estates holdings in a business enterprise in satisfaction of such
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specific bequest, such holdings will be treated as acquired by purchase by a disqualified person even if such holdings were held by the decedent. (d) Readjustments and distributions(1) General rule. Except as otherwise provided in subparagraph (2) of this paragraph, any increase in holdings in a business enterprise that is the result of a readjustment (as defined in 53.4943 7(d)(1)) shall be treated as acquired other than by purchase. However, holdings that are attributable to holdings owned by the private foundation that would have been excess business holdings except for the fact that such holdings were treated as held by a disqualified person prior to the readjustment shall in no event be treated as held by a disqualified person after the date on which the holdings to which the change is attributable would have ceased to be treated as held by a disqualified person. (2) Exceptions. Any increase in holdings in a business enterprise that is the result of a readjustment (as defined in 53.49437(d)(1)), including any change resulting from application of the rule in 53.49438(c)(3), shall be treated as occurring by purchase by a disqualified person: (i) To the extent the increase is attributable to holdings that were excess business holdings prior to the readjustment, and separately (ii) To the full extent of the increase if the readjustment includes a prohibited transaction, unless the foundation establishes to the satisfaction of the Commissoner that effective control of all parties to the transaction was, at the time of the transaction, in one or more persons (other than the foundation) who are not disqualified persons with respect to the foundation. See 53.49437(d)(2) for the definition of prohibited transaction. (3) Section 4943(c)(6) holdings. If, immediately prior to a readjustment (as defined in 53.49437(d)(1)), a private foundation has holdings in a business enterprise that are treated under section 4943(c)(6) as held by a disqualified person, then any holdings in a business enterprise that are received in the readjustment in exchange for such section 4943(c)(6) holdings shall be treated as the holdings surrendered in the ex-
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, the portion of the increased holdings in Y attributable to Fs 20% holdings in X) the increased holdings will be treated as held by disqualified person only through April 30, 1995, since this is the latest date on which Fs original 40% interest in X would have been treated as held by disqualified persons. The remaining 30% interest in Y will be treated as held by disqualified persons for five years from the date of the exchange (through May 31, 1997).
(e) Constructive holdings. Any change in holdings in a business enterprise that occurs because a corporation ceases to be actively engaged in a trade or business, thus causing its holdings to be constructively owned by its shareholders, shall be treated as acquired other than by purchase. (f) Certain transactions treated as purchases; cross references. For the application of section 4943(c)(6) to holdings that were not an interest in a business enterprise when acquired but that subsequently become holdings in a business enterprise, see 53.494310(d)(2).
[T.D. 7496, 42 FR 46285, Sept. 15, 1977, as amended by T.D. 7944, 49 FR 6479, Feb. 22, 1984]
53.49437 Special rules for readjustments involving grandfathered holdings. (a) General rules(1) Readjustments. Except to the extent provided in paragraph (b) of this section, if a private foundation, its disqualified persons, or both together have holdings in a corporation to which section 4943(c) (4) or (5) applies, stock of a corporation received by the foundation, its disqualified persons, or both together in a readjustment (as defined in paragraph (d)(1) of this section) in exchange for such holdings to which section 4943 (c) (4) or (5) applies shall be treated, for purposes of section 4943 (c) (4) or (5), as the stock surrendered in the exchange. (2) No exchange necessary. Paragraph (a)(1) of this section shall apply to all readjustments even if no exchange occurs. For purposes of this section, all stock held (directly or indirectly) before a readjustment in any corporation involved in the readjustment shall be treated as stock surrendered in the readjustment and all stock held (directly or indirectly) after the readjustment in
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any corporation involved in the readjustment shall be treated as stock received in the readjustment in exchange for the stock treated as surrendered. (b) Exceptions and limitations(1) Limitation on increases in percentage of voting stock. (i) If the percentage of voting stock in a business enterprise owned (directly or indirectly) by a private foundation by reason of its ownership of stock received in an exchange described in paragraph (a) of this section exceeds the greatest percentage of voting stock in any business enterprise owned (directly or indirectly) by the private foundation prior to such exchange by reason of its ownership of the stock surrendered by it in the exchange, then: (A) That portion of the stock received by the private foundation in the exchange which represents such excess is to be treated as an increase in the holdings of the private foundation in accordance with 53.49436 (d), and (B) Only the remaining portion of the stock received by the private foundation in the exchange shall be treated as the stock surrendered by the private foundation in the exchange. (ii) If the sum of the percentage of voting stock in a business enterprise owned (directly or indirectly) by disqualified persons by reason of their ownership of stock received in an exchange described in paragraph (a) of this section plus the percentage of voting stock in the business enterprise owned (directly or indirectly) by the private foundation by reason of its ownership of stock received in the exchange and treated as the stock surrendered under paragraph (b) (1) (i) of this section exceeds the greatest percentage of voting stock in any business enterprise owned (directly or indirectly) by the private foundation and its disqualified person in combination by reason of their ownership of the stock surrendered by them in the exchange, then: (A) That portion of the stock received by the disqualified persons in the exchange which represents such excess is to be treated as an increase in the holdings of the disqualified persons in accordance with 53.49436(d), and (B) Only the remaining portion of the stock received by the disqualified persons in the exchange is to be treated as
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level immediately prior to the exchange with respect to the stock surrendered in the exchange and each such respective level determined immediately after the exchange by taking into account only the stock received in the exchange that is treated under this paragraph as the stock surrendered in the exchange. If the stock of more than one corporation is surrendered in exchange for stock of one corporation, the highest of each voting or value level determined immediately prior to the exchange with respect to the stock of the corporations surrendered in the exchange shall be treated as such level immediately prior to the exchange. (6) Determination of phases(i) In general. Stock received in an exchange described in paragraph (a) of this section that is treated as stock surrendered in the exchange under this paragraph shall be treated as subject to the same first, second, and third phases that were applicable to the stock surrendered for it. For purposes of determining the applicable phases, stock received in an exchange shall be treated as received in exchange for particular holdings of stock surrendered based on the terms of the exchange. Where only a portion of the stock received is treated as the stock surrendered, such portion of the stock received shall be treated as exchanged for particular holdings of stock surrendered in the same proportions as the total stock received was exchanged for particular holdings of stock surrendered. For example, if 20 shares of X stock owned by a private foundation, subject to a first phase beginning on January 1, 1978 and ending on December 31, 1987, are exchanged for 20 shares of Y stock, and 40 shares of X stock owned by the private foundation, subject to a first phase beginning on June 1, 1980 and ending on May 31, 1990, are exchanged for 40 shares of Y stock, then 13 of the Y stock received by the private foundation is treated as received in exchanged for X stock having the January 1, 1978 December 31, 1987 first phase and 23 of the Y stock received by the private foundation is treated as received in exchange for the X stock having the June 1, 1980May 31, 1990 first phase. If only 30 shares of the Y stock received by the private foundation are treated as the
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stock surrendered, then 13 (10 Y shares) will be subject to the January 1, 1978 December 31, 1987 first phase and 23 (20 Y shares) will be subject to the June 1, 1980May 31, 1990 first phase. (ii) Transitional rule. In any case in which holdings subject to section 4943(c)(4) or 4943(c)(5) have been consolidated prior to May 22, 1984, then the longest first phase applicable to any of the holdings surrendered in the consolidation shall be applied to the holdings received by the foundation in the consolidation that are treated as the holdings surrendered in the consolidation. For purposes of this clause, a consolidation is any readjustment that results in a reduction in the number of entities in which the foundation has direct holdings. (c) Plan to dispose of excess business holdings. (1) Notwithstanding 53.4943 4(d)(i)(4)(D) (relating to restrictions on increases in levels) and paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section, if a readjustment occurs under an approved plan to dispose of stock to which section 4943(c) (4) or (5) applies, in order to meet the requirements of section 4943(c)(4) (i.e., to meet the reduced limits that will be applicable after the first phase holding period described in 53.49434(c)) or to meet the requirements of section 4943(c)(2), all of the stock received in the readjustment shall be treated as held by disqualified persons through the end of the longest first phase holding period applicable to stock surrendered in the readjustment. The foundation and substituted combined voting and value levels shall not be increased on account of the readjustment. (2) For purposes of this paragraph, a plan is an approved plan only if it is approved by the Commissioner and may be subject to such conditions as the Commissioner determines. A plan must be approved prior to any exchange or distribution pursuant to the plan except for a showing of good cause such as a business emergency. (d) Definitions(1) Readjustments. For purposes of this section, the term readjustment includes, but is not limited to: (i) A merger or consolidation; (ii) A recapitalization; (iii) An acquisition of stock or assets;
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downward ratchet of paragraph (a)(5) of this section, the foundation voting and value levels and the substituted combined voting and value levels are reduced to 25%. Example 2. (i) F, a private foundation, owns 100% of the one outstanding class of stock in X corporation and 30% of the one outstanding class of stock in Y corporation. F has held this stock continuously since 1960, and no disqualified person has even owned any stock in X or Y. Under section 4943(c)(4), Fs holdings in X are treated as held by disqualified persons through the end of the first phase on May 25, 1989, and Fs holdings in Y are permitted holdings during the second phase, which began on May 25, 1989, and Fs holdings in Y are permitted holdings during the second phase, which began on May 26, 1979. On January 1, 1985, X and Y consolidate, forming a new corporation Z. In the consolidation, F acquires 50% of the one class of outstanding stock of Z, 40% in exchange for Fs 100% interest in X and 10% in exchange for Fs 30% interest in Y. Unrelated parties hold the remaining 50% of Z. (ii) Fs percentage of voting power and value in Z after the merger (50%) are less than Fs percentages of voting power and value in X before the merger (100%). Thus, under paragraph (a)(1) of this section, the 50% interest in Z held by F is treated as the stock surrendered in the exchange for purposes of section 4943(c)(4). Under paragraph (b)(6) of this section, the 10% interest in Z received for the Y stock is subject to the same second phase period as the surrendered Y stock. The 40% interest first phase period as the surrendered X stock. Example 3. (i) F, a private foundation, owns 50% of the one class of outstanding stock in X corporation which F has held continuously since 1935. No disqualified person with respect to F owns any stock in X. Neither F nor any disqualified person with respect to F owns any stock in Y corporation. On July 1, 1982, X and Y enter into an agreement to consolidate their businesses in a reorganization to which section 368(a)(1)(A) will apply. As a result of the contemplated consolidation, F will own 60% of the voting stock in Z, the resulting corporation. In addition, parties unrelated to F will own the remaining 40% of the Z voting stock and 100% of a new issue of nonvoting preferred stock in Z. Assume for purposes of this example, that the 60% of the voting stock to be held by F in Z will represent 50% of the fair market value of the outstanding Z stock. (ii) Under the provisions of paragraph (b)(1) of this section, that portion of the Z stock held by F which represents a percentage of voting power equivalent to that held by F in X immediately prior to the consolidation (i.e., 50%) will be treated as the X stock held by F on May 26, 1969, for purposes of section 4943(c)(4). Therefore, 50% of the Y stock will
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be treated as subject to a second phase ending on May 25, 1994. The remaining portion of the Z voting stock held by F (10%) is subject to the provisions of 53.49436(d)(1). F will have five years from the date of the merger in which to dispose of 10% of the Z stock without incurring the tax on excess business holdings. Example 4. (i) F, a private foundation, owns 80% of the one class of outstanding stock in X corporation, an active business corporation. F has held this stock continuously since 1960 and no disqualified person with respect to F owns any stock in X. X has two operating divisions, one which manufacturers shoes and the other which manufactures refrigerators. On January 1, 1978, in a section 351(a) exchange, X transferred all of the assets of its shoe manufacturing division to Y, a corporation which X has formed for this purpose, and receives 100% of the stock of Y so that Y is a wholly-owned subsidiary of X. X then transfers all of the Y stock to F in exchange for all of Fs holdings of X stock in a distribution to which section 355 applies. (ii) Under paragraph (b)(1) of this section, 80% of the Y stock is treated as the X stock surrendered in the exchange for purposes of section 4943(c)(4). The 80% is treated under 53.49434(c) as held by disqualified persons through May 25, 1984, which constitutes the 15-year first phase holding period applicable to the 80% holding in X. The 80% of the Y stock must be reduced to the permitted holdings allowed during the second and third phase as provided by section 4943(c)(4)(D) in the same manner as Fs holdings of X stock would have had to have been reduced. (iii) Under 53.49436(d)(1), the remaining 20% of Y stock is treated as held by a disqualified person for five years from the date of the exchange. F will have five years from the date of the exchange in which to dispose of 20% of the Y stock without incurring the tax on excess business holdings. Example 5. (i) X corporation, an active business corporation, has outstanding 1,000 shares of one class of stock, of which 600 shares have been held by F1, a private foundation; 100 shares have been held by F2, another private foundation; and 100 shares have been held by D, a disqualified person with respect to both F1 and F2. Unrelated parties hold the remaining 200 shares. F1 and F2 are disqualified persons with respect to each other under section 4946(a)(1)(H). Thus, F1 holds 60% of the X stock (600/1000); F2 and D each hold 10% (100/1000); and the foundation group (F1, F2 and D) holds 80% of X (800/1000). The holdings of F1 and F2 were acquired on January 1, 1980 pursuant to a pre-1969 will and are subject to section 4943(c)(5). There have been no changes in holdings since January 1, 1980. (ii) On January 1, 1985, pursuant to a plan to dispose of excess business holdings approved by the Commissioner under para-
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(2) Powers of appointment. Any interest in business enterprise over which a foundation or a disqualified person has a power of appointment exercisable in favor of the foundation or a disqualified person shall be considered owned by the foundation or disqualified person holding such power of appointment. (3) Determination of extent of constructive ownership. If an interest in a business enterprise owned by a corporation is constructively owned by a shareholder, each shareholders proportion of ownership is generally computed on the basis of the voting stock each shareholder has in the corporation. In determining holdings permitted under section 4943(c) (4) and (5), each shareholders proportion of ownership in the business enterprise shall also be computed on the basis of value, taking into account both voting and nonvoting stock held by the shareholder. (4) Nonvoting stock. If a private foundation, its disqualified persons, or both, own (directly or constructively) nonvoting stock of a parent corporation, the holdings of which are treated as constructively owned by its shareholders by reason of section 4943(d)(1) and this section, such nonvoting stock shall be treated as nonvoting stock of any corporation in which the parent corporation holds an interest for purposes of the limitation on the holding of nonvoting stock under section 4943(c)(2)(A) and 53.49433(b)(2). (5) Interests held by certain disqualified persons. In the case of an entity that is a disqualified person (other than an entity described in section 4946(a)(1)(H)), the holdings of which are treated as constructively owned by its shareholders, partners, or beneficiaries, for purposes of determining the total holdings of disqualified persons the holdings of the entity shall be considered held by a disqualified person only to the extent such holdings are treated as constructively owned by disqualified persons who are shareholders, partners, or beneficiaries of the entity. In the case of an entity described in section 4946(a)(1)(H) or an entity, the holdings of which are not treated as constructively owned by its shareholders, partners, or beneficiaries, all holdings of such entity shall be treated as held by
(a) Constructive ownership(1) In general. For purposes of section 4943, in computing the holdings in a business enterprise of a private foundation, or a disqualified person (as defined in section 4946), any stock or other interest owned, directly or indirectly, by or for a corporation, partnership, estate or trust shall be considered as being owned proportionately by or for its shareholders, partners, or beneficiaries except as otherwise provied paragraphs (b), (c) and (d) of this section. Any interest in a business enterprise actually or constructively owned by a shareholder of a corporation, a partner of a partnership, or beneficiary of an estate or trust shall not be considered as constructively held by the corporation, partnership, trust or estate. Further, if any corporation, partnership, estate or trust has a warrant or other option to acquire an interest in a business enterprise, such interest is not deemed to be constructively owned by such entity until the option is exercised. (See paragraph (b)(2) of 53.49433 for rules that options are not stock for purposes of determining excess business holdings.)
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a disqualified person if and only if the entity itself is a disqualified person. (b) Estates and trusts(1) In general. Any interest actually or constructively owned by an estate or trust is deemed constructively owned, in the case of an estate, by its beneficiaries or, in the case of a trust, by its remainder beneficiaries except as provided in paragraphs (b) (2), (3) and (4) of this section (relating to certain split-interest trusts described in section 4947(a)(2), to trusts of qualified pension, profit-sharing, and stock bonus plans described in section 401(a) and to revocable trusts). Thus, if a trust owns 100 percent of the stock of a corporation A, and if, on an actuarial basis, Ws life interest in the trust is 15 percent, Ys life interest is 25 percent, and Zs remainder interest is 60 percent, under this paragraph (b), Z will be considered to be the owner of 100 percent of the stock of corporation A. See 53.49434, 53.49435 and 53.49436 for rules relating to certain actual or constructive holdings of a foundation being treated as held by a disqualified person. For the treatment of certain property acquired by an estate or trust after May 26, 1969, see paragraph (a)(2) of 53.49435. (2) Split-interest trusts(i) Amounts transferred in trust after May 26, 1969. In the case of an interest in a business enterprise which was transferred to a trust described in section 4947(a)(2) after May 26, 1969, for the benefit of a private foundation, no portion of such interest shall be considered as owned by the private foundation: (A) If the foundation holds only an income interest in the trust, or (B) If the foundation holds only a remainder interest in the trust (unless the foundation can exercise primary investment discretion with respect to such interest) until such trust ceases to be so described. See section 4947(a)(2) and (b)(3) and the regulations thereunder for rules relating to such trusts. See also sections 4946(a)(1) (G) and (H) and the regulations thereunder for rules relating to when a trust described in this paragraph (b)(2) is itself a disqualified person. (ii) Amounts transferred in trust on or before May 26, 1969. In the case of an interest in a business enterprise which
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voting stock of X that represents 40% of the voting power in X and 20% of the value. D does not own any nonvoting stock in X. X corporations only holding is stock of Y corporation. The Y voting stock held by X represents 50% of the voting power in Y and 25% of the value of all outstanding shares of all classes of stock in Y. X also owns nonvoting stock in Y that represents 25% of the value of all outstanding shares of all classes of stock in Y. Under paragraph (a)(3) of this section, F and D each constructively owns 20% of the voting power in Y through their voting interest in X (40% of Xs 50% of Y). F also constructively owns 15% of the value of all outstanding shares of all classes of stock in Y through Fs interest in X (Fs 30% of the value of X multiplied by Xs 50% of the value of Y), while D constructively owns 10% of the value of Y (Ds 20% of the value of X multiplied by Xs 50% of the value of Y). Example 2. (i) F, a private foundation, owns 50% of the one class of nonvoting stock of X corporation, a corporation described in section 4943(d)(3)(B) and paragraph (c)(2)(i) above. D, a disqualified person with respect to F as described in section 4946(a)(1)(A), owns 40% of the one class of voting stock of X. X corporation is a disqualified person with respect to F because D owns more than 35% of the voting of X. (See section 4946(a)(1)(E)). On January 1, 1980, X purchases for cash 40% of the only class of stock of Y corporation, a retail clothing store, from unrelated third parties. (ii) Under paragraph (a)(4) of this section, F is treated as owning nonvoting stock of Y. Although X is a disqualified person, its holdings are not treated as held by disqualified persons except as constructive holdings. Therefore, the deemed nonvoting stock in Y is a permitted holding because D, a disqualified person with respect to F, constructively owns only 16% of the voting stock of Y (less than 20% permitted under section 4943(c)(2)). Example 3. (i) The facts are the same as in Example (2), except that X purchases 100% of this stock of Y corporation. Under paragraph (a)(4) of this section, F is treated as owning nonvoting stock of Y. The deemed nonvoting stock in Y is not a permitted holdings because D, a disqualified person with respect to F, constructively owns 40% of the voting stock of Y. Example 4. (i) D, a disqualified person with respect to F, owns 40% of the one class of stock in X corporation, an active business. X is a disqualified person with respect to F. X acquires 40% of the voting stock in Y corporation. Under paragraph (a)(5) of this section, the holdings of X in Y are treated as
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held by a disqualified person. F cannot hold any Y stock, voting or nonvoting. [T.D. 7496, 42 FR 46285, Sept. 15, 1977, as amended by T.D. 7944, 49 FR 6484, Feb. 22, 1984]
53.49439 Business holdings; certain periods. (a) Taxable period(1) In general. For purposes of section 4943, the term taxable period means, with respect to any excess business holdings of a private foundation in a business enterprise, the period beginning with the first day on which there are such excess business holdings and ending on the earliest of: (i) The date of mailing of a notice of deficiency under section 6212 with respect to the tax imposed on the holdings by the section 4943(a); (ii) The date on which the excess is eliminated; or (iii) The date on which the tax imposed by section 4943(a) is assessed. For example, M, a private foundation, first has excess business holdings in X, a corporation, on February 5, 1972. A notice of deficiency is mailed under section 6212 to M on June 1, 1974. With respect to M s excess business holdings in X, the taxable period begins on February 5, 1972, and ends on June 1, 1974. (2) Special rule. Where a notice of deficiency referred to in subparagraph (1)(i) of this paragraph is not mailed because there is a waiver of the restrictions on assessment and collection of a deficiency, or because the deficiency is paid, the date of filing of the waiver or the date of such payment, respectively, shall be treated as the end of the taxable period. (3) Suspension of taxable period for 90 days. In any case in which a private foundation has excess business holdings solely because of the acquisition of an interest in a business enterprise to which paragraph (a)(1) (ii) or (iii) of 53.49432 applies, the taxable period described in paragraph (a) of this section shall be suspended for the 90-day period (as extended) starting with the date on which the foundation knows or has reason to know of the acquisition, provided that at the end of such period the foundation has disposed of such excess holdings.
53.494310 Business enterprise; definition. (a) In general. (1) Except as provided in paragraph (b) or (c) of this section under section 4943(d)(4) the term business enterprise includes the active conduct of a trade or business, including any activity which is regularly carried on for the production of income from the sale of goods or the performance of services and which constitutes an unrelated trade or business under section 513. For purposes of the preceding sentence, where an activity carried on for profit constitutes an unrelated trade or business, no part of such trade or business shall be excluded from the classification of a business enterprise merely because it does not result in a profit. (2) Notwithstanding paragraph (a)(1) of this section, a bond or other evidence of indebtedness does not constitute a holding in a business enterprise unless such bond or evidence of indebtedness is otherwise determined to be an equitable interest in such enterprise. Similarly, a lease-hold interest in real property does not constitute
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under this paragraph does not lose its character merely because section 512(b)(4) or 514 (relating to unrelated debt-financed income) applies to such income. In addition, income from passive sources includes income from the sale of goods (including charges or costs passed on at cost to purchasers of such goods or income received in settlement of a dispute concerning or in lieu of the exercise of the right to sell such goods) if the seller does not manufacture, produce, physically receive or deliver, negotiate sales of, or maintain inventories in such goods. Thus, for example, where a corporation purchases a product under a contract with the manufacturer, resells it under contract at a uniform markup in price, and does not physically handle the product, the income derived from that markup meets the definition of passive income for purposes of this paragraph. On the other hand, income from individually negotiated sales, such as those made by a broker, would not meet such definition even if the broker did not physically handle the goods. (3) Affiliated group. (i) For a common parent corporation in an affiliated group, substitute consolidated gross income in subparagraph (1) of this paragraph. (ii) For purposes of this section, the term affiliated group shall have the same meaning as in section 1504(a), without regard to section 1504 (b) through (e). (iii) Section 53.494311(d) provides a transitional rule for certain parent corporations. (d) Application of section 4943(c)(6)(1) Program related activities. If a private foundation holds an interest which is not an interest in a business enterprise because of paragraph (b) of this section (relating to program related activities), and such interest later becomes an interest in a business enterprise solely by reason of failing to meet the requirements of such paragraph (b), such interest will then be subject to section (regardless of when it was originally acquired) and will be treated as having been acquired other than by purchase for purposes of section 4943(c)(6). (2) Passive holdings, etc. (i) Except as provided in subdivision (ii), if a private
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foundation holds an interest that is not an interest in a business enterprise, and the interest later becomes an interest in a business enterprise (other than by reason of a readjustment as defined in 53.49437(d)(1)), the interest will be treated as having been acquired by purchase by a disqualified person at the time the interest becomes an interest in a business enterprise. The treatment of an interest that becomes an interest in a business enterprise by reason of a readjustment shall be determined under 53.49436 and 53.49437. (ii) If a private foundation establishes that the events which caused an interest not originally a business enterprise to become a business enterprise were not effectively controlled by the private foundation, then such interest shall be treated as acquired other than by purchase from the time of the change for purposes of section 4943(c)(6). (iii) See 53.49433(b)(3)(ii) for the definition of effective control. (e) Sole proprietorship. For purposes of section 4943 and the regulations thereunder, the term sole proprietorship means any business enterprise (as defined in paragraphs (a), (b), and (c) of this section: (1) Which is actually and directly owned by a private foundation, (2) In which the foundation has a 100 percent equity interest, and (3) Which is not held by a corporation, trust, or other business entity for such foundation. A foundation may be considered to own a sole proprietorship even though the foundation is itself a corporation or a trust. However, a sole proprietorship which is owned by a foundation shall cease to be treated as a sole proprietorship when the foundation no longer has a 100-percent interest in the equity of the business enterprise. Thus, if and when a foundation sells a 10-percent interest in a sole proprietorship, such business enterprise shall be treated as a partnership under section 4943 and the regulations thereunder.
[T.D. 7496, 42 FR 46285, Sept. 15, 1977, as amended by T.D. 7944, 49 FR 6484, Feb. 22, 1984]
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be considered to jeopardize the carrying out of the exempt purposes of a private foundation if it is determined that the foundation managers, in making such investment, have failed to exercise ordinary business care and prudence, under the facts and circumstances prevailing at the time of making the investment, in providing for the long- and short-term financial needs of the foundation to carry out its exempt purposes. In the exercise of the requisite standard of care and prudence the foundation managers may take into account the expected return (including both income and appreciation of capital), the risks of rising and falling price levels, and the need for diversification within the investment portfolio (for example, with respect to type of security, type of industry, maturity of company, degree of risk and potential for return). The determination whether the investment of a particular amount jeopardizes the carrying out of the exempt purposes of a foundation shall be made on an investment by investment basis, in each case taking into account the foundations portfolio as a whole. No category of investments shall be treated as a per se violation of section 4944. However, the following are examples of types or methods of investment which will be closely scrutinized to determine whether the foundation managers have met the requisite standard of care and prudence: Trading in securities on margin, trading in commodity futures, investments in working interests in oil and gas wells, the purchase of puts, calls, and straddles, the purchase of warrants, and selling short. The determination whether the investment of any amount jeopardizes the carrying out of a foundations exempt purposes is to be made as of the time that the foundation makes the investment and not subsequently on the basis of hindsight. Therefore, once it has been ascertained that an investment does not jeopardize the carrying out of a foundations exempt purposes, the investment shall never be considered to jeopardize the carrying out of such purposes, even though, as a result of such investment, the foundation subsequently realizes a loss. The provisions of section 4944 and the regulations thereunder shall not
Initial taxes.
(a) On the private foundation(1) In general. If a private foundation (as defined in section 509) invests any amount in such a manner as to jeopardize the carrying out of any of its exempt purposes, section 4944(a) (1) of the Code imposes an excise tax on the making of such investment. This tax is to be paid by the private foundation and is at the rate of 5 percent of the amount so invested for each taxable year (or part thereof) in the taxable period (as defined in section 4944(e) (1)). The tax imposed by section 4944(a)(1) and this paragraph shall apply to investments of either income or principal. (2) Jeopardizing investments. (i) Except as provided in section 4944(c), 53.4944 3, 53.49446(a), and subdivision (ii) of this subparagraph, an investment shall
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exempt or relieve any person from compliance with any Federal or State law imposing any obligation, duty, responsibility, or other standard of conduct with respect to the operation or administration of an organization or trust to which section 4944 applies. Nor shall any State law exempt or relieve any person from any obligation, duty, responsibility, or other standard of conduct provided in section 4944 and the regulations thereunder. (ii)(a) Section 4944 shall not apply to an investment made by any person which is later gratuitously transferred to a private foundation. If such foundation furnishes any consideration to such person upon the transfer, the foundation will be treated as having made an investment (within the meaning of section 4944(a)(1)) in the amount of such consideration. (b) Section 4944 shall not apply to an investment which is acquired by a private foundation solely as a result of a corporate reorganization within the meaning of section 368(a). (iii) For purposes of section 4944, a private foundation which, after December 31, 1969, changes the form or terms of an investment (regardless of whether subdivision (ii) of this subparagraph applies to such investment), will be considered to have entered into a new investment on the date of such change, except as provided in subdivision (ii)(b) of this subparagraph. Accordingly, a determination, under subdivision (i) of this subparagraph, whether such change in the investment jeopardizes the carrying out of the foundations exempt purposes shall be made at such time. (iv) It is not intended that the taxes imposed under Chapter 42 be exclusive. For example, if a foundation purchases a sole proprietorship in a business enterprise within the meaning of section 4943(d)(4), in addition to tax under section 4943, the foundation may be liable for tax under section 4944 if the investment jeopardizes the carrying out of any of its exempt purposes. (b) On the management(1) In general. In any case in which a tax is imposed by section 4944(a)(1) and paragraph (a) of this section, section 4944 (a)(2) of the Code imposes on the participation of any foundation manager in the making
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will ordinarily be considered due to reasonable cause within the meaning of section 4944(a)(2). For purposes of this subdivision, a written legal opinion will be considered reasoned even if it reaches a conclusion which is subsequently determined to be incorrect so long as such opinion addresses itself to the facts and applicable law. However, a written legal opinion will not be considered reasoned if it does nothing more than recite the facts and express a conclusion. However, the absence of advice of legal counsel or qualified investment counsel with respect to the investment shall not, by itself, give rise to any inference that a foundation manager participated in such investment knowingly, willfully, or without reasonable cause. (vi) Cross reference. For provisions relating to the burden of proof in cases involving the issue whether a foundation manager has knowingly participated in the making of a jeopardizing investment, see section 7454(b). (c) Examples. The provisions of this section may be illustrated by the following examples:
Example 1. A is a foundation manager of B, a private foundation with assets of $100,000. A approves the following three investments by B after taking into account with respect to each of them Bs portfolio as a whole: (1) An investment of $5,000 in the common stock of corporation X; (2) an investment of $10,000 in the common stock of corporation Y; and (3) an investment of $8,000 in the common stock of corporation Z. Corporation X has been in business a considerable time, its record of earnings is good and there is no reason to anticipate a diminution of its earnings. Corporation Y has a promising product, has had earnings in some years and substantial losses in others, has never paid a dividend, and is widely reported in investment advisory services as seriously undercapitalized. Corporation Z has been in business a short period of time and manufactures a product that is new, is not sold by others, and must compete with a well-established alternative product that serves the same purpose. Zs stock is classified as a high-risk investment by most investment advisory services with the possibility of substantial longterm appreciation but with little prospect of a current return. A has studied the records of the three corporations and knows the foregoing facts. In each case the price per share of common stock purchased by B is favorable to B. Under the standards of paragraph (a)(2)(i) of this section, the investment of
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$10,000 in the common stock of Y and the investment of $8,000 in the common stock of Z may be classified as jeopardizing investments, while the investment of $5,000 in the common stock of X will not be so classified. B would then be liable for an initial tax of $500 (i.e., 5 percent of $10,000) for each year (or part thereof) in the taxable period for the investment in Y, and an initial tax of $400 (i.e., 5 percent of $8,000) for each year (or part thereof) in the taxable period for the investment in Z. Further, since A had actual knowledge that the investments in the common stock of Y and Z were jeopardizing investments, A would then be liable for the same amount of initial taxes as B. Example 2. Assume the facts as stated in Example (1), except that: (1) In the case of corporation Y, Bs investment will be made for new stock to be issued by Y and there is reason to anticipate that Bs investment, together with investments required by B to be made concurrently with its own, will satisfy the capital needs of corporation Y and will thereby overcome the difficulties that have resulted in Ys uneven earnings record; and (2) in the case of corporation Z, the management has a demonstrated capacity for getting new businesses started successfully and Z has received substantial orders for its new product. Under the standards of paragraph (a) (2) (i) of this section, neither the investment in Y nor the investment in Z will be classified as a jeopardizing investment and neither A nor B will be liable for an initial tax on either of such investments. Example 3. D is a foundation manager of E, a private foundation with assets of $200,000. D was hired by E to manage Es investments after a careful review of Ds training, experience and record in the field of investment management and advice indicated to E that D was well qualified to provide professional investment advice in the management of Es investment assets. D, after careful research into how best to diversify Es investments, provide for Es long-term financial needs, and protect against the effects of long-term inflation, decides to allocate a portion of Es investment assets to unimproved real estate in selected areas of the country where population patterns and economic factors strongly indicate continuing growth at a rapid rate. D determines that the short-term financial needs of E can be met through Es other investments. Under the standards of paragraph (a)(2)(i) of this section, the investment of a portion of Es investment assets in unimproved real estate will not be classified as a jeopardizing investment and neither D nor E will be liable for an initial tax on such investment. [T.D. 7240, 37 FR 28747, Dec. 29, 1972, as amended by T.D. 7299, 38 FR 35304, Dec. 27, 1973]
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ered, for purposes of this paragraph, as made primarily to accomplish one or more of the purposes described in section 170(c)(2)(B). (iii) In determining whether a significant purpose of an investment is the production of income or the appreciation of property, it shall be relevant whether investors solely engaged in the investment for profit would be likely to make the investment on the same terms as the private foundation. However, the fact that an investment produces significant income or capital appreciation shall not, in the absence of other factors, be conclusive evidence of a significant purpose involving the production of income or the appreciation of property. (iv) An investment shall not be considered as made to accomplish one or more of the purposes described in section 170(c)(2)(D) if the recipient of the investment appears before, or communicates to, any legislative body with respect to legislation or proposed legislation of direct interest to such recipient, provided that the expense of engaging in such activities would qualify as a deduction under section 162. (3)(i) Once it has been determined that an investment is program-related it shall not cease to qualify as a program-related investment provided that changes, if any, in the form or terms of the investment are made primarily for exempt purposes and not for any significant purpose involving the production of income or the appreciation of property. A change made in the form or terms of a program-related investment for the prudent protection of the foundations investment shall not ordinarily cause the investment to cease to qualify as program-related. Under certain conditions, a programrelated investment may cease to be program-related because of a critical change in circumstances, as, for example, where it is serving an illegal purpose or the private purpose of the foundation or its managers. For purposes of the preceding sentence, an investment which ceases to be program-related because of a critical change in circumstances shall in no event subject the foundation making the investment to the tax imposed by section 4944(a)(1) before the 30th day after the date on
53.49443 Exception for program-related investments. (a) In general. (1) For purposes of section 4944 and 53.49441 through 53.49446, a program-related investment shall not be classified as an investment which jeopardizes the carrying out of the exempt purposes of a private foundation. A program-related investment is an investment which possesses the following characteristics: (i) The primary purpose of the investment is to accomplish one or more of the purposes described in section 170(c)(2)(B); (ii) No significant purpose of the investment is the production of income or the appreciation of property; and (iii) No purpose of the investment is to accomplish one or more of the purposes described in section 170(c)(2)(D). (2)(i) An investment shall be considered as made primarily to accomplish one or more of the purposes described in section 170(c)(2)(B) if it significantly furthers the accomplishment of the private foundations exempt activities and if the investment would not have been made but for such relationship between the investment and the accomplishment of the foundations exempt activities. For purposes of section 4944 and 53.49441 through 53.49446, the term purposes described in section 170(c)(2)(B) shall be treated as including purposes described in section 170(c)(2)(B) whether or not carried out by organizations described in section 170(c). (ii) An investment in an activity described in section 4942(j)(5)(B) and the regulations thereunder shall be consid-
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which such foundation (or any of its managers) has actual knowledge of such critical change in circumstances. (ii) If a private foundation changes the form or terms of an investment, and if, as a result of the application of subdivision (i) of this subparagraph, such investment no longer qualifies as program-related, the determination whether the investment jeopardizes the carrying out of exempt purposes shall be made pursuant to the provisions of 53.49441(a)(2). (b) Examples. The provisions of this section may be illustrated by the following examples:
Example 1. X is a small business enterprise located in a deteriorated urban area and owned by members of an economically disadvantaged minority group. Conventional sources of funds are unwilling or unable to provide funds to X on terms it considers economically feasible. Y, a private foundation, makes a loan to X bearing interest below the market rate for commercial loans of comparable risk. Ys primary purpose for making the loan is to encourage the economic development of such minority groups. The loan has no significant purpose involving the production of income or the appreciation of property. The loan significantly furthers the accomplishment of Ys exempt activities and would not have been made but for such relationship between the loan and Ys exempt activities. Accordingly, the loan is a programrelated investment even though Y may earn income from the investment in an amount comparable to or higher than earnings from conventional portfolio investments. Example 2. Assume the facts as stated in Example (1), except that after the date of execution of the loan Y extends the due date of the loan. The extension is granted in order to permit X to achieve greater financial stability before it is required to repay the loan. Since the change in the terms of the loan is made primarily for exempt purposes and not for any significant purpose involving the production of income or the appreciation of property, the loan shall continue to qualify as a program-related investment. Example 3. X is a small business enterprise located in a deteriorated urban area and owned by members of an economically disadvantaged minority group. Conventional sources of funds are unwilling to provide funds to X at reasonable interest rates unless it increases the amount of its equity capital. Consequently, Y, a private foundation, purchases shares of Xs common stock. Ys primary purpose in purchasing the stock is to encourage the economic development of such minority group, and no significant purpose involves the production of income or
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Each of the three methods involves a change in the form or terms of a program-related investment for the prudent protection of the foundations investment. Thus, under 53.49443(a)(3)(i), none of the three transactions (nor any debt instruments or other obligations held by S as a result of engaging in one of these transactions) would cause the investment to cease to qualify as programrelated. Example 9. X is a socially and economically disadvantaged individual. Y, a private foundation, makes an interest-free loan to X for the primary purpose of enabling X to attend college. The loan has no significant purpose involving the production of income or the appreciation of property. The loan significantly furthers the accomplishment of Ys exempt activities and would not have been made but for such relationship between the loan and Ys exempt activities. Accordingly, the loan is a program-related investment. Example 10. Y, a private foundation, makes a high-risk investment in low-income housing, the indebtedness with respect to which is insured by the Federal Housing Administration. Ys primary purpose in making the investment is to finance the purchase, rehabilitation, and construction of housing for low-income persons. The investment has no significant purpose involving the production of income or the appreciation of property. The investment significantly furthers the accomplishment of Ys exempt activities and would not have been made but for such relationship between the investment and Ys exempt activities. Accordingly, the investment is program-related.
Special rules.
(a) Joint and several liability. In any case where more than one foundation manager is liable for the tax imposed under section 4944 (a)(2) or (b)(2) with respect to any one jeopardizing investment, all such foundation managers shall be jointly and severally liable for the tax imposed under each such paragraph with respect to such investment. (b) Limits on liability for management. With respect to anyone jeopardizing investment, the maximum aggregate amount of tax collectible under section 4944(a)(2) from all foundation managers shall not exceed $5,000, and the maximum aggregate amount of tax collectible under section 4944(b)(2) from all foundation managers shall not exceed $10,000. (c) Examples. The provisions of this section may be illustrated by the following examples:
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Example 1. A, B, and C are foundation managers of X, a private foundation. Assume that A, B, and C are liable for both initial and additional taxes under sections 4944(a)(2) and 4944(b)(2), respectively, for the following investments by X: an investment of $5,000 in the common stock of corporation M, and an investment of $10,000 in the common stock of corporation N. A, B, and C will be jointly and severally liable for the following initial taxes under section 4944(a)(2): a tax of $250 (i.e., 5 percent of $5,000) for each year (or part thereof) in the taxable period (as defined in section 4944(e)(1)) for the investment in M, and a tax of $500 (i.e., 5 percent of $10,000) for each year (or part thereof) in the taxable period for the investment in N. Further, A, B, and C will be jointly and severally liable for the following additional taxes under section 4944(b)(2): a tax of $250 (i.e., 5 percent of $5,000) for the investment in M, and a tax of $500 (i.e., 5 percent of $10,000) for the investment in N. Example 2. Assume the facts as stated in Example (1), except that X has invested $500,000 in the common stock of M, and $1 million in the common stock of N. A, B, and C will be jointly and severally liable for the following initial taxes under section 4944(a)(2): a tax of $5,000 for the investment in M, and a tax of $5,000 for the investment in N. Further, A, B, and C will be jointly and severally liable for the following additional taxes under section 4944(b) (2): a tax of $10,000 for the investment in M, and a tax of $10,000 for the investment in N.
53.49445 Definitions. (a) Taxable period(1) In general. For purposes of section 4944, the term taxable period means, with respect to any investment which jeopardizes the carrying out of a private foundations exempt purposes, the period beginning with the date on which the amount is invested and ending on the earliest of: (i) The date of mailing of a notice of deficiency under section 6212 with respect to the tax imposed on the making of the investment by section 4944(a)(1); (ii) The date on which the amount invested is removed from jeopardy; or (iii) The date on which the tax imposed by section 4944(a)(1) is assessed. (2) Special rule. Where a notice of deficiency referred to in subparagraph (1) (i) of this paragraph is not mailed because there is a waiver of the restrictions on assessment and collection of a deficiency, or because the deficiency is paid, the date of filing of the waiver or the date of such payment, respectively,
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53.49451 tures.
(d) Cross reference. For rules relating to taxable events that are corrected within the correction period, defined in section 4963(e), see section 4961(a) and the regulations thereunder.
[T.D. 7240, 37 FR 28747, Dec. 27, 1972, as amended by T.D. 8084, 51 FR 16303, May 2, 1986]
53.49446 Special rules for investments made prior to January 1, 1970. (a) Except as provided in paragraph (b) or (c) of this section, an investment made by a private foundation prior to January 1, 1970, shall not be subject to the provisions of section 4944. (b) If the form or terms of an investment made by a private foundation prior to January 1, 1970, are changed (other than as described in paragraph (c) of this section) on or after such date, the provisions of 53.4944 1(a)(2)(iii) shall apply with respect to such investment. (c) In the case of an investment made by a private foundation prior to January 1, 1970, which is exchanged on or after such date for another investment, for purposes of section 4944 the foundation will be considered to have made a new investment on the date of such exchange, unless the post-1969 investment is described in 53.49441(a)(2)(ii)(b). Accordingly, a determination, under 53.49441(a) (2)(i), whether the investment jeopardizes the carrying out of the foundations exempt purposes shall be made at such time.
(a) Imposition of initial taxes(1) Tax on private foundation. Section 4945(a)(1) of the Code imposes an excise tax on each taxable expenditure (as defined in section 4945(d)) of a private foundation. This tax is to be paid by the private foundation and is at the rate of 10 percent of the amount of each taxable expenditure. (2) Tax on foundation manager(i) In general. Section 4945(a)(2) of the Code imposes, under certain circumstances, an excise tax on the agreement of any foundation manager to the making of a taxable expenditure by a private foundation. This tax is imposed only in cases in which the following circumstances are present: (a) A tax is imposed by section 4945(a)(1); (b) Such foundation manager knows that the expenditure to which he agrees is a taxable expenditure, and (c) Such agreement is willfull and is not due to reasonable cause. However, the tax with respect to any particular expenditure applies only to the agreement of those foundation managers who are authorized to approve, or to exercise discretion in recommending approval of, the making of the expenditure by the foundation and to those foundation managers who are members of a group (such as the foundations board of directors or trustees) which is so authorized. For the definition of the term foundation manager, see section 4946(b) and the regulations thereunder. (ii) Agreement. The agreement of any foundation manager to the making of a taxable expenditure shall consist of any manifestation of approval of the expenditure which is sufficient to constitute an exercise of the foundation managers authority to approve, or to exercise discretion in recommending approval of, the making of the expenditure by the foundation, whether or not such manifestation of approval is the
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final or decisive approval on behalf of the foundation. (iii) Knowing. For purposes of section 4945, a foundation mangager shall be considered to have agreed to an expenditure knowing that it is a taxable expenditure only if: (a) He has actual knowledge of sufficient facts so that, based solely upon such facts, such expenditure would be a taxable expenditure, (b) He is aware that such an expenditure under these circumstances may violate the provisions of federal tax law governing taxable expenditures, and (c) He negligently fails to make reasonable attempts to ascertain whether the expenditure is a taxable expenditure, or he is in fact aware that it is such an expenditure. For purposes of this part and Chapter 42, the term knowing does not mean having reason to know. However, evidence tending to show that a foundation manager has reason to know of a particular fact or particular rule is relevant in determining whether he had actual knowledge of such fact or rule. Thus, for example, evidence tending to show that a foundation manager has reason to know of sufficient facts so that, based solely upon such facts, an expenditure would be a taxable expenditure is relevant in determining whether he has actual knowledge of such facts. (iv) Willful. A foundation managers agreement to a taxable expenditure is willful if it is voluntary, conscious, and intentional. No motive to avoid the restrictions of the law or the incurrence of any tax is necessary to make an agreement willful. However, a foundation managers agreement to a taxable expenditure is not willful if he does not know that it is a taxable expenditure. (v) Due to reasonable cause. A foundation managers actions are due to reasonable cause if he has exercised his responsibility on behalf of the foundation with ordinary business care and prudence. (vi) Advice of counsel. If a foundation manager, after full disclosure of the factual situation to legal counsel (including house counsel), relies on the advice of such counsel expressed in a reasoned written legal opinion that an
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taxable expenditure. Initial taxes are imposed under paragraphs (1) and (2) of section 4945(a). The tax to be paid by the foundation is $10,000 (10 percent of $100,000). The tax to be paid by the board of directors is $2,500 (212 percent of $100,000). A, B, and C are jointly and severally liable for this $2,500 and this sum may be collected by the Service from any one of them. Example 2. Assume the same facts as in example (1). Further assume that within the taxable period A makes a motion to correct the taxable expenditure at a meeting of the board of directors. The motion is defeated by a two-to-one vote, A voting for the motion and B and C voting against it. In these circumstances an additional tax is imposed on the private foundation in the amount of $100,000 (100 percent of $100,000). The additional tax imposed on B and C is $10,000 (50 percent of $100,000 subject to a maximum of $10,000). B and C are jointly and severally liable for the $10,000, and this sum may be collected by the Service from either of them.
(d) Correction(1) In general. Except as provided in paragraph (d) (2) or (3) of this paragraph, correction of a taxable expenditure shall be accomplished by recovering part or all of the expenditure to the extent recovery is possible, and, where full recovery cannot be accomplished, by any additional corrective action which the Commissioner may prescribe. Such additional corrective action is to be determined by the circumstances of each particular case and may include the following: (i) Requiring that any unpaid funds due the grantee be withheld; (ii) Requiring that no further grants be made to the particular grantee; (iii) In addition to other reports that are required, requiring periodic (e.g., quarterly) reports from the foundation with respect to all expenditures of the foundation (such reports shall be equivalent in detail to the reports required by section 4945(h)(3) and 53.49455(d)); (iv) Requiring improved methods of exercising expenditure responsibility; (v) Requiring improved methods of selecting recipients of individual grants; and (vi) Requiring such other measures as the Commissioner may prescribe in a particular case. The foundation making the expenditure shall not be under any obligation to attempt to recover the expenditure by legal action if such action would in
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all probability not result in the satisfaction of execution on a judgment. (2) Correction for inadequate reporting. If the expenditure is taxable only because of a failure to obtain a full and complete report as required by section 4945(h)(2) or because of a failure to make a full and detailed report as required by section 4945(h)(3), correction may be accomplished by obtaining or making the report in question. In addition, if the expenditure is taxable only because of a failure to obtain a full and complete report as required by section 4945(h)(2) and an investigation indicates that no grant funds have been diverted to any use not in furtherance of a purpose specified in the grant, correction may be accomplished by exerting all reasonable efforts to obtain the report in question and reporting the failure to the Internal Revenue Service, even though the report is not finally obtained. (3) Correction for failure to obtain advance approval. Where an expenditure is taxable under section 4945(d)(3) only because of a failure to obtain advance approval of procedures with respect to grants as required by section 4945(g), correction may be accomplished by obtaining approval of the grant making procedures and establishing to the satisfaction of the Commissioner that: (i) No grant funds have been diverted to any use not in furtherance of a purpose specified in the grant; (ii) The grant making procedures instituted would have been approved if advance approval of such procedures had been properly requested; and (iii) Where advance approval of grant making procedures is subsequently required, such approval will be properly requested. (e) Certain periods(1) Taxable period. For purposes of section 4945, the term taxable period means, with respect to any taxable expenditure, the period beginning with the date on which the taxable expenditure occurs and ending on the earlier of: (i) The date of mailing of a notice of deficiency under section 6212 with respect to the tax imposed on taxable expenditures by section 4945(a)(1); or (ii) The date on which the tax imposed by section 4945(a)(1) is assessed.
53.49452 Propaganda influencing legislation. (a) Propaganda influencing legislation, etc.(1) In general. Under section 4945(d)(1) the term taxable expenditure includes any amount paid or incurred by a private foundation to carry on propaganda, or otherwise to attempt, to influence legislation. An expenditure is an attempt to influence legislation if it is for a direct or grass roots lobbying communication, as defined in 56.49112 (without reference to 56.49112(b)(3) and 56.49112(c)) and 56.49113. See, however, paragraph (d) of this section for exceptions to the general rule of this paragraph (a)(1). (2) Expenditures for membership communications. Section 56.49115, which provides special rules for electing public charities communications with their members, does not apply to private foundations. Thus, whether a private foundations communications with its members (assuming it has any) are lobbying communications is determined solely under 56.49112 and without reference to 56.49115. However, where a private foundation makes a grant to an electing public charity, 56.49115 applies to the electing public charitys communications with its own members. Therefore, in the limited context of determining whether a private foundations grant to an electing public charity is a taxable expenditure under section 4945, the 56.49115 membership rules apply. For example, if the grant is specifically earmarked for a communication from the electing public charity to its members and the communication is, because of 56.4911 5, a nonlobbying communication, the grant is not a taxable expenditure under section 4945. (3) Jointly funded projects. A private foundation will not be treated as having paid or incurred any amount to attempt to influence legislation merely
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grantee to engage in any such prohibited activity or to select the recipient to which the grant is to be devoted. For purposes of this paragraph (a)(5)(i), a grant by a private foundation is earmarked if the grant is given pursuant to an agreement, oral or written, that the grant will be used for specific purposes. For the expenditure responsibility requirements with respect to organizations other than those described in section 509(a) (1), (2), or (3), see 53.49455. For rules for determining whether grants to public charities are taxable expenditures under section 4945(d)(1), see paragraphs (a)(2), (a)(6) and (a)(7) of this section. (ii) Certain public organizations. For purposes of this section, an organization shall be considered a section 509(a)(1) organization if it is treated as such under subparagraph (4) of 53.4945 5(a). (6) Grants to public organizations that attempt to influence legislation(i) General support grant. A general support grant by a private foundation to the organization described in section 509(a) (1), (2), or (3) (a public charity for purposes of paragraphs (a) (6) and (7) of this section) does not constitute a taxable expenditure under section 4945(d)(1) to the extent that the grant is not earmarked, within the meaning of 53.49452(a)(5)(i), to be used in an attempt to influence legislation. The preceding sentence applies without regard to whether the public charity has made the election under section 501(h). (ii) Specific project grant. A grant, by a private foundation to fund a specific project of a public charity is not a taxable expenditure by the foundation under section 4945(d)(1) to the extent that (A) The grant is not earmarked, within the meaning of 53.4945 2(a)(5)(i), to be used in an attempt to influence legislation, and (B) The amount of the grant, together with other grants by the same private foundation for the same project for the same year, does not exceed the amount budgeted, for the year of the grant, by the grantee organization for activities of the project that are not attempts to influence legislation. If the grant is for more than one year, the preceding sentence applies to each
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year of the grant with the amount of the grant measured by the amount actually disbursed by the private foundation in each year or divided equally between years, at the option of the private foundation. The same method of measuring the annual amount must be used in all years of a grant. This paragraph (a)(6)(ii) applies without regard to whether the public charity has made the election under section 501(h). (iii) Reliance upon grantees budget. For purposes of determining the amount budgeted by a prospective grantee for specific project activities that are not attempts to influence legislation under paragraph (a)(6)(ii) of this section, a private foundation may rely on budget documents or other sufficient evidence supplied by the grantee organization (such as a signed statement by an authorized officer, director or trustee of such grantee organization) showing the proposed budget of the specific project, unless the private foundation doubts or, in light of all the facts and circumstances, reasonably should doubt the accuracy or reliability of the documents. (7) Grants to organizations that cease to be described in 501(c)(3)(i) Not taxable expenditure; conditions. A grant to a public charity (as defined in paragraph (a)(6)(i) of this section) that thereafter ceases to be an organization described in section 501(c)(3) by reason of its attempts to influence legislation is not a taxable expenditure if (A) The grant meets the requirements of paragraph (a)(6) of this section, (B) The recipient organization had received a ruling or determination letter, or an advance ruling or determination letter, that it is described in sections 501(c)(3) and 509(a), (C) Notice of a change in the recipient organizations status has not been made to the public (such as by publication in the Internal Revenue Bulletin), and the private foundation has not acquired knowledge that the Internal Revenue Service has given notice to the recipient organization that it will be deleted from such status; and (D) The recipient organization is not controlled directly or indirectly by the private foundation. A recipient organization is controlled by a private foun-
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N also learns that in no year has Rs lobbying or grass roots expenditures (within the meaning of 56.49112 (a) and (c)) exceeded the corresponding ceiling amount (within the meaning of 1.501(h)3(c) (3) and (6)). N then makes the grant to R. After receiving the grant, R spends a large portion of its funds on influencing legislation and, as a consequence, is denied exemption from tax, as an organization described in section 501(c)(3), under section 501(h) and 1.501(h)3. No disqualified person with respect to N controlled, in whole or in part, Rs attempts to influence legislation. The general purpose grant will not constitute a taxable expenditure under section 4945(d)(1). Example 10. X, a private foundation, makes a specific project grant to Y, a public charity described in section 509(a). In requesting the grant, Y stated that it planned to use the funds to purchase a computer for purpose of computerizing its research files and that the grant will not be used to influence legislation. Two years after X makes the grant, X discovers that Y has also used the computer for purposes of maintaining and updating the mailing list for Ys lobbying newsletter. Because X did not earmark any of the grant funds to be used for attempts to influence legislation and because X had no reason to doubt the accuracy or reliability of Ys documents representing that the grant would not be used to influence legislation, Xs grant is not treated as a taxable expenditure. Example 11. G, a private foundation, makes a specific project grant of $300,000 to L, a public charity described in section 509(a)(1) for a three-year specific project studying child care problems. L provides budget material indicating that the specific project will expend $200,000 in each of three years. Ls budget materials indicate that attempts to influence legislation will amount to $10,000 in the first year, $20,000 in the second year and $100,000 in the third year. G intends to pay its $300,000 grant over three years as follows: $200,000 in the first year, $50,000 in the second year and $50,000 in the third year. The amount of the grant actually disbursed by G in the first year of the grant exceeds the nonlobbying expenditures of L in that year. However, because the amount of the grant in each of the three years, when divided equally among the three years ($100,000 for each year), is not more than the nonlobbying expenditures of L on the specific project for any of the three years, none of the grant is treated as a taxable expenditure under section 4945(d)(1). Example 12. P, a private foundation, makes a $120,000 specific project grant to C, a public charity described in section 509(a) for a three-year project. P intends to pay its grant to C in three equal annual installments of $40,000. C provides budget material indicating that the specific project will expend $100,000 in each of three years. Cs budget
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materials, which P reasonably does not doubt, indicate that the projects attempts to influence legislation will amount to $50,000 in each of the three years. After P pays the first annual installment to C, but before P pays the second installment to C, reliable information comes to Ps attention that C has spent $90,000 of the projects $100,000 first-year budget on attempts to influence legislation. This information causes P to doubt the accuracy and reliability of Cs budget materials. Because of the information, P does not pay the second-year installment to C. Ps payment of the first installment of $40,000 is not a taxable expenditure under section 4945(d)(1) because the grant in the first year is not more than the nonlobbying expenditures C projected in its budget materials that P reasonably did not doubt. Example 13. Assume the same facts as in Example (12), except that P pays the secondyear installment of $40,000 to C. In the projects second year, C once again spends $90,000 of the projects $100,000 annual budget in attempts to influence legislation. Because P doubts or reasonably should doubt the accuracy or reliability of Cs budget materials when P makes the second-year grant payment, P may not rely upon Cs budget documents at that time. Accordingly, although none of the $40,000 paid in the first installment is a taxable expenditure, only $10,000 ($100,000 minus $90,000) of the second-year grant payment is not a taxable expenditure. The remaining $30,000 of the second installment is a taxable expenditure within the meaning of section 4945(d)(1). Example 14. B, a private foundation, makes a specific project grant to C, a public charity described in section 509(a), of $40,000 for the purpose of conducting a study on the effectiveness of seat belts in preventing traffic deaths. B did not earmark any of the grant for attempts to influence legislation. In requesting the grant from B, C submitted a budget of $100,000 for the project. The budget contained expenses for postage and mailing, computer time, advertising, consulting services, salaries, printing, advertising, and similar categories of expenses. C also submitted to B a statement, signed by an officer of C, that 30% of the budgeted funds would be devoted to attempts to influence legislation within the meaning of section 4945. B has no reason to doubt the accuracy of the budget figures or the statement. B may rely on the budget figures and signed statement provided by C in determining the amount C will spend on influencing legislation. Bs grant to C will not constitute a taxable expenditure under section 4945(d)(1), because the amount of the grant does not exceed the amount allocated to specific project activities that are not attempts to influence legislation.
(b)(c) [Reserved]
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lobbying communication that is subsequently used in lobbying, causing the public charitys expenditures for the communication to be treated as lobbying expenditures under the subsequent use. In such a case, the private foundations grant will ordinarily not be characterized as a lobbying expenditure by virtue of the subsequent use rule. The only situations where the private foundations grant will be treated as a lobbying expenditure under the subsequent use rule are where the private foundations primary purpose in making the grant to the public charity was for lobbying or where, at the time of making the grant, the private foundation knows (or in light of all the facts and circumstances reasonably should know) that the public charitys primary purpose in preparing the communication to be funded by the grant is for use in lobbying. (vi) Directly encouraging action by recipients of a communication. A communication that reflects a view on specific legislation is not within the nonpartisan analysis, study, or research exception of this 53.49452(d)(1) if the communication directly encourages the recipient to take action with respect to such legislation. For purposes of this section, a communication directly encourages the recipient to take action with respect to legislation if the communication is described in one or more of 56.49112(b)(2)(iii)(A) through (C). As described in 56.49112(b)(2)(iv), a communication would encourage the recipient to take action with respect to legislation, but not directly encourage such action, if the communication does no more than specifically identify one or more legislators who will vote on the legislation as: opposing the communications view with respect to the legislation; being undecided with respect to the legislation; being the recipients representative in the legislature; or being a member of the legislative committee or subcommittee that will consider the legislation. (vii) Examples. The provisions of this paragraph may be illustrated by the following examples:
Example 1. M, a private foundation, establishes a research project to collect information for the purpose of showing the dangers of the use of pesticides in raising crops. The
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information collected includes data with respect to proposed legislation, pending before several State legislatures, which would ban the use of pesticides. The project takes favorable positions on such legislation without producing a sufficiently full and fair exposition of the pertinent facts to enable the public or an individual to form an independent opinion or conclusion on the pros and cons of the use of pesticides. This project is not within the exception for nonpartisan analysis, study, or research because it is designed to present information merely on one side of the legislative controversy. Example 2. N, a private foundation, establishes a research project to collect information concerning the dangers of the use of pesticides in raising crops for the ostensible purpose of examining and reporting information as to the pros and cons of the use of pesticides in raising crops. The information is collected and distributed in the form of a published report which analyzes the effects and costs of the use and nonuse of various pesticides under various conditions on humans, animals, and crops. The report also presents the advantages, disadvantages, and economic cost of allowing the continued use of pesticides unabated, of controlling the use of pesticides, and of developing alternatives to pesticides. Even if the report sets forth conclusions that the disadvantages as a result of using pesticides are greater than the advantages of using pesticides and that prompt legislative regulation of the use of pesticides is needed, the project is within the exception for nonpartisan analysis, study or research since it is designed to present information on both sides of the legislative controversy and presents a sufficiently full and fair exposition of the pertinent facts to enable the public or an individual to form an independent opinion or conclusion. Example 3. O, a private foundation, establishes a research project to collect information on the presence or absence of disease in humans from eating food grown with pesticides and the presence or absence of disease in humans from eating food not grown with pesticides. As part of the research project, O hires a consultant who prepares a fact sheet which calls for the curtailment of the use of pesticides and which addresses itself to the merits of several specific legislative proposals to curtail the use of pesticides in raising crops which are currently pending before State legislatures. The fact sheet presents reports of experimental evidence tending to support its conclusions but omits any reference to reports of experimental evidence tending to dispute its conclusions. O distributes 10,000 copies to citizens groups. Expenditures by O in connection with this work of the consultant are not within the exception for nonpartisan analysis, study, or research. Example 4. P publishes a bi-monthly newsletter to collect and report all published ma-
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poses of 53.49452(D)(1)(v) and 56.4911 2(b)(2)(v)) in light of all of the facts and circumstances, including the normal distribution pattern of similar nonpartisan reports. X then mails copies of the report, along with a letter, to 10,000 individuals on Xs mailing list. In the letter, X requests that individuals contact legislators urging passage of the legislation discussed in the report. Because Xs research and report were primarily undertaken by X for lobbying purposes and X did not make a substantial distribution of the report (without an accompanying lobbying message) prior to or contemporaneously with the use of the report in lobbying, the report is a grass roots lobbying communication that is not within the exception for nonpartisan analysis, study or research. Thus, the expenditures for preparing and mailing both the report and the letter are taxable expenditures under section 4945. Example 11. Assume the same facts as in Example (10), except that before using the report in the lobbying campaign, X sends the research and report (without an accompanying lobbying message) to universities and newspapers. At the same time, X also advertises the availability of the report in its newsletter. This distribution is similar in scope to the normal distribution pattern of similar nonpartisan reports. In light of all of the facts and circumstances, Xs distribution of the report is substantial. Because of Xs substantial distribution of the report, Xs primary purpose will be considered to be other than for use in lobbying and the report will not be considered a grass roots lobbying communication. Accordingly, only the expenditures for copying and mailing the report to the 10,000 individuals on Xs mailing list, as well as for preparing and mailing the letter, are expenditures for grass roots lobbying communications, and are thus taxable expenditures under section 4945. Example 12. Organization M pays for a bumper sticker that reads: STOP ABORTION: Vote NO on Prop. X! M also pays for a 30-second television advertisement and a billboard that similarly advocate opposition to Prop. X. In light of the limited scope of the communications, none of the communications is within the exception for nonpartisan analysis, study or research. First, none of the communications rises to the level of analysis, study or research. Second, none of the communications is nonpartisan because none contains a sufficiently full and fair exposition of the pertinent facts to enable the public or an individual to form an independent opinion or conclusion. Thus, each communication is a lobbying communication.
(2) Technical advice or assistance(i) In general. Amounts paid or incurred in connection with providing technical advice or assistance to a governmental
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body, a governmental committee, or a subdivision of either of the foregoing, in response to a written request by such body, committee, or subdivision do not constitute taxable expenditures for purposes of this section. Under this exception, the request for assistance or advice must be made in the name of the requesting governmental body, committee or subdivision rather than an individual member thereof. Similarly, the response to such request must be available to every member of the requesting body, committee or subdivision. For example, in the case of a written response to a request for technical advice or assistance from a congressional committee, the response will be considered available to every member of the requesting committee if the response is submitted to the person making such request in the name of the committee and it is made clear that the response is for the use of all the members of the committee. (ii) Nature of technical advice or assistance. Technical advice or assistance may be given as a result of knowledge or skill in a given area. Because such assistance or advice may be given only at the express request of a governmental body, committee or subdivision, the oral or written presentation of such assistance or advice need not qualify as nonpartisan analysis, study or research. The offering of opinions or recommendations will ordinarily qualify under this exception only if such opinions or recommendations are specifically requested by the governmental body, committee or subdivision or are directly related to the materials so requested. (iii) Examples. The provisions of this subparagraph may be illustrated by the following examples:
Example 1. A congressional committee is studying the feasibility of legislation to provide funds for scholarships to U.S. students attending schools abroad. X, a private foundation which has engaged in a private scholarship program of this type, is asked, in writing, by the committee to describe the manner in which it selects candidates for its program. Xs response disclosing its methods of selection constitutes technical advice or assistance. Example 2. Assume the same facts as Example (1), except that Xs response not only includes a description of its own grant-making
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de minimis rule of section 4943(c) (2) (C). Expenditures paid or incurred with respect to such submissions do not constitute taxable expenditures since they are made with respect to a possible decision of Congress which might affect the existence of the private foundation, its powers and duties, its tax-exempt status, or the deduction of contributions to such foundation. Example 2. A bill being considered in a State legislature is designed to implement the requirements of section 508(e) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954. Under such section, a private foundation is required to make certain amendments to its governing instrument. X, a private foundation, makes a submission to the legislature which proposes alternative measures which might be taken in lieu of the proposed bill. X also arranges to have its president contact certain State legislators with regard to this bill. Expenditures paid or incurred in making such submission and in contacting the State legislators do not constitute taxable expenditures since they are made with respect to a possible decision of such State legislature which might affect the existence of the private foundation, its powers and duties, its tax-exempt status, or the deduction of contributions to such foundation. Example 3. A bill is being considered by a State legislature under which the State would assume certain responsibilities for nursing care of the aged. Y, a private foundation which hitherto has engaged in such activities, appears before the State legislature and contends that such activities can be better performed by privately supported organizations. Expenditures paid or incurred with respect to such appearance are not made with respect to possible decisions of the State legislature which might affect the existence of the private foundation, its powers and duties, its tax-exempt status, or the deduction of contributions to such foundation, but rather merely affect the scope of the private foundations future activities. Example 4. A State legislature is considering the annual appropriations bill. Z, a private foundation which had hitherto performed contract research for the State, appears before the appropriations committee in order to attempt to persuade the committee of the advisability of continuing the program. Expenditures paid or incurred with respect to such appearance are not made with respect to possible decisions of the State legislature which might affect the existence of the private foundation, its powers and duties, its tax-exempt status, or the deduction of contributions to such foundation, but rather merely affect the scope of the private foundations future activities.
(3) Decisions affecting the powers, duties, etc., of a private foundation(i) In general. Paragraph (c) of this section does not apply to any amount paid or incurred in connection with an appearance before, or communication with, any legislative body with respect to a possible decision of such body which might affect the existence of the private foundation, its powers and duties, its tax-exempt status, or the deductibility of contributions to such foundation. Under this exception, a foundation may communicate with the entire legislative body, committees or subcommittees of such legislative body, individual congressmen or legislators, members of their staffs, or representatives of the executive branch, who are involved in the legislative process, if such communication is limited to the prescribed subjects. Similarly, the foundation may make expenditures in order to initiate legislation if such legislation concerns only matters which might affect the existence of the private foundation, its powers and duties, its tax-exempt status, or the deductibility of contributions to such foundation. (ii) Examples. The provisions of this subparagraph may be illustrated by the following examples:
Example 1. A bill is being considered by Congress which would, if enacted, restrict the power of a private foundation to engage in transactions with certain related persons. Under the proposed bill a private foundation would lose its exemption from taxation if it engages in such transactions. W, a private foundation, writes to the congressional committee considering the bill, arguing that the enactment of such a bill would not be advisable, and subsequently appears before such committee to make its arguments. In addition, W requests that the congressional committee consider modification of the 2 percent
(4) Examination and discussions of broad social, economic, and similar problems. Examinations and discussions of
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broad social, economic, and similar problems are neither direct lobbying communications under 56.49112(b)(1) nor grass roots lobbying communications under 56.49112(b)(2) even if the problems are of the type with which government would be expected to deal ultimately. Thus, under 56.49112(b) (1) and (2), lobbying communications do not include public discussion, or communications with members of legislative bodies or governmental employees, the general subject of which is also the subject of legislation before a legislative body, so long as such discussion does not address itself to the merits of a specific legislative proposal and so long as such discussion does not directly encourage recipients to take action with respect to legislation. For example, this paragraph (d)(4) excludes from grass roots lobbying under 56.4911(b)(2) an organizations discussions of problems such as environmental pollution or population growth that are being considered by Congress and various State legislatures, but only where the discussions are not directly addressed to specific legislation being considered, and only where the discussions do not directly encourage recipients of the communication to contact a legislator, an employee of a legislative body, or a government official or employee who may participate in the formulation of legislation.
[T.D. 7215, 37 FR 23161, Oct. 31, 1972; 37 FR 23918, Nov. 11, 1972, as amended by T.D. 8308, 55 FR 35594, Aug. 31, 1990]
53.49453 Influencing elections and carrying on voter registration drives. (a) Expenditures to influence elections or carry on voter registration drives(1) In general. Under section 4945(d) (2), the term taxable expenditure includes any amount paid or incurred by a private foundation to influence the outcome of any specific public election or to carry on, directly or indirectly, any voter registration drive, unless such amount is paid or incurred by an organization described in section 4945(f). However, for treatment of nonearmarked grants to public organizations, see 53.49452(a) (5) and for treatment of certain earmarked grants to organi-
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taxable year in question, the requirements of the support test in section 4945(f)(4) will be considered as met for the taxable year if such requirements are met by the end of the taxable year. (iii) Organization with three or fewer preceding taxable years. In the case of an organization which has been in existence for at least 1 but fewer than 4 preceding taxable years beginning after December 31, 1969, the determination whether such organization meets the requirements of the support test in section 4945(f)(4) for the taxable year is to be made by taking into account all the support received by such organization during the taxable year and during each preceding taxable year beginning after December 31, 1969. (4) Advance rulings. An organization will be given an advance ruling that it is an organization described in section 4945(f) for its first taxable year of operation beginning after October 30, 1972, or for its first taxable year of operation beginning after December 31, 1969, if it submits evidence establishing that it can reasonably be expected to meet the tests under section 4945(f) for such taxable year. An organization which, pursuant to this subparagraph, has been treated as an organization described in section 4945(f) for a taxable year (without withdrawal of such treatment by notification from the Internal Revenue Service during such year), but which actually fails to meet the requirements of section 4945(f) for such taxable year, will not be treated as an organization described in section 4945(f) as of the first day of its next taxable year (for purposes of making any determination under the internal revenue laws with respect to such organization) and until such time as the organization does meet the requirements of section 4945(f). For purposes of section 4945, the status of grants or contributions with respect to grantors or contributors to such organization will not be affected until notice of change of status of such organization is made to the public (such as by publication in the Internal Revenue Bulletin). The preceding sentence shall not apply, however, if the grantor or contributor was responsible for, or was aware of, the fact that the organization did not satisfy section 4945(f) at the end of the taxable year
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with respect to which the organization had obtained an advance ruling or a determination letter that it was a section 4945(f) organization, or acquired knowledge that the Internal Revenue Service had given notice to such organization that it would be deleted from classification as a section 4945(f) organization.
[T.D. 7215, 37 FR 23161, Oct. 31, 1972; 37 FR 23918, Nov. 11, 1972]
53.49454 Grants to individuals. (a) Grants to individuals(1) In general. Under section 4945(d) (3) the term taxable expenditure includes any amount paid or incurred by a private foundation as a grant to an individual for travel, study, or other similar purposes by such individual unless the grant satisfies the requirements of section 4945(g). Grants to individuals which are not taxable expenditures because made in accordance with the requirements of section 4945(g) may result in the imposition of excise taxes under other provisions of chapter 42. (2) Grants defined. For purposes of section 4945, the term grants shall include, but is not limited to, such expenditures as scholarships, fellowships, internships, prizes, and awards. Grants shall also include loans for purposes described in section 170(c) (2) (B) and program related investments (such as investments in small businesses in central cities or in businesses which assist in neighborhood renovation). Similarly, grants include such expenditures as payments to exempt organizations to be used in furtherance of such recipient organizations exempt purposes whether or not such payments are solicited by such recipient organizations. Conversely, grants do not ordinarily include salaries or other compensation to employees. For example, grants do not ordinarily include educational payments to employees which are includible in the employees incomes pursuant to section 61. In addition, grants do not ordinarily include payments (including salaries, consultants fees and reimbursement for travel expenses such as transportation, board, and lodging) to persons (regardless of whether such persons are individuals) for personal services in assisting a foundation in planning, evalu-
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subparagraph) if the grant is made for a project which is to be undertaken under the supervision of the section 509(a) (1), (2), or (3) organization and such grantee organization controls the selection of the individual grantee. This subdivision shall apply regardless of whether the name of the individual grantee was first proposed by the private foundation, but only if there is an objective manifestation of the section 509(a), (1), (2), or (3) organizations control over the selection process, although the selection need not be made completely independently of the private foundation. For purposes of this subdivision, an organization shall be considered a section 509(a)(1) organization if it is treated as such under subparagraph (4) of 53.49455(a). (iii) Grants to governmental agencies. If a private foundation makes a grant to an organization described in section 170(c)(1) (regardless of whether it is described in section 501(c)(3)) and such grant is earmarked for use by an individual for purposes described in section 4945(d)(3), such grant is not subject to the requirements of section 4945(d)(3) and (g) and this section (regardless of the application of subdivision (i) of this subparagraph) if the section 170(c)(1) organization satisfies the Commissioner in advance that its grant-making program: (a) Is in furtherance of a purpose described in section 170(c)(2)(B), (b) Requires that the individual grantee submit reports to it which would satisfy paragraph (c)(3) of this section, and (c) Requires that the organization investigate jeopardized grants in a manner substantially similar to that described in paragraph (c)(4) of this section. (iv) Examples. The provisions of this subparagraph may be illustrated by the following examples:
Example 1. M, a university described in section 170(b)(1)(A)(ii), requests that P, a private foundation, grant it $100,000 to enable M to obtain the services of a particular scientist for a research project in a special field of biochemistry in which he has exceptional qualifications and competence. P, after determining that the project deserves support, makes the grant to M to enable it to obtain the services of this scientist. M is authorized to keep the funds even if it is unsuccessful in
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attempting to employ the scientist. Under these circumstances P will not be treated as having made a grant to the individual scientist for purposes of section 4945(d)(3) and (g), since the requirements of subdivision (i) of this subparagraph have been satisfied. Even if M were not authorized to keep the funds if it is unsuccessful in attempting to employ the scientist, P would not be treated as having made a grant to the individual scientist for purposes of section 4945(d)(3) and (g), since it is clear from the facts and circumstances that the selection of the particular scientist was made by M and thus the requirements of subdivision (ii) of this subparagraph would have been satisfied. Example 2. Assume the same facts as Example (1), except that there are a number of scientists who are qualified to administer the research project, P suggests the name of the particular scientist to be employed by M, and M is not authorized to keep the funds if it is unsuccessful in attempting to employ the particular scientist. For purposes of section 4945(d)(3) and (g), P will be treated as having made a grant to the individual scientist whose name it suggested, since it is clear from the facts and circumstances that selection of the particular scientist was made by P. Example 3. X, a private foundation, is aware of the exceptional research facilities at Y University, an organization described in section 170(b)(1)(A)(ii). Officials of X approach officials of Y with an offer to give Y a grant of $100,000 if Y will engage an adequately qualified physicist to conduct a specific research project. Ys officials accept this proposal, and it is agreed that Y will administer the funds. After examining the qualifications of several research physicists, the officials of Y agree that A, whose name was first suggested by officials of X and who first suggested the specific research project to X, is uniquely qualified to conduct the project. Xs grant letter provides that X has the right to renegotiate the terms of the grant if there is a substantial deviation from such terms, such as breakdown of Ys research facilities or termination of the conduct of the project by an adequately qualified physicist. Under these circumstances, X will not be treated as having made a grant to A for purposes of section 4945(d)(3) and (g), since the requirements of subdivision (ii) of this subparagraph have been satisfied. Example 4. Professor A, a scholar employed by University Y, an organization described in section 170(b)(1)(A)(ii), approaches Foundation X to determine the availability of grant funds for a particular research project supervised or conducted by Professor A relevant to the program interests of Foundation X. After learning that Foundation X would be willing to consider the project if University Y were to submit the project to X, Professor A submits his proposal to the
(5) Earmarked grants to individuals. A grant by a private foundation to an individual, which meets the requirements of section 4945(d)(3) and (g), is a taxable expenditure by such foundation under section 4945(d) only if: (i) The grant is earmarked to be used for any activity described in section 4945(d) (1), (2), or (5), or is earmarked to be used in a manner which would violate section 4945(d) (3) or (4), (ii) There is an agreement, oral or written, whereby such grantor foundation may cause the grantee to engage in any such prohibited activity and such grant is in fact used in a manner which violates section 4945(d), or (iii) The grant is made for a purpose other than a purpose described in section 170(c)(2)(B). For purposes of this subparagraph, a grant by a private foundation is earmarked if such grant is given pursuant to an agreement, oral or written, that the grant will be used for specific purposes. (b) Selection of grantees on an objective and nondiscriminatory basis(1) In general. For purposes of this section, in order for a foundation to establish that its grants to individuals are made on an objective and nondiscriminatory basis, the grants must be awarded in accordance with a program which, if it were a substantial part of the foundations activities, would be consistent with: (i) The existence of the foundations exempt status under section 501(c)(3);
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(4) Persons making selections. The person or group of persons who select recipients of grants should not be in a position to derive a private benefit, directly or indirectly, if certain potential grantees are selected over others. (5) Examples. The provisions of this paragraph may be illustrated by the following examples:
Example 1. X company employs 100,000 people of whom 1,000 are classified by the company as executives. The company has organized the X company foundation which, as its sole activity, provides 100 4-year college scholarships per year for children of the companys employees. Children of all employees (other than disqualified persons with respect to the foundation) who have worked for the X company for at least 2 years are eligible to apply for these scholarships. In previous years, the number of children eligible to apply for such scholarships has averaged 2,000 per year. Selection of scholarship recipients from among the applicants is made by three prominent educators, who have no connection (other than as members of the selection committee) with the company, the foundation or any of the employees of the company. The selections are made on the basis of the applicants prior academic performance, performance on certain tests designed to measure ability and aptitude for college work, and financial need. No disproportionate number of scholarships has been granted to relatives of executives of X company. Under these circumstances, the operation of the scholarship program by the X company foundation: (1) Is consistent with the existence of the foundations exempt status under section 501(c) (3) and with the allowance of deductions under section 170 for contributions to the foundation; (2) utilizes objective and nondiscriminatory criteria in selecting scholarship recipients from among the applicants; and (3) utilizes a selection committee which appears likely to make objective and nondiscriminatory selections of grant recipients. Example 2. Assume the same facts as Example (1), except that the foundation establishes a program to provide 20 college scholarships per year for members of a certain ethnic minority. All members of this minority group (other than disqualified persons with respect to the foundation) living in State Z are eligible to apply for these scholarships. It is estimated that at least 400 persons will be eligible to apply for these scholarships each year. Under these circumstances, the operation of this scholarship program by the foundation: (1) Is consistent with the existence of the foundations exempt status under section 501(c)(3) and with the allowance of deductions under section 170 for contributions to the foundation;
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(2) utilizes objective and nondiscriminatory criteria in selecting scholarship recipients from among the applicants; and (3) utilizes a selection committee which appears likely to make objective and nondiscriminatory selections of grant recipients.
(c) Requirements of a proper procedure(1) In general. Section 4945(g) requires that grants to individuals must be made pursuant to a procedure approved in advance. To secure such approval, a private foundation must demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Commissioner that: (i) Its grant procedure includes an objective and nondiscriminatory selection process (as described in paragraph (b) of this section); (ii) Such procedure is reasonably calculated to result in performance by grantees of the activities that the grants are intended to finance; and (iii) The foundation plans to obtain reports to determine whether the grantees have performed the activities that the grants are intended to finance. No single procedure or set of procedures is required. Procedures may vary depending upon such factors as the size of the foundation, the amount and purpose of the grants and whether one or more recipients are involved. (2) Supervision of scholarship and fellowship grants. Except as provided in subparagraph (5) of this paragraph, with respect to any scholarship or fellowship grants, a private foundation must make arrangements to receive a report of the grantees courses taken (if any) and grades received (if any) in each academic period. Such a report must be verified by the educational institution attended by the grantee and must be obtained at least once a year. In cases of grantees whose study at an educational institution does not involve the taking of courses but only the preparation of research papers or projects, such as the writing of a doctoral thesis, the foundation must receive a brief report on the progress of the paper or project at least once a year. Such a report must be approved by the faculty member supervising the grantee or by another appropriate university official. Upon completion of a grantees study at an educational institution, a final report must also be obtained.
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(a) of this subdivision, but fails to withhold further payments until the requirements of (b) of this subdivision are met, the amount of the taxable expenditure shall be the amount of such further payments. (iv) The phrase all reasonable and appropriate steps in subdivisions (ii) and (iii) of this subparagraph includes legal action where appropriate but need not include legal action if such action would in all probability not result in the satisfaction of execution on a judgment. (5) Supervision of certain scholarship and fellowship grants. Subparagraphs (2) and (4) of this paragraph shall be considered satisfied with respect to scholarship or fellowship grants under the following circumstances: (i) The scholarship or fellowship grants are described in section 4945(g) (1); (ii) The grantor foundation pays the scholarship or fellowship grants to an educational institution described in section 151(e) (4); and (iii) Such educational institution agrees to use the grant funds to defray the recipients expenses or to pay the funds (or a portion thereof) to the recipient only if the recipient is enrolled at such educational institution and his standing at such educational institution is consistent with the purposes and conditions of the grant. (6) Retention of records. A private foundation shall retain records pertaining to all grants to individuals for purposes described in section 4945(d) (3). Such records shall include: (i) All information the foundation secures to evaluate the qualification of potential grantees; (ii) Identification of grantees (including any relationship of any grantee to the foundation sufficient to make such grantee a disqualified person of the private foundation within the meaning of section 4946(a) (1)); (iii) Specification of the amount and purpose of each grant; and (iv) The follow-up information which the foundation obtains in complying with subparagraphs (2), (3), and (4) of this paragraph. (7) Example. The provisions of paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section may
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be illustrated by the following example:
Example. The X foundation grants 10 scholarships each year to graduates of high schools in its area to permit the recipients to attend college. It makes the availability of its scholarships known by oral or written communications each year to the principals of three major high schools in the area. The foundation obtains information from each high school on the academic qualifications, background, and financial need of applicants. It requires that each applicant be recommended by two of his teachers or by the principal of his high school. All application forms are reviewed by the foundation officer responsible for making the awards and scholarships are granted on the basis of the academic qualifications and financial need of the grantees. The foundation obtains annual reports on the academic performance of the scholarship recipient from the college or university which he attends. It maintains a file on each scholarship awarded, including the original application, recommendations, a record of the action taken on the application, and the reports on the recipient from the institution which he attends. The described procedures of the X foundation for the making of grants to individuals qualify for Internal Revenue Service approval under section 4945(g). Furthermore, if the X foundations scholarship program meets the requirements of subparagraph (5) of this paragraph, X foundation will not have to obtain reports on the academic performance of the scholarship recipients.
(d) Submission of grant procedure(1) Contents of request for approval of grant procedures. A request for advance approval of a foundations grant procedures must fully describe the foundations procedures for awarding grants and for ascertaining that such grants are used for the proper purposes. The approval procedure does not contemplate specific approval of particular grant programs but instead one-time approval of a system of standards, procedures, and follow-up designed to result in grants which meet the requirements of section 4945(g). Thus, such approval shall apply to a subsequent grant program as long as the procedures under which it is conducted do not differ materially from those described in the request to the Commissioner. The request must contain the following items: (i) A statement describing the selection process. Such statement shall be sufficiently detailed for the Commis-
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(3) Section 509(a) (1), (2), and (3) organizations. See section 508(b) and the regulations thereunder for rules relating to when a grantor may rely on a potential grantees characterization of its status as set forth in the notice described in section 508(b). (4) Certain public organizations. For purposes of this section, an organization will be treated as a section 509(a)(1) organization if: (i) It qualifies as such under paragraph (a) of 1.509(a)2 of this chapter; (ii) It is an organization described in section 170(c)(1) or 511(a)(2)(B), even if it is not described in section 501(c)(3); or (iii) It is a foreign government, or any agency or instrumentality thereof, or an international organization designated as such by Executive order under 22 U.S.C. 288, even if it is not described in section 501(c)(3). However, any grant to an organization referred to in this subparagraph must be made exclusively for charitable purposes as described in section 170(c)(2)(B). (5) Certain foreign organizations. If a private foundation makes a grant to a foreign organization which does not have a ruling or determination letter that it is an organization described in section 509(a)(1), (2), or (3), such grant will not be treated as a grant made to an organization other than an organization described in section 509(a)(1), (2), or (3) if the grantor private foundation has made a good faith determination that the grantee organization is an organization described in section 509(a)(1), (2), or (3). Such a good faith determination ordinarily will be considered as made where the determination is based on an affidavit of the grantee organization or an opinion of counsel (of the grantor or the grantee) that the grantee is an organization described in section 509(a)(1), (2), or (3). Such an affidavit or opinion must set forth sufficient facts concerning the operations and support of the grantee for the Internal Revenue Service to determine that the grantee would be likely to qualify as an organization described in section 509(a) (1), (2), or (3). See paragraphs (b)(5) and (b)(6) of this section for other special rules relating to foreign organizations.
(a) Grants to nonpublic organizations (1) In general. Under section 4945(d)(4) the term taxable expenditure includes any amount paid or incurred by a private foundation as a grant to an organization (other than an organization described in section 509(a) (1), (2) or (3)), unless the private foundation exercises expenditure responsibility with respect to such grant in accordance with section 4945(h). However, the granting foundation does not have to exercise expenditure responsibility with respect to amounts granted to organizations described in section 4945(f). (2) Grants described. For a description of the term grants, see 53.4945 4(a)(2).
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(6) Certain earmarked grants(i) In general. A grant by a private foundation to a grantee organization which the grantee organization uses to make payments to another organization (the secondary grantee) shall not be regarded as a grant by the private foundation to the secondary grantee if the foundation does not earmark the use of the grant for any named secondary grantee and there does not exist an agreement, oral or written, whereby such grantor foundation may cause the selection of the secondary grantee by the organization to which it has given the grant. For purposes of this subdivision, a grant described herein shall not be regarded as a grant by the foundation to the secondary grantee even though such foundation has reason to believe that certain organizations would derive benefits from such grant so long as the original grantee organization exercises control, in fact, over the selection process and actually makes the selection completely independently of the private foundation. (ii) To governmental agencies. If a private foundation makes a grant to an organization described in section 170(c)(1) and such grant is earmarked for use by another organization, the granting foundation need not exercise expenditure responsibility with respect to such grant if the section 170(c)(1) organization satisfies the Commissioner in advance that: (a) Its grant-making program is in furtherance of a purpose described in section 170(c)(2)(B), and (b) The section 170(c)(1) organization exercises expenditure responsibility in a manner that would satisfy this section if it applied to such section 170(c)(1) organization. However, with respect to such grant, the granting foundation must make the reports required by section 4945(h)(3) and paragraph (d) of this section, unless such grant is earmarked for use by an organization described in section 509(a) (1), (2), or (3). (b) Expenditure responsibility(1) In general. A private foundation is not an insurer of the activity of the organization to which it makes a grant. Thus, satisfaction of the requirements of sections 4945(d)(4) and (h) and of subparagraph (3) or (4) of this paragraph, will
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R will be used for proper purposes. Consequently, Y is under no obligation to make any further pregrant inquiry pursuant to this subparagraph. Example 3. S foundation requests a grant from Z foundation for use in Ss program of providing medical research fellowships. S has been engaged in this program for several years and has received large numbers of grants from other foundations. Zs managers know that the reputations of S and of Ss officials are good. Zs managers also have been advised by managers of W foundation that W had recently made a grant to S and that Ws managers were satisfied that such grant has been used for the purposes for which it was made. Under these circumstances Z has enough information to have such assurance as a reasonable man would require that the grant to S will be used for proper purposes. Consequently, Z is under no obligation to make any further pregrant inquiry pursuant to this subparagraph.
(3) Terms of grants. Except as provided in subparagraph (4) of this paragraph, in order to meet the expenditure responsibility requirements of section 4945(h), a private foundation must require that each grant to an organization, with respect to which expenditure responsibility must be exercised under this section, be made subject to a written commitment signed by an appropriate officer, director, or trustee of the grantee organization. Such commitment must include an agreement by the grantee: (i) To repay any portion of the amount granted which is not used for the purposes of the grant, (ii) To submit full and complete annual reports on the manner in which the funds are spent and the progress made in accomplishing the purposes of the grant, except as provided in paragraph (c)(2) of this section, (iii) To maintain records of receipts and expenditures and to make its books and records available to the grantor at reasonable times, and (iv) Not to use any of the funds: (a) To carry on propaganda, or otherwise to attempt, to influence legislation (within the meaning of section 4945(d)(1)), (b) To influence the outcome of any specific public election, or to carry on, directly or indirectly, any voter registration drive (within the meaning of section 4945(d)(2)),
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(c) To make any grant which does not comply with the requirements of section 4945(d) (3) or (4), or (d) To undertake any activity for any purpose other than one specified in section 170(c)(2)(B). The agreement must also clearly specify the purposes of the grant. Such purposes may include contributing for capital endowment, for the purchase of capital equipment, or for general support provided that neither the grants nor the income therefrom may be used for purposes other than those described in section 170(c)(2)(B). (4) Terms of program-related investments. In order to meet the expenditure responsibility requirements of section 4945(h), with regard to the making of a program-related investment (as defined in section 4944 and the regulations thereunder), a private foundation must require that each such investment with respect to which expenditure responsibility must be exercised under section 4945(d)(4) and (h) and this section be made subject to a written commitment signed by an appropriate officer, director, or trustee of the recipient organization. Such commitment must specify the purpose of the investment and must include an agreement by the organization: (i) To use all the funds received from the private foundation (as determined under paragraph (c)(3) of this section) only for the purposes of the investment and to repay any portion not used for such purposes, provided that, with respect to equity investments, such repayment shall be made only to the extent permitted by applicable law concerning distributions to holders of equity interests, (ii) At least once a year during the existence of the program-related investment, to submit full and complete financial reports of the type ordinarily required by commercial investors under similar circumstances and a statement that it has complied with the terms of the investment, (iii) To maintain books and records adequate to provide information ordinarily required by commercial investors under similar circumstances and to make such books and records available to the private foundation at reasonable times, and
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tion makes a grant described in section 4945(d)(4) to a private foundation which is exempt from taxation under section 501(a) for endowment, for the purchase of capital equipment, or for other capital purposes, the grantor foundation shall require reports from the grantee on the use of the principal and the income (if any) from the grant funds. The grantee shall make such reports annually for its taxable year in which the grant was made and the immediately succeeding 2 taxable years. Only if it is reasonably apparent to the grantor that, before the end of such second succeeding taxable year, neither the principal, the income from the grant funds, nor the equipment purchased with the grant funds has been used for any purpose which would result in liability for tax under section 4945(d), the grantor may then allow such reports to be discontinued. (3) Grantees accounting and recordkeeping procedures. (i) A private foundation grantee exempt from taxation under section 501(a) (or the recipient of a program-related investment) need not segregate grant funds physically nor separately account for such funds on its books unless the grantor requires such treatment of the grant funds. If such a grantee neither physically segregates grant funds nor establishes separate accounts on its books, grants received within a given taxable year beginning after December 31, 1969, shall be deemed, for purposes of section 4945, to be expended before grants received in a succeeding taxable year. In such case expenditures of grants received within any such taxable year shall be prorated among all such grants. In accounting for grant expenditures, private foundations may make the necessary computations on a cumulative annual basis (or, where appropriate, as of the date for which the computations are made). The rules set forth in the preceding three sentences shall apply to the extent they are consistent with the available records of the grantee and with the grantees treatment of qualifying distributions under section 4942(h) and the regulations thereunder. The records of expenditures, as well as copies of the reports submitted to the grantor, must be kept for at least 4
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years after completion of the use of the grant funds. (ii) For rules relating to accounting and recordkeeping requirements for grantees other than those described in subdivision (i) of this subparagraph, see 53.49455(b)(8) and 53.49456(c). (4) Reliance on information supplied by grantee. A private foundation exercising expenditure responsibility with respect to its grants may rely on adequate records or other sufficient evidence supplied by the grantee organization (such as a statement by an appropriate officer, director or trustee of such grantee organization) showing, to the extent applicable, the information which the grantor must report to the Internal Revenue Service in accordance with paragraph (d)(2) of this section. (d) Reporting to Internal Revenue Service by grantor(1) In general. To satisfy the reportmaking requirements of section 4945(h)(3), a granting foundation must provide the required information on its annual information return, required to be filed by section 6033, for each taxable year with respect to each grant made during the taxable year which is subject to the expenditure responsibility requirements of section 4945(h). Such information must also be provided on such return with respect to each grant subject to such requirements upon which any amount or any report is outstanding at any time during the taxable year. However, with respect to any grant made for endowment or other capital purposes, the grantor must provide the required information only for any taxable year for which the grantor must require a report from the grantee under paragraph (c)(2) of this section. The requirements of this subparagraph with respect to any grant may be satisfied by submission with the foundations information return of a report received from the grantee, if the information required by subparagraph (2) of this paragraph is contained in such report. (2) Contents of report. The report required by this paragraph shall include the following information: (i) The name and address of the grantee. (ii) The date and amount of the grant.
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of capital equipment for the period of time for which diverted) plus the amount of any further payments to the same grantee. However, if the foundation complies with the requirements of (a) of this subdivision but not the requirements of (b) of this subdivision, the amount of the taxable expenditure shall be the amount of such further payments. (iv) In cases where a grantee has previously diverted funds received from a grantor foundation, and the grantor foundation determines that any part of a grant has again been used for improper purposes, the foundation will not be treated as having made a taxable expenditure solely by reason of such diversion so long as the foundation: (a) Is taking all reasonable and appropriate steps to recover the grant funds or to insure the restoration of the diverted funds and the dedication (consistent with the requirements of (b) (2) and (3) of this subdivision) of other grant funds held by the grantee to the purposes being financed by the grant, except that if, in fact, some or all of the diverted funds are not so restored or recovered, then the foundation must take all reasonable and appropriate steps to recover all of the grant funds, and (b) Withholds further payments until: (1) Such funds are in fact so recovered or restored, (2) It has received the grantees assurances that future diversions will not occur, and (3) It requires the grantee to take extraordinary precautions to prevent future diversions from occurring. If a foundation is treated as having made a taxable expenditure under this subparagraph in a case to which this subdivision applies, then unless the foundation meets the requirements of (a) of this subdivision, the amount of the taxable expenditure shall be the amount of the diversion plus the amount of any further payments to the same grantee. However, if the foundation complies with the requirements of (a) of this subdivision, but fails to withhold further payments until the requirements of (b) of this subdivision
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are met, the amount of the taxable expenditure shall be the amount of such further payments. (v) The phrase all reasonable and appropriate steps (as used in subdivisions (iii) and (iv) of this subparagraph) includes legal action where appropriate but need not include legal action if such action would in all probability not result in the satisfaction of execution on a judgment. (2) Grantees failure to make reports. A failure by the grantee to make the reports required by paragraph (c) of this section (or the making of inadequate reports) shall result in the grants being treated as a taxable expenditure by the grantor unless the grantor: (i) Has made the grant in accordance with paragraph (b) of this section, (ii) Has complied with the reporting requirements contained in paragraph (d) of this section, (iii) Makes a reasonable effort to obtain the required report, and (iv) Withholds all future payments on this grant and on any other grant to the same grantee until such report is furnished. (3) Violations by the grantor. In addition to the situations described in subparagraphs (1) and (2) of this paragraph, a grant which is subject to the expenditure responsibility requirements of section 4945(h) will be considered a taxable expenditure of the granting foundation if the grantor: (i) Fails to make a pregrant inquiry as described in paragraph (b)(2) of this section, (ii) Fails to make the grant in accordance with a procedure consistent with the requirements of paragraph (b) (3) or (4) of this section, or (iii) Fails to report to the Internal Revenue Service as provided in paragraph (d) of this section. (f) Effective dates(1) In general. This section shall apply to all grants which are subject to the expenditure responsibility requirements of section 4945(d)(4) and (h) and which are made by private foundations more than 90 days after October 30, 1972. (2) Transitional rules(i) Certain grants awarded prior to May 27, 1969. Section 4945(d)(4) and (h) and this section shall not apply to a grant to a private foundation which is not con-
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(v) Any payment which constitutes a qualifying distribution under section 4942(g) or an allowable deduction under section 4940, (vi) Reasonable expenditures to evaluate, acquire, modify, and dispose of program-related investments, or (vii) Business expenditures by the recipient of a program-related investment. (2) Conversely, any expenditures for unreasonable administrative expenses, including compensation, consultant fees, and other fees for services rendered, will ordinarily be taxable expenditures under section 4945(d)(5) unless the foundation can demonstrate that such expenses were paid or incurred in the good faith belief that they were reasonable and that the payment or incurrence of such expenses in such amounts was consistent with ordinary business care and prudence. The determination whether an expenditure is unreasonable shall depend upon the facts and circumstances of the particular case. (c) Grants to noncharitable organizations(1) In general. Since a private foundation cannot make an expenditure for a purpose other than a purpose described in section 170(c)(2)(B), a private foundation may not make a grant to an organization other than an organization described in section 501(c)(3) unless (i) The making of the grant itself constitutes a direct charitable act or the making of a program-related investment, or (ii) Through compliance with the requirements of subparagraph (2) of this paragraph, the grantor is reasonably assured that the grant will be used exclusively for purposes described in section 170(c)(2)(B). For purposes of this paragraph, an organization treated as a section 509(a)(1) organization under 53.49455(a)(4) shall be treated as an organization described in section 501(c)(3). (2) Grants other than transfers of assets described in 1.5073(c)(1). (i) If a private foundation makes a grant which is not
53.49456 Expenditures for noncharitable purposes. (a) In general. Under section 4945(d)(5) the term taxable expenditure includes any amount paid or incurred by a private foundation for any purpose other than one specified in section 170(c)(2)(B). Thus, ordinarily only an expenditure for an activity which, if it were a substantial part of the organizations total activities, would cause loss of tax exemption is a taxable expenditure under section 4945(d)(5). For purposes of this section and 53.49451 through 53.49455, the term purposes described in section 170(c)(2)(B) shall be treated as including purposes described in section 170(c)(2)(B) whether or not carried out by an organization described in section 170(c). (b) Particular expenditures. (1) The following types of expenditures ordinarily will not be treated as taxable expenditures under section 4945(d)(5): (i) Expenditures to acquire investments entered into for the purpose of obtaining income or funds to be used in furtherance of purposes described in section 170(c)(2)(B), (ii) Reasonable expenses with respect to investments described in subdivision (i) of this subparagraph, (iii) Payment of taxes, (iv) Any expenses which qualify as deductions in the computation of unrelated business income tax under section 511,
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a transfer of assets pursuant to any liquidation, merger, redemption, recapitalization, or other adjustment, organization or reorganization to any organization (other than an organization described in section 501(c)(3) except an organization described in section 509(a)(4)), the grantor is reasonably assured (within the meaning of subparagraph (1)(ii) of this paragraph) that the grant will be used exclusively for purposes described in section 170(c)(2)(B) only if the grantee organization agrees to maintain and, during the period in which any portion of such grant funds remain unexpended, does continuously maintain the grant funds (or other assets transferred) in a separate fund dedicated to one or more purposes described in section 170(c)(2)(B). The grantor of a grant described in this paragraph must also comply with the expenditure responsibility provisions contained in sections 4945(d) and (h) and 53.49455. (ii) For purposes of this paragraph, a foreign organization which does not have a ruling or determination letter that it is an organization described in section 501(c)(3) (other than section 509(a)(4)) will be treated as an organization described in section 501(c)(3) (other than section 509(a)(4)) if in the reasonable judgment of a foundation manager of the transferor private foundation, the grantee organization is an organization described in section 501(c)(3) (other than section 509(a)(4)). The term reasonable judgment shall be given its generally accepted legal sense within the outlines developed by judicial decisions in the law of trusts. (3) Transfers of assets described in 1.5073(c)(1). If a private foundation makes a transfer of assets (other than a transfer described in subparagraph (1)(i) of this paragraph) pursuant to any liquidation, merger, redemption, recapitalization, or other adjustment, organization, or reorganization to any person, the transferred assets will not be considered used exclusively for purposes described in section 170(c)(2)(B) unless the assets are transferred to a fund or organization described in section 501(c)(3) (other than an organization described in section 509(a)(4)) or
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ing power which will vest in preferred stockholders only if and when the corporation has failed to pay preferred dividends for a specified period of time or has otherwise failed to meet specified requirements. Similarly, for purposes of subparagraph (1)(iii) (b) and (c), (vi), and (vii) of this paragraph, the terms profits interest and beneficial interest include any such interest that is outstanding, but do not include any such interest that is obtainable but has not been obtained. (7) For purposes of sections 170(b) (1)(E)(iii), 507(d)(1), 508(d), 509(a) (1) and (3), and Chapter 42, the term disqualified person shall not include an organization which is described in section 509(a) (1), (2), or (3), or any other organization which is wholly owned by such section 509(a) (1), (2), or (3) organization. (8) For purposes of section 4941 only, the term disqualified person shall not include any organization which is described in section 501(c)(3) (other than an organization described in section 509(a)(4)). (b) Section 4943. (1) For purposes of section 4943 only, the term disqualified person includes a private foundation: (i) Which is effectively controlled (within the meaning of 1.4821(a)(3) of this chapter), directly or indirectly, by the same person or persons (other than a bank, trust company, or similar organization acting only as a foundation manager) who control the private foundation in question, or (ii) Substantially all the contributions to which were made, directly or indirectly, by persons described in subdivision (i), (ii), (iii), or (iv) of paragraph (a)(1) of this section who made, directly or indirectly, substantially all of the contributions to the private foundation in question. (2) For purposes of subparagraph (1)(ii) of this paragraph, one or more persons will be considered to have made substantially all of the contributions to a private foundation, if such persons have contributed or bequeathed at least 85 percent (and each such person has contributed or bequeathed at least 2 percent) of the total contributions and bequests (within the meaning of section 507(d)(2) and
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the regulations thereunder) which have been received by such private foundation during its entire existence. (3) Examples. The provisions of this paragraph may be illustrated by the following examples:
Example 1. A, a private foundation, has a board of directors made up of X, Y, Z, M, N, and O. Foundation Bs board of directors is made up of Y, M, N, and O. The board of directors in each case has plenary power to determine the manner in which the foundation is operated. For purposes of section 4943, foundation A is a disqualified person with respect to foundation B, and foundation B, is a disqualified person with respect to foundation A. Example 2. Private foundation A has received contributions of $100,000 throughout its existence: $35,000 from X, $51,000 from Y (who is Xs father), and $14,000 from Z (an unrelated person). Private foundation B has received $100,000 in contributions during its existence: $50,000 from X and $50,000 from W, Xs wife. For purposes of section 4943, private tion A is a disqualified person with to private foundation B, and private tion B is a disqualified person with to private foundation A. foundarespect foundarespect
(c) Section 4941. For purposes of section 4941, a government official, as defined in section 4946(c) and paragraph (g) of this section, is a disqualified person. (d) Attribution of stockholdings. (1) For purposes of paragraph (a)(1)(iii) (a) and (v) of this section, indirect stockholdings shall be taken into account under section 267(c) and the regulations thereunder. However, for purposes of this paragraph: (i) Section 267(c)(4) shall be treated as though it provided that the members of the family of an individual are the members within the meaning of section 4946(d) and paragraph (h) of this section; and (ii) Any stockholdings which have been counted once (whether by reason of actual or constructive ownership) in applying section 4946(a)(1)(E) shall not be counted a second time. For purposes of paragraph (a)(1)(v) or this section, section 267(c) shall be applied without regard to section 267(c)(3), and stock constructively owned by an individual by reason of the application of section 267(c)(2) shall not be treated as owned by him if he is
(e) Attribution of profits or beneficial interests. (1) For purposes of paragraph (a) (1) (iii) (b), (iii) (c) (vi), and (vii) of this section, ownership of profits or beneficial interests shall be taken into account as though such ownership related to stockholdings, if such stockholdings would be taken into account under section 267(c) and the regulations thereunder, except that section 267(c)(3) shall not apply to attribute the ownership of one partner to another solely by reason of such partner relationship. However, for purposes of this paragraph: (i) Section 267(c)(4) shall be treated as though it provided that the members of the family of an individual are the members within the meaning of
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(ii) He regularly exercises general authority to make administrative or policy decisions on behalf of the foundation. With respect to any act or failure to act, any person described in subdivision (ii) of this subparagraph who has authority merely to recommend particular administrative or policy decisions, but not to implement them without approval of a superior, is not an officer. Moreover, such independent contractors as attorneys, accountants, and investment managers and advisers, acting in their capacities as such, are not officers within the meaning of subparagraph (1)(i) of this paragraph. (3) For purposes of subparagraph (1)(ii) of this paragraph, an individual rendering services to a private foundation shall be considered an employee of the foundation only if he is an employee within the meaning of section 3121(d)(2). (4) Since the definition of the term disqualified person contained in section 4946(a)(1)(B) incorporates only so much of the definition of the term foundation manager as is found in section 4946(b)(1) and subparagraph (1)(i) of this paragraph, any references, in section 4946 and this section, to disqualified persons do not constitute references to persons who are foundation managers solely by reason of the definition of that term contained in section 4946(b)(2) and subparagraph (1)(ii) of this paragraph. (g) Government official(1) In general. Except as provided in subparagraph (3) of this paragraph, for purposes of section 4941 and paragraph (c) of this section, the term government official means, with respect to an act of selfdealing described in section 4941, an individual who, at the time of such act, is described in subdivision (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), or (v) of this subparagraph (other than a special Government employee as defined in 18 U.S.C. 202(a)): (i)(a) An individual who holds an elective public office in the executive or legislative branch of the Government of the United States. (b) An individual who holds an office in the executive or judicial branch of the Government of the United States, appointment to which was made by the President.
(f) Foundation manager. (1) For purposes of Chapter 42 and the regulations thereunder, the term foundation manager means: (i) An officer, director, or trustee of a foundation (or a person having powers or responsibilities similar to those of officers, directors, or trustees of the foundation), and (ii) With respect to any act or failure to act, any employee of the foundation having final authority or responsibility (either officially or effectively) with respect to such act or failure to act. (2) For purposes of subparagraph (1)(i) of this paragraph, a person shall be considered an officer of a foundation if: (i) He is specifically so designated under the certificate of incorporation, bylaws, or other constitutive documents of the foundation; or
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(ii) An individual who holds a position in the executive, legislative or judicial branch of the Government of the United States: (a) Which is listed in schedule C of rule VI of the Civil Service Rules, or (b) The compensation for which is equal to or greater than the lowest rate prescribed for GS16 of the General Schedule under 5 U.S.C. 5332. (iii) An individual who holds a position under the House of Representatives or the Senate of the United States, as an employee of either of such bodies, who receives gross compensation therefrom at an annual rate of $15,000 or more. (iv) The holder of an elective or appointive public office in the executive, legislative, or judicial branch of the government of a State, possession of the United States, or political subdivision or other area of any of the foregoing, or of the District of Columbia, for which the gross compensation is at an annual rate of $15,000 or more, who is described in subparagraph (2) of this paragraph. (v) The holder of a position as personal or executive assistant or secretary to any individual described in subdivision (i), (ii), (iii), or (iv) of this subparagraph. (2) Public office(i) Definition. In defining the term public office for purposes of section 4946(c)(5) and subparagraph (1)(iv) of this paragraph, such term must be distinguished from mere public employment. Although holding a public office is one form of public employment, not every position in the employ of a State or other governmental subdivision (as described in section 4946 (c)(5)) constitutes a public office. Although a determination whether a public employee holds a public office depends on the facts and circumstances of the case, the essential element is whether a significant part of the activities of a public employee is the independent performance of policymaking functions. In applying this subparagraph, several factors may be considered as indications that a position in the executive, legislative, or judicial branch of the government of a State, possession of the United States, or political subdivision or other area of any of the foregoing, or of the District of
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(a), (b) and (c) and Chapter 42 shall apply to the trust. However, the charitable trust is not treated as an organization described in section 501(c)(3) for purposes of exemption from taxation under section 501(a). Thus, the trust is subject to the excise tax on its investment income under section 4940(b) rather than the tax imposed by section 4940(a). For purposes of satisfying the organizational test described in 1.501 (c)(3)1(b) when a charitable trust seeks an exemption from taxation under section 501(a), a charitable trust (as defined in this paragraph) shall be considered organized on the day it first becomes subject to section 4947(a)(1). However, for purposes of the special and transistional rules in section 4940(c)(4)(B), 4942(f)(4), 4943(c)(4)(A)(i) and (B) and section 101(1)(2)(A), (B), (C), and (D), and (1)(3) of the Tax Reform Act of 1969, a charitable trust (as defined in this paragraph) shall be considered organized on the first day it has amounts in trust for which a deduction was allowed (within the meaning of paragraph (a) of this section) under section 170, 545(b)(2), 556(b)(2), 642(c), 2055, 2106(a)(2), or 2522. Thus, under this rule, a trust may be treated as a private foundation in existence on a date governing one of the applicable special and transistional rules even though the trust did not otherwise become subject to the provisions of Chapter 42 until a later date. (ii) The provisions of paragraph (b)(1) of this section may be illustrated by the following examples:
Example 1. On January 30, 1970, X creates an inter vivos trust under which M receives 50 percent and N receives 50 percent of the trusts income for 10 years, and upon the termination of which, at the end of the 10-year period, the corpus is to be distributed to O. M, N and O are all organizations described in section 501(c)(3) and X is allowed a deduction under section 170 for the value of all interests placed in trust. The trustees of the trust do not give notice to the Internal Revenue Service under the provisions of section 508(a), and the trust will therefore not be exempt from taxation under section 501(a). The trust is a charitable trust within the meaning of section 4947(a)(1) from the date of its creation. Example 2. On March 1, 1971, Y creates a charitable remainder annuity trust described in section 664(d)(1) under which Z, Ys son, receives $10,000 per year for life, remainder
(2) Scope of application of section 4947(a)(1)(i) In general. Subject to paragraph (b)(2) (ii) through (vii) of this section, section 4947(a)(1) applies to nonexempt trusts in which all unexpired interests are charitable. For purposes of this section, the term charitable when used to describe an interest or beneficiary refers to the purposes described in section 170(c)(2)(B). An estate from which the executor or administrator is required to distribute all of the net assets in trust to such beneficiaries will not be considered a charitable trust under section 4947(a)(1) during the period of estate administration or settlement, except as provided in paragraph (b)(2)(ii) of this section. A charitable trust created by will shall be considered a charitable trust under section 4947(a)(1) as of the date of death of the decedent-grantor, except as provided in paragraph (b)(2)(v) of this section (relating to trusts which wind up. For the circumstances under which segregated amounts are treated as charitable trusts, see 53.4947 1(c)(3)(iii). (ii) Estates. (A) When an estate from which the executor or administrator is required to distribute all of the net assets in trust for charitable beneficiaries, or free of trust to such beneficiaries, is considered terminated for Federal income tax purposes under 1.641(b)3(a), then the estate will be treated as a charitable trust under section 4947(a)(1) between the date on which the estate is considered terminated under 1.641(b)3(a) and the date final distribution of all of the net assets is made to or for the benefit of the charitable beneficiaries. This (ii) does not affect the determination of the tax
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pired interests are charitable remainder interests and in which some or all of the charitable beneficiaries are not entitled to distributions of corpus within the meaning of paragraph (b)(2)(iii) of this section shall continue to be treated as a split-interest trust under section 4947(a)(2) rather than a charitable trust under section 4947(a)(1) for a reasonable period of settlement after the expiration of the noncharitable interest. Thus, a split-interest trust which under its terms is to continue to hold assets for charitable beneficiaries after the expiration of the noncharitable interest rather than distributing them as in paragraph (b)(2)(iii) of this section is given a reasonable period of settlement before being treated as a charitable trust. For purposes of this paragraph, the term reasonable period of settlement means that period reasonably required (or if shorter, actually required) by the trustee to perform the ordinary duties of administration necessary for the settlement of the trust. These duties include, for example, the collection of assets, the payment of debts, taxes, and distributions, and the determination of the rights of the subsequent beneficiaries. (B) This (iv) may be illustrated by the following example:
Example. On January 15, 1971, A creates a charitable remainder annuity trust described in section 661(d)(1) under which the trustees are required to distribute $10,000 a year to B, As wife, for life, remainder to be held in trust for the use of M, an organization described in section 501(c)(3). A is allowed a deduction under section 170 for the amount of the charitable interest, and the trust is, therefore, treated as a split-interest trust under section 4947(a)(2) from the date of its creation. B dies on February 10, 1975. On April 15, 1975, the trustees complete performance of the ordinary duties of administration necessary for the settlement of the trust brought about by the death of B. These duties include, for example, an accounting for and payment to the estate of B of amounts accrued by B while alive during 1975. However, the trustees do not distribute the corpus to M by April 15, 1975. The trust shall continue to be treated as a split-interest trust under section 4947(a)(2) until April 15, 1975. After April 15, 1975, the trust shall be treated as a charitable trust under section 4947(a)(1).
(iii) Certain split-interest trusts which wind up. A split-interest trust (as defined in paragraph (c) of this section) in which all of the unexpired interests are charitable remainder interests and in which the charitable beneficiaries have become entitled to distributions of corpus in trust or free of trust shall continue to be treated as as split-interest trust under section 4947(a)(2) until the date on which final distribution of all the net assets is made. However, if after the expiration of any intervening interests the trust is considered terminated for Federal income tax purposes under 1.641(b)3(b), then the trust will be treated as a charitable trust under section 4947(a)(1), rather than a split interest trust under section 4947(a)(2), between the date on which the trust is considered terminated under 1.641(b) 3(b) and the date on which such final distribution of all of the net assets is made to or for the benefit of the charitable remainder beneficiaries. This (iii) does not affect the determination of the tax liability under subtitle A of the beneficiaries of the trusts. (iv) Split-interest trusts which become charitable trusts. (A) A split-interest trust (as defined in paragraph (c) of this section) in which all of the unex-
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(v) Certain revocable and testamentary trusts which wind up. A revocable trust that becomes irrevocable upon the death of the decedent-grantor, or a trust created by will, from which the trustee is required to distribute all of the net assets in trust for or free of trust to charitable beneficiaries is not considered a charitable trust under section 4947(a)(1) for a reasonable period of settlement (within the meaning of paragraph (b)(2)(iv) of this section) after becoming irrevocable. After that period the trust is considered a charitable trust under section 4947(a)(1). (vi) Revocable trusts which become charitable trusts. A revocable trust that becomes irrevocable upon the death of the decedent-grantor in which all of the unexpired interests are charitable and under the terms of the governing instrument of which the trustee is required to hold some or all of the net assets in trust after becoming irrevocable solely for charitable beneficiaries is not considered a trust under section 4947(a)(1) for a reasonable period of settlement (within the meaning of paragraph (b)(2)(iv) of this section) after becoming irrevocable except that section 4941 may apply if the requirements of 53.4941(d)1 (b)(3) are not met. After that period, the trust is considered a charitable trust under section 4947(a)(1). (vii) Trust devoted to 170(c) purposes. (A) A trust all of the unexpired interests in which are devoted to section 170 (c) (3) or (5) purposes together with section 170(c)(2)(B) purposes shall be considered a charitable trust except that payments under the terms of the governing instrument to an organization described in section 170(c) (3) or (5) shall not be considered a violation of section 4945(d)(5) or any other provisions of Chapter 42 and shall be considered qualifying distributions under section 4942. (B) Example. The application of paragraph (b)(2)(vii) of this section may be illustrated by the following example:
Example. On January 30, 1970, H creates an inter vivos trust under the terms of the governing instruments of which M, an organization described in section 170(c)(3), and N, an organization described in section 501(c)(3), are each to receive 50 percent of the income for a period of 10 years. At the end of the 10 year period, the corpus is to be distributed to
(3) Charitable trusts described in section 509(a)(3). For purposes of section 509(a)(3)(A), a charitable trust shall be treated as if organized on the day on which it first becomes subject to section 4947(a)(1). However, for purposes of applying 1.509(a)4(d) (2)(iv)(a), and 1.509(a)4(i)(1) (ii) and (iii)(c) the previous relationship between the charitable trust and the section 509(a) (1) or (2) organizations it benefits or supports may be considered. If the charitable trust otherwise meets the requirements of section 509(a)(3), it may obtain recognition of its status as a section 509(a)(3) organization by requesting a ruling from the Internal Revenue Service. For the special rules pertaining to the application of the organizational test to organizations terminating their private foundation status under the 12-month or 60-month termination period provided under section 507(b)(1)(B) by becoming public under section 509(a)(3), see the regulations under section 507(b)(1). (c) Split-interest trusts(1) General rule(i) Definition. For purposes of this section and 53.49472, a split-interest trust, within the meaning of section 4947(a)(2), is a trust which is not exempt from taxation under section 501(a), not all of the unexpired interests in which are devoted to one or more of the purposes described in section 170(c)(2)(B), and which has amounts in trust for which a deduction was allowed (within the meaning of paragraph (a) of this section) under section 170, 545(b)(2), 556(b)(2), 642(c), 2055, 2106(a)(2), or 2522. A trust is one which has amounts in trust for which a deduction was allowed under section 642(c) within the meaning of section 4947(a)(2) once a deduction is allowed under section 642(c) to the trust for any amount permanently set aside. This (i) also includes any trust which is not treated as a charitable trust by operation of paragraph (b)(2) (iii) or (iv) of
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(ii) The application of this subparagraph may be illustrated by the following examples:
Example 1. H creates a charitable remainder unitrust (described in section 664(d)(2)) which is required annually to pay W, Hs wife, 5 percent of the net fair market value of the trust assets, valued annually, for her life; and to pay the remainder to Y, a section 501(c)(3) organization. A deduction under section 170(f)(2)(A) was allowed with respect to the remainder interest of Y. Under section 4947(a)(2)(A), each annual amount which becomes payable to W during her life is not subject to paragraph (c)(1)(ii) of this section on or after the date upon which it becomes so payable and the payment of each amount to W is not an act of self-dealing under section 4941(d)(1) and does not violate any other provision of chapter 42. However, except as provided in the preceding sentence, the trust is subject to paragraph (c)(1)(ii) of this section in the same manner as any other splitinterest trust. Example 2. H bequeaths the residue of his estate in trust for the benefit of S, his son, and Y, an organization described in section 501(c)(3). A guaranteed annuity interest of $10,000 is to be paid to S for 20 years. A guaranteed annuity interest of $5,000 which meets the requirements contained in 20.2055 2(e)(2)(v)(a) is also to be paid to Y for 20 years. Upon termination of the 20-year term, the corpus is to be distributed to Z, another organization described in section 501(c)(3). The trust is a charitable remainder annuity trust as described in section 664(d)(1) and the regulations thereunder, and a deduction under section 2055(e)(2)(A) was allowed with respect to the remainder interest of Z. A deduction was also allowed under section 2055(e)(2)(B) with respect to the guaranteed annuity interest of Y. The assets in the trust are not segregated under section 4947(a)(2)(B) and paragraph (c)(3) of this section. Under section 4947(a)(2)(A), each payment of $10,000 to S is not subject to section 4947(a)(2) and paragraph (c)(1)(ii) of this section. The payment of each amount to S is not an act of self-dealing under section 4941(d)(1) and does not violate any other provision of chapter 42. However, except as provided in the preceding sentence, the trust is subject to section 4947(a)(2) and paragraph (c)(1)(ii) of this section in the same manner as any other splitinterest trust. Example 3. H creates a trust under which the trustees are required to pay over an annuity interest of $20,000 to W. Hs wife, for her life. A guaranteed annuity interest of $10,000 which meets the requirements contained in 25.2522(c)3(c)(2)(v) is also to be paid X, an organization described in section 501(c)(3), for the life of W. Upon the death of W, the corpus of the trust, which consists of office buildings M and N, is to be distributed
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to S. Hs son. H received a deduction under section 2522(c)(2)(B) for the value of Xs income interest in the trust. The assets in the trust are not segregated under section 4947(a)(2)(B) and paragraph (c)(3) of this section. Under section 4947(a)(2)(A), each payment of $20,000 to W is not subject to section 4947(a)(2) and paragraph (c)(1)(ii) of this section. The payment of each amount to W is not an act of self-dealing under section 4941(d)(1) and does not violate any other provision of chapter 42. However, except as provided in the preceding sentence, the trust is subject to paragraph (c)(1)(ii) of this section in the same manner as any other split-interest trust. See example (1) of paragraph (c)(3)(v) of this section for the application of section 4947(a)(2)(B) to a similar trust where the trustees segregate the assets of the trust.
