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INFS4887 Business Research Methods S1 2013

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Australian School of Business

Information Systems, Technology and



Course Outline
Semester 1, 2013

Part A: Course-Specific Information

Please consult Part B for key information on ASB policies (including

those on plagiarism and special consideration), student
responsibilities and student support services.

INFS4887 – Business Research Methods 2

Table of Contents


2.1 Teaching Times and Locations 3
2.2 Units of Credit 3
2.3 Summary of Course 3
2.4 Course Aims and Relationship to Other Courses 3
2.5 Student Learning Outcomes 4
3.1 Approach to Learning and Teaching in the Course 6
3.2 Learning Activities and Teaching Strategies 7
4.1 Formal Requirements 7
4.2 Assessment Details 7
4.3 Assessment Format 7
4.4 Late Submission 8

INFS4887 – Business Research Methods 2



Position Name Email Room Phone

Dr Lesley Land l.land@unsw.edu.au QUAD2099A 93854738

The best way to contact your lecturer is via email or during their consultation times.
Please note that only your UNSW email account will be used for formal notices and
correspondence regarding the course.

Location Consultation Day/Time

Lesley Land QUAD2099A Wed 2-4pm

If you need to contact the school urgently, ring 93855320 or email



2.1 Teaching Times and Locations

Lectures start in Week 1(to Week 12): The Time and Location are: Wednesday 4-7 pm,
in Electrical Eng 218 (K-G17-218).

2.2 Units of Credit

The course is worth 6 units of credit. There is no parallel teaching in this course.

2.3 Summary of Course

Building on Principles of Research Design this course aims to extend and deepen the
understanding of different research approaches and methodologies in order to prepare
students for their own research projects in their business discipline. This course will
assist students in identifying, discussing and formulating a research problem, in
selecting and applying appropriate research approaches and methods of inquiry (both
quantitative or qualitative), and in presenting their results. Successful completion of this
course should be sufficient for students to undertake a research project.

2.4 Course Aims and Relationship to Other Courses

While Principles of Research Design introduces students to IS research literature,
research approaches and methodologies, its major aim is help develop a research
proposal, driven and justified from the literature. In doing so, the philosophical and
epistemological assumptions underpinning the research approaches and
methodologies should be clearly presented.

This course follows from the Principles of Research Design to provide deeper
knowledge and experience in applying commonly used qualitative and qualitative

INFS4887 – Business Research Methods 3

research methods to the research process. In particular, this current course
concentrates on the different methods and techniques used in the field of IS. Students
engage in the research process, from identifying, discussing and formulating a
research problem, to selecting and applying appropriate research approaches and
methods of inquiry (both quantitative or qualitative), and in presenting their results. The
course aims to provide an in-depth study of the IS field and the different methods and
techniques essential to the execution of high quality research in business and/or in IS.
The objectives are to:

• Advance knowledge in IS research methods and techniques of data collection

and analysis;
• Prepare students for conducting an independent study including formulating
research questions and selecting a research approach, applying research
methodology – designing a study and selecting specific methods and
techniques appropriate for answering the questions;
• Develop practical skills in developing instruments for both qualitative and
quantitative methods;
• Develop practical skills in analysing both quantitative and qualitative data.

The course is essential for students' ability to conduct research and therefore INFS
4887 is a mandatory course for all honours students in the IS discipline offered by the
School of Information Systems, Technology and Management. Principles of Research
Design and Business Research Methods courses are designed to prepare students for
independent research studies for their honours or masters thesis.

2.5 Student Learning Outcomes

The learning outcomes for this course include:

1. Discuss and apply different research approaches and methodologies
2. Develop data collection instrument according to the underlying theoretical
3. Explain how to conduct data collection (quantitative and qualitative)
4. Analyse quantitative data (e.g., using PLS) and qualitative data (e.g., using
5. Refine research questions to meet high level research objectives/questions.
6. Construct and document an appropriate research design, including
argumentation for data collection and analysis methods/techniques
7. Discuss limitations and potential contribution to theory and practice of research

The Course Learning Outcomes are what you should be able to DO by the end of this
course if you participate fully in learning activities and successfully complete the
assessment items.

