Course Outline Marketing Research: Examinations &assignments Weight of Total Grade (In %)

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Course Outline MARKETING RESEARCH Instructors Name: Semester: Instructors Email Address: 1.

Course Objective The main objective of this course is to inculcate research acumen by imparting, skills sets required to conduct research in the area of marketing. The course contains the methodical theories, procedures and tools / techniques required for carrying out research in various functional areas of the organization. Also, it tries to imbibe basics of statistical software package SPSS among the students to make them good in analyzing and interpreting the problem under study. 2. Pedagogy The course will focus on both individual and group learning. Class discussion, lectures and presentations and a project will be included as learning methods. 3. Text Book a. Naresh K. Malhotra, Marketing Research: An applied orientation. New Delhi: Pearson Education Asia. (5th Edition) 4. Reference a. Luck, David J. And Ronald S Rubin, Marketing Research, 7th Edition, Prentice Hall of India, 1997 5. Examinations & Grading Scheme Examinations &Assignments Class Attendance In-class Tests/ Projects Midterm Final Exam Total Weight of Total Grade (in %) 10 20 20+10 30+10 100 Fatima Tuz Zohra Atcha

Grading will be done as per SUBs grading policy. 1

6. Course Contents & Session Plans Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 Discussion Plan Introduction and Early Phases of Marketing Research Exploratory Research Design- Secondary Data Exploratory Research Design- Qualitative Data Research Design Descriptive Research Design- Survey and Observation Causal Research Design: Experiments, Measurements and Scaling- Fundamentals and Comparative Scaling 7 8 Midterm Measurements and Scaling- Non Comparative Scaling Techniques 9 10 11 12 Questionnaire and Form Design Sampling Design and Procedures Sampling: Final and Initial Sample Size Determination Data Preparation & Frequency Distribution, Cross Tabulation and Hypothesis Testing, 13 14 Analysis of Variance and Covariance Final Exam 16 10 11 12 14,15 9 Chapters 1,2 4 5 3 6 7,8

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