(3) Exception for certain segregated amount(i) In general. Under section 4947(a)(2)(B) paragraph (c)(1)(ii) of this section does not apply to assets held in trust (together with the income and capital gains derived from the assets), which are segregated from other assets held in trust for which a deduction was allowed for an income or remainder interest under section 170, 545(b)(2), 556(b)(2), 642(c), 2055, 2106(a)(2), or 2522. (ii) Segregation of amounts. Amounts will generally be considered segregated (within the meaning of section 4947(a)(2)(B) if: (A) Assets with respect to which no deduction was allowed (for an income or remainder interest) under section 170, 545(b)(2), 556(b)(2), 642(c), 2055, 2106(a)(2), or 2522, are separately accounted for under section 4947(a)(3) and paragraph (c)(4) of this section from assets for which such a deduction was allowed for any income or remainder interest and, (B) By reason of the separate accounting the trust can be treated as two separate trusts, one of which is devoted exclusively to noncharitable income and remainder interests and the other of which is a charitable trust described in section 4947(a)(1) or a splitinterest trust described in section 4947(a)(2). Under these circumstances, only the trust which is devoted exclusively to noncharitable income and remainder interests will be considered a segregated amount which under section 4947(a)(2)(B), is not subject to section 4947(a)(2) and paragraph (c)(1)(ii) of this section.
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(or the corresponding provisions of prior law). Income and capital gains which are derived at any time from amounts transferred in trust before May 27, 1969, shall also be excluded from the application of paragraph (c)(1)(ii) of this section. If an asset which was transferred in trust before May 27, 1969, is sold or exchanged after May 26, 1969, any asset received by the trust upon the sale or exchange shall be treated as an asset which was transferred in trust before May 27, 1969. (ii) Requirement for separate accounting for amounts transferred in trust before May 27, 1969. If: (A) Amounts are transferred in trust after May 26, 1969, and the trust to which the amounts are transferred also contains (B) Amounts transferred in trust before May 27, 1969, the general rule of paragraph (c)(5)(i) of this section applicable to the amounts described in paragraph (c)(5)(ii)(B) of this section will apply only if the amounts described in paragraph (c)(5)(ii)(A) of this section (together with all income and capital gains derived therefrom) are separately accounted for (within the meaning of paragraph (c)(4) of this section) from the amounts described in paragraph (c)(5)(ii)(B) of this section, together with all income and capital gains derived therefrom. For the application of section 508(e) to a trust with respect to which amounts were transferred both before and after May 27, 1969, see section 508(e) and the regulations thereunder. (iii) Exception for certain testamentary trusts. (A) Amounts transferred in trust before May 27, 1969 include amounts transferred in trust after May 26, 1969 when the transfer is made under the terms of a testamentary trust created by the will of a decedent who died before May 27, 1969, (regardless of whether the executors or the testamentary trustees are required to execute testamentary trusts by court order under applicable local law). Amounts transferred in trust before May 27, 1969, also include amounts transferred to a testamentary trust created by the will of a decedent who died after May 26, 1969 if the will was executed before May 27, 1969 and no dispositive provision of the
(4) Accounting for segregated amounts (i) General rule. Under section 4947(a)(2)(B), a trust with respect to which amounts are segregated within the meaning of paragraph (c)(3) of this section must separately account for the various income, deduction, and other items properly attributable to each segregated amount in the books of account and separately account to each of the beneficiaries of the trust. (ii) Method. Separate accounting shall be made: (A) According to the method regularly employed by the trust, if the method is reasonable, and (B) In all other cases in a manner which, in the opinion of the Commissioner, is reasonable. A method of separate accounting will be considered regularly employed by a trust when the method has been consistently followed in prior taxable years or when a trust which has never before maintained segregated amounts initiates a reasonable method of separate accounting for its segregated amounts and consistently follows such method thereafter. The trust shall keep permanent records and other data relating to the segregated amounts as are necessary to enable the district director to determine the correctness of the application of the rules prescribed in paragraph (c) (3) and (4) of this section. (5) Amounts transferred in trust before May 27, 1969(i) General rule. Under section 4947(a)(2)(C), paragraph (c)(1)(ii) of this section does not apply to any amounts transferred in trust before May 27, 1969. For purposes of this (5), an amount shall be considered to be transferred in trust only when the transfer is one which meets the requirements for the allowance of a deduction under section 170, 545(b)(2), 556(b)(2), 642(c), 2055, 2106(a)(2), or 2522
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will was amended (within the meaning of 20.20552(e)(4) and (5)) by the decedent by codicil or otherwise, after May 26, 1969, and the decedent was on May 27, 1969, and at all times thereafter under a mental disability (as defined in 1.642(c)2(b)(3)(ii)) to amend the will by codicil or otherwise. (B) The provisions of this (iii) may be illustrated by the following example:
Example. X executed a will in 1960 which provided for the creation of a testamentary trust which meets the description of a splitinterest trust under section 4947(a)(2). X died on April 15, 1969. Under the provisions of his will, the probate court permitted certain property in Xs estate to be transferred to the testamentary trust at fixed intervals over a period of two years during the administration of the estate. Section 4947(a)(2) does not apply to any amount described in this example, including the amounts transferred after May 26, 1969, because, for purposes of section 4947(a)(2)(C), each such transfer will be treated as an amount transferred in trust before May 27, 1969, within the meaning of section 4947(a)(2)(C).
(6) Scope of application of section 4947(a)(2)(i) In general. Subject to paragraph (c)(6) (ii), (iii), and (iv) of this section, section 4947(a)(2) applies to trusts in which some but not all unexpired interests are charitable. An estate from which the executor or administrator is required to distribute all of the net assets in trust or free of trust to both charitable and noncharitable beneficiaries will not be considered to be a split-interest trust under section 4947(a)(2) during the period of estate administration or settlement, except as provided in paragraph (c)(6)(ii) of this section. A split-interest trust created by will shall be considered a splitinterest trust under section 4947(a)(2) as of the date of death of the decedentgrantor, except as provided in paragraph (c)(6)(iv) of this section. (ii) Estates. (A) When an estate from which the executor or administrator is required to distribute all of the net assets in trust or free of trust to both charitable and noncharitable beneficiaries is considered terminated for Federal income tax purposes under 1.641(b)3(a), then the estate will be treated as a split-interest trust under section 4947(a)(2) (or a charitable trust under section 4957(a)(1), if applicable) between the date on which the estate is
(iii) Revocable trusts which become split-interest trusts. A revocable trust that becomes irrevocable upon the death of the decedent-grantor under the terms of the governing instrument of which the trustee is required to hold some or all of its net assets in trust after becoming irrevocable for both charitable and noncharitable beneficiaries is not considered a split-interest trust under section 4947(a)(2) for a reasonable period of settlement after becoming irrevocable except that section 4941 may apply if the requirements of 53.4941(d)1(b)(3) are not met. After that period, the trust is considered a split-interest trust under section 4947(a)(2). For purposes of this (iii), the
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that is directed by the terms of the governing instrument of the trust and is not discretionary with the trustee or, in the case of a discretionary payment, by reason of, or following, the expiration of the last remaining charitable interest in the trust. (2) Examples. The provisions of this (e) may be illustrated by the following examples:
Example 1. H creates a section 4947(a)(1) trust under which the income is to be paid for 15 years to R, a section 501(c)(3) organization. Upon the expiration of 15 years, the trust is to terminate and distribute all of its assets to S, another section 501(c)(3) organization. Distribution of the corpus of the trust to S will not be considered a termination of the trusts private foundation status within the meaning of section 507(a). Example 2. H creates a trust under which X, a section 501(c)(3) organization, receives $20,000 per year for a period of 20 years, remainder to S, Hs son. H is allowed a deduction under section 2522 for the present value of Xs interest. When the final payment to X has been made at the end of the 20-year period in accordance with the terms of the trust, the provisions of section 4947(a)(2) will cease to apply to the trust because the trust no longer retains any amounts for which the deduction under section 2522 was allowed. However, the final payment to X will not be considered a termination of the trusts private foundation status within the meaning of section 507(a). Example 3. J creates a charitable remainder annuity trust described in section 664(d)(1) under which S, Js son, receives $10,000 per year for life, remainder to be distributed outright to P, an organization described in section 501(c)(3). J is allowed a deduction under section 170 for the value of the remainder interest placed in trust for the benefit of P, and the provisions of section 4947(a)(2) apply to the trust. At the death of S, the trust will terminate and all assets will be distributed to P. However, such final distribution to P will not be considered a termination of the trusts private foundation status within the meaning of section 507(a). [T.D. 7431, 41 FR 35515, Aug. 23, 1976]
53.49472 Special rules. (a) Limit to segregated amounts. If any amounts held in trust are segregated within the meaning of 53.49471(c)(3), the value of the net assets for purposes of section 507(c)(2) and (g) shall be limited to the segregated amounts with respect to which a deduction under section 170, 545(b)(2), 556(b)(2), 642(c), 2055,
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2106(a)(2), or 2522 was allowed. See the regulations under section 507(c)(2) and (g). (b) Applicability of section 4943 and 4944 to split-interests trusts(1) General rule. Under section 4947(b)(3), section 4943 and 4944 do not apply to a split-interest trust described in section 4947(a)(2) if: (i) All the income interest (and none of the remainder interest) of the trust is devoted solely to one or more of the purposes described in section 170(c)(2)(B) and all amounts in the trust for which a deduction was allowed under section 170, 545(b)(2), 556(b)(2), 642(c), 2055, 2106(a)(2), or 2522 have an aggregate value (at the time for which the deduction was allowed) of not more than 60 percent of the aggregate fair market value of all amounts in the trust (after the payment of estate taxes and all other liabilities), or (ii) A deduction was allowed under section 170, 545(b)(2), 556(b)(2), 642(c), 2055, 2106(a)(2) or 2522 for amounts payable under the terms of the trust to every remainder beneficiary, but not to any income beneficiary. This (1) shall apply to a trust described in paragraph (b)(1)(ii) of this section only if all amounts payable under the terms of the trust to every remainder beneficiary are to be devoted solely to one or more of the purposes described in section 170(c)(2)(B). After the expiration of all income interests in a trust described in paragraph (b)(1)(ii) of this section, the trust shall become subject to section 4947(a)(1) under 53.4947 1(b)(2), and section 4947(b)(3) shall no longer apply to the trust. A pooled income fund described in section 642(c)(5) will generally meet the requirements of paragraph (b)(1)(ii) of this section, as will a charitable remainder trust described in section 664(d)(1), if in either case it does not make payments to any income beneficiary described in section 170(c). (2) Definitions. (i) For purposes of section 4947(b)(3)(A), the term income interest shall include an interest in property transferred in trust which is in the form of a guaranteed annuity interest or unitrust interest as described in 1.170A6(c), 20.20552(e)(2) or 25.2522(c)3(c)(2) and the term remainder interest shall include an in-
Subpart ITax on Investment Income of and Denial of Exemption to Certain Foreign Organizations
53.49481 Application of taxes and denial of exemption with respect to certain foreign organizations. (a) Tax on income of certain foreign organizations. (1) In lieu of the tax imposed by section 4940 and the regulations thereunder, there is hereby imposed for each taxable year beginning after December 31, 1969, on the gross investment income (within the meaning of section 4940(c)(2) and the regulations thereunder) derived from sources within the United States (within the meaning of section 861 and the regulations thereunder) by every foreign organization which is a private foundation (within the meaning of section 509 and the regulations thereunder) and exempt from taxation under section 501(a) for the taxable year a tax equal to 4 percent of such income, except as provided in subparagraph (3) of this paragraph. The tax (if any) will be reported on the form the foundation is required to file under section 6033 and will be paid annually for the taxable year, at the time prescribed for filing
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hibited transaction means any act or failure to act (other than with respect to section 4942(e), relating to minimum investment return) which would subject a foreign private foundation described in paragraph (b) of this section, or a disqualified person (as defined in section 4946) with respect thereto, to liability for a penalty under section 6684 (relating to assessable penalties with respect to liability for tax under Chapter 42) or a tax under section 507 (relating to termination of private foundation status) if such foreign private foundation were a domestic private foundation. (ii) For purposes of subdivision (i) of this subparagraph: (a) Approval by an appropriate foreign government of grants by the foreign private foundation to individuals is sufficient to satisfy the requirements of section 4945(g) and the regulations thereunder. (b) In determining whether a grantee of the foreign organization is a private foundation which is not an operating foundation for purposes of section 4942(g)(1)(A)(ii) or is an organization which is not described in section 509(a) (1), (2), or (3) for purposes of section 4945 (d)(4) and (h), a determination made by such foreign organization will be accepted if such determination is made in good faith after a reasonable effort to identify the status of its grantee. (iii) For purposes of subdivision (i) of this subparagraph, in order for an act or failure to act (without regard to section 4942(e)) to be treated as a prohibited transaction under section 4948(c)(2) by reason of the application of section 6684(1), there must have been a prior act or failure to act (without regard to section 4942(e)), which: (a) Would have resulted in liability for tax under Chapter 42 (other than section 4940 or 4948(a)) if the foreign private foundation had been a domestic private foundation, and (b) Had been the subject of a warning from the Commissioner that a second act or failure to act (without regard to section 4942(e)) would result in a prohibited transaction. The second act or failure to act (with respect to which a warning described in subparagraph (3)(i) of this paragraph is
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given) need not be related to the prior act or failure to act with respect to which a warning from the Commissioner was given under (b) of this subdivision. (3) Taxable years affected. (i) Except as provided in subdivision (ii) of this subparagraph, a foreign private foundation described in paragraph (b) of this section shall be denied exemption from taxation under section 501(a) by reason of subparagraph (1) of this paragraph for all taxable years beginning with the taxable year during which it is notified by the Commissioner that it has engaged in a prohibited transaction. The Commissioner shall publish such notice in the FEDERAL REGISTER on the day on which he so notifies such foreign private foundation. In the case of an act or failure to act (without regard to section 4942(e)) which would result in a penalty under section 6684(1) if the foreign private foundation were a domestic private foundation, before giving notice under this subdivision the Commissioner shall warn such foreign private foundation that such act or failure to act may be treated as a prohibited transaction. However, such act or failure to act will not be treated as a prohibited transaction if it is corrected (within the meaning of Chapter 42 and the regulations thereunder) within 90 days after the making of such warning. (ii)(a) Any foreign private foundation described in paragraph (b) of this section which is denied exemption from taxation under section 501(a) by reason of subparagraph (1) of this paragraph may, with respect to the second taxable year following the taxable year in which notice is given under subdivision (i) of this subparagraph (or any taxable year subsequent to such second taxable year), file a request for exemption from taxation under section 501(a) on Form 1023. In addition to the information generally required of an organization requesting exemption as an organization described in section 501(a), a request under this subdivision must contain or have attached to it a written declaration, made under the penalties of perjury, by a principal officer of such organization authorized to make such declaration, that the organization will not knowingly again engage in a prohibited transaction.
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sibilities with respect to a trust similar to those of trustees. (e) Misallocation of insurance premium. Under section 501(c)(21)(A)(ii) and 1.501(c)(21)-1(d), a trust may pay a portion of a premium for insurance which covers both black lung liabilities and other liabilities, so long as the requirements of section 501(c)(21)(A)(i) concerning allocation of the total premium are met. However, if an insurance company misallocates the total premium in a manner which benefits a disqualified person, the amount of misallocation constitutes a use of trust assets for the benefit of the disqualified person within section 4951(d)(1)(D). For these purposes, it is irrelevant whether the combination of insurance is sold under one policy or more than one policy. (f) Effective date. Section 4951 applies with respect to acts that occur after December 31, 1977, in and for trust taxable years beginning after December 31, 1977. 53.49521 Black lung truststaxes on taxable expenditures. (a) In general. Section 4952 contains provisions that generally correspond to provisions of section 4945 (relating to taxes on taxable expenditures by private foundations) and section 4946 (relating to definitions and special rules). Regulations and rulings under these corresponding provisions apply to section 4952 where appropriate. See section 4952(e)(1) for the definition of correction. (b) Unauthorized investments. The term taxable expenditure in section 4952(d) includes an investment that is not authorized under section 501(c)(21)(B)(ii). (c) Effective date. Section 4952 applies with respect to expenditures made after December 31, 1977, in and for trust taxable years beginning after December 31, 1977.
53.49511 Black lung truststaxes on self-dealing. (a) In general. Section 4951 contains provisions that correspond to provisions of section 4941 (relating to taxes on foundation self-dealing) and section 4946 (relating to definitions and special rules). Regulations and rulings under these corresponding provisions apply to section 4951 where appropriate. (b) Transfer of property to trust. A transfer of personal property without consideration to a trust for which a deduction is allowable under section 192 does not constitute a sale or exchange for purposes of section 4951 unless the property is subject to a mortgage or similar lien within section 4951(d)(2)(A). The transfer to a trust of a note or other evidence of indebtedness constitutes an extension of credit to the obligor for purposes of section 4951(d)(1)(B). (c) Deposits. A time or demand deposit made with a bank or credit union that is a trustee or other disqualified person with respect to a trust constitutes a lending of money for purposes of section 4951(d)(1)(B) even though the deposit is of a kind generally authorized for investments by the trust. (d) Trustee. The term trustee as used in section 4951(e)(5)(B) includes any person having powers or respon-
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53.49551 Tax on political expenditures. (a) Relationship between section 4955 excise taxes and substantive standards for exemption under section 501(c)(3). The excise taxes imposed by section 4955 do not affect the substantive standards for tax exemption under section 501(c)(3), under which an organization is described in section 501(c)(3) only if it does not participate or intervene in any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office. (b) Imposition of initial taxes on organization managers(1) In general. The excise tax under section 4955(a)(2) on the agreement of any organization manager to the making of a political expenditure by a section 501(c)(3) organization is imposed only in cases where (i) A tax is imposed by section 4955(a)(1); (ii) The organization manager knows that the expenditure to which the manager agrees is a political expenditure; and (iii) The agreement is willful and is not due to reasonable cause. (2) Type of organization managers covered(i) In general. The tax under section 4955(a)(2) is imposed only on those organization managers who are authorized to approve, or to exercise discretion in recommending approval of, the making of the expenditure by the organization and on those organization managers who are members of a group (such as the organizations board of directors or trustees) which is so authorized. (ii) Officer. For purposes of section 4955(f)(2)(A), a person is an officer of an organization if (A) That person is specifically so designated under the certificate of incorporation, bylaws, or other constitutive documents of the foundation; or (B) That person regularly exercises general authority to make administrative or policy decisions on behalf of the organization. Independent contractors, acting in a capacity as attorneys, accountants, and investment managers and advisors, are not officers. With respect to any expenditure, any person described in this paragraph (b)(2)(ii)(B) who has authority merely to recommend particular administrative or policy decisions, but not to implement
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zation that makes the expenditure to be classified as an action organization by reason of 1.501(c)(3)1(c)(3)(iii) of this chapter is a political expenditure within the meaning of section 4955(d)(1). (2) Other political expenditures(i) For purposes of section 4955(d)(2), an organization is effectively controlled by a candidate or prospective candidate only if the individual has a continuing, substantial involvement in the day-today operations or management of the organization. An organization is not effectively controlled by a candidate or a prospective candidate merely because it is affiliated with the candidate, or merely because the candidate knows the directors, officers, or employees of the organization. The effectively controlled test is not met merely because the organization carries on its research, study, or other educational activities with respect to subject matter or issues in which the individual is interested or with which the individual is associated. (ii) For purposes of section 4955(d)(2), a determination of whether the primary purpose of an organization is promoting the candidacy or prospective candidacy of an individual for public office is made on the basis of all the facts and circumstances. The factors to be considered include whether the surveys, studies, materials, etc. prepared by the organization are made available only to the candidate or are made available to the general public; and whether the organization pays for speeches and travel expenses for only one individual, or for speeches or travel expenses of several persons. The fact that a candidate or prospective candidate utilizes studies, papers, materials, etc., prepared by the organization (such as in a speech by the candidate) is not to be considered as a factor indicating that the organization has a purpose of promoting the candidacy or prospective candidacy of that individual where such studies, papers, materials, etc. are not made available only to that individual. (iii) Expenditures for voter registration, voter turnout, or voter education constitute other expenses, treated as
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political expenditures by reason of section 4955(d)(2)(E), only if the expenditures violate the prohibition on political activity provided in section 501(c)(3). (d) Abatement, refund, or no assessment of initial tax. No initial (first-tier) tax will be imposed under section 4955(a), or the initial tax will be abated or refunded, if the organization or an organization manager establishes to the satisfaction of the IRS that (1) The political expenditure was not willful and flagrant; and (2) The political expenditure was corrected. (e) Correction(1) Recovery of expenditure. For purposes of section 4955(f)(3) and this section, correction of a political expenditure is accomplished by recovering part or all of the expenditure to the extent recovery is possible, and, where full recovery cannot be accomplished, by any additional corrective action which the Commissioner may prescribe. The organization making the political expenditure is not under any obligation to attempt to recover the expenditure by legal action if the action would in all probability not result in the satisfaction of execution on a judgment. (2) Establishing safeguards. Correction of a political expenditure must also involve the establishment of sufficient safeguards to prevent future political expenditures by the organization. The determination of whether safeguards are sufficient to prevent future political expenditures by the organization is made by the District Director. (f) Effective date. This section is effective December 5, 1995.
[T.D. 8628, 60 FR 62210, Dec. 5, 1995]
Organizations described in section 501(c)(3) or (4) and exempt from tax under section 501(a). (1) In general. (2) Exceptions from definition of applicable tax-exempt organization. (i) Private foundation. (ii) Governmental unit or affiliate. (3) Organizations described in section 501(c)(3). (4) Organizations described in section 501(c)(4). (5) Effect of non-recognition or revocation of exempt status. (b) Special rules. (1) Transition rule for lookback period. (2) Certain foreign organizations. 53.49583 Definition of disqualified person
53.49580 Table of contents. This section lists the major captions contained in 53.49581 through 53.49588.
53.49581 Taxes on excess benefit transactions (a) In general. (b) Excess benefit defined. (c) Taxes paid by disqualified person. (1) Initial tax. (2) Additional tax on disqualified person. (i) In general. (ii) Taxable period. (iii) Abatement if correction during the correction period.
(a) In general. (1) Scope of definition. (2) Transition rule for lookback period. (b) Statutory categories of disqualified persons. (1) Family members. (2) Thirty-five percent controlled entities. (i) In general. (ii) Combined voting power. (iii) Constructive ownership rules. (A) Stockholdings. (B) Profits or beneficial interest. (c) Persons having substantial influence. (1) Voting members of the governing body. (2) Presidents, chief executive officers, or chief operating officers. (3) Treasurers and chief financial officers. (4) Persons with a material financial interest in a provider-sponsored organization.
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(C) Inclusion in compensation for reasonableness determination does not govern income tax treatment. (2) Timing of reasonableness determination. (i) In general. (ii) Treatment as a new contract. (iii) Examples. (c) Establishing intent to treat economic benefit as consideration for the performance of services. (1) In general. (2) Nontaxable benefits. (3) Contemporaneous substantiation. (i) Reporting of benefit. (A) In general. (B) Failure to report due to reasonable cause. (ii) Other written contemporaneous evidence. (4) Examples. 53.49585 Transaction in which the amount of the economic benefit is determined in whole or in part by the revenues of one or more activities of the organization. [Reserved] 53.49586 Rebuttable presumption that a transaction is not an excess benefit transaction. (a) In general. (b) Rebutting the presumption. (c) Requirements for invoking rebuttable presumption. (1) Approval by an authorized body. (i) In general. (ii) Individuals not included on authorized body. (iii) Absence of conflict of interest. (2) Appropriate data as to comparability. (i) In general. (ii) Special rule for compensation paid by small organizations. (iii) Application of special rule for small organizations. (iv) Examples. (3) Documentation. (d) No presumption with respect to non-fixed payments until amounts are determined. (1) In general. (2) Special rule for certain non-fixed payments subject to a cap. (e) No inference from absence of presumption. (f) Period of reliance on rebuttable presumption. 53.49587 Correction.
(a) Definition of excess benefit transaction. (1) In general. (2) Economic benefit provided indirectly. (i) In general. (ii) Through a controlled entity. (A) In general. (B) Definition of control. (1) In general. (2) Constructive ownership. (iii) Through an intermediary. (iv) Examples. (3) Exception for fixed payments made pursuant to an initial contract. (i) In general. (ii) Fixed payment. (A) In general. (B) Special rules. (iii) Initial contract. (iv) Substantial performance required. (v) Treatment as a new contract. (vi) Evaluation of non-fixed payments. (vii) Examples. (4) Certain economic benefits disregarded for purposes of section 4958. (i) Nontaxable fringe benefits. (ii) Expense reimbursement payments pursuant to accountable plans. (iii) Certain economic benefits provided to a volunteer for the organization. (iv) Certain economic benefits provided to a member of, or donor to, the organization. (v) Economic benefits provided to a charitable beneficiary. (vi) Certain economic benefits provided to a governmental unit. (5) Exception for certain payments made pursuant to an exemption granted by the Department of Labor under ERISA. (b) Valuation standards. (1) In general. (i) Fair market value of property. (ii) Reasonable compensation. (A) In general. (B) Items included in determining the value of compensation for purposes of determining reasonableness under section 4958.
(a) In general. (b) Form of correction. (1) Cash or cash equivalents. (2) Anti-abuse rule. (3) Special rule relating to nonqualified deferred compensation. (4) Return of specific property. (i) In general. (ii) Payment not equal to correction amount. (iii) Disqualified person may not participate in decision.
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(c) Correction amount. (d) Correction where contract has been partially performed. (e) Correction in the case of an applicable tax-exempt organization that has ceased to exist, or is no longer tax-exempt. (1) In general. (2) Section 501(c)(3) organizations. (3) Section 501(c)(4) organizations. (f) Examples. 53.49588 Special rules.
(a) Substantive requirements for exemption still apply. (b) Interaction between section 4958 and section 7611 rules for church tax inquiries and examinations. (c) Other substantiation requirements. [T.D. 8978, 67 FR 3083, Jan. 23, 2002]
53.49581 Taxes on excess benefit transactions. (a) In general. Section 4958 imposes excise taxes on each excess benefit transaction (as defined in section 4958(c) and 53.49584) between an applicable tax-exempt organization (as defined in section 4958(e) and 53.49582) and a disqualified person (as defined in section 4958(f)(1) and 53.49583). A disqualified person who receives an excess benefit from an excess benefit transaction is liable for payment of a section 4958(a)(1) excise tax equal to 25 percent of the excess benefit. If an initial tax is imposed by section 4958(a)(1) on an excess benefit transaction and the transaction is not corrected (as defined in section 4958(f)(6) and 53.49587) within the taxable period (as defined in section 4958(f)(5) and paragraph (c)(2)(ii) of this section), then any disqualified person who received an excess benefit from the excess benefit transaction on which the initial tax was imposed is liable for an additional tax of 200 percent of the excess benefit. An organization manager (as defined in section 4958(f)(2) and paragraph (d) of this section) who participates in an excess benefit transaction, knowing that it was such a transaction, is liable for payment of a section 4958(a)(2) excise tax equal to 10 percent of the excess benefit, unless the participation was not willful and was due to reasonable cause. If an organization manager also receives an excess benefit from an excess benefit transaction, the manager may be liable for both taxes imposed by section 4958(a).
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authority merely to recommend particular administrative or policy decisions, but not to implement them without approval of a superior, is not an officer. (ii) Special rule for certain committee members. An individual who is not an officer, director, or trustee, yet serves on a committee of the governing body of an applicable tax-exempt organization (or as a designee of the governing body described in 53.49586(c)(1)) that is attempting to invoke the rebuttable presumption of reasonableness described in 53.49586 based on the committees (or designees) actions, is an organization manager for purposes of the tax imposed by section 4958(a)(2). (3) Participation. For purposes of section 4958(a)(2) and this paragraph (d), participation includes silence or inaction on the part of an organization manager where the manager is under a duty to speak or act, as well as any affirmative action by such manager. An organization manager is not considered to have participated in an excess benefit transaction, however, where the manager has opposed the transaction in a manner consistent with the fulfillment of the managers responsibilities to the applicable tax-exempt organization. (4) Knowing(i) In general. For purposes of section 4958(a)(2) and this paragraph (d), a manager participates in a transaction knowingly only if the person (A) Has actual knowledge of sufficient facts so that, based solely upon those facts, such transaction would be an excess benefit transaction; (B) Is aware that such a transaction under these circumstances may violate the provisions of Federal tax law governing excess benefit transactions; and (C) Negligently fails to make reasonable attempts to ascertain whether the transaction is an excess benefit transaction, or the manager is in fact aware that it is such a transaction. (ii) Amplification of general rule. Knowing does not mean having reason to know. However, evidence tending to show that a manager has reason to know of a particular fact or particular rule is relevant in determining whether the manager had actual knowledge of such a fact or rule. Thus, for example,
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evidence tending to show that a manager has reason to know of sufficient facts so that, based solely upon such facts, a transaction would be an excess benefit transaction is relevant in determining whether the manager has actual knowledge of such facts. (iii) Reliance on professional advice. An organization managers participation in a transaction is ordinarily not considered knowing within the meaning of section 4958(a)(2), even though the transaction is subsequently held to be an excess benefit transaction, to the extent that, after full disclosure of the factual situation to an appropriate professional, the organization manager relies on a reasoned written opinion of that professional with respect to elements of the transaction within the professionals expertise. For purposes of section 4958(a)(2) and this paragraph (d), a written opinion is reasoned even though it reaches a conclusion that is subsequently determined to be incorrect so long as the opinion addresses itself to the facts and the applicable standards. However, a written opinion is not reasoned if it does nothing more than recite the facts and express a conclusion. The absence of a written opinion of an appropriate professional with respect to a transaction shall not, by itself, however, give rise to any inference that an organization manager participated in the transaction knowingly. For purposes of this paragraph, appropriate professionals on whose written opinion an organization manager may rely, are limited to (A) Legal counsel, including in-house counsel; (B) Certified public accountants or accounting firms with expertise regarding the relevant tax law matters; and (C) Independent valuation experts who (1) Hold themselves out to the public as appraisers or compensation consultants; (2) Perform the relevant valuations on a regular basis; (3) Are qualified to make valuations of the type of property or services involved; and (4) Include in the written opinion a certification that the requirements of paragraphs (d)(4)(iii)(C)(1) through (3) of this section are met.
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September 13, 1995, and at all times thereafter before the transaction occurs. A written binding contract that is terminable or subject to cancellation by the applicable tax-exempt organization without the disqualified persons consent (including as the result of a breach of contract by the disqualified person) and without substantial penalty to the organization, is no longer treated as a binding contract as of the earliest date that any such termination or cancellation, if made, would be effective. If a binding written contract is materially changed, it is treated as a new contract entered into as of the date the material change is effective. A material change includes an extension or renewal of the contract (other than an extension or renewal that results from the person contracting with the applicable tax-exempt organization unilaterally exercising an option expressly granted by the contract), or a more than incidental change to any payment under the contract.
[T.D. 8978, 67 FR 3083, Jan. 23, 2002]
53.49582 Definition of applicable tax-exempt organization. (a) Organizations described in section 501(c)(3) or (4) and exempt from tax under section 501(a)(1) In general. An applicable tax-exempt organization is any organization that, without regard to any excess benefit, would be described in section 501(c)(3) or (4) and exempt from tax under section 501(a). An applicable tax-exempt organization also includes any organization that was described in section 501(c)(3) or (4) and was exempt from tax under section 501(a) at any time during a five-year period ending on the date of an excess benefit transaction (the lookback period). (2) Exceptions from definition of applicable tax-exempt organization(i) Private foundation. A private foundation as defined in section 509(a) is not an applicable tax-exempt organization for section 4958 purposes. (ii) Governmental unit or affiliate. A governmental unit or an affiliate of a governmental unit is not an applicable tax-exempt organization for section 4958 purposes if it is
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(A) Exempt from (or not subject to) taxation without regard to section 501(a); or (B) Relieved from filing an annual return pursuant to the authority of 1.60332(g)(6). (3) Organizations described in section 501(c)(3). An organization is described in section 501(c)(3) for purposes of section 4958 only if the organization (i) Provides the notice described in section 508; or (ii) Is described in section 501(c)(3) and specifically is excluded from the requirements of section 508 by that section. (4) Organizations described in section 501(c)(4). An organization is described in section 501(c)(4) for purposes of section 4958 only if the organization (i) Has applied for and received recognition from the Internal Revenue Service as an organization described in section 501(c)(4); or (ii) Has filed an application for recognition under section 501(c)(4) with the Internal Revenue Service, has filed an annual information return as a section 501(c)(4) organization under the Internal Revenue Code or regulations promulgated thereunder, or has otherwise held itself out as being described in section 501(c)(4) and exempt from tax under section 501(a). (5) Effect of non-recognition or revocation of exempt status. An organization is not described in paragraph (a)(3) or (4) of this section during any period covered by a final determination or adjudication that the organization is not exempt from tax under section 501(a) as an organization described in section 501(c)(3) or (4), so long as that determination or adjudication is not based upon participation in inurement or one or more excess benefit transactions. However, the organization may be an applicable tax-exempt organization for that period as a result of the five-year lookback period described in paragraph (a)(1) of this section. (6) Examples. The following examples illustrate the principles of this section, which defines an applicable tax-exempt organization for purposes of section 4958:
Example 1. O is a nonprofit corporation formed under state law. O filed its application for recognition of exemption under sec-
(b) Special rules(1) Transition rule for lookback period. In the case of any excess benefit transaction occurring before September 14, 2000, the lookback period described in paragraph (a)(1) of this section begins on September 14,
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(b) Statutory categories of disqualified persons(1) Family members. A person is a disqualified person with respect to any transaction with an applicable taxexempt organization if the person is a member of the family of a person who is a disqualified person described in paragraph (a) of this section (other than as a result of this paragraph) with respect to any transaction with the same organization. For purposes of the following sentence, a legally adopted child of an individual is treated as a child of such individual by blood. A persons family is limited to (i) Spouse; (ii) Brothers or sisters (by whole or half blood); (iii) Spouses of brothers or sisters (by whole or half blood); (iv) Ancestors; (v) Children; (vi) Grandchildren; (vii) Great grandchildren; and (viii) Spouses of children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren. (2) Thirty-five percent controlled entities(i) In general. A person is a disqualified person with respect to any transaction with an applicable tax-exempt organization if the person is a 35percent controlled entity. A 35-percent controlled entity is (A) A corporation in which persons described in this section (except in paragraphs (b)(2) and (d) of this section) own more than 35 percent of the combined voting power; (B) A partnership in which persons described in this section (except in paragraphs (b)(2) and (d) of this section) own more than 35 percent of the profits interest; or (C) A trust or estate in which persons described in this section (except in paragraphs (b)(2) and (d) of this section) own more than 35 percent of the beneficial interest. (ii) Combined voting power. For purposes of this paragraph (b)(2), combined voting power includes voting power represented by holdings of voting stock, direct or indirect, but does not include voting rights held only as a director, trustee, or other fiduciary. (iii) Constructive ownership rules(A) Stockholdings. For purposes of section
53.49583 Definition of disqualified person. (a) In general(1) Scope of definition. Section 4958(f)(1) defines disqualified person, with respect to any transaction, as any person who was in a position to exercise substantial influence over the affairs of an applicable tax-exempt organization at any time during the fiveyear period ending on the date of the transaction (the lookback period). Paragraph (b) of this section describes persons who are defined to be disqualified persons under the statute, including certain family members of an individual in a position to exercise substantial influence, and certain 35-percent controlled entities. Paragraph (c) of this section describes persons in a position to exercise substantial influence over the affairs of an applicable tax-exempt organization by virtue of their powers and responsibilities or certain interests they hold. Paragraph (d) of this section describes persons deemed not to be in a position to exercise substantial influence. Whether any person who is not described in paragraph (b), (c) or (d) of this section is a disqualified person with respect to a transaction for purposes of section 4958 is based on all relevant facts and circumstances, as described in paragraph (e) of this section. Paragraph (f) of this section describes special rules for affiliated organizations. Examples in paragraph (g) of this section illustrate these categories of persons. (2) Transition rule for lookback period. In the case of any excess benefit transaction occurring before September 14, 2000, the lookback period described in paragraph (a)(1) of this section begins on September 14, 1995, and ends on the date of the transaction.
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4958(f)(3) and this paragraph (b)(2), indirect stockholdings are taken into account as under section 267(c), except that in applying section 267(c)(4), the family of an individual shall include the members of the family specified in section 4958(f)(4) and paragraph (b)(1) of this section. (B) Profits or beneficial interest. For purposes of section 4958(f)(3) and this paragraph (b)(2), the ownership of profits or beneficial interests shall be determined in accordance with the rules for constructive ownership of stock provided in section 267(c) (other than section 267(c)(3)), except that in applying section 267(c)(4), the family of an individual shall include the members of the family specified in section 4958(f)(4) and paragraph (b)(1) of this section. (c) Persons having substantial influence. A person who holds any of the following powers, responsibilities, or interests is in a position to exercise substantial influence over the affairs of an applicable tax-exempt organization: (1) Voting members of the governing body. This category includes any individual serving on the governing body of the organization who is entitled to vote on any matter over which the governing body has authority. (2) Presidents, chief executive officers, or chief operating officers. This category includes any person who, regardless of title, has ultimate responsibility for implementing the decisions of the governing body or for supervising the management, administration, or operation of the organization. A person who serves as president, chief executive officer, or chief operating officer has this ultimate responsibility unless the person demonstrates otherwise. If this ultimate responsibility resides with two or more individuals (e.g., co-presidents), who may exercise such responsibility in concert or individually, then each individual is in a position to exercise substantial influence over the affairs of the organization. (3) Treasurers and chief financial officers. This category includes any person who, regardless of title, has ultimate responsibility for managing the finances of the organization. A person who serves as treasurer or chief financial officer has this ultimate responsibility unless the person demonstrates
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(ii) The person is a contractor (such as an attorney, accountant, or investment manager or advisor) whose sole relationship to the organization is providing professional advice (without having decision-making authority) with respect to transactions from which the contractor will not economically benefit either directly or indirectly (aside from customary fees received for the professional advice rendered); (iii) The direct supervisor of the individual is not a disqualified person; (iv) The person does not participate in any management decisions affecting the organization as a whole or a discrete segment or activity of the organization that represents a substantial portion of the activities, assets, income, or expenses of the organization, as compared to the organization as a whole; or (v) Any preferential treatment a person receives based on the size of that persons contribution is also offered to all other donors making a comparable contribution as part of a solicitation intended to attract a substantial number of contributions. (f) Affiliated organizations. In the case of multiple organizations affiliated by common control or governing documents, the determination of whether a person does or does not have substantial influence shall be made separately for each applicable tax-exempt organization. A person may be a disqualified person with respect to transactions with more than one applicable tax-exempt organization. (g) Examples. The following examples illustrate the principles of this section. A finding that a person is a disqualified person in the following examples does not indicate that an excess benefit transaction has occurred. If a person is a disqualified person, the rules of section 4958(c) and 53.49584 apply to determine whether an excess benefit transaction has occurred. The examples are as follows:
Example 1. N, an artist by profession, works part-time at R, a local museum. In the first taxable year in which R employs N, R pays N a salary and provides no additional benefits to N except for free admission to the museum, a benefit R provides to all of its employees and volunteers. The total economic
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benefits N receives from R during the taxable year are less than the amount referenced for a highly compensated employee in section 414(q)(1)(B)(i). The part-time job constitutes Ns only relationship with R. N is not related to any other disqualified person with respect to R. N is deemed not to be in a position to exercise substantial influence over the affairs of R. Therefore, N is not a disqualified person with respect to R in that year. Example 2. The facts are the same as in Example 1, except that in addition to the salary that R pays N for Ns services during the taxable year, R also purchases one of Ns paintings for $x. The total of Ns salary plus $x exceeds the amount referenced for highly compensated employees in section 414(q)(1)(B)(i). Consequently, whether N is in a position to exercise substantial influence over the affairs of R for that taxable year depends upon all of the relevant facts and circumstances. Example 3. Q is a member of K, a section 501(c)(3) organization with a broad-based public membership. Members of K are entitled to vote only with respect to the annual election of directors and the approval of major organizational transactions such as a merger or dissolution. Q is not related to any other disqualified person of K. Q has no other relationship to K besides being a member of K and occasionally making modest donations to K. Whether Q is a disqualified person is determined by all relevant facts and circumstances. Qs voting rights, which are the same as granted to all members of K, do not place Q in a position to exercise substantial influence over K. Under these facts and circumstances, Q is not a disqualified person with respect to K. Example 4. E is the headmaster of Z, a school that is an applicable tax-exempt organization for purposes of section 4958. E reports to Zs board of trustees and has ultimate responsibility for supervising Zs dayto-day operations. For example, E can hire faculty members and staff, make changes to the schools curriculum and discipline students without specific board approval. Because E has ultimate responsibility for supervising the operation of Z, E is in a position to exercise substantial influence over the affairs of Z. Therefore, E is a disqualified person with respect to Z. Example 5. Y is an applicable tax-exempt organization for purposes of section 4958 that decides to use bingo games as a method of generating revenue. Y enters into a contract with B, a company that operates bingo games. Under the contract, B manages the promotion and operation of the bingo activity, provides all necessary staff, equipment, and services, and pays Y q percent of the revenue from this activity. B retains the balance of the proceeds. Y provides no goods or services in connection with the bingo operation other than the use of its hall for the
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is not a disqualified person with respect to U. Example 11. W is a cardiologist and head of the cardiology department of the same hospital U described in Example 10. The cardiology department is a major source of patients admitted to U and consequently represents a substantial portion of Us income, as compared to U as a whole. W does not serve on Us governing board or as an officer of U. W does not have a material financial interest in the provider-sponsored organization (as defined in section 1855(e) of the Social Security Act) in which U participates. W receives a salary and retirement and welfare benefits fixed by a three-year renewable employment contract with U. Ws compensation is greater than the amount referenced for a highly compensated employee in section 414(q)(1)(B)(i) in the year benefits are provided. As department head, W manages the cardiology department and has authority to allocate the budget for that department, which includes authority to distribute incentive bonuses among cardiologists according to criteria that W has authority to set. Ws management of a discrete segment of U that represents a substantial portion of its income and activities (as compared to U as a whole) places W in a position to exercise substantial influence over the affairs of U. Under these facts and circumstances, W is a disqualified person with respect to U. Example 12. M is a museum that is an applicable tax-exempt organization for purposes of section 4958. D provides accounting services and tax advice to M as a contractor in return for a fee. D has no other relationship with M and is not related to any disqualified person of M. D does not provide professional advice with respect to any transaction from which D might economically benefit either directly or indirectly (aside from fees received for the professional advice rendered). Because Ds sole relationship to M is providing professional advice (without having decision-making authority) with respect to transactions from which D will not economically benefit either directly or indirectly (aside from customary fees received for the professional advice rendered), under these facts and circumstances, D is not a disqualified person with respect to M. Example 13. F is a repertory theater company that is an applicable tax-exempt organization for purposes of section 4958. F holds a fund-raising campaign to pay for the construction of a new theater. J is a regular subscriber to Fs productions who has made modest gifts to F in the past. J has no relationship to F other than as a subscriber and contributor. F solicits contributions as part of a broad public campaign intended to attract a large number of donors, including a substantial number of donors making large gifts. In its solicitations for contributions, F promises to invite all contributors giving $z
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or more to a special opening production and party held at the new theater. These contributors are also given a special number to call in Fs office to reserve tickets for performances, make ticket exchanges, and make other special arrangements for their convenience. J makes a contribution of $z to F, which makes J a substantial contributor within the meaning of section 507(d)(2)(A), taking into account only contributions received by F during its current and the four preceding taxable years. J receives the benefits described in Fs solicitation. Because F offers the same benefit to all donors of $z or more, the preferential treatment that J receives does not indicate that J is in a position to exercise substantial influence over the affairs of the organization. Therefore, under these facts and circumstances, J is not a disqualified person with respect to F. [T.D. 8978, 67 FR 3083, Jan. 23, 2002]
53.49584 Excess benefit transaction. (a) Definition of excess benefit transaction(1) In general. An excess benefit transaction means any transaction in which an economic benefit is provided by an applicable tax-exempt organization directly or indirectly to or for the use of any disqualified person, and the value of the economic benefit provided exceeds the value of the consideration (including the performance of services) received for providing the benefit. Subject to the limitations of paragraph (c) of this section (relating to the treatment of economic benefits as compensation for the performance of services), to determine whether an excess benefit transaction has occurred, all consideration and benefits (except disregarded benefits described in paragraph (a)(4) of this section) exchanged between a disqualified person and the applicable tax-exempt organization and all entities the organization controls (within the meaning of paragraph (a)(2)(ii)(B) of this section) are taken into account. For example, in determining the reasonableness of compensation that is paid (or vests, or is no longer subject to a substantial risk of forfeiture) in one year, services performed in prior years may be taken into account. The rules of this section apply to all transactions with disqualified persons, regardless of whether the amount of the benefit provided is determined, in whole or in part, by the revenues of one or more activities of the organization. For rules regarding
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maximum reasonable compensation for Ts services as CEO. Thus, any additional economic benefits that F provides to T without T providing additional consideration constitute an excess benefit. D contracts with T to provide enumerated consulting services to D. However, the contract does not require T to perform any additional services for D that T is not already obligated to perform as Fs chief executive officer. Therefore, any payment to T pursuant to the consulting contract with D represents an indirect excess benefit that F provides through a controlled entity, even if F, D, or T treats the additional payment to T as compensation. Example 3. P is an applicable tax-exempt organization for purposes of section 4958. S is a taxable entity controlled by P within the meaning of paragraph (a)(2)(ii)(B) of this section. V is the chief executive officer of S, for which S pays V $w in salary and benefits. V also serves as a voting member of Ps governing body. Consequently, V is a disqualified person with respect to P. P provides V with $x representing compensation for the services V provides P as a member of its governing body. Although $x represents reasonable compensation for the services V provides directly to P as a member of its governing body, the total compensation of $w + $x exceeds reasonable compensation for the services V provides to P and S collectively. Therefore, the portion of total compensation that exceeds reasonable compensation is an excess benefit provided to V. Example 4. G is an applicable tax-exempt organization for section 4958 purposes. F is a disqualified person who was last employed by G in a position of substantial influence three years ago. H is an entity engaged in scientific research and is unrelated to either F or G. G makes a grant to H to fund a research position. H subsequently advertises for qualified candidates for the research position. F is among several highly qualified candidates who apply for the research position. H hires F. There was no evidence of an oral or written agreement or understanding with G that H will use Gs grant to provide economic benefits to or for the use of F. Although G provided economic benefits to H, and in connection with the receipt of such benefits, H will provide economic benefits to or for the use of F, H acted with a significant business purpose or exempt purpose of its own. Under these facts, G did not provide an economic benefit to F indirectly through the use of an intermediary.
(3) Exception for fixed payments made pursuant to an initial contract(i) In general. Except as provided in paragraph (a)(3)(iv) of this section, section 4958 does not apply to any fixed payment made to a person pursuant to an initial contract.
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(ii) Fixed payment(A) In general. For purposes of paragraph (a)(3)(i) of this section, fixed payment means an amount of cash or other property specified in the contract, or determined by a fixed formula specified in the contract, which is to be paid or transferred in exchange for the provision of specified services or property. A fixed formula may incorporate an amount that depends upon future specified events or contingencies, provided that no person exercises discretion when calculating the amount of a payment or deciding whether to make a payment (such as a bonus). A specified event or contingency may include the amount of revenues generated by (or other objective measure of) one or more activities of the applicable tax-exempt organization. A fixed payment does not include any amount paid to a person under a reimbursement (or similar) arrangement where discretion is exercised by any person with respect to the amount of expenses incurred or reimbursed. (B) Special rules. Amounts payable pursuant to a qualified pension, profitsharing, or stock bonus plan under section 401(a), or pursuant to an employee benefit program that is subject to and satisfies coverage and nondiscrimination rules under the Internal Revenue Code (e.g., sections 127 and 137), other than nondiscrimination rules under section 9802, are treated as fixed payments for purposes of this section, regardless of the applicable tax-exempt organizations discretion with respect to the plan or program. The fact that a person contracting with an applicable tax-exempt organization is expressly granted the choice whether to accept or reject any economic benefit is disregarded in determining whether the benefit constitutes a fixed payment for purposes of this paragraph. (iii) Initial contract. For purposes of paragraph (a)(3)(i) of this section, initial contract means a binding written contract between an applicable tax-exempt organization and a person who was not a disqualified person within the meaning of section 4958(f)(1) and 53.49583 immediately prior to entering into the contract. (iv) Substantial performance required. Paragraph (a)(3)(i) of this section does not apply to any fixed payment made
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apply to the base salary payments to S due to the initial contract exception. Example 4. The facts are the same as in Example 1, except that on January 1, 2003, S becomes the chief executive officer of T and a new chief financial officer is hired. At the same time, Ts board of directors approves an increase in Ss annual base salary from $200,000 to $240,000, effective on that day. These changes in Ss employment relationship constitute material changes of the initial contract within the meaning of paragraph (a)(3)(v) of this section. As a result, S is treated as entering into a new contract with T on January 1, 2003, at which time S is a disqualified person within the meaning of section 4958(f)(1) and 53.49583. Ts payments to S made pursuant to the new contract will be evaluated under section 4958, taking into account all payments and consideration exchanged between the parties. Example 5. J is a performing arts organization and an applicable tax-exempt organization for purposes of section 4958. J hires W to become the chief executive officer of J. W was not a disqualified person within the meaning of section 4958(f)(1) and 53.49583 immediately prior to entering into the employment contract with J. As a result of this employment contract, Ws duties and responsibilities make W a disqualified person with respect to J (see 53.49583(c)(2)). Under the contract, J will pay W $x (a specified amount) plus a bonus equal to 2 percent of the total season subscription sales that exceed $100z. The $x base salary is a fixed payment pursuant to an initial contract within the meaning of paragraph (a)(3) of this section. The bonus payment is also a fixed payment pursuant to an initial contract within the meaning of paragraph (a)(3) of this section, because no person exercises discretion when calculating the amount of the bonus payment or deciding whether the bonus will be paid. Therefore, section 4958 does not apply to any of Js payments to W pursuant to the employment contract due to the initial contract exception. Example 6. Hospital B is an applicable taxexempt organization for purposes of section 4958. Hospital B hires E as its chief operating officer. E was not a disqualified person within the meaning of section 4958(f)(1) and 53.49583 immediately prior to entering into the employment contract with Hospital B. As a result of this employment contract, Es duties and responsibilities make E a disqualified person with respect to Hospital B (see 53.49583(c)(2)). Es initial employment contract provides that E will have authority to enter into hospital management arrangements on behalf of Hospital B. In Es personal capacity, E owns more than 35 percent of the combined voting power of Company X. Consequently, at the time E becomes a disqualified person with respect to B, Company
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X also becomes a disqualified person with respect to B (see 53.49583(b)(2)(i)(A)). E, acting on behalf of Hospital B as chief operating officer, enters into a contract with Company X under which Company X will provide billing and collection services to Hospital B. The initial contract exception of paragraph (a)(3)(i) of this section does not apply to the billing and collection services contract, because at the time that this contractual arrangement was entered into, Company X was a disqualified person with respect to Hospital B. Although Es employment contract (which is an initial contract) authorizes E to enter into hospital management arrangements on behalf of Hospital B, the payments made to Company X are not made pursuant to Es employment contract, but rather are made by Hospital B pursuant to a separate contractual arrangement with Company X. Therefore, even if payments made to Company X under the billing and collection services contract are fixed payments (within the meaning of paragraph (a)(3)(ii) of this section), section 4958 nonetheless applies to payments made by Hospital B to Company X because the billing and collection services contract itself does not constitute an initial contract under paragraph (a)(3)(iii) of this section. Accordingly, all payments made to Company X under the billing and collection services contract will be evaluated under section 4958. Example 7. Hospital C, an applicable tax-exempt organization, enters into a contract with Company Y, under which Company Y will provide a wide range of hospital management services to Hospital C. Upon entering into this contractual arrangement, Company Y becomes a disqualified person with respect to Hospital C. The contract provides that Hospital C will pay Company Y a management fee of x percent of adjusted gross revenue (i.e., gross revenue increased by the cost of charity care provided to indigents) annually for a five-year period. The management services contract specifies the cost accounting system and the standards for indigents to be used in calculating the cost of charity care. The cost accounting system objectively defines the direct and indirect costs of all health care goods and services provided as charity care. Because Company Y was not a disqualified person with respect to Hospital C immediately before entering into the management services contract, that contract is an initial contract within the meaning of paragraph (a)(3)(iii) of this section. The annual management fee paid to Company Y is determined by a fixed formula specified in the contract, and is therefore a fixed payment within the meaning of paragraph (a)(3)(ii) of this section. Accordingly, section 4958 does not apply to the annual management fee due to the initial contract exception.
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(5) Exception for certain payments made pursuant to an exemption granted by the Department of Labor under ERISA. Section 4958 does not apply to any payment made pursuant to, and in accordance with, a final individual prohibited transaction exemption issued by the Department of Labor under section 408(a) of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (88 Stat. 854) (ERISA) with respect to a transaction involving a plan (as defined in section 3(3) of ERISA) that is an applicable tax exempt organization. (b) Valuation standards(1) In general. This section provides rules for determining the value of economic benefits for purposes of section 4958. (i) Fair market value of property. The value of property, including the right to use property, for purposes of section 4958 is the fair market value (i.e., the price at which property or the right to use property would change hands between a willing buyer and a willing seller, neither being under any compulsion to buy, sell or transfer property or the right to use property, and both having reasonable knowledge of relevant facts). (ii) Reasonable compensation(A) In general. The value of services is the amount that would ordinarily be paid for like services by like enterprises (whether taxable or tax-exempt) under like circumstances (i.e., reasonable compensation). Section 162 standards apply in determining reasonableness of compensation, taking into account the aggregate benefits (other than any benefits specifically disregarded under paragraph (a)(4) of this section) provided to a person and the rate at which any deferred compensation accrues. The fact that a compensation arrangement is subject to a cap is a relevant factor in determining the reasonableness of compensation. The fact that a State or local legislative or agency body or court has authorized or approved a particular compensation package paid to a disqualified person is not determinative of the reasonableness of compensation for purposes of section 4958. (B) Items included in determining the value of compensation for purposes of determining reasonableness under section 4958. Except for economic benefits that
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are disregarded for purposes of section 4958 under paragraph (a)(4) of this section, compensation for purposes of determining reasonableness under section 4958 includes all economic benefits provided by an applicable tax-exempt organization in exchange for the performance of services. These benefits include, but are not limited to (1) All forms of cash and noncash compensation, including salary, fees, bonuses, severance payments, and deferred and noncash compensation described in 53.49581(e)(2); (2) Unless excludable from income as a de minimis fringe benefit pursuant to section 132(a)(4), the payment of liability insurance premiums for, or the payment or reimbursement by the organization of (i) Any penalty, tax, or expense of correction owed under section 4958; (ii) Any expense not reasonably incurred by the person in connection with a civil judicial or civil administrative proceeding arising out of the persons performance of services on behalf of the applicable tax-exempt organization; or (iii) Any expense resulting from an act or failure to act with respect to which the person has acted willfully and without reasonable cause; and (3) All other compensatory benefits, whether or not included in gross income for income tax purposes, including payments to welfare benefit plans, such as plans providing medical, dental, life insurance, severance pay, and disability benefits, and both taxable and nontaxable fringe benefits (other than fringe benefits described in section 132), including expense allowances or reimbursements (other than expense reimbursements pursuant to an accountable plan that meets the requirements of 1.622(c)), and the economic benefit of a below-market loan (within the meaning of section 7872(e)(1)). (For this purpose, the economic benefit of a below-market loan is the amount deemed transferred to the disqualified person under section 7872(a) or (b), regardless of whether section 7872 otherwise applies to the loan). (C) Inclusion in compensation for reasonableness determination does not govern income tax treatment. The determination of whether any item listed in para-
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vides that K will receive a specified amount of salary, contributions to a qualified pension plan under section 401(a), and other benefits pursuant to a section 125 cafeteria plan. In addition, the contract provides that Ns governing body may, in its discretion, declare a bonus to be paid to K at any time during the year covered by the contract. Ks salary and other specified benefits constitute fixed payments within the meaning of paragraph (a)(3)(ii) of this section. Therefore, the reasonableness of those economic benefits is determined on the date when the contract was made. However, because the bonus payment is not a fixed payment within the meaning of paragraph (a)(3)(ii) of this section, the determination of whether any bonus awarded to N is reasonable must be made based on all facts and circumstances (including all payments and consideration exchanged between the parties), up to and including circumstances as of the date of payment of the bonus.
(c) Establishing intent to treat economic benefit as consideration for the performance of services(1) In general. An economic benefit is not treated as consideration for the performance of services unless the organization providing the benefit clearly indicates its intent to treat the benefit as compensation when the benefit is paid. Except as provided in paragraph (c)(2) of this section, an applicable tax-exempt organization (or entity controlled by an applicable taxexempt organization, within the meaning of paragraph (a)(2)(ii)(B) of this section) is treated as clearly indicating its intent to provide an economic benefit as compensation for services only if the organization provides written substantiation that is contemporaneous with the transfer of the economic benefit at issue. If an organization fails to provide this contemporaneous substantiation, any services provided by the disqualified person will not be treated as provided in consideration for the economic benefit for purposes of determining the reasonableness of the transaction. In no event shall an economic benefit that a disqualified person obtains by theft or fraud be treated as consideration for the performance of services. (2) Nontaxable benefits. For purposes of section 4958(c)(1)(A) and this section, an applicable tax-exempt organization is not required to indicate its intent to provide an economic benefit as compensation for services if the economic
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benefit is excluded from the disqualified persons gross income for income tax purposes on the basis of the provisions of chapter 1 of Subtitle A of the Internal Revenue Code. Examples of these benefits include, but are not limited to, employer-provided health benefits and contributions to a qualified pension, profit-sharing, or stock bonus plan under section 401(a), and benefits described in sections 127 and 137. However, except for economic benefits that are disregarded for purposes of section 4958 under paragraph (a)(4) of this section, all compensatory benefits (regardless of the Federal income tax treatment) provided by an organization in exchange for the performance of services are taken into account in determining the reasonableness of a persons compensation for purposes of section 4958. (3) Contemporaneous substantiation (i) Reporting of benefit(A) In general. An applicable tax-exempt organization provides contemporaneous written substantiation of its intent to provide an economic benefit as compensation if (1) The organization reports the economic benefit as compensation on an original Federal tax information return with respect to the payment (e.g., Form W-2, Wage and Tax Statement, or Form 1099, Miscellaneous Income) or with respect to the organization (e.g., Form 990, Return of Organization Exempt From Income Tax), or on an amended Federal tax information return filed prior to the commencement of an Internal Revenue Service examination of the applicable tax-exempt organization or the disqualified person for the taxable year in which the transaction occurred (as determined under 53.49581(e)); or (2) The recipient disqualified person reports the benefit as income on the persons original Federal tax return (e.g., Form 1040, U.S. Individual Income Tax Return), or on the persons amended Federal tax return filed prior to the earlier of the following dates (i) Commencement of an Internal Revenue Service examination described in paragraph (c)(3)(i)(A)(1) of this section; or (ii) The first documentation in writing by the Internal Revenue Service of a potential excess benefit transaction
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compensation expert that the rental value of the apartment is not includable in Js income by reason of section 119, based on the expectation that the apartment will be used for fundraising activities. Consequently, H does not report the rental value of the apartment on Js Form W-2, which otherwise correctly reports Js taxable compensation. J does not report the rental value of the apartment on Js individual Form 1040. Later, the Internal Revenue Service correctly determines that the requirements of section 119 were not satisfied. Because of the written expert opinion, H has written evidence of its reasonable belief that use of the apartment was a nontaxable benefit as defined in paragraph (c)(2) of this section. That evidence was in existence on or before the due date of the applicable Federal tax return. Therefore, H has demonstrated its intent to treat the use of the apartment as compensation for services performed by J. [T.D. 8978, 67 FR 3083, Jan. 23, 2002; 67 FR 12472, Mar. 19, 2002]
53.49585 Transaction in which the amount of the economic benefit is determined in whole or in part by the revenues of one or more activities of the organization. [Reserved] 53.49586 Rebuttable presumption that a transaction is not an excess benefit transaction. (a) In general. Payments under a compensation arrangement are presumed to be reasonable, and a transfer of property, or the right to use property, is presumed to be at fair market value, if the following conditions are satisfied (1) The compensation arrangement or the terms of the property transfer are approved in advance by an authorized body of the applicable tax-exempt organization (or an entity controlled by the organization within the meaning of 53.49584(a)(2)(ii)(B)) composed entirely of individuals who do not have a conflict of interest (within the meaning of paragraph (c)(1)(iii) of this section) with respect to the compensation arrangement or property transfer, as described in paragraph (c)(1) of this section; (2) The authorized body obtained and relied upon appropriate data as to comparability prior to making its determination, as described in paragraph (c)(2) of this section; and
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(3) The authorized body adequately documented the basis for its determination concurrently with making that determination, as described in paragraph (c)(3) of this section. (b) Rebutting the presumption. If the three requirements of paragraph (a) of this section are satisfied, then the Internal Revenue Service may rebut the presumption that arises under paragraph (a) of this section only if it develops sufficient contrary evidence to rebut the probative value of the comparability data relied upon by the authorized body. With respect to any fixed payment (within the meaning of 53.49584(a)(3)(ii)), rebuttal evidence is limited to evidence relating to facts and circumstances existing on the date the parties enter into the contract pursuant to which the payment is made (except in the event of substantial nonperformance). With respect to all other payments (including non-fixed payments subject to a cap, as described in paragraph (d)(2) of this section), rebuttal evidence may include facts and circumstances up to and including the date of payment. See 53.49584(b)(2)(i). (c) Requirements for invoking rebuttable presumption(1) Approval by an authorized body(i) In general. An authorized body means (A) The governing body (i.e., the board of directors, board of trustees, or equivalent controlling body) of the organization; (B) A committee of the governing body, which may be composed of any individuals permitted under State law to serve on such a committee, to the extent that the committee is permitted by State law to act on behalf of the governing body; or (C) To the extent permitted under State law, other parties authorized by the governing body of the organization to act on its behalf by following procedures specified by the governing body in approving compensation arrangements or property transfers. (ii) Individuals not included on authorized body. For purposes of determining whether the requirements of paragraph (a) of this section have been met with respect to a specific compensation arrangement or property transfer, an individual is not included on the authorized body when it is reviewing a trans-
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year. In setting Qs compensation for its president at $600x per annum, the executive committee of the Board of Trustees relies solely on a national survey of compensation for university presidents that indicates university presidents receive annual compensation in the range of $100x to $700x; this survey does not divide its data by any criteria, such as the number of students served by the institution, annual revenues, academic ranking, or geographic location. Although many members of the executive committee have significant business experience, none of the members has any particular expertise in higher education compensation matters. Given the failure of the survey to provide information specific to universities comparable to Z, and because no other information was presented, the executive committees decision with respect to Qs compensation was not based upon appropriate data as to comparability. Example 2. The facts are the same as Example 1, except that the national compensation survey divides the data regarding compensation for university presidents into categories based on various university-specific factors, including the size of the institution (in terms of the number of students it serves and the amount of its revenues) and geographic area. The survey data shows that university presidents at institutions comparable to and in the same geographic area as Z receive annual compensation in the range of $200x to $300x. The executive committee of the Board of Trustees of Z relies on the survey data and its evaluation of Qs many years of service as a tenured professor and high-ranking university official at Z in setting Qs compensation at $275x annually. The data relied upon by the executive committee constitutes appropriate data as to comparability. Example 3. X is a tax-exempt hospital that is an applicable tax-exempt organization for purposes of section 4958. Before renewing the contracts of Xs chief executive officer and chief financial officer, Xs governing board commissioned a customized compensation survey from an independent firm that specializes in consulting on issues related to executive placement and compensation. The survey covered executives with comparable responsibilities at a significant number of taxable and tax-exempt hospitals. The survey data are sorted by a number of different variables, including the size of the hospitals and the nature of the services they provide, the level of experience and specific responsibilities of the executives, and the composition of the annual compensation packages. The board members were provided with the survey results, a detailed written analysis comparing the hospitals executives to those covered by the survey, and an opportunity to ask questions of a member of the firm that prepared the survey. The survey, as prepared
Example 1. Z is a university that is an applicable tax-exempt organization for purposes of section 4958. Z is negotiating a new contract with Q, its president, because the old contract will expire at the end of the
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and presented to Xs board, constitutes appropriate data as to comparability. Example 4. The facts are the same as Example 3, except that one year later, X is negotiating a new contract with its chief executive officer. The governing board of X obtains information indicating that the relevant market conditions have not changed materially, and possesses no other information indicating that the results of the prior years survey are no longer valid. Therefore, X may continue to rely on the independent compensation survey prepared for the prior year in setting annual compensation under the new contract. Example 5. W is a local repertory theater and an applicable tax-exempt organization for purposes of section 4958. W has had annual gross receipts ranging from $400,000 to $800,000 over its past three taxable years. In determining the next years compensation for Ws artistic director, the board of directors of W relies on data compiled from a telephone survey of three other unrelated performing arts organizations of similar size in similar communities. A member of the board drafts a brief written summary of the annual compensation information obtained from this informal survey. The annual compensation information obtained in the telephone survey is appropriate data as to comparability.
(3) Documentation(i) For a decision to be documented adequately, the written or electronic records of the authorized body must note (A) The terms of the transaction that was approved and the date it was approved; (B) The members of the authorized body who were present during debate on the transaction that was approved and those who voted on it; (C) The comparability data obtained and relied upon by the authorized body and how the data was obtained; and (D) Any actions taken with respect to consideration of the transaction by anyone who is otherwise a member of the authorized body but who had a conflict of interest with respect to the transaction. (ii) If the authorized body determines that reasonable compensation for a specific arrangement or fair market value in a specific property transfer is higher or lower than the range of comparability data obtained, the authorized body must record the basis for its determination. For a decision to be documented concurrently, records must be prepared before the later of
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qualified person engaged in one or more transactions with the applicable tax-exempt organization to circumvent the requirements of this correction section, and as a result, the disqualified person effectively transferred property other than cash or cash equivalents. (3) Special rule relating to nonqualified deferred compensation. If an excess benefit transaction results, in whole or in part, from the vesting (as described in 53.49581(e)(2)) of benefits provided under a nonqualified deferred compensation plan, then, to the extent that such benefits have not yet been distributed to the disqualified person, the disqualified person may correct the portion of the excess benefit resulting from the undistributed deferred compensation by relinquishing any right to receive the excess portion of the undistributed deferred compensation (including any earnings thereon). (4) Return of specific property(i) In general. A disqualified person may, with the agreement of the applicable tax-exempt organization, make a payment by returning specific property previously transferred in the excess benefit transaction. In this case, the disqualified person is treated as making a payment equal to the lesser of (A) The fair market value of the property determined on the date the property is returned to the organization; or (B) The fair market value of the property on the date the excess benefit transaction occurred. (ii) Payment not equal to correction amount. If the payment described in paragraph (b)(4)(i) of this section is less than the correction amount (as described in paragraph (c) of this section), the disqualified person must make an additional cash payment to the organization equal to the difference. Conversely, if the payment described in paragraph (b)(4)(i) of this section exceeds the correction amount (as described in paragraph (c) of this section), the organization may make a cash payment to the disqualified person equal to the difference. (iii) Disqualified person may not participate in decision. Any disqualified person who received an excess benefit from the excess benefit transaction may not participate in the applicable
53.49587 Correction. (a) In general. An excess benefit transaction is corrected by undoing the excess benefit to the extent possible, and taking any additional measures necessary to place the applicable taxexempt organization involved in the excess benefit transaction in a financial position not worse than that in which it would be if the disqualified person were dealing under the highest fiduciary standards. Paragraph (b) of this section describes the acceptable forms of correction. Paragraph (c) of this section defines the correction amount. Paragraph (d) of this section describes correction where a contract has been partially performed. Paragraph (e) of this section describes correction where the applicable tax-exempt organization involved in the transaction has ceased to exist or is no longer tax-exempt. Paragraph (f) of this section provides examples illustrating correction. (b) Form of correction(1) Cash or cash equivalents. Except as provided in paragraphs (b)(3) and (4) of this section, a disqualified person corrects an excess benefit only by making a payment in cash or cash equivalents, excluding payment by a promissory note, to the applicable tax-exempt organization equal to the correction amount, as defined in paragraph (c) of this section. (2) Anti-abuse rule. A disqualified person will not satisfy the requirements of paragraph (b)(1) of this section if the Commissioner determines that the dis-
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tax-exempt organizations decision whether to accept the return of specific property under paragraph (b)(4)(i) of this section. (c) Correction amount. The correction amount with respect to an excess benefit transaction equals the sum of the excess benefit (as defined in 53.4958 1(b)) and interest on the excess benefit. The amount of the interest charge for purposes of this section is determined by multiplying the excess benefit by an interest rate, compounded annually, for the period from the date the excess benefit transaction occurred (as defined in 53.49581(e)) to the date of correction. The interest rate used for this purpose must be a rate that equals or exceeds the applicable Federal rate (AFR), compounded annually, for the month in which the transaction occurred. The period from the date the excess benefit transaction occurred to the date of correction is used to determine whether the appropriate AFR is the Federal short-term rate, the Federal mid-term rate, or the Federal long-term rate. See section 1274(d)(1)(A). (d) Correction where contract has been partially performed. If the excess benefit transaction arises under a contract that has been partially performed, termination of the contractual relationship between the organization and the disqualified person is not required in order to correct. However, the parties may need to modify the terms of any ongoing contract to avoid future excess benefit transactions. (e) Correction in the case of an applicable tax-exempt organization that has ceased to exist, or is no longer tax-exempt(1) In general. A disqualified person must correct an excess benefit transaction in accordance with this paragraph where the applicable tax-exempt organization that engaged in the transaction no longer exists or is no longer described in section 501(c)(3) or (4) and exempt from tax under section 501(a). (2) Section 501(c)(3) organizations. In the case of an excess benefit transaction with a section 501(c)(3) applicable tax-exempt organization, the disqualified person must pay the correction amount, as defined in paragraph (c) of this section, to another organiza-
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tion amount ($4v plus interest on $4v at a rate that equals or exceeds 6.21%, compounded annually, for the period from January 1, 2000, to July 5, 2005), then X may make a cash payment to B equal to the difference. Example 5. The facts are the same as in Example 2. Assume that the correction amount B paid X in cash on July 5, 2005, was $5.58v. On July 4, 2005, X loaned $5.58v to B, in exchange for a promissory note signed by B in the amount of $5.58v, payable with interest at a future date. These facts indicate that B engaged in the loan transaction to circumvent the requirement of this section that (except as provided in paragraph (b)(3) or (4) of this section), the correction amount must be paid only in cash or cash equivalents. As a result, the Commissioner may determine that B effectively transferred property other than cash or cash equivalents, and therefore did not satisfy the correction requirements of this section. [T.D. 8978, 67 FR 3083, Jan. 23, 2002]
53.49588 Special rules. (a) Substantive requirements for exemption still apply. Section 4958 does not affect the substantive standards for tax exemption under section 501(c)(3) or (4), including the requirements that the organization be organized and operated exclusively for exempt purposes, and that no part of its net earnings inure to the benefit of any private shareholder or individual. Thus, regardless of whether a particular transaction is subject to excise taxes under section 4958, existing principles and rules may be implicated, such as the limitation on private benefit. For example, transactions that are not subject to section 4958 because of the initial contract exception described in 53.49584(a)(3) may, under certain circumstances, jeopardize the organizations tax-exempt status. (b) Interaction between section 4958 and section 7611 rules for church tax inquiries and examinations. The procedures of section 7611 will be used in initiating and conducting any inquiry or examination into whether an excess benefit transaction has occurred between a church and a disqualified person. For purposes of this rule, the reasonable belief required to initiate a church tax inquiry is satisfied if there is a reasonable belief that a section 4958 tax is due from a disqualified person with respect to a transaction involving a church. See 301.76111 Q&A 19 of this chapter.
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(c) Other substantiation requirements. These regulations, in 53.49584(c)(3), set forth specific substantiation rules. Compliance with the specific substantiation rules of that section does not relieve applicable tax-exempt organizations of other rules and requirements of the Internal Revenue Code, regulations, Revenue Rulings, and other guidance issued by the Internal Revenue Service (including the substantiation rules of sections 162 and 274, or 1.6001 1(a) and (c) of this chapter).
[T.D. 8978, 67 FR 3083, Jan. 23, 2002]
53.49611 Abatement of second tier taxes for correction within correction period. If any taxable event is corrected during the correction period for the event, then any second tier tax imposed with respect to the event shall not be assessed. If the tax has been assessed, it shall be abated. If the tax has been collected, it shall be credited or refunded as an overpayment. For purposes of this section, the tax imposed includes interest, additions to the tax and additional amounts. For definitions of the terms second tier tax, taxable event, correct, and correction period, see 53.49631. 53.49612 Court proceedings to determine liability for second tier tax. (a) Introduction. Under section 4961 (b) and (c), the period of limitations on collection may be suspended and assessment or collection of first or second tier tax may be prohibited during the pendency of administrative and judicial proceedings conducted to determine a taxpayers liability for second tier tax. This section provides rules relating to the suspension of the limitations period and the prohibitions on assessment and collection. In addition, this section describes the administrative and judicial proceedings to which these rules apply. (b) Initial proceeding(1) Defined. For purposes of subpart K, an initial proceeding means a proceeding described in subparagraph (2) or (3). (2) Tax Court proceeding before assessment. A proceeding is described in this subparagraph (2) if it is a proceeding with respect to the taxpayers liability for second tier tax and is commenced in accordance with section 6213 (a).
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means any tax imposed by subsection (b) of section 4941, 4942, 4943, 4944, 4945, 4951, 4952, 4955, 4958, 4971, or 4975. A second tier tax may also be referred to as an additional tax in parts 53 and 54. (c) Taxable event. For purposes of this subpart K, the term taxable event means any act, or failure to act, giving rise to liability for tax under section 4941, 4942, 4943, 4944, 4945, 4951, 4952, 4955, 4958, 4971, or 4975. (d) Correct(1) In general. Except as provided in subparagraph (2), the term correct has the same meaning for purposes of this subpart K as in the section which imposes the second tier tax or the regulations thereunder. (2) Special rules. The term correct means (i) For a second tier tax imposed by section 4942(b), reducing the amount of the undistributed income to zero, (ii) For a second tier tax imposed by section 4943(b), reducing the amount of the excess business holdings to zero, and (iii) For a second tier tax imposed by section 4944(b), removing the investment from jeopardy. (e) Correction period(1) In general. The correction period with respect to any taxable event shall begin with the date on which the taxable event occurs and shall end 90 days after the date of mailing of a notice of deficiency under section 6212 with respect to the second tier tax imposed with respect to the taxable event. (2) Extensions of correction period. The correction period referred to in subparagraph (1) of this paragraph shall be extended by any period in which a deficiency cannot be assessed under section 6213(a). In addition, the correction period referred to in subparagraph (1) of this paragraph (e) shall be extended in accordance with subparagraph (3), (4), and (5) of this paragraph except that subparagraph (4), or (5) shall not operate to extend a correction period with respect to which a taxpayer has filed a petition with the United States Tax Court for redetermination of a deficiency within the time prescribed by section 6213(a). (3) Extensions by Commissioner. The correction period referred to in subparagraph (1) of this paragraph may be
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extended by any period which the Commissioner determines is reasonable and necessary to bring about correction (including, for taxes imposed by section 4975, equitable relief sought by the Secretary of Labor) of the taxable event. The Commissioner ordinarily will not extend the correction period unless the following factors are present. (i) The taxpayer on whom the second tier tax is imposed, the Secretary of Labor (for taxes imposed by section 4975), or an appropriate State officer (as defined in section 6104(c)(2)) is actively seeking in good faith to correct the taxable event; (ii) Adequate corrective action cannot reasonably be expected to result during the unextended correction period; (iii) For taxes imposed by section 4975, the Secretary of Labor requests the extension because subdivision (ii) applies; and (iv) For taxes imposed by chapter 42 (other than taxes imposed by section 4940), the taxable event appears to have been an isolated occurrence so that it appears unlikely that similar taxable events will occur in the future. (4) Extension for payment of first tier tax. If, within the unexpected correction period, the taxpayer pays the full amount of the first tier tax imposed with respect to the taxable event the Commissioner shall extend the correction period to the later of (i) Ninety days after the payment of the first tier tax, or (ii) The last day of the correction period determined without regard to this paragraph. (5) Extensions for filing claim for refund or refund suit. If prior to the expiration of the correction period (including extensions) a claim for refund is filed with respect to payment of the full amount of the first tier tax imposed with respect to the taxable event, the Commissioner shall extend the correction period during the pendency of the claim plus an additional 90 days. If within that time a suit or proceeding referred to in section 7422(g) with respect to the claim is filed, the Commissioner shall extend the correction period until the determination in the suit for refund (determined without regard
53.49651 Overview. (a) Entity-level excise tax. Section 4965 imposes two excise taxes with respect to certain tax shelter transactions to which tax-exempt entities are parties. Section 4965(a)(1) imposes an entitylevel excise tax on certain tax-exempt entities that are parties to prohibited tax shelter transactions, as defined in section 4965(e). See 53.49652 for the discussion of covered tax-exempt entities. See 53.49653 for the definition of prohibited tax shelter transactions. See 53.49654 for the definition of tax-exempt party to a prohibited tax shelter transaction. The entity-level excise tax under section 4965(a)(1) is imposed on a
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into two broad categories, non-plan entities and plan entities. (b) Non-plan entities. Non-plan entities are (1) Entities described in section 501(c); (2) Religious or apostolic associations or corporations described in section 501(d); (3) Entities described in section 170(c), including states, possessions of the United States, the District of Columbia, political subdivisions of states and political subdivisions of possessions of the United States (but not including the United States); and (4) Indian tribal governments within the meaning of section 7701(a)(40). (c) Plan entities. Plan entities are (1) Entities described in section 4979(e)(1) (qualified plans under section 401(a), including qualified cash or deferred arrangements under section 401(k) (including a section 401(k) plan that allows designated Roth contributions)); (2) Entities described in section 4979(e)(2) (annuity plans described in section 403(a)); (3) Entities described in section 4979(e)(3) (annuity contracts described in section 403(b), including a section 403(b) arrangement that allows Roth contributions); (4) Qualified tuition programs described in section 529; (5) Eligible deferred compensation plans under section 457(b) that are maintained by a governmental employer as defined in section 457(e)(1)(A); (6) Arrangements described in section 4973(a) which include (i) Individual retirement plans defined in section 408(a) and (b), including (A) Simplified employee pensions (SEPs) under section 408(k); (B) Simple individual retirement accounts (SIMPLEs) under section 408(p); (C) Deemed individual retirement accounts or annuities (IRAs) qualified under a qualified plan (deemed IRAs) under section 408(q); and (D) Roth IRAs under section 408A. (ii) Arrangements described in section 220(d) (Archer Medical Savings Accounts (MSAs));
53.49652 Covered tax-exempt entities. (a) In general. Under section 4965(c), the term tax-exempt entity refers to entities that are described in sections 501(c), 501(d), or 170(c) (other than the United States), Indian tribal governments (within the meaning of section 7701(a)(40)), and tax-qualified pension plans, individual retirement arrangements and similar tax-favored savings arrangements that are described in sections 4979(e)(1), (2) or (3), 529, 457(b), or 4973(a). The tax-exempt entities referred to in section 4965(c) are divided
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(iii) Arrangements described in section 403(b)(7) (custodial accounts treated as annuity contracts); (iv) Arrangements described in section 530 (Coverdell education savings accounts); and (v) Arrangements described in section 223(d) (health savings accounts (HSAs)). (d) Effective/applicability dates. See 53.49659 for the discussion of the relevant effective and applicability dates.
[T.D. 9492, 75 FR 38702, July 6, 2010; 75 FR 46844, Aug. 4, 2010]
(a) In general. Under section 4965(e), the term prohibited tax shelter transaction means (1) Listed transactions within the meaning of section 6707A(c)(2), including subsequently listed transactions described in paragraph (b) of this section; and (2) Prohibited reportable transactions, which consist of the following reportable transactions within the meaning of section 6707A(c)(1) (i) Confidential transactions, as described in 1.60114(b)(3) of this chapter; or (ii) Transactions with contractual protection, as described in 1.6011 4(b)(4) of this chapter. (b) Subsequently listed transactions. A subsequently listed transaction for purposes of section 4965 is a transaction that is identified by the Secretary as a listed transaction after the tax-exempt entity has entered into the transaction and that was not a prohibited reportable transaction (within the meaning of section 4965(e)(1)(C) and paragraph (a)(2) of this section) at the time the entity entered into the transaction. (c) Cross-reference. The determination of whether a transaction is a listed transaction or a prohibited reportable transaction for section 4965 purposes shall be made under the law applicable to section 6707A(c)(1) and (c)(2). (d) Effective/applicability dates. See 53.49659 for the discussion of the relevant effective and applicability dates.
[T.D. 9492, 75 FR 38702, July 6, 2010]
(d) Effective/applicability dates. See 53.49659 for the discussion of the relevant effective and applicability dates.
[T.D. 9492, 75 FR 38702, July 6, 2010]
53.49655 Entity managers and related definitions. (a) Entity manager of a non-plan entity(1) In general. Under section 4965(d)(1), an entity manager of a nonplan entity is (i) A person with the authority or responsibility similar to that exercised by an officer, director, or trustee of an organization (that is, the non-plan entity); and
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person who approves or otherwise causes the entity to be a party to the prohibited tax shelter transaction. (2) Special rule for plan participants and beneficiaries who have investment elections(i) Fully self-directed plans or arrangements. In the case of a fully selfdirected qualified plan, IRA, or other savings arrangement (including a case where a plan participant or beneficiary is given a list of prohibited investments, such as collectibles), if the plan participant or beneficiary selected a certain investment and, therefore, approved the plan entity to become a party to a prohibited tax shelter transaction, the plan participant or the beneficiary is an entity manager. (ii) Plans or arrangements with limited investment options. In the case of a qualified plan, IRA, or other savings arrangement where a plan participant or beneficiary is offered a limited number of investment options from which to choose, the person responsible for determining the pre-selected investment options is an entity manager and the plan participant or the beneficiary generally is not an entity manager. (c) Meaning of approves or otherwise causes(1) In general. A person is treated as approving or otherwise causing a tax-exempt entity to become a party to a prohibited tax shelter transaction if the person has the authority to commit the entity to the transaction, either individually or as a member of a collective body, and the person exercises that authority. (2) Collective bodies. If a person shares the authority described in paragraph (c)(1) of this section as a member of a collective body (for example, board of trustees or committee), the person will be considered to have exercised such authority if the person voted in favor of the entity becoming a party to the transaction. However, a member of the collective body will not be treated as having exercised the authority described in paragraph (c)(1) of this section if he or she voted against a resolution that constituted approval or an act that caused the tax-exempt entity to be a party to a prohibited tax shelter transaction, abstained from voting for such approval, or otherwise failed to vote in favor of such approval.
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(3) Exceptions(i) Successor in interest. If a tax-exempt entity that is a party to a prohibited tax shelter transaction is dissolved, liquidated, or merged into a successor entity, an entity manager of the successor entity will not, solely by reason of the reorganization, be treated as approving or otherwise causing the successor entity to become a party to a prohibited tax shelter transaction, provided that the reorganization of the tax-exempt entity does not result in a material change to the terms of the transaction. For purposes of this paragraph (c)(3)(i), a material change includes an extension or renewal of the agreement (other than an extension or renewal that results from another party to the transaction unilaterally exercising an option granted by the agreement) or a more than incidental change to any payment under the agreement. A change for the sole purpose of substituting the successor entity for the original tax-exempt party is not a material change. (ii) Exercise or nonexercise of options. Nonexercise of an option pursuant to a transaction involving the tax-exempt entity generally will not constitute an act of approving or causing the entity to be a party to the transaction. If, pursuant to a transaction involving the tax-exempt entity, the entity manager exercises an option (such as a repurchase option), the entity manager will not be subject to the entity managerlevel tax if the exercise of the option does not result in the tax-exempt entity becoming a party to a second transaction that is a prohibited tax shelter transaction. (4) Example. The following example illustrates the principles of paragraph (c)(3)(ii) of this section:
Example. In a sale-in, lease-out (SILO) transaction described in Notice 200513 (2005 1 CB 630), X, which is a non-plan entity, has purported to sell property to Y, a taxable entity and lease it back for a term of years. At the end of the basic lease term, X has the option of repurchasing the property from Y for a predetermined purchase price, with funds that have been set aside at the inception of the transaction for that purpose. The entity manager, by deciding to exercise or not exercise the repurchase option is not approving or otherwise causing the non-plan entity to become a party to a second prohib-
(5) Coordination with the reason-toknow standard. The determination that an entity manager approved or caused a tax-exempt entity to be a party to a prohibited tax shelter transaction, by itself, does not establish liability for the section 4965(a)(2) tax. For rules on determining whether an entity manager knew or had reason to know that the transaction was a prohibited tax shelter transaction, see 53.49656(b). (d) Effective/applicability dates. See 53.49659 for the discussion of the relevant effective and applicability dates.
[T.D. 9492, 75 FR 38702, July 6, 2010; 75 FR 46844, Aug. 4, 2010]
53.49656 Meaning of knows or has reason to know. (a) Attribution to the entity. An entity will be treated as knowing or having reason to know for section 4965 purposes if one or more of its entity managers knew or had reason to know that the transaction was a prohibited tax shelter transaction at the time the entity manager(s) approved the entity as (or otherwise caused the entity to be) a party to the transaction. The entity shall be attributed the knowledge or reason to know of any entity manager described in 53.49655(a)(1)(i) even if that entity manager does not approve the entity as (or otherwise cause the entity to be) a party to the transaction. (b) Determining whether an entity manager knew or had reason to know(1) In general. Whether an entity manager knew or had reason to know that a transaction is a prohibited tax shelter transaction is based on all facts and circumstances. In order for an entity manager to know or have reason to know that a transaction is a prohibited tax shelter transaction, the entity manager must have knowledge of sufficient facts that would lead a reasonable person to conclude that the transaction is a prohibited tax shelter transaction. An entity manager will be considered to have reason to know if a reasonable person in the entity managers circumstances would conclude that the transaction was a prohibited tax shelter transaction based on all the
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hibited tax shelter transaction solely because the entity manager receives such a disclosure. (4) Appropriate inquiries. What inquiries are appropriate will be determined from the facts and circumstances of each case. For example, if one or more tax shelter indicia are present or if an entity manager receives a disclosure statement described in paragraph (b)(3) of this section, an entity manager has a responsibility to inquire further whether the transaction is a prohibited tax shelter transaction. (c) Reliance on professional advice(1) In general. An entity manager is not required to obtain the advice of a professional tax advisor to establish that the entity manager made appropriate inquiries. Moreover, not seeking professional advice, by itself, shall not give rise to an inference that the entity manager had reason to know that a transaction is a prohibited tax shelter transaction. (2) Reliance on written opinion of professional tax advisor. An entity manager may establish that he or she did not have a reason to know that a transaction was a prohibited tax shelter transaction at the time the tax-exempt entity entered into the transaction if the entity manager reasonably, and in good faith, relied on the written opinion of a professional tax advisor. Reliance on the written opinion of a professional tax advisor establishes that the entity manager did not have reason to know if, taking into account all the facts and circumstances, the reliance was reasonable and the entity manager acted in good faith. For example, the entity managers education, sophistication, and business experience will be relevant in determining whether the reliance was reasonable and made in good faith. In no event will an entity manager be considered to have reasonably relied in good faith on an opinion unless the requirements of this paragraph (c)(2) are satisfied. The fact that these requirements are satisfied, however, will not necessarily establish that the entity manager reasonably relied on the opinion in good faith. For example, reliance may not be reasonable or in good faith if the entity manager knew, or reasonably should have
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known, that the advisor lacked knowledge in the relevant aspects of Federal tax law. (i) All facts and circumstances considered. The advice must be based upon all pertinent facts and circumstances and the law as it relates to those facts and circumstances. The requirements of this paragraph (c)(2) are not satisfied if the entity manager fails to disclose a fact that it knows, or reasonably should know, is relevant to determining whether the transaction is a prohibited tax shelter transaction. (ii) No unreasonable assumptions. The advice must not be based on unreasonable factual or legal assumptions (including assumptions as to future events) and must not unreasonably rely on the representations, statements, findings, or agreements of the entity manager or any other person (including another party to the transaction or a material advisor within the meaning of sections 6111 and 6112). (iii) More likely than not opinion. The written opinion of the professional tax advisor must apply the appropriate law to the facts and, based on this analysis, must conclude that the transaction was not a prohibited tax shelter transaction at a more likely than not level of certainty at the time the entity manager approved the entity (or otherwise caused the entity) to be a party to the transaction. (3) Special rule. An entity managers reliance on a written opinion of a professional tax advisor will not be considered reasonable if the advisor is, or is related to a person who is, a material advisor with respect to the transaction within the meaning of sections 6111 and 6112. (d) Subsequently listed transactions. An entity manager will not be treated as knowing or having reason to know that a transaction (other than a prohibited reportable transaction as defined in section 4965(e)(1)(C) and 53.49653(a)(2)) is a prohibited tax shelter transaction if the entity enters into the transaction before the date on which the transaction is identified by the Secretary as a listed transaction. (e) Effective/applicability dates. See 53.49659 for the discussion of the relevant effective and applicability dates.
[T.D. 9492, 75 FR 38702, July 6, 2010]
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action, such entity manager is liable for the $20,000 tax. See 53.49655(d) for the meaning of approved or otherwise caused. See 53.49656 for the meaning of knew or had reason to know. (2) Timing of the entity manager tax. If a tax-exempt entity enters into a prohibited tax shelter transaction during a taxable year of an entity manager, then the entity manager that approved or otherwise caused the tax-exempt entity to become a party to the transaction is liable for the entity manager tax for that taxable year if the entity manager knew or had reason to know that the transaction was a prohibited tax shelter transaction. (3) Example. The application of paragraph (b)(2) of this section is illustrated by the following example:
Example. The entity managers taxable year is the calendar year. On December 1, 2006, the entity manager approved or otherwise caused the tax-exempt entity to become a party to a transaction that the entity manager knew or had reason to know was a prohibited tax shelter transaction. The tax-exempt entity entered into the transaction on January 31, 2007. The entity manager is liable for the entity manager level tax for the entity managers 2007 taxable year, during which the tax-exempt entity entered into the prohibited tax shelter transaction.
(4) Separate liability. If more than one entity manager approved or caused a tax-exempt entity to become a party to a prohibited tax shelter transaction while knowing (or having reason to know) that the transaction was a prohibited tax shelter transaction, then each such entity manager is separately (that is, not jointly and severally) liable for the entity manager-level tax with respect to the transaction. (c) Effective/applicability dates. See 53.49659 for the discussion of the relevant effective and applicability dates.
[T.D. 9492, 75 FR 38702, July 6, 2010]
53.49658 Definition of net income and proceeds and standard for allocating net income or proceeds to various periods. (a) In general. For purposes of section 4965(a), the amount and the timing of the net income and proceeds attributable to the prohibited tax shelter transaction will be computed in a manner consistent with the substance of
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the transaction. In determining the substance of listed transactions, the IRS will look to, among other items, the listing guidance and any subsequent guidance published in the Internal Revenue Bulletin relating to the transaction. (b) Definition of net income and proceeds(1) Net income. A tax-exempt entitys net income attributable to a prohibited tax shelter transaction is its gross income derived from the transaction reduced by those deductions that are attributable to the transaction and that would be allowed by chapter 1 of the Internal Revenue Code if the tax-exempt entity were treated as a taxable entity for this purpose, and further reduced by taxes imposed by Subtitle D, other than by this section, with respect to the transaction. (2) Proceeds(i) Tax-exempt entities that facilitate the transaction by reason of their tax-exempt, tax indifferent or taxfavored status. Solely for purposes of section 4965, in the case of a tax-exempt entity that is a party to the transaction by reason of 53.49654(a)(1) of this chapter, the term proceeds means the gross amount of the tax-exempt entitys consideration for facilitating the transaction, not reduced for any costs or expenses attributable to the transaction. Published guidance with respect to a particular prohibited tax shelter transaction may designate additional amounts as proceeds from the transaction for section 4965 purposes. (ii) Treatment of gifts and contributions. To the extent not otherwise included in the definition of proceeds in paragraph (b)(2)(i) of this section, any amount that is a gift or a contribution to a tax-exempt entity and is attributable to a prohibited tax shelter transaction will be treated as proceeds for section 4965 purposes, unreduced by any associated expenses. (c) Allocation of net income and proceeds(1) In general. For purposes of section 4965(a), the net income and proceeds attributable to a prohibited tax shelter transaction must be allocated in a manner consistent with the tax-exempt entitys established method of accounting for Federal income tax purposes. If the tax-exempt entity has not established a method of accounting for
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Example 1. (i) In 1999, X, a calendar year non-plan entity using the cash method of accounting, entered into a lease-in/lease-out transaction (LILO) substantially similar to the transaction described in Notice 200015 (20001 CB 826) (describing Rev. Rul. 9914 (19991 CB 835), superseded by Rev. Rul. 2002 69 (20022 CB 760)). In 1999, X purported to lease property to Y pursuant to a head lease, and Y purported to lease the property back to X pursuant to a sublease of a shorter term. In form, X received $268M as an advance payment of head lease rent. Of this amount, $200M had been, in form, financed by a nonrecourse loan obtained by Y. X deposited the $200M with a debt payment undertaker. This served to defease both a portion of Xs rent obligation under its sublease and Ys repayment obligation under the nonrecourse loan. Of the remainder of the $268M advance head lease rent payment, X deposited $54M with an equity payment undertaker. This served to defease the remainder of Xs rent obligation under the sublease as well as the exercise price of Xs end-of-sublease term purchase option. This amount inures to the benefit of Y and enables Y to recover its investment in the transaction and a return on that investment. In substance, the $54M is a loan from Y to X. X retained the remaining $14M of the advance head lease rent payment. In substance, this represents a fee for Xs participation in the transaction. See 601.601(d)(2)(ii)(b) of this chapter. (ii) According to the substance of the transaction, the head lease, sublease and nonrecourse debt will be ignored for Federal income tax purposes. Therefore, any net income or proceeds resulting from these elements of the transaction will not be considered net income or proceeds attributable to the LILO transaction for purposes of section 4965(a). The $54M deemed loan from Y to X and the $14M fee are not ignored for Federal income tax purposes. (iii) Under Xs established cash basis method of accounting, any net income received in 1999 and attributable to the LILO transaction is allocated to Xs December 31, 1999, tax year for purposes of section 4965. The $14M fee received in 1999, which constitutes proceeds of the transaction, is likewise allocated to that tax year. Because the 1999 tax year is before the effective date of the section 4965 tax, X will not be subject to any excise tax under section 4965 for the amounts received in 1999. (iv) Any earnings on the amount deposited with the equity payment undertaker that constitute gross income to X will be reduced by Xs original issue discount deductions with respect to the deemed loan from Y, in determining Xs net income from the transaction. Example 2. B, a non-plan entity using the cash method of accounting, has an annual
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accounting period that ends on December 31, 2006. B entered into a prohibited tax shelter transaction on March 15, 2006. On that date, B received a payment of $600,000 as a fee for its involvement in the transaction. B received no other proceeds or income attributable to this transaction in 2006. Under Bs method of accounting, the payment received by B on March 15, 2006, is taken into account in the deemed short year ending on August 15, 2006. Accordingly, solely for purposes of section 4965, the payment is treated as allocable solely to the period ending on or before August 15, 2006, and is not subject to the excise tax imposed by section 4965(a). Example 3. The facts are the same as in Example 2, except that B received an additional payment of $400,000 on September 30, 2006. Under Bs method of accounting, the payment received by B on September 30, 2006, is taken into account in the deemed short year beginning on August 16, 2006. Accordingly, solely for purposes of section 4965, the $400,000 payment is treated as allocable to the period beginning after August 15, 2006, and is subject to the excise tax imposed by section 4965(a). Example 4. C, a non-plan entity using the cash method of accounting, has an annual accounting period that ends on December 31. C entered into a prohibited tax shelter transaction on May 1, 2005. On March 15, 2007, C received a payment of $580,000 attributable to the transaction. On June 1, 2007, the transaction is identified by the IRS in published guidance as a listed transaction. On June 15, 2007, C received an additional payment of $400,000 attributable to the transaction. Under Cs method of accounting, the payments received on March 15, 2007, and June 15, 2007, are taken into account in 2007. The IRS will treat the period beginning on January 1, 2007, and ending on May 31, 2007, and the period beginning on June 1, 2007, and ending on December 31, 2007, as short taxable years. The payment received by C on March 15, 2007, is taken into account in the deemed short year ending on May 31, 2007. Accordingly, solely for purposes of section 4965, the payment is treated as allocable solely to the pre-listing period, and is not subject to the excise tax imposed by section 4965(a). The payment received by C on June 15, 2007, is taken into account in the deemed short year beginning on June 1, 2007. Accordingly, solely for purposes of section 4965, the payment is treated as allocable to the post-listing period, and is subject to the excise tax imposed by section 4965(a).
(g) Effective/applicability dates. See 53.49659 for the discussion of the relevant effective and applicability dates.
[T.D. 9492, 75 FR 38702, July 6, 2010; 75 FR 46844, Aug. 4, 2010]
53.60011 Notice or regulations requiring records, statements, and special returns. (a) In general. Any person subject to tax under Chapter 42, Subtitle D, of the Code shall keep such complete and detailed records as are sufficient to enable the district director to determine accurately the amount of liability under Chapter 42.
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to which other persons are required to file under paragraph (b) of this section, such persons may by their signature designate such organizations Form 4720 (to the extent applicable) as their return for purposes of compliance with such paragraph. However, this paragraph shall not apply to a person whose taxable year is other than the taxable year of the foundation or trust. (d) For taxable years ending on or after December 31, 1975, every trust described in section 4947(a)(2) which is subject to any of the provisions of Chapter 42 as if it were a private foundation shall file an annual return on Form 5227. For taxable years beginning after December 31, 1980, every trust described in section 4947(a)(1) which is a private foundation shall file an annual return on Form 990PF. (e) For taxable years beginning after December 31, 1977, every person liable for tax under section 4951, 4952, or 4953 (relating to taxes on self-dealing, taxable expenditures, and excess contributions involving black lung benefit trusts) shall file an annual return with respect to the tax on the form prescribed by the Internal Revenue Service for that purpose. The person liable for the tax shall include the information required by the form and its related instructions.
[T.D. 7368, 40 FR 29843, July 16, 1975, as amended by T.D. 7838, 47 FR 44249, Oct. 7, 1982; T.D. 8026, 50 FR 20757, May 20, 1985; T.D. 8628, 60 FR 62212, Dec. 5, 1995; T.D. 8705, 62 FR 26, Jan. 2, 1997; T.D. 9334, 72 FR 36872, July 6, 2007]
53.60114 Requirement of statement disclosing participation in certain transactions by taxpayers. (a) In general. If a transaction is identified as a listed transaction or a transaction of interest as defined in 1.60114 of this chapter by the Commissioner in published guidance (see 601.601(d)(2)(ii)(b) of this chapter), and the listed transaction or transaction of interest involves an excise tax under chapter 42 of subtitle D of the Internal Revenue Code (relating to private foundations and certain other tax-exempt organizations), the transaction must be disclosed in the manner stated in such published guidance.
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(b) Effective/applicability date. This section applies to listed transactions entered into on or after January 1, 2003. This section applies to transactions of interest entered into on or after November 2, 2006.
[T.D. 9350, 72 FR 43154, Aug. 3, 2007]
53.60601 Reporting requirements for tax return preparers. (a) In general. A person that employs one or more tax return preparers to prepare a return or claim for refund of tax under Chapter 42 of the Internal Revenue Code, other than for the person, at any time during a return period, shall satisfy the record keeping and inspection requirements in the manner stated in 1.60601 of this chapter. (b) Effective/applicability date. This section is applicable to returns and claims for refund filed after December 31, 2008.
[T.D. 9436, 73 FR 78457, Dec. 22, 2008]
53.60611 Signing of returns and other documents. Any return, statement, or other document required to be made with respect to a tax imposed by Chapter 42 or the regulations thereunder shall be signed by the person required to file such return, statement or document, or by such other persons required or duly authorized to sign in accordance with the regulations, forms or instructions prescribed with respect to such return, statement or other document. The person required or duly authorized to make the return may incur liability for penalties provided for erroneous, false or fraudulent returns. For criminal penalties see sections 7201, 7203, 7206, and 7207. 53.60651 Verification of returns. (a) Penalties of perjury. If a return, statement, or other document made under the provisions of Chapter 42 or Subtitle F of the Code or the regulations thereunder with respect to any tax imposed by Chapter 42 of the Code, or the form and instructions issued with respect to such return, statement, or other document, requires that it shall contain or be verified by a written declaration that it is made under
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required by 53.60111(b) for an entity manager of a tax-exempt entity described in section 4965(c)(1), (c)(2) or (c)(3) who is liable for tax imposed by section 4965(a)(2) shall be filed on or before the 15th day of the fifth month following the close of the entity managers taxable year during which the entity entered into the prohibited tax shelter transaction. (3) Transition rule. A Form 4720, for a section 4965 tax that was due on or before October 4, 2007, will be deemed to have been filed on the due date if it was filed by October 4, 2007, and if all section 4965 taxes required to be reported on that Form 4720 were paid by October 4, 2007. (h) Effective/applicability date. Paragraph (g) of this section is applicable on July 6, 2007.
[T.D. 7368, 40 FR 29843, July 16, 1975, as amended by T.D. 7407, 41 FR 9322, Mar. 4, 1976; T.D. 7838, 47 FR 44249, Oct. 7, 1982; T.D. 8628, 60 FR 62212, Dec. 5, 1995; T.D. 8736, 62 FR 52257, Oct. 7, 1997; T.D. 9334, 72 FR 36872, July 6, 2007; T.D. 9492, 75 FR 38708, July 6, 2010; 75 FR 46845, Aug. 4, 2010]
53.60711T Time for filing returns (temporary). (a) through (f) [Reserved] For further guidance, see 53.60711(a) through (f).
[T.D. 9334, 72 FR 36872, July 6, 2007; 72 FR 45895, Aug. 16, 2007, as amended by T.D. 9492, 75 FR 38708, July 6, 2010]
53.60811 Automatic extension of time for filing the return to report taxes due under section 4951 for self-dealing with a nuclear decommissioning fund. (a) In general. A disqualified person for purposes of section 4951(e)(4) who engaged in self-dealing with a Nuclear Decommissioning Fund, and must report tax due under section 4951 on Form 1120-ND, Return for Nuclear Decommissioning Funds and Certain Related Persons, will be allowed an automatic 6-month extension of time to file the return after the date prescribed for filing the return if the disqualified person files an application under this section in accordance with paragraph (b) of this section. For guidance on requesting an extension of time to file Form 1120-ND for purposes of reporting contributions received, income earned, administrative expenses
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of operating the fund, and the tax on modified gross income, see 1.60813 of this chapter. (b) Requirements. To satisfy this paragraph (b), a disqualified person must (1) Submit a complete application on Form 7004, Application for Automatic Extension of Time to File Certain Business Income Tax, Information, and Other Returns, or in any other manner prescribed by the Commissioner; (2) File the application on or before the date prescribed for filing the return with the Internal Revenue Service office designated in the applications instructions; and (3) Remit the amount of the properly estimated unpaid tax liability on or before the date prescribed for payment. (c) No extension of time for the payment of tax. An automatic extension of time for filing a return granted under paragraph (a) of this section will not extend the time for payment of any tax due on such return. (d) Termination of automatic extension. The Commissioner may terminate an automatic extension at any time by mailing to the disqualified person a notice of termination at least 10 days prior to the termination date designated in such notice. The Commissioner must mail the notice of termination to the address shown on the Form 7004 or to the disqualified persons last known address. For further guidance regarding the definition of last known address, see 301.62122 of this chapter. (e) Penalties. See section 6651 for failure to file or failure to pay the amount shown as tax on the return. (f) Effective/applicability dates. This section is applicable for applications for an automatic extension of time to file a return to report taxes due under section 4951 for self-dealing with a Nuclear Decommissioning Fund filed after July 1, 2008.
[T.D. 9407, 73 FR 37369, July 1, 2008]
Exceptional cases.
53.60911 Place for filing chapter 42 tax returns. Except as provided in 53.60912 (relating to exceptional cases): (a) Persons other than corporations. Chapter 42 tax returns of persons other than corporations shall be filed with any person assigned the responsibility
Notwithstanding the provisions of 53.60911, the Commissioner may permit the filing of any Chapter 42 tax return in any local Internal Revenue Service office.
[T.D. 7368, 40 FR 29843, July 16, 1975. Redesignated by T.D. 8084, 51 FR 16303, May 2, 1986, as amended by T.D. 9156, 69 FR 55746, Sept. 16, 2004]
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Chapter 42 and shown or required to be shown on any return, may be granted by the district directors and directors of the service centers at the request of the taxpayer. The period of such extension shall not be in excess of 6 months from the date fixed for payment of such tax, except that if the taxpayer is abroad the period of the extension may be in excess of 6 months. (2) Deficiency. The time for payment of any amount determined as a deficiency in respect of tax imposed by Chapter 42 may, at the request of the taxpayer, be extended by the internal revenue officer to whom the tax is required to be paid for a period not to exceed 18 months from the date fixed for payment of the deficiency, as shown on the notice and demand, and, in exceptional cases for a further period not in excess of 12 months. No extension of the time for payment of a deficiency shall be granted if the deficiency is due to negligence, to intentional disregard of rules and regulations, or to fraud with intent to evade tax. (3) Extension of time for filing distinguished. The granting of an extension of time for filing a return does not operate to extend the time for the payment of the tax or any part thereof unless so specified in the extension. (b) Undue hardship required for extension. An extension of the time for payment shall be granted only upon a satisfactory showing that payment on the due date of the amount with respect to which the extension is desired will result in an undue hardship. The extension will not be granted upon a general statement of hardship. The term undue hardship means more than an inconvenience to the taxpayer. It must appear that substantial financial loss, for example, loss due to the sale of property at a sacrifice price, will result to the taxpayer from making payment on the due date of the amount with respect to which the extension is desired. If a market exists, the sale of property at the current market price is not ordinarily considered as resulting in an undue hardship. (c) Application for extension. An application for an extension of the time for payment of the tax shown or required to be shown on any return, or for the payment of any amount determined as
53.61091 Tax return preparers furnishing identifying numbers for returns or claims for refund filed. (a) In general. Each tax return or claim for refund under Chapter 42 of the Internal Revenue Code prepared by one or more signing tax return preparers must include the identifying number of the preparer required by 1.66951(b) of this chapter to sign the return or claim for refund in the manner stated in 1.61092 of this chapter. (b) Effective/applicability date. Paragraph (a) of this section is applicable to returns and claims for refund filed after December 31, 2008.
[T.D. 9436, 73 FR 78457, Dec. 22, 2008]
53.61511 Time and place for paying tax shown on returns. The Chapter 42 tax shown on any return shall, without assessment or notice and demand, be paid to the internal revenue officer with whom the return is filed at the time and place for filing such return (determined without regard to any extension of time for filing the return). For provisions relating to the time and place for filing such return, see 53.60711 and 53.60911. For provisions relating to the extension of time for paying the tax, see 53.61611. 53.61611 Extension of time for paying tax or deficiency. (a) In general(1) Tax shown or required to be shown on return. A reasonable extension of the time for payment of the amount of any tax imposed by
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a deficiency shall be made on Form 1127 and shall be accompanied by evidence showing the undue hardship that would result to the taxpayer if the extension were refused. Such application shall also be accompanied by a statement of the assets and liabilities of the taxpayer and an itemized statement showing all receipts and disbursements for each of the three months immediately preceding the due date of the amount to which the application relates. The application, with supporting documents, must be filed on or before the date prescribed for payment of the amount with respect to which the extension is desired with the internal revenue officer to whom the tax is to be paid. The application will be examined, and within 30 days, if possible, will be denied, granted, or tentatively granted subject to certain conditions of which the taxpayer will be notified. If an additional extension is desired, the request therefor must be made on or before the expiration of the period for which the prior extension is granted. (d) Payment pursuant to extension. If an extension of time for payment is granted, the amount the time for payment of which is so extended shall be paid on or before the expiration of the period of the extension without the necessity of notice and demand. The granting of an extension of the time for payment of the tax or deficiency does not relieve the taxpayer from liability for the payment of interest thereon during the period of the extension. See section 6601 and 301.66011 of this chapter (Regulations on Procedure and Administration). 53.61651 Bonds where time to pay tax or deficiency has been extended. If an extension of time for payment of tax or deficiency is granted under section 6161, the district director or the director of the service center may, if he deems it necessary, require a bond for the payment of the amount in respect of which the extension is granted in accordance with the terms of the extension. However, such bond shall not exceed double the amount with respect to which the extension is granted. For provisions relating to form of bonds, see the regulations under section 7101
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53.66951 Other assessable penalties with respect to the preparation of tax returns or claims for refund for other persons. (a) In general. A person who is a tax return preparer of any return or claim for refund of tax under Chapter 42 of the Internal Revenue Code (Code) shall be subject to penalties for failure to furnish a copy to the taxpayer under section 6695(a) of the Code, failure to sign the return under section 6695(b) of the Code, failure to furnish an identification number under section 6695(c) of the Code, failure to retain a copy or list under section 6695(d) of the Code, failure to file a correct information return under section 6695(e) of the Code, and negotiation of a check under section 6695(f) of the Code, in the manner stated in 1.66951 of this chapter. (b) Effective/applicability date. This section is applicable to returns and claims for refund filed after December 31, 2008.
[T.D. 9436, 73 FR 78458, Dec. 22, 2008]
53.66943 Penalty for understatement due to willful, reckless, or intentional conduct. (a) In general. A person who is a tax return preparer of any return or claim for refund of tax under Chapter 42 of the Internal Revenue Code (Code) shall be subject to penalties under section 6694(b) of the Code in the manner stated in 1.66943 of this chapter. (b) Effective/applicability date. This section is applicable to returns and claims for refund filed, and advice provided, after December 31, 2008.
[T.D. 9436, 73 FR 78457, Dec. 22, 2008]
53.66944 Extension of period of collection when tax return preparer pays 15 percent of a penalty for understatement of taxpayers liability and certain other procedural matters. (a) In general. For rules relating to the extension of period of collection when a tax return preparer who prepared a return or claim for refund of tax under Chapter 42 of the Internal Revenue Code pays 15 percent of a penalty for understatement of taxpayers liability and procedural matters relating to the investigation, assessment and collection of the penalties under section 6694(a) and (b), the rules under 1.66944 of this chapter will apply. (b) Effective/applicability date. This section is applicable to returns and claims for refund filed, and advice provided, after December 31, 2008.
[T.D. 9436, 73 FR 78458, Dec. 22, 2008]
53.66961 Claims for credit or refund by tax return preparers. (a) In general. For rules for claims for credit or refund by a tax return preparer who prepared a return or claim for refund for tax under Chapter 42 of the Internal Revenue Code, the rules under 1.66961 of this chapter will apply. (b) Effective/applicability date. This section is applicable to returns and claims for refund filed, and advice provided, after December 31, 2008.
[T.D. 9436, 73 FR 78458, Dec. 22, 2008]
53.71011 Form of bonds. For provisions relating to form of bonds, see the regulations under section 7101 contained in part 301 of this chapter (Regulations on Procedure and Administration). 53.77011 Tax return preparer. (a) In general. For the definition of a tax return preparer, see 301.770115 of this chapter. (b) Effective/applicability date. This section is applicable to returns and claims for refund filed, and advice provided, after December 31, 2008.
[T.D. 9436, 73 FR 78458, Dec. 22, 2008]
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Section 54.4980B5 also issued under 26 U.S.C. 4980B; Section 54.4980B6 also issued under 26 U.S.C. 4980B; Section 54.4980B7 also issued under 26 U.S.C. 4980B; Section 54.4980B8 also issued under 26 U.S.C. 4980B; Section 54.4980B9 also issued under 26 U.S.C. 4980B; Section 54.4980B10 also issued under 26 U.S.C. 4980B; Section 54.4980F1 also issued under 26 U.S.C. 4980F; Section 54.4980G1 also issued under 26 U.S.C. 4980G; Section 54.4980G2 also issued under 26 U.S.C. 4980G; Section 54.4980G3 also issued under 26 U.S.C. 4980G; Section 54.4980G4 also issued under 26 U.S.C. 4980G; Section 54.4980G5 also issued under 26 U.S.C. 4980G; Section 54.4980G6 also issued under 26 U.S.C. 4980G; Section 54.4980G7 also issued under 26 U.S.C. 4980G; Section 54.60601 also issued under 26 U.S.C. 6060(a); Section 54.60811 also issued under 26 U.S.C. 6081(a); Section 54.61091 also issued under 26 U.S.C. 6109(a); Section 54.61092 also issued under 26 U.S.C. 6109(a); Section 54.66951 also issued under 26 U.S.C. 6695(b); Section 54.98011 also issued under 26 U.S.C. 9833; Section 54.98012 also issued under 26 U.S.C. 9833; Section 54.98013 also issued under 26 U.S.C. 9801(c)(4), 9801(e)(3), and 9833; Section 54.98014 also issued under 26 U.S.C. 9801(c)(1)(I) and 9833; Section 54.98015 also issued under 26 U.S.C. 9801(c)(4), 9801(e)(3); and 9833. Section 54.98016 also issued under 26 U.S.C. 9833; Section 54.98021 also issued under 26 U.S.C. 9833; Section 54.98022 also issued under 26 U.S.C. 9833; Section 54.98023T also issued under 26 U.S.C. 9833; Section 54.98111 also issued under 26 U.S.C. 9833; Section 54.98121T also issued under 26 U.S.C. 9833; Section 54.98151251T also issued under 26 U.S.C. 9833; Section 54.98152704T also issued under 26 U.S.C. 9833; Section 54.98152711T also issued under 26 U.S.C. 9833;
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Section 54.98152712T also issued under 26 U.S.C. 9833; Section 54.98152713 also issued under 26 U.S.C. 9833. Section 54.98152713T also issued under 26 U.S.C. 9833; Section 54.98152714T also issued under 26 U.S.C. 9833; Section 54.98152715 also issued under 26 U.S.C. 9833. Section 54.98152719AT also issued under 26 U.S.C. 9833; Section 54.98152719T also issued under 26 U.S.C. 9833; Section 54.98311 also issued under 26 U.S.C. 9833; Section 54.98331 also issued under 26 U.S.C. 9833.
54.49711 General rules relating to excise tax on failure to meet minimum funding standards. (a)(b) [Reserved] (c) Additional tax. Section 4971(b) imposes an excise tax in any case in which an initial tax is imposed under section 4971(a) on an accumulated funding deficiency and the accumulated funding deficiency is not corrected within the taxable period (as defined in section 4971(c)(3)). The additional tax is 100 percent of the accumulated funding deficiency to the extent not corrected. (d) [Reserved] (e) Definition of taxable period(1) In general. For purposes of any accumulated funding deficiency, the term taxable period means the period beginning with the end of the plan year in which there is an accumulated funding deficiency and ending on the earlier of: (i) The date of mailing of a notice of deficiency under section 6212 with respect to the tax imposed by section 4971(a), or (ii) The date on which the tax imposed by section 4971(a) is assessed. (2) Special rule. Where a notice of deficiency referred to in paragraph (e)(1)(i) of this section is not mailed because a waiver of the restrictions on assessment and collection of a deficiency has been accepted or because the deficiency is paid, the date of filing of the waiver or the date of such payment, respectively, shall be treated as the end of the taxable period.
[T.D. 8084, 51 FR 16305, May 2, 1986]
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the X Plan all use the calendar year as their annual accounting period, at all relevant times. The amount determined under section 4972(b)(2) for 1975 is 0 because this section does not apply to contributions made for taxable years beginning before January 1, 1976. In calendar year 1976, A contributes $2,500 and B contributes $2,500 to the trust. The amount permitted to be contributed to the trust for 1976 with respect to A as an employee is $1,800 and with respect to B as an employee is $2,200. (ii) The amount determined under this paragraph for 1976 with respect to A is $700, computed as follows: the sum of the excess of the amount contributed by A ($2,500) over the amount permitted to be contributed by A ($1,800), and the amount determined under this paragraph for A in 1975 (0). (iii) The amount determined under this paragraph for 1976 with respect to B is $300, computed as follows: the sum of the excess of the amount contributed by B ($2,500) over the amount permitted to be contributed by B ($2,200), and the amount determined under this paragraph for B in 1975 (0). (iv) The amount determined under section 4972(b)(2) and this paragraph for 1976 with respect to the employer, X Partnership, is $1,000, the sum of the amounts determined separately under this paragraph with respect to A ($700) and B ($300). The tax under section 4972 for 1976 on the X Partnership (assuming that no other events affecting the determination of the tax under section 4972 occur) is 6 percent of $1,000 or $60. Example 2. (i) Assume the facts stated in Example (1). In calendar year 1977, A contributes $1,500 and B contributes $2,300 to the trust. Assume that the amount permitted to be contributed to the trust for 1977, under section 4972(c) for A and B is $2,500 each. (ii) The amount determined under this paragraph for 1977 with respect to A is 0, computed as follows: the sum of 0 (the excess of the amount contributed by A ($1,500) over the amount permitted to be contributed ($2,500)) and $700, the amount determined under this paragraph for A in 1976, reduced by $1,000 (the amount permitted to be contributed by A ($2,500) over the amount contributed by A ($1,500)). (iii) The amount determined under this paragraph for 1977 with respect to B is $100, computed as follows: the sum of 0 (the excess of the amount contributed by B ($2,300) over the amount permitted to be contributed ($2,500)) and $300, the amount determined under this paragraph for B in 1976, reduced by $200 (the amount permitted to be contributed ($2,500) by B over the amount contributed by B ($2,300)). (iv) The amount determined under section 4972(b) and this paragraph for 1977 with respect to the employer, X Partnership, is $100, the sum of the amounts determined separately under this paragraph with respect to
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A ($0) and B ($100). The tax imposed under section 4972 for 1977 on the X Partnership (assuming that no other events affecting the determination of the tax under section 4972 occur) is 6 percent of $100, or $6.