The Learning Outcomes in this course also help you to achieve some of the overall
Program Learning Goals and Outcomes for all undergraduate coursework students in
the ASB. Program Learning Goals are what we want you to BE or HAVE by the time
you successfully complete your degree (e.g. ‘be an effective team player’). You
demonstrate this by achieving specific Program Learning Outcomes – what you are
able to DO by the end of your degree (e.g. participate collaboratively and responsibly
in teams’).

INFS4887 – Business Research Methods 4

ASB Undergraduate Program Learning Goals and Outcomes

1. Knowledge: Our graduates will have in-depth disciplinary knowledge applicable in local and
global contexts.
You should be able to select and apply disciplinary knowledge to business situations in a local and global

2. Critical thinking and problem solving: Our graduates will be critical thinkers and effective
problem solvers.
You should be able to identify and research issues in business situations, analyse the issues, and propose
appropriate and well-justified solutions.

3. Communication: Our graduates will be effective professional communicators.

You should be able to:
a. Prepare written documents that are clear and concise, using appropriate style and presentation
for the intended audience, purpose and context, and
b. Prepare and deliver oral presentations that are clear, focused, well-structured, and delivered in a
professional manner.

4. Teamwork: Our graduates will be effective team participants.

You should be able to participate collaboratively and responsibly in teams, and reflect on your own
teamwork, and on the team’s processes and ability to achieve outcomes.

5. Ethical, social and environmental responsibility: Our graduates will have a sound awareness of
the ethical, social, cultural and environmental implications of business practice.
You should be able to:
a. Identify and assess ethical, environmental and/or sustainability considerations in business
decision-making and practice, and
b. Identify social and cultural implications of business situations.

The following table shows how your Course Learning Outcomes relate to the overall
Program Learning Goals and Outcomes, and indicates where these are assessed.

Program Learning Course Learning Outcomes Course Assessment

Goals and Outcomes Item

This course helps you On successful completion of the course, you This learning outcome
to achieve the following should be able to: will be assessed in the
learning goals for all following items:
ASB undergraduate
coursework students:

1 Knowledge • Explain how to conduct data collection ∗ Class participation

(quantitative and qualitative). ∗ Data analysis
• Explain how to conduct data collection
(quantitative and qualitative).
• Construct and document an appropriate
research design, including argumentation
for data collection and analysis

2 Critical thinking • Develop data collection instrument ∗ Class participation

and problem according to the underlying theoretical ∗ Data analysis
solving framework. ∗ Instrument
• Analyse quantitative data (e.g., using development
PLS) and qualitative data (e.g., using (quantitative and
NVivo) qualitative
• Refine research questions to meet high
level research objectives/questions.

INFS4887 – Business Research Methods 5

• Discuss limitations and potential
contribution to theory and practice of
3a Written Write up instrument design and data analysis ∗ Research design
communication approach and findings. report
∗ Instrument
∗ Data analysis
3b Oral Communicate ideas in a succinct and clear ∗ Instrument design
communication manner. will be presented
orally and
presentation will
be marked.
5a. Ethical Identify ethical considerations in the research ∗ Not specifically
responsibility context. assessed. But
considerations for
research will be


3.1 Approach to Learning and Teaching in the Course

This course adopts the principles of student-centred learning and dialectics. This
involves a combination of providing information to students and motivating them to use
this information in problem-solving environments. The manner in which students
present and argue the reasoning behind their solutions demonstrates their knowledge
of the area, as one cannot convincingly argue something that is not understood.
Arguing an issue also expands one’s understanding of a topic as one is forced to
consider alternative points of view. Finally, dialectics empower students to
collaboratively negotiate, rather than passively learn, an area or topic. This has
implications for teaching strategies and assessment (discussed below) as well as for
students’ role, responsibilities and expected contribution to knowledge creation.