(e) Defined benefit plans(1) General rule. In the case of a defined benefit plan (as defined in section 414(j)), the amount determined under section 4972(b)(3) and this paragraph for the taxable year of the employer is the amount contributed under the plan by the employer during the taxable year plus the amounts, if any, contributed by the employer during any prior taxable year beginning after December 31, 1975, if: (i) As of the close of the taxable year, the full funding limitation of the plan (determined under section 412(c)(7) and the regulations thereunder) is zero, and (ii) Such amounts contributed have not been deductible by the employer for the taxable year or for any prior taxable year beginning after December 31, 1975. See section 404 and the regulations thereunder for the determination of the amount deductible by the employer for the taxable year. If the amounts contributed by the employer exceed the amounts which have been deductible, the amount determined under this paragraph shall not exceed the amounts which have not been deductible. For purposes of this paragraph, the determination of both the amounts contributed and the amounts deductible by the employer for any relevant taxable year includes amounts contributed and deductible on behalf of any employee covered under the plan, including common-law employees and other self-employed individuals who are not owner-employees in addition to owner-employees. The determination of whether the full funding limitation is zero shall be made taking into account all the plan assets unreduced by any deduction carryover under section 404(a)(1)(D). The determination of whether the full funding limitation is zero as of the close of the employers taxable year shall be made with respect to the plan year ending with or within the employers taxable year. Consequently, if an employer whose taxable year is the calendar year establishes and maintains a defined benefit
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this paragraph, the term correcting distribution means, for the taxable year of the employer, the sum of: (i) In the case of a contribution made as an employee by an owner-employee, within the meaning of section 401(c)(3), to a defined benefit or defined contribution plan, the amount, or any part thereof, determined under section 4972(b)(2) and paragraph (d) of this section which is distributed to the owneremployee who contributed such amount to the plan; (ii) In the case of a defined benefit plan, the amount, or any part thereof, determined under section 4972(b)(3) and paragraph (e) of this section which is distributed from the plan to the employer, and (iii) In the case of a defined contribution plan, the amount, or any part thereof, determined under section 4972(b)(4) and paragraph (f) of this section which is distributed to (A) the employer or (B) to the employee for whom such amount was contributed. If, for any employer taxable year in which a defined contribution plan is maintained, there is a correcting distribution to an employee which could be from amounts described in subparagraph (1)(i) and (iii) of this paragraph for such employee, then such correcting distribution shall be deemed to be made first from amounts described in such subparagraph (1)(i) and then from amounts described in such subparagraph (1)(iii) for purposes of this section and section 72. For the income tax treatment of such distributions to employees, see section 72 and the regulations thereunder. Any such distributions to employees shall not be subject to the tax imposed by section 4975 nor result in the defined contribution plan failing to satisfy the exclusive benefit requirement of section 401(a), solely by reason of being a correcting distribution within the meaning of this paragraph. If, for any employer taxable year in which a defined benefit, or defined contribution plan is maintained, there is a correcting distribution described in subparagraph (1)(ii) or (iii) of this paragraph to the employer maintaining the plan, such distribution shall not be subject to the tax imposed by section 4975 nor result in the plans failing to satisfy the exclusive benefit
(f) Defined contribution plans(1) General rule. In the case of a defined contribution plan (as defined in section 414(i)), the amount determined under section 4972(b)(4) and this paragraph for the taxable year of the employer is equal to the portion of the amounts contributed under the plan by the employer during the taxable year plus the amounts contributed by the employer during any prior taxable year beginning after December 31, 1975, which has not been deductible by the employer for the taxable year or for any such prior taxable year. For purposes of this paragraph, the determination of both the amounts contributed and the amounts deductible by the employer for any relevant taxable year includes amounts contributed and deductible on behalf of any employee covered under the plan, including common-law employees and other self-employed individuals who are not owner-employees in addition to owner-employees. (2) Illustration. The provisions of this paragraph may be illustrated by the following example:
Example. (i) The X Partnership (X) adopts the Z Defined Contribution Plan and Trust (Z Plan) on January 1, 1976. Xs taxable year and the plan year of Z Plan are both calendar years. For 1976, X contributes $40,000, of which $30,000 is deductible under section 404 for taxable year 1976. The amount determined under section 4972(b)(4) and this paragraph for 1976 is $10,000 (the difference between (A) $40,000, the amount contributed by X for taxable year 1976 and (B) $30,000, the amount deductible for taxable year 1976). (ii) For 1977, X contributes $25,000, and the amounts deductible by X under section 404 for taxable year 1977 is $30,000 ($5,000 for the contribution carryover from 1976 and $25,000 with respect to the 1977 contribution). The amount determined under section 4972(b)(4) and this paragraph for 1977 is $5,000, computed as follows: the difference between (A) $65,000, the sum of the amounts contributed by X for taxable year 1976 ($40,000) and the amounts contributed by X for taxable year 1977 ($25,000), and (B) $60,000, the sum of the amounts deductible for taxable year 1976 ($30,000) and the amounts deductible for taxable year 1977 ($30,000).
(g) Correcting distribution(1) General rule. For purposes of section 4972(b) and
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or the definitely determinable requirements under section 401(a). If, for any employer taxable year in which a money purchase pension plan is maintained, a correcting distribution described in subparagraph (1)(iii) of this paragraph is made to an employee who has not yet become eligible to receive retirement benefits under the plan, the qualification of the pension plan (and trust) under section 401(a) may be adversely affected. See 1.4011(b)(1)(i). A correcting distribution described in subparagraph (1)(iii) of this paragraph to an owner-employee prior to age 5912 must be precluded under the plan. See section 401(d)(4)(B). (2) Illustration. The provisions of this paragraph may be illustrated by the following example:
Example. (i) A and B are owner-employees who are over the age of 5912 and who are covered under the X Employees Defined Contribution Plan and Profit-Sharing Trust (Plan Y). The X Partnership (X) and Plan Y are on calendar years. In calendar year 1976, A contributes $2,500 and B contributes $2,500 to Plan Y. The amount permitted to be contributed to Plan Y for 1976 with respect to A as an employee is $1,800 and with respect to B as an employee is $2,200. X contributes to Plan Y $5,000 on behalf of A and $5,000 on behalf of B. Of this amount, assume that $2,700 is deductible with respect to A and $3,300 is deductible with respect to B by X under section 404. The amount determined under section 4972(b)(2) and paragraph (d) of this section (the excess owner-employee contributions made by A and B to Plan Y) for taxable year 1976 is $1,000, computed as follows: the sum of (A) for A, $700, the difference between his own contributions ($2,500) and the amount permitted to be contributed by A ($1,800) and (B) for B, $300, the difference between his own contributions ($2,500) and the amount permitted to be contributed by B ($2,200). The amount determined under section 4972(b)(4) and paragraph (f) of this section (the excess contributions made by X to Plan Y) for taxable year 1976 is $4,000, computed as follows: the sum of (A) by X for A, $2,300, the difference between contributions by X ($5,000) and the amount deductible by X for A ($2,700) and (B) by X for B, $1,700, the difference between contributions by X for B ($5,000) and the amount deductible by X for B ($3,300). During 1976, there is no correcting distribution, within the meaning of section 4972 and this paragraph, because there are no distributions to A, B, or X. (ii) Assume that, for taxable year 1977, the amounts determined under sections 4972(b)(2) and 4972(b)(4) remain the same as for taxable
(h) Amount permitted to be contributed by owner-employee(1) General rule. Except as provided in subparagraph (2), for purposes of section 4972(b)(2) and paragraph (d), the amount permitted to be contributed under a plan by an owner-employee as an employee for any taxable year of the employer is the smallest of the following: (i) $2,500; (ii) 10 percent of the earned income (as defined in section 401(c)(2)) for such taxable year derived by the owner-employee from the trade or business with respect to which the plan is established, or (iii) The amount of the contribution which would be contributed by the owner-employee (as an employee) if such contribution were made at the
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distributed to A in 1975. Under section 4974, A would have an excise tax liability of $20 [50% of ($100$60)]. Example 2. Although no distribution is required under 1.4082(b)(6)(v) to be made in 1986, H, a married individual born on February 1, 1921, who has established and maintained an individual retirement account decides to begin receiving distributions from the account beginning in 1986. Hs wife, W, was born on March 6, 1921. H and W are calendar year taxpayers. H decides to receive his interest in the account over the joint life and last survivor expectancy of himself and his wife. On January 1, 1986, the balance in Hs account is $10,000; H and W, based on their nearest birthdates, are 65; and the joint life and last survivor expectancy of H and his wife is 22.0 years (see Table II of 1.729). His annual payments during the following years (none of which were required) were determined by dividing the balance in the account on the first day of each year by the joint life and last survivor expectancy reduced by the number of whole years elapsed since the distributions were to commence.
Life expectancy minus whole years elapsed 22.0 21.0 20.0 19.0 18.0 17.0 Account balance at beginning of each year $10,000 10,118 10,214 10,285 10,329 10,340 Annual payment
54.49741 Excise tax on accumulations in individual retirement accounts or annuities. (a) General rule. A tax equal to 50 percent of the amount by which the minimum amount required to be distributed from an individual retirement account or annuity described in section 408 during the taxable year of the payee under paragraph (b) of this section exceeds the amount actually distributed during the taxable year is imposed by section 4974 on the payee. (b) Minimum amount required to be distributed. For purposes of this section, the minimum amount required to be distributed is the amount required under 1.4082(b)(6)(v) to be distributed in the taxable year described in paragraph (a) of this section. (c) Examples. The application of this section may be illustrated by the following examples.
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Example 1. In 1975, the minimum amount required to be distributed under 1.408 2(b)(6)(v) to A under his individual retirement account is $100. Only $60 is actually
For 1986, 1987, 1989, and 1990, the amount required to be distributed under 1.408 2(b)(6)(v) is zero. Thus, H would have no excise tax liability under section 4974 for these years. In 1991, the year H attains age 7012, the amount required to be distributed from the account under 1.4082(b)(6)(v) is $565, determined by dividing $10,340 (the account balance as of January 1, 1991) by 18.8 years (the joint life and last survivor expectancy of H and W, assuming they are both still living, as of January 1, 1991). If W should die after December 31, 1990, the joint life and last survivor expectancy determined on January 1, 1991 (18.3 years) would not be redetermined. Because the amount distributed from the account in 1991 ($608) exceeds the amount required to be distributed from the account in 1991 ($565), H has no excise tax liability under section 4974 for 1991. Example 3. Assume the same facts as in example (2) except that W dies in 1988. For 1988, 1989, and 1990, the amount required to be distributed under 1.4082(b)(6)(v) is zero. Thus, H would have no excise tax liability under section 4974 for these years. In 1991, the amount required to be distributed under
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1.4082(b)(6)(v) is $855, determined by dividing $10,340 (the account balance as of January 1, 1991) by 12.1 years (the life expectancy of H as of January 1, 1991). Because the amount distributed from the account in 1991 ($608) is less than the amount required to be distributed from the account in 1991 ($855), H has an excise tax liability of $123.50 under section 4974 for 1991 [50% of ($855$608)]. [T.D. 7714, 45 FR 52799, Aug. 8, 1980]
54.49742 Excise tax on accumulations in qualified retirement plans. Q1. Is any tax imposed on a payee under any qualified retirement plan or any eligible deferred compensation plan (as defined in section 457(b)) to whom an amount is required to be distributed for a taxable year if the amount distributed during the taxable year is less than the required minimum distribution? A1. Yes, if the amount distributed to a payee under any qualified retirement plan or any eligible deferred compensation plan (as defined in section 457(b)) for a calendar year is less than the required minimum distribution for such year, an excise tax is imposed on such payee under section 4974 for the taxable year beginning with or within the calendar year during which the amount is required to be distributed. The tax is equal to 50 percent of the amount by which such required minimum distribution exceeds the actual amount distributed during the calendar year. Section 4974 provides that this tax shall be paid by the payee. For purposes of section 4974, the term required minimum distribution means the minimum distribution amount required to be distributed pursuant to section 401(a)(9), 403(b)(10), 408(a)(6), 408(b)(3), or 457(d)(2), as the case may be, and the regulations thereunder. Except as otherwise provided in A6 of this section, the required minimum distribution for a calendar year is the required minimum distribution amount required to be distributed during the calendar year. A6 of this section provides a special rule for amounts required to be distributed by an employees (or individuals) required beginning date.
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tion amount required to be distributed to satisfy the applicable section enumerated in paragraph (a) of A2 of this section for every calendar year. If the annuity contract (or, in the case of annuity distributions from a defined benefit plan, a distribution option) under which distributions to the payee are being made is a permissible annuity distribution option, the required minimum distribution for a given calendar year will equal the amount which the annuity contract (or distribution option) provides is to be distributed for that calendar year. (b) Impermissible annuity distribution option. An impermissible annuity distribution option is an annuity contract (or, in the case of annuity distributions from a defined benefit plan, a distribution option) under which distributions to the payee are being made that specifically provides for distributions which, if made as provided, would for any calendar year be less than the minimum distribution amount required to be distributed to satisfy the applicable section enumerated in paragraph (a) of A3 of this section. If the annuity contract (or, in the case of annuity distributions from a defined benefit plan, the distribution option) under which distributions to the payee are being made is an impermissible annuity distribution option, the required minimum distribution for each calendar year will be determined as follows: (1) If the qualified retirement plan under which distributions are being made is a defined benefit plan, the minimum distribution amount required to be distributed each year will be the amount which would have been distributed under the plan if the distribution option under which distributions to the payee were being made was the following permissible annuity distribution option: (i) In the case of distributions commencing before the death of the employee, if there is a designated beneficiary under the impermissible annuity distribution option for purposes of section 401(a)(9), the permissible annuity distribution option is the joint and survivor annuity option under the plan for the lives of the employee and the designated beneficiary that provides for the greatest level amount payable
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to the employee determined on an annual basis. If the plan does not provide such an option or there is no designated beneficiary under the impermissible distribution option for purposes of section 401(a)(9), the permissible annuity distribution option is the life annuity option under the plan payable for the life of the employee in level amounts with no survivor benefit. (ii) In the case of distributions commencing after the death of the employee, if there is a designated beneficiary under the impermissible annuity distribution option for purposes of section 401(a)(9), the permissible annuity distribution option is the life annuity option under the plan payable for the life of the designated beneficiary in level amounts. If there is no designated beneficiary, the 5-year rule in section 401(a)(9)(B)(ii) applies. See paragraph (b)(3) of this A4. The determination of whether or not there is a designated beneficiary and the determination of which designated beneficiarys life is to be used in the case of multiple beneficiaries will be made in accordance with 1.401(a)(9)4 and A7 of 1.401(a)(9)5. If the defined benefit plan does not provide for distribution in the form of the applicable permissible distribution option, the required minimum distribution for each calendar year will be an amount as determined by the Commissioner. (2) If the qualified retirement plan under which distributions are being made is a defined contribution plan and the impermissible annuity distribution option is an annuity contract purchased from an insurance company, the minimum distribution amount required to be distributed each year will be the amount that would have been distributed in the form of an annuity contract under the permissible annuity distribution option under the plan determined in accordance with paragraph (b)(1) of this A4 for defined benefit plans. If the defined contribution plan does not provide the applicable permissible annuity distribution option, the required minimum distribution for each calendar year will be the amount that would have been distributed under an annuity described in paragraph (b)(2)(i) or (ii) of this A4 purchased with the employees or individuals account used to pur-
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each calendar year subsequent to such calendar year? A5. If there is any remaining benefit with respect to an employee (or IRA owner) after the calendar year in which the entire remaining benefit is required to be distributed, the required minimum distribution for each calendar year subsequent to such calendar year is the entire remaining benefit. Q6. With respect to which calendar year is the excise tax under section 4974 imposed in the case in which the amount not distributed is an amount required to be distributed by April 1 of a calendar year (by the employees or individuals required beginning date)? A6. In the case in which the amount not paid is an amount required to be paid by April 1 of a calendar year, such amount is a required minimum distribution for the previous calendar year, i.e., for the employees or the individuals first distribution calendar year. However, the excise tax under section 4974 is imposed for the calendar year containing the last day by which the amount is required to be distributed, i.e., the calendar year containing the employees or individuals required beginning date, even though the preceding calendar year is the calendar year for which the amount is required to be distributed. There is also a required minimum distribution for the calendar year which contains the employees or individuals required beginning date. Such distribution is also required to be made during the calendar year which contains the employees or individuals required beginning date. Q7. Are there any circumstances when the excise tax under section 4974 for a taxable year may be waived? A7. (a) Reasonable cause. The tax under section 4974(a) may be waived if the payee described in section 4974(a) establishes to the satisfaction of the Commissioner the following (1) The shortfall described in section 4974(a) in the amount distributed in any taxable year was due to reasonable error; and (2) Reasonable steps are being taken to remedy the shortfall. (b) Automatic waiver. The tax under section 4974 will be automatically waived, unless the Commissioner determines otherwise, if
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(1) The payee described in section 4974(a) is an individual who is the sole beneficiary and whose required minimum distribution amount for a calendar year is determined under the life expectancy rule described in 1.401(a)(9)3 A3 in the case of an employees or individuals death before the employees or individuals required beginning date; and (2) The employees or individuals entire benefit to which that beneficiary is entitled is distributed by the end of the fifth calendar year following the calendar year that contains the employees or individuals date of death.
[T.D. 8987, 67 FR 19026, Apr. 17, 2002; 67 FR 35732, May 21, 2002, as amended by T.D. 9340, 72 FR 41160, July 26, 2007]
54.49751 General rules relating to excise tax on prohibited transactions. (a) Scope. This section provides general rules for the imposition of the excise taxes on prohibited transactions. (b) Initial tax. Section 4975(a) imposes an initial tax on each prohibited transaction. The initial tax is 5 percent of the amount involved with respect to the prohibited transaction for each year (or part thereof) in the taxable period. (c) Additional tax. Section 4975(b) imposes an excise tax in any case in which an initial tax is imposed under section 4975(a) on a prohibited transaction and the prohibited transaction is not corrected within the taxable period (as defined in paragraph (d) of this section). The additional tax is 100 percent of the amount involved with respect to the prohibited transaction. (d) Taxable period(1) In general. For purposes of any prohibited transaction, the term taxable period means the period beginning with the date on which the prohibited transaction occurs and ending on the earliest of: (i) The date of mailing of a notice of deficiency under section 6212 with respect to the tax imposed by section 4975(a); (ii) The date on which correction of the prohibited transaction is completed; or (iii) The date on which the tax imposed by section 4975(a) is assessed.
54.49756 Statutory exemptions for office space or services and certain transactions involving financial institutions. (a) Exemption for office space or services(1) In general. Section 4975(d)(2) exempts from the excise taxes imposed by section 4975 payment by a plan to a disqualified person, including a fiduciary, for office space or any service (or a combination of services), if (i) such office space or service is necessary for the establishment or operation of the plan; (ii) such office space or service is furnished under a contract or arrangement which is reasonable; and (iii) no more than reasonable compensation is paid for such office space or service. However, section 4975(d)(2) does not contain an exemption for acts described in section 4975(c)(1)(E) (relating to fiduciaries dealing with the income or assets of plans in their own interest or for their own account) or acts described in section 4975(c)(1)(F) (relating to fiduciaries receiving consideration for their own personal account from any party dealing with a plan in connection with a transaction involving the income or assets of the plan). Such acts are separate transactions not described in section 4975(d)(2). See 54.49756(a)(5) and 54.49756(a)(6) for guidance as to whether transactions relating to the furnishing of office space or services by fiduciaries to plans involve acts described in section 4975(c)(1)(E). Section 4975(d)(2) does not contain an exemption from other provisions of the Code, such as section 401, or other provisions of law which may impose requirements or restrictions relating to the transactions which are exempt under section 4975(d)(2). See, for example, the general fiduciary responsibility provisions of section 404 of the
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tual loss or if it fails to require mitigation of damages. (4) Reasonable compensation. Section 4975(d)(2) and 54.49756(a)(1)(iii) permit a plan to pay a disqualified person reasonable compensation for the provision of office space or services described in section 4975(d)(2). Paragraph (e) of this section contains regulations relating to what constitutes reasonable compensation for the provision of services. (5) Transactions with fiduciaries(i) In general. If the furnishing of office space or a service involves an act described in section 4975(c)(1) (E) or (F) (relating to acts involving conficts of interest by fiduciaries), such an act constitutes a separate transaction which is not exempt under section 4975(d)(2). The prohibitions of sections 4975(c)(1) (E) and (F) supplement the other prohibitions of section 4975(c)(1) by imposing on disqualified persons who are fiduciaries a duty of undivided loyalty to the plans for which they act. These prohibitions are imposed upon fiduciaries to deter them from exercising the authority, control, or responsibility which makes such persons fiduciaries when they have interests which may conflict with the interests of the plans for which they act. In such cases, the fiduciaries have interests in the transactions which may affect the exercise of their best judgment as fiduciaries. Thus, a fiduciary may not use the authority, control, or responsibility which makes such person a fiduciary to cause a plan to pay an additional fee to such fiduciary (or to a person in which such fiduciary has an interest which may affect the exercise of such fiduciarys best judgment as a fiduciary) to provide a service. Nor may a fiduciary use such authority, control, or responsibility to cause a plan to enter into a transaction involving plan assets whereby such fiduciary (or a person in which such fiduciary has an interest which may affect the exercise of such fiduciarys best judgment as a fiduciary) will receive consideration from a third party in connection with such transaction. A person in which a fiduciary has an interest which may affect the exercise of such fiduciarys best judgment as a
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fiduciary includes, for example, a person who is a disqualified person by reason of a relationship to such fiduciary described in section 4975(e)(2) (E), (F), (G), (H), or (I). (ii) Transactions not described in section 4975(c)(1)(E). A fiduciary does not engage in an act described in section 4975(c)(1)(E) if the fiduciary does not use any of the authority, control or responsibility which makes such person a fiduciary to cause a plan to pay additional fees for a service furnished by such fiduciary or to pay a fee for a service furnished by a person in which such fiduciary has an interest which may affect the exercise of such fiduciarys best judgment as a fiduciary. This may occur, for example, when one fiduciary is retained on behalf of a plan by a second fiduciary to provide a service for an additional fee. However, because the authority, control or responsibility which makes a person a fiduciary may be exercised in effect as well as in form, mere approval of the transaction by a second fiduciary does not mean that the first fiduciary has not used any of the authority, control or responsibility which makes such person a fiduciary to cause the plan to pay the first fiduciary an additional fee for a service. (iii) Services without compensation. If a fiduciary provides services to a plan without the receipt of compensation or other consideration (other than reimbursement of direct expenses properly and actually incurred in the performance of such services within the meaning of paragraph (e)(4) of this section), the provision of such services does not, in and of itself, constitute an act described in section 4975(c)(1) (E) or (F). The allowance of a deduction to an employer under section 162 or 212 for the expense incurred in furnishing office space or services to a plan established or maintained by such employer does not constitute compensation or other consideration. (6) Examples. The provisions of 54.49756(a)(5) may be illustrated by the following examples:
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Example 1. E, an employer whose employees are covered by plan P, is a fiduciary or P. I is a professional investment adviser in which E has no interest which may affect the exercise of Es best judgment as a fiduciary. E
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4975(c)(1)(E). Further, the other trustees have not engaged in an act described in section 4975(c)(1)(E) merely because T is on the board of trustees of P. This fact alone would not make them have an interest in the transaction which might affect the exercise of their best judgment as fiduciaries.
(b) Exemption for bank deposits(1) In general. Section 4975(d)(4) exempts from the excise taxes imposed by section 4975 investment of all or a part of a plans assets in deposits bearing a reasonable rate of interest in a bank or similar financial institution supervised by the United States or a State, even though such bank or similar financial institution is a fiduciary or other disqualified person with respect to the plan, if the conditions of either 54.49756(b)(2) or 54.49756(b)(3) are met. Section 4975(d)(4) provides an exemption from section 4975(c)(1)(E) relating to fiduciaries dealing with the income or assets of plans in their own interest or for their own account), as well as sections 4975(c)(1) (A) through (D), because section 4975(d)(4) contemplates a bank or similar financial institution causing a plan for which it acts as a fiduciary to invest plan assets in its own deposits if the requirements of section 4975(d)(4) are met. However, it does not provide an exemption from section 4975(c)(1)(F) (relating to fidiciaries receiving consideration for their own personal account from any party dealing with a plan in connection with a transaction involving the income or assets of the plan). The receipt of such consideration is a separate transaction not described in the exemption. Section 4975(d)(4) does not contain an exemption from other provisions of the Code, such as section 401, or other provisions of law which may impose requirements or restrictions relating to the transactions which are exempt under section 4975(d)(4). See, for example, the general fiduciary responsibility provisions of section 404 of the Act. The provisions of section 4975(d)(4) are further limited by the flush language at the end of section 4975(d) (relating to transactions with owner-employees and related persons). (2) Plan covering own employees. Such investment may be made if the plan is one which covers only the employees of
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the bank or similar financial institution, the employees of any of its affiliates, or the employees of both. (3) Other plans(i) General rule. Such investment may be made if the investment is expressly authorized by a provision of the plan or trust instrument or if the investment is expressly authorized (or made) by a fiduciary of the plan (other than the bank or similar financial institution or any of its affiliates) who has authority to make such investments, or to instruct the trustee or other fiduciary with respect to investments, and who has no interest in the transaction which may affect the exercise of such authorizing fiduciarys best judgment as a fiduciary so as to cause such authorization to constitute an act described in section 4975(c)(1) (E) or (F). Any authorization to make investments contained in a plan or trust instrument will satisfy the requirement of express authorization for investments made prior to November 1, 1977. Effective November 1, 1977, in the case of a bank or similar financial institution that invests plan assets in deposits in itself or its affiliates under an authorization contained in a plan or trust instrument, such authorization must name such bank or similar financial institution and must state that such bank or similar financial institution may make investments in deposits which bear a reasonable rate of interest in itself (or in an affiliate.) (ii) Example. B, a bank, is the trustee of plan Ps assets. The trust instruments give the trustee the right to invest plan assets in its discretion. B invests in the certificates of deposit of bank C, which is a fiduciary of the plan by virtue of performing certain custodial and administrative services. The authorization is sufficient for the plan to make such investment under section 4975(d)(4). Further, such authorization would suffice to allow B to make investments in deposits in itself prior to November 1, 1977. However, subsequent to October 31, 1977, B may not invest in deposits in itself, unless the plan or trust instrument specifically authorizes it to invest in deposits of B. (4) Definitions. (i) The term bank or similar financial institution includes a bank (as defined in section 581), a do-
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time pay from an employer or association of employers (any of whose employees are participants in the plan) or from an employee organization (any of whose members are participants in the plan), except for the reimbursement of direct expenses properly and actually incurred and not otherwise reimbursed. The restrictions of this paragraph (e)(3) do not apply to a disqualified person who is not a fiduciary. (4) Certain expenses not direct expenses. An expense is not a direct expense to the extent it would have been sustained had the service not been provided or if it represents an allocable portion of overhead costs. (5) Expense advances. Under sections 4975(d) (2) and (10), the term reasonable compensation, as applied to a fiduciary or an employee of a plan, includes an advance to such a fiduciary or employee by the plan to cover direct expenses to be properly and actually incurred by such person in the performance of such persons duties with the plan if: (i) The amount of such advance is reasonable with respect to the amount of the direct expense which is likely to be properly and actually incurred in the immediate future (such as during the next month); and (ii) The fiduciary or employee accounts to the plan at the end of the period covered by the advance for the expenses properly and actually incurred. (6) Excessive compensation. Under sections 4975(d) (2) and (10), any compensation which would be considered excessive under 1.1627 (relating to compensation for personal services which constitutes an ordinary and necessary trade or business expense) will not be reasonable compensation. Depending upon the facts and circumstances of the particular situation, compensation which is not excessive under 1.1627 may, nevertheless, not be reasonable compensation within the meaning of sections 4975(d) (2) and (10).
[T.D. 7491, 42 FR 32385, June 24, 1977; 42 FR 37810, July 25, 1977; 43 FR 4604, Feb. 3, 1978]
54.49757 Other statutory exemptions. (a) [Reserved] (b) Loans to employee stock ownership plans(1) Definitions. When used in this
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paragraph (b) and 54.497511, the terms listed below have the following meanings: (i) ESOP. The term ESOP refers to an employee stock ownership plan that meets the requirements of section 4975(e)(7) and 54.497511. It is not synonymous with stock bonus plan. A stock bonus plan must, however, be an ESOP to engage in an exempt loan. The qualification of an ESOP under section 401(a) and 54.497511 will not be adversely affected merely because it engages in a non-exempt loan. (ii) Loan. The term loan refers to a loan made to an ESOP by a disqualified person or a loan to an ESOP which is guaranteed by a disqualified person. It includes a direct loan of cash, a purchase-money transaction, and an assumption of the obligation of an ESOP, Guarantee includes an unsecured guarantee and the use of assets of a disqualified person as collateral for a loan, even though the use of assets may not be a guarantee under applicable state law. An amendment of a loan in order to qualify as an exempt loan is not a refinancing of the loan or the making of another loan. (iii) Exempt loan. The term exempt loan refers to a loan that satisfies the provisions of this paragraph (b). A nonexempt loan is one that fails to satisfy such provisions. (iv) Publicly traded. The term publicly traded refers to a security that is listed on a national securities exchange registered under section 6 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (15 U.S.C. 78f) or that is quoted on a system sponsored by a national securities association registered under section 15A(b) of the Securities Exchange Act (15 U.S.C. 78o). (v) Qualifying employer security. The term qualifying employer security refers to a security described in 54.497512. (2) Statutory exemption(i) Scope. Section 4975(d)(3) provides an exemption from the excise tax imposed under section 4975 (a) and (b) by reason of section 4975(c)(1) (A) through (E). Section 4975(d)(3) does not provide an exemption from the imposition of such tax by reason of section 4975(c)(1)(F), relating to fiduciaries receiving consideration for their own personal account from
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of plan assets upon default only upon and to the extent of the failure of the plan to meet the payment schedule of the loan. For purposes of this subparagraph (6), the making of a guarantee does not make a person a lender. (7) Reasonable rate of interest. The interest rate of a loan must not be in excess of a reasonable rate of interest. All relevant factors will be considered in determining a reasonable rate of interest, including the amount and duration of the loan, the security and guarantee (if any) involved, the credit standing of the ESOP and the guarantor (if any), and the interest rate prevailing for comparable loans. When these factors are considered, a variable interest rate may be reasonable. (8) Release from encumbrance(i) General rule. In general, an exempt loan must provide for the release from encumbrance under this subdivision (i) of plan assets used as collateral for the loan. For each plan year during the duration of the loan, the number of securities released must equal the number of encumbered securities held immediately before release for the current plan year multiplied by a fraction. The numerator of the fraction is the amount of principal and interest paid for the year. The denominator of the fraction is the sum of the numerator plus the principal and interest to be paid for all future years. See 54.4975 7(b) (8) (iv). The number of future years under the loan must be definitely ascertainable and must be determined without taking into account any possible extensions or renewal periods. If the interest rate under the loan is variable, the interest to be paid in future years must be computed by using the interest rate applicable as of the end of the plan year. If collateral includes more than one class of securities, the number of securities of each class to be released for a plan year must be determined by applying the same fraction to each class. (ii) Special rule. A loan will not fail to be exempt merely because the number of securities to be released from encumbrance is determined solely with reference to principal payments. However, if release is determined with reference to principal payments only, the following three additional rules apply.
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The first rule is that the loan must provide for annual payments of principal and interest at a cumulative rate that is not less rapid at any time than level annual payments of such amounts for 10 years. The second rule is that interest included in any payment is disregarded only to the extent that it would be determined to be interest under standard loan amoritization tables. The third rule is that this subdivision, (ii) is not applicable from the time that, by reason of a renewal, extension, or refinancing, the sum of the expired duration of the exempt loan, the renewal period, the extension period, and the duration of a new exempt loan exceeds 10 years. (iii) Caution against plan disqualification. Under an exempt loan, the number of securities released from encumbrance may vary from year to year. The release of securities depends upon certain employer contributions and earnings under the ESOP. Under 54.497511(d)(2) actual allocations to participants accounts are based upon assets withdrawn from the suspense account. Nevertheless, for purposes of applying the limitations under section 415 to these allocations, under 54.4975 11(a)(8)(ii) contributions used by the ESOP to pay the loan are treated as annual additions to participants accounts. Therefore, particular caution must be exercised to avoid exceeding the maximum annual additions under section 415. At the same time, release from encumbrance in annual varying numbers may reflect a failure on the part of the employer to make substantial and recurring contributions to the ESOP which will lead to loss of qualification under section 401(a). The Internal Revenue Service will observe closely the operation of ESOPs that release encumbered securities in varying annual amounts, particularly those that provide for the deferral of loan payments or for balloon payments. (iv) Illustration. The general rule under paragraph (b)(8)(i) of this section operates as illustrated in the following example:
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Example. Corporation X establishes an ESOP that borrows $750,000 from a bank. X guarantees the loan, which is for 15 years at 5% interest and is payable in level annual amounts of $72,256.72. Total payments on the
(9) Right of first refusal. Qualifying employer securities acquired with proceeds of an exempt loan may, but need not, be subject to a right of first refusal. However, any such right must meet the requirements of this subparagraph (9). Securities subject to such right must be stock or an equity security, or a debt security convertible into stock or an equity security. Also, the securities must not be publicly traded at the time the right may be exercised. The right of first refusal must be in favor of the employer, the ESOP, or both in any order of priority. The selling price and other terms under the right must not be less favorable to the seller than the greater of the value of the security determined under 54.4975 11(d)(5), or the purchase price and other terms offered by a buyer, other than the employer or the ESOP, making a good faith offer to purchase the security. The right of first refusal must lapse no later than 14 days after the security holder gives written notice to the holder of the right that an offer by a third party to purchase the security has been received. (10) Put option. A qualifying employer security acquired with the proceeds of an exempt loan by an ESOP after September 30, 1976, must be subject to a put option if it is not publicly traded when distributed or if it is subject to a trading limitation when distributed. For purposes of subparagraph (10), a trading limitation on a security is a restriction under any Federal or state securities law, any regulation thereunder, or an agreement, not prohibited by this paragraph (b), affecting the security which would make the security not as freely tradable as one not subject to such restriction. The put option must be exercisable only by a participant, by the participants donees, or by
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any time when a distributee is unable to exercise it because the party bound by the put option is prohibited from honoring it by applicable Federal or state law. (iii) Price. The price at which a put option must be exercisable is the value of the security, determined under 54.497511(d)(5). (iv) Payment terms. The provisions for payment under a put option must be reasonable. The deferral of payment is reasonable if adequate security and a reasonable interest rate are provided for any credit extended and if the cumulative payments at any time are no less than the aggregate of reasonable periodic payments as of such time. Periodic payments are reasonable if annual installments, beginning with 30 days after the date the put option is excercised, are substantially equal. Generally, the payment period may not end more than 5 years after the date the put option is exercised. However, it may be extended to a date no later than the earlier of 10 years from the date the put option is exercised or the date the proceeds of the loan used by the ESOP to acquire the security subject to the put option are entirely repaid. (v) Payment restrictions. Payment under a put option may be restricted by the terms of a loan, including one used to acquire a security subject to a put option made before November 1, 1977. Otherwise, payment under a put option must not be restricted by the provisions of a loan or any other arrangement, including the terms of the employers articles of incorporation, unless so required by applicable state law. (13) Other terms of loan. An exempt loan must be for a specific term. Such loan may not be payable at the demand of any person, except in the case of default. (14) Status of plan as ESOP. To be exempt, a loan must be made to a plan that is an ESOP at the time of such loan. However, a loan to a plan formally designated as an ESOP at the time of the loan that fails to be an ESOP because it does not comply with section 401(a) of the Code or 54.497511 will be exempt as of the time of such
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loan if the plan is amended retroactively under section 401(b) or 54.497511(a)(4). (15) Special rules for certain loans(i) Loans made before January 1, 1976. A loan made before January 1, 1976, or made afterwards under a binding agreement in effect on January 1, 1976 (or under renewals permitted by the terms of the agreement on that date) is exempt for the entire period of the loan if it otherwise satisfies the provisions of this paragraph (b) for such period, even though it does not satisfy the following provisions of this section: the last sentence of paragraph (b) (4) and all of paragraph (b) (5), (6), (8) (i) and (ii), and (9) through (13), inclusive. (ii) Loans made after December 31, 1975, but before November 1, 1977. A loan made after December 31, 1975, but before November 1, 1977 or made afterwards under a binding agreement in effect on November 1, 1977 (or under renewals permitted by the terms of the agreement on that date) is exempt for the entire period of the loan if it otherwise satisfies the provisions of this paragraph (b) for such period even though it does not satisfy the following provisions of this section: paragraph (b) (6) and (9) and the three additional rules listed in paragraph (b) (8) (ii). (iii) Release rule. Notwithstanding paragraph (b) (15) (i) and (ii) of this section, if the proceeds of a loan are used to acquire securities after November 1, 1977, the loan must comply by such date with the provisions of paragraph (b) (8) of this section. (iv) Default rule. Notwithstanding paragraph (b) (15) (i) and (ii) of this section, a loan by a disqualified person other than a guarantor must meet the requirements of paragraph (b) (6) of this section. A loan will meet these requirements if it is retroactively amended before November 1, 1977 to meet these requirements. (v) Put option rule. With respect to a security distributed before November 1, 1977, the put option provisions of paragraph (b) (10), (11), and (12) of this section will be deemed satisfied as of the date the security is distributed if by December 31, 1977, the security is subject to a put option satisfying such provisions, the security is subject to a put option satisfying such provisions.
Definition of fiduciary.
(a)(b) [Reserved] (c) Investment advice. (1) A person shall be deemed to be rendering investment advice to an employee benefit plan, within the meaning of section 4975(e)(3)(B) and this paragraph, only if: (i) Such person renders advice to the plan as to the value of securities or other property, or makes recommendations as to the advisability of investing in, purchasing, or selling securities or other property; and (ii) Such person either directly or indirectly (e.g., through or together with any affiliate): (A) Has discretionary authority or control, whether or not pursuant to agreement, arrangement or understanding, with respect to purchasing or selling securities or other property for the plan; or (B) Renders any advice described in paragraph (c)(1)(i) of this section on a regular basis to the plan pursuant to a mutual agreement, arrangement or understanding, written or otherwise, between such person and the plan or a fiduciary with respect to the plan, that such services will serve as a primary basis for investment decisions with respect to plan assets, and that such person will render individualized investment advice to the plan based on the particular needs of the plan regarding such matters as, among other things, investment policies or stategy, overall portfolio composition, or diversification of plan investments. (2) A person who is a fiduciary with respect to a plan by reason of rendering investment advice (as defined in paragraph (c)(1) of this section) for a fee or other compensation, direct or indirect, with respect to any moneys or other property of such plan, or having any
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determined in accordance with Rule 22c-1 under the Investment Company Act of 1940 (17 CFR 270.22c-1), (C) a time span during which such security may be purchased or sold (not to exceed five business days), and (D) the minimum or maximum quantity of such security which may be purchased or sold within such price range, or, in the case of security issued by an open-end investment company registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940, the minimum or maximum quantity of such security which may be purchased or sold, or the value of such security in dollar amount which may be purchased or sold, at the price referred to in paragraph (d)(1)(ii)(B) of this section. (2) A person who is a broker-dealer, reporting dealer, or bank which is a fiduciary with respect to an employee benefit plan solely by reason of the possession or exercise of discretionary authority or discretionary control in the management of the plan or the management or disposition of plan assets in connection with the execution of a transaction or transactions for the purchase or sale of securities on behalf of such plan which fails to comply with the provisions of paragraph (d)(1) of this section, shall not be deemed to be a fiduciary regarding any assets of the plan with respect to which such broker-dealer, reporting dealer or bank does not have any discretionary authority, discretionary control or discretionary responsibility, does not exercise any authority or control, does not render investment advice (as defined in paragraph (c)(1) of this section) for a fee or other compensation, and does not have any authority or responsibility to render such investment advice, provided that nothing in this paragraph shall be deemed to: (i) Exempt such broker-dealer, reporting dealer, or bank from the provisions of section 405(a) of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 concerning liability for fiduciary breaches by other fiduciaries with respect to any assets of the plan; or (ii) Exclude such broker-dealer, reporting dealer, or bank from the definition of the term disqualified person (as set forth in section 4975(e)(2)) with respect to any assets of the plan.
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(e) Affiliate and control. (1) For purposes of paragraphs (c) and (d) of this section, an affiliate of a person shall include: (i) Any person directly or indirectly, through one or more intermediaries, controlling, controlled by, or under common control with such person; (ii) Any officer, director, partner, employee or relative (as defined in section 4975(e)(6)) of such person; and (iii) Any corporation or partnership of which such person is an officer, director or partner. (2) For purposes of this paragraph, the term control means the power to exercise a controlling influence over the management or policies of a person other than an individual.
[T.D. 7386, 40 FR 50841, Oct. 31, 1975]
54.497511 ESOP requirements. (a) In general(1) Type of plan. To be an ESOP (employee stock ownership plan), a plan described in section 4975(e)(7)(A) must meet the requirements of this section. See section 4975(e)(7)(B). (2) Designation as ESOP. To be an ESOP, a plan must be formally designated as such in the plan document. (3) Continuing loan provisions under plan(i) Creation of protections and rights. The terms of an ESOP must formally provide participants with certain protections and rights with respect to plan assets acquired with the proceeds of an exempt loan. These protections and rights are those referred to in the third sentence of 54.49757(b)(4), relating to put, call, or other options and to buy-sell or similar arrangements, and in 54.49757(b) (10), (11), and (12), relating to put options. (ii) Nonterminable protections and rights. The terms of an ESOP must also formally provide that these protections and rights are nonterminable. Thus, if a plan holds or has distributed securities acquired with the proceeds of an exempt loan and either the loan is repaid or the plan ceases to be an ESOP, these protections and rights must continue to exist under the terms of the plan. However, the protections and rights will not fail to be nonterminable merely because they are not exercisable under 54.49757(b) (11) and (12)(ii). For example, if, after a plan
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come under paragraph (f)(3) of this section. (9) Transitional rules for ESOPs established before November 1, 1977. A plan established before November 1, 1977 that otherwise satisfies the provisions of this section constitutes an ESOP if it is amended by December 31, 1977, to comply from November 1, 1977 with this section even though before November 1, 1977 the plan did not satisfy paragraphs (c) and (d) (2), (4), and (5) of this section. (10) Additional transitional rules. Notwithstanding paragraph (a)(9) of this section, a plan established before November 1, 1977, that otherwise satisfies the provisions of this section constitutes an ESOP if by December 31, 1977, it is amended to comply from November 1, 1977, with this section even though before such date the plan did not satisfy the following provisions of this section: (i) Paragraph (a) (3) and (8) (iii); (ii) The last sentence of paragraph (d)(3); and (iii) Paragraph (f)(3). (b) Plan designed to invest primarily in qualifying employer securities. A plan constitutes an ESOP only if the plan specifically states that it is designed to invest primarily in qualifying employer securities. Thus, a stock bonus plan or a money purchase pension plan constituting an ESOP may invest part of its assets in other than qualifying employer securities. Such plan will be treated the same as other stock bonus plans or money purchase pension plans qualified under section 401a with respect to those investments. (c) Suspense account. All assets acquired by an ESOP with the proceeds of an exempt loan under section 4975(d)(3) must be added to and maintained in a suspense account. They are to be withdrawn from the suspense account by applying 54.49757(b) (8) and (15) as if all securities in the suspense account were encumbered. Such assets acquired before November 1, 1977, must be withdrawn by applying 54.49757(b)(8) or the provision of the loan that controls release from encumbrance. Assets in such suspense accounts are assets of the ESOP. Thus, for example, such assets are subject to section 401(a)(2).
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(d) Allocations to accounts of participants(1) In general. Except as provided in this section, amounts contributed to an ESOP must be allocated as provided under 1.4011(b)(ii) and (iii) of this chapter, and securities acquired by an ESOP must be accounted for as provided under 1.402(a)1(b)(2)(ii) of this chapter. (2) Assets withdrawn from suspense account. As of the end of each plan year, the ESOP must consistently allocate to the participants accounts non-monetary units representing participants interests in assets withdrawn from the suspense account. (3) Income. Income with respect to securities acquired with the proceeds of an exempt loan must be allocated as income of the plan except to the extent that the ESOP provides for the use of income from such securities to repay the loan. Certain income may be distributed currently under paragraph (f)(3) of this section. (4) Forfeitures. If a portion of a participants account is forfeited, qualifying employer securities allocated under paragraph (d)(2) of this section must be forfeited only after other assets. If interests in more than one class of qualifying employer securities have been allocated to the participants account, the participant must be treated as forfeiting the same proportion of each such class. (5) Valuation. For purposes of 54.49757(b) (9) and (12) and this section, valuations must be made in good faith and based on all relevant factors for determining the fair market value of securities. In the case of a transaction between a plan and a disqualified person, value must be determined as of the date of the transaction. For all other purposes under this subparagraph (5), value must be determined as of the most recent valuation date under the plan. An independent appraisal will not in itself be a good faith determination of value in the case of a transaction between a plan and a disqualified person. However, in other cases, a determination of fair market value based on at least an annual appraisal independently arrived at by a person who customarily makes such appraisals and who is independent of any party to a transaction under
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prohibited transactions within the meaning of section 503 (b) or (g). (b) Effect of election. If a valid election is made under this section with respect to a particular transaction, any loss of exemption under section 501(a) because of a prohibited transaction within the meaning of section 503 (b) or (g) shall not apply. Instead, the person who made the election referred to in this section shall be subject to the taxes which would have been imposed by section 4975 (a) or (b) as though section 4975 had imposed a tax in respect of the transaction. (However, section 4975(f)(1), relating to joint and several liability, shall not apply to any person who has not made an election under this section, and interest for late payment of tax shall not begin to accrue until after the date of the election.) Such an election is irrevocable. However, the making of the election does not affect the application of section 6501 for purposes of assessment and collection of tax and section 6511 for purposes of filing a claim for credit or refund with respect to taxpayers and to taxable years of taxpayers whose tax liability is or may be affected by reason of the nonapplication of a denial of exempt status. (c) Method of election. A person shall make the election referred to in this section by filing the form issued for such purpose by the Internal Revenue Service, including therein the information required by such form and the instructions issued with respect thereto, and by paying the tax which the taxpayer indicates is due at the time the return is filed. To be valid the election must be made prior to the later of December 6, 1976, or 120 days after the date of notification referred to in 1.503(a)1(b) of this chapter (Income Tax Regulations), relating to loss of exemption for certain prohibited transactions. If there has been no notification of loss of exemption, the election may be made at any time. However, these limitations do not preclude an agreement between the disqualified person and the district director to extend the time within which the election is permitted. (d) Computation of section 4975 excise tax. To the extent applicable, and solely for purposes associated with the
[T.D. 7506, 42 FR 44393, Sept. 2, 1977, as amended by T.D. 7571, 44 FR 1978, Jan. 9, 1979]
54.497512 Definition of the term qualifying employer security. (a) In general. For purposes of section 4975(e)(8) and this section, the term qualifying employer security means an employer security which is: (1) Stock or otherwise an equity security, or (2) A bond, debenture, note, or certificate or other evidence of indebtedness which is described in paragraphs (1), (2), and (3) of section 503(e). (b) Special rule. In determining whether a bond, debenture, note, or certificate or other evidence of indebtedness is described in paragraphs (1), (2), and (3) of section 503(e), any organization described in section 401(a) shall be treated as an organization subject to the provisions of section 503.
(Sec. 4975(e)(7) 4975(e)(7))) (88 Stat. 976; 26 U.S.C.
54.497514 Election to pay an excise tax for certain pre-1975 prohibited transactions.
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(a) In general. Section 2003(c)(1)(B) of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (88 Stat. 978) provides an election to pay an excise tax by certain persons involved prior to 1975 in
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payment of a section 4975 excise tax under the election referred to in this section, 53.4941(e)1 of this chapter (Foundation Excise Tax Regulations) is controlling.
(Sec. 2003(c)(1)(B) of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (88 Stat. 978)) [T.D. 7489, 42 FR 27882, June 1, 1977]
(a)(c) [Reserved] (d) Provision of certain services until June 30, 1977(1) In general. Section 2003(c)(2)(D) of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (the Act) (88 Stat. 979) provides that section 4975 shall not apply to the provision of services before June 30, 1977, between a plan and a disqualified person if the three requirements contained in section 2003(c)(2)(D) of the Act are met. The first requirement is that such services must be provided either (in) under a binding contract in effect on July 1, 1974 (or pursuant to a renewal or modification of such contract); or (ii) by a disqualified person who ordinarily and customarily furnished such services on June 30, 1974. The second requirement is that the services be provided on terms that remain at least as favorable to the plan as an arms-length transaction with an unrelated party would be. For this purpose, such services are provided on terms that remain at least as favorable to the plan as an arms-length transaction with an unrelated party would be if, at the time of execution (or renewal) of such binding contract, the contract (or renewal) is on terms at least as favorable to the plan as an arms-length transaction with an unrelated party would be. However, if in a normal commercial setting an unrelated party in the position of the plan could be expected to insist upon a renegotiation or termination of a binding contract, the plan must so act. Thus, for example, if a disqualified person provides services to a plan on a monthto-month basis, and a party in the position of the plan could be expected to renegotiate the price paid under such contract because of a decline in the fair market value of such services, the plan must so act in order to avoid par-
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furnished certain services on June 30, 1974. On September 1, 1974, AB Partnership was incorporated into AB Corporation with one class of stock outstanding. A and B each own 20 percent of such outstanding class of stock and together have control over the management and policies of AB Corporation. AB Corporation furnishes the same services that were furnished by AB Partnership on June 30, 1974. AB Corporation will be deemed to have ordinarily and customarily furnished such services on June 30, 1974, for purposes of section 2003(c)(2)(D) of the Act. Example 3. On June 30, 1974, M Corporation was ordinarily and customarily furnishing certain services. On that date, X, Y and Z together owned 50 percent of all classes of the outstanding shares of M Corporation. On January 28, 1975, all of the shareholders of M Corporation exchanged their shares in M Corporation for shares of a new N Corporation. As a result of that exchange, X, Y and Z together own 50 percent of the common stock of N Corporation, the only class of N Corporation stock outstanding after the exchange. N Corporation furnishes the services formerly furnished by M Corporation. N Corporation will be deemed to have ordinarily and customarily furnished such services on June 30, 1974, for purposes of section 2003(c)(2)(D) of the Act. Example 4. I Corporation ordinarily and customarily furnished certain services on June 30, 1974. On November 3, 1975, I Corporation organizes a wholly owned subsidiary, S Corporation, which furnishes the same services ordinarily and customarily furnished by I Corporation on June 30, 1974. S Corporation will be deemed to have ordinarily and customarily furnished such services on June 30, 1974, for purposes of section 2003(c)(2)(D) of the Act. Example 5. X Corporation, wholly-owned and controlled by A, ordinarily and customarily furnished certain services on June 30, 1974. Y Corporation did not perform such services on that date. On January 2, 1976, X Corporation is merged into Y Corporation and although A received less than 50 percent of the total outstanding shares of Y Corporation, after such merger A has control over the management and policies of Y Corporation. Y Corporation furnishes the same services that were formerly furnished by X Corporation. Y Corporation will be deemed to have ordinarily and customarily furnished such services on June 30, 1974, for purposes of section 2003(c)(2)(D) of the Act. [T.D. 7491, 42 FR 32388, June 24, 1977]
54.49761T Questions and answers relating to taxes with respect to welfare benefit funds (temporary). Q1: What does section 4976 provide? A1: Section 4976 imposes a tax on employers who provide disqualified
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benefits through a welfare benefit fund. The tax imposed is equal to 100 percent of the disqualified benefit. Q2: What constitutes a disqualified benefit? A2: A disqualified benefit is (a) any post-retirement medical or life insurance benefit provided with respect to a key employee (as defined in section 419A(d)(3)) through a welfare benefit fund if a separate account is required to be established for such employee under section 419A(d) and the cost for such coverage is not charged against or paid from such separate account; (b) any post-retirement medical or life insurance benefit provided through a welfare benefit fund with respect to an individual in whose favor discrimination is prohibited unless the plan of which the fund is a part meets the requirements of section 505(b) with respect to that benefit; and (c) any portion of the fund which reverts to the benefit of the employer. A post-retirement medical or life insurance benefit provided with respect to a key employee will not constitute a disqualified benefit even though such benefit is not provided through a separate account if the cost of such benefit is paid by the employer in the taxable year in which the benefit is provided and there is not (and there is not required to be) a separate account with an outstanding credit balance maintained for the key employee. Q3: What is the effective date of section 4976? A3: (a) Generally, section 4976 applies to disqualified benefits provided by a welfare benefit fund after December 31, 1985. However, a disqualified benefit, as defined in section 4976(b)(1) or (2), is not subject to section 4976(a) if it is provided from existing reserves for post-retirement medical or life insurance benefits that are within the transition rule set forth in section 512(a)(3)(E)(iii) and Q&A4 of 1.512(a) 5T (or would be if such transition rule applied to such welfare benefit fund). For example, if a welfare benefit fund in existence on July 18, 1984, provides an individual in whose favor discrimination is prohibited with a post-retirement life insurance benefit after December 31, 1985, that does not meet the requirements of section 505(b) and if the welfare benefit fund received no
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center with which the employers tax returns are filed. The statement must indicate that the employer is electing to apply the provisions of section 4977 to one or more of the employers lines of business and must contain the following information: (a) The employers name, address, and taxpayer identification number; (b) A description of all of the employers lines of business in existence on January 1, 1984; and (c) For each lines of business which is to have as an employee for purposes of section 132(a) (1) and (2) an individual but for the election under section 4977 would not be treated as an employee for purposes of section 132(a) (1) and (2): (1) A description of the no-additionalcost service or qualified employee discount (including, with respect to discounts, the percentage discount) to be offered to employees pursuant to section 4977 in such line of business, and (2) With respect to employees in all of the employers lines of business in existence on January 1, 1984, the number of such employees and the number entitled to the described fringe benefit. Such numbers may be determined as of a date which does not precede the date the election is filed by more than 30 days. Q4: In order to make a timely section 4977 election, when must an employer file the election statement? A4: Except as otherwise provided in the second sentence of this answer, the employer must file the election statement before the end of the calendar year preceding the year for which the election is to apply. For calendar year 1985, however, the employer has until March 31, 1985, to file the election statement. However, the Commissioner may, in his discretion, extend the March 31, 1985 deadline to a later date. Q5: Does section 4977 apply to all calendar years following the calendar year in which the election is made? A5: Yes, unless the employer revokes the election. Q6: When is a revocation effective? A6: A revocation is effective with respect to the calendar year following the calendar year in which it is filed.
54.49771T Questions and answers relating to the election concerning lines of business in existence on January 1, 1984 (temporary). The following questions and answers relate to the election by employers under section 4977 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as added by section 531(e)(1) of the Tax Reform Act of 1984 (98 Stat. 886), to treat all employees of any line of business in existence on January 1, 1984, as employees of one of those lines of business for purposes of section 132(a) (1) and (2): Q1: What does section 4977 provide with respect to the exclusion from gross income of certain fringe benefits? A1: In general, section 4977 provides an elective grandfather rule that allows an employer under certain circumstances to treat employees of all lines of business which were in existence on January 1, 1984, as employees of one of those lines of business for purposes of section 132(a) (1) and (2), but not for purposes of section 132(g)(2). Q2: Under what circumstances does the elective grandfather rule of section 4977 apply? A2: If: (a) An election under section 4977 is in effect with respect to an employer for any calendar year, and (b) On and after January 1, 1984, at least 85 percent of the employees of the employer in all of its lines of business which existed on January 1, 1984, were entitled to employee discounts or services provided by the employer in one line of business, then all employees of any line of business of the employer which was in existence on January 1, 1984, are treated, for purposes of section 132(a) (1) and (2) (but not for purposes of section 132(g)(2)) as employees of the one line of business referred to in (b) of this Q/ A2. Q3: How does an employer make the election provided for in section 4977? A3: An employer must file a statement with the director of the service
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Q7: If an employer does not make a timely section 4977 election with respect to 1985, will the employer be entitled to make an election with respect to any subsequent year? A7: No. Q8: If an employer revokes a section 4977 election, is the employer entitled to elect the application of section 4977 for subsequent years? A8: No.
[T.D. 8004, 50 FR 758, Jan. 7, 1985]
54.49781T Questions and answers relating to the tax on certain dispositions by employee stock ownership plans and certain cooperatives (temporary). Q1: What does section 4978 provide? A1: Section 4978 imposes a tax (as determined under section 4978(b) and Q&A2 of this section) on the amount realized on the disposition of any qualified securities, if: (a) An employee stock ownership plan or eligible worker-owned cooperative acquires any qualified securities in a sale to which section 1042 applies; (b) Such plan or cooperative disposes of any qualified securities during the 3year period after the date on which any qualified securities were acquired in the sale to which section 1042 applies; and (c) Either (1) the percentage of the total outstanding shares of the class of employer securities of which the disposed qualified securities are a part held by such plan or cooperative after such disposition is less than the percentage of the total outstanding shares of such class of employer securities held immediately after the sale to which section 1042 applies, or (2) the value of the employer securities held by such plan or cooperative immediately after such disposition is less than 30 percent of the total value of all employer securities outstanding at that time. For purposes of this section, the following terms have the same meanings given to such terms by the identified provisions: employee stock ownership plan (section 4975(e)(7)); qualified securities (section 1042(b)(1)); eligible worker-owned cooperative (section 1042(b)(2)); employer securities (section 409(l)). For purposes of determining what con-
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would have been subject to tax under section 4978. Q4: To whom does the tax under section 4978 apply? A4: The tax under section 4978 is imposed on the domestic corporation (or corporations) or the eligible workerowned cooperative that made the written statement of consent as described in section 1042(a)(2)(B) and Q&A2 of 1.10421T with respect to the disposition of the restricted qualified securities. Q5: When does section 4978, as enacted by the Tax Reform Act of 1984, become effective? A5: Section 4978 applies to the disposition of qualified securities acquired in a sale to which section 1042 applies. See Q&A6 of 1.10421T for the effective date of section 1042.
[T.D. 8073, 51 FR 4336, Feb. 4, 1986]
54.49790 Excise tax on certain excess contributions and excess aggregate contributions; table of contents. This section contains the captions that appear in 54.4979.
54.49791 Excise tax on certain excess contributions and excess aggregate contributions. (a) In general. (1) General rule. (2) Liability for tax. (3) Due date and form for payment of tax. (4) Special rule for simplified employee pensions. (b) Definitions. (1) Excess aggregate contributions. (2) Excess contributions. (3) Plan. (c) No tax when excess distributed within 1 2 2 months of close of year or additional employer contributions made. (1) General rule. (2) Tax treatment of distributions. (3) Income. (4) Example. (d) Effective date. (1) General rule. (2) Section 403(b) annuity contracts. (3) Collectively bargained plans and plans of state or local governments. (4) Plan years beginning before January 1, 1992. [T.D. 8357, 56 FR 40550, Aug. 15, 1991; 57 FR 10290, Mar. 25, 1992, as amended by T.D. 8581, 59 FR 66181, Dec. 23, 1994]
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54.49791 Excise tax on certain excess contributions and excess aggregate contributions. (a) In general(1) General rule. In the case of any plan (as defined in paragraph (b)(3) of this section), there is imposed a tax for the employers taxable year equal to 10 percent of the sum of: (i) Any excess contributions under a plan for the plan year ending in the taxable year; and (ii) Any excess aggregate contributions under the plan for the plan year ending in the taxable year. (2) Liability for tax. The tax imposed by paragraph (a)(1) of this section is to be paid by the employer. In the case of a collectively bargained plan to which section 413(b) applies, all employers who are parties to the collective bargaining agreement and whose employees are participants in the plan are jointly and severally liable for the tax. (3) Due date and form for payment of tax(i) The tax described in paragraph (a)(1) of this section is due on the last day of the 15th month after the close of the plan year to which the excess contributions or excess aggregate contributions relate. (ii) An employer that owes the tax described in paragraph (a)(1) of this section must file the form prescribed by the Commissioner for the payment of the tax. (4) Special rule for simplified employee pensions(i) An employer that maintains a simplified employee pension (SEP) as defined in section 408(k) that accepts elective contributions is exempted from the tax of section 4979 and paragraph (a)(1) of this section if it notifies its employees of the fact and tax consequences of excess contributions within 212 months following the plan year for which excess contributions are made. The notification must meet the standards of paragraph (a)(4)(ii) of this section. (ii) The employers notification to each affected employee of the excess SEP contributions must specifically state, in a manner calculated to be understood by the average plan participant: the amount of the excess contributions attributable to that employees elective deferrals; the calendar year for which the excess contributions
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(4) Example. The provisions of this paragraph (c) are illustrated by the following example.
Example. (i) Employer X maintains Plan Y, a calendar year profit-sharing plan that includes a qualified cash or deferred arrangement. Under the plan, failure to satisfy the actual deferral percentage test may only be corrected by distributing the excess contributions or making qualified nonelective contributions (QNECs). (ii) On December 31, 1990, X determines that Y does not satisfy the actual deferral percentage test for the 1990 plan year, and that excess contributions for the year equal $5,000. On March 1, 1991, Y distributes $2,000 of these excess contributions. On May 30, 1991, X distributes another $2,000 of excess contributions. On December 17, 1991, X contributes QNECs for certain nonhighly compensated employees, thereby eliminating the remainder of the excess contributions for 1990. (iii) X has incurred a tax liability under section 4979 for 1990 equal to 10 percent of the excess contributions that were in the plan as of December 31, 1990. However, this tax is not imposed on the $2,000 distributed on March 1, 1991, or the amount corrected by QNECs. X must pay an excise tax of $200, 10 percent of the $2,000 of excess contributions distributed after March 15, 1991. This tax must be paid by March 31, 1992.
(d) Effective date(1) General rule. Except as provided in paragraphs (d)(2) through (4), this section is effective for plan years beginning after December 31, 1986. (2) Section 403(b) annuity contracts. In the case of an annuity contract under section 403(b), this section applies to plan years beginning after December 31, 1988. (3) Collectively bargained plans and plans of state or local governments. For plan years beginning before January 1, 1993, the provisions of this section do not apply to a collectively bargained plan that automatically satisfies the requirements of section 410(b). See 1.401(a)(4)1(c)(5) and 1.410(b)2(b)(7) of this chapter. In the case of a plan (including a collectively bargained plan) maintained by a state or local government, the provisions of this section do not apply for plan years beginning before the later of January 1, 1996, or 90 days after the opening of the first legislative session beginning on or after January 1, 1996, of the governing body with authority to amend the plan,
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if that body does not meet continuously. For purposes of this paragraph (d)(3), the term governing body with authority to amend the plan means the legislature, board, commission, council, or other governing body with authority to amend the plan. (4) Plan years beginning before January 1, 1992. For plan years beginning before January 1, 1992, a reasonable interpretation of the rules set forth in section 4979, as in effect during those years, may be relied upon in determining whether the excise tax is due for those years.
[T.D. 8357, 56 FR 40550, Aug. 15, 1991, as amended by T.D. 8581, 59 FR 66181, Dec. 23, 1994; T.D. 9169, 69 FR 78153, Dec. 29, 2004; T.D. 9447, 74 FR 8214, Feb. 24, 2009] EDITORIAL NOTE: By T.D. 9169, 69 FR 78154, Dec. 29, 2005, 54.49791 was amended in paragraph (c)(2); however, the amendment could not be incorporated due to inaccurate amendatory instruction.
Table of contents.
This section contains first a list of the section headings and then a list of the questions in each section in 54.4980B1 through 54.4980B10.
LIST OF SECTIONS 54.4980B1 COBRA in general. 54.4980B2 Plans that must comply. 54.4980B3 Qualified beneficiaries. 54.4980B4 Qualifying events. 54.4980B5 COBRA continuation coverage. 54.4980B6 Electing COBRA continuation coverage. 54.4980B7 Duration of COBRA continuation coverage. 54.4980B8 Paying for COBRA continuation coverage. 54.4980B9 Business reorganizations and employer withdrawals from multiemployer plans. 54.4980B10 Interaction of FMLA and COBRA. LIST OF QUESTIONS 54.4980B1 COBRA in general. Q1: What are the health care continuation coverage requirements contained in section 4980B of the Internal Revenue Code and in ERISA? Q2: What standard applies for topics not addressed in 54.4980B1 through 54.4980B 10? 54.4980B2 Plans that must comply. Q1: For purposes of section 4980B, what is a group health plan?
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Q5: What is timely payment for COBRA continuation coverage? 54.4980B9 Business reorganizations and employer withdrawals from multiemployer plans. Q1: For purposes of this section, what are a business reorganization, a stock sale, and an asset sale? Q2: In the case of a stock sale, what are the selling group, the acquired organization, and the buying group? Q3: In the case of an asset sale, what are the selling group and the buying group? Q4: Who is an M&A qualified beneficiary? Q5: In the case of a stock sale, is the sale a qualifying event with respect to a covered employee who is employed by the acquired organization before the sale and who continues to be employed by the acquired organization after the sale, or with respect to the spouse or dependent children of such a covered employee? Q6: In the case of an asset sale, is the sale a qualifying event with respect to a covered employee whose employment immediately before the sale was associated with the purchased assets, or with respect to the spouse or dependent children of such a covered employee who are covered under a group health plan of the selling group immediately before the sale? Q7: In a business reorganization, are the buying group and the selling group permitted to allocate by contract the responsibility to make COBRA continuation coverage available to M&A qualified beneficiaries? Q8: Which group health plan has the obligation to make COBRA continuation coverage available to M&A qualified beneficiaries in a business reorganization? Q9: Can the cessation of contributions by an employer to a multiemployer group health plan be a qualifying event? Q10: If an employer stops contributing to a multiemployer group health plan, does the multiemployer plan have the obligation to make COBRA continuation coverage available to a qualified beneficiary who was receiving coverage under the multiemployer plan on the day before the cessation of contributions and who is, or whose qualifying event occurred in connection with, a covered employee whose last employment prior to the qualifying event was with the employer that has stopped contributing to the multiemployer plan? 54.4980B10 Interaction of FMLA and COBRA. Q1: In what circumstances does a qualifying event occur if an employee does not return from leave taken under FMLA? Q2: If a qualifying event described in Q&A 1 of this section occurs, when does it
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occur, and how is the maximum coverage period measured? Q3: If an employee fails to pay the employee portion of premiums for coverage under a group health plan during FMLA leave or declines coverage under a group health plan during FMLA leave, does this affect the determination of whether or when the employee has experienced a qualifying event? Q4: Is the application of the rules in Q&A 1 through Q&A3 of this section affected by a requirement of state or local law to provide a period of coverage longer than that required under FMLA? Q5: May COBRA continuation coverage be conditioned upon reimbursement of the premiums paid by the employer for coverage under a group health plan during FMLA leave? [T.D. 8812, 64 FR 5173, Feb. 3, 1999, as amended by T.D. 8928, 66 FR 1848, Jan. 10, 2001; T.D. 9457, 74 FR 45997, Sept. 8, 2009]
54.4980B1 COBRA in general. The COBRA continuation coverage requirements are described in general in the following questions-and-answers: Q1: What are the health care continuation coverage requirements contained in section 4980B of the Internal Revenue Code and in ERISA? A1: (a) Section 4980B provides generally that a group health plan must offer each qualified beneficiary who would otherwise lose coverage under the plan as a result of a qualifying event an opportunity to elect, within the election period, continuation coverage under the plan. The continuation coverage requirements were added to section 162 by the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985 (COBRA), Public Law 99272 (100 Stat. 222), and moved to section 4980B by the Technical and Miscellaneous Revenue Act of 1988, Public Law 100647 (102 Stat. 3342). Continuation coverage required under section 4980B is referred to in 54.4980B1 through 54.4980B10 as COBRA continuation coverage. (b) COBRA also added parallel continuation coverage requirements to Part 6 of Subtitle B of title I of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA) (29 U.S.C. 1161 1168), which is administered by the U.S. Department of Labor. If a plan does not comply with the COBRA continuation coverage requirements, the Internal Revenue Code imposes an excise tax on
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the provision of health care to two or more employees. A plan maintained by an employer or employee organization is any plan of, or contributed to (directly or indirectly) by, an employer or employee organization. Thus, a group health plan is maintained by an employer or employee organization even if the employer or employee organization does not contribute to it if coverage under the plan would not be available at the same cost to an individual but for the individuals employment-related connection to the employer or employee organization. These rules are further explained in paragraphs (b) through (d) of this Q&A1. An exception for qualified long-term care services is set forth in paragraph (e) of this Q&A1, and for medical savings accounts in paragraph (f) of this Q&A1. See Q&A6 of this section for rules to determine the number of group health plans that an employer or employee organization maintains. (b) For purposes of 54.4980B1 through 54.4980B10, health care has the same meaning as medical care under section 213(d). Thus, health care generally includes the diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease, and any other undertaking for the purpose of affecting any structure or function of the body. Health care also includes transportation primarily for and essential to health care as described in the preceding sentence. However, health care does not include anything that is merely beneficial to the general health of an individual, such as a vacation. Thus, if an employer or employee organization maintains a program that furthers general good health, but the program does not relate to the relief or alleviation of health or medical problems and is generally accessible to and used by employees without regard to their physical condition or state of health, that program is not considered a program that provides health care and so is not a group health plan. For example, if an employer maintains a spa, swimming pool, gymnasium, or other exercise/fitness program or facility that is normally accessible to and used by employees for reasons other than relief of health or medical problems, such a facility does not constitute a program
54.4980B2 Plans that must comply. The following questions-and-answers apply in determining which plans must comply with the COBRA continuation coverage requirements: Q1: For purposes of section 4980B, what is a group health plan? A1: (a) For purposes of section 4980B, a group health plan is a plan maintained by an employer or employee organization to provide health care to individuals who have an employment-related connection to the employer or employee organization or to their families. Individuals who have an employment-related connection to the employer or employee organization consist of employees, former employees, the employer, and others associated or formerly associated with the employer or employee organization in a business relationship (including members of a union who are not currently employees). Health care is provided under a plan whether provided directly or through insurance, reimbursement, or otherwise, and whether or not provided through an on-site facility (except as set forth in paragraph (d) of this Q&A 1), or through a cafeteria plan (as defined in section 125) or other flexible benefit arrangement. (See paragraphs (b) through (e) in Q&A8 of this section for rules regarding the application of the COBRA continuation coverage requirements to certain health flexible spending arrangements.) For purposes of this Q&A1, insurance includes not only group insurance policies but also one or more individual insurance policies in any arrangement that involves
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that provides health care and thus is not a group health plan. In contrast, if an employer maintains a drug or alcohol treatment program or a health clinic, or any other facility or program that is intended to relieve or alleviate a physical condition or health problem, the facility or program is considered to be the provision of health care and so is considered a group health plan. (c) Whether a benefit provided to employees constitutes health care is not affected by whether the benefit is excludable from income under section 132 (relating to certain fringe benefits). For example, if a department store provides its employees discounted prices on all merchandise, including health care items such as drugs or eyeglasses, the mere fact that the discounted prices also apply to health care items will not cause the program to be a plan providing health care, so long as the discount program would normally be accessible to and used by employees without regard to health needs or physical condition. If, however, the employer maintaining the discount program is a health clinic, so that the program is used exclusively by employees with health or medical needs, the program is considered to be a plan providing health care and so is considered to be a group health plan. (d) The provision of health care at a facility that is located on the premises of an employer or employee organization does not constitute a group health plan if (1) The health care consists primarily of first aid that is provided during the employers working hours for treatment of a health condition, illness, or injury that occurs during those working hours; (2) The health care is available only to current employees; and (3) Employees are not charged for the use of the facility. (e) A plan does not constitute a group health plan subject to COBRA if substantially all of the coverage provided under the plan is for qualified longterm care services (as defined in section 7702B(c)). For this purpose, a plan is permitted to use any reasonable method in determining whether substantially all of the coverage provided
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employers contributing to the plan for a calendar year normally employed fewer than 20 employees during the preceding calendar year. See Q&A6 of this section for rules to determine the number of plans that an employer or employee organization maintains. The rules of this paragraph (a) are illustrated in the following example:
Example. (i) Corporation S employs 12 employees, all of whom work and reside in the United States. S maintains a group health plan for its employees and their families. S is a wholly-owned subsidiary of P. In the previous calendar year, the controlled group of corporations including P and S employed more than 19 employees, although the only employees in the United States of the controlled group that includes P and S are the 12 employees of S. (ii) Under 1.414(b)-1 of this chapter, foreign corporations are not excluded from membership in a controlled group of corporations. Consequently, the group health plan maintained by S is not a small-employer plan during the current calendar year because the controlled group including S normally employed at least 20 employees in the preceding calendar year.
(b) An employer is considered to have normally employed fewer than 20 employees during a particular calendar year if, and only if, it had fewer than 20 employees on at least 50 percent of its typical business days during that year. (c) All full-time and part-time common law employees of an employer are taken into account in determining whether an employer had fewer than 20 employees; however, an individual who is not a common law employee of the employer is not taken into account. Thus, the following individuals are not counted as employees for purposes of this Q&A5 even though they are referred to as employees for all other purposes of 54.4980B1 through 54.4980B10 (1) Self-employed individuals (within the meaning of section 401(c)(1)); (2) Independent contractors (and their employees and independent contractors); and (3) Directors (in the case of a corporation). (d) In determining the number of the employees of an employer, each fulltime employee is counted as one employee and each part-time employee is counted as a fraction of an employee,
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determined in accordance with paragraph (e) of this Q&A5. (e) An employer may determine the number of its employees on a daily basis or a pay period basis. The basis used by the employer must be used with respect to all employees of the employer and must be used for the entire year for which the number of employees is being determined. If an employer determines the number of its employees on a daily basis, it must determine the actual number of full-time employees on each typical business day and the actual number of part-time employees and the hours worked by each of those part-time employees on each typical business day. Each fulltime employee counts as one employee on each typical business day and each part-time employee counts as a fraction, with the numerator of the fraction equal to the number of hours worked by that employee and the denominator equal to the number of hours that must be worked on a typical business day in order to be considered a full-time employee. If an employer determines the number of its employees on a pay period basis, it must determine the actual number of full-time employees employed during that pay period and the actual number of parttime employees employed and the hours worked by each of those parttime employees during the pay period. For each day of that pay period, each full-time employee counts as one employee and each part-time employee counts as a fraction, with the numerator of the fraction equal to the number of hours worked by that employee during that pay period and the denominator equal to the number of hours that must be worked during that pay period in order to be considered a fulltime employee. The determination of the number of hours required to be considered a full-time employee is based upon the employers employment practices, except that in no event may the hours required to be considered a fulltime employee exceed eight hours for any day or 40 hours for any week. (f) In the case of a multiemployer plan, the determination of whether the plan is a small-employer plan on any particular date depends on which employers are contributing to the plan on
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(2) The arrangement or arrangements are operated pursuant to such instruments as separate plans. (b) A multiemployer plan and a nonmultiemployer plan are always separate plans. (c) If a principal purpose of establishing separate plans is to evade any requirement of law, then the separate plans will be considered a single plan to the extent necessary to prevent the evasion. (d) The significance of treating an arrangement as two or more separate group health plans is illustrated by the following examples:
Example 1. (i) Employer X maintains a single group health plan, which provides major medical and prescription drug benefits. Employer Y maintains two group health plans; one provides major medical benefits and the other provides prescription drug benefits. (ii) Xs plan could comply with the COBRA continuation coverage requirements by giving a qualified beneficiary experiencing a qualifying event with respect to Xs plan the choice of either electing both major medical and prescription drug benefits or not receiving any COBRA continuation coverage under Xs plan. By contrast, for Ys plans to comply with the COBRA continuation coverage requirements, a qualified beneficiary experiencing a qualifying event with respect to each of Ys plans must be given the choice of electing COBRA continuation coverage under either the major medical plan or the prescription drug plan or both. Example 2. If a joint board of trustees administers one multiemployer plan, that plan will fail to qualify for the small-employer plan exception if any one of the employers whose employees are covered under the plan normally employed 20 or more employees during the preceding calendar year. However, if the joint board of trustees maintains two or more multiemployer plans, then the exception would be available with respect to each of those plans in which each of the employers whose employees are covered under the plan normally employed fewer than 20 employees during the preceding calendar year.
Q6: How is the number of group health plans that an employer or employee organization maintains determined? A6: (a) The rules of this Q&A6 apply in determining the number of group health plans that an employer or employee organization maintains. All references elsewhere in 54.4980B1 through 54.4980B10 to a group health plan are references to a group health plan as determined under Q&A1 of this section and this Q&A6. Except as provided in paragraph (b) or (c) of this Q&A6, all health care benefits, other than benefits for qualified long-term care services (as defined in section 7702B(c)), provided by a corporation, partnership, or other entity or trade or business, or by an employee organization, constitute one group health plan, unless (1) It is clear from the instruments governing an arrangement or arrangements to provide health care benefits that the benefits are being provided under separate plans; and
Q7: What is the plan year? A7: (a) The plan year is the year that is designated as the plan year in the plan documents. (b) If the plan documents do not designate a plan year (or if there are no plan documents), then the plan year is determined in accordance with this paragraph (b).
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(1) The plan year is the deductible/ limit year used under the plan. (2) If the plan does not impose deductibles or limits on an annual basis, then the plan year is the policy year. (3) If the plan does not impose deductibles or limits on an annual basis, and either the plan is not insured or the insurance policy is not renewed on an annual basis, then the plan year is the employers taxable year. (4) In any other case, the plan year is the calendar year. Q8: How do the COBRA continuation coverage requirements apply to cafeteria plans and other flexible benefit arrangements? A8: (a)(1) The provision of health care benefits does not fail to be a group health plan merely because those benefits are offered under a cafeteria plan (as defined in section 125) or under any other arrangement under which an employee is offered a choice between health care benefits and other taxable or nontaxable benefits. However, the COBRA continuation coverage requirements apply only to the type and level of coverage under the cafeteria plan or other flexible benefit arrangement that a qualified beneficiary is actually receiving on the day before the qualifying event. See paragraphs (b) through (e) of this Q&A8 for rules limiting the obligations of certain health flexible spending arrangements. (2) The rules of this paragraph (a) are illustrated by the following example:
Example: (i) Under the terms of a cafeteria plan, employees can choose among life insurance coverage, membership in a health maintenance organization (HMO), coverage for medical expenses under an indemnity arrangement, and cash compensation. Of these available choices, the HMO and the indemnity arrangement are the arrangements providing health care. The instruments governing the HMO and indemnity arrangements indicate that they are separate group health plans. These group health plans are subject to COBRA. The employer does not provide any group health plan outside of the cafeteria plan. B and C are unmarried employees. B has chosen the life insurance coverage, and C has chosen the indemnity arrangement. (ii) B does not have to be offered COBRA continuation coverage upon terminating employment, nor is a subsequent open enrollment period for active employees required to
(b) If a health flexible spending arrangement (health FSA), within the meaning of section 106(c)(2), satisfies the two conditions in paragraph (c) of this Q&A8 for a plan year, the obligation of the health FSA to make COBRA continuation coverage available to a qualified beneficiary who experiences a qualifying event in that plan year is limited in accordance with paragraphs (d) and (e) of this Q&A8, as illustrated by an example in paragraph (f) of this Q&A8. To the extent that a health FSA is obligated to make COBRA continuation coverage available to a qualified beneficiary, the health FSA must comply with all the applicable rules of 54.4980B1 through 54.4980B10, including the rules of Q&A3 in 54.4980B 5 (relating to limits). (c) The conditions of this paragraph (c) are satisfied if (1) Benefits provided under the health FSA are excepted benefits within the meaning of sections 9831 and 9832; and (2) The maximum amount that the health FSA can require to be paid for a year of COBRA continuation coverage under Q&A1 of 54.4980B8 equals or exceeds the maximum benefit available under the health FSA for the year. (d) If the conditions in paragraph (c) of this Q&A8 are satisfied for a plan year, then the health FSA is not obligated to make COBRA continuation coverage available for any subsequent plan year to any qualified beneficiary who experiences a qualifying event during that plan year. (e) If the conditions in paragraph (c) of this Q&A8 are satisfied for a plan year, the health FSA is not obligated to make COBRA continuation coverage available for that plan year to any qualified beneficiary who experiences a qualifying event during that plan year
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plan year, benefits under this health FSA are excepted benefits within the meaning of sections 9831 and 9832. Thus, the first condition of paragraph (c) of this Q&A8 is satisfied for the year. The maximum amount that a plan can require to be paid for coverage (outside of coverage required to be made available due to a disability extension) under Q&A1 of 54.4980B8 is 102 percent of the applicable premium. Thus, the maximum amount that the health FSA can require to be paid for coverage for the 2002 plan year is 2.04 times the employees salary reduction election for the plan year. Because the maximum benefit available under the health FSA is 2.0 times the employees salary reduction election for the year, the maximum benefit available under the health FSA for the year is less than the maximum amount that the health FSA can require to be paid for coverage for the year. Thus, the second condition in paragraph (c) of this Q&A8 is also satisfied for the 2002 plan year. Because both conditions in paragraph (c) of this Q&A8 are satisfied for 2002, with respect to any qualifying event occurring in 2002, the health FSA is not obligated to make COBRA continuation coverage available for any year after 2002. (iii) Whether the health FSA is obligated to make COBRA continuation coverage available in 2002 to a qualified beneficiary with respect to a qualifying event that occurs in 2002 depends upon the maximum benefit that would be available to the qualified beneficiary under COBRA continuation coverage for that plan year. Case 1: Employee B has elected to reduce Bs salary by $1200 for 2002. Thus, the maximum benefit that B can become entitled to receive under the health FSA during the entire year is $2400. B experiences a qualifying event that is the termination of Bs employment on May 31, 2002. As of that date, B had submitted $300 of reimbursable expenses under the health FSA. Thus, the maximum benefit that B could become entitled to receive for the remainder of 2002 is $2100. The maximum amount that the health FSA can require to be paid for COBRA continuation coverage for the remainder of 2002 is 102 percent times 112 of the applicable premium for 2002 times the number of months remaining in 2002 after the date of the qualifying event. In Bs case, the maximum amount that the health FSA can require to be paid for COBRA continuation coverage for 2002 is 2.04 times $1200, or $2448. One-twelfth of $2448 is $204. Because seven months remain in the plan year, the maximum amount that the health FSA can require to be paid for Bs coverage for the remainder of the year is seven times $204, or $1428. Because $1428 is less than the maximum benefit that B could become entitled to receive for the remainder of the year ($2100), the health FSA is required to make COBRA continuation coverage available to B
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for the remainder of 2002 (but not for any subsequent year). (iv) Case 2: The facts are the same as in Case 1 except that B had submitted $1000 of reimbursable expenses as of the date of the qualifying event. In that case, the maximum benefit available to B for the remainder of the year would be $1400 instead of $2100. Because the maximum amount that the health FSA can require to be paid for Bs coverage is $1428, and because the $1400 maximum benefit for the remainder of the year does not exceed $1428, the health FSA is not obligated to make COBRA continuation coverage available to B in 2002 (or any later year). (Of course, the administrator of the health FSA is permitted to make COBRA continuation coverage available to every qualified beneficiary in the year that the qualified beneficiarys qualifying event occurs in order to avoid having to determine the maximum benefit available for each qualified beneficiary for the remainder of the plan year.)
Q9: What is the effect of a group health plans failure to comply with the requirements of section 4980B(f)? A9: Under section 4980B(a), if a group health plan subject to COBRA fails to comply with section 4980B(f), an excise tax is imposed. Moreover, non-tax remedies may be available if the plan fails to comply with the parallel requirements in ERISA, which are administered by the Department of Labor. Q10: Who is liable for the excise tax if a group health plan fails to comply with the requirements of section 4980B(f)? A10: (a) In general, the excise tax is imposed on the employer maintaining the plan, except that in the case of a multiemployer plan (see Q&A3 of this section for a definition of multiemployer plan) the excise tax is imposed on the plan. (b) In certain circumstances, the excise tax is also imposed on a person involved with the provision of benefits under the plan (other than in the capacity of an employee), such as an insurer providing benefits under the plan or a third party administrator administering claims under the plan. In general, such a person will be liable for the excise tax if the person assumes, under a legally enforceable written agreement, the responsibility for performing the act to which the failure to comply with the COBRA continuation coverage requirements relates. Such a person
54.4980B3 Qualified beneficiaries. The determination of who is a qualified beneficiary, an employee, or a covered employee, and of who are the similarly situated nonCOBRA beneficiaries is addressed in the following questionsand-answers:
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are not qualified beneficiaries even if they become covered under the plan; paragraphs (c), (d), and (e) of this Q&A 1 place limits on the general rules of this paragraph (a) concerning who is a qualified beneficiary; paragraph (f) of this Q&A1 provides when an individual who has been a qualified beneficiary ceases to be a qualified beneficiary; paragraph (g) of this Q&A1 defines placed for adoption; and paragraph (h) of this Q&A1 contains examples. (b) In contrast to a child who is born to or placed for adoption with a covered employee during a period of COBRA continuation coverage, an individual who marries any qualified beneficiary on or after the date of the qualifying event and a newborn or adopted child (other than one born to or placed for adoption with a covered employee) are not qualified beneficiaries by virtue of the marriage, birth, or placement for adoption or by virtue of the individuals status as the spouse or the childs status as a dependent of the qualified beneficiary. These new family members do not themselves become qualified beneficiaries even if they become covered under the plan. (For situations in which a plan is required to make coverage available to new family members of a qualified beneficiary who is receiving COBRA continuation coverage, see Q&A5 of 54.4980B5, paragraph (c) in Q&A4 of 54.4980B5, and section 9801(f)(2).) (c) An individual is not a qualified beneficiary if, on the day before the qualifying event referred to in paragraph (a) of this Q&A1, the individual is covered under the group health plan by reason of another individuals election of COBRA continuation coverage and is not already a qualified beneficiary by reason of a prior qualifying event. (d) A covered employee can be a qualified beneficiary only in connection with a qualifying event that is the termination, or reduction of hours, of the covered employees employment, or that is the bankruptcy of the employer. (e) An individual is not a qualified beneficiary if the individuals status as a covered employee is attributable to a period in which the individual was a nonresident alien who received from
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the individuals employer no earned income (within the meaning of section 911(d)(2)) that constituted income from sources within the United States (within the meaning of section 861(a)(3)). If, pursuant to the preceding sentence, an individual is not a qualified beneficiary, then a spouse or dependent child of the individual is not considered a qualified beneficiary by virtue of the relationship to the individual. (f) A qualified beneficiary who does not elect COBRA continuation coverage in connection with a qualifying event ceases to be a qualified beneficiary at the end of the election period (see Q&A1 of 54.4980B6). Thus, for example, if such a former qualified beneficiary is later added to a covered employees coverage (e.g., during an open enrollment period) and then another qualifying event occurs with respect to the covered employee, the former qualified beneficiary does not become a qualified beneficiary by reason of the second qualifying event. If a covered employee who is a qualified beneficiary does not elect COBRA continuation coverage during the election period, then any child born to or placed for adoption with the covered employee on or after the date of the qualifying event is not a qualified beneficiary. Once a plans obligation to make COBRA continuation coverage available to an individual who has been a qualified beneficiary ceases under the rules of 54.4980B7, the individual ceases to be a qualified beneficiary. (g) For purposes of 54.4980B1 through 54.4980B10, placement for adoption or being placed for adoption means the assumption and retention by the covered employee of a legal obligation for total or partial support of a child in anticipation of the adoption of the child. The childs placement for adoption with the covered employee terminates upon the termination of the legal obligation for total or partial support. A child who is immediately adopted by the covered employee without a preceding placement for adoption is considered to be placed for adoption on the date of the adoption. (h) The rules of this Q&A1 are illustrated by the following examples:
Example 1. (i) B is a single employee who voluntarily terminates employment and
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employee. For example, a retiree or former employee who is covered by a group health plan is a covered employee if the coverage results in whole or in part from her or his previous employment. An employee (or former employee) who is merely eligible for coverage under a group health plan is generally not a covered employee if the employee (or former employee) is not actually covered under the plan. In general, the reason for the employees (or former employees) lack of actual coverage (such as having declined participation in the plan or having failed to satisfy the plans conditions for participation) is not relevant for this purpose. However, if the employee (or former employee) is denied or not offered coverage under circumstances in which the denial or failure to offer constitutes a violation of applicable law (such as the Americans with Disabilities Act, 42 U.S.C. 12101 through 12213, the special enrollment rules of section 9801, or the requirements of section 9802 prohibiting discrimination in eligibility to enroll in a group health plan based on health status), then, for purposes of 54.4980B1 through 54.4980B 10, the employee (or former employee) will be considered to have had the coverage that was wrongfully denied or not offered. Q3: Who are the similarly situated nonCOBRA beneficiaries? A3: For purposes of 54.4980B1 through 54.4980B10, similarly situated nonCOBRA beneficiaries means the group of covered employees, spouses of covered employees, or dependent children of covered employees receiving coverage under a group health plan maintained by the employer or employee organization who are receiving that coverage for a reason other than the rights provided under the COBRA continuation coverage requirements and who, based on all of the facts and circumstances, are most similarly situated to the situation of the qualified beneficiary immediately before the qualifying event.
[T.D. 8812, 64 FR 5176, Feb. 3, 1999, as amended by T.D. 8928, 66 FR 1852, Jan. 10, 2001]
Q2: Who is an employee and who is a covered employee? A2: (a)(1) For purposes of 54.4980B 1 through 54.4980B10 (except for purposes of Q&A5 in 54.4980B2, relating to the exception from COBRA for plans maintained by an employer with fewer than 20 employees), an employee is any individual who is eligible to be covered under a group health plan by virtue of the performance of services for the employer maintaining the plan or by virtue of membership in the employee organization maintaining the plan. Thus, for purposes of 54.4980B1 through 54.4980B10 (except for purposes of Q&A5 in 54.4980B2), the following individuals are employees if their relationship to the employer maintaining the plan makes them eligible to be covered under the plan (i) Self-employed individuals (within the meaning of section 401(c)(1)); (ii) Independent contractors (and their employees and independent contractors); and (iii) Directors (in the case of a corporation). (2) Similarly, whenever reference is made in 54.4980B1 through 54.4980B 10 (except in Q&A5 of 54.4980B2) to an employment relationship (such as by referring to the termination of employment of an employee or to an employees being employed by an employer), the reference includes the relationship of those individuals who are employees within the meaning of this paragraph (a). See paragraph (c) in Q&A5 of 54.4980B2 for a narrower meaning of employee solely for purposes of Q&A5 of 54.4980B2. (b) For purposes of 54.4980B1 through 54.4980B10, a covered employee is any individual who is (or was) provided coverage under a group health plan (other than a plan that is excepted from COBRA on the date of the qualifying event; see Q&A4 of 54.4980B2) by virtue of being or having been an
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54.4980B4 Qualifying events. The determination of what constitutes a qualifying event is addressed in the following questions and answers: Q1: What is a qualifying event? A1: (a) A qualifying event is an event that satisfies paragraphs (b), (c), and (d) of this Q&A1. Paragraph (e) of this Q&A1 further explains a reduction of hours of employment, paragraph (f) of this Q&A1 describes the treatment of children born to or placed for adoption with a covered employee during a period of COBRA continuation coverage, and paragraph (g) of this Q&A1 contains examples. See Q&A1 through Q&A3 of 54.4980B10 for special rules in the case of leave taken under the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (29 U.S.C. 26012619). (b) An event satisfies this paragraph (b) if the event is any of the following (1) The death of a covered employee; (2) The termination (other than by reason of the employees gross misconduct), or reduction of hours, of a covered employees employment; (3) The divorce or legal separation of a covered employee from the employees spouse; (4) A covered employees becoming entitled to Medicare benefits under title XVIII of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 13951395ggg); (5) A dependent childs ceasing to be a dependent child of a covered employee under the generally applicable requirements of the plan; or (6) A proceeding in bankruptcy under title 11 of the United States Code with respect to an employer from whose employment a covered employee retired at any time. (c) An event satisfies this paragraph (c) if, under the terms of the group health plan, the event causes the covered employee, or the spouse or a dependent child of the covered employee, to lose coverage under the plan. For this purpose, to lose coverage means to cease to be covered under the same terms and conditions as in effect immediately before the qualifying event. Any increase in the premium or contribution that must be paid by a covered employee (or the spouse or dependent child of a covered employee) for coverage under a group health plan that results from the occurrence of one
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event giving rise to the period of COBRA continuation coverage during which the child is born or placed for adoption. If a second qualifying event has occurred before the child is born or placed for adoption (such as the death of the covered employee), then the second qualifying event also applies to the newborn or adopted child. See Q&A6 of 54.4980B7. (g) The rules of this Q&A1 are illustrated by the following examples, in each of which the group health plan is subject to COBRA:
Example 1. (i) An employee who is covered by a group health plan terminates employment (other than by reason of the employees gross misconduct) and, beginning with the day after the last day of employment, is given 3 months of employer-paid coverage under the same terms and conditions as before that date. At the end of the three months, the coverage terminates. (ii) The loss of coverage at the end of the three months results from the termination of employment and, thus, the termination of employment is a qualifying event. Example 2. (i) An employee who is covered by a group health plan retires (which is a termination of employment other than by reason of the employees gross misconduct) and, upon retirement, is required to pay an increased amount for the same group health coverage that the employee had before retirement. (ii) The increase in the premium or contribution required for coverage is a loss of coverage under paragraph (c) of this Q&A1 and, thus, the retirement is a qualifying event. Example 3. (i) An employee and the employees spouse are covered under an employers group health plan. The employee retires and is given identical coverage for life. However, the plan provides that the spousal coverage will not be continued beyond six months unless a higher premium for the spouse is paid to the plan. (ii) The requirement for the spouse to pay a higher premium at the end of the six months is a loss of coverage under paragraph (c) of this Q&A1. Thus, the retirement is a qualifying event and the spouse must be given an opportunity to elect COBRA continuation coverage. Example 4. (i) F is a covered employee who is married to G, and both are covered under a group health plan maintained by Fs employer. F and G are divorced. Under the terms of the plan, the divorce causes G to lose coverage. The divorce is a qualifying event, and G elects COBRA continuation coverage, remarries during the period of COBRA continuation coverage, and Gs new spouse
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becomes covered under the plan. (See Q&A5 in 54.4980B5, paragraph (c) in Q&A4 of 54.4980B5, and section 9801(f)(2).) G dies. Under the terms of the plan, the death causes Gs new spouse to lose coverage under the plan. (ii) Gs death is not a qualifying event because G is not a covered employee. Example 5. (i) An employer maintains a group health plan for both active employees and retired employees (and their families). The coverage for active employees and retired employees is identical, and the employer does not require retirees to pay more for coverage than active employees. The plan does not make COBRA continuation coverage available when an employee retires (and is not required to because the retired employee has not lost coverage under the plan). The employer amends the plan to eliminate coverage for retired employees effective January 1, 2002. On that date, several retired employees (and their spouses and dependent children) have been covered under the plan since their retirement for less than the maximum coverage period that would apply to them in connection with their retirement. (ii) The elimination of retiree coverage under these circumstances is a deferred loss of coverage for those retirees (and their spouses and dependent children) under paragraph (c) of this Q&A1 and, thus, the retirement is a qualifying event. The plan must make COBRA continuation coverage available to them for the balance of the maximum coverage period that applies to them in connection with the retirement.
Q2: Are the facts surrounding a termination of employment (such as whether it was voluntary or involuntary) relevant in determining whether the termination of employment is a qualifying event? A2: Apart from facts constituting gross misconduct, the facts surrounding the termination or reduction of hours are irrelevant in determining whether a qualifying event has occurred. Thus, it does not matter whether the employee voluntarily terminated or was discharged. For example, a strike or a lockout is a termination or reduction of hours that constitutes a qualifying event if the strike or lockout results in a loss of coverage as described in paragraph (c) of Q&A1 of this section. Similarly, a layoff that results in such a loss of coverage is a qualifying event.
[T.D. 8812, 64 FR 5178, Feb. 3, 1999, as amended by T.D. 8928, 66 FR 1852, Jan. 10, 2001]
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deductibles or an additional requirement. (d) Deductibles that are not described in paragraph (b) or (c) of this Q&A2 must be treated in a manner consistent with the principles set forth in those paragraphs. (e) If a deductible is computed on the basis of a covered employees compensation instead of being a fixed dollar amount and the employee remains employed during the period of COBRA continuation coverage, the plan is permitted to choose whether to apply the deductible by treating the employees compensation as continuing without change for the duration of the COBRA continuation coverage at the level that was used to compute the deductible in effect immediately before the COBRA continuation coverage began, or to apply the deductible by taking the employees actual compensation into account. In applying a deductible that is computed on the basis of the covered employees compensation instead of being a fixed dollar amount, for periods of COBRA continuation coverage in which the employee is not employed by the employer, the plan is required to compute the deductible by treating the employees compensation as continuing without change for the duration of the COBRA continuation coverage either at the level that was used to compute the deductible in effect immediately before the COBRA continuation coverage began or at the level that was used to compute the deductible in effect immediately before the employees employment was terminated. (f) The rules of this Q&A2 are illustrated by the following examples; in each example, deductibles under the plan are determined on a calendar year basis:
Example 1. (i) A group health plan applies a separate $100 annual deductible to each individual it covers. The plan provides that the spouse and dependent children of a covered employee will lose coverage on the last day of the month after the month of the covered employees death. A covered employee dies on June 11, 2001. The spouse and the two dependent children elect COBRA continuation coverage, which will begin on August 1, 2001. As of July 31, 2001, the spouse has incurred $80 of covered expenses, the older child has
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incurred no covered expenses, and the younger one has incurred $120 of covered expenses (and therefore has already satisfied the deductible). (ii) At the beginning of COBRA continuation coverage on August 1, the spouse has a remaining deductible of $20, the older child still has the full $100 deductible, and the younger one has no further deductible. Example 2. (i) A group health plan applies a separate $200 annual deductible to each individual it covers, except that each family member is treated as having satisfied the individual deductible once the family has incurred $500 of covered expenses during the year. The plan provides that upon the divorce of a covered employee, coverage will end immediately for the employees spouse and any children who do not remain in the employees custody. A covered employee with four dependent children is divorced, the spouse obtains custody of the two oldest children, and the spouse and those children all elect COBRA continuation coverage to begin immediately. The family had accumulated $420 of covered expenses before the divorce, as follows: $70 by each parent, $200 by the oldest child, $80 by the youngest child, and none by the other two children. (ii) The resulting family consisting of the spouse and the two oldest children accumulated a total of $270 of covered expenses, and thus the remaining deductible for that family could be as high as $230 (because the plan would not have to count the incurred expenses of the covered employee and the youngest child). The remaining deductible for the resulting family consisting of the covered employee and the two youngest children is not subject to the rules of this Q&A 2 because their coverage is not COBRA continuation coverage. Example 3. Each year a group health plan pays 70 percent of the cost of an individuals psychotherapy after that individuals first three visits during the year. A qualified beneficiary whose election of COBRA continuation coverage takes effect beginning August 1, 2001 and who has already made two visits as of that date need only pay for one more visit before the plan must begin to pay 70 percent of the cost of the remaining visits during 2001. Example 4. (i) A group health plan has a $250 annual deductible per covered individual. The plan provides that if the deductible is not satisfied in a particular year, expenses incurred during October through December of that year are credited toward satisfaction of the deductible in the next year. A qualified beneficiary who has incurred covered expenses of $150 from January through September of 2001 and $40 during October elects COBRA continuation coverage beginning November 1, 2001. (ii) The remaining deductible amount for this qualified beneficiary is $60 at the begin-
Q3: How do a plans limits apply to COBRA continuation coverage? A3: (a) Limits are treated in the same way as deductibles (see Q&A2 of this section). This rule applies both to limits on plan benefits (such as a maximum number of hospital days or dollar amount of reimbursable expenses) and limits on out-of-pocket expenses (such as a limit on copayments, a limit on deductibles plus copayments, or a catastrophic limit). This rule applies equally to annual and lifetime limits and applies equally to limits on specific benefits and limits on benefits in the aggregate under the plan. (b) The rule of this Q&A3 is illustrated by the following examples; in each example limits are determined on a calendar year basis:
Example 1. (i) A group health plan pays for a maximum of 150 days of hospital confinement per individual per year. A covered employee who has had 20 days of hospital confinement as of May 1, 2001 terminates employment and elects COBRA continuation coverage as of that date. (ii) During the remainder of the year 2001 the plan need only pay for a maximum of 130 days of hospital confinement for this individual. Example 2. (i) A group health plan reimburses a maximum of $20,000 of covered expenses per family per year, and the same $20,000 limit applies to unmarried covered employees. A covered employee and spouse who have no children divorce on May 1, 2001, and the spouse elects COBRA continuation coverage as of that date. In 2001, the employee had incurred $5,000 of expenses and the spouse had incurred $8,000 before May 1. (ii) The plan can limit its reimbursement of the amount of expenses incurred by the spouse on and after May 1 for the remainder of the year to $12,000 ($20,000$8,000 = $12,000). The remaining limit for the employee is not subject to the rules of this Q&A3 because the employees coverage is not COBRA continuation coverage. Example 3. (i) A group health plan pays for 80 percent of covered expenses after satisfaction of a $100-per-individual deductible, and the plan pays for 100 percent of covered expenses after a family has incurred out-ofpocket costs of $2,000. The plan provides that
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reason for the relocation), the qualified beneficiary must be given, within a reasonable period after requesting other coverage, an opportunity to elect alternative coverage that the employer or employee organization makes available to active employees. If the employer or employee organization makes group health plan coverage available to similarly situated nonCOBRA beneficiaries that can be extended in the area to which the qualified beneficiary is relocating, then that coverage is the alternative coverage that must be made available to the relocating qualified beneficiary. If the employer or employee organization does not make group health plan coverage available to similarly situated nonCOBRA beneficiaries that can be extended in the area to which the qualified beneficiary is relocating but makes coverage available to other employees that can be extended in that area, then the coverage made available to those other employees must be made available to the relocating qualified beneficiary. The effective date of the alternative coverage must be not later than the date of the qualified beneficiarys relocation, or, if later, the first day of the month following the month in which the qualified beneficiary requests the alternative coverage. However, the employer or employee organization is not required to make any other coverage available to the relocating qualified beneficiary if the only coverage the employer or employee organization makes available to active employees is not available in the area to which the qualified beneficiary relocates (because all such coverage is region-specific and does not service individuals in that area). (c) If an employer or employee organization makes an open enrollment period available to similarly situated active employees with respect to whom a qualifying event has not occurred, the same open enrollment period rights must be made available to each qualified beneficiary receiving COBRA continuation coverage. An open enrollment period means a period during which an employee covered under a plan can choose to be covered under another group health plan or under another benefit package within the same
Q4: Can a qualified beneficiary who elects COBRA continuation coverage ever change from the coverage received by that individual immediately before the qualifying event? A4: (a) In general, a qualified beneficiary need only be given an opportunity to continue the coverage that she or he was receiving immediately before the qualifying event. This is true regardless of whether the coverage received by the qualified beneficiary before the qualifying event ceases to be of value to the qualified beneficiary, such as in the case of a qualified beneficiary covered under a region-specific health maintenance organization (HMO) who leaves the HMOs service region. The only situations in which a qualified beneficiary must be allowed to change from the coverage received immediately before the qualifying event are as set forth in paragraphs (b) and (c) of this Q&A4 and in Q&A1 of this section (regarding changes to or elimination of the coverage provided to similarly situated nonCOBRA beneficiaries). (b) If a qualified beneficiary participates in a region-specific benefit package (such as an HMO or an on-site clinic) that will not service her or his health needs in the area to which she or he is relocating (regardless of the
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plan, or to add or eliminate coverage of family members. (d) The rules of this Q&A4 are illustrated by the following examples:
Example 1. (i) E is an employee who works for an employer that maintains several group health plans. Under the terms of the plans, if an employee chooses to cover any family members under a plan, all family members must be covered by the same plan and that plan must be the same as the plan covering the employee. Immediately before Es termination of employment (for reasons other than gross misconduct), E is covered along with Es spouse and children by a plan. The coverage under that plan will end as a result of the termination of employment. (ii) Upon Es termination of employment, each of the four family members is a qualified beneficiary. Even though the employer maintains various other plans and options, it is not necessary for the qualified beneficiaries to be allowed to switch to a new plan when E terminates employment. (iii) COBRA continuation coverage is elected for each of the four family members. Three months after Es termination of employment there is an open enrollment period during which similarly situated active employees are offered an opportunity to choose to be covered under a new plan or to add or eliminate family coverage. (iv) During the open enrollment period, each of the four qualified beneficiaries must be offered the opportunity to switch to another plan (as though each qualified beneficiary were an individual employee). For example, each member of Es family could choose coverage under a separate plan, even though the family members of employed individuals could not choose coverage under separate plans. Of course, if each family member chooses COBRA continuation coverage under a separate plan, the plan can require payment for each family member that is based on the applicable premium for individual coverage under that separate plan. See Q&A1 of 54.4980B8. Example 2. (i) The facts are the same as in Example 1, except that Es family members are not covered under Es group health plan when E terminates employment. (ii) Although the family members do not have to be given an opportunity to elect COBRA continuation coverage, E must be allowed to add them to Es COBRA continuation coverage during the open enrollment period. This is true even though the family members are not, and cannot become, qualified beneficiaries (see Q&A1 of 54.4980B3).
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Q5: Aside from open enrollment periods, can a qualified beneficiary who has elected COBRA continuation coverage choose to cover individuals (such as newborn children, adopted children, or
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months after the termination of employment, the employee does not lose coverage until December 1, 2001. The election period can therefore begin as late as December 1, 2001, and must not end before January 30, 2002. (iv) Case 3: If employer-paid coverage for 6 months after the termination of employment is offered only to those qualified beneficiaries who waive COBRA continuation coverage, the employee loses coverage on June 1, 2001, so the election period is the same as in Case 1. The difference between Case 2 and Case 3 is that in Case 2 the employee can receive 6 months of employerpaid coverage and then elect to pay for up to an additional 12 months of COBRA continuation coverage, while in Case 3 the employee must choose between 6 months of employerpaid coverage and paying for up to 18 months of COBRA continuation coverage. In all three cases, COBRA continuation coverage need not be provided for more than 18 months after the termination of employment (see Q&A4 of 54.4980B7), and in certain circumstances might be provided for a shorter period (see Q&A1 of 54.4980B7).
54.4980B6 Electing COBRA continuation coverage. The following questions-and-answers address the manner in which COBRA continuation coverage is elected: Q1: What is the election period and how long must it last? A1: (a) A group health plan can condition the availability of COBRA continuation coverage upon the timely election of such coverage. An election of COBRA continuation coverage is a timely election if it is made during the election period. The election period must begin not later than the date the qualified beneficiary would lose coverage on account of the qualifying event. (See paragraph (c) of Q&A1 of 54.4980B4 for the meaning of lose coverage.) The election period must not end before the date that is 60 days after the later of (1) The date the qualified beneficiary would lose coverage on account of the qualifying event; or (2) The date notice is provided to the qualified beneficiary of her or his right to elect COBRA continuation coverage. (b) An election is considered to be made on the date it is sent to the plan administrator. (c) The rules of this Q&A1 are illustrated by the following example:
Example. (i) An unmarried employee without children who is receiving employer-paid coverage under a group health plan voluntarily terminates employment on June 1, 2001. The employee is not disabled at the time of the termination of employment nor at any time thereafter, and the plan does not provide for the extension of the required periods (as is permitted under paragraph (b) of Q&A4 of 54.4980B7). (ii) Case 1: If the plan provides that the employer-paid coverage ends immediately upon the termination of employment, the election period must begin not later than June 1, 2001, and must not end earlier than July 31, 2001. If notice of the right to elect COBRA continuation coverage is not provided to the employee until June 15, 2001, the election period must not end earlier than August 14, 2001. (iii) Case 2: If the plan provides that the employer-paid coverage does not end until 6
Q2: Is a covered employee or qualified beneficiary responsible for informing the plan administrator of the occurrence of a qualifying event? A2: (a) In general, the employer or plan administrator must determine when a qualifying event has occurred. However, each covered employee or qualified beneficiary is responsible for notifying the plan administrator of the occurrence of a qualifying event that is either a dependent childs ceasing to be a dependent child under the generally applicable requirements of the plan or a divorce or legal separation of a covered employee. The group health plan is not required to offer the qualified beneficiary an opportunity to elect COBRA continuation coverage if the notice is not provided to the plan administrator within 60 days after the later of (1) The date of the qualifying event; or (2) The date the qualified beneficiary would lose coverage on account of the qualifying event. (b) For purposes of this Q&A2, if more than one qualified beneficiary would lose coverage on account of a divorce or legal separation of a covered employee, a timely notice of the divorce or legal separation that is provided by the covered employee or any one of those qualified beneficiaries will
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be sufficient to preserve the election rights of all of the qualified beneficiaries. Q3: During the election period and before the qualified beneficiary has made an election, must coverage be provided? A3: (a) In general, each qualified beneficiary has until 60 days after the later of the date the qualifying event would cause her or him to lose coverage or the date notice is provided to the qualified beneficiary of her or his right to elect COBRA continuation coverage to decide whether to elect COBRA continuation coverage. If the election is made during that period, coverage must be provided from the date that coverage would otherwise have been lost (but see Q&A4 of this section). This can be accomplished as described in paragraph (b) or (c) of this Q&A3. (b) In the case of an indemnity or reimbursement arrangement, the employer or employee organization can provide for plan coverage during the election period or, if the plan allows retroactive reinstatement, the employer or employee organization can terminate the coverage of the qualified beneficiary and reinstate her or him when the election (and, if applicable, payment for the coverage) is made. Claims incurred by a qualified beneficiary during the election period do not have to be paid before the election (and, if applicable, payment for the coverage) is made. If a provider of health care (such as a physician, hospital, or pharmacy) contacts the plan to confirm coverage of a qualified beneficiary during the election period, the plan must give a complete response to the health care provider about the qualified beneficiarys COBRA continuation coverage rights during the election period. For example, if the plan provides coverage during the election period but cancels coverage retroactively if COBRA continuation coverage is not elected, then the plan must inform a provider that a qualified beneficiary for whom coverage has not been elected is covered but that the coverage is subject to retroactive termination. Similarly, if the plan cancels coverage but then retroactively reinstates it once COBRA continuation
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deemed to include an election of COBRA continuation coverage on behalf of all other qualified beneficiaries with respect to that qualifying event. An election on behalf of a minor child can be made by the childs parent or legal guardian. An election on behalf of a qualified beneficiary who is incapacitated or dies can be made by the legal representative of the qualified beneficiary or the qualified beneficiarys estate, as determined under applicable state law, or by the spouse of the qualified beneficiary. (See also Q&A5 of 54.4980B7 relating to the independent right of each qualified beneficiary with respect to the same qualifying event to receive COBRA continuation coverage during the disability extension.) The rules of this Q&A6 are illustrated by the following examples; in each example each group health plan is subject to COBRA:
Example 1. (i) Employee H and H s spouse are covered under a group health plan immediately before H s termination of employment (for reasons other than gross misconduct). Coverage under the plan will end as a result of the termination of employment. (ii) Upon H s termination of employment, both H and H s spouse are qualified beneficiaries and each must be allowed to elect COBRA continuation coverage. Thus, H might elect COBRA continuation coverage while the spouse declines to elect such coverage, or H might elect COBRA continuation coverage for both of them. In contrast, H cannot decline COBRA continuation coverage on behalf of H s spouse. Thus, if H does not elect COBRA continuation coverage on behalf of the spouse, the spouse must still be allowed to elect COBRA continuation coverage. Example 2. (i) An employer maintains a group health plan under which all employees receive employer-paid coverage. Employees can arrange to cover their families by paying an additional amount. The employer also maintains a cafeteria plan, under which one of the options is to pay part or all of the employee share of the cost for family coverage under the group health plan. Thus, an employee might pay for family coverage under the group health plan partly with before-tax dollars and partly with after-tax dollars. (ii) If an employees family is receiving coverage under the group health plan when a qualifying event occurs, each of the qualified beneficiaries must be offered an opportunity to elect COBRA continuation coverage, regardless of how that qualified beneficiarys
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coverage was paid for before the qualifying event. [T.D. 8812, 64 FR 5182, Feb. 3, 1999, as amended by T.D. 8928, 66 FR 1853, Jan. 10, 2001]
54.4980B7 Duration of COBRA continuation coverage. The following questions-and-answers address the duration of COBRA continuation coverage: Q1: How long must COBRA continuation coverage be made available to a qualified beneficiary? A1: (a) Except for an interruption of coverage in connection with a waiver, as described in Q&A4 of 54.4980B6, COBRA continuation coverage that has been elected for a qualified beneficiary must extend for at least the period beginning on the date of the qualifying event and ending not before the earliest of the following dates (1) The last day of the maximum coverage period (see Q&A4 of this section); (2) The first day for which timely payment is not made to the plan with respect to the qualified beneficiary (see Q&A5 in 54.4980B8); (3) The date upon which the employer or employee organization ceases to provide any group health plan (including successor plans) to any employee; (4) The date, after the date of the election, upon which the qualified beneficiary first becomes covered under any other group health plan, as described in Q&A2 of this section; (5) The date, after the date of the election, upon which the qualified beneficiary first becomes entitled to Medicare benefits, as described in Q&A3 of this section; and (6) In the case of a qualified beneficiary entitled to a disability extension (see Q&A5 of this section), the later of (i) Either 29 months after the date of the qualifying event, or the first day of the month that is more than 30 days after the date of a final determination under title II or XVI of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 401433 or 1381 1385) that the disabled qualified beneficiary whose disability resulted in the qualified beneficiarys being entitled to the disability extension is no longer disabled, whichever is earlier; or
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(ii) Under these facts, W can terminate D s COBRA continuation coverage on the date D becomes covered under V s plan. Example 3. (i) The facts are the same as in Example 2, except that D becomes employed by V and becomes covered under V s group health plan before D elects COBRA continuation coverage under W s plan. (ii) Because the termination of employment is a qualifying event, D must be offered COBRA continuation coverage under W s plan, and W is not permitted to terminate D s COBRA continuation coverage on account of D s coverage under V s plan because D first became covered under V s plan before COBRA continuation coverage was elected for D.
Q3: When may a plan terminate a qualified beneficiarys COBRA continuation coverage due to the qualified beneficiarys entitlement to Medicare benefits? A3: (a) If a qualified beneficiary first becomes entitled to Medicare benefits under title XVIII of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 13951395ggg) after the date on which COBRA continuation coverage is elected for the qualified beneficiary, then the plan may terminate the qualified beneficiarys COBRA continuation coverage upon the date on which the qualified beneficiary becomes so entitled. By contrast, if a qualified beneficiary first becomes entitled to Medicare benefits on or before the date that COBRA continuation coverage is elected, then the qualified beneficiarys entitlement to Medicare benefits cannot be a basis for terminating the qualified beneficiarys COBRA continuation coverage. (b) A qualified beneficiary becomes entitled to Medicare benefits upon the effective date of enrollment in either part A or B, whichever occurs earlier. Thus, merely being eligible to enroll in Medicare does not constitute being entitled to Medicare benefits. Q4: When does the maximum coverage period end? A4: (a) Except as otherwise provided in this Q&A4, the maximum coverage period ends 36 months after the qualifying event. The maximum coverage period for a qualified beneficiary who is a child born to or placed for adoption with a covered employee during a period of COBRA continuation coverage is the maximum coverage period for the qualifying event giving rise to the
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period of COBRA continuation coverage during which the child was born or placed for adoption. Paragraph (b) of this Q&A4 describes the starting point from which the end of the maximum coverage period is measured. The date that the maximum coverage period ends is described in paragraph (c) of this Q&A4 in a case where the qualifying event is a termination of employment or reduction of hours of employment, in paragraph (d) of this Q&A4 in a case where a covered employee becomes entitled to Medicare benefits under title XVIII of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 13951395ggg) before experiencing a qualifying event that is a termination of employment or reduction of hours of employment, and in paragraph (e) of this Q&A4 in the case of a qualifying event that is the bankruptcy of the employer. See Q&A8 of 54.4980B2 for limitations that apply to certain health flexible spending arrangements. See also Q&A6 of this section in the case of multiple qualifying events. Nothing in 54.4980B1 through 54.4980B10 prohibits a group health plan from providing coverage that continues beyond the end of the maximum coverage period. (b)(1) The end of the maximum coverage period is measured from the date of the qualifying event even if the qualifying event does not result in a loss of coverage under the plan until a later date. If, however, coverage under the plan is lost at a later date and the plan provides for the extension of the required periods, then the maximum coverage period is measured from the date when coverage is lost. A plan provides for the extension of the required periods if it provides both (i) That the 30-day notice period (during which the employer is required to notify the plan administrator of the occurrence of certain qualifying events such as the death of the covered employee or the termination of employment or reduction of hours of employment of the covered employee) begins on the date of the loss of coverage rather than on the date of the qualifying event; and (ii) That the end of the maximum coverage period is measured from the date of the loss of coverage rather than from the date of the qualifying event.
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tinuation coverage is measured from the date on which the coverage would be lost). However, in the case of a qualified beneficiary who is a child born to or placed for adoption with a covered employee during a period of COBRA continuation coverage, the period of the first 60 days of COBRA continuation coverage is measured from the date of birth or placement for adoption. For purposes of this paragraph (c), an individual is determined to be disabled within the first 60 days of COBRA continuation coverage if the individual has been determined under title II or XVI of the Social Security Act to have been disabled before the first day of COBRA continuation coverage and has not been determined to be no longer disabled at any time between the date of that disability determination and the first day of COBRA continuation coverage. (d) The requirement of this paragraph (d) is satisfied if any of the qualified beneficiaries affected by the qualifying event described in paragraph (b) of this Q&A5 provides notice to the plan administrator of the disability determination on a date that is both within 60 days after the date the determination is issued and before the end of the original 18-month maximum coverage period that applies to the qualifying event. Q6: Under what circumstances can the maximum coverage period be expanded? A6: (a) The maximum coverage period can be expanded if the requirements of Q&A5 of this section (relating to the disability extension) or paragraph (b) of this Q&A6 are satisfied. (b) The requirements of this paragraph (b) are satisfied if a qualifying event that gives rise to an 18-month maximum coverage period (or a 29month maximum coverage period in the case of a disability extension) is followed, within that 18-month period (or within that 29-month period, in the case of a disability extension), by a second qualifying event (for example, a death or a divorce) that gives rise to a 36-month maximum coverage period. (Thus, a termination of employment following a qualifying event that is a reduction of hours of employment cannot be a second qualifying event that
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expands the maximum coverage period; the bankruptcy of an employer also cannot be a second qualifying event that expands the maximum coverage period.) In such a case, the original 18month period (or 29-month period, in the case of a disability extension) is expanded to 36 months, but only for those individuals who were qualified beneficiaries under the group health plan in connection with the first qualifying event and who are still qualified beneficiaries at the time of the second qualifying event. No qualifying event (other than a qualifying event that is the bankruptcy of the employer) can give rise to a maximum coverage period that ends more than 36 months after the date of the first qualifying event (or more than 36 months after the date of the loss of coverage, in the case of a plan that provides for the extension of the required periods; see paragraph (b) in Q&A4 of this section). For example, if an employee covered by a group health plan that is subject to COBRA terminates employment (for reasons other than gross misconduct) on December 31, 2000, the termination is a qualifying event giving rise to a maximum coverage period that extends for 18 months to June 30, 2002. If the employee dies after the employee and the employees spouse and dependent children have elected COBRA continuation coverage and on or before June 30, 2002, the spouse and dependent children (except anyone among them whose COBRA continuation coverage had already ended for some other reason) will be able to receive COBRA continuation coverage through December 31, 2003. See Q&A8(b) of 54.4980B2 for a special rule that applies to certain health flexible spending arrangements. Q7: If health coverage is provided to a qualified beneficiary after a qualifying event without regard to COBRA continuation coverage (for example, as a result of state or local law, the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act of 1994 (38 U.S.C. 4315), industry practice, a collective bargaining agreement, severance agreement, or plan procedure), will such alternative coverage extend the maximum coverage period? A7: (a) No. The end of the maximum coverage period is measured solely as
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percent of the applicable premium for any period of COBRA continuation coverage. By contrast, if a qualified beneficiary entitled to a disability extension experiences a second qualifying event after the end of the original 18month maximum coverage period, then the plan may require the payment of an amount that is up to 150 percent of the applicable premium for the remainder of the period of COBRA continuation coverage (that is, from the beginning of the 19th month through the end of the 36th month) as long as the disabled qualified beneficiary is included in that coverage. The rules of this paragraph (b) are illustrated by the following examples; in each example the group health plan is subject to COBRA:
Example 1. (i) An employer maintains a group health plan. The plan determines the cost of covering individuals under the plan by reference to two categories, individual coverage and family coverage, and the applicable premium is determined for those two categories. An employee and members of the employees family are covered under the plan. The employee experiences a qualifying event that is the termination of the employees employment. The employees family qualifies for the disability extension because of the disability of the employees spouse. (Timely notice of the disability is provided to the plan administrator.) Timely payment of the amount required by the plan for COBRA continuation coverage for the family (which does not exceed 102 percent of the cost of family coverage under the plan) was made to the plan with respect to the employees family for the first 18 months of COBRA continuation coverage, and the disabled spouse and the rest of the family continue to receive COBRA continuation coverage through the 29th month. (ii) Under these facts, the plan may require payment of up to 150 percent of the applicable premium for family coverage in order for the family to receive COBRA continuation coverage from the 19th month through the 29th month. If the plan determined the cost of coverage by reference to three categories (such as employee, employee-plus-one-dependent, employee-plus-two-or-more-dependents) or more than three categories, instead of two categories, the plan could still require, from the 19th month through the 29th month of COBRA continuation coverage, the payment of 150 percent of the cost of coverage for the category of coverage that included the disabled spouse. Example 2. (i) The facts are the same as in Example 1, except that only the covered employee elects and pays for the first 18 months of COBRA continuation coverage.
54.4980B8 Paying for COBRA continuation coverage. The following questions-and-answers address paying for COBRA continuation coverage: Q1: Can a group health plan require payment for COBRA continuation coverage? A1: (a) Yes. For any period of COBRA continuation coverage, a group health plan can require the payment of an amount that does not exceed 102 percent of the applicable premium for that period. (See paragraph (b) of this Q&A1 for a rule permitting a plan to require payment of an increased amount due to the disability extension.) The applicable premium is defined in section 4980B(f)(4). A group health plan can terminate a qualified beneficiarys COBRA continuation coverage as of the first day of any period for which timely payment is not made to the plan with respect to that qualified beneficiary (see Q&A1 of 54.4980B7). For the meaning of timely payment, see Q&A5 of this section. (b) A group health plan is permitted to require the payment of an amount that does not exceed 150 percent of the applicable premium for any period of COBRA continuation coverage covering a disabled qualified beneficiary (for example, whether single or family coverage) if the coverage would not be required to be made available in the absence of a disability extension. (See Q&A5 of 54.4980B7 for rules to determine whether a qualified beneficiary is entitled to a disability extension.) A plan is not permitted to require the payment of an amount that exceeds 102 percent of the applicable premium for any period of COBRA continuation coverage to which a qualified beneficiary is entitled without regard to the disability extension. Thus, if a qualified beneficiary entitled to a disability extension experiences a second qualifying event within the original 18-month maximum coverage period, then the plan is not permitted to require the payment of an amount that exceeds 102
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(ii) Even though the employees disabled spouse does not elect or pay for COBRA continuation coverage, the employee satisfies the requirements for the disability extension to apply with respect to the employees qualifying event. Under these facts, the plan may not require the payment of more than 102 percent of the applicable premium for individual coverage for the entire period of the employees COBRA continuation coverage, including the period from the 19th month through the 29th month. If COBRA continuation coverage had been elected and paid for with respect to other nondisabled members of the employees family, then the plan could not require the payment of more than 102 percent of the applicable premium for family coverage (or for any other appropriate category of coverage that might apply to that group of qualified beneficiaries under the plan, such as employee-plus-one-dependent or employee-plus-two-or-more-dependents) for those family members to continue their coverage from the 19th month through the 29th month.
(c) A group health plan does not fail to comply with section 9802(b) (which generally prohibits an individual from being charged, on the basis of health status, a higher premium than that charged for similarly situated individuals enrolled in the plan) with respect to a qualified beneficiary entitled to the disability extension merely because the plan requires payment of an amount permitted under paragraph (b) of this Q&A1. Q2: When is the applicable premium determined and when can a group health plan increase the amount it requires to be paid for COBRA continuation coverage? A2: (a) The applicable premium for each determination period must be computed and fixed by a group health plan before the determination period begins. A determination period is any 12-month period selected by the plan, but it must be applied consistently from year to year. The determination period is a single period for any benefit package. Thus, each qualified beneficiary does not have a separate determination period beginning on the date (or anniversaries of the date) that COBRA continuation coverage begins for that qualified beneficiary. (b) During a determination period, a plan can increase the amount it requires to be paid for a qualified beneficiarys COBRA continuation coverage only in the following three cases:
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ficiary earlier than 45 days after the date on which the election of COBRA continuation coverage is made for that qualified beneficiary. (c) If, after COBRA continuation coverage has been elected for a qualified beneficiary, a provider of health care (such as a physician, hospital, or pharmacy) contacts the plan to confirm coverage of a qualified beneficiary for a period for which the plan has not yet received payment, the plan must give a complete response to the health care provider about the qualified beneficiarys COBRA continuation coverage rights, if any, described in paragraphs (a), (b), and (d) of this Q&A5. For example, if the plan provides coverage during the 30- and 45-day grace periods described in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this Q&A5 but cancels coverage retroactively if payment is not made by the end of the applicable grace period, then the plan must inform a provider with respect to a qualified beneficiary for whom payment has not been received that the qualified beneficiary is covered but that the coverage is subject to retroactive termination if timely payment is not made. Similarly, if the plan cancels coverage if it has not received payment by the first day of a period of coverage but retroactively reinstates coverage if payment is made by the end of the grace period for that period of coverage, then the plan must inform the provider that the qualified beneficiary currently does not have coverage but will have coverage retroactively to the first date of the period if timely payment is made. (See paragraph (b) of Q&A3 in 54.4980B6 for similar rules that the plan must follow in confirming coverage during the election period.) (d) If timely payment is made to the plan in an amount that is not significantly less than the amount the plan requires to be paid for a period of coverage, then the amount paid is deemed to satisfy the plans requirement for the amount that must be paid, unless the plan notifies the qualified beneficiary of the amount of the deficiency and grants a reasonable period of time for payment of the deficiency to be made. For this purpose, as a safe harbor, 30 days after the date the notice is provided is deemed to be a reasonable
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period of time. An amount is not significantly less than the amount the plan requires to be paid for a period of coverage if and only if the shortfall is no greater than the lesser of the following two amounts: (1) Fifty dollars (or such other amount as the Commissioner may provide in a revenue ruling, notice, or other guidance published in the Internal Revenue Bulletin (see 601.601(d)(2)(ii) of this chapter)); or (2) 10 percent of the amount the plan requires to be paid. (e) Payment is considered made on the date on which it is sent to the plan.
[T.D. 8812, 64 FR 5186, Feb. 3, 1999, as amended by T.D. 8928, 66 FR 1854, Jan. 10, 2001]
54.4980B9 Business reorganizations and employer withdrawals from multiemployer plans. The following questions-and-answers address who has the obligation to make COBRA continuation coverage available to affected qualified beneficiaries in the context of business reorganizations and employer withdrawals from multiemployer plans: Q1: For purposes of this section, what are a business reorganization, a stock sale, and an asset sale? A1: For purposes of this section: (a) A business reorganization is a stock sale or an asset sale. (b) A stock sale is a transfer of stock in a corporation that causes the corporation to become a different employer or a member of a different employer. (See Q&A2 of 54.4980B2, which defines employer to include all members of a controlled group of corporations.) Thus, for example, a sale or distribution of stock in a corporation that causes the corporation to cease to be a member of one controlled group of corporations, whether or not it becomes a member of another controlled group of corporations, is a stock sale. (c) An asset sale is a transfer of substantial assets, such as a plant or division or substantially all the assets of a trade or business. (d) The rules of 1.414(b)1 of this chapter apply in determining what constitutes a controlled group of corporations, and the rules of 1.414(c)1 through 1.414(c)5 of this chapter apply in determining what constitutes a
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erage (within the meaning of paragraph (c) in Q&A1 of 54.4980B-4) under a group health plan of the selling group after the sale. (b) Unless the conditions in paragraph (a)(1) or (2) of this Q&A6 are satisfied, such a covered employee experiences a termination of employment with the selling group as a result of the asset sale, regardless of whether the covered employee is employed by the buying group or whether the covered employees employment is associated with the purchased assets after the sale. Accordingly, the covered employee, and the spouse and dependent children of the covered employee who lose coverage under a plan of the selling group in connection with the sale, are M&A qualified beneficiaries in connection with the sale. Q7: In a business reorganization, are the buying group and the selling group permitted to allocate by contract the responsibility to make COBRA continuation coverage available to M&A qualified beneficiaries? A7: Yes. Nothing in this section prohibits a selling group and a buying group from allocating to one or the other of the parties in a purchase agreement the responsibility to provide the coverage required under 54.4980B1 through 54.4980B10. However, if and to the extent that the party assigned this responsibility under the terms of the contract fails to perform, the party who has the obligation under Q&A8 of this section to make COBRA continuation coverage available to M&A qualified beneficiaries continues to have that obligation. Q8: Which group health plan has the obligation to make COBRA continuation coverage available to M&A qualified beneficiaries in a business reorganization? A8: (a) In the case of a business reorganization (whether a stock sale or an asset sale), so long as the selling group maintains a group health plan after the sale, a group health plan maintained by the selling group has the obligation to make COBRA continuation coverage available to M&A qualified beneficiaries with respect to that sale. This Q&A8 prescribes rules for cases in
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which the selling group ceases to provide any group health plan to any employee in connection with the sale. Paragraph (b) of this Q&A8 contains these rules for stock sales, and paragraph (c) of this Q&A8 contains these rules for asset sales. Neither a stock sale nor an asset sale has any effect on the COBRA continuation coverage requirements applicable to any group health plan for any period before the sale. (b)(1) In the case of a stock sale, if the selling group ceases to provide any group health plan to any employee in connection with the sale, a group health plan maintained by the buying group has the obligation to make COBRA continuation coverage available to M&A qualified beneficiaries with respect to that stock sale. A group health plan of the buying group has this obligation beginning on the later of the following two dates and continuing as long as the buying group continues to maintain a group health plan (but subject to the rules in 54.4980B7, relating to the duration of COBRA continuation coverage) (i) The date the selling group ceases to provide any group health plan to any employee; or (ii) The date of the stock sale. (2) The determination of whether the selling groups cessation of providing any group health plan to any employee is in connection with the stock sale is based on all of the relevant facts and circumstances. A group health plan of the buying group does not, as a result of the stock sale, have an obligation to make COBRA continuation coverage available to those qualified beneficiaries of the selling group who are not M&A qualified beneficiaries with respect to that sale. (c)(1) In the case of an asset sale, if the selling group ceases to provide any group health plan to any employee in connection with the sale and if the buying group continues the business operations associated with the assets purchased from the selling group without interruption or substantial change, then the buying group is a successor employer to the selling group in connection with that asset sale. A buying group does not fail to be a successor employer in connection with an asset
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child of the two employees who loses coverage under Cs plan in connection with the termination of employment of the two employees) because they are M&A qualified beneficiaries with respect to the sale of C. Example 4. (i) Selling Group S consists of three corporations, A, B, and C. Buying Group P consists of two corporations, D and E. P enters into a contract to purchase all of the stock of C from S effective July 1, 2002. Before the sale of C, S maintains a single group health plan for the employees of A, B, and C (and their families). P maintains a single group health plan for the employees of D and E (and their families). Effective July 1, 2002, the employees of C (and their families) become covered under Ps plan. On June 30, 2002, there are 25 qualified beneficiaries receiving COBRA continuation coverage under Ss plan, 20 of whom are M&A qualified beneficiaries with respect to the sale of C. (The other five qualified beneficiaries had qualifying events in connection with a covered employee whose last employment before the qualifying event was with either A or B.) S terminates its group health plan effective June 30, 2002 and begins to liquidate the assets of A and B and to lay off the employees of A and B. (ii) Under these facts, S ceases to provide a group health plan to any employee in connection with the sale of C to P. Thus, beginning July 1, 2002 Ps plan has the obligation to make COBRA continuation coverage available to the 20 M&A qualified beneficiaries, but P is not obligated to make COBRA continuation coverage available to the other 5 qualified beneficiaries with respect to Ss plan as of June 30, 2002 or to any of the employees of A or B whose employment is terminated by S (or to any of those employees spouses or dependent children).
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to make COBRA continuation coverage available to these two M&A qualified beneficiaries. In addition, the one employee P does not hire as well as all of the employees P hires (and the spouses and dependent children of these employees) who were covered under a group health plan of S on the day before the sale are M&A qualified beneficiaries with respect to the sale. A group health plan of S also has the obligation to make COBRA continuation coverage available to these M&A qualified beneficiaries. Example 6. (i) Selling Group S provides group health plan coverage to employees at each of its operating divisions. S sells substantially all of the assets of all of its divisions to Buying Group P, and S ceases to provide any group health plan to any employee on the date of the sale. P hires all but one of Ss employees on the date of the asset sale by S, gives those employees the same positions that they had with S before the sale, and continues the business operations of those divisions without substantial change or interruption. P provides these employees with coverage under a group health plan. Immediately before the sale, there are 10 qualified beneficiaries receiving COBRA continuation coverage under a group health plan of S whose qualifying events occurred in connection with a covered employee whose last employment prior to the qualifying event was associated with the assets sold to P. (ii) These 10 qualified beneficiaries are M&A qualified beneficiaries with respect to the asset sale to P. Under these facts, P is a successor employer described in paragraph (c) of this Q&A8. Thus, a group health plan of P has the obligation to make COBRA continuation coverage available to these 10 M&A qualified beneficiaries. (iii) The one employee that P does not hire and the family members of that employee are also M&A qualified beneficiaries with respect to the sale. A group health plan of P also has the obligation to make COBRA continuation coverage available to these M&A qualified beneficiaries. (iv) The employees who continue in employment in connection with the asset sale (and their family members) and who were covered under a group health plan of S on the day before the sale are not M&A qualified beneficiaries because P is a successor employer to S in connection with the asset sale. Thus, no group health plan of P has any obligation to make COBRA continuation coverage available to these continuing employees with respect to the qualifying event that resulted from their losing coverage under Ss plan in connection with the asset sale. Example 7. (i) Selling Group S provides group health plan coverage to employees at each of its two operating divisions. S sells the assets of one of its divisions to Buying Group P1. Under the terms of the group health plan covering the employees at the di-
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stopped contributing to the multiemployer plan? A10: (a) In general, yes. (See Q&A3 of 54.4980B2 for a definition of multiemployer plan.) If, however, the employer that stops contributing to the multiemployer plan makes group health plan coverage available to (or starts contributing to another multiemployer plan that is a group health plan with respect to) a class of the employers employees formerly covered under the multiemployer plan, the plan maintained by the employer (or the other multiemployer plan), from that date forward, has the obligation to make COBRA continuation coverage available to any qualified beneficiary who was receiving coverage under the multiemployer plan on the day before the cessation of contributions and who is, or whose qualifying event occurred in connection with, a covered employee whose last employment prior to the qualifying event was with the employer. (b) The rules of Q&A9 of this section and this Q&A10 are illustrated by the following examples; in each example, each group health plan is subject to COBRA:
Example 1. (i) Employer Z employs a class of employees covered by a collective bargaining agreement and participating in multiemployer group health plan M. As required by the collective bargaining agreement, Z has been making contributions to M. Z experiences financial difficulties and stops making contributions to M but continues to employ all of the employees covered by the collective bargaining agreement. Zs cessation of contributions to M causes those employees (and their spouses and dependent children) to lose coverage under M. Z does not make group health plan coverage available to any of the employees covered by the collective bargaining agreement. (ii) After Z stops contributing to M, M continues to have the obligation to make COBRA continuation coverage available to any qualified beneficiary who experienced a qualifying event that preceded or coincided with the cessation of contributions to M and whose coverage under M on the day before the qualifying event was due to an employment affiliation with Z. The loss of coverage under M for those employees of Z who continue in employment (and the loss of coverage for their spouses and dependent children) does not constitute a qualifying event.
Q9: Can the cessation of contributions by an employer to a multiemployer group health plan be a qualifying event? A9: The cessation of contributions by an employer to a multiemployer group health plan is not itself a qualifying event, even though the cessation of contributions may cause current employees (and their spouses and dependent children) to lose coverage under the multiemployer plan. An event coinciding with the employers cessation of contributions (such as a reduction of hours of employment in the case of striking employees) will constitute a qualifying event if it otherwise satisfies the requirements of Q&A1 of 54.4980B4. Q10: If an employer stops contributing to a multiemployer group health plan, does the multiemployer plan have the obligation to make COBRA continuation coverage available to a qualified beneficiary who was receiving coverage under the multiemployer plan on the day before the cessation of contributions and who is, or whose qualifying event occurred in connection with, a covered employee whose last employment prior to the qualifying event was with the employer that has
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Example 2. (i) The facts are the same as in Example 1 except that B, one of the employees covered under M before Z stops contributing to M, is transferred into management. Z maintains a group health plan for managers and B becomes eligible for coverage under the plan on the day of Bs transfer. (ii) Under these facts, Z does not make group health plan coverage available to a class of employees formerly covered under M after B becomes eligible under Zs group health plan for managers. Accordingly, M continues to have the obligation to make COBRA continuation coverage available to any qualified beneficiary who experienced a qualifying event that preceded or coincided with the cessation of contributions to M and whose coverage under M on the day before the qualifying event was due to an employment affiliation with Z. Example 3. (i) Employer Y employs two classes of employeesskilled and unskilled laborerscovered by a collective bargaining agreement and participating in multiemployer group health plan M. As required by the collective bargaining agreement, Y has been making contributions to M. Y stops making contributions to M but continues to employ all the employees covered by the collective bargaining agreement. Ys cessation of contributions to M causes those employees (and their spouses and dependent children) to lose coverage under M. Y makes group health plan coverage available to the skilled laborers immediately after their coverage ceases under M, but Y does not make group health plan coverage available to any of the unskilled laborers. (ii) Under these facts, because Y makes group health plan coverage available to a class of employees previously covered under M immediately after both classes of employees lose coverage under M, Y alone has the obligation to make COBRA continuation coverage available to any qualified beneficiary who experienced a qualifying event that preceded or coincided with the cessation of contributions to M and whose coverage under M on the day before the qualifying event was due to an employment affiliation with Y, regardless of whether the employment affiliation was as a skilled or unskilled laborer. However, the loss of coverage under M for those employees of Y who continue in employment (and the loss of coverage for their spouses and dependent children) does not constitute a qualifying event. Example 4. (i) Employer X employs a class of employees covered by a collective bargaining agreement and participating in multiemployer group health plan M. As required by the collective bargaining agreement, X has been making contributions to M. X experiences financial difficulties and is forced into bankruptcy by its creditors. X continues to employ all of the employees covered by the collective bargaining agreement.
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plan is lost at a later date and the plan provides for the extension of the required periods (see paragraph (b) of Q&A4 of 54.4980B7), then the maximum coverage period is measured from the date when coverage is lost. The rules of this Q&A2 are illustrated by the following examples:
Example 1. (i) Employee B is covered under the group health plan of Employer X on January 31, 2001. B takes FMLA leave beginning February 1, 2001. Bs last day of FMLA leave is 12 weeks later, on April 25, 2001, and B does not return to work with X at the end of the FMLA leave. If B does not elect COBRA continuation coverage, B will not be covered under the group health plan of X as of April 26, 2001. (ii) B experiences a qualifying event on April 25, 2001, and the maximum coverage period is measured from that date. (This is the case even if, for part or all of the FMLA leave, B fails to pay the employee portion of premiums for coverage under the group health plan of X and is not covered under Xs plan. See Q&A3 of this section.) Example 2. (i) Employee C and Cs spouse are covered under the group health plan of Employer Y on August 15, 2001. C takes FMLA leave beginning August 16, 2001. C informs Y less than 12 weeks later, on September 28, 2001, that C will not be returning to work. Under the FMLA regulations, 29 CFR Part 825 ( 825.100825.800), Cs last day of FMLA leave is September 28, 2001. C does not return to work with Y at the end of the FMLA leave. If C and Cs spouse do not elect COBRA continuation coverage, they will not be covered under the group health plan of Y as of September 29, 2001. (ii) C and Cs spouse experience a qualifying event on September 28, 2001, and the maximum coverage period (generally 18 months) is measured from that date. (This is the case even if, for part or all of the FMLA leave, C fails to pay the employee portion of premiums for coverage under the group health plan of Y and C or Cs spouse is not covered under Ys plan. See Q&A3 of this section.)
Q3: If an employee fails to pay the employee portion of premiums for coverage under a group health plan during FMLA leave or declines coverage under a group health plan during FMLA leave, does this affect the determination of whether or when the employee has experienced a qualifying event? A3: No. Any lapse of coverage under a group health plan during FMLA leave is irrelevant in determining whether a set of circumstances constitutes a qualifying event under Q&A1 of this
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section or when such a qualifying event occurs under Q&A2 of this section. Q4: Is the application of the rules in Q&A1 through Q&A3 of this section affected by a requirement of state or local law to provide a period of coverage longer than that required under FMLA? A4: No. Any state or local law that requires coverage under a group health plan to be maintained during a leave of absence for a period longer than that required under FMLA (for example, for 16 weeks of leave rather than for the 12 weeks required under FMLA) is disregarded for purposes of determining when a qualifying event occurs under Q&A1 through Q&A3 of this section. Q5: May COBRA continuation coverage be conditioned upon reimbursement of the premiums paid by the employer for coverage under a group health plan during FMLA leave? A5: No. The U.S. Department of Labor has published rules describing the circumstances in which an employer may recover premiums it pays to maintain coverage, including family coverage, under a group health plan during FMLA leave from an employee who fails to return from leave. See 29 CFR 825.213. Even if recovery of premiums is permitted under 29 CFR 825.213, the right to COBRA continuation coverage cannot be conditioned upon the employees reimbursement of the employer for premiums the employer paid to maintain coverage under a group health plan during FMLA leave.
[T.D. 8928, 66 FR 1855, Jan. 10, 2001]
54.4980E1 Requirement of return and time for filing of the excise tax under section 4980E. Q1: If a person is liable for the excise tax under section 4980E, what form must the person file and what is the due date for the filing and payment of the excise tax? A1: (a) In general. See 54.60112, 54.61511 and 54.60711(c). (b) Effective/applicability date. The rules in this Q & A1 are effective for plan years beginning on or after January 1, 2010.
[T.D. 9457, 74 FR 45997, Sept. 8, 2009]
54.4980F1 Notice requirements for certain pension plan amendments significantly reducing the rate of future benefit accrual. The following questions and answers concern the notification requirements imposed by 4980F of the Internal Revenue Code and section 204(h) of ERISA relating to a plan amendment of an applicable pension plan that significantly reduces the rate of future benefit accrual or that eliminates or significantly reduces an early retirement benefit or retirement-type subsidy.
LIST OF QUESTIONS Q1. What are the notice requirements of section 4980F(e) of the Internal Revenue Code and section 204(h) of ERISA? Q2. What are the differences between section 4980F and section 204(h)? Q3. What is an applicable pension plan to which section 4980F and section 204(h) apply? Q4. What is section 204(h) notice and what is a section 204(h) amendment? Q5. For which amendments is section 204(h) notice required? Q6. What is an amendment that reduces the rate of future benefit accrual or reduces an early retirement benefit or retirement-type subsidy for purposes of determining whether section 204(h) notice is required?
54.4980D1 Requirement of return and time for filing of the excise tax under section 4980D. Q1: If a person is liable for the excise tax under section 4980D, what form must the person file and what is the due date for the filing and payment of the excise tax? A1: (a) In general. See 54.60112 and 54.61511. (b) Due date for filing of return by employers. See 54.60711(b)(1). (c) Due date for filing of return by multiemployer plans or multiple employer health plans. See 54.60711(b)(2). (d) Effective/applicability date. In the case of an employer or other person
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The plan administrator must generally provide the notice before the effective date of the plan amendment. Q&A9 of this section sets forth the time frames for providing notice, Q&A11 of this section sets forth the content requirements for the notice, and Q&A12 of this section contains special rules for cases in which participants can choose between the old and new benefit formulas. (b) Other notice requirements. Other provisions of law may require that certain parties be notified of a plan amendment. See, for example, sections 102 and 104 of ERISA, and the regulations thereunder, for requirements relating to summary plan descriptions and summaries of material modifications. Q2. What are the differences between section 4980F and section 204(h)? A2. The notice requirements of section 4980F generally are parallel to the notice requirements of section 204(h), as amended by the Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001, Public Law 10716 (115 Stat. 38) (2001) (EGTRRA). However, the consequences of the failure to satisfy the requirements of the two provisions differ: Section 4980F imposes an excise tax on a failure to satisfy the notice requirements, while section 204(h)(6), as amended by EGTRRA, contains a special rule with respect to an egregious failure to satisfy the notice requirements. See Q&A14 and Q&A15 of this section. Except to the extent specifically indicated, these regulations apply both to section 4980F and to section 204(h). Q3. What is an applicable pension plan to which section 4980F and section 204(h) apply? A3. (a) In general. Section 4980F and section 204(h) apply to an applicable pension plan. For purposes of section 4980F, an applicable pension plan means a defined benefit plan qualifying under section 401(a) or 403(a) of the Internal Revenue Code, or an individual account plan that is subject to the funding standards of section 412 of the Internal Revenue Code. For purposes of section 204(h), an applicable pension plan means a defined benefit plan that is subject to part 2 of subtitle B of title I of ERISA, or an individual account plan that is
QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Q1. What are the notice requirements of section 4980F(e) of the Internal Revenue Code and section 204(h) of ERISA? A1. (a) Requirements of Internal Revenue Code section 4980F(e) and ERISA section 204(h). Section 4980F of the Internal Revenue Code (section 4980F) and section 204(h) of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended (ERISA), 29 U.S.C. 1054(h) (section 204(h)) each generally requires notice of an amendment to an applicable pension plan that either provides for a significant reduction in the rate of future benefit accrual or that eliminates or significantly reduces an early retirement benefit or retirement-type subsidy. The notice is required to be provided to plan participants and alternate payees who are applicable individuals (as defined in Q&A10 of this section), to certain employee organizations, and to contributing employers under a multiemployer plan (as described in Q&A10(a) of this section).
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subject to such part 2 and to the funding standards of section 412 of the Internal Revenue Code. Accordingly, individual account plans that are not subject to the funding standards of section 412 of the Internal Revenue Code, such as profit-sharing and stock bonus plans and contracts under section 403(b) of the Internal Revenue Code, are not applicable pension plans to which section 4980F or section 204(h) apply. Similarly, a defined benefit plan that neither qualifies under section 401(a) or 403(a) of the Internal Revenue Code nor is subject to part 2 of subtitle B of title I of ERISA is not an applicable pension plan. Further, neither a governmental plan (within the meaning of section 414(d) of the Internal Revenue Code), nor a church plan (within the meaning of section 414(e) of the Internal Revenue Code) with respect to which no election has been made under section 410(d) of the Internal Revenue Code is an applicable pension plan. (b) Section 204(h) notice not required for small plans covering no employees. Section 204(h) notice is not required for a plan under which no employees are participants covered under the plan, as described in 2510.33(b) of the Department of Labor regulations, and which has fewer than 100 participants. Q4. What is section 204(h) notice and what is a section 204(h) amendment? A4. (a) Section 204(h) notice is notice that complies with section 4980F(e) of the Internal Revenue Code, section 204(h)(1) of ERISA, and this section. (b) A section 204(h) amendment is an amendment for which section 204(h) notice is required under this section. Q5. For which amendments is section 204(h) notice required? A5. (a) Significant reduction in the rate of future benefit accrual. Section 204(h) notice is required for an amendment to an applicable pension plan that provides for a significant reduction in the rate of future benefit accrual. (b) Early retirement benefits and retirement-type subsidies. Section 204(h) notice is also required for an amendment to an applicable pension plan that provides for the significant reduction of an early retirement benefit or retirementtype subsidy. For purposes of this sec-
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mining an employees benefit accrual; the method of determining average compensation for calculating benefit accruals; the definition of normal retirement age in a defined benefit plan; the exclusion of current participants from future participation; benefit offset provisions; minimum benefit provisions; the formula for determining the amount of contributions and forfeitures allocated to participants accounts in an individual account plan; in the case of a plan using permitted disparity under section 401(l) of the Internal Revenue Code, the amount of disparity between the excess benefit percentage or excess contribution percentage and the base benefit percentage or base contribution percentage (all as defined in section 401(l) of the Internal Revenue Code); and the actuarial assumptions used to determine contributions under a target benefit plan (as defined in 1.401(a)(4)8(b)(3)(i) of this chapter). Plan provisions that may affect early retirement benefits or retirement-type subsidies include the right to receive payment of benefits after severance from employment and before normal retirement age and actuarial factors used in determining optional forms for distribution of retirement benefits. (2) Provisions incorporated by reference in plan. If all or a part of a plans rate of future benefit accrual, or an early retirement benefit or retirement-type subsidy provided under the plan, depends on provisions in another document that are referenced in the plan document, a change in the provisions of the other document is an amendment of the plan. (b) Plan provisions not taken into account(1) In general. Plan provisions that do not affect the rate of future benefit accrual of participants or alternate payees are not taken into account in determining whether there has been a reduction in the rate of future benefit accrual. (2) Interaction with section 411(d)(6). Any benefit that is not a section 411(d)(6) protected benefit as described in 1.411(d)3(g)(14) and 1.411(d)4, Q&A1(d) of this chapter, or that is a section 411(d)(6) protected benefit that may be eliminated or reduced as permitted under 1.411(d)3(c), (d), or (f),
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or under 1.411(d)4, Q&A2(a)(2), (a)(3), (b)(1), or (b)(2)(ii) through (b)(2)(xi) of this chapter, is not taken into account in determining whether an amendment is a section 204(h) amendment. Thus, for example, provisions relating to the right to make after-tax deferrals are not taken into account. (c) Examples. The following examples illustrate the rules in this Q&A7:
Example 1. (i) Facts. A defined benefit plan provides a normal retirement benefit equal to 50% of highest 5-year average pay multiplied by a fraction (not in excess of one), the numerator of which equals the number of years of participation in the plan and the denominator of which is 20. A plan amendment is adopted that changes the numerator or denominator of that fraction. (ii) Conclusion. The plan amendment must be taken into account in determining whether there has been a reduction in the rate of future benefit accrual. Example 2. (i) Facts. Plan C is a multiemployer defined benefit plan subject to several collective bargaining agreements. The specific benefit formula under Plan C that applies to an employee depends on the hourly rate of contribution of the employees employer, which is set forth in the provisions of the collective bargaining agreements that are referenced in the Plan C document. Collective Bargaining Agreement A between Employer B and the union representing employees of Employer B is renegotiated to provide that the hourly contribution rate for an employee of B who is subject to the Collective Bargaining Agreement A will decrease. That decrease will result in a decrease in the rate of future benefit accrual for employees of B. (ii) Conclusion. Under paragraph (a)(2) of this Q&A7, the change to Collective Bargaining Agreement A is a plan amendment that is a section 204(h) amendment if the reduction in the rate of future benefit accrual is significant.
Q8. What is the basic principle used in determining whether a reduction in the rate of future benefit accrual or a reduction in an early retirement benefit or retirement-type subsidy is significant for purposes of section 4980F and section 204(h)? A8. (a) General rule. Whether an amendment reducing the rate of future benefit accrual or eliminating or reducing an early retirement benefit or retirement-type subsidy provides for a reduction that is significant for purposes of section 4980F (and section 204(h) of ERISA) is determined based
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reduction that is significant because the amount of the annual benefit commencing at normal retirement age (or at actual retirement age, if later) under the terms of the plan as amended is not under any conditions less than the amount of the annual benefit commencing at normal retirement age (or at actual retirement age, if later) to which any participant would have been entitled under the terms of the plan had the amendment not been made. Example 2. (i) Facts. The facts are the same as in Example 1, except that the 2009 amendment does not alter the plan provisions relating to a participants number of years of service, but instead amends the plans provisions relating to early retirement benefits. Before the amendment, the plan provides for distributions before normal retirement age to be actuarially reduced, but, if a participant retires after attainment of age 55 and completion of 10 years of service, the applicable early retirement reduction factor is 3% per year for the years between the ages 65 and 62 and 6% per year for the ages from 62 to 55. The amendment changes these provisions so that an actuarial reduction applies in all cases, but, in accordance with section 411(d)(6)(B), provides that no participants early retirement benefit will be less than the amount provided under the plan as in effect on December 31, 2009 with respect to service before January 1, 2010. For participant X, the reduction is significant. (ii) Conclusion. The amendment will result in a reduction in a retirement-type subsidy provided under Plan A (i.e., Plan As early retirement subsidy). Section 204(h) notice must be provided to participant X and any other participant for whom the reduction is significant and the notice must be provided at least 45 days before January 1, 2010 (or by such other date as may apply under Q&A9 of this section). Example 3. (i) Facts. The facts are the same as in Example 2, except that, for participant X, the change does not go into effect for any annuity commencement date before January 1, 2011. Participant X continues employment through January 1, 2011. (ii) Conclusion. The conclusion is the same as in Example 2. Taking into account the rule in the second sentence of Q&A8(c) of this section, the reduction that occurs for participant X on January 1, 2011, is treated as the same reduction that occurs under Example 2. Accordingly, assuming that the reduction is significant, section 204(h) notice must be provided to participant X at least 45 days before the January 1, 2010 effective date of the amendment (or by such other date as may apply under Q&A9 of this section).
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A9. (a) 45-day general rule. Except as otherwise provided in this Q&A9, section 204(h) notice must be provided at least 45 days before the effective date of any section 204(h) amendment. See paragraph (e) of this Q&A9 for special rules for amendments permitting participant choice. (b) 15-day rule for small plans. Except for amendments described in paragraphs (d)(2) and (g) of this Q&A9, section 204(h) notice must be provided at least 15 days before the effective date of any section 204(h) amendment in the case of a small plan. For purposes of this section, a small plan is a plan that the plan administrator reasonably expects to have, on the effective date of the section 204(h) amendment, fewer than 100 participants who have an accrued benefit under the plan. (c) 15-day rule for multiemployer plans. Except for amendments described in paragraphs (d)(2) and (g) of this Q&A9, section 204(h) notice must be provided at least 15 days before the effective date of any section 204(h) amendment in the case of a multiemployer plan. For purposes of this section, a multiemployer plan means a multiemployer plan as defined in section 414(f) of the Internal Revenue Code. (d) Special timing rule for business transactions(1) 15-day rule for section 204(h) amendment in connection with an acquisition or disposition. Except for amendments described in paragraphs (d)(2) and (g) of this Q&A9, if a section 204(h) amendment is adopted in connection with an acquisition or disposition, section 204(h) notice must be provided at least 15 days before the effective date of the section 204(h) amendment. (2) Later notice permitted for a section 204(h) amendment significantly reducing early retirement benefit or retirement-type subsidies in connection with certain plan transfers, mergers, or consolidations. If a section 204(h) amendment is adopted with respect to liabilities that are transferred to another plan in connection with a transfer, merger, or consolidation of assets or liabilities as described in section 414(l) of the Internal Revenue Code and 1.414(l)1 of this chapter, the amendment is adopted in connection with an acquisition or disposition, and the amendment significantly reduces an early retirement
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(E) A notice required under section 418E, or section 4245(e) of ERISA, relating to the effects of the insolvency status for a multiemployer plan; and (F) A notice required under section 4281 of ERISA for an amendment of a multiemployer plan reducing benefits pursuant to section 4281(c) of ERISA. (4) Delegation of authority to Commissioner. The Commissioner may provide special rules under section 4980F, in revenue rulings, notices, or other guidance published in the Internal Revenue Bulletin (see 601.601(d)(2)(ii)(b) of this chapter), that the Commissioner determines to be necessary or appropriate with respect to a section 204(h) amendment (A) That applies to benefits accrued before the applicable amendment date but that does not violate section 411(d)(6); or (B) For which there is a required notice relating to a reduction in benefits and such notice has timing and content requirements similar to a section 204(h) notice with respect to a significant reduction in the rate of future benefit accruals. Q10. To whom must section 204(h) notice be provided? A10. (a) In general. Section 204(h) notice must be provided to each applicable individual, to each employee organization representing participants who are applicable individuals, and, for plan years beginning after December 31, 2007, to each employer that has an obligation to contribute (within the meaning of section 4212(a) of ERISA) to a multiemployer plan. A special rule is provided in paragraph (d) of this Q&A 10. (b) Applicable individual. Applicable individual means each participant in the plan, and any alternate payee, whose rate of future benefit accrual under the plan is reasonably expected to be significantly reduced, or for whom an early retirement benefit or retirement-type subsidy under the plan may reasonably be expected to be significantly reduced, by the section 204(h) amendment. The determination is made with respect to individuals who are reasonably expected to be participants or alternate payees in the plan at the effective date of the section 204(h) amendment.
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(c) Alternate payee. Alternate payee means a beneficiary who is an alternate payee (within the meaning of section 414(p)(8) of the Internal Revenue Code) under an applicable qualified domestic relations order (within the meaning of section 414(p)(1)(A) of the Internal Revenue Code). (d) Designees. Section 204(h) notice may be provided to a person designated in writing by an applicable individual or by an employee organization representing participants who are applicable individuals, instead of being provided to that applicable individual or employee organization. Any designation of a representative made through an electronic method that satisfies standards similar to those of Q&A 13(c)(1) of this section satisfies the requirement that a designation be in writing. (e) Facts and circumstances test. Whether a participant or alternate payee is an applicable individual is determined on a typical business day that is reasonably proximate to the time the section 204(h) notice is provided (or at the latest date for providing section 204(h) notice, if earlier), based on all relevant facts and circumstances. (f) Examples. The following examples illustrate the rules in this Q&A10:
Example 1. (i) Facts. A defined benefit plan requires an individual to complete 1 year of service to become a participant who can accrue benefits, and participants cease to accrue benefits under the plan at severance from employment with the employer. There are no alternate payees and employees are not represented by an employee organization. On November 18, 2004, the plan is amended effective as of January 1, 2005 to reduce significantly the rate of future benefit accrual. Section 204(h) notice is provided on November 1, 2004. (ii) Conclusion. Section 204(h) notice is only required to be provided to individuals who, based on the facts and circumstances on November 1, 2004, are reasonably expected to have completed at least 1 year of service and to be employed by the employer on January 1, 2005. Example 2. (i) Facts. The facts are the same as in Example 1, except that the sole effect of the plan amendment is to alter the preamendment plan provisions under which benefits payable to an employee who retires after 20 or more years of service are unreduced for commencement before normal retirement age. The amendment requires 30 or
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age plan participant and to apprise the applicable individual of the significance of the notice. (3) Required narrative description of amendment(i) Reduction in rate of future benefit accrual. In the case of an amendment reducing the rate of future benefit accrual, the notice must include a description of the benefit or allocation formula prior to the amendment, a description of the benefit or allocation formula under the plan as amended, and the effective date of the amendment. (ii) Reduction in early retirement benefit or retirement-type subsidy. In the case of an amendment that reduces an early retirement benefit or retirementtype subsidy (other than as a result of an amendment reducing the rate of future benefit accrual), the notice must describe how the early retirement benefit or retirement-type subsidy is calculated from the accrued benefit before the amendment, how the early retirement benefit or retirement-type subsidy is calculated from the accrued benefit after the amendment, and the effective date of the amendment. For example, if, for a plan with a normal retirement age of 65, the change is from an unreduced normal retirement benefit at age 55 to an unreduced normal retirement benefit at age 60 for benefits accrued in the future, with an actuarial reduction to apply for benefits accrued in the future to the extent that the early retirement benefit begins before age 60, the notice must state the change and specify the factors that apply in calculating the actuarial reduction (for example, a 5% per year reduction applies for early retirement before age 60). (4) Sufficient information to determine the approximate magnitude of reduction (i) General rule. (A) Section 204(h) notice must include sufficient information for each applicable individual to determine the approximate magnitude of the expected reduction for that individual. Thus, in any case in which it is not reasonable to expect that the approximate magnitude of the reduction for each applicable individual will be reasonably apparent from the description of the amendment provided in accordance with paragraph (a)(3) of this
Q11. What information is required to be provided in a section 204(h) notice? A11. (a) Explanation of notice requirements(1) In general. Section 204(h) notice must include sufficient information to allow applicable individuals to understand the effect of the plan amendment. In order to satisfy this rule, a plan administrator providing section 204(h) notice must generally satisfy paragraphs (a)(2), (a)(3), (a)(4), (a)(5), and (a)(6) of this Q&A11. See paragraph (g)(3) of Q&A9 of this section for special rules relating to section 204(h) notices provided in connection with certain other written notices. See also paragraph (g)(4) of Q&A9 of this section for a delegation of authority to the Commissioner to provide special rules. (2) Information in section 204(h) notice. The information in a section 204(h) notice must be written in a manner calculated to be understood by the aver-
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Q&A11, further information is required. The further information may be provided by furnishing additional narrative information or in other information that satisfies this paragraph of this section. (B) To the extent any expected reduction is not uniformly applicable to all participants, the notice must either identify the general classes of participants to whom the reduction is expected to apply, or by some other method include sufficient information to allow each applicable individual receiving the notice to determine which reductions are expected to apply to that individual. (ii) Illustrative examples(A) Requirement generally. The requirement to include sufficient information for each applicable individual to determine the approximate magnitude of the expected reduction for that individual under (a)(4)(i)(A) of this Q&A11 is deemed satisfied if the notice includes one or more illustrative examples showing the approximate magnitude of the reduction in the examples, as provided in this paragraph (a)(4)(ii). Illustrative examples are in any event required to be provided for any change from a traditional defined benefit formula to a cash balance formula or a change that results in a period of time during which there are no accruals (or minimal accruals) with regard to normal retirement benefits or an early retirement subsidy (a wear-away period). (B) Examples must bound the range of reductions. Where an amendment results in reductions that vary (either among participants, as would occur for an amendment converting a traditional defined benefit formula to a cash balance formula, or over time as to any individual participant, as would occur for an amendment that results in a wear-away period), the illustrative example(s) provided in accordance with this paragraph (a)(4)(ii) must show the approximate range of the reductions. However, any reductions that are likely to occur in only a de minimis number of cases are not required to be taken into account in determining the range of the reductions if a narrative statement is included to that effect and examples are provided that show the approximate range of the reduc-
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ble individual of the significance of the notice in accordance with paragraph (a)(2) of this Q&A11. The examples are as follows:
Example 1. (i) Facts. Plan A provides that a participant is entitled to a normal retirement benefit of 2% of the participants average pay over the 3 consecutive years for which the average is the highest (highest average pay) multiplied by years of service. Plan A is amended to provide that, effective January 1, 2004, the normal retirement benefit will be 2% of the participants highest average pay multiplied by years of service before the effective date, plus 1% of the participants highest average pay multiplied by years of service after the effective date. The plan administrator provides notice that states: Under the Plans current benefit formula, a participants normal retirement benefit is 2% of the participants average pay over the 3 consecutive years for which the average is the highest multiplied by the participants years of service. This formula is being changed by a plan amendment. Under the Plan as amended, a participants normal retirement benefit will be the sum of 2% of the participants average pay over the 3 consecutive years for which the average is the highest multiplied by years of service before the January 1, 2004 effective date, plus 1% of the participants average pay over the 3 consecutive years for which the average is the highest multiplied by the participants years of service after December 31, 2003. This change is effective on January 1, 2004. The notice does not contain any additional information. (ii) Conclusion. The notice satisfies the requirements of paragraph (a) of this Q&A11. Example 2. (i) Facts. Plan B provides that a participant is entitled to a normal retirement benefit at age 64 of 2.2% of the participants career average pay multiplied by years of service. Plan B is amended to cease all accruals, effective January 1, 2004. The plan administrator provides notice that includes a description of the old benefit formula, a statement that, after December 31, 2003, no participant will earn any further accruals, and the effective date of the amendment. The notice does not contain any additional information. (ii) Conclusion. The notice satisfies the requirements of paragraph (a) of this Q&A11. Example 3. (i) Facts. Plan C provides that a participant is entitled to a normal retirement benefit at age 65 of 2% of career average compensation multiplied by years of service. Plan C is amended to provide that the normal retirement benefit will be 1% of average pay over the 3 consecutive years for which the average is the highest multiplied by years of service. The amendment only applies to accruals for years of service after the amendment, so that each employees accrued
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benefit is equal to the sum of the benefit accrued as of the effective date of the amendment plus the accrued benefit equal to the new formula applied to years of service beginning on or after the effective date. The plan administrator provides notice that describes the old and new benefit formulas and also explains that for an individual whose compensation increases over the individuals career such that the individuals highest 3year average exceeds the individuals career average, the reduction will be less or there may be no reduction. The notice does not contain any additional information. (ii) Conclusion. The notice satisfies the requirements of paragraph (a) of this Q&A11. Example 4. (i) Facts. (A) Plan D is a defined benefit pension plan under which each participant accrues a normal retirement benefit, as a life annuity beginning at the normal retirement age of 65, equal to the participants number of years of service multiplied by 1.5 percent multiplied by the participants average pay over the 3 consecutive years for which the average is the highest. Plan D provides early retirement benefits for former employees beginning at or after age 55 in the form of an early retirement annuity that is actuarially equivalent to the normal retirement benefit, with the reduction for early commencement based on reasonable actuarial assumptions that are specified in Plan D. Plan D provides for the suspension of benefits of participants who continue in employment beyond normal retirement age, in accordance with section 203(a)(3)(B) of ERISA and regulations thereunder issued by the Department of Labor. The pension of a participant who retires after age 65 is calculated under the same normal retirement benefit formula, but is based on the participants service credit and highest 3-year pay at the time of late retirement with any appropriate actuarial increases. (B) Plan D is amended, effective July 1, 2005, to change the formula for all future accruals to a cash balance formula under which the opening account balance for each participant on July 1, 2005, is zero, hypothetical pay credits equal to 5 percent of pay are credited to the account thereafter, and hypothetical interest is credited monthly based on the applicable interest rate under section 417(e)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code at the beginning of the quarter. Any participant who terminates employment with vested benefits can receive an actuarially equivalent annuity (based on the same reasonable actuarial assumptions that are specified in Plan D) commencing at any time after termination of employment and before the plans normal retirement age of 65. The benefit resulting from the hypothetical account balance is in addition to the benefit accrued before July 1, 2005 (taking into account only service and highest 3-year pay before July 1, 2005), so that it is reasonably expected that no wear-
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per month for life beginning at age 65 and that the early retirement annuity expected to be payable as a result of service from age 49 to age 59 is $270 per month for life beginning at age 59. The example states that the monthly early retirement annuity of $270 is 38 percent less than the monthly normal retirement benefit of $434, whereas a 15 percent reduction would have applied under the plan as in effect before the amendment. The notice also includes similar information for examples that show the smallest and largest reduction that the plan administrator thinks is likely to occur in the early retirement benefit. The notice also specifies the applicable interest rate, mortality table, and salary scale used in the example to calculate the early retirement reductions. (ii) Conclusion. The information in the notice, as described in paragraphs (i)(C) and (D) of Example 4 and paragraph (i) of this Example 5, satisfies the requirements of paragraph (a)(3) of this Q&A11 with respect to applicable individuals who are participants. The requirements of paragraph (a)(4) of this Q&A 11 are satisfied because, as noted in paragraph (i) of this Example 5, the notice describes the early retirement subsidy under the old formula and describes the estimated early retirement pension under the new formula in terms that can be readily compared to the old formula, i.e., the notice states that the monthly early retirement pension of $270 is 38 percent less than the monthly normal retirement benefit of $434, whereas a 15 percent reduction would have applied under the plan as in effect before the amendment. The requirements of paragraph (a)(4)(ii) of this Q&A11 that the examples include sufficient information to be able to determine the approximate magnitude of the reduction would also be satisfied if the notice instead directly stated the amount of the monthly early retirement pension that would be payable at age 59 under the old formula.
Q12. What special rules apply if participants can choose between the old and new benefit formulas? A12. In any case in which an applicable individual can choose between the benefit formula (including any early retirement benefit or retirement-type subsidy) in effect before the section 204(h) amendment (old formula) or the benefit formula in effect after the section 204(h) amendment (new formula), section 204(h) notice has not been provided unless the applicable individual has been provided the information required under Q&A11 of this section, and has also been provided sufficient information to enable the individual to make an informed choice between the
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old and new benefit formulas. The information required under Q&A11 of this section must be provided by the date otherwise required under Q&A9 of this section. The information sufficient to enable the individual to make an informed choice must be provided within a period that is reasonably contemporaneous with the date by which the individual is required to make his or her choice and that allows sufficient advance notice to enable the individual to understand and consider the additional information before making that choice. Q13. How may section 204(h) notice be provided? A13. (a) Delivering section 204(h) notice. A plan administrator (including a person acting on behalf of the plan administrator, such as the employer or plan trustee) must provide section 204(h) notice through a method that results in actual receipt of the notice or the plan administrator must take appropriate and necessary measures reasonably calculated to ensure that the method for providing section 204(h) notice results in actual receipt of the notice. Section 204(h) notice must be provided either in the form of a paper document or in an electronic form that satisfies the requirements of paragraph (c) of this Q&A13. First class mail to the last known address of the party is an acceptable delivery method. Likewise, hand delivery is acceptable. However, the posting of notice is not considered provision of section 204(h) notice. Section 204(h) notice may be enclosed with or combined with other notice provided by the employer or plan administrator (for example, a notice of intent to terminate under title IV of ERISA). Except as provided in paragraph (c) of this Q&A13, a section 204(h) notice is deemed to have been provided on a date if it has been provided by the end of that day. When notice is delivered by first class mail, the notice is considered provided as of the date of the United States postmark stamped on the cover in which the document is mailed. (b) Example. The following example illustrates the provisions of paragraph (a) of this Q&A13:
Example. (i) Facts. Plan A is amended to reduce significantly the rate of future benefit
(c) New technologies(1) General rule. A section 204(h) notice may be provided to an applicable individual through an electronic method (other than an oral communication or a recording of an oral communication), provided that all of the following requirements are satisfied: (i) Either the notice is actually received by the applicable individual or the plan administrator takes appropriate and necessary measures reasonably calculated to ensure that the method for providing section 204(h) notice results in actual receipt of the notice by the applicable individual. (ii) The section 204(h) notice is delivered using an electronic medium (other than an oral communication or a recording of an oral communication) under an electronic system that satisfies the applicable notice requirements of 1.401(a)21. (iii) Special effective date. For plan years beginning prior to January 1, 2007, Q&A13 of this section, as it appeared in the April 1, 2006 edition of 26 CFR part 1, applies. (2) Examples. The following examples illustrate the requirement in paragraph (c)(1)(i) of this Q&A13. In these examples, it is assumed that the notice satisfies the requirements in paragraphs (c)(1)(ii) of this section. The examples are as follows:
Example 1. (i) Facts. On July 1, 2003, M, a plan administrator of Company Ns plan, sends notice intended to constitute section 204(h) notice to A, an employee of Company N and a participant in the plan. The notice is sent through e-mail to As e-mail address on Company Ns electronic information system. Accessing Company Ns electronic information system is not an integral part of As duties. M sends the e-mail with a request for a computer-generated notification that the message was received and opened. M receives notification indicating that the e-mail was received and opened by A on July 9, 2003.
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to promptly provide the required notice or information after the plan administrator discovers an unintentional failure to meet the requirements. A failure to give section 204(h) notice is deemed not to be egregious if the plan administrator reasonably determines, taking into account section 4980F, section 204(h), these regulations, other administrative pronouncements, and relevant facts and circumstances, that the reduction in the rate of future benefit accrual resulting from an amendment is not significant (as described in Q&A8 of this section), or that an amendment does not significantly reduce an early retirement benefit or retirement-type subsidy. (3) Example. The following example illustrates the provisions of this paragraph (a):
Example. (i) Facts. Plan A is amended to reduce significantly the rate of future benefit accrual effective January 1, 2003. Section 204(h) notice is required to be provided 45 days before January 1, 2003. Timely section 204(h) notice is provided to all applicable individuals (and to each employee organization representing participants who are applicable individuals), except that the employer intentionally fails to provide section 204(h) notice to certain participants until May 16, 2003. (ii) Conclusion. The failure to provide section 204(h) notice is egregious. Accordingly, for the period from January 1, 2003 through June 30, 2003 (which is the date that is 45 days after May 16, 2003), all participants and alternate payees are entitled to the greater of the benefit to which they would have been entitled under Plan A as in effect before the amendment or the benefit under the plan as amended.
Q14. What are the consequences if a plan administrator fails to provide section 204(h) notice? A14. (a) Egregious failures(1) Effect of egregious failure to provide section 204(h) notice. Section 204(h)(6)(A) of ERISA provides that, in the case of any egregious failure to meet the notice requirements with respect to any plan amendment, the plan provisions are applied so that all applicable individuals are entitled to the greater of the benefit to which they would have been entitled without regard to the amendment, or the benefit under the plan with regard to the amendment. For a special rule applicable in the case of a plan termination, see Q&A17(b) of this section. (2) Definition of egregious failure. For purposes of section 204(h) of ERISA and this Q&A14, there is an egregious failure to meet the notice requirements if a failure to provide required notice is within the control of the plan sponsor and is either an intentional failure or a failure, whether or not intentional, to provide most of the individuals with most of the information they are entitled to receive. For this purpose, an intentional failure includes any failure
(b) Effect of non-egregious failure to provide section 204(h) notice. If an egregious failure has not occurred, the amendment with respect to which section 204(h) notice is required may become effective with respect to all applicable individuals. However, see section 502 of ERISA for civil enforcement remedies. Thus, where there is a failure, whether or not egregious, to provide section 204(h) notice in accordance with this section, individuals may have recourse under section 502 of ERISA. (c) Excise taxes. See section 4980F and Q&A15 of this section for excise taxes that may apply to a failure to notify applicable individuals of a pension plan amendment that provides for a significant reduction in the rate of future
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benefit accrual or eliminates or significantly reduces an early retirement benefit or retirement-type subsidy, regardless of whether or not the failure is egregious. Q15. What are some of the rules that apply with respect to the excise tax under section 4980F? A15. (a) Person responsible for excise tax. In the case of a plan other than a multiemployer plan, the employer is responsible for reporting and paying the excise tax. In the case of a multiemployer plan, the plan is responsible for reporting and paying the excise tax. (b) Excise tax inapplicable in certain cases. Under section 4980F(c)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code, no excise tax is imposed on a failure for any period during which it is established to the satisfaction of the Commissioner that the employer (or other person responsible for the tax) exercised reasonable diligence, but did not know that the failure existed. Under section 4980F(c)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code, no excise tax applies to a failure to provide section 204(h) notice if the employer (or other person responsible for the tax) exercised reasonable diligence and corrects the failure within 30 days after the employer (or other person responsible for the tax) first knew, or exercising reasonable diligence would have known, that such failure existed. For purposes of section 4980F(c)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code, a person has exercised reasonable diligence, but did not know that the failure existed if and only if (1) The person exercised reasonable diligence in attempting to deliver section 204(h) notice to applicable individuals by the latest date permitted under this section; and (2) At the latest date permitted for delivery of section 204(h) notice, the person reasonably believes that section 204(h) notice was actually delivered to each applicable individual by that date. (c) Example. The following example illustrates the provisions of paragraph (b) of this Q&A15:
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Q16. How do section 4980F and section 204(h) apply when a business is sold? A16. (a) Generally. Whether section 204(h) notice is required in connection with the sale of a business depends on whether a plan amendment is adopted that significantly reduces the rate of future benefit accrual or significantly reduces an early retirement benefit or retirement-type subsidy. (b) Examples. The following examples illustrate the rules of this Q&A16:
Example 1. (i) Facts. Corporation Q maintains Plan A, a defined benefit plan that covers all employees of Corporation Q, including employees in its Division M. Plan A provides that participating employees cease to accrue benefits when they cease to be employees of Corporation Q. On January 1, 2006, Corporation Q sells all of the assets of Division M to Corporation R. Corporation R maintains Plan B, which covers all of the employees of Corporation R. Under the sale agreement, employees of Division M become employees of Corporation R on the date of the sale (and cease to be employees of Corporation Q), Corporation Q continues to maintain Plan A following the sale, and the employees of Division M become participants in Plan B. (ii) Conclusion. No section 204(h) notice is required because no plan amendment was adopted that reduced the rate of future benefit accrual. The employees of Division M who become employees of Corporation R ceased to accrue benefits under Plan A because their employment with Corporation Q terminated.
Example. (i) Facts. Plan A is amended to reduce significantly the rate of future benefit accrual. The employer sends out a section 204(h) notice to all affected participants and other applicable individuals and to any em-
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benefits (including benefits with respect to early retirement benefits and any retirement-type subsidy) under Plan F after the date of the sale because their employment with Corporation V terminated.
Q17. How are amendments to cease accruals and terminate a plan treated under section 4980F and section 204(h)? A17. (a) General rule(1) Rule. An amendment providing for the cessation of benefit accruals on a specified future date and for the termination of a plan is subject to section 4980F and section 204(h). (2) Example. The following example illustrates the rule of paragraph (a)(1) of this Q&A17:
Example. (i) Facts. An employer adopts an amendment that provides for the cessation of benefit accruals under a defined benefit plan on December 31, 2003, and for the termination of the plan pursuant to title IV of ERISA as of a proposed termination date that is also December 31, 2003. As part of the notice of intent to terminate required under title IV in order to terminate the plan, the plan administrator gives section 204(h) notice of the amendment ceasing accruals, which states that benefit accruals will cease on December 31, 2003 whether or not the plan is terminated on that date. However, because all the requirements of title IV for a plan termination are not satisfied, the plan cannot be terminated until a date that is later than December 31, 2003. (ii) Conclusion. Nonetheless, because section 204(h) notice was given stating that the plan was amended to cease accruals on December 31, 2003, section 204(h) does not prevent the amendment to cease accruals from being effective on December 31, 2003. The result would be the same had the section 204(h) notice informed the participants that the plan was amended to provide for a proposed termination date of December 31, 2003 and to provide that benefit accruals will cease on the proposed termination date whether or not the plan is terminated on that date. However, neither section 4980F nor section 204(h) would be satisfied with respect to the December 31, 2003 effective date if the section 204(h) notice had merely stated that benefit accruals would cease on the termination date or on the proposed termination date.
(3) Additional requirements under title IV of ERISA. See 29 CFR 4041.23(b)(4) and 4041.43(b)(5) for special rules applicable to plans terminating under title IV of ERISA. (b) Terminations in accordance with title IV of ERISA. A plan that is terminated in accordance with title IV of
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ERISA is deemed to have satisfied section 4980F and section 204(h) not later than the termination date (or date of termination, as applicable) established under section 4048 of ERISA. Accordingly, neither section 4980F nor section 204(h) would in any event require that any additional benefits accrue after the effective date of the termination. (c) Amendment effective before termination date of a plan subject to title IV of ERISA. To the extent that an amendment providing for a significant reduction in the rate of future benefit accrual or a significant reduction in an early retirement benefit or retirementtype subsidy has an effective date that is earlier than the termination date (or date of termination, as applicable) established under section 4048 of ERISA, that amendment is subject to section 4980F and section 204(h). Accordingly, the plan administrator must provide section 204(h) notice (either separately, with, or as part of the notice of intent to terminate) with respect to such an amendment. Q18. What are the effective dates of section 4980F, section 204(h), as amended by EGTRRA, and these regulations? A18. (a) Statutory effective date(1) General rule. Section 4980F and section 204(h), as amended by EGTRRA, apply to plan amendments taking effect on or after June 7, 2001 (statutory effective date), which is the date of enactment of EGTRRA. (2) Transition rule. For amendments applying after the statutory effective date in paragraph (a)(1) of this Q&A18 and prior to the regulatory effective date in paragraph (c) of this Q&A18, the requirements of section 4980F(e)(2) and (3) of the Internal Revenue Code and section 204(h), as amended by EGTRRA, are treated as satisfied if the plan administrator makes a reasonable, good faith effort to comply with those requirements. (3) Special notice rule(i) In general. Notwithstanding Q&A9 of this section, section 204(h) notice is not required by section 4980F(e) of the Internal Revenue Code or section 204(h), as amended by EGTRRA, to be provided prior to September 7, 2001 (the date that is three months after the date of enactment of EGTRRA).
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Employer contribution defined.
Q1: Do the comparability rules apply to amounts rolled over from an employees HSA or Archer Medical Savings Account (Archer MSA)? Q2: If an employee requests that his or her employer deduct after-tax amounts from the employees compensation and forward these amounts as employee contributions to the employees HSA, do the comparability rules apply to these amounts? 54.4980G3 Employee for comparability testing.
Table of contents.
This section contains the questions for 54.4980G1, 54.4980G2, 54.4980G3, 54.4980G4, and 54.4980G5.
54.4980G1 Failure of employer to make comparable health savings account contributions. Q1: What are the comparability rules that apply to employer contributions to Health Savings Accounts (HSAs)? Q2: What are the categories of HDHP coverage for purposes of applying the comparability rules? Q3: What is the testing period for making comparable contributions to employees HSAs? Q4: How is the excise tax computed if employer contributions do not satisfy the comparability rules for a calendar year?
Q1: Do the comparability rules apply to contributions that an employer makes to the HSAs of independent contractors or self-employed individuals? Q2: May a sole proprietor who is an eligible individual contribute to his or her own HSA without contributing to the HSAs of his or her employees who are eligible individuals? Q3: Do the comparability rules apply to contributions by a partnership to a partners HSA? Q4: How are members of controlled groups treated when applying the comparability rules? Q5: What are the categories of employees for comparability testing? Q6: Are employees who are included in a unit of employees covered by a collective bargaining agreement comparable participating employees? Q7: Is an employer permitted to make comparable contributions only to the HSAs of comparable participating employees who have coverage under the employers HDHP? Q8: If an employee and his or her spouse are eligible individuals who work for the same employer and one employee-spouse has family coverage for both employees under the employers HDHP, must the employer make comparable contributions to the HSAs of both employees? Q9: Does an employer that makes HSA contributions only for one class of non-collectively bargained employees who are eligible individuals, but not for another class of non-collectively bargained employees who are eligible individuals (for example, management v. non-management) satisfy the requirement that the employer make comparable contributions? Q10: If an employer contributes to the HSAs of former employees who are eligible individuals, do the comparability rules apply to these contributions? Q11: Is an employer permitted to make comparable contributions only to the HSAs of comparable participating former employees who have coverage under the employers HDHP?
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Q12: If an employer contributes only to the HSAs of former employees who are eligible individuals with coverage under the employers HDHP, must the employer make comparable contributions to the HSAs of former employees who are eligible individuals with coverage under the employers HDHP because of an election under a COBRA continuation provision (as defined in section 9832(d)(1))? Q13: How do the comparability rules apply if some employees have HSAs and other employees have Archer MSAs? 54.4980G4 Calculating comparable contributions.
Q1: What are comparable contributions? Q2: How does an employer comply with the comparability rules when some non-collectively bargained employees who are eligible individuals do not work for the employer during the entire calendar year? Q3: How do the comparability rules apply to employer contributions to employees HSAs if some non-collectively bargained employees work full-time during the entire calendar year, and other non-collectively bargained employees work full-time for less than the entire calendar year? Q4: May an employer make contributions for the entire year to the HSAs of its employees who are eligible individuals at the beginning of the calendar year (i.e., on a prefunded basis) instead of contributing on a pay-as-you-go or on a look-back basis? Q5: Must an employer use the same contribution method as described in Q & A2 and Q & A4 of this section for all employees for any month during the calendar year? Q6: How does an employer comply with the comparability rules if an employee has not established an HSA at the time the employer contributes to its employees HSAs? Q7: If an employer bases its contributions on a percentage of the HDHP deductible, how is the correct percentage or dollar amount computed? Q8: Does an employer that contributes to the HSA of each comparable participating employee in an amount equal to the employees HSA contribution or a percentage of the employees HSA contribution (matching contributions) satisfy the rule that all comparable participating employees receive comparable contributions? Q9: If an employer conditions contributions by the employer to an employees HSA on an employees participation in health assessments, disease management programs or wellness programs and makes the same contributions available to all employees who participate in the programs, do the contributions satisfy the comparability rules? Q10: If an employer makes additional contributions to the HSAs of all comparable participating employees who have attained a
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for comparability purposes. See, however, the final sentence of paragraph (a) of Q & A1 of 54.4980G4 for a special rule that applies if different amounts are contributed for different categories of family coverage. See also 54.4980G6 for the rules allowing larger comparable contributions to nonhighly compensated employees. (b) HDHP Family coverage categories. The coverage categories are (1) Self plus one; (2) Self plus two; and (3) Self plus three or more. (c) Examples. The rules of this Q & A 2 are illustrated by the following examples:
Example 1. Employer A maintains an HDHP and contributes to the HSAs of eligible employees who elect coverage under the HDHP. The HDHP has self-only coverage and family coverage. Thus, the categories of coverage are self-only and family coverage. Employer A contributes $750 to the HSA of each eligible employee with self-only HDHP coverage and $1,000 to the HSA of each eligible employee with family HDHP coverage. Employer As contributions satisfy the comparability rules. Example 2. (i) Employer B maintains an HDHP and contributes to the HSAs of eligible employees who elect coverage under the HDHP. The HDHP has the following coverage options: (A) Self-only; (B) Self plus spouse; (C) Self plus dependent; (D) Self plus spouse plus one dependent; (E) Self plus two dependents; and (F) Self plus spouse and two or more dependents. (ii) The self plus spouse category and the self plus dependent category constitute the same category of HDHP coverage (self plus one) and Employer B must make the same comparable contributions to the HSAs of all eligible individuals who are in either the self plus spouse category of HDHP coverage or the self plus dependent category of HDHP coverage. Likewise, the self plus spouse plus one dependent category and the self plus two dependents category constitute the same category of HDHP coverage (self plus two) and Employer B must make the same comparable contributions to the HSAs of all eligible individuals who are in either the self plus spouse plus one dependent category of HDHP coverage or the self plus two dependents category of HDHP coverage. Example 3. (i) Employer C maintains an HDHP and contributes to the HSAs of eligible employees who elect coverage under the HDHP. The HDHP has the following coverage options:
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(A) Self-only; (B) Self plus one; (C) Self plus two; and (D) Self plus three or more. (ii) Employer C contributes $500 to the HSA of each eligible employee with self-only HDHP coverage, $750 to the HSA of each eligible employee with self plus one HDHP coverage, $900 to the HSA of each eligible employee with self plus two HDHP coverage and $1,000 to the HSA of each eligible employee with self plus three or more HDHP coverage. Employer Cs contributions satisfy the comparability rules.
54.4980G2 defined.
Q3: What is the testing period for making comparable contributions to employees HSAs? A3: To satisfy the comparability rules, an employer must make comparable contributions for the calendar year to the HSAs of employees who are comparable participating employees. See section 4980G(a). See Q & A3 and Q & A4 in 54.4980G4 for a discussion of HSA contribution methods. Q4: How is the excise tax computed if employer contributions do not satisfy the comparability rules for a calendar year? A4: (a) Computation of tax. If employer contributions do not satisfy the comparability rules for a calendar year, the employer is subject to an excise tax equal to 35% of the aggregate amount contributed by the employer to HSAs for that period. (b) Example. The following example illustrates the rules in paragraph (a) of this Q & A4:
Example. During the 2007 calendar year, Employer D has 8 employees who are eligible individuals with self-only coverage under an HDHP provided by Employer D. The deductible for the HDHP is $2,000. For the 2007 calendar year, Employer D contributes $2,000 each to the HSAs of two employees and $1,000 each to the HSAs of the other six employees, for total HSA contributions of $10,000. Employer Ds contributions do not satisfy the comparability rules. Therefore, Employer D is subject to an excise tax of $3,500 (35% of $10,000) for its failure to make comparable contributions to its employees HSAs.
Q1: Do the comparability rules apply to amounts rolled over from an employees HSA or Archer Medical Savings Account (Archer MSA)? A1: No. The comparability rules do not apply to amounts rolled over from an employees HSA or Archer MSA. Q2: If an employee requests that his or her employer deduct after-tax amounts from the employees compensation and forward these amounts as employee contributions to the employees HSA, do the comparability rules apply to these amounts? A2: No. Section 106(d) provides that amounts contributed by an employer to an eligible employees HSA shall be treated as employer-provided coverage for medical expenses and are excludible from the employees gross income up to the limit in section 223(b). After-tax employee contributions to an HSA are not subject to the comparability rules because they are not employer contributions under section 106(d).
[T.D. 9277, 71 FR 43058, July 31, 2006]
54.4980G3 Failure of employer to make comparable health savings account contributions. Q1: Do the comparability rules apply to contributions that an employer makes to the HSAs of independent contractors or self-employed individuals? A1: No. The comparability rules apply only to contributions that an employer makes to the HSAs of employees. Q2: May a sole proprietor who is an eligible individual contribute to his or her own HSA without contributing to the HSAs of his or her employees who are eligible individuals? A2: (a) Sole proprietor not an employee. Yes. The comparability rules apply only to contributions made by an employer to the HSAs of employees.
Q5: If a person is liable for the excise tax under section 4980G, what form must the person file and what is the due date for the filing and payment of the excise tax? A5: (a) In general. 54.60112, 54.6151 1 and 54.60711(d).
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(A) A $300 contribution to each of As and Bs HSAs which are treated as section 731 distributions to A and B; (B) A $300 contribution to Cs HSA in lieu of paying C the guaranteed payment directly; and (C) A $200 contribution to each of Ds and Es HSAs, who are comparable participating employees. (ii) Partnership Xs contributions to As and Bs HSAs are section 731 distributions, which are treated as cash distributions. Partnership Xs contribution to Cs HSA is treated as a guaranteed payment under section 707(c). The contribution is not excludible from Cs gross income under section 106(d) because the contribution is treated as a distributive share of partnership income for purposes of all Code sections other than sections 61(a) and 162(a), and a guaranteed payment to a partner is not treated as compensation to an employee. Thus, Partnership Xs contributions to the HSAs of A, B, and C are not subject to the comparability rules. Partnership Xs contributions to Ds and Es HSAs are subject to the comparability rules because D and E are employees of Partnership X and are not partners in Partnership X. Partnership Xs contributions satisfy the comparability rules.
Q3: Do the comparability rules apply to contributions by a partnership to a partners HSA? A3: (a) Partner not an employee. No. Contributions by a partnership to a bona fide partners HSA are not subject to the comparability rules because the contributions are not contributions by an employer to the HSA of an employee. The contributions are treated as either guaranteed payments under section 707(c) or distributions under section 731. However, if a partnership contributes to the HSAs of any employee who is not a partner, the partnership must make comparable contributions to the HSAs of all comparable participating employees. (b) Example. The following example illustrates the rules in paragraph (a) of this Q & A3:
Example. (i) Partnership X is a limited partnership with three equal individual partners, A (a general partner), B (a limited partner), and C (a limited partner). C is to be paid $300 annually for services rendered to Partnership X in her capacity as a partner without regard to partnership income (a section 707(c) guaranteed payment). D and E are the only employees of Partnership X and are not partners in Partnership X. A, B, C, D, and E are eligible individuals and each has an HSA. During Partnership Xs Year 1 taxable year, which is also a calendar year, Partnership X makes the following contributions
Q4: How are members of controlled groups treated when applying the comparability rules? A4: All persons or entities treated as a single employer under section 414 (b), (c), (m), or (o) are treated as one employer. See sections 4980G(b) and 4980E(e). Q5: What are the categories of employees for comparability testing? A5: (a) Categories. The categories of employees for comparability testing are as follows (but see Q & A6 of this section for the treatment of collectively bargained employees and Q & A 1 of 54.4980G6 for a special rule for contributions made to the HSAs of nonhighly compensated employees) (1) Current full-time employees; (2) Current part-time employees; and (3) Former employees (except for former employees with coverage under the employers HDHP because of an election under a COBRA continuation provision (as defined in section 9832(d)(1)). (b) Part-time and full-time employees. For purposes of section 4980G, parttime employees are customarily employed for fewer than 30 hours per week and full-time employees are customarily employed for 30 or more hours per
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week. See sections 4980G(b) and 4980E(d)(4)(A) and (B). (c) In general. Except as provided in Q & A6 of this section, the categories of employees in paragraph (a) of this Q & A5 are the exclusive categories of employees for comparability testing. An employer must make comparable contributions to the HSAs of all comparable participating employees (eligible individuals who are in the same category of employees with the same category of HDHP coverage) during the calendar year without regard to any classification other than these categories. For example, full-time eligible employees with self-only HDHP coverage and part-time eligible employees with self-only HDHP coverage are separate categories of employees and different amounts can be contributed to the HSAs for each of these categories. But see 54.4980G6 for a special rule for contributions made to the HSAs of nonhighly compensated employees. Q6: Are employees who are included in a unit of employees covered by a collective bargaining agreement comparable participating employees? A6: (a) In general. No. Collectively bargained employees who are covered by a bona fide collective bargaining agreement between employee representatives and one or more employers are not comparable participating employees, if health benefits were the subject of good faith bargaining between such employee representatives and such employer or employers. Former employees covered by a collective bargaining agreement also are not comparable participating employees. (b) Examples. The following examples illustrate the rules in paragraph (a) of this Q & A6. The examples read as follows:
Example 1. Employer A offers its employees an HDHP with a $1,500 deductible for selfonly coverage. Employer A has collectively bargained and non-collectively bargained employees. The collectively bargained employees are covered by a collective bargaining agreement under which health benefits were bargained in good faith. In the 2007 calendar year, Employer A contributes $500 to the HSAs of all eligible non-collectively bargained employees with self-only coverage under Employer As HDHP. Employer A does not contribute to the HSAs of the collectively bargained employees. Employer As
Q7: Is an employer permitted to make comparable contributions only to the HSAs of comparable participating employees who have coverage under the employers HDHP?
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HSAs of all full-time employees who are eligible individuals. Example 3. In a calendar year, Employer G offers an HDHP to its full-time employees. Most full-time employees are covered under Employer Gs HDHP and Employer G makes comparable contributions to these employees HSAs and also to the HSAs of full-time employees who are eligible individuals and who are not covered under Employer Gs HDHP. Employee S, a full-time employee of Employer G and a comparable participating employee, is covered under an HDHP provided by the employer of Ss spouse and not under Employer Gs HDHP. Employer G must make comparable contributions to Ss HSA.
Q8: If an employee and his or her spouse are eligible individuals who work for the same employer and one employee-spouse has family coverage for both employees under the employers HDHP, must the employer make comparable contributions to the HSAs of both employees? A8: (a) In general. If the employer makes contributions only to the HSAs of employees who are eligible individuals covered under its HDHP where only one employee-spouse has family coverage for both employees under the employers HDHP, the employer is not required to contribute to the HSAs of both employee-spouses. The employer is required to contribute to the HSA of the employee-spouse with coverage under the employers HDHP, but is not required to contribute to the HSA of the employee-spouse covered under the employers HDHP by virtue of his or her spouses coverage. However, if the employer contributes to the HSA of any employee who is an eligible individual with coverage under an HDHP that is not an HDHP provided by the employer, the employer must make comparable contributions to the HSAs of both employee-spouses if they are both eligible individuals. If an employer is required to contribute to the HSAs of both employee-spouses, the employer is not required to contribute amounts in excess of the annual contribution limits in section 223(b). (b) Examples. The following examples illustrate the rules in paragraph (a) of this Q & A8. None of the employees in the following examples are covered by a collective bargaining agreement. The examples read as follows:
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Example 1. In a calendar year, Employer H offers an HDHP to its full-time employees. Most full-time employees are covered under Employer Hs HDHP and Employer H makes comparable contributions only to these employees HSAs. T and U are a married couple. Employee T, who is a full-time employee of Employer H and an eligible individual, has family coverage under Employer Hs HDHP for T and Ts spouse. Employee U, who is also a full-time employee of Employer H and an eligible individual, does not have coverage under Employer Hs HDHP except as the spouse of Employee T. Employer H is required to make comparable contributions to Ts HSA, but is not required to make comparable contributions to Us HSA. Example 2. In a calendar year, Employer J offers an HDHP to its full-time employees. Most full-time employees are covered under Employer Js HDHP and Employer J makes comparable contributions to these employees HSAs and to the HSAs of full-time employees who are eligible individuals but are not covered under Employer Js HDHP. R and S are a married couple. Employee S, who is a full-time employee of Employer J and an eligible individual, has family coverage under Employer Js HDHP for S and Ss spouse. Employee R, who is also a full-time employee of Employer J and an eligible individual, does not have coverage under Employer Js HDHP except as the spouse of Employee S. Employer J must make comparable contributions to Ss HSA and to Rs HSA.
Q9: Does an employer that makes HSA contributions only for one class of non-collectively bargained employees who are eligible individuals, but not for another class of non-collectively bargained employees who are eligible individuals (for example, management v. non-management) satisfy the requirement that the employer make comparable contributions? A9: (a) Different classes of employees. No. If the two classes of employees are comparable participating employees, the comparability rules are not satisfied. The only categories of employees for comparability purposes are current full-time employees, current part-time employees, and former employees. Collectively bargained employees are not comparable participating employees. But see Q & A1 in 54.4980G5 on contributions made through a cafeteria plan. See 54.4980G6 for a special rule for contributions made to the HSAs of nonhighly compensated employees. (b) Examples. The following examples illustrate the rules in paragraph (a) of this Q & A9. None of the employees in
Q10: If an employer contributes to the HSAs of former employees who are eligible individuals, do the comparability rules apply to these contributions? A10: (a) Former employees. Yes. The comparability rules apply to contributions an employer makes to former employees HSAs. Therefore, if an employer contributes to any former employees HSA, it must make comparable contributions to the HSAs of all comparable participating former employees (former employees who are eligible individuals with the same category of HDHP coverage). However, an employer is not required to make comparable contributions to the HSAs of former employees with coverage under the employers HDHP because of an election under a COBRA continuation
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required to make comparable contributions to the HSAs of all former employees who are comparable participating former employees with coverage under any HDHP provided by the employer. An employer that contributes only to the HSAs of former employees who are eligible individuals with coverage under the employers HDHP is not required to make comparable contributions to the HSAs of former employees who are eligible individuals and who are not covered under the employers HDHP. However, an employer that contributes to the HSA of any former employee who is an eligible individual with coverage under an HDHP that is not an HDHP of the employer, must make comparable contributions to the HSAs of all former employees who are eligible individuals whether or not covered under an HDHP of the employer. Q12: If an employer contributes only to the HSAs of former employees who are eligible individuals with coverage under the employers HDHP, must the employer make comparable contributions to the HSAs of former employees who are eligible individuals with coverage under the employers HDHP because of an election under a COBRA continuation provision (as defined in section 9832(d)(1))? A12: No. An employer that contributes only to the HSAs of former employees who are eligible individuals with coverage under the employers HDHP is not required to make comparable contributions to the HSAs of former employees who are eligible individuals with coverage under the employers HDHP because of an election under a COBRA continuation provision (as defined in section 9832(d)(1)). Q13: How do the comparability rules apply if some employees have HSAs and other employees have Archer MSAs? A13: (a) HSAs and Archer MSAs. The comparability rules apply separately to employees who have HSAs and employees who have Archer MSAs. However, if an employee has both an HSA and an Archer MSA, the employer may contribute to either the HSA or the Archer MSA, but not to both. (b) Example. The following example illustrates the rules in paragraph (a) of this Q & A13:
Q11: Is an employer permitted to make comparable contributions only to the HSAs of comparable participating former employees who have coverage under the employers HDHP? A11: If during a calendar year, an employer contributes to the HSA of any former employee who is an eligible individual covered under an HDHP provided by the employer, the employer is
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Example. In a calendar year, Employer P contributes $600 to the Archer MSA of each employee who is an eligible individual and who has an Archer MSA. Employer P contributes $500 for the calendar year to the HSA of each employee who is an eligible individual and who has an HSA. If an employee has both an Archer MSA and an HSA, Employer P contributes to the employees Archer MSA and not to the employees HSA. Employee X has an Archer MSA and an HSA. Employer P contributes $600 for the calendar year to Xs Archer MSA but does not contribute to Xs HSA. Employer Ps contributions satisfy the comparability rules. [T.D. 9277, 71 FR 43058, July 31, 2006, as amended by T.D. 9457, 74 FR 45998, Sept. 8, 2009]
54.4980G4 Calculating comparable contributions. Q1: What are comparable contributions? A1: (a) Definition. Contributions are comparable if, for each month in a calendar year, the contributions are either the same amount or the same percentage of the deductible under the HDHP for employees who are eligible individuals with the same category of coverage on the first day of that month. Employees with self-only HDHP coverage are tested separately from employees with family HDHP coverage. Similarly, employees with different categories of family HDHP coverage may be tested separately. See Q & A2 in 54.4980G1. An employer is not required to contribute the same amount or the same percentage of the deductible for employees who are eligible individuals with one category of HDHP coverage that it contributes for employees who are eligible individuals with a different category of HDHP coverage. For example, an employer that satisfies the comparability rules by contributing the same amount to the HSAs of all employees who are eligible individuals with family HDHP coverage is not required to contribute any amount to the HSAs of employees who are eligible individuals with self-only HDHP coverage, or to contribute the same percentage of the self-only HDHP deductible as the amount contributed with respect to family HDHP coverage. However, the contribution with respect to the self plus two category may not be less than the contribution with respect to the self plus one category and
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of each full-time employee who is an eligible individual covered under the HDHP (A) $750 for self-only coverage; (B) $1,000 for self plus one dependent; (C) $1,000 for self plus spouse; (D) $1,500 for self plus spouse and one dependent; and (E) $2,000 for self plus spouse and two or more dependents. (iii) Employer Fs HSA contributions satisfy the comparability rules. Example 7. (i) In a calendar year, Employer G offers its employees an HDHP and a health flexible spending arrangement (health FSA). The health FSA reimburses employees for medical expenses as defined in section 213(d). Some of Employer Gs employees have coverage under the HDHP and the health FSA, some have coverage under the HDHP and their spouses FSA, and some have coverage under the HDHP and are enrolled in Medicare. For the calendar year, Employer G contributes $500 to the HSA of each employee who is an eligible individual. No contributions are made to the HSAs of employees who have coverage under Employer Gs health FSA or under a spouses health FSA or who are enrolled in Medicare. (ii) The employees who have coverage under a health FSA (whether Employer Hs or their spouses FSA) or who are covered under Medicare are not eligible individuals. Specifically, the employees who have coverage under the health FSA or under a spouses health FSA are not comparable participating employees because they are not eligible individuals under section 223(c)(1). Similarly, the employees who are enrolled in Medicare are not comparable participating employees because they are not eligible individuals under section 223(b)(7) and (c)(1). Therefore, employees who have coverage under the health FSA or under a spouses health FSA and employees who are enrolled in Medicare are excluded from comparability testing. See sections 4980G(b) and 4980E. Employer Gs contributions satisfy the comparability rules.
Q2: How does an employer comply with the comparability rules when some non-collectively bargained employees who are eligible individuals do not work for the employer during the entire calendar year? A2: (a) In general. In determining whether the comparability rules are satisfied, an employer must take into account all full-time and part-time employees who were employees and eligible individuals for any month during the calendar year. (Full-time and parttime employees are tested separately. See Q & A5 in 54.4980G3.) There are
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two methods to comply with the comparability rules when some employees who are eligible individuals do not work for the employer during the entire calendar year; contributions may be made on a pay-as-you-go basis or on a look-back basis. See Q & A9 through Q & A11 in 54.4980G3 for the rules regarding comparable contributions to the HSAs of former employees. (b) Contributions on a pay-as-you-go basis. An employer may comply with the comparability rules by contributing amounts at one or more dates during the calendar year to the HSAs of employees who are eligible individuals as of the first day of the month, if contributions are the same amount or the same percentage of the HDHP deductible for employees who are eligible individuals as of the first day of the month with the same category of coverage and are made at the same time. Contributions made at the employers usual payroll interval for different groups of employees are considered to be made at the same time. For example, if salaried employees are paid monthly and hourly employees are paid bi-weekly, an employer may contribute to the HSAs of hourly employees on a bi-weekly basis and to the HSAs of salaried employees on a monthly basis. An employer may change the amount that it contributes to the HSAs of employees at any point. However, the changed contribution amounts must satisfy the comparability rules. (c) Examples. The following examples illustrate the rules in paragraph (b) of this Q & A2: The examples read as follows:
Example 1. (i) Beginning on January 1st, Employer H contributes $50 per month on the first day of each month to the HSA of each employee who is an eligible individual on that date. Employer H does not contribute to the HSAs of former employees. In mid-March of the same year, Employee X, an eligible individual, terminates employment after Employer H has contributed $150 to Xs HSA. After X terminates employment, Employer H does not contribute additional amounts to Xs HSA. In mid-April of the same year, Employer H hires Employee Y, an eligible individual, and contributes $50 to Ys HSA in May and $50 in June. Effective in July of the same year, Employer H stops contributing to the HSAs of all employees and makes no contributions to the HSA of any employee for the months of July
(d) Contributions on a look-back basis. An employer may also satisfy the comparability rules by determining comparable contributions for the calendar year at the end of the calendar year, taking into account all employees who were eligible individuals for any month during the calendar year and contributing the same percentage of the HDHP deductible or the same dollar amount to the HSAs of all employees with the same category of coverage for that month. (e) Examples. The following examples illustrate the rules in paragraph (d) of this Q & A2. The examples read as follows:
Example 1. In a calendar year, Employer K offers its employees an HDHP and contributes on a look-back basis to the HSAs of employees who are eligible individuals with
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comparable participating employees hired after the date of initial funding for that period. (g) Example. The following example illustrates the rules in paragraph (f) of this Q & A2:
Example. Employer M has established, on a reasonable and consistent basis, a quarterly period for making contributions to the HSAs of eligible employees on a pay-as-you-go basis. Beginning on January 1st, Employer M contributes $150 for the first three months of the calendar year to the HSA of each employee who is an eligible individual on that date. On January 15th, Employee V, an eligible individual, terminated employment after Employer M has contributed $150 to Vs HSA. On January 15th, Employer M hired Employee W, who becomes an eligible individual as of February 1st. On April 1st, Employer M has contributed $100 to Ws HSA for the two months (February and March) in the quarter period that Employee W was an eligible employee. Employer Ms contributions satisfy the comparability rules.
(f) Periods and dates for making contributions. With both the pay-as-you-go method and the look-back method, an employer may establish, on a reasonable and consistent basis, periods for which contributions will be made (for example, a quarterly period covering three consecutive months in a calendar year) and the dates on which such contributions will be made for that designated period (for example, the first day of the quarter or the last day of the quarter in the case of an employer who has established a quarterly period for making contributions). An employer that makes contributions on a pay-as-you-go basis for a period covering more than one month will not fail to satisfy the comparability rules because an employee who terminates employment prior to the end of the period for which contributions were made has received more contributions on a monthly basis than employees who have worked the entire period. In addition, an employer that makes contributions on a pay-as-you-go basis for a period covering more than one month must make HSA contributions for any
(h) Maximum contribution permitted for all employees who are eligible individuals during the last month of the taxable year. An employer may contribute up to the maximum annual contribution amount for the calendar year (based on the employees HDHP coverage) to the HSAs of all employees who are eligible individuals on the first day of the last month of the employees taxable year, including employees who worked for the employer for less than the entire calendar year and employees who became eligible individuals after January 1st of the calendar year. For example, such contribution may be made on behalf of an eligible individual who is hired after January 1st or an employee who becomes an eligible individual after January 1st. Employers are not required to provide more than a prorata contribution based on the number of months that an individual was an eligible individual and employed by the employer during the year. However, if an employer contributes more than a pro-rata amount for the calendar year to the HSA of any eligible individual who is hired after January 1st of the calendar year or any employee who becomes an eligible individual any time after January 1st of the calendar year, the employer must contribute that same amount on an equal and uniform basis to the HSAs of all comparable
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participating employees (as defined in Q & A1 in 54.4980G1) who are hired or become eligible individuals after January 1st of the calendar year. Likewise, if an employer contributes the maximum annual contribution amount for the calendar year to the HSA of any eligible individual who is hired after January 1st of the calendar year or any employee who becomes an eligible individual any time after January 1st of the calendar year, the employer must contribute the maximum annual contribution amount on an equal and uniform basis to the HSAs of all comparable participating employees (as defined in Q & A1 in 54.4980G1) who are hired or become eligible individuals after January 1st of the calendar year. An employer who makes the maximum calendar year contribution or more than a pro-rata contribution to the HSAs of employees who become eligible individuals after the first day of the calendar year or eligible individuals who are hired after the first day of the calendar year will not fail to satisfy comparability merely because some employees will have received more contributions on a monthly basis than employees who worked the entire calendar year. (i) Examples. The following examples illustrate the rules in paragraph (h) in this Q & A2. In the following examples, no contributions are made through a section 125 cafeteria plan and none of the employees are covered by a collective bargaining agreement.
Example 1. On January 1, 2010, Employer Q contributes $1,000 for the calendar year to the HSAs of employees who are eligible individuals with family HDHP coverage. In midMarch of the same year, Employer Q hires Employee A, an eligible individual with family HDHP coverage. On April 1, 2010, Employer Q contributes $1,000 to the HSA of Employee A. In September of the same year, Employee B becomes an eligible individual with family HDHP coverage. On October 1, 2010, Employer G contributes $1,000 to the HSA of Employee B. Employer Q does not make any other contributions for the 2010 calendar year. Employer Qs contributions satisfy the comparability rules. Example 2. For the 2010 calendar year, Employer R only has two employees, Employee C and Employee D. Employee C, an eligible individual with family HDHP coverage, works for Employer R for the entire calendar year. Employee D, an eligible individual
(j) Effective/applicability date. The rules in paragraphs (h) and (i) of Q & A2 are effective for employer contributions made for calendar years beginning on or after January 1, 2010. Q3: How do the comparability rules apply to employer contributions to employees HSAs if some non-collectively bargained employees work full-time during the entire calendar year, and other non-collectively bargained employees work full-time for less than the entire calendar year? A3: Employer contributions to the HSAs of employees who work full-time for less than twelve months satisfy the comparability rules if the contribution amount is comparable when determined on a month-to-month basis. For example, if the employer contributes $240 to the HSA of each full-time employee who works the entire calendar year, the employer must contribute $60 to the HSA of each full-time employee who works on the first day of each three months of the calendar year. The rules set forth in this Q & A2 apply to employer contributions made on a payas-you-go basis or on a look-back basis as described in Q & A3 of this section. See sections 4980G(b) and 4980E(d)(2)(B). Q4: May an employer make contributions for the entire year to the HSAs of its employees who are eligible individuals at the beginning of the calendar year (on a pre-funded basis) instead of contributing on a pay-as-yougo or on a look-back basis? A4: (a) Contributions on a pre-funded basis. Yes. An employer may make contributions for the entire year to the HSAs of its employees who are eligible individuals at the beginning of the calendar year. An employer that pre-funds the HSAs of its employees will not fail to satisfy the comparability rules because an employee who terminates employment prior to the end of the calendar year has received more contributions on a monthly basis than employees who work the entire calendar year.
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participating employees for any month during the calendar year? A5: Yes. If an employer makes comparable HSA contributions on a pay-asyou-go basis, it must do so for each employee who is a comparable participating employee as of the first day of the month. If an employer makes comparable contributions on a look-back basis, it must do so for each employee who was a comparable participating employee for any month during the calendar year. If an employer makes HSA contributions on a pre-funded basis, it must do so for all employees who are comparable participating employees at the beginning of the calendar year and must make comparable HSA contributions for all employees who are comparable participating employees for any month during the calendar year, including employees who are eligible individuals hired after the date of initial funding. See Q & A4 of this section for rules regarding contributions for employees hired after initial funding. Q6: How does an employer comply with the comparability rules if an employee has not established an HSA at the time the employer contributes to its employees HSAs? A6: (a) Employee has not established an HSA at the time the employer funds its employees HSAs. If an employee has not established an HSA at the time the employer funds its employees HSAs, the employer complies with the comparability rules by contributing comparable amounts plus reasonable interest to the employees HSA when the employee establishes the HSA, taking into account each month that the employee was a comparable participating employee. See Q & A13 of this section for rules regarding reasonable interest. (b) Example. The following example illustrates the rules in paragraph (a) of this Q & A6:
Example. Beginning on January 1st, Employer O contributes $500 per calendar year on a pay-as-you-go basis to the HSA of each employee who is an eligible individual. Employee C is an eligible individual during the entire calendar year but does not establish an HSA until March. Notwithstanding Cs delay in establishing an HSA, Employer O must make up the missed HSA contributions plus reasonable interest for January and
Q5: Must an employer use the same contribution method as described in Q & A2 and Q & A4 of this section for all employees who were comparable
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February by April 15th of the following calendar year.
Q7: If an employer bases its contributions on a percentage of the HDHP deductible, how is the correct percentage or dollar amount computed? A7: (a) Computing HSA contributions. The correct percentage is determined by rounding to the nearest 1/100th of a percentage point and the dollar amount is determined by rounding to the nearest whole dollar. (b) Example. The following example illustrates the rules in paragraph (a) of this Q & A7:
Example. In this Example, assume that each HDHP provided by Employer P satisfies the definition of an HDHP for the 2007 calendar year. In the 2007 calendar year, Employer P maintains two HDHPs. Plan A has a deductible of $3,000 for self-only coverage. Employer P contributes $1,000 for the calendar year to the HSA of each employee covered under Plan A. Plan B has a deductible of $3,500 for self-only coverage. Employer P satisfies the comparability rules if it makes either of the following contributions for the 2007 calendar year to the HSA of each employee who is an eligible individual with selfonly coverage under Plan B (i) $1,000; or (ii) $1,167 (33.33% of the deductible rounded to the nearest whole dollar amount).
Q8: Does an employer that contributes to the HSA of each comparable participating employee in an amount equal to the employees HSA contribution or a percentage of the employees HSA contribution (matching contributions) satisfy the rule that all comparable participating employees receive comparable contributions? A8: No. If all comparable participating employees do not contribute the same amount to their HSAs and, consequently, do not receive comparable contributions to their HSAs, the comparability rules are not satisfied, notwithstanding that the employer offers to make available the same contribution amount to each comparable participating employee. But see Q & A1 in 54.4980G5 on contributions to HSAs made through a cafeteria plan. Q9: If an employer conditions contributions by the employer to an employees HSA on an employees participation in health assessments, disease management programs or wellness pro-
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parable amounts (taking into account each month that the employee was a comparable participating employee) plus reasonable interest by April 15th of Year 2. (b) Notice. The notice described in paragraph (a) of this Q & A14 must be provided to each eligible employee who has not established an HSA by December 31 of Year 1 or if the employer does not know if the employee established an HSA. The employer may provide the notice to other employees as well. However, if an employee has earlier notified the employer that he or she has established an HSA, or if the employer has previously made contributions to that employees HSA, the employer may not condition making comparable contributions on receipt of any additional notice from that employee. For each calendar year, a notice is deemed to be timely if the employer provides the notice no earlier than 90 days before the first HSA employer contribution for that calendar year and no later than January 15 of the following calendar year. (c) Model notice. Employers may use the following sample language as a basis in preparing their own notices.
Notice to Employees Regarding Employer Contributions to HSAs: This notice explains how you may be eligible to receive contributions from [employer] if you are covered by a High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP). [Employer] provides contributions to the Health Savings Account (HSA) of each employee who is [insert employers eligibility requirements for HSA contributions] (eligible employee). If you are an eligible employee, you must do the following in order to receive an employer contribution: (1) Establish an HSA on or before the last day in February of [insert year after the year for which the contribution is being made] and; (2) Notify [insert name and contact information for appropriate person to be contacted] of your HSA account information on or before the last day in February of [insert year after year for which the contribution is being made]. [Specify the HSA account information that the employee must provide (e.g., account number, name and address of trustee or custodian, etc.) and the method by which the employee must provide this account information (e.g., in writing, by e-mail, on a certain form, etc.)]. If you establish your HSA on or before the last day of February in [insert year after
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year for which the contribution is being made] and notify [employer] of your HSA account information, you will receive your HSA contributions, plus reasonable interest, for [insert year for which contribution is being made] by April 15 of [insert year after year for which contribution is being made]. If, however, you do not establish your HSA or you do not notify us of your HSA account information by the deadline, then we are not required to make any contributions to your HSA for [insert applicable year]. You may notify us that you have established an HSA by sending an [e-mail or] a written notice to [insert name, title and, if applicable, e-mail address]. If you have any questions about this notice, you can contact [insert name and title] at [insert telephone number or other contact information].
(d) [Reserved] (e) Electronic delivery. An employer may furnish the notice required under this section electronically in accordance with 1.401(a)-21 of this chapter. (f) Examples. The following examples illustrate the rules in this Q & A14:
Example 1. In a calendar year, Employer Q contributes to the HSAs of current employees who are eligible individuals covered under any HDHP. For the 2009 calendar year, Employer Q contributes $50 per month on the first day of each month, beginning January 1st, to the HSA of each employee who is an eligible employee on that date. For the 2009 calendar year, Employer Q provides written notice satisfying the content requirements of this Q & A14 on October 16, 2008 to all employees regarding the availability of HSA contributions for eligible employees. For eligible employees who are hired after October 16, 2008, Employer Q provides such a notice no later than January 15, 2010. Employer Qs notice satisfies the notice timing requirements in paragraph (a)(1) of this Q & A14. Example 2. Employer Rs written cafeteria plan permits employees to elect to make pretax salary reduction contributions to their HSAs. Employees making this election have the right to receive cash or other taxable benefits in lieu of their HSA pre-tax contribution. Employer R automatically contributes a non-elective matching contribution to the HSA of each employee who makes a pre-tax HSA contribution. Because Employer Rs HSA contributions are made through the cafeteria plan, the comparability requirements do not apply to the HSA contributions made by Employer R. Consequently, Employer R is not required to provide written notice to its employees regarding the availability of this matching HSA contribution. See Q & A1 in 54.4980G 5 for treatment of HSA contributions made through a cafeteria plan.
Q15: For any calendar year, may an employer accelerate part or all of its contributions for the entire year to the
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years beginning on or after January 1, 2009.
[T.D. 9277, 71 FR 43058, July 31, 2006; 71 FR 53967, Sept. 13, 2006, as amended by T.D. 9393, 73 FR 20795, Apr. 17, 2008; T.D. 9457, 74 FR 45998, Sept. 8, 2009]
54.4980G5 HSA comparability rules and cafeteria plans and waiver of excise tax. Q1: If an employer makes contributions through a section 125 cafeteria plan to the HSA of each employee who is an eligible individual, are the contributions subject to the comparability rules? A1: (a) In general. No. The comparability rules do not apply to HSA contributions that an employer makes through a section 125 cafeteria plan. However, contributions to an HSA made through a cafeteria plan are subject to the section 125 nondiscrimination rules (eligibility rules, contributions and benefits tests and key employee concentration tests). See section 125(b), (c) and (g) and the regulations thereunder. (b) Contributions made through a section 125 cafeteria plan. Employer contributions to employees HSAs are made through a section 125 cafeteria plan and are subject to the section 125 cafeteria plan nondiscrimination rules and not the comparability rules if under the written cafeteria plan, the employees have the right to elect to receive cash or other taxable benefits in lieu of all or a portion of an HSA contribution (meaning that all or a portion of the HSA contributions are available as pre-tax salary reduction amounts), regardless of whether an employee actually elects to contribute any amount to the HSA by salary reduction. Q2: If an employer makes contributions through a cafeteria plan to the HSA of each employee who is an eligible individual in an amount equal to the amount of the employees HSA contribution or a percentage of the amount of the employees HSA contribution (matching contributions), are the contributions subject to the section 4980G comparability rules? A2: No. The comparability rules do not apply to HSA contributions that an employer makes through a section 125
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cafeteria plan. Thus, where matching contributions are made by an employer through a cafeteria plan, the contributions are not subject to the comparability rules of section 4980G. However, contributions, including matching contributions, to an HSA made under a cafeteria plan are subject to the section 125 nondiscrimination rules (eligibility rules, contributions and benefits tests and key employee concentration tests). See Q & A1 of this section. Q3: If under the employers cafeteria plan, employees who are eligible individuals and who participate in health assessments, disease management programs or wellness programs receive an employer contribution to an HSA and the employees have the right to elect to make pre-tax salary reduction contributions to their HSAs, are the contributions subject to the comparability rules? A3: (a) In general. No. The comparability rules do not apply to employer contributions to an HSA made through a cafeteria plan. See Q & A1 of this section. (b) Examples. The following examples illustrate the rules in this 54.4980G5. The examples read as follows:
Example 1. Employer As written cafeteria plan permits employees to elect to make pretax salary reduction contributions to their HSAs. Employees making this election have the right to receive cash or other taxable benefits in lieu of their HSA pre-tax contribution. The section 125 cafeteria plan nondiscrimination rules and not the comparability rules apply because the HSA contributions are made through the cafeteria plan. Example 2. Employer Bs written cafeteria plan permits employees to elect to make pretax salary reduction contributions to their HSAs. Employees making this election have the right to receive cash or other taxable benefits in lieu of their HSA pre-tax contribution. Employer B automatically contributes a non-elective matching contribution or seed money to the HSA of each employee who makes a pre-tax HSA contribution. The section 125 cafeteria plan nondiscrimination rules and not the comparability rules apply to Employer Bs HSA contributions because the HSA contributions are made through the cafeteria plan. Example 3. Employer Cs written cafeteria plan permits employees to elect to make pretax salary reduction contributions to their HSAs. Employees making this election have
Q4: May all or part of the excise tax imposed under section 4980G be waived? A4: In the case of a failure which is due to reasonable cause and not to willful neglect, all or a portion of the excise tax imposed under section 4980G may be waived to the extent that the payment of the tax would be excessive relative to the failure involved. See sections 4980G(b) and 4980E(c).
[T.D. 9277, 71 FR 43058, July 31, 2006]
54.4980G6 Special rule for contributions made to the HSAs of nonhighly compensated employees. Q1: May an employer make larger contributions to the HSAs of nonhighly compensated employees than to the HSAs of highly compensated employees? A1: Yes. Employers may make larger HSA contributions for nonhighly compensated employees who are comparable participating employees than for highly compensated employees who are comparable participating employees. See Q & A1 in 54.4980G1 for the
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each full-time nonhighly compensated employee who is an eligible individual with selfonly HDHP coverage. Employer B also contributes $1,000 for the calendar year to the HSA of each full-time highly compensated employee who is an eligible individual with self-only HDHP coverage. Employer Bs HSA contributions for calendar year 2010 satisfy the comparability rules. Example 3. In 2010, Employer C contributes $1,000 for the calendar year to the HSA of each full-time nonhighly compensated employee who is an eligible individual with selfonly HDHP coverage. Employer C contributes $2,000 for the calendar year to the HSA of each full-time highly compensated employee who is an eligible individual with selfonly HDHP coverage. Employer Cs HSA contributions for calendar year 2010 do not satisfy the comparability rules. Example 4. In 2010, Employer D contributes $1,000 for the calendar year to the HSA of each full-time nonhighly compensated employee who is an eligible individual with selfonly HDHP coverage. Employer D also contributes $1,000 to the HSA of each full-time highly compensated employee who is an eligible individual with self-only HDHP coverage. In addition, the employer contributes an additional $500 to the HSA of each nonhighly compensated employee who participates in a wellness program. The nonhighly compensated employees did not receive comparable contributions, and, therefore, Employer Ds HSA contributions for calendar year 2010 do not satisfy the comparability rules. Example 5. In 2010, Employer E contributes $1,000 for the calendar year to the HSA of each full-time non-management nonhighly compensated employee who is an eligible individual with family HDHP coverage. Employer E also contributes $500 for the calendar year to the HSA of each full-time management nonhighly compensated employee who is an eligible individual with family HDHP coverage. The nonhighly compensated employees did not receive comparable contributions, and, therefore, Employer Es HSA contributions for calendar year 2010 do not satisfy the comparability rules.
Q3: May an employer make larger HSA contributions for employees with self plus two HDHP coverage than employees with self plus one HDHP coverage even if the employees with self plus two are all highly compensated employees and the employees with self plus one are all nonhighly compensated employees? A3: (a) Yes. Q & A1 in 54.4980G4 provides that an employers contribution with respect to the self plus two category of HDHP coverage may not be
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less than the contribution with respect to the self plus one category and the contribution with respect to the self plus three or more category may not be less than the contribution with respect to the self plus two category. Therefore, the comparability rules are not violated if an employer makes a larger HSA contribution for the self plus two category of HDHP coverage than to self plus one coverage, even if the employees with self plus two coverage are all highly compensated employees and the employees with self plus one coverage are all nonhighly compensated employees. Likewise, the comparability rules are not violated if an employer makes a larger HSA contribution for the self plus three category of HDHP coverage than to self plus two coverage, even if the employees with self plus three coverage are all highly compensated employees and the employees with self plus two coverage are all nonhighly compensated employees. (b) Example. The following example illustrates the rules in paragraph (a) of this Q & A3. In the following example, no contributions are made through a section 125 cafeteria plan and none of the employees are covered by a collective bargaining agreement.
Example. In 2010, Employer F contributes $1,000 for the calendar year to the HSA of each full-time employee who is an eligible individual with self plus one HDHP coverage. Employer F contributes $1,500 for the calendar year to the HSA of each employee who is an eligible individual with self plus two HDHP coverage. The deductible for both the self plus one HDHP and the self plus two HDHP is $2,000. Employee A, an eligible individual, is a nonhighly compensated employee with self plus one coverage. Employee B, an eligible individual, is a highly compensated employee with self plus two coverage. For the 2010 calendar year, Employer F contributes $1,000 to Employee As HSA and $1,500 to Employee Bs HSA. Employer Fs HSA contributions satisfy the comparability rules.
54.4981A1T Tax on excess distributions and excess accumulations (temporary). The following questions and answers relate to the tax on excess distributions and excess accumulations under section 4981A of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as added by section 1133 of the Tax Reform Act of 1986 (Pub. L. 99 514) (TRA 86).
Table of Contents a. General Provisions and Excess Distributions b. Special Grandfather Rules c. Special Rules d. Excess Accumulations
Q4:What is the effective date for the rules in this section? A4: The rules in this section are effective for employer contributions made for calendar years beginning on or after January 1, 2010.
[T.D. 9457, 74 FR 45998, Sept. 8, 2009]
a. General Provisions and Excess Distributions a-1: Q. What changes were made by section 1133 of TRA 86 regarding excise
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described in section 403(b)(1), 403(b)(7) or 403(b)(9); and (4) Qualified bond purchase plan described in section 405(a) prior to that sections repeal by section 491(a) of the Tax Reform Act of 1984 (TRA 84). (b) Individual retirement plan. An individual retirement plan is defined in section 7701(a)(37) and means any individual retirement account described in section 408(a) or individual retirement annuity described in section 408(b). Also, an individual retirement plan includes a retirement bond described in section 409(a) prior to that sections repeal by section 491(b) of the Tax Reform Act of 1984 (TRA 84). (c) Other distributions. (1) Distributions under any plan, contract or account that has at any time been treated as a qualified employer plan or individual retirement plan described in paragraph (a) or (b) of this Q&A a3 will be treated for purposes of section 4981A as distributions from a qualified employer plan or individual retirement plan whether or not such plan, contract, or account satisfies the applicable qualification requirements at the time of the distribution. (2)(i) For purposes of this paragraph (c), an employer plan will be considered to have been treated as a qualified employer plan if any employer maintaining the plan has at any time filed an income tax return and claimed deductions that would be allowable under section 404 (and that were not disallowed) only if the plan was a qualified employer plan under section 401(a) or 403(a). Similarly, if an income tax return has been filed at any time with respect to the trust (or plan or insurance company), and the income of the trust (insurance company, etc.) is reported (and is not disallowed) based on the trust (or plan) being treated as a qualified employer plan described in section 401(a), or 403 (a) or (b), then the employer plan is considered to have been treated as a qualified employer plan. (ii) For purposes of this paragraph (c), an individual retirement plan (IRA) will be considered to have been treated as a qualified IRA if any contributions to the IRA were either deducted (or designated as a nondeductible contribution described in section 408(o)) on
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a filed individual income tax return or excluded from an individuals gross income on a filed income tax return because such contributions were reported as regular contributions or rollover contributions (such as those described in section 402(a)(5), 403(a)(4), 403(b)(8) or 408(d)(3)) to an IRA described in section 408 (a) or (b) (or section 409 of pre-1984 law). Similar treatment applies to an employer contribution to a simplified employee pension described in section 408(k), if such contribution is deducted on an employers filed income tax return, including a self-employed individuals return. a4: Q. Which distributions with respect to an individual under a qualified employer plan or an individual retirement plan are excluded from consideration for purposes of determining an individuals excess distributions? A. (a) Exclusions. In determining the extent to which an individual has excess distributions for a calendar year, the following distributions are disregarded (1) Any distribution received by any person with respect to an individual as a result of the death of that individual. (2) Any distribution with respect to an individual that is received by an alternate payee under a qualified domestic relations order within the meaning of section 414(p) that is includible in the income of the alternate payee. (3) Any distribution with respect to an individual that is attributable to the individuals investment in the contract as determined under the rules of section 72(f). This would include, for example, distributions that are excluded from gross income under section 72 because they are treated as a recovery of after-tax employee contributions from a qualified employer plan or nondeductible contributions from an individual retirement plan. (4) Any portion of a distribution to the extent that it is not included in gross income by reason of a rollover contribution described in section 402(a)(5), 403(a)(4), 403(b)(8), or 408(d)(3). (5) Any health coverage or any distribution of medical benefits provided under an arrangement described in section 401(h) to the extent that the coverage or distribution is excludible under section 104, 105, or 106.