First, the lecturer is responsible for creating a learning environment that is stimulating
and interesting, and that encourages collaboration, knowledge sharing and co-creation
by all participants. The learning environment includes both the physical and virtual
spaces where learning and teaching activities take place. The aim is to develop an
atmosphere of cooperation and a spirit of learning, inquiring and innovating in all
activities, underpinned by a sense of responsibility for our individual and collective

Second, students as active participants are expected to take responsibility for their own
individual and collective learning. While this course is designed to foster students’
active participation and contribution to knowledge co-creation, this will not happen
unless students take seriously their roles and responsibilities. As active contributors
students are expected to be prepared for each class and take active role in
discussions and other learning activities.

INFS4887 – Business Research Methods 6

3.2 Learning Activities and Teaching Strategies
The course involves lectures, workshops, presentations, discussions, and individual
and group learning activities and assignments. Each class will have a topic, specific
tasks and reading material set in advance. A class will typically involve a
lecture/seminar – presenting a new topic and related readings – followed by hands on
activities related to the topic for the week. Students will be expected to present or
discuss pre-specified reading material in the class. Please bring your printed
preparation work to class because these may be collected in selected weeks. These
activities will be assessed.


4.1 Formal Requirements

To receive a pass grade in this course, you must meet ALL of the following criteria:
• attain an overall mark of least 50%;
• attend at least 80% of all scheduled classes;
• attain a satisfactory performance in each component of the course. A mark of
45% or higher is normally regarded as satisfactory;
• attain a mark of at least 45% in the final exam;
• in the case of peer assessed group work, the mark assigned to each member of
the group may be scaled based on peer assessment of each member’s
contribution to the task.

4.2 Assessment Details

Assessment in this course is based on class participation, and two individual
assignments. Details of the assignments will be posted on the course website.

Assessment Task Weighting Length Due Date

Class Participation 20% N/A Ongoing from week 2

Data Analysis 20% 5 A4 pages maximum 24 April due.

Quantitative instrument 30% 7 A4 pages maximum 8 May due.

Qualitative instrument 30% 7 A4 pages maximum 22 May due
design Oral presentations of both
designs in weeks 12 and 13.
Total 100%

4.3 Assessment Format

The following subsection describes each assessment component.

Class Participation
Class activities are specified for each class on the course webpage. Students are
expected to read the prescribed material, keep notes on their reading and complete
any tasks required before a class. Students may also be asked to submit their
homework in class. These will indicate their level of preparation before class. Students’
attendance and participation are marked from Weeks 2-12. The assessment rubric for
class participation is below:

INFS4887 – Business Research Methods 7

Assessment Rubric for Class Participation

Mark Conditions for which it will be awarded

Below 80% of lab and workshop attendance as required by school.
0.5 – 4 >80% attendance.
(Very poor) Overall minimal *preparation and participation in the workshop.
4.5 – 9.5 >80% attendance.
(Poor) Overall poor *preparation and participation in workshop.
10 – 14 >80% attendance.
(Fair) Overall average *preparation and some participation in workshop
discussions in some weeks.
14.5 – 18 >80% attendance.
(Good) Overall good *preparation and active participation in workshop discussions
in most instances. Have contributed to good arguments, discussed in
relevant and constructive ways.
>80% attendance.
Overall, excellent *preparation and very active participation in workshop
discussions. Commonly presents good to excellent arguments in class.
Have demonstrated excellence in their contribution to the dynamics of the
*Preparation will be assessed in 2 forms, via the completion and quality of class discussions
and homework submissions.

Data Analysis (20%)

This assignment is to be completed as an individual assignment. The purpose of this
assignment is to demonstrate your ability to analyse a given set of data using either
SPSS or plsgraph. Details of the assignment including the marking scheme will be on
the course website.

Quantitative Instrument Design (30%)

This assignment is to be completed as an individual assignment. The purpose of this
assignment is to demonstrate your ability to design a research study using a
quantitative method. You will choose from a range of topics and questions. Details of
the assignment including the marking scheme will be on the course website.