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distributions to provide insurance coverage includible in income under section 72 (PS58 amounts), loan amounts treated as deemed distributions under section 72(p), and amounts includible under section 402(b) or section 403(c) by reason of the employer plan or individual retirement plan not being qualified during the year are taken into account. a9: Q. Will the dollar threshold amount used to determine an individuals excess distributions be adjusted for inflation in calendar years after 1987? A. Beginning in 1988, the $112,500 threshold amount is adjusted to reflect post-1986 cost-of-living increases (COLAs) at the same time and in the same manner as the adjustment described in section 415(d). The threshold amount is adjusted even though the distribution is from a defined contribution plan that is subject to a freeze on COLAs because the defined benefit plan limit is below $120,000 (see section 415(c)(1)(A)). However, the $150,000 threshold amount is not adjusted to reflect such increases. b. Special Grandfather Rule b1: Q. How are benefits accrued before TRA 86 treated under the excise tax provisions described in section 4981A? A. (a) Grandfather amount. Certain eligible individuals may elect to use a special grandfather rule that exempts from the excise tax the portion of distributions treated as a recovery of such individuals total benefits accrued on or before August 1, 1986 (grandfather amount). However, distributions that are treated as a recovery of the grandfather amount are taken into account in determining the extent to which other distributions are excess distributions (see Q&A b4 of this section). Under this special grandfather rule, the grandfather amount equals the value of an individuals total benefits (as described in Q&As b8 and b9 of this section) in all qualified employer plans and individual retirement plans on August 1, 1986. An individuals benefits in such plans include amounts determinable on August 1, 1986, that are payable to the individual under a qualified domestic relations order within
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the meaning of section 414(p) (QDRO). However, QDRO benefits that, when destributed, are includible in the income of the alternate payee are not included in the employees grandfathered amount. Further, plan benefits that are attributable to a deceased individual and that are payable to an eligible individual as a beneficiary are generally not included in determining the eligible individuals grandfather amount. Procedures for determining the grandfather amount are described in Q&As b11 through b14 of this section. (b) Recovery of grandfather amount. The portion of any distribution made after August 1, 1986, that is treated as a recovery of a grandfather amount depends on which of two grandfather recovery methods the individual elects. The two alternative methods are described in the Q&As b11 through b14 of this section. The amount of the distribution for a year that is treated as a recovery of a grandfather amount in a year is applied to reduce the individuals unrecovered grandfather amount for future years (i.e., the individuals accrued benefits as described in Q&As b8 and b9 on August 1, 1986, reduced by previous distributions treated as a recovery of a grandfather amount) on a dollar for dollar basis until the individuals unrecovered grandfather amount has been reduced to zero. When the individuals grandfather amount has been reduced to zero, the special grandfather rule ceases to apply and the entire amount of any subsequent excess distributions received is subject to the 15 percent excise tax. b2: Q. Who may elect to use the special grandfather rules? A. Any individual whose accrued benefits as described in Q&As b8 and b9 of this section in all qualified plans and individual retirement plans on August 1, 1986 (initial grandfather amount) have a value of at least $562,500 may elect to use the special grandfather rule. b3: Q. How does an eligible individual make a valid election to use the special grandfather rule? A. (a) Form of election. An individual who is eligible to use the special grandfather rule must affirmatively elect to use that rule. The election is made on
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(See the examples in Q&A b14 of this section.) b5: Q. How is the value of an individuals total accrued benefits on August 1, 1986, calculated for purposes of determining (a) whether an individual is eligible to elect the special grandfather rule and (b) the amount of any electing individuals initial grandfather amount under such rule? A. (a) Introduction. The value of an individuals total accrued benefits on August 1, 1986, is the sum of the values of the individuals accrued benefits on such date under all qualified employer plans or individual retirement plans, as determined under the Q&A b5. If such value exceeds $562,500, the individual may elect the special grandfather rule. In such case, the value so determined may be applied against distributions as determined under this section, whether or not such distributions are from the same plan or IRA for which such grandfather amount is determined. For purposes of determining the value of accrued benefits on August 1, 1986, an annuity contract or an individuals interest in a group annuity contract described in Q&A a5 of this section is treated as an accrued benefit under the qualified retirement plan or IRA from which it was distributed and an IRA is treated as a defined contribution plan. (b) Defined benefit plan(1) General rule. The amount of an individuals accrued benefit on August 1, 1986, under a defined benefit plan is determined as of that date under the provisions of the plan based on the individuals service and compensation on that date. The present value of such benefit is determined by an actuarial valuation of such accrued benefit performed as of August 1, 1986. Alternatively, accrued benefits may be determined as of July 31, 1986. In such case, the applicable rules are applied by substituting the July 31 date for the August 1 date in the applicable provisions. (See Q&A b 9 of this section for rules for determining the amount of benefits and values and the actuarial assumptions to be used in such determination.) (2) Alternative method. Alternatively, the present value of an individuals accrued benefit on August 1, 1986, may be determined using the following method:
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(i) Determine the amount of the individuals actual accrued benefit (prior benefit) on the valuation date that immediately precedes August 1, 1986 (prior date). The valuation date for purposes of using this alternative method is the valuation date used for purposes of section 412. In making this determination, plan amendments that are adopted after that prior date are disregarded. (ii) Determine the amount of the individuals adjusted accrued benefit (adjusted prior benefit) on the prior date by reducing the prior benefit in paragraph (b)(2)(i) of this Q&A b5 by the amount of distributions that reduce the accrued benefit or transfers from the plan and by increasing the prior benefit in paragraph (b)(2)(i) of this Q&A b5 by any increase in benefit resulting from either transfers to the plan or plan amendments that were made (or, in the case of a plan amendment, both adopted and effective) after the prior valuation date, but on or before August 1, 1986. (iii) Determine the amount of the individuals actual accrued benefit (future benefit) on the valuation date immediately following August 1, 1986 (next date). In making this determination, plan amendments, etc. that are either adopted or effective after August 1 are disregarded. (iv) Determine the amount of the individuals adjusted accrued benefit (adjusted future benefit) on the next date by increasing the future benefit in paragraph (b)(2)(iii) of this Q&A b5 by the amount of any distributions that reduce the accrued benefit or transfers from the plan and by reducing the future benefit in paragraph (b)(2)(iii) of this Q&A b5 by the amount of any transfer to the plan that was made after August 1, 1986, but on or before the next valuation date to the amount in paragraph (b)(2)(iii) of this Q&A b5. (v) Calculate the weighted average of paragraphs (b)(2)(ii) and (b)(2)(iv) of this Q&A b5, where the weights applied are the number of complete calendar months separating the applicable prior date and the applicable next date, respectively, and August 1, 1986. (vi) Determine the actuarial present value of the benefit in paragraph (b)(2)(v) of this Q&A b5 as of August 1,
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vidual are not taken into account for purposes of this calculation: (1) Benefits attributable to investment in the contract as defined in section 72(f). However, amounts attributable to deductible employee contributions (as defined in section 72(o)(5)(A)) are considered part of the accrued benefit. (2) Amounts that are determinable on August 1, 1986, as payable to an alternate payee who is required to include such amounts in gross income (a spouse or former spouse) under a qualified domestic relations order (QDRO) within the meaning of section 414(p). (3) Amounts that are attributable to IRA contributions that are distributed pursuant to section 408(d) (4) or (5). (b) Alternate payee. Under a QDRO described in paragraph (a)(2) of this Q&A b7, amounts are considered part of the accrued benefit of the alternate payee for purposes of calculating the value of the alternate payees accrued benefit on August 1, 1986. Similarly, such amounts are used by the alternate payee to compute excess distributions. b8: Q. What adjustments to the grandfather amount are necessary to take into account rollovers from one qualified employer plan or individual retirement plan to another such plan? A. (a) Rollovers outstanding on valuation date. Generally, rollovers between plans result in adjustment to the grandfather amounts under the rules in Q&A b5 of this section. However, if a rollover amount is distributed from one plan on or before an applicable valuation date of such plan and is rolled over into the receiving plan after the receiving plans applicable valuation date and if these events result in an inappropriate duplication or omission of the rollover amount, then an adjustment to the grandfather amount must be made to remove the duplication or omission. The Commissioner may provide necessary rules concerning this adjustment. (b) Valuation. If the rollover amount described in paragraph (a) of this Q&A b8 is in a form of property other than cash, the property of which the outstanding rollover consists is valued as of the date the rollover contribution is received by the transferee qualified employer plan or individual retirement
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plan and that value is the amount of the rollover. If the outstanding rollover is in the form of cash, the amount of the cash is the amount of the rollover. b9: Q. What is the form of the grandfather benefit under a defined benefit plan and how is it valued? A. (a) Benefit form. The grandfather amount under a defined benefit plan is determined on the basis of the form of benefit (including any subsidized form of benefit such as a subsidized early retirement benefit or a subsidized joint and survivor annunity) provided under the plan as of August 1, 1986 that has the greatest present value as determined in paragraph (b) of this b9. If the plan provides a subsidized joint and survivor annunity, for purposes of determining the grandfather amount, it will be assumed that an unmarried individual is married and that the individual spouse is the same age as the individual. Assumptions as to future withdrawals, future salary increases or future cost-of-living increases are not permitted. (b) Value of grandfather amount. The grandfather amount under a defined benefit plan is the present value of the individuals benefit form determined under paragraph (a) of this Q&A b9. Thus, the benefit form is reduced to reflect its value on the applicable valuation date. The present value of the benefit form on August 1, 1986, or the applicable date, is computed using the factors specified under the terms of the plan as in effect on August 1, 1986, to calculate a single sum distribution if the plan provides for such a distribution. If the plan does not provide for such a distribution form, such present value is computed using the interest rate and mortality assumptions specified in 20.20317 of the Estate Tax Regulations. b10: Q. Is the plan administrator (or trustee) of a qualified plan (or individual retirement account) required to report to an individual the value of the individuals benefit under the plan as of August 1, 1986? A. (a) Request required. No report is required unless the individual requests a report and the request is received before April 15, 1989. If requested, the plan administrator (or trustee or
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b13: Q. Under the attained age method, what portion of each distribution is treated as a return of the individuals grandfather amount? A. Under the attained age method, the portion of total distributions received during any year that is treated as a recovery of an individuals grandfather amount is calculated by multiplying the individuals aggregate distributions for a calendar year by a fraction. The numerator of the fraction is the difference between the individuals attained age in completed months on August 1, 1986, and the individuals attained age in months at age 35 (420 months). The denominator of the fraction is the difference between the individuals attained age in completed months on December 31 of the calendar year and the individuals attained age in months at age 35 (420 months). An individual whose 35th birthday is after August 1, 1986, may not use the attained age method. b14: Q. How is the 15 percent tax with respect to excess distributions for a calendar year calculated by an individual who has elected to use the special grandfather rule? A. The calculation of the excise tax may be illustrated by the following examples:
Example 1. (a) An individual (A) who participates in two retirement plans, a qualified defined contribution plan and a qualified defined benefit plan, has a total value of accrued benefits on August 1, 1986 under both plans of $1,000,000. Because this amount exceeds $562,500, A is eligible to elect to use the special grandfather rule to calculate the portion of subsequent distributions that are exempt from tax. A elects to use the discretionary grandfather recovery method and attaches a valid election to the 1987 income tax return. A does not elect to accelerate the rate of recovery for 1987. On October 1, 1986, A receives a distribution of $200,000. On February 1, 1987, A receives a distribution of $45,000 and, on November 1, 1987, receives a distribution of $200,000. The 15 percent excise tax applicable to aggregate distributions in 1987 is calculated as follows: (1) Value of grandfather amount on 8/ 1/86 ..............................................$1,000,000 (2) Grandfather amounts recovered in 1986 but after 8/1/86 ........................$200,000 (3) Value of grandfather amount on 12/ 31/86 ((1)(2)) .................................$800,000 (4) Grandfather recovery percentage ............................................................10% (5) Distributions between 1/1/87 and 12/
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31/87 ($45,000$200,000).....................$245,000 (6) Portion of (5) exempt from tax ((4)(5))............................................$24,500 (7) Amount potentially subject to tax ((5)(6)) .........................................$220,500 (8) Portion of aggregate distributions in excess of $112,500 ($45,000$200,000$112,500) ..............$132,500 (9) Amount subject to tax (lesser of (7) and (8)) ..........................................$132,500 (10) Amount of tax (15% of (9)) ..............$19,875 (11) Remaining undistributed value of grandfather amount as of 12/31/87 ((3)(6)) .........................................$775,500 (b) In 1988, A receives no distributions from either plan. On February 1, 1989, A receives a distribution of $300,000 and on December 31, 1989, receives a distribution of $75,000. A makes a valid acceleration election for the 1989 taxable year, whereby A accelerates the rate of grandfather recovery that will apply for calendar years after 1988 to 100 percent. Assume the annual threshold amount for the 1989 calendar year is $125,000 (i.e., 112,500 indexed). The 15 percent excess tax applicable to distributions in 1989 is calculated as follows: (1) Value of grandfather amount on 8/ 1/86.................................................$775,500 (2) Grandfather recovery percentage designated for 1989 calendar year .......................................................... 100% (3) Distributions between 1/1/89 and 12/ 31/89 ($300,000$75,000).....................$375,000 (4) Portion of (3) exempt from tax (2)x(3) ............................................$375,000 (5) Amount potentially subject to tax ((3)(4)) .................................................$0 (6) Portion of aggregate distributions in excess of $125,000 ($300,000$75,000$125,000) ..............$250,000 (7) Amount subject to tax (lesser of (5) and (6)) ...................................................$0 (8) Amount of tax (15% of (7)) ......................$0 (9) Remaining undistributed value of grandfather amount as of 12/31/89 ((1)(4)) .........................................$400,500 The entire amount of any distribution for subsequent calendar years will be treated as a recovery of the grandfather amount and applied against the grandfather amount until the unrecovered grandfather amount is reduced to zero. Example 2. The facts are the same as in Example 1 except that A elects to use the attained age recovery method and A makes a valid election for the 1987 taxable year. Further assume that As attained age in months on August 1, 1986 is 471 months and on December 31, 1987, is 488 months. The 15 percent excise tax applicable to aggregate distributions in 1987 is calculated as follows: (1) Value of grandfather amount on 8/ 1/86 ..............................................$1,000,000 (2) Grandfather amounts recovered in 1986 but after 8/1/86 ........................$200,000
c. Special Rules c-1: Q. How is the excise tax computed if a person elects special tax treatment under section 402 or 403 for a lump sum distribution? A. (a) General rule(1) Conditions. Section 4981A(c)(4) provides for a special tax computation that applies to an individual in a calendar year if the individual receives distributions that include a lump sum distribution and the individual makes certain elections under section 402 or 403 with respect to that lump sum distribution (lump sum election). (2) Lump sum election. A lump sum election includes an election of (i) 5year income averaging under section 402(e)(4)(B); (ii) phaseout capital gains treatment under sections 402(a)(2) or 403(a)(2) prior to their repeal by section 1122(b) of TRA 86 and as permitted under section 1122(h)(4) of TRA 86; (iii) grandfathered long-term capital gains under sections 402(a)(2) and 403(a) prior to such repeal and as permitted by section 1122(h)(3) of TRA 86; and (iv) grandfathered 10-year income averaging under section 402(e) (including such treatment under a section 402(e)(4)(L) election) prior to amendment by section 1122(a) of TRA 86 and as permitted by section 1122(h)(3)(A)(ii) and (5) of the TRA 86. (3) Special tax computation. (i) If the conditions in paragraph (a)(1) of this Q&A c-1 are satisfied for a calendar year, the rules of this subparagraph
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covered at a 10 percent or 100 percent rate in any calendar year and is offset separately against distributions in each category of distributions at the appropriate rate. If, for any calendar year, distributions are received in both categories and the total of the appropriate percentage (10 percent or 100 percent) of the distributions in each category exceed the unrecovered grandfathered account, then such grandfather amount must be recovered ratably from the distributions in each category. This rule applies even if the distributions in one category are less than the threshold amount for that category and the distributions in the other category exceed the threshold amount for that category. (3) Attained age method. If the individual uses the attained age method, described in Q&As b-11 and 13 of this section, the threshold amount is $112,500 (indexed). Under this method, to determine the portion of the distributions in each category that is treated as a recovery of the grandfather amount, the fraction described in Q&A b-13 of this section is applied separately to the distributions in each category of distributions. If, for any calendar year, distributions are received in both categories and the total of the amounts of the distributions in each category that are treated as a recovery of the grandfather amount exceeds that undercovered grandfather amount, then such grandfather amount must be recovered ratably from the distributions in each category. This rule applies even if the distributions in one category are less than the threshold amount for that category and the distributions in the other category exceed the threshold amount for that category. (c) Amount in lump sum category. All amounts received from the employer that are required to be distributed to the individual in order to make a lump sum election described in paragraph (a) of this Q&A c-1 are included in the lump sum category. Amounts are in the lump sum category even though they are not subject to income tax under the election. Thus, for example, the following amounts would be in the lump sum category: (1) Appreciation on employer securities received as part of
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a distribution for which a lump sum treatment is elected; and (2) amounts that are phased out when section 1122 of TRA 86 is elected. However, accumulated deductible employee contributions under the plan (within the meaning of section 72(o)(5)) are in the nonlump sum category. (d) Examples. The rules in this Q&A c 1 are illustrated by the following examples:
Example 1. (a) On January 1, 199X, individual A who is age 65 and is a calendar year taxpayer receives a lump sum distribution described in section 402(e)(4)(A) from a qualified employer plan (Plan X). A receives no other distribution in 199X. A elects 5-year income averaging under section 402(e)(4)(B) and also elects section 402(e)(4)(L) treatment (treating pre-74 participation as post-1973 participation) on As income tax return for 199X. Thus, A also makes the lump sum election described in paragraph (a)(2), above. For 199X, the $112,500 threshold amount indexed is $125,000. A does not make a grandfather election so that As threshold amount is $150,000. (b) As distribution from Plan X consists of cash in the amount of $800,000. A has a section 72(f) investment in the contract. A has over the years made after tax contributions to Plan X of $50,000. As distributions subject to section 4981A equal $750,000 because of the exclusion of As $50,000 after-tax contributions. (c) As distributions consist solely of amounts in the lump sum category. As threshold amount equals $750,000 under the rules of this paragraph (a)(iii), above, (5 times $150,000). Because As threshold amount ($750,000) equals the amount of As distribution from Plan X ($750,000) no part of As distribution from Plan X is treated as an excess distribution subject to the 15-percent excise tax. Example 2. (a) Assume the same facts as in Example (1), except that A receives an additional distribution from an individual retirement plan described in section 408(a) (IRA Y) in 199X of $150,000. A has made no nondeductible contributions to IRA Y and all of the $150,000 is a distribution subject to section 4981A. (b) As distributions consist of two categories, the lump sum category (Plan X $750,000) and the other than lump sum category (IRA Y $150,000). A separate threshold amount is subtracted from As IRA Y distribution. This threshold amount equals $150,000 under the rules of this paragraph (a)(3), above, the same initial threshold amount that is applied against the lump sum prior to the multiplication by 5). Because As threshold amount ($150,000) equals the amount of As distribution from IRA Y
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excise tax. Such reduction would violate employer plan qualification requirements, including section 411(d)(6). c4: Q. To what extent is the 15 percent section 4981A tax reduced by the 10 percent section 72(t) tax? A. (a) General rule. The 15 percent tax on excess distributions may be offset by the 10 percent tax on early distributions to the extent that the 10 percent tax is applied to excess distributions. For example, assume that individual (A), age 56, receives a distribution of $200,000 from a qualified employer plan (Plan X) during calendar year 1987. Further, assume that the entire distribution is subject to the 10-percent tax of section 72(t). A tax of $20,000 (10% of $200,000) is imposed on the distribution under section 72(t). Assuming that the distribution is not a lump sum distribution eligible for special tax treatment under section 402, part of the distribution is subject to tax under section 4981A. If A does not elect the special grandfather rule, As dollar limitation is $150,000 and the amount of $200,000 distribution that is an excess distribution is $50,000 ($200,000$150,000). The 15 percent tax is $7,500 (15% of $50,000). The portion of the $20,000 section 72(t) tax on early distributions that is attributable to the excess distribution is $5,000 (10% of $50,000). This amount is credited against the section 4981A tax. Therefore, the total tax imposed on the distribution under both provisions is $22,500 ($20,000 + ($7,500 $5,000)). (b) Example. (1) If some, but not all, distributions made for a calendar year are subject to the section 72(t) tax, the offset is applied only to the extent that the section 72(t) tax applies to amounts that exceed the applicable threshold amount for that calendar year. For example, assume that during 1987 individual B receives a distribution of $40,000 that is not subject to the 10 percent section 72(t) tax and a separate distribution of $160,000 that is subject to the 10 percent section 72(t) tax. A tax of $16,000 (10% of $160,000) is imposed by section 72(t). Excess distributions for the year, assuming B does not elect the special grandfather rule, are $50,000 ($40,000 + $160,000$150,000). The tax under section 4981A is $7,500 (15% of $50,000). For purposes of determining
c2: Q. Must retirement plans be amended to limit future benefits accruals so that the amounts that are distributed would not be subject to an excise tax under section 4981A? A. No. A qualified employer plan need not be amended to reduce future benefits so that the amount of annual aggregate distributions are not subject to tax under section 4981A. Section 415 does, however, require plan provisions that limit the accrual of benefits and contributions to specified amounts. The operation of the excise tax of section 4981A is independent of plan qualification requirements limiting benefits and contributions under qualified plans. c3: Q. Is a plan amendment reducing accrued benefits a permitted method of avoiding the excise tax? A. No. Accrued benefits may not be reduced to avoid the imposition of the
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the extent to which the 10 percent tax is applied to excess distributions, the only amounts subject to the 10 percent tax that are taken into account are distributions in excess of $150,000 (or if greater, the $112,500 (indexed) threshold for the year). The amount of distributions for 1987 to which the 10 percent tax is applicable ($160,000) exceeds $150,000 by $10,000. Thus, the portion of the section 72(t) tax of $16,000 that is attributable to excess distributions equals $1,000 (10 percent of $10,000). This amount is credited against the section 4981A tax. The total tax payable under the provisions of sections 72(t) and 4981A is $22,500 ($16,000 + ($7,500$1,000)). (c) Net unrealized appreciation. A distribution consisting of net unrealized appreciation of employer securities that is excluded from gross income is not subject to section 72(t) and, therefore, there is no section 72(t) tax on such distribution that may be used to offset the tax on excess distributions. c5: Q. If a distribution that is subject to both the 10 percent tax on early distributions from qualified plans imposed under section 72(t) and the 15 percent tax on excess distributions imposed under section 4981A is received by an individual who elects to calculate the 15 percent tax using the special grandfather rule, how is the offset of the 10 percent tax imposed under section 72(t) calculated? A. The section 4981A tax is reduced only by the amount of the 10 percent tax that is attributable to the portion of the distribution to which the section 4981A tax applies. For example, assume that (a) an individual (A), age 57, receives during 199X a distribution from a qualified plan of $325,000 that is subject to the 10 percent section 72(t) tax; (b) the distribution is not a lump sum distribution and is subject to the 15 percent excise tax imposed by section 4981A; (c) A has elected to use the special grandfather rule; and (d) A accelerates the rate of recovery of the remaining grandfather amount of $250,000 so that only $75,000 of this distribution is subject to the section 4981A tax. Thus, the section 4981A tax is $11,250 (15% of $75,000). The portion of the section 72(t) 10 percent tax that is offset against the section 4981A tax of $11,250 is limited to $7,500 (10% of $75,000), the section 72(t)
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community property interest in the individuals or decedents distributions or accumulation. Also, any reporting to the individual by a trustee, must be done on an aggregate basis without regard to the community property law. d. Excess Accumulations d1: Q. To what extent does section 4981A increase the estate tax imposed by chapter 11 with respect to the estates of any decedents? A. Section 4981A(d) provides that the estate tax imposed by chapter 11 with respect to the estate of any decedent is increased by an amount equal to 15 percent of the decedents excess accumulation. See Q&A d2 through d7 of this section for rules for determining the decedents excess accumulation. See Q&A d8 of this section concerning credits under section 2010 through 2016. See Q&A d9 of this section for examples illustrating the determination of the increase in estate tax under section 4981A(d). d2: Q. How is the amount of a decedents excess accumulation determined? A. (a) General rule. A decedents excess accumulation is the excess of (1) the aggregate value of the decedents interests in all qualified employer plans and individual retirement plans (decedents aggregate interest) as of the date of the decedents death over (2) an amount equal to the present value of a hypothetical life annuity determined under Q&A d7 of this section. If the personal representative for the individuals estate elects to value the property in the gross estate under section 2032, the applicable valuation date prescribed by section 2032 shall be substituted for the decedents date of death. (b) Other rules. See Q&A d3 and d4 of this section if the decedent or, where appropriate, the decedents personal representative validly elects the special grandfather rule and has any unused grandfather benefit as of the date of his death. See Q&A d5 and d6 of this section to determine the decedents aggregate interest. d3: Q. Does the special grandfather rule apply for purposes of determining the amount of the decedents excess accumulation?
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A. Yes. If a decedent prior to death (or the decedents personal representative after death) makes an election that satisfied the procedures in Q&A b 3 of this section, the special grandfather rule applies. d4: Q. How is the decedents excess accumulation determined if the special grandfather rule applies? A. If the special grandfather rule applies, the decedents excess accumulation is the excess of (a) the decedents aggregate interest (determined under Q&A d5 of this section) over (b) the greater of (1) the decedents remaining unrecovered grandfather amount as of the date of the decedents death, or (2) an amount equal to the present value of a hypothetical life annuity under Q&A d7 of this section. d5. Q. How is the value of the decedents aggregate interest as of the applicable valuation date under Q&A d2 determined? A. (a) Method of valuation. The value of the decedents aggregate interest on the decedents date of death is determined in a manner consistent with the valuation of such interests for purposes of determining the individuals gross estate for purposes of chapter 11. If the personal representative for an individuals estate subject to estate tax elects to value the property in the gross estate under section 2032, the decedents aggregate interest is valued in a manner consistent with the rules prescribed by section 2032 (and other relevant estate tax sections). No adjustments provided in chapter 11 in valuing the gross estate are made. Thus, there is no adjustment under section 2057 (relating to the sale of certain employer securities). (b) Amounts included. Generally, all amounts payable to beneficiaries of the decedent under any qualified employer plan (including amounts payable to a surviving spouse under a qualified joint and survivor annuity or qualified preretirement survivor annuity) or individual retirement plan, whether or not otherwise included in valuing the decedents gross estate, are considered to be part of the decedents interest in such plan. (c) Rollover after death. If any amount is distributed from a qualified employer plan or individual retirement
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tionally, the rules generally applicable for purposes of determining the apportionment of the estate tax apply to the apportionment of the excise tax under section 4981A(d). Thus, the decedents will or the applicable state apportionment law may provide that the executor is entitled to recover the tax imposed under section 4981A(d) attributable to any property from the beneficiary entitled to receive such property. However, absent such a provision in the decedents will or in the applicable state apportionment law, the executor is not entitled to recover the tax imposed under section 4981A(d) attributable to any property from the beneficiary entitled to receive such property. d9: Q. How is the additional tax computed with respect to a decedents estate under section 4981A(d)? A. The determination of the additional tax under section 4981A(d) is illustrated by the following examples:
Example 1. (a) An individual (A) dies on February 1, 199X at age 70 and 9 months. As of As date of death, A has an interest in a defined benefit plan described in section 401(a) (Plan X). Plan X has never provided for employee contributions. A has no section 72 (f) investment in Plan X. A does not have any interest in any other qualified employer plan or individual retirement plan. The alternate valuation date in section 2032 does not apply. A did not elect to have the special grandfather rule apply. As interest in Plan X is in the form of a qualified joint and survivor annuity. The value of the remaining payments under the joint and survivor annuity as of As date of death (determined under D5) is $2,000,000. (b) Because A is age 70 and 9 months of As date of death, As life expectancy as of As date of death is calculated using age 70 (As attained age in whole years on As date of death). The factor from Table A of 20.2031 7(f) used to determine the present value of a single life annuity for an individual age 70 is 6.0522. The greater of $150,000 or $112,500 indexed for 199X is 150,000. The present value of the hypothetical single life annuity is $907,830 ($150,0006.0522) (c) The amount of As excess accumulation is $1,092,170, determined as follows: $2,000,000 (value of As interest in Plan X) minus $907,830 (value of hypothetical single life annuity contract) equals $1,092,170. (d) The increase in the estate tax under section 4981A(d) is $163,825 (15 percent of $1,092,170).
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Example 2. (a) The facts are the same as in Example 1, except that As interest in Plan X consists of the following: (1) $2,000,000, value of employer-provided portion of a qualified joint and survivor annuity determined as of As date of death using the interest and mortality assumptions in 20.20317. (2) $200,000, proceeds of a term life insurance contract (no cash surrender value before death). (3) $100,000. amount (employer-provided portion) payable to As former spouse pursuant to a QDRO. (4) $100,000, amount of As investment in Plan X. (b) The value of As interest in Plan X for purposes of calculating As excess accumulation is still $2,000,000. The proceeds of the term life insurance contract, the amount payable under the QDRO, and the amount of As investment in Plan X are excluded from such value. Example 3. (a) The facts are the same as in Example 1, except that A elected the special grandfather rule. As initial grandfather amount was $1,100,000. As of As date of death, A had received $500,000 in distributions that were treated as a return of As grandfather amount. Thus, As unused grandfather amount is $600,000 ($1,100,000$500,000). In 199X, assume that $112,500 indexed is still $112,500. (b) As excess retirement accumulation is determined as follows: $2,000,000 minus the greater of (1) $600,000 or (2) the present value of a period certain annuity of $112,500 a year for 16 years. The present value of a single life annuity of $112,500 a year for an individual age 70 is determined as follows: $112,500 6.0522=$680,827.25. $680,827.25 is greater than $600,000. Thus the amount of the excess retirement accumulation is $1,319,173 ($2,000,000 minus $680,827). (c) The additional estate tax under section 4981A(d) is $197,875 (15 percent of $1,319,173). Example 4. (a) The facts are the same as in Example 3 except that, as of As date of death, A received $90,000 in distributions that were treated as a return of As grandfather amount. Thus, As unused grandfather amount is $1,010,000 ($1,100,000$90,000). (b) As excess retirement accumulation is determined as follows: $2,000,000 minus the greater of (1) ($1,010,000 (As unused grandfather amount) or (2) 680,827.25 (the present value of a single life annuity of $112,500 a year for an individual age 70). As unused grandfather amount is greater than the present value of the hypothetical life annuity. Thus, the amount of the excess retirement accumulation is $990,000 ($2,000,000 $1,010,000). (c) The additional estate tax under section 4981A(d) is $148,500 (15 percent of $990,000).
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fifth month following the close of such entity managers taxable year during which the entity entered into the prohibited tax shelter transaction, and shall include therein the information required by such form and the instructions issued with respect thereto. (2) Transition rule. A Form 5330, Return of Excise Taxes Related to Employee Benefit Plans, for an excise tax under section 4965 that was due on or before October 4, 2007, will be deemed to have been filed on the due date if it was filed by October 4, 2007, and if the section 4965 tax that was required to be reported on that Form 5330 was paid by October 4, 2007. (d) Effective/applicability date. Paragraph (c) of this section is applicable on July 6, 2007.
[T.D. 7838, 47 FR 44249, Oct. 7, 1982, as amended by T.D. 9334, 72 FR 36873, July 6, 2007; T.D. 9492, 75 FR 38708, July 6, 2010; 75 FR 46845, Aug. 4, 2010]
54.60111 General requirement of return, statement, or list. (a) Minimum funding standards or excess contributions for self-employed individuals and section 403(b)(7)(A) custodial accounts. Any employer or individual liable for tax under section 4971, 4972 or 4973(a)(2) (for a custodial account under section 403(b)(7)(A)) shall file an annual return on Form 5330 and shall include therein the information required by such form and the instructions issued with respect thereto. (b) Tax on prohibited transactions. Every disqualified person (as defined in section 4975(e)(2)) liable for the tax imposed under section 4975(a) with respect to a prohibited transaction shall file an annual return on Form 5330 and shall include therein the information required by such form and the instructions issued with respect thereto. The annual return on Form 5330 shall be filed with respect to each prohibited transaction and for each taxable year (or part thereof) of the disqualified person in the taxable period (as defined in section 4975(f)(2)) beginning on the date on which such prohibited transaction occurs. (c) Entity manager tax on prohibited tax shelter transactions(1) In general. Any entity manager of a tax-exempt entity described in section 4965(c)(4), (c)(5), (c)(6), or (c)(7) who is liable for tax under section 4965(a)(2) shall file a return on Form 5330, Return of Excise Taxes Related to Employee Benefit Plans, on or before the 15th day of the
54.60111T General requirement of return, statement, or list (temporary). (a) Tax on reversions of qualified plan assets to employer. Every employer liable for the tax imposed under section 4980(a) with respect to an employer reversion (as defined in section 4980(c)(2)) shall file a quarterly return on Form 5330 and shall include therein the information required by such form and the instructions issued with respect thereto. The quarterly return on Form 5330 shall be filed with respect to employer reversions from each qualified plan (as defined in section 4980(c)(1)). (b) [Reserved]
[T.D. 8133, 52 FR 10563, Apr. 2, 1987 as amended by T.D. 9334, 72 FR 36873, July 6, 2007; 72 FR 45895, Aug. 16, 2007; T.D. 9492, 75 FR 38709, July 6, 2010]
54.60112 General requirement of return, statement, or list. Effective for any Form 8928 that is due on or after January 1, 2010, any person liable for tax under section 4980B, 4980D, 4980E, or 4980G of the Code shall file a return with respect to the tax on Form 8928. The return must include the information required by Form 8928 and the instructions issued with respect to it.
[T.D. 9457, 74 FR 45999, Sept. 8, 2009]
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54.60114 Requirement of statement disclosing participation in certain transactions by taxpayers. (a) In general. If a transaction is identified as a listed transaction or a transaction of interest as defined in 1.60114 of this chapter by the Commissioner in published guidance (see 601.601(d)(2)(ii)(b) of this chapter), and the listed transaction or transaction of interest involves an excise tax under chapter 43 of subtitle D of the Internal Revenue Code (relating to qualified pension, etc., plans) the transaction must be disclosed in the manner stated in such published guidance. (b) Effective/applicability date. This section applies to listed transactions entered into on or after January 1, 2003. This section applies to transactions of interest entered into on or after November 2, 2006.
[T.D. 9350, 72 FR 43154, Aug. 3, 2007]
54.60601 Reporting requirements for tax return preparers. (a) In general. A person that employs one or more tax return preparers to prepare a return or claim for refund under Chapter 43 of subtitle D of the Internal Revenue Code, other than for the person, at any time during a return period, shall satisfy the record keeping and inspection requirements in the manner stated in 1.60601 of this chapter. (b) Effective/applicability date. This section is applicable to returns and claims for refund filed after December 31, 2008.
[T.D. 9436, 73 FR 78458, Dec. 22, 2008]
54.60611 Signing of returns and other documents. Effective for any Form 8928 that is due on or after January 1, 2010, any return, statement, or other document required to be made with respect to a tax imposed by section 4980B, 4980D, 4980E, or 4980G of the Code or the regulations under section 4980B, 4980D, 4980E, or 4980G must be signed by the person required to file the return, statement, or other document, or by the persons required or duly authorized to sign in accordance with the regulations, forms, or instructions prescribed with respect to such return, statement, or docu-
54.60711 Time for filing returns. (a) Returns under section 4980B. (1) Due date for filing of return by employers or other persons responsible for benefits under a group health plan. If the person liable for the excise tax is an employer or other person responsible for providing or administering benefits under a group health plan (such as an insurer or a third party administrator), the return required by 54.60112 must be filed on or before the due date for filing the persons income tax return and must reflect the portion of the noncompliance period for each failure under section 4980B that falls during the persons taxable year. An extension to file the persons income tax return does not extend the date for filing Form 8928. (2) Due date for filing of return by multiemployer plans. If the person liable for the excise tax is a multiemployer plan, the return required by 54.60112 must be filed on or before the last day of the seventh month following the end of the plans plan year. The filing of Form 8928 by a plan must reflect the portion of the noncompliance period for each failure under section 4980B that falls during the plans plan year. (b) Returns under section 4980D. (1) Due date for filing of return by employers. If the person liable for the excise tax is an employer, the return required by 54.60112 must be filed on or before the due date for filing the employers income tax return and must reflect the portion of the noncompliance period for each failure under chapter 100 that falls during the employers taxable year. An extension to file the employers income tax return does not extend the date for filing Form 8928. (2) Due date for filing of return by multiemployer plans or multiple employer health plans. If the person liable for the excise tax is a multiemployer plan or a specified multiple employer health plan, the return required by 54.60112 must be filed on or before the last day of the seventh month following the end
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(3) Remit the amount of the properly estimated unpaid tax liability on or before the date prescribed for payment. (c) No extension of time for the payment of tax. An automatic extension of time for filing a return granted under paragraph (a) of this section will not extend the time for payment of any tax due on such return. (d) Termination of automatic extension. The Commissioner may terminate an automatic extension at any time by mailing to the employer, other person, or health plan a notice of termination at least 10 days prior to the termination date designated in such notice. The Commissioner must mail the notice of termination to the address shown on the Form 7004 or to the estate or trusts last known address. For further guidance regarding the definition of last known address, see 301.62122 of this chapter. (e) Penalties. See section 6651 for failure to file a pension excise tax return or failure to pay the amount shown as tax on the return. (f) Effective/applicability date. This section is applicable for applications for an automatic extension of time to file a return due under chapter 43, filed on or after June 24, 2011.
[T.D. 9531, 76 FR 36999, June 24, 2011]
54.60811 Automatic extension of time for filing returns for certain excise taxes under Chapter 43. (a) In general. An employer, other person or health plan that is required to file a return on Form 8928, Return of Certain Excise Taxes Under Chapter 43 of the Internal Revenue Code, will be allowed an automatic 6-month extension of time to file the return after the date prescribed for filing the return if the employer, other person or health plan files an application under this section in accordance with paragraph (b) of this section. (b) Requirements. To satisfy this paragraph (b), an employer, other person or health plan must (1) Submit a complete application on Form 7004, Application for Automatic Extension of Time To File Certain Business Income Tax, Information, and Other Returns, or in any other manner prescribed by the Commissioner; (2) File the application on or before the date prescribed for filing the return with the Internal Revenue Service office designated in the applications instructions; and
54.60911 Place for filing excise tax returns under section 4980B, 4980D, 4980E, or 4980G. Effective for any Form 8928 that is due on or after January 1, 2010, the return required by 54.60112 must be filed at the place specified in the forms and instructions provided by the Internal Revenue Service.
[T.D. 9457, 74 FR 46000, Sept. 8, 2009]
54.61071 Tax return preparer must furnish copy of return or claims for refund to taxpayer and must retain a copy or record. (a) In general. A person who is a signing tax return preparer of any return or claim for refund of tax under Chapter 43 of subtitle D of the Internal Revenue Code, shall furnish a completed copy of the return or claim for refund to the taxpayer, and retain a completed copy or record in the manner stated in 1.61071 of this chapter.
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(b) Effective/applicability date. This section is applicable to returns and claims for refund filed after December 31, 2008.
[T.D. 9436, 73 FR 78458, Dec. 22, 2008]
54.61091 Tax return preparers furnishing identifying numbers for returns or claims for refund filed. (a) In general. Each tax return or claim for refund of tax under Chapter 43 of subtitle D prepared by one or more signing tax return preparers must include the identifying number of the preparer required by 1.66951(b) of this chapter to sign the return or claim for refund in the manner stated in 1.6109 2 of this chapter. (b) Effective/applicability date. Paragraph (a) of this section is applicable to returns and claims for refund filed after December 31, 2008.
[T.D. 9436, 73 FR 78458, Dec. 22, 2008]
54.61511 Time and place for paying of tax shown on returns. Effective for any Form 8928 that is due on or after January 1, 2010, the tax shown on any return which is imposed under section 4980B, 4980D, 4980E or 4980G shall, without assessment or notice and demand, be paid to the internal revenue officer with whom the return is filed at the time and place for filing such return (determined without regard to any extension of time for filing the return). For provisions relating to the time and place for filing such return, see 54.60711 and 54.60911.
[T.D. 9457, 74 FR 46000, Sept. 8, 2009]
54.66943 Penalty for understatement due to willful, reckless, or intentional conduct. (a) In general. A person who is a tax return preparer of any return or claim for refund of excise tax under chapter 43 of subtitle D of the Internal Revenue Code (Code) shall be subject to penalties under section 6694(b) of the Code in the manner stated in 1.66943 of this chapter. (b) Effective/applicability date. This section is applicable to returns and claims for refund filed, and advice provided, after December 31, 2008.
[T.D. 9436, 73 FR 78458, Dec. 22, 2008]
54.66941 Section 6694 penalties applicable to tax return preparer. (a) In general. For general definitions regarding section 6694 penalties applicable to preparers of tax returns or claims for refund of tax under Chapter 43 of subtitle D, see 1.66941 of this chapter. (b) Effective/applicability date. Paragraph (a) of this section is applicable to returns and claims for refund filed, and advice provided, after December 31, 2008.
[T.D. 9436, 73 FR 78458, Dec. 22, 2008]
54.66944 Extension of period of collection when tax return preparer pays 15 percent of a penalty for understatement of taxpayers liability and certain other procedural matters. (a) In general. For rules relating to the extension of period of collection when a tax return preparer who prepared a return or claim for refund for tax under chapter 43 of subtitle D of the Internal Revenue Code pays 15 percent of a penalty for understatement of taxpayers liability, and procedural matters relating to the investigation, assessment and collection of the penalties under section 6694(a) and (b), the rules under 1.66944 of this chapter will apply. (b) Effective/applicability date. This section is applicable to returns and claims for refund filed, and advice provided, after December 31, 2008.
[T.D. 9436, 73 FR 78459, Dec. 22, 2008]
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ability sections) implement Chapter 100 of Subtitle K of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986. (b) Scope. A group health plan may provide greater rights to participants and beneficiaries than those set forth in these portability sections. These portability sections set forth minimum requirements for group health plans concerning: (1) Limitations on a preexisting condition exclusion period. (2) Certificates and disclosure of previous coverage. (3) Rules relating to creditable coverage. (4) Special enrollment periods. (5) Prohibition against discrimination on the basis of health factors. (6) Additional requirements prohibiting discrimination based on genetic information. (c) Similar requirements under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act and the Public Health Service Act. Sections 701, 702, 703, 711, 712, 732, and 733 of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 and sections 2701, 2702, 2704, 2705, 2721, and 2791 of the Public Health Service Act impose requirements similar to those imposed under Chapter 100 of Subtitle K with respect to health insurance issuers offering group health insurance coverage. See 29 CFR part 2590 and 45 CFR parts 144, 146, and 148. See also part B of title XXVII of the Public Health Service Act and 45 CFR part 148 for other rules applicable to health insurance offered in the individual market (defined in 54.98012).
[T.D. 9166, 69 FR 78746, Dec. 30, 2004, as amended by T.D. 9299, 71 FR 75056, Dec. 13, 2006; T.D. 9427, 73 FR 62419, Oct. 20, 2008; T.D. 9464, 74 FR 51678, Oct. 7, 2009]
54.66961 Claims for credit or refund by tax return preparers. (a) In general. For rules for claims for credit or refund by a tax return preparer who prepared a return or claim for refund for excise tax under chapter 43 of subtitle D of the Internal Revenue Code, the rules under 1.66961 of this chapter will apply. (b) Effective/applicability date. This section is applicable to returns and claims for refund filed, and advice provided, after December 31, 2008.
[T.D. 9436, 73 FR 78459, Dec. 22, 2008]
(a) In general. For the definition of a tax return preparer, see 301.770115 of this chapter. (b) Effective/applicability date. This section is applicable to returns and claims for refund filed, and advice provided, after December 31, 2008.
[T.D. 9436, 73 FR 78459, Dec. 22, 2008]
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(a) Statutory basis. This section and sections 54.98012 through 54.98016, 54.98021, 54.98022, 54.98023T, 54.98111, 54.98121T, 54.98311, and 54.98331 (port-
54.98012 Definitions. Unless otherwise provided, the definitions in this section govern in applying the provisions of 54.98011, this section, 54.98013 through 54.98016, 54.98021, 54.98022, 54.98023T, 54.98111, 54.98121T, 54.98311, and 54.98331. Affiliation period means a period of time that must expire before health insurance coverage provided by an HMO becomes effective, and during which the HMO is not required to provide benefits.
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COBRA definitions: (1) COBRA means title X of the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985, as amended. (2) COBRA continuation coverage means coverage, under a group health plan, that satisfies an applicable COBRA continuation provision. (3) COBRA continuation provision means section 4980B (other than paragraph (f)(1) of section 4980B insofar as it relates to pediatric vaccines), sections 601608 of ERISA, or title XXII of the PHS Act. (4) Exhaustion of COBRA continuation coverage means that an individuals COBRA continuation coverage ceases for any reason other than either failure of the individual to pay premiums on a timely basis, or for cause (such as making a fraudulent claim or an intentional misrepresentation of a material fact in connection with the plan). An individual is considered to have exhausted COBRA continuation coverage if such coverage ceases (i) Due to the failure of the employer or other responsible entity to remit premiums on a timely basis; (ii) When the individual no longer resides, lives, or works in the service area of an HMO or similar program (whether or not within the choice of the individual) and there is no other COBRA continuation coverage available to the individual; or (iii) When the individual incurs a claim that would meet or exceed a lifetime limit on all benefits and there is no other COBRA continuation coverage available to the individual. Condition means a medical condition. Creditable coverage means creditable coverage within the meaning of 54.98014(a). Dependent means any individual who is or may become eligible for coverage under the terms of a group health plan because of a relationship to a participant. Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA) means the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, as amended (29 U.S.C. 1001 et seq.). Enroll means to become covered for benefits under a group health plan (that is, when coverage becomes effective), without regard to when the indi-
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such person ends upon the termination of such legal obligation. Plan year means the year that is designated as the plan year in the plan document of a group health plan, except that if the plan document does not designate a plan year or if there is no plan document, the plan year is (1) The deductible or limit year used under the plan; (2) If the plan does not impose deductibles or limits on a yearly basis, then the plan year is the policy year; (3) If the plan does not impose deductibles or limits on a yearly basis, and either the plan is not insured or the insurance policy is not renewed on an annual basis, then the plan year is the employers taxable year; or (4) In any other case, the plan year is the calendar year. Preexisting condition exclusion means a limitation or exclusion of benefits (including a denial of coverage) based on the fact that the condition was present before the effective date of coverage (or if coverage is denied, the date of the denial) under a group health plan or group or individual health insurance coverage (or other coverage provided to federally eligible individuals pursuant to 45 CFR part 148), whether or not any medical advice, diagnosis, care, or treatment was recommended or received before that day. A preexisting condition exclusion includes any limitation or exclusion of benefits (including a denial of coverage) applicable to an individual as a result of information relating to an individuals health status before the individuals effective date of coverage (or if coverage is denied, the date of the denial) under a group health plan, or group or individual health insurance coverage (or other coverage provided to Federally eligible individuals pursuant to 45 CFR part 148), such as a condition identified as a result of a pre-enrollment questionnaire or physical examination given to the individual, or review of medical records relating to the pre-enrollment period. Public health plan means public health plan within the meaning of 54.9801 4(a)(1)(ix). Public Health Service Act (PHS Act) means the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 201, et seq.).
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Short-term, limited-duration insurance means health insurance coverage provided pursuant to a contract with an issuer that has an expiration date specified in the contract (taking into account any extensions that may be elected by the policyholder without the issuers consent) that is less than 12 months after the original effective date of the contract. Significant break in coverage means a significant break in coverage within the meaning of 54.98014(b)(2)(iii). Special enrollment means enrollment in a group health plan under the rights described in 54.98016 or in group health insurance coverage under the rights described in 29 CFR 2590.7016 or 45 CFR 146.117. State health benefits risk pool means a State health benefits risk pool within the meaning of 54.98014(a)(1)(vii). Waiting period means waiting period within the meaning of 54.9801 3(a)(3)(iii).
[T.D. 9166, 69 FR 78746, Dec. 30, 2004, as amended by T.D. 9299, 71 FR 75056, Dec. 13, 2006; T.D. 9427, 73 FR 62420, Oct. 20, 2008; T.D. 9464, 74 FR 51678, Oct. 7, 2009; T.D. 9491, 75 FR 37222, June 28, 2010]
54.98013 Limitations on preexisting condition exclusion period. (a) Preexisting condition exclusion(1) Defined(i) A preexisting condition exclusion means a preexisting condition exclusion within the meaning set forth in 54.98012. (ii) Examples. The rules of this paragraph (a)(1) are illustrated by the following examples:
Example 1. (i) Facts. A group health plan provides benefits solely through an insurance policy offered by Issuer S. At the expiration of the policy, the plan switches coverage to a policy offered by Issuer T. Issuer Ts policy excludes benefits for any prosthesis if the body part was lost before the effective date of coverage under the policy. (ii) Conclusion. In this Example 1, the exclusion of benefits for any prosthesis if the body part was lost before the effective date of coverage is a preexisting condition exclusion because it operates to exclude benefits for a condition based on the fact that the condition was present before the effective date of coverage under the policy. (Therefore, the exclusion of benefits is required to comply with the limitations on preexisting condition exclusions in this section. For an example illustrating the application of these limita-
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existing condition exclusion only if the requirements of this paragraph (a)(2) are satisfied. (See section 701 of ERISA and section 2701 of the PHS Act, under which these requirements are also imposed on a health insurance issuer offering group health insurance coverage.) (i) 6-month look-back rule. A preexisting condition exclusion must relate to a condition (whether physical or mental), regardless of the cause of the condition, for which medical advice, diagnosis, care, or treatment was recommended or received within the 6month period (or such shorter period as applies under the plan) ending on the enrollment date. (A) For purposes of this paragraph (a)(2)(i), medical advice, diagnosis, care, or treatment is taken into account only if it is recommended by, or received from, an individual licensed or similarly authorized to provide such services under State law and operating within the scope of practice authorized by State law. (B) For purposes of this paragraph (a)(2)(i), the 6-month period ending on the enrollment date begins on the 6month anniversary date preceding the enrollment date. For example, for an enrollment date of August 1, 1998, the 6-month period preceding the enrollment date is the period commencing on February 1, 1998 and continuing through July 31, 1998. As another example, for an enrollment date of August 30, 1998, the 6-month period preceding the enrollment date is the period commencing on February 28, 1998 and continuing through August 29, 1998. (C) The rules of this paragraph (a)(2)(i) are illustrated by the following examples:
Example 1. (i) Facts. Individual A is diagnosed with a medical condition 8 months before As enrollment date in Employer Rs group health plan. As doctor recommends that A take a prescription drug for 3 months, and A follows the recommendation. (ii) Conclusion. In this Example 1, Employer Rs plan may impose a preexisting condition exclusion with respect to As condition because A received treatment during the 6month period ending on As enrollment date in Employer Rs plan by taking the prescription medication during that period. However, if A did not take the prescription drug during the 6-month period, Employer Rs plan
(2) General rules. Subject to paragraph (b) of this section (prohibiting the imposition of a preexisting condition exclusion with respect to certain individuals and conditions), a group health plan may impose, with respect to a participant or beneficiary, a pre-
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would not be able to impose a preexisting condition exclusion with respect to that condition. Example 2. (i) Facts. Individual B is treated for a medical condition 7 months before the enrollment date in Employer Ss group health plan. As part of such treatment, Bs physician recommends that a follow-up examination be given 2 months later. Despite this recommendation, B does not receive a follow-up examination, and no other medical advice, diagnosis, care, or treatment for that condition is recommended to B or received by B during the 6-month period ending on Bs enrollment date in Employer Ss plan. (ii) Conclusion. In this Example 2, Employer Ss plan may not impose a preexisting condition exclusion with respect to the condition for which B received treatment 7 months prior to the enrollment date. Example 3. (i) Facts. Same facts as Example 2, except that Employer Ss plan learns of the condition and attaches a rider to Bs certificate of coverage excluding coverage for the condition. Three months after enrollment, Bs condition recurs, and Employer Ss plan denies payment under the rider. (ii) Conclusion. In this Example 3, the rider is a preexisting condition exclusion and Employer Ss plan may not impose a preexisting condition exclusion with respect to the condition for which B received treatment 7 months prior to the enrollment date. (In addition, such a rider would violate the provisions of 54.98021, even if B had received treatment for the condition within the 6month period ending on the enrollment date.) Example 4. (i) Facts. Individual C has asthma and is treated for that condition several times during the 6-month period before Cs enrollment date in Employer Ts plan. Three months after the enrollment date, C begins coverage under Employer Ts plan. Two months later, C is hospitalized for asthma. (ii) Conclusion. In this Example 4, Employer Ts plan may impose a preexisting condition exclusion with respect to Cs asthma because care relating to Cs asthma was received during the 6-month period ending on Cs enrollment date (which, under the rules of paragraph (a)(3)(i) of this section, is the first day of the waiting period). Example 5. (i) Facts. Individual D, who is subject to a preexisting condition exclusion imposed by Employer Us plan, has diabetes, as well as retinal degeneration, a foot condition, and poor circulation (all of which are conditions that may be directly attributed to diabetes). D receives treatment for these conditions during the 6-month period ending on Ds enrollment date in Employer Us plan. After enrolling in the plan, D stumbles and breaks a leg. (ii) Conclusion. In this Example 5, the leg fracture is not a condition related to Ds diabetes, retinal degeneration, foot condition,
(ii) Maximum length of preexisting condition exclusion. A preexisting condition exclusion is not permitted to extend for more than 12 months (18 months in the case of a late enrollee) after the enrollment date. For example, for an enrollment date of August 1, 1998, the 12month period after the enrollment date is the period commencing on August 1, 1998 and continuing through July 31, 1999; the 18-month period after the enrollment date is the period commencing on August 1, 1998 and continuing through January 31, 2000. (iii) Reducing a preexisting condition exclusion period by creditable coverage (A) The period of any preexisting condition exclusion that would otherwise apply to an individual under a group health plan is reduced by the number of days of creditable coverage the individual has as of the enrollment date, as counted under 54.98014. Creditable coverage may be evidenced through a certificate of creditable coverage (required under 54.98015(a)), or through other means in accordance with the rules of 54.98015(c). (B) The rules of this paragraph (a)(2)(iii) are illustrated by the following example:
Example. (i) Facts. Individual D works for Employer X and has been covered continuously under Xs group health plan. Ds spouse works for Employer Y. Y maintains a group health plan that imposes a 12-month preexisting condition exclusion (reduced by creditable coverage) on all new enrollees. D enrolls in Ys plan, but also stays covered under Xs plan. D presents Ys plan with evidence of creditable coverage under Xs plan. (ii) Conclusion. In this Example, Ys plan must reduce the preexisting condition exclusion period that applies to D by the number of days of coverage that D had under Xs plan as of Ds enrollment date in Ys plan (even though Ds coverage under Xs plan was continuing as of that date).
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completes the applicable enrollment forms, or on any subsequent January 1 after completion of the applicable enrollment forms. Employer Vs plan imposes a preexisting condition exclusion for 12 months (reduced by the individuals creditable coverage) following an individuals enrollment date. Employee E is hired by Employer V on October 13, 1998, and on October 14, 1998 E completes and files all the forms necessary to enroll in the plan. Es coverage under the plan becomes effective on October 25, 1998 (which is the beginning of the first payroll period after Es date of hire). (ii) Conclusion. In this Example 1, Es enrollment date is October 13, 1998 (which is the first day of the waiting period for Es enrollment and is also Es date of hire). Accordingly, with respect to E, the permissible 6month period in paragraph (a)(2)(i) is the period from April 13, 1998 through October 12, 1998, the maximum permissible period during which Employer Vs plan can apply a preexisting condition exclusion under paragraph (a)(2)(ii) is the period from October 13, 1998 through October 12, 1999, and this period must be reduced under paragraph (a)(2)(iii) by Es days of creditable coverage as of October 13, 1998. Example 2. (i) Facts. A group health plan has two benefit package options, Option 1 and Option 2. Under each option a 12-month preexisting condition exclusion is imposed. Individual B is enrolled in Option 1 on the first day of employment with the employer maintaining the plan, remains enrolled in Option 1 for more than one year, and then decides to switch to Option 2 at open season. (ii) Conclusion. In this Example 2, B cannot be subject to any preexisting condition exclusion under Option 2 because any preexisting condition exclusion period would have to begin on Bs enrollment date, which is Bs first day of coverage, rather than the date that B enrolled in Option 2. Therefore, the preexisting condition exclusion period expired before B switched to Option 2. Example 3. (i) Facts. On May 13, 1997, Individual E is hired by an employer and enrolls in the employers group health plan. The plan provides benefits solely through an insurance policy offered by Issuer S. On December 27, 1998, Es leg is injured in an accident and the leg is amputated. On January 1, 1999, the plan switches coverage to a policy offered by Issuer T. Issuer Ts policy excludes benefits for any prosthesis if the body part was lost before the effective date of coverage under the policy. (ii) Conclusion. In this Example 3, Es enrollment date is May 13, 1997, Es first day of coverage. Therefore, the permissible 6-month look-back period for the preexisting condition exclusion imposed under Issuer Ts policy begins on November 13, 1996 and ends on
Example 1. (i) Facts. Employer Vs group health plan provides for coverage to begin on the first day of the first payroll period following the date an employee is hired and
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May 12, 1997. In addition, the 12-month maximum permissible preexisting condition exclusion period begins on May 13, 1997 and ends on May 12, 1998. Accordingly, because no medical advice, diagnosis, care, or treatment was recommended to or received by E for the leg during the 6-month look-back period (even though medical care was provided within the 6-month period preceding the effective date of Es coverage under Issuer Ts policy), the plan may not impose any preexisting condition exclusion with respect to E. Moreover, even if E had received treatment during the 6-month look-back period, the plan still would not be permitted to impose a preexisting condition exclusion because the 12-month maximum permissible preexisting condition exclusion period expired on May 12, 1998 (before the effective date of Es coverage under Issuer Ts policy). See 29 CFR 2590.7013(a)(3)(iv) Example 3 and 45 CFR 146.111(a)(3)(iv) Example 3 for a conclusion that Issuer T is similarly prohibited from imposing a preexisting condition exclusion with respect to E. Example 4. (i) Facts. A group health plan limits eligibility for coverage to full-time employees of Employer Y. Coverage becomes effective on the first day of the month following the date the employee becomes eligible. Employee C begins working full-time for Employer Y on April 11. Prior to this date, C worked part-time for Y. C enrolls in the plan and coverage is effective May 1. (ii) Conclusion. In this Example 4, Cs enrollment date is April 11 and the period from April 11 through April 30 is a waiting period. The period while C was working part-time, and therefore not in an eligible class of employees, is not part of the waiting period. Example 5. (i) Facts. To be eligible for coverage under a multiemployer group health plan in the current calendar quarter, the plan requires an individual to have worked 250 hours in covered employment during the previous quarter. If the hours requirement is satisfied, coverage becomes effective on the first day of the current calendar quarter. Employee D begins work on January 28 and does not work 250 hours in covered employment during the first quarter (ending March 31). D works at least 250 hours in the second quarter (ending June 30) and is enrolled in the plan with coverage effective July 1 (the first day of the third quarter). (ii) Conclusion. In this Example 5, Ds enrollment date is the first day of the quarter during which D satisfies the hours requirement, which is April 1. The period from April 1 through June 30 is a waiting period.
(v) Late enrollee means an individual whose enrollment in a plan is a late enrollment. (vi) (A) Late enrollment means enrollment of an individual under a group health plan other than
(b) Exceptions pertaining to preexisting condition exclusions(1) Newborns(i) In general. Subject to paragraph (b)(3) of this section, a group health plan may not impose any preexisting condition exclusion on a child who, within 30 days after birth, is covered under any creditable coverage. Accordingly, if a child is enrolled in a group health plan (or other creditable coverage) within 30 days after birth and subsequently enrolls in another group health plan without a significant break in coverage (as described in 54.98014(b)(2)(iii)), the
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before attaining 18 years of age and who, within 30 days after the adoption or placement for adoption, is covered under any creditable coverage. Accordingly, if a child is enrolled in a group health plan (or other creditable coverage) within 30 days after adoption or placement for adoption and subsequently enrolls in another group health plan without a significant break in coverage (as described in 54.9801 4(b)(2)(iii)), the other plan may not impose any preexisting condition exclusion on the child. This rule does not apply to coverage before the date of such adoption or placement for adoption. (3) Significant break in coverage. Paragraphs (b)(1) and (2) of this section no longer apply to a child after a significant break in coverage. (See 54.9801 4(b)(2)(iii) for rules relating to the determination of a significant break in coverage.) (4) Special enrollment. For special enrollment rules relating to new dependents, see 54.98016(b). (5) Pregnancy. A group health plan may not impose a preexisting condition exclusion relating to pregnancy. (6) Genetic information(i) A group health plan may not impose a preexisting condition exclusion relating to a condition based solely on genetic information. However, if an individual is diagnosed with a condition, even if the condition relates to genetic information, the plan may impose a preexisting condition exclusion with respect to the condition, subject to the other limitations of this section. (ii) The rules of this paragraph (b)(6) are illustrated by the following example:
Example. (i) Facts. Individual A enrolls in a group health plan that imposes a 12-month maximum preexisting condition exclusion. Three months before As enrollment, As doctor told A that, based on genetic information, A has a predisposition towards breast cancer. A was not diagnosed with breast cancer at any time prior to As enrollment date in the plan. Nine months after As enrollment date in the plan, A is diagnosed with breast cancer. (ii) Conclusion. In this Example, the plan may not impose a preexisting condition exclusion with respect to As breast cancer because, prior to As enrollment date, A was not diagnosed with breast cancer.
(2) Adopted children. Subject to paragraph (b)(3) of this section, a group health plan may not impose any preexisting condition exclusion on a child who is adopted or placed for adoption
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(c) General notice of preexisting condition exclusion. A group health plan imposing a preexisting condition exclusion must provide a written general notice of preexisting condition exclusion to participants under the plan and cannot impose a preexisting condition exclusion with respect to a participant or a dependent of the participant until such a notice is provided. (See 29 CFR 2590.7013(c) and 45 CFR 146.111(c), which also impose this requirement on a health insurance issuer offering group health insurance coverage subject to a preexisting condition exclusion.) (1) Manner and timing. A plan must provide the general notice of preexisting condition exclusion as part of any written application materials distributed by the plan for enrollment. If the plan does not distribute such materials, the notice must be provided by the earliest date following a request for enrollment that the plan, acting in a reasonable and prompt fashion, can provide the notice. (2) Content. The general notice of preexisting condition exclusion must notify participants of the following: (i) The existence and terms of any preexisting condition exclusion under the plan. This description includes the length of the plans look-back period (which is not to exceed 6 months under paragraph (a)(2)(i) of this section); the maximum preexisting condition exclusion period under the plan (which cannot exceed 12 months (or 18 months for late enrollees) under paragraph (a)(2)(ii) of this section); and how the plan will reduce the maximum preexisting condition exclusion period by creditable coverage (described in paragraph (a)(2)(iii) of this section). (ii) A description of the rights of individuals to demonstrate creditable coverage, and any applicable waiting periods, through a certificate of creditable coverage (as required by 54.98015(a)) or through other means (as described in 54.98015(c)). This must include a description of the right of the individual to request a certificate from a prior plan or issuer, if necessary, and a statement that the current plan will assist in obtaining a certificate from any prior plan or issuer, if necessary.
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(ii) Conclusion. In this Example, the plan must review the evidence presented by H and make a determination of creditable coverage within a reasonable time that is consistent with the urgency of Hs health condition. (This determination may be modified as permitted under paragraph (f) of this section.)
(d) Determination of creditable coverage(1) Determination within reasonable time. If a group health plan receives creditable coverage information under 54.98015, the plan is required, within a reasonable time following receipt of the information, to make a determination regarding the amount of the individuals creditable coverage and the length of any exclusion that remains. Whether this determination is made within a reasonable time depends on the relevant facts and circumstances. Relevant facts and circumstances include whether a plans application of a preexisting condition exclusion would prevent an individual from having access to urgent medical care. (See 29 CFR 2590.7013(d) and 45 CFR 146.111(d), which also impose this requirement on a health insurance issuer offering group health insurance coverage.) (2) No time limit on presenting evidence of creditable coverage. A plan may not impose any limit on the amount of time that an individual has to present a certificate or other evidence of creditable coverage. (3) Example. The rules of this paragraph (d) are illustrated by the following example:
Example. (i) Facts. A group health plan imposes a preexisting condition exclusion period of 12 months. After receiving the general notice of preexisting condition exclusion, Individual H develops an urgent health condition before receiving a certificate of creditable coverage from Hs prior group health plan. H attests to the period of prior coverage, presents corroborating documentation of the coverage period, and authorizes the plan to request a certificate on Hs behalf in accordance with the rules of 54.9801 5.
(e) Individual notice of period of preexisting condition exclusion. After an individual has presented evidence of creditable coverage and after the plan has made a determination of creditable coverage under paragraph (d) of this section, the plan must provide the individual a written notice of the length of preexisting condition exclusion that remains after offsetting for prior creditable coverage. This individual notice is not required to identify any medical conditions specific to the individual that could be subject to the exclusion. A plan is not required to provide this notice if the plan does not impose any preexisting condition exclusion on the individual or if the plans preexisting condition exclusion is completely offset by the individuals prior creditable coverage. (See 29 CFR 2590.7013(e) and 45 CFR 146.111(e), which also impose this requirement on a health insurance issuer offering group health insurance coverage.) (1) Manner and timing. The individual notice must be provided by the earliest date following a determination that the plan, acting in a reasonable and prompt fashion, can provide the notice. (2) Content. A plan must disclose (i) Its determination of any preexisting condition exclusion period that applies to the individual (including the last day on which the preexisting condition exclusion applies); (ii) The basis for such determination, including the source and substance of any information on which the plan relied; (iii) An explanation of the individuals right to submit additional evidence of creditable coverage; and (iv) A description of any applicable appeal procedures established by the plan. (3) Duplicate notices not required. If a notice satisfying the requirements of this paragraph (e) is provided to an individual by another party, the plans obligation to provide this individual notice of preexisting condition exclusion with respect to that individual is
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satisfied. (See 29 CFR 2590.7013(e)(3) and 45 CFR 146.111(e)(3), which provide that the issuers obligation is similarly satisfied.) (4) Examples. The rules of this paragraph (e) are illustrated by the following examples:
Example 1. (i) Facts. A group health plan imposes a preexisting condition exclusion period of 12 months. After receiving the general notice of preexisting condition exclusion, Individual G presents a certificate of creditable coverage indicating 240 days of creditable coverage. Within seven days of receipt of the certificate, the plan determines that G is subject to a preexisting condition exclusion of 125 days, the last day of which is March 5. Five days later, the plan notifies G that, based on the certificate G submitted, G is subject to a preexisting condition exclusion period of 125 days, ending on March 5. The notice also explains the opportunity to submit additional evidence of creditable coverage and the plans appeal procedures. The notice does not identify any of Gs medical conditions that could be subject to the exclusion. (ii) Conclusion. In this Example 1, the plan satisfies the requirements of this paragraph (e). Example 2. (i) Facts. Same facts as in Example 1, except that the plan determines that G has 430 days of creditable coverage based on Gs certificate indicating 430 days of creditable coverage under Gs prior plan. (ii) Conclusion. In this Example 2, the plan is not required to notify G that G will not be subject to a preexisting condition exclusion.
(f) Reconsideration. Nothing in this section prevents a plan from modifying an initial determination of creditable coverage if it determines that the individual did not have the claimed creditable coverage, provided that (1) A notice of the new determination (consistent with the requirements of paragraph (e) of this section) is provided to the individual; and (2) Until the notice of the new determination is provided, the plan, for purposes of approving access to medical services (such as a pre-surgery authorization), acts in a manner consistent with the initial determination.
[T.D. 9166, 69 FR 78746, Dec. 30, 2004, as amended by T.D. 9491, 75 FR 37223, June 28, 2010]
emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with CFR
54.98014 Rules relating to creditable coverage. (a) General rules(1) Creditable coverage. For purposes of this section, ex-
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riod for coverage are not creditable coverage. (ii) Days not counted before significant break in coverage. Days of creditable coverage that occur before a significant break in coverage are not required to be counted. (iii) Significant break in coverage definedA significant break in coverage means a period of 63 consecutive days during each of which an individual does not have any creditable coverage. (See section 731(b)(2)(iii) of ERISA and section 2723(b)(2)(iii) of the PHS Act, which exclude from preemption State insurance laws that require a break of more than 63 days before an individual has a significant break in coverage for purposes of State law.) (iv) Periods that toll a significant break. Days in a waiting period and days in an affiliation period are not taken into account in determining whether a significant break in coverage has occurred. In addition, for an individual who elects COBRA continuation coverage during the second election period provided under the Trade Act of 2002, the days between the date the individual lost group health plan coverage and the first day of the second COBRA election period are not taken into account in determining whether a significant break in coverage has occurred. (v) Examples. The rules of this paragraph (b)(2) are illustrated by the following examples:
Example 1. (i) Facts. Individual A has creditable coverage under Employer Ps plan for 18 months before coverage ceases. A is provided a certificate of creditable coverage on As last day of coverage. Sixty-four days after the last date of coverage under Ps plan, A is hired by Employer Q and enrolls in Qs group health plan. Qs plan has a 12month preexisting condition exclusion. (ii) Conclusion. In this Example 1, A has a break in coverage of 63 days. Because As break in coverage is a significant break in coverage, Qs plan may disregard As prior coverage and A may be subject to a 12-month preexisting condition exclusion. Example 2. (i) Facts. Same facts as Example 1, except that A is hired by Q and enrolls in Qs plan on the 63rd day after the last date of coverage under Ps plan. (ii) Conclusion. In this Example 2, A has a break in coverage of 62 days. Because As break in coverage is not a significant break in coverage, Qs plan must count As prior
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creditable coverage for purposes of reducing the plans preexisting condition exclusion period that applies to A. Example 3. (i) Facts. Same facts as Example 1, except that Qs plan provides benefits through an insurance policy that, as required by applicable State insurance laws, defines a significant break in coverage as 90 days. (ii) Conclusion. In this Example 3, under State law, the issuer that provides group health insurance coverage to Qs plan must count As period of creditable coverage prior to the 63-day break. (However, if Qs plan was a self-insured plan, the coverage would not be subject to State law. Therefore, the health coverage would not be governed by the longer break rules and As previous health coverage could be disregarded.) Example 4. [Reserved] Example 5. (i) Facts. Individual C has creditable coverage under Employer Ss plan for 200 days before coverage ceases. C is provided a certificate of creditable coverage on Cs last day of coverage. C then does not have any creditable coverage for 51 days before being hired by Employer T. Ts plan has a 3month waiting period. C works for T for 2 months and then terminates employment. Eleven days after terminating employment with T, C begins working for Employer U. Us plan has no waiting period, but has a 6month preexisting condition exclusion. (ii) Conclusion. In this Example 5, C does not have a significant break in coverage because, after disregarding the waiting period under Ts plan, C had only a 62-day break in coverage (51 days plus 11 days). Accordingly, C has 200 days of creditable coverage, and Us plan may not apply its 6-month preexisting condition exclusion with respect to C. Example 6. [Reserved] Example 7. (i) Facts. Individual E has creditable coverage under Employer Xs plan. E is provided a certificate of creditable coverage on Es last day of coverage. On the 63rd day without coverage, E submits a substantially complete application for a health insurance policy in the individual market. Es application is accepted and coverage is made effective 10 days later. (ii) Conclusion. In this Example 7, because E applied for the policy before the end of the 63rd day, the period between the date of application and the first day of coverage is a waiting period and no significant break in coverage occurred even though the actual period without coverage was 73 days. Example 8. (i) Facts. Same facts as Example 7, except that Es application for a policy in the individual market is denied. (ii) Conclusion. In this Example 8, even though E did not obtain coverage following application, the period between the date of application and the date the coverage was denied is a waiting period. However, to avoid a significant break in coverage, no later than
(vi) Other permissible counting methods(a) Rule. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this paragraph (b)(2), for purposes of reducing a preexisting condition exclusion period (but not for purposes of issuing a certificate under 54.98015), a group health plan may determine the amount of creditable coverage in any other manner that is at least as favorable to the individual as the method set forth in this paragraph (b)(2), subject to the requirements of other applicable law. (B) Example. The rule of this paragraph (b)(2)(vi) is illustrated by the following example:
Example. (i) Facts. Individual F has coverage under Group Health Plan Y from January 3, 1997 through March 25, 1997. F then becomes covered by Group Health Plan Z. Fs enrollment date in Plan Z is May 1, 1997. Plan Z has a 12-month preexisting condition exclusion. (ii) Conclusion. In this Example, Plan Z may determine, in accordance with the rules prescribed in paragraphs (b)(2)(i), (ii), and (iii) of this section, that F has 82 days of creditable coverage (29 days in January, 28 days in February, and 25 days in March). Thus, the preexisting condition exclusion will no longer apply to F on February 8, 1998 (82 days before the 12-month anniversary of Fs enrollment (May 1)). For administrative convenience, however, Plan Z may consider that the preexisting condition exclusion will no longer apply to F on the first day of the month (February 1).
(c) Alternative method(1) Specific benefits considered. Under the alternative method, a group health plan determines the amount of creditable coverage based on coverage within any category of benefits described in paragraph (c)(3) of this section and not based on coverage for any other benefits. The plan may use the alternative method for any or all of the categories. The plan may apply a different preexisting condition exclusion period with respect to each category (and may apply a different preexisting condition exclusion period for benefits that are
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the group health plan counts creditable coverage within a category if any level of benefits is provided within the category. Coverage under a reimbursement account or arrangement, such as a flexible spending arrangement (as defined in section 106(c)(2)), does not constitute coverage within any category. (ii) Special rules. In counting an individuals creditable coverage under the alternative method, the group health plan first determines the amount of the individuals creditable coverage that may be counted under paragraph (b) of this section, up to a total of 365 days of the most recent creditable coverage (546 days for a late enrollee). The period over which this creditable coverage is determined is referred to as the determination period. Then, for the category specified under the alternative method, the plan counts within the category all days of coverage that occurred during the determination period (whether or not a significant break in coverage for that category occurs), and reduces the individuals preexisting condition exclusion period for that category by that number of days. The plan may determine the amount of creditable coverage in any other reasonable manner, uniformly applied, that is at least as favorable to the individual. (iii) Example. The rules of this paragraph (c)(6) are illustrated by the following example:
Example. (i) Facts. Individual D enrolls in Employer Vs plan on January 1, 2001. Coverage under the plan includes prescription drug benefits. On April 1, 2001, the plan ceases providing prescription drug benefits. Ds employment with Employer V ends on January 1, 2002, after D was covered under Employer Vs group health plan for 365 days. D enrolls in Employer Ys plan on February 1, 2002 (Ds enrollment date). Employer Ys plan uses the alternative method of counting creditable coverage and imposes a 12-month preexisting condition exclusion on prescription drug benefits. (ii) Conclusion. In this Example, Employer Ys plan may impose a 275-day preexisting condition exclusion with respect to D for prescription drug benefits because D had 90 days of creditable coverage relating to prescription drug benefits within Ds determination period. [T.D. 9166, 69 FR 78746, Dec. 30, 2004]
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54.98015 Evidence of creditable coverage. (a) Certificate of creditable coverage (1) Entities required to provide certificate(i) In general. A group health plan is required to furnish certificates of creditable coverage in accordance with this paragraph (a). (See section 701(e) of ERISA and section 2701(e) of the PHS Act, under which this obligation is also imposed on each health insurance issuer offering group health insurance coverage under the plan.) (ii) Duplicate certificates not required. An entity required to provide a certificate under this paragraph (a) with respect to an individual satisfies that requirement if another party provides the certificate, but only to the extent that the certificate contains the information required in paragraph (a)(3) of this section. For example, a group health plan is deemed to have satisfied the certification requirement with respect to a participant or beneficiary if any other entity actually provides a certificate that includes the information required under paragraph (a)(3) of this section with respect to the participant or beneficiary. (iii) Special rule for group health plans. To the extent coverage under a plan consists of group health insurance coverage, the plan satisfies the certification requirements under this paragraph (a) if any issuer offering the coverage is required to provide the certificates pursuant to an agreement between the plan and the issuer. For example, if there is an agreement between an issuer and an employer sponsoring a plan under which the issuer agrees to provide certificates for individuals covered under the plan, and the issuer fails to provide a certificate to an individual when the plan would have been required to provide one under this paragraph (a), then the plan does not violate the certification requirements of this paragraph (a) (though the issuer would have violated the certification requirements pursuant to section 701(e) of ERISA and section 2701(e) of the PHS Act). (iv) Special rules relating to issuers providing coverage under a plan(A)(1) Responsibility of issuer for coverage period. See 29 CFR 2590.7015 and 45 CFR 146.115, under which an issuer is not re-
(B)(1) Cessation of issuer coverage prior to cessation of coverage under a plan. If an individuals coverage under an issuers policy or contract ceases before the individuals coverage under the plan ceases, the issuer is required (under section 701(e) of ERISA and section 2701(e) of the PHS Act) to provide sufficient information to the plan (or to another party designated by the plan) to enable the plan (or other party), after cessation of the individuals coverage under the plan, to provide a certificate that reflects the period of coverage under the policy or contract. By providing that information to the plan, the issuer satisfies its obligation to provide an automatic certificate for that period of creditable coverage with respect to the individual under paragraph (a)(2)(ii) of this section. The issuer, however, must still provide a certificate upon request as required under paragraph (a)(2)(iii) of this section. In addition, the issuer is required to cooperate with the plan in responding to any request made under paragraph (b)(2) of this section (relating to the alternative method of counting creditable coverage). Moreover, if the individuals coverage under the plan ceases at the time the individuals coverage under the issuers policy or contract ceases, the issuer must still provide an automatic certificate under paragraph (a)(2)(ii) of this section. If an individuals coverage under an issuers policy or contract ceases on the effective date for changing enrollment options under the plan, the issuer may
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nished for a qualifying event under section 4980B(f)(6) (relating to notices required under COBRA). (B) Other individuals when coverage ceases. In the case of an individual who is not a qualified beneficiary entitled to elect COBRA continuation coverage, an automatic certificate must be provided at the time the individual ceases to be covered under the plan. A plan satisfies the requirement to provide an automatic certificate at the time the individual ceases to be covered if it provides the automatic certificate within a reasonable time after coverage ceases (or after the expiration of any grace period for nonpayment of premiums). (1) The cessation of temporary continuation coverage (TCC) under title 5 U.S.C. Chapter 89 (the Federal Employees Health Benefit Program) is a cessation of coverage upon which an automatic certificate must be provided. (2) In the case of an individual who is entitled to elect to continue coverage under a State program similar to COBRA and who receives the automatic certificate not later than the time a notice is required to be furnished under the State program, the certificate is deemed to be provided within a reasonable time after coverage ceases under the plan. (3) If an individuals coverage ceases due to the operation of a lifetime limit on all benefits, coverage is considered to cease for purposes of this paragraph (a)(2)(ii)(B) on the earliest date that a claim is denied due to the operation of the lifetime limit. (C) Qualified beneficiaries when COBRA ceases. In the case of an individual who is a qualified beneficiary and has elected COBRA continuation coverage (or whose coverage has continued after the individual became entitled to elect COBRA continuation coverage), an automatic certificate is to be provided at the time the individual s coverage under the plan ceases. A plan satisfies this requirement if it provides the automatic certificate within a reasonable time after coverage ceases (or after the expiration of any grace period for nonpayment of premiums). An automatic certificate is
(2) Individuals for whom certificate must be provided; timing of issuance(i) Individuals. A certificate must be provided, without charge, for participants or dependents who are or were covered under a group health plan upon the occurrence of any of the events described in paragraph (a)(2)(ii) or (iii) of this section. (ii) Issuance of automatic certificates. The certificates described in this paragraph (a)(2)(ii) are referred to as automatic certificates. (A) Qualified beneficiaries upon a qualifying event. In the case of an individual who is a qualified beneficiary (as defined in section 4980B(g)(3)) entitled to elect COBRA continuation coverage, an automatic certificate is required to be provided at the time the individual would lose coverage under the plan in the absence of COBRA continuation coverage or alternative coverage elected instead of COBRA continuation coverage. A plan satisfies this requirement if it provides the automatic certificate no later than the time a notice is required to be fur-
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required to be provided to such an individual regardless of whether the individual has previously received an automatic certificate under paragraph (a)(2)(ii)(A) of this section. (iii) Any individual upon request. A certificate must be provided in response to a request made by, or on behalf of, an individual at any time while the individual is covered under a plan and up to 24 months after coverage ceases. Thus, for example, a plan in which an individual enrolls may, if authorized by the individual, request a certificate of the individuals creditable coverage on behalf of the individual from a plan in which the individual was formerly enrolled. After the request is received, a plan or issuer is required to provide the certificate by the earliest date that the plan, acting in a reasonable and prompt fashion, can provide the certificate. A certificate is required to be provided under this paragraph (a)(2)(iii) even if the individual has previously received a certificate under this paragraph (a)(2)(iii) or an automatic certificate under paragraph (a)(2)(ii) of this section. (iv) Examples. The rules of this paragraph (a)(2) are illustrated by the following examples:
Example 1. (i) Facts. Individual A terminates employment with Employer Q. A is a qualified beneficiary entitled to elect COBRA continuation coverage under Employer Qs group health plan. A notice of the rights provided under COBRA is typically furnished to qualified beneficiaries under the plan within 10 days after a covered employee terminates employment. (ii) Conclusion. In this Example 1, the automatic certificate may be provided at the same time that A is provided the COBRA notice. Example 2. (i) Facts. Same facts as Example 1, except that the automatic certificate for A is not completed by the time the COBRA notice is furnished to A. (ii) Conclusion. In this Example 2, the automatic certificate may be provided after the COBRA notice but must be provided within the period permitted by law for the delivery of notices under COBRA. Example 3. (i) Facts. Employer R maintains an insured group health plan. R has never had 20 employees and thus Rs plan is not subject to the COBRA continuation provisions. However, R is in a State that has a State program similar to COBRA. B terminates employment with R and loses coverage under Rs plan.
(3) Form and content of certificate(i) Written certificate(A) In general. Except as provided in paragraph (a)(3)(i)(B) of this section, the certificate must be provided in writing (including any form approved by the Secretary as a writing). (B) Other permissible forms. No written certificate is required to be provided under this paragraph (a) with respect to a particular event described in paragraph (a)(2)(ii) or (iii) of this section, if (1) An individual who is entitled to receive the certificate requests that the certificate be sent to another plan or issuer instead of to the individual; (2) The plan or issuer that would otherwise receive the certificate agrees to accept the information in this paragraph (a)(3) through means other than a written certificate (such as by telephone); and (3) The receiving plan or issuer receives the information from the sending plan or issuer through such means within the time required under paragraph (a)(2) of this section. (ii) Required information. The certificate must include the following
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must be included on the certificate is the last period of continuous coverage ending on the date coverage ceased. If an individual requests a certificate pursuant to paragraph (a)(2)(iii) of this section, the certificate provided must include each period of continuous coverage ending within the 24-month period ending on the date of the request (or continuing on the date of the request). A separate certificate may be provided for each such period of continuous coverage. (iv) Combining information for families. A certificate may provide information with respect to both a participant and the participants dependents if the information is identical for each individual. If the information is not identical, certificates may be provided on one form if the form provides all the required information for each individual and separately states the information that is not identical. (v) Model certificate. The requirements of paragraph (a)(3)(ii) of this section are satisfied if the plan provides a certificate in accordance with a model certificate authorized by the Secretary. (vi) Excepted benefits; categories of benefits. No certificate is required to be furnished with respect to excepted benefits described in 54.98311(c). In addition, the information in the certificate regarding coverage is not required to specify categories of benefits described in 54.98014(c) (relating to the alternative method of counting creditable coverage). However, if excepted benefits are provided concurrently with other creditable coverage (so that the coverage does not consist solely of excepted benefits), information concerning the benefits may be required to be disclosed under paragraph (b) of this section. (4) Procedures(i) Method of delivery. The certificate is required to be provided to each individual described in paragraph (a)(2) of this section or an entity requesting the certificate on behalf of the individual. The certificate may be provided by first-class mail. If the certificate or certificates are provided to the participant and the participants spouse at the participants
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last known address, then the requirements of this paragraph (a)(4) are satisfied with respect to all individuals residing at that address. If a dependents last known address is different than the participants last known address, a separate certificate is required to be provided to the dependent at the dependents last known address. If separate certificates are being provided by mail to individuals who reside at the same address, separate mailings of each certificate are not required. (ii) Procedure for requesting certificates. A plan or issuer must establish a written procedure for individuals to request and receive certificates pursuant to paragraph (a)(2)(iii) of this section. The written procedure must include all contact information necessary to request a certificate (such as name and phone number or address). (iii) Designated recipients. If an automatic certificate is required to be provided under paragraph (a)(2)(ii) of this section, and the individual entitled to receive the certificate designates another individual or entity to receive the certificate, the plan or issuer responsible for providing the certificate is permitted to provide the certificate to the designated individual or entity. If a certificate is required to be provided upon request under paragraph (a)(2)(iii) of this section and the individual entitled to receive the certificate designates another individual or entity to receive the certificate, the plan or issuer responsible for providing the certificate is required to provide the certificate to the designated individual or entity. (5) Special rules concerning dependent coverage(i)(A) Reasonable efforts. A plan is required to use reasonable efforts to determine any information needed for a certificate relating to dependent coverage. In any case in which an automatic certificate is required to be furnished with respect to a dependent under paragraph (a)(2)(ii) of this section, no individual certificate is required to be furnished until the plan knows (or making reasonable efforts should know) of the dependents cessation of coverage under the plan. (B) Example. The rules of this paragraph (a)(5)(i) are illustrated by the following example:
(ii) Special rules for demonstrating coverage. If a certificate furnished by a plan or issuer does not provide the name of any dependent covered by the certificate, the procedures described in paragraph (c)(5) of this section may be used to demonstrate dependent status. In addition, these procedures may be used to demonstrate that a child was covered under any creditable coverage within 30 days after birth, adoption, or placement for adoption. See also 54.98013(b), under which such a child cannot be subject to a preexisting condition exclusion. (6) Special certification rules for entities not subject to Chapter 100 of Subtitle K (i) Issuers. For rules requiring that issuers in the group and individual markets provide certificates consistent with the rules in this section, see section 701(e) of ERISA and sections 2701(e), 2721(b)(1)(B), and 2743 of the PHS Act. (ii) Other entities. For special rules requiring that certain other entities not subject to Chapter 100 of Subtitle K provide certificates consistent with the rules in this section, see section 2791(a)(3) of the PHS Act applicable to entities described in sections 2701(c)(1)(C), (D), (E), and (F) of the PHS Act (relating to Medicare, Medicaid, TRICARE, and Indian Health Service), section 2721(b)(1)(A) of the PHS Act applicable to nonfederal governmental plans generally, and section 2721(b)(2)(C)(ii) of the PHS Act applicable to nonfederal governmental plans that elect to be excluded from the requirements of Subparts 1 through 3 of Part A of title XXVII of the PHS Act. (b) Disclosure of coverage to a plan or issuer using the alternative method of
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coverage pursuant to paragraph (a) of this section; (iii) The individual has an urgent medical condition that necessitates a determination before the individual can deliver a certificate to the plan; or (iv) The individual lost a certificate that the individual had previously received and is unable to obtain another certificate. (3) Evidence of creditable coverage(i) Consideration of evidence(A) A plan is required to take into account all information that it obtains or that is presented on behalf of an individual to make a determination, based on the relevant facts and circumstances, whether an individual has creditable coverage. A plan shall treat the individual as having furnished a certificate under paragraph (a) of this section if (1) The individual attests to the period of creditable coverage; (2) The individual also presents relevant corroborating evidence of some creditable coverage during the period; and (3) The individual cooperates with the plans efforts to verify the individuals coverage. (B) For purposes of this paragraph (c)(3)(i), cooperation includes providing (upon the plans or issuers request) a written authorization for the plan to request a certificate on behalf of the individual, and cooperating in efforts to determine the validity of the corroborating evidence and the dates of creditable coverage. While a plan may refuse to credit coverage where the individual fails to cooperate with the plans or issuers efforts to verify coverage, the plan may not consider an individuals inability to obtain a certificate to be evidence of the absence of creditable coverage. (ii) Documents. Documents that corroborate creditable coverage (and waiting or affiliation periods) include explanations of benefits (EOBs) or other correspondence from a plan or issuer indicating coverage, pay stubs showing a payroll deduction for health coverage, a health insurance identification card, a certificate of coverage under a group health policy, records from medical care providers indicating health coverage, third party statements verifying periods of coverage, and any
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other relevant documents that evidence periods of health coverage. (iii) Other evidence. Creditable coverage (and waiting or affiliation periods) may also be corroborated through means other than documentation, such as by a telephone call from the plan or provider to a third party verifying creditable coverage. (iv) Example. The rules of this paragraph (c)(3) are illustrated by the following example:
Example. (i) Facts. Individual F terminates employment with Employer W and, a month later, is hired by Employer X. Xs group health plan imposes a preexisting condition exclusion of 12 months on new enrollees under the plan and uses the standard method of determining creditable coverage. F fails to receive a certificate of prior coverage from the self-insured group health plan maintained by Fs prior employer, W, and requests a certificate. However, F (and Xs plan, on Fs behalf and with Fs cooperation) is unable to obtain a certificate from Ws plan. F attests that, to the best of Fs knowledge, F had at least 12 months of continuous coverage under Ws plan, and that the coverage ended no earlier than Fs termination of employment from W. In addition, F presents evidence of coverage, such as an explanation of benefits for a claim that was made during the relevant period. (ii) Conclusion. In this Example, based solely on these facts, F has demonstrated creditable coverage for the 12 months of coverage under Ws plan in the same manner as if F had presented a written certificate of creditable coverage.
(4) Demonstrating categories of creditable coverage. Procedures similar to those described in this paragraph (c) apply in order to determine the duration of an individuals creditable coverage with respect to any category under paragraph (b) of this section (relating to determining creditable coverage under the alternative method). (5) Demonstrating dependent status. If, in the course of providing evidence (including a certificate) of creditable coverage, an individual is required to demonstrate dependent status, the group health plan or issuer is required to treat the individual as having furnished a certificate showing the dependent status if the individual attests to such dependency and the period of such status and the individual cooper-
54.98016 Special enrollment periods. (a) Special enrollment for certain individuals who lose coverage(1) In general. A group health plan is required to permit current employees and dependents (as defined in 54.98012) who are described in paragraph (a)(2) of this section to enroll for coverage under the terms of the plan if the conditions in paragraph (a)(3) of this section are satisfied. The special enrollment rights under this paragraph (a) apply without regard to the dates on which an individual would otherwise be able to enroll under the plan. (See section 701(f)(1) of ERISA and section 2701(f)(1) of the PHS Act, under which this obligation is also imposed on a health insurance issuer offering group health insurance coverage.) (2) Individuals eligible for special enrollment(i) When employee loses coverage. A current employee and any dependents (including the employees spouse) each are eligible for special enrollment in any benefit package under the plan (subject to plan eligibility rules conditioning dependent enrollment on enrollment of the employee) if (A) The employee and the dependents are otherwise eligible to enroll in the benefit package; (B) When coverage under the plan was previously offered, the employee had coverage under any group health plan or health insurance coverage; and (C) The employee satisfies the conditions of paragraph (a)(3)(i), (ii), or (iii) of this section and, if applicable, paragraph (a)(3)(iv) of this section. (ii) When dependent loses coverage(A) A dependent of a current employee (including the employees spouse) and the employee each are eligible for special enrollment in any benefit package under the plan (subject to plan eligibility rules conditioning dependent enrollment on enrollment of the employee) if (1) The dependent and the employee are otherwise eligible to enroll in the benefit package; (2) When coverage under the plan was previously offered, the dependent had
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Example 4. (i) Facts. Individual A works for Employer X. X maintains a group health plan with two benefit packagesan HMO option and an indemnity option. Self-only and family coverage are available under both options. A enrolls for self-only coverage in the HMO option. As spouse works for Employer Y and was enrolled for self-only coverage under Ys plan at the time coverage was offered under Xs plan. Then, As spouse loses coverage under Ys plan. A requests special enrollment for A and As spouse under the plans indemnity option. (ii) Conclusion. In this Example 4, because As spouse satisfies the conditions for special enrollment under paragraph (a)(2)(ii) of this section, both A and As spouse can enroll in either benefit package under Xs plan. Therefore, if A requests enrollment in accordance with the requirements of this section, the plan must allow A and As spouse to enroll in the indemnity option.
(3) Conditions for special enrollment (i) Loss of eligibility for coverage. In the case of an employee or dependent who has coverage that is not COBRA continuation coverage, the conditions of this paragraph (a)(3)(i) are satisfied at the time the coverage is terminated as a result of loss of eligibility (regardless of whether the individual is eligible for or elects COBRA continuation coverage). Loss of eligibility under this paragraph (a)(3)(i) does not include a loss due to the failure of the employee or dependent to pay premiums on a timely basis or termination of coverage for cause (such as making a fraudulent claim or an intentional misrepresentation of a material fact in connection with the plan). Loss of eligibility for coverage under this paragraph (a)(3)(i) includes (but is not limited to) (A) Loss of eligibility for coverage as a result of legal separation, divorce, cessation of dependent status (such as attaining the maximum age to be eligible as a dependent child under the plan), death of an employee, termination of employment, reduction in the number of hours of employment, and any loss of eligibility for coverage after a period that is measured by reference to any of the foregoing; (B) In the case of coverage offered through an HMO, or other arrangement, in the individual market that does not provide benefits to individuals who no longer reside, live, or work in a service area, loss of coverage because
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an individual no longer resides, lives, or works in the service area (whether or not within the choice of the individual); (C) In the case of coverage offered through an HMO, or other arrangement, in the group market that does not provide benefits to individuals who no longer reside, live, or work in a service area, loss of coverage because an individual no longer resides, lives, or works in the service area (whether or not within the choice of the individual), and no other benefit package is available to the individual; (D) A situation in which an individual incurs a claim that would meet or exceed a lifetime limit on all benefits; and (E) A situation in which a plan no longer offers any benefits to the class of similarly situated individuals (as described in 54.98021(d)) that includes the individual. (ii) Termination of employer contributions. In the case of an employee or dependent who has coverage that is not COBRA continuation coverage, the conditions of this paragraph (a)(3)(ii) are satisfied at the time employer contributions towards the employees or dependents coverage terminate. Employer contributions include contributions by any current or former employer that was contributing to coverage for the employee or dependent. (iii) Exhaustion of COBRA continuation coverage. In the case of an employee or dependent who has coverage that is COBRA continuation coverage, the conditions of this paragraph (a)(3)(iii) are satisfied at the time the COBRA continuation coverage is exhausted. For purposes of this paragraph (a)(3)(iii), an individual who satisfies the conditions for special enrollment of paragraph (a)(3)(i) of this section, does not enroll, and instead elects and exhausts COBRA continuation coverage satisfies the conditions of this paragraph (a)(3)(iii). (Exhaustion of COBRA continuation coverage is defined in 54.98012.) (iv) Written statement. A plan may require an employee declining coverage (for the employee or any dependent of the employee) to state in writing whether the coverage is being declined due to other health coverage only if, at
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cial enrollment period and the date by which coverage must begin. The special enrollment rights under this paragraph (b) apply without regard to the dates on which an individual would otherwise be able to enroll under the plan. (See 29 CFR 2590.7016(b) and 45 CFR 146.117(b), under which this obligation is also imposed on a health insurance issuer offering group health insurance coverage.) (2) Individuals eligible for special enrollment. An individual is described in this paragraph (b)(2) if the individual is otherwise eligible for coverage in a benefit package under the plan and if the individual is described in paragraph (b)(2)(i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), or (vi) of this section. (i) Current employee only. A current employee is described in this paragraph (b)(2)(i) if a person becomes a dependent of the individual through marriage, birth, adoption, or placement for adoption. (ii) Spouse of a participant only. An individual is described in this paragraph (b)(2)(ii) if either (A) The individual becomes the spouse of a participant; or (B) The individual is a spouse of a participant and a child becomes a dependent of the participant through birth, adoption, or placement for adoption. (iii) Current employee and spouse. A current employee and an individual who is or becomes a spouse of such an employee, are described in this paragraph (b)(2)(iii) if either (A) The employee and the spouse become married; or (B) The employee and spouse are married and a child becomes a dependent of the employee through birth, adoption, or placement for adoption. (iv) Dependent of a participant only. An individual is described in this paragraph (b)(2)(iv) if the individual is a dependent (as defined in 54.98012) of a participant and the individual has become a dependent of the participant through marriage, birth, adoption, or placement for adoption. (v) Current employee and a new dependent. A current employee and an individual who is a dependent of the employee, are described in this paragraph
(4) Applying for special enrollment and effective date of coverage(i) A plan or issuer must allow an employee a period of at least 30 days after an event described in paragraph (a)(3) of this section (other than an event described in paragraph (a)(3)(i)(D)) to request enrollment (for the employee or the employees dependent). In the case of an event described in paragraph (a)(3)(i)(D) of this section (relating to loss of eligibility for coverage due to the operation of a lifetime limit on all benefits), a plan or issuer must allow an employee a period of at least 30 days after a claim is denied due to the operation of a lifetime limit on all benefits. (ii) Coverage must begin no later than the first day of the first calendar month beginning after the date the plan or issuer receives the request for special enrollment. (b) Special enrollment with respect to certain dependent beneficiaries(1) In general. A group health plan that makes coverage available with respect to dependents is required to permit individuals described in paragraph (b)(2) of this section to be enrolled for coverage in a benefit package under the terms of the plan. Paragraph (b)(3) of this section describes the required spe-
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(b)(2)(v) if the individual becomes a dependent of the employee through marriage, birth, adoption, or placement for adoption. (vi) Current employee, spouse, and a new dependent. A current employee, the employees spouse, and the employees dependent are described in this paragraph (b)(2)(vi) if the dependent becomes a dependent of the employee through marriage, birth, adoption, or placement for adoption. (3) Applying for special enrollment and effective date of coverage(i) Request. A plan must allow an individual a period of at least 30 days after the date of the marriage, birth, adoption, or placement for adoption (or, if dependent coverage is not generally made available at the time of the marriage, birth, adoption, or placement for adoption, a period of at least 30 days after the date the plan makes dependent coverage generally available) to request enrollment (for the individual or the individuals dependent). (ii) Reasonable procedures for special enrollment. [Reserved] (iii) Date coverage must begin(A) Marriage. In the case of marriage, coverage must begin no later than the first day of the first calendar month beginning after the date the plan (or any issuer offering health insurance coverage under the plan) receives the request for special enrollment. (B) Birth, adoption, or placement for adoption. Coverage must begin in the case of a dependents birth on the date of birth and in the case of a dependents adoption or placement for adoption no later than the date of such adoption or placement for adoption (or, if dependent coverage is not made generally available at the time of the birth, adoption, or placement for adoption, the date the plan makes dependent coverage available). (4) Examples. The rules of this paragraph (b) are illustrated by the following examples:
Example 1. (i) Facts. An employer maintains a group health plan that offers all employees employee-only coverage, employee-plusspouse coverage, or family coverage. Under the terms of the plan, any employee may elect to enroll when first hired (with coverage beginning on the date of hire) or during an annual open enrollment period held each December (with coverage beginning the
(c) Notice of special enrollment. At or before the time an employee is initially offered the opportunity to enroll in a group health plan, the plan must furnish the employee with a notice of special enrollment that complies with the requirements of this paragraph (c). (1) Description of special enrollment rights. The notice of special enrollment must include a description of special enrollment rights. The following model language may be used to satisfy this requirement:
If you are declining enrollment for yourself or your dependents (including your spouse) because of other health insurance or group health plan coverage, you may be able to enroll yourself and your dependents in this plan if you or your dependents lose eligibility for that other coverage (or if the employer stops contributing towards your or your dependents other coverage). However, you must request enrollment within [insert 30 days or any longer period that applies
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Example 2. (i) Facts. Employer Y maintains a group health plan that has an enrollment period for late enrollees every November 1 through November 30 with coverage effective the following January 1. On October 18, Individual B loses coverage under another group health plan and satisfies the requirements of paragraphs (a)(2), (3), and (4) of this section. B submits a completed application for coverage on November 2. (ii) Conclusion. In this Example, B is a special enrollee. Therefore, even though Bs request for enrollment coincides with an open enrollment period, Bs coverage is required to be made effective no later than December 1 (rather than the plans January 1 effective date for late enrollees). [T.D. 9166, 69 FR 78746, Dec. 30, 2004]
(2) Additional information that may be required. The notice of special enrollment must also include, if applicable, the notice described in paragraph (a)(3)(iv) of this section (the notice required to be furnished to an individual declining coverage if the plan requires the reason for declining coverage to be in writing). (d) Treatment of special enrollees(1) If an individual requests enrollment while the individual is entitled to special enrollment under either paragraph (a) or (b) of this section, the individual is a special enrollee, even if the request for enrollment coincides with a late enrollment opportunity under the plan. Therefore, the individual cannot be treated as a late enrollee. (2) Special enrollees must be offered all the benefit packages available to similarly situated individuals who enroll when first eligible. For this purpose, any difference in benefits or costsharing requirements for different individuals constitutes a different benefit package. In addition, a special enrollee cannot be required to pay more for coverage than a similarly situated individual who enrolls in the same coverage when first eligible. The length of any preexisting condition exclusion that may be applied to a special enrollee cannot exceed the length of any preexisting condition exclusion that is applied to similarly situated individuals who enroll when first eligible. For rules prohibiting the application of a preexisting condition exclusion to certain newborns, adopted children, and children placed for adoption, see 54.98013(b). (3) The rules of this section are illustrated by the following example:
54.98021 Prohibiting discrimination against participants and beneficiaries based on a health factor. (a) Health factors. (1) The term health factor means, in relation to an individual, any of the following health status-related factors: (i) Health status; (ii) Medical condition (including both physical and mental illnesses), as defined in 54.98012; (iii) Claims experience; (iv) Receipt of health care; (v) Medical history; (vi) Genetic information, as defined in 54.98023T. (vii) Evidence of insurability; or (viii) Disability. (2) Evidence of insurability includes (i) Conditions arising out of acts of domestic violence; and (ii) Participation in activities such as motorcycling, snowmobiling, all-terrain vehicle riding, horseback riding, skiing, and other similar activities. (3) The decision whether health coverage is elected for an individual (including the time chosen to enroll, such as under special enrollment or late enrollment) is not, itself, within the scope of any health factor. (However, under 54.98016, a plan must treat special enrollees the same as similarly situated individuals who are enrolled when first eligible.) (b) Prohibited discrimination in rules for eligibility(1) In general. (i) A group health plan may not establish any rule for eligibility (including continued eligibility) of any individual to enroll for benefits under the terms of the plan
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that discriminates based on any health factor that relates to that individual or a dependent of that individual. This rule is subject to the provisions of paragraph (b)(2) of this section (explaining how this rule applies to benefits), paragraph (b)(3) of this section (allowing plans to impose certain preexisting condition exclusions), paragraph (d) of this section (containing rules for establishing groups of similarly situated individuals), paragraph (e) of this section (relating to nonconfinement, actively-at-work, and other service requirements), paragraph (f) of this section (relating to wellness programs), and paragraph (g) of this section (permitting favorable treatment of individuals with adverse health factors). (ii) For purposes of this section, rules for eligibility include, but are not limited to, rules relating to (A) Enrollment; (B) The effective date of coverage; (C) Waiting (or affiliation) periods; (D) Late and special enrollment; (E) Eligibility for benefit packages (including rules for individuals to change their selection among benefit packages); (F) Benefits (including rules relating to covered benefits, benefit restrictions, and cost-sharing mechanisms such as coinsurance, copayments, and deductibles), as described in paragraphs (b)(2) and (3) of this section; (G) Continued eligibility; and (H) Terminating coverage (including disenrollment) of any individual under the plan. (iii) The rules of this paragraph (b)(1) are illustrated by the following examples:
Example 1. (i) Facts. An employer sponsors a group health plan that is available to all employees who enroll within the first 30 days of their employment. However, employees who do not enroll within the first 30 days cannot enroll later unless they pass a physical examination. (ii) Conclusion. In this Example 1, the requirement to pass a physical examination in order to enroll in the plan is a rule for eligibility that discriminates based on one or more health factors and thus violates this paragraph (b)(1). Example 2. (i) Facts. Under an employers group health plan, employees who enroll during the first 30 days of employment (and during special enrollment periods) may choose
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to all individuals in one or more groups of similarly situated individuals under the plan and made effective no earlier than the first day of the first plan year after the amendment is adopted is not considered to be directed at any individual participants or beneficiaries. (D) The rules of this paragraph (b)(2)(i) are illustrated by the following examples:
Example 1. (i) Facts. A group health plan applies a $500,000 lifetime limit on all benefits to each participant or beneficiary covered under the plan. The limit is not directed at individual participants or beneficiaries. (ii) Conclusion. In this Example 1, the limit does not violate this paragraph (b)(2)(i) because $500,000 of benefits are available uniformly to each participant and beneficiary under the plan and because the limit is applied uniformly to all participants and beneficiaries and is not directed at individual participants or beneficiaries. Example 2. (i) Facts. A group health plan has a $2 million lifetime limit on all benefits (and no other lifetime limits) for participants covered under the plan. Participant B files a claim for the treatment of AIDS. At the next corporate board meeting of the plan sponsor, the claim is discussed. Shortly thereafter, the plan is modified to impose a $10,000 lifetime limit on benefits for the treatment of AIDS, effective before the beginning of the next plan year. (ii) Conclusion. The facts of this Example 2 strongly suggest that the plan modification is directed at B based on Bs claim. Absent outweighing evidence to the contrary, the plan violates this paragraph (b)(2)(i). Example 3. (i) A group health plan applies for a group health policy offered by an issuer. Individual C is covered under the plan and has an adverse health condition. As part of the application, the issuer receives health information about the individuals to be covered, including information about Cs adverse health condition. The policy form offered by the issuer generally provides benefits for the adverse health condition that C has, but in this case the issuer offers the plan a policy modified by a rider that excludes benefits for C for that condition. The exclusionary rider is made effective the first day of the next plan year. (ii) Conclusion. See Example 3 in 29 CFR 2590.702(b)(2)(i) and 45 CFR 146.121(b)(2)(i) for a conclusion that the issuer violates rules under 29 CFR 2590.702(b)(2)(i) and 45 CFR 146.121(b)(2)(i) similar to the rules under this paragraph (b)(2)(i) because benefits for Cs condition are available to other individuals in the group of similarly situated individuals that includes C but are not available to C. Thus, the benefits are not uniformly available to all similarly situated individuals.
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Even though the exclusionary rider is made effective the first day of the next plan year, because the rider does not apply to all similarly situated individuals, the issuer violates the rules under 29 CFR 2590.702(b)(2)(i) and 45 CFR 146.121(b)(2)(i). If the plan provides coverage through this policy and does not provide equivalent coverage for C through other means, the plan violates this paragraph (b)(2)(i). Example 4. (i) Facts. A group health plan has a $2,000 lifetime limit for the treatment of temporomandibular joint syndrome (TMJ). The limit is applied uniformly to all similarly situated individuals and is not directed at individual participants or beneficiaries. (ii) Conclusion. In this Example 4, the limit does not violate this paragraph (b)(2)(i) because $2,000 of benefits for the treatment of TMJ are available uniformly to all similarly situated individuals and a plan may limit benefits covered in relation to a specific disease or condition if the limit applies uniformly to all similarly situated individuals and is not directed at individual participants or beneficiaries. (This example does not address whether the plan provision is permissible under the Americans with Disabilities Act or any other applicable law.) Example 5. (i) Facts. A group health plan applies a $2 million lifetime limit on all benefits. However, the $2 million lifetime limit is reduced to $10,000 for any participant or beneficiary covered under the plan who has a congenital heart defect. (ii) Conclusion. In this Example 5, the lower lifetime limit for participants and beneficiaries with a congenital heart defect violates this paragraph (b)(2)(i) because benefits under the plan are not uniformly available to all similarly situated individuals and the plans lifetime limit on benefits does not apply uniformly to all similarly situated individuals. Example 6. (i) Facts. A group health plan limits benefits for prescription drugs to those listed on a drug formulary. The limit is applied uniformly to all similarly situated individuals and is not directed at individual participants or beneficiaries. (ii) Conclusion. In this Example 6, the exclusion from coverage of drugs not listed on the drug formulary does not violate this paragraph (b)(2)(i) because benefits for prescription drugs listed on the formulary are uniformly available to all similarly situated individuals and because the exclusion of drugs not listed on the formulary applies uniformly to all similarly situated individuals and is not directed at individual participants or beneficiaries. Example 7. (i) Facts. Under a group health plan, doctor visits are generally subject to a $250 annual deductible and 20 percent coinsurance requirement. However, prenatal doctor visits are not subject to any deductible
(ii) Exception for wellness programs. A group health plan may vary benefits, including cost-sharing mechanisms (such as a deductible, copayment, or coinsurance), based on whether an individual has met the standards of a wellness program that satisfies the requirements of paragraph (f) of this section. (iii) Specific rule relating to source-ofinjury exclusions(A) If a group health plan generally provides benefits for a type of injury, the plan may not deny benefits otherwise provided for treatment of the injury if the injury results from an act of domestic violence or a medical condition (including both physical and mental health conditions). This rule applies in the case of an injury resulting from a medical condition even if the condition is not diagnosed before the injury.
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dividuals under the plan and made effective no earlier than the first day of the first plan year after the amendment is adopted is not considered to be directed at any individual participants or beneficiaries. (ii) The rules of this paragraph (b)(3) are illustrated by the following examples:
Example 1. (i) Facts. A group health plan imposes a preexisting condition exclusion on all individuals enrolled in the plan. The exclusion applies to conditions for which medical advice, diagnosis, care, or treatment was recommended or received within the sixmonth period ending on an individuals enrollment date. In addition, the exclusion generally extends for 12 months after an individuals enrollment date, but this 12-month period is offset by the number of days of an individuals creditable coverage in accordance with 54.98013. There is nothing to indicate that the exclusion is directed at individual participants or beneficiaries. (ii) Conclusion. In this Example 1, even though the plans preexisting condition exclusion discriminates against individuals based on one or more health factors, the preexisting condition exclusion does not violate this section because it applies uniformly to all similarly situated individuals, is not directed at individual participants or beneficiaries, and complies with 54.98013 (that is, the requirements relating to the sixmonth look-back period, the 12-month (or 18month) maximum exclusion period, and the creditable coverage offset). Example 2. (i) Facts. A group health plan excludes coverage for conditions with respect to which medical advice, diagnosis, care, or treatment was recommended or received within the six-month period ending on an individuals enrollment date. Under the plan, the preexisting condition exclusion generally extends for 12 months, offset by creditable coverage. However, if an individual has no claims in the first six months following enrollment, the remainder of the exclusion period is waived. (ii) Conclusion. In this Example 2, the plans preexisting condition exclusions violate this section because they do not meet the requirements of this paragraph (b)(3); specifically, they do not apply uniformly to all similarly situated individuals. The plan provisions do not apply uniformly to all similarly situated individuals because individuals who have medical claims during the first six months following enrollment are not treated the same as similarly situated individuals with no claims during that period. (Under paragraph (d) of this section, the groups cannot be treated as two separate
(3) Relationship to 54.98013. (i) A preexisting condition exclusion is permitted under this section if it (A) Complies with 54.98013; (B) Applies uniformly to all similarly situated individuals (as described in paragraph (d) of this section); and (C) Is not directed at individual participants or beneficiaries based on any health factor of the participants or beneficiaries. For purposes of this paragraph (b)(3)(i)(C), a plan amendment relating to a preexisting condition exclusion applicable to all individuals in one or more groups of similarly situated in-
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groups of similarly situated individuals because the distinction is based on a health factor.)
(c) Prohibited discrimination in premiums or contributions(1) In general (i) A group health plan may not require an individual, as a condition of enrollment or continued enrollment under the plan, to pay a premium or contribution that is greater than the premium or contribution for a similarly situated individual (described in paragraph (d) of this section) enrolled in the plan based on any health factor that relates to the individual or a dependent of the individual. (ii) Discounts, rebates, payments in kind, and any other premium differential mechanisms are taken into account in determining an individuals premium or contribution rate. (For rules relating to cost-sharing mechanisms, see paragraph (b)(2) of this section (addressing benefits).) (2) Rules relating to premium rates(i) Group rating based on health factors not restricted under this section. Nothing in this section restricts the aggregate amount that an employer may be charged for coverage under a group health plan. But see 54.98023T(b), which prohibits adjustments in group premium or contribution rates based on genetic information. (ii) List billing based on a health factor prohibited. However, a group health plan may not quote or charge an employer (or an individual) a different premium for an individual in a group of similarly situated individuals based on a health factor. (But see paragraph (g) of this section permitting favorable treatment of individuals with adverse health factors.) (iii) Examples. The rules of this paragraph (c)(2) are illustrated by the following examples:
Example 1. (i) Facts. An employer sponsors a group health plan and purchases coverage from a health insurance issuer. In order to determine the premium rate for the upcoming plan year, the issuer reviews the claims experience of individuals covered under the plan. The issuer finds that Individual F had significantly higher claims experience than similarly situated individuals in the plan. The issuer quotes the plan a higher per-participant rate because of Fs claims experience.
(3) Exception for wellness programs. Notwithstanding paragraphs (c)(1) and (2) of this section, a plan may vary the amount of premium or contribution it requires similarly situated individuals to pay based on whether an individual has met the standards of a wellness program that satisfies the requirements of paragraph (f) of this section. (d) Similarly situated individuals. The requirements of this section apply only within a group of individuals who are treated as similarly situated individuals. A plan may treat participants as a group of similarly situated individuals separate from beneficiaries. In addition, participants may be treated as two or more distinct groups of similarly situated individuals and beneficiaries may be treated as two or more distinct groups of similarly situated individuals in accordance with the rules of this paragraph (d). Moreover, if individuals have a choice of two or more benefit packages, individuals choosing one benefit package may be treated as one or more groups of similarly situated individuals distinct from individuals choosing another benefit package.
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health factors in accordance with paragraph (g) of this section. (3) Discrimination directed at individuals. Notwithstanding paragraphs (d)(1) and (2) of this section, if the creation or modification of an employment or coverage classification is directed at individual participants or beneficiaries based on any health factor of the participants or beneficiaries, the classification is not permitted under this paragraph (d), unless it is permitted under paragraph (g) of this section (permitting favorable treatment of individuals with adverse health factors). Thus, if an employer modified an employment-based classification to single out, based on a health factor, individual participants and beneficiaries and deny them health coverage, the new classification would not be permitted under this section. (4) Examples. The rules of this paragraph (d) are illustrated by the following examples:
Example 1. (i) Facts. An employer sponsors a group health plan for full-time employees only. Under the plan (consistent with the employers usual business practice), employees who normally work at least 30 hours per week are considered to be working full-time. Other employees are considered to be working part-time. There is no evidence to suggest that the classification is directed at individual participants or beneficiaries. (ii) Conclusion. In this Example 1, treating the full-time and part-time employees as two separate groups of similarly situated individuals is permitted under this paragraph (d) because the classification is bona fide and is not directed at individual participants or beneficiaries. Example 2. (i) Facts. Under a group health plan, coverage is made available to employees, their spouses, and their dependent children. However, coverage is made available to a dependent child only if the dependent child is under age 19 (or under age 25 if the child is continuously enrolled full-time in an institution of higher learning (full-time students)). There is no evidence to suggest that these classifications are directed at individual participants or beneficiaries. (ii) Conclusion. In this Example 2, treating spouses and dependent children differently by imposing an age limitation on dependent children, but not on spouses, is permitted under this paragraph (d). Specifically, the distinction between spouses and dependent children is permitted under paragraph (d)(2) of this section and is not prohibited under paragraph (d)(3) of this section because it is not directed at individual participants or
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beneficiaries. It is also permissible to treat dependent children who are under age 19 (or full-time students under age 25) as a group of similarly situated individuals separate from those who are age 25 or older (or age 19 or older if they are not full-time students) because the classification is permitted under paragraph (d)(2) of this section and is not directed at individual participants or beneficiaries. Example 3. (i) Facts. A university sponsors a group health plan that provides one health benefit package to faculty and another health benefit package to other staff. Faculty and staff are treated differently with respect to other employee benefits such as retirement benefits and leaves of absence. There is no evidence to suggest that the distinction is directed at individual participants or beneficiaries. (ii) Conclusion. In this Example 3, the classification is permitted under this paragraph (d) because there is a distinction based on a bona fide employment-based classification consistent with the employers usual business practice and the distinction is not directed at individual participants and beneficiaries. Example 4. (i) Facts. An employer sponsors a group health plan that is available to all current employees. Former employees may also be eligible, but only if they complete a specified number of years of service, are enrolled under the plan at the time of termination of employment, and are continuously enrolled from that date. There is no evidence to suggest that these distinctions are directed at individual participants or beneficiaries. (ii) Conclusion. In this Example 4, imposing additional eligibility requirements on former employees is permitted because a classification that distinguishes between current and former employees is a bona fide employment-based classification that is permitted under this paragraph (d), provided that it is not directed at individual participants or beneficiaries. In addition, it is permissible to distinguish between former employees who satisfy the service requirement and those who do not, provided that the distinction is not directed at individual participants or beneficiaries. (However, former employees who do not satisfy the eligibility criteria may, nonetheless, be eligible for continued coverage pursuant to a COBRA continuation provision or similar State law.) Example 5. (i) Facts. An employer sponsors a group health plan that provides the same benefit package to all seven employees of the employer. Six of the seven employees have the same job title and responsibilities, but Employee G has a different job title and different responsibilities. After G files an expensive claim for benefits under the plan, coverage under the plan is modified so that employees with Gs job title receive a dif-
(e) Nonconfinement and actively-atwork provisions(1) Nonconfinement provisions(i) General rule. Under the rules of paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section, a plan may not establish a rule for eligibility (as described in paragraph (b)(1)(ii) of this section) or set any individuals premium or contribution rate based on whether an individual is confined to a hospital or other health care institution. In addition, under the rules of paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section, a plan may not establish a rule for eligibility or set any individuals premium or contribution rate based on an individuals ability to engage in normal life activities, except to the extent permitted under paragraphs (e)(2)(ii) and (3) of this section (permitting plans, under certain circumstances, to distinguish among employees based on the performance of services). (ii) Examples. The rules of this paragraph (e)(1) are illustrated by the following examples:
Example 1. (i) Facts. Under a group health plan, coverage for employees and their dependents generally becomes effective on the first day of employment. However, coverage for a dependent who is confined to a hospital or other health care institution does not become effective until the confinement ends. (ii) Conclusion. In this Example 1, the plan violates this paragraph (e)(1) because the plan delays the effective date of coverage for dependents based on confinement to a hospital or other health care institution. Example 2. (i) Facts. In previous years, a group health plan has provided coverage through a group health insurance policy offered by Issuer M. However, for the current year, the plan provides coverage through a group health insurance policy offered by Issuer N. Under Issuer Ns policy, items and services provided in connection with the confinement of a dependent to a hospital or other health care institution are not covered if the confinement is covered under an extension of benefits clause from a previous health insurance issuer.
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(for any reason) before completing 90 days of service, the beginning of the 90-day period is measured from the day the employee returns to work (without any credit for service before the absence). (ii) Conclusion. In this Example 2, the plan violates this paragraph (e)(2) (and thus also paragraph (b) of this section) because the 90day continuous service requirement is a rule for eligibility based on whether an individual is actively at work. However, the plan would not violate this paragraph (e)(2) or paragraph (b) of this section if, under the plan, an absence due to any health factor is not considered an absence for purposes of measuring 90 days of continuous service.
(2) Actively-at-work and continuous service provisions(i) General rule(A) Under the rules of paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section and subject to the exception for the first day of work described in paragraph (e)(2)(ii) of this section, a plan may not establish a rule for eligibility (as described in paragraph (b)(1)(ii) of this section) or set any individuals premium or contribution rate based on whether an individual is actively at work (including whether an individual is continuously employed), unless absence from work due to any health factor (such as being absent from work on sick leave) is treated, for purposes of the plan, as being actively at work. (B) The rules of this paragraph (e)(2)(i) are illustrated by the following examples:
Example 1. (i) Facts. Under a group health plan, an employee generally becomes eligible to enroll 30 days after the first day of employment. However, if the employee is not actively at work on the first day after the end of the 30-day period, then eligibility for enrollment is delayed until the first day the employee is actively at work. (ii) Conclusion. In this Example 1, the plan violates this paragraph (e)(2) (and thus also violates paragraph (b) of this section). However, the plan would not violate paragraph (e)(2) or (b) of this section if, under the plan, an absence due to any health factor is considered being actively at work. Example 2. (i) Facts. Under a group health plan, coverage for an employee becomes effective after 90 days of continuous service; that is, if an employee is absent from work
(ii) Exception for the first day of work(A) Notwithstanding the general rule in paragraph (e)(2)(i) of this section, a plan may establish a rule for eligibility that requires an individual to begin work for the employer sponsoring the plan (or, in the case of a multiemployer plan, to begin a job in covered employment) before coverage becomes effective, provided that such a rule for eligibility applies regardless of the reason for the absence. (B) The rules of this paragraph (e)(2)(ii) are illustrated by the following examples:
Example 1. (i) Facts. Under the eligibility provision of a group health plan, coverage for new employees becomes effective on the first day that the employee reports to work. Individual H is scheduled to begin work on August 3. However, H is unable to begin work on that day because of illness. H begins working on August 4, and Hs coverage is effective on August 4. (ii) Conclusion. In this Example 1, the plan provision does not violate this section. However, if coverage for individuals who do not report to work on the first day they were scheduled to work for a reason unrelated to a health factor (such as vacation or bereavement) becomes effective on the first day they were scheduled to work, then the plan would violate this section. Example 2. (i) Facts. Under a group health plan, coverage for new employees becomes effective on the first day of the month following the employees first day of work, regardless of whether the employee is actively at work on the first day of the month. Individual J is scheduled to begin work on March 24. However, J is unable to begin work on March 24 because of illness. J begins working on April 7 and Js coverage is effective May 1. (ii) Conclusion. In this Example 2, the plan provision does not violate this section. However, as in Example 1, if coverage for individuals absent from work for reasons unrelated
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to a health factor became effective despite their absence, then the plan would violate this section.
(3) Relationship to plan provisions defining similarly situated individuals(i) Notwithstanding the rules of paragraphs (e)(1) and (2) of this section, a plan may establish rules for eligibility or set any individuals premium or contribution rate in accordance with the rules relating to similarly situated individuals in paragraph (d) of this section. Accordingly, a plan may distinguish in rules for eligibility under the plan between full-time and part-time employees, between permanent and temporary or seasonal employees, between current and former employees, and between employees currently performing services and employees no longer performing services for the employer, subject to paragraph (d) of this section. However, other Federal or State laws (including the COBRA continuation provisions and the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993) may require an employee or the employees dependents to be offered coverage and set limits on the premium or contribution rate even though the employee is not performing services. (ii) The rules of this paragraph (e)(3) are illustrated by the following examples:
Example 1. (i) Facts. Under a group health plan, employees are eligible for coverage if they perform services for the employer for 30 or more hours per week or if they are on paid leave (such as vacation, sick, or bereavement leave). Employees on unpaid leave are treated as a separate group of similarly situated individuals in accordance with the rules of paragraph (d) of this section. (ii) Conclusion. In this Example 1, the plan provisions do not violate this section. However, if the plan treated individuals performing services for the employer for 30 or more hours per week, individuals on vacation leave, and individuals on bereavement leave as a group of similarly situated individuals separate from individuals on sick leave, the plan would violate this paragraph (e) (and thus also would violate paragraph (b) of this section) because groups of similarly situated individuals cannot be established based on a health factor (including the taking of sick leave) under paragraph (d) of this section. Example 2. (i) Facts. To be eligible for coverage under a bona fide collectively bargained group health plan in the current calendar quarter, the plan requires an indi-
(f) Wellness programs. A wellness program is any program designed to promote health or prevent disease. Paragraphs (b)(2)(ii) and (c)(3) of this section provide exceptions to the general prohibitions against discrimination
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(v) A program that provides a reward to employees for attending a monthly health education seminar. (2) Wellness programs subject to requirements. If any of the conditions for obtaining a reward under a wellness program is based on an individual satisfying a standard that is related to a health factor, the wellness program does not violate this section if the requirements of this paragraph (f)(2) are met. (i) The reward for the wellness program, coupled with the reward for other wellness programs with respect to the plan that require satisfaction of a standard related to a health factor, must not exceed 20 percent of the cost of employee-only coverage under the plan. However, if, in addition to employees, any class of dependents (such as spouses or spouses and dependent children) may participate in the wellness program, the reward must not exceed 20 percent of the cost of the coverage in which an employee and any dependents are enrolled. For purposes of this paragraph (f)(2), the cost of coverage is determined based on the total amount of employer and employee contributions for the benefit package under which the employee is (or the employee and any dependents are) receiving coverage. A reward can be in the form of a discount or rebate of a premium or contribution, a waiver of all or part of a cost-sharing mechanism (such as deductibles, copayments, or coinsurance), the absence of a surcharge, or the value of a benefit that would otherwise not be provided under the plan. (ii) The program must be reasonably designed to promote health or prevent disease. A program satisfies this standard if it has a reasonable chance of improving the health of or preventing disease in participating individuals and it is not overly burdensome, is not a subterfuge for discriminating based on a health factor, and is not highly suspect in the method chosen to promote health or prevent disease. (iii) The program must give individuals eligible for the program the opportunity to qualify for the reward under the program at least once per year.
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(iv) The reward under the program must be available to all similarly situated individuals. (A) A reward is not available to all similarly situated individuals for a period unless the program allows (1) A reasonable alternative standard (or waiver of the otherwise applicable standard) for obtaining the reward for any individual for whom, for that period, it is unreasonably difficult due to a medical condition to satisfy the otherwise applicable standard; and (2) A reasonable alternative standard (or waiver of the otherwise applicable standard) for obtaining the reward for any individual for whom, for that period, it is medically inadvisable to attempt to satisfy the otherwise applicable standard. (B) A plan or issuer may seek verification, such as a statement from an individuals physician, that a health factor makes it unreasonably difficult or medically inadvisable for the individual to satisfy or attempt to satisfy the otherwise applicable standard. (v)(A) The plan must disclose in all plan materials describing the terms of the program the availability of a reasonable alternative standard (or the possibility of waiver of the otherwise applicable standard) required under paragraph (f)(2)(iv) of this section. However, if plan materials merely mention that a program is available, without describing its terms, this disclosure is not required. (B) The following language, or substantially similar language, can be used to satisfy the requirement of this paragraph (f)(2)(v): If it is unreasonably difficult due to a medical condition for you to achieve the standards for the reward under this program, or if it is medically inadvisable for you to attempt to achieve the standards for the reward under this program, call us at [insert telephone number] and we will work with you to develop another way to qualify for the reward. In addition, other examples of language that would satisfy this requirement are set forth in Examples 3, 4, and 5 of paragraph (f)(3) of this section. (3) Examples. The rules of paragraph (f)(2) of this section are illustrated by the following examples:
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due to a medical condition for you to achieve a body mass index between 19 and 26 (or if it is medically inadvisable for you to attempt to achieve this body mass index) this year, your deductible will be waived if you walk for 20 minutes three days a week. If you cannot follow the walking program, call us at the number above and we will work with you to develop another way to have your deductible waived. Due to a medical condition, Individual E is unable to achieve a BMI of between 19 and 26 and is also unable to follow the walking program. E proposes a program based on the recommendations of Es physician. The plan agrees to make the discount available to E if E follows the physicians recommendations. (ii) Conclusion. In this Example 4, the program satisfies the five requirements of paragraph (f)(2) of this section. First, the program complies with the limits on rewards under a program. Second, it is reasonably designed to promote health or prevent disease. Third, individuals eligible for the program are given the opportunity to qualify for the reward at least once per year. Fourth, the reward under the program is available to all similarly situated individuals because it generally accommodates individuals for whom it is unreasonably difficult due to a medical condition to achieve (or for whom it is medically inadvisable to attempt to achieve) the targeted body mass index by providing a reasonable alternative standard (walking) and it accommodates individuals for whom it is unreasonably difficult due to a medical condition (or for whom it is medically inadvisable to attempt) to walk by providing an alternative standard that is reasonable for the individual. Fifth, the plan discloses in all materials describing the terms of the program the availability of a reasonable alternative standard for every individual. Thus, the waiver of the deductible does not violate this section. Example 5. (i) Facts. In conjunction with an annual open enrollment period, a group health plan provides a form for participants to certify that they have not used tobacco products in the preceding twelve months. Participants who do not provide the certification are assessed a surcharge that is 20 percent of the cost of employee-only coverage. However, all plan materials describing the terms of the wellness program include the following statement: If it is unreasonably difficult due to a health factor for you to meet the requirements under this program (or if it is medically inadvisable for you to attempt to meet the requirements of this program), we will make available a reasonable alternative standard for you to avoid this surcharge. It is unreasonably difficult for Individual F to stop smoking cigarettes due to an addiction to nicotine (a medical
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condition). The plan accommodates F by requiring F to participate in a smoking cessation program to avoid the surcharge. F can avoid the surcharge for as long as F participates in the program, regardless of whether F stops smoking (as long as F continues to be addicted to nicotine). (ii) Conclusion. In this Example 5, the premium surcharge is permissible as a wellness program because it satisfies the five requirements of paragraph (f)(2) of this section. First, the program complies with the limits on rewards under a program. Second, it is reasonably designed to promote health or prevent disease. Third, individuals eligible for the program are given the opportunity to qualify for the reward at least once per year. Fourth, the reward under the program is available to all similarly situated individuals because it accommodates individuals for whom it is unreasonably difficult due to a medical condition (or for whom it is medically inadvisable to attempt) to quit using tobacco products by providing a reasonable alternative standard. Fifth, the plan discloses in all materials describing the terms of the program the availability of a reasonable alternative standard. Thus, the premium surcharge does not violate this section. Example 6. (i) Facts. Same facts as Example 5, except the plan accommodates F by requiring F to view, over a period of 12 months, a 12-hour video series on health problems associated with tobacco use. F can avoid the surcharge by complying with this requirement. (ii) Conclusion. In this Example 6, the requirement to watch the series of video tapes is a reasonable alternative method for avoiding the surcharge.
(g) More favorable treatment of individuals with adverse health factors permitted(1) In rules for eligibility. (i) Nothing in this section prevents a group health plan from establishing more favorable rules for eligibility (described in paragraph (b)(1) of this section) for individuals with an adverse health factor, such as disability, than for individuals without the adverse health factor. Moreover, nothing in this section prevents a plan from charging a higher premium or contribution with respect to individuals with an adverse health factor if they would not be eligible for the coverage were it not for the adverse health factor. (However, other laws, including State insurance laws, may set or limit premium rates; these laws are not affected by this section.)
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addition, although this section generally does not impose new disclosure obligations on plans, this section does not affect any other laws, including those that require accurate disclosures and prohibit intentional misrepresentation. (i) Applicability dates. This section applies for plan years beginning on or after July 1, 2007.
[T.D. 9298, 71 FR 75030, Dec. 13, 2006; 72 FR 7929, Feb. 22, 2007, as amended by T.D. 9464, 74 FR 51678, Oct. 7, 2009]
(2) In premiums or contributions(i) Nothing in this section prevents a group health plan from charging individuals a premium or contribution that is less than the premium (or contribution) for similarly situated individuals if the lower charge is based on an adverse health factor, such as disability. (ii) The rules of this paragraph (g)(2) are illustrated by the following example:
Example. (i) Facts. Under a group health plan, employees are generally required to pay $50 per month for employee-only coverage and $125 per month for family coverage under the plan. However, employees who are disabled receive coverage (whether employee-only or family coverage) under the plan free of charge. (ii) Conclusion. In this Example, the plan provision waiving premium payment for disabled employees is permitted under this paragraph (g)(2) (and thus does not violate this section).
54.98022 Special rules for certain church plans. (a) Exception for certain church plans (1) Church plans in general. A church plan described in paragraph (b) of this section is not treated as failing to meet the requirements of section 9802 or 54.98021 solely because the plan requires evidence of good health for coverage of individuals under plan provisions described in paragraph (b)(2) or (3) of this section. (2) Health insurance issuers. See sections 2702 and 2721(b)(1)(B) of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 300gg2 and 300gg21(b)(1)(B)) and 45 CFR 146.121, which require health insurance issuers providing health insurance coverage under a church plan that is a group health plan to comply with nondiscrimination requirements similar to those that church plans are required to comply with under section 9802 and 54.98021 except that those nondiscrimination requirements do not include an exception for health insurance issuers comparable to the exception for church plans under section 9802(c) and this section. (b) Church plans to which this section applies(1) Church plans with certain coverage provisions in effect on July 15, 1997. This section applies to any church plan (as defined in section 414(e)) for a plan year if, on July 15, 1997 and at all times thereafter before the beginning of the plan year, the plan contains either the provisions described in paragraph (b)(2) of this section or the provisions described in paragraph (b)(3) of this section. (2) Plan provisions applicable to individuals employed by employers of 10 or
(h) No effect on other laws. Compliance with this section is not determinative of compliance with any provision of ERISA (including the COBRA continuation provisions) or any other State or Federal law, such as the Americans with Disabilities Act. Therefore, although the rules of this section would not prohibit a plan from treating one group of similarly situated individuals differently from another (such as providing different benefit packages to current and former employees), other Federal or State laws may require that two separate groups of similarly situated individuals be treated the same for certain purposes (such as making the same benefit package available to COBRA qualified beneficiaries as is made available to active employees). In
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fewer employees and self-employed individuals. (i) A plan contains the provisions described in this paragraph (b)(2) if it requires evidence of good health of both (A) Any employee of an employer of 10 or fewer employees (determined without regard to section 414(e)(3)(C), under which a church or convention or association of churches is treated as the employer); and (B) Any self-employed individual. (ii) A plan does not contain the provisions described in this paragraph (b)(2) if the plan contains only one of the provisions described in this paragraph (b)(2). Thus, for example, a plan that requires evidence of good health of any self-employed individual, but not of any employee of an employer with 10 or fewer employees, does not contain the provisions described in this paragraph (b)(2). Moreover, a plan does not contain the provision described in paragraph (b)(2)(i)(A) of this section if the plan requires evidence of good health of any employee of an employer of fewer than 10 (or greater than 10) employees. Thus, for example, a plan does not contain the provision described in paragraph (b)(2)(i)(A) of this section if the plan requires evidence of good health of any employee of an employer with five or fewer employees. (3) Plan provisions applicable to individuals who enroll after the first 90 days of initial eligibility. (i) A plan contains the provisions described in this paragraph (b)(3) if it requires evidence of good health of any individual who enrolls after the first 90 days of initial eligibility under the plan. (ii) A plan does not contain the provisions described in this paragraph (b)(3) if it provides for a longer (or shorter) period than 90 days. Thus, for example, a plan requiring evidence of good health of any individual who enrolls after the first 120 days of initial eligibility under the plan does not contain the provisions described in this paragraph (b)(3). (c) Examples. The rules of this section are illustrated by the following examples:
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Example 1. (i) Facts. A church organization maintains two church plans for entities affiliated with the church. One plan is a group health plan that provides health coverage to
(d) Applicability date. This section is applicable to plan years beginning on or after July 1, 2007.
[T.D. 9299, 71 FR 75056, Dec. 13, 2006]
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in clinical research which includes genetic services, by the individual or any family member of the individual. (ii) The term genetic information does not include information about the sex or age of any individual. (iii) The term genetic information includes (A) With respect to a pregnant woman (or a family member of the pregnant woman), genetic information of any fetus carried by the pregnant woman; and (B) With respect to an individual (or a family member of the individual) who is utilizing an assisted reproductive technology, genetic information of any embryo legally held by the individual or family member. (4) Genetic services means (i) A genetic test, as defined in paragraph (a)(5) of this section; (ii) Genetic counseling (including obtaining, interpreting, or assessing genetic information); or (iii) Genetic education. (5)(i) Genetic test means an analysis of human DNA, RNA, chromosomes, proteins, or metabolites, if the analysis detects genotypes, mutations, or chromosomal changes. However, a genetic test does not include an analysis of proteins or metabolites that is directly related to a manifested disease, disorder, or pathological condition. Accordingly, a test to determine whether an individual has a BRCA1 or BRCA2 variant is a genetic test. Similarly, a test to determine whether an individual has a genetic variant associated with hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer is a genetic test. However, an HIV test, complete blood count, cholesterol test, liver function test, or test for the presence of alcohol or drugs is not a genetic test. (ii) The rules of this paragraph (a)(5) are illustrated by the following example:
Example. (i) Facts. Individual A is a newborn covered under a group health plan. A undergoes a phenylketonuria (PKU) screening, which measures the concentration of a metabolite, phenylalanine, in As blood. In PKU, a mutation occurs in the phenylalanine hydroxylase (PAH) gene which contains instructions for making the enzyme needed to break down the amino acid phenylalanine. Individuals with the mutation, who have a deficiency in the enzyme to
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break down phenylalanine, have high concentrations of phenylalanine. (ii) Conclusion. In this Example, the PKU screening is a genetic test with respect to A because the screening is an analysis of metabolites that detects a genetic mutation.
(6)(i) Manifestation or manifested means, with respect to a disease, disorder, or pathological condition, that an individual has been or could reasonably be diagnosed with the disease, disorder, or pathological condition by a health care professional with appropriate training and expertise in the field of medicine involved. For purposes of this section, a disease, disorder, or pathological condition is not manifested if a diagnosis is based principally on genetic information. (ii) The rules of this paragraph (a)(6) are illustrated by the following examples:
Example 1. (i) Facts. Individual A has a family medical history of diabetes. A begins to experience excessive sweating, thirst, and fatigue. As physician examines A and orders blood glucose testing (which is not a genetic test). Based on the physicians examination, As symptoms, and test results that show elevated levels of blood glucose, As physician diagnoses A as having adult onset diabetes mellitus (Type 2 diabetes). (ii) Conclusion. In this Example 1, A has been diagnosed by a health care professional with appropriate training and expertise in the field of medicine involved. The diagnosis is not based principally on genetic information. Thus, Type 2 diabetes is manifested with respect to A. Example 2. (i) Facts. Individual B has several family members with colon cancer. One of them underwent genetic testing which detected a mutation in the MSH2 gene associated with hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC). Bs physician, a health care professional with appropriate training and expertise in the field of medicine involved, recommends that B undergo a targeted genetic test to look for the specific mutation found in Bs relative to determine if B has an elevated risk for cancer. The genetic test with respect to B showed that B also carries the mutation and is at increased risk to develop colorectal and other cancers associated with HNPCC. B has a colonoscopy which indicates no signs of disease, and B has no symptoms. (ii) Conclusion. In this Example 2, because B has no signs or symptoms of colorectal cancer, B has not been and could not reasonably be diagnosed with HNPCC. Thus, HNPCC is not manifested with respect to B. Example 3. (i) Facts. Same facts as Example 2, except that Bs colonoscopy and subse-
(7) Underwriting purposes has the meaning given in paragraph (d)(1) of this section. (b) No group-based discrimination based on genetic information(1) In general. For purposes of this section, a group health plan must not adjust premium or contribution amounts for any employer, or any group of similarly situated individuals under the plan, on the basis of genetic information. For this purpose, similarly situated individuals are those described in 54.9802 1(d). (2) Rule of construction. Nothing in paragraph (b)(1) of this section (or in paragraph (d)(1) or (d)(2) of this section) limits the ability of a group health plan to increase the premium for an employer or for a group of similarly situated individuals under the plan based on the manifestation of a
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children (that is, the fact that A has the disease). (ii) Conclusion. See Example 2 in 29 CFR 2590.7021(b)(3) or 45 CFR 146.122(b)(3) for a conclusion that the issuer violates the provisions of 29 CFR 2590.7021(b) or 45 CFR 146.122(b) similar to the requirements of this paragraph (b) because, by taking the likelihood that As children may develop polycystic kidney disease into account in computing the rate for the plan, the issuer adjusts the premium based on genetic information relating to a condition that has not been manifested in As children. However, the issuer does not violate the requirements of 29 CFR 2590.7021(b) or 45 CFR 146.122(b) similar to the requirements of this paragraph (b) by increasing the premium based on As claims experience.
(c) Limitation on requesting or requiring genetic testing(1) General rule. Except as otherwise provided in this paragraph (c), a group health plan must not request or require an individual or a family member of the individual to undergo a genetic test. (2) Health care professional may recommend a genetic test. Nothing in paragraph (c)(1) of this section limits the authority of a health care professional who is providing health care services to an individual to request that the individual undergo a genetic test. (3) Examples. The rules of paragraphs (c)(1) and (c)(2) of this section are illustrated by the following examples:
Example 1. (i) Facts. Individual A goes to a physician for a routine physical examination. The physician reviews As family medical history and A informs the physician that As mother has been diagnosed with Huntingtons Disease. The physician advises A that Huntingtons Disease is hereditary and recommends that A undergo a genetic test. (ii) Conclusion. In this Example 1, the physician is a health care professional who is providing health care services to A. Therefore, the physicians recommendation that A undergo the genetic test does not violate this paragraph (c). Example 2. (i) Facts. Individual B is covered by a health maintenance organization (HMO). B is a child being treated for leukemia. Bs physician, who is employed by the HMO, is considering a treatment plan that includes six-mercaptopurine, a drug for treating leukemia in most children. However, the drug could be fatal if taken by a small percentage of children with a particular gene variant. Bs physician recommends that B undergo a genetic test to detect this variant before proceeding with this course of treatment.
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(ii) Conclusion. In this Example 2, even though the physician is employed by the HMO, the physician is nonetheless a health care professional who is providing health care services to B. Therefore, the physicians recommendation that B undergo the genetic test does not violate this paragraph (c).
(4) Determination regarding payment (i) In general. As provided in this paragraph (c)(4), nothing in paragraph (c)(1) of this section precludes a plan from obtaining and using the results of a genetic test in making a determination regarding payment. For this purpose, payment has the meaning given such term in 45 CFR 164.501 of the privacy regulations issued under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. Thus, if a plan conditions payment for an item or service based on its medical appropriateness and the medical appropriateness of the item or service depends on the genetic makeup of a patient, then the plan is permitted to condition payment for the item or service on the outcome of a genetic test. The plan may also refuse payment if the patient does not undergo the genetic test. (ii) Limitation. A plan is permitted to request only the minimum amount of information necessary to make a determination regarding payment. The minimum amount of information necessary is determined in accordance with the minimum necessary standard in 45 CFR 164.502(b) of the privacy regulations issued under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. (iii) Examples. See paragraph (e) of this section for examples illustrating the rules of this paragraph (c)(4), as well as other provisions of this section. (5) Research exception. Notwithstanding paragraph (c)(1) of this section, a plan may request, but not require, that a participant or beneficiary undergo a genetic test if all of the conditions of this paragraph (c)(5) are met: (i) Research in accordance with Federal regulations and applicable State or local law or regulations. The plan makes the request pursuant to research, as defined in 45 CFR 46.102(d), that complies with 45 CFR Part 46 or equivalent Federal regulations, and any applicable State or local law or regulations for the protection of human subjects in research.
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concerning any individual, the collection is not a violation of this paragraph (d)(2), as long as the collection is not for underwriting purposes in violation of paragraph (d)(1) of this section. (B) Limitation. The incidental collection exception of this paragraph (d)(2)(ii) does not apply in connection with any collection where it is reasonable to anticipate that health information will be received, unless the collection explicitly states that genetic information should not be provided. (3) Examples. The rules of this paragraph (d) are illustrated by the following examples:
Example 1. (i) Facts. A group health plan provides a premium reduction to enrollees who complete a health risk assessment. The health risk assessment is requested to be completed after enrollment. Whether or not it is completed or what responses are given on it has no effect on an individuals enrollment status, or on the enrollment status of members of the individuals family. The health risk assessment includes questions about the individuals family medical history. (ii) Conclusion. In this Example 1, the health risk assessment includes a request for genetic information (that is, the individuals family medical history). Because completing the health risk assessment results in a premium reduction, the request for genetic information is for underwriting purposes. Consequently, the request violates the prohibition on the collection of genetic information in paragraph (d)(1) of this section. Example 2. (i) Facts. The same facts as Example 1, except there is no premium reduction or any other reward for completing the health risk assessment. (ii) Conclusion. In this Example 2, the request is not for underwriting purposes, nor is it prior to or in connection with enrollment. Therefore, it does not violate the prohibition on the collection of genetic information in this paragraph (d). Example 3. (i) Facts. A group health plan requests that enrollees complete a health risk assessment prior to enrollment, and includes questions about the individuals family medical history. There is no reward or penalty for completing the health risk assessment. (ii) Conclusion. In this Example 3, because the health risk assessment includes a request for genetic information (that is, the individuals family medical history), and requests the information prior to enrollment, the request violates the prohibition on the collection of genetic information in paragraph (d)(2) of this section. Moreover, because it is a request for genetic information,
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it is not an incidental collection under paragraph (d)(2)(ii) of this section. Example 4. (i) Facts. The facts are the same as in Example 1, except there is no premium reduction or any other reward given for completion of the health risk assessment. However, certain people completing the health risk assessment may become eligible for additional benefits under the plan by being enrolled in a disease management program based on their answers to questions about family medical history. Other people may become eligible for the disease management program based solely on their answers to questions about their individual medical history. (ii) Conclusion. In this Example 4, the request for information about an individuals family medical history could result in the individual being eligible for benefits for which the individual would not otherwise be eligible. Therefore, the questions about family medical history on the health risk assessment are a request for genetic information for underwriting purposes and are prohibited under this paragraph (d). Although the plan conditions eligibility for the disease management program based on determinations of medical appropriateness, the exception for determinations of medical appropriateness does not apply because the individual is not seeking benefits. Example 5. (i) Facts. A group health plan requests enrollees to complete two distinct health risk assessments (HRAs) after and unrelated to enrollment. The first HRA instructs the individual to answer only for the individual and not for the individuals family. The first HRA does not ask about any genetic tests the individual has undergone or any genetic services the individual has received. The plan offers a reward for completing the first HRA. The second HRA asks about family medical history and the results of genetic tests the individual has undergone. The plan offers no reward for completing the second HRA and the instructions make clear that completion of the second HRA is wholly voluntary and will not affect the reward given for completion of the first HRA. (ii) Conclusion. In this Example 5, no genetic information is collected in connection with the first HRA, which offers a reward, and no benefits or other rewards are conditioned on the request for genetic information in the second HRA. Consequently, the request for genetic information in the second HRA is not for underwriting purposes, and the two HRAs do not violate the prohibition on the collection of genetic information in this paragraph (d). Example 6. (i) Facts. A group health plan waives its annual deductible for enrollees who complete an HRA. The HRA is requested to be completed after enrollment. Whether or not the HRA is completed or what re-
(e) Examples regarding determinations of medical appropriateness. The application of the rules of paragraphs (c) and
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the genetic information is not used for underwriting purposes). Example 3. (i) Facts. Individual C was previously diagnosed with and treated for breast cancer, which is currently in remission. In accordance with the recommendation of Cs physician, C has been taking a regular dose of tamoxifen to help prevent a recurrence. Cs group health plan adopts a new policy requiring patients taking tamoxifen to undergo a genetic test to ensure that tamoxifen is medically appropriate for their genetic makeup. In accordance with, at the time, the latest scientific research, tamoxifen is not helpful in up to 7 percent of breast cancer patients, those with certain variations of the gene for making the CYP2D6 enzyme. If a patient has a gene variant making tamoxifen not medically appropriate, the plan does not pay for the tamoxifen prescription. (ii) Conclusion. In this Example 3, the plan does not violate paragraph (c) of this section if it conditions future payments for the tamoxifen prescription on Cs undergoing a genetic test to determine what genetic markers C has for making the CYP2D6 enzyme. Nor does the plan violate paragraph (c) of this section if the plan refuses future payment if the results of the genetic test indicate that tamoxifen is not medically appropriate for C. Example 4. (i) Facts. A group health plan offers a diabetes disease management program to all similarly situated individuals for whom it is medically appropriate based on whether the individuals have or are at risk for diabetes. The program provides enhanced benefits related only to diabetes for individuals who qualify for the program. The plan sends out a notice to all participants that describes the diabetes disease management program and explains the terms for eligibility. Individuals interested in enrolling in the program are advised to contact the plan to demonstrate that they have diabetes or that they are at risk for diabetes. For individuals who do not currently have diabetes, genetic information may be used to demonstrate that an individual is at risk. (ii) Conclusion. In this Example 4, the plan may condition benefits under the disease management program upon a showing by an individual that the individual is at risk for diabetes, even if such showing may involve genetic information, provided that the plan requests genetic information only when necessary to make a determination regarding whether the disease management program is medically appropriate for the individual and only requests the minimum amount of information necessary to make that determination. Example 5. (i) Facts. Same facts as Example 4, except that the plan includes a questionnaire that asks about the occurrence of diabetes in members of the individuals family
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as part of the notice describing the disease management program. (ii) Conclusion. In this Example 5, the plan violates the requirements of paragraph (d)(1) of this section because the requests for genetic information are not limited to those situations in which it is necessary to make a determination regarding whether the disease management program is medically appropriate for the individuals. Example 6. (i) Facts. Same facts as Example 4, except the disease management program provides an enhanced benefit in the form of a lower annual deductible to individuals under the program; the lower deductible applies with respect to all medical expenses incurred by the individual. Thus, whether or not a claim relates to diabetes, the individual is provided with a lower deductible based on the individual providing the plan with genetic information. (ii) Conclusion. In this Example 6, because the enhanced benefits include benefits not related to the determination of medical appropriateness, making available the enhanced benefits is within the meaning of underwriting purposes. Accordingly, the plan may not request or require genetic information (including family history information) in determining eligibility for enhanced benefits under the program because such a request would be for underwriting purposes and would violate paragraph (d)(1) of this section.
(f) Effective/applicability date. This section applies for plan years beginning on or after December 7, 2009. (g) Expiration date. This section expires on or before October 1, 2012.
[T.D. 9464, 74 FR 51678, Oct. 7, 2009]
54.98111 Standards relating to benefits for mothers and newborns. (a) Hospital length of stay(1) General rule. Except as provided in paragraph (a)(5) of this section, a group health plan that provides benefits for a hospital length of stay in connection with childbirth for a mother or her newborn may not restrict benefits for the stay to less than (i) 48 hours following a vaginal delivery; or (ii) 96 hours following a delivery by cesarean section. (2) When stay begins(i) Delivery in a hospital. If delivery occurs in a hospital, the hospital length of stay for the mother or newborn child begins at the time of delivery (or in the case of multiple births, at the time of the last delivery).
(4) Authorization not required(i) In general. A plan may not require that a physician or other health care provider obtain authorization from the plan, or from a health insurance issuer offering health insurance coverage under the plan, for prescribing the hospital length of stay specified in paragraph (a)(1) of this section. (See also paragraphs (b)(2) and (c)(3) of this section for rules and examples regarding other authorization and certain notice requirements.)
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tending provider for the newborn consults with the mother regarding the newborn. The attending providers authorize the early discharge of both the mother and the newborn. Both are discharged approximately 72 hours after the delivery. The plan pays for the 72hour hospital stays. (ii) Conclusion. In this Example, the requirements of this paragraph (a) have been satisfied with respect to the mother and the newborn. If either is readmitted, the hospital stay for the readmission is not subject to this section.
(5) Exceptions(i) Discharge of mother. If a decision to discharge a mother earlier than the period specified in paragraph (a)(1) of this section is made by an attending provider, in consultation with the mother, the requirements of paragraph (a)(1) of this section do not apply for any period after the discharge. (ii) Discharge of newborn. If a decision to discharge a newborn child earlier than the period specified in paragraph (a)(1) of this section is made by an attending provider, in consultation with the mother (or the newborns authorized representative), the requirements of paragraph (a)(1) of this section do not apply for any period after the discharge. (iii) Attending provider defined. For purposes of this section, attending provider means an individual who is licensed under applicable state law to provide maternity or pediatric care and who is directly responsible for providing maternity or pediatric care to a mother or newborn child. Therefore, a plan, hospital, managed care organization, or other issuer is not an attending provider. (iv) Example. The rules of this paragraph (a)(5) are illustrated by the following example:
Example. (i) Facts. A pregnant woman covered under a group health plan subject to the requirements of this section goes into labor and is admitted to a hospital. She gives birth by cesarean section. On the third day after the delivery, the attending provider for the mother consults with the mother, and the at-
(b) Prohibitions(1) With respect to mothers(i) In general. A group health plan may not (A) Deny a mother or her newborn child eligibility or continued eligibility to enroll or renew coverage under the terms of the plan solely to avoid the requirements of this section; or (B) Provide payments (including payments-in-kind) or rebates to a mother to encourage her to accept less than the minimum protections available under this section. (ii) Examples. The rules of this paragraph (b)(1) are illustrated by the following examples. In each example, the group health plan is subject to the requirements of this section, as follows:
Example 1. (i) Facts. A group health plan provides benefits for at least a 48-hour hospital length of stay following a vaginal delivery. If a mother and newborn covered under the plan are discharged within 24 hours after the delivery, the plan will waive the copayment and deductible. (ii) Conclusion. In this Example 1, because waiver of the copayment and deductible is in the nature of a rebate that the mother would not receive if she and her newborn remained in the hospital, it is prohibited by this paragraph (b)(1). (In addition, the plan violates paragraph (b)(2) of this section because, in effect, no copayment or deductible is required for the first portion of the stay and a double copayment and a deductible are required for the second portion of the stay.) Example 2. (i) Facts. A group health plan provides benefits for at least a 48-hour hospital length of stay following a vaginal delivery. In the event that a mother and her newborn are discharged earlier than 48 hours and the discharges occur after consultation with the mother in accordance with the requirements of paragraph (a)(5) of this section, the plan provides for a follow-up visit by a nurse within 48 hours after the discharges to provide certain services that the mother and her newborn would otherwise receive in the hospital.
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(ii) Conclusion. In this Example 2, because the follow-up visit does not provide any services beyond what the mother and her newborn would receive in the hospital, coverage for the follow-up visit is not prohibited by this paragraph (b)(1).
(2) With respect to benefit restrictions (i) In general. Subject to paragraph (c)(3) of this section, a group health plan may not restrict the benefits for any portion of a hospital length of stay specified in paragraph (a) of this section in a manner that is less favorable than the benefits provided for any preceding portion of the stay. (ii) Example. The rules of this paragraph (b)(2) are illustrated by the following example:
Example. (i) Facts. A group health plan subject to the requirements of this section provides benefits for hospital lengths of stay in connection with childbirth. In the case of a delivery by cesarean section, the plan automatically pays for the first 48 hours. With respect to each succeeding 24-hour period, the participant or beneficiary must call the plan to obtain precertification from a utilization reviewer, who determines if an additional 24-hour period is medically necessary. If this approval is not obtained, the plan will not provide benefits for any succeeding 24hour period. (ii) Conclusion. In this Example, the requirement to obtain precertification for the two 24-hour periods immediately following the initial 48-hour stay is prohibited by this paragraph (b)(2) because benefits for the latter part of the stay are restricted in a manner that is less favorable than benefits for a preceding portion of the stay. (However, this section does not prohibit a plan from requiring precertification for any period after the first 96 hours.) In addition, the requirement to obtain precertification from the plan based on medical necessity for a hospital length of stay within the 96-hour period would also violate paragraph (a) of this section.
(3) With respect to attending providers. A group health plan may not directly or indirectly (i) Penalize (for example, take disciplinary action against or retaliate against), or otherwise reduce or limit the compensation of, an attending provider because the provider furnished care to a participant or beneficiary in accordance with this section; or (ii) Provide monetary or other incentives to an attending provider to induce the provider to furnish care to a participant or beneficiary in a manner
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(2) Group health plans(i) Fully-insured plans. For a group health plan that provides benefits solely through health insurance coverage, if the state law regulating the health insurance coverage meets any of the criteria in paragraph (e)(1) of this section, then the requirements of section 9811 and this section do not apply. (ii) Self-insured plans. For a group health plan that provides all benefits for hospital lengths of stay in connection with childbirth other than through health insurance coverage, the requirements of section 9811 and this section apply. (iii) Partially-insured plans. For a group health plan that provides some benefits through health insurance coverage, if the state law regulating the health insurance coverage meets any of the criteria in paragraph (e)(1) of this section, then the requirements of section 9811 and this section apply only to the extent the plan provides benefits for hospital lengths of stay in connection with childbirth other than through health insurance coverage. (3) Preemption provisions under section 731(a) of ERISA. See 29 CFR 2590.711(e)(3) for a rule providing that the preemption provisions contained in section 731(a)(1) of ERISA and 29 CFR 2590.731(a) do not supersede a state law if the state law is described in paragraph (e)(1) of 29 CFR 2590.711 (which is substantially similar to paragraph (e)(1) of this section). (4) Examples. The rules of this paragraph (e) are illustrated by the following examples:
Example 1. (i) Facts. A group health plan buys group health insurance coverage in a state that requires that the coverage provide for at least a 48-hour hospital length of stay following a vaginal delivery and at least a 96hour hospital length of stay following a delivery by cesarean section. (ii) Conclusion. In this Example 1, the coverage is subject to state law, and the requirements of section 9811 and this section do not apply. Example 2. (i) Facts. A self-insured group health plan covers hospital lengths of stay in connection with childbirth in a state that requires health insurance coverage to provide
(4) Compensation of attending provider. This section does not prevent a group health plan from negotiating with an attending provider the level and type of compensation for care furnished in accordance with this section (including paragraph (b) of this section). (d) Notice requirement. See 29 CFR 2520.1023(u) for rules relating to a disclosure requirement imposed under section 711(d) of ERISA (29 U.S.C. 1181) on certain group health plans that provide benefits for hospital lengths of stay in connection with childbirth. (e) Applicability in certain states(1) Health insurance coverage. The requirements of section 9811 and this section do not apply with respect to health insurance coverage offered in connection with a group health plan if there is a state law regulating the coverage that meets any of the following criteria: (i) The state law requires the coverage to provide for at least a 48-hour hospital length of stay following a vaginal delivery and at least a 96-hour hospital length of stay following a delivery by cesarean section. (ii) The state law requires the coverage to provide for maternity and pediatric care in accordance with guidelines that relate to care following childbirth established by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, the American Academy of Pediatrics, or any other established professional medical association. (iii) The state law requires, in connection with the coverage for maternity care, that the hospital length of stay for such care is left to the decision of (or is required to be made by) the attending provider in consultation with the mother. State laws that require the decision to be made by the attending provider with the consent of the mother satisfy the criterion of this paragraph (e)(1)(iii).
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for maternity and pediatric care in accordance with guidelines that relate to care following childbirth established by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists and the American Academy of Pediatrics. (ii) Conclusion. In this Example 2, even though the state law satisfies the criterion of paragraph (e)(1)(ii) of this section, because the plan provides benefits for hospital lengths of stay in connection with childbirth other than through health insurance coverage, the plan is subject to the requirements of section 9811 and this section.
(f) Effective/applicability date. This section applies to group health plans for plan years beginning on or after January 1, 2009.
[T.D. 9427, 73 FR 62420, Oct. 20, 2008]
54.98121T Parity in mental health and substance use disorder benefits (temporary). (a) Meaning of terms. For purposes of this section, except where the context clearly indicates otherwise, the following terms have the meanings indicated: Aggregate lifetime dollar limit means a dollar limitation on the total amount of specified benefits that may be paid under a group health plan for any coverage unit. Annual dollar limit means a dollar limitation on the total amount of specified benefits that may be paid in a 12month period under a group health plan for any coverage unit. Coverage unit means coverage unit as described in paragraph (c)(1)(iv) of this section. Cumulative financial requirements are financial requirements that determine whether or to what extent benefits are provided based on accumulated amounts and include deductibles and out-of-pocket maximums. (However, cumulative financial requirements do not include aggregate lifetime or annual dollar limits because these two terms are excluded from the meaning of financial requirements.) Cumulative quantitative treatment limitations are treatment limitations that determine whether or to what extent benefits are provided based on accumulated amounts, such as annual or lifetime day or visit limits. Financial requirements include deductibles, copayments, coinsurance,
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lative financial requirements or cumulative quantitative treatment limitations.) (4) Examples. The rules of paragraphs (b)(2) and (b)(3) of this section are illustrated by the following examples:
Example 1. (i) Facts. A group health plan has no annual limit on medical/surgical benefits and a $10,000 annual limit on mental health and substance use disorder benefits. To comply with the requirements of this paragraph (b), the plan sponsor is considering each of the following options: (A) Eliminating the plans annual dollar limit on mental health and substance use disorder benefits; (B) Replacing the plans annual dollar limit on mental health and substance use disorder benefits with a $500,000 annual limit on all benefits (including medical/surgical and mental health and substance use disorder benefits); and (C) Replacing the plans annual dollar limit on mental health and substance use disorder benefits with a $250,000 annual limit on medical/surgical benefits and a $250,000 annual limit on mental health and substance use disorder benefits. (ii) Conclusion. In this Example 1, each of the three options being considered by the plan sponsor would comply with the requirements of this paragraph (b). Example 2. (i) Facts. A plan has a $100,000 annual limit on medical/surgical inpatient benefits and a $50,000 annual limit on medical/surgical outpatient benefits. To comply with the parity requirements of this paragraph (b), the plan sponsor is considering each of the following options: (A) Imposing a $150,000 annual limit on mental health and substance use disorder benefits; and (B) Imposing a $100,000 annual limit on mental health and substance use disorder inpatient benefits and a $50,000 annual limit on mental health and substance use disorder outpatient benefits. (ii) Conclusion. In this Example 2, each option under consideration by the plan sponsor would comply with the requirements of this section.
(5) Determining one-third and twothirds of all medical/surgical benefits. For purposes of this paragraph (b), the determination of whether the portion of medical/surgical benefits subject to an aggregate lifetime or annual dollar limit represents one-third or twothirds of all medical/surgical benefits is based on the dollar amount of all plan payments for medical/surgical benefits expected to be paid under the
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plan for the plan year (or for the portion of the plan year after a change in plan benefits that affects the applicability of the aggregate lifetime or annual dollar limits). Any reasonable method may be used to determine whether the dollar amount expected to be paid under the plan will constitute one-third or two-thirds of the dollar amount of all plan payments for medical/surgical benefits. (6) Plan not described in paragraph (b)(2) or (b)(3) of this section(i) In general. A group health plan that is not described in paragraph (b)(2) or (b)(3) of this section with respect to aggregate lifetime or annual dollar limits on medical/surgical benefits, must either (A) Impose no aggregate lifetime or annual dollar limit, as appropriate, on mental health or substance use disorder benefits; or (B) Impose an aggregate lifetime or annual dollar limit on mental health or substance use disorder benefits that is no less than an average limit calculated for medical/surgical benefits in the following manner. The average limit is calculated by taking into account the weighted average of the aggregate lifetime or annual dollar limits, as appropriate, that are applicable to the categories of medical/surgical benefits. Limits based on delivery systems, such as inpatient/outpatient treatment or normal treatment of common, low-cost conditions (such as treatment of normal births), do not constitute categories for purposes of this paragraph (b)(6)(i)(B). In addition, for purposes of determining weighted averages, any benefits that are not within a category that is subject to a separately-designated dollar limit under the plan are taken into account as a single separate category by using an estimate of the upper limit on the dollar amount that a plan may reasonably be expected to incur with respect to such benefits, taking into account any other applicable restrictions under the plan. (ii) Weighting. For purposes of this paragraph (b)(6), the weighting applicable to any category of medical/surgical benefits is determined in the manner set forth in paragraph (b)(5) of this sec-
(c) Parity requirements with respect to financial requirements and treatment limitations(1) Clarification of terms(i) Classification of benefits. When reference is made in this paragraph (c) to a classification of benefits, the term classification means a classification as described in paragraph (c)(2)(ii) of this section. (ii) Type of financial requirement or treatment limitation. When reference is made in this paragraph (c) to a type of financial requirement or treatment limitation, the reference to type means its nature. Different types of financial requirements include deductibles, copayments, coinsurance, and out-ofpocket maximums. Different types of quantitative treatment limitations include annual, episode, and lifetime day
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provides mental health or substance use disorder benefits in any classification of benefits described in this paragraph (c)(2)(ii), mental health or substance use disorder benefits must be provided in every classification in which medical/surgical benefits are provided. In determining the classification in which a particular benefit belongs, a plan must apply the same standards to medical/surgical benefits and to mental health or substance use disorder benefits. To the extent that a plan provides benefits in a classification and imposes any separate financial requirement or treatment limitation (or separate level of a financial requirement or treatment limitation) for benefits in the classification, the rules of this paragraph (c) apply separately with respect to that classification for all financial requirements or treatment limitations. The following classifications of benefits are the only classifications used in applying the rules of this paragraph (c): (1) Inpatient, in-network. Benefits furnished on an inpatient basis and within a network of providers established or recognized under a plan. (2) Inpatient, out-of-network. Benefits furnished on an inpatient basis and outside any network of providers established or recognized under a plan. This classification includes inpatient benefits under a plan that has no network of providers. (3) Outpatient, in-network. Benefits furnished on an outpatient basis and within a network of providers established or recognized under a plan. (4) Outpatient, out-of-network. Benefits furnished on an outpatient basis and outside any network of providers established or recognized under a plan. This classification includes outpatient benefits under a plan that has no network of providers. (5) Emergency care. Benefits for emergency care. (6) Prescription drugs. Benefits for prescription drugs. See special rules for multi-tiered prescription drug benefits in paragraph (c)(3)(iii) of this section. (B) Application to out-of-network providers. See paragraph (c)(2)(ii)(A) of this section, under which a plan that provides mental health or substance
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use disorder benefits in any classification of benefits must provide mental health or substance use disorder benefits in every classification in which medical/surgical benefits are provided, including out-of-network classifications. (C) Examples. The rules of this paragraph (c)(2)(ii) are illustrated by the following examples. In each example, the group health plan is subject to the requirements of this section and provides both medical/surgical benefits and mental health and substance use disorder benefits.
Example 1. (i) Facts. A group health plan offers inpatient and outpatient benefits and does not contract with a network of providers. The plan imposes a $500 deductible on all benefits. For inpatient medical/surgical benefits, the plan imposes a coinsurance requirement. For outpatient medical/surgical benefits, the plan imposes copayments. The plan imposes no other financial requirements or treatment limitations. (ii) Conclusion. In this Example 1, because the plan has no network of providers, all benefits provided are out-of-network. Because inpatient, out-of-network medical/surgical benefits are subject to separate financial requirements from outpatient, out-ofnetwork medical/surgical benefits, the rules of this paragraph (c) apply separately with respect to any financial requirements and treatment limitations, including the deductible, in each classification. Example 2. (i) Facts. A plan imposes a $500 deductible on all benefits. The plan has no network of providers. The plan generally imposes a 20 percent coinsurance requirement with respect to all benefits, without distinguishing among inpatient, outpatient, emergency, or prescription drug benefits. The plan imposes no other financial requirements or treatment limitations. (ii) Conclusion. In this Example 2, because the plan does not impose separate financial requirements (or treatment limitations) based on classification, the rules of this paragraph (c) apply with respect to the deductible and the coinsurance across all benefits. Example 3. (i) Facts. Same facts as Example 2, except the plan exempts emergency care benefits from the 20 percent coinsurance requirement. The plan imposes no other financial requirements or treatment limitations. (ii) Conclusion. In this Example 3, because the plan imposes separate financial requirements based on classifications, the rules of this paragraph (c) apply with respect to the deductible and the coinsurance separately for
(3) Financial requirements and quantitative treatment limitations(i) Determining substantially all and predominant(A) Substantially all. For purposes of this paragraph (c), a type of financial requirement or quantitative treatment limitation is considered to apply to substantially all medical/surgical benefits in a classification of benefits if it applies to at least two-thirds of all medical/surgical benefits in that classification. (For this purpose, benefits expressed as subject to a zero level of a type of financial requirement are treated as benefits not subject to that type of financial requirement, and benefits expressed as subject to a quantitative treatment limitation that is unlimited are treated as benefits not subject to that type of quantitative treatment limitation.) If a type of financial requirement or quantitative treatment limitation does not apply to at least two-thirds of all medical/surgical benefits in a classification, then that type cannot be applied to mental health or substance use disorder benefits in that classification. (B) Predominant(1) If a type of financial requirement or quantitative treatment limitation applies to at least two-thirds of all medical/surgical benefits in a classification as determined under paragraph (c)(3)(i)(A) of this section, the level of the financial requirement or quantitative treatment limitation that is considered the predominant level of that type in a classification of benefits is the level that applies to more than one-half of medical/ surgical benefits in that classification
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made towards the out-of-pocket maximum if it had not been satisfied. Similar rules apply for any other thresholds at which the rate of plan payment changes. (E) Determining the dollar amount of plan payments. Subject to paragraph (c)(3)(i)(D) of this section, any reasonable method may be used to determine the dollar amount expected to be paid under a plan for medical/surgical benefits subject to a financial requirement or quantitative treatment limitation (or subject to any level of a financial requirement or quantitative treatment limitation). (ii) Application to different coverage units. If a plan applies different levels of a financial requirement or quantitative treatment limitation to different coverage units in a classification of medical/surgical benefits, the predominant level that applies to substantially all medical/surgical benefits in the classification is determined separately for each coverage unit. (iii) Special rule for multi-tiered prescription drug benefits. If a plan applies different levels of financial requirements to different tiers of prescription drug benefits based on reasonable factors determined in accordance with the rules in paragraph (c)(4)(i) of this section (relating to requirements for nonquantitative treatment limitations) and without regard to whether a drug is generally prescribed with respect to medical/surgical benefits or with respect to mental health or substance use disorder benefits, the plan satisfies the parity requirements of this paragraph (c) with respect to prescription drug benefits. Reasonable factors include cost, efficacy, generic versus brand name, and mail order versus pharmacy pick-up. (iv) Examples. The rules of paragraphs (c)(3)(i), (c)(3)(ii), and (c)(3)(iii) of this section are illustrated by the following examples. In each example, the group health plan is subject to the requirements of this section and provides both medical/surgical benefits and mental health and substance use disorder benefits.
Example 1. (i) Facts. For inpatient, out-ofnetwork medical/surgical benefits, a group health plan imposes five levels of coinsurance. Using a reasonable method, the plan
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projects its payments for the upcoming year as follows:
Coinsurance rate. Projected payments. Percent of total plan costs. Percent subject to coinsurance level.
0% $200x
10% $100x
15% $450x
20% $100x
30% $150x
Total $1,000x
12.5% (100x/800x)
56.25% (450x/800x)
12.5% (100x/800x)
18.75% (150x/800x)
The plan projects plan costs of $800x to be subject to coinsurance ($100x + $450x + $100x + $150x = $800x). Thus, 80 percent ($800x/ $1,000x) of the benefits are projected to be subject to coinsurance, and 56.25 percent of the benefits subject to coinsurance are projected to be subject to the 15 percent coinsurance level. (ii) Conclusion. In this Example 1, the twothirds threshold of the substantially all standard is met for coinsurance because 80 percent of all inpatient, out-of-network medical/surgical benefits are subject to coinsurance. Moreover, the 15 percent coinsurance is
the predominant level because it is applicable to more than one-half of inpatient, outof-network medical/surgical benefits subject to the coinsurance requirement. The plan may not impose any level of coinsurance with respect to inpatient, out-of-network mental health or substance use disorder benefits that is more restrictive than the 15 percent level of coinsurance. Example 2. (i) Facts. For outpatient, in-network medical/surgical benefits, a plan imposes five different copayment levels. Using a reasonable method, the plan projects payments for the upcoming year as follows:
Copayment amount. Projected payments. Percent of total plan costs. Percent subject to copayments.
25% (200x/800x)
25% (200x/800x)
37.5% (300x/800x)
12.5% (100x/800x)
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strictive than the least restrictive copayment in the combination, the $15 copayment. Example 3. (i) Facts. A plan imposes a $250 deductible on all medical/surgical benefits for self-only coverage and a $500 deductible on all medical/surgical benefits for family coverage. The plan has no network of providers. For all medical/surgical benefits, the plan imposes a coinsurance requirement. The plan imposes no other financial requirements or treatment limitations. (ii) Conclusion. In this Example 3, because the plan has no network of providers, all benefits are provided out-of-network. Because self-only and family coverage are subject to different deductibles, whether the deductible applies to substantially all medical/ surgical benefits is determined separately for self-only medical/surgical benefits and family medical/surgical benefits. Because the coinsurance is applied without regard to coverage units, the predominant coinsurance that applies to substantially all medical/surgical benefits is determined without regard to coverage units. Example 4. (i) Facts. A plan applies the following financial requirements for prescription drug benefits. The requirements are applied without regard to whether a drug is generally prescribed with respect to medical/ surgical benefits or with respect to mental health or substance use disorder benefits. Moreover, the process for certifying a particular drug as generic, preferred brand name, non-preferred brand name, or specialty complies with the rules of paragraph (c)(4)(i) of this section (relating to requirements for nonquantitative treatment limitations).
Tier 2 Tier 3 Non-preferred brand name drugs (which may have Tier 1 or Tier 2 alternatives) 60% Tier 4
Generic drugs
Specialty drugs
(ii) Conclusion. In this Example 4, the financial requirements that apply to prescription drug benefits are applied without regard to whether a drug is generally prescribed with respect to medical/surgical benefits or with respect to mental health or substance use disorder benefits; the process for certifying drugs in different tiers complies with paragraph (c)(4) of this section; and the bases for establishing different levels or types of financial requirements are reasonable. The financial requirements applied to prescription drug benefits do not violate the parity requirements of this paragraph (c)(3).
(v) No separate cumulative financial requirements or cumulative quantitative treatment limitations. (A) A group health plan may not apply any cumulative financial requirement or cumulative quantitative treatment limitation for mental health or substance use disorder benefits in a classification that accumulates separately from any established for medical/surgical benefits in the same classification. (B) The rules of this paragraph (c)(3)(v) are illustrated by the following examples:
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Example 1. (i) Facts. A group health plan imposes a combined annual $500 deductible on all medical/surgical, mental health, and substance use disorder benefits. (ii) Conclusion. In this Example 1, the combined annual deductible complies with the requirements of this paragraph (c)(3)(v). Example 2. (i) Facts. A plan imposes an annual $250 deductible on all medical/surgical benefits and a separate annual $250 deductible on all mental health and substance use disorder benefits. (ii) Conclusion. In this Example 2, the separate annual deductible on mental health and substance use disorder benefits violates the requirements of this paragraph (c)(3)(v). Example 3. (i) Facts. A plan imposes an annual $300 deductible on all medical/surgical benefits and a separate annual $100 deductClassification Inpatient, in-network .............................................................................. Inpatient, out-of-network ........................................................................ Outpatient, in-network ........................................................................... Outpatient, out-of-network ..................................................................... Emergency care ....................................................................................
(ii) Conclusion. In this Example 4, the twothirds threshold of the substantially all standard is met with respect to each classification except emergency care because in each of those other classifications at least two-thirds of medical/surgical benefits are subject to the $500 deductible. Moreover, the $500 deductible is the predominant level in each of those other classifications because it is the only level. However, emergency care mental health and substance use disorder benefits cannot be subject to the $500 deductible because it does not apply to substantially all emergency care medical/surgical benefits.
(4) Nonquantitative treatment limitations(i) General rule. A group health plan may not impose a nonquantitative treatment limitation with respect to mental health or substance use disorder benefits in any classification unless, under the terms of the plan as written and in operation, any processes, strategies, evidentiary standards, or other factors used in applying the nonquantitative treatment limitation to mental health or substance use disorder benefits in the classification are comparable to, and are applied no more stringently than, the processes, strategies, evidentiary standards, or other factors used in applying the limitation with respect to medical surgical/ benefits in the classification, except to
the extent that recognized clinically appropriate standards of care may permit a difference. (ii) Illustrative list of nonquantitative treatment limitations. Nonquantitative treatment limitations include (A) Medical management standards limiting or excluding benefits based on medical necessity or medical appropriateness, or based on whether the treatment is experimental or investigative; (B) Formulary design for prescription drugs; (C) Standards for provider admission to participate in a network, including reimbursement rates; (D) Plan methods for determining usual, customary, and reasonable charges; (E) Refusal to pay for higher-cost therapies until it can be shown that a lower-cost therapy is not effective (also known as fail-first policies or step therapy protocols); and (F) Exclusions based on failure to complete a course of treatment. (iii) Examples. The rules of this paragraph (c)(4) are illustrated by the following examples. In each example, the group health plan is subject to the requirements of this section and provides both medical/surgical benefits and
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(ii) Conclusion. In this Example 3, the plan complies with the rules of this paragraph (c)(4) because the nonquantitative treatment limitationmedical appropriatenessis the same for both medical/surgical benefits and mental health and substance use disorder benefits, and the processes for developing the evidentiary standards and the application of them to mental health and substance use disorder benefits are comparable to and are applied no more stringently than for medical/surgical benefits. This is the result even if, based on clinically appropriate standards of care, the application of the evidentiary standards does not result in similar numbers of visits, days of coverage, or other benefits utilized for mental health conditions or substance use disorders as it does for any particular medical/surgical condition. Example 4. (i) Facts. A plan generally covers medically appropriate treatments. In determining whether prescription drugs are medically appropriate, the plan automatically excludes coverage for antidepressant drugs that are given a black box warning label by the Food and Drug Administration (indicating the drug carries a significant risk of serious adverse effects). For other drugs with a black box warning (including those prescribed for other mental health conditions and substance use disorders, as well as for medical/surgical conditions), the plan will provide coverage if the prescribing physician obtains authorization from the plan that the drug is medically appropriate for the individual, based on clinically appropriate standards of care. (ii) Conclusion. In this Example 4, the plan violates the rules of this paragraph (c)(4). Although the same nonquantitative treatment limitationmedical appropriatenessis applied to both mental health and substance use disorder benefits and medical/surgical benefits, the plans unconditional exclusion of antidepressant drugs given a black box warning is not comparable to the conditional exclusion for other drugs with a black box warning. Example 5. (i) Facts. An employer maintains both a major medical program and an employee assistance program (EAP). The EAP provides, among other benefits, a limited number of mental health or substance use disorder counseling sessions. Participants are eligible for mental health or substance use disorder benefits under the major medical program only after exhausting the counseling sessions provided by the EAP. No similar exhaustion requirement applies with respect to medical/surgical benefits provided under the major medical program. (ii) Conclusion. In this Example 5, limiting eligibility for mental health and substance use disorder benefits only after EAP benefits are exhausted is a nonquantitative treatment limitation subject to the parity requirements of this paragraph (c). Because no
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comparable requirement applies to medical/ surgical benefits, the requirement may not be applied to mental health or substance use disorder benefits.
(5) Exemptions. The rules of this paragraph (c) do not apply if a group health plan satisfies the requirements of paragraph (f) or (g) of this section (relating to exemptions for small employers and for increased cost). (d) Availability of plan information(1) Criteria for medical necessity determinations. The criteria for medical necessity determinations made under a group health plan with respect to mental health or substance use disorder benefits must be made available by the plan administrator to any current or potential participant, beneficiary, or contracting provider upon request. (2) Reason for denial. The reason for any denial under a group health plan of reimbursement or payment for services with respect to mental health or substance use disorder benefits in the case of any participant or beneficiary must be made available by the plan administrator to the participant or beneficiary in accordance with this paragraph (d)(2). (i) Plans subject to ERISA. If a plan is subject to ERISA, it must provide the reason for the claim denial in a form and manner consistent with the requirements of 29 CFR 2560.5031 for group health plans. (ii) Plans not subject to ERISA. If a plan is not subject to ERISA, upon the request of a participant or beneficiary the reason for the claim denial must be provided within a reasonable time and in a reasonable manner. For this purpose, a plan that follows the requirements of 29 CFR 2560.5031 for group health plans complies with the requirements of this paragraph (d)(2)(ii). (e) Applicability(1) Group health plans. The requirements of this section apply to a group health plan offering medical/surgical benefits and mental health or substance use disorder benefits. If, under an arrangement or arrangements to provide health care benefits by an employer or employee organization (including for this purpose a joint board of trustees of a multiemployer trust affiliated with one or more multiemployer plans), any participant (or beneficiary) can simultaneously re-
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2008, the requirements of this section do not apply to the plan for plan years beginning before the later of either (i) The date on which the last of the collective bargaining agreements relating to the plan terminates (determined without regard to any extension agreed to after October 3, 2008); or (ii) July 1, 2010. (j) Expiration date. This section expires on or before January 29, 2013.
[T.D. 9479, 75 FR 5431, Feb. 2, 2010]
54.98151251T Preservation of right to maintain existing coverage (temporary). (a) Definition of grandfathered health plan coverage(1) In general(i) Grandfathered health plan coverage. Grandfathered health plan coverage means coverage provided by a group health plan, or a health insurance issuer, in which an individual was enrolled on March 23, 2010 (for as long as it maintains that status under the rules of this section). A group health plan or group health insurance coverage does not cease to be grandfathered health plan coverage merely because one or more (or even all) individuals enrolled on March 23, 2010 cease to be covered, provided that the plan has continuously covered someone since March 23, 2010 (not necessarily the same person, but at all times at least one person). In addition, subject to the limitation set forth in paragraph (a)(1)(ii) of this section, a group health plan (and any health insurance coverage offered in connection with the group health plan) does not cease to be a grandfathered health plan merely because the plan (or its sponsor) enters into a new policy, certificate, or contract of insurance after March 23, 2010 (for example, a plan enters into a contract with a new issuer or a new policy is issued with an existing issuer). For purposes of this section, a plan or health insurance coverage that provides grandfathered health plan coverage is referred to as a grandfathered health plan. The rules of this section apply separately to each benefit package made available under a group health plan or health insurance coverage. (ii) Changes in group health insurance coverage. Subject to paragraphs (f) and (g)(2) of this section, if a group health
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plan (including a group health plan that was self-insured on March 23, 2010) or its sponsor enters into a new policy, certificate, or contract of insurance after March 23, 2010 that is effective before November 15, 2010, then the plan ceases to be a grandfathered health plan. (2) Disclosure of grandfather status(i) To maintain status as a grandfathered health plan, a plan or health insurance coverage must include a statement, in any plan materials provided to a participant or beneficiary describing the benefits provided under the plan or health insurance coverage, that the plan or coverage believes it is a grandfathered health plan within the meaning of section 1251 of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and must provide contact information for questions and complaints. (ii) The following model language can be used to satisfy this disclosure requirement:
This [group health plan or health insurance issuer] believes this [plan or coverage] is a grandfathered health plan under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (the Affordable Care Act). As permitted by the Affordable Care Act, a grandfathered health plan can preserve certain basic health coverage that was already in effect when that law was enacted. Being a grandfathered health plan means that your [plan or policy] may not include certain consumer protections of the Affordable Care Act that apply to other plans, for example, the requirement for the provision of preventive health services without any cost sharing. However, grandfathered health plans must comply with certain other consumer protections in the Affordable Care Act, for example, the elimination of lifetime limits on benefits. Questions regarding which protections apply and which protections do not apply to a grandfathered health plan and what might cause a plan to change from grandfathered health plan status can be directed to the plan administrator at [insert contact information]. [For ERISA plans, insert: You may also contact the Employee Benefits Security Administration, U.S. Department of Labor at 18664443272 or www.dol.gov/ebsa/ healthreform. This website has a table summarizing which protections do and do not apply to grandfathered health plans.] [For individual market policies and nonfederal governmental plans, insert: You may also contact the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services at www.healthreform.gov.]
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a grandfathered health plan with respect to all employees. (However, any other benefit package maintained by the plan sponsor is analyzed separately under the rules of this section.) Example 3. (i) Facts. A group health plan offers two benefit packages on March 23, 2010, Options H and I. On March 23, 2010, Option H provides coverage only for employees in one manufacturing plant. Subsequently, the plant is closed, and some employees in the closed plant are moved to another plant. The employer eliminates Option H and the employees that are moved are transferred to Option I. If instead of transferring employees from Option H to Option I, Option H was amended to match the terms of Option I, then Option H would cease to be a grandfathered health plan. (ii) Conclusion. In this Example 3, the plan has a bona fide employment-based reason to transfer employees from Option H to Option I. Therefore, Option I does not cease to be a grandfathered health plan.
(c) General grandfathering rule(1) Except as provided in paragraphs (d) and (e) of this section, subtitles A and C of title I of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (and the amendments made by those subtitles, and the incorporation of those amendments into section 9815 and ERISA section 715) do not apply to grandfathered health plan coverage. Accordingly, the provisions of PHS Act sections 2701, 2702, 2703, 2705, 2706, 2707, 2709 (relating to coverage for individuals participating in approved clinical trials, as added by section 10103 of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act), 2713, 2715A, 2716, 2717, 2719, and 2719A, as added or amended by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, do not apply to grandfathered health plans. (In addition, see 45 CFR 147.140(c), which provides that the provisions of PHS Act section 2704, and PHS Act section 2711 insofar as it relates to annual limits, do not apply to grandfathered health plans that are individual health insurance coverage.) (2) To the extent not inconsistent with the rules applicable to a grandfathered health plan, a grandfathered health plan must comply with the requirements of the Code, the PHS Act, and ERISA applicable prior to the changes enacted by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. (d) Provisions applicable to all grandfathered health plans. The provisions of
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PHS Act section 2711 insofar as it relates to lifetime limits, and the provisions of PHS Act sections 2712, 2714, 2715, and 2718, apply to grandfathered health plans for plan years beginning on or after September 23, 2010. The provisions of PHS Act section 2708 apply to grandfathered health plans for plan years beginning on or after January 1, 2014. (e) Applicability of PHS Act sections 2704, 2711, and 2714 to grandfathered group health plans and group health insurance coverage(1) The provisions of PHS Act section 2704 as it applies with respect to enrollees who are under 19 years of age, and the provisions of PHS Act section 2711 insofar as it relates to annual limits, apply to grandfathered health plans that are group health plans (including group health insurance coverage) for plan years beginning on or after September 23, 2010. The provisions of PHS Act section 2704 apply generally to grandfathered health plans that are group health plans (including group health insurance coverage) for plan years beginning on or after January 1, 2014. (2) For plan years beginning before January 1, 2014, the provisions of PHS Act section 2714 apply in the case of an adult child with respect to a grandfathered health plan that is a group health plan only if the adult child is not eligible to enroll in an eligible employer-sponsored health plan (as defined in section 5000A(f)(2)) other than a grandfathered health plan of a parent. For plan years beginning on or after January 1, 2014, the provisions of PHS Act section 2714 apply with respect to a grandfathered health plan that is a group health plan without regard to whether an adult child is eligible to enroll in any other coverage. (f) Effect on collectively bargained plansIn general. In the case of health insurance coverage maintained pursuant to one or more collective bargaining agreements between employee representatives and one or more employers that was ratified before March 23, 2010, the coverage is grandfathered health plan coverage at least until the date on which the last of the collective bargaining agreements relating to the coverage that was in effect on March 23, 2010 terminates. Any coverage
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rate for the coverage period that includes March 23, 2010. (vi) Changes in annual limits(A) Addition of an annual limit. A group health plan, or group health insurance coverage, that, on March 23, 2010, did not impose an overall annual or lifetime limit on the dollar value of all benefits ceases to be a grandfathered health plan if the plan or health insurance coverage imposes an overall annual limit on the dollar value of benefits. (B) Decrease in limit for a plan or coverage with only a lifetime limit. A group health plan, or group health insurance coverage, that, on March 23, 2010, imposed an overall lifetime limit on the dollar value of all benefits but no overall annual limit on the dollar value of all benefits ceases to be a grandfathered health plan if the plan or health insurance coverage adopts an overall annual limit at a dollar value that is lower than the dollar value of the lifetime limit on March 23, 2010. (C) Decrease in limit for a plan or coverage with an annual limit. A group health plan, or group health insurance coverage, that, on March 23, 2010, imposed an overall annual limit on the dollar value of all benefits ceases to be a grandfathered health plan if the plan or health insurance coverage decreases the dollar value of the annual limit (regardless of whether the plan or health insurance coverage also imposed an overall lifetime limit on March 23, 2010 on the dollar value of all benefits). (2) Transitional rules(i) Changes made prior to March 23, 2010. If a group health plan or health insurance issuer makes the following changes to the terms of the plan or health insurance coverage, the changes are considered part of the terms of the plan or health insurance coverage on March 23, 2010 even though they were not effective at that time and such changes do not cause a plan or health insurance coverage to cease to be a grandfathered health plan: (A) Changes effective after March 23, 2010 pursuant to a legally binding contract entered into on or before March 23, 2010; (B) Changes effective after March 23, 2010 pursuant to a filing on or before March 23, 2010 with a State insurance department; or
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(C) Changes effective after March 23, 2010 pursuant to written amendments to a plan that were adopted on or before March 23, 2010. (ii) Changes made after March 23, 2010 and adopted prior to issuance of regulations. If, after March 23, 2010, a group health plan or health insurance issuer makes changes to the terms of the plan or health insurance coverage and the changes are adopted prior to June 14, 2010, the changes will not cause the plan or health insurance coverage to cease to be a grandfathered health plan if the changes are revoked or modified effective as of the first day of the first plan year (in the individual market, policy year) beginning on or after September 23, 2010, and the terms of the plan or health insurance coverage on that date, as modified, would not cause the plan or coverage to cease to be a grandfathered health plan under the rules of this section, including paragraph (g)(1) of this section. For this purpose, changes will be considered to have been adopted prior to June 14, 2010 if: (A) The changes are effective before that date; (B) The changes are effective on or after that date pursuant to a legally binding contract entered into before that date; (C) The changes are effective on or after that date pursuant to a filing before that date with a State insurance department; or (D) The changes are effective on or after that date pursuant to written amendments to a plan that were adopted before that date. (3) Definitions(i) Medical inflation defined. For purposes of this paragraph (g), the term medical inflation means the increase since March 2010 in the overall medical care component of the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPIU) (unadjusted) published by the Department of Labor using the 19821984 base of 100. For this purpose, the increase in the overall medical care component is computed by subtracting 387.142 (the overall medical care component of the CPIU (unadjusted) published by the Department of Labor for March 2010, using the 19821984 base of 100) from the index amount for any month in the 12
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cause a plan to cease to be a grandfathered health plan under paragraph (g)(1)(iv) of this section is the greater of the maximum percentage increase of 22.20% (0.0720 = 7.20%; 7.20% + 15% = 22.20), or $5.36 ($5 0.0720 = $0.36; $0.36 + $5 = $5.36). The $5 increase in copayment in this Example 5 would not cause the plan to cease to be a grandfathered health plan pursuant to paragraph (g)(1)(iv) of this section, which would permit an increase in the copayment of up to $5.36. Example 6. (i) Facts. The same facts as Example 5, except on March 23, 2010, the grandfathered health plan has no copayment ($0) for office visits for primary care providers. The plan is subsequently amended to increase the copayment requirement to $5. (ii) Conclusion. In this Example 6, medical inflation (as defined in paragraph (g)(3)(i) of this section) from March 2010 is 0.0720 (415.0 387.142 = 27.858; 27.858 387.142 = 0.0720). The increase that would cause a plan to cease to be a grandfathered health plan under paragraph (g)(1)(iv)(A) of this section is $5.36 ($5 0.0720 = $0.36; $0.36 + $5 = $5.36). The $5 increase in copayment in this Example 6 is less than the amount calculated pursuant to paragraph (g)(1)(iv)(A) of this section of $5.36. Thus, the $5 increase in copayment does not cause the plan to cease to be a grandfathered health plan. Example 7. (i) Facts. On March 23, 2010, a self-insured group health plan provides two tiers of coverageself-only and family. The employer contributes 80% of the total cost of coverage for self-only and 60% of the total cost of coverage for family. Subsequently, the employer reduces the contribution to 50% for family coverage, but keeps the same contribution rate for self-only coverage. (ii) Conclusion. In this Example 7, the decrease of 10 percentage points for family coverage in the contribution rate based on cost of coverage causes the plan to cease to be a grandfathered health plan. The fact that the contribution rate for self-only coverage remains the same does not change the result. Example 8. (i) Facts. On March 23, 2010, a self-insured grandfathered health plan has a COBRA premium for the 2010 plan year of $5000 for self-only coverage and $12,000 for family coverage. The required employee contribution for the coverage is $1000 for selfonly coverage and $4000 for family coverage. Thus, the contribution rate based on cost of coverage for 2010 is 80% ((5000 1000)/5000) for self-only coverage and 67% ((12,000 4000)/12,000) for family coverage. For a subsequent plan year, the COBRA premium is $6000 for self-only coverage and $15,000 for family coverage. The employee contributions for that plan year are $1200 for self-only coverage and $5000 for family coverage. Thus, the contribution rate based on cost of coverage is 80% ((6000 1200)/6000) for self-only coverage and 67% ((15,000 5000)/15,000) for family coverage.
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(ii) Conclusion. In this Example 8, because there is no change in the contribution rate based on cost of coverage, the plan retains its status as a grandfathered health plan. The result would be the same if all or part of the employee contribution was made pre-tax through a cafeteria plan under section 125 of the Internal Revenue Code. Example 9. (i) Facts. A group health plan not maintained pursuant to a collective bargaining agreement offers three benefit packages on March 23, 2010. Option F is a self-insured option. Options G and H are insured options. Beginning July 1, 2013, the plan increases coinsurance under Option H from 10% to 15%. (ii) Conclusion. In this Example 9, the coverage under Option H is not grandfathered health plan coverage as of July 1, 2013, consistent with the rule in paragraph (g)(1)(ii) of this section. Whether the coverage under Options F and G is grandfathered health plan coverage is determined separately under the rules of this paragraph (g).
(h) Expiration date. This section expires on or before June 14, 2013.
[T.D. 9489, 75 FR 34558, June 17, 2010, as amended by T.D. 9506, 75 FR 70120, Nov. 17, 2010]
54.98152704T Prohibition of preexisting condition exclusions (temporary). (a) No preexisting condition exclusions(1) In general. A group health plan, or a health insurance issuer offering group health insurance coverage, may not impose any preexisting condition exclusion (as defined in 54.98012). (2) Examples. The rules of this paragraph (a) are illustrated by the following examples (for additional examples illustrating the definition of a preexisting condition exclusion, see 54.98013(a)(1)(ii)):
Example 1. (i) Facts. A group health plan provides benefits solely through an insurance policy offered by Issuer P. At the expiration of the policy, the plan switches coverage to a policy offered by Issuer N. Ns policy excludes benefits for oral surgery required as a result of a traumatic injury if the injury occurred before the effective date of coverage under the policy. (ii) Conclusion. In this Example 1, the exclusion of benefits for oral surgery required as a result of a traumatic injury if the injury occurred before the effective date of coverage is a preexisting condition exclusion because it operates to exclude benefits for a condition based on the fact that the condition was present before the effective date of coverage under the policy.
(b) Effective/applicability date(1) General applicability date. Except as provided in paragraph (b)(2) of this section, the rules of this section apply for plan years beginning on or after January 1, 2014. (2) Early applicability date for children. The rules of this section apply with respect to enrollees, including applicants for enrollment, who are under 19 years of age for plan years beginning on or after September 23, 2010. (3) Applicability to grandfathered health plans. See 54.98151251T for determining the application of this section to grandfathered health plans (providing that a grandfathered health plan that is a group health plan or group health insurance coverage must comply with the prohibition against preexisting condition exclusions). (4) Example. The rules of this paragraph (b) are illustrated by the following example:
Example. (i) Facts. Individual F commences employment and enrolls F and Fs 16-yearold child in the group health plan maintained by Fs employer, with a first day of coverage of October 15, 2010. Fs child had a significant break in coverage because of a lapse of more than 63 days without creditable coverage immediately prior to enrolling in the plan. Fs child was treated for asthma within the six-month period prior to the enrollment date and the plan imposes a 12-month preexisting condition exclusion for coverage of asthma. The next plan year begins on January 1, 2011. (ii) Conclusion. In this Example, the plan year beginning January 1, 2011 is the first plan year of the group health plan beginning on or after September 23, 2010. Thus, beginning on January 1, 2011, because the child is under 19 years of age, the plan cannot impose a preexisting condition exclusion with respect to the childs asthma regardless of the fact that the preexisting condition exclusion was imposed by the plan before the applicability date of this provision.
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(d) Restricted annual limits permissible prior to 2014(1) In general. With respect to plan years beginning prior to January 1, 2014, a group health plan, or a health insurance issuer offering group health insurance coverage, may establish, for any individual, an annual limit on the dollar amount of benefits that are essential health benefits, provided the limit is no less than the amounts in the following schedule: (i) For a plan year beginning on or after September 23, 2010, but before September 23, 2011, $750,000. (ii) For a plan year beginning on or after September 23, 2011, but before September 23, 2012, $1,250,000. (iii) For plan years beginning on or after September 23, 2012, but before January 1, 2014, $2,000,000. (2) Only essential health benefits taken into account. In determining whether an individual has received benefits that meet or exceed the applicable amount described in paragraph (d)(1) of this section, a plan or issuer must take into account only essential health benefits. (3) Waiver authority of the Secretary of Health and Human Services. For plan years beginning before January 1, 2014, the Secretary of Health and Human Services may establish a program under which the requirements of paragraph (d)(1) of this section relating to annual limits may be waived (for such period as is specified by the Secretary of Health and Human Services) for a group health plan or health insurance coverage that has an annual dollar limit on benefits below the restricted annual limits provided under paragraph (d)(1) of this section if compliance with paragraph (d)(1) of this section would result in a significant decrease in access to benefits under the plan or health insurance coverage or would significantly increase premiums for the plan or health insurance coverage. (e) Transitional rules for individuals whose coverage or benefits ended by reason of reaching a lifetime limit(1) In general. The relief provided in the transitional rules of this paragraph (e) applies with respect to any individual (i) Whose coverage or benefits under a group health plan or group health insurance coverage ended by reason of reaching a lifetime limit on the dollar
54.98152711T No lifetime or annual limits (temporary). (a) Prohibition(1) Lifetime limits. Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, a group health plan, or a health insurance issuer offering group health insurance coverage, may not establish any lifetime limit on the dollar amount of benefits for any individual. (2) Annual limits(i) General rule. Except as provided in paragraphs (a)(2)(ii), (b), and (d) of this section, a group health plan, or a health insurance issuer offering group health insurance coverage, may not establish any annual limit on the dollar amount of benefits for any individual. (ii) Exception for health flexible spending arrangements. A health flexible spending arrangement (as defined in section 106(c)(2)) is not subject to the requirement in paragraph (a)(2)(i) of this section. (b) Construction(1) Permissible limits on specific covered benefits. The rules of this section do not prevent a group health plan, or a health insurance issuer offering group health insurance coverage, from placing annual or lifetime dollar limits with respect to any individual on specific covered benefits that are not essential health benefits to the extent that such limits are otherwise permitted under applicable Federal or State law. (The scope of essential health benefits is addressed in paragraph (c) of this section.) (2) Condition-based exclusions. The rules of this section do not prevent a group health plan, or a health insurance issuer offering group health insurance coverage, from excluding all benefits for a condition. However, if any benefits are provided for a condition, then the requirements of this section apply. Other requirements of Federal or State law may require coverage of certain benefits. (c) Definition of essential health benefits. The term essential health benefits means essential health benefits under section 1302(b) of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and applicable regulations.
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value of all benefits for any individual (which, under this section, is no longer permissible); and (ii) Who becomes eligible (or is required to become eligible) for benefits not subject to a lifetime limit on the dollar value of all benefits under the group health plan or group health insurance coverage on the first day of the first plan year beginning on or after September 23, 2010, by reason of the application of this section. (2) Notice and enrollment opportunity requirements(i) If an individual described in paragraph (e)(1) of this section is eligible for benefits (or is required to become eligible for benefits) under the group health planor group health insurance coveragedescribed in paragraph (e)(1) of this section, the plan and the issuer are required to give the individual written notice that the lifetime limit on the dollar value of all benefits no longer applies and that the individual, if covered, is once again eligible for benefits under the plan. Additionally, if the individual is not enrolled in the plan or health insurance coverage, or if an enrolled individual is eligible for but not enrolled in any benefit package under the plan or health insurance coverage, then the plan and issuer must also give such an individual an opportunity to enroll that continues for at least 30 days (including written notice of the opportunity to enroll). The notices and enrollment opportunity required under this paragraph (e)(2)(i) must be provided beginning not later than the first day of the first plan year beginning on or after September 23, 2010. (ii) The notices required under paragraph (e)(2)(i) of this section may be provided to an employee on behalf of the employees dependent. In addition, the notices may be included with other enrollment materials that a plan distributes to employees, provided the statement is prominent. For either notice, if a notice satisfying the requirements of this paragraph (e)(2) is provided to an individual, the obligation to provide the notice with respect to that individual is satisfied for both the plan and the issuer. (3) Effective date of coverage. In the case of an individual who enrolls under paragraph (e)(2) of this section, cov-
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will be generally subject to all of the provisions of PHS Act sections 2701 through 2719A.
(f) Effective/applicability date. The provisions of this section apply for plan years beginning on or after September 23, 2010. See 54.98151251T for determining the application of this section to grandfathered health plans (providing that the prohibitions on lifetime and annual limits apply to all grandfathered health plans that are group health plans and group health insurance coverage, including the special rules regarding restricted annual limits). (g) Expiration date. This section expires on June 21, 2013.
[T.D. 9491, 75 FR 37223, June 28, 2010]
54.98152712T Rules regarding rescissions (temporary). (a) Prohibition on rescissions(1) A group health plan, or a health insurance issuer offering group health insurance coverage, must not rescind coverage under the plan, or under the policy, certificate, or contract of insurance, with respect to an individual (including a group to which the individual belongs or family coverage in which the individual is included) once the individual is covered under the plan or coverage, unless the individual (or a person seeking coverage on behalf of the individual) performs an act, practice, or omission that constitutes fraud, or unless the individual makes an intentional misrepresentation of material fact, as prohibited by the terms of the plan or coverage. A group health plan, or a health insurance issuer offering group health insurance coverage, must provide at least 30 days advance written notice to each participant who would be affected before coverage may be rescinded under this paragraph (a)(1), regardless of whether the coverage is insured or self-insured, or whether the rescission applies to an entire group or only to an individual within the group. (The rules of this paragraph (a)(1) apply regardless of any contestability period that may otherwise apply.) (2) For purposes of this section, a rescission is a cancellation or discontinuance of coverage that has retroactive effect. For example, a cancellation that treats a policy as void from the
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time of the individuals or groups enrollment is a rescission. As another example, a cancellation that voids benefits paid up to a year before the cancellation is also a rescission for this purpose. A cancellation or discontinuance of coverage is not a rescission if (i) The cancellation or discontinuance of coverage has only a prospective effect; or (ii) The cancellation or discontinuance of coverage is effective retroactively to the extent it is attributable to a failure to timely pay required premiums or contributions towards the cost of coverage. (3) The rules of this paragraph (a) are illustrated by the following examples:
Example 1. (i) Facts. Individual A seeks enrollment in an insured group health plan. The plan terms permit rescission of coverage with respect to an individual if the individual engages in fraud or makes an intentional misrepresentation of a material fact. The plan requires A to complete a questionnaire regarding As prior medical history, which affects setting the group rate by the health insurance issuer. The questionnaire complies with the other requirements of this part. The questionnaire includes the following question: Is there anything else relevant to your health that we should know? A inadvertently fails to list that A visited a psychologist on two occasions, six years previously. A is later diagnosed with breast cancer and seeks benefits under the plan. On or around the same time, the issuer receives information about As visits to the psychologist, which was not disclosed in the questionnaire. (ii) Conclusion. In this Example 1, the plan cannot rescind As coverage because As failure to disclose the visits to the psychologist was inadvertent. Therefore, it was not fraudulent or an intentional misrepresentation of material fact. Example 2. (i) Facts. An employer sponsors a group health plan that provides coverage for employees who work at least 30 hours per week. Individual B has coverage under the plan as a full-time employee. The employer reassigns B to a part-time position. Under the terms of the plan, B is no longer eligible for coverage. The plan mistakenly continues to provide health coverage, collecting premiums from B and paying claims submitted by B. After a routine audit, the plan discovers that B no longer works at least 30 hours per week. The plan rescinds Bs coverage effective as of the date that B changed from a full-time employee to a part-time employee. (ii) Conclusion. In this Example 2, the plan cannot rescind Bs coverage because there
(b) Compliance with other requirements. Other requirements of Federal or State law may apply in connection with a rescission of coverage. (c) Effective/applicability date. The provisions of this section apply for plan years beginning on or after September 23, 2010. See 54.98151251T for determining the application of this section to grandfathered health plans (providing that the rules regarding rescissions and advance notice apply to all grandfathered health plans). (d) Expiration date. This section expires on June 21, 2013.
[T.D. 9491, 75 FR 37225, June 28, 2010]
54.98152713 Coverage of preventive health services. (a) Services(1) In general. [Reserved] (i)(iii) [Reserved] (iv) With respect to women, to the extent not described in paragraph (a)(1)(i) of 54.98152713T, preventive care and screenings provided for in binding comprehensive health plan coverage guidelines supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration and developed in accordance with 45 CFR 147.130(a)(1)(iv). (2) Office visits. [Reserved] (3) Out-of-network providers. [Reserved] (4) Reasonable medical management. [Reserved] (5) Services not described. [Reserved] (b) Timing. [Reserved] (c) Recommendations not current. [Reserved] (d) Effective/applicability date. April 16, 2012.
[T.D. 9578, 77 FR 8729, Feb. 15, 2012]
54.98152713T Coverage of preventive health services (temporary). (a) Services(1) In general. Beginning at the time described in paragraph (b) of this section, a group health plan, or a health insurance issuer offering group health insurance coverage, must provide coverage for all of the following items and services, and may not impose any cost-sharing requirements (such as a copayment, coinsurance, or
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a plan or issuer may impose cost-sharing requirements with respect to the office visit. (iv) The rules of this paragraph (a)(2) are illustrated by the following examples:
Example 1. (i) Facts. An individual covered by a group health plan visits an in-network health care provider. While visiting the provider, the individual is screened for cholesterol abnormalities, which has in effect a rating of A or B in the current recommendations of the United States Preventive Services Task Force with respect to the individual. The provider bills the plan for an office visit and for the laboratory work of the cholesterol screening test. (ii) Conclusion. In this Example 1, the plan may not impose any cost-sharing requirements with respect to the separately-billed laboratory work of the cholesterol screening test. Because the office visit is billed separately from the cholesterol screening test, the plan may impose cost-sharing requirements for the office visit. Example 2. (i) Facts. Same facts as Example 1. As the result of the screening, the individual is diagnosed with hyperlipidemia and is prescribed a course of treatment that is not included in the recommendations under paragraph (a)(1) of this section. (ii) Conclusion. In this Example 2, because the treatment is not included in the recommendations under paragraph (a)(1) of this section, the plan is not prohibited from imposing cost-sharing requirements with respect to the treatment. Example 3. (i) Facts. An individual covered by a group health plan visits an in-network health care provider to discuss recurring abdominal pain. During the visit, the individual has a blood pressure screening, which has in effect a rating of A or B in the current recommendations of the United States Preventive Services Task Force with respect to the individual. The provider bills the plan for an office visit. (ii) Conclusion. In this Example 3, the blood pressure screening is provided as part of an office visit for which the primary purpose was not to deliver items or services described in paragraph (a)(1) of this section. Therefore, the plan may impose a cost-sharing requirement for the office visit charge. Example 4. (i) Facts. A child covered by a group health plan visits an in-network pediatrician to receive an annual physical exam described as part of the comprehensive guidelines supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration. During the office visit, the child receives additional items and services that are not described in the comprehensive guidelines supported by
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the Health Resources and Services Administration, nor otherwise described in paragraph (a)(1) of this section. The provider bills the plan for an office visit. (ii) Conclusion. In this Example 4, the service was not billed as a separate charge and was billed as part of an office visit. Moreover, the primary purpose for the visit was to deliver items and services described as part of the comprehensive guidelines supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration. Therefore, the plan may not impose a cost-sharing requirement with respect to the office visit.
(3) Out-of-network providers. Nothing in this section requires a plan or issuer that has a network of providers to provide benefits for items or services described in paragraph (a)(1) of this section that are delivered by an out-ofnetwork provider. Moreover, nothing in this section precludes a plan or issuer that has a network of providers from imposing cost-sharing requirements for items or services described in paragraph (a)(1) of this section that are delivered by an out-of-network provider. (4) Reasonable medical management. Nothing prevents a plan or issuer from using reasonable medical management techniques to determine the frequency, method, treatment, or setting for an item or service described in paragraph (a)(1) of this section to the extent not specified in the recommendation or guideline. (5) Services not described. Nothing in this section prohibits a plan or issuer from providing coverage for items and services in addition to those recommended by the United States Preventive Services Task Force or the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or provided for by guidelines supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration, or from denying coverage for items and services that are not recommended by that task force or that advisory committee, or under those guidelines. A plan or issuer may impose cost-sharing requirements for a treatment not described in paragraph (a)(1) of this section, even if the treatment results from an item or service described in paragraph (a)(1) of this section. (b) Timing(1) In general. A plan or issuer must provide coverage pursuant
54.98152714T Eligibility of children until at least age 26 (temporary). (a) In general(1) A group health plan, or a health insurance issuer offering group health insurance coverage,
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(e) Examples. The rules of paragraph (d) of this section are illustrated by the following examples:
Example 1. (i) Facts. A group health plan offers a choice of self-only or family health coverage. Dependent coverage is provided under family health coverage for children of participants who have not attained age 26. The plan imposes an additional premium surcharge for children who are older than age 18. (ii) Conclusion. In this Example 1, the plan violates the requirement of paragraph (d) of this section because the plan varies the terms for dependent coverage of children based on age. Example 2. (i) Facts. A group health plan offers a choice among the following tiers of health coverage: self-only, self-plus-one, selfplus-two, and self-plus-three-or-more. The cost of coverage increases based on the number of covered individuals. The plan provides dependent coverage of children who have not attained age 26. (ii) Conclusion. In this Example 2, the plan does not violate the requirement of paragraph (d) of this section that the terms of dependent coverage for children not vary based on age. Although the cost of coverage increases for tiers with more covered individuals, the increase applies without regard to the age of any child. Example 3. (i) Facts. A group health plan offers two benefit packagesan HMO option and an indemnity option. Dependent coverage is provided for children of participants who have not attained age 26. The plan limits children who are older than age 18 to the HMO option. (ii) Conclusion. In this Example 3, the plan violates the requirement of paragraph (d) of this section because the plan, by limiting children who are older than age 18 to the HMO option, varies the terms for dependent coverage of children based on age.
(b) Restrictions on plan definition of dependent. With respect to a child who has not attained age 26, a plan or issuer may not define dependent for purposes of eligibility for dependent coverage of children other than in terms of a relationship between a child and the participant. Thus, for example, a plan or issuer may not deny or restrict coverage for a child who has not attained age 26 based on the presence or absence of the childs financial dependency (upon the participant or any other person), residency with the participant or with any other person, student status, employment, or any combination of those factors. In addition, a plan or issuer may not deny or restrict coverage of a child based on eligibility for other coverage, except that paragraph (g) of this section provides a special rule for plan years beginning before January 1, 2014 for grandfathered health plans that are group health plans. (Other requirements of Federal or State law, including section 609 of ERISA or section 1908 of the Social Security Act, may mandate coverage of certain children.) (c) Coverage of grandchildren not required. Nothing in this section requires a plan or issuer to make coverage available for the child of a child receiving dependent coverage. (d) Uniformity irrespective of age. The terms of the plan or health insurance coverage providing dependent coverage of children cannot vary based on age (except for children who are age 26 or older).
(f) Transitional rules for individuals whose coverage ended by reason of reaching a dependent eligibility threshold(1) In general. The relief provided in the transitional rules of this paragraph (f) applies with respect to any child (i) Whose coverage ended, or who was denied coverage (or was not eligible for coverage) under a group health plan or group health insurance coverage because, under the terms of the plan or coverage, the availability of dependent coverage of children ended before the attainment of age 26 (which, under this section, is no longer permissible); and (ii) Who becomes eligible (or is required to become eligible) for coverage under a group health plan or group
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health insurance coverage on the first day of the first plan year beginning on or after September 23, 2010 by reason of the application of this section. (2) Opportunity to enroll required. (i) If a group health plan, or group health insurance coverage, in which a child described in paragraph (f)(1) of this section is eligible to enroll (or is required to become eligible to enroll) is the plan or coverage in which the childs coverage ended (or did not begin) for the reasons described in paragraph (f)(1)(i) of this section, and if the plan, or the issuer of such coverage, is subject to the requirements of this section, the plan and the issuer are required to give the child an opportunity to enroll that continues for at least 30 days (including written notice of the opportunity to enroll). This opportunity (including the written notice) must be provided beginning not later than the first day of the first plan year beginning on or after September 23, 2010. (ii) The written notice must include a statement that children whose coverage ended, or who were denied coverage (or were not eligible for coverage), because the availability of dependent coverage of children ended before attainment of age 26 are eligible to enroll in the plan or coverage. The notice may be provided to an employee on behalf of the employees child. In addition, the notice may be included with other enrollment materials that a plan distributes to employees, provided the statement is prominent. If a notice satisfying the requirements of this paragraph (f)(2) is provided to an employee whose child is entitled to an enrollment opportunity under this paragraph (f), the obligation to provide the notice of enrollment opportunity under this paragraph (f)(2) with respect to that child is satisfied for both the plan and the issuer. (3) Effective date of coverage. In the case of an individual who enrolls under paragraph (f)(2) of this section, coverage must take effect not later than the first day of the first plan year beginning on or after September 23, 2010. (4) Treatment of enrollees in a group health plan. Any child enrolling in a group health plan pursuant to paragraph (f)(2) of this section must be treated as if the child were a special
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(h) Applicability date. The provisions of this section apply for plan years beginning on or after September 23, 2010. See 54.98151251T for determining the application of this section to grandfathered health plans. (i) Expiration date. This section expires on or before May 10, 2013.
[T.D. 9482, 75 FR 27134, May 13, 2010, as amended by T.D. 9489, 75 FR 34562, June 17, 2010]
(g) Special rule for grandfathered group health plans(1) For plan years beginning before January 1, 2014, a group health plan that qualifies as a grandfathered health plan under section 1251 of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and that makes available dependent coverage of children may exclude an adult child who has not attained age 26 from coverage only if the adult child is eligible to enroll in an eligible employer-sponsored health plan (as defined in section 5000A(f)(2)) other than a group health plan of a parent. (2) For plan years beginning on or after January 1, 2014, a group health plan that qualifies as a grandfathered health plan under section 1251 of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act must comply with the requirements of paragraphs (a) through (f) of this section.
54.98152715 Summary of benefits and coverage and uniform glossary. (a) Summary of benefits and coverage (1) In general. A group health plan (and its administrator as defined in section 3(16)(A) of ERISA), and a health insurance issuer offering group health insurance coverage, is required to provide a written summary of benefits and coverage (SBC) for each benefit package without charge to entities and individuals described in this paragraph (a)(1) in accordance with the rules of this section. (i) SBC provided by a group health insurance issuer to a group health plan (A) Upon application. A health insurance issuer offering group health insurance coverage must provide the SBC to a group health plan (or its sponsor) upon application for health coverage, as soon as practicable following receipt of the application, but in no event later than seven business days following receipt of the application. (B) By first day of coverage (if there are changes). If there is any change in the information required to be in the SBC that was provided upon application and before the first day of coverage, the issuer must update and provide a current SBC to the plan (or its sponsor) no later than the first day of coverage. (C) Upon renewal. If the issuer renews or reissues the policy, certificate, or contract of insurance (for example, for a succeeding policy year), the issuer must provide a new SBC as follows: (1) If written application is required (in either paper or electronic form) for renewal or reissuance, the SBC must be provided no later than the date the written application materials are distributed. (2) If renewal or reissuance is automatic, the SBC must be provided no later than 30 days prior to the first day
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of the new plan or policy year; however, with respect to an insured plan, if the policy, certificate, or contract of insurance has not been issued or renewed before such 30-day period, the SBC must be provided as soon as practicable but in no event later than seven business days after issuance of the new policy, certificate, or contract of insurance, or the receipt of written confirmation of intent to renew, whichever is earlier. (D) Upon request. If a group health plan (or its sponsor) requests an SBC or summary information about a health insurance product from a health insurance issuer offering group health insurance coverage, an SBC must be provided as soon as practicable, but in no event later than seven business days following receipt of the request. (ii) SBC provided by a group health insurance issuer and a group health plan to participants and beneficiaries(A) In general. A group health plan (including its administrator, as defined under section 3(16) of ERISA), and a health insurance issuer offering group health insurance coverage, must provide an SBC to a participant or beneficiary (as defined under sections 3(7) and 3(8) of ERISA), and consistent with paragraph (a)(1)(iii) of this section, with respect to each benefit package offered by the plan or issuer for which the participant or beneficiary is eligible. (B) Upon application. The SBC must be provided as part of any written application materials that are distributed by the plan or issuer for enrollment. If the plan or issuer does not distribute written application materials for enrollment, the SBC must be distributed no later than the first date on which the participant is eligible to enroll in coverage for the participant or any beneficiaries. (C) By first day of coverage (if there are changes). If there is any change to the information required to be in the SBC that was provided upon application and before the first day of coverage, the plan or issuer must update and provide a current SBC to a participant or beneficiary no later than the first day of coverage. (D) Special enrollees. The plan or issuer must provide the SBC to special enrollees (as described in 54.98016) no
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coverage as defined under section 5000A(f) and whether the plans or coverages share of the total allowed costs of benefits provided under the plan or coverage meets applicable requirements; (H) A statement that the SBC is only a summary and that the plan document, policy, certificate, or contract of insurance should be consulted to determine the governing contractual provisions of the coverage; (I) Contact information for questions and obtaining a copy of the plan document or the insurance policy, certificate, or contract of insurance (such as a telephone number for customer service and an Internet address for obtaining a copy of the plan document or the insurance policy, certificate, or contract of insurance); (J) For plans and issuers that maintain one or more networks of providers, an Internet address (or similar contact information) for obtaining a list of network providers; (K) For plans and issuers that use a formulary in providing prescription drug coverage, an Internet address (or similar contact information) for obtaining information on prescription drug coverage; and (L) An Internet address for obtaining the uniform glossary, as described in paragraph (c) of this section, as well as a contact phone number to obtain a paper copy of the uniform glossary, and a disclosure that paper copies are available. (ii) Coverage examples. The SBC must include coverage examples specified by the Secretary in guidance that illustrate benefits provided under the plan or coverage for common benefits scenarios (including pregnancy and serious or chronic medical conditions) in accordance with this paragraph (a)(2)(ii). (A) Number of examples. The Secretary may identify up to six coverage examples that may be required in an SBC. (B) Benefits scenarios. For purposes of this paragraph (a)(2)(ii), a benefits scenario is a hypothetical situation, consisting of a sample treatment plan for a specified medical condition during a
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specific period of time, based on recognized clinical practice guidelines as defined by the National Guideline Clearinghouse, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. The Secretary will specify, in guidance, the assumptions, including the relevant items and services and reimbursement information, for each claim in the benefits scenario. (C) Illustration of benefit provided. For purposes of this paragraph (a)(2)(ii), to illustrate benefits provided under the plan or coverage for a particular benefits scenario, a plan or issuer simulates claims processing in accordance with guidance issued by the Secretary to generate an estimate of what an individual might expect to pay under the plan, policy, or benefit package. The illustration of benefits provided will take into account any cost sharing, excluded benefits, and other limitations on coverage, as specified by the Secretary in guidance. (iii) Coverage provided outside the United States. In lieu of summarizing coverage for items and services provided outside the United States, a plan or issuer may provide an Internet address (or similar contact information) for obtaining information about benefits and coverage provided outside the United States. In any case, the plan or issuer must provide an SBC in accordance with this section that accurately summarizes benefits and coverage available under the plan or coverage within the United States. (3) Appearance. A group health plan and a health insurance issuer must provide an SBC in the form, and in accordance with the instructions for completing the SBC, that are specified by the Secretary in guidance. The SBC must be presented in a uniform format, use terminology understandable by the average plan enrollee, not exceed four double-sided pages in length, and not include print smaller than 12-point font. (4) Form(i) An SBC provided by an issuer offering group health insurance coverage to a plan (or its sponsor), may be provided in paper form. Alternatively, the SBC may be provided electronically (such as by email or an Internet posting) if the following three conditions are satisfied
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appearance specified by the Secretary in guidance to ensure the uniform glossary is presented in a uniform format and uses terminology understandable by the average plan enrollee. (4) Form and manner. A plan or issuer must make the uniform glossary described in this paragraph (c) available upon request, in either paper or electronic form (as requested), within seven business days after receipt of the request. (d) Preemption. State laws that require a health insurance issuer to provide an SBC that supplies less information than required under paragraph (a) of this section are preempted. (e) Failure to provide. A group health plan or health insurance issuer that willfully fails to provide information required under this section to a participant or beneficiary is subject to a fine of not more than $1,000 for each such failure. A failure with respect to each participant or beneficiary constitutes a separate offense for purposes of this paragraph (e). (f) Effective/Applicability date(1) This section is applicable to group health plans and group health insurance issuers in accordance with this paragraph (f). (See 54.98151251T(d), providing that this section applies to grandfathered health plans.) (i) For disclosures with respect to participants and beneficiaries who enroll or re-enroll through an open enrollment period (including re-enrollees and late enrollees), this section applies beginning on the first day of the first open enrollment period that begins on or after September 23, 2012; and (ii) For disclosures with respect to participants and beneficiaries who enroll in coverage other than through an open enrollment period (including individuals who are newly eligible for coverage and special enrollees), this section applies beginning on the first day of the first plan year that begins on or after September 23, 2012. (2) For disclosures with respect to plans, this section is applicable to health insurance issuers beginning September 23, 2012.
[T.D. 9575, 77 FR 8697, Feb. 14, 2012]
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54.98152719AT Patient protections (temporary). (a) Choice of health care professional (1) Designation of primary care provider (i) In general. If a group health plan, or a health insurance issuer offering group health insurance coverage, requires or provides for designation by a participant or beneficiary of a participating primary care provider, then the plan or issuer must permit each participant or beneficiary to designate any participating primary care provider who is available to accept the participant or beneficiary. In such a case, the plan or issuer must comply with the rules of paragraph (a)(4) of this section by informing each participant of the terms of the plan or health insurance coverage regarding designation of a primary care provider. (ii) Example. The rules of this paragraph (a)(1) are illustrated by the following example:
Example. (i) Facts. A group health plan requires individuals covered under the plan to designate a primary care provider. The plan permits each individual to designate any primary care provider participating in the plans network who is available to accept the individual as the individuals primary care provider. If an individual has not designated a primary care provider, the plan designates one until one has been designated by the individual. The plan provides a notice that satisfies the requirements of paragraph (a)(4) of this section regarding the ability to designate a primary care provider. (ii) Conclusion. In this Example, the plan has satisfied the requirements of paragraph (a) of this section.
(2) Designation of pediatrician as primary care provider(i) In general. If a group health plan, or a health insurance issuer offering group health insurance coverage, requires or provides for the designation of a participating primary care provider for a child by a participant or beneficiary, the plan or issuer must permit the participant or beneficiary to designate a physician (allopathic or osteopathic) who specializes in pediatrics as the childs primary care provider if the provider participates in the network of the plan or issuer and is available to accept the child. In such a case, the plan or issuer must comply with the rules of paragraph (a)(4) of this section by informing each participant of the terms of the
(3) Patient access to obstetrical and gynecological care(i) General rights (A) Direct access. A group health plan, or a health insurance issuer offering group health insurance coverage, described in paragraph (a)(3)(ii) of this section may not require authorization or referral by the plan, issuer, or any person (including a primary care provider) in the case of a female participant or beneficiary who seeks coverage for obstetrical or gynecological care provided by a participating health care professional who specializes in obstetrics or gynecology. In such a case, the plan or issuer must comply with the rules of paragraph (a)(4) of this section by informing each participant that the plan may not require authorization or
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(iv) Examples. The rules of this paragraph (a)(3) are illustrated by the following examples:
Example 1. (i) Facts. A group health plan requires each participant to designate a physician to serve as the primary care provider for the participant and the participants family. Participant A, a female, requests a gynecological exam with Physician B, an innetwork physician specializing in gynecological care. The group health plan requires prior authorization from As designated primary care provider for the gynecological exam. (ii) Conclusion. In this Example 1, the group health plan has violated the requirements of this paragraph (a)(3) because the plan requires prior authorization from As primary care provider prior to obtaining gynecological services. Example 2. (i) Facts. Same facts as Example 1 except that A seeks gynecological services from C, an out-of-network provider. (ii) Conclusion. In this Example 2, the group health plan has not violated the requirements of this paragraph (a)(3) by requiring prior authorization because C is not a participating health care provider. Example 3. (i) Facts. Same facts as Example 1 except that the group health plan only requires B to inform As designated primary care physician of treatment decisions. (ii) Conclusion. In this Example 3, the group health plan has not violated the requirements of this paragraph (a)(3) because A has direct access to B without prior authorization. The fact that the group health plan requires notification of treatment decisions to the designated primary care physician does not violate this paragraph (a)(3). Example 4. (i) Facts. A group health plan requires each participant to designate a physician to serve as the primary care provider for the participant and the participants family. The group health plan requires prior authorization before providing benefits for uterine fibroid embolization. (ii) Conclusion. In this Example 4, the plan requirement for prior authorization before providing benefits for uterine fibroid embolization does not violate the requirements of this paragraph (a)(3) because, though the prior authorization requirement applies to obstetrical services, it does not restrict access to any providers specializing in obstetrics or gynecology.
(4) Notice of right to designate a primary care provider(i) In general. If a group health plan or health insurance issuer requires the designation by a participant or beneficiary of a primary care provider, the plan or issuer must provide a notice informing each participant of the terms of the plan or health
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insurance coverage regarding designation of a primary care provider and of the rights (A) Under paragraph (a)(1)(i) of this section, that any participating primary care provider who is available to accept the participant or beneficiary can be designated; (B) Under paragraph (a)(2)(i) of this section, with respect to a child, that any participating physician who specializes in pediatrics can be designated as the primary care provider; and (C) Under paragraph (a)(3)(i) of this section, that the plan may not require authorization or referral for obstetrical or gynecological care by a participating health care professional who specializes in obstetrics or gynecology. (ii) Timing. The notice described in paragraph (a)(4)(i) of this section must be included whenever the plan or issuer provides a participant with a summary plan description or other similar description of benefits under the plan or health insurance coverage. (iii) Model language. The following model language can be used to satisfy the notice requirement described in paragraph (a)(4)(i) of this section: (A) For plans and issuers that require or allow for the designation of primary care providers by participants or beneficiaries, insert:
[Name of group health plan or health insurance issuer] generally [requires/allows] the designation of a primary care provider. You have the right to designate any primary care provider who participates in our network and who is available to accept you or your family members. [If the plan or health insurance coverage designates a primary care provider automatically, insert: Until you make this designation, [name of group health plan or health insurance issuer] designates one for you.] For information on how to select a primary care provider, and for a list of the participating primary care providers, contact the [plan administrator or issuer] at [insert contact information].
(B) For plans and issuers that require or allow for the designation of a primary care provider for a child, add:
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For children, you may designate a pediatrician as the primary care provider.
(C) For plans and issuers that provide coverage for obstetric or gynecological care and require the designation by a
(b) Coverage of emergency services(1) Scope. If a group health plan, or a health insurance issuer offering group health insurance coverage, provides any benefits with respect to services in an emergency department of a hospital, the plan or issuer must cover emergency services (as defined in paragraph (b)(4)(ii) of this section) consistent with the rules of this paragraph (b). (2) General rules. A plan or issuer subject to the requirements of this paragraph (b) must provide coverage for emergency services in the following manner (i) Without the need for any prior authorization determination, even if the emergency services are provided on an out-of-network basis; (ii) Without regard to whether the health care provider furnishing the emergency services is a participating network provider with respect to the services; (iii) If the emergency services are provided out of network, without imposing any administrative requirement or limitation on coverage that is more restrictive than the requirements or limitations that apply to emergency services received from in-network providers; (iv) If the emergency services are provided out of network, by complying with the cost-sharing requirements of paragraph (b)(3) of this section; and (v) Without regard to any other term or condition of the coverage, other than (A) The exclusion of or coordination of benefits;
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method the plan generally uses to determine payments for out-of-network services (such as the usual, customary, and reasonable amount), excluding any in-network copayment or coinsurance imposed with respect to the participant or beneficiary. The amount in this paragraph (b)(3)(i)(B) is determined without reduction for out-of-network cost sharing that generally applies under the plan or health insurance coverage with respect to out-of-network services. Thus, for example, if a plan generally pays 70 percent of the usual, customary, and reasonable amount for out-of-network services, the amount in this paragraph (b)(3)(i)(B) for an emergency service is the total (that is, 100 percent) of the usual, customary, and reasonable amount for the service, not reduced by the 30 percent coinsurance that would generally apply to out-ofnetwork services (but reduced by the in-network copayment or coinsurance that the individual would be responsible for if the emergency service had been provided in-network). (C) The amount that would be paid under Medicare (part A or part B of title XVIII of the Social Security Act, 42 U.S.C. 1395 et seq.) for the emergency service, excluding any in-network copayment or coinsurance imposed with respect to the participant or beneficiary. (ii) Other cost sharing. Any cost-sharing requirement other than a copayment or coinsurance requirement (such as a deductible or out-of-pocket maximum) may be imposed with respect to emergency services provided out of network if the cost-sharing requirement generally applies to out-of-network benefits. A deductible may be imposed with respect to out-of-network emergency services only as part of a deductible that generally applies to out-of-network benefits. If an out-ofpocket maximum generally applies to out-of-network benefits, that out-ofpocket maximum must apply to out-ofnetwork emergency services. (iii) Examples. The rules of this paragraph (b)(3) are illustrated by the following examples. In all of these examples, the group health plan covers benefits with respect to emergency services.
Example 1. (i) Facts. A group health plan imposes a 25% coinsurance responsibility on
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individuals who are furnished emergency services, whether provided in network or out of network. If a covered individual notifies the plan within two business days after the day an individual receives treatment in an emergency department, the plan reduces the coinsurance rate to 15%. (ii) Conclusion. In this Example 1, the requirement to notify the plan in order to receive a reduction in the coinsurance rate does not violate the requirement that the plan cover emergency services without the need for any prior authorization determination. This is the result even if the plan required that it be notified before or at the time of receiving services at the emergency department in order to receive a reduction in the coinsurance rate. Example 2. (i) Facts. A group health plan imposes a $60 copayment on emergency services without preauthorization, whether provided in-network or out-of-network. If emergency services are preauthorized, the plan waives the copayment, even if it later determines the medical condition was not an emergency medical condition. (ii) Conclusion. In this Example 2, by requiring an individual to pay more for emergency services if the individual does not obtain prior authorization, the plan violates the requirement that the plan cover emergency services without the need for any prior authorization determination. (By contrast, if, to have the copayment waived, the plan merely required that it be notified rather than a prior authorization, then the plan would not violate the requirement that the plan cover emergency services without the need for any prior authorization determination.) Example 3. (i) Facts. A group health plan covers individuals who receive emergency services with respect to an emergency medical condition from an out-of-network provider. The plan has agreements with in-network providers with respect to a certain emergency service. Each provider has agreed to provide the service for a certain amount. Among all the providers for the service: One has agreed to accept $85, two have agreed to accept $100, two have agreed to accept $110, three have agreed to accept $120, and one has agreed to accept $150. Under the agreement, the plan agrees to pay the providers 80% of the agreed amount, with the individual receiving the service responsible for the remaining 20%. (ii) Conclusion. In this Example 3, the values taken into account in determining the median are $85, $100, $100, $110, $110, $120, $120, $120, and $150. Therefore, the median amount among those agreed to for the emergency service is $110, and the amount under paragraph (b)(3)(i)(A) of this section is 80% of $110 ($88). Example 4. (i) Facts. Same facts as Example 3. Subsequently, the plan adds another pro-
(4) Definitions. The definitions in this paragraph (b)(4) govern in applying the provisions of this paragraph (b).
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(d) Expiration date. This section expires on June 21, 2013.
[T.D. 9491, 75 FR 37225, June 28, 2010]
54.98152719T Internal claims and appeals and external review processes (temporary). (a) Scope and definitions(1) Scope. This section sets forth requirements with respect to internal claims and appeals and external review processes for group health plans and health insurance issuers that are not grandfathered health plans under 54.98151251T. Paragraph (b) of this section provides requirements for internal claims and appeals processes. Paragraph (c) of this section sets forth rules governing the applicability of State external review processes. Paragraph (d) of this section sets forth a Federal external review process for plans and issuers not subject to an applicable State external review process. Paragraph (e) of this section prescribes requirements for ensuring that notices required to be provided under this section are provided in a culturally and linguistically appropriate manner. Paragraph (f) of this section describes the authority of the Secretary to deem certain external review processes in existence on March 23, 2010 as in compliance with paragraph (c) or (d) of this section. Paragraph (g) of this section sets forth the applicability date for this section. (2) Definitions. For purposes of this section, the following definitions apply (i) Adverse benefit determination. An adverse benefit determination means an adverse benefit determination as defined in 29 CFR 2560.5031, as well as any rescission of coverage, as described in 54.98152712T(a)(2) (whether or not, in connection with the rescission, there is an adverse effect on any particular benefit at that time). (ii) Appeal (or internal appeal). An appeal or internal appeal means review by a plan or issuer of an adverse benefit determination, as required in paragraph (b) of this section. (iii) Claimant. Claimant means an individual who makes a claim under this section. For purposes of this section, references to claimant include a claimants authorized representative.
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(iv) External review. External review means a review of an adverse benefit determination (including a final internal adverse benefit determination) conducted pursuant to an applicable State external review process described in paragraph (c) of this section or the Federal external review process of paragraph (d) of this section. (v) Final internal adverse benefit determination. A final internal adverse benefit determination means an adverse benefit determination that has been upheld by a plan or issuer at the completion of the internal appeals process applicable under paragraph (b) of this section (or an adverse benefit determination with respect to which the internal appeals process has been exhausted under the deemed exhaustion rules of paragraph (b)(2)(ii)(F) of this section). (vi) Final external review decision. A final external review decision, as used in paragraph (d) of this section, means a determination by an independent review organization at the conclusion of an external review. (vii) Independent review organization (or IRO). An independent review organization (or IRO) means an entity that conducts independent external reviews of adverse benefit determinations and final internal adverse benefit determinations pursuant to paragraph (c) or (d) of this section. (viii) NAIC Uniform Model Act. The NAIC Uniform Model Act means the Uniform Health Carrier External Review Model Act promulgated by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners in place on July 23, 2010. (b) Internal claims and appeals process(1) In general. A group health plan and a health insurance issuer offering group health insurance coverage must implement an effective internal claims and appeals process, as described in this paragraph (b). (2) Requirements for group health plans and group health insurance issuers. A group health plan and a health insurance issuer offering group health insurance coverage must comply with all the requirements of this paragraph (b)(2). In the case of health insurance coverage offered in connection with a group health plan, if either the plan or the issuer complies with the internal claims and appeals process of this para-
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manner (as described in paragraph (e) of this section) that complies with the requirements of 29 CFR 2560.5031(g) and (j). The plan and issuer must also comply with the additional requirements of this paragraph (b)(2)(ii)(E). (1) The plan and issuer must ensure that any notice of adverse benefit determination or final internal adverse benefit determination includes information sufficient to identify the claim involved (including the date of service, the health care provider, the claim amount (if applicable), and a statement describing the availability, upon request, of the diagnosis code and its corresponding meaning, and the treatment code and its corresponding meaning). (2) The plan and issuer must provide to participants and beneficiaries, as soon as practicable, upon request, the diagnosis code and its corresponding meaning, and the treatment code and its corresponding meaning, associated with any adverse benefit determination or final internal adverse benefit determination. The plan or issuer must not consider a request for such diagnosis and treatment information, in itself, to be a request for an internal appeal under this paragraph (b) or an external review under paragraphs (c) and (d) of this section. (3) The plan and issuer must ensure that the reason or reasons for the adverse benefit determination or final internal adverse benefit determination includes the denial code and its corresponding meaning, as well as a description of the plans or issuers standard, if any, that was used in denying the claim. In the case of a notice of final internal adverse benefit determination, this description must include a discussion of the decision. (4) The plan and issuer must provide a description of available internal appeals and external review processes, including information regarding how to initiate an appeal. (5) The plan and issuer must disclose the availability of, and contact information for, any applicable office of health insurance consumer assistance or ombudsman established under PHS Act section 2793 to assist individuals with the internal claims and appeals and external review processes.
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(F) Deemed exhaustion of internal claims and appeals processes(1) In the case of a plan or issuer that fails to adhere to all the requirements of this paragraph (b)(2) with respect to a claim, the claimant is deemed to have exhausted the internal claims and appeals process of this paragraph (b), except as provided in paragraph (b)(2)(ii)(F)(2) of this section. Accordingly, the claimant may initiate an external review under paragraph (c) or (d) of this section, as applicable. The claimant is also entitled to pursue any available remedies under section 502(a) of ERISA or under State law, as applicable, on the basis that the plan or issuer has failed to provide a reasonable internal claims and appeals process that would yield a decision on the merits of the claim. If a claimant chooses to pursue remedies under section 502(a) of ERISA under such circumstances, the claim or appeal is deemed denied on review without the exercise of discretion by an appropriate fiduciary. (2) Notwithstanding paragraph (b)(2)(ii)(F)(1) of this section, the internal claims and appeals process of this paragraph (b) will not be deemed exhausted based on de minimis violations that do not cause, and are not likely to cause, prejudice or harm to the claimant so long as the plan or issuer demonstrates that the violation was for good cause or due to matters beyond the control of the plan or issuer and that the violation occurred in the context of an ongoing, good faith exchange of information between the plan and the claimant. This exception is not available if the violation is part of a pattern or practice of violations by the plan or issuer. The claimant may request a written explanation of the violation from the plan or issuer, and the plan or issuer must provide such explanation within 10 days, including a specific description of its bases, if any, for asserting that the violation should not cause the internal claims and appeals process of this paragraph (b) to be deemed exhausted. If an external reviewer or a court rejects the claimants request for immediate review under paragraph (b)(2)(ii)(F)(1) of this section on the basis that the plan met the standards for the exception under this
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against which a request for external review is filed must pay the cost of the IRO for conducting the external review. Notwithstanding this requirement, the State external review process may require a nominal filing fee from the claimant requesting an external review. For this purpose, to be considered nominal, a filing fee must not exceed $25, it must be refunded to the claimant if the adverse benefit determination (or final internal adverse benefit determination) is reversed through external review, it must be waived if payment of the fee would impose an undue financial hardship, and the annual limit on filing fees for any claimant within a single plan year must not exceed $75. (v) The State process may not impose a restriction on the minimum dollar amount of a claim for it to be eligible for external review. Thus, the process may not impose, for example, a $500 minimum claims threshold. (vi) The State process must allow at least four months after the receipt of a notice of an adverse benefit determination or final internal adverse benefit determination for a request for an external review to be filed. (vii) The State process must provide that IROs will be assigned on a random basis or another method of assignment that assures the independence and impartiality of the assignment process (such as rotational assignment) by a State or independent entity, and in no event selected by the issuer, plan, or the individual. (viii) The State process must provide for maintenance of a list of approved IROs qualified to conduct the external review based on the nature of the health care service that is the subject of the review. The State process must provide for approval only of IROs that are accredited by a nationally recognized private accrediting organization. (ix) The State process must provide that any approved IRO has no conflicts of interest that will influence its independence. Thus, the IRO may not own or control, or be owned or controlled by a health insurance issuer, a group health plan, the sponsor of a group health plan, a trade association of plans or issuers, or a trade association of health care providers. The State
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process must further provide that the IRO and the clinical reviewer assigned to conduct an external review may not have a material professional, familial, or financial conflict of interest with the issuer or plan that is the subject of the external review; the claimant (and any related parties to the claimant) whose treatment is the subject of the external review; any officer, director, or management employee of the issuer; the plan administrator, plan fiduciaries, or plan employees; the health care provider, the health care providers group, or practice association recommending the treatment that is subject to the external review; the facility at which the recommended treatment would be provided; or the developer or manufacturer of the principal drug, device, procedure, or other therapy being recommended. (x) The State process allows the claimant at least five business days to submit to the IRO in writing additional information that the IRO must consider when conducting the external review and it requires that the claimant is notified of the right to do so. The process must also require that any additional information submitted by the claimant to the IRO must be forwarded to the issuer (or, if applicable, the plan) within one business day of receipt by the IRO. (xi) The State process must provide that the decision is binding on the plan or issuer, as well as the claimant, except to the extent other remedies are available under State or Federal law, and except that the requirement that the decision be binding shall not preclude the plan or issuer from making payment on the claim or otherwise providing benefits at any time, including after a final external review decision that denies the claim or otherwise fails to require such payment or benefits. For this purpose, the plan or issuer must provide benefits (including by making payment on the claim) pursuant to the final external review decision without delay, regardless of whether the plan or issuer intends to seek judicial review of the external review decision and unless or until there is a judicial decision otherwise. (xii) The State process must require, for standard external review, that the
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mination (as defined in paragraphs (a)(2)(i) and (a)(2)(v) of this section), except that a denial, reduction, termination, or a failure to provide payment for a benefit based on a determination that a participant or beneficiary fails to meet the requirements for eligibility under the terms of a group health plan is not eligible for the Federal external review process under this paragraph (d). (ii) Suspension of general rule. Unless or until this suspension is revoked in guidance by the Secretary, with respect to claims for which external review has not been initiated before September 20, 2011, the Federal external review process established pursuant to this paragraph (d) applies only to: (A) An adverse benefit determination (including a final internal adverse benefit determination) by a plan or issuer that involves medical judgment (including, but not limited to, those based on the plans or issuers requirements for medical necessity, appropriateness, health care setting, level of care, or effectiveness of a covered benefit; or its determination that a treatment is experimental or investigational), as determined by the external reviewer; and (B) A rescission of coverage (whether or not the rescission has any effect on any particular benefit at that time). (iii) Examples. The rules of paragraph (d)(1)(ii) of this section are illustrated by the following examples:
Example 1. (i) Facts. A group health plan provides coverage for 30 physical therapy visits generally. After the 30th visit, coverage is provided only if the service is preauthorized pursuant to an approved treatment plan that takes into account medical necessity using the plans definition of the term. Individual A seeks coverage for a 31st physical therapy visit. As health care provider submits a treatment plan for approval, but it is not approved by the plan, so coverage for the 31st visit is not preauthorized. With respect to the 31st visit, A receives a notice of final internal adverse benefit determination stating that the maximum visit limit is exceeded. (ii) Conclusion. In this Example 1, the plans denial of benefits is based on medical necessity and involves medical judgment. Accordingly, the claim is eligible for external review during the suspension period under paragraph (d)(1)(ii) of this section. Moreover, the plans notification of final internal adverse benefit determination is inadequate under paragraphs (b)(2)(i) and (b)(2)(ii)(E)(3)
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of this section because it fails to make clear that the plan will pay for more than 30 visits if the service is preauthorized pursuant to an approved treatment plan that takes into account medical necessity using the plans definition of the term. Accordingly, the notice of final internal adverse benefit determination should refer to the plan provision governing the 31st visit and should describe the plans standard for medical necessity, as well as how the treatment fails to meet the plans standard. Example 2. (i) Facts. A group health plan does not provide coverage for services provided out of network, unless the service cannot effectively be provided in network. Individual B seeks coverage for a specialized medical procedure from an out-of-network provider because B believes that the procedure cannot be effectively provided in network. B receives a notice of final internal adverse benefit determination stating that the claim is denied because the provider is outof-network. (ii) Conclusion. In this Example 2, the plans denial of benefits is based on whether a service can effectively be provided in network and, therefore, involves medical judgment. Accordingly, the claim is eligible for external review during the suspension period under paragraph (d)(1)(ii) of this section. Moreover, the plans notice of final internal adverse benefit determination is inadequate under paragraphs (b)(2)(i) and (b)(2)(ii)(E)(3) of this section because the plan does provide benefits for services on an out-of-network basis if the services cannot effectively be provided in network. Accordingly, the notice of final internal adverse benefit determination is required to refer to the exception to the out-of-network exclusion and should describe the plans standards for determining effectiveness of services, as well as how services available to the claimant within the plans network meet the plans standard for effectiveness of services.
(2) External review process standards. The Federal external review process established pursuant to this paragraph (d) will be similar to the process set forth in the NAIC Uniform Model Act and will meet standards issued by the Secretary. These standards will comply with all of the requirements described in this paragraph (d)(2). (i) These standards will describe how a claimant initiates an external review, procedures for preliminary reviews to determine whether a claim is eligible for external review, minimum qualifications for IROs, a process for approving IROs eligible to be assigned to conduct external reviews, a process for random assignment of external re-
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any applicable non-English language clearly indicating how to access the language services provided by the plan or issuer. (3) Applicable non-English language. With respect to an address in any United States county to which a notice is sent, a non-English language is an applicable non-English language if ten percent or more of the population residing in the county is literate only in the same non-English language, as determined in guidance published by the Secretary. (f) Secretarial authority. The Secretary may determine that the external review process of a group health plan or health insurance issuer, in operation as of March 23, 2010, is considered in compliance with the applicable process established under paragraph (c) or (d) of this section if it substantially meets the requirements of paragraph (c) or (d) of this section, as applicable. (g) Applicability/effective date. The provisions of this section apply for plan years beginning on or after September 23, 2010. See 54.98151251T for determining the application of this section to grandfathered health plans (providing that these rules regarding internal claims and appeals and external review processes do not apply to grandfathered health plans). (h) Expiration date. The applicability of this section expires on July 22, 2013 or on such earlier date as may be provided in final regulations or other action published in the FEDERAL REGISTER.
[T.D. 9494, 75 FR 43350, July 23, 2010, as amended by T.D. 9532, 76 FR 37228, June 24, 2011]
54.98311 Special rules relating to group health plans. (a) Group health plan(1) Defined. A group health plan means a plan (including a self-insured plan) of, or contributed to by, an employer (including a self-employed person) or employee organization to provide health care (directly or otherwise) to the employees, former employees, the employer, others associated or formerly associated with the employer in a business relationship, or their families. (2) Determination of number of plans. [Reserved]
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(b) General exception for certain small group health plans. (1) Subject to paragraph (b)(2) of this section, the requirements of 54.98011 through 54.98016, 54.98021, 54.98022, 54.98111, 54.98121T, and 54.98331 do not apply to any group health plan for any plan year if, on the first day of the plan year, the plan has fewer than two participants who are current employees. (2) The exception of paragraph (b)(1) of this section does not apply with respect to the following requirements: (i) Section 54.98013(b)(6). (ii) Section 54.98021(b), as such paragraph applies with respect to genetic information as a health factor. (iii) Section 54.98021(c), as such paragraph applies with respect to genetic information as a health factor. (iv) Section 54.98021(e), as such paragraph applies with respect to genetic information as a health factor. (v) Section 54.98023T(b). (vi) Section 54.98023T(c). (vii) Section 54.98023T(d). (viii) Section 54.98023T(e). (c) Excepted benefits(1) In general. The requirements of 54.98011 through 54.98016, 54.98021, 54.98022, 54.98111T, 54.98121T, and 54.98331 do not apply to any group health plan in relation to its provision of the benefits described in paragraph (c)(2), (3), (4), or (5) of this section (or any combination of these benefits). (2) Benefits excepted in all circumstances. The following benefits are excepted in all circumstances (i) Coverage only for accident (including accidental death and dismemberment); (ii) Disability income coverage; (iii) Liability insurance, including general liability insurance and automobile liability insurance; (iv) Coverage issued as a supplement to liability insurance; (v) Workers compensation or similar coverage; (vi) Automobile medical payment insurance; (vii) Credit-only insurance (for example, mortgage insurance); and (viii) Coverage for on-site medical clinics. (3) Limited excepted benefits(i) In general. Limited-scope dental benefits, limited-scope vision benefits, or long-
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of expenses incurred rather than a fixed dollar amount, the benefits under the policy are not excepted benefits under this paragraph (c)(4). This is the result even if, in practice, the policy pays the maximum of $100 for every day of hospitalization.