Qualitative Instrument Designs (30%)

This assignment is to be completed as an individual assignment. The purpose of this
assignment is to demonstrate your ability to design a research study using a qualitative
method. You will choose from a range of topics and questions. Details of the
assignment including the marking scheme will be on the course website.

4.4 Late Submission

The late submission of assignments carries a penalty of 10% of the maximum marks
for that assignment per day of lateness (including weekends and public holidays),
unless an extension of time has been granted. An extension of time to complete an
assignment may be granted by the course co-ordinator in case of misadventure or
illness. Applications for an extension of time should be made to the course co-ordinator
by email or in person. You will be required to substantiate your application with
appropriate documentary evidence such as medical certificates, accident reports etc.
Please note that work commitments, competing deadlines of assignments from other

INFS4887 – Business Research Methods 8

courses, and computer failures are usually consider insufficient grounds for an

Quality Assurance
The ASB is actively monitoring student learning and quality of the student
experience in all its programs. A random selection of completed assessment tasks
may be used for quality assurance, such as to determine the extent to which
program learning goals are being achieved. The information is required for
accreditation purposes, and aggregated findings will be used to inform changes
aimed at improving the quality of ASB programs. All material used for such
processes will be treated as confidential and will not be related to course grades.

The required text is:

Neuman, W.L. (2011). Social Research Methods: Qualitative and Quantitative

Approaches, 7th edition, International edition, Pearson.

The text is available from the UNSW Bookshop and at http://www.amazon.com.

Additional references:

Yin, R. K. (2009). Case Study Research: Design and Methods, 4th edition,
Sage,Thousand Oaks, CA.

Others will be uploaded on Blackboard.


Each year feedback is sought from students and other stakeholders about the courses
offered in the School and continual improvements are made based on this feedback.
UNSW's Course and Teaching Evaluation and Improvement (CATEI) Process is one of
the ways in which student evaluative feedback is gathered. In this course, we will seek
your feedback primarily through end of semester CATEI evaluations.

INFS4887 – Business Research Methods 9


Workshops start in Week 1 and finish in Week 12.

Week Topic Chapter Activities
Week 1 1 ,3, 4 Discussion on research
4 March questions to work on, refining
Introduction to business research
questions, and examining
possible research methods.

Week 2 Planning and Preparation: Planning and preparing for

11 March • measurement (quantitative and your research.
qualitative) and scales
3, 6-8
• reliability and validity
• sampling
Ethical considerations
Week 3 Design questions for
18 March Design of a survey instrument 10
Week 4 Quantitative data analysis 1: Hands on SPSS.
25 March Answering research questions
using descriptive statistics, Creswell
correlation and regression 13, Yin
Note: Friday this week is Good
Friday holiday.
Mid-Session Break: Week 1-7 April
Week 5 Quantitative data analysis 2: Path
8 April Hands on plsgraph
modeling using PLS
Week 6 13, Yin Develop interview guidelines
15 April Designing a case study – protocols for a question.
and interview guides Hands on with NiVivo
Week 7 Qualitative data analysis 1: Open,
3 selected research designs
22 April axial and selective coding. (Dr
will be presented.
Michael Calahane) 15
Data analysis report due 24
Note: Thursday this week is Anzac
April in workshop.
Day holiday.
Week 8 Qualitative data analysis 2: 10 Hands on RepGrid
29 April Repertory Grid Techniques interviewing.
Week 9 Designing an experiment,
6 May protocols, variables.
Manipulation 1:
9 Quantitative instrument
Design and conduct of experiments
design due 8 May in
Week 10 Manipulation 2: Action research Examining published papers
13 May and design science using these methodologies.
Week 11 Creswell Examining examples of mixed
20 May designs.
Mixed Methods
Qualitative instrument
design due 22 May.
Week 12 Reporting research Individual presentations of
27 May research design and
Week 13
Continue on presentations.
3 June
Note that the course schedule is subject to change.

INFS4887 – Business Research Methods 10

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