(5) Supplemental benefits. (i) The following benefits are excepted only if they are provided under a separate policy, certificate, or contract of insurance (A) Medicare supplemental health insurance (as defined under section 1882(g)(1) of the Social Security Act; also known as Medigap or MedSupp insurance); (B) Coverage supplemental to the coverage provided under Chapter 55, title 10 of the United States Code (also known as TRICARE supplemental programs); and (C) Similar supplemental coverage provided to coverage under a group health plan. To be similar supplemental coverage, the coverage must be specifically designed to fill gaps in primary coverage, such as coinsurance or deductibles. Similar supplemental coverage does not include coverage that becomes secondary or supplemental only under a coordination-of-benefits provision. (ii) The rules of this paragraph (c)(5) are illustrated by the following example:
Example. (i) Facts. An employer sponsors a group health plan that provides coverage for both active employees and retirees. The coverage for retirees supplements benefits provided by Medicare, but does not meet the requirements for a supplemental policy under section 1882(g)(1) of the Social Security Act. (ii) Conclusion. In this Example, the coverage provided to retirees does not meet the definition of supplemental excepted benefits under this paragraph (c)(5) because the coverage is not Medicare supplemental insurance as defined under section 1882(g)(1) of the Social Security Act, is not a TRICARE supplemental program, and is not supplemental to coverage provided under a group health plan.
(d) Treatment of partnerships. For purposes of this part: (1) Treatment as a group health plan. (See 29 CFR 2590.732(d)(1) and 45 CFR 146.145(d)(1), under which a plan providing medical care, maintained by a partnership, and usually not treated as an employee welfare benefit plan under
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ERISA is treated as a group health plan for purposes of Part 7 of Subtitle B of title I of ERISA and title XXVII of the PHS Act.) (2) Employment relationship. In the case of a group health plan, the term employer also includes the partnership in relation to any bona fide partner. In addition, the term employee also includes any bona fide partner. Whether or not an individual is a bona fide partner is determined based on all the relevant facts and circumstances, including whether the individual performs services on behalf of the partnership. (3) Participants of group health plans. In the case of a group health plan, the term participant also includes any individual described in paragraph (d)(3)(i) or (ii) of this section if the individual is, or may become, eligible to receive a benefit under the plan or the individuals beneficiaries may be eligible to receive any such benefit. (i) In connection with a group health plan maintained by a partnership, the individual is a partner in relation to the partnership. (ii) In connection with a group health plan maintained by a self-employed individual (under which one or more employees are participants), the individual is the self-employed individual. (e) Determining the average number of employees. [Reserved]
[T.D. 9166, 69 FR 78746, Dec. 30, 2004; 70 FR 21146, Apr. 25, 2005, as amended by T.D. 9299, 71 FR 75057, Dec. 13, 2006; T.D. 9427, 73 FR 62422, Oct. 20, 2008; T.D. 9464, 74 FR 51678, Oct. 7, 2009]
54.98331 Effective dates. Sections 54.98011 through 54.98016, 54.98311, and this section are applicable for plan years beginning on or after July 1, 2005.
[T.D. 9166, 69 FR 78746, Dec. 30, 2004]
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form Act of 1986, applies only to taxable years beginning after December 31, 1979 and ending before January 1, 1987, for which the taxpayer is taxable under Part II of Subchapter M of Chapter 1 of subtitle A as a real estate investment trust.
[T.D. 7767, 46 FR 11282, Feb. 6, 1981; 46 FR 15263, Mar. 5, 1981; T.D. 7936, 49 FR 2109, Jan. 18, 1984; T.D. 8180, 53 FR 6147, Mar. 1, 1988]
55.49812 Imposition of excise tax with respect to certain undistributed income of real estate investment trusts; calendar years beginning after December 31, 1986. Section 4981, as amended by the Tax Reform Act of 1986, imposes an excise tax on a real estate investment trust in the amount of four percent of the excess, if any, of the required distribution for a calendar year over the distributed amount for such calendar year. Section 4981, as so amended, applies only to calendar years that begin after December 31, 1986. For provisions relating to the imposition of an excise tax with respect to certain undistributed income of real estate investment trusts for taxable years ending before January 1, 1987, see 55.49811.
[T.D. 8180, 53 FR 6148, Mar. 1, 1988]
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55.60011 Notice or regulations requiring records, statements, and special returns. (a) In general. Any person subject to tax under Chapter 44 of the Code shall keep such complete and detailed records as are sufficient to enable the district director to determine accurately the amount of liability under Chapter 44. (b) Notice by district director requiring returns, statements, or the keeping of records. The district director may require any person, by notice served upon him, to make such returns, render such statements, or keep such specific records as will enable the district director to determine whether or not such person is liable for tax under Chapter 44. (c) Retention of records. The records required by this section shall be kept at all times available for inspection by authorized internal revenue officers or employees, and shall be retained so long as the contents thereof may become material in the administration of any internal revenue law. 55.60111 General requirement of return, statement, or list. Every person liable for tax under Chapter 44 shall file an annual return with respect to the tax on the form prescribed by the Internal Revenue Service for such purpose and shall include therein the information required by the form and the instructions issued with respect thereto. For calendar years beginning after December 31, 1986, the return, which must be made on a calendar year basis, shall be filed by a real estate investment trust on Form 8612 and by a regulated investment company on Form 8613.
[T.D. 8180, 53 FR 6148, Mar. 1, 1988]
55.60611 Signing of returns and other documents. Any return required to be made by a real estate investment trust or a regulated investment company with respect to the tax imposed by Chapter 44 shall be signed by a person authorized by section 6062 of the Code to sign the income tax return of the real estate investment trust or the regulated investment company. Any statement or other document required to be made with respect to the tax imposed by Chapter 44 shall be signed by the person required or duly authorized to sign in accordance with the regulations, forms, or instructions prescribed with respect to such statement or document. An individuals signature on a return, statement, or other document made by or for the real estate investment trust or the regulated investment company shall be prima facie evidence that the individual is authorized to sign the return, statement, or other document.
[T.D. 8180, 53 FR 6148, Mar. 1, 1988]
55.60601 Reporting requirements for tax return preparers. (a) In general. A person that employs one or more tax return preparers to prepare a return or claim for refund under chapter 44 of subtitle D of the Internal Revenue Code, other than for the person, at any time during a return period, shall satisfy the record keeping and inspection requirements in the manner stated in 1.60601 of this chapter.
55.60651 Verification of returns. If a return, statement, or other document made under the provisions of Chapter 44 or Subtitle F or the Code or the regulations thereunder with respect to any tax imposed by Chapter 44 of the Code, or the form and instructions issued with respect to such return, statement, or other document, requires that it shall contain or be verified by a written declaration that it is made under the penalties of perjury, it must be so verified by the person or persons required to sign such return, statement, or other document. In addition, any other statement or document submitted under any provision of Chapter 44 or Subtitle F of the Code or regulations thereunder with respect to any tax imposed by Chapter 44 of the Code may be required to contain or be verified by a written declaration that it is made under the penalties of perjury.
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fice designated in the applications instructions; and (3) Remit the amount of the properly estimated unpaid tax liability on or before the date prescribed for payment. (c) No extension of time for the payment of tax. An automatic extension of time for filing a return granted under paragraph (a) of this section will not extend the time for payment of any tax due on such return. (d) Termination of automatic extension. The Commissioner may terminate an automatic extension at any time by mailing to the REIT or RIC a notice of termination at least 10 days prior to the termination date designated in such notice. The Commissioner must mail the notice of termination to the address shown on the Form 7004 or to the REIT or RICs last known address. For further guidance regarding the definition of last known address, see 301.62122 of this chapter. (e) Penalties. See section 6651 for failure to file or failure to pay the amount shown as tax on the return. (f) Effective/applicable dates. This section is applicable for applications for an automatic extension of time to file a return due under chapter 44, filed after July 1, 2008.
[T.D. 9407, 73 FR 37369, July 1, 2008]
55.60811 Automatic extension of time for filing a return due under Chapter 44. (a) In general. A Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) required to file a return on Form 8612, Return of Excise Tax on Undistributed Income of Real Estate Investment Trusts, or a Regulated Investment Company (RIC) required to file a return on Form 8613, Return of Excise Tax on Undistributed Income of Regulated Investment Companies, will be allowed an automatic 6-month extension of time to file the return after the date prescribed for filing the return if the REIT or RIC files an application under this section in accordance with paragraph (b) of this section. (b) Requirements. To satisfy this paragraph (b), a REIT or RIC must (1) Submit a complete application on Form 7004, Application for Automatic Extension of Time to File Certain Business Income Tax, Information, and Other Returns, or in any other manner prescribed by the Commissioner; (2) File the application on or before the date prescribed for filing the return with the Internal Revenue Service of-
55.60911 Place for filing Chapter 44 tax returns. Except as provided in 55.60912 (relating to exceptional cases): (a) In general. Chapter 44 tax returns shall be filed with any person assigned the responsibility to receive returns in the local Internal Revenue Service office serving the principal place of business or principal office or agency of the real estate investment trust or regulated investment company. (b) Returns filed with service centers or by hand carrying. Notwithstanding paragraph (a) of this section, unless a return is filed by hand carrying, whenever instructions applicable to Chapter 44 tax returns provide that the returns be filed with a service center, the returns must be so filed in accordance with the instructions. Returns which are filed by hand carrying shall be filed with any person assigned the responsibility to receive hand-carried returns in the local Internal Revenue Service
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office in accordance with paragraph (a) of this section.
[T.D. 7767, 46 FR 11282, Feb. 6, 1981; 46 FR 15263, Mar. 5, 1981. Redesignated and amended by T.D. 8180, 53 FR 6148, Mar. 1, 1988; T.D. 9156, 69 FR 55746, Sept. 16, 2004]
Exceptional cases.
Notwithstanding the provisions of 55.60911, the Commissioner may permit the filing of any Chapter 44 tax return in any local Internal Revenue Service office.
[T.D. 7767, 46 FR 11282, Feb. 6, 1981; 46 FR 15263, Mar. 5, 1981. Redesignated by T.D. 8180, 53 FR 6148, Mar. 1, 1988, as amended by T.D. 9156, 69 FR 55746, Sept. 16, 2004]
55.61071 Tax return preparer must furnish copy of return or claim for refund to taxpayer and must retain a copy or record. (a) In general. A person who is a signing tax return preparer of any return or claim for refund of tax under Chapter 44 of subtitle D of the Internal Revenue Code shall furnish a completed copy of the return or claim for refund to the taxpayer, and retain a completed copy or record in the manner stated in 1.61071 of this chapter. (b) Effective/applicability date. This section is applicable to returns and claims for refund filed after December 31, 2008.
[T.D. 9436, 73 FR 78459, Dec. 22, 2008]
55.61611 Extension of time for paying tax or deficiency. (a) In general(1) Tax shown or required to be shown on return. A reasonable extension of the time for payment of the amount of any tax imposed by Chapter 44 and shown or required to be shown on any return, may be granted by the district directors at the request of the taxpayer. The period of such extension shall not be in excess of 6 months from the date fixed for payment of such tax. (2) Deficiency. The time for payment of any amount determined as a deficiency in respect of tax imposed by Chapter 44 may, at the request of the taxpayer, be extended by the internal revenue officer to whom the tax is required to be paid. The extension may be for a period not to exceed 18 months from the date fixed for payment of the deficiency, as shown on the notice and demand. In exceptional cases, a further extension for a period not in excess of 12 months may be granted. No extension of time for payment of a deficiency shall be granted if the deficiency is due to negligence, to intentional disregard of rules and regulations, or to fraud with intent to evade tax. (3) Extension of time for filing distinguished. The granting of an extension of time for filing a return does not operate to extend the time for the payment of the tax or any part thereof unless so specified in the extension. (b) Certain rules relating to extension of time for paying income tax to apply. The provisions of 1.61611 (b), and (c), and
55.61091 Tax return preparers furnishing identifying numbers for returns or claims for refund. (a) In general. Each tax return or claim for refund of tax under chapter 44 of Subtitle D prepared by one or more signing tax return preparers must include the identifying number of the preparer required by 1.66951(b) of this chapter to sign the return or claim for refund in the manner stated in 1.6109 2 of this chapter. (b) Effective/applicability date. Paragraph (a) of this section is applicable to returns and claims for refund filed after December 31, 2008.
[T.D. 9436, 73 FR 78459, Dec. 22, 2008]
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55.66943 Penalty for understatement due to willful, reckless, or intentional conduct. (a) In general. A person who is a tax return preparer of any return or claim for refund of tax under chapter 44 of subtitle D of the Internal Revenue Code (Code) shall be subject to penalties under section 6694(b) of the Code in the manner stated in 1.66943 of this chapter. (b) Effective/applicability date. This section is applicable to returns and claims for refund filed, and advice provided, after December 31, 2008.
[T.D. 9436, 73 FR 78459, Dec. 22, 2008]
55.66944 Extension of period of collection when tax return preparer pays 15 percent of a penalty for understatement of taxpayers liability and certain other procedural matters. (a) In general. For rules relating to the extension of period of collection when a tax return preparer who prepared a return or claim for refund for excise tax under chapter 44 of subtitle D of the Internal Revenue Code pays 15 percent of a penalty for understatement of taxpayers liability and procedural matters relating to the investigation, assessment and collection of the penalties under section 6694(a) and (b), the rules under 1.66944 of this chapter will apply. (b) Effective/applicability date. This section is applicable to returns and claims for refund filed, and advice provided, after December 31, 2008.
[T.D. 9436, 73 FR 78460, Dec. 22, 2008]
55.66942 Penalties for understatement due to an unreasonable position. (a) In general. A person who is a tax return preparer of any return or claim for refund of excise tax under chapter 44 of subtitle D of the Internal Revenue Code (Code) shall be subject to penalties under section 6694(a) of the Code in the manner stated in 1.66942 of this chapter. (b) Effective/applicability date. This section is applicable to returns and claims for refund filed, and advice provided, after December 31, 2008.
[T.D. 9436, 73 FR 78459, Dec. 22, 2008]
55.66951 Other assessable penalties with respect to the preparation of tax returns or claims for refund for other persons. (a) In general. A person who is a tax return preparer of any return or claim for refund of tax under chapter 44 of subtitle D of the Internal Revenue Code (Code) shall be subject to penalties for failure to furnish a copy to the taxpayer under section 6695(a) of the Code, failure to sign the return under section 6695(b) of the Code, failure to furnish an identification number under section 6695(c) of the Code, failure to retain a copy or list under section 6695(d) of the Code, failure to file
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a correct information return under section 6695(e) of the Code, and negotiation of a check under section 6695(f) of the Code, in the manner stated in 1.66951 of this chapter. (b) Effective/applicability date. This section is applicable to returns and claims for refund filed after December 31, 2008.
[T.D. 9436, 73 FR 78460, Dec. 22, 2008]
55.66961 Claims for credit or refund by tax return preparers. (a) In general. For rules for claims for credit or refund by a tax return preparer who prepared a return or claim for refund for tax under chapter 44 of subtitle D of the Internal Revenue Code, the rules under 1.66961 of this chapter will apply. (b) Effective/applicability date. This section is applicable to returns and claims for refund filed, and advice provided, after December 31, 2008.
[T.D. 9436, 73 FR 78460, Dec. 22, 2008]
55.77011 Tax return preparer. (a) In general. For the definition of a tax return preparer, see 301.770115 of this chapter. (b) Effective/applicability date. This section is applicable to returns and claims for refund filed, and advice provided, after December 31, 2008.
[T.D. 9436, 73 FR 78460, Dec. 22, 2008]
SOURCE: T.D. 8308, 55 FR 35598, Aug. 31, 1990, unless otherwise noted.
56.49110 Outline of regulations under section 4911. Immediately following is an outline of the regulations under section 4911 of the Internal Revenue Code relating to an excise tax on electing public charities excess lobbying expenditures.
56.49110 Outline of regulations under section 4911. Tax on excess lobbying expenditures.
(a) In general. (b) Excess lobbying expenditures. (c) Nontaxable amounts. (1) Lobbying nontaxable amount. (2) Grass roots nontaxable amount.
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(b) Communications (directed only to members) that are not lobbying communications. (c) Communications (directed only to members) that are direct lobbying communications. (d) Communications (directed only to members) that are grass roots lobbying communications. (e) Written communications directed to members and nonmembers. (1) In general. (2) Direct lobbying directly encouraged. (3) Grass roots expenditure if grass roots lobbying directly encouraged. (4) No direct encouragement of direct lobbying or of grass roots lobbying. (f) Definitions and special rules. (1) Member; general rule. (2) Member; special rule. (3) Member; affiliated group of organizations. (4) Member; limited affiliated group of organizations. (5) Subscriber. (6) Directly encourages. (7) Percentages of total distribution. (8) Reasonable allocation rule. 56.49116 Records of lobbying and grass roots expenditures.
(a) Records of lobbying expenditures. (b) Records of grass roots expenditures. 56.49117 Affiliated group of organizations.
(a) Application. (b) Included expenditures. (c) Excluded expenditures. (d) Certain transfers treated as exempt purpose expenditures. (e) Transfers not exempt purpose expenditures. (f) Definitions. (g) Example. 56.49115 Communications with members.
(a) Affiliation between two organizations. (1) In general. (2) Organizations not described in section 501(c)(3). (3) Action on legislative issues. (b) Interlocking governing boards. (1) In general. (2) Majority or quorum. (3) Votes required under governing instrument or local law. (4) Representatives constituting less than 15% of governing board. (5) Representatives. (c) Governing instrument. (d) Three or more organizations affiliated. (1) Two controlled organizations affiliated. (2) Chain rule. (e) Affiliated group of organizations. (1) Defined. (2) Multiple membership. (3) Taxable year of affiliated group. (4) Electing member organization. (5) Election of members year as groups taxable year. (f) Examples. 56.49118 Excess lobbying expenditures of affiliated group.
(a) In general.
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(c) Tax imposed on excess lobbying expenditures of affiliated group. (d) Liability for tax. (1) Electing organizations. (2) Tax based on excess lobbying expenditures. (3) Tax based on excess grass roots expenditures. (4) Tax based on exempt purpose expenditures. (5) Taxable year for which liable. (6) Organization a member of more than one affiliated group. (e) Former member organizations. 56.49119 Application of section 501(h) to affiliated groups of organizations. (a) Scope. (b) Determination required. (c) Member organizations that are not electing organizations. (d) Filing of information relating to affiliated group of organizations. (1) Scope. (2) In general. (3) Additional information required. (4) Information required of electing member organization. (e) Example. (f) Cross reference. 56.491110 Members of a limited affiliated group of organizations. (a) Scope. (b) Members of limited affiliated group. (c) Controlling and controlled organizations. (d) Expenditures of controlling organization. (1) Scope. (2) Expenditures for direct lobbying. (3) Grass roots expenditures. (4) Exempt purpose expenditures. (e) Expenditures of controlled member. (f) Reports of members of limited affiliated groups. (1) Controlling member organizations additional information on annual return. (2) Reports of controlling members to other members. (3) Reports of controlled member organizations. (g) National legislative issues. (h) Examples. 56.60011 Notice or regulations requiring records, statements, and special returns.
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56.49111 Tax on excess lobbying expenditures. (a) In general. Section 4911(a) imposes an excise tax of 25 percent on the excess lobbying expenditures (as defined in paragraph (b) of this section) for a taxable year of an organization for which the expenditure test election under section 501(h) is in effect (an electing public charity). An electing public charitys annual limit on expenditures for influencing legislation (i.e., the amount of lobbying expenditures on which no tax is due) is the lobbying nontaxable amount or, on expenditures for influencing legislation through grass roots lobbying, the grass roots nontaxable amount (see paragraph (c) of this section). For rules concerning the application of the excise tax imposed by section 4911(a) to the members of an affiliated group of organizations (as defined in 56.4911 7(e)), see 56.49118. (b) Excess lobbying expenditures. For any taxable year for which the expenditure test election under section 501(h) is in effect, the amount of an electing public charitys excess lobbying expenditures is the greater of (1) The amount by which the organizations lobbying expenditures (within the meaning of 56.49112(a)) exceed the organizations lobbying nontaxable amount, or (2) The amount by which the organizations grass roots expenditures (within the meaning of 56.49112(a)) exceed the organizations grass roots nontaxable amount. (c) Nontaxable amounts(1) Lobbying nontaxable amount. Under section 4911(c)(2), the lobbying nontaxable amount for any taxable year for which the expenditure test election is in effect is the lesser of (i) $1,000,000, or (ii) To the extent of the electing public charitys exempt purpose expenditures (within the meaning of 56.49114) for that year, the sum of 20 percent of the first $500,000 of such expenditures, plus 15 percent of the second $500,000 of such expenditures, plus 10 percent of the third $500,000 of such expenditures,
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trating) various terms used in this section. (b) Influencing legislation: direct and grass roots lobbying communications defined(1) Direct lobbying communication(i) Definition. A direct lobbying communication is any attempt to influence any legislation through communication with: (A) Any member or employee of a legislative body; or (B) Any government official or employee (other than a member or employee of a legislative body) who may participate in the formulation of the legislation, but only if the principal purpose of the communication is to influence legislation. (ii) Required elements. A communication with a legislator or government official will be treated as a direct lobbying communication under this 56.49112(b)(1) if, but only if, the communication: (A) Refers to specific legislation (see paragraph (d)(1) of this section for a definition of the term specific legislation); and (B) Reflects a view on such legislation. (iii) Special rule for referenda, ballot initiatives or similar procedures. Solely for purposes of this section 4911, where a communication refers to and reflects a view on a measure that is the subject of a referendum, ballot initiative or similar procedure, the general public in the State or locality where the vote will take place constitutes the legislative body, and individual members of the general public area, for purposes of this paragraph (b)(1), legislators. Accordingly, if such a communication is made to one or more members of the general public in that state or locality, the communication is a direct lobbying communication (unless it is nonpartisan analysis, study or research (see paragraph (c)(1) of this section). (2) Grass roots lobbying communication(i) Definition. A grass roots lobbying communication is any attempt to influence any legislation through an attempt to affect the opinions of the general public or any segment thereof. (ii) Required elements. A communication will be treated as a grass roots lobbying communication under this
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56.49112(b)(2)(ii) if, but only if, the communication: (A) Refers to specific legislation (see paragraph (d)(1) of this section for a definition of the term specific legislation); (B) Reflects a view on such legislation; and (C) Encourages the recipient of the communication to take action with respect to such legislation (see paragraph (b)(2)(iii) of this section for the definition of encouraging the recipient to take action. For special, more lenient rules regarding an organizations communications directed only or primarily to bona fide members of the organization, see 56.49115. For special rules regarding certain paid mass media advertisements about highly publicized legislation, see paragraph (b)(5) of this section. For special rules regarding lobbying on referenda, ballot initiatives and similar procedures, see paragraph (b)(1)(iii) of this section). (iii) Definition of encouraging recipient to take action. For purposes of this section, encouraging a recipient to take action with respect to legislation means that the communication: (A) States that the recipient should contact a legislator or an employee of a legislative body, or should contact any other government official or employee who may participate in the formulation of legislation (but only if the principal purpose of urging contact with the government official or employee is to influence legislation); (B) States the address, telephone number, or similar information of a legislator or an employee of a legislative body; (C) Provides a petition, tear-off postcard or similar material for the recipient to communicate with a legislator or an employee of a legislative body, or with any other government official or employee who may participate in the formulation of legislation (but only if the principal purpose of so facilitating contact with the government official or employee is to influence legislation); or (D) Specifically identifies one or more legislators who will vote on the legislation as: opposing the communications view with respect to the leg-
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tions or research materials (without the direct encouragement to action). Whether a distribution is substantial will be determined by reference to all of the facts and circumstances, including the normal distribution pattern of similar nonpartisan analyses, studies or research by that and similar organizations. (F) Special rule for partisan analysis, study or research. In the case of advocacy communications or research materials that are not nonpartisan analysis, study or research, the nonlobbying distribution thereof will not be considered substantial unless that distribution is at least as extensive as the lobbying distribution thereof. (G) Factors considered in determining primary purpose. Where the nonlobbying distribution of advocacy communications or research materials is not substantial, all of the facts and circumstances must be weighed to determine whether the organizations primary purpose in preparing the advocacy communications or research materials was for use in lobbying. While not the only factor, the extent of the organizations nonlobbying distribution of the advocacy communications or research materials is particularly relevant, especially when compared to the extent of their distribution with the direct encouragement to action. Another particularly relevant factor is whether the lobbying use of the advocacy communications or research materials is by the organization that prepared the document, a related organization, or an unrelated organization. Where the subsequent lobbying distribution is made by an unrelated organization, clear and convincing evidence (which must include evidence demonstrating cooperation or collusion between the two organizations) will be required to establish that the primary purpose for preparing the communication for use in lobbying. (H) Examples. The provisions of this paragraph (b)(2)(v) are illustrated by the following examples:
Example 1. Assume a nonlobbying report (that is not nonpartisan analysis, study or research) is prepared by an organization, but distributed to only 50 people. The report, in that format, refers to and reflects a view on
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specific legislation but does not contain a direct encouragement for the recipients to take action with respect to legislation. Two months later, the organization sends the report to 10,000 people along with a letter urging recipients to write their Senators about the legislation discussed in the report. Because the reports nonlobbying distribution is not as extensive as its lobbying distribution, the reports nonlobbying distribution is not substantial for purposes of this paragraph (b)(2)(v). Accordingly, the organizations primary purpose in preparing the report must be determined by weighing all of the facts and circumstances. In light of the relatively minimal nonlobbying distribution and the fact that the lobbying distribution is by the preparing organization rather than by an unrelated organization, and in the absence of evidence to the contrary, both the report and the letter are grass roots lobbying communications. Assume that all costs of preparing the report were paid within the six months preceding the mailing of the letter. Accordingly, all of the organizations expenditures for preparing and mailing the two documents are grass roots lobbying expenditures. Example 2. Assume the same facts as in Example (1), except that the costs of the report are paid over the two month period of January and February. Between January 1 and 31, the organization pays $1,000 for the report. In February, the organization pays $500 for the report. Further assume that the report is first used with a direct encouragement to action on August 1. Six months prior to August 1 is February 1. Accordingly, no costs paid for the report before February 1 are treated as grass roots lobbying expenditures under the subsequent use rule. Under these facts, the subsequent use rule treats only the $500 paid for the report in February as grass roots lobbying expenditures.
(3) Exceptions to the definition of influencing legislation. In many cases, a communication is not a direct or grass roots lobbying communication under paragraph (b)(1) or (b)(2) of this section if it falls within one of the exceptions listed in paragraph (c) of this section. See paragraph (c)(1), Nonpartisan analysis, study or research; paragraph (c)(2), Examinations and discussions of broad social, economic and similar problems; paragraph (c)(3), Requests for technical advice; and paragraph (c)(4), Communications pertaining to self-defense by the organization. In addition, see 56.49115, which provides special rules regarding the treatment of certain lobbying communications directed in whole or in part to members of an electing public charity.
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written request from a legislative body or committee).
(ii) Grass roots lobbying. The provisions of this section regarding grass roots lobbying communications are illustrated in paragraph (b)(4)(ii)(A) of this section by examples of communications that are not grass roots lobbying communications and in paragraph (b)(4)(ii)(B) by examples of communications that are grass roots lobbying communications. The provisions of this section are further illustrated in paragraph (b)(4)(ii)(C), with particular regard to the exception for nonpartisan analysis, study, or research: (A) Communications that are not grass roots lobbying communications.
Example 1. Organization L places in its newsletter an article that asserts that lack of new capital is hurting State Ws economy. The article recommends that State W residents either invest more in local businesses or increase their savings so that funds will be available to others interested in making investments. The article is an attempt to influence opinions with respect to a general problem that might receive legislative attention and is distributed in a manner so as to reach and influence many individuals. However, the article does not refer to specific legislation that is pending in a legislative body, nor does the article refer to a specific legislative proposal the organization either supports or opposes. The article is not a grass roots lobbying communication. Example 2. Assume the same facts as Example (1), except that the article refers to a bill pending in State Ws legislature that is intended to provide tax incentives for private savings. The article praises the pending bill and recommends that it be enacted. However, the article does not encourage readers to take action with respect to the legislation. The article is not a grass roots lobbying communication. Example 3. Organization B sends a letter to all persons on its mailing list. The letter includes an update on numerous environmental issues with a discussion of general concerns regarding pollution, proposed federal regulations affecting the area, and several pending legislative proposals. The letter endorses two pending bills and opposes another pending bill, but does not name any legislator involved (other than the sponsor of one bill, for purposes of identifying the bill), nor does it otherwise encourage the reader to take action with respect to the legislation. The letter is not a grass roots lobbying communication. Example 4. A pamphlet distributed by organization Z discusses the dangers of drugs and
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encourages the public to send their legislators a coupon, printed with the statement I support a drug-free America. The term drug-free America is not widely identified with any of the many specific pending legislative proposals regarding drug issues. The pamphlet does not refer to any of the numerous pending legislative proposals, nor does the organization support or oppose a specific legislative proposal. The pamphlet is not a grass roots lobbying communication. Example 5. A pamphlet distributed by organization B encourages readers to join an organization and get involved in the fight against drugs. The text states, in the course of a discussion of several current drug issues, that organization B supports a specific bill before Congress that would establish an expanded drug control program. The pamphlet does not encourage readers to communicate with legislators about the bill (such as by including the names of undecided or opposed legislators). The pamphlet is not a grass roots lobbying communication. Example 6. Organization E, an environmental organization, routinely summarizes in each edition of its newsletter the new environment-related bills that have been introduced in Congress since the last edition of the newsletter. The newsletter identifies each bill by a bill number and the name of the legislations sponsor. The newsletter also reports on the status of previously introduced environment-related bills. The summaries and status reports do not encourage recipients of the newsletter to take action with respect to legislation, as described in paragraphs (b)(2)(iii) (A) through (D) of this section. Although the summaries and status reports refer to specific legislation and often reflect a view on such legislation, they do not encourage the newsletter recipients to take action with respect to such legislation. The summaries and status reports are not grass roots lobbying communications. Example 7. Organization B prints in its newsletter a report on pending legislation that B supports, the Family Equity bill. The report refers to and reflects a view on the Family Equity bill, but does not directly encourage recipients to take action. Nor does the report specifically identify any legislator as opposing the communications view on the legislation, as being undecided, or as being a member of the legislative committee or subcommittee that will consider the legislation. However, the report does state the following: Rep. Doe (D-Ky.) and Rep. Roe (R-Ma.), both ardent supporters of the Family Equity bill, spoke at Bs annual convention last week. Both encouraged Bs efforts to get the Family Equity bill enacted and stated that they thought the bill could be enacted even over a presidential veto. Bs legislative affairs liaison questioned others, who seemed to agree with that assessment. For example, Sen. Roe (I-Ca.) said that he thinks the bill
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Example 3. Assume the same facts as in Example (2), except that the newsletter story explicitly asks readers to contact the undecided legislators. Because the newsletter story directly encourages readers to take action with respect to the legislation, the newsletter story is not within the exception for nonpartisan analysis, study or research. Accordingly, the newsletter story is a grass roots lobbying communication. Example 4. Assume the same facts as in Example (1), except that the story does not identify any undecided legislators. The story is not a grass roots lobbying communication. Example 5. X organization places an advertisement that specifically identifies and opposes a bill that X asserts would harm the farm economy. The advertisement is not a mass media communication described in paragraph (b)(5)(ii) of this section and does not directly encourage readers to take action with respect to the bill. However, the advertisement does state that Senator Y favors the legislation. Because the advertisement refers to and reflects a view on specific legislation, and also encourages the readers to take action with respect to the legislation by specifically identifying a legislator who opposes Xs views on the legislation, the advertisement is a grass roots lobbying communication. Example 6. Assume the same facts as in Example (5), except that instead of identifying Senator Y as favoring the legislation, the advertisement identifies the junior Senator from State Z as favoring the legislation. The advertisement is a grass roots lobbying communication. Example 7. Assume the same facts as in Example (5), except that instead of identifying Senator Y as favoring the legislation, the advertisement states: Even though this bill will have a devastating effect upon the farm economy, most of the Senators from the Farm Belt states are inexplicably in favor of the bill. The advertisement does not specifically identify one or more legislators as opposing the advertisements view on the bill in question. Accordingly, the advertisement is not a grass roots lobbying communication because it does not encourage readers to take action with respect to the legislation. Example 8. Organization V trains volunteers to go door-to-door to seek signatures for petitions to be sent to legislators in favor of a specific bill. The volunteers are wholly unreimbursed for their time and expenses. The volunteers costs (to the extent any are incurred) are not lobbying or exempt purpose expenditures made by V (but the volunteers may not deduct their out-of-pocket expenditures (see section 170(f)(6)). When V asks the volunteers to contact others and urge them to sign the petitions, V encourages those volunteers to take action in favor of the specific bill. Accordingly, Vs costs of soliciting the volunteers help and its costs of training the
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volunteers are grass roots expenditures. In addition, the costs of preparing, copying, distributing, etc. the petitions (and any other materials on the same specific subject used in the door-to-door signature gathering effort), are grass roots expenditures.
(5) Special rule for certain mass media advertisements(i) In general. A mass media advertisement that is not a grass roots lobbying communication under the three-part grass roots lobbying definition contained in paragraph (b)(2) of this section may be a grass roots lobbying communication by virtue of paragraph (b)(5)(ii) of this section. The special rule in paragraph (b)(5)(ii) generally applies only to a limited type of paid advertisements that appear in the mass media. (ii) Presumption regarding certain paid mass media advertisements about highly publicized legislation. If within two weeks before a vote by a legislative body, or a committee (but not a subcommittee) thereof, on a highly publicized piece of legislation, an organizations paid advertisement appears in the mass media, the paid advertisement will be presumed to be a grass roots lobbying communication, but only if the paid advertisement both reflects a view on the general subject of such legislation and either: refers to the highly publicized legislation; or encourages the public to communicate with legislators on the general subject of such legislation. An organization can rebut this presumption by demonstrating that the paid advertisement is a type of communication regularly made by the organization in the mass media without regard to the timing of legislation (that is, a customary course of business exception) or that the timing of the paid advertisement was unrelated to the upcoming legislative action. Notwithstanding the fact that an organization successfully rebuts the presumption, a mass media communication described in this paragraph (b)(5)(ii) is a grass roots lobbying communication if the communication would be a grass roots lobbying communication under the rules contained in paragraph (b)(2) of this section. (iii) Definitions(A) Mass media. For purposes of this paragraph (b)(5), the term mass media means television, radio, billboards and general circula-
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works projects is not highly publicized. Thus, the advertisement is a grass roots lobbying communication only if it is described in the general definition contained in paragraph (b)(2) of this section. Because the advertisement does not encourage recipients to take action with respect to the legislation in question, the advertisement is not a grass roots lobbying communication. Example 4. Organization P places numerous advertisements in the mass media about a bill being considered by the State Assembly. The bill is highly publicized, as evidenced by numerous front-page articles, editorials and letters to the editor published in the states general circulation daily newspapers, as well as frequent coverage of the bill by the television and radio stations serving the state. The advertisements run over a three week period and, in addition to showing pictures of a family being robbed at gunpoint, say: The State Assembly is considering a bill to make gun ownership illegal. This outrageous legislation would violate your constitutional rights and the rights of other law-abiding citizens. If this legislation is passed, you and your family will be criminals if you want to exercise your right to protect yourselves. The advertisements refer to and reflect a view on a specific bill but do not encourage recipients to take action. Sixteen days after the last advertisement runs, a State Assembly committee votes to defeat the legislation. None of the advertisements is a grass roots lobbying communication. Example 5. Assume the same facts as in Example (4), except that it is publicly announced prior to the advertising campaign that the committee vote is scheduled for five days after the last advertisement runs. Because of public pressure resulting from the advertising campaign, the bill is withdrawn and no vote is ever taken. None of the advertisements is a grass roots lobbying communication.
(c) Exceptions to the definitions of direct lobbying communication and grass roots lobbying communication(1) Nonpartisan analysis, study, or research exception(i) In general. Engaging in nonpartisan analysis, study, or research and making available to the general public or a segment or members thereof or to governmental bodies, officials, or employees the results of such work constitute neither a direct lobbying communication under 56.49112(b)(1) nor a grass roots lobbying communication under 56.49112(b)(2). (ii) Nonpartisan analysis, study, or research. For purposes of this section,
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nonpartisan analysis, study, or research means an independent and objective exposition of a particular subject matter, including any activity that is educational within the meaning of 1.501(c)(3)1(d)(3). Thus, nonpartisan analysis, study, or research may advocate a particular position or viewpoint so long as there is a sufficiently full and fair exposition of the pertinent facts to enable the public or an individual to form an independent opinion or conclusion. The mere presentation of unsupported opinion, however, does not qualify as nonpartisan analysis, study, or research. (iii) Presentation as part of a series. Normally, whether a publication or broadcast qualifies as nonpartisan analysis, study, or research will be determined on a presentation-by-presentation basis. However, if a publication or broadcast is one of a series prepared or supported by an electing organization and the series as a whole meets the standards of paragraph (c)(1)(ii) of this section, then any individual publication or broadcast within the series is not a direct or grass roots lobbying communication even though such individual broadcast or publication does not, by itself, meet the standards of paragraph (c)(1)(ii) of this section. Whether a broadcast or publication is considered part of a series will ordinarily depend upon all the facts and circumstances of each particular situation. However, with respect to broadcast activities, all broadcasts within any period of six consecutive months will oridinarily be eligible to be considered as part of a series. If an electing organization times or channels a part of a series which is described in this paragraph (c)(1)(iii) in a manner designed to influence the general public or the action of a legislative body with respect to a specific legislative proposal, the expenses of preparing and distributing such part of the analysis, study, or research will be expenditures for a direct or grass roots lobbying communications, as the case may be. (iv) Making available results of nonpartisan analysis, study, or research. An organization may choose any suitable means, including oral or written presentations, to distribute the results of its nonpartisan analysis, study, or re-
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pesticides and which addresses itself to the merits of several specific legislative proposals to curtail the use of pesticides in raising crops which are currently pending before State Legislatures. The fact sheet presents reports of experimental evidence tending to support its conclusions but omits any reference to reports of experimental evidence tending to dispute its conclusions. O distributes ten thousand copies to citizens groups. Expenditures by O in connection with this work of the consultant are not within the exception for nonpartisan analysis, study, or research. Example 4. P publishes a bi-monthly newsletter to collect and report all published materials, ongoing research, and new developments with regard to the use of pesticides in raising crops. The newsletter also includes notices of proposed pesticide legislation with impartial summaries of the provisions and debates on such legislation. The newsletter does not encourage recipients to take action with respect to such legislation, but is designed to present information on both sides of the legislative controversy and does present such information fully and fairly. It is within the exception for nonpartisan analysis, study, or research. Example 5. X is satisfied that A, a member of the faculty of Y University, is exceptionally well qualified to undertake a project involving a comprehensive study of the effects of pesticides on crop yields. Consequently, X makes a grant to A to underwrite the cost of the study and of the preparation of a book on the effect of pesticides on crop yields. X does not take any position on the issues or control the content of As output. A produces a book which concludes that the use of pesticides often has a favorable effect on crop yields, and on that basis argues against pending bills which would ban the use of pesticides. As book contains a sufficiently full and fair exposition of the pertinent facts, including known or potential disadvantages of the use of pesticides, to enable the public or an individual to form an independent opinion or conclusion as to whether pesticides should be banned as provided in the pending bills. The book does not directly encourage readers to take action with respect to the pending bills. Consequently, the book is within the exception for nonpartisan analysis, study, or research. Example 6. Assume the same facts as Example (2), except that, instead of issuing a report, X presents within a period of 6 consecutive months a two-program television series relating to the pesticide issue. The first program contains information, arguments, and conclusions favoring legislation to restrict the use of pesticides. The second program contains information, arguments, and conclusions opposing legislation to restrict the use of pesticides. The programs are broadcast within 6 months of each other during
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commensurate periods of prime time. Xs programs are within the exception for nonpartisan analysis, study, or research. Although neither program individually could be regarded as nonpartisan, the series of two programs constitutes a balanced presentation. Example 7. Assume the same facts as in Example (6), except that X arranged for televising the program favoring legislation to restrict the use of pesticides at 8:00 on a Thursday evening and for televising the program opposing such legislation at 7:00 on a Sunday morning. Xs presentation is not within the exception for nonpartisan analysis, study, or research, since X disseminated its information in a manner prejudicial to one side of the legislative controversy. Example 8. Organization Z researches, writes, prints and distributes a study on the use and effects of pesticide X. A bill is pending in the U.S. Senate to ban the use of pesticide X. Zs study leads to the conclusion that pesticide X is extremely harmful and that the bill pending in the U.S. Senate is an appropriate and much needed remedy to solve the problems caused by pesticide X. The study contains a sufficiently full and fair exposition of the pertinent facts, including known or potential advantages of the use of pesticide X, to enable the public or an individual to form an independent opinion or conclusion as to whether pesticides should be banned as provided in the pending bills. In its analysis of the pending bill, the study names certain undecided Senators on the Senate committee considering the bill. Although the study meets the three part test for determining whether a communication is a grass roots lobbying communication, the study is within the exception for nonpartisan analysis, study or research, because it does not directly encourage recipients of the communication to urge a legislator to oppose the bill. Example 9. Assume the same facts as in Example (8), except that, after stating support for the pending bill, the study concludes: You should write to the undecided committee members to support this crucial bill. The study is not within the exception for nonpartisan analysis, study or research because it directly encourages the recipients to urge a legislator to support a specific piece of legislation. Example 10. Organization X plans to conduct a lobbying campaign with respect to illegal drug use in the United States. It incurs $5,000 in expenses to conduct research and prepare an extensive report primarily for use in the lobbying campaign. Although the detailed report discusses specific pending legislation and reaches the conclusion that the legislation would reduce illegal drug use, the report contains a sufficiently full and fair exposition of the pertinent facts to enable
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munication under 56.49112(b)(1) if either: (i) The communication is an appearance before, or communication with, any legislative body with respect to a possible action by the body that might affect the existence of the electing public charity, its powers and duties, its tax-exempt status, or the deductibility of contributions to the organization, as set forth in 53.49452(d)(3); (ii) The communication is by a member of an affiliated group of organizations (within the meaning of 56.4911 7(e)), and is an appearance before, or communication with, a legislative body with respect to a possible action by the body that might affect the existence of any other member of the group, its powers and duties, its tax-exempt status, or the deductibility of contributions to it; (iii) The communication is by an electing public charity more than 75 percent of the members of which are other organizations that are described in section 501(c)(3), and is an appearance before, or communication with, any legislative body with respect to a possible action by the body which might affect the existence of one or more of the section 501(c)(3) member organizations, their powers, duties, or tax-exempt status, or the deductibility (under section 170) of contributions to one or more of the section 501(c)(3) member organizations, but only if the principal purpose of the appearance or communication is to defend the section 501(c)(3) member organizations (rather than the non-section 501(c)(3) member organizations); or (iv) The communication is by an electing public charity that is a member of a limited affiliated group or organizations under 56.491110, and is an appearance before, or communication with, the Congress of the United States with respect to a possible action by the Congress that might affect the existence of any member of the limited affiliated group, its powers and duties, tax-exempt status, or the deductibility of contributions to it. (v) Under the self-defense exception of paragraphs (c)(4) (i) through (iv) of this section, a charity may communicate with an entire legislative body, with committees or subcommittees of
(2) Examinations and discussions of broad social, economic, and similar problems. Examinations and discussions of broad social, economic, and similar problems are neither direct lobbying communications under 56.49112(b)(1) nor grass roots lobbying communications under 56.49112(b)(2) even if the problems are of the type with which government would be expected to deal ultimately. Thus, under 56.49112(b) (1) and (2), lobbying communications do not include public discussion, or communications with members of legislative bodies or governmental employees, the general subject of which is also the subject of legislation before a legislative body, so long as such discussion does not address itself to the merits of a specific legislative proposal and so long as such discussion does not directly encourage recipients to take action with respect to legislation. For example, this paragraph (c)(2) excludes from grass roots lobbying under 56.49112(b)(2) an organizations discussions of problems such as environmental pollution or population growth that are being considered by Congress and various State legislatures, but only where the discussions are not directly addressed to specific legislation being considered, and only where the discussions do not directly encourage recipients of the communication to contact a legislator, an employee of a legislative body, or a government official or employee who may participate in the formulation of legislation. (3) Requests for technical advice. A communication is not a direct lobbying communication under 56.49112(b)(1) if the communication is the providing of technical advice or assistance to a governmental body, a governmental committee, or a subdivision of either in response to a written request by the body, committee, or subdivision, as set forth in 53.49452(d)(2). (4) Communications pertaining to selfdefense by the organization. A communication is not a direct lobbying com-
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a legislative body, with individual legislators, with legislative staff members, or with representatives of the executive branch who are involved with the legislative process, so long as such communication is limited to the prescribed subjects. Similarly, under the self-defense exception, a charity may make expenditures in order to initiate legislation if such legislation concerns only matters which might affect the existence of the charity, its powers and duties, its tax-exempt status, or the deductibility of contributions to such charity. For examples illustrating the application and scope of the self-defense exception of this paragraph (c)(4), see 53.49452(d)(3)(ii). (d) Definitions. For purposes of section 4911 and the regulations thereunder (1) Legislation(i) In general. Legislation includes action by the Congress, any state legislature, any local council, or similar legislative body, or by the public in a referendum, ballot initiative, constitutional amendment, or similar procedure. Legislation includes a proposed treaty required to be submitted by the President to the Senate for its advice and consent from the time the Presidents representative begins to negotiate its position with the prospective parties to the proposed treaty. (ii) Definition of specific legislation. For purposes of paragraphs (b)(1) and (b)(2) of this section, specific legislation includes both legislation that has already been introduced in a legislative body and a specific legislative proposal that the organization either supports or opposes. In the case of a referendum, ballot initiative, constitutional amendment, or other measure that is placed on the ballot by petitions signed by a required number or percentage of voters, an item becomes specific legislation when the petition is first circulated among voters for signature. (iii) Examples. The terms legislation and specific legislation are illustrated using the following examples:
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Example 1. A nonmembership organization includes in its newsletter an article about problems with the use of pesticide X that states in part: Legislation that is pending in Congress would prohibit the use of this very dangerous pesticide. Fortunately, the
(2) Action. The term action in paragraph (d)(1)(i) of this section is limited to the introduction, amendment, enactment, defeat or repeal of Acts, bills, resolutions, or similar items. (3) Legislative body. Legislative body does not include executive, judicial, or administrative bodies. (4) Administrative bodies. Administrative bodies includes school boards, housing authorities, sewer and water districts, zoning boards, and other similar Federal, State, or local special purpose bodies, whether elective or appointive. Thus, for example, for purposes of section 4911, the term any attempt to influence any legislation does not include attempts to persuade an executive body or department to form, support the formation of, or to acquire property to be used for the formation or expansion of, a public park or equivalent preserves (such as public recreation areas, game, or forest preserves, and soil demonstration areas) established or to be established by act of Congress, by executive action in accordance with an act of Congress, or by a State, municipality or other governmental unit described in section 170(c)(1), as compared with attempts to persuade a legislative body, a member thereof, or other governmental official or employee, to promote the appropriation of funds for such an acquisition or other legislative authorization of such an acquisition. Therefore, for example, an organization would not be influencing legislation for purposes of section 4911, if it proposed to a Park Authority that it purchase a particular tract of land for a new park, even
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costs attributable to those parts of the communication that are not on the same specific subject as the lobbying message are not included as lobbying expenditures for allocation purposes. Whether or not a portion of a communication is on the same specific subject as the lobbying message will depend on the surrounding facts and circumstances. In general, a portion of a communication will be on the same specific subject as the lobbying message if that portion discusses an activity or specific issue that would be directly affected by the specific legislation that is the subject of the lobbying message. Moreover, discussion of the background or consequences of the specific legislation, or discussion of the background or consequences of an activity or specific issue affected by the specific legislation, is also considered to be on the same specific subject as the lobbying communication. (ii) Membership communications. In the case of lobbying expenditures for a communication that also has a bona fide nonlobbying purpose and that is sent only or primarily to members, an electing public charity must make a reasonable allocation between the amount expended for the lobbying purpose and the amount expended for the nonlobbying purpose. An electing public charity that includes as a lobbying expenditure only the amount expended for the specific sentence or sentences that encourage the recipient to take action with respect to legislation has not made a reasonable allocation. For purposes of this paragraph, a communication is sent only or primarily to members if more than half of the recipients of the communication are members of the electing public charity making the communication within the meaning of 56.49115. See 56.49115 for separate rules on communications sent only or primarily to members. Nothing in this paragraph (a) shall change any allocation required by 56.49115. (3) Allocation of mixed lobbying. If a communication (to which 56.49115 does not apply) is both a direct lobbying communication and a grass roots lobbying communication, the communication will be treated as a grass roots lobbying communication except to the extent that the electing public charity
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demonstrates that the communication was made primarily for direct lobbying purposes, in which case a reasonable allocation shall be made between the direct and the grass roots lobbying purposes served by the communication. (b) Examples. The provisions of paragraph (a) of this section are illustrated by the following examples. Except where otherwise explicitly stated, the expenditure test election under section 501(h) is assumed to be in effect for all organizations discussed in the examples in this paragraph (b). See 56.4911 5 for special rules applying to the member communications described in some of the following examples.
Example 1. Organization R makes the services of E, one of its paid executives, available to S, an organization described in section 501(c)(4) of the Code. E works for several weeks to assist S in developing materials that urge voters to contact their congressional representatives to indicate their support for specific legislation. In performing this work, E uses office space and clerical assistance provided by R. R pays full salary and benefits to E during this period and receives no reimbursement from S for these payments or for the other facilities and assistance provided. All expenditures of R, including allocable office and overhead expenses, that are attributable to this assignment are grass roots expenditures because E was engaged in an attempt to influence legislation. Example 2. An organization distributes primarily to nonmembers a pamphlet with two articles on unrelated subjects. The total cost of preparing, printing and mailing the pamphlet is $11,000, $1,000 for preparation and $10,000 for printing and mailing. The cost of preparing one article, a nonlobbying communication, is $600. The article is printed on three of the four pages in the pamphlet. The cost of preparing the second article, a grassroots lobbying communication that addresses only one specific subject, is $400. This article is printed on one page of the four page pamphlet. In this situation, $400 of preparation costs and $2,500 (25% of $10,000) of printing and mailing costs are expenditures for a grass roots lobbying communication. Example 3. Assume the same facts as in Example (2), except that the pamphlet is distributed only to members. In addition, assume the second article states that the recipient members should contact their congressional representatives. The organization allocates $400 of preparation costs and $2,500 of printing and mailing costs as expenditures for direct lobbying (see 56.49115(c)). The allocation is reasonable for purposes of 56.49113(a)(2)(ii).
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the three page document are members of T, and 25 percent of the recipients are nonmembers and are not subscribers within the meaning of 56.49115(f)(5). Assume also that the document states that readers should write to Congress, but does not state that the readers should urge nonmembers to write to Congress. T treats the document as having a bona fide nonlobbying purpose, the purpose of educating its members about the need for child care. Accordingly, T allocates one-half of the cost of preparing and distributing the document as a lobbying expenditure (see 56.49115(e)(2)(i)), of which 75 percent is a direct lobbying expenditure (see 56.49115(e)(2)(iii)) and 25 percent is a grass roots lobbying expenditure (see 56.4911 5(e)(2)(ii)). The remaining one-half is allocated as a nonlobbying expenditure. Ts allocation is reasonable for purposes of 56.4911 3(a)(2)(ii) and is correct for purposes of 56.49115(e). Example 11. Assume the same facts as in Example (10), except that T allocates one percent of the cost of preparing and distributing the document as a lobbying expenditure (for purposes of 56.49115(e)(2)) and 99 percent as a nonlobbying expenditure. Ts allocation is based upon the fact that out of 200 lines in the document, only two lines state that the recipient should contact legislators about the pending legislation. Ts allocation is unreasonable for purposes of 56.49113(a)(2)(ii). Example 12. Organization F, a nonmembership organization, sends a one page letter to all persons on its mailing list. The only subject of the letter is the organizations opposition to a pending bill allowing private uses of certain national parks. The letter requests recipients to send letters opposing the bill to their congressional representatives. A second one page letter is sent in the same envelope. The second letter discusses the broad educational activities and publications of the organization in all areas of environmental protection and ends by requesting the recipient to make a financial contribution to organization F. Since the separate second letter is on a different subject from the lobbying letter, and the letters are of equal length, 50 percent of the mailing costs must be allocated as an expenditure for a grass roots lobbying communication. Example 13. Assume the same facts as in Example (12), except that F is a membership organization and the letters in question are sent primarily (90 percent) to members. The other 10 percent of the recipients are nonmembers and are not subscribers within the meaning of 56.49115(f)(5). Assume also that the first letter does not state that readers should urge nonmembers to write to legislators. F allocates one-half of the mailing costs as a lobbying expenditure, of which 90 percent is a direct lobbying expenditure and
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10 percent is a grass roots lobbying expenditure (see 56.49115(e)(2)). Fs allocation is reasonable for purposes of 56.49113(a)(2)(ii) and is correct for purposes of 56.49115.
(c) Certain transfers treated as lobbying expenditures(1) Transfer earmarked for grass roots purposes. A transfer is a grass roots expenditure to the extent that it is earmarked (as defined in 56.49114(f)(4)) for grass roots lobbying purposes and is not described in 56.49114(e). (2) Transfer earmarked for direct and grass roots lobbying. A transfer that is earmarked for direct lobbying purposes or for direct lobbying and grass roots lobbying purposes is treated as a grass roots expenditure in full except to the extent the transferor demonstrates that all or part of the amounts transferred were expended for direct lobbying purposes, in which case that part of the amounts transferred is a direct lobbying expenditure by the transferor. This paragraph (c)(2) shall not apply to any expenditure described in 56.4911 4(e). (3) Certain transfers to noncharities that lobby(i) Limited application of paragraph (c)(3)(A) In general. This paragraph (c)(3) applies only to transfers for less than fair market value from an electing public charity to any noncharity that makes lobbying expenditures. A noncharity is any entity that is not described in section 501(c)(3). In order for this paragraph to apply, the electing public charity must transfer to a noncharity more in value than it receives in return. For example, this paragraph does not apply to an electing public charitys fair market value payment of rent to a landlord. However, this paragraph does apply where an electing public charity and a noncharity share office space and the electing public charity pays more than fair market value rent to the noncharity. Similarly, this paragraph applies where an electing public charity sells goods or services to a noncharity for less than fair market value. See paragraphs (c)(3)(i) (B), (C) and (D) of this section for exceptions where nonfair market value transfers are not covered by this paragraph (c)(3). See paragraph (c)(3)(i)(E) of this section to determine the amount of any non-fair market value transfer covered by this
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continued tax-exempt status of the electing public charity. (A) Transfers treated as grass roots expenditures. The transfer is treated as a grass roots expenditure to the extent of the lesser of two amounts: The amount of the transfer and the amount of the transferees grass roots expenditures. (B) Transfers treated as direct lobbying expenditures. If the transfer is greater than the transferees grass roots expenditures, the excess is treated as a direct lobbying expenditure, but only to the extent of the transferees direct lobbying expenditures. (If, however, the transfer is less than the transferees grass roots expenditures, none of the transfer is a direct lobbying expenditure.) (C) Transfers treated as nonlobbying. If the transfer is greater than the sum of the transferees grass roots and direct lobbying expenditures, the excess of the transfer over those lobbying expenses is not a lobbying expenditure. (iii) Example. The following example illustrates the application of this paragraph (c)(3):
Example. Organization C, an electing public charity, shares employee E with N, a noncharity that makes lobbying expenditures. Ns grass roots expenditures are $5,000 and its direct lobbying expenditures are $25,000. Each organization pays one-half of the $100,000 in direct and overhead costs associated with E. E devotes one-quarter of his time to C and three-quarters of his time to N. In substance, this arrangement is a transfer (for less than fair market value) from C to N in the amount of $25,000 (one-quarter of the $100,000 of direct and overhead costs associated with Es work). Accordingly, C is treated as having made a $5,000 grass roots expenditure (the lesser of Ns grass roots expenditures ($5,000) or the amount of the transfer ($25,000)). C is also treated as having made a $20,000 direct lobbying expenditure (the lesser of Ns direct lobbying expenditures ($25,000) or the remaining amount of the transfer ($20,000)).
(E) Determination of amount of transfer governed by paragraph (c)(3). Where an electing public charity receives nothing of value in return for its transfer, the amount of the transfer governed by this paragraph (c)(3) is the greater of the fair market value or the cost of the goods or services transferred to the noncharity. Where the noncharity transfers something of value to the electing public charity in return for the charitys transfer, but that payment is less than the fair market value of the charitys transfer to the noncharity, the amount of the transfer governed by this paragraph (c)(3) is the excess of: first, the greater of the fair market value or cost of the goods or services transferred to the noncharity over, second, the value of the amount transferred to the charity. For example, if an electing public charity transfers $10,000 of goods and services to a noncharity that makes lobbying expenditures in return for payment by the noncharity of $2,000, the amount of the transfer governed by this paragraph (c)(3) is $8,000. (ii) Rules governing transfers to which paragraph (c)(3) applies. A transfer to which this paragraph (c)(3) applies is treated in whole or in part as a grass roots and/or direct lobbying expenditure by the transferor in accordance with paragraphs (c)(3)(ii) (A), (B) and (C) of this section. In applying those paragraphs, the expenditures of the transferee will be determined as if the regulations under section 4911 applied to the transferee. This paragraph (c)(3) discusses only when certain transfers are lobbying expenditures by the transferor. This paragraph does not address other issues that may arise when an electing public charity makes a noncontrolled grant to a noncharity. Nothing in this paragraph (c)(3) shall be used to interpret issues relating to noncontrolled grants by charities to noncharities, such as whether the noncontrolled grant is consistent with the
56.49114 tures.
(a) Application. This section provides rules under section 4911(e) for determining an electing public charitys exempt purpose expenditures for a taxable year for purposes of section 4911(c)(2) and 56.49111(c)(2). Those two sections generally define an electing
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public charitys lobbying limit (lobbying nontaxable amount) as a sliding scale percentage of the organizations exempt purpose expenditures. In determining an electing public charitys exempt purpose expenditures, no expenditure shall be counted twice by an organization. (b) Included expenditures. Amounts paid or incurred by an organization that are exempt purpose expenditures include (1) Amounts paid or incurred to accomplish a purpose enumerated in section 170(c)(2)(B), including (but not limited to) the amount of any transfer made by the organization (other than a transfer described in paragraph (e) of this section) to another organization to accomplish the transferors exempt purposes, and including amounts expended by an organization out of transfers (other than a transfer described in paragraph (e) of this section) for which the organization is the transferee, (2) Amounts paid or incurred as current or deferred compensation for an employees services for a purpose enumerated in section 170(c)(2)(B), (3) The allocable portion of administrative overhead, and other general expenditures attributable to the accomplishment of a purpose enumerated in section 170(c)(2)(B), (4) Lobbying expenditures (as defined in 56.49112(a)) whether or not for a purpose enumerated in section 170(c)(2)(B), (5) Amounts paid or incurred for activities described in 56.49112(c), (6) Amounts paid or incurred for activities described in 56.48115 that are not lobbying expenditures, (7) A reasonable allowance for exhaustion, wear and tear, obsolescence or amortization, of assets to the extent used for one or more of the purposes described in paragraphs (b)(1) through (6) of this section, computed on a straight-line basis (for this purpose, an allowance for depreciation will be treated as reasonable if based on a useful life that would satisfy section 321(k)(3)(A) as in effect on January 1, 1985), and (8) Fundraising expenditures (but see section 4911(e)(1)(C) and paragraphs (c)(3) and (4) of this section.)
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purpose expenditure of the transferor, but will be an exempt purpose expenditure of the transferee to the extent that the transferee expends the transfer in the active conduct of its charitable activities or attempts to influence legislation. Standards similar to those found in 53.4942(b)1(b) may be applied in determining whether the transferee has expended amounts in the active conduct of its charitable activities or attempts to influence legislation. (4) A transfer is described in this paragraph (e)(4) if it is not a controlled grant and is made to an organization not described in section 501(c)(3) that does not attempt to influence legislation. (f) Definitions(1) For purposes of paragraph (c) of this section, fundraising includes (i) Soliciting dues or contributions from members of the organization, from persons whose dues are in arrears, or from the general public, (ii) Soliciting grants from businesses or other organizations, including organizations described in section 501(c)(3), or (iii) Soliciting grants from a governmental unit referred to in section 170(c)(1), or any agency or instrumentality thereof. (2) For purposes of paragraph (c) of this section, a separate fundraising unit of any organization must consist of either two or more individuals a majority of whose time is spent on fundraising for the organization, or any separate accounting unit of the organization that is devoted to fundraising. For purposes of paragraph (c) of this section, amounts paid to or incurred for a separate fundraising unit include all amounts incurred for the creation, production, copying, and distribution of the fundraising portion of a separate fundraising units communication. (For example, an electing public charity that has a separate fundraising unit may not count the cost of postage for a separate fundraising units communication as an exempt purpose expenditure even though, under the electing public charitys accounting system, that cost is attributable to the mailroom rather than to the separate fundraising unit.)
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(3) For purposes of this section, a controlled grant is a grant made by an eligible organization described in 1.501(h)2(b) to an organization not described in section 501(c)(3) that meets the following requirements: (i) The donor limits the grant to a specific project of the recipient that is in furtherance of the donors (nonlobbying) exempt purposes; and (ii) The donor maintains records to establish that the grant is used in furtherance of the donors (nonlobbying) exempt purposes. (4) A transfer, including a grant or payment of dues, is earmarked for a specific purpose (i) To the extent that the transferor directs the transferee to add the amount transferred to a fund established to accomplish the purpose, or
Cost of real estate purchased for use as half-way house for alcoholics, attributable to the following: Land ................................................................................................................................ Building ........................................................................................................................... Depreciation 40-year useful life ...................................................................................... Expenses of operating its half-way house .................................................................................... Administrative expenses of the organization allocated to the operation of its half-way house ... Depreciation and allowances for equipment ................................................................................. Expenses related to attempts to influence legislation (lobbying expenditures) ............................ Amounts paid to Z by the Organization for fundraising ................................................................ Total .........................................................................................................................
NOTE: For 1981, Xs exempt purpose expenditures total $320,000. The $35,000 paid by X to Z for fundraising is not included in the exempt purpose expenditures total. All lobbying expenses are included in full. Only depreciation computed on a straight-line basis is included in exempt purpose expenditures.
(a) In general. For purposes of section 4911, expenditures for certain communications between an organization and its members (membership communications) are treated more leniently than are communications to nonmembers. This 56.49115 contains rules about the more lenient treatment. In certain cases, this section provides that expenditures for a membership communication are not lobbying expenditures even though those expenditures would be lobbying expenditures if the communication were to nonmem-
bers. In other cases, this section provides that expenditures for a membership communication are direct lobbying expenditures even though those expenditures would be grass roots expenditures if the communication were to nonmembers. Paragraphs (b), (c) and (d) of this section set forth the more lenient rules that apply for communications that are directed only to members. Paragraph (e) of this section sets forth the more lenient rules that apply for communications that are directed primarily, but not solely, to members. Paragraph (f) of this section sets forth certain definitions and special rules. (b) Communications (directed only to members) that are not lobbying communications. Expenditures for a communication that refers to, and reflects a view on, specific legislation are not
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(2) Direct lobbying directly encouraged(i) Lobbying expenditure amount. If a written communication described in paragraph (e)(1) of this section directly encourages readers to engage individually or through the organization in direct lobbying but does not directly encourage them to engage in grass roots lobbying, the cost of the communication is allocated between expenditures for direct lobbying and grass roots expenditures in accordance with paragraphs (e)(2) (ii) and (iii) of this section. The portion of the cost to be allocated includes all costs of preparing all the material with respect to which readers are urged to engage in direct lobbying plus the mechanical and distribution costs attributable to the lineage devoted to this material (see 1.512(a)1(f)(6)). (ii) Grass roots amount. The amount allocable as a grass roots expenditure for a communication described in paragraph (e)(1) of this section is the amount calculated in paragraph (e)(2)(i) of this section multiplied by the sum of the nonmember subscribers percentage and all the other distribution percentage, both as defined in paragraph (f)(7) of this section. Solely for purposes of the allocation described in this paragraph (e)(2)(ii), the nonmember subscribers percentage is treated as zero unless it is greater than 15% of total distribution. (iii) Direct lobbying amount. The amount allocable as an expenditure for direct lobbying for a communication described in paragraph (e)(1) of this section is the excess of the amount described in paragraph (e)(2)(i) of this section over the amount described in paragraph (e)(2)(ii) of this section. (3) Grass roots expenditure if grass roots lobbying directly encouraged. If a written communication described in paragraph (e)(1) of this section directly encourages readers to engage individually or collectively (whether through the organization or otherwise) in grass roots lobbying (whether or not it also encourages readers to engage in direct lobbying), the grass roots expenditure includes all the costs of preparing all the material with respect to which readers are urged to engage in grass roots lobbying plus the mechanical and distribution costs attributable to the
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lineage devoted to this material (see 1.512(a)1(f)(6)). (4) No direct encouragement of direct lobbying or of grass roots lobbying. If a written communication described in paragraph (e)(1) of this section does not directly encourage readers to engage in either direct lobbying or grass roots lobbying, expenditures for the communication are not lobbying expenditures. (f) Definitions and special rules. For purposes of the regulations under section 4911 (1) Member; general rule. A person is a member of an electing public charity if the person (i) Pays dues or makes a contribution of more than a nominal amount, (ii) Makes a contribution of more than a nominal amount of time, or (iii) Is one of a limited number of honorary or life members who have more than a nominal connection with the electing public charity and who have been chosen for a valid reason (such as length of service to the organization or involvement in activities forming the basis of the electing public charitys exemption) unrelated to the electing public charitys dissemination of information to its members. (2) Member; special rule. A person not a member of an electing public charity within the meaning of paragraph (f)(1) of this section may be treated as a member if the electing public charity demonstrates to the satisfaction of the Internal Revenue Service that there is a good reason for its membership requirements not meeting the requirements of such paragraph (f)(1), and that its membership requirements do not operate to permit an abuse of the rules described in this section. (3) Member; affiliated group of organizations. For purposes of this section, a person who is a member of an organization that is a member of an affiliated group of organizations (within the meaning of 56.49117(e)) is treated as a member of each organization in the affiliated group. (4) Member; limited affiliated group of organizations. For purposes of this section, a person who is a member of an organization that is a member of a limited affiliated group of organizations (within the meaning of 56.491110(b)) is treated as a member of each organiza-
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scribed in paragraph (e)(1) of this section (i) Member percentage means the percentage of total distribution that represents distribution of a single copy to any member; (ii) Nonmember subscribers percentage means the percentage of total distribution that represents distribution to nonmember subscribers (including libraries); and (iii) All other distribution percentage means 100% reduced by the sum of the member percentage and the nonmember subscribers percentage. (8) Reasonable allocation rule. In the case of lobbying expenditures for a communication that also has a bona fide nonlobbying purpose and that is sent only or primarily to members, an electing public charity must make a reasonable allocation between the amount expended for the lobbying purpose and the amount expended for the nonlobbying purpose. See 56.4911 3(a)(2)(ii). 56.49116 Records of lobbying and grass roots expenditures. (a) Records of lobbying expenditures. An electing public charity must keep a record of its lobbying expenditures for the taxable year. Lobbying expenditures of which an organization must keep a record include the following: (1) Expenditures for grass roots lobbying, as described in paragraph (b) of this section; (2) Amounts directly paid or incurred for direct lobbying, including payments to another organization earmarked for direct lobbying, fees and expenses paid to individuals or organizations for direct lobbying, and printing, mailing, and other direct costs of reproducing and distributing materials used in direct lobbying; (3) The portion of amounts paid or incurred as current or deferred compensation for an employees services for direct lobbying; (4) Amounts paid for out-of-pocket expenditures incurred on behalf of the organization and for direct lobbying, whether or not incurred by an employee;
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(5) The allocable portion of administrative, overhead, and other general expenditures attributable to direct lobbying; (6) Expenditures for publications or for communications with members to the extent the expenditures are treated as expenditures for direct lobbying under 56.49115; and (7) Expenditures for direct lobbying of a controlled organization (within the meaning of 56.491110(c)) to the extent included by a controlling organization (within the meaning of 56.491110(c)) in its lobbying expenditures. (b) Records of grass roots expenditures. An electing public charity must keep a record of its grass roots expenditures for the taxable year. Grass roots expenditures of which an organization must keep a record include the following: (1) Amounts directly paid or incurred for grass roots lobbying, including payments to other organizations earmarked for grass roots lobbying, fees and expenses paid to individuals or organizations for grass roots lobbying, and the printing, mailing, and other direct costs of reproducing and distributing materials used in grass roots lobbying; (2) The portion of amounts paid or incurred as current or deferred compensation for an employees services for grass roots lobbying; (3) Amounts paid for out-of-pocket expenditures incurred on behalf of the organization and for grass roots lobbying, whether or not incurred by an employee; (4) The allocable portion of administrative, overhead and other general expenditures attributable to grass roots lobbying; (5) Expenditures for publication or communications that are treated as expenditures for grass roots lobbying under 56.49115; and (6) Expenditures for grass roots lobbying of a controlled organization (within the meaning of 56.491110(c)) to the extent included by a controlling organization (within the meaning of 56.491110(c)) in its grass roots expenditures.
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vided in paragraph (b)(4) of this section, if under the governing documents of an organization (the controlled organization), it can be determined that a lesser number of votes than the number described in paragraph (b)(2) of this section is necessary or sufficient to cause or to prevent action on legislative issues, the number of representatives of the controlling organization who are members of the governing board of the controlled organization will be considered sufficient to cause or prevent action on legislative issues if it equals or exceeds that number. (4) Representatives constituting less than 15% of governing board. Notwithstanding paragraph (b) (2) or (3) of this section, if the number of representatives of one organization is less than 15 percent of the incumbents on the governing board of a second organization, the two organizations are not affiliated by reason of interlocking governing boards. (5) Representatives. (i) This paragraph (b)(5) describes members of the governing board of one organization (the controlled organization) who are considered representatives of a second organization (the controlling organization). Under this paragraph (b)(5), a member of the governing board of a controlled organization may be a representative of more than one controlling organization. A person with no authority to vote on any issue being considered by the governing board is not a representative of any organization. (ii) A board member of one organization (the controlled organization) is a representative of a second organization (the controlling organization) if the controlling organization has specifically designated that person to be a board member of the controlled organization. For purposes of this paragraph (b)(5)(ii) and paragraph (b)(5)(iii) of this section, a board member of the controlled organization is specifically designated by the controlling organization if the board member is selected by virtue of the right of the controlling organization, under the governing instruments of the controlled organization, either to designate a person to be a member of the controlled organizations governing board, or to select a person for a position that entitles the
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holder of that position to be a member of the controlled organizations governing board. (iii) A board member of one organization who is specifically designated by a second organization, a majority of the governing board of which is made up of representatives of a third organization, is a representative of the third organization as well as being a representative of the second organization pursuant to paragraph (b)(5)(ii) of this section. (iv) A board member of one organization who is also a member of the governing board of a second organization is a representative of the second organization. (v) A board member of one organization who is an officer or paid executive staff member of a second organization is a representative of the second organization. Although titles are significant in determining whether a person is a member of the executive staff of an organization, any employee of an organization who possesses authority commonly exercised by an executive is considered an executive staff member for purposes of this paragraph (b)(5)(v). (c) Governing instrument. One organization (the controlling organization) is affiliated with a second organization (the controlled organization) by reason of the governing instruments of the contolled organization if the governing instruments of the controlled organization limit the independent action of the controlled organization on legislative issues by requiring it to be bound by decisions of the other organization on legislative issues. (d) Three or more organizations affiliated(1) Two controlled organizations affiliated. If a controlling organization described in this section is affiliated with each of two or more controlled organizations described in this section, then the controlled organizations are affiliated with each other. (2) Chain rule. If one organization is a controlling organization described in this section with respect to a second organization and that second organization is a controlling organization with respect to a third organization, then the first organization is affiliated with the third. (e) Affiliated group of organizations (1) Defined. For purposes of the regula-
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Example 5. Organization Z is bound, under the terms of its governing instruments, by the legislative positions of Organization Y. Organization Y, however, is bound, under the terms of its governing instruments, by the legislative positions of Organization X. Organization X is affiliated with Y and Z; Y is affiliated with X and Z; and Z is affiliated with X and Y. Example 6. Organizations T and U have interlocking boards of directors. T is the controlling organization. Organization V is bound, under the terms of its governing instruments, by the legislative positions of U. T and V are affiliated because T may cause or prevent action on legislative issues by U, and V is bound by Us action. If U were the controlling organization, T and V would be affiliated as two organizations controlled by the same organization. Example 7. Organization A is described in section 501(c)(4). It is affiliated, as the controlling organization, with organizations K and L, both of which are described in section 501(c)(3) and are eligible to elect under section 501(h). If K elects under section 501(h), K and L are an affiliated group of organizations. Even though A is affiliated with K and L, A is not a member of that affiliated group of organizations because A is not an eligible organization within the meaning of 1.501(h) 2(b)(1) (see 56.49117(e)(1) for the definition of which affiliated organizations may be members of an affiliated group of organizations). Example 8. G, H, I, and J are eligible organizations. G, H, and I have elected the expenditure test under section 501(h). The governing board of J has nine members. Under the governing instruments of J, organizations G, H, and I each designate three members of the governing board of J. Also under the governing instruments of J, action on legislative issues requires the approval of any seven board members. Because the three representatives of G may prevent action on legislative issues, J is affiliated with G. Similarly, J is affiliated with each of H and I. However, under none of the rules of affiliation is G affiliated with H, or H with I, or I with G. Therefore J is a member of one affiliated group comprising G and J, of another group comprising H and J, and of a third group comprising I and J. Example 9. Organizations C, D, and E have been affiliated for many years and have all elected the expenditure test. Each has a taxable year ending July 31. For every day of the year ending July 31, 1992, they were eligible organizations, electing member organizations, and affiliated with each other. On no day of that year were they affiliated with any other eligible organization having a different taxable year. Therefore, the year ending July 31, 1992, is the taxable year of the affiliated group comprising C, D, and E.
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56.49118 Excess lobbying expenditures of affiliated group. (a) Application. This section provides rules concerning the exempt purpose expenditures, lobbying expenditures, and grass roots expenditures of an affiliated group of organizations, and the application of the excise tax imposed by section 4911(a) on the excess lobbying expenditures of the group. (b) Affiliated group treated as one organization. Under section 4911(f), an affiliated group of organizations is treated as a single organization for purposes of the tax imposed by section 4911(a). For any taxable year of the affiliated group, the groups lobbying expenditures, grass roots expenditures, and exempt purpose expenditures are equal to the sum of the lobbying expenditures, grass roots expenditures, and exempt purpose expenditures, respectively, paid or incurred by each member during the taxable year of the affiliated group. The lobbying and grass roots nontaxable amounts for the affiliated group for a taxable year are determined under section 4911(c) (2) and (4) and 56.49111(c) and are based on the sum of the exempt purpose expenditures described in the preceding sentence. The lobbying and grass roots ceiling amounts for the affiliated group for a taxable year are calculated under 1.501(h)3(c) (3) and (6) based upon the nontaxable amounts determined pursuant to the preceding sentence. (c) Tax imposed on excess lobbying expenditures of affiliated group. The excise tax under section 4911(a) is imposed for a taxable year of an affiliated group if the group has excess lobbying expenditures. For any taxable year of an affiliated group, the groups excess lobbying expenditures are the greater of (1) The amount by which the groups lobbying expenditures exceed the groups lobbying nontaxable amount, or (2) The amount by which the groups grass roots expenditures exceed the groups grass roots nontaxable amount. (d) Liability for tax(1) Electing organizations. As provided in this paragraph (d), an electing member organization is liable for all or a portion of the excise tax imposed by section 4911(a) on the excess lobbying expenditures of an affiliated group of organizations. An or-
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organizations, the calculations described in 1.501(h)3(b)(1) (i) and (ii) must be made, based on the expenditures of the group. If, for a taxable year of an affiliated group, it is determined that the sum of the affiliated groups lobbying or grass roots expenditures for the groups base years exceeds 150 percent of the sum of the groups corresponding nontaxable amounts for the base years, then under section 501(h), each member organization that is an electing member organization (as defined in 56.49117(e)(4)) at any time in the taxable year of the affiliated group shall be denied tax exemption beginning with its first taxable year beginning after the end of such taxable year of the affiliated group. Thereafter, exemption shall be denied unless (pursuant to 1.501(h) 3(d)) the organization reapplies and is recognized as exempt as an organization described in section 501(c)(3). For purposes of this section, the term base years generally means the taxable year of the affiliated group for which a determination is made and the groups three preceding taxable years. Base years, however, do not include any year preceding the first year in which at least one member of the group was treated as described in section 501(c)(3). (c) Member organizations that are not electing organizations. An organization that is a member of an affiliated group of organizations but that is not an electing member organization remains subject to the substantial part test described in section 501(c)(3) with respect to its activities involving attempts to influence legislation. (d) Filing of information relating to affiliated group of organizations(1) Scope. The filing requirements described in this paragraph (d) apply to each member of an affiliated group or organizations for the taxable year of the member with which, or within which, ends the taxable year of the affiliated group. (2) In general. Each member of an affiliated group of organizations shall provide to every other member of the group, before the first day of the second month following the close of the affiliated groups taxable year, its name, identification number, and the information required under 1.6033 2(a)(2)(ii)(k) for its expenditures during
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the groups taxable year and for prior taxable years of the group that are base years under paragraph (b). For groups electing under 56.49117(e)(5) to have each member file information with respect to the group based on its taxable year, each member shall provide the information required by the preceding sentence by treating each taxable year of any member of the group as a taxable year for the group. (3) Additional information required. In addition to the information required by 1.60332(a)(2)(ii)(k), each member of an affiliated group of organizations must provide on its annual return the groups taxable year and, if the election under 56.49117(e)(5) is made, the name, identification number, and taxable year identifying the return with which its consent to the election was filed. (4) Information required of electing member organization. In addition to the information required by 1.6033 2(a)(2)(ii)(k) and paragraph (d)(3) of this section, each electing member organization (as defined in 56.49117(e)(4)) must provide on its annual return (i) The name and identification number of each member of the group, and (ii) The appropriate calculation described in 56.49118(d), if the organization is an electing member organization liable for all or any portion of the excise tax imposed by section 4911(a).
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that are affiliated solely by reason of provisions of their governing instruments that extend control solely with respect to national legislation). Except as otherwise provided in this section, 56.49118 and 56.49119 do not apply to members of a limited affiliated group. Thus, as modified by this section, the regulations under sections 501(h) and 4911 apply to electing members of a limited affiliated group individually. For example, 56.49112 through 56.49114, which, by their terms, include amounts described in paragraph (d) of this section, are used in applying sections 501(h) and 4911 to controlling member organizations (within the meaning of paragraph (c) of this section). Except as otherwise provided in this section, members of a limited affiliated group that are not electing organizations are subject to the substantial part test. (b) Members of limited affiliated group. For purposes of section 4911, a limited affiliated group consists of two or more organizations that meet the following requirements: (1) Each organization is a member of an affiliated group of organizations as defined in 56.49117(e); (2) No two members of the affiliated group described in paragraph (b)(1) of this section are affiliated by reason of interlocking governing boards under 56.49117(b); and (3) No member of the affiliated group described in paragraph (b)(1) of this section is, under its governing instrument, bound by decisions of one or more of the other such members on legislative issues other than national legislative issues. Each organization in a group of organizations that satisfies the requirements of the preceding sentence is a member of the limited affiliated group. (c) Controlling and controlled organizations. For purposes of this section, a member of a limited affiliated group is a controlling member organization if it controls one or more of the other members of the limited affiliated group, and a member of a limited affiliated group is a controlled member organization if it is controlled by one or more of the other members of the limited affiliated group. For purposes of the preceding
(f) Cross reference. For other provisions relating to members of an affiliated group or organizations, see 56.49112(c)(4)(ii), 56.49114(c)(2), 56.49114(e), and 56.49115(f)(3). 56.491110 Members of a limited affiliated group of organizations.
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(a) Scope. This section provides additional rules for members of a limited affiliated group of organizations, as defined in paragraph (b) of this section (relating generally to organizations
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sentence, whether an organization controls a second organization shall be determined by whether the second organization is bound, under its governing instruments, by actions taken by the first organization on national legislative issues. (d) Expenditures of controlling organization(1) Scope. This paragraph (d) applies to a controlling member organization that has the expenditure test election in effect for its taxable year. This paragraph (d) applies whether or not the organization is also a controlled member organization. In determining a controlling member organizations expenditures, no expenditure shall be counted twice. (2) Expenditures for direct lobbying. A controlling member organization for which the expenditure test election is in effect shall include in its direct lobbying expenditures for its taxable year the direct lobbying expenditures (as defined in 56.49112 and 56.49113) paid or incurred with respect to national legislative issues during such year by each organization that is a member of the limited affiliated group and is controlled (within the meaning of paragraph (c) of this section) by such controlling member organization. (3) Grass roots expenditures. A controlling member organization for which the expenditure test election is in effect shall include in its grass roots expenditures for its taxable year the grass roots expenditures (as defined in 56.49112 and 56.49113) paid or incurred with respect to national legislative issues during such year by each organization that is a member of the limited affiliated group and is controlled (within the meaning of paragraph (c) of this section) by such controlling member organization. (4) Exempt purpose expenditures. The exempt purpose expenditures of a controlling member organization do not include the exempt purpose expenditures (other than lobbying expenditures described in paragraphs (d)(2) and (d)(3) of this section) of any organization that is a controlled member organization with respect to it. (e) Expenditures of controlled member. A controlled member organization that is an electing organization but that does not control (within the meaning
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are affiliated by reason of interlocking governing boards. Accordingly, P, Q, R and S are not a limited affiliated group. Similarly, P, Q, and R do not constitute a limited affiliated group because they are members of an affiliated group comprising P, Q, R, and S, two of whose members, R and S, are affiliated by reason of interlocking governing boards. Example 6. T, U, V, and W are electing organizations. The governing instruments of U and V require them to adopt the positions on national legislative issues adopted by T, but do not require them to adopt the positions of any organization on any other legislative issues. The governing documents of W require it to adopt the positions of V on all legislative issues. Applying paragraph (b) of this section, it is determined that (1) T, U, V, and W are all members of an affiliated group; (2) no two of T, U, V, and W are affiliated by reason of interlocking governing boards; but (3) W is bound, under its governing instrument, by decisions of V on legislative issues that are not national legislative issues. Accordingly, T, U, V, and W do not constitute a limited affiliated group. Similarly, T, U, and V do not constitute a limited affiliated group. T, U, V, and W are an affiliated group under 56.49117.
56.60011 Notice or regulations requiring records, statements, and special returns. (a) In general. The provisions of 53.60011 shall apply to any person subject to tax under chapter 41, subtitle D, of the Code, by treating each reference to chapter 42 in 53.60011 as a reference to chapter 41. (b) Cross references. See 56.49116 for general information on records of lobbying expenditures. See 56.49119(d) and 56.491110(f) for information that members of an affiliated group and a limited affiliated group, respectively, are to provide to other members of the group and to the Internal Revenue Service. 56.60111 General requirement of return, statement, or list. Every organization liable for the tax imposed by section 4911(a) shall file an annual return with respect to the tax on the form prescribed by the Internal Revenue Service for that purpose and shall include the information required by the form and its instructions.
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56.60114 Requirement of statement disclosing participation in certain transactions by taxpayers. (a) In general. If a transaction is identified as a listed transaction or a transaction of interest as defined in 1.60114 of this chapter by the Commissioner in published guidance (see 601.601(d)(2) of this chapter), and the listed transaction or transaction of interest involves an excise tax under chapter 41 of subtitle D of the Internal Revenue Code (relating to public charities), the transaction must be disclosed in the manner stated in such published guidance. (b) Effective date. This section applies to listed transactions entered into on or after January 1, 2003. This section applies to transactions of interest entered into on or after November 2, 2006.
[T.D. 9350, 72 FR 43154, Aug. 3, 2007]
56.61091 Tax return preparers furnishing identifying numbers for returns or claims for refund. (a) In general. Each tax return or claim for refund for tax under chapter 41 of subtitle D prepared by one or more signing tax return preparers must include the identifying number of the preparer required by 1.66951(b) of this chapter to sign the return or claim for refund in the manner stated in 1.6109 2 of this chapter. (b) Effective/applicability date. Paragraph (a) of this section is applicable to returns and claims for refund filed after December 31, 2008.
[T.D. 9436, 73 FR 78460, Dec. 22, 2008]
56.60601 Reporting requirements for tax return preparers. (a) In general. A person that employs one or more tax return preparers to prepare a return or claim for refund of tax under chapter 41 of subtitle D of the Internal Revenue Code, other than for the person, at any time during a return period, shall satisfy the record keeping and inspection requirements in the manner stated in 1.60601 of this chapter. (b) Effective/applicability date. This section is applicable to returns and claims for refund filed after December 31, 2008.
[T.D. 9436, 73 FR 78460, Dec. 22, 2008]
56.66941 Section 6694 penalties applicable to tax return preparer. (a) In general. For general definitions regarding section 6694 penalties applicable to preparers of tax returns or claims for refund of tax under chapter 41 of subtitle D see 1.66941 of this chapter. (b) Effective/applicability date. Paragraph (a) of this section is applicable to returns and claims for refund filed, and advice provided, after December 31, 2008.
[T.D. 9436, 73 FR 78460, Dec. 22, 2008]
56.66942 Penalties for understatement due to an unreasonable position. (a) In general. A person who is a tax return preparer of any return or claim for refund of excise tax under chapter 41 of subtitle D of the Internal Revenue Code (Code) shall be subject to penalties under section 6694(a) of the Code in the manner stated in 1.66942 of this chapter. (b) Effective/applicability date. This section is applicable to returns and claims for refund filed, and advice provided, after December 31, 2008.
[T.D. 9436, 73 FR 78460, Dec. 22, 2008]
56.61071 Tax return preparer must furnish copy of return and claim for refund to taxpayer and must retain a copy or record. (a) In general. A person who is a signing tax return preparer of any return or claim for refund of tax under Chapter 41 of subtitle D of the Internal Revenue Code shall furnish a completed copy of the return or claim for refund to the public charity and retain a completed copy or record in the manner stated in 1.61071 of this chapter. (b) Effective/applicability date. This section is applicable to returns and
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a correct information return under section 6695(e) of the Code, and negotiation of a check under section 6695(f) of the Code, in the manner stated in 1.66951 of this chapter. (b) Effective/applicability date. This section is applicable to returns and claims for refund filed after December 31, 2008.
[T.D. 9436, 73 FR 78461, Dec. 22, 2008]
56.66944 Extension of period of collection when tax return preparer pays 15 percent of a penalty for understatement of taxpayers liability and certain other procedural matters. (a) In general. For rules relating to the extension of period of collection when a tax return preparer who prepared a return or claim for refund for tax under chapter 41 of subtitle D of the Internal Revenue Code pays 15 percent of a penalty for understatement of taxpayers liability and procedural matters relating to the investigation, assessment and collection of the penalties under section 6694(a) and (b), the rules under 1.66944 of this chapter will apply. (b) Effective/applicability date. This section is applicable to returns and claims for refund filed, and advice provided, after December 31, 2008.
[T.D. 9436, 73 FR 78461, Dec. 22, 2008]
56.66961 Claims for credit or refund by tax return preparers. (a) In general. For rules relating to claims for credit or refund by a tax return preparer who prepared a return or claim for refund for tax under chapter 41 of subtitle D of the Internal Revenue Code, the rules under 1.66961 of this chapter will apply. (b) Effective/applicability date. This section is applicable to returns and claims for refund filed, and advice provided, after December 31, 2008.
[T.D. 9436, 73 FR 78461, Dec. 22, 2008]
56.77011 Tax return preparer. (a) In general. For the definition of a tax return preparer, see 301.770115 of this chapter. (b) Effective/applicability date. This section is applicable to returns and claims for refund filed, and advice provided, after December 31, 2008.
[T.D. 9436, 73 FR 78461, Dec. 22, 2008]
141.497513 Definition of amount involved and correction. Until superseded by permanent regulations under sections 4975(f) (4) and (5), 53.4941(e)1 of this chapter (Foundation Excise Tax Regulations) will be controlling to the extent such regulations describe terms appearing both in section 4941(e) and section 4975(f). Because of the need for immediate guidance with respect to the provisions contained in this Treasury decision, it is found impracticable to issue it with notice and public procedure thereon under subsection (b) of section 553 of title 5 of the United States Code or
56.66951 Other assessable penalties with respect to the preparation of tax returns or claims for refund for other persons. (a) In general. A person who is a tax return preparer of any return or claim for refund of tax under chapter 41 of subtitle D of the Internal Revenue Code (Code) shall be subject to penalties for failure to furnish a copy to the taxpayer under section 6695(a) of the Code, failure to sign the return under section 6695(b) of the Code, failure to furnish an identification number under section 6695(c) of the Code, failure to retain a copy or list under section 6695(d) of the Code, failure to file
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subject to the effective date limitation of subsection (d) of that section.
(Sec. 7805 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (68A Stat. 917; 26 U.S.C. 7805)) [T.D. 7425, 41 FR 32890, Aug. 6, 1976, as amended by T.D. 8084, 51 FR 16305, May 2, 1986]
Sec. 143.1 [Reserved] 143.2 Taxes on self-dealing; scholarship and fellowship grants by private foundations. 143.3143.4 [Reserved] 143.5 Taxes on self-dealing; indirect transactions by a private foundation. 143.6 Election to shorten the period during which certain excess business holdings of private foundations are treated as permitted holdings. AUTHORITY: Sec. 7805, 68A Stat. 917; 26 U.S.C. 7805.
143.2 Taxes on self-dealing; scholarship and fellowship grants by private foundations. (a) In general. Section 4941(d)(1)(D) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 as added by section 101(b) of the Tax Reform Act of 1969 (83 Stat. 500) provides that the term self-dealing includes any direct or indirect payment of compensation (or payment or reimbursement of expenses) by a private foundation to a disqualified person. Section 4941(d)(1)(E) provides that the term self-dealing includes any direct or indirect transfer to, or use by, or for the benefit of, a disqualified person of the income or assets of a private foundation. (b) Scholarship and fellowship grants. A scholarship or fellowship grant to a person other than a Government official paid or incurred by a private foundation in accordance with a program which is consistent with the allowance of a deduction under section 170 for contributions made to such private foundation shall not constitute an act of self-dealing. For example, a scholarship or fellowship grant made by a private foundation in accordance with a program to award scholarship or fellowship grants to the children of em-
143.5 Taxes on self-dealing; indirect transactions by a private foundation. (a) In general. Section 4941(d)(1)(D) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 as added by section 101(b) of the Tax Reform Act of 1969 (83 Stat. 500) provides that the term self-dealing includes any direct or indirect payment of compensation (or payment or reimbursement of expenses) by a private foundation to a disqualified person. Section 4941(d)(1)(E) provides that the term self-dealing includes any direct or indirect transfer to, or use by, or for the benefit of, a disqualified person of the income or assets of a private foundation. Section 4941(d)(1)(F) provides that the term self-dealing includes any direct or indirect agreement by a private foundation to make any payment of money or other property to a government official other than an agreement to employ such individual for any period after the termination of his government service if such individual is terminating his government service within a 90day period. (b) Indirect transactions by a private foundation. A transaction engaged in directly with a Government official by an organization described in section 509(a) (1), (2), or (3) which is the recipient of a grant from a private foundation shall not constitute an indirect act of self-dealing between such private foundation and Government official if the private foundation does not earmark the use of the grant for any named Government official and does not control or retain any veto power over the selection of the Government official by the grantee organization. For purposes of the preceding sentence, a grant by a private foundation shall
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(1) Who are substantial contributors (as described in section 507(d)(2)) or members of the family within the meaning of section 4946(d) of one or more substantial contributors to such private foundation, and (2) Who on May 26, 1969, held in aggregate more than 15 percent of the voting stock of the enterprise, make an election in the manner described in paragraph (b). If an individual who owns 15 percent or less of the voting stock of the enterprise wishes to make an election under this paragraph, he and one or more other individuals who together own more than 15 percent of the voting stock of the enterprise may join in making an election by together filing the statement referred to in paragraph (b) of this section. (b) Manner of making election. The election referred to in paragraph (a) of this section is made by filing two copies of a written statement with the Office of the Assistant Commissioner (Technical), Internal Revenue Service, Washington, DC 20224. (c) Additional copies. The individual filing the written statement referred to in paragraph (b) of this section shall submit a copy of the statement to the private foundation with respect to which the election is being made and to the management of such business enterprise. (d) Content of statement. The statement shall indicate that an election is being made under section 4943(c) (4)(E) of the Code, and shall be signed by each of the individuals making the election, and, in addition shall contain the following information: (1) The name, address, and taxpayer identification number of each of the individuals making the election; (2) The name and address of the foundation with respect to which such election is being made; (3) The name and address of the business enterprise with respect to which the election is being made; (4) The aggregate number of shares of voting stock in the business enterprise that were held on May 26, 1969, by each individual making the election, and, in addition, the percentage that such voting stock is of the total number of shares of voting stock issued and outstanding on such date;
143.6 Election to shorten the period during which certain excess business holdings of private foundations are treated as permitted holdings. (a) In general. Under section 4943(c)(4)(B)(ii), where the combined holdings on May 26, 1969, of a private foundation and all disqualified persons in any one business enterprise exceed 75 percent of the voting stock or more than a 75 percent interest in the value of all outstanding shares of all classes of stock in such enterprise, and the foundations holdings on such date do not exceed 95 percent of the voting stock in such enterprise, then such combined holdings must be reduced to 50 percent of the voting stock of such enterprise by the end of a 15year period beginning on May 26, 1969. However, under section 4943(c)(4)(E), the 15 year period during which such combined holdings in the enterprise must be reduced to 50 percent is to be shortened to a 10year period, referred to in section 4943(c)(4)(B)(iii), if, at any time before January 1, 1971, one or more individuals:
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(5) The aggregate number of shares of voting stock in the business enterprise held by the private foundation on May 26, 1969, and, in addition, the percentage that such voting stock is of the total number of shares of voting stock issued and outstanding on such date; and (6) The total number of shares of voting stock in the business enterprise or the best available estimate thereof, that were issued and outstanding on May 26, 1969. (e) Time for making election. The statement referred to in paragraph (b) of this section shall be filed before January 1, 1971.
[T.D. 7038, 35 FR 6962, May 1, 1970]
Sec. 145.40511 Imposition of tax on heavy trucks and trailers sold at retail. 145.40521 Special rules and definitions. 145.40611 Application to manufacturers tax. AUTHORITY: 26 U.S.C. 7805. Sections 145.40511 and 145.40521 issued under 26 U.S.C. 4051 and 4052. also
145.40511 Imposition of tax on heavy trucks and trailers sold at retail. (a) Imposition of tax(1) In general. Section 4051(a)(1) imposes a tax on the first retail sale (as defined in 145.4052 1(a)) of the following articles (including in each case parts or accessories therefor sold on or in connection therewith or with the sale thereof): (i) Automobile truck chassis and bodies; (ii) Truck trailer and semitrailer chassis and bodies; and (iii) Tractors of the kind chiefly used for highway transportation in combination with a trailer or semitrailer. A sale of an automobile truck, truck trailer or semitrailer, shall be considered to be a sale of a chassis and of a body enumerated in this paragraph (a)(1).
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(c) Separate purchase of truck or trailer and parts and accessories therefor(1) In general. If the owner, lessee, or operator of any vehicle, which contains an article taxable under paragraph (a)(1) of this section, installs (or causes to be installed) any part or accessory on such vehicle, and such installation is not later than 6 months after the date such vehicle (as it contains such article) was first placed in service, section 4051(b)(1) imposes a tax on such installation equal to 12 percent of the price of such part or accessory and its installation. For purposes of the tax imposed by section 4051(b)(1) and this paragraph (c)(1) the term parts and accessories does not include those parts and accessories which were previously exempt from tax under sections 4061(b) (1) and (2) as in effect prior to January 7, 1983. Thus, for example, articles of general use are exempt from tax. See 48.4061(b)2 (b). See paragraphs (d) (1) through (4) of 145.40521 for determination of price. (2) Placed in service. For purposes of paragraph (c)(1) of this section, a vehicle shall be considered placed in service on the date on which the owner of the vehicle took actual possession of the vehicle. This date can be established by the delivery ticket signed by the owner or other comparable document indicating delivery to and acceptance by the owner. (3) Exceptions. The tax imposed by section 4051(b)(1) and paragraph (c)(1) of this section shall not apply if: (i) The part or accessory intalled is a replacement part or accessory, or (ii) The aggregate price of the parts and accessories (and their installation) described in paragraph (c)(1) of this section with respect to any vehicle does not exceed $200. For purposes of paragraph (c)(3)(i) of this section, a part is a replacement part, regardless of when it is ordered, if its use with a vehicle is as a replacement for a part on such vehicle. For purposes of paragraph (c)(3)(ii) of this section, the term aggregate price of parts and accessories (and their installation) refers to all purchases and installation charges, not including replacement parts and accessories, made with respect to a vehicle within the 6 month period provided for in paragraph (c)(1)
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of this section. If the aggregate price of parts and accessories (and their installation) during the 6 month period exceeds $200, the tax imposed under section 4051(b)(1) and paragraph (c)(1) of this section shall apply to the cost of all parts and accessories (and their installation) during such period. For example, a vehicle is purchased and placed in service on July 1, 1983. On August 1, 1983, the owner purchases and has installed parts and accessories at a cost of $150. On September 1, 1983, the owner purchases and has installed parts and accessories at a cost of $300. On September 1, 1983 a tax of $54 will be imposed (12 percent $450). Any costs of additional parts and accessories installed with respect to the vehicle before January 1, 1984 (and the cost of installation) will also be subject to the 12 percent tax. (d) Transitional rule. In the case of an article taxable under paragraph (a)(1) of this section, on which a tax was imposed under section 4061(a)(1), the rate of tax set forth in paragraph (b) shall be applied by substituting 2 percent for 12 percent. For example, if a manufacturer sells a tractor to a dealer on February 1, 1983, for $20,000 (which includes the Federal excise tax), for which a 10 percent tax was paid, and the dealer sells the tractor on April 10, 1983 for $25,000, a tax of 2 percent will be imposed on the $25,000 sales price. See paragraphs (d) (1) through (4) of 145.40521 relating to determination of price. (e) Definitions. For purposes of this section: (1) Tractor. (i) The term tractor means a highway vehicle primarily designed to tow a vehicle, such as a trailer or semitrailer, but does not carry cargo on the same chassis as the engine. A vehicle equipped with air brakes and/or towing package will be presumed to be primarily designed as a tractor. (ii) An incomplete chassis cab shall be treated as a tractor if it is equipped with one or more of the following: (A) A device for supplying pressure from the chassis cab to the brake system (air or hydraulic) of the towed vehicle; (B) A mechanism for protecting the chassis cab brake system from the ef-
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(3) Computation of tax(i) In general. If the sale of an article is a taxable sale under paragraph (a)(2) of this section, the tax shall be computed on the price as determined under paragraph (d) of this section. (ii) Exception. If the taxable sale of an article is a taxable use of such article under paragraph (c) of this section, the tax shall be computed on the price as determined under paragraph (c) of this section. (4) Special rule for tax-paid trailer and semitrailer. In the case of a taxable sale of a trailer or semitrailer less than six months after a taxable sale of the article, the seller in the subsequent sale (the subsequent seller) may claim a credit equal to the amount of tax previously paid by another person (the previous taxpayer) under section 4051(a)(1) with respect to the prior taxable sale of the article. The credit for such tax will be allowed to the subsequent seller only if the form on which the credit is claimed is accompanied by a statement, signed by the subsequent seller, indicating the amount of the credit being claimed under this paragraph (a)(4) and stating that (i) The subsequent seller has not been repaid any portion of such tax by the previous taxpayer, (ii) The subsequent seller has not provided the previous taxpayer with written consent to allow the previous taxpayer to claim a credit or refund of such tax under section 6416 (a), and (iii) The subsequent seller has records (e.g., invoices) substantiating the amount of tax paid by the previous taxpayer with respect to the prior taxable sale of such article. In no case shall the amount of the credit allowable under this paragraph (a)(4) with respect to an article exceed the tax liability of the subsequent seller with respect to the sale of such article. (5) No installment payments of tax. If a lease or an installment sale (or another form of sale under which the sales price is paid in installments) is, or is deemed to be, a taxable sale under this section, then the liability for the entire tax arises at the time of the lease or installment sale. No portion of the tax is deferred by reason of the fact that the sales price is paid in installments.
145.40521 Special rules and definitions. (a) First retail sale(1) General rule. For purposes of section 4051(a)(1) and 145.40511, the term first retail sale means a taxable sale described in paragraph (a)(2) of this section. (2) Taxable sale. The sale of an article is a taxable sale unless (i) The sale is a tax-free sale under section 4221, (ii) [Reserved]. For sales after June 30, 1998, see 48.40521 of this chapter. (iii) There has been a prior taxable sale of the article. Notwithstanding the preceding clause, the sale of a chassis or body of a trailer or semitrailer (trailer or semitrailer) less than six months after a taxable sale of the article shall be treated as a taxable sale.
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(6) Certificate. A certificate signed by the purchaser, or an officer or employee authorized by the purchaser to sign the certificate, may be accepted by a seller in support of a nontaxable sale to the purchaser. If it is impracticable to furnish a separate certificate for each sale because of the frequency of sales to such purchaser, a certificate covering all orders between given dates (such period not to exceed 12 calendar quarters) will be acceptable. The purchaser may revoke the certificate by sending a written revocation to the seller. The certificate and proper records of invoices, orders, etc., relating to sales made pursuant to such certificate, must be retained by the seller as provided in section 6001 and the regulations thereunder. The certificate shall be substantially in the following form:
EXEMPTION CERTIFICATE I hereby certify that I am llllll (Title) of llllll, (Name of purchaser) that I am authorized to execute this certificate, and that: (Check appropriate line) lll the article or articles specified in the accompanying order, or on the reverse side hereof, (or) lll all orders placed by the purchaser for the period commencing lllllll (Date) (period not to exceed 12 calendar quarters), are purchased either for resale or for lease on a long-term basis. I have filed Form 637 and have received registration number llll. I understand that the fraudulent use of this certificate to secure exemption will subject me and all parties making such fraudulent use to a fine of not more than $10,000, or to imprisonment for not more than 5 years, or both, together with costs of prosecution. llllllllllllllllllllllll (Signature) llllllllllllllllllllllll (Address)
(b) Tax treatment of leases(1) Longterm lease. For purposes of this section and 145.40511, the leasing of an article on a long-term basis (as defined in paragraph (d)(6) of this section) will be deemed to be a sale of the article and will be deemed to be a taxable sale unless one of the exceptions contained in paragraph (a)(2) of this section applies. Thus, if a dealer purchases an article tax-free under an exception contained in paragraph (a)(2) of this section and
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practices and price structures of sellers of similar articles. (iii) In the case of any short-term lease (as defined in paragraph (d)(6) of this section) by any person other than a manufacturer, producer, or importer (or related person as defined in paragraph (d)(2)(ii) of this section) of an article that is deemed to be a taxable use of such article under paragraph (b)(2) of this section, the tax imposed by section 4051(a)(1) shall be computed on a price equal to the sum of (A) The price (as determined under paragraph (d) of this section) at which such article was sold to the lessor plus the cost of any parts and accessories installed by the lessor (or an agent of the lessor) on such article before the first use or lease by the lessor, plus (B) The product of the sum described in paragraph (c)(5)(iii)(A) of this section and the presumed markup percentage (as defined in paragraph (d)(7) of this section). (d) Determination of price(1) In general. The price for which an article is sold includes the total consideration paid for the article whether that consideration is paid in money, services, or other forms. In addition, there shall be included any charge incident to placing the article in condition ready for use. Similar rules to section 4216(a) and the regulations thereunder, relating to charges to be included in the price and excluded from the price, shall apply. For example, charges for transportation, delivery, insurance, and installatioin (other than installation charges to which section 4051(b) applies), and other expenses actually incurred in connection with the delivery of an article to a purchaser pursuant to a bona fide sale shall be excluded from the price in computing the tax. (2) Presumptive retail sales price where tax paid by manufacturer, producer, or importer(i) In general. In the case of a taxable sale (other than a taxable sale described in paragraph (b)(1) of this section) where a manufacturer, producer, importer, or related person is liable for the tax imposed by section 4051, such tax shall be computed on a price equal to the sum of (A) The price that would (but for this paragraph (d)(2)) be determined under this paragraph (d), and
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(B) The product of the price determined under paragraph (d)(2)(i)(A) of this section and the presumed markup percentage (as defined in paragraph (d)(7) of this section). (ii) Related person defined(A) In general. Except as provided in paragraph (d)(2)(ii)(B) of this section, the term related person means any person that is a member of the same controlled group (within the meaning of section 5061(e)(3)) as the manufacturer, producer, or importer. (B) Exception for permanent retail establishment. A person shall not be treated as a related person with respect to the sale of any article if (1) Such person sells the article through a permanent retail establishment in the normal course of business of being a retailer, and (2) Such person has records (e.g., invoices) that substantiate that the article was sold for a price that included a markup equal to or greater than the presumed markup percentage (as defined in paragraph (d)(7) of this section). (3) Retail sales price where tax paid by person other than a manufacturer, producer, importer, or related person(i) In general. In the case of a taxable sale (other than a taxable sale defined in paragraph (b)(1) of this section) where a person other than a manufacturer, producer, importer, or related person is liable for the tax imposed by section 4051, such tax shall be computed on a price determined under paragraph (d)(1) of this section. (ii) Exception. When a person other than a manufacturer, producer, importer, or related person is liable for the tax imposed by section 4051, such tax shall be computed on a price determined under paragraph (d)(2)(i) of this section if (A) Such person does not perform any significant activities relating to the processing of the sale of an article, (B) The principal purpose for processing the sale through such person is to avoid or evade the presumed markup under paragraph (d)(2)(i)(B) of this section, and (C) Such person does not have records (e.g., invoices) substantiating that the article was sold for a price that included a markup equal to or greater
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tailer has no lowest established price the Commissioner will accept any price provided, under the facts and circumstances, such price is not unreasonable. For vehicles sold on or after April 1, 1983, and before October 13, 1985, a price will not be considered unreasonable if it is no more than an amount equal to 50 percent of the manufacturers suggested retail price. (9) Trade-ins. If, in connection with the sale of an article subject to the tax imposed under section 4051(a)(1) or (b)(1) on the price for which sold, a vendor receives from its vendee another article in exchange, the tax on the vendors sale shall be computed on the basis of the full price of the article sold, unreduced by any amount allowed for the article received from the vendee. For example, where a vehicle costing $20,000 is purchased for $16,000 cash plus a used vehicle valued at $4,000, tax is $2,400 (12 percent $20,000). (10) Sales not at arms length. For purposes of 145.40511 and this section, a sale is considered to be made under circumstances otherwise than at arms length if: (i) One of the parties is controlled (in law or in fact) by the other, or there is common control, whether or not such control is actually exercised to influence the sale price, or (ii) The sale is made pursuant to special arrangements between a seller and a purchaser. In the case of an article sold otherwise than at arms length, and sold at less than the fair market price, the tax imposed under section 4051(a)(1) or (b)(1) shall be computed on the price for which similar articles are sold at retail in the ordinary course of trade, as determined by the Commissioner. Once such a price has been determined, no further adjustment of such price shall be made. (e) Examples. The provisions of this section may be illustrated by the following examples:
Example 1. M manufactures trucks that are taxable under section 4051. On July 11, 1988, D, a corporation that is a dealer, purchases one truck from M for $50,000. M does not own any stock in D. Prior to this transaction, D gave M a certificate that meets the specifications detailed in paragraph (a)(6) of this section. The certificate states that the truck
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will be resold or leased on a long-term basis. Ms sale to D is not a taxable sale of the truck (within the meaning of paragraph (a)(2) of this section). On July 20, 1988, D resells the truck to a purchaser, P, for $52,000. The additional $2,000 includes the dealers mark-up, costs of transporting the truck from M to D, and overhead. No parts or accessories were added to the truck. P did not give D a certificate and did not have an agreement with D under which all vehicles purchased were to be resold. The sale of the truck by D to P is a taxable sale within the meaning of paragraph (a)(3) of this section. Therefore, D has a tax liability of $6,240 (12%$52,000). Example 2. Assume the same facts as in example (1) except that M owns 80 percent of Ds stock. D and M are members of the same controlled group (within the meaning of section 5061(e)(3)). Therefore, D is a related person under paragraph (d)(2)(ii)(A) of this section. On July 20, 1988, D sells the truck to P for $51,000. D does not have records substantiating that the truck was sold for a price that included a markup equal to or greater than the presumed markup percentage. The tax on the sale of the truck to P is determined under paragraph (d)(2)(i) of this section. Therefore, D has a tax liability of $6,240 [(12%($50,000+($50,0004%))]. Example 3. Assume the same facts as in example (1) except that D does not perform any significant activities relating to the sale. Assume further that the principal purpose for processing the sale through D is to avoid the presumed markup and that D did not sell the truck for a price that included a markup equal to or greater than the presumed markup percentage. D, however, is designated the seller of the truck on the invoice. Pursuant to paragraph (d)(3)(ii) of this section, the price of the truck shall be computed on a price determined under paragraph (d)(2)(i). Therefore, D, the taxpayer, has a tax liability of $6,240 [12%($50,000+($50,0004%))]. Example 4. Assume the same facts as in example (1) except that on July 20, 1988, D leases the truck for a two-year period (i.e., on a long-term basis) to L, a lessee. Ds leasing of the truck to L is treated as a taxable sale under paragraph (b)(1) of this section and the tax is computed on the price as determined under paragraph (d)(5)(i) of this section. D has a tax liability of $6,240 [12%($50,000+($50,0004%))]. Example 5. Assume the same facts as in example (1) except that on July 20, 1988. D leases the truck to L for a six-month period (i.e., a short-term lease). The lease is treated as a use under paragraph (b)(2) of this section. The tax is computed on the price as determined under paragraph (c)(5) of this section. D has a tax liability of $6,240 [12%($50,000+($50,0004%))]. Example 6. Assume the same facts as in example (1) except that D does not give M a
(f) Other rules made applicable. For purposes of 145.40511 and this section, rules similar to the following provisions shall apply: (1) Section 48.02, relating to general definitions and attachment of tax;
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a taxable sale for purposes of this section. The tax on a sale or lease after September 30, 1987, will be based on a price determined under paragraph (d) of this section. For example, if a vehicle was sold on January 3, 1987, to a purchaser who intended to resell the article and who was not in the business of leasing to any extent, the sale would not have been taxable under the interim regulations even though the seller did not receive a certificate indicating the purchasers intent to resell the article. If such a sale was not treated as a taxable sale by the parties, and the purchaser resells the article, the resale will be treated as a taxable sale of the article under paragraph (a)(2) of this section. (ii) Sales treated as first retail sale by purchaser and seller. If the sale of an article after November 11, 1985, and before October 1, 1987, was treated as a taxable sale by the parties and tax was paid with respect to the article under the interim regulations, the subsequent sale of the article by the purchaser will not be treated as a taxable sale under paragraph (a)(2) of this section.
[T.D. 7882, 48 FR 14362, Apr. 4, 1983, as amended by T.D. 8050, 50 FR 37351, Sept. 13, 1985; T.D. 8200, 53 FR 16869, May 12, 1988; T.D. 8774, 63 FR 35804, July 1, 1998; T.D. 8879, 65 FR 17164, Mar. 31, 2000]
145.40611 Application to manufacturers tax. The provisions of 145.40511(e) (1) and (2), relating to the definition of tractors and trucks, shall apply to section 4061(a)(1) for sales made on or after January 7, 1983. However, an incomplete chassis cab will be treated as a truck chassis for sales made on or after January 7, 1983, and before April 1, 1983. For purposes of section 4061, gross vehicle weight shall be determined under 48.4061(a)1(f)(3) (i) through (iv) for sales made on or after January 7, 1983, and before April 1, 1983.
AUTHORITY: 26 U.S.C. 7805.
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148.15 Constructive sale price. (a) Purpose of this section. The purpose of this section is to set forth temporary rules to be used in determining a constructive sale price under section 4216(b) of the Internal Revenue Code, as amended by section 115 of the Excise Tax Technical Changes Act of 1958, with respect to certain sales made on and after January 1, 1959, by a manufacturer, producer, or importer. The temporary rules set forth in this section have application in the case of articles in respect of which the manufacturers excise tax imposed under Chapter 32 of the Code is based on the price for which the article is sold. (b) General rule(1) Sales at retail. Where a manufacturer, producer, or importer sells an article at retail, and the special rule provided in paragraph (c) of this section does not apply, the basis for tax shall be the lower of: (i) the actual price for which the article is sold; or (ii) the highest price for which such articles are sold to wholesale distributors, in the ordinary course of trade, by manufacturers or producers thereof. Thus, where a manufacturer, producer, or importer sells an article at retail, the tax on his retail sale ordinarily will be computed upon the highest price for which similar articles are sold by him to wholesale distributors. However, in such cases it must be shown that he has an established bona fide practice of selling such articles in substantial quantities to wholesale distributors. If he has no such sales to wholesale distributors, a fair market price will be determined by the Commissioner. In any case the price so determined shall not be in excess of the actual price for which the article is sold by him at retail. (2) Sales on consignment and sales otherwise than through an arms length transaction. For rules relating to the determination of a constructive sale price in the case of sales on consignment, or sales otherwise than through an arms length transaction and at less than the fair market price, see paragraphs (a) and (d) of 316.15 of Regulations 46 (26 CFR (1939) part 316), as prescribed under and made applicable to the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 by Treasury Decision 6091, 19 FR 5167, August 17, 1954.
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(e) Taxable electric light bulbs and tubes; (f) Taxable radio receiving sets; (g) Taxable automobile radio receiving sets; (h) Taxable radio and television components; (i) Taxable musical instruments; (j) Taxable fishing rods, creels, reels and artificial lures, baits, and flies; (k) Taxable golf bags, balls and clubs; (l) Taxable cameras; (m) Taxable unexposed photographic film in rolls (including motion picture film); (n) Taxable check writing, signing, cancelling, perforating, cutting, and dating machines, and other check protector machine devices; (o) Taxable cash registers; and (p) Taxable mechanical pencils, fountain pens and ball point pens. (iii) With respect to the tax imposed by section 4061, the following categories of articles are to be considered separate industries: (a) Taxable automobile trucks (consisting of automobile truck bodies and chassis); (b) Taxable automobile buses (consisting of automobile bus bodies and chassis); (c) Taxable truck and bus trailers and semitrailers (consisting of chassis and bodies of such trailers and semitrailers); (d) Taxable tractors of the kind chiefly used for highway transportation in combination with a trailer or semitrailer; (e) All other taxable automobile chassis and bodies; (f) Taxable trailer and semitrailer chassis and bodies suitable for use in connection with passenger automobiles; and (g) Taxable automobile parts and accessories. (iv) With respect to an article which is: (a) Taxable as Combinations of household type refrigerators and quickfreeze units under section 4111, (b) Taxable as Combinations of any of the foregoing under sections 4141 and 4191, or (c) A combination, other than a combination referred to in (a) or (b) of this subdivision, of articles taxable under
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the same section or different sections of Chapter 32 of the Code. The industry test required by paragraph (c)(2)(iii) of this section for such article shall be met if such test is met for the article or articles which comprise more than 50 percent in value of the combination. In case of a combination consisting of a taxable article and a nontaxable article, the category for the taxable article in the combination shall constitute the industry for purposes of paragraph (c)(2)(iii) of this section.
[T.D. 6355, 24 FR 311, Jan. 14, 1959]
SOURCE: T.D. 8379, 56 FR 65685, Dec. 18, 1991, unless otherwise noted.
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156.60111 General requirement return, statement, or list. of
Every person liable for tax under section 5881 of the Code shall file a return with respect to the tax on the form prescribed by the Internal Revenue Service (Form 8725). Each such person shall include therein the information required by the form and the instructions issued with respect thereto. 156.60601 Reporting requirements for tax return preparers. (a) In general. A person that employs one or more tax return preparers to prepare a return or claim for refund under section 5881 of the Internal Revenue Code, other than for the person, at any time during a return period, shall satisfy the record keeping and inspection requirements in the manner stated in 1.60601 of this chapter. (b) Effective/applicability date. This section is applicable to returns and claims for refund filed after December 31, 2008.
[T.D. 9436, 73 FR 78461, Dec. 22, 2008]
Any return, statement, or other document required to be made with respect to a tax imposed by chapter 54 (Greenmail) of the Code or the regulations thereunder shall be signed by the person required to file the return, statement, or other document, or by the persons required or duly authorized to sign in accordance with the regulations, forms, or instructions prescribed with respect to such return, statement, or document. An individuals signature on such a return, statement, or other document shall be prima facie evidence that the individual is authorized to sign the return, statement, or other document. 156.60651 Verification of returns. If a return, statement, or other document made under the provisions of chapter 54 (Greenmail) or of subtitle F of the Code, or the regulations thereunder with respect to any tax imposed by chapter 54, or the form and instructions issued with respect to such return, statement, or other document, requires that it shall contain or be
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verified by a written declaration that it is made under the penalties of perjury, it must be so verified by the person or persons required to sign such return, statement, or other document. In addition, any other statement or document submitted under any provision of chapter 54 or of subtitle F of the Code, or the regulations thereunder with respect to any tax imposed by chapter 54 may be required to contain or be verified by written declaration that is made under the penalties of perjury. 156.60711 Time for filing returns relating to greenmail. (a) In general. Returns required by 156.60111 (relating to liability for tax on greenmail under section 5881) shall be filed on or before the ninetieth day following receipt of any portion of the greenmail. Greenmail is considered to be received when gain or other income is realized, as determined according to the taxpayers method of accounting, without regard to any provision of the Code providing for deferral of recognition. (b) Returns relating to greenmail received before the date these regulations become final. Returns required by 156.60111 that relate to greenmail received on or before December 18, 1991, shall be filed on or before March 18, 1992. 156.60811 Automatic extension of time for filing a return due under chapter 54. (a) In general. A taxpayer required to file a return on Form 8725, Excise Tax on Greenmail, will be allowed an automatic 6-month extension of time to file the return after the date prescribed for filing the return if the taxpayer files an application under this section in accordance with paragraph (b) of this section. (b) Requirements. To satisfy this paragraph (b), a taxpayer must (1) Submit a complete application on Form 7004, Application for Automatic Extension of Time to File Certain Business Income Tax, Information, and Other Returns, or in any other manner prescribed by the Commissioner; (2) File the application on or before the date prescribed for filing the return with the Internal Revenue Service of-
156.60911 Place for filing chapter 54 (Greenmail) tax returns. Except as provided in 156.60912 (relating to exceptional cases): (a) Individuals, estates, and trusts. In general, tax returns under chapter 54 of the Code of individuals, estates, and trusts shall be filed with any person assigned the responsibility to receive returns in the local Internal Revenue Service office that serves the legal residence or the principal place of business of the person required to make the return. (b) Corporations. In general, tax returns under chapter 54 of the Code of corporations shall be filed with any person assigned the responsibility to receive returns in the local Internal Revenue Service office that serves the principal place of business or the principal office or agency of the corporation. (c) Partnerships. In general, tax returns under chapter 54 of the Code of
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5881 of the Internal Revenue Code shall furnish a completed copy of the return or claim for refund to the taxpayer and retain a completed copy or record in the manner stated in 1.61071 of this chapter. (b) Effective/applicability date. This section is applicable to returns and claims for refund filed after December 31, 2008.
[T.D. 9436, 73 FR 78461, Dec. 22, 2008]
156.61091 Tax return preparers furnishing identifying numbers for returns or claims for refund. (a) In general. Each tax return or claim for refund for tax under section 5881 of the Internal Revenue Code prepared by one or more signing tax return preparers must include the identifying number of the preparer required by 1.66951(b) of this chapter to sign the return or claim for refund in the manner stated in 1.61092 of this chapter. (b) Effective/applicability date. Paragraph (a) of this section is applicable to returns and claims for refund filed after December 31, 2008.
[T.D. 9436, 73 FR 78461, Dec. 22, 2008]
156.61511 Time and place for paying of tax shown on returns. The tax under chapter 54 (Greenmail) of the Code shown on any return shall, without notice of assessment and demand, be paid to the internal revenue officer with whom the return is filed at the time and place for filing such return (determined without regard to any extension of time for filing the return). For provisions relating to the time and place for filing such return, see 156.60711 and 156.60911. For provisions relating to the extension of time for paying the tax, see 156.61611. 156.61611 Extension of time for paying tax or deficiency. (a) In general(1) Tax shown or required to be shown on return. A reasonable extension of the time for payment of the amount of any tax imposed by chapter 54 (Greenmail) of the Code and shown or required to be shown on any return may be granted by the appropriate district director at the request
156.60912 Exceptional cases. Notwithstanding the provisions of 156.60911, the Commissioner may permit the filing of any tax return under chapter 54 (Greenmail) of the Code in any local Internal Revenue Service office.
[T.D. 8379, 56 FR 65685, Dec. 18, 1991, as amended by T.D. 9156, 69 FR 55747, Sept. 16, 2004]
156.61071 Tax return preparer must furnish copy of return and claim for refund to taxpayer and must retain a copy or record. (a) In general. A person who is a signing tax return preparer of any return or claim for refund of tax under section
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of the taxpayer. The period of such extension shall not exceed 6 months from the date for payment of such tax. (2) Deficiency. The time for payment of any amount determined as a deficiency in respect of tax imposed by chapter 54 of the Code may, at the request of the taxpayer, be extended by the internal revenue officer to whom the tax is required to be paid. The extension may be for a period not to exceed 18 months from the date fixed for payment of the deficiency, as shown on the notice and demand. In exceptional cases, a further extension for a period not in excess of 12 months may be granted. No extension of time for payment of a deficiency shall be granted if the deficiency is due to negligence, to intentional disregard of rules and regulations, or to fraud with intent to evade tax. (3) Extension of time for filing distinguished. The granting of an extension of time for filing a return does not operate to extend the time for the payment of the tax or any part thereof unless so specified in the extension. (b) Certain rules relating to extensions of time for paying income tax to apply. The provisions of 1.61611 (b), (c), and (d) of this chapter (relating to a requirement for undue hardship, to the application for extension, and to payment pursuant to an extension) shall apply to extensions of time for payment of the tax imposed by chapter 54 of the Code. 156.61651 Bonds where time to pay tax or deficiency has been extended. If an extension of time for payment is granted under section 6161 of the Code, the district director or the director of the service center may, if he deems it necessary, require a bond for the payment of the amount in respect to which the extension is granted in accordance with the terms of the extension. However, the bond shall not exceed double the amount with respect to which the extension is granted. For provisions relating to form of bonds, see the regulations under section 7101 of the Code contained in part 301 of title 26 (Regulations on Procedure and Administration).
156.66942 Penalties for understatement due to an unreasonable position. (a) In general. A person who is a tax return preparer of any return or claim for refund of tax under section 5881 of the Internal Revenue Code (Code) shall be subject to penalties under section 6694(a) of the Code in the manner stated in 1.66942 of this chapter. (b) Effective/applicability date. This section is applicable to returns and claims for refund filed, and advice provided, after December 31, 2008.
[T.D. 9436, 73 FR 78461, Dec. 22, 2008]
156.66943 Penalty for understatement due to willful, reckless, or intentional conduct. (a) In general. A person who is a tax return preparer of any return or claim for refund of tax under section 5881 of the Internal Revenue Code (Code) shall be subject to penalties under section 6694(b) of the Code in the manner stated in 1.66943 of this chapter. (b) Effective/applicability date. This section is applicable to returns and claims for refund filed, and advice provided, after December 31, 2008.
[T.D. 9436, 73 FR 78461, Dec. 22, 2008]
156.66944 Extension of period of collection when tax return preparer pays 15 percent of a penalty for understatement of taxpayers liability and certain other procedural matters. (a) In general. For rules relating to the extension of period of collection when a tax return preparer who prepared a return or claim for refund for tax under section 5881 of the Internal
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156.77011 Tax return preparer. (a) In general. For the definition of a tax return preparer, see 301.770115 of this chapter. (b) Effective/applicability date. This section is applicable to returns and claims for refund filed, and advice provided, after December 31, 2008.
[T.D. 9436, 73 FR 78462, Dec. 22, 2008]
156.66951 Other assessable penalties with respect to the preparation of tax returns or claims for refund for other persons. (a) In general. A person who is a tax return preparer of any return or claim for refund of tax under section 5881 of the Internal Revenue Code (Code) shall be subject to penalties for failure to furnish a copy to the taxpayer under section 6695(a) of the Code, failure to sign the return under section 6695(b) of the Code, failure to furnish an identification number under section 6695(c) of the Code, failure to retain a copy or list under section 6695(d) of the Code, failure to file a correct information return under section 6695(e) of the Code, and negotiation of a check under section 6695(f) of the Code, in the manner stated in 1.66951 of this chapter. (b) Effective/applicability date. This section is applicable to returns and claims for refund filed after December 31, 2008.
[T.D. 9436, 73 FR 78462, Dec. 22, 2008]
156.66961 Claims for credit or refund by tax return preparers. (a) In general. For rules for claims for credit or refund by a tax return preparer who prepared a return or claim for refund for tax under section 5881 of the Internal Revenue Code, the rules under 1.66961 of this chapter will apply. (b) Effective/applicability date. This section is applicable to returns and claims for refund filed, and advice provided, after December 31, 2008.
[T.D. 9436, 73 FR 78462, Dec. 22, 2008]
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157.77011 Tax return preparer. under 26 under 26 under 26 under 26 under 26 under 26 under 26 under 26 under 26 under 26 under 26 AUTHORITY: 26 U.S.C. 7805. Section 157.60011 also issued U.S.C. 6001; Section 157.60111 also issued U.S.C. 6011; Section 157.60611 also issued U.S.C. 6061; Section 157.60711 also issued U.S.C. 6071; Section 157.60811 also issued U.S.C. 6081(a); Section 157.60911 also issued U.S.C. 6091; Section 157.60601 also issued U.S.C. 6060(a); Section 157.61091 also issued U.S.C. 6109(a); Section 157.61092 also issued U.S.C. 6109(a); Section 157.61611 also issued U.S.C. 6161; Section 157.66951 also issued U.S.C. 6695(b).
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sections to the parties to the structured settlement (including an assignee under a qualified assignment under section 130) in any taxable year. (2) No withholding of tax. The provisions of section 3405 regarding withholding of tax shall not apply to the person making the payments in the event of a structured settlement factoring transaction. (e) Effective dates. This section applies to structured settlement factoring transactions entered into on or after July 8, 2004. For structured settlement factoring transactions entered into before July 8, 2004, see 157.58911T of this chapter (20031 C.B. 564. See 601.601(d)(2) of this chapter.), as it appeared in the April 1, 2003, edition of 26 CFR part 157.
Every person liable for tax under section 5891 must file a return with respect to the tax in accordance with the forms and instructions provided by the Internal Revenue Service.
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157.60601 Reporting requirements for tax return preparers. (a) In general. A person that employs one or more tax return preparers to prepare a return or claim for refund for tax under section 5891 of the Internal Revenue Code, other than for the person, at any time during a return period, shall satisfy the record keeping and inspection requirements in the manner stated in 1.60601 of this chapter. (b) Effective/applicability date. This section is applicable to returns and claims for refund filed after December 31, 2008.
[T.D. 9436, 73 FR 78462, Dec. 22, 2008]
Any return, statement, or other document required to be made with respect to a tax imposed by chapter 55 (Structured Settlement Factoring Transactions) of the Internal Revenue Code or the regulations under chapter 55 must be signed by the person required to file the return, statement, or other document, or by the persons required or duly authorized to sign in accordance with the regulations, forms, or instructions prescribed with respect to such return, statement, or document. An individuals signature on such return, statement, or other document shall be prima facie evidence that the individual is authorized to sign the return, statement, or other document. 157.60651 Verification of returns. If a return, statement, or other document made under the provisions of chapter 55 (Structured Settlement Factoring Transactions) or of subtitle F of the Internal Revenue Code, or the regulations under those provisions with respect to any tax imposed by chapter 55, or the form and instructions issued with respect to such return, statement, or other document, requires that it shall contain or be verified by a written declaration that it is made under the penalties of perjury, it must be so verified by the person or persons required to sign such return, statement, or other document. In addition, any other statement or document submitted under any provision of chapter
(a) In general. Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, returns required by 157.60111 (relating to returns of tax with respect to structured settlement factoring transactions) must be filed on or before the ninetieth day following the receipt of structured settlement payment rights in a structured settlement factoring transaction. (b) Returns relating to structured settlement payment rights received before February 19, 2003. Returns required by 157.60111 that relate to structured settlement payment rights received on or before February 19, 2003, must be filed on or before May 20, 2003. 157.60811 Automatic extension of time for filing a return due under chapter 55. (a) In general. A taxpayer required to file a return on Form 8876, Excise Tax on Structured Settlement Factoring Transactions, will be allowed an automatic 6-month extension of time to file the return after the date prescribed for filing the return if the taxpayer files an application under this section in accordance with paragraph (b) of this section. (b) Requirements. To satisfy this paragraph (b), the taxpayer must (1) Submit a complete application on Form 7004, Application for Automatic Extension of Time to File Certain Business Income Tax, Information, and Other Returns, or in any other manner prescribed by the Commissioner; (2) File the application on or before the date prescribed for filing the return with the Internal Revenue Service office designated in the applications instructions; and (3) Remit the amount of the properly estimated unpaid tax liability on or before the date prescribed for payment. (c) No extension of time for the payment of tax. An automatic extension of time for filing a return granted under paragraph (a) of this section will not extend
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pared by one or more signing tax return preparers must include the identifying number of the preparer required by 1.66951(b) of this chapter to sign the return or claim for refund in the manner stated in 1.61092 of this chapter. (b) Effective/applicability date. Paragraph (a) of this section is applicable to returns and claims for refund filed after December 31, 2008.
[T.D. 9436, 73 FR 78462, Dec. 22, 2008]
157.61511 Time and place for paying of tax shown on returns. The tax under chapter 55 (Structured Settlement Factoring Transactions) of the Internal Revenue Code shown on any return must, without assessment or notice and demand, be paid at the time and place specified in the forms and instructions provided by the Internal Revenue Service. For provisions relating to the time and place for filing such return, see 157.60711 and 157.60911. For provisions relating to the extension of time for paying the tax, see 157.61611. 157.61611 ing tax. Extension of time for pay-
157.60911 Place for filing returns. The return required by 157.60111 (relating to returns of tax with respect to structured settlement factoring transactions) must be filed at the place specified in the forms and instructions provided by the Internal Revenue Service. 157.61071 Tax return preparer must furnish copy of return or claim for refund to taxpayer and must retain a copy or record. (a) In general. A person who is a signing tax return preparer of any return or claim for refund of tax under section 5891 of the Internal Revenue Code shall furnish a completed copy of the return or claim for refund to the taxpayer and retain a completed copy or record in the manner stated in 1.61071 of this chapter. (b) Effective/applicability date. This section is applicable to returns and claims for refund filed after December 31, 2008.
[T.D. 9436, 73 FR 78462, Dec. 22, 2008]
157.61091 Tax return preparers furnishing identifying numbers for returns or claims for refund. (a) In general. Each tax return or claim for refund for tax under section 5891 of the Internal Revenue Code pre-
(a) In general(1) Tax shown or required to be shown on return. The Internal Revenue Service may, at the request of the taxpayer, grant a reasonable extension of time for payment of the amount of any tax imposed by chapter 55 (Structured Settlement Factoring Transactions) of the Internal Revenue Code and shown or required to be shown on any return. The period of such extension shall not exceed 6 months from the date fixed for payment of such tax, except that in the case of a taxpayer that is abroad, such extension may exceed 6 months. (2) Extension of time for filing distinguished. The granting of an extension of time for filing a return does not extend the time for the payment of the tax or any part thereof unless so specified in the extension. (b) Certain rules relating to extension of time for paying income tax to apply. The provisions of 1.61611(b), (c), and (d) of this chapter (relating to a requirement for undue hardship, to the application for extension, and to payment pursuant
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to an extension) shall apply to extensions of time for payment of the tax imposed by chapter 55 of the Code. 157.61651 Bonds where time to pay tax has been extended. If an extension of time for payment is granted under section 6161, the Internal Revenue Service may, if it deems necessary, require a bond for the payment, in accordance with the terms of the extension, of the amount with respect to which the extension is granted. However, the bond shall not exceed double the amount with respect to which the extension is granted. For provisions relating to the form of bonds, see the regulations under section 7101 contained in part 301 (Regulations on Procedure and Administration) of this chapter. 157.66941 Section 6694 penalties applicable to tax return preparer. (a) In general. For general definitions regarding section 6694 penalties applicable to preparers of tax returns or claims for refund for tax under section 5891 of the Internal Revenue Code see 1.66941 of this chapter. (b) Effective/applicability date. Paragraph (a) of this section is applicable to returns and claims for refund filed, and advice provided, after December 31, 2008.
[T.D. 9436, 73 FR 78462, Dec. 22, 2008]
157.66944 Extension of period of collection when preparer pays 15 percent of a penalty for understatement of taxpayers liability and certain other procedural matters. (a) In general. For rules relating to the extension of period of collection when a tax return preparer who prepared a return or claim for refund for tax under section 5891 of the Internal Revenue Code pays 15 percent of a penalty for understatement of taxpayers liability and procedural matters relating to the investigation, assessment and collection of the penalties under section 6694(a) and (b), the rules under 1.66944 of this chapter will apply. (b) Effective/applicability date. This section is applicable to returns and claims for refund filed, and advice provided, after December 31, 2008.
[T.D. 9436, 73 FR 78462, Dec. 22, 2008]
157.66942 Penalties for understatement due to an unreasonable position. (a) In general. A person who is a tax return preparer of any return or claim for refund of tax under section 5891 of the Internal Revenue Code (Code) shall be subject to penalties under section 6694(a) of the Code in the manner stated in 1.66942 of this chapter. (b) Effective/applicability date. This section is applicable to returns and claims for refund filed, and advice provided, after December 31, 2008.
[T.D. 9436, 73 FR 78462, Dec. 22, 2008]
157.66951 Other assessable penalties with respect to the preparation of tax returns or claims for refund for other persons. (a) In general. A person who is a tax return preparer of any return or claim for refund of tax under section 5891 of the Internal Revenue Code (Code) shall be subject to penalties for failure to furnish a copy to the taxpayer under section 6695(a) of the Code, failure to sign the return under section 6695(b) of the Code, failure to furnish an identification number under section 6695(c) of the Code, failure to retain a copy or list under section 6695(d) of the Code, failure to file a correct information return under section 6695(e) of the Code, and negotiation of a check under section 6695(f) of the Code, in the manner stated in 1.66951 of this chapter. (b) Effective/applicability date. This section is applicable to returns and
157.66943 Penalty for understatement due to willful, reckless, or intentional conduct. (a) In general. A person who is a tax return preparer of any return or claim for refund of tax under section 5891 of
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claims for refund filed, and advice provided, after December 31, 2008.
[T.D. 9436, 73 FR 78463, Dec. 22, 2008]
157.66961 Claims for credit or refund by tax return preparers. (a) In general. For rules for claims for credit or refund by a tax return preparer who prepared a return or claim for refund for tax under section 5891 of the Internal Revenue Code, the rules under 1.66961 of this chapter will apply. (b) Effective/applicability date. This section is applicable to returns and
157.77011 Tax return preparer. (a) In general. For the definition of a tax return preparer, see 301.770115 of this chapter. (b) Effective/applicability date. This section is applicable to returns and claims for refund filed, and advice provided, after December 31, 2008.
[T.D. 9436, 73 FR 78463, Dec. 22, 2008]
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A list of CFR titles, subtitles, chapters, subchapters and parts and an alphabetical list of agencies publishing in the CFR are included in the CFR Index and Finding Aids volume to the Code of Federal Regulations which is published separately and revised annually. Table of CFR Titles and Chapters Alphabetical List of Agencies Appearing in the CFR Table of OMB Control Numbers List of CFR Sections Affected
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Department of Health and Human Services (Parts 300 399) Department of Agriculture (Parts 400499) Department of State (Parts 600699) Agency for International Development (Parts 700799) Department of Veterans Affairs (Parts 800899) Department of Energy (Parts 900999) Department of Defense (Parts 11001199) Department of Transportation (Parts 12001299) Department of Commerce (Parts 13001399) Department of the Interior (Parts 14001499) Environmental Protection Agency (Parts 15001599) National Aeronautics and Space Administration (Parts 1800 1899) United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (Parts 20002099) Corporation for National and Community Service (Parts 2200 2299) Social Security Administration (Parts 23002399) Housing and Urban Development (Parts 24002499) National Science Foundation (Parts 25002599) National Archives and Records Administration (Parts 26002699)
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Chapter XXVII Chapter XXVIII Chapter XXX Chapter XXXI Chapter XXXII Chapter XXXIII Chapter XXXIV Chapter XXXV Chapter XXXVII Chapter LVIII
Title 4Accounts
Chapter I Chapter II Government Accountability Office (Parts 1199) Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board (Parts 200 299)
Chapter XV
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Chapter XXIII Chapter XXIV Chapter XXV Chapter XXVI Chapter XXVIII Chapter XXIX Chapter XXX Chapter XXXI Chapter XXXIII Chapter XXXIV Chapter XXXV Chapter XXXVII Chapter XL Chapter XLI Chapter XLII Chapter XLIII Chapter XLV Chapter XLVI Chapter XLVII Chapter XLVIII Chapter XLIX Chapter L Chapter LII Chapter LIII Chapter LIV Chapter LV Chapter LVI Chapter LVII Chapter LVIII Chapter LIX Chapter LX Chapter LXI Chapter LXII Chapter LXIII Chapter LXIV Chapter LXV
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Chapter LXVI Chapter LXVII Chapter LXVIII Chapter LXIX Chapter LXX Chapter LXXI Chapter LXXIII Chapter LXXIV Chapter LXXVI Chapter LXXVII Chapter LXXX Chapter LXXXII Chapter LXXXIII Chapter LXXXIV Chapter XCVII Chapter XCVII
Title 7Agriculture
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Agricultural Marketing Service (Standards, Inspections, Marketing Practices), Department of Agriculture (Parts 27209) Food and Nutrition Service, Department of Agriculture (Parts 210299) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, Department of Agriculture (Parts 300399) Federal Crop Insurance Corporation, Department of Agriculture (Parts 400499)
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Title 7AgricultureContinued
Agricultural Research Service, Department of Agriculture (Parts 500599) Natural Resources Conservation Service, Department of Agriculture (Parts 600699) Farm Service Agency, Department of Agriculture (Parts 700 799) Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards Administration (Federal Grain Inspection Service), Department of Agriculture (Parts 800899) Agricultural Marketing Service (Marketing Agreements and Orders; Fruits, Vegetables, Nuts), Department of Agriculture (Parts 900999) Agricultural Marketing Service (Marketing Agreements and Orders; Milk), Department of Agriculture (Parts 10001199) Agricultural Marketing Service (Marketing Agreements and Orders; Miscellaneous Commodities), Department of Agriculture (Parts 12001299) Commodity Credit Corporation, Department of Agriculture (Parts 14001499) Foreign Agricultural Service, Department of Agriculture (Parts 15001599) Rural Telephone Bank, Department of Agriculture (Parts 1600 1699) Rural Utilities Service, Department of Agriculture (Parts 1700 1799) Rural Housing Service, Rural Business-Cooperative Service, Rural Utilities Service, and Farm Service Agency, Department of Agriculture (Parts 18002099) Local Television Loan Guarantee Board (Parts 22002299) Office of Advocacy and Outreach, Department of Agriculture (Parts 25002599) Office of Inspector General, Department of Agriculture (Parts 26002699) Office of Information Resources Management, Department of Agriculture (Parts 27002799) Office of Operations, Department of Agriculture (Parts 2800 2899) Office of Energy Policy and New Uses, Department of Agriculture (Parts 29002999) Office of the Chief Financial Officer, Department of Agriculture (Parts 30003099) Office of Environmental Quality, Department of Agriculture (Parts 31003199) Office of Procurement and Property Management, Department of Agriculture (Parts 32003299) Office of Transportation, Department of Agriculture (Parts 33003399) National Institute of Food and Agriculture (Parts 34003499) Rural Housing Service, Department of Agriculture (Parts 3500 3599)
Chapter IX
Chapter X Chapter XI
Chapter XIV Chapter XV Chapter XVI Chapter XVII Chapter XVIII Chapter XX Chapter XXV Chapter XXVI Chapter XXVII Chapter XXVIII Chapter XXIX Chapter XXX Chapter XXXI Chapter XXXII Chapter XXXIII Chapter XXXIV Chapter XXXV
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Title 7AgricultureContinued
National Agricultural Statistics Service, Department of Agriculture (Parts 36003699) Economic Research Service, Department of Agriculture (Parts 37003799) World Agricultural Outlook Board, Department of Agriculture (Parts 38003899) [Reserved] Rural Business-Cooperative Service and Rural Utilities Service, Department of Agriculture (Parts 42004299)
Chapter XXXVI Chapter XXXVII Chapter XXXVIII Chapter XLI Chapter XLII
Chapter III
Title 10Energy
Chapter I Chapter II Chapter III Chapter X Chapter XIII Chapter XVII Chapter XVIII Nuclear Regulatory Commission (Parts 0199) Department of Energy (Parts 200699) Department of Energy (Parts 700999) Department of Energy (General Provisions) (Parts 10001099) Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board (Parts 13001399) Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board (Parts 17001799) Northeast Interstate Low-Level Radioactive Waste Commission (Parts 18001899)
Comptroller of the Currency, Department of the Treasury (Parts 1199) Federal Reserve System (Parts 200299) Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (Parts 300399)
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Chapter IV Chapter V Chapter VI Chapter VII Chapter VIII Chapter IX Chapter X Chapter XI Chapter XII Chapter XIII Chapter XIV Chapter XV Chapter XVI Chapter XVII Chapter XVIII
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Chapter II Chapter III Chapter IV Chapter VII Chapter VIII Chapter IX Chapter XI Chapter XIII Chapter XIV
Chapter XX
Chapter XXIII
Office of the United States Trade Representative (Parts 2000 2099) SUBTITLE DREGULATIONS RELATING TO TELECOMMUNICATIONS AND INFORMATION National Telecommunications and Information Administration, Department of Commerce (Parts 23002399)
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Department of Energy (Parts 1399) Delaware River Basin Commission (Parts 400499) Water Resources Council (Parts 700799) Susquehanna River Basin Commission (Parts 800899) Tennessee Valley Authority (Parts 13001399)
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Department of State (Parts 1199) Agency for International Development (Parts 200299) Peace Corps (Parts 300399) International Joint Commission, United States and Canada (Parts 400499) Broadcasting Board of Governors (Parts 500599) Overseas Private Investment Corporation (Parts 700799) Foreign Service Grievance Board (Parts 900999) Inter-American Foundation (Parts 10001099) International Boundary and Water Commission, United States and Mexico, United States Section (Parts 11001199) United States International Development Cooperation Agency (Parts 12001299) Millennium Challenge Corporation (Parts 13001399)
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Chapter XIV
Title 23Highways
Chapter I Chapter II Federal Highway Administration, Department of Transportation (Parts 1999) National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and Federal Highway Administration, Department of Transportation (Parts 12001299) National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Department of Transportation (Parts 13001399)
Chapter III
Chapter I Chapter II
Office of Assistant Secretary for Equal Opportunity, Department of Housing and Urban Development (Parts 100199) Office of Assistant Secretary for Housing-Federal Housing Commissioner, Department of Housing and Urban Development (Parts 200299) Government National Mortgage Association, Department of Housing and Urban Development (Parts 300399) Office of Housing and Office of Multifamily Housing Assistance Restructuring, Department of Housing and Urban Development (Parts 400499) Office of Assistant Secretary for Community Planning and Development, Department of Housing and Urban Development (Parts 500599) Office of Assistant Secretary for Community Planning and Development, Department of Housing and Urban Development (Parts 600699) [Reserved] Office of the Secretary, Department of Housing and Urban Development (Housing Assistance Programs and Public and Indian Housing Programs) (Parts 700799) Office of the Assistant Secretary for HousingFederal Housing Commissioner, Department of Housing and Urban Development (Section 8 Housing Assistance Programs, Section 202 Direct Loan Program, Section 202 Supportive Housing for the Elderly Program and Section 811 Supportive Housing for Persons With Disabilities Program) (Parts 800899) Office of Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing, Department of Housing and Urban Development (Parts 9001699)
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
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Chapter X
Office of Assistant Secretary for HousingFederal Housing Commissioner, Department of Housing and Urban Development (Interstate Land Sales Registration Program) (Parts 17001799) Office of Inspector General, Department of Housing and Urban Development (Parts 20002099) Emergency Mortgage Insurance and Loan Programs, Department of Housing and Urban Development (Parts 27002799) Office of Assistant Secretary for HousingFederal Housing Commissioner, Department of Housing and Urban Development (Parts 32003899) Board of Directors of the HOPE for Homeowners Program (Parts 40004099) Neighborhood Reinvestment Corporation (Parts 41004199)
Title 25Indians
Chapter I Chapter II Chapter III Chapter IV Chapter V Bureau of Indian Affairs, Department of the Interior (Parts 1 299) Indian Arts and Crafts Board, Department of the Interior (Parts 300399) National Indian Gaming Commission, Department of the Interior (Parts 500599) Office of Navajo and Hopi Indian Relocation (Parts 700799) Bureau of Indian Affairs, Department of the Interior, and Indian Health Service, Department of Health and Human Services (Part 900) Office of the Assistant Secretary-Indian Affairs, Department of the Interior (Parts 10001199) Office of the Special Trustee for American Indians, Department of the Interior (Parts 12001299)
Department of Justice (Parts 0299) Federal Prison Industries, Inc., Department of Justice (Parts 300399) Bureau of Prisons, Department of Justice (Parts 500599)
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Title 29Labor
SUBTITLE AOFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF LABOR (PARTS 099) SUBTITLE BREGULATIONS RELATING TO LABOR National Labor Relations Board (Parts 100199) Office of Labor-Management Standards, Department of Labor (Parts 200299) National Railroad Adjustment Board (Parts 300399) Office of Labor-Management Standards, Department of Labor (Parts 400499) Wage and Hour Division, Department of Labor (Parts 500899) Construction Industry Collective Bargaining Commission (Parts 900999) National Mediation Board (Parts 12001299) Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service (Parts 14001499) Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (Parts 16001699) Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Department of Labor (Parts 19001999) Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission (Parts 22002499) Employee Benefits Security Administration, Department of Labor (Parts 25002599) Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission (Parts 27002799) Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (Parts 40004999)
Chapter I Chapter II Chapter III Chapter IV Chapter V Chapter IX Chapter X Chapter XII Chapter XIV Chapter XVII Chapter XX Chapter XXV Chapter XXVII Chapter XL
Mine Safety and Health Administration, Department of Labor (Parts 1199) Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement, Department of the Interior (Parts 200299) Geological Survey, Department of the Interior (Parts 400499) Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Department of the Interior (Parts 500599) Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement, Department of the Interior (Parts 700999) Office of Natural Resources Revenue, Department of the Interior (Parts 12001299)
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Chapter I Chapter II Chapter IV Chapter V Chapter VI Chapter VII Chapter VIII Chapter IX Chapter X
Monetary Offices, Department of the Treasury (Parts 51199) Fiscal Service, Department of the Treasury (Parts 200399) Secret Service, Department of the Treasury (Parts 400499) Office of Foreign Assets Control, Department of the Treasury (Parts 500599) Bureau of Engraving and Printing, Department of the Treasury (Parts 600699) Federal Law Enforcement Training Center, Department of the Treasury (Parts 700799) Office of International Investment, Department of the Treasury (Parts 800899) Federal Claims Collection Standards (Department of the TreasuryDepartment of Justice) (Parts 900999) Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, Department of the Treasury (Parts 10001099)
Chapter XII Chapter XVI Chapter XVII Chapter XVIII Chapter XIX Chapter XX Chapter XXI Chapter XXIV Chapter XXVII Chapter XXVIII
Defense Logistics Agency (Parts 12001299) Selective Service System (Parts 16001699) Office of the Director of National Intelligence (Parts 17001799) National Counterintelligence Center (Parts 18001899) Central Intelligence Agency (Parts 19001999) Information Security Oversight Office, National Archives and Records Administration (Parts 20002099) National Security Council (Parts 21002199) Office of Science and Technology Policy (Parts 24002499) Office for Micronesian Status Negotiations (Parts 27002799) Office of the Vice President of the United States (Parts 2800 2899)
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Chapter IV
Title 34Education
SUBTITLE AOFFICE OF THE SECRETARY, DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION (PARTS 199) SUBTITLE BREGULATIONS OF THE OFFICES OF THE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Chapter I Chapter II Chapter III Chapter IV Chapter V Chapter VI Chapter VII Chapter XI Chapter XII Office for Civil Rights, Department of Education (Parts 100199) Office of Elementary and Secondary Education, Department of Education (Parts 200299) Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services, Department of Education (Parts 300399) Office of Vocational and Adult Education, Department of Education (Parts 400499) Office of Bilingual Education and Minority Languages Affairs, Department of Education (Parts 500599) Office of Postsecondary Education, Department of Education (Parts 600699) Office of Educational Research and Improvement, Department of Education (799799) [Reserved] National Institute for Literacy (Parts 11001199) SUBTITLE CREGULATIONS RELATING TO EDUCATION National Council on Disability (Parts 12001299)
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SUBTITLE BOTHER PROVISIONS RELATING TO PUBLIC CONTRACTS Public Contracts, Department of Labor (Parts 50150999) Committee for Purchase From People Who Are Blind or Severely Disabled (Parts 5115199) Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs, Equal Employment Opportunity, Department of Labor (Parts 60160999) Office of the Assistant Secretary for Veterans Employment and Training Service, Department of Labor (Parts 61161999) [Reserved] SUBTITLE CFEDERAL PROPERTY MANAGEMENT REGULATIONS SYSTEM
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Federal Property Management Regulations (Parts 101110199) Federal Management Regulation (Parts 1021102299) 104 [Reserved]
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Chapter 105 Chapter 109 Chapter 114 Chapter 115 Chapter 128 Chapters 129200
General Services Administration (Parts 1051105999) Department of Energy Property Management Regulations (Parts 109110999) Department of the Interior (Parts 114111499) Environmental Protection Agency (Parts 115111599) Department of Justice (Parts 128112899) [Reserved] SUBTITLE DOTHER PROVISIONS RELATING TO PROPERTY MANAGEMENT [RESERVED] SUBTITLE EFEDERAL INFORMATION RESOURCES MANAGEMENT REGULATIONS SYSTEM [RESERVED] SUBTITLE FFEDERAL TRAVEL REGULATION SYSTEM
Chapter 300 Chapter 301 Chapter 302 Chapter 303 Chapter 304
General (Parts 300130099) Temporary Duty (TDY) Travel Allowances (Parts 301130199) Relocation Allowances (Parts 302130299) Payment of Expenses Connected with the Death of Certain Employees (Part 303130399) Payment of Travel Expenses from a Non-Federal Source (Parts 304130499)
Chapter I Chapter IV
Federal Emergency Management Agency, Department of Homeland Security (Parts 0399) Department of Commerce and Department of Transportation (Parts 400499)
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Chapter II
Office of Family Assistance (Assistance Programs), Administration for Children and Families, Department of Health and Human Services (Parts 200299) Office of Child Support Enforcement (Child Support Enforcement Program), Administration for Children and Families, Department of Health and Human Services (Parts 300399) Office of Refugee Resettlement, Administration for Children and Families, Department of Health and Human Services (Parts 400499) Foreign Claims Settlement Commission of the United States, Department of Justice (Parts 500599) National Science Foundation (Parts 600699) Commission on Civil Rights (Parts 700799) Office of Personnel Management (Parts 800899) Office of Community Services, Administration for Children and Families, Department of Health and Human Services (Parts 10001099) National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities (Parts 11001199) Corporation for National and Community Service (Parts 1200 1299) Office of Human Development Services, Department of Health and Human Services (Parts 13001399) Legal Services Corporation (Parts 16001699) National Commission on Libraries and Information Science (Parts 17001799) Harry S. Truman Scholarship Foundation (Parts 18001899) Commission on Fine Arts (Parts 21002199) Arctic Research Commission (Part 2301) James Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation (Parts 2400 2499) Corporation for National and Community Service (Parts 2500 2599)
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter XI Chapter XII Chapter XIII Chapter XVI Chapter XVII Chapter XVIII Chapter XXI Chapter XXIII Chapter XXIV Chapter XXV
Title 46Shipping
Chapter I Chapter II
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Coast Guard, Department of Homeland Security (Parts 1199) Maritime Administration, Department of Transportation (Parts 200399) Coast Guard (Great Lakes Pilotage), Department of Homeland Security (Parts 400499) Federal Maritime Commission (Parts 500599)
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Title 47Telecommunication
Federal Communications Commission (Parts 0199) Office of Science and Technology Policy and National Security Council (Parts 200299) National Telecommunications and Information Administration, Department of Commerce (Parts 300399) National Telecommunications and Information Administration, Department of Commerce, and National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Department of Transportation (Parts 400 499)
25 28 29 30
Chapter 34 Chapter 51
Federal Acquisition Regulation (Parts 199) Defense Acquisition Regulations System, Department of Defense (Parts 200299) Health and Human Services (Parts 300399) Department of Agriculture (Parts 400499) General Services Administration (Parts 500599) Department of State (Parts 600699) Agency for International Development (Parts 700799) Department of Veterans Affairs (Parts 800899) Department of Energy (Parts 900999) Department of the Treasury (Parts 10001099) Department of Transportation (Parts 12001299) Department of Commerce (Parts 13001399) Department of the Interior (Parts 14001499) Environmental Protection Agency (Parts 15001599) Office of Personnel Management, Federal Employees Health Benefits Acquisition Regulation (Parts 16001699) Office of Personnel Management (Parts 17001799) National Aeronautics and Space Administration (Parts 1800 1899) Broadcasting Board of Governors (Parts 19001999) Nuclear Regulatory Commission (Parts 20002099) Office of Personnel Management, Federal Employees Group Life Insurance Federal Acquisition Regulation (Parts 21002199) Social Security Administration (Parts 23002399) Department of Housing and Urban Development (Parts 2400 2499) National Science Foundation (Parts 25002599) Department of Justice (Parts 28002899) Department of Labor (Parts 29002999) Department of Homeland Security, Homeland Security Acquisition Regulation (HSAR) (Parts 30003099) Department of Education Acquisition Regulation (Parts 3400 3499) Department of the Army Acquisition Regulations (Parts 5100 5199)
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Department of the Navy Acquisition Regulations (Parts 5200 5299) Department of the Air Force Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (Parts 53005399) [Reserved] Defense Logistics Agency, Department of Defense (Parts 5400 5499) African Development Foundation (Parts 57005799) Civilian Board of Contract Appeals, General Services Administration (Parts 61006199) Department of Transportation Board of Contract Appeals (Parts 63006399) Cost Accounting Standards Board, Office of Federal Procurement Policy, Office of Management and Budget (Parts 9900 9999)
Title 49Transportation
SUBTITLE AOFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF TRANSPORTATION (PARTS 199) SUBTITLE BOTHER REGULATIONS RELATING TO TRANSPORTATION Chapter I Chapter II Chapter III Chapter IV Chapter V Chapter VI Chapter VII Chapter VIII Chapter X Chapter XI Chapter XII Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, Department of Transportation (Parts 100199) Federal Railroad Administration, Department of Transportation (Parts 200299) Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, Department of Transportation (Parts 300399) Coast Guard, Department of Homeland Security (Parts 400499) National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Department of Transportation (Parts 500599) Federal Transit Administration, Department of Transportation (Parts 600699) National Railroad Passenger Corporation (AMTRAK) (Parts 700799) National Transportation Safety Board (Parts 800999) Surface Transportation Board, Department of Transportation (Parts 10001399) Research and Innovative Technology Administration, Department of Transportation (Parts 14001499) [Reserved] Transportation Security Administration, Department of Homeland Security (Parts 15001699)
United States Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of the Interior (Parts 1199) National Marine Fisheries Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce (Parts 200 299) International Fishing and Related Activities (Parts 300399)
Chapter II
Chapter III
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Chapter IV
Chapter V Chapter VI
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Administrative Committee of the Federal Register Administrative Conference of the United States Advisory Council on Historic Preservation Advocacy and Outreach, Office of Afghanistan Reconstruction, Special Inspector General for African Development Foundation Federal Acquisition Regulation Agency for International Development Federal Acquisition Regulation Agricultural Marketing Service Agricultural Research Service Agriculture Department Advocacy and Outreach, Office of Agricultural Marketing Service Agricultural Research Service Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service Chief Financial Officer, Office of Commodity Credit Corporation Economic Research Service Energy Policy and New Uses, Office of Environmental Quality, Office of Farm Service Agency Federal Acquisition Regulation Federal Crop Insurance Corporation Food and Nutrition Service Food Safety and Inspection Service Foreign Agricultural Service Forest Service Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards Administration Information Resources Management, Office of Inspector General, Office of National Agricultural Library National Agricultural Statistics Service National Institute of Food and Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service Operations, Office of Procurement and Property Management, Office of Rural Business-Cooperative Service Rural Development Administration Rural Housing Service Rural Telephone Bank Rural Utilities Service Secretary of Agriculture, Office of Transportation, Office of World Agricultural Outlook Board Air Force Department Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement Air Transportation Stabilization Board Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, Bureau of AMTRAK American Battle Monuments Commission American Indians, Office of the Special Trustee
1, I 1, III 36, VIII 7, XXV 22, LXXXIII 22, XV 48, 57 2, VII; 22, II 48, 7 7, I, IX, X, XI 7, V 2, IV; 5, LXXIII 7, XXV 7, I, IX, X, XI 7, V 7, III; 9, I 7, XXX 7, XIV 7, XXXVII 2, IX; 7, XXIX 7, XXXI 7, VII, XVIII 48, 4 7, IV 7, II 9, III 7, XV 36, II 7, VIII; 9, II 7, XXVII 7, XXVI 7, XLI 7, XXXVI 7, XXXIV 7, VI 7, XXVIII 7, XXXII 7, XVIII, XLII, L 7, XLII 7, XVIII, XXXV, L 7, XVI 7, XVII, XVIII, XLII, L 7, Subtitle A 7, XXXIII 7, XXXVIII 32, VII 48, 53 14, VI 27, I 27, II 49, VII 36, IV 25, VII
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Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service Appalachian Regional Commission Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board Arctic Research Commission Armed Forces Retirement Home Army Department Engineers, Corps of Federal Acquisition Regulation Bilingual Education and Minority Languages Affairs, Office of Blind or Severely Disabled, Committee for Purchase from People Who Are Broadcasting Board of Governors Federal Acquisition Regulation Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation, and Enforcement Census Bureau Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Central Intelligence Agency Chemical Safety and Hazardous Investigation Board Chief Financial Officer, Office of Child Support Enforcement, Office of Children and Families, Administration for Civil Rights, Commission on Civil Rights, Office for Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency for the District of Columbia Coast Guard Coast Guard (Great Lakes Pilotage) Commerce Department Census Bureau Economic Analysis, Bureau of Economic Development Administration Emergency Management and Assistance Federal Acquisition Regulation Foreign-Trade Zones Board Industry and Security, Bureau of International Trade Administration National Institute of Standards and Technology National Marine Fisheries Service National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Telecommunications and Information Administration National Weather Service Patent and Trademark Office, United States Productivity, Technology and Innovation, Assistant Secretary for Secretary of Commerce, Office of Technology Administration Technology Policy, Assistant Secretary for Commercial Space Transportation Commodity Credit Corporation Commodity Futures Trading Commission Community Planning and Development, Office of Assistant Secretary for Community Services, Office of Comptroller of the Currency Construction Industry Collective Bargaining Commission Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Consumer Product Safety Commission Copyright Office Copyright Royalty Board Corporation for National and Community Service Cost Accounting Standards Board Council on Environmental Quality Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency for the District of Columbia
7, III; 9, I 5, IX 36, XI 45, XXIII 5, XI 32, V 33, II; 36, III 48, 51 34, V 41, 51 22, V 48, 19 30, II 15, I 42, IV 32, XIX 40, VI 7, XXX 45, III 45, II, III, IV, X 5, LXVIII; 45, VII 34, I 5, XCVIII 5, LXX 33, I; 46, I; 49, IV 46, III 2, XIII; 44, IV; 50, VI 15, I 15, VIII 13, III 44, IV 48, 13 15, IV 15, VII 15, III; 19, III 15, II 50, II, IV 15, IX; 50, II, III, IV, VI 15, XXIII; 47, III, IV 15, IX 37, I 37, IV 15, Subtitle A 15, XI 37, IV 14, III 7, XIV 5, XLI; 17, I 24, V, VI 45, X 12, I 29, IX 5, LXXXIV; 12, X 5, LXXI; 16, II 37, II 37, III 2, XXII; 45, XII, XXV 48, 99 40, V 5, LXX; 28, VIII
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Customs and Border Protection Defense Contract Audit Agency Defense Department Advanced Research Projects Agency Air Force Department Army Department Defense Acquisition Regulations System Defense Intelligence Agency Defense Logistics Agency Engineers, Corps of National Imagery and Mapping Agency Navy Department Secretary of Defense, Office of Defense Contract Audit Agency Defense Intelligence Agency Defense Logistics Agency Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board Delaware River Basin Commission District of Columbia, Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency for the Drug Enforcement Administration East-West Foreign Trade Board Economic Analysis, Bureau of Economic Development Administration Economic Research Service Education, Department of Bilingual Education and Minority Languages Affairs, Office of Civil Rights, Office for Educational Research and Improvement, Office of Elementary and Secondary Education, Office of Federal Acquisition Regulation Postsecondary Education, Office of Secretary of Education, Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services, Office of Vocational and Adult Education, Office of Educational Research and Improvement, Office of Election Assistance Commission Elementary and Secondary Education, Office of Emergency Oil and Gas Guaranteed Loan Board Emergency Steel Guarantee Loan Board Employee Benefits Security Administration Employees Compensation Appeals Board Employees Loyalty Board Employment and Training Administration Employment Standards Administration Endangered Species Committee Energy, Department of Federal Acquisition Regulation Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Property Management Regulations Energy, Office of Engineers, Corps of Engraving and Printing, Bureau of Environmental Protection Agency Federal Acquisition Regulation Property Management Regulations Environmental Quality, Office of Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Equal Opportunity, Office of Assistant Secretary for Executive Office of the President Administration, Office of Environmental Quality, Council on
19, I 32, I 2, XI; 5, XXVI; 32, Subtitle A; 40, VII 32, I 32, VII 32, V; 33, II; 36, III, 48, 51 48, 2 32, I 32, I, XII; 48, 54 33, II; 36, III 32, I 32, VI; 48, 52 2, XI; 32, I 32, I 32, I 32, XII; 48, 54 10, XVII 18, III 5, LXX; 28, VIII 21, II 15, XIII 15, VIII 13, III 7, XXXVII 2, XXXIV; 5, LIII 34, V 34, I 34, VII 34, II 48, 34 34, VI 34, Subtitle A 34, III 34, IV 34, VII 2, LVIII; 11, II 34, II 13, V 13, IV 29, XXV 20, IV 5, V 20, V 20, VI 50, IV 2, IX; 5, XXIII; 10, II, III, X 48, 9 5, XXIV; 18, I 41, 109 7, XXIX 33, II; 36, III 31, VI 2, XV; 5, LIV; 40, I, IV, VII 48, 15 41, 115 7, XXXI 5, LXII; 29, XIV 24, I 3, I 5, XV 40, V
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Management and Budget, Office of National Drug Control Policy, Office of National Security Council Presidential Documents Science and Technology Policy, Office of Trade Representative, Office of the United States Export-Import Bank of the United States Family Assistance, Office of Farm Credit Administration Farm Credit System Insurance Corporation Farm Service Agency Federal Acquisition Regulation Federal Aviation Administration Commercial Space Transportation Federal Claims Collection Standards Federal Communications Commission Federal Contract Compliance Programs, Office of Federal Crop Insurance Corporation Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Federal Election Commission Federal Emergency Management Agency Federal Employees Group Life Insurance Federal Acquisition Regulation Federal Employees Health Benefits Acquisition Regulation Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council Federal Financing Bank Federal Highway Administration Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight Office Federal Housing Finance Agency Federal Housing Finance Board Federal Labor Relations Authority Federal Law Enforcement Training Center Federal Management Regulation Federal Maritime Commission Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration Federal Prison Industries, Inc. Federal Procurement Policy Office Federal Property Management Regulations Federal Railroad Administration Federal Register, Administrative Committee of Federal Register, Office of Federal Reserve System Board of Governors Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board Federal Service Impasses Panel Federal Trade Commission Federal Transit Administration Federal Travel Regulation System Financial Crimes Enforcement Network Financial Research Office Financial Stability Oversight Council Fine Arts, Commission on Fiscal Service Fish and Wildlife Service, United States Food and Drug Administration Food and Nutrition Service Food Safety and Inspection Service Foreign Agricultural Service Foreign Assets Control, Office of Foreign Claims Settlement Commission of the United States Foreign Service Grievance Board Foreign Service Impasse Disputes Panel
2, Subtitle A; 5, III, LXXVII; 14, VI; 48, 99 21, III 32, XXI; 47, 2 3 32, XXIV; 47, II 15, XX 2, XXXV; 5, LII; 12, IV 45, II 5, XXXI; 12, VI 5, XXX; 12, XIV 7, VII, XVIII 48, 1 14, I 14, III 31, IX 5, XXIX; 47, I 41, 60 7, IV 5, XXII; 12, III 5, XXXVII; 11, I 44, I 48, 21 48, 16 5, XXIV; 18, I 12, XI 12, VIII 23, I, II 1, IV 12, XVII 5, LXXX; 12, XII 12, IX 5, XIV, XLIX; 22, XIV 31, VII 41, 102 46, IV 29, XII 5, LXXIV; 29, XXVII 49, III 28, III 48, 99 41, 101 49, II 1, I 1, II 12, II 5, LVIII 5, VI, LXXVI 5, XIV 5, XLVII; 16, I 49, VI 41, Subtitle F 31, X 12, XVI 12, XIII 45, XXI 31, II 50, I, IV 21, I 7, II 9, III 7, XV 31, V 45, V 22, IX 22, XIV
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Foreign Service Labor Relations Board Foreign-Trade Zones Board Forest Service General Services Administration Contract Appeals, Board of Federal Acquisition Regulation Federal Management Regulation Federal Property Management Regulations Federal Travel Regulation System General Payment From a Non-Federal Source for Travel Expenses Payment of Expenses Connected With the Death of Certain Employees Relocation Allowances Temporary Duty (TDY) Travel Allowances Geological Survey Government Accountability Office Government Ethics, Office of Government National Mortgage Association Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards Administration Harry S. Truman Scholarship Foundation Health and Human Services, Department of Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Child Support Enforcement, Office of Children and Families, Administration for Community Services, Office of Family Assistance, Office of Federal Acquisition Regulation Food and Drug Administration Human Development Services, Office of Indian Health Service Inspector General (Health Care), Office of Public Health Service Refugee Resettlement, Office of Homeland Security, Department of Coast Guard Coast Guard (Great Lakes Pilotage) Customs and Border Protection Federal Emergency Management Agency Human Resources Management and Labor Relations Systems Immigration and Customs Enforcement Bureau Transportation Security Administration HOPE for Homeowners Program, Board of Directors of Housing and Urban Development, Department of Community Planning and Development, Office of Assistant Secretary for Equal Opportunity, Office of Assistant Secretary for Federal Acquisition Regulation Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight, Office of Government National Mortgage Association HousingFederal Housing Commissioner, Office of Assistant Secretary for Housing, Office of, and Multifamily Housing Assistance Restructuring, Office of Inspector General, Office of Public and Indian Housing, Office of Assistant Secretary for Secretary, Office of HousingFederal Housing Commissioner, Office of Assistant Secretary for Housing, Office of, and Multifamily Housing Assistance Restructuring, Office of Human Development Services, Office of Immigration and Customs Enforcement Bureau Immigration Review, Executive Office for
22, XIV 15, IV 36, II 5, LVII; 41, 105 48, 61 48, 5 41, 102 41, 101 41, Subtitle F 41, 300 41, 304 41, 303 41, 302 41, 301 30, IV 4, I 5, XVI 24, III 7, VIII; 9, II 45, XVIII 2, III; 5, XLV; 45, Subtitle A, 42, IV 45, III 45, II, III, IV, X 45, X 45, II 48, 3 21, I 45, XIII 25, V 42, V 42, I 45, IV 2, XXX; 6, I; 8, I 33, I; 46, I; 49, IV 46, III 19, I 44, I 5, XCVII 19, IV 49, XII 24, XXIV 2, XXIV; 5, LXV; 24, Subtitle B 24, V, VI 24, 48, 12, 24, 24, I 24 XVII III II, VIII, X, XX
24, IV 24, 24, 24, 24, XII IX Subtitle A, VII II, VIII, X, XX
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Independent Counsel, Office of Indian Affairs, Bureau of Indian Affairs, Office of the Assistant Secretary Indian Arts and Crafts Board Indian Health Service Industry and Security, Bureau of Information Resources Management, Office of Information Security Oversight Office, National Archives and Records Administration Inspector General Agriculture Department Health and Human Services Department Housing and Urban Development Department Institute of Peace, United States Inter-American Foundation Interior Department American Indians, Office of the Special Trustee Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation, and Enforcement Endangered Species Committee Federal Acquisition Regulation Federal Property Management Regulations System Fish and Wildlife Service, United States Geological Survey Indian Affairs, Bureau of Indian Affairs, Office of the Assistant Secretary Indian Arts and Crafts Board Land Management, Bureau of National Indian Gaming Commission National Park Service Natural Resource Revenue, Office of Ocean Energy Management, Bureau of Reclamation, Bureau of Secretary of the Interior, Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement, Office of Internal Revenue Service International Boundary and Water Commission, United States and Mexico, United States Section International Development, United States Agency for Federal Acquisition Regulation International Development Cooperation Agency, United States International Joint Commission, United States and Canada International Organizations Employees Loyalty Board International Trade Administration International Trade Commission, United States Interstate Commerce Commission Investment Security, Office of Iraq Reconstruction, Special Inspector General for James Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation JapanUnited States Friendship Commission Joint Board for the Enrollment of Actuaries Justice Department Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, Bureau of Drug Enforcement Administration Federal Acquisition Regulation Federal Claims Collection Standards Federal Prison Industries, Inc. Foreign Claims Settlement Commission of the United States Immigration Review, Executive Office for Offices of Independent Counsel Prisons, Bureau of Property Management Regulations Labor Department Employee Benefits Security Administration
28, VII 25, I, V 25, VI 25, II 25, V 15, VII 7, XXVII 32, XX 7, XXVI 42, V 24, XII, XV 22, XVII 5, LXIII; 22, X 2, XIV 25, VII 30, II 50, IV 48, 14 41, 114 50, I, IV 30, IV 25, I, V 25, VI 25, II 43, II 25, III 36, I 30, XII 30, V 43, I 2, XIV; 43, Subtitle A 30, VII 26, I 22, XI 22, II 48, 7 22, XII 22, IV 5, V 15, III; 19, III 19, II 5, XL 31, VIII 5, LXXXVII 45, XXIV 22, XVI 20, VIII 2, XXVIII; 5, XXVIII; 28, I, XI; 40, IV 27, II 21, II 48, 28 31, IX 28, III 45, V 8, V 28, VI 28, V 41, 128 5, XLII 29, XXV
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Employees Compensation Appeals Board Employment and Training Administration Employment Standards Administration Federal Acquisition Regulation Federal Contract Compliance Programs, Office of Federal Procurement Regulations System Labor-Management Standards, Office of Mine Safety and Health Administration Occupational Safety and Health Administration Office of Workers Compensation Programs Public Contracts Secretary of Labor, Office of Veterans Employment and Training Service, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Wage and Hour Division Workers Compensation Programs, Office of Labor-Management Standards, Office of Land Management, Bureau of Legal Services Corporation Library of Congress Copyright Office Copyright Royalty Board Local Television Loan Guarantee Board Management and Budget, Office of Marine Mammal Commission Maritime Administration Merit Systems Protection Board Micronesian Status Negotiations, Office for Millennium Challenge Corporation Mine Safety and Health Administration Minority Business Development Agency Miscellaneous Agencies Monetary Offices Morris K. Udall Scholarship and Excellence in National Environmental Policy Foundation Museum and Library Services, Institute of National Aeronautics and Space Administration Federal Acquisition Regulation National Agricultural Library National Agricultural Statistics Service National and Community Service, Corporation for National Archives and Records Administration Information Security Oversight Office National Capital Planning Commission National Commission for Employment Policy National Commission on Libraries and Information Science National Council on Disability National Counterintelligence Center National Credit Union Administration National Crime Prevention and Privacy Compact Council National Drug Control Policy, Office of National Endowment for the Arts National Endowment for the Humanities National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities National Highway Traffic Safety Administration National Imagery and Mapping Agency National Indian Gaming Commission National Institute for Literacy National Institute of Food and Agriculture National Institute of Standards and Technology National Intelligence, Office of Director of National Labor Relations Board National Marine Fisheries Service National Mediation Board National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
20, 20, 20, 48, 41, 41, 29, 30, 29, 20, 41, 29, 41,
29, V 20, I 29, II, IV 43, II 45, XVI 36, VII 37, II 37, III 7, XX 5, III, LXXVII; 14, VI; 48, 99 50, V 46, II 5, II, LXIV 32, XXVII 22, XIII 30, I 15, XIV 1, IV 31, I 36, XVI 2, XXXI 2, XVIII; 5, LIX; 14, V 48, 18 7, XLI 7, XXXVI 2, XXII; 45, XII, XXV 2, XXVI; 5, LXVI; 36, XII 32, XX 1, IV 1, IV 45, XVII 34, XII 32, XVIII 12, VII 28, IX 21, III 2, XXXII 2, XXXIII 45, XI 23, II, III; 47, VI; 49, V 32, I 25, III 34, XI 7, XXXIV 15, II 32, XVII 5, LXI; 29, I 50, II, IV 29, X 15, IX; 50, II, III, IV, VI
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National Park Service National Railroad Adjustment Board National Railroad Passenger Corporation (AMTRAK) National Science Foundation Federal Acquisition Regulation National Security Council National Security Council and Office of Science and Technology Policy National Telecommunications and Information Administration National Transportation Safety Board Natural Resources Conservation Service Natural Resource Revenue, Office of Navajo and Hopi Indian Relocation, Office of Navy Department Federal Acquisition Regulation Neighborhood Reinvestment Corporation Northeast Interstate Low-Level Radioactive Waste Commission Nuclear Regulatory Commission Federal Acquisition Regulation Occupational Safety and Health Administration Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission Ocean Energy Management, Bureau of Offices of Independent Counsel Office of Workers Compensation Programs Oklahoma City National Memorial Trust Operations Office Overseas Private Investment Corporation Patent and Trademark Office, United States Payment From a Non-Federal Source for Travel Expenses Payment of Expenses Connected With the Death of Certain Employees Peace Corps Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation Personnel Management, Office of Human Resources Management and Labor Relations Systems, Department of Homeland Security Federal Acquisition Regulation Federal Employees Group Life Insurance Federal Acquisition Regulation Federal Employees Health Benefits Acquisition Regulation Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration Postal Regulatory Commission Postal Service, United States Postsecondary Education, Office of Presidents Commission on White House Fellowships Presidential Documents Presidio Trust Prisons, Bureau of Procurement and Property Management, Office of Productivity, Technology and Innovation, Assistant Secretary Public Contracts, Department of Labor Public and Indian Housing, Office of Assistant Secretary for Public Health Service Railroad Retirement Board Reclamation, Bureau of Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board Refugee Resettlement, Office of Relocation Allowances Research and Innovative Technology Administration Rural Business-Cooperative Service Rural Development Administration Rural Housing Service Rural Telephone Bank
36, I 29, III 49, VII 2, XXV; 5, XLIII; 45, VI 48, 25 32, XXI 47, II 15, XXIII; 47, III, IV 49, VIII 7, VI 30, XII 25, IV 32, VI 48, 52 24, XXV 10, XVIII 2, XX; 5, XLVIII; 10, I 48, 20 29, XVII 29, XX 30, V 28, VI 20, VII 36, XV 7, XXVIII 5, XXXIII; 22, VII 37, I 41, 304 41, 303 2, XXXVII; 22, III 36, IX 29, XL 5, I, XXXV; 45, VIII 5, XCVII 48, 17 48, 21 48, 16 49, I 5, XLVI; 39, III 5, LX; 39, I 34, VI 1, IV 3 36, X 28, V 7, XXXII 37, IV 41, 50 24, IX 42, I 20, II 43, I 4, II 45, IV 41, 302 49, XI 7, XVIII, XLII, L 7, XLII 7, XVIII, XXXV, L 7, XVI
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Rural Utilities Service Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation Science and Technology Policy, Office of Science and Technology Policy, Office of, and National Security Council Secret Service Securities and Exchange Commission Selective Service System Small Business Administration Smithsonian Institution Social Security Administration Soldiers and Airmens Home, United States Special Counsel, Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services, Office of State Department Federal Acquisition Regulation Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement, Office of Surface Transportation Board Susquehanna River Basin Commission Technology Administration Technology Policy, Assistant Secretary for Tennessee Valley Authority Thrift Supervision Office, Department of the Treasury Trade Representative, United States, Office of Transportation, Department of Commercial Space Transportation Contract Appeals, Board of Emergency Management and Assistance Federal Acquisition Regulation Federal Aviation Administration Federal Highway Administration Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration Federal Railroad Administration Federal Transit Administration Maritime Administration National Highway Traffic Safety Administration Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation Secretary of Transportation, Office of Surface Transportation Board Transportation Statistics Bureau Transportation, Office of Transportation Security Administration Transportation Statistics Bureau Travel Allowances, Temporary Duty (TDY) Treasury Department Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau Community Development Financial Institutions Fund Comptroller of the Currency Customs and Border Protection Engraving and Printing, Bureau of Federal Acquisition Regulation Federal Claims Collection Standards Federal Law Enforcement Training Center Financial Crimes Enforcement Network Fiscal Service Foreign Assets Control, Office of Internal Revenue Service Investment Security, Office of Monetary Offices Secret Service Secretary of the Treasury, Office of Thrift Supervision, Office of Truman, Harry S. Scholarship Foundation United States and Canada, International Joint Commission United States and Mexico, International Boundary and Water Commission, United States Section
7, XVII, XVIII, XLII, L 33, IV 32, XXIV 47, II 31, IV 5, XXXIV; 17, II 32, XVI 2, XXVII; 13, I 36, V 2, XXIII; 20, III; 48, 23 5, XI 5, VIII 34, III 2, VI; 22, I; 28, XI 48, 6 30, VII 49, X 18, VIII 15, XI 37, IV 5, LXIX; 18, XIII 12, V 15, XX 2, XII; 5, L 14, III 48, 63 44, IV 48, 12 14, I 23, I, II 49, III 49, II 49, VI 46, II 23, II, III; 47, IV; 49, V 49, I 33, IV 14, II; 49, Subtitle A 49, X 49, XI 7, XXXIII 49, XII 49, XI 41, 301 5, XXI; 12, XV; 17, IV; 31, IX 27, I 12, XVIII 12, I 19, I 31, VI 48, 10 31, IX 31, VII 31, X 31, II 31, V 26, I 31, VIII 31, I 31, IV 31, Subtitle A 12, V 45, XVIII 22, IV 22, XI
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Utah Reclamation Mitigation and Conservation Commission Veterans Affairs Department Federal Acquisition Regulation Veterans Employment and Training Service, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Vice President of the United States, Office of Vocational and Adult Education, Office of Wage and Hour Division Water Resources Council Workers Compensation Programs, Office of World Agricultural Outlook Board
43, III 2, VIII; 38, I 48, 8 41, 61; 20, IX 32, XXVIII 34, IV 29, V 18, VI 20, I 7, XXXVIII
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CFR part or section where identified and described 1.412 ................................................................ 1.413 ................................................................ 1.414A .............................................................. 1.414 (b) and (c) .............................................. 1.418(b) ............................................................ 1.418(d) ............................................................ 1.419 ................................................................ 1.421T .............................................................. 1.422 ................................................................ 1.425 ................................................................ 1.426 ................................................................ 1.428 ................................................................ 1.4210 .............................................................. 1.4213 .............................................................. 1.4214 .............................................................. 1.4217 .............................................................. 1.4218 .............................................................. 1.433(a)(3) ....................................................... 1.433(b)(3) ....................................................... 1.44B1 .............................................................. 1.45D1 ............................................................. 1.45G1 ............................................................. 1.461 ................................................................ 1.463 ................................................................ 1.464 ................................................................ 1.465 ................................................................ 1.466 ................................................................ 1.468 ................................................................ 1.469 ................................................................ 1.4610 .............................................................. 1.4611 .............................................................. 1.471 ................................................................ 1.473 ................................................................ 1.474 1.475 1.476 1.483 1.484 ................................................................ ................................................................ ................................................................ ................................................................ ................................................................
Current OMB control No. 15450619 15450619 15450074 15450074 15451625 15450732 15450619 15450984 15450988 15451005 15451357 15451102 15451102 15451102 15451357 15451423 15451357 15452088 15451292 15451292 15450219 15451765 15452031 15450123 15450155 15450155 15450155 15450155 15450155 15450155 15450155 15450118 15450155 15450155 15450166 15450155 15450166 15450123 15450092 15450099 15450155 15450155 15450808 15450155 15450155 15450155 15451783 15450895 15450895 15450895 15450895 15450895 15450895 15450895 15450895 15450895 15450895
1.485 ................................................................ 1.486 ................................................................ 1.4812 .............................................................. 1.50A1 1.50A2 1.50A3 1.50A4 1.50A5 1.50A6 1.50A7 1.50B1 1.50B2 1.50B3 .............................................................. .............................................................. .............................................................. .............................................................. .............................................................. .............................................................. .............................................................. .............................................................. .............................................................. ..............................................................
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CFR part or section where identified and described 1.50B4 .............................................................. 1.50B5 .............................................................. 1.511 ................................................................
1.522 ................................................................ 1.523 ................................................................ 1.561 ................................................................ 1.56(g)1 ............................................................ 1.56A1 .............................................................. 1.56A2 .............................................................. 1.56A3 .............................................................. 1.56A4 .............................................................. 1.56A5 .............................................................. 1.575 ................................................................ 1.581 ................................................................ 1.589(c)(5)(iii)(B) .............................................. 1.589(e)(3) ....................................................... 1.591 ................................................................ 1.612 ................................................................ 1.612T .............................................................. 1.614 ................................................................ 1.6115 .............................................................. 1.622 ................................................................ 1.631 ................................................................ 1.664 ................................................................ 1.672T .............................................................. 1.673 ................................................................ 1.673T .............................................................. 1.711T .............................................................. 1.724 ................................................................ 1.726 ................................................................ 1.729 ................................................................ 1.7217 .............................................................. 1.7217A ............................................................ 1.7218 .............................................................. 1.741 ................................................................ 1.792 ................................................................ 1.793 ................................................................ 1.832 ................................................................ 1.835 ................................................................ 1.836 ................................................................ 1.10310 ............................................................ 1.10315AT ....................................................... 1.10318 ............................................................ 1.103(n)2T ....................................................... 1.103(n)4T ....................................................... 1.103A2 ............................................................ 1.1054 .............................................................. 1.1055 .............................................................. 1.1056 .............................................................. 1.1084 .............................................................. 1.1085 .............................................................. 1.1087 .............................................................. 1.108(i)1T ......................................................... 1.108(i)2T ......................................................... 1.1101 .............................................................. 1.1175 .............................................................. 1.1182 .............................................................. 1.1191 .............................................................. 1.1203 .............................................................. 1.1211 .............................................................. 1.1212 .............................................................. 1.1213 .............................................................. 1.1214 ..............................................................
emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with CFR
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Sfmt 8010
Current OMB control No. 15451671 15451966 15450074 15450074 15450182 15450123 15450123 15450123 15450172 15451041 15451870 15450123 15450987 15450187 15450987 15450987 15451265 15451265 15451265 15451265 15451265 15451265 15450074 15450123 15450123 15450885 15450184 15450139 15450139 15450139 15450139 15450771 15450139 15450771 15450074 15450172 15450771 15450139 15450771 15450074 15450771 15450139 15450139 15450123 15451155 15450074 15451851 15450123 15450074 15450123 15451438 15450074 15450172 15450123 15450074 15450123 15452019 15451160 15451160 15451774 15451633 15451672 15451672 15451672 15451658 15451658 15451658 15451990 15451658 15451990 15450123 15452019
1.16512 ............................................................ 1.1661 .............................................................. 1.1662 .............................................................. 1.1664 .............................................................. 1.16610 ............................................................ 1.167(a)5T ....................................................... 1.167(a)7 .......................................................... 1.167(a)11 ........................................................ 1.167(a)12 ........................................................ 1.167(d)1 .......................................................... 1.167(e)1 .......................................................... 1.167(f)11 ......................................................... 1.167(l)1 ........................................................... 1.168(d)1 .......................................................... 1.168(f)(8)1T .................................................... 1.168(i)1 ........................................................... 1.1685 .............................................................. 1.1694 .............................................................. 1.1701 .............................................................. 1.1702 .............................................................. 1.1703 .............................................................. 1.170A1 ............................................................ 1.170A2 ............................................................ 1.170A4(A)(b) .................................................. 1.170A8 ............................................................ 1.170A9 ............................................................ 1.170A11 .......................................................... 1.170A12 .......................................................... 1.170A13 ..........................................................
1.1972 .............................................................. 1.1996 .............................................................. 1.2131 .............................................................. 1.2151T ............................................................ 1.2172 .............................................................. 1.2433 .............................................................. 1.2434 .............................................................. 1.2435 .............................................................. 1.2481 .............................................................. 1.2611 .............................................................. 1.263(a)5 .......................................................... 1.263(e)1 .......................................................... 1.263A1 ............................................................ 1.263A1T ......................................................... 1.263A2 ............................................................ 1.263A3 ............................................................ 1.263A8(b)(2)(iii) .............................................. 1.263A9(d)(1) ................................................... 1.263A9(f)(1)(ii) ................................................ 1.263A9(f)(2)(iv) ............................................... 1.263A9(g)(2)(iv)(C) ......................................... 1.263A9(g)(3)(iv) .............................................. 1.2651 .............................................................. 1.2652 .............................................................. 1.2661 .............................................................. 1.267(f)1 ........................................................... 1.2681 .............................................................. 1.2741 .............................................................. 1.2742 .............................................................. 1.2743 .............................................................. 1.2744 .............................................................. 1.2745 .............................................................. 1.2745A ............................................................ 1.2745T ............................................................ 1.2746 .............................................................. 1.2746T ............................................................ 1.2747 .............................................................. 1.2748 .............................................................. 1.2796 .............................................................. 1.280C4 ........................................................... 1.280F3T .......................................................... 1.280G1 ........................................................... 1.2814 .............................................................. 1.3024 .............................................................. 1.3053 .............................................................. 1.3055 .............................................................. 1.3072 .............................................................. 1.31215 ............................................................ 1.3161 .............................................................. 1.3311 .............................................................. 1.3324 .............................................................. 1.3326 .............................................................. 1.337(d)1 .......................................................... 1.337(d)2 .......................................................... 1.337(d)4 .......................................................... 1.337(d)5 .......................................................... 1.337(d)6 .......................................................... 1.337(d)7 .......................................................... 1.3382 .............................................................. 1.3385 .............................................................. 1.33810 ............................................................ 1.33811 ............................................................ 1.338(h)(10)1 ................................................... 1.338(i)1 ........................................................... 1.3417 .............................................................. 1.3513 ..............................................................
1.170A13(f) ...................................................... 1.170A14 .......................................................... 1.1714 .............................................................. 1.1715 .............................................................. 1.1721 .............................................................. 1.17213 ............................................................ 1.1731 .............................................................. 1.1743 .............................................................. 1.1744 .............................................................. 1.1753 .............................................................. 1.1756 .............................................................. 1.1771 .............................................................. 1.1792 .............................................................. 1.1793 .............................................................. 1.1795 .............................................................. 1.179B1T ......................................................... 1.179C1 ........................................................... 1.179C1T ......................................................... 1.1802 .............................................................. 1.1811 .............................................................. 1.1812 .............................................................. 1.1813 .............................................................. 1.1826 .............................................................. 1.1831 .............................................................. 1.1832 .............................................................. 1.1833 .............................................................. 1.1834 .............................................................. 1.1903 .............................................................. 1.1942 .............................................................. 1.1944 .............................................................. 1.1951 .............................................................. 1.1971T ............................................................
VerDate Mar<15>2010
Jkt 229103
PO 00000
Frm 00625
Fmt 8013
Sfmt 8010
CFR part or section where identified and described 1.3555 .............................................................. 1.3622 .............................................................. 1.367(a)1T ....................................................... 1.367(a)2T ....................................................... 1.367(a)3 .......................................................... 1.367(a)3T ....................................................... 1.367(a)6T ....................................................... 1.367(a)7 .......................................................... 1.367(a)7T ....................................................... 1.367(a)8 .......................................................... 1.367(b)1 .......................................................... 1.367(b)3T ....................................................... 1.367(d)1T ....................................................... 1.367(e)1 .......................................................... 1.367(e)2 .......................................................... 1.3681 .............................................................. 1.3683 .............................................................. 1.3711 .............................................................. 1.3712 .............................................................. 1.3743 .............................................................. 1.381(b)1 .......................................................... 1.381(c)(4)1 ..................................................... 1.381(c)(5)1 ..................................................... 1.381(c)(6)1 ..................................................... 1.381(c)(8)1 ..................................................... 1.381(c)(10)1 ................................................... 1.381(c)(11)1(k) ............................................... 1.381(c)(13)1 ................................................... 1.381(c)(17)1 ................................................... 1.381(c)(22)1 ................................................... 1.381(c)(25)1 ................................................... 1.3821T ............................................................ 1.3822 .............................................................. 1.3822T ............................................................ 1.3823 .............................................................. 1.3824 1.3826 1.3828 1.3829 .............................................................. .............................................................. .............................................................. ..............................................................
1.401(a)11 ........................................................ 1.401(a)20 ........................................................ 1.401(a)31 ........................................................ 1.401(a)50 ........................................................ 1.401(a)(31)1 ................................................... 1.401(b)1 .......................................................... 1.401(f)1 ........................................................... 1.401(k)1 ..........................................................
1.4431 .............................................................. 1.4443T ............................................................ 1.4444 .............................................................. 1.4461 .............................................................. 1.4464(d) .......................................................... 1.4481(g) .......................................................... 1.4481(h) .......................................................... 1.4481(i) ........................................................... 1.4482 .............................................................. 1.4482T ............................................................
1.401(k)2 ..........................................................
VerDate Mar<15>2010
Jkt 229103
PO 00000
Frm 00626
Fmt 8013
Sfmt 8010
Current OMB control No. 15451767 15451945 15451496 15450152 15450152 15451364 15451364 15451364 15451794 15452149 15450056 15450057 15450056 15450047 15450047 15450814 15450047 15450052 15450916 15450052 15450052 15450052 15450056 15450047 15452157 15450047 15450052 15450687 15450047 15450687 15450051 15450058 15450129 15450129 15450129 15450129 15450127 15450123 15450123 15450123 15450123 15450123 15450045 15450123 15450123 15450074 15450099 15450099 15450099 15450704 15450044 15450123 15450123 15450123 15450123 15450043 15450123 15450043 15450043 15450043 15450043 15450123 15450123 15451290 15450123 15450123 15450123 15450123 15450123 15450123 15451300 15451300
1.475(a)4 .......................................................... 1.475(b)4 .......................................................... 1.4814 .............................................................. 1.4815 .............................................................. 1.4821 .............................................................. 1.4824 .............................................................. 1.4827 .............................................................. 1.4829(b) .......................................................... 1.501(a)1 .......................................................... 1.501(c)(3)1 ..................................................... 1.501(c)(9)5 ..................................................... 1.501(c)(17)3 ................................................... 1.501(e)1 .......................................................... 1.503(c)1 .......................................................... 1.505(c)1T ........................................................ 1.5071 .............................................................. 1.5072 .............................................................. 1.5081 .............................................................. 1.509(a)3 1.509(a)4 1.509(a)5 1.509(c)1 1.512(a)1 1.512(a)4 .......................................................... .......................................................... .......................................................... .......................................................... .......................................................... ..........................................................
1.45310 ............................................................ 1.453A1 ............................................................ 1.453A2 ............................................................ 1.453A3 ............................................................ 1.4541 .............................................................. 1.4552 .............................................................. 1.4556 .............................................................. 1.4562 .............................................................. 1.4566 .............................................................. 1.4567 .............................................................. 1.4578 .............................................................. 1.4581 .............................................................. 1.4582 .............................................................. 1.4601 .............................................................. 1.4606 .............................................................. 1.4611 .............................................................. 1.4612 .............................................................. 1.4614 .............................................................. 1.4615 .............................................................. 1.4631T ............................................................ 1.4651T ............................................................ 1.4661T ............................................................ 1.4664 .............................................................. 1.468A3 ............................................................ 1.468A3(h), 1.468A7, and 1.468A8(d) ........ 1.468A4 ............................................................ 1.468A7 ............................................................ 1.468A8 ............................................................ 1.468B1 ............................................................ 1.468B1(j) ........................................................ 1.468B2(k) ....................................................... 1.468B2(l) ........................................................ 1.468B3(b) ....................................................... 1.468B3(e) ....................................................... 1.468B5(b) ....................................................... 1.468B9 ............................................................ 1.4691 .............................................................. 1.4692T ............................................................ 1.4694T ............................................................ 1.4697 .............................................................. 1.4712 .............................................................. 1.4715 .............................................................. 1.4716 .............................................................. 1.4718 .............................................................. 1.47111 ............................................................ 1.4721 ..............................................................
emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with CFR
1.5211 .............................................................. 1.5272 1.5275 1.5276 1.5279 1.5288 1.5332 1.5342 1.5423 1.5452 1.5453 1.5472 1.5473 1.5514 1.5523 1.5524 1.5525 1.5562 1.5611 1.5612 1.5623 1.5632 1.5641 1.5651 .............................................................. .............................................................. .............................................................. .............................................................. .............................................................. .............................................................. .............................................................. .............................................................. .............................................................. .............................................................. .............................................................. .............................................................. .............................................................. .............................................................. .............................................................. .............................................................. .............................................................. .............................................................. .............................................................. .............................................................. .............................................................. .............................................................. ..............................................................
1.5652 .............................................................. 1.5653 .............................................................. 1.5655 .............................................................. 1.5656 .............................................................. 1.5851 .............................................................. 1.5853 .............................................................. 1.5858 .............................................................. 1.5862 .............................................................. 1.5931 .............................................................. 1.5936 .............................................................. 1.5936A ............................................................ 1.5937 .............................................................. 1.5951 .............................................................. 1.5972 .............................................................. 1.5974 ..............................................................
VerDate Mar<15>2010
Jkt 229103
PO 00000
Frm 00627
Fmt 8013
Sfmt 8010
CFR part or section where identified and described 1.5976 1.5977 1.6112 1.6113 .............................................................. .............................................................. .............................................................. ..............................................................
1.6124 .............................................................. 1.6125 .............................................................. 1.6133 .............................................................. 1.6134 .............................................................. 1.6136 .............................................................. 1.6137 .............................................................. 1.613A3 ............................................................ 1.613A3(e) ....................................................... 1.613A3(l) ........................................................ 1.613A5 ............................................................ 1.613A6 ............................................................ 1.6142 .............................................................. 1.6143 .............................................................. 1.6145 .............................................................. 1.6146 .............................................................. 1.6148 .............................................................. 1.6171 .............................................................. 1.6173 .............................................................. 1.6174 .............................................................. 1.6311 .............................................................. 1.6312 .............................................................. 1.641(b)2 .......................................................... 1.642(c)1 .......................................................... 1.642(c)2 .......................................................... 1.642(c)5 .......................................................... 1.642(c)6 .......................................................... 1.642(g)1 .......................................................... 1.642(i)1 ........................................................... 1.6451 .............................................................. 1.663(b)2 .......................................................... 1.6641 .............................................................. 1.6641(a)(7) ..................................................... 1.6641(c) .......................................................... 1.6642 .............................................................. 1.6643 .............................................................. 1.6644 .............................................................. 1.665(a)0A through 1.665(g)2A ....................................................... 1.666(d)1A ....................................................... 1.6714 .............................................................. 1.6715 .............................................................. 1.7011 .............................................................. 1.7021 .............................................................. 1.7031 .............................................................. 1.7042 .............................................................. 1.7061 .............................................................. 1.7061T ............................................................ 1.7073(c)(2) ..................................................... 1.7075(a)(7)(ii) ................................................. 1.7076(c) .......................................................... 1.7078 .............................................................. 1.7081 .............................................................. 1.7321 .............................................................. 1.7361 .............................................................. 1.7431 ..............................................................
emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with CFR
1.8013 .............................................................. 1.8015 .............................................................. 1.8018 .............................................................. 1.8044 .............................................................. 1.8112 .............................................................. 1.8122 .............................................................. 1.8156 .............................................................. 1.8184 .............................................................. 1.8185 .............................................................. 1.8188 .............................................................. 1.8192 .............................................................. 1.8211 .............................................................. 1.8213 .............................................................. 1.8214 .............................................................. 1.8225 .............................................................. 1.8226 .............................................................. 1.8228 .............................................................. 1.8229 .............................................................. 1.8232 .............................................................. 1.8235 .............................................................. 1.8236 .............................................................. 1.8251 .............................................................. 1.8261 .............................................................. 1.8262 .............................................................. 1.8263 .............................................................. 1.8264 .............................................................. 1.8266 .............................................................. 1.8313 .............................................................. 1.8314 .............................................................. 1.8324 .............................................................. 1.8325 .............................................................. 1.8482(g)(8) ..................................................... 1.8482(h)(3) ..................................................... 1.8482(i)(4) ...................................................... 1.8512 .............................................................. 1.8514 .............................................................. 1.8521 .............................................................. 1.8524 .............................................................. 1.8526 .............................................................. 1.8527 .............................................................. 1.8529 ..............................................................
1.85211 ............................................................ 1.8533 .............................................................. 1.8534 .............................................................. 1.8542 .............................................................. 1.8551 .............................................................. 1.8562 .............................................................. 1.8566 1.8567 1.8568 1.8578 1.8579 1.8581 1.8602 1.8604 .............................................................. .............................................................. .............................................................. .............................................................. .............................................................. .............................................................. .............................................................. ..............................................................
1.860E1 ............................................................
VerDate Mar<15>2010
Jkt 229103
PO 00000
Frm 00628
Fmt 8013
Sfmt 8010
Current OMB control No. 15450121 15450121 15450121 15451127 15450122 15451056 15451056 15451056 15450067 15450070 15450067 15450070 15450067 15450070 15450067 15450070 15450067 15450070 15450067 15450070 15450067 15450070 15450067 15450190 15450884 15450935 15450939 15450884 15450935 15450935 15450935 15450935 15450935 15450935 15450935 15450935 15450884 15450935 15450935 15450935 15450884 15450074 15450123 15450782 15450074 15450087 15450803 15450215 15450217 15450215 15450704 15450215 15450215 15451138 15451930 15450126 15450126 15451068 15451068 15450123 15450123 15450755 15450755 15450704 15450704 15450704 15450704 15450122 15450704 15450704 15450704 15450126
1.904(f)4 ........................................................... 1.904(f)5 ........................................................... 1.904(f)6 ........................................................... 1.904(f)7 ........................................................... 1.9052 .............................................................. 1.9053T ............................................................ 1.9054T ............................................................ 1.9055T ............................................................ 1.9111 .............................................................. 1.9112 .............................................................. 1.9113 .............................................................. 1.9114 .............................................................. 1.9115 .............................................................. 1.9116 .............................................................. 1.9117 .............................................................. 1.91313 ............................................................ 1.9211T ............................................................
1.9212 .............................................................. 1.9213T ............................................................ 1.9231T ............................................................ 1.924(a)1T ....................................................... 1.925(a)1T ....................................................... 1.925(b)1T ....................................................... 1.926(a)1T ....................................................... 1.927(a)1T ....................................................... 1.927(b)1T ....................................................... 1.927(d)1 .......................................................... 1.927(d)2T ....................................................... 1.927(e)1T ....................................................... 1.927(e)2T ....................................................... 1.927(f)1 ........................................................... 1.9311 .............................................................. 1.9341 .............................................................. 1.9351 .............................................................. 1.9361 .............................................................. 1.9364 .............................................................. 1.9365 .............................................................. 1.9366 .............................................................. 1.9367 .............................................................. 1.93610(c) ........................................................ 1.9371 .............................................................. 1.9522 .............................................................. 1.9532 .............................................................. 1.9541 .............................................................. 1.9542 .............................................................. 1.9552 .............................................................. 1.9553 .............................................................. 1.955A2 ............................................................ 1.955A3 ............................................................ 1.9561 .............................................................. 1.9562 .............................................................. 1.9591 .............................................................. 1.9592 .............................................................. 1.9601 .............................................................. 1.9622 .............................................................. 1.9623 .............................................................. 1.9624 .............................................................. 1.9641 ..............................................................
VerDate Mar<15>2010
Jkt 229103
PO 00000
Frm 00629
Fmt 8013
Sfmt 8010
1.9643 .............................................................. 1.9702 .............................................................. 1.9852 .............................................................. 1.9853 1.9880 1.9881 1.9882 1.9883 1.9884 1.9885 1.9886 1.9921 .............................................................. .............................................................. .............................................................. .............................................................. .............................................................. .............................................................. .............................................................. .............................................................. ..............................................................
1.9922 .............................................................. 1.9923 .............................................................. 1.9924 .............................................................. 1.9933 .............................................................. 1.9934 .............................................................. 1.9941 .............................................................. 1.9955 .............................................................. 1.10011 ............................................................ 1.10121 ............................................................ 1.10144 ............................................................ 1.10151 ............................................................ 1.10171 ............................................................ 1.1031(d)1T ..................................................... 1.1033(a)2 ........................................................ 1.1033(g)1 ........................................................ 1.10341 ............................................................ 1.10391 ............................................................ 1.10411T .......................................................... 1.10412 ............................................................ 1.10421T .......................................................... 1.1044(a)1 ........................................................ 1.10451 ............................................................ 1.10601 ............................................................ 1.10711 ............................................................ 1.10714 ............................................................ 1.10814 ............................................................ 1.108111 .......................................................... 1.10821 ............................................................ 1.10822 ............................................................ 1.10823 ............................................................ 1.10824 ............................................................ 1.10825 ............................................................ 1.10826 ............................................................ 1.10831 ............................................................ 1.1092(b)1T ..................................................... 1.1092(b)2T ..................................................... 1.1092(b)3T ..................................................... 1.1092(b)4T ..................................................... 1.1092(b)5T ..................................................... 1.12111 ............................................................ 1.12121 ............................................................ 1.12212 ............................................................ 1.12311 ............................................................ 1.12312 ............................................................
VerDate Mar<15>2010
Jkt 229103
PO 00000
Frm 00630
Fmt 8013
Sfmt 8010
Current OMB control No. 15450054 15450054 15450055 15450795 15451484 15450054 15450055 15450096 15450795 15450795 15450026 15450026 15450257 15451634 15450121 15450123 15450885 15451161 15451433 15450123 15450123 15450123 15451774 15451774 15451237 15452171 15451344 15451344 15451774 15451344 15451828 15452096 15450123 15450025 15450123 15450133 15450152 15451344 15452019 15451699 15450123 15451046 15450582 15451218 15451218 15451218 15451583 15451083 15451946 15451946 15451946 15451946 15451946 15450123 15450123 15450123 15450797 15452019 15450123 15452177 15450058 15450074 15450099 15450123 15450865 15450055 15450074 15450085 15450089 15450090 15450091 15450096
1.14612 ............................................................
1.14621 ............................................................ 1.14921 ............................................................ 1.14941 ............................................................ 1.15025 ............................................................ 1.15029 ............................................................ 1.15029A .......................................................... 1.150213 ..........................................................
1.150216 .......................................................... 1.150218 .......................................................... 1.150219 .......................................................... 1.150220 .......................................................... 1.150221 .......................................................... 1.150221T ........................................................ 1.150231 .......................................................... 1.150232 .......................................................... 1.150233 1.150235 1.150236 1.150247 1.150275 .......................................................... .......................................................... .......................................................... .......................................................... ..........................................................
1.150276 .......................................................... 1.150276T ........................................................ 1.150277 .......................................................... 1.150277A ........................................................ 1.150278 .......................................................... 1.150295 .......................................................... 1.150295A ........................................................ 1.150296 .......................................................... 1.15032 ............................................................ 1.15032A .......................................................... 1.1503(d)1 ........................................................ 1.1503(d)3 ........................................................ 1.1503(d)4 ........................................................ 1.1503(d)5 ........................................................ 1.1503(d)6 ........................................................ 1.15521 ............................................................ 1.15613 ............................................................ 1.15631 ............................................................ 1.15633 ............................................................ 1.5000B1 .......................................................... 1.60011 ............................................................
1.14453 ............................................................ 1.14454 ............................................................ 1.14455 ............................................................ 1.14456 ............................................................ 1.14457 ............................................................ 1.14458 ............................................................ 1.14459T .......................................................... 1.144510T ........................................................ 1.14461 ............................................................ 1.14463 ............................................................ 1.14464 ............................................................ 1.14465 ............................................................ 1.14466 ............................................................ 1.14511 ............................................................
1.60111 ............................................................
VerDate Mar<15>2010
Jkt 229103
PO 00000
Frm 00631
Fmt 8013
Sfmt 8010
1.60382 ............................................................ 1.60383 ............................................................ 1.6038A2 .......................................................... 1.6038A3 .......................................................... 1.6038B1 .......................................................... 1.6038B1T ....................................................... 1.6038B2 .......................................................... 1.60392 ............................................................ 1.60411 ............................................................
1.60122 ............................................................
1.60123 ............................................................
1.60412 ............................................................
1.60126 ............................................................ 1.60131 ............................................................ 1.60132 ............................................................ 1.60136 ............................................................ 1.60137 ............................................................ 1.60155 ............................................................ 1.6015(a)1 ........................................................ 1.6015(b)1 ........................................................ 1.6015(d)1 ........................................................ 1.6015(e)1 ........................................................ 1.6015(f)1 ......................................................... 1.6015(g)1 ........................................................ 1.6015(h)1 ........................................................ 1.6015(i)1 ......................................................... 1.60171 ............................................................ 1.6031(a)1 ........................................................ 1.6031(b)1T ..................................................... 1.6031(c)1T ...................................................... 1.60321 ............................................................ 1.60332 ............................................................
emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with CFR
1.60415 ............................................................
1.60423 ............................................................
1.60333 ............................................................
1.60433 ............................................................
VerDate Mar<15>2010
Jkt 229103
PO 00000
Frm 00632
Fmt 8013
Sfmt 8010
Current OMB control No. 15450807 15450087 15450087 15450087 15450087 15450123 15450123 15450066 15450148 15450233 15451057 15451081 15450148 15451036 15451054 15450233 15450188 15451479 15450148 15451054 15450148 15451054 15450089 15450074 15451231 15450074 15452176 15451464 15450074 15450087 15450087 15450087 15450087 15450135 15450135 15450135 15450135 15450135 15450135 15450135 15450135 15450257 15450098 15450257 15450098 15450135 15450582 15450098 15450582 15450098 15450582 15450582 15450096 15450170 15450170 15450170 15450087 15450140 15450087 15450087 15450087 15451421 15450889 15450889 15451426 15450074 15450074 15451231 15451231 15451231 15450074 15451385
1.60451(c)(3)(xi)(C) ......................................... 1.6045A1 .......................................................... 1.60452 ............................................................ 1.60454 ............................................................ 1.60461 ............................................................ 1.60462 ............................................................ 1.60463 ............................................................ 1.6046A .............................................................. 1.60471 ............................................................ 1.60491 ............................................................
1.60812 ............................................................ 1.60813 ............................................................ 1.60814 ............................................................ 1.60816 ............................................................ 1.60817 ............................................................ 1.60913 ............................................................ 1.61071 ............................................................ 1.61091 1.61092 1.61151 1.61511 1.61531 1.61534 1.61611 1.61621 1.61641 1.61642 1.61643 1.61645 1.61646 1.61647 1.61648 1.61649 1.63021 1.63022 ............................................................ ............................................................ ............................................................ ............................................................ ............................................................ ............................................................ ............................................................ ............................................................ ............................................................ ............................................................ ............................................................ ............................................................ ............................................................ ............................................................ ............................................................ ............................................................ ............................................................ ............................................................
1.60495 ............................................................ 1.60496 ............................................................ 1.60497 ............................................................ 1.60497T .......................................................... 1.6050A1 .......................................................... 1.6050B1 .......................................................... 1.6050D1 ......................................................... 1.6050E1 .......................................................... 1.6050H1 ......................................................... 1.6050H1T ....................................................... 1.6050H2 ......................................................... 1.6050I2 ........................................................... 1.6050J1T ........................................................ 1.6050K1 .......................................................... 1.6050S1 .......................................................... 1.6050S2 .......................................................... 1.6050S3 .......................................................... 1.6050S4 .......................................................... 1.60521 ............................................................ 1.60522 ............................................................ 1.60601 ............................................................ 1.60601(a)(1) ................................................... 1.60611 ............................................................ 1.60621 ............................................................ 1.60631 ............................................................ 1.60651 ............................................................ 1.60711 ............................................................ 1.60721 ............................................................ 1.60722 ............................................................
1.64111 ............................................................ 1.64112 ............................................................ 1.64113 ............................................................ 1.64114 1.64141 1.64251 1.64252 1.64253 1.66541 ............................................................ ............................................................ ............................................................ ............................................................ ............................................................ ............................................................
1.66542 ............................................................ 1.66543 ............................................................ 1.66544 ............................................................ 1.6655(e)1 ........................................................ 1.66623(c) ........................................................ 1.66624(e) and (f) ............................................ 1.66626 ............................................................ 1.66941 ............................................................ 1.66942 ............................................................ 1.66942(c) ........................................................ 1.66942(c)(3) ................................................... 1.66943(e) ........................................................ 1.66951 ............................................................
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Frm 00633
Fmt 8013
Sfmt 8010
CFR part or section where identified and described 1.66952 ............................................................ 1.66961 ............................................................ 1.68511 ............................................................ 1.68512 ............................................................ 1.74761 ............................................................ 1.74762 ............................................................ 1.75192T .......................................................... 1.75201 ............................................................ 1.75202 ............................................................ 1.75203 ............................................................ 1.75204 ............................................................ 1.7701(l)3 ......................................................... 1.787215 .......................................................... 1.91001 ............................................................ 1.91011 ............................................................ 2.14 .................................................................. 2.15 .................................................................. 2.16 .................................................................. 2.110 ................................................................ 2.111 ................................................................ 2.112 ................................................................ 2.113 ................................................................ 2.120 ................................................................ 2.122 ................................................................ 2.126 ................................................................ 3.2 ...................................................................... 4.9541 .............................................................. 4.9542 .............................................................. 5.64111 ............................................................
5c.44F1 ............................................................ 5c.1281 ............................................................ 5c.168(f)(8)1 .................................................... 5c.168(f)(8)2 .................................................... 5c.168(f)(8)6 .................................................... 5c.168(f)(8)8 .................................................... 5c.3051 ............................................................ 5c.4421 ............................................................ 5f.1031 ............................................................. 5f.1033 ............................................................. 5f.60451 ........................................................... 6a.103A2 .......................................................... 6a.103A3 .......................................................... 7.4651 .............................................................. 7.4652 .............................................................. 7.4653 .............................................................. 7.4654 .............................................................. 7.4655 .............................................................. 7.9361 .............................................................. 7.9991 .............................................................. 7.6039A1 .......................................................... 7.60411 ............................................................ 11.4101 ............................................................ 11.412(c)7 ........................................................ 11.412(c)11 ...................................................... 12.7 .................................................................... 12.8 .................................................................... 12.9 .................................................................... 14a.422A1 ........................................................ 15A.4531 .......................................................... 16.31 ................................................................ 16A.1262 .......................................................... 16A.12551 ........................................................
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Sfmt 8010
Current OMB control No. 15450029 15450029 15451484 15450029 15450096 15450795 15450029 15450029 15450666 15450029 15450182 15450004 15450010 15450010 15450010 15450010 15450410 15450010 15450010 15450010 15450010 15451435 15450029 15450010 15450029 15450010 15450010 15450010 15450065 15450010 15450010 15450010 15450415 15450008 15450010 15450415 15450717 15450415 15450717 15450238 15450239 15450029 15451341 15450112 15450112 15450112 15450112 15450112 15450112 15450112 15450112 15450112 15450112 15450112 15450112 15450112 15450112 15450112 15450112 15450112 15450112 15450112 15450112 15450112 15450112 15450096 15450112 15451819 15450112 15450112 15450112 15450112
31.3306(c)(18)1 ............................................... 31.3401(a)1 ...................................................... 31.3401(a)(6) ..................................................... 31.3401(a)(6)1 ................................................. 31.3401(a)(7)1 ................................................. 31.3401(a)(8)(A)1 . .......................................... 31.3401(a)(8)(C)1 . .......................................... 31.3401(a)(15)1 ............................................... 31.3401(c)1 ...................................................... 31.3402(b)1 ...................................................... 31.3402(c)1 ...................................................... 31.3402(f)(1)1 .................................................. 31.3402(f)(2)1 .................................................. 31.3402(f)(3)1 31.3402(f)(4)1 31.3402(f)(4)2 31.3402(f)(5)1 .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ..................................................
31.3402(h)(1)1 ................................................. 31.3402(h)(3)1 ................................................. 31.3402(h)(4)1 ................................................. 31.3402(i)(1) .................................................... 31.3402(i)(2) .................................................... 31.3402(k)1 ...................................................... 31.3402(l)(1) .................................................... 31.3402(m)(1) .................................................. 31.3402(n)(1) ................................................... 31.3402(o)2 ...................................................... 31.3402(o)3 ......................................................
31.3402(p)1 ...................................................... 31.3402(q)1 ...................................................... 31.34041 .......................................................... 31.3405(c)1 ...................................................... 31.3406(a)1 ...................................................... 31.3406(a)2 ...................................................... 31.3406(a)3 ...................................................... 31.3406(a)4 ...................................................... 31.3406(b)(2)1 ................................................. 31.3406(b)(2)2 ................................................. 31.3406(b)(2)3 ................................................. 31.3406(b)(2)4 ................................................. 31.3406(b)(2)5 ................................................. 31.3406(b)(3)1 ................................................. 31.3406(b)(3)2 ................................................. 31.3406(b)(3)3 ................................................. 31.3406(b)(3)4 ................................................. 31.3406(b)(4)1 ................................................. 31.3406(c)1 ...................................................... 31.3406(d)1 ...................................................... 31.3406(d)2 ...................................................... 31.3406(d)3 ...................................................... 31.3406(d)4 ...................................................... 31.3406(d)5 ...................................................... 31.3406(e)1 ...................................................... 31.3406(f)1 ....................................................... 31.3406(g)1 ...................................................... 31.3406(g)2 31.3406(g)3 31.3406(h)1 31.3406(h)2 ...................................................... ...................................................... ...................................................... ......................................................
26.26622 .......................................................... 26.60601(a)(1) ................................................. 26.61071 .......................................................... 31.31023 .......................................................... 31.3121(b)(19)1 ............................................... 31.3121(d)1 ...................................................... 31.3121(i)1 ....................................................... 31.3121(k)4 ...................................................... 31.3121(r)1 ...................................................... 31.3121(s)1 ...................................................... 31.3121(v)(2)1 ................................................. 31.3302(a)2 ...................................................... 31.3302(a)3 ...................................................... 31.3302(b)2 ...................................................... 31.3302(e)1 ......................................................
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CFR part or section where identified and described 31.3406(h)3 ...................................................... 31.3406(i)1 ....................................................... 31.3501(a)1T ................................................... 31.35031 .......................................................... 31.35041 .......................................................... 31.60011 .......................................................... 31.60012 .......................................................... 31.60013 31.60014 31.60015 31.60016 .......................................................... .......................................................... .......................................................... ..........................................................
31.63021 .......................................................... 31.63022 .......................................................... 31.63023 .......................................................... 31.63024 .......................................................... 31.6302(c)2 ...................................................... 31.6302(c)2A ................................................... 31.6302(c)3 ...................................................... 31.6402(a)2 ...................................................... 31.6413(a)1 ...................................................... 31.6413(a)2 ...................................................... 31.6413(c)1 ...................................................... 31.64141 .......................................................... 32.1 .................................................................... 32.2 .................................................................... 35a.34062 ........................................................ 35a.99995 ........................................................ 36.3121(l)(1)1 .................................................. 36.3121(l)(1)2 .................................................. 36.3121(l)(3)1 .................................................. 36.3121(1)(7)1 ................................................. 36.3121(1)(10)1 ............................................... 36.3121(1)(10)3 ............................................... 36.3121(1)(10)4 ............................................... 40.60601(a)(1) ................................................. 40.61071 .......................................................... 40.6302(c)3(b)(2)(ii) ......................................... 40.6302(c)3(b)(2)(iii) ........................................ 40.6302(c)3(e) ................................................. 40.6302(c)3(f)(2)(ii) .......................................... 41.44811 .......................................................... 41.44812 .......................................................... 41.44833 .......................................................... 41.60011 .......................................................... 41.60012 .......................................................... 41.60013 .......................................................... 41.60601(a)(1) ................................................. 41.6071(a)1 ...................................................... 41.6081(a)1 ...................................................... 41.60911 .......................................................... 41.61071 .......................................................... 41.61091 .......................................................... 41.6151(a)1 ...................................................... 41.61561 .......................................................... 41.6161(a)(1)1 ................................................. 44.44011 .......................................................... 44.44031 .......................................................... 44.44121 .......................................................... 44.49011 .......................................................... 44.49051 .......................................................... 44.49052 .......................................................... 44.60011 .......................................................... 44.6011(a)1 ...................................................... 44.60601(a)(1) ................................................. 44.60711 .......................................................... 44.60911 .......................................................... 44.61071 .......................................................... 44.61511 .......................................................... 44.64191 .......................................................... 44.64192 .......................................................... 46.43714 .......................................................... 46.43741 .......................................................... 46.43751 ..........................................................
31.6011(a)1 ......................................................
31.6011(a)5 ...................................................... 31.6011(a)6 ...................................................... 31.6011(a)7 ...................................................... 31.6011(a)8 ...................................................... 31.6011(a)9 ...................................................... 31.6011(a)10 .................................................... 31.6011(b)1 ...................................................... 31.6011(b)2 ...................................................... 31.60511 ..........................................................
31.60532 .......................................................... 31.60533 .......................................................... 31.60534 .......................................................... 31.60601(a)(1) ................................................. 31.6065(a)1 ...................................................... 31.6071(a)1 ...................................................... 31.6071(a)1A ................................................... 31.6081(a)1 ...................................................... 31.60911 ..........................................................
emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with CFR
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Current OMB control No. 15450723 15450723 15450723 15450723 15450723 15450723 15450723 15450723 15451087 15450723 15450723 15450723 15450723 15450723 15450723 15450723 15450023 15450723 15450023 15450723 15450723 15450723 15450023 15450023 15450162 15450723 15450162 15450723 15450162 15450723 15450162 15450723 15450162 15450723 15450162 15450723 15450162 15450723 15450162 15450723 15450162 15450723 15450162 15450723 15450162 15450723 15450162 15450723 15450162 15450723 15450162 15450723 15450723 15450723 15450723 15450723 15450723 15450723 15450723 15450723 15450023 15450162 15450723 15450162 15450723 15450723 15450723 15450723 15451418 15451418 15451418 15451418
Current OMB control No. 15452238 15450023 15450257 15450023 15450023 15450023 15450023 15450023 15450023 15450023 15450023 15450023 15450023 15450023 15450023 15451270 15450023 15451418 15450023 15450023 15450023 15450014 15450242 15450023 15450023 15450023 15451074 15451087 15451270 15451418 15451270 15451418 15451897 15451270 15451270 15451270 15451270 15451270 15451418 15451418 15451418 15451418 15451418 15451418 15451418 15451418 15451418 15450723 15450723 15450723 15450723 15450023 15450023 15450023 15450023 15450023 15450023 15450023 15450023 15450023 15450023 15450014 15450023 15450023 15450257 15450723 15450023 15450257 15450723 15450023 15450723 15450723
CFR part or section where identified and described 48.6416(a)3 ...................................................... 48.6416(b)(1)1 ................................................. 48.6416(b)(1)2 ................................................. 48.6416(b)(1)3 ................................................. 48.6416(b)(1)4 ................................................. 48.6416(b)(2)1 ................................................. 48.6416(b)(2)2 ................................................. 48.6416(b)(2)3 ................................................. 48.6416(b)(2)4 ................................................. 48.6416(b)(3)1 ................................................. 48.6416(b)(3)2 ................................................. 48.6416(b)(3)3 ................................................. 48.6416(b)(4)1 ................................................. 48.6416(b)(5)1 ................................................. 48.6416(c)1 ...................................................... 48.6416(e)1 ...................................................... 48.6416(f)1 ....................................................... 48.6416(g)1 ...................................................... 48.6416(h)1 ...................................................... 48.6420(c)2 ...................................................... 48.6420(f)1 ....................................................... 48.64201 .......................................................... 48.64202 .......................................................... 48.64203 .......................................................... 48.64204 .......................................................... 48.64205 .......................................................... 48.64206 .......................................................... 48.64210 .......................................................... 48.64211 .......................................................... 48.64212 .......................................................... 48.64213 .......................................................... 48.64214 .......................................................... 48.64215 .......................................................... 48.64216 .......................................................... 48.64217 .......................................................... 48.64240 48.64241 48.64242 48.64243 48.64244 48.64245 48.64246 48.64270 48.64271 .......................................................... .......................................................... .......................................................... .......................................................... .......................................................... .......................................................... .......................................................... .......................................................... ..........................................................
48.64272 .......................................................... 48.64273 .......................................................... 48.64274 .......................................................... 48.64275 .......................................................... 48.64278 .......................................................... 48.64279 .......................................................... 48.642710 ........................................................ 48.642711 ........................................................
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Fmt 8013
Sfmt 8010
CFR part or section where identified and described 49.42511 .......................................................... 49.42512 .......................................................... 49.42514(d)(2) ................................................. 49.42533 .......................................................... 49.42534 .......................................................... 49.4264(b)1 ......................................................
49.42711(d) ...................................................... 51.8T .................................................................. 52.46821(b)(2)(iii) ............................................ 52.46822(b) ...................................................... 52.46822(d) ...................................................... 52.46823(c)(2) ................................................. 52.46823(g) ...................................................... 52.46824(f) ....................................................... 52.46825(d) ...................................................... 52.46825(f) ....................................................... 53.49401 .......................................................... 53.4942(a)1 ...................................................... 53.4942(a)2 ...................................................... 53.4942(a)3 ...................................................... 53.4942(b)3 ...................................................... 53.49451 .......................................................... 53.49454 .......................................................... 53.49455 .......................................................... 53.49456 .......................................................... 53.49471 .......................................................... 53.49472 .......................................................... 53.49481 .......................................................... 53.49586 .......................................................... 53.49612 .......................................................... 53.49631 .......................................................... 53.60011 .......................................................... 53.60111 ..........................................................
156.60011 ........................................................ 156.60111 ........................................................ 156.60601(a)(1) ............................................... 156.60811 ........................................................ 156.61071 ........................................................ 156.61611 ........................................................ 157.60011 ........................................................ 157.60111 ........................................................ 157.60601(a)(1) ............................................... 157.60811 ........................................................ 157.61071 ........................................................ 157.61611 ........................................................ 301.60112 ........................................................
53.60601(a)(1) ................................................. 53.60651 .......................................................... 53.60711 .......................................................... 53.60811 .......................................................... 53.61071 .......................................................... 53.61611 .......................................................... 54.49721 .......................................................... 54.49757 .......................................................... 54.49771T ........................................................ 54.4980B6 ........................................................ 54.4980B7 ........................................................ 54.4980B8 ........................................................ 54.4980F1 ........................................................ 54.4981A1T ..................................................... 54.60111 .......................................................... 54.60111T ........................................................ 54.60601(a)(1) ................................................. 54.61071 .......................................................... 54.98013 .......................................................... 54.98014 .......................................................... 54.98015 .......................................................... 54.98016 .......................................................... 54.98121T ........................................................ 54.98151251T .................................................. 54.98152711T ..................................................
301.6011(g)1 .................................................... 301.60171 ........................................................ 301.60341 ........................................................ 301.60351 ........................................................ 301.60361 ........................................................ 301.60471 ........................................................ 301.60571 ........................................................ 301.60572 ........................................................ 301.60581 ........................................................ 301.60591 ........................................................ 301.6103(c)1 .................................................... 301.6103(n)1 .................................................... 301.6103(p)(2)(B)1 .......................................... 301.6104(a)1 .................................................... 301.6104(a)5 .................................................... 301.6104(a)6 .................................................... 301.6104(b)1 .................................................... 301.6104(d)1 .................................................... 301.6104(d)2 .................................................... 301.6104(d)3 ....................................................
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Sfmt 8010
Current OMB control No. 15450024 15450582 15450092 15450092 15451056 15450865 15450881 15450865 15451126 15450909 15450013 15451783 15450074 15450123 15451029 15450092 15450074 15451209 15450854 15451356 15451899 15450123 15450123 15450429 15450015 15450795 15450409 15451534 15450803 15451486 15451465 15451600 15450795 15450089 15450089 15450089 15450089 15450089 15450089 15450089 15451126 15450089 15450805 15451850 15450220 15451488 15451488 15450016 15450042 15450074 15450129 15450172 15450619 15450872 15450982 15451112 15450123 15450026 15450074 15450172 15451027 15450046 15450046 15450152 15450024 15450823 15450823 15450160 15450710 15450846 15450834 15450845
301.6511(d)3 .................................................... 301.66522 ........................................................ 301.66851 ........................................................ 301.66891T ...................................................... 301.67071T ...................................................... 301.67081T ...................................................... 301.67121 ........................................................ 301.67231A(d) ................................................. 301.69031 ........................................................ 301.69051 ........................................................ 301.70011 ........................................................ 301.71011 ........................................................ 301.72071 ........................................................ 301.72162 ........................................................ 301.72162(o) .................................................... 301.74253 ........................................................ 301.74302(c) .................................................... 301.75021 ........................................................ 301.75078 ........................................................ 301.75079 ........................................................ 301.75131 ........................................................ 301.75171 ........................................................ 301.76051 ........................................................ 301.76231 ........................................................ 301.76541 ........................................................ 301.77013 ........................................................ 301.77014 ........................................................ 301.77017 ........................................................ 301.770116 ...................................................... 301.7701(b)1 .................................................... 301.7701(b)2 .................................................... 301.7701(b)3 .................................................... 301.7701(b)4 .................................................... 301.7701(b)5 .................................................... 301.7701(b)6 .................................................... 301.7701(b)7 .................................................... 301.7701(b)9 .................................................... 301.78051 ........................................................ 301.90005 ........................................................ 301.90011 ........................................................ 301.91002 ........................................................ 301.91003 ........................................................ 301.91004T ......................................................
301.61093 ........................................................ 301.61103 ........................................................ 301.61105 ........................................................ 301.61111T ...................................................... 301.61112 ........................................................ 301.61121 ........................................................ 301.61121T ...................................................... 301.61141 ........................................................ 301.6222(a)2 .................................................... 301.6222(b)1 .................................................... 301.6222(b)2 .................................................... 301.6222(b)3 .................................................... 301.6223(b)1 .................................................... 301.6223(c)1 .................................................... 301.6223(e)2 .................................................... 301.6223(g)1 .................................................... 301.6223(h)1 .................................................... 301.6224(b)1 .................................................... 301.6224(c)1 .................................................... 301.6224(c)3 .................................................... 301.6227(c)1 .................................................... 301.6227(d)1 .................................................... 301.6229(b)2 .................................................... 301.6230(b)1 .................................................... 301.6230(e)1 .................................................... 301.6231(a)(1)1 ............................................... 301.6231(a)(7)1 ............................................... 301.6231(c)1 .................................................... 301.6231(c)2 .................................................... 301.62411T ...................................................... 301.63164 ........................................................ 301.63165 ........................................................ 301.63166 ........................................................ 301.63167 ........................................................ 301.6324A1 ...................................................... 301.63611 ........................................................ 301.63612 ........................................................ 301.63613 ........................................................ 301.64022 ........................................................ 301.64023 ........................................................
301.91006T ...................................................... 301.91007T ...................................................... 301.91008 ........................................................ 301.910011T .................................................... 301.910012T ....................................................
301.64025 ........................................................ 301.64041 ........................................................ 301.64042T ...................................................... 301.64043 ........................................................ 301.64051 ........................................................ 301.6501(c)1 .................................................... 301.6501(d)1 ....................................................
emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with CFR
301.910014T .................................................... 301.910015T .................................................... 301.910016T .................................................... 302.17 .............................................................. 305.77011 ........................................................ 305.78711 ........................................................ 404.60481 ........................................................ 420.01 .............................................................. Part 509 ............................................................. Part 513 ............................................................. Part 514 .............................................................
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Frm 00639
Fmt 8013
Sfmt 8010
CFR part or section where identified and described Part 521 ............................................................. 601.104 .............................................................. 601.105 .............................................................. 601.201 .............................................................. 601.204 601.401 601.504 601.601 601.602 .............................................................. .............................................................. .............................................................. .............................................................. ..............................................................
(26 U.S.C. 7805) [T.D. 8011, 50 FR 10222, Mar. 14, 1985] EDITORIAL NOTE: For FEDERAL REGISTER citations affecting 602.101, see the List of CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume and at www.fdsys.gov.
VerDate Mar<15>2010
Jkt 229103
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Frm 00640
Fmt 8013
Sfmt 8010
26 CFR
73 FR Page
26 CFRContinued
Chapter I 53 Authority citation amended .................................... 37369, 78457 53.49582 (a)(6) added ..................... 16521 53.60601 Added ............................. 78457 53.60811 Added ............................. 37369 53.60811T Removed ...................... 37369 53.61071 Added ............................. 78457 53.61091 Added ............................. 78457 53.66941 Added ............................. 78457 53.66942 Added ............................. 78457 53.66943 Added ............................. 78457 53.66944 Added ............................. 78458 53.66951 Added ............................. 78458 53.66961 Added ............................. 78458 53.77011 Added ............................. 78458 54 Authority citation amended .................................... 62419, 78458 54.4980G0 Amended...................... 20795 54.4980G4 Amended...................... 20795 54.60601 Added ............................. 78458 54.61071 Added ............................. 78458 54.61091 Added ............................. 78458 54.66941 Added ............................. 78458 54.66942 Added ............................. 78458 54.66943 Added ............................. 78458 54.66944 Added ............................. 78459 54.66951 Added ............................. 78459 54.66961 Added ............................. 78459 54.77011 Added ............................. 78459 54.98011 (a) amended .................... 62419 54.98012 Introductory text amended................................... 62420
Chapter IContinued 54.98111 Added ............................. 62420 54.98111T Removed ...................... 62422 54.98311 (b) amended .................... 62422 55 Authority citation amended .................................... 37369, 78459 55.60601 Added ............................. 78459 55.60811 Added ............................. 37369 55.60811T Removed ...................... 37370 55.61071 Added ............................. 78459 55.61091 Added ............................. 78459 55.66941 Added ............................. 78459 55.66942 Added ............................. 78459 55.66943 Added ............................. 78459 55.66944 Added ............................. 78460 55.66951 Added ............................. 78460 55.66961 Added ............................. 78460 55.77011 Added ............................. 78460 56 Authority citation amended ............................................. 78460 56.60601 Added ............................. 78460 56.61071 Added ............................. 78460 56.61091 Added ............................. 78460 56.66941 Added ............................. 78460 56.66942 Added ............................. 78460 56.66943 Added ............................. 78460 56.66944 Added ............................. 78461 56.66951 Added ............................. 78461 56.66961 Added ............................. 78461 56.77011 Added ............................. 78461 156 Authority citation amended .................................... 37370, 78461 156.60601 Added ........................... 78461 156.60811 Added ........................... 37370 156.60811T Removed .................... 37370
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Chapter IContinued 156.61071 Added ........................... 78461 156.61091 Added ........................... 78461 156.66941 Added ........................... 78461 156.66942 Added ........................... 78461 156.66943 Added ........................... 78461 156.66944 Added ........................... 78461 156.66951 Added ........................... 78462 156.66961 Added ........................... 78462 156.77011 Added ........................... 78462 157 Authority citation amended .................................... 37370, 78462 157.60601 Added ........................... 78462 157.60811 Added ........................... 37370 157.60811T Removed .................... 37370 157.61071 Added ........................... 78462 157.61091 Added ........................... 78462 157.66941 Added ........................... 78462 157.66942 Added ........................... 78462 157.66943 Added ........................... 78462 157.66944 Added ........................... 78462 157.66951 Added ........................... 78463 157.66961 Added ........................... 78463 157.77011 Added ........................... 78463
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Chapter IContinued 54.98021 (a)(1)(vi), (c)(2)(i), (iii) introductory text and Example 1 revised; interim ...................... 51678 54.98023T Added; interim ............. 51678 54.98311 (b) revised; interim ......... 51678 55 Authority citation amended............................................... 5107 56 Authority citation amended............................................... 5107 156 Authority citation amended............................................... 5107 157 Authority citation amended............................................... 5107
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Chapter I 53 Authority citation amended............................................... 5106 54 Authority citation amended............................. 5106, 45997, 51678 Technical correction .........11644, 51237, 68149 54.49791 (c)(1) revised .................... 8214 54.4980B0 Amended...................... 45997 54.4980B2 Amended...................... 45997 54.4980D1 Added .......................... 45997 54.4980E1 Added........................... 45997 54.4980F1 Amended...................... 61276 54.4980G1 Amended...................... 45997 54.4980G3 Heading revised; text amended................................... 45998 54.4980G4 Amended...................... 45998 54.4980G6 Added .......................... 45998 54.4980G7 Added .......................... 45999 54.60112 Added ............................. 45999 54.60611 Added ............................. 46000 54.60711 Added ............................. 46000 54.60911 Added ............................. 46000 54.61511 Added ............................. 46000 54.66943 Correctly added................ 5106 54.98011 (a) revised; (b)(6) added; interim..................................... 51678 54.98012 Introductory text revised; amended; interim............ 51678
Chapter I 53.49651 Added ............................. 38702 53.49652 Added ............................. 38702 (c)(6)(i) introductory text and (C) correctly revised.......................46844 53.49653 Added ............................. 38702 53.49654 Added ............................. 38702 53.49655 Added ............................. 38702 (c)(4) Example correctly amended ................................................. 46844 53.49656 Added ............................. 38702 53.49657 Added ............................. 38702 53.49658 Added ............................. 38702 (e) and (f) Example 1 correctly amended ...................................46844 53.49659 Added ............................. 38702 53.60711 (g) and (h) revised............ 38708 (g)(3) correctly revised .................46845 53.60711T (g) and (h) removed ....... 38708 54 Authority citation amended .................. 34558, 37222, 41756, 43350 54.60111 (c) and (d) revised ............ 38708 (c)(2) correctly revised .................46845 54.60111T (c) and (d) removed ....... 38709 54.98012 Amended; interim .......... 37222 54.98013 (a)(1)(i) revised; interim........................................ 37223 54.98121T Revised; interim; eff. 4510 ......................................... 5431 54.98151251T Added ...................... 34558 (a)(5) and (f)(2) removed; (a)(3) introductory text, (i), (ii) and (f)(1) redesignated as (a)(3)(i), (A), (B) and (f); (a)(1) and (g)(4) Example 9 revised; new (a)(3)(ii) added; new (f) amended; interim ........................................70120 54.98152704T Added; interim ........ 37223 54.98152711T Added; interim ........ 37223
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Chapter IContinued 54.98152712T Added; interim ........ 37225 54.98152713T Added; interim......... 41756 54.98152714T Added; interim ........ 27134 (h) and (i) revised..........................34562 54.98152719AT Added; interim ...... 37225 54.98152719T Added; interim ........ 43350
Chapter IContinued 54.98152719T (b)(2)(ii)(B), (E)(1), (F), (c)(2)(xi), (3), (d)(1), (2)(iv) and (e) revised; (b)(2)(ii)(E)(2), (3) and (4) redesignated as (b)(2)(ii)(E)(3), (4) and (5); (b)(2)(ii)(E)(2) added; interim........................................ 37228
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Chapter I 51 Added (temporary) ................... 51249 Technical correction ...................59897 51.2T (k)(1) correctly revised......... 59897 51.7T (c)(2) correctly amended ...... 59897 51.8T (a)(2) correctly revised ......... 59897 54 Authority citation amended ............................................. 36999 54.60811 Added ............................. 36999 54.98152713T (a)(1)(iv) revised; interim........................................ 46625
Chapter I 53.494311 Heading revised; (f) and (g) added ................................... 76400 54 Authority citation amended; eff. 41612........................... 8697, 8729 Policy statement...........................8706 54.98152713 Added; eff. 41612 ........ 8729 54.98152713T (a)(1)(iii) amended; (a)(1)(iv) removed; eff. 416 12 ............................................... 8729 54.98152715 Added; eff. 41612 ........ 8697
(No regulations published from January 1, 2013, through April 1, 2013)